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Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;40(6): 599-608, dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530005


INTRODUCCIÓN: El uso de tigeciclina ha ido en aumento en los últimos años, debido al incremento de la resistencia bacteriana y la escasez de alternativas terapéuticas. OBJETIVO: Caracterizar y evaluar las prescripciones de tigeciclina en pacientes internados en un hospital universitario, durante los años 2017 y 2018. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio observacional retrospectivo, donde se caracterizaron los pacientes, las terapias, la microbiología asociada, los desenlaces clínicos y las reacciones adversas asociadas a los tratamientos con tigeciclina. Se determinó la proporción de prescripciones apropiadas por un comité de expertos y el consumo de tigeciclina medido en DDD/100 camas-día. RESULTADOS: Se caracterizaron 89 pacientes, de los cuales 67 (75,3%) cumplieron los criterios de selección. El 53,7% de los pacientes eran hombres, con una edad promedio de 60 ± 15 años. El principal motivo de hospitalización fue quirúrgico (65,7%). El 67,1% de los tratamientos con tigeciclina se inició en una Unidad de Paciente Critico y el foco de infección predominante fue abdominal (64,3%). El 50% de las terapias con tigeciclina fueron dirigidas según la microbiología identificada. En 65,7% de los casos se usó tigeciclina como monoterapia en la dosis habitual (62,9%). Náuseas (8,6%), diarrea (7,1%) y vómitos (4,3%) fueron los efectos adversos más reportados. El 84,3% de los tratamientos se consideraron apropiados. El año 2017 se consumió 0,4 DDD/100 camas-día y 0,6 DDD/100 camas/día el 2018, siendo la UCI el servicio que presentó el mayor uso en ambos años. DISCUSIÓN: Tigeciclina fue utilizada principalmente en monoterapia para el tratamiento de infecciones intraabdominales en pacientes hospitalizados, por motivos quirúrgicos, en una unidad de paciente crítico, en las dosis habituales recomendadas de 100 mg como dosis de carga seguida de 50 mg cada 12 hs IV. En 50% de los casos, la terapia fue dirigida según microbiología. Los eventos adversos más habituales fueron los gastrointestinales. CONCLUSIÓN: La mayoría de las terapias prescritas fueron consideradas apropiadas por el comité de expertos.

BACKGROUND: The use of tigecycline has been increasing in recent years, due to increase in bacterial resistance and the scarcity of therapeutics alternatives. AIM: To characterize and evaluate the tigecycline prescriptions of patients hospitalized in a university hospital, during the years 2017 and 2018. METHODS: A retrospective observational study was carried out, where the patients, the therapies, the associated microbiology, the clinical outcomes and the adverse reactions associated with tigecycline were characterized. The proportion of appropriate prescriptions was determined by committee of experts and the consumption of tigecycline measure in DDD/100 bed-days. RESULTS: 89 patients who used tigecycline were characterized, of which 67 (75.3%) met the selection criteria. 53.7% of the patients were male, with a mean age of 60 +/- 15 years The main reason for hospitalization was surgical (65.7%). 67.1% of the treatments with tigecycline were started in a critical patient unit and the predominant focus of the infection was the abdomen (64.3%). 50% of the therapies with tigecycline were ordered according to the identified microbiology. In 65.7% of the cases, tigecyclin was used as monotherapy at the usual dose (62.9%). Nausea (8.6%), diarrhea (7.1%) and vomiting (4.3%) were the most reported adverse events. 84.3% of the treatments were considered appropriate. In 2017, 0.4 DDD/100 bed/days were consumed and 0.6 DDD/100 bed/days in 2018, with de ICU being the service that presented the highest use in both years. DISCUSSION: Tigecycline was mainly used as monotherapy for the treatment of intra-abdominal infections in patients hospitalized for surgical reasons in a critical patient unit at the usual doses of 100 mg loading followed by 50 mg every 12 hours IV. In 50% of the case the therapy was directed according to microbiology. The most common adverse events were gastrointestinal. CONCLUSION: Most of the prescribed therapies were considered appropriate by the expert committee.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Tigecycline/therapeutic use , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Drug Prescriptions , Chile , Retrospective Studies , Drug Resistance, Bacterial , Intraabdominal Infections/drug therapy , Tigecycline/administration & dosage , Tigecycline/adverse effects , Hospitals, University , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosage , Anti-Bacterial Agents/adverse effects
Actual. SIDA. infectol ; 31(111): 37-42, 20230000. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1427136


Las peritonitis secundarias constituyen una causa frecuente de internación y de uso de antibioticoterapia dentro de las infecciones intraabdominales. Realizamos un estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo y observacional de centro único desde enero a diciembre de 2021. El objetivo del estudio fue conocer la epidemiología local y adecuar el tratamiento empírico de las peritonitis secundarias de la comunidad. Se incluyeron pacientes mayores a 16 años con peritonitis secundaria, intervención quirúrgica, envío de material a cultivo y desarrollo microbiano de bacterias aerobias a través de la revisión de historias clínicas. Se analizaron cultivos de 36 pacientes, 64% de sexo masculino con una media de edad de 48,8 años. El 22% requirió internación en unidad de cuidados intensivos. La principal causa fue apendicitis aguda en el 61%, seguido por perforación secundaria a tumores. Se aislaron 43 bacterias aerobias (1,2 bacterias por episodio) siendo E. coli el microorganismo más frecuente. En la institución se utiliza piperacilina-tazobactam como tratamiento empírico. De acuerdo a las recomendaciones de la Sociedad Argentina de Infectología de 2018, en infecciones no complicadas podría utilizarse aminoglucósidos + metronidazol, optando por piperacilina-tazobactam en casos graves. No es recomendado como tratamiento empírico el uso de ampicilina-sulbactam y ciprofloxacina para infecciones graves o con difícil control del foco por la alta tasa de resistencia. En base a nuestro estudio podemos concluir que la epidemiología de los pacientes coincide con lo descrito en publicaciones nacionales, lo que nos lleva a reconsiderar el tratamiento empírico en casos leves, pudiendo optar por aminoglucósidos + metronidazol.

Secondary peritonitis is a frequent cause of hospital admission and an usual cause of use of antibiotic therapy in abdominal infections. We did a retrospective and observational study in one health center between January 2021 and December 2021. The aim of the study was to analyze the local epidemiology and adapt antibiotic empirical therapy of secondary community peritonitis. Patients aged 16 years and older with secondary peritonitis were included in this study. These patients needed surgical intervention and they had a positive culture with aerobic microorganism. We analyzed abdominal cultures from 36 patients, 64% men with a median age of 48.8 years. Twenty- two percent of these patients were admitted to intensive care unit. Acute appendicitis was the principal cause of secondary peritonitis in 61% of cases, followed by tumors. We found 43 aerobic bacterias (1.2 bacteria/episode), E.coli was the most frequent microorganism. In our hospital we use piperacillin- tazobactam for empirical treatment. According to the 2018 recommendations from the Argentine Society of Infectious Diseases, aminoglycosides + metronidazole can be used for uncomplicated intra-abdominal infections, and piperacillin-tazobactam should be used only in severe cases. However, ampicillin-sulbactam or ciprofloxacin is not recommended for severe cases or complicated infections due to the high resistance rates. Based on the finding of the study, it could be said that the epidemiology of the patients coincides with what was described in other national medical journals. Therefore, we should reconsider the use of aminoglycosides + metronidazole as empirical treatment for mild cases.

Humans , Male , Female , Peritonitis/therapy , Drug Resistance, Microbial , Intraabdominal Infections/therapy
Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi ; (12): 13-17, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970166


Infected pancreatic necrosis(IPN) is the main surgical indication of acute pancreatitis. Minimally invasive debridement has become the mainstream surgical strategy of IPN,and it is only preserved for IPN patients who are not response for adequate non-surgical treatment. Transluminal or retroperitoneal drainage is preferred,and appropriate debridement can be performed. At present,it is reported that video assisted transluminal,trans-abdominal and retroperitoneal approaches can effectively control IPN infection. However,in terms of reducing pancreatic leakage and other complications,surgical and endoscopic transgastric debridement may be the future direction in the treatment of IPN.

Humans , Pancreatitis, Acute Necrotizing/complications , Acute Disease , Debridement/methods , Endoscopy/methods , Drainage/methods , Intraabdominal Infections/complications , Treatment Outcome
Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi ; (12): 33-40, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970170


Objective: To explore the clinical characteristics of various types of infected pancreatic necrosis(IPN) and the prognosis of different treatment methods in the imaging classification of IPN proposed. Methods: The clinical data of 126 patients with IPN admitted to the Department of Pancreatic and Biliary Surgery, the First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University from December 2018 to December 2021 were analyzed retrospectively. There were 70 males(55.6%) and 56 females(44.4%), with age(M(IQR)) of 44(17)years (range: 12 to 87 years). There were 67 cases(53.2%) of severe acute pancreatitis and 59 cases (46.8%) of moderately severe acute pancreatitis. All cases were based on the diagnostic criteria of IPN. All cases were divided into Type Ⅰ(central IPN)(n=21), Type Ⅱ(peripheral IPN)(n=23), Type Ⅲ(mixed IPN)(n=74) and Type Ⅳ(isolated IPN)(n=8) according to the different sites of infection and necrosis on CT.According to different treatment strategies,they were divided into Step-up group(n=109) and Step-jump group(n=17). The clinical indicators and prognosis of each group were observed and analyzed by ANOVA,t-test,χ2 test or Fisher exact test,respectively. Results: There was no significant difference in mortality, complication rate and complication grade in each type of IPN(all P>0.05). Compared with other types of patients, the length of stay (69(40)days vs. 19(19)days) and hospitalization expenses(323 000(419 000)yuan vs. 60 000(78 000)yuan) were significantly increased in Type Ⅳ IPN(Z=-4.041, -3.972; both P<0.01). The incidence of postoperative residual infection of Type Ⅳ IPN was significantly higher than that of other types (χ2=16.350,P<0.01). There was no significant difference in the mortality of patients with different types of IPN between different treatment groups. The length of stay and hospitalization expenses of patients in the Step-up group were significantly less than those in the Step-jump group(19(20)days vs. 33(35)days, Z=-2.052, P=0.040;59 000(80 000)yuan vs. 122 000(109 000)yuan,Z=-2.317,P=0.020). Among the patients in Type Ⅳ IPN, the hospitalization expenses of Step-up group was significantly higher than that of Step-jump group(330 000(578 000)yuan vs. 141 000 yuan,Z=-2.000,P=0.046). The incidence of postoperative residual infection of Step-up group(17.4%(19/109)) was significantly lower than that of Step-jump group(10/17)(χ2=11.980, P=0.001). Conclusions: Type Ⅳ IPN is more serious than the other three types. It causes longer length of stay and more hospitalization expenses. The step-up approach is safe and effective in the treatment of IPN. However, for infected lesions which are deep in place,difficult to reach by conventional drainage methods, or mainly exhibit "dry necrosis", choosing the step-jump approach is a more positive choice.

Male , Female , Humans , Retrospective Studies , Pancreatitis, Acute Necrotizing/complications , Acute Disease , Intraabdominal Infections/complications , Necrosis/complications , Treatment Outcome
Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi ; (12): 145-149, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970198


Objective: To investigate the safety and efficacy of embedding the stump of gastroduodenal artery between the left lateral lobe of the liver and the left caudate lobe to prevent bleeding after laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy. Methods: The clinical data of 41 patients who underwent laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy at the second Hospital of Hebei Medical University from October 2021 to April 2022 were analyzed retrospectively.There were 27 males and 14 females, aged (63.0±9.2)years (range: 48 to 78 years), and the body mass index was (24.1±3.2)kg/m2 (range: 15.4 to 31.6 kg/m2). After routine laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy, the stump of gastroduodenal artery was embedded between the left lateral lobe and the left caudate lobe of the liver, and the hepatic parenchyma of the left lateral lobe and the left caudate lobe were sutured with absorbable sutures.The occurrence and recovery of postoperative complications (pancreatic fistula, biliary fistula, postoperative abdominal bleeding, abdominal infection, liver abscess) were observed. Results: All the operations of 41 patients were completed successfully.The operation time was (277.5±52.0) minutes (range: 192 to 360 minutes). The entrapment time of gastroduodenal artery stump was (3.1±0.6) minutes (range: 2.3 to 4.2 minutes), and the intraoperative blood loss (M(IQR)) was 300 (200) ml (range: 50 to 800 ml).The results of ultrasound examination of hepatic artery on the first day after operation showed that the blood flows of hepatic artery were unobstructed.Postoperative pancreatic fistula occurred in 3 cases, including grade B pancreatic fistula in 2 cases (1 case with abdominal infection) and biochemical leakage in 1 case. Three patients with pancreatic fistula were discharged successfully after continuous abdominal drainage. There was no biliary fistula, abdominal bleeding, abdominal infection, liver abscess or postoperative liver dysfunction. Conclusion: The encasement of the gastroduodenal artery stump by the left outer and left caudate lobes of the liver may be an effective way to prevent bleeding from the rupture of the gastroduodenal artery stump after laparoscopic pancreatoduodenectomy, which is easy and safe to perform.

Female , Male , Humans , Hepatic Artery , Pancreaticoduodenectomy , Pancreatic Fistula , Retrospective Studies , Laparoscopy , Liver Abscess , Intraabdominal Infections , Postoperative Hemorrhage/prevention & control
Biomed. environ. sci ; Biomed. environ. sci;(12): 732-742, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007846


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the distribution and antimicrobial susceptibility of causative microorganisms recovered from patients with intra-abdominal infections (IAIs).@*METHODS@#A total of 2,926 bacterial and fungal strains were identified in samples collected from 1,679 patients with IAIs at the Peking Union Medical College Hospital between 2011 and 2021. Pathogenic bacteria and fungi were identified using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) was performed using the VITEK 2 compact system and the Kirby-Bauer method. AST results were interpreted based on the M100-Ed31 clinical breakpoints of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute.@*RESULTS@#Of the 2,926 strains identified, 49.2%, 40.8%, and 9.5% were gram-negative bacteria, gram-positive bacteria, and fungi, respectively. Escherichia coli was the most prevalent pathogen in intensive care unit (ICU) and non-ICU patients; however, a significant decrease was observed in the isolation of E. coli between 2011 and 2021. Specifically, significant decreases were observed between 2011 and 2021 in the levels of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing E. coli (from 76.9% to 14.3%) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (from 45.8% to 4.8%). Polymicrobial infections, particularly those involving co-infection with gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, were commonly observed in IAI patients. Moreover, Candida albicans was more commonly isolated from hospital-associated IAI samples, while Staphylococcus epidermidis had a higher ratio in community-associated IAIs. Additionally, AST results revealed that most antimicrobial agents performed better in non-ESBL-producers than in ESBL-producers, while the overall resistance rates (56.9%-76.8%) of Acinetobacter baumanmii were higher against all antimicrobial agents than those of other common gram-negative bacteria. Indeed, Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus faecalis, S. epidermidis, and S. aureus were consistently found to be susceptible to vancomycin, teicoplanin, and linezolid. Similarly, C. albicans exhibited high susceptibility to all the tested antifungal drugs.@*CONCLUSION@#The distribution and antimicrobial susceptibility of the causative microorganisms from patients with IAIs were altered between 2011 and 2021. This finding is valuable for the implementation of evidence-based antimicrobial therapy and provides guidance for the control of hospital infections.

Humans , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Escherichia coli , Gram-Negative Bacteria , Gram-Positive Bacteria , Retrospective Studies , Staphylococcus aureus , Intraabdominal Infections/epidemiology , Candida albicans , Coinfection
Cambios rev med ; 21(2): 885, 30 Diciembre 2022. tabs, grafs.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1415670


La peritonitis es una inflamación aguda o crónica del peritoneo que generalmente tiene un origen infeccioso. Existen varios tipos, siendo la de tipo secundario la más frecuente. El término peritonitis secundaria se define como la inflamación localizada o generalizada de la membrana peritoneal causada por infección polimicrobiana posterior a la ruptura traumática o espontánea de una víscera o secundaria a la dehiscencia de anastomosis intestinales. Esta entidad se caracteriza por la presencia de pus en la cavidad peritoneal o de líquido; que, en el estudio microscópico directo, contiene leucocitos y bacterias. El tratamiento de esta patología constituye una urgencia y puede ser de tipo clínico y/o quirúrgico. El objetivo del manejo operatorio se basa en identificar y eliminar la causa de la infección, recoger muestras microbiológicas, realizar una limpieza peritoneal y prevenir la recidiva. El tratamiento clínico se ocupa de las consecuencias de la infección mediante la reanimación perioperatoria y el tratamiento antibiótico1. A pesar de los avances en diagnóstico, procedimientos quirúrgicos, terapia antimicrobiana y cuidados intensivos, la mortalidad asociada con la peritonitis secundaria grave es aún muy alta. El pronóstico y el manejo oportuno representan la clave para mejorar la sobrevida y reducir la mortalidad asociada a infecciones intraabdominales extensas2. Es importante establecer lineamientos en cuanto al diagnóstico, manejo antibiótico y pautas de tratamiento quirúrgico para disminuir la morbilidad y mortalidad asociada a esta enfermedad. Palabras clave: Peritonitis; Peritoneo; Cavidad Abdominal/cirugía; Cavidad Peritoneal; Líquido Ascítico/patología; Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Operativos.

Peritonitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the peritoneum that generally has an infectious origin. There are several types, with secondary peritonitis being the most frequent. The term secondary peritonitis is defined as localized or generalized inflammation of the peritoneal membrane caused by polymicrobial infection following traumatic or spontaneous rupture of a viscus or secondary to dehiscence of intestinal anastomoses. This entity is characterized by the presence of pus in the peritoneal cavity or fluid which, on direct microscopic examination, contains leukocytes and bacteria. The treatment of this pathology constitutes an emergency and can be clinical and/or surgical. The aim of operative management is based on identifying and eliminating the cause of the infection, collecting microbiological samples, performing peritoneal cleansing and preventing recurrence. Clinical management deals with the consequences of the infection by perioperative resuscitation and antibiotic treatment1 . Despite advances in diagnosis, surgical procedures, antimicrobial therapy and intensive care, mortality associated with severe secondary peritonitis is still very high. Prognosis and timely management represent the key to improving survival and reducing mortality associated with extensive intra-abdominal infections2. It is important to establish guidelines for diagnosis, antibiotic management and surgical treatment guidelines to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with this disease.

Humans , Male , Female , Peritoneal Cavity , Peritoneum , Peritonitis , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Ascitic Fluid/pathology , Abdominal Cavity/surgery , General Surgery , Bacterial Infections , Viscera , Clinical Protocols , Medication Therapy Management , Intraabdominal Infections , Abdomen/surgery
Rev. cuba. cir ; 60(4)dic. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408216


Introducción: Las infecciones intrabdominales son consideradas como una de las primeras causas de emergencias quirúrgicas a nivel mundial. El reconocimiento de la peritonitis terciaria como una nueva forma de sepsis de origen intrabdominal y disfunción- falla multiorgánica es creciente, pero no unánime. Objetivo: Realizar un análisis de la literatura sobre la peritonitis terciaria, su definición, elementos fisiopatológicos, factores de riesgo y terapéutica. Método: Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos Pubmed, LILACS, SciELO y Google académico. Se utilizaron palabras clave, términos DeCs y MESH, en el periodo de búsqueda 2010-2020 en idioma inglés y español, con el fin de proporcionar los conceptos, clasificaciones y manejo integral en el abordaje de la peritonitis terciaria. Los tipos de estudios seleccionados fueron guías, revisiones sistemáticas, ensayos clínicos aleatorizados y estudios observacionales. Desarrollo: Se definió como una inflamación peritoneal que persistió o recurrió después de 48 horas, con signos clínicos de irritación peritoneal, tras un tratamiento aparentemente adecuado que siguió a una peritonitis secundaria y producida por patógenos nosocomiales. Es una entidad que tuvo una elevada mortalidad, que cuenta con elementos necesarios para su diagnóstico, con una flora bacteriana característica, generalmente microorganismos de baja virulencia unido a predisposición por paciente inmunocomprometido y los elementos claves para su tratamiento son la antibiótico terapia y un manejo quirúrgico adecuado. Conclusiones: A pesar de la gravedad extrema de esta entidad, existen ambigüedades en su definición, diagnóstico y tratamiento. Los estudios sobre el tema abordan definiciones muy heterogéneas y por tanto los resultados son muy variables(AU)

Introduction: Intraabdominal infections are considered one of the leading causes of surgical emergencies worldwide. Recognition of tertiary peritonitis as a new form of sepsis of intraabdominal origin and multi-organ dysfunction and/or failure is increasing, but not unanimous. Objective: To carry out an analysis of the literature about tertiary peritonitis, its definition, pathophysiological elements, risk factors, and therapy. Method: A search was carried out in the databases of Pubmed, LILACS, SciELO and Google Scholar. Keywords, as well as DeCs and MESH terms were used in the search period 2010-2020, in English and Spanish, in order to provide the concepts, classifications and the comprehensive management for tertiary peritonitis. The types of studies selected were guidelines, systematic reviews, randomized clinical trials, and observational studies. Development: The condition was defined as a peritoneal inflammation that persisted or recurred after 48 hours, with clinical signs of peritoneal irritation, after apparently adequate treatment that followed secondary peritonitis caused by nosocomial pathogens. The entity had a high mortality, with necessary elements for its diagnosis: a characteristic bacterial flora, generally low virulence microorganisms and predisposition to affect immunocompromised patients. The key elements for its treatment are antibiotic therapy and suitable surgical management. Conclusions: Despite the extreme severity of this entity, there are ambiguities in its definition, diagnosis and managment. Studies on the subject address very heterogeneous definitions and, therefore, the outcomes are highly variable(AU)

Peritonitis/diagnosis , Risk Factors , Critical Care , Intraabdominal Infections/diagnosis , Review Literature as Topic , Emergencies , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use
Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;38(6): 820-823, dic. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388312


Resumen La proctitis infecciosa secundaria a una enfermedad de transmisión sexual ha aumentado en incidencia y deben ser consideradas especial-mente en varones homosexuales o bisexuales con síntomas rectales. Presentamos un paciente con una proctitis y enfermedad perianal por Chlamydia trachomatis que podría haber sido diagnosticado con otra enfermedad ano-rectal como es la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, si la historia clínica no hubiese sido considerada. Un alto nivel de sospecha es necesario para evitar un diagnóstico incorrecto, retrasar el tratamiento antimicrobiano y el desarrollo de complicaciones.

Abstract Infectious proctitis by sexually transmitted diseases are increasing in incidence and should be considered in homosexual patients with rectal symptoms. In this case, we show a patient with proctitis and perianal disease caused by Chlamydia trachomatis that could be diagnosed as another anorectal disease such as inflammatory bowel disease if the clinical history is not taken into account. A high level of suspicion is crucial, in order to avoid an incorrect diagnosis, delayed antibiotic therapy and the development of complications.

Humans , Male , Adult , Proctitis/diagnosis , Proctitis/etiology , Proctitis/drug therapy , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/diagnosis , Inflammatory Bowel Diseases/diagnosis , Chlamydia trachomatis , Intraabdominal Infections
Infectio ; 25(4): 212-240, oct.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1286716


Abstract Intra-abdominal infections are frequent at all levels of health care, therefore, it is necessary to maintain a high level of clinical suspicion, performing the fastest and most cost-effective measures to confirm the diagnosis and offer a precise and targeted multidisciplinary therapy, this being the only way to have an impact on the morbidity of this infection, reducing mortality and minimizing the complications and costs of health care. Intra-abdominal infections are linked to the appearance and selection of resistant mutants in both bacteria and fungi, becoming currently a major public health problem. Increasing bacterial resistance when associated with a greater possibility of difficulties in antimicrobial treatment increases mortality. This evidence-based consensus brings together the recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of intra-abdominal infections in the pediatric and adult population. With strict monitoring of bacterial resistance and stimulating the control of the risk factors that have the greatest impact on the appearance of this phenomenon, this consensus is intended to be a practical guide that is easy to implement, and with periodic updates it will favor and facilitate multidisciplinary and the adequacy of the therapeutic management of intra-abdominal infections.

Resumen Las infecciones intrabdominales son frecuentes en todos los niveles de atención en salud, por ende, es necesario mantener un alto nivel de sospecha clínica, realizando las medidas más rápidas y costoefectivas para confirmar el diagnóstico y así ofrecer de una forma precisa y dirigida la terapéutica multidisciplinaria, siendo esta la única manera de tener impacto en la morbilidad de esta infección, disminuyendo la mortalidad y minimizando las complicaciones y los costos de la atención en salud. Las infecciones intrabdominales se encuentran ligadas a la aparición y selección de las mutantes resistentes tanto en las bacterias como en los hongos, convirtiéndose en la actualidad en una gran problemática en la salud pública. La creciente resistencia bacteriana al asociarse a mayor posibilidad de dificultades en el tratamiento antimicrobiano incrementa la mortalidad. Este consenso basado en la evidencia, reúne las recomendaciones en el diagnóstico y en el tratamiento de las infecciones intrabdominales en la población pediátrica y de adultos. Con un estricto seguimiento de la resistencia bacteriana y estimulando el control de los factores de riesgo que tienen mas impacto en la aparición de este fenómeno, este consenso pretende ser una practica guía de fácil implementación, y con periódicas actualizaciones favorecerá y facilitará el manejo multidisciplinario y la adecuación del manejo terapéutico de las infecciones intrabdominales.

Humans , Child , Adult , Intraabdominal Infections , Peritonitis , Bacteria , Risk Factors , Mortality , Colombia , Sepsis , Delivery of Health Care , Infections , Anti-Bacterial Agents
Infectio ; 25(3): 200-204, jul.-set. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1250094


Abstract Streptococcus constellatus is a member of the group now called Streptococcus anginosus. This microorganism is part of the normal oropharyngeal, gastrointestinal and genitourinary microbiota. However, it may cause serious infections such as pharyngitis, bacteremia and invasive pyogenic infections in immunocompromised patients. We report the first case in Colombia of an adult male with no relevant medical history and with an unusual presentation of infection by S. constellatus and whose laboratory results showed an important systemic inflammatory response and radiographic evidence of abdominal involvement with poor response to medical and surgical management. Since there are few reports in international medical journals about intra-abdominal infection by S. constellatus and taking into consideration the need of a multidisciplinary intervention, this report may be of interest for both clinical and surgical practitioners.

Resumen Streptococcus constellatus es un miembro del grupo ahora llamado Streptococcus anginosus. Este microorganismo es parte de la microbiota orofaríngea, gastrointestinal y genitourinaria normal. Sin embargo, puede causar infecciones graves como faringitis, bacteriemia e infecciones piógenas invasivas en pacientes inmunocomprometidos. Presentamos el primer caso en Colombia de un hombre adulto sin antecedentes médicos relevantes y con una presentación inusual de infección por S. constellatus, dada por una gran respuesta inflamatoria sistémica y evidencia radiográfica de afectación abdominal con mala respuesta al tratamiento médico y quirúrgico. Dado que hay pocos informes en revistas médicas internacionales sobre la infección intraabdominal por S. constellatus y teniendo en cuenta la necesidad de intervenciones multidisciplinarias, este reporte puede ser de interés tanto para los médicos clínicos como para los quirúrgicos.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Streptococcus anginosus , Streptococcus constellatus , Intraabdominal Infections , Shock, Septic , Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections , Abdominal Abscess , Infections
Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi ; (12): 161-178, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878276


Intra-abdominal infections(IAIs) are common surgical emergencies and complications, which usually need multidisciplinary management including surgeons, intensivists, infectious disease experts, microbiologists, and clinical pharmacists. Based on international and domestic guidelines and recent advances, a number of experts' statements of consensus, with a problem-oriented approach, were made on the cornerstones of effective treatment of IAIs such as early recognition, etiology identification, adequate source control, and appropriate antimicrobial therapy. Main recommendations include concepts of intra-abdominal infection, pathoqen diagnosis precautions; surgical intervention principles and strategies of specific causes including acute appendicitis, upper gastrointestinal perforation, lower gastrointestinal perforation, acute biliary infection, liver abscess, severe acute pancreatitis, pancreatic fistula, biliary fistula, anastomotic leakage, gastrointestinal perforation, as well as perforation due to endoscopic procedure etc.; principles of antimicrobial therapy, dosage of antibiotics in specific population and pathophysiological state; and systematic support of severe infection such as early resuscitation and nutrition support.

Humans , Combined Modality Therapy , Consensus , Intraabdominal Infections/therapy , Patient Care Team
Rev inf cient ; 100(5): 1-11, 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1348565


Introducción: La infección intraabdominal posoperatoria es una grave complicación que con frecuencia requiere de la técnica de abdomen abierto para solucionarla, lo cual exige competencia profesional y humanismo. Objetivo: Analizar desde un enfoque inclusivo las particularidades de la técnica de abdomen abierto aplicada en pacientes con infección intraabdominal posoperatoria. Método: Se realizó un estudio exploratorio con enfoque cualitativo en el Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Dr. Ambrosio Grillo Portuondo de Santiago de Cuba durante junio-octubre de 2020. Se utilizó la sistematización como método teórico y como métodos empíricos el análisis documental con la revisión de las historias clínicas y la observación con la práctica atencional-docente de la autora. Resultados: El análisis documental y la práctica contextualizada de la autora en los diversos escenarios de atención clínico-quirúrgica a pacientes con infección intraabdominal posoperatoria permitió constatar la necesidad de que el cirujano no vea de forma aislada al paciente con esta grave complicación a quien se le aplica con frecuencia la técnica de abdomen abierto para controlar la contaminación, ya que las particularidades de esta estrategia demandan la actualización sistemática para mejorar el desempeño profesional unido a una gran sensibilidad humana. Conclusiones: En la infección intraabdominal posoperatoria tratada con técnica de abdomen abierto es pertinente que los médicos responsables muestren dominio de las particularidades de la estrategia quirúrgica con un enfoque inclusivo unido a una gran sensibilidad humana como evidencia de calidad atencional(AU).

Introduction: Postoperative intraabdominal infection is a serious complication that commonly requires the open abdominal technique to solve it, and also requires of professional competence and humanism. Objective: To assess, from an inclusive approach, the features of the open abdominal technique applied in patients with postoperative intraabdominal infection. Method: An exploratory study with a qualitative approach was carried out at the Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Dr. Ambrosio Grillo Portuondo in Santiago de Cuba, from June thoughout October 2020. Systematization was used as theoretical method and, on the other hand, documentary analysis (applying the clinical histories review) and the observation (applying the author's care-teaching practice) were used as empirical methods. Results: The documentary analysis and the contextualized practice of the author, in the different scenarios of clinical-surgical care to patients with postoperative intraabdominal infection, allowed confirming the need for the surgeon not to see patients with this serious complication as an isolated event. Patients who open abdomen technique were frequently applied to control contamination. It should be taken into account that the particularities of this strategy demand for systematic updating to improve professional performance matched with a great human sensitivity. Conclusions: In the postoperative intraabdominal infection treated with open abdominal technique, it is pertinent that physicians show mastery concerning surgical strategy features with an inclusive approach matched with a great human sensitivity as evidence of a great quality care(AU).

Introdução: A infecção intra-abdominal pós-operatória é uma complicação grave que frequentemente requer a técnica de abdômen aberto para sua resolução, o que requer competência profissional e humanismo. Objetivo: Analisar a partir de uma abordagem inclusiva as particularidades da técnica de abdome aberto aplicada em pacientes com infecção intra-abdominal pós-operatória. Método: Foi realizado um estudo exploratório com abordagem qualitativa no Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Dr. Ambrosio Grillo Portuondo de Santiago de Cuba durante o período de junho a outubro de 2020. A sistematização foi utilizada como método teórico e como método empírico, o documentário análise com a revisão do prontuário e observação com a prática pedagógica do autor. Resultados: A análise documental e a prática contextualizada do autor nos diversos ambientes de atendimento clínico-cirúrgico ao paciente com infecção intra-abdominal pós-operatória permitiram constatar a necessidade de o cirurgião não atender isoladamente o paciente portador dessa grave complicação. A técnica do abdômen aberto é frequentemente aplicada para o controle da contaminação, uma vez que as particularidades dessa estratégia requerem atualização sistemática para melhorar o desempenho profissional aliado a grande sensibilidade humana. Conclusões: No pós-operatório de infecção intra-abdominal tratada pela técnica de abdome aberto, é pertinente que os médicos responsáveis demonstrem domínio das particularidades da estratégia cirúrgica com abordagem inclusiva aliada a grande sensibilidade humana como evidência de qualidade da assistência(AU).

Humans , Surgical Wound Infection/surgery , Surgical Wound Infection/therapy , Intraabdominal Infections , Open Abdomen Techniques/methods , Humanism , Evaluation Studies as Topic
Rev. cuba. cir ; 59(3): e942, jul.-set. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1144438


RESUMEN Los pacientes con infección intrabdominal en unidad de cuidados intensivos representan un reto diagnóstico y terapéutico, tanto en el mundo como en Cuba y es responsable del aumento de un periodo de invalidez transitoria y de mortalidad de una parte de los pacientes. El objetivo del artículo fue profundizar en los conocimientos actuales sobre el tratamiento de la infección intrabdominal en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. Se realizó revisión tipo exploratorio-descriptivo para profundizar el tema y se consultaron fuentes primarias y secundarias de información de las bases de datos Scopus, Medline, Cochrane, Hinary y Redalyc bajo los criterios de sus revisores. La infección intrabdominal en los pacientes bajo cuidados intensivos suscita un mal pronóstico, por lo que requiere de un diagnóstico oportuno y un tratamiento eficaz. Los índices de mortalidad en estos enfermos apenas han decrecido a pesar de los avances tecnológicos(AU)

ABSTRACT Patients with intraabdominal infection in the intensive care unit represent a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge, both in Cuba and worldwide. Such condition is responsible for the increase in the period of temporary disability and mortality in part of the patients. The aim of the article was to deepen the current knowledge on treatment of intraabdominal infection in the intensive care unit. An exploratory-descriptive review was carried out to deepen the subject and primary and secondary sources of information were consulted from the Scopus, Medline, Cochrane, Hinary and Redalyc databases, following the criteria of their reviewers. Intraabdominal infection in patients under intensive care presents poor prognosis, which requires prompt diagnosis and effective treatment. Mortality rates in these patients have barely decreased despite technological advances(AU)

Humans , Technological Development/methods , Intraabdominal Infections/diagnosis , Intraabdominal Infections/therapy , Intensive Care Units , Review Literature as Topic , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Databases, Bibliographic
Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 32(2): 245-250, Apr.-June 2020. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138483


RESUMO Objetivo: Aferir a relação entre tempo para evacuação de foco e mortalidade hospitalar em portadores de sepse e choque séptico. Métodos: Estudo observacional, unicêntrico, com análise retrospectiva do tempo para evacuação de foco séptico abdominal. Os pacientes foram classificados conforme o tempo para evacuação do foco em grupo precoce (≤ 12 horas) ou tardio (> 12 horas). Resultados: Foram avaliados 135 pacientes. Não houve associação entre tempo para evacuação do foco e mortalidade hospitalar (≤ 12 horas versus > 12 horas): 52,3% versus 52,9%, com p = 0,137. Conclusão: Não houve diferença na mortalidade hospitalar entre pacientes com sepse ou choque séptico que tiveram foco infeccioso evacuado antes ou após 12 horas do diagnóstico de sepse.

ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the relationship between time to focus clearance and hospital mortality in patients with sepsis and septic shock. Methods: This was an observational, single-center study with a retrospective analysis of the time to clearance of abdominal septic focus. Patients were classified according to the time to focus clearance into an early (≤ 12 hours) or delayed (> 12 hours) group. Results: A total of 135 patients were evaluated. There was no association between time to focus clearance and hospital mortality (≤ 12 hours versus > 12 hours): 52.3% versus 52.9%, with p = 0.137. Conclusion: There was no difference in hospital mortality among patients with sepsis or septic shock who had an infectious focus evacuated before or after 12 hours after the diagnosis of sepsis.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Shock, Septic/mortality , Hospital Mortality , Sepsis/mortality , Intraabdominal Infections/mortality , Shock, Septic/therapy , Time Factors , Retrospective Studies , Sepsis/therapy , Intraabdominal Infections/therapy
Infectio ; 24(1): 9-14, ene.-mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1090537


Objective: To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of ceftolozane/tazobactam + metronidazole (C/T+M) and ceftolozane/tazobactam (C/T) compared with 8 alternatives used in the treatment of complicated intraabdominal infection (cIAI) and complicated urinary tract infection (cUTI) respectively. Methods: A Monte Carlo simulation decision model was used for the estimation and comparison of treatment-related costs, and quality adjusted life years for patients with cIAI treated with C/T+M in comparison with cefepime + metronidazole, ciprofloxacin + metronidazole, doripenem, levofloxacin + metronidazole, meropenem, piperacillin/tazobactam, ceftazidime + metronidazole or imipenem/cilastatin and patients with cUTI treated with C/T in comparison with cefepime, ciprofloxacin, doripenem, levofloxacin, meropenem, piperacillin/tazobactam, ceftazidime or imipenem/cilastatin. Local costs were estimated using base cases identified by experts and consulting local databases. Sensitivity values of the PACTS (Program to Assess Ceftolozane/Tazobactam Susceptibility) study in Latin America were used in the model. Results: C/T+M and C/T obtained incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICER) that were below the Colombian cost-effectiveness threshold (3 GDP per capita) in most comparisons, and were dominated by meropenem, considering only gram-negative microorganisms. Sensitivity assessments were also carried out, in which only the population with P. aeruginosa infections was considered, showing positive results for C/T+M and C/T (cost-effective or dominant with regards to all comparators). Conclusions: C/T+M and C/T could be cost-effective alternatives in the treatment of CIAI and CUTI in Colombia, when there is an adequate and rational use of antibiotics. The results of the sensitivity analyses showed dominance and cost-effectiveness with regards to every comparator in patients infected with P. aeruginosa

Objetivo: Evaluar la costo-efectividad de ceftolozano/tazobactam + metronidazol (C/T + M) y ceftolozano/tazobactam (C/T) en comparación con 8 alternativas utilizadas en el tratamiento de las infecciones intraabdominales complicadas (IAAc) e infecciones del tracto urinario complicadas (ITUc) respectivamente. Métodos: Se usó un modelo de decisión de simulación de Monte Carlo para la estimación y comparación de los costos relacionados con el tratamiento y los años de vida ajustados por calidad para pacientes con IAAc tratados con C/T + M, en comparación con cefepima + metronidazol, ciprofloxacina + metronidazol, doripenem , levofloxacina + metronidazol, meropenem, piperacilina / tazobactam, ceftazidima + metronidazol o imipenem/cilastatina, y pacientes con ITUc tratados con C/T en comparación con cefepime, ciprofloxacina, doripenem, levofloxacina, meropenem, piperacilina / tazobactam, ceftazidima o imipenem/cilastatina . Los costos locales se estimaron por medio de casos base identificados por expertos y consultando bases de datos locales. Se utilizaron los valores de sensibilidad bacteriana del estudio PACTS (Programa para evaluar la susceptibilidad al ceftolozano/tazobactam) en América Latina para poblar el modelo. Resultados: C/T + M y C/T obtuvieron razones de costo-efectividad incrementales (RCEI) que estaban por debajo del umbral de costo-efectividad colombiano (3 PIB per cápita) en la mayoría de las comparaciones, y fueron dominados por meropenem, considerando solo microorganismos gran-negativos También se llevaron a cabo análisis de sensibilidad, en los que solo se consideró la población con infecciones por P. aeruginosa, mostrando resultados positivos para C/T + M y C/T (costo efectivo o dominante con respecto a todos los comparadores). Conclusiones: C/T + M y C/T podrían ser alternativas costo efectivas en el tratamiento de IAAc e ITUc en Colombia, cuando existe un uso adecuado y racional de antibióticos. Los resultados de los análisis de sensibilidad mostraron dominio y costo-efectividad en relación con todos los comparadores en pacientes infectados con P. aeruginosa.

Humans , Female , Urinary Tract , Intraabdominal Infections , Tazobactam , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Colombia , Sepsis , Metronidazole/pharmacology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology
Chin. j. traumatol ; Chin. j. traumatol;(6): 311-313, 2020.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-879645


Intra-abdominal infection (IAI) is a deadly condition in which the outcome is associated with urgent diagnosis, assessment and management, including fluid resuscitation, antibiotic administration while obtaining further laboratory results, attaining precise measurements of hemodynamic status, and pursuing source control. This last item makes abdominal sepsis a unique treatment challenge. Delayed or inadequate source control is an independent predictor of poor outcomes and recognizing source control failure is often difficult or impossible. Further complicating issue in the debate is surrounding the timing, adequacy, and procedures of source control. This review evaluated and summarized the current approach and challenges in IAI management, which are the future research directions.

Humans , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosage , Drainage , Fluid Therapy , Hemodynamics , Intraabdominal Infections/therapy , Laparoscopy , Laparotomy , Prognosis , Sepsis
Actual. SIDA. infectol ; 28(103): 57-71, 20201100. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1349300


En los últimos años se han desarrollado nuevos antimicrobianos destinados a combatir infecciones causadas por microorganismos multirresistentes a drogas (MDR), incluyendo combinaciones entre agentes ß-lactámicos (BL) e inhibidores de ß-lactamasas (IBL). En nuestro país se encuentran disponibles dos nuevas combinaciones de BL/IBL: ceftolozano/tazobactam (C/T) y ceftazidima/avibactam (CAZ/AVI). La adición de tazobactam a ceftolozano incrementa la actividad in vitro contra microorganismos productores de BL de espectro extendido (BLEE), por lo que la combinación presenta una potente actividad intrínseca frente a P. aeruginosa. Por su parte, CAZ/AVI conserva las características que definen el perfil de actividad de ceftazidima, por lo que con el agregado de avibactam presenta una potente actividad inhibidora frente a las BLEE y carbapenemasas (KPC, ß-lactamasas de clase C y algunas de clase D). Se presenta a continuación una revisión de la evidencia publicada. A partir de la misma, y considerando la situación actual de tasas crecientes de resistencia antimicrobiana, particularmente en bacilos Gram negativos, se considera que el uso de C/T o CAZ/AVI constituye una excelente alternativa para el manejo de infecciones graves causadas por microorganismos multirresistentes. Sin embargo, su utilización en forma empírica no es recomendable, salvo en situaciones puntuales y estrictamente seleccionadas, y en el contexto un programa de uso racional de antibióticos, bajo el control por parte del equipo de infectología responsable

In recent years, new antimicrobials have been developed to combat infections caused by multidrug-resistant microorganism (MDR), including combinations between ß-lactam agents (BL) and ß-lactamase inhibitors (IBL). Two new combinations of BL / IBL are available in our country: ceftolozano / tazobactam (C / T) and ceftazidime / avibactam (CAZ / AVI). The addition of tazobactam to ceftolozano increases in vitro activity against microorganisms producing extended spectrum BL (ESBL), so the combination has a potent intrinsic activity against P. aeruginosa. For its part, CAZ / AVI retains the characteristics that define the activity profile of ceftazidime, to which with the addition of avibactam it presents a potent inhibitory activity against ESBL and carbapenemases (KPC, ß-lactamases of class C and some of class D). A review of the published evidence is presented below. Based on this, and considering the current situation of increasing rates of antimicrobial resistance, particularly in Gram-negative bacilli, we consider that the use of C/T or CAZ/AVI is an excellent alternative for the management of serious infections caused by multi-resistant microorganisms. However, its use empirically is not recommended, except in specific and strictly selected situations, and in the context of a program for the rational use of antibiotics, under the control of the responsible infectious disease team

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Drug Resistance, Microbial , Ceftazidime/therapeutic use , Morbidity , Mortality , Intraabdominal Infections/drug therapy , Antimicrobial Stewardship , Tazobactam/therapeutic use , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use
Acta cir. bras ; Acta Cir. Bras. (Online);35(5): e202000505, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1130643


Abstract Purpose The objective of this study was to investigate the accuracy of 18F-FDG-PET in the diagnosis of multibacterial abdominal sepsis by cecum ligation and puncture (CLP) in rats. Methods Adult Wistar rats ( Rattus norvegicus ), weighing 227±35g, were allocated into a sepsis group by CLP (n=10) and sham group (n=10). 18F-FDG-PET using microPET was performed on all rats after 24 hours. Results All animals survived for postoperative 24h. The abdomen/liver ratio of the standardized uptake value (SUV) percentage was significantly higher in the sepsis group than in the sham (p=0.004). The ROC curve showed an accuracy of 18F-FDG-PET to detect abdominal sepsis of 88.9% (p=0.001), sensitivity of 90% and specificity of 88.9%. When a cut-off point of 79% of the ratio between the SUV on the abdominal region and liver was established, the sensitivity was 90%, specificity of 88.9%; positive and negative predictive values of 90.0% and 88.9%, respectively. Conclusions The diagnostic accuracy of 18F-FDG-PET in rats with abdominal sepsis was significantly high. It was also demonstrated the predictive ability of the abdomen/liver SUV ratio to diagnose abdominal sepsis. These findings may have implications for the clinical setting, locating septic foci with PETscan.

Sepsis/diagnostic imaging , Radiopharmaceuticals , Fluorodeoxyglucose F18 , Positron-Emission Tomography/methods , Intraabdominal Infections/diagnostic imaging , Reference Values , Time Factors , Predictive Value of Tests , Reproducibility of Results , Rats, Wistar , Sepsis/pathology , Intraabdominal Infections/pathology
Med. UIS ; 32(1): 33-37, ene.-jun. 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040393


Resumen La apendicitis aguda en pediatría ocurre generalmente en escolares y adolescentes, siendo su principal complicación el absceso intraabdominal. Por su parte, la nefronía lobar aguda es una infección localizada del parénquima renal, de la cual no existen casos reportados de ésta como secundaria a apendicitis no perforada. Se presenta el caso de una preadolescente, quien seis días después de una apendicectomía consulta por dolor abdominal, vómito y fiebre. Ingresa con signos de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica, por lo que se inicia terapia antibiótica, y luego de tres días sin mejoría clínica, se realiza una ecografía abdominal que evidencia una lesión renal derecha sugestiva de nefronía lobar aguda y un absceso hepático del segmento VI y VII. Se inicia terapia antibiótica de amplio espectro con adecuada respuesta clínica. La nefronía lobar aguda debe tenerse en cuenta entre las complicaciones de la apendicitis, dado su comportamiento agresivo, rápida progresión a sepsis y frecuente asociación a cicatrices renales. MÉD.UIS.2019;32(1):33-7.

Abstract Acute appendicitis in pediatrics presented in scholar and adolescent ages have as its main complication an intraabdominal abscess. Moreover, acute lobar nephronia is a localized infection in the renal parenchyma. There are no cases reported about nephronia as a consequence of acute non-perforated appendicitis. This case describes a preadolescent presenting abdominal pain, vomit and fever, six days after acute appendicitis. She was admitted with signs of systemic inflammatory response syndrome, so antibiotic therapy was started. After three days there was no clinical improvement, whereby an abdominal ultrasound was performed, which reported injury in the right kidney suggestive of acute lobar nephronia and an hepatic abscess of VI and VII segments. Broad spectrum of antibiotic therapy was started with adequate clinic response. Acute lobar nephronia should be considered when studying acute appendicitis complications, given it's aggressive behavior, accelerated progression to sepsis and frequent association with renal scarring. MÉD.UIS.2019;32(1):33-7.

Humans , Female , Child , Nephritis , Pediatrics , Appendectomy , Postoperative Complications , Intraabdominal Infections