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Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 12(1): 353, abr. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1509825


El sistema intestinal posee una capacidad regenerativa intrínseca y fisiológica que tiene lugar a partir de las células madreLgr5+ ubicadas en el fondo de las criptas intestinales, las cuales se diferencian hacia las células progenitoras secretoras y absortivas con sus respectivas células especializadas mediante la activación de señalizaciones intracelulares como Wnt, Hippo y Notch. Condiciones adversas como lesiones e infecciones tisulares inducen esta actividad regenerativa promovida por variados mecanismos que influyen en el microambiente celular. El sistema inmunológico detecta alteraciones en el tejido intestinal y, a través de la activación de células inmunocompetentes y la secreción de citoquinas proinflamatorias, favorece la desdiferenciación de células especializadas hacia células madre para desencadenar la respuesta regenerativa. En cuanto al sistema nervioso entérico, su influencia está sujeta a modificaciones en la microbiota y los hábitos alimenticios, y se encuentra determinada en gran parte, por las células gliales entéricas y la expresión de distintos marcadores de plasticidad, que permiten limitar la lesión y reparar el tejido. Por su parte, la epigenéticamodifica la expresión genética y consecuentemente, la capacidadregenerativa intestinal, variando de acuerdo a cada paciente porla influencia de factores externos como la dieta o el estadopsicobiológico. De esta forma, la respuesta regenerativa intestinalinducida por lesiones, integra múltiples mecanismos y poseeimportantes repercusiones clínicas en cuanto a EII, disbiosise incluso tumorogénesis; conocer los mecanismos que regulanesta actividad puede sentar las bases para la creación de terapias innovadoras en el mismo ámbito(AU)

The intestinal system has an intrinsic and physiological regenerative capacity that takes place from the Lgr5+ stem cells located at the bottom of the intestinal crypts, which differentiate into secretory and absorptive progenitor cells with their specialized cells by activating intracellular signalslike Wnt, Hippo and Notch. Adverse conditions such asinjuries and tissue infections induce this regenerative activity promoted by various mechanisms that influence the cellular microenvironment. The immune system senses disturbances in the intestinal tissue and, through the activation of immunocompetent cells and the secretion of proinflammatorycytokines, favors the dedifferentiation of specialized cells intostem cells to trigger the regenerative response. Regarding theenteric nervous system, its influence is subject to modificationsin the microbiota and dietary habits, and is largely determinedby enteric glial cells and the expression of different plasticitymarkers, which enable to limit injuries and repair tissue. On the other hand, epigenetics modifies genetic expressionand, consequently, intestinal regenerative capacity, varying according to each patient due to the influence of external factors such as diet or psychobiological status. There fore, the intestinal regenerative response induced by lesions integrates multiple mechanisms and has important clinical repercussions in terms of IBD, dysbiosis, and even tumorigenesis; knowing themechanisms that regulate this activity can lay the foundations for the creation of innovative therapies in the same field (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Intestinal Mucosa
ABCS health sci ; 48: e023212, 14 fev. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438263


INTRODUCTION: As periodontitis is caused by dysbiotic biofilm, it is believed that therapy with probiotics can act to control the mechanisms of adhesion and colonization, competing with invading microorganisms. OBJECTIVE: Evaluate probiotic therapy effect on periodontal tissues and intestinal mucosa of rats with ligature-induced periodontitis. METHODS: 32 Wistar rats were divided into four groups (n=8): Control Group (CG); Periodontal disease (PD); Probiotic (PROB); PD + probiotic (PDPRO). PD and PDPRO received a ligature over the first lower molars and PROB and PDPRO the probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus based were given orally for 44 days. The animals were euthanized and the blood was collected for evaluation of triglyceride and cholesterol concentrations. The hemimandibles were collected for histomorphometric and radiographic analysis. The duodenum was removed for morphological evaluation and gingival tissue around the molars was collected for analysis of IL-17. RESULTS: The ANOVA one-way test was used followed by Tukey Test. PDPRO had a significantly lower bone loss than the PD (p<0.05) and a smaller number of osteoclasts on PDPRO when compared to the PD. As for IL-17, there was a decrease in the PDPRO when compared to the PD. The histomorphometry of the duodenum showed that there was a significant increase in the width of the villi in PROB only. CONCLUSION: The therapy with probiotics was effective to avoid the development of periodontitis by reducing alveolar bone loss and inflammation modulation and increasing the width of the duodenum villi, which may help to restabilize the balance of the gastrointestinal tract.

INTRODUÇÃO: Como a periodontite é causada por biofilme disbiótico, acredita-se que a terapia com probióticos possa atuar no controle dos mecanismos de adesão e colonização, competindo com microrganismos invasores. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da terapia probiótica nos tecidos periodontais e mucosa intestinal de ratos com periodontite induzida por ligadura. MÉTODOS: 32 ratos Wistar foram divididos em quatro grupos (n=8): Grupo Controle (GC); Doença periodontal (PD); Probiótico (PROB); PD + probiótico (PDPRO). PD e PDPRO receberam ligadura sobre os primeiros molares inferiores e PROB e PDPRO, o probiótico à base de Lactobacillus acidophilus dado via oral por 44 dias. Os animais foram sacrificados e o sangue coletado para avaliação das concentrações de triglicerídeos e colesterol total. As hemimandíbulas foram coletadas para análise histomorfométrica e radiográfica. O duodeno foi removido para avaliação morfológica e o tecido gengival ao redor dos molares foi coletado para análise de IL-17. RESULTADOS: Foi usado Teste ANOVA seguido pelo Teste de Tukey. PDPRO teve uma perda óssea significativamente menor do que o PD (p<0.05) e um menor número de osteoclastos no PDPRO quando comparado ao PD. Já para IL-17, houve diminuição do PDPRO em relação ao PD. A histomorfometria do duodeno mostrou que houve aumento significativo da largura das vilosidades no PROB somente. CONCLUSÃO: A terapia com probiótico foi eficaz para evitar o desenvolvimento de periodontite por reduzir a perda óssea alveolar e a modulação da inflamação e aumentar a largura das vilosidades duodenais, o que pode ajudar a estabilizar o equilíbrio do trato gastrointestinal.

Animals , Male , Rats , Periodontitis/therapy , Probiotics , Intestinal Mucosa , Lactobacillus acidophilus
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970489


This study aimed to investigate the recovery effect of Zuogui Jiangtang Qinggan Prescription on intestinal flora homeostasis control and intestinal mucosal barrier in type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM) with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD) induced by a high-fat diet. NAFLD was established in MKR transgenic mice(T2DM mice) by a high-fat diet(HFD), and subsequently treated for 8 weeks with Zuogui Jiangtang Qinggan Prescription(7.5, 15 g·kg~(-1)) and metformin(0.067 g·kg~(-1)). Triglyceride and liver function were assessed using serum. The hematoxylin-eosin(HE) staining and Masson staining were used to stain the liver tissue, while HE staining and AB-PAS staining were used to stain the intestine tissue. 16S rRNA sequencing was utilized to track the changes in the intestinal flora of the mice in each group. Polymerase chain reaction(PCR) and immunofluorescence were used to determine the protein and mRNA expression levels of ZO-1, Occludin, and Claudin-1. The results demonstrated that Zuogui Jiangtang Qinggan Prescription increased the body mass of T2DM mice with NAFLD and decreased the hepatic index. It down-regulated the serum biomarkers of liver function and dyslipidemia such as alanine aminotransferase(ALT), aspartate transaminase(AST), and triglycerides(TG), increased insulin sensitivity, and improved glucose tolerance. According to the results of 16S rRNA sequencing, the Zuogui Jiangtang Qinggan Prescription altered the composition and abundance of the intestinal flora, increasing the relative abundances of Muribaculaceae, Lactobacillaceae, Lactobacillus, Akkermansia, and Bacteroidota and decreasing the relative abundances of Lachnospiraceae, Firmicutes, Deslfobacteria, Proteobacteria, and Desulfovibrionaceae. According to the pathological examination of the intestinal mucosa, Zuogui Jiangtang Qinggan Prescritpion increased the expression levels of the tight junction proteins ZO-1, Occludin, and Claudin-1, promoted intestinal mucosa repair, protected intestinal villi, and increased the height of intestinal mucosa villi and the number of goblet cells. By enhancing intestinal mucosal barrier repair and controlling intestinal microbiota homeostasis, Zuogui Jiangtang Qinggan Prescription reduces intestinal mucosal damage induced by T2DM and NAFLD.

Mice , Animals , Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease/metabolism , Gastrointestinal Microbiome , RNA, Ribosomal, 16S , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/metabolism , Occludin/pharmacology , Claudin-1/metabolism , Intestinal Mucosa , Liver , Triglycerides/metabolism , Diet, High-Fat , Homeostasis , Mice, Inbred C57BL
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982313


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the effect of Yinlai Decoction (YD) on the microstructure of colon, and activity of D-lactic acid (DLA) and diamine oxidase (DAO) in serum of pneumonia mice model fed with high-calorie and high-protein diet (HCD).@*METHODS@#Sixty male Kunming mice were randomly divided into 6 groups by the random number table method: normal control, pneumonia, HCD, HCD with pneumonia (HCD-P), YD (229.2 mg/mL), and dexamethasone (15.63 mg/mL) groups, with 10 in each group. HCD mice were fed with 52% milk solution by gavage. Pneumonia mice was modeled with lipopolysaccharide inhalation and was fed by gavage with either the corresponding therapeutic drugs or saline water, twice daily, for 3 days. After hematoxylin-eosin staining, the changes in the colon structure were observed under light microscopy and transmission electron microscope, respectively. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to detect the protein levels of DLA and DAO in the serum of mice.@*RESULTS@#The colonic mucosal structure and ultrastructure of mice in the normal control group were clear and intact. The colonic mucosal goblet cells in the pneumonia group tended to increase, and the size of the microvilli varied. In the HCD-P group, the mucosal goblet cells showed a marked increase in size with increased secretory activity. Loose mucosal epithelial connections were also observed, as shown by widened intercellular gaps with short sparse microvilli. These pathological changes of intestinal mucosa were significantly reduced in mouse models with YD treatment, while there was no significant improvement after dexamethasone treatment. The serum DLA level was significantly higher in the pneumonia, HCD, and HCD-P groups as compared with the normal control group (P<0.05). Serum DLA was significantly lower in the YD group than HCD-P group (P<0.05). Moreover, serum DLA level significantly increased in the dexamethasone group as compared with the YD group (P<0.01). There was no statistical significance in the serum level of DAO among groups (P>0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#YD can protect function of intestinal mucosa by improving the tissue morphology of intestinal mucosa and maintaining integrity of cell connections and microvilli structure, thereby reducing permeability of intestinal mucosa to regulate the serum levels of DLA in mice.

Mice , Male , Animals , Lactic Acid/pharmacology , Intestinal Mucosa , Colon/pathology , Dexamethasone/pharmacology , Diet, High-Protein , Pneumonia/pathology
Protein & Cell ; (12): 776-785, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010769


Interactions between gut microbiome and host immune system are fundamental to maintaining the intestinal mucosal barrier and homeostasis. At the host-gut microbiome interface, cell wall-derived molecules from gut commensal bacteria have been reported to play a pivotal role in training and remodeling host immune responses. In this article, we review gut bacterial cell wall-derived molecules with characterized chemical structures, including peptidoglycan and lipid-related molecules that impact host health and disease processes via regulating innate and adaptive immunity. Also, we aim to discuss the structures, immune responses, and underlying mechanisms of these immunogenic molecules. Based on current advances, we propose cell wall-derived components as important sources of medicinal agents for the treatment of infection and immune diseases.

Gastrointestinal Microbiome , Intestinal Mucosa , Bacteria , Immune System , Symbiosis , Immunity, Mucosal , Immunity, Innate
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971516


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the mechanism by which fibroblasts with high WNT2b expression causes intestinal mucosa barrier disruption and promote the progression of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).@*METHODS@#Caco-2 cells were treated with 20% fibroblast conditioned medium or co-cultured with fibroblasts highly expressing WNT2b, with the cells without treatment with the conditioned medium and cells co-cultured with wild-type fibroblasts as the control groups. The changes in barrier permeability of Caco-2 cells were assessed by measuring transmembrane resistance and Lucifer Yellow permeability. In Caco-2 cells co-cultured with WNT2b-overexpressing or control intestinal fibroblasts, nuclear entry of β-catenin was detected with immunofluorescence assay, and the expressions of tight junction proteins ZO-1 and E-cadherin were detected with Western blotting. In a C57 mouse model of dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced IBD-like enteritis, the therapeutic effect of intraperitoneal injection of salinomycin (5 mg/kg, an inhibitor of WNT/β-catenin signaling pathway) was evaluated by observing the changes in intestinal inflammation and detecting the expressions of tight junction proteins.@*RESULTS@#In the coculture system, WNT2b overexpression in the fibroblasts significantly promoted nuclear entry of β-catenin (P < 0.01) and decreased the expressions of tight junction proteins in Caco-2 cells; knockdown of FZD4 expression in Caco-2 cells obviously reversed this effect. In DSS-treated mice, salinomycin treatment significantly reduced intestinal inflammation and increased the expressions of tight junction proteins in the intestinal mucosa.@*CONCLUSION@#Intestinal fibroblasts overexpressing WNT2b causes impairment of intestinal mucosal barrier function and can be a potential target for treatment of IBD.

Humans , Mice , Animals , Caco-2 Cells , beta Catenin/metabolism , Culture Media, Conditioned/pharmacology , Tight Junctions/metabolism , Intestinal Mucosa , Inflammatory Bowel Diseases , Tight Junction Proteins/metabolism , Inflammation/metabolism , Fibroblasts/metabolism , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Glycoproteins/metabolism , Wnt Proteins/pharmacology , Frizzled Receptors/metabolism
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009442


Objective To investigate the effect of intestinal mucosal Toll-like receptor 4/nuclear factor κB (TLR4/NF-κB) signaling pathway on renal damage in pseudo-sterile IgA nephropathy (IgAN) mice. Methods C57BL/6 mice were randomly divided into experimental group (pseudosterile mouse model group), control group (IgAN mouse model group), pseudosterile mouse blank group, and normal mouse blank group. Pseudosterile mice were established by intragastric administration of quadruple antibiotics once a day for 14 days. The pseudosterile IgAN mouse model was set up by combination of oral bovine serum albumin (BSA) administration and staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) injection. The pathological changes of renal tissue were observed by immunofluorescence staining and PAS staining, and the intestinal mucosa barrier damage indicators lipopolysaccharide(LPS), soluble intercellular adhesion molecule 1(sICAM-1) and D-lactate(D-LAC) were analyzed by ELISA. Biochemical analysis was used to test 24 hour urine protein, serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen. The mRNA and protein levels of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) and nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) were detected by reverse transcription PCR and Western blot analysis. Results The kidney damage of pseudosterile IgAN mice was more severe than that of IgAN mice, and the expressions of intestinal mucosal barrier damage markers (LPS, sICAM-1 and D-LAC) were significantly increased in pseudosterile IgAN mice. In addition, the expressions of TLR4, MyD88, and NF-κB level were all up-regulated in the intestinal tissues of IgAN pseudosterile mice. Conclusion Intestinal flora disturbance leads to intestinal mucosal barrier damage and induces activation of TLR4 signaling pathway to mediate renal injury in IgAN.

Animals , Mice , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Glomerulonephritis, IGA , NF-kappa B , Toll-Like Receptor 4/genetics , Lipopolysaccharides , Myeloid Differentiation Factor 88/genetics , Kidney , Intestinal Mucosa , Infertility , Disease Models, Animal
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009932


The pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is not fully elucidated. However, it has been considered that inflammatory macrophages may be involved in the imbalance of the intestinal mucosal immunity to regulate several signaling pathways, leading to IBD progression. The ratio of M1 to M2 subtypes of activated macrophages tends to increase in the inflamed intestinal section. There are challenges in the diagnosis and treatment of IBD, such as unsatisfactory specificity of imaging findings, low drug accumulation in the intestinal lesions, unstable therapeutic efficacy, and drug-related systemic toxicity. Recently developed nanoparticles may provide a new approach for the diagnosis and treatment of IBD. Nanoparticles targeted to macrophages can be used as contrast agents to improve the imaging quality or used as a drug delivery vector to increase the therapeutic efficiency of IBD. This article reviews the research progress on macrophage-targeting nanoparticles for the diagnosis and treatment of IBD to provide a reference for further research and clinical application.

Humans , Inflammatory Bowel Diseases/therapy , Intestines , Macrophages/metabolism , Intestinal Mucosa/pathology , Nanoparticles
São Paulo; s.n; 2023. 64 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527176


Introdução: A inflamação é um fator presente na fisiopatologia de doenças, e, o intestino, órgão susceptível a disfunções e à disbiose, que está em constante exposição a microrganismos, pode estar associado a este processo. Por outro lado, aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada (ACR) podem apresentar efeitos anti-inflamatórios em linhagem celular intestinal. Objetivo: Investigar os efeitos da suplementação de ACR, in vitro, na modulação da resposta inflamatória e do estresse oxidativo induzida por LPS em modelo de células intestinais Caco-2. Métodos: As culturas de células foram distribuídas em seis grupos, sendo: dois grupos controle - controle com meio Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium sem ACR (CTL0) e com ACR (CTL) - e quatro grupos suplementados - grupo leucina (LEU), grupo isoleucina (ISO), grupo valina (VAL) e associação de ACR (LIV). Foi adotado um protocolo de pré-tratamento, com os ACR e o LPS. A viabilidade celular foi avaliada pelo ensaio de redução do MTT (brometo de [3-(4,5-dimetiltiazol-2yl 2,5-difenil tetrazolium]). A análise de proteínas (mTOR, AKT, AMPK, NF-kB, TAK-1 e JNK) foi feita por Western Blotting. A dosagem de citocina IL-8 no sobrenadante de cultura celular foi realizada por meio do kit Multiplex para imunoensaio. Foram avaliados componentes do sistema antioxidante relacionado à glutationa (GSH, GSSG e GPx) por meio de kit comercial. Os resultados foram expressos como média ± erro padrão. Resultados: No teste de viabilidade celular por MTT, verificou-se que os grupos tratados com ACR e LPS não apresentaram comprometimento da viabilidade celular em relação ao grupo CTL sem LPS. Os grupos CTL0, CTL, VAL e LIV, quando estimulados com LPS, apresentaram maior capacidade de síntese, in vitro, de IL-8, bem como maior fosforilação das proteínas JNK e NF-kB em relação aos seus respectivos grupos sem LPS. A suplementação. Todavia, as células estimuladas com LPS e suplementadas com leucina e isoleucina apresentaram capacidade de síntese, in vitro, de IL-8 e fosforilação das proteínas JNK e NF-kB que não diferiram significativamente das células suplementadas com esses aminoácidos e não estimuladas com LPS. A ausência de ACR (grupo CTL0) e a suplementação desses aminoácidos, in vitro, em células intestinais Caco-2, tratadas com ou sem LPS, não induziram alteração da atividade da enzima GPx e da razão intracelular GSH/GSSG. Conclusões: Os aminoácidos leucina e isoleucina apresentaram potencial efeito anti-inflamatório nas células Caco-2 por meio da modulação da fosforilação das proteínas JNK e NF-kB, cujo fato está associado à modulação da síntese, in vitro, de IL-8, a qual está envolvida na resposta inflamatória no intestino.

Introduction: Inflammation is a factor present in the pathophysiology of diseases, and the intestine, an organ susceptible to dysfunction and dysbiosis, which is constantly exposed to microorganisms, may be associated with this process. On the other hand, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) may have anti-inflammatory effects on intestinal cell lines. Objective: To investigate the effects of ACR supplementation, in vitro, on the modulation of inflammatory response and oxidative stress induced by LPS in a model of intestinal Caco-2 cells. Methods: The cell cultures were divided into six groups, as follows: two control groups - control with Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium without ACR (CTL0) and with ACR (CTL) - and four supplemented groups - leucine group (LEU), isoleucine group (ISO), valine group (VAL) and ACR association (LIV). A pre-treatment protocol was adopted, with ACR and LPS. Cell viability was assessed by MTT reduction assay ([3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2yl 2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium] bromide)) Protein analysis (mTOR, AKT, AMPK, NF-kB, TAK -1 and JNK) was performed by Western Blotting. The dosage of cytokine IL-8 in the cell culture supernatant was performed using the Multiplex kit for immunoassay. Components of the antioxidant system related to glutathione (GSH, GSSG, and GPx) were evaluated by commercial kit. The results were expressed as mean ± standard error. Results: In the cell viability test by MTT, it was verified that the groups treated with ACR and LPS did not show impairment of cell viability compared to the CTL group without LPS. The CTL0, CTL, VAL, and LIV groups, when stimulated with LPS, showed a greater capacity for in vitro synthesis of IL-8, as well as greater phosphorylation of JNK and NF-kB proteins in relation to their respective groups without LPS. However, cells stimulated with LPS and supplemented with leucine and isoleucine showed in vitro synthesis capacity of IL-8 and phosphorylation of JNK and NF-kB proteins that did not differ significantly from cells supplemented with these amino acids and not stimulated with LPS. The absence of ACR (CTL0 group) and the supplementation of these amino acids, in vitro, in intestinal Caco-2 cells, treated with or without LPS, did not induce changes in the activity of the GPx enzyme and the intracellular GSH/GSSG ratio. Conclusions: The amino acids leucine and isoleucine had a potential anti-inflammatory effect on Caco-2 cells by modulating the phosphorylation of JNK and NF-kB proteins, which fact is associated with the modulation of the in vitro synthesis of IL-8, which is involved in the inflammatory response in the gut.

Lipopolysaccharides , Caco-2 Cells , Amino Acids, Branched-Chain , Inflammation , Intestinal Mucosa
J. coloproctol. (Rio J., Impr.) ; 42(3): 238-244, July-Sept. 2022. ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421983


Ulcerative colitis (UC) affects the mucosa and submucosa of the large intestine. One of the mechanisms involved in its etiology is oxidative stress (OS), directly involved in the inflammatory process characteristic of UC. The Campsiandra laurifolia, known as acapurana, was described as possessing antioxidant properties. We used 24 male Wistar rats, divided into control (CO), control + acapurana (CO + A), colitis (CL), and colitis + acapurana (CL + A) groups. This study performed histological analysis, measuring anal sphincter pressure (ASP) and lipoperoxidation (LPO). The activity of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione (GSH) levels were evaluated. The expression of the nuclear factor kappa B (NFkB) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) was analyzed by immunohistochemistry. The statistical analysis used was the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by the Student-Newman-Keuls test; values were expressed as mean ± standard error, and the significance level was p < 0.05. In the animals of the CL group, we observed the destruction of the crypts and the presence of mucosal ulcers, edema, and submucosal inflammatory infiltrate, as well as increased damage to the intestinal mucosa, reduced ASP, increased LPO and SOD activity, reduced GSH levels, and increased expression of NFkB and iNOS. The administration of C. laurifolia in the CL + A group was shown to cause regeneration of crypts, reduction of inflammatory infiltrate, reduction of damage to the intestinal mucosa, increase in ASP, and reduction in LPO with the restoration of SOD activity and GSH levels. The immunohistochemistry of NFkB and iNOS was significantly reduced. Therefore, the C. laurifolia aqueous extract appears to exert an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect in rats with AA-induced colitis. (AU)

Animals , Rats , Colitis, Ulcerative/etiology , Fabaceae , Antioxidants , NF-kappa B , Nitric Oxide Synthase Type II , Intestinal Mucosa/anatomy & histology , Lipid Peroxides
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936311


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the changes in bacterial flora in fecal samples, at the tumor loci and in adjacent mucosa in patients with colorectal cancer (CRC).@*METHODS@#We collected fecal samples from 13 patients with CRC and 20 healthy individuals and tumor and adjacent mucosa samples from 6 CRC patients. The differences in bacterial composition between the fecal and mucosa samples were analyzed with 16S rDNA sequencing and bioinformatics methods. We also detected the total number of bacteria in the feces using flow cytometry, isolated and identified the microorganisms in the fecal and mucosa samples using common bacterial culture media. We further tested the effects of 7 isolated bacterial strains on apoptosis of 3 CRC cell lines using lactate dehydrogenase detection kit.@*RESULTS@#The bacterial α-diversity in the feces of healthy individuals and in adjacent mucosa of CRC patients was significantly higher than that in the feces and tumor mucosa in CRC patients (P < 0.05). Lactobacillaceae is a specific bacteria in the feces, while Escherichia, Enterococcus, and Fusobacterium are specific bacteria in tumor mucosa of CRC patients as compared with healthy individuals. Cell experiment with3 CRC cell lines showed that Bacteroides fragilis isolated from the tumor mucosa of CRC patients produced significant inhibitory effects on cell proliferation (P < 0.0001), while the isolated strain Fusobacterium nucleatum obviously promoted the proliferation of the cell lines (P < 0.001).@*CONCLUSION@#The bacterial flora in the feces, tumor mucosa and adjacent mucosa of CRC patients is significantly different from that in the feces of healthy individuals, and the fecal flora of CRC patients can not represent the specific flora of the tumor mucosa. Inhibition of F. nucleatum colonization in the tumor mucosa and promoting B. fragilis colonization may prove beneficial for CRC treatment.

Humans , Bacteria , Colorectal Neoplasms/pathology , Feces/microbiology , Gastrointestinal Microbiome , Intestinal Mucosa
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971346


OBJECTIVES@#Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic, relapsing inflammation of the colon. Impaired epithelial repair is an important biological features of UC. Accelerating intestinal epithelial repair to achieve endoscopic mucosal healing has become a key goal in UC. Yes-associated protein (YAP) is a key transcriptional coactivator that regulates organ size, tissue growth and tumorigenesis. Growing studies have focused on the role of YAP in intestinal epithelial regeneration. This study explore the molecular mechanism for the role YAP in modulating colonic epithelial proliferation, repair, and the development of colitis associated cancer.@*METHODS@#We constructed the acute colitis mouse model through successive 5 days of 3% dextran sulfate sodium salt (DSS) induction. Then YAP-overexpressed mouse model was constructed by intraperitoneal injection the YAP overexpressed and negative control lentivirus into DSS mice. On the 5th day of DSS induction and the 5th day of normal drinking water after removing DSS (5+5 d), the mice were killed by spinal dislocation. The colon was taken to measure the length, and the bowel 1-2 cm near the anal canal was selected for immunohistochemical and Western blotting. We used YAP over-expressed colonic epithelial cells and small interfering signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) RNA to probe the regulation of YAP on STAT3, using cell counting kit-8 and scratch assays to explore the role of YAP on colonic epithelial cell proliferation. Finally, we conducted co-immunoprecipitation to test the relationship between YAP and STAT3.@*RESULTS@#After DSS treatment, the expression of YAP was dramatically diminished in crypts. Compared with the empty control mice, overexpression of YAP drastically accelerated epithelial regeneration after DSS induced colitis, presenting with more intact of structural integrity in intestinal epithelium and a reduction in the number of inflammatory cells in the mucosa. Further Western blotting, functional experiment and co-immunoprecipitation analyses showed that the expression of YAP in nucleus was significantly increased by 2 h post DSS cessation, accompanied with up-regulated total protein levels of STAT3 and phosphorylated-STAT3 (p-STAT3). Overexpression of YAP enhanced the expression of STAT3, p-STAT3, and their transcriptional targets including c-Myc and Cyclin D1. In addition, it promoted the proliferation and the "wound healing" of colonic cells. However, these effects were reversed when silencing STAT3 on YAP-overexpressed FHC cells. Moreover, protein immunoprecipitation indicated that YAP could directly interact with STAT3 in the nucleus, up-regulatvng the expressvon of STAT3. Finally, during the process of CAC, overexpression of YAP mutant caused the down-regulated expression of STAT3 and inhibited the development and progress of CAC.@*CONCLUSIONS@#YAP activates STAT3 signaling in regulation of epithelial cell proliferation and promotes mucosal regeneration after DSS induced colitis, which may serve as a potential therapeutic target in UC. However, persistent and excessive YAP activation may promote CAC development.

Animals , Mice , Cell Proliferation , Colitis/drug therapy , Colon/metabolism , Dextran Sulfate/adverse effects , Disease Models, Animal , Intestinal Mucosa , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/metabolism , STAT3 Transcription Factor/metabolism , YAP-Signaling Proteins/metabolism
Arq. gastroenterol ; 58(3): 390-393, July-Sept. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1345305


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Since 2012, a new technique for resection of large polyps has been described, the underwater endoscopic mucosal resection (UEMR). Some advantages that emerge from it is the needless of injection in submucosal layer and a greater chance of complete capture of the polyp. OBJECTIVE: There are few studies of UEMR in Brazil. The aim of this study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of this technique in one Brazilian center. METHODS: This case series was conducted from February to December of 2020. Colorectal polyps greater than 9 mm without features of deep submucosal invasion were resected using UEMR. RESULTS: Twenty-four large polyps were resected with the UEMR approach from 24 patients. The mean size of the polys was 19 mm, ranging from 12 to 35 mm. All lesions were successful resected and 66% (16/24) were resected en bloc. In histologic analyses, most of them were adenomas (70.8%) and only one had deep submucosal invasion. There were no cases of acute complications, such perforation or acute bleeding. CONCLUSION: The UEMR is a safe and feasible procedure. With the emerging data on the procedure, it seems to be a wonderful tool in preventing colorectal cancer and its applicability and scope should be encourage to surpass reference centers.

RESUMO CONTEXTO: Desde 2012, uma nova técnica para ressecção de pólipos grandes tem sido descrita, a ressecção da mucosa endoscópica sob imersão d'água (REMS). Algumas vantagens que surgem desta técnica são evitar a injeção na camada submucosa e a maior chance de captura completa do pólipo. Objetivo - Há poucos estudos com REMS no Brasil. Nosso objetivo é avaliar a segurança e a eficácia da técnica em um centro brasileiro. MÉTODOS: Esta série de casos foi conduzida de fevereiro a dezembro de 2020. Pólipos colorretais maiores que 9 mm sem sinais endoscópicos de invasão de submucosa foram ressecados utilizando RMES. RESULTADOS: Vinte e quatro pólipos foram ressecados com RMES em 24 pacientes diferentes. O tamanho médio dos pólipos era de 19 mm, variando de 12 a 35 mm. Todas as lesões foram ressecadas e 66% (16/24) foram ressecadas em monobloco. Na análise histológica, a maioria era adenoma (70.8%) e apenas uma havia invasão profunda da submucosa. CONCLUSÃO: O uso de REMS é um procedimento seguro e factível. Com o aumento de dados relativos ao procedimento, esta parece ser uma excelente ferramenta na prevenção do câncer colorretal e sua aplicabilidade deve ser encorajada para fora dos centros de referência.

Humans , Colorectal Neoplasms/surgery , Colorectal Neoplasms/pathology , Colonic Polyps/surgery , Colonic Polyps/pathology , Endoscopic Mucosal Resection , Brazil , Colonoscopy , Ambulatory Care , Intestinal Mucosa , Intestinal Mucosa/surgery
Arq. gastroenterol ; 58(2): 210-213, Apr.-June 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285333


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: A common site of neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) is the rectum. The technique most often used is endoscopic mucosal resection with saline injection. However, deep margins are often difficult to obtain because submucosal invasion is common. Underwater endoscopic mucosal resection (UEMR) is a technique in which the bowel lumen is filled with water rather than air, precluding the need for submucosal lifting. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of UEMR for removing small rectal neuroendocrine tumors (rNETs). METHODS: Retrospective study with patients who underwent UEMR in two centers. UEMR was performed using a standard colonoscope. No submucosal injection was performed. Board-certified pathologists conducted histopathologic assessment. RESULTS: UEMR for small rNET was performed on 11 patients (nine female) with a mean age of 55.8 years and 11 lesions (mean size 7 mm, range 3-12 mm). There were 9 (81%) patients with G1 rNET and two patients with G2, and all tumors invaded the submucosa with only one restricted to the mucosa. None case showed vascular or perineural invasion. All lesions were removed en bloc. Nine (81%) resections had free margins. Two patients had deep margin involvement; one had negative biopsies via endoscopic surveillance, and the other was lost to follow-up. No perforations or delayed bleeding occurred. CONCLUSION: UEMR appeared to be an effective and safe alternative for treatment of small rNETs without adverse events and with high en bloc and R0 resection rates. Further prospective studies are needed to compare available endoscopic interventions and to elucidate the most appropriate endoscopic technique for resection of rNETs.

RESUMO CONTEXTO: Um local comum de tumores neuroendócrinos (TNEs) é o reto. A técnica mais utilizada é a ressecção endoscópica da mucosa com injeção de solução salina. No entanto, as margens profundas costumam ser difíceis de ressecar porque a invasão da submucosa é comum. A ressecção endoscópica sob imersão d'água (RESI) é uma técnica em que o lúmen intestinal é preenchido com água em vez de ar, evitando a necessidade de elevação submucosa. OBJETIVO: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a eficácia e segurança da RESI para a remoção de pequenos TNEs retais (rTNEs). MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo com pacientes que realizaram RESI em dois centros. RESI foi realizada usando um colonoscópio padrão. Nenhuma injeção submucosa foi realizada. Patologistas certificados conduziram avaliação histopatológica. RESULTADOS: RESI foi realizada para pequenos rTNEs em 11 pacientes (nove mulheres) com média de idade de 55,8 anos e 11 lesões (tamanho médio de 7 mm, variando de 3-12 mm). Havia 9 (81%) pacientes com G1 rTNEs e dois pacientes com G2, sendo que todos os tumores invadiam a submucosa sendo apenas um restrito a mucosa. Nenhum caso mostrou invasão vascular ou perineural. Todas as lesões foram removidas em bloco. Nove (81%) ressecções tiveram margens livres. Dois pacientes tiveram envolvimento de margens profundas; um teve biópsias negativas por meio de vigilância endoscópica e o outro perdeu o acompanhamento. Não ocorreram perfurações ou sangramento tardios. CONCLUSÃO: A RESI parece ser uma alternativa eficaz e segura para o tratamento de pequenos rTNEs sem eventos adversos e com altas taxas de ressecção em bloco e R0. Mais estudos prospectivos são necessários para comparar as intervenções endoscópicas disponíveis e para elucidar a técnica endoscópica mais adequada para ressecção de rTNEs.

Humans , Female , Rectal Neoplasms/surgery , Neuroendocrine Tumors/surgery , Endoscopic Mucosal Resection , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Intestinal Mucosa/surgery , Middle Aged
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878893


This study aims to investigate the potential mechanism of curcumin in mediating interleukin-6(IL-6)/signal transducer and activator of transcription 3(STAT3) signaling pathway to repair intestinal mucosal injury induced by 5-fluorouracil(5-FU) chemotherapy for colon cancer. SD rats were intraperitoneally injected with 60 mg·kg~(-1)·d~(-1) 5-FU for 4 days to establish a model of intestinal mucosal injury. Then the rats were randomly divided into model group(equal volume of normal saline), curcumin low, medium and high dose groups(50, 100, 200 mg·kg~(-1)), and normal SD rats were used as control group(equal volume of normal saline). Each group received gavage administration for 4 consecutive days, and the changes of body weight and feces were recorded every day. After administration, blood was collected from the heart, and jejunum tissues were collected. The levels of serum interleukin-1β(IL-1β) and tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α) were detected by ELISA, and at the same time, the concentration of Evans blue(EB) in jejunum was measured. Hematoxylin-eosin(HE) staining was used to observe the pathological state of jejunum, and the length of jejunum villi and the depth of crypt were measured. The positive expression levels of claudin, occludin and ZO-1 were detected by immunohistochemistry. Western blot was used to detect the protein expression of IL-6, p-STAT3, E-cadherin, vimentin and N-cadherin in jejunum tissues. The results showed that, curcumin significantly increased body weight and fecal weight(P<0.05 or P<0.01), decreased fecal score, EB concentration, IL-1β and TNF-α levels(P<0.05 or P<0.01) in rats. In addition, curcumin maintained the integrity of mucosal surface and villi structure of jejunum to a large extent, and reduced pathological changes in a dose-dependent manner. Meanwhile, curcumin could increase the positive expression of occludin, claudin and ZO-1(P<0.05 or P<0.01), repair intestinal barrier function, downregulate the protein expression of IL-6, p-STAT3, vimentin and N-cadherin in jejunum tissues(P<0.05 or P<0.01), and upregulate the protein expression of E-cadherin(P<0.05). Therefore, curcumin could repair the intestinal mucosal injury induced by 5-FU chemotherapy for colon cancer, and the mechanism may be related to the inhibition of IL-6/STAT3 signal and the inhibition of epithelial-mesenchymal transition(EMT) process.

Animals , Rats , Colonic Neoplasms/drug therapy , Curcumin , Fluorouracil/toxicity , Interleukin-6/genetics , Intestinal Mucosa/metabolism , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , STAT3 Transcription Factor/metabolism , Signal Transduction
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878907


Berberine is the main extract of Coptis chinensis, and its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and immunomodulatory effects have been confirmed by modern studies. Ulcerative colitis(UC) is a chronic, idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease with unknown etiology. Its causes involve genetics, intestinal microecology and mucosal immune system disorders. In this paper, literatures on relevant pathways and mechanism of berberine on ulcerative colitis in recent years were consulted and summarized to provide me-thods and ideas for developing berberine in the treatment of UC and exploring the mechanisms. The results showed that berberine protects the intestinal mucosal barrier, restores the body's normal immune response, and improves oxidative stress by regulating multiple signaling pathways, such as JAK-STAT, NK-κB, PI3 K-AKT, MAPK, Nrf2, ERS, and MLCK-MLC, so as to treat UC.

Humans , Berberine/pharmacology , Colitis , Colitis, Ulcerative/genetics , Intestinal Mucosa , Signal Transduction
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-879076


This study aims to investigate the preventive effect of Dendrobium officinale in LPS-induced intestinal mucosal damage. Forty SPF-grade C57 BL/6 J male mice were randomly divided into normal group(NC), model group(LPS), and two superfine powder groups of Dendrobium officinale(DOF)(DOF-L, 0.30 g·kg~(-1)and DOF-H, 0.60 g·kg~(-1), respectively), with 10 mice in each group. DOF superfine powder suspension was given via oral administration to mice for 7 days, while the mice in NC and LPS groups received the same volume of saline for 7 days. On the eighth day, the mice in LPS group and DOF treatment groups were injected with LPS(5 mg·kg~(-1)) by intraperitoneal injection to establish the intestinal mucosal injury model, while the mice in NC group were injected with the same volume of sterile saline in the same manner. Six hours after injection with LPS or saline, plasma and the intestinal tissue were collected. The diamine oxidase(DAO) and D-lactate levels in plasma were detected with a biochemical method. The levels of proinflammatory factors interleukin-6(IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α) in plasma were detected by ELISA. The histomorphology and ultrastructure of mouse ileum tissues were observed by hematoxylin-eosin(HE) staining in optical microscope and transmission electron microscope(TEM). The expression and distribution of tight junction(TJ) proteins claudin-1, occludin and F4/80 were detected by immunohistochemistry while the protein expression levels of Toll-like receptor 4(TLR-4) and nuclear factor kappa B p65(NF-κB p65) in jejunum were detected by Western blot. The experimental results showed that continuous intragastric administration of D. officinale superfine powder for 7 days obviously alleviated the damage and ultrastructural changes of intestinal mucosa induced by LPS; significantly decreased DAO and D-lactate levels in plasma in model group(P<0.05); up-regulated the protein expression of claudin-1 and occludin in ileum tissues; down-regulated the protein expression of TLR-4 and NF-κB p65 in jejunum tissues(P<0.01); significantly decreased TNF-α and IL-6 levels in plasma(P<0.05); and decreased the infiltration of F4/80~+ macrophage cells. Our results suggested that D. officinale had significant protective effects on LPS-induced intestinal mucosal damage and reduced intestinal permeability. The mechanism might be related to its effects of inhibiting inflammation via TLR-4/NF-κB p65, and up-regulating the expression of tight junction proteins.

Animals , Male , Mice , Dendrobium , Intestinal Mucosa , Lipopolysaccharides , NF-kappa B , Powders , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha/genetics
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-887504


OBJECTIVE@#To observe the effect of acupoint thread-embedding on tight junction of intestinal mucosal epithelial barrier in rats with ulcerative colitis (UC) under the state of "deficiency and stasis", and to explore its mechanism.@*METHODS@#Sixty male SD rats were randomly divided into a control group (@*RESULTS@#Compared with the control group, in the model group the body weight was decreased (@*CONCLUSION@#The thread-embedding could repair the tight junction of intestinal mucosa epithelium and reduce the permeability of intestinal mucosa epithelium, which may be related to the decrease of the expression of CaMKⅡ, MLCK and other protein kinases.

Animals , Male , Rats , Acupuncture Points , Colitis, Ulcerative/therapy , Epithelium , Intestinal Mucosa , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Tight Junctions
Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion ; (12): 1127-1134, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-921021


OBJECTIVE@#To observe the effect of moxibustion at "Zusanli" (ST 36) on distal, middle and proximal colonic mucosal injury and expression of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) positive nerve fibers of distal colonic mucosa in ulcerative colitis (UC) mice at different time points.@*METHODS@#A total of 51 C57BL/6N mice were randomized into a 7-day control group (@*RESULTS@#Mucosal injury can be observed in mice after modeling, displaying epithelial layer disappearance, abnormal crypt structure or crypt disappearance. Compared with the 7-day control group, colon length was shortened (@*CONCLUSION@#Moxibustion at "Zusanli" (ST 36) can reduce the expressions of positive nerve fibers of colonic mucosa and CGRP positive nerve fibers of distal colonic mucosa, thus, improve the colonic mucosal injury.

Animals , Mice , Calcitonin , Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide/genetics , Colitis, Ulcerative/therapy , Intestinal Mucosa , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Moxibustion , Nerve Fibers
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-921757


The aim of this paper was to explore the effect and mechanism of Jiawei Baitouweng Decoction(JWBTW) against ulcerative colitis(UC) from the perspective of intestinal mucosal tight junction proteins. From 60 SPF-grade male SD rats, 10 were randomly selected as the blank control, and the remaining 50 were treated with 3% dextran sodium sulfate(DSS) solution to induce UC and then randomized into the model group, mesalazine group, and low-, medium-, and high-dose JWBTW( L-JWBTW, M-JWBTW and H-JWBTW) groups, with 10 rats in each group. After successive medication for 14 days, the rat general conditions like body weight and stool were observed and the disease activity index(DAI) was calculated. The pathological changes in colon tissue was observed under a microscope for injury severity scoring and histopathological scoring. The serum endotoxin content was determined by limulus assay, followed by the measurement of protein expression levels of ZO-1, occludin, claudin-1, p38 MAPK, MLCK, MLC2 and p-MLC in colon tissue by Western blot. The results showed that compared with the blank group, the model group exhibited significantly reduced body weight, elevated DAI, injury severity and histopathological scores and serum endotoxin content, up-regulated protein expression levels of p38 MAPK, MLCK, MLC2 and p-MLC, and down-regulated ZO-1, occludin and claudin-1. Compared with the model group,mesalazine and JWBTW at each dose obviously increased the body weight, lowered the DAI, injury severity and histopathological scores and serum endotoxin content, down-regulated the protein expression levels of p38 MAPK, MLCK, MLC2 and p-MLC, and up-regulated the ZO-1, occludin and claudin-1, with the most obvious changes noticed in the H-JWBTW group. All these have indicated that JWBTW exerts the therapeutic effect against UC by inhibiting the activation of p38 MAPK/MLCK pathway, reversing the protein expression levels of occludin, claudin-1 and ZO-1, decreasing the serum endotoxin content, promoting the repair of intestinal mucosal mechanical barrier, maintaining the integrity of tight junctions, and reducing the permeability of intestinal mucosa.

Animals , Male , Rats , Colitis, Ulcerative/genetics , Disease Models, Animal , Intestinal Mucosa , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Signal Transduction , Tight Junction Proteins/genetics , p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases/genetics