A microbiota vaginal é dominada pelo gênero Lactobacillus, mantendo um pH ácido crucial para a saúde. Alterações hormonais e a menopausa podem impactar essa microbiota. Estreptococos do Grupo B (EGB) são associados a infecções neonatais e podem colonizar a microbiota vaginal. A interação entre Lactobacillus e EGB é complexa, com resultados conflitantes em estudos in vitro e in vivo. O uso de probióticos contendo Lactobacillus pode ter benefícios, como alterar a positividade para EGB em um grupo que recebeu o tratamento. Contudo a replicabilidade deste resultado é limitada, e os mecanismos envolvidos nessa interação ainda são pouco elucidados. Portanto o objetivo desse estudo foi caracterizar cepas de EGB, avaliar sua interação com L. crispatus em diversas condições. Neste estudo foram selecionadas seis cepas, pertencentes aos sorotipos Ia, II, III e V. Essas cepas foram caracterizadas de acordo com o sorotipo capsular, presença de genes de virulência (hialuronidase, ß-citolisina/hemolisina, e ilhas de pili 1, 2a e 2b), resistência a antimicrobianos (penicilina, cefepima, vancomicina, eritromicina e clindamicina), curva de crescimento, Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) e Multi-Locus Sequence Typing (MLST). O resultado de MLST identificou os sequence types ST1, ST23 ST28 e ST182, e os clonal complexes CC1, CC19 e CC23. Cepas possuem a maior parte dos genes de virulência testados. Somente uma cepa apresentou alguma resistência, no caso à eritromicina e clindamicina. Resultados que estão de acordo com a literatura como os principais descritos em isolados clínicos. Os ensaios de interação realizados foram: crescimento em co-cultura, formação de biofilme, ensaios de adesão e exclusão em cultura celular e por fim, análise do perfil proteico. Alguns efeitos de L. crispatus no EGB observados foram aumento na formação de biofilme de EGB e diminuição da sua proliferação quando em co-cultura. Contudo esses resultados variaram de acordo com a cepa de EGB. Nos ensaios de competição em cultura celular, a presença de L. crispatus levou à diminuição da adesão em uma cepa pertencente ao sorotipo III, e aumento de adesão em uma cepa pertencente ao sorotipo V. Quando a cultura de células recebeu tratamento prévio de L. crispatus, nos ensaios de exclusão, houve menor adesão de EGB. Contudo todos os efeitos observados são cepa-dependente; não foram encontradas associações entre o comportamento das cepas e seu sorotipo capsular ou fenótipo MLST. Estudos futuros podem elucidar as respostas ativadas na presença de microrganismos comensais
The vaginal microbiota is dominated by the genus Lactobacillus, which helps to maintain a crucial acidic pH for health. Hormonal changes and menopause can impact this microbiota. Group B Streptococcus (GBS) are associated with neonatal infections and can colonize the vaginal microbiota. The interaction between Lactobacillus and GBS is complex, with conflicting results in in vitro and in vivo studies. The use of probiotics containing Lactobacillus may have benefits, such as altering GBS positivity in a treated group. However, the replicability of this result is limited, and the mechanisms involved in this interaction are still poorly understood. The use of probiotics containing Lactobacillus may have some benefits, but further research is needed. These strains were characterized based on capsular serotype, presence of virulence genes (hyaluronidase, ß-cytolysin/hemolysin, and pili islands 1, 2a, and 2b), antimicrobial resistance (penicillin, cefepime, vancomycin, erythromycin, and clindamycin), growth curve, Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP), and Multi-Locus Sequence Typing (MLST) Therefore, the aim of this study was to characterize GBS strains, evaluate their interaction with L. crispatus under various conditions. Six strains were selected for this study, belonging to serotypes Ia, II, III, and V. MLST results identified sequence types ST1, ST23, ST28, and ST182, and clonal complexes CC1, CC19, and CC23. Most strains possessed the tested virulence genes, with only one strain showing resistance to erythromycin and clindamycin. These results are in line with the literature. Interaction assays included co-culture growth, biofilm formation, adhesion and exclusion assays in cell culture, and, finally, protein profile analysis. Some observed effects of L. crispatus on GBS included an increase in GBS biofilm formation and a decrease in GBS proliferation during co-culture. However, these results varied according to the GBS strain. GBS interaction with L. crispatus resulted in increased biofilm formation and decreased proliferation in co-culture. In cell culture competition assays, the presence of L. crispatus led to decreased adhesion in one GBS strain belonging to serotype III and increased adhesion in one strain belonging to serotype V. When cell culture received pre-treatment with L. crispatus, exclusion assays showed lower GBS adhesion. However, all observed effects are strain-dependent; no associations were found between strain behavior and capsular serotype or MLST phenotype. Future studies may elucidate the responses activated in the presence of commensal microorganisms
Streptococcus agalactiae/classification , Lactobacillus crispatus/classification , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Cell Culture Techniques/methods , Infections/complicationsABSTRACT
A insuficiência cardíaca congestiva é considerada, atualmente, a principal causa de óbitos em cães, sendo resultante da degeneração mixomatosa da válvula mitral, processo que inviabiliza o fechamento total da mesma durante a sístole. Apesar de se tratar de uma doença progressiva, os efeitos patológicos podem ser reduzidos significativamente e concomitantemente prolongar a vida do animal, desde que haja protocolos de tratamentos específicos e descritos por profissionais capacitados na área médica animal. Esse estudo teve como objetivo relatar um caso de insuficiência congestiva em um animal da espécie canina, sem raça definida, sexo masculino resgatado pela prefeitura do município de Botucatu, São Paulo, Brasil. Durante a necropsia foi observado os seguintes achados macroscópicos: neoplasias cutâneas aderidas ao tecido, tártaro dentário, pneumonia intersticial hemorrágica, companhias de fibrose e enfisema pulmonar hemorrágico, metástase calcificada circular em lobo pulmonar direito, necrose pulmonar, cardiomiopatia hipertrófica concêntrica, insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, aderência de pericárdio na cavidade torácica, fígado em aspecto de noz moscada, metástase hepática, hepatite, esplenomegalia, dilatação entérica multifocal, intussuscepção, necrose intestinal, hipertrofia de pelve renal e aderência de cápsula renal. Esses achados demonstram o comprometimento de todos os órgãos do animal, demonstrando que a causa mortis foi em decorrência de uma insuficiência respiratória de origem infecciosa que ocasionou a insuficiência cardíaca congestiva.(AU)
Congestive heart failure is currently considered the main cause of death in dogs, resulting from myxomatous degeneration of the mitral valve, a process that prevents its total closure during systole. Despite being a progressive disease, the pathological effects can be significantly reduced and, at the same time, prolong the animal's life, as long as there are specific treatment protocols described by trained professionals in the field of animal medicine. This study aimed to report a case of congestive insufficiency in an animal of the canine species, mixed breed, male, rescued by the municipality of Botucatu, Sao Paulo, Brazil. During the necropsy, the following macroscopic findings were observed: skin neoplasms adhered to the tissue, dental tartar, hemorrhagic interstitial pneumonia, fibrosis and hemorrhagic pulmonary emphysema, circular calcified metastasis in the right pulmonary lobe, pulmonary necrosis, concentric hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure, adherence of pericardium in the thoracic cavity, nutmeg liver, liver metastasis, hepatitis, splenomegaly, multifocal enteric dilation, intussusception, intestinal necrosis, renal pelvis hypertrophy and renal capsule adherence. These findings showed the involvement of all tissues, demonstrating that the cause of death was due to respiratory failure of infectious origin that caused congestive heart failure.(AU)
Actualmente se considera la insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva como la principal causa de muerte en perros, resultante de la degeneración mixomatosa de la válvula mitral, proceso que impide su cierre total durante la sístole. A pesar de ser una enfermedad progresiva, los efectos patológicos pueden reducirse significativamente y, al mismo tiempo, prolongar la vida del animal, siempre y cuando existan protocolos de tratamiento específicos descritos por profesionales capacitados en el campo de la medicina animal. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo reportar un caso de insuficiencia congestiva en un animal canino, mestizo, macho, rescatado por el municipio de Botucatu, São Paulo, Brasil. Durante la necropsia se observaron los siguientes hallazgos macroscópicos: neoplasias cutáneas adheridas al tejido, sarro dental, neumonía intersticial hemorrágica, compañías de fibrosis y enfisema pulmonar hemorrágico, metástasis circular calcificada en lóbulo pulmonar derecho, necrosis pulmonar, miocardiopatía hipertrófica concéntrica, insuficiencia cardíaca, adherencia del pericardio en la cavidad torácica, hígado de nuez moscada, metástasis hepática, hepatitis, esplenomegalia, dilatación entérica multifocal, intususcepción, necrosis intestinal, hipertrofia de la pelvis renal y adherencia de la cápsula renal. Estos hallazgos demuestran la afectación de todos los órganos del animal, demostrando que la causa de la muerte se debió a una insuficiencia respiratoria de origen infeccioso que provocó una insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva.(AU)
Animals , Male , Dogs , Autopsy/veterinary , Heart Failure/complications , Heart Failure/diagnosis , Brazil , Heart Failure/mortality , Infections/complicationsABSTRACT
To analyze the prevalence and characteristics of late postoperative complications of orthopedic surgeries by video arthroscopy.This was a descriptive cross-sectional study that evaluated, through its own instrument, local and systemic postoperative complications of patients undergoing orthopedic surgeries by video arthroscopy. The study included 270 patients, who were evaluated on days 30(without prosthesis) and 90(with prosthesis placement) of the postoperative period, by telephone service. The selection of participants occurred sequentially and population-based, within the data collection period, from February to July 2020, in a large hospital for medium and high complexity surgeries. Of the 270 procedures performed in the period, 4.4% (n = 12) presented late postoperative infection. The most frequent complications were erythema (83%), edema (75%) and secretion (67%) in the surgical wound. Most used antibiotic therapy (92%) and anti-inflammatory drugs (67%). Hospital readmission was not necessary concerning the complications. Only 50% required medical evaluation before the scheduled time.The need for practices that ensure the quality of perioperative care and improve the active search to assess surgical outcomes is reinforced.
Humans , Postoperative Period , Arthroscopy/nursing , Arthroscopy/instrumentation , Infection Control/instrumentation , Orthopedic Procedures/nursing , Surgical Wound Infection/nursing , Bacterial Infections/nursing , Wounds and Injuries/nursing , Nursing , Bodily Secretions , Orthopedic Procedures/instrumentation , Edema/nursing , Erythema/nursing , Infections/complicationsABSTRACT
A bactéria Gram-negativa Pseudomonas aeruginosa é um patógeno oportunista frequentemente associado a vítimas de queimaduras graves ou indivíduos com fibrose cística, sendo os isolados resistentes a carbepenêmicos dessa espécie considerados pela OMS como uma das maiores ameaças ao controle de infecções. O estabelecimento da infecção por esse patógeno é dependente de uma série de fatores de virulência, entre eles o pilus tipo IV (T4P), que possui papel importante na adesão a superfícies e motilidade do tipo twitching, essenciais para a colonização do hospedeiro. Uma das moléculas importantes na diferenciação entre as formas séssil e planctônica de P. aeruginosa é o segundo mensageiro bis-(3,5)-di-guanosina monofosfato cíclico (c-di-GMP), cuja síntese é feita enzimaticamente por diguanilato ciclases (DGCs). DgcP é uma DGC localizada nos polos da célula, que tem sua atividade de síntese de c-di-GMP aumentada na presença da proteína FimV, essencial para a montagem do T4P em P. aeruginosa. Neste trabalho, ensaios de microscopia de fluorescência, organização e expressão gênica foram realizados com o objetivo de aumentar a compreensão sobre o papel de DgcP em relação a sua expressão e aos fatores que regulam o T4P de P. aeruginosa. A proteína DgcP em fusão com mNeonGreen no C-terminal, expressa a partir do locus cromossômico, se localiza de maneira predominantemente bipolar tanto na linhagem selvagem quanto nos mutantes ΔpilA, ΔpilR e ΔchpA, evidenciando que seu padrão de localização não depende dos sistemas de regulação Pil-Chp e PilS-PilR. Ensaios de RT-PCRmostraram que dgcP se encontra em operon com PA14_72430 e dsbA1, indicando um papel celular conjunto entre esses genes, até o momento, desconhecido. Por fim, ensaios de qRT-PCR revelaram que os níveis de mRNA de dgcP são invariáveis nas linhagens WT, ΔpilA, ΔpilR, ΔchpA e ΔfimV, cultivadas em meio líquido ou meio sólido. Os resultados aqui mostrados, combinados com trabalhos prévios do nosso e de outros grupos, sugerem que DgcP é uma diguanilato ciclase responsável por geração constante de c-di-GMP nos polos da célula, possivelmente, atuando na sinalização local dependente do dinucleotídeo cíclico, cuja localização e atividade não são dependentes dos sistemas de regulação que atuam sobre o T4P
The Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen often associated with severe burn victims or individuals with cystic fibrosis, which carbapenem-resistant isolates were classified by th World Health Organization classified one of the greatest threats to infection control. The establishment of infection by this pathogen is dependent on a series of virulence factors, including the type IV pilus (T4P), which plays an important role in adhesion to surfaces and twitching motility, essential features for host colonization. Bis-(3',5')-cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP) is a second messenger that involved in processes of biofilm formation, motility, and virulence. The diguanylate cyclase DgcP synthetizes cdi-GMP and it is located at the cell poles, and its activity depends on the scaffold protein FimV, essential for T4P assembly in P. aeruginosa. By increasing c-di-GMP levels, DgcP decreases flagellum-dependent motility and increases biofilm formation. In this work, fluorescence microscopy, gene organization and expression assays were performed to understand the whether DgcP localization and expression are under the control of T4P regulatory proteins. Fluorescence microscopy analysis showed that DgcP localizes predominantly at both cell poles in ΔpilA, ΔpilR, and ΔchpA mutants, showing that its localization pattern does not depend on the Pil-Chp and PilS-PilR systems. Furthermore, RT-PCR assays showed that dgcP is found in an operon with PA14_72430 and dsbA1, indicating an unknown putative related cellular role for these genes. Finally, qRT-PCR assays indicated that DgcP expression is invariant in ΔpilA, ΔpilR, ΔchpA, and ΔfimV mutants, either in liquid or solid medium. The results shownhere, combined with previous work by ours and other groups, suggest that DgcP is a diguanylate cyclase responsible for constant generation of c-di-GMP at the cell poles, possibly acting in local signaling dependent on the cyclic dinucleotide, but that is not under the control of the known T4P regulatory systems
Operon , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/classification , Infection Control/instrumentation , World Health Organization , Burns , Gene Expression/genetics , Cells , Virulence Factors/adverse effects , Infections/complications , Microscopy, Fluorescence/methodsABSTRACT
Objetivo: Elaborar um perfil clínico e epidemiológico de pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca descompensada, de acordo com a etiologia da descompensação, e analisar o desfecho clínico dentre os diferentes grupos etiológicos encontrados. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo e observacional. Os pacientes foram reunidos em seis grupos, conforme etiologia de descompensação, e comparados de acordo com dados coletados. Realizaram-se verificação por meio da análise de variância e teste exato de Fisher. Obteve-se significância estatística por meio do valor de p <0,10. Resultados: Foram analisados 123 prontuários de pacientes admitidos entre 2016 e 2018. A maior causa de descompensação da doença foi a má aderência ao tratamento (32,5%). Além disso, a doença foi responsável por maior tempo de internação (13,5 dias) e número de óbitos (seis). Conclusão: Otimizando-se os cuidados e o acompanhamento desses pacientes, pode haver um importante impacto sobre a incidência, as complicações e a frequência de descompensações. (AU)
Objective: To develop a clinical and epidemiological profile of patients with decompensated heart failure according to the etiology of decompensation and to analyze the clinical outcome among the different etiological groups found. Methods: This is a retrospective, observational study. Patients were divided in six groups according to etiology of decompensation and were compared according to data collected. Variance analysis and Fisher's exact test were performed. Statistical significance was obtained by means of p-value <0.10. Results: We analyzed 123 medical records of patients admitted between 2016 and 2018. The greatest cause of decompensation was the poor adherence to treatment (32.5%). In addition, the disease was responsible for longer hospitalization time (13.5 days) and number of deaths (six). Conclusion: Optimizing care and follow-up of these patients can have an important impact on the incidence, complications, and frequency of decompensation. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Health Profile , Heart Failure/epidemiology , Hospitals, Teaching/statistics & numerical data , Arrhythmias, Cardiac/complications , Brazil/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies , Sex Distribution , Age Distribution , Acute Coronary Syndrome/complications , Medication Adherence/statistics & numerical data , Electronic Health Records , Heart Failure/diagnosis , Heart Failure/etiology , Heart Failure/blood , Hospitalization , Hypertension/complications , Infections/complicationsABSTRACT
RESUMEN Clostridium difficile es una bacteria relacionada con la colitis, asociada a antibióticos y a la diarrea adquirida en pacientes hospitalizados. Sin embargo, su comportamiento ha cambiado en los últimos años, hasta el punto de ser considerada un problema de salud mundial. Su curso clínico varía desde casos asintomáticos, colitis, hasta complicaciones que ponen en peligro la vida del paciente. Dentro de los factores de riesgo descritos se encuentra la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, especialmente la colitis ulcerativa idiopática. El caso reportado versa sobre la presentación de esta infección asociada a un brote de colitis ulcerativa en un paciente joven, sin antecedentes de enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, consumo de antibióticos ni hospitalización (AU).
ABSTRACT Clostridium difficile is a bacterium related to antibiotic-associated colitis and to diarrhea acquired in hospitalized patients. However, its behavior has changed in recent years to the point of being considered as a global health problem. Its clinical course ranges from asymptomatic cases, colitis, to complications with risk for the patient's life. The inflammatory bowel disease, especially idiopathic ulcerative colitis is found among the described risk factors. The case reported deals with the presentation of this infection associated to an outbreak of ulcerative colitis in a young patient, with no previous history of inflammatory bowel disease, consumption of antibiotics or hospitalization (AU).
Humans , Male , Colitis, Ulcerative/diagnosis , Clostridioides difficile/virology , Diarrhea/complications , Infections/complications , Infections/transmission , Inpatients , Anti-Bacterial Agents/adverse effectsABSTRACT
As infecções relacionadas à assistência à saúde (IRAS) podem ser causadas por bactérias, vírus e fungos, sendo de extrema importância para o sistema de tratamento e pacientes. Com o alarmante avanço no surgimento de bactérias resistentes, tem havido uma preocupação crescente com as IRAS de origem bacteriana. Nesse sentido, várias pesquisas buscam alternativas para os fármacos antimicrobianos convencionais, sendo que os peptídeos antimicrobianos (AMPs), como a lunatina-1, aparecem como moléculas promissoras. No entanto, os AMPs geralmente apresentam rápida degradação proteolítica no trato gastrointestinal e meia-vida curta na corrente sanguínea, principais fatores limitantes para sua aplicação no tratamento de IRAS. Entre as estratégias empregadas para superar esses inconvenientes, a PEGuilação apresenta-se como alternativa eficaz que aumenta o tempo de circulação in vivo dos AMPs, resultando na melhora farmacocinética e, em alguns casos, também farmacodinâmica. A PEGuilação consiste na ligação covalente de cadeias de polietileno glicol (PEG) ao peptídeo, que pode ser efetuada por meio de uma reação aleatória ou sítio-específica. Neste trabalho, desenvolveu-se uma PEGuilação sítio-específica no N-terminal da lunatina-1 empregando-se mPEG-NHS de 2 kDa em tampão fosfato 100 mM, visando o aumento da solibilidade deste peptídeo, bem como para avaliar sua ação antimicrobiana. Com relação à reação de PEGuilação, avaliou-se a influência da razão molar PEG:peptídeo (10:1 ou 15:1) a pH 8,5. Foi obtido um rendimento de PEGuilação de 92%, através da análise por RP-HPLC quantitativo. Quanto à purificação da lunatina-1 PEGuilada, foi empregada a técnica semi-preparativa de RP-HPLC utilizando a coluna C18. A caracterização da lunatina-1 PEGuilada, incluindo determinação do grau de PEGuilação, foi realizada por MALDI-TOF Autoflex Speed (Bruker), mostrando que a molécula foi monoPEGuilada na região N-terminal. A atividade antimicrobiana de lunatina-1 livre e bioconjugada frente a diferentes cepas bacterianas, sendo duas Gram-negativas (ATCC 25922 de Escherichia coli e ATCC 9027 de Pseudomonas aeruginosa) e uma Gram-positiva (CECT 239 de Staphylococcus aureus), foi estudada por determinação da concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) em microplaca, sendo que foram obtidos valores de CIM de 86 e 140 µM para o peptídeo liver e PEGuilado, respetivamente. O potencial hemolítico também foi estudado, sendo que a forma PEGuilada mostrou significativa redução da atividade hemolítica em comparação à forma livre. Em suma, a PEGuilação da lunatina-1, aumenta a sua solubilidade e reduz a atividade hemolítica. Porém, para viabilizar esta estratégia a PEGuilação deve ser reversível, pois a conjugação ao polímero reduz atividade antimicrobiana
Health care-related infections (HAIs) caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi are extremely important for patients and health systems. With the alarming advance in the emergence of resistant bacteria, a growing concern with HAIs of bacterial origin is observed. In this sense, several studies investigate alternatives to conventional antimicrobial drugs and antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), such as lunatin-1, appear as promising molecules. However, AMPs generally show rapid proteolytic degradation in the gastrointestinal tract and short half-life in the bloodstream, the main limiting factors for their therapeutic application to treat HAIs. Among the strategies used to overcome these drawbacks, PEGylation presents itself as an effective alternative that increases the in vivo circulation time of AMPs, resulting in improved pharmacokinetics and, in some cases, also pharmacodynamics. PEGylation consists on the covalent attachment of polyethylene glycol (PEG) chains to the peptide, which can be carried out by means of a random or site-specific reaction. In this work, a site-specific PEGylation was developed at the N-terminus of lunatin-1 using 2 kDa mPEG-NHS to increase the solubility of this peptide, as well as to evaluate its antimicrobial activity. Regarding the PEGylation reaction, the influence of the molar ratio PEG: peptide (10: 1 or 15: 1) at pH 8.5 was evaluated and a PEGylation yield of 92% was obtained, based on quantitative RP-HPLC analysis. As for the purification of PEGylated lunatin-1, semi-preparative RP-HPLC was used. The characterization of PEGylated lunatin-1, including determination of the degree of PEGylation, was performed by MALDI-TOF Autoflex Speed (Bruker), showing that the peptide was monoPEGylated in the N-terminal region. The antimicrobial activity of free and bioconjugated lunatin-1 against different bacterial strains, two Gram-negative (ATCC 25922 from Escherichia coli and ATCC 9027 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa), and one Gram positive (CECT 239 from Staphylococcus aureus), was studied by determining the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) in a microplate, resulting in MIC values of 86 and 140 µM for the free and PEGylated peptide, respectively. The hemolytic potential was also studied and the PEGylated form showed a significant reduction in hemolytic activity compared to the free form. In short, the PEGylation of lunatin-1 increases its solubility and reduces hemolytic activity. However, to make this strategy feasible, PEGylation must be reversible, since the conjugation to the polymer reduces antimicrobial activity
Pharmacokinetics , Pharmaceutical Preparations/analysis , Spectrometry, Mass, Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption-Ionization , Pharmacologic Actions , Infections/complications , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , Health Strategies , Delivery of Health Care/classification , Escherichia coliABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: La endocarditis fúngica es una enfermedad infecciosa agresiva e infrecuente, considerada una emergencia en los servicios hospitalarios. Se ha evidenciado una incidencia de 0-12% del total de las admisiones pediátricas por endocarditis infecciosa. La mortalidad por Candida spp se encuentra alrededor del 50-80% en todos los casos. La Candida lusitaniae afecta principalmente a pacientes inmunocomprometidos, con uso de dispositivos intravasculares y el empleo de antibióticos de amplio espectro. Reporte de caso: Se presenta el caso de un lactante menor quien es diagnosticado con fungemia y endocarditis infecciosa por Candida lusitaniae en válvula nativa posterior a cirugía de corrección por transposición de grandes vasos. Discusión y Conclusiones: La endocarditis infecciosa por Candida lusitaniae es una entidad poco frecuente, con una prevalencia menor al 2% constituyéndose un escenario desafiante en la práctica clínica. Se describen las características de un lactante menor quien presentó endocarditis fúngica ya definidas en la literatura mundial. Es imprescindible la detección temprana y una intervención terapéutica vertiginosa; puesto que, la persistencia del inoculo, la resistencia antimicótica y el retraso en el diagnóstico conllevan a una condición amenazante para la vida del paciente.
Abstract Introduction: Fungal infective endocarditis is an aggressive and infrequent disease, considered an emergency in hospital services. Candida mortality is around 50-80% in all cases. The Candida lusitaniae mainly affects immunocompromised patients with chronic venous access and the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Case report: A minor infant is presented who is diagnosed with fungemia and infective endocarditis due to Candida lusitaniae in a native valve secondary to surgery by transposition of large vessels. Discussion and Conclusions: Candida lusitaniae infectious endocarditis is very rare, with a prevalence of less than 2% constituting a challenging scenario in clinical practice. The characteristics of fungemia and endocarditis already defined in the world literature are described. Early detection and a vertiginous therapeutic intervention are essential, since; latent infection, antifungal resistance and delay in diagnosis lead to a threatening condition for the patient's life.
Humans , Infant , Candida , Endocarditis , Fungemia , Echinocandins , Infections/complications , Anti-Bacterial AgentsABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: la infección por Helicobacter pylori es una de las más prevalentes en el planeta. Supone una carga significativa para los sistemas sanitarios, debido a la elevada resistencia a antibióticos que presenta para su erradicación. Objetivo: determinar las características clínico epidemiológicas de infección por Helicobacter pylori de pacientes atendidos en Consulta Provincial de Gastroenterología. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo. El universo estuvo conformado por los 167 pacientes con determinación de Helicobacter pylori positivo, por test de ureasa. Las variables a considerar fueron: la edad, el sexo, diagnóstico histológico, síntomas clínicos y la evolución clínica posterior al tratamiento específico para Helicobacter pylori. Se utilizó la técnica estadística de análisis de distribución de frecuencias. Resultados: un 59,6 % de los pacientes resultó con Helicobacter pylori positivo con predominio del sexo masculino. Fue la gastritis crónica la alteración gástrica que más se asoció a la infección. La epigastralgia y distensión abdominal resultaron los síntomas más frecuentes. Evolucionaron de forma satisfactoria el 49 % de los casos y solo un 17 % presentaron una mala respuesta al tratamiento. Conclusiones: se obtuvo un alto porcentaje de infección por Helicobacter pylori y una buena respuesta al tratamiento utilizado (AU).
ABSTRACT Introduction: the infection for Helicobacter pylori is one of the more prevalent in the world; it supposes a significant burden for the sanitary systems, due to the high resistance to antibiotics that it presents for its eradication. Objective: to determine the clinical epidemiological characteristics of the infection due to Helicobacter pylori in patients treated in the provincial consultation of Gastroenterología. Materials and methods: an observational, descriptive study was carried out in a universe formed by 167 patients with positive Helicobacter pylori determined by urease test. The variables to consider were age, sex, histologic diagnosis, clinical symptoms and clinical evolution after the specific treatment for Helicobacter pylori. The statistical technique of analysis of frequencies distribution was used. Results: 59, 6% of the patients was Helicobacter pylori positive with prevalence of the male sex; chronic gastritis was the gastric alteration more associated to the infection. Epigastralgia and abdominal distension were the most frequent symptoms. 49% of the cases evolved in a satisfactory way and only 17% answered bad to the treatment. Conclusions: a high percent of infection by Helicobacter pylori was found and also a good answer to the used treatment (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Helicobacter pylori/pathogenicity , Gastroenterology/methods , Patients , Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms , Gastritis/complications , Infections/complications , Infections/parasitology , Anti-Bacterial AgentsABSTRACT
Abstract Early hospital readmission (EHR), defined as all readmissions within 30 days of initial hospital discharge, is a health care quality measure. It is influenced by the demographic characteristics of the population at risk, the multidisciplinary approach for hospital discharge, the access, coverage, and comprehensiveness of the health care system, and reimbursement policies. EHR is associated with higher morbidity, mortality, and increased health care costs. Monitoring EHR enables the identification of hospital and outpatient healthcare weaknesses and the implementation of corrective interventions. Among kidney transplant recipients in the USA, EHR ranges between 18 and 47%, and is associated with one-year increased mortality and graft loss. One study in Brazil showed an incidence of 19.8% of EHR. The main causes of readmission were infections and surgical and metabolic complications. Strategies to reduce early hospital readmission are therefore essential and should consider the local factors, including socio-economic conditions, epidemiology and endemic diseases, and mobility.
Resumo A Readmissão Hospitalar Precoce (RH), definida como todas as readmissões dentro de 30 dias após a alta hospitalar inicial, é uma métrica da qualidade hospitalar. É influenciada pelas características demográficas da população em risco, pela abordagem multidisciplinar da alta hospitalar inicial, pelo acesso, pela cobertura e pela abrangência do Sistema de Saúde e pelas políticas de reembolso. A readmissão hospitalar precoce está associada a maior morbidade, mortalidade e aumento dos custos com saúde. O monitoramento da RH permite a identificação das fragilidades hospitalares e ambulatoriais e a implementação de intervenções corretivas. Entre os receptores de transplante renal nos EUA, a RH varia entre 18% e 47% e está associada a maior mortalidade e perda do enxerto no primeiro ano do transplante. Um estudo no Brasil mostrou uma incidência de 19,8% de RH. As principais causas de readmissão foram infecções e complicações cirúrgicas e metabólicas. As estratégias para reduzir a readmissão hospitalar precoce são, portanto, essenciais e devem considerar o ambiente local, incluindo condições socioeconômicas, epidemiologia local, doenças e mobilidade endêmicas.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Patient Readmission/statistics & numerical data , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Kidney Transplantation/mortality , Kidney Transplantation/statistics & numerical data , Patient Discharge , Patient Readmission/trends , Brazil/epidemiology , Incidence , Risk Factors , Follow-Up Studies , Delivery of Health Care/economics , Interdisciplinary Communication , Transplant Recipients/statistics & numerical data , Graft Survival , Infections/complications , Insurance, Health, Reimbursement/legislation & jurisprudence , Metabolic Diseases/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Abstract Objective The association between diabetes mellitus and infections is very common. These infections, even when mild, interfere with blood glucose control. The aim of this review is to describe infections that occur in children and adolescents with DM, as well as to provide recommendations on glycemia management during these episodes. Source of data A non-systematic review was carried out in the PubMed database, using the terms "diabetes mellitus," "infection," "children," and "adolescents." The most relevant publications were selected. Synthesis of data In addition to the usual community diseases, some infections may occur predominantly in diabetic patients, especially when there is inadequate glycemic control, and common infections can be more severe in these patients. Alterations caused by the disease itself and the immune response are responsible for the risk of higher frequency and severity of infections. During infections, an increase in blood glucose occurs and usually an increase in insulin dose is required. Conclusions Pediatric patients with diabetes have some immune system disorders that, when associated with high glycemia, increase the risk of infections and their severity, and should be promptly identified and treated. The presence of an infectious condition, in turn, raises blood glucose and increases the risk of decompensation, and pediatricians should be cautioned to intensify monitoring and insulin therapy, and to avoid the risk of DKA. It should also be noted that many infections are preventable and can be avoided with adequate vaccine coverage.
Resumo Objetivo A associação entre diabetes mellitus e infecções é muito frequente. Essas infecções, mesmo quando leves, interferem no controle da glicemia. O objetivo desta revisão é descrever as infecções que ocorrem em crianças e adolescentes com DM, bem como orientar o manejo glicêmico nestes episódios. Fonte dos dados Foi feita uma revisão não sistemática na base de dados PubMed, com os termos "diabetes mellitus", "infecção", "crianças" e "adolescentes". Foram selecionadas as publicações mais relevantes. Síntese dos dados Além de infecções comunitárias habituais, algumas infecções ocorrem predominantemente no paciente com diabetes, principalmente quando não há um controle glicêmico adequado, e infecções comuns podem ser mais graves nesse paciente. Alterações da própria doença e da resposta imune, em conjunto com alterações do microbioma, são responsáveis pela maior frequência e gravidade das infecções. Durante as infecções, ocorre um aumento da glicemia e habitualmente é necessário o aumento da dose de insulina. Conclusões O paciente pediátrico com diabetes apresenta algumas desordens imunes que, quando associadas a elevaçao da glicemia, aumentam o risco de infecção e sua gravidade. A presença da infecção, por sua vez, eleva a glicemia e aumenta o risco de descompensação. Desta forma, a monitorização da glicemia, bem como o aumento da dose de insulina, são fundamentais para evitar o risco de cetoacidose diabética. Destaca-se ainda que muitas infecções são imunopreveníveis e podem ser evitadas com uma cobertura vacinal adequada.
Humans , Child , Adolescent , Diabetes Complications , Infections/complications , Blood Glucose , Diabetes Mellitus , Hyperglycemia , Hypoglycemic Agents/therapeutic use , InsulinABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: to identify predictive factors for lethality and complications of deep fascial space infections of the neck (DFSIN), establishing an early and aggressive treatment in the neck before the progression to descending mediastinitis. Methods: we retrospectively analyzed 133 cases of DFSIN treated at Discipline of Head and Neck Surgery of the Medicine School of Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo. We accessed demographic characteristics, associated diseases, clinical presentation, laboratorial tests, length of hospital stay, number of involved anatomic neck spaces, intra-operative and microbiology findings. We analyzed these data using logistic regression to predict DFSIN lethality and life threatening complications (mediastinitis, septic shock, pneumonia, pleural empyema, skin necrosis). Results: lethality and complication ratios were 9% and 50.3%, respectively. The logistic regression model showed that patients with septic shock were more likely to have progression to death (p < 0.001) and, the presence of more than two involved neck spaces (p < 0.001) and older individuals (p = 0.017) were more likely to have complicated deep neck infections. Descending necrotizing mediatinitis increased the lethality ratio by 50%, and was associated to necrotizing fasciitis (p=0.012) and pleural empyema (p<0.001). Conclusion: septic shock is a lethal predictive factor and age as well as more than two involved neck spaces are the predictive factors for complications. Necrotizing fasciitis is an important factor for complications and death. Therefore, its surgical treatment must be more aggressive. Descending mediastinitis has a high lethal rate and the successful treatment is based on early diagnosis and aggressive surgical approach.
RESUMO Objetivo: identificar os fatores preditivos de letalidade e complicações associados às infecções dos espaços fasciais profundos do pescoço, com intuito de estabelecer tratamento mais precoce antes de evolução para a mediastinite. Métodos: estudo retrospectivo de 133 casos, tratados na Disciplina de Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo. Por meio da análise de regressão logística, estes dados foram estudados para a predição de letalidade e complicações graves (mediastinite, choque séptico, empiema pleural, pneumonia e necrose de pele). Resultados: a taxa de letalidade identificada foi de 9% e, de complicações de 50,3%. Identificou-se como fator preditivo de letalidade, a presença de choque séptico (p<0,001) e, para o ocorrência de complicações, a idade (p=0,017) e o acometimento de mais de dois espaços anatômicos (p<0,001). A ocorrência de mediastinite descendente necrosante esteve associada à presença de fasciíte necrosante (p=0,012) e empiema pleural (p<0,001). Conclusão: o fator preditivo de letalidade foi a presença de choque séptico e, para ocorrência de complicações graves, a idade e/ou a presença de mais de dois espaços anatômicos acometidos pela infecção. A fasciíte necrosante é fator importante para ocorrência de complicações e morte. Nestes casos, a conduta cirúrgica deve ser mais agressiva. A mediastinite descendente apresenta taxa de letalidade alta e o sucesso no tratamento está no diagnóstico precoce e na intervenção cirúrgica agressiva.
Humans , Adult , Fasciitis, Necrotizing/mortality , Infections/complications , Infections/etiology , Neck , Retrospective Studies , Empyema, Pleural , Fascia , Middle AgedABSTRACT
SUMMARY Fever of undetermined origin (FUO) is a challenging entity with a striking presence in hospitals around the world. It is defined as temperature ≥ 37.8 ° C on several occasions, lasting ≥ three weeks, in the absence of diagnosis after three days of hospital investigation or 3 outpatient visits. The main etiologies are infectious, neoplastic, and non-infectious inflammatory diseases. The diagnosis is based on the detailed clinical history and physical examination of these patients, in order to direct the specific complementary tests to be performed in each case. The initial diagnostic approach of the FUO patient should include non-specific complementary exams. Empirical therapy is not recommended (with few exceptions) in patients with prolonged fever, as it may disguise and delay the diagnosis and conduct to treat the specific etiology. The prognosis encompasses mortality of 12-35%, varying according to the baseline etiology.
RESUMO Febre de origem indeterminada (FOI) é uma entidade desafiadora com presença marcante nos hospitais de todo o mundo. É definida como temperatura ≥37,8 ° C em várias ocasiões, com duração ≥3 semanas, na ausência de diagnóstico após três dias de investigação hospitalar ou três consultas ambulatoriais. As principais etiologias são de ordem infecciosa, neoplásica e doenças inflamatórias não infecciosas. O diagnóstico é baseado na história clínica e no exame físico minuciosos desses pacientes, com a finalidade de direcionar os exames complementares específicos a serem realizados em cada caso. A abordagem diagnóstica inicial do paciente com FOI deve incluir exames complementares inespecíficos. A terapia empírica não é recomendada (com poucas exceções) em pacientes com febre prolongada, uma vez que ela pode camuflar e retardar o diagnóstico e a conduta para tratar a etiologia específica. O prognóstico engloba uma mortalidade de 12-35%, variando de acordo com a etiologia de base.
Humans , Male , Female , Fever of Unknown Origin/diagnosis , Fever of Unknown Origin/etiology , Cross Infection , Infections/complications , Inflammation/complications , Neoplasms/complications , NeutropeniaABSTRACT
Relatamos o caso de um paciente jovem admitido no pronto-socorro com quadro de dor precordial. O eletrocardiograma de admissão identificou supradesnivelamento do segmento ST localizado em parede lateral associado à imagem em "espelho", com enzimas cardíacas altamente elevadas, o que sugere diagnóstico de síndrome coronariana com supradesnivelamento de ST. O ecocardiograma evidenciou derrame pericárdico com fração de ejeção preservada e ausência de alterações segmentares, sugerindo, assim, pericardite aguda, com comprometimento do miocárdio. Desta forma, foi realizada ressonância magnética cardíaca, que evidenciou presença de realce tardio não isquêmico, confirmando o diagnóstico de perimiocardite. Trata-se de situação pouco frequente na prática clínica e que merece maior compreensão e atenção por parte dos médicos que trabalham em prontos-socorros
Humans , Male , Adolescent , Electrocardiography/methods , Myocarditis , Pericardial Effusion/complications , Pericardial Effusion/diagnosis , Infections/complications , Myocardial InfarctionSubject(s)
Humans , Female , Adult , Pericarditis/diagnosis , Meningitis/complications , Pericardial Effusion/complications , Pericardial Effusion/diagnostic imaging , Pericardium/physiopathology , Echocardiography/methods , Radiography/methods , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Heart Atria/diagnostic imaging , Heart Ventricles/diagnostic imaging , Infections/complicationsABSTRACT
Myocardial revascularization surgery (MRS) is the most frequently performed cardiac surgery in Brazil. However, data on mortality rates among patients undergoing MRS in hospitals other than the main referral centers in the northern Brazil are scarce. Objective: To describe the clinical course of patients that submitted to MRS in the major public cardiology referral hospital in the Brazilian Amazon. Methods: Retrospective cohort analysis, by review of medical records of patients who had undergone MRS at Hospital das Clínicas Gaspar Vianna (FHCGV) from January 2013 to June 2014. Results: A total of 179 patients were evaluated. Mortality rate was 11.7% until 30 days after surgery. Waiting time for surgery ≥ 30 days (OR 2.59, 95%CI 1.02 - 6.56, p = 0.039), infection during hospitalization (OR 3.28, 95%CI 1.15 - 9.39, p = 0.021) and need for hemodialysis after surgery (OR 9.06 95%CI 2.07 - 39.54, p = 0.001) were predictors of mortality after CABG. Conclusion: A high mortality rate in the study population was found, higher than that reported in the literature and in other regions of Brazil
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Postoperative Complications , Brazil/epidemiology , Hospitals, Public , Myocardial Revascularization/mortality , Comorbidity , Sex Factors , Risk Factors , Age Factors , Treatment Outcome , Acute Coronary Syndrome/complications , Observational Study , Infections/complications , Angina, Unstable/complications , Myocardial Infarction , Myocardial Infarction/complicationsABSTRACT
OBJETIVO: Descrever um quadro clínico subagudo pós-infeccioso caracterizado por ataxia de tronco e flutter ocular. RELATO DE CASO: Um homem de 37 anos previamente hígido, pouco após um quadro sistêmico inespecífico que se resolveu espontaneamente, deu início a movimentos involuntários hipercinéticos dos olhos, da cabeça e desequilíbrio importante. Os sintomas evoluíram em poucos dias. Ao exame, apresentava ataxia de tronco e presença de flutter ocular. O líquor mostrou pleocitose discreta. Ressonância magnética (RM) de crânio e exames laboratoriais normais. Houve melhora espontânea e total dos sintomas em cerca de três semanas. CONCLUSÃO: A síndrome de flutter ocular e ataxia de tronco é rara e é destacado a benignidade do quadro.
OBJECTIVE: To describe a post-infectious subacute clinical picture characterized by truncal ataxia and ocular flutter. CASE REPORT: A healthy 37-year-old man, a few days after spontaneously resolved nonspecific systemic disease, initiated involuntary hyperkinetic movements of the eyes, head, and major imbalance. The symptoms progressed within a few days. He presented ataxia of the trunk and presence of ocular flutter. CSF showed pleocytosis. Magnetic resonance of the skull and laboratory tests were normal. There was spontaneous and total improvement of symptoms in about three weeks. CONCLUSION: The ocular flutter syndrome and truncal ataxia is rare and the benignity of the condition is highlighted.
Humans , Male , Adult , Ataxia/diagnosis , Ocular Motility Disorders/diagnosis , Ocular Motility Disorders/etiology , Ocular Motility Disorders/physiopathology , Infections/complications , Remission, Spontaneous , Follow-Up Studies , EncephalitisABSTRACT
Los tumores sólidos representan el 90% de las patologías oncohematológicas que se diagnostican en Argentina. Las infecciones son una de las complicaciones más frecuentes, causando una importante morbimortalidad, y en muchos casos retrasan la prosecución de los tratamientos específicos. La incidencia y tipo de infección depende del sitio específico del tumor, los fenómenos post obstructivos, el tipo e intensidad del tratamiento que se administre, las comorbilidades del paciente y la epidemiología local, entre otros factores. En forma constante se van incorporando nuevos tratamientos al arsenal terapéutico, tales como nuevos esquemas de quimioterapia, terapias blanco e inmunoterapia, y el manejo de las complicaciones asociadas a los mismos representa un desafío para el equipo tratante.En esta revisión abordamos la epidemiología, prevención y manejo de las complicaciones infecciosas más frecuentes en los pacientes con tumores de sistema nervioso central y de cabeza y cuello
Solid tumours represent 90 percent of the oncohematologic pathologies diagnosed in Argentina. Infections are one of the most frequent complications causing important morbidity and mortality and delay in prosecution of their specific treatment. The type of infection depends on the specific site of the tumour, the presence of post obstructive phenomena, the treatment administered, comorbidity and local epidemiology, among others. New therapies are being continuously incorporated to the armamentarium of cancer treatment such as new chemotherapies regimes, target therapy and immunotherapy. The management of adverse events and infectious complications associated with them are a challenge for the physician in charge of these patients.The epidemiology, prevention and management of the most frequent infectious complications in patients with tumours of the central nervous system and head and neck are reviewed in this paper
Humans , Radiotherapy , General Surgery , Central Nervous System Infections/complications , Central Nervous System Neoplasms/prevention & control , Central Nervous System Neoplasms/epidemiology , Drug Therapy , Head and Neck Neoplasms/prevention & control , Head and Neck Neoplasms/epidemiology , Immunotherapy , Infections/complicationsABSTRACT
El score Quick-SOFA (qSOFA) no ha sido diseñado para utilizarlo en niños, aunque se ha utilizado en numerosos estudios como marcador de disfunción orgánica en sepsis a falta de un score propio para tal fin. Con el objetivo de determinar la utilidad del score Quick-SOFA en el diagnóstico de sepsis en pacientes pediátricos que asistieron al Servicio de Emergencias del Servicio Desconcentrado Hospital Pediátrico Dr. Agustín Zubillaga durante el lapso marzo-abril 2018, se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal seleccionando un total de 60 pacientes los cuales se caracterizaron por un promedio de edad de 3,03 ± 3,76 años con predominio de lactantes menores (40%,) así como del sexo masculino (63,3%). Los principales focos de infección fueron respiratorio (41,6%) y digestivo (31,6%). 61,6% de los pacientes contaban con un puntaje de Glasgow mayor de 13 puntos, 68,3% una frecuencia respiratoria elevada y 55% registraron una presión arterial sistólica menor del percentil para la edad. 75% reportaron un qSOFA ≥ 2 puntos y 38,3% presentaron sepsis. De los pacientes con sepsis, 37,7% registraron un puntaje ≥ 2 y 40% menor de 2 puntos. La sensibilidad del qSOFA en este estudio fue de 73,9%, especificidad de 24,3%, valor predictivo positivo de 37,7% y el valor predictivo negativo de 60%. El qSOFA es una escala sencilla de aplicar en cualquier nivel asistencial, lo cual puede facilitar la identificación y estratificación adecuada del riesgo en los pacientes pediátricos con sepsis(AU)
The Quick-SOFA score (qSOFA) has not been designed for use in children, although it has been used in numerous studies as a marker of organic dysfunction in sepsis in the absence of a proper score. In order to determine the usefulness of the Quick-SOFA score in the diagnosis of sepsis in pediatric patients who were attended at the Servicio Desconcentrado Hospital Pediátrico Dr. Agustín Zubillaga during the period March-April 2018, a cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted with a total of 60 patients with an average age of 3.03 + 3.76 years of age, predominantly younger infants (40%) as well as male sex (63.3%). The main sites of infection were respiratory (41.6%) and digestive (31.6%). 61.6% of patients had a Glasgow value > 13 points, 68.3% had an elevated respiratory rate and 55% had a systolic blood pressure lower than the percentile for their age. Overall, 75% reported a qSOFA > 2 points and 38.3% presented sepsis. 37.7% of patients with sepsis had a score > 2 and 40% less than 2 points. In this study, qSOFA had a sensitivity of 73.9%, specificity of 24.3%, positive predictive value of 37.78% and negative predictive value of 60%. qSOFA is a simple scale which can facilitate the adequate stratification of risk in pediatric patients with sepsis(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Risk Factors , Sepsis/complications , Medication Therapy Management , Organ Dysfunction Scores , Pneumonia/etiology , Diarrhea, Infantile , Infections/complicationsABSTRACT
Introducción. El manejo inadecuado del dolor es frecuente en Urgencias. El objetivo fue analizar el manejo del dolor de niños con patología infecciosa o traumática del área facial/oral en Urgencias y evaluar el cumplimiento y satisfacción sobre la analgesia prescrita al momento del alta. Población y métodos. Estudio transversal, observacional y analítico en niños que acudieron a Urgencias con patología infecciosa/traumática de la región facial/oral durante 2 meses. Se recogieron el manejo del dolor en Urgencias, la analgesia prescrita para el domicilio y, tras el contacto telefónico con los padres, el tratamiento realizado y su adecuación al dolor del niño. Resultados. Fueron incluidos 252 pacientes (edad media de 4,5 años, desvío estándar 3,89). En 8,7%, figuraba la evaluación del dolor en triaje y, en 3,6%, en el informe médico. Se administró analgesia en Urgencias al 41,3%. Al momento del alta, en un 13,9%, no se prescribió analgesia; en 25,4%, se prescribió pautada y, en 60,3%, a demanda. Los pediatras usaron más analgesia pautada que los cirujanos (34,4% vs. 16,5%, p < 0,01). En el domicilio, no administraron analgesia en el 39,3%; en un 36,1%, pautada y, en un 23%, a demanda. Existió escasa correlación entre la pauta al momento del alta y la administrada en el domicilio (kappa: 0,178). Se consideró la analgesia adecuada en el 84%, con más frecuencia en patología traumática que infecciosa (85,7% vs. 14,3%, p < 0,01). Conclusiones. Se observó escasa evaluación y tratamiento del dolor en Urgencias. La prescripción más usada fue a demanda en vez de pautada, al contrario de lo recomendado en las guías. El control analgésico fue mejor en patología traumática que infecciosa.
Introduction. An inadequate pain management is common in the emergency department. Our objective was to analyze pain management among children with an orofacial infection or trauma in the emergency department and to assess compliance and satisfaction with analgesia prescribed at discharge. Population and methods. Cross-sectional, observational and analytical study in children attending the emergency department for an orofacial infection or trauma over 2 months. Pain management in the emergency department, analgesia prescribed at home and, following a call to parents, treatment provided and its adequacy to control pain were registered. Results. In total, 252patients (mean age: 4.5 years, SD: 3.89) were included. Pain assessment was recorded at the triage for 8.7%, and in the medical report, for 3.6%. Analgesia was administered to 41.3% in the emergency room. At discharge, no analgesia was prescribed to 13.9%; scheduled analgesia, to 25.4%; and as needed, to 60.3%. Pediatricians prescribed scheduled analgesia more frequently than surgeons (34.4% versus 16.5%, p < 0.01). At home, no analgesia was administered to 39.3%; scheduled analgesia, to 36.1%; and as needed, to 23%. There is little correlation between prescription at discharge and at home (Kappa: 0.178). Analgesia was considered adequate in 84% of cases, and was more frequent in trauma injuries than in infections (85.7% versus 14.3%, p < 0.01). Conclusions. Pain assessment and management was scarce in the emergency department. The most common prescription was as needed, contrary to what is recommended in the guidelines. Analgesic control worked better for trauma injuries than for infections.