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Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031145


Background@#Insulinoma is one of the causes of recurrent hypoglycemia, one of the chief complaints for emergency department admission. The gold standard in diagnosing insulinoma is a 72-hour fasting test which is inconvenient and inefficient as it requires hospitalization. Research has found that measurement of insulin and C-peptide during OGTT may help diagnose insulinoma. We aimed to assess the diagnostic value of OGTT in diagnosing insulinoma.@*Methodology@#The literature search was conducted on 19 August 2022 using several databases (MEDLINE, Scopus, Embase, and ScienceDirect). All studies that measured OGTT as diagnostic tools in diagnosing insulinoma and 72-hour fasting test as reference standard were included. The quality assessment of the selected studies was based on the Centre of Evidence-Based Medicine University of Oxford and the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy-2 tool (QUADAS-2). Analysis of the included studies was performed qualitatively. This study was registered on PROSPERO (CRD42022360205).@*Results@#A total of two case-control studies (106 patients) were included, which were at risk of bias and low concern of applicability. Both studies demonstrated that the combination of insulin and C-peptide levels measured during OGTT had high specificity, sensitivity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value in diagnosing insulinoma compared to the reference standard. A logistic regression model of 8.305 – (0.441 × insulin 2-h/0-h) – (1.679 × C-peptide 1-h/0-h) > 0.351 has the highest diagnostic value in one study (AUC 0.97, Sensitivity 86.5%, Specificity 95.2%, PPV 94.1, NPV 88.9).@*Conclusion@#The measurement of 0-h and 2-h insulin and C-peptide levels during 2-h OGTT was found in two small case-control studies with a total of 106 patients to have good sensitivity and specificity. However, due to these limitations, future research is still needed to validate the potential use of OGTT for the diagnosis of insulinoma.

Insulinoma , Glucose Tolerance Test
Rev. cuba. med ; 62(4)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1550887


Introducción: La tomografía de emisión de positrones es una técnica diagnóstica no invasiva que permite tomar imágenes del organismo que muestra el metabolismo de los órganos del cuerpo. Objetivo: Destacar el valor de la PET/CT en el diagnóstico imagenológico prequirúrgico del enfermo. Presentación de caso: Se presentó un paciente masculino de 39 años sin antecedentes de importancia, con un cuadro de hipoglucemias severas de 5 años de evolución, a pesar de los múltiples estudios imagenológicos se incluyó la ecoendoscopía digestiva, lo que no fue posible evidenciar la lesión tumoral. Se le realiza PET/CT cuyo resultado fue crucial para localizar el tumor, se le dio al paciente la oportunidad de un tratamiento quirúrgico y la demostración anatomopatológica de insulinoma. Conclusiones: Los insulinomas son tumores pancreáticos poco frecuentes que provocan hiperinsulinismo endógeno y son difíciles de visualizar debido a su tamaño por las técnicas de imágenes convencionales, por lo que el PET/CT es un estudio bastante efectivo para localizar la lesión tumoral, y así realizar un procedimiento quirúrgico(AU)

Introduction: Positron emission tomography is a non-invasive diagnostic technique, allowing images of the body to be taken that show the metabolism of the body's organs. Objective: To highlight the value of PET/CT in the pre-surgical imaging diagnosis of the patient. Case presentation: We report the case of a 39-year-old male patient with no significant medical history, but a 5-year history of severe hypoglycemia. Despite multiple imaging studies, digestive ultrasound endoscopy was included, which was not possible to demonstrate the tumor lesion. PET/CT was performed, the result of which was crucial in locating the tumor. The patient was given the opportunity for surgical treatment and the pathological demonstration of insulinoma. Conclusions: Insulinomas are rare pancreatic tumors that cause endogenous hyperinsulinism and are difficult to visualize due to their size using conventional imaging techniques, therefore PET/CT is a fairly effective study to locate the tumor lesion, and thus perform a surgical procedure(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Endosonography/methods , Positron-Emission Tomography/methods , Insulinoma/diagnostic imaging
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 4246-4257, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008024


Insulinoma-associated protein-2 (IA-2) is a transmembrane glycoprotein belonging to the tyrosine phosphatase-like protein family as well as an important autoantigen in the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes. IA-2 products have been marketed in Europe and the United States. At present, commercially available IA-2 antigens are either the recombinant IA-2ic domain or the IA-2 naturally extracted from bovine islets. However, the recombinant IA-2 antigen displays weak positive in clinic practice, which often results in occasional detection failures, thus cannot completely replace the naturally extracted IA-2 antigen. In this study, an HEK293 expression system was used to explore the production of recombinant IA-2. An IA-2 transmembrane fragment (IA-2 TMF) located at amino acid position 449-979, also known as the natural membrane protein form of IA-2, was produced in HEK293 through transfection, and both the expression conditions and dissolution conditions of the membrane protein were also optimized. The purified membrane protein yield was 0.78 mg/L cell culture. Subsequently, the antigen activity of IA-2 TMF was compared with RSR rhIA-2 through enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. The serum of 77 type 1 diabetes patients and 32 healthy volunteers were detected. Receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) curve was used to characterize the sensitivity and specificity of the test results. The results showed that the sensitivity of IA-2 TMF was 71.4% (55/77), while the sensitivity of RSR rhIA-2 was 63.6% (49/77), and the specificity of both antigens were all 100%. There was no significant difference in specificity between the two antigens, but the sensitivity of IA-2 TMF was appreciably better than that of the imported gold standard RSR rhIA-2 antigen. In conclusion, the recombinant IA-2 TMF produced in HEK293 cells can be used as a raw material to develop in vitro diagnostic reagents for type 1 diabetes.

Humans , Animals , Cattle , HEK293 Cells , Insulinoma , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/genetics , Recombinant Proteins , Membrane Proteins , Pancreatic Neoplasms
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878697


Objective To determine the appropriate averaging strategy for pancreatic perfusion datasets to create images for routine reading of insulinoma.Methods Thirty-nine patients undergoing pancreatic perfusion CT in Peking Union Medical College Hospital and diagnosed as insulinoma by pathology were enrolled in this retrospective study.The time-density curve of abdominal aorta calculated by software dynamic angio was used to decide the timings for averaging.Five strategies,by averaging 3,5,7,9 and 11 dynamic scans in perfusion,all including peak enhancement of the abdominal aorta,were investigated in the study.The image noise,pancreas signal-to-noise ratio(SNR),lesion contrast and lesion contrast-to-noise ratio(CNR)were recorded and compared.Besides,overall image quality and insulinoma depiction were also compared.ANOVA and Friedman's test were performed.Results The image noise decreased and the SNR of pancreas increased with the increase in averaging time points(all P0.99)and were higher than that of the first group(all P<0.05).There was no significant difference in overall image quality among the 5 groups(P=0.977).Conclusions Image averaged from 5 scans showed moderate image noise,pancreas SNR and relatively high lesion contrast and lesion CNR.Therefore,it is advised to be used in image averaging to detect insulinoma.

Humans , Contrast Media , Insulinoma/diagnostic imaging , Pancreas/diagnostic imaging , Pancreatic Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Perfusion , Radiographic Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted , Reading , Retrospective Studies , Signal-To-Noise Ratio
Rev. chil. endocrinol. diabetes ; 14(1): 17-20, 2021. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1146467


Insulinoma es un tumor neuroendocrino que surge de las células ß del páncreas y produce hiperinsulinemia endógena. Son neoplasias raras con una incidencia reportada de 4 casos por millón de habitantes por año. La presentación clínica típicamente cursa con síntomas adrenérgicos y neuroglucopénicos secundarios a hipoglicemia. Requiere estudios de niveles séricos de insulina, pro-insulina y péptido C, además de imágenes diagnosticas que confirmen los hallazgos. La mayoría de los insulinomas son benignos, su sitio primario más común es el páncreas y pueden extirparse quirúrgicamente. Se presenta el caso de un hombre de 36 años con déficit cognitivo leve y episodios de diaforesis con deterioro neurológico hasta convulsiones tónico clónicas generalizadas que curiosamente resolvían con uso doméstico de "panela molida". Se ingresó a urgencias por ataques recurrentes de hipoglicemia severa con requerimiento de altas dosis de dextrosa al 50% por acceso central, hasta confirmación diagnóstica, intervención y resección de tumor neuroendocrino pancreático bien diferenciado (G1 según clasificación OMS) tipo insulinoma en la cola del páncreas.

Insulinoma is a neuroendocrine tumor that arises from the ß cells of the pancreas and produces endogenous hyperinsulinemia. They are rare neoplasms with a reported incidence to 4 cases per million inhabitants per year. The clinical presentation typically presents with adrenergic and neuroglycopenic symptoms secondary to hypoglycemia. It requires studies of serum levels of insulin, pro-insulin and C-peptide, in addition to diagnostic images that confirm the findings. Most insulinomas are benign, their most common primary site is the pancreas, and they can be removed surgically. We present the case of a 36-year-old man with mild cognitive deficits and episodes of diaphoresis with neurological deterioration to generalized clonic tonic seizures that curiously resolved with domestic use of "ground brown sugar". He was admitted to the emergency department due to recurrent attacks of severe hypoglycemia with a high-dose requirement for 50% dextrose through central access, until diagnostic confirmation, intervention, and resection of a welldifferentiated pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (G1 according to WHO classification) insulinoma in the tail of pancreas.

Humans , Male , Adult , Pancreatic Neoplasms/diagnosis , Insulinoma/diagnosis , Pancreatic Neoplasms/surgery , Pancreatic Neoplasms/complications , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Neuroendocrine Tumors , Diagnosis, Differential , Epilepsy/diagnosis , Glucose/therapeutic use , Hyperinsulinism/etiology , Hypoglycemia/etiology , Hypoglycemia/drug therapy , Insulinoma/surgery , Insulinoma/complications
Repert. med. cir ; 30(1): 59-63, 2021. ilus., tab.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1292229


La hipoglucemia es una urgencia médica frecuente que en la mayoría de los casos es secundaria al uso de fármacos hipoglucemiantes, orales o inyectados, indicados en pacientes con diabetes mellitus. No obstante, puede presentarse en forma espontánea y severa relacionándose con múltiples condiciones clínicas, incluyendo las neoplasias. Ante una hipoglucemia de origen paraneoplásico se deben reconocer los mecanismos fisiopatológicos que la generan y establecer el diagnóstico oportuno y preciso para disminuir las complicaciones propias de este síndrome clínico. Presentamos dos pacientes con cuadro de hipoglucemia refractaria al manejo médico inicial, de aparición similar con patologías diferentes. El primer caso corresponde a un paciente con insulinoma y el segundo con un hemangiopericitoma.

Hypoglycemia is a common medical emergency which is mostly secondary to the use of oral or injected hypoglycemic drugs indicated in patients with diabetes mellitus. However, it can present spontaneously and severely in relation to multiple clinical conditions, including neoplasms. When faced with hypoglycemia associated with paraneoplastic disorders, the pathophysiological mechanisms of hypoglycemia must be recognized and a timely and accurate diagnosis must be established in order to diminish complications inherent to this clinical syndrome. We herein present two patients with hypoglycemia refractory to initial medical management, sharing similar appearance with other pathologies. The first case corresponds to a patient with an insulinoma and the second to a patient with a hemangiopericytoma.

Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Pancreatic Neoplasms/complications , Hemangiopericytoma/complications , Hypoglycemia/etiology , Insulinoma/complications , Pancreatic Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Hemangiopericytoma/diagnostic imaging , Insulinoma/diagnostic imaging
Rev. cuba. cir ; 59(4): e994, oct.-dic. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1149851


RESUMEN Introducción: La Nesidioblastosis es una rara afección pancreática que provoca hipoglucemia por hipersinsulinismo endógeno en la infancia. Es poco habitual en el adulto; solo se han publicado casos aislados desde su descripción. Objetivo: Caracterizar la presentación de una hipoglucemia hiperinsulínica en un paciente adulto con Nesidioblastosis. Caso clínico: Paciente adulto de 35 años, blanco, sexo masculino, sospecha de insulinoma, con episodios de hipoglucemia en ayunas o tras un ejercicio que revertía con la ingesta de alimentos o soluciones glucosadas. Se le realizó pancreatectomía de un 85 por ciento y en el estudio histológico se detectó una Nesidioblastosis. Conclusiones: Es infrecuente en el adulto, realizar su diagnóstico es difícil, se llega a la cirugía con el conocimiento de un estado hiperinsulínico endógeno, sin la certeza de su origen(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Nesidioblastosis is a rare pancreatic condition that causes hypoglycemia due to endogenous hypersinsulinism in childhood. It is unusual in adults; only isolated cases have been published including its description. Objective: To characterize a case of hyperinsulinic hypoglycemia, in an adult patient with nesidioblastosis. Clinical case: A 35-year-old, white, male, adult patient with suspected insulinoma, with episodes of hypoglycemia in the fasting state or after exercise that was reversed with ingestion of food or glucose solutions. 85 percent pancreatectomy was performed and nesidioblastosis was detected in the histological study. Conclusions: It is rare in adults, making its diagnosis is difficult, and surgery is reached with the knowledge of an endogenous hyperinsulinic state, without the certainty of its origin(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Pancreatectomy/methods , Nesidioblastosis/diagnosis , Hypoglycemia/diagnostic imaging , Insulinoma/therapy
Rev. colomb. cancerol ; 24(1): 30-36, ene.-mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115582


Resumen Los tumores neuroendocrinos pancreáticos (TNEsP) son un grupo poco frecuente de neoplasias, pueden ser funcionales y causan síndromes clínicos diversos, o no funcionales, con síntomas secundarios a invasión a estructuras cercanas o enfermedad metastásica (1). Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 55 años con insulinoma maligno con compromiso metastásico extenso, no candidata a intervención quirúrgica, hipoglucemia de difícil manejo sin respuesta a tratamiento con diazóxido y prednisolona, y que requirió manejo con quimioterapia y embolización de metástasis hepáticas, con posterior mejoría clínica, estabilidad de la enfermedad por imágenes diagnósticas y retiro de medicamentos para manejo de hipoglucemia. En seguimiento presenta síntomas de hiperglucemia con HbA1c en 12%, con lo cual se diagnosticó diabetes mellitus de novo y se inició manejo con insulina.

Abstract Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (TNEP) are a rare group of neoplasms, which can secrete peptide hormones causing various clinical syndromes, or be non-secretory, with symptoms secondary to invasion of neighboring or distant structures (1). The case of a 55-year-old patient with malignant insulinoma with extensive metastatic involvement, not operable, with persistent hypoglycemia refractory to treatment with diazoxide and prednisolone, who received management with chemotherapy and embolization of liver metastases, achieving the withdrawal of medications for the management of hypoglycemia and a tumor response of stable disease in the comparison of images during the 12-month follow-up. During the 15th cycle of chemotherapy, he presented symptoms of hyperglycemia with HbA1c in 12%, with which diabetes de novo mellitus was diagnosed and insulin management was initiated.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Insulinoma , Insulinoma/drug therapy , Neuroendocrine Tumors , Capecitabine , Hypoglycemia
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-826389


To prospectively evaluate the correlation between intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM)-derived parameters and CT perfusion parameters as well as the pathological grade in insulinoma. A total of 55 patients with suspected insulinoma undergoing IVIM and CT perfusion scans were prospectively enrolled. The images were post-processed to obtain IVIM parameters including apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC),diffusion (D),perfusion correlated diffusion (D*),and f,and CT perfusion parameters including blood flow (BF),blood volume (BV),and permeability (PM). The pathological specimens were stained to obtain pathological parameters including the grading,ki-67 index,and the mitotic count. The IVIM derived parameters of normal pancreas including head,body,and tail as well as that of the pancreatic insulinoma were compared. The correlation between IVIM parameters and CT perfusion parameters as well as the pathological parameters was analyzed. ADC and D values of pancreatic tail were significantly lower than those of the pancreatic head and neck (all 0.05). IVIM parameters differ at different anatomical parts of normal pancreas. IVIM parameters can distinguish normal pancreatic parenchyma from insulinoma. The ADC value is weakly correlated with BF.

Humans , Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Insulinoma , Diagnostic Imaging , Motion , Pancreatic Neoplasms , Diagnostic Imaging , Reproducibility of Results , Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Iatreia ; 33(2): 133-142, 20200000. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1114785


RESUMEN Objetivo: describir la experiencia de los pacientes con insulinoma, diagnosticados y tratados entre los años 2002 y 2017 en tres hospitales de la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia. Métodos: estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo de pacientes con criterios bioquímicos para hipoglucemia hiperinsulínica y confirmación histopatológica de insulinoma. Resultados: se estudiaron 19 casos, 10 eran mujeres (52,6 %), la edad media al diagnóstico fue 43 años (D.E 15,5). Hubo cuatro casos de insulinoma multifocal (21,1 %), tres asociados con NEM-1 (15,8 %) y dos malignos (10,6 %). Todos presentaron hipoglucemia en ayunas y 63,2 % posprandial. En la prueba de ayuno, el nadir de glucemia sucedió antes de 48 horas en todos los casos, en promedio 9 horas (D.E 8,0). El diagnóstico bioquímico fue realizado con hipoglucemia e insulina elevada en todos los casos, aunque el péptido C fue reportado en nueve pacientes (47,3 %) y las sulfonilureas en dos (11,1 %). La localización preoperatoria se hizo por imágenes en 12 individuos (68,5 %) y las pruebas invasivas fueron necesarias en seis (31,5 %). Las pruebas diagnósticas fueron positivas en un 83 % para resonancia, 50 % para ecografía endoscópica y prueba de estímulo intraarterial con calcio y 100 % para ecografía intraoperatoria. La cirugía se realizó en 18 casos (94,7 %). La mortalidad (15,8 %) fue derivada de complicaciones en el posoperatorio temprano; la curación se logró en todos los casos. Conclusiones: el insulinoma en nuestro medio tiene características demográficas y clínicas similares a otras series. Existen limitaciones locales para el acceso a los estudios bioquímicos y en el rendimiento diagnóstico de las pruebas de localización.

SUMMARY Objective: The objective of the study was to describe the characteristics of patients with insulinoma in three hospitals in Medellín, Colombia, between 2002 and 2017. Methods: A retrospective analysis of patients with hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia and histologic confirmation of insulinoma was conducted. Results: A total of 19 cases were identified. Ten women (52.6 %) and 9 males (47.4 %). The mean age at diagnosis was 43 years (S.D: 15.5). Four cases had multifocal insulinoma (21.1%), 3 cases were secondary to multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (15.8 %), and 2 of them were malignant (10.6 %). All patients presented fasting hypo-glycemia, and 63.2% presented post-prandial hypoglycemia. Glucose nadir in the fasting test occurred in the first 48 hours in all cases, with a mean time to hypoglycemia of 9 hours (S.D 8.0). The biochemical diagnosis was done with increased insulin in the presence of hypoglycemia. C-peptide was done in 9 patients (47.3 %), and sulfonylureas in 2 cases (11.1 %). Preoperative localization was done by imaging in 12 cases (68.5 %), and invasive tests were required in 6 cases (31.5 %). Localization tests were positive as follows: magnetic resonance imaging in 83%, endoscopic ultrasound in 50%, selective intra-arterial calcium injection in 50 %, and intraoperative ultrasound in 100%. Eighteen patients (94. 7%) underwent surgery. Mortality (15.8 %) was secondary to early post-operative complications. Conclusions: The characteristics of patients with insulinoma in Medellín are similar to other series. However, there are important local limitations for proper biochemical testing and imaging localization. This is the largest study in our country.

Humans , Insulinoma , Neuroendocrine Tumors , Hypoglycemia
Rev. chil. anest ; 49(4): 560-563, 2020.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1511833


Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy associated with hypoglycemia 2 to insulinoma is unusual, and to our knowledge, very few patients have been reported in literature. Despite varying presentations in these patients, the clinical characteristics are usually the same. The syndrome usually occurs after several episodes of protracted hypoglycemia. The neuropathy is nearly always symmetrical. We report anesthetic management for a young female patient presenting with CIDP & repeated hypoglycemic episodes during a 2-year period scheduled for insulinoma enucleation.

La polineuropatía desmielinizante inflamatoria crónica asociada con hipoglicemia secundaria a insulinoma es inusual y, hasta donde sabemos, muy pocos pacientes han sido reportados en la literatura. A pesar de las diferentes presentaciones en estos pacientes, las características clínicas suelen ser las mismas. El síndrome generalmente ocurre después de varios episodios de hipoglicemia prolongada. La neuropatía es casi siempre simétrica. Presentamos el manejo anestésico para una paciente joven que se presenta con polineuropatía desmielinizante inflamatoria crónica y episodios repetidos de hipoglicemia durante un período de 2 años programado para la enucleación de insulinoma.

Humans , Female , Adult , Pancreatic Neoplasms/surgery , Polyradiculoneuropathy, Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating/complications , Insulinoma/surgery , Anesthetics/administration & dosage , Hypoglycemia
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-766004


No abstract available.

Insulinoma , Liver
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-813046


Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) is an autosomal dominant disorder. A 44-year-old man visited second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University due to hypoglycemia. He was eventually diagnosed as MEN1. A novel homozygous frameshift for c.640-643delCAGA (p.V215Mfs*13) of MEN1 gene was identified in the patient. After MDT (Multiple Disciplinary Team), open bilateral exploration with total parathyroidectomy and autotransplantation as well as partial pancreatectomy excision of all the macroscopic pancreatic tumors were performed at the same time. The patient recovered well. Individualized diagnosis and treatment are important for MEN1 patients.

Adult , Humans , Male , Insulinoma , Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 , Pancreatic Neoplasms , Parathyroid Neoplasms , Parathyroidectomy
Prensa méd. argent ; 104(1): 45-49, 20180000.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1370969


El Bypass Gástrico (BPG) representa la herramienta terapéutica más efectiva para el manejo de la obesidad. Sin embargo, la hipoglucemia con neuroglucopenia post BPG es una complicación que se describe cada vez con mayor frecuencia. Se presenta el caso de una paciente con hipoglucemia hiperinsulinémica (HH) post BPG y los distintos esquemas terapéuticos utilizados, pudiendo controlar finalmente los valores de glucemia con octreótide y evitando así, la realización de una pancreatectomía para el tratamiento de las hipoglucemias

Gastric Bypass (GBP) is the most effective treatment for patients with severe obesity. Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia with neuroglycopenia is an increasingly late complication of GBP. A case of a post GBP hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia is reported, and the different drugs used for its treatment, being able to control the glycemia with octreotide and avoiding a pancreatectomy surgery as hypoglycemia treatment

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Postoperative Complications/pathology , Octreotide/therapeutic use , Bariatric Surgery , Hypoglycemia/complications , Insulinoma/pathology
Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 38(1): 82-84, jan.-mar. 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014063


El Insulinoma pancreático es un tumor neuroendocrino de las células beta de los islotes de Langerhans, tiene una incidencia de 4 casos por 1 000 000 habitantes. Se reporta el caso de una mujer de 36 años con alteración del comportamiento asociado a melancolía. Psiquiatría describe un examen mental anormal y diagnosticó depresión doble; sin embargo, la paciente tuvo la triada de Whipple y razón insulina/glucosa mayor a 0,3. El insulinoma fue localizado mediante resonancia magnética y tratado con cirugía. Los insulinomas pueden simular trastornos mentales, dificultando un diagnóstico temprano. Se compara los datos de la atención médica en nuestra localidad con otros obtenidos de la literatura a nivel mundial. Concluimos que a pesar de las limitaciones técnicas se debe incluir al insulinoma en el diagnóstico diferencial de trastornos mentales con hallazgo de hipoglucemia.

Pancreatic Insulinoma is a neuroendocrine tumor of the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans, has an incidence of 4 cases per 1 000 000 persons. We report the case of a 36-year-old woman with altered behavior associated with melancholy. Psychiatry describes an abnormal mental examination and diagnosed double depression; however, the patient had the Whipple triad and insulin/glucose ratio higher than 0.3. The insulinoma was localized by magnetic resonance imaging and treated with surgery. Insulinomas can mimic mental disorders, making early diagnosis difficult. We compare health care data in our locality with others obtained from the global literature. We conclude that despite the technical limitations, insulinoma should be included in the differential diagnosis of mental disorders with hypoglycemia.

Adult , Female , Humans , Pancreatic Neoplasms/diagnosis , Depression/etiology , Insulinoma/diagnosis , Pancreatic Neoplasms/complications , Pancreatic Neoplasms/psychology , Diagnosis, Differential , Insulinoma/complications , Insulinoma/psychology
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-716963


BACKGROUND: Emerging evidence suggests that sphingolipids may be involved in type 2 diabetes. However, the exact signaling defect through which disordered sphingolipid metabolism induces β-cell dysfunction remains unknown. The current study demonstrated that sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), the product of sphingosine kinase (SphK), is an essential factor for maintaining β-cell function and survival via regulation of mitochondrial action, as mediated by prohibitin (PHB). METHODS: We examined β-cell function and viability, as measured by mitochondrial function, in mouse insulinoma 6 (MIN6) cells in response to manipulation of cellular S1P and PHB levels. RESULTS: Lack of S1P induced by sphingosine kinase inhibitor (SphKi) treatment caused β-cell dysfunction and apoptosis, with repression of mitochondrial function shown by decreases in cellular adenosine triphosphate content, the oxygen consumption rate, the expression of oxidative phosphorylation complexes, the mitochondrial membrane potential, and the expression of key regulators of mitochondrial dynamics (mitochondrial dynamin-like GTPase [OPA1] and mitofusin 1 [MFN1]). Supplementation of S1P led to the recovery of mitochondrial function and greatly improved β-cell function and viability. Knockdown of SphK2 using small interfering RNA induced mitochondrial dysfunction, decreased glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS), and reduced the expression of PHB, an essential regulator of mitochondrial metabolism. PHB deficiency significantly reduced GSIS and induced mitochondrial dysfunction, and co-treatment with S1P did not reverse these trends. CONCLUSION: Altogether, these data suggest that S1P is an essential factor in the maintenance of β-cell function and survival through its regulation of mitochondrial action and PHB expression.

Animals , Mice , Adenosine Triphosphate , Apoptosis , GTP Phosphohydrolases , Insulin , Insulin-Secreting Cells , Insulinoma , Membrane Potential, Mitochondrial , Metabolism , Mitochondria , Mitochondrial Dynamics , Oxidative Phosphorylation , Oxygen Consumption , Phosphotransferases , Repression, Psychology , RNA, Small Interfering , Sphingolipids , Sphingosine
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-713168


BACKGROUND: The nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activator gamma (PPARγ) is a useful therapeutic target for obesity and diabetes, but its role in protecting β-cell function and viability is unclear. METHODS: To identify the potential functions of PPARγ in β-cells, we treated mouse insulinoma 6 (MIN6) cells with the PPARγ agonist pioglitazone in conditions of lipotoxicity, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, and inflammation. RESULTS: Palmitate-treated cells incubated with pioglitazone exhibited significant improvements in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and the repression of apoptosis, as shown by decreased caspase-3 cleavage and poly (adenosine diphosphate [ADP]-ribose) polymerase activity. Pioglitazone also reversed the palmitate-induced expression of inflammatory cytokines (tumor necrosis factor α, interleukin 6 [IL-6], and IL-1β) and ER stress markers (phosphor-eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2α, glucose-regulated protein 78 [GRP78], cleaved-activating transcription factor 6 [ATF6], and C/EBP homologous protein [CHOP]), and pioglitazone significantly attenuated inflammation and ER stress in lipopolysaccharide- or tunicamycin-treated MIN6 cells. The protective effect of pioglitazone was also tested in pancreatic islets from high-fat-fed KK-Ay mice administered 0.02% (wt/wt) pioglitazone or vehicle for 6 weeks. Pioglitazone remarkably reduced the expression of ATF6α, GRP78, and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, prevented α-cell infiltration into the pancreatic islets, and upregulated glucose transporter 2 (Glut2) expression in β-cells. Moreover, the preservation of β-cells by pioglitazone was accompanied by a significant reduction of blood glucose levels. CONCLUSION: Altogether, these results support the proposal that PPARγ agonists not only suppress insulin resistance, but also prevent β-cell impairment via protection against ER stress and inflammation. The activation of PPARγ might be a new therapeutic approach for improving β-cell survival and insulin secretion in patients with diabetes mellitus

Animals , Humans , Mice , Apoptosis , Blood Glucose , Caspase 3 , Chemokine CCL2 , Cytokines , Diabetes Mellitus , Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress , Endoplasmic Reticulum , Glucose Transport Proteins, Facilitative , Inflammation , Insulin , Insulin Resistance , Insulin-Secreting Cells , Insulinoma , Interleukin-6 , Islets of Langerhans , Necrosis , Obesity , Peptide Initiation Factors , Peroxisomes , Repression, Psychology , Transcription Factors
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 69(6): 1466-1472, nov.-dez. 2017. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-910035


O insulinoma é um tumor das células ß do pâncreas, que têm a função de produzir e secretar insulina e, geralmente são malignos em cães. O presente trabalho descreve o diagnóstico e o manejo terapêutico de três casos de insulinoma. Os sinais clínicos dos animais relatados variaram de acordo com a severidade e a duração da hipoglicemia. O diagnóstico presuntivo se deu através dos sinais clínicos e da dosagem de insulina sérica no momento de mais intensa hipoglicemia e, o diagnóstico definitivo foi obtido por meio de exame histopatológico nos três casos relatados. O tratamento realizado variou de acordo com a intensidade dos sinais clínicos.(AU)

Insulinoma is a tumor of the ß cells of the pancreas, which have the function to produce and secrete insulin and are usually malignant in dogs. This paper describes the diagnosis and therapeutic management of three cases of insulinoma. The clinical signs reported animals varied according to the severity and duration of hypoglycemia. The presumptive diagnosis was based on clinical signs and serum insulin dosage at the time of hypoglycemia and more intense, the definitive diagnosis was made by histopathological examination in three of the reported cases. The treatment was varied according to the severity of clinical signs.(AU)

Animals , Female , Dogs , Hypoglycemia/veterinary , Insulinoma/diagnosis , Insulinoma/therapy , Insulinoma/veterinary , Pancreatic Neoplasms/veterinary
Medicina (Ribeiräo Preto) ; 50(5): 339-344, set.-out. 2017. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-912060


Relato de caso de um paciente admitido no Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho com suspeita de neoplasia pancreática, sem diagnóstico histopatológico, onde foi realizada biópsia duodenal e Tomografia Computadorizada (TC) de tórax e abdome, tendo como diagnóstico presuntivo final tuberculose pancreática com acometimento pulmonar (tuberculose miliar) e confirmado de tuberculose duodenal. No presente manuscrito abordaremos os principais aspectos de tuberculose pancreática, uma entidade rara e com poucos casos descritos na literatura. Discutiremos a importância de exclusão de algumas patologias na suspeita de neoplasia pancreática. (AU)

We present the case report of a patient admitted to the Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho with suspected pancreatic neoplasm, with no histopathological diagnosis. A duodenal biopsy and CT scan of the thorax and abdomen were previously performed and the final presumptive diagnosis was pancreatic tuberculosis with pulmonary (Miliary tuberculosis) and confirmed duodenal involvement. In this manuscript we will discuss the main aspects of pancreatic tuberculosis, a rare entity with few cases described in the literature. We will discuss the importance of excluding some pathologies in the suspicion of pancreatic neoplasm. (AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Insulinoma , Pancreas , Tuberculosis