In the indigenous peoples Tu'un savi and Mé'pháá of the mountain region of guerrero, allopathic medicine and traditional herbal medicine are used, due to this, we consider that dialogues of knowledge should be established between the practitioners of both medicines. We collaborated with 46 individuals to discuss the forms of using medicinal species, preparing treatments, and using allopathic medicine. Through semi-structured and in-depthinterviews, 121 plant species were recorded, with which more than 40 diseases are treated, which are distributed in the digestive, muscular, respiratory, and urinary systems:chronic-degenerative and cultural diseases. The dialogue of knowledge between specialists in traditional medicine and allopathic doctors could contribute to the development of their own health project, with which a regional ethnodevelopment plan could be created.
En los pueblos indígenas Tu'un savi y Mé'pháá de la montaña de Guerrero se utiliza la medicina alopática y la medicina tradicional herbolaria, debido a ello, consideramos que deberían establecerse diálogos de saberes entre los practicantes de ambas medicinas. Se trabajó con 46 colaboradores, con los cuales se dialogó acerca de las formas de uso de las especies medicinales, preparación de los tratamientos y utilización de l a medicina alopática. A través de entrevistas semiestructuradas y a profundidad se registraron 121 especies de plantas, con las que se tratan más de 40 enfermedades, las cuales están distribuidas en los sistemas digestivo, respiratorio y urinario; también se atienden enfermedades crónico - degenerativas y culturales. El diálogo de saberes entre especialistas de la medicina tradicional y médicos alópatas podría contribuir a la elaboración de un proyecto de salud propio, con el cual se podría crear un plan de e tnodesarrollo regional
Humans , Indigenous Peoples , Medicine, Traditional , Plants, Medicinal , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice/ethnology , MexicoABSTRACT
Este documento presenta una recopilación de buenas prácticas adoptadas por las comadronas y los servicios de salud, tras haber participado en los cinco diálogos interculturales realizados durante el año 2023 en la región Ixil, de los cuales tres estuvieron enfocados en salud reproductiva y dos en nutrición. Estos diálogos se realizaron como parte de la implementación de la Guía de Diálogos Interculturales en Salud, elaborada y oficializada por el Ministerio de Salud Pública y Asistencia Social, con la cooperación técnica de OPS/OMS y el apoyo financiero de la Unión Europea. A partir de la experiencia, se recogieron buenas prácticas y lecciones aprendidas que dan cuenta de mujeres y niños que son acompañadas por comadronas y personal de salud durante la ventana de los primeros mil días de vida, lo que deriva en niños más sanos, mejor nutridos y la prevención de la mortalidad materna. La metodología de diálogos interculturales en salud se basa en el Plan de Acción 2021-2025 de la Política de Comadronas de los Cuatro Pueblos de Guatemala 2015-2025 y consta de seis capítulos que fueron elaborados por la Unidad de Atención en Salud de los Pueblos Indígenas y la Dirección de Promoción y Educación en Salud.
Humans , Pregnant Women/ethnology , Midwifery/methods , Maternal Nutrition/ethnology , Indigenous PeoplesABSTRACT
Background@#Indigenous peoples (IPs) remain vulnerable to soil-transmitted helminthiasis (STH) due to limited access to sanitary toilets, clean water, quality health education, and services. The World Health Organization recommends periodic mass drug administration (MDA) of anthelminthics, health education, and improvements in water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) as control strategies to reduce morbidities caused by STH in target populations such as schoolage children (SAC). This paper complements the published results of the parasitological survey (prevalence and intensity of STH) conducted in selected Aeta and Ata-Manobo communities. @*Objectives@#This study aimed to describe the accessibility of STH control strategies to respond to the needs of SAC in IP communities in Pampanga and Davao del Norte, the Philippines. It likewise intended to describe access of these IP communities to STH control strategies. @*Methods@#Data on accessibility of and access to STH control strategies were collected using key informant interviews (KIIs) and focus group discussions (FGDs). Eleven officials and workers from the departments of health and education, local government units, and two IP leaders were interviewed on the existing STH burden in SAC, implementation of STH control strategies, particularly of MDA, health education campaigns, and improvements in WASH including good practices and challenges in program implementation. Three FGDs with parents, elementary school teachers of IP schools, and rural health midwives were conducted separately. Guide questions focused on accessibility of and access to STH prevention and control strategies for SAC in IP communities. Informed consent to conduct and record KIIs and FGDs were obtained from participants prior to participation. Analysis of a multi-disciplinary team was based on the accessibility framework for IPs accessing indigenous primary health care services by Davy et al. (2016). @*Results@#The characteristics of the STH control strategies and the target populations are interrelated factors that influence accessibility. Challenges in the availability of the MDA program, particularly, inadequate staffing, drug shortages, and delays in delivery affect accessibility of and access to the free STH control strategies. Perceived harm, adverse events, stigma, beliefs, and practices likewise affect access. Lack of information on the similarity of treatment through community- and schoolbased MDA programs also affected engagement of SAC. IP communities are special settings where geographic isolation, peace and order situation as well as water supply need to be considered to help ensure access to STH control strategies, high MDA coverage, and improvements in WASH leading to desired outcomes. @*Conclusions@#Considering the context of IP communities and addressing the challenges in the accessibility of and access to STH control strategies are necessary to ensure successful implementation of an integrated approach in STH prevention and control strategies. Challenges in the accessibility of STH control strategies are inadequate staffing, poor inventory, and delays in the delivery of drugs, as well as poor sanitation and hygiene. Access of SAC is likewise affected by misconceptions on safety and efficacy of anthelminthics, including stigma and cultural practices. The similarity of the MDA programs based in school or community need to be disseminated.
Indigenous Peoples , Mass Drug AdministrationABSTRACT
This study aims at reporting the indigenous knowledge of the medicinal flora from the inhabitants of surroundings of the World's largest artificial planted forest "Changa Manga", Pakistan. Data were collected by direct interviews and group meetings from 81 inhabitants including 32 local healers having information regarding the use of indigenous medicinal plants over a period of one year. Different statistical tools were applied to analyze the data including Frequency citation (FC), Relative frequency citation (RFC), Use Value, Factor of informants consensus and fidelity level. This study reported 73 plant species belonging to 37 plant families and 46 genera. The majority of plant species belong to compositae family. The most commonly used medicinal plants were P. hysterophorus L., P. dactylifera L., S. indicum L, P. harmala L., P. emblica L., and A. indica A.Juss. The greatest number of species was used to cure gastrointestinal disorders. The highest fidelity level (68.18%) was of E. helioscopia to cure gastrointestinal disorders. Maximum fresh uses (17) were reported by C. dactylon (L.) Pars. While the highest number of species reporting fresh uses in similar number was 13. In this study, five novel plants are being reported for the first time in Pakistan for their ethnomedicinal worth. Our data reflect unique usage of the medicinal plants in the study area. The statistical tools used in the study proved useful in pointing the most important and disease category specific plants. High use value plant and the new reported medicinal plants might prove an important source of the isolation of pharmacologically active compounds.
Este estudo tem como objetivo relatar o conhecimento indígena sobre a flora medicinal dos habitantes do entorno da maior floresta artificial plantada do mundo, a Changa Manga, no Paquistão. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas diretas e reuniões em grupo de 81 habitantes, incluindo 32 curandeiros locais, com informações sobre o uso de plantas medicinais indígenas durante o período de um ano. Diferentes ferramentas estatísticas foram aplicadas para analisar os dados, incluindo citação de frequência (FC), citação de frequência relativa (RFC), valor de uso, fator de consenso dos informantes e nível de fidelidade. Este estudo relatou 73 espécies de plantas pertencentes a 37 famílias de plantas e 46 gêneros. A maioria das espécies de plantas pertence à família Compositae. As plantas medicinais mais utilizadas foram P. hysterophorus L., P. dactylifera L., S. indicum L., P. harmala L., P. emblica L. e A. indica A. Juss. O maior número de espécies foi usado para curar distúrbios gastrointestinais. O maior nível de fidelidade (68,18%) foi de E. helioscopia para cura de distúrbios gastrointestinais. Os usos máximos em fresco (17) foram relatados por C. dactylon (L.) Pars. enquanto o maior número de espécies relatando usos frescos em número semelhante foi de 13. Neste estudo, cinco novas plantas estão sendo relatadas pela primeira vez no Paquistão por seu valor etnomedicinal. Nossos dados refletem o uso exclusivo das plantas medicinais na área de estudo. As ferramentas estatísticas utilizadas no estudo mostraram-se úteis para apontar as plantas mais importantes e específicas da categoria de doença. Plantas de alto valor de uso e as novas plantas medicinais relatadas podem ser uma importante fonte de isolamento de compostos farmacologicamente ativos.
Humans , Plants, Medicinal , Forests , Gastrointestinal Diseases , Indigenous Peoples , Medicine, Traditional , PakistanABSTRACT
Objetivo: analisar as condições de saúde bucal de indígenas com diabetes. Método: estudo transversal, realizado na Terra Indígena na região norte do Paraná. Os dados foram coletados mediante entrevista, exame intraoral e consulta a prontuários de indígenas da etnia Kaingang e submetidos à análise descritiva e inferencial. Resultados: participaram 45 indígenas, com idade média de 56,3 ± 12,4 anos, sendo 53,3% do sexo feminino. Em relação ao risco em saúde bucal, 31,1% apresentaram alto risco sendo que 95,6% deles tinham índice muito alto e alto (≥ 5) de dentes cariados, perdidos e obturados, 42,2% referiram xerostomia, 66,7% diagnóstico de doença periodontal e 24,4% eram edêntulos totais. Conclusão: a condição de saúde bucal de indígenas com diabetes reflete a necessidade de priorizar ações de educação preventiva em saúde bucal pelas equipes de saúde da família
Objective: to analyze the oral health conditions of indigenous people with diabetes. Method: cross-sectional study, carried out in the Indigenous Land in the northern region of Paraná. Data were collected through interviews, intraoral examinations and con-sultation of medical records of indigenous people of the Kaingang ethnic group and subjected to descriptive and inferential analysis. Results: 45 indigenous people participated, with an average age of 56.3 ± 12.4 years, 53.3% of whom were female. In relation to the risk in oral health, 31.1% presented a high risk, with 95.6% of them having a very high and high rate (≥ 5) of decayed, lost and filled teeth, 42.2% reported xerostomia, 66.7 % diagnosed with periodontal disease and 24.4% were completely edentulous. Conclusion:the oral health condition of indigenous people with diabetes reflects the need to prioritize preventive oral health education actions by family health teams
Objetivo: analizar las condiciones de salud bucal de indígenas con diabetes. Método: estudio transversal, realizado en Tierra Indíge-na de la región norte de Paraná. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de entrevistas, exámenes intraorales y consulta de historias clínicas de indígenas de la etnia Kaingang y sometidos a análisis descriptivo e inferencial. Resultados: Participaron 45 indígenas, con una edad promedio de 56,3 ± 12,4 años, de los cuales el 53,3% eran mujeres. En relación al riesgo en salud bucal, el 31.1% presentó riesgo alto, teniendo el 95.6% de ellos un índice muy alto y alto (≥ 5) de dientes cariados, perdidos y obturados, el 42.2% reportó xerostomía, el 66.7% diagnosticado con enfermedad periodontal. enfermedad y el 24,4% eran completamente edéntulos. Conclusión: la condición de salud bucal de los indígenas con diabetes refleja la necesidad de priorizar acciones de educación preventiva en salud bucal por parte de los equipos de salud de la familia
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Oral Health , Diabetes Mellitus , Indigenous Peoples , Patient Care TeamABSTRACT
O livro de Garfield transita entre vários campos da história, com contribuições à história da Amazônia, dos povos indígenas, das commodities, da comida e alimentação, do consumo, da ciência, da medicina, do meio ambiente. Seu diálogo com a antropologia é fundamental, denso e profícuo. Maneja fontes variegadas com criatividade e vigor metodológico. Temos nas mãos um trabalho de fôlego. Ao final, somos apresentados aos desafios contemporâneos dos sateré-mawé, sua resiliência e criatividade, numa narrativa disruptiva em relação a estereótipos centenários sobre os indígenas.
Cultural Factors , Paullinia , Sociological Factors , Indigenous Peoples , BrazilABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of dental caries in children from 18 months to 5 years of age in eastern (near urban centers) and western (far from urban centers) Parakanã, verify the influence of proximity to non-indigenous cultures, and compare with other ethnicities and non-indigenous. Material and Methods: The universe of children was examined by one researcher in a cross-sectional study. Descriptive analysis and the Mann-Whitney test (p<0.05) were performed. Results: It was observed that 68.8% (N = 53) of children from 18 to 36 months of age presented dmft = 0 (without caries), while 12.5% (N = 6) of children of five years of age presented this condition. For children between 18 and 36 months, the average dmft values were 0.74 (SD=1.91) for eastern children and 1.25 (SD=1.65) for western children. At five years of age, the average dmft values were 4.35 (SD=3.29) and 3.75 (SD=2.05) for eastern and western, respectively. Mann-Whitney test (p<0.05) showed no difference between East and Western children. When compared with non-indigenous Brazilian children, the values behaved similarly. Conclusion: Knowledge of the epidemiological profile of dental caries in Indigenous Parakanã children is relevant both in planning oral health actions for this population and for aggregating information, which is still scarce for Indigenous.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Health Profile , Child , Dental Caries/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Surveys and Questionnaires , Statistics, Nonparametric , Indigenous PeoplesABSTRACT
Abstract Objectives: identify the sociodemographic conditions of the community and determine the prevalence of the nutritional status of children under six years of age in the Nasa Paéz Indigenous Reserve, Rionegro-Huila, Colombia. Methods: cross-sectional descriptive study whose data was obtained from two databases, one of sociodemographic conditions and other anthropometric measurements of children under six years of age. The sample corresponded to the total population of less than six years. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics using the R Studio 3.4 software. Results: 98.6% of the population is enrolled in the health system. Water consumption comes from 71.6% of non-potable sources. 25.5% of the population has access to wastewater disposal systems. Regarding nutritional status, the prevalence of delay in growth and risk of delay in growth is 43.3% in the population under six months and 69.4% in those aged between six months and six years. Furthermore, 34.3% of children under six months of age are at risk of being overweight. Conclusions: sociodemographic conditions are determined by different inequities, low education levels, inadequate housing, drinking water consumption, as well as a high prevalence of child malnutrition.
Resumen Objetivos: identificar las condiciones sociodemográficas de la comunidad y determinar la prevalencia del estado nutricional de niños menores de seis años en el Resguardo Indígena Nasa Paéz, Rionegro-Huila, Colombia. Métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal cuyos datos se obtuvieron de dos bases de datos, una de las condiciones sociodemográficas y otra de medidas antropométricas de niños menores de seis años. La muestra correspondió a la totalidad población menor seis años. Los datos se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva utilizando el software R Studio 3.4. Resultados: el 98,6% de la población está inscrito en el sistema de salud. El consumo de agua proviene en un 71,6% de fuentes no potables. El 25,5% de la población tiene acceso a sistemas de eliminación de aguas residuales. En cuanto al estado nutricional, la prevalencia de retraso en el crecimiento y riesgo de retraso en el crecimiento es del 43,3% en la población menor de seis meses y del 69,4% en edad entre los seis meses a seis años. Además, el 34,3% de los niños menores de seis meses estaban en riesgo de tener sobrepeso. Conclusiones: las condiciones sociodemográficas están determinadas por diferentes inequidades, bajos niveles de educación, vivienda inadecuada, consumo de agua no potable, así como por una alta prevalencia de malnutrición infantil.
Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Body Weights and Measures , Nutritional Status , Malnutrition/epidemiology , Social Determinants of Health , Anthropometry , Colombia , Cultural Factors , Indigenous Peoples , Sociodemographic FactorsABSTRACT
Resumen Este artículo pretende conocer cómo se pone en práctica el enfoque intercultural en el contexto del Modelo de Atención Integral de Salud con enfoque Familiar, Comunitario e Intercultural en Chugchilán (Ecuador), mediante los conocimientos, percepciones y prácticas que aplica el equipo de salud en la atención materno-infantil. Estudio etnográfico, en que participaron 21 profesionales sanitarios entre profesionales indígenas -técnicos de atención primaria de salud- y no indígenas del Centro de Salud. Las técnicas llevadas a cabo fueron observación participante y entrevistas en profundidad. Los datos generados se analizaron mediante análisis del contenido temático. El análisis de los datos evidenció que la hegemonía del modelo biomédico operante podría constituir una limitación en el desarrollo del enfoque intercultural, sin embargo, el personal de salud indígena, desde su rol ambiguo y contrario al modelo biomédico, emerge como un elemento contrahegemónico y articulador real entre los saberes biomédicos e indígenas en contextos interculturales de atención-autoatención.
Abstract This article aims to discover the intercultural practical approach in the context of the Comprehensive Healthcare Model within family, community, and interculturality in Chugchilán, Ecuador, via the recognition of knowledge, perceptions, and practices applied by the health team in maternal and child care. In this ethnographic study 21 health professionals, both Indigenous and non-indigenous from Chugchilán Health Center have participated, among the Indigenous health care workers were the primary health care technicians. The techniques applied were participant observation and in-depth interviews. The observed scenarios were the Health Center and excursion with community to record their daily life experiences. The generated data were examined using thematic content analysis. It showed that the operating biomedical hegemonic model could constitute one of the main limitations in the development of the intercultural approach. Even though Indigenous healthcare team holds an ambiguous and sometimes contrary role to the biomedical model, it has emerged as a counter-hegemonic element and real conciliator between biomedical and indigenous knowledge in intercultural contexts of care-self-care.
Male , Female , Delivery of Health Care , Health of Indigenous Peoples , Cultural Competency , Indigenous Peoples , Anthropology, CulturalABSTRACT
Objetivo Este artigo propõe repensar a psicologia social a partir dos saberes indígenas, considerando que eles interrogam as políticas de subjetivação derivadas da concepção binária de natureza e cultura que fundamenta a modernidade. Método Trata-se de um artigo teórico que analisa as contribuições indígenas para a descolonização do pensamento psicológico, considerando o contexto das mudanças climáticas. É problematizada a abrangência do que se entende como social, assim como a quem a subjetividade é atribuída ou não na psicologia. Resultados A psicologia reproduz as dicotomias ocidentais ao basear-se numa natureza fixa, externa a si, cujo social é concebido a partir do excepcionalismo humano. Para os povos que compreendem a vida como efeito de relacionalidades entre seres humanos e não-humanos, essas categorias não fazem o menor sentido. Conclusão A complexidade dos saberes e o protagonismo indígena frente às lutas por terra e território num contexto de mudanças climáticas apontam para a urgência de reterritorialização da psicologia social.
Objective This article proposes to rethink social psychology based on indigenous knowledge, considering that it interrogates the policies of subjectivation derived from the binary conception of nature and culture that underpins modernity. Method This is a theoretical article that analyzes indigenous contributions to the decoloniza-tion of psychological thought, considering the context of climate change. The scope of what is understood as social is problematized, as well as to whom subjectivity is attributed or not in psychology. Results Psychology reproduces Western dichotomies by being based on a fixed nature, ex-ternal to itself, whose social nature is conceived based on human exceptionalism. For people who understand life as the effect of relationalities between human and non-human beings, these categories do not make any sense. Conclusion The complexity of knowledge and indigenous protagonism in the fight for land and territory in a context of climate change point to the urgency of reterritorializing social psychology.
Psychology, Social , Climate Change , Environmental Psychology , Indigenous PeoplesABSTRACT
Objetivo O suicídio indígena no Brasil é um fenômeno epidemiológico, complexo e multifatorial, e a busca pelos seus fatores de risco ainda não trouxe respostas conclusivas. A partir de revisão de literatura, buscou-se levantar os fatores explicativos para o suicídio segundo o ponto de vista dos indígenas a respeito desse fenômeno. Método Adotou-se o modelo PRISMA nas bases de dados Scientific Electronic Library Online, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde e na base de Periódicos da Capes, entre agosto e novembro de 2022, com os descritores "indígena AND suicídio", "índio AND suicídio" e "indígena OR suicídio OR Brasil". Resultados Dos 235 artigos encontrados, restaram 14 após terem sido adotados critérios de exclusão e inclusão, a partir dos quais foram elaboradas as seguintes categorias que indicam os fatores explicativos dos indígenas ao suicídio, sendo os primeiros três compartilhados com as explicações científicas ocidentais: perdas do bem viver, especialmente pelos jovens; consumo de bebidas alcoólicas; abandono das tradições indígenas; universo simbólico e mitos; feitiço e estrago; suicídio coletivo. Conclusão Foram tecidas críticas à visão meramente ocidental e à psicologia, apontando a necessidade de integrar as perspectivas indígenas sobre o fenômeno às interpretações científicas.
Objective Indigenous suicide in Brazil is an epidemiological, complex, and multifactorial phenomenon for which conclusive answers to risk factors remain elusive. Based on a literature review, the objective is to identify factors that contribute to the phenomenon of suicide from the perspective of Indigenous people. Method The PRISMA model was employed, and literature was sought in the Scientific Electronic Library Online, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, and the Periódicos Capes databases between August and November 2022, utilizing the Portuguese descriptors "indígena AND suicídio" (indigenous AND suicide), "índio AND suicídio" (indian AND suicide), and "indígena OR suicídio OR Brasil" (indigenous OR suicide OR Brazil). Results The search yielded 235 articles, and after applying exclusion and inclusion criteria, 14 were retained. These articles formed the basis for identifying several categories which indicate the explanatory factors of indigenous people's suicide, the first three of which are shared with Western scientific explanations: loss of "good living", especially among young people; alcohol consumption; abandonment of Indigenous traditions; symbolic universe and myths; witchcraft and harm; and collective suicide. Conclusion Our analysis critiques the exclusively Western perspective and psychological approach, emphasizing the need to embrace Indigenous perspectives on this phenomenon.
Suicide , Brazil , Risk Factors , Indigenous PeoplesABSTRACT
Objetivo Em 2021, povos indígenas Pataxó, Pataxó Hãhãhãe e Tupinambá foram atingidos por inundações intensas na Bahia. A situação exigiu respostas imediatas das equipes locais de saúde, contando com a assessoria de especialistas em desastres e emergências em saúde pública. Esse estudo de caso aborda o processo de construção de linhas de cuidado ao Bem-Viver dos povos originários afetados, por meio do trabalho colaborativo entre etnias indígenas e equipes de políticas públicas de saúde. Método Foram analisados registros de reuniões, um curso de formação para profissionais de saúde indígena e três documentos de referência. Resultados Abordou-se possibilidades e desafios no cuidado ao Bem-Viver na fase de resposta pós-desastres e emergências em saúde pública, com a garantia da especificidade e do protagonismo das comunidades atendidas. Conclusão Foram apresentadas considerações para o processo de construção de linhas de cuidado ao Bem-Viver de povos originários, buscando oferecer subsídios à conformação de políticas públicas consoantes às particularidades sócio-histórico-culturais de cada etnia.
Objective In 2021, the indigenous communities Pataxó, Pataxó Hãhãhãe and Tupinambá, in the state of Bahia, Brazil, were hit by intense floods. The situation required immediate response from local health professionals, with advice from experts in public health disasters and emergencies. This case study focuses on the development of lines of care for the "Buen Vivir" of affected original peoples through collaborative work between indigenous ethnic groups and public health policy professionals. Method Analysis of the records of meetings, a training course for indigenous health professionals and three reference documents was carried out. Results Possibilities and challenges for assuring the "Buen Vivir" in the post-disaster and public health emergency response phase were addressed, guaranteeing the specificity and protagonism of the communities served. Conclusion Contributions were presented along the lines of care construction processes for the "Buen Vivir" of indigenous peoples, pursuing subsidies for public policies in accordance with the socio-historical-cultural particularities of each ethnic group.
Disasters , Emergencies , Mental Health in Ethnic Groups , Indigenous Peoples , Psychosocial InterventionABSTRACT
Objetivo Em meio a investidas assimilacionistas, os Xavante determinaram a migração de crianças para Ribeirão Preto/SP, no intuito de estudarem os brancos. Um dos protagonistas recentes desse intercâmbio experienciou intenso sofrimento psíquico, diagnosticado e tratado pela medicina branca. Apresentou melhoras expressivas, contudo, somente quando retornou em definitivo à aldeia de origem. Objetivou-se, nesse contexto, ultrapassar a narrativa biomédica canônica, evidenciando como a consideração de múltiplas formas de "tradução" permite vislumbrar um fenômeno indígena em sua complexidade. Método Para esse efeito, foram analisadas dez entrevistas não estruturadas realizadas com o jovem e alguns de seus principais interlocutores no meio urbano (família de acolhimento, colegas de escola, espaço religioso). Resultados Emergiram narrativas plurais que incidem sobre o vivenciado, suprimidas pela discursividade universalizante biomédica. Conclusão O jovem experienciou um processo de negociação entre universos de significação, cuja síntese culminou no fortalecimento da autoafirmação Xavante e na apropriação de uma voz própria, de permeio às demais.
Objective In the midst of assimilationist onslaughts, the Xavante determined the migration of children to Ribeirão Preto/SP, where they would grow and observe the white people. One of the recent protagonists of this migration experienced intense psychic suffering, diagnosed and treated by western medicine. He showed significant improvements; however, only when he finally returned to the village of origin he got completely rehabilitated. The objective of this work was to go beyond the canonical biomedical narrative, showing how the consideration of multiple forms of "translation" allows us to glimpse an indigenous phenomenon in its complexity. Method For this purpose, ten unstructured interviews conducted with this young indigenous individual and some of his main interlocutors in the urban environment (host family, schoolmates, religious space) were reviewed. Results Plural narratives have emerged that focus on what is experienced but it is suppressed by the universalizing biomedical discourse. Conclusion The youth experienced a process of negotiation between universes of meaning, whose synthesis culminated in enhancing the Xavante peoples self-assertion and appropriating their own voice, among others.
Mental Health , Health of Indigenous Peoples , Ethnopsychology , Indigenous PeoplesABSTRACT
OBJETIVOS. Adaptar del inglés al contexto cultural y lingüístico del Quechua Collao y analizar las propie-dades psicométricas del Cuestionario de Ansiedad Generalizada de 7 ítems (GAD-7) en Puno, Perú. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS. El GAD-7 en su versión original fue traducido a la variedad del quechua Collao y se analizaron sus propiedades psicométricas, los participantes fueron bilingües (español y quechua) mayores de 18 años y de ambos sexos. Se evaluó el análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) empleando el análisis paralelo, el análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC) y los índices de bondad de ajuste; asimismo se analizó la fiabilidad mediante el alfa clásico y Omega de Mc Donald. RESULTADOS. Los jueces y par-ticipantes del grupo focal realizaron la adaptación cultural y lingüística del GAD-7 al Quechua Collao; el AFE reportó la presencia de un único factor (KMO=0,88, p=0,01); mientras que el AFC confirmó adecuados ajustes en el modelo unifactorial (CFI=0,994; TLI=0,991; SRMR=0,027; RMSEA=0,092), una buena confiabilidad (α=0,896; ω=0,894) y además fue invariante en grupos de edad, sexo, estado civil y grado de instrucción. CONCLUSIONES. El cuestionario presentó validez para un modelo unidimensional del GAD-7 adaptado al Quechua Collao, así como una óptima confiabilidad e invarianza por los grupos evaluados. Su uso podría beneficiar la investigación y atención de la ansiedad.
Humans , Male , Female , Anxiety Disorders , Patient Health Questionnaire , Indigenous PeoplesABSTRACT
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as perspectivas dos psicólogos dos Centros de Referência da Assistência Social (CRAS) que compõem a equipe de Proteção e Atenção Integral à Família (PAIF) a respeito do seu trabalho no Acompanhamento Familiar oferecido para famílias com membros com transtornos mentais. Oito psicólogos que atuavam nos CRAS de um município no interior de Minas Gerais participaram do estudo. O instrumento utilizado foi um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada, com a subsequente análise de conteúdo temática. As categorias temáticas foram analisadas à luz da literatura específica da área. De maneira geral, os resultados indicaram que os psicólogos se sentem despreparados para o exercício de sua função no CRAS, uma vez que a formação específica e continuada em Psicologia não ofereceu subsídios adequados para o conhecimento da atuação no campo da Assistência Social. A natureza (psico)terapêutica do trabalho é discutida, assim como a necessidade de formações continuadas para a atuação. Ressalta-se a necessidade de mais pesquisas que abordem a formação em Psicologia e suas relações com a Assistência Social, bem como os impactos desse despreparo na prática dos profissionais, de maneira a fomentar maior satisfação pessoal/profissional e, consequentemente, aprimorar a assistência oferecida à comunidade.(AU)
This study aims to investigate the views of psychologists who worked at Social Assistance Reference Centers (CRAS) associated with the Comprehensive Family Care Program (PAIF) on their work with the aforementioned program. Overall, eight psychologists who worked at CRAS units in small municipalities in Minas Gerais for at least one year participated in this research. The instrument used was a semi-structured interview script, and the data were analyzed under the content analysis (thematic) method. Thematic categories were analyzed based on the specific literature. Results indicate that the psychologists generally felt unprepared to work at CRAS since their degree in Psychology provided inadequate knowledge to deal with Social Assistance issues. This study discusses the (psycho)therapeutic nature of their practice and the need for ongoing training for their proper performance. This study highlights the need for further research that addresses the links between education in Psychology and Social Assistance and the impacts of said unpreparedness on the performance of those professionals. Such research might provide more professional/personal satisfaction and, in turn, improve the quality of the offered service.(AU)
Este estudio tuvo la intención de conocer las perspectivas de los psicólogos de los Centros de Referencia de Asistencia Social (CRAS) que forman parte de los equipos del Protección y Atención Integral a la Familia (PAIF) acerca del seguimiento de familias con miembros portadores de trastornos mentales. Ocho psicólogos que actuaban en los CRAS de un municipio del interior del estado de Minas Gerais (Brasil) participaron en el estudio. El instrumento utilizado fue un guion de entrevistas semiestructuradas; y, para análisis de datos, se utilizó el análisis de contenido temático. Las categorías temáticas se analizaron a la luz de la literatura específica del campo. De modo general, los resultados indicaron que los psicólogos no se sienten preparados para desempeñar la función en el CRAS, puesto que la formación en Psicología no ofreció conocimientos adecuados para actuar en el campo de la asistencia social. Se discuten la naturaleza (psico)terapéutica del trabajo y la necesidad de formación continua para esta actuación. Se destaca la necesidad de más investigaciones que tratan de la formación en Psicología y sus relaciones con la asistencia social, y los impactos de esta falta de preparo en la práctica de los profesionales, de modo a promover una satisfacción personal/profesional y, consecuentemente, optimizar la asistencia ofrecida a la comunidad.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Social Support , Acting Out , Anxiety , Orientation , Patient Escort Service , Pensions , Personal Satisfaction , Poverty , Prejudice , Psychomotor Agitation , Public Policy , Quality of Life , Rural Population , Self Care , Self Mutilation , Social Behavior , Social Change , Social Identification , Social Problems , Social Responsibility , Social Sciences , Social Security , Social Welfare , Social Work , Socioeconomic Factors , Suicide , Behavioral Sciences , Health Policy, Planning and Management , Adaptation, Psychological , Family , Patient Acceptance of Health Care , Child Development , Residence Characteristics , Hygiene , Mental Health , Rural Health , Occupational Health , Treatment Refusal , Health Strategies , Self-Injurious Behavior , Patient Satisfaction , Negotiating , Family Planning Policy , Health Personnel , Disabled Persons , Domestic Violence , Comprehensive Health Care , Constitution and Bylaws , Community Networks , Continuity of Patient Care , Program , Persons with Mental Disabilities , Health Management , Creativity , Crisis Intervention , Personal Autonomy , State , Delivery of Health Care , Aggression , Depression , Diagnosis , Education , Ego , Emotions , Workforce , Humanization of Assistance , User Embracement , Health Care Facilities, Manpower, and Services , Family Conflict , Family Relations , Resilience, Psychological , Protective Factors , Sociological Factors , Problem Behavior , Work Performance , Psychosocial Support Systems , Treatment Adherence and Compliance , Work Engagement , Social Construction of Ethnic Identity , Adverse Childhood Experiences , Family Separation , Leadership and Governance Capacity , Solidarity , Social Protection in Health , Health Sector Stewardship and Governance , Indigenous Peoples , Empowerment , Psychosocial Intervention , Social Inclusion , Community Support , Social Vulnerability , Belonging , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion , Psychological Well-Being , Working Conditions , Workforce Diversity , Health Policy , Health Promotion , Health Resources , Health Services Accessibility , Human Rights , Interpersonal Relations , Object AttachmentABSTRACT
Introducción: Los rasgos oclusales en un grupo étnico pueden estar asociados con factores genéticos y socioculturales que contribuyen a la morfología de los rasgos oclusales y faciales en grupos indígenas. Objetivo: Determinar la necesidad de tratamiento ortodóntico según el índice estético dental y el sexo en la etnia Kichwa Saraguro, Ecuador. Métodos : Estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal, realizado en el año 2018 en 465 adolescentes de 12 a 16 años, pertenecientes a la etnia Kichwa Saraguro y residentes en Loja, Ecuador. Se empleó la estadística descriptiva, se obtuvo la frecuencia absoluta y el porcentaje para las variables cualitativas; la media, la desviación estándar y la mediana para variables cuantitativas. Para la determinación de normalidad de los datos se usó la prueba Kolmogorov Smirnov y para la relación del sexo con los componentes del índice estético dental y la necesidad de tratamiento ortodóntico se usó la prueba de U de Mann-Whitney y ji al cuadrado. Un valor de α = 0,05 se consideró como estadísticamente significativo. Resultados: Del total de la población, en el 61,06 por ciento se encontró una maloclusión leve con tratamiento innecesario; en el 18,06 por ciento maloclusión manifiesta con tratamiento optativo, en el 9,89 por ciento maloclusión grave con tratamiento deseable y en el 10,97 por ciento maloclusión muy grave con tratamiento obligatorio. Se encontraron diferencias significativas de p = 0,028 en dientes incisivos, caninos y premolares visibles perdidos del maxilar y la mandíbula. Conclusión: Más de la mitad de los participantes de la etnia Kichwa Saraguro presentaron maloclusión leve con tratamiento innecesario y, de acuerdo con el sexo, más de un cuarto de los participantes femeninos mostraron maloclusión manifiesta con tratamiento optativo y maloclusión grave con tratamiento sumamente deseable(AU)
Introduction: Occlusal features in an ethnic group may be associated with genetic and sociocultural factors that contribute to the morphology of occlusal and facial features in indigenous groups. Objective: To determine the need for orthodontic treatment according to the dental esthetic index and sex in the Kichwa Saraguro ethnic group, Ecuador. Methods: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study that was carried out in 2018 in 465 adolescents aged 12 to 16 years, belonging to the Kichwa Saraguro ethnic group and residing in Loja, Ecuador. Descriptive statistics were used. Absolute frequency and percentage were obtained for qualitative variables, and mean, standard deviation and median for quantitative variables. The Kolmogorov Smirnov test was used to determine the normality of the data, and the Mann-Whitney U test and chi-squared test were used to determine the relationship between sex and the components of the dental esthetic index and the need for orthodontic treatment. A value of α = 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Of the total population, 61.06 percent were found to have a mild malocclusion with unnecessary treatment. In 18.06 percent manifest malocclusion with optional treatment was found. Severe malocclusion with desirable treatment was found in 9.89 percent and very severe malocclusion with mandatory treatment in 10.97 percent. Significant differences of p = 0.028 were found in visible missing incisors, canines and premolars of the maxilla and mandible. Conclusion: More than half of the participants from the Kichwa Saraguro ethnic group presented mild malocclusion with unnecessary treatment and, according to sex, more than a quarter of the female participants showed manifest malocclusion with optional treatment and severe malocclusion with highly desirable treatment(AU)
Humans , Child , Adolescent , Cuspid , Esthetics, Dental , Malocclusion , Cross-Sectional Studies , Statistics, Nonparametric , Indigenous PeoplesABSTRACT
O estudo busca analisar as diferentes percepções das práticas pedagógicas de uma professora indígena e de uma professora não indígena, além de investigar as opiniões dos estudantes em relação à incorporação da cultura indígena Kaingang e da conscientização ambiental nas aulas de Educação Física. A metodologia adotada enfocou as experiências e narrativas de duas professoras atuantes em escolas indígenas, bem como envolveu a aplicação de questionários aos estudantes. Os resultados revelaram que a professora indígena introduz a cultura Kaingang por meio de atividades como jogos indígenas, o enfoque no meio ambiente é realizado através de trilhas e atividades relacionadas. Os estudantes enfatizaram a importância de incorporar a cultura indígena e a conscientização ambiental nas aulas. Assim, este estudo se propôs a trazer novas perspectivas às práticas pedagógicas, destacando a interação entre seres humanos e o ambiente natural como uma reflexão relevante para a Educação Física escolar.(AU)
The study seeks to analyze the different perceptions of the pedagogical practices of an indigenous teacher and a non-indigenous teacher, in addition to investigating students' opinions regarding the incorporation of Kaingang indigenous culture and environmental awareness in Physical Education classes. The methodology adopted focused on the experiences and narratives of two teachers working in indigenous schools, as well as involving the application of questionnaires to students. The results revealed that the indigenous teacher introduces the Kaingang culture through activities such as indigenous games, and the focus on the environment is carried out through trails and related activities. Students emphasized the importance of incorporating indigenous culture and environmental awareness into classes. Thus, this study aimed to bring new perspectives to pedagogical practices, highlighting the interaction between human beings and the natural environment as a relevant reflection for school Physical Education.(AU)
El estudio busca analizar las diferentes percepciones sobre las prácticas pedagógicas de una maestra indígena y una maestra no indígena, además de investigar las opiniones de los estudiantes respecto de la incorporación de la cultura indígena Kaingang y la conciencia ambiental en las clases de Educación Física. La metodología adoptada se centró en las experiencias y narrativas de dos docentes que trabajan en escuelas indígenas, además de involucrar la aplicación de cuestionarios a los estudiantes. Los resultados revelaron que el maestra indígena introduce la cultura Kaingang a través de actividades como juegos indígenas, y el enfoque en el medio ambiente lo realiza a través de senderos y actividades afines. Los estudiantes enfatizaron la importancia de incorporar la cultura indígena y la conciencia ambiental en las clases. Así, este estudio se propuso aportar nuevas perspectivas a las prácticas pedagógicas, destacando la interacción entre los seres humanos y el medio natural como una reflexión relevante para la Educación Física escolar.(AU)
Male , Female , Physical Education and Training , Indigenous Culture , Indigenous Peoples , Awareness , Conscience , EnvironmentABSTRACT
Introducción. La investigación sobre la pandemia de COVID-19, se ha estudiado en tiempo real, ha sido y sigue siendo reveladora. Objetivo. Analizar la morbilidad y la mortalidad por COVID-19, asociadas a factores de riesgo metabólicos en población no indígena e indígena de México. Materiales y métodos. Utilizamos la Base Nacional de Datos COVID-19, durante los años críticos 2020-2021- 2022. Se trabajó con 5.380.247 casos que representaron la población total de positivos al SARS-CoV-2. Se analizaron las discrepancias entre las prevalencias de población no indígena, población indígena, defunción y no defunción. Se definió población indígena, con la clasificación oficial de auto-identificación. Se aplicó el modelo de regresión logística para determinar el riesgo de morir para cada variable: enfermedades cardiovasculares, hipertensión, diabetes, obesidad, sexo, edad y condición indígena. El análisis de multicolinealidad se analizó a través de la prueba de asociación Phi para variables dicotómicas y a través del ajuste de Nagelkerke. Resultados. En los positivos totales 99,2% fue población no indígena y 0,8% indígenas, mientras su porcentaje de letalidad fue de 5,8% y 11,1% respectivamente. En ambos grupos, murieron más hombres (61,5%) que mujeres (38,5%) y las edades de mayor defunción fueron 60 a 79 años. La mortalidad por enfermedades cardiovasculares fue la de mayor incidencia, 26,6% en población general y 32,3% en indígena; por diabetes 22,1% y 27,9%; hipertensión 20,0% y 26,7%y la obesidad 11, 3% y 17,4% respectivamente. Los análisis de regresión logística se ajustaron por sexo, edad y condición indígena. El condicionante de mayor riesgo de muerte, fueron las comorbilidades metabólicas y el de menor riesgo, la condición indígena. Conclusiones. El impacto de la pandemia por COVID-19 fue más grave cuando hubo padecimientos metabólicos tanto en la población no indígena como en la indígena(AU)
Introduction. Research on the COVID-19 pandemic, studied in real time, has been and continues to be revealing. Objective. To analyze morbidity and mortality from COVID-19, associated with metabolic risk factors in non-indigenous and indigenous populations of Mexico. Materials and methods. We use the National COVID-19 Database, during the critical years 2020-2021-2022. We worked with 5,380,247 cases that represented the total population of SARS-CoV-2 positives. The discrepancies between the prevalence of non-indigenous population, indigenous population, death and non-death were analyzed. The indigenous population was defined, with the official self-identification classification. The logistic regression model was applied to determine the risk of dying for each variable: cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, sex, age and indigenous status. The multicollinearity analysis was analyzed through the Phi association test for dichotomous variables and through the Nagelkerke adjustment. Results. Of the total positives, 99.2% were non-indigenous people and 0.8% were indigenous, while their fatality percentage was 5.8% and 11.1% respectively. In both groups, more men (61.5%) than women (38.5%) died and the ages of greatest death were 60 to 79 years. Mortality from cardiovascular diseases was the one with the highest incidence, 26.6% in the general population and 32.3% in the indigenous population; due to diabetes 22.1% and 27.9%; hypertension 20.0% and 26.7% and obesity 11.3% and 17.4% respectively. Logistic regression analyzes were adjusted for sex, age, and indigenous status. The condition with the highest risk of death was metabolic comorbidities and the lowest risk was indigenous status. Conclusions. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was more serious when there were metabolic disorders in both the non-indigenous and indigenous populations(AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Indigenous Peoples , COVID-19/mortality , Metabolic Diseases , Cardiovascular Diseases , Diabetes Mellitus , Sociodemographic Factors , Hypertension , ObesityABSTRACT
Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a relação entre os conceitos de necropolítica, proposto por Achille Mbembe, e de unheimlich, desenvolvido por Sigmund Freud. Por meio dessa possibilidade de intersecção, coloca-se em análise a situação enfrentada pelos Yanomami no norte do Brasil, na qual diversos indígenas tiveram suas terras invadidas e seus direitos violados, levando-os a uma grave crise sanitária. A presença de uma lógica de gestão necropolítica, na qual corpos que não interessam ao Estado são deixados à margem, coloca em risco populações que não são incluídas no discurso hegemônico neoliberal. No encontro deste discurso com o estranho, pode-se inferir que é produzida uma experiência unheimlich, um deparar-se com o que há de mais incômodo e ao mesmo tempo familiar à sociedade. Reconhecer-se na diferença que há no outro cria um escape pela via da eliminação, faz-se desse corpo o inimigo e, assim, cria-se o respaldo para tirá-lo de cena. Desse modo, esta investigação destaca a necessidade de repensarmos as vias existentes para lidar com a diferença, isto porque, construir uma sociedade em detrimento de determinados grupos que a compõem é destruir também a si mesma.
This article aims to analyze the relationship between the concepts of necropolitics, proposed by Achille Mbembe, and unheimlich, developed by Sigmund Freud. Through this possibility of intersection, the situation faced by the Yanomami in northern Brazil can be analyzed, in which several indigenous people had their lands invaded and their rights violated, leading them to a serious health crisis. The presence of a necropolitical management logic, in which bodies that are not of interest to the State are left on the sidelines, puts populations that are not included in the hegemonic neoliberal discourse at risk. In the encounter between this discourse and the stranger, it can be inferred that an unheimlich experience is produced, an encounter with what is most uncomfortable and at the same time familiar to society. Recognizing oneself in the difference that exists in the other creates an escape through elimination, this body is made the enemy and, thus, the support is created to remove it from the scene. Furthermore, this investigation highlights the need to rethink existing ways of dealing with difference, because building a society to the detriment of certain groups that compose it is also destroying itself.
Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la relación entre los conceptos de necropolítica, propuesto por Achille Mbembe, y unheimlich, desarrollado por Sigmund Freud. A través de esta posibilidad de cruce, es un ejemplo la situación que enfrentan los yanomami en el norte de Brasil, en la que varios indígenas vieron sus tierras invadidas y violados sus derechos, llevándolos a una grave crisis de salud. La presencia de una lógica de gestión necropolítica, en la que se dejan al margen cuerpos que no interesan al Estado, pone en riesgo a poblaciones que no están incluidas en el discurso neoliberal hegemónico. En el encuentro de este discurso con el extraño se puede inferir que se produce una experiencia unheimlich, un encuentro con lo más incómodo ya la vez familiar para la sociedad. Reconocerse en la diferencia que existe en el otro crea una evasión por eliminación, se hace de este cuerpo el enemigo y, así, se crea el soporte para sacarlo de escena. Así, esta investigación destaca la necesidad de repensar las formas existentes de enfrentar la diferencia, porque construir una sociedad en detrimento de ciertos grupos que la componen es también destruirse a sí misma.
Humans , Politics , Psychoanalysis , Violence , Indigenous PeoplesABSTRACT
El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de anomalías dentomaxilares y la necesidad de tratamiento ortodóncico en escolares pertenecientes al pueblo originario de Rapa Nui. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional, transversal y no probabilístico. Se evaluaron 85 alumnos entre primero básico y primero medio, entre los 6 y 16 años de edad, de dos colegios de Rapa Nui. Se realizó un examen clínico estandarizado, realizado por dos investigadores previamente calibrados, donde se completó una ficha clínica diseñada para el estudio. Para el análisis de las anomalías dentomaxilares se realizó un escaneo digital de la cavidad oral completa para su posterior análisis. De 85 estudiantes evaluados, 75 (88,2 %) se encontraban afectados por algún tipo de anomalía dentomaxilar en el plano sagital, vertical y/o transversal, independiente de su gravedad. Un 87,1 % de los estudiantes necesitan tratamiento ortodóncico según el Índice de Necesidad de Tratamiento Ortodóncico, de los cuales un 57,7, % se clasificó dentro de los rangos de moderado, grave y muy grave. Existe una alta prevalencia de anomalías dentomaxilares en los escolares pertenecientes al pueblo originario Rapa Nui, encontrándose por sobre las cifras nacionales como internacionales, lo cual da como resultado que la mayoría de los alumnos evaluados necesiten de algún tipo tratamiento ortodóncico, ya sea preventivo, interceptivo y/o correctivo.
The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of dentomaxillary anomalies and the need for orthodontic treatment in schoolchildren belonging to the Rapa Nui native people. A descriptive, observational, cross- sectional and non-probabilistic study was carried out. Eighty- five students between first grade and first middle school, between 6 and 16 years of age, from two schools of Rapa Nui were evaluated. A standardized clinical examination was performed by two previously calibrated investigators, where a clinical record designed for the study was completed. For the analysis of dentomaxillary anomalies, a digital scan of the full mouth was performed for subsequent analysis. Of 85 students evaluated, 75 (88.2 %) were affected by some type of dentomaxillary anomaly in the sagittal, vertical and/or transversal plane, regardless of its severity. Some 87.1 % of the students needed orthodontic treatment according to the Orthodontic Treatment Need Index, of which 57.7 % were classified within the moderate, severe and very severe ranges. There is a high prevalence of dentomaxillary anomalies in schoolchildren belonging to the Rapa Nui native people, which is above the national and international figures, resulting in the majority of the students evaluated needing some type of orthodontic treatment, whether preventive, interceptive and/or corrective.