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Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 577-584, jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564628


SUMMARY: Conducting morphometric studies including many parameters and establishing certain standards for the anatomy of the lumbar spine will facilitate clinical applications. The Turkish example of lumbar vertebrae and disc morphometry has not yet been presented comprehensively. In our study, abdominal computed tomography images of 700 adults were evaluated retrospectively. It was observed that the anterior height of the vertebral bodies increased from L1 to L4 in males, and from L1 to L5 in females. The posterior height of the vertebral bodies was lowest at L5 in both sexes, while it was highest at L3 in males and L4 in females. In all age groups, the values for males were greater (p0.05). In all age groups and both sexes, an increase in anterior disc heights towards disc 5 was observed. The values for males were greater than those for females (p<0.05). The posterior disc height at disc 5 was higher in females, and in other discs, it was higher in males (p<0.05). In conclusion, it was found that the measurement values of the parameters examined varied according to lumbar level and sex, but were independent of age. The morphometric data we obtained are important in terms of providing a reference for the people of our region and contributing to the literature.

La realización de estudios morfométricos que incluyan diversos parámetros anatómicos y el establecimiento de ciertos estándares para la anatomía de la columna lumbar facilitarán los procedimientos clínicos. Como ejemplo, aún no se ha presentado de manera detallada la morfometría de las vértebras lumbares y del disco intervertebral en individuos turcos. En nuestro estudio evaluamos retrospectivamente imágenes de tomografía computarizada abdominal en 700 individuos adultos de ambos sexos. Observamos que la altura anterior de los cuerpos vertebrales aumentaba de L1 a L4 en los hombres y de L1 a L5 en las mujeres. La altura posterior de los cuerpos vertebrales fue más baja en L5 en ambos sexos, mientras que fue más alta en L3 en hombres y L4 en mujeres. En todos los grupos etarios los valores para los hombres fueron mayores (p0,05). En todos los grupos de edad y en ambos sexos se observó un aumento en la altura anterior del disco intervertebral hacia el disco 5. Los valores de los hombres fueron mayores que los de las mujeres (p<0,05). La altura posterior del disco intervertebral en el disco 5 fue mayor en las mujeres y en otros discos fue mayor en los hombres (p<0,05). En conclusión, se encontró que los valores de medición de los parámetros examinados variaron según el nivel lumbar y el sexo, pero fueron independientes de la edad. Los datos morfométricos que obtuvimos son importantes en términos de proporcionar una referencia para la población de nuestra región y contribuir a la literatura.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Intervertebral Disc/diagnostic imaging , Lumbar Vertebrae/diagnostic imaging , Sex Characteristics , Intervertebral Disc/anatomy & histology , Lumbar Vertebrae/anatomy & histology
Rev. argent. neurocir ; 37(3): 154-161, sept. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1572504


Introducción: la fusión intersomática lumbar oblicua (OLIF) es una alternativa mínimamente invasiva a la fusión intersomática abierta tradicional. Permite al cirujano acceder al espacio discal mediante un abordaje retroperitoneal anterior al músculo psoas. Tiene la ventaja teórica de preservar los ligamentos longitudinales, aumentar la altura del disco con descompresión indirecta de los elementos neurales e inserción de cajas de mayor tamaño. Objetivo: evaluar los resultados clínicos de una serie consecutiva de 32 pacientes sometidos a fusión intersomática lumbar oblicua por enfermedad degenerativa de la columna lumbar. Material y métodos: treinta y dos pacientes con hallazgos radiológicos de enfermedad degenerativa de la columna lumbar fueron tratados mediante OLIF entre enero de 2017 y junio de 2019. Los resultados clínicos se evaluaron mediante el índice de discapacidad de Oswestry (ODI), la escala analógica visual (EVA) para el dolor de espalda y EVA para el dolor de extremidades inferiores, antes de la cirugía y en el primer año de seguimiento. Además, se revisaron retrospectivamente los siguientes parámetros: edad, sexo, tipo de enfermedad degenerativa, número de niveles de fusión, tiempo operatorio, duración de la estancia hospitalaria y complicaciones quirúrgicas. Resultados: se implantaron 42 cajas intersomáticas en 32 pacientes. El 56,25% de los pacientes eran mujeres, con una edad media de 56 (30-79) años. El número de niveles fusionados fue 1 en 21 pacientes (65,6%), 2 en 7 pacientes (21,9%) y 3 en 4 pacientes (12,5%). El nivel de fusión fue L1-L2 en 2 pacientes (4,76%), L2-L3 en 7 pacientes (16,67%), L3-L4 en 12 pacientes (28,57%) y L4-L5 en 21 pacientes (50%). El tiempo operatorio medio fue de 153,13 (88-210) minutos y el tiempo medio de estancia hospitalaria fue de 2,53 días (1-5). El análisis estadístico mostró significancia para los resultados en ODI, EVA para el dolor de espalda y EVA para el dolor de extremidades inferiores. Un toral de 4 pacientes presentaron paresia transitoria del psoas por tracción del músculo. Tres pacientes presentaban entumecimiento transitorio de la ingle y el muslo, y un paciente tuvo una lesión del plexo simpático. Conclusión: la fusión intersomática lumbar oblicua ofrece a los pacientes una opción de tratamiento quirúrgico seguro y eficaz para tratar la enfermedad degenerativa de la columna lumbar(AU)

Background: oblique lumbar interbody fusion (OLIF) is a minimally invasive alternative to traditional open interbody fusion. It allows the surgeon to access the disc space via a retroperitoneal approach anterior to the psoas muscle. It has the theoretical advantage of preservation of the longitudinal ligaments, augmentation of the disc height with indirect decompression of neural elements and insertion of large footprint cages. Objective: the purpose of this study was to asses the clinical outcomes of a consecutive series of 32 patients who underwent oblique lumbar interbody fusion for degenerative lumbar spine disease. Methods: thirty-two patients with radiological findings of degenerative lumbar spine disease had undergone OLIF between January 2017 and June 2019. Clinical outcomes were assessed by means of Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for back pain and VAS for leg pain, before surgery and at first year follow-up. Furthermore, the following parameters were retrospectively reviewed: age, gender, type of degenerative disease, number of levels of fusion, operative time, length of hospital stay and surgical complications. Results: 42 interbody cages were implanted in 32 patients. 56,25% of the patients were female, with a mean age of 56 years. The number of fused levels was 1 in 21 patients (65,6%), 2 in 7 patients (21,9%) and 3 in 4 patients (12,5%). The fused level was L1-L2 in 2 patients (4,76%%), L2-L3 in 7 patients (16,67%%), L3-L4 in 12 patients (28,57%) and L4-L5 in 21 patients (50%). The mean operative time was 153,13 (88-210) minutes and the mean length of hospital stay was 2,53 days (1-5). Statistical analysis showed significance for the results in ODI, VAS for back pain and VAS for leg pain. 4 patients presented transient psoas paresis from traction of the muscle. Transient groin and thigh numbness was present on three patients and one patient had a sympathetic plexus injury. Conclusion: OLIF offers patients a safe and effective surgical treatment option to treat degenerative lumbar spine disease(AU)

Spine , Arthrodesis , General Surgery , Back Pain , Decompression , Intervertebral Disc , Muscles
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970823


OBJECTIVE@#To provide basic data for clinical application and individualized design of lumbar disc prostheses by measuring the anatomical parameters of lumbar intervertebral discs and endplates in healthy adults with CT three-dimensional reconstruction technology.@*METHODS@#A retrospective analysis was performed on 200 males and 200 females with normal lumbar spine who were admitted to the imaging center or outpatient department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University from September 2019 to December 2020. The age ranged from 20 to 60 years old, with an average of (40.61±11.22) years old. The measurement segment was L1-S1 intervertebral disc, and the measurement indicators included the axial anteroposterior diameter and transverse diameter of the intervertebral disc, sagittal anterior, middle and posterior height, coronal left and right height, intervertebral space angle, and transverse and anteroposterior diameters of the upper and lower endplates of each vertebral body.@*RESULTS@#①In terms of gender, the anatomical parameters of L1-S1 disc axial diameter, transverse diameter, sagittal anterior, middle and posterior height, left and right coronal height and intervertebral space angle were all higher in males than in females(P<0.05), and the anatomical parameters of upper and lower endplates of L1-S1 vertebral body were higher in males than in females(P<0.001). ②In comparison of sagittal height of anterior, middle and posterior intervertebral discs, the sagittal height of L1-L5 intervertebral discs was middle-high > anterior-high > posterior-high(P<0.001), while that of L5S1 intervertebral disc was anterior-high > middle-high > posterior-high (P<0.001). ③In the comparison of left and right coronal height, there was no statistical significance in the left and right coronal height of L1-S1 disc between male and female(P>0.05). ④The L1-S1 intervertebral spaces angle between male and female increased with the increase of vertebral body segments. ⑤The anterior and posterior diameters and transverse diameters of upper and lower of L1-S1 vertebral bodies endplates were height in males than in females(P<0.001).@*CONCLUSION@#The results suggest that gender differences should be considered in the design of adult lumbar disc prostheses. The anatomical parameters of the lumbar intervertebral disc varied with the increase of the vertebral body sequence, suggesting that different anatomical parameters of the intervertebral disc should be considered in the design of the artificial intervertebral disc, and the changes in the height of the sagittal position suggest that the design of the intervertebral disc should be wedge-shaped.

Adult , Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Middle Aged , Retrospective Studies , Intervertebral Disc/diagnostic imaging , Lumbar Vertebrae/diagnostic imaging , Lumbosacral Region , Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981728


OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the clinical characteristics of intervertebral disc tissue injury and herniation into the vertebral body in thoracolumbar fracture on fracture healing, vertebral bone defect volume and intervertebral space height.@*METHODS@#From April 2016 to April 2020, a total of 140 patients with thoracolumbar single vertebral fracture combined with upper intervertebral disc injury treated with pedicle screw rod system reduction and internal fixation in our hospital. There were 83 males and 57 females, aged from 19 to 58 years old, with an average age of (39.33±10.26) years old. All patients were followed up regularly 6 months, 12 months and 18 months after surgery. The patients with injured intervertebral disc tissue not herniated into the fractured vertebral body were the control group, and the patients with injured intervertebral disc and herniated into the fractured vertebral body were the observation group. By detecting the thoracolumbar AP and lateral X-ray films, CT and MRI of the thoracolumbar segment at different follow-up time, calculate the changes of the wedge angle of the fractured vertebral body, the sagittal kyphosis angle and the height of the superior adjacent intervertebral space, the changes of the fracture healing and bone defect volume after the reduction of the vertebral body, and the changes of the intervertebral disc degeneration grade. The prognosis was evaluated by visual analogue scale(VAS) and Oswestry disability index(ODI). Finally, the differences of the above results among different groups were comprehensively analyzed.@*RESULTS@#All the patients had normal wound healing without complications. A total of 87 patients received complete follow-up data, at least 18 months after internal fixation. Thoracolumbar AP and lateral X-ray films showed that 18 months after the reduction and internal fixation operation, the vertebral wedge angle, sagittal kyphosis angle and the height of the upper adjacent intervertebral space in the observation group were greater than those in the control group(P<0.05). CT scanning showed that the deformity of the fracture healed 12 months after the vertebral body reduction in the observation group and formed a "cavity" of bone defect connected with the intervertebral space, and its volume was significantly increased compared with that before (P<0.05). MRI scanning showed that the degeneration rate of injured intervertebral discs in the observation group was more serious than that in the control group 12 months after operation(P<0.05). However, there was no significant difference in VAS and ODI score at each time.@*CONCLUSION@#Herniation of injured intervertebral disc tissue hernias into the fractured vertebral body leads to increased bone resorption defect volume around the fracture and forms a malunion "cavity" connected with the intervertebral space. This may be the main reason for the change of vertebral wedge angle, the increase of sagittal kyphosis angle and the decrease of intervertebral space height after removal of internal fixation devices.

Male , Female , Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Vertebral Body/injuries , Lumbar Vertebrae/injuries , Thoracic Vertebrae/injuries , Treatment Outcome , Fractures, Bone , Spinal Fractures/surgery , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Pedicle Screws , Kyphosis/surgery , Intervertebral Disc/surgery , Hernia , Retrospective Studies
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981750


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the effects of morphological changes such as vertebral wedge deformation and disc degeneration (collapse) on adult thoracolumbar/lumbar degenerative kyphosis(TL/LDK) deformity.@*METHODS@#A retrospective analysis of 32 patients with spinal TL/LDK deformity admitted from August 2015 to December 2020, including 8 males and 24 females, aged 48 to 75(60.3±12.4) years old. On the long-cassette standing upright lateral radiographs, the coronal Cobb angle, sagittal thoracic lumbar/lumbar kyphosis angle(KA) of spine were measured, and the height and wedge parameters of apex vertebral(AV) and two vertebrae(AV-1, AV-2, AV+1, AV+2) above and below AV and the intervertebrae and the intervertebral disc(AV-1D, AV-2D, AV+1D, AV+2D) were evaluated, involving anterior vertebral body height(AVH), posterior vertebral body height(PVH), vertebral wedge angle(VWA), ratio of vertebral wedging(RVW), anterior disc height(ADH), posterior disc height(PDH), disc wedge angle(DWA), ratio of disc wedging(RDW), and DWA/KA.@*RESULTS@#The average angle of kyphosis was (44.2±19.1)°. A significant decrease in anterior height of vertebral was observed compared to the posterior height of vertebral(P<0.005). There was no significant difference in anterior and posterior height of discs. The vertebral wedging ratio/contribution ratio:AV-2(14.98±10.95)%/(14.21±8.08)%, AV-1(21.08±12.39)%/(18.09±7.38)%, AV(26.94±11.94)%/(25.52±8.64)%, AV+1(24.19±8.42)%/(20.82±8.69)%, AV+2(20.56±7.80)%/(15.60±9.71)%, total contribution(94.23±22.25)%, the disc wedging ratio/contribution ratio:AV-2D(2.88±2.57)%/(5.27±4.11)%, AV-1D(1.98±1.41)%/(2.29±2.16)%, AV+1D(-5.54±3.75)%/(-0.57±0.46)%, AV+2D(-8.27±4.62)%/(-1.22±1.11)%, total contribution (5.77±4.79)%. And the contribution rate of AV was significantly higher than that of adjacent vertebral(P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#The vertebral body and intervertebral disc shape both have influence on thoracolumbar kyphosis. However, the contribution of vertebral morphometry to the angle of TL/LDK deformity is relatively more important than the disc. The contribution of the wedge change of the AV to the TL/LDK deformity is particularly significant.

Male , Adult , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Retrospective Studies , Thoracic Vertebrae/diagnostic imaging , Lumbar Vertebrae/diagnostic imaging , Kyphosis , Scoliosis , Intervertebral Disc
Rev. cient. salud UNITEPC ; 9(1): 13-24, jul. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1576149


INTRODUCCIÓN: los trastornos músculo esqueléticos (TME), son desórdenes que afectan los nervios, tendones, músculos y estructuras de soporte como los discos intervertebrales que resulta de un esfuerzo más allá de lo que son capaces de soportar. Por eso la finalidad es determinar los factores asociados a trastornos músculo esqueléticos en columna lumbar, diagnosticados por resonancia magnética, en operarios de construcción civil de un Programa de Vigilancia Ocupacional de una empresa de Lima. MATERIALES Y METODOS: investigación descriptiva, transversal, retrospectiva. Se revisaron 385 resonancias magnéticas de columna lumbar, de trabajadores operarios de construcción civil de un programa de vigilancia ocupacional realizado el 2014 y 2015. Se aplicó un análisis estadístico comparando características entre los grupos de pacientes con y sin trastorno músculo esquelético. El muestreo fue no probabilístico, por conveniencia, incluyendo el total de 385 casos, siendo el universo igual a la muestra. Se usaron el programa estadístico STATA 16, las medidas de tendencia central y se efectuó el análisis bivariado de Chi cuadrado y T de Student, considerando un valor de significancia de p < 0,001. RESULTADOS: el 41 % no presentó trastornos músculo esqueléticos. El 49,6 % presentó compresión del foramen neural, el 42.9 % protrusión discal, el 18,2 % prominencias discales, el 16,1 %, estrechamiento de los recesos laterales y el 13,2 % rectificación de la lordosis lumbar. El 58,4 % presenta algún trastorno y la presencia de dolor se reporta en el 1.3 % de los pacientes. Se halló que el promedio de edad es mayor en el grupo con el trastorno, así como el tiempo laboral y el estado civil casado. Discusión. Los factores asociados fueron la edad, el tiempo laboral y el estado civil casado.

Summary Introduction: Musculoskeletal disorders are disorders that affect the nerves, tendons, muscles and supporting structures such as the intervertebral discs that result from an effort beyond what they are capable of withstanding. Therefore, the purpose is to determine the factors associated with musculoskeletal disorders in the lumbar spine, diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging, in civil construction workers of an Occupational Surveillance Program of a company in Lima. Materials and Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective research. 385 magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbar spine of civil construction workers from an occupational surveillance program carried out in 2014 and 2015 were reviewed. A statistical analysis was applied comparing characteristics between the groups of patients with and without musculoskeletal disorders. The sampling was non-probabilistic, for convenience, including a total of 385 cases, the universe being equal to the sample. The statistical program STATA 16 was used, the measures of central tendency and the bivariate analysis of Chi square and Student's T were performed, considering a significance value of p < 0.001. Results: 41% did not present musculoskeletal disorders. 49.6% presented compression of the neural foramen, 42.9% disc protrusion, 18.2% disc prominence, 16.1% narrowing of the lateral recesses and 13.2% rectification of the lumbar lordosis. 58.4% have some disorder and the presence of pain is reported in 1.3% of patients. It was found that the average age is higher in the group with the disorder, as well as the working time and married marital status. Discussion: The associated factors were age, working time and married marital status.

Introdução: Distúrbios musculoesqueléticos são distúrbios que afetam os nervos, tendões, músculos e estruturas de sustentação, como os discos intervertebrais, que resultam de um esforço além do que conseguem suportar. Portanto, u objetivo é determinar os fatores associados a distúrbios musculoesqueléticos na coluna lombar, diagnosticados por ressonância magnética, em trabalhadores da construção civil de um Programa de Vigilância Ocupacional de uma empresa em Lima. Materiais e Métodos: Pesquisa descritiva, transversal, retrospectiva. Foram revisados 385 exames de ressonância magnética da coluna lombar de trabalhadores da construção civil de um programa de vigilância ocupacional realizada em 2014 e 2015. Foi aplicada uma análise estatística comparando características entre os grupos de pacientes com e sem distúrbio músculo esquelético. A amostragem foi não probabilística, por conveniência, incluindo um total de 385 casos, sendo o universo igual à amostra. Utilizou-se o programa estatístico STATA 16, foram realizadas as medidas de tendência central e a análise bivariada do Chi-quadrado e T de Student, considerando um valor de significância de p < 0,001. Resultados: 41% não apresentavam distúrbio músculo esquelético. 49,6% apresentaram compressão do forame neural, 42,9% protrusão discal, 18,2% proeminência discal, 16,1% estreitamento dos recessos laterais, 13,2% retificação da lordose lombar. 58,4% apresentam algum distúrbio e a presença de dor é relatada em 1,3% dos pacientes. Constatou-sé que a média de idade é maior no grupo com o transtorno, assim como o tempo de trabalho e o estado civil casado. Discussão: Os fatores associados foram idade, tempo de trabalho e estado civil casado.

Spine , Muscle, Skeletal , Pain , Intervertebral Disc
Medisan ; 26(3)jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1405814


Se describen los casos clínicos de dos féminas que habían padecido lumbociatalgias durante varios meses, por lo cual acudieron al Hospital Provincial Docente Dr. Joaquín Castillo Duany de Santiago de Cuba, donde se les diagnosticó hernia discal lumbar y recibieron seguimiento médico en la consulta de Neurocirugía por más de un año. Ante la negativa de ser intervenidas quirúrgicamente, se prescribieron esquemas terapéuticos convencionales y alternativos, así como fisioterapia. En ambas pacientes se evidenció regresión espontánea de la discopatía, lo que se confirmó mediante estudios evolutivos de resonancia magnética. Dicha correlación entre la mejoría clínica y la recuperación imagenológica del disco intervertebral no siempre sucede en la evolución de estos casos.

The case reports of two women that had suffered from lumbar sciatic pain during several months are described, reason why they went to Dr. Joaquín Castillo Duany Teaching Provincial Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, where they were diagnosed lumbar herniated disk and received medical follow up in the Neurosurgery Service for more than a year. Before the negative of being surgically intervened, conservative and alternative therapeutic outlines were prescribed, as well as physiotherapy. In both patients spontaneous regression of the lumbar herniated disk was evidenced, which was confirmed by means of evolutionary studies of magnetic resonance. This correlation between the clinical improvement and the imaging recovery of the intervertebral disk doesn't always happen in the clinical course of these cases.

Radiculopathy , Low Back Pain , Intervertebral Disc Displacement , Intervertebral Disc
Rev. Bras. Ortop. (Online) ; 57(2): 334-340, Mar.-Apr. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387992


Abstract Objective To access the possibility that higher degrees of disc degeneration lead to higher levels of pain and dysfunction. Methods Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of 85 patients with low back pain lasting for more than 12 weeks were evaluated, and the degree of disc degeneration was quantified according to the Pfirrmann grading system. The Pfirrmann degree in each disc space from L1-L2 to L5-S1, the maximum degree of Pfirrmann (Pfirrmannmax) between the lumbar discs, and the sum of Pfirrmann (Pfirrmann-sum) degrees were correlated (through the Spearman test) with the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and the Visual Analogical Scale (VAS) for pain. Results In total, 87% of the patients had moderate to severe lumbar disc degeneration measured by Pfirrmann-max, and the most degenerated discs were L4-L5 and L5S1. There was a week to moderate correlation regarding the Pfirrmann-max (r » 0,330; p» 0.002) and the Pfirrmann-sum (r » 0,266; p» 0,037) and the ODI, and the Pfirrmann scores in L1-L2 were correlated with the ODI and the VAS. Conclusion Patients with chronic idiopathic low back pain frequently have moderate to severe lumbar disc degeneration, which has a negative impact on the quality of life of the patients. Low degrees of degeneration in L1-L2 might be related with higher degrees of pain and of functional disability.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a possibilidade de maiores graus de degeneração discal levarem a maiores dor e disfunção. Métodos Exames de imagem por ressonância magnética (IRM) de 85 pacientes com lombalgia idiopática por mais de 12 semanas foram avaliados, sendo quantificado o grau de degeneração discal de acordo com a escala de Pfirrmann. O grau de Pfirrmann em cada espaço discal de L1-L2 a L5-S1, o grau máximo de Pfirrmann (Pfirrmann-max) entre os discos lombares, e a soma dos graus de Pfirrmann (Pfirrmann-soma) foram correlacionados (por meio do teste de Spearman) com o Índice de Incapacidade de Oswestry (IIO) e a escala visual analógica (EVA) de dor. Resultados No total, 87% dos pacientes tinha degeneração discal moderada ou acentuada medida pelo Pfirrmann-max, sendo L4-L5 e L5-S1 os discos mais degenerados. Houve uma correlação de fraca a moderada entre o Pfirrmann-max (r » 0,330; p» 0.002) e a Pfirrmann-soma (r » 0,266; p» 0,037) e o IIO, e entre o grau de Pfirrmann em L1-L2 e o IIO e a EVA. Conclusão A degeneração discal lombar moderada ou acentuada é frequente em indivíduos com lombalgia crônica idiopática, e tem um impacto negativo na qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Pequenos graus de degeneração discal em L1-L2 podem determinar maior grau de dor e maior incapacidade funcional.

Humans , Quality of Life , Low Back Pain , Intervertebral Disc Degeneration/diagnostic imaging , Intervertebral Disc/pathology
Rev. cuba. ortop. traumatol ; 36(1)abr. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409052


Introduction: Intervertebral disc disorders (IDDs) are being commonly observed nowadays among the young and middle aged population. Objectives: This hospital record based study was done to study the risk factors, clinical presentation, imaging findings and management practices among patients with all types of IDDs. Methods: A validated proforma was used to obtain information of patients confirmed with IDDs over the past three years. Results: Mean age at onset of disc disorders among the 219 patients was 44.7±14.2 years. History of poor exercising habits were present among 72(32.9 percent) patients. The most common site of disc involvement was L4-L5 [151(68.9 percent)]. 143(65.3 percent) patients had single site disc involvement. The most common clinical symptom was lower back pain [180(82.2 percent)]. Nerve root compression was present among 154(70.3 percent) patients. Disc bulge, protrusion, extrusion and sequestration were present among 116(53 percent), 90(41.1 percent), 52(23.7 percent) and 4(1.8 percent) patients respectively. Age at onset >65 years (p=0.035), age at onset ≤55 years (p=0.004) and history of direct impact to the neck region (p=0.017) were associated with disc prolapse at L2-L3 level, L4-L5 level and C5-C6 level respectively, among patients with single site disc involvement. Risk of multiple level disc involvement was found to increase after 35 years (p<0.001). It was seen more involving cervical vertebrae (p=0.0068). Lumbar (p<0.0001) and lumbosacral vertebrae (p<0.0001) involvement were seenmore among patients with single site disc involvement. NSAIDs [155(70.8 percent)] were the most the commonly used medication. Microdiscectomy was done among 35(76.1 percent) out of the 46 patients who underwent surgical management. Conclusions: Exercising habits need to be encouraged among people for the prevention of IDDs. The various high risk groups identified in this study need to be periodically screened for IDDs(AU)

Introducción: Actualmente, los trastornos de los discos intervertebrales (TDI) son frecuentes en la población joven y de mediana edad. Objetivos: Este estudio hospitalario de las historias clínicas se realizó para examinar los factores de riesgo, la presentación clínica, los hallazgos imagenológicos y las prácticas de tratamiento entre los pacientes con todos los tipos de trastornos de los discos intervertebrales. Métodos: Se utilizó una proforma validada para obtener información de los pacientes confirmados con trastornos de los discos intervertebrales en los últimos tres años. Resultados: La edad media de aparición de los trastornos discales entre los 219 pacientes fue de 44,7 ± 14,2 años. El historial de malos hábitos de ejercicio estuvo presente en 72 (32,9 por ciento) pacientes. El sitio más común de afectación del disco fue L4-L5 [151 (68,9 por ciento)]. 143 (65,3 por ciento) pacientes tenían compromiso de disco en un solo sitio. El síntoma clínico más frecuente fue el dolor lumbar [180(82,2 por ciento)]. La compresión de la raíz nerviosa estuvo presente en 154 (70,3 por ciento) pacientes. Se mostró presencia de protuberancia, protrusión, extrusión y secuestro discal en 116 (53 por ciento), 90 (41,1 por ciento), 52 (23,7 por ciento) y 4 (1,8 por ciento) pacientes, respectivamente. La edad de inicio >65 años (p=0,035), la edad de inicio ≤55 años (p=0,004) y el antecedente de impacto directo en la región del cuello (p=0,017) se asociaron con prolapso discal a nivel L2-L3, L4- Nivel L5 y nivel C5-C6 respectivamente, entre pacientes con compromiso discal en un solo sitio. Se encontró que el riesgo de afectación del disco en múltiples niveles aumenta después de 35 años (p<0,001). Se vio más involucradas las vértebras cervicales (p=0,0068). La afectación de las vértebras lumbares (p<0,0001) y lumbosacras (p<0,0001) se observó más entre los pacientes con afectación del disco en un solo sitio. Los fármacos anti-inflamatorios no esteroideos (AINE) [155 (70,8 por ciento)] fueron los medicamentos más utilizados. La microdiscectomía se realizó en 35 (76,1 por ciento) de los 46 pacientes que se sometieron a manejo quirúrgico. Conclusiones: Es necesario fomentar hábitos de ejercicio entre las personas para la prevención de los TDI. Los diversos grupos de alto riesgo identificados en este estudio deben someterse a pruebas periódicas de IDD(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Physical Examination/methods , Spinal Diseases/therapy , Intervertebral Disc/diagnostic imaging , Exercise , Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal/administration & dosage
Rev. Bras. Ortop. (Online) ; 57(1): 61-68, Jan.-Feb. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365744


Abstract Objective The approachability of the cervicothoracic region anteriorly based on age and gender, and the possibility of anatomic variances in different geographic populations have not been previously investigated. The aim of the present work was to perform a radiographic analysis of Brazilian patients to assess anterior approachability of the cervicothoracic junction based on age and gender. Methods Retrospective radiographic analysis of 300 computed tomography scans. Patients were separated based on age and gender. The radiographic parameters studied were: horizontal level above the sternum (HLS), vertebral body angle (VBA), intervertebral disc line (IDL), and intervertebral disc line angulation (IDLA). Results The most frequent HLS and IDL were T2 (34.3%) and C7-T1 (46%) respectively. Vertebral body angleand IDLA had average values of 18 ± 8.94 and 19 ± 7.9 degrees, respectively. Males had higher values in both IDLA (p= 0.003) and VBA (p= 0.02). Older groups had higher values in both IDLA (p= 0.01) and VBA (p= 0.001). No differences were observed in HLS between gender (p= 0.3) or age groups (p= 0.79). No differences were seen in IDL between gender groups (p= 0.3); however, the older group had a more caudal level than the younger groups (p= 0.12). ConclusionsCompared to other populations, our sample had a more cephalad IDL and HLS. Vertebral body angle and IDLA were higher in males and higher angles for VBA and IDLA were shown for older groups. Intervertebral disc line was more caudal with aging.

Resumo Objetivo A capacidade de acesso anterior à região cervicotorácica com base na idade e gênero do paciente e a possibilidade de variações anatômicas em diferentes populações geográficas ainda não foram investigadas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma análise radiográfica de pacientes brasileiros para avaliar a acessibilidade anterior da junção cervicotorácica conforme idade e gênero. Métodos Análise radiográfica retrospectiva de 300 tomografias computadorizadas. Os pacientes foram separados por idade e gênero. Os parâmetros radiográficos estudados foram: nível horizontal acima do esterno (HLS, na sigla em inglês), angulação do corpo vertebral (VBA, na sigla em inglês), linha do disco intervertebral (IDL, na sigla em inglês) e angulação da linha do disco intervertebral (IDLA, na sigla em inglês). Resultados Os HLS e IDL mais frequentes foram T2 (34,3%) e C7-T1 (46%), respectivamente. Os valores médios de VBA e IDLA foram de 18 ± 8,94 e 19 ± 7,9 graus, respectivamente. Os homens apresentaram valores maiores de IDLA (p= 0,003) e VBA (p= 0,02). Os grupos de maior idade apresentaram valores maiores de IDLA (p= 0,01) e VBA (p= 0,001). Não houve diferenças de HLS entre os gêneros masculino e feminino (p= 0,3) ou faixas etárias (p= 0,79). Não foram observadas diferenças na IDL entre os gêneros masculino e feminino (p= 0,3); entretanto, o grupo mais velho apresentou nível mais caudal do que os grupos mais jovens (p= 0,12). ConclusõesEm comparação a outras populações, nossa amostra apresentou IDL e HLS mais cefálicos. AVBA e a IDLA foram maiores no gênero masculino, enquanto VBA e IDLA foram maiores em grupos mais velhos. A IDL era mais caudal em pacientes idosos.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Spinal Diseases , Spinal Fusion , Thoracic Vertebrae , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Retrospective Studies , Gender Identity , Intervertebral Disc
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(1): 19-26, jan./mar. 2022. il.
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1393195


Injuries involving the spine are frequent in dogs and knowledge of them is important to define the patient's treatment and prognosis. The objective of this retrospective study was to describe the epidemiological profile of animals and lesions in the cervical (C1-5) and cervicothoracic (C6-T2) spine diagnosed through tomographic examination. Compilation of computed tomography (CT) reports for the referred regions was carried out in a diagnostic center between 01/04/2017 and 30/04/2020, with or without contrast, from the clinical routine, in order to relate the most common lesions and their locations, as well as the species, breeds and ages most affected. A total of 1164 CT scans were performed in the period, 57.56% (n=670/1164) for the spine, with 89.7% (n=601/670) reports accessed, where both regions referred to here totaled 26.95% of the studies (n=162/601). Male mixed-breed dogs (MBD) showed the most lesions. For the cervical spine, the most identified lesion was disk extrusion and the site was C3-C4, while the mean age for lesions was 8.09±3.55 years. As for cervicothoracic, disk mineralization was more frequent and the mean age for lesions was 6.96±2.93 years. It was concluded that the spine is the main target of CT scans, that lesions related to the intervertebral disk were the main ones identified, and older MBD animals are the main ones affected.

As lesões envolvendo coluna vertebral são frequentes em animais de companhia, podendo ocorrer à nível vertebral, medula espinal, disco intervertebral, meninges ou raízes nervosas, e o conhecimento das mesmas é importante para definir o tratamento e prognóstico do animal. O objetivo desse estudo retrospectivo foi descrever o perfil epidemiológico dos animais e das lesões em coluna vertebral cervical (C1-5) e cervicotorácica (C6-T2) diagnosticadas por meio de exame tomográfico. Realizou-se a compilação de laudos de tomografias computadorizadas para as referidas regiões realizadas em centro diagnóstico comercial, entre 01/04/2017 a 30/04/2020, contrastadas e não-contrastadas, provenientes da rotina clínica, a fim de relacionar as lesões, raças e locais mais comuns. Foram realizados 1164 exames tomográficos no período avaliado, sendo 57,56% (n=670/1164) para a coluna, com 89,7% dos laudos acessados (n=601/670), sendo que as regiões cervical e cervicotorácica somaram 26,95% dos estudos (n=162/601). Em ambas regiões, os cães sem raça definida (SRD) machos foram os que mais demonstraram lesões. Para a coluna cervical, a lesão mais identificada foi extrusão de disco e o local mais afetado foi C3-C4, enquanto a média de idade para lesões foi 8,09±3,55 anos. Já para cervicotorácica, a mineralização de disco foi mais frequente e média de idade para ocorrência de lesões foi de 6,96±2,93 anos. Concluiu-se que a coluna vertebral foi o principal alvo de tomografias, as lesões relacionadas ao disco intervertebral foram as mais identificadas, sendo animais SRD com idade avançada os mais acometidos.

Animals , Cats , Dogs , Spinal Injuries/diagnostic imaging , Spine/diagnostic imaging , Thorax/abnormalities , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/veterinary , Cats/injuries , Dogs/injuries , Intervertebral Disc/injuries
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(1): 27-35, jan./mar. 2022. il.
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1393204


For vertebromedullary injuries, epidemiological knowledge is essential to guide the choice of the most effective diagnostic method. The objective of this retrospective study was to describe the epidemiological profile of animals and thoracolumbar and lumbosacral spine lesions diagnosed by computed tomography scan. A compilation of CT scan reports for the aforementioned regions performed in a comercial diagnostic center from 04/01/2017 to 04/30/2020, contrasted and non-contrasted, from routine, was performed in order to list the most common lesions and their locations, as well as the species, breeds and ages most affected. There were 1164 CT scans performed in the period evaluated, all of them in dogs, 57,56% (n=670) for the spine, with 89,7% reports accessed (n=601), where the regions mentioned here added up to 73,05% studies (n=439). In both regions, male French Bulldog dogs had the most injuries. For the thoracolumbar region, disk mineralization, followed by extrusion, were the most frequent injuries, while the site was T12-13 and the mean age 6,5±3,63 years old. In the lumbosacral, disk protrusion was most frequent, the most affected site was L7-S1 and age 6,65±3,79 years. It was concluded that the spine is the main target of CT scans, and that lesions related to the intervertebral disk were the main ones identified, with chondrodystrophic animals being more predisposed to injury.

Para lesões vertebromedulares é indispensável o conhecimento epidemiológico para direcionar a escolha do método diagnóstico mais eficaz. O objetivo desse estudo retrospectivo foi descrever o perfil epidemiológico dos animais e das lesões em coluna vertebral toracolombar e lombossacral diagnosticadas através de exame tomográfico. Realizou-se a compilação de laudos de tomografias computadorizadas para as referidas regiões realizadas em centro diagnóstico comercial, entre 01/04/2017 a 30/04/2020, contrastadas e não-contrastadas, provenientes da rotina, a fim de relacionar as lesões e seus locais de ocorrência, bem como a espécie, raças e idades mais comuns. Foram realizados 1164 exames tomográficos no período avaliado, sendo 57,56% (n=670) para a coluna, com 89,7% laudos acessados (n=601), nos quais as regiões toracolombar e lombossacral somaram 73,05% dos estudos (n=439). Em ambas as regiões, os cães Bulldog Francês machos foram os que mais apresentaram lesões. Para a região toracolombar, a mineralização de disco, seguida pela extrusão, foram as lesões mais frequentes, enquanto o local foi T12-13 e a média de idade 6,5±3,63 anos. Na lombossacral, a protusão de disco foi mais frequente, o local mais afetado foi L7-S1 e idade de 6,65±3,79 anos. Concluiu-se que a coluna vertebral é o principal alvo de tomografias, e que as lesões relacionadas ao disco intervertebral foram as principais identificadas, sendo os animais condrodistróficos mais predispostos a lesões.

Animals , Cats , Dogs , Spinal Injuries/veterinary , Spine/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/veterinary , Cats/injuries , Dogs/injuries , Intervertebral Disc/injuries , Lumbar Vertebrae/injuries , Lumbosacral Region/abnormalities
Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi ; (12): 203-207, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935600


The modern surgical treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease can be traced back to the advent of anterior cervical decompression and fusion.With the emergence of fusion-related complications,different scholars have promoted the gradual transformation of cervical degenerative disc diseases from "fusion fixation" to "non-fusion reconstruction" through in-depth fusion with materials science,engineering mechanics and other disciplines.The innovation of this treatment concept is consistent with the original intention of "structural remodeling,functional reconstruction,maximum repair and reconstruction of the morphology and function of skeletal muscle system" in orthopedic bionic treatment,which is essentially in line with the "bionic alternative therapy" in orthopedic bionic therapy.This paper focuses on the surgical treatment of cervical degenerative disc diseases,reviews the development history of artificial cervical disc replacement,analyzes the evolution from orthopedic biomimetic therapy,and explores a new direction for the design of artificial cervical disc prostheses and the treatment of cervical degenerative disc diseases in the future.

Humans , Bionics , Cervical Vertebrae/surgery , Diskectomy , Follow-Up Studies , Intervertebral Disc/surgery , Intervertebral Disc Degeneration/surgery , Spinal Fusion , Total Disc Replacement , Treatment Outcome
Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi ; (12): 223-229, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935604


Objective: To investigate the efficacy and safety of a new cervical artificial disc prosthesis in the treatment of cervical degenerative diseases. Methods: The clinical data of 18 patients with single-level cervical degenerative diseases who underwent three dimensional printed anatomical bionic cervical disc replacement at Department of Spinal Surgery,Honghui Hospital,Xi'an Jiaotong University from May 2019 to July 2020 were analyzed retrospectively. There were 7 males and 11 females,aged (45±8) years old(range:28 to 58 years).The surgical segment was located at C3-4 level in 2 cases, C4-5 level in 5 cases, C5-6 level in 9 cases, and C6-7 level in 2 cases.The clinical and radiographic outcomes were recorded and compared at preoperative,postoperative times of one month and twelve months.The clinical assessments contained Japanese orthopedic association (JOA) score,neck disability index (NDI) and visual analogue scale (VAS).Imaging assessments included range of motion (ROM) of cervical spine, prosthesis subsidence and prosthesis anteroposterior migration.Repeated measurement variance analysis was used for comparison between groups,and paired t test was used for pairwise comparison. Results: All patients underwent the operation successfully and were followed up for more than 12 months.Compared with preoperative score,the JOA score,NDI and VAS were significantly improved after surgery (all P<0.01).There was no significant difference in postoperative ROM compared with 1-and 12-month preoperative ROM (t=1.570,P=0.135;t=1.744,P=0.099). The prosthesis subsidence was (0.29±0.13) mm (range: 0.18 to 0.50 mm) at 12-month postoperatively.The migration of prosthesis at 12-months postoperatively were (0.71±0.20) mm (range: 0.44 to 1.08 mm).There was no prosthesis subsidence or migration>2 mm at 12-month postoperatively. Conclusion: Three dimensional printed anatomical biomimetic cervical artificial disc replacement has a good early clinical effect in the treatment of cervical degenerative diseases, good mobility can be obtained while maintaining stability.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Biomimetics , Cervical Vertebrae/surgery , Follow-Up Studies , Intervertebral Disc/surgery , Intervertebral Disc Degeneration/surgery , Range of Motion, Articular , Retrospective Studies , Total Disc Replacement/methods , Treatment Outcome
Coluna/Columna ; 20(2): 101-104, Apr.-June 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249655


ABSTRACT Approximately 80% of the world population experiences some type of back pain at some point in their life, and in 10% of this population the pain causes chronic disability resulting in a high cost for the treatment of these patients, in addition to compromising their work and social interaction abilities. Current treatment strategies include the surgical procedure for degenerated intervertebral disc resection, the nerve root block and physiotherapy. However, such treatments only relieve symptoms and do not prevent the degeneration of intervertebral discs. Therefore, new therapeutic strategies have emerged and include manipulating cells to recover the degenerated disc. This article will discuss the possible cell therapy alternatives used in the disc regeneration process, featuring a descriptive study of translational medicine that involves clinical aspects of new treatment alternatives and knowledge of basic research areas, such as cellular and molecular biology. Level of evidence V; Expert Opinion.

RESUMO Aproximadamente 80% da população mundial sofre algum tipo de dor nas costas em alguma fase de vida, sendo que em 10% dessa população, as dores acarretam incapacidade crônica, deflagrando alto custo de tratamento desses pacientes, além de comprometer as habilidades de trabalho e convívio social desses indivíduos. As estratégias de tratamento atuais incluem o procedimento cirúrgico por ressecção do disco intervertebral degenerado, bloqueio de raízes nervosas e fisioterapia. Entretanto, tais tratamentos apenas aliviam os sintomas e não impedem que ocorra a degeneração de discos intervertebrais. Portanto, novas estratégias terapêuticas têm surgido e incluem a manipulação de células com o objetivo de recuperar o disco degenerado. No presente artigo, serão discutidas as diferentes possibilidades alternativas de terapias celulares no processo de regeneração discal, caracterizando um estudo descritivo da medicina translacional que envolve aspectos clínicos de novas alternativas de tratamento e o conhecimento de áreas básicas de pesquisa como biologia celular e molecular. Nível de evidência V; Opinião do Especialista.

RESUMEN Aproximadamente 80% de la población mundial sufre algún tipo de dolor de espalda en alguna etapa de la vida, y en 10% de esa población, los dolores causan incapacidad crónica, deflagrando alto costo de tratamiento de esos pacientes, además de comprometer las habilidades laborales y convivencia social de esos individuos. Las estrategias de tratamiento actuales incluyen el procedimiento quirúrgico para la resección del disco intervertebral degenerado, bloqueo de las raíces nerviosas y fisioterapia. Entretanto, tales tratamientos solo alivian los síntomas y no impiden que ocurra la degeneración de discos intervertebrales. Por lo tanto, han surgido nuevas estrategias terapéuticas e incluyen la manipulación de células con el objetivo de recuperar el disco degenerado. En el presente artículo se discutirán las diferentes posibilidades alternativas de las terapias celulares en el proceso de regeneración discal, caracterizando un estudio descriptivo de la medicina traslacional que involucra aspectos clínicos de nuevas alternativas de tratamiento y conocimiento de áreas básicas de investigación como biología celular y molecular. Nivel de evidencia V; Opinión del especialista.

Humans , Cell Culture Techniques , Cell- and Tissue-Based Therapy , Intervertebral Disc
Coluna/Columna ; 20(1): 26-29, Jan.-Mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154018


ABSTRACT Objective: Evaluate the relationship between the incidence of different types of degenerative diseases of the spine and lumbopelvic biomechanics, according to the types of lordosis of Roussouly's classification. Methods: Retrospective study of medical records and results of imaging exams of patients seen at a private hospital in São Paulo. The sagittal alignment of these patients was evaluated by classifying them according to Roussouly into 4 types, based on panoramic radiographs of the spine. These results were correlated with the patient's degenerative diagnosis (Herniated disc, Canal stenosis, Spondylolisthesis, degenerative discopathy and Facet arthrosis). Statistical tests were performed comparing the types of curvature and diagnoses identified. Results: 418 patients were evaluated, 51.4% male and 49.6% female. The vast majority of patients, about 54%, had a diagnosis of herniated lumbar disc. There was a statistically significant difference that showed a predilection for surgical treatment in cases classified as Type I and Type II in the Roussouly classification. There was no statistically significant difference that correlated the types of lumbar lordosis with the diagnosis presented by the patients. Conclusion: There is no statistically significant difference that correlates the type of lumbar lordosis according to Roussouly with lumbar degenerative diseases. In contrast, patients classified as Type 1 and Type 2 by Roussouly underwent a greater number of surgical treatments compared to patients type 3 and 4, with statistical relevance. Level of evidence 2; Retrospective prognostic study.

RESUMO Objetivos: Avaliar a relação da incidência dos diferentes tipos de doenças degenerativas da coluna com a biomecânica lombopélvica, de acordo com os tipos de lordose segundo Roussouly. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo de prontuários médicos e de resultados de exames de imagens de pacientes atendidos em um hospital privado de São Paulo. Foi avaliado o alinhamento sagital desses pacientes classificando-os de acordo com Roussouly em 4 tipos, com base nas radiografias panorâmicas da coluna vertebral. Esses resultados foram correlacionados com o diagnóstico degenerativo do paciente (Hérnia de disco, Estenose do canal, Espondilolistese, Discopatia degenerativa e Artrose facetaria). Testes estatísticos foram realizados comparando os tipos de curvatura e diagnósticos identificados. Resultados: Foram avaliados 418 pacientes, sendo que 51,4% do sexo masculino e 49,6% do sexo feminino. A grande maioria dos pacientes, cerca de 54%, apresentavam como diagnóstico hérnia de disco lombar. Houve uma diferença estatisticamente significativa que evidenciou uma predileção do tratamento cirúrgico nos casos classificados como Tipo I e Tipo II na classificação de Roussouly. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa que correlacionasse os tipos de lordose lombar com o diagnóstico apresentado pelos pacientes. Conclusões: Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa que correlacione o tipo de lordose lombar de acordo com Roussouly com as doenças degenerativas lombares. Em contrapartida, os pacientes classificados como Tipo 1 e Tipo 2 de Roussouly foram submetidos em maior número ao tratamento cirúrgico em comparação com os pacientes tipo 3 e 4, com relevância estatística. Nível de evidência 2; Estudo prognóstico retrospectivo.

RESUMEN Objetivos: Evaluar la relación entre la incidencia de diferentes tipos de enfermedades degenerativas de la columna y la biomecánica lumbopélvica, según los tipos de lordosis de Roussouly. Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de registros médicos y resultados de exámenes de imágenes de pacientes atendidos en un hospital privado en São Paulo. La alineación sagital de estos pacientes se evaluó clasificándolos según Roussouly en 4 tipos, en base a radiografías panorámicas de la columna vertebral. Estos resultados se correlacionaron con el diagnóstico degenerativo del paciente (disco herniado, estenosis del canal, espondilolistesis, discopatía degenerativa y artrosis facetaria). Se realizaron pruebas estadísticas comparando los tipos de curvatura y los diagnósticos identificados. Resultados: Se evaluaron 418 pacientes, 51.4% hombres y 49.6% mujeres. La gran mayoría de los pacientes, alrededor del 54%, tenían un diagnóstico de hernia de disco lumbar. Hubo una diferencia estadísticamente significativa que mostró una predilección por el tratamiento quirúrgico en los casos clasificados como Tipo I y Tipo II en la clasificación de Roussouly. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas que correlacionaran los tipos de lordosis lumbar con el diagnóstico presentado por los pacientes. Conclusión: No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas que correlacionen el tipo de lordosis lumbar según Roussouly con las enfermedades degenerativas lumbares. En contraste, los pacientes clasificados como Tipo 1 y Tipo 2 por Roussouly se sometieron a un mayor número de tratamientos quirúrgicos en comparación con los pacientes tipo 3 y 4, con relevancia estadística. Nivel de evidencia 2; Estudo de pronostico retrospectivo.

Humans , Spondylolisthesis , Spondylolysis , Chronic Disease , Low Back Pain , Intervertebral Disc
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-879403


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the biomechanical affect of percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic discectomy(PTED) on adjacent segments with different degrees of degeneration and related risk of adjacent segment diseases (ASD) caused by this operation.@*METHODS@#A healthy male adult volunteer was selected, and the lumbosacral vertebra image data was obtained by CT scan, and the external contour of the bone structure was reconstructed. On this basis, the external contour of the bone structure was fitted by using the smooth curve in 3D-CAD software, and the complete three-dimensional finite element modelof the non degenerate L@*RESULTS@#In the finite element model without adjacent segmental disc degeneration, the annulus fibrosus von Mises stress and intradiscal pressure of the PTED model showed only a slight increase under most stress conditions, and a slight decrease in a few conditions, and there was no significant change trend before and after surgery. In the original degenerated adjacent segment disc model, the biomechanical indicators related to disc degeneration in the pre- and post-PTED model showed significant deterioration, leading to an increased risk of potential adjacent spondylopathy.@*CONCLUSION@#PTED surgery will not lead to the significant deterioration of postoperative biomechanical environment of non-degeneration adjacent intervertebral discs, and the original degeneration of adjacent intervertebral discs is a important risk factor for ASD.

Adult , Humans , Male , Biomechanical Phenomena , Diskectomy, Percutaneous , Finite Element Analysis , Intervertebral Disc/surgery , Intervertebral Disc Degeneration/surgery , Lumbar Vertebrae/surgery , Range of Motion, Articular
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-879445


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the expression and clinical significance of receptor interacting protein serine-threonine kinases 1 (RIPK1) in the nucleus pulposus of patients with lumbar disc herniation (LDH).@*METHODS@#Nucleus pulposus tissue specimens of 40 patients with LDH patients underwent surgical treatment from January 2016 to January 2018 as the case group, and nucleus pulposus tissue specimens of 30 patients with lumbar spine fracture underwent surgical treatment at the same time as the control group. The expression of RIPK1 mRNA and protein of receptor interaction were detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Western blot, respectively. The expression of RIPK1 protein in the nucleus pulposus were detected by immunohistochemical staining. The concentrations of RIPK1 and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) in nucleus pulposus were detected by ELISA method. The relationship between the concentrations of RIPK1, TNF-α in nucleus pulposus and the Pearce grade of LDH patients was analyzed by one-way ANOVA. The correlation between RIPK1 and TNF-α was analyzed by Pearson.@*RESULTS@#RIPK1 was weakly positively expressed in nucleus pulposus of control group, and RIPK1 protein was positively or strongly positively expressed in case group. The expression of RIPK1 mRNA in nucleus pulposus of case group was higher than that of control group (@*CONCLUSION@#The expression levels of RIPK1 mRNA and protein in the intervertebral disc tissues of LDH patients are higher than those of normal intervertebral disc tissues, and increased with the increase of Pearce grade, which may be an important factor involved in LDH inflammatory disease.

Humans , Intervertebral Disc/metabolism , Intervertebral Disc Degeneration , Intervertebral Disc Displacement/genetics , Nucleus Pulposus , Receptor-Interacting Protein Serine-Threonine Kinases/genetics , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha/metabolism
Zhongguo zhenjiu ; (12): 391-394, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-877627


OBJECTIVE@#To observe the clinical effect of single acupoint [Yaotu (extra)] electroacupuncture (EA) therapy on lumbar intervertebral disc herniation (LIDH) and its promotion and application in community medical institutions.@*METHODS@#This research adopted a three-level promotion model, and used multi-center collaboration topics as a platform. A total of 240 patients with LIDH were divided into a group A (top three hospital, 80 cases, 3 cases dropped off), a group B (secondary hospital, 80 cases, 8 cases dropped off), and a group C (community health center, 80 cases, 7 cases dropped off). All groups were treated with EA at a single acupoint [Yaotu (extra)] under the guidance of a unified experimental protocol. The EA was given 60 min each time and performed 3 times a week for a total of 2 weeks. The changes of visual analogue scale (VAS) scores of three groups before and after each treatment were compared, and the clinical efficacy was evaluated.@*RESULTS@#Compared with before each treatment, the VAS scores of three groups after each treatment decreased (@*CONCLUSION@#The single acupoint EA therapy has a significant effect in the treatment of LIDH, can quickly relieve the pain symptoms, and has the characteristics of simple operation and easy control, suitable for promotion and application in primary hospitals.

Humans , Acupuncture Points , Electroacupuncture , Intervertebral Disc , Intervertebral Disc Degeneration , Intervertebral Disc Displacement/therapy