Introducción: El síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda producido por la COVID-19 provoca alteraciones en el intercambio de oxígeno y la excreción de dióxido de carbono con consecuencias neurológicas. Objetivo: Describir las implicaciones del oxígeno y el dióxido de carbono sobre la dinámica cerebral durante el tratamiento ventilatorio del síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda en el accidente cerebrovascular. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda en bases referenciales como: PubMed/Medline, SciELO, Google Académico y BVS Cuba. Los términos incluidos fueron brain-lung crosstalk, ARDS, mechanical ventilation, COVID-19 related stroke, ARDS related stroke y su traducción al español. Fueron referenciados libros de neurointensivismo y ventilación mecánica artificial. El período de búsqueda incluyó los últimos 20 años. Se seleccionaron 46 bibliografías que cumplieron con los criterios de selección. Resultados: Se ha descrito que los niveles de oxígeno y dióxido de carbono participan en la neurorregulación vascular en pacientes con daño cerebral. Algunas alteraciones alusivas son la vasodilatación cerebral refleja o efectos vasoconstrictores con reducción de la presión de perfusión cerebral. Como consecuencia aumenta la presión intracraneal y aparecen afectaciones neurocognitivas, isquemia cerebral tardía o herniación del tronco encefálico. Conclusiones: El control de la oxigenación y la excreción de dióxido de carbono resultaron cruciales para mantener la homeostasis neuronal, evita la disminución de la presión de perfusión cerebral y el aumento de la presión intracraneal. Se sugiere evitar la hipoxemia e hiperoxemia, limitar o eludir la hipercapnia y usar hiperventilación hipocápnica solo en condiciones de herniación del tallo encefálico(AU)
Introduction: The acute respiratory distress syndrome produced by COVID-19 causes alterations in the exchange of oxygen and the excretion of carbon dioxide with neurological consequences. Objective: To describe the implications of oxygen and carbon dioxide on brain dynamics during ventilatory treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome in stroke. Methods: A search was carried out in referential bases such as PubMed/Medline, SciELO, Google Scholar and VHL Cuba. The terms included were brain-lung crosstalk, ARDS, mechanical ventilation, COVID-19 related stroke, ARDS related stroke and their translation into Spanish. Books on neurointensive care and artificial mechanical ventilation were referenced. The search period included the last 20 years. Forty six bibliographies that met the selection criteria were selected. Results: Oxygen and carbon dioxide levels have been described to participate in vascular neuroregulation in patients with brain damage. Some allusive alterations are reflex cerebral vasodilatation or vasoconstrictor effects with reduced cerebral perfusion pressure. As a consequence, intracranial pressure increases and neurocognitive impairments, delayed cerebral ischemia or brainstem herniation appear. Conclusions: The control of oxygenation and the excretion of carbon dioxide were crucial to maintain neuronal homeostasis, avoiding the decrease in cerebral perfusion pressure and the increase in intracranial pressure. It is suggested to avoid hypoxemia and hyperoxemia, limit or avoid hypercapnia, and use hypocapnic hyperventilation only in conditions of brainstem herniation(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Respiration, Artificial/methods , Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Newborn/complications , Intracranial Hypertension/diagnosis , Stroke/epidemiology , COVID-19/epidemiology , HypoxiaABSTRACT
El neumoencéfalo corresponde a la presencia de aire intracraneal y, en general, es asintomático y autolimitado. Puede ocurrir posterior a trauma, cirugía craneofacial, defectos congénitos, infección, neoplasia o de forma espontánea. El neumoencéfalo a tensión es una emergencia neuroquirúrgica, en la que se acumula aire intracraneal de forma continua que genera un efecto de masa. Clínicamente, se caracteriza por cefalea y un deterioro neurológico marcado. A pesar de ser poco frecuente, es relevante considerar el neumoencéfalo a tensión como una posible complicación en pacientes con antecedente de neurocirugía y/o cirugía otorrinolaringológica, debido a que es una patología potencialmente grave. El diagnóstico es clínico e imagenológico, y requiere de un alto índice de sospecha. Un manejo oportuno es relevante para prevenir la herniación y la muerte.
Pneumocephalus refers to the presence of air in the cranial cavity, and in general, is self-limited and asymptomatic. It can occur after trauma, craniofacial surgery, due to congenital defects, infection, neoplasia or spontaneously. Tension pneumocephalus is a neurosurgical emergency in which intracranial air accumulates continuously, causing a mass effect. It presents with headache and marked neurological deterioration. Despite being rare, it is relevant to consider tension pneumocephalus as a possible complication in patients with a history of neurosurgery and/or otolaryngology surgery, as it can be life-threatening. Diagnosis requires a high index of suspicion and imagenologic confirmation. Timely management is relevant to prevent herniation and death.
Humans , Pneumocephalus/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Intracranial Hypertension/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Neurological manifestations such as polyneuropathy are reported in 8-49% of cases with Sjögren's Syndrome (SjS), but central nervous system involvement is seldom described. We report a 46-year-old woman with a history of SjS with distal renal tubular acidosis and autoimmune thyroiditis. She consulted in the emergency room for a five-days history of holocranial headache and explosive vomiting. Fundoscopy showed bilateral papilledema. Brain computed tomography (CT) without contrast showed diffuse encephalic edema, with effacement ofsulci and restriction ofperitruncal cisterns. Brain AngioCT ruled out thrombosis, and brain magnetic resonance (MRI) was without structural alterations or hydrocephalus. Lumbar puncture had increased cerebrospinal fluid output pressure but without cytochemical alterations, and negative gram, cultures and filmarray. The diagnosis of Intracranial Hypertension Syndrome (ICHTS) ofprobable autoimmune etiology in the context of SjS was proposed, and management with high-dose corticosteroids was initiated with favorable clinical and imaging response.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Sjogren's Syndrome/complications , Sjogren's Syndrome/diagnosis , Intracranial Hypertension/etiology , Brain , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , HeadacheABSTRACT
La tuberculose est une des maladies infectieuses les plus répandues dans le monde .Elle représente un problème de santé publique majeur dans les pays en voie de développe ment, y compris l'Algérie . À l'échelle mondiale et parmi tous les cas de tuberculose, l'OMS rapporte 14 % de tuberculose extra-pulmonaire (TEP) sans atteinte pulmonaire concomitante. Dans notre pays et durant ces dernières années, une recrudescence de la tuberculose extrapulmonaire a été observée. L'objectif de cet article était de présenter un cas atypique de tuberculose cérébrale dont le diagnostic a été tardif, posé par l'examen anatomopathologique avec une revue de la littérature. C'est le cas d'une jeune patiente hospitalisée dans le cadre de l'urgence pour un syn drome d'hypertension intracrânienne avec troubles neurologiques. La tomodensitomé trie cérébrale a objectivé de multiples localisations cérébrales avec une hydrocéphalie active. Le bilan d'extension était sans anomalie. La patiente avait bénéficié d'une inter vention chirurgicale, les suites opératoires ont été favorables. L'examen anatomo-pa thologique était en faveur d'une lésion inflammatoire spécifique granulomateuse faite de larges plages de nécrose caséeuse. La patiente a répondu au traitement antituber culeux. Le problème diagnosticque et les résultats seront discutés avec une revue de la littéra ture. La tuberculose cérébrale est une forme rare de la tuberculose extra-pulmonaire. Le tableau clinique ainsi que la neuro-imagerie (TDM, IRM) sont atypiques. Le diagnostic était postopératoire, reposant sur l'examen anatomopathologique. Le pronostic dépend de la précocité du diagnostic, du siège de la lésion et de la réponse au traitement antituberculeux.
Tuberculosis is one of the most widespread infectious diseases in the world. It constitutes a major public health problem, especially in developing countries, including Algeria. Globally and among all tuberculosis cases, WHO reports 14% extra-pulmonary tuberculosis (EPT) without concomitant pulmonary involvement. In our country and in recent years, an upsurge in extrapulmonary tuberculosis has been observed. The objective of this article was to present an atypical case of cerebral tuberculosis whose diagnosis was late, made by anatomopathological examination with a review of the literature. We report the case of a young patient hospitalized in emergency for an intracranial hypertension syndrome with neurological disorders. Cerebral computed tomography revealed multiple brain locations with active hydrocephalus. The extension assessment was without anomaly. The patient underwent a surgical intervention, the operative consequences were favorable. The pathological examination was in favor of a specific inflammatory granulomatous lesion made up of large areas of caseous necrosis. The patient was cured under anti-tuberculosis treatment. The diagnostic problem and the results will be discussed with a review of the literature. Cerebral tuberculosis is a rare form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. The clinic as well as the neuroimaging (CT, MRI) are atypical. The diagnosis is postoperative, based on the pathological examination. The prognosis depends on the early diagnosis, the site of the lesion and the response to anti-tuberculosis treatment.
Surgical Procedures, Operative , Tuberculosis , Tomography , Intracranial Hypertension , Tuberculosis, Central Nervous System , Neurologic Manifestations , Therapeutics , DiagnosisABSTRACT
Abstract Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) is a neurological condition characterized by raised intracranial pressure of unknown etiology with normal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) composition and no brain lesions. It occurs in pregnant patients at approximately the same frequency as in general population, but obstetric and anesthetic management of the pregnancy and labor remains controversial. In this article we provide a multidisciplinary review of the main aspects of IIH in pregnancy including treatment options, mode of delivery and anesthetic techniques. Additionally, we report three cases of pregnant women diagnosed with IIH between 2012 and 2019 in our institution.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications/therapy , Pseudotumor Cerebri/complications , Pseudotumor Cerebri/diagnosis , Pseudotumor Cerebri/therapy , Labor, Obstetric , Intracranial Hypertension/therapyABSTRACT
Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre el grosor del complejo nervio óptico-vaina, mensurado por ecografía y la hipertensión intracraneal. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo y longitudinal en 144 órbitas de 72 pacientes con diagnóstico clínico de hipertensión intracraneal. Una vez alcanzada la mejoría clínica, se les practicó ultrasonido orbitario al inicio del diagnóstico, el cual permitió mensurar la vaina meníngea, el nervio óptico, el complejo nervio óptico-vaina y la altura de la papila. Resultados: En la totalidad de los casos el grosor inicial de la vaina fue ≥ 3 mm, el del complejo nervio óptico-vaina > 5 mm, y la altura de la papila > 0,8 mm, mientras que el del nervio óptico no superó los 3 mm. Tras alcanzar la mejoría clínica se demostró disminución de todas estas variables, con excepción del nervio óptico, cuyo diámetro casi no se modificó. Algunas diferencias evidenciadas entre la primera y la segunda medición ecográfica fueron estadísticamente significativas. Conclusión: Por tanto, este proceder se ratifica como parte del monitoreo neurológico integral en pacientes con hipertensión intracraneal sospechada o confirmada(AU)
Objective: To determine the relationship between the thickness of the optic nerve- sheath complex as measured by ultrasound and intracranial hypertension. Methods: A descriptive and longitudinal observational study was performed in 144 orbits of 72 patients with a clinical diagnosis of intracranial hypertension. Once clinical improvement was achieved, orbital ultrasound was performed at the beginning of the diagnosis, which allowed measuring the meningeal sheath, the optic nerve, the optic nerve-sheath complex and the height of the papilla. Results: In all cases the initial thickness of the sheath was ≥ 3 mm, that of the optic nerve-sheath complex > 5 mm, and the height of the papilla > 0.8 mm, while that of the optic nerve did not exceed 3 mm. After reaching clinical improvement, a decrease in all these variables was demonstrated, with the exception of the optic nerve, whose diameter was almost unchanged. Some differences between the first and second ultrasound measurements were statistically significant. Conclusion: Therefore, this procedure is ratified as part of the full neurological monitoring in patients with suspected or confirmed intracranial hypertension(AU)
Humans , Optic Nerve/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography/methods , Intracranial Hypertension , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Longitudinal Studies , Observational Studies as TopicABSTRACT
Elevated intracranial pressure (ICP) is a devastating complication, with great impact on neurological status and high morbidity and mortality. Intracranial hypertension (ICH) has multiple etiologies. The natural history of this condition can lead to brain death. The successful management of patients with elevated ICP (> 20-25 mmHg) requires fast and timely recognition, judicious use of invasive monitoring and therapies aimed to reversing its underlying cause. Therefore, it must be managed as a neurological emergency. The objective of this review is to present in a friendly way the diagnostic approach and the management of ICH, focused on general practitioners.
Humans , Intracranial Hypertension/diagnosis , Intracranial Hypertension/etiology , Intracranial Hypertension/physiopathology , Intracranial Hypertension/therapy , Brain Death , Intracranial Pressure , Disease Progression , General PracticeABSTRACT
Introducción: Los subependimomas intracraneales son raros, representan el 0.2-0.7% de todos los tumores del sistema nervioso central1,2 y se originan en los ventrículos laterales en el 30-40% de los casos.3 Los síntomas usualmente se asocian a hipertensión endocraneana secundaria a hidrocefalia obstructiva.4 La resección completa del tumor es curativa en esta patología.5 El abordaje trans-surcal es seguro para lesiones ventriculares profundas y el uso de los retractores tubulares minimizan la retracción del parénquima cerebral evitando la compresión directa con valvas. Esto permite disminuir la presión del tejido cerebral que puede ocluir los vasos y producir isquemia local generando una lesión neurológica permanente. Descripción del caso: Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 66 años, diestra, con cefalea crónica que aumenta en frecuencia en el último mes. La resonancia cerebral contrastada muestra un tumor extenso en el ventrículo lateral izquierdo con signos de hidrocefalia obstructiva. Intervención: Se coloca la paciente en posición supina. Se hace una incisión bicoronal y se hace un abordaje trans-surcal F1/F2 izquierdo. Se coloca un retractor tubular guiado con el puntero de neuronavegación, introduciéndolo directamente en el parénquima cerebral y fijándolo al soporte de Leyla. Se colocó un catéter de ventriculostomía contralateral y se retira a las 48 horas sin complicaciones asociadas. La resonancia contrastada postoperatoria demuestra una resección completa del tumor. El análisis de patología reveló un subependimoma grado I de la clasificación de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. La paciente presentó transitoriamente apatía y pérdida del control del esfínter urinario que resolvieron completamente a las 3 semanas después de la cirugía. Se firmó un consentimiento firmado para la publicación de la información utilizada en este trabajo. Conclusión: La resección completa microscópica de un subependimoma extenso del ventrículo lateral izquierdo es factible a través de un abordaje tubular transulcal.
Introduction: Intracranial subependymomas are rare, representing only 0.2-0.7% of all central nervous system tumors1,2 and arise in the lateral ventricles in 30-40% of the cases.3 Symptoms depend on tumor location and usually arise when the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is blocked, generating a consequent intracranial hypertension.4 Microsurgical gross-total resection is possible and curative for these tumors.5 The transcortical/trans-sulcal approach is a safe approach for the access of deep-seated intraventricular lesions. The use of tubular retractor systems minimizes retraction injury when passing through the cortex and deep white matter tracts. This allows a decrease in the pressure on brain tissue that can occlude the brain vessels and produce local ischemia and a consequent permanent neurological injury. Case description: This is a case of a 66-year-old woman who presented chronic headaches that increased in frequency in the last month. Enhanced-brain MRI demonstrated a large left ventricular lesion with signs of obstructive hydrocephalus. Procedure: Patient was positioned supine. A bicoronal incision was used to perform a left frontal craniotomy. An F1/F2 transcortical/trans-sulcal approach was used. A guided tubular retractor is placed with the neuronavigation pointer, inserting it directly into the brain parenchyma and fixing it to the Leyla support. Postoperative postcontrast MRI demonstrated a complete resection of the tumor. Histopathological analysis revealed a subependymoma (World Health Organization Grade I). The patient presented transient apathy and loss of urinary sphincter control that completely resolved 3 weeks after surgery. Written informed consent was obtained for publication of information used for this work. Conclusions: A complete microsurgical resection of a large left ventricular subependymoma is feasible through a trans-sulcal tubular approach.
Ventriculostomy , Brain , Intracranial Hypertension , Lateral Ventricles , Craniotomy , Neuronavigation , NeoplasmsABSTRACT
Resumen. La otitis media es una infección frecuente en la infancia, la cual puede producir complicaciones, incluidas las neurológicas graves, en cuatro de cada 100 niños en países en desarrollo. Se presenta el caso de una niña de nueve años sin antecedentes de enfermedad que consultó por otitis media derecha, otorrea, síndrome de hipertensión intracraneal y parálisis del VI nervio craneal contralateral a la lesión. La tomografía computarizada de cráneo y la resonancia magnética cerebral revelaron otomastoiditis crónica, apicitis petrosa, y trombosis de los senos transverso y sigmoide, el bulbo yugular y la vena yugular interna derecha. Recibió tratamiento antibiótico y quirúrgico. Este caso refleja el espectro de complicaciones intracraneales y extracraneales asociadas con la otitis media aguda en la era antibiótica. El examen físico permite la detección precoz de la hipertensión intracraneal, con signos como el papiledema y la parálisis del VI par contralateral como hallazgo inusual.
Abstract. Otitis media is a frequent infection during childhood. Complications may be present in up to 4 of 100 children including serious neurological complications, particularly in developing countries. We report the case of a 9-year-old girl with no disease history who presented with otitis media, otorrhea, intracranial hypertension syndrome, and paralysis of the VI cranial nerve contralateral to the lesion. A computed tomography scan of the skull and a brain magnetic resonance imaging revealed chronic otomastoiditis, petrous apicitis, and thrombosis of the transverse and sigmoid sinus, the jugular bulb, and the right internal jugular vein. She received antibiotics and surgical treatment. This case shows the spectrum of intra and extracranial complications associated with acute otitis media in the antibiotic era. The physical examination allows early identification of intracranial hypertension with signs such as papilledema and sixth contralateral nerve palsy as an unusual finding.
Otitis Media , Sinus Thrombosis, Intracranial , Intracranial Hypertension , Abducens Nerve Diseases , Petrositis , MastoiditisABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Background: Intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring has been used for decades in management of various neurological conditions. The gold standard for measuring ICP is a ventricular catheter connected to an external strain gauge, which is an invasive system associated with a number of complications. Despite its limitations, no noninvasive ICP monitoring (niICP) method fulfilling the technical requirements for replacing invasive techniques has yet been developed, not even in cases requiring only ICP monitoring without cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage. Objectives: Here, we review the current methods for niICP monitoring. Methods: The different methods and approaches were grouped according to the mechanism used for detecting elevated ICP or its associated consequences. Results: The main approaches reviewed here were: physical examination, brain imaging (magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography), indirect ICP estimation techniques (fundoscopy, tympanic membrane displacement, skull elasticity, optic nerve sheath ultrasound), cerebral blood flow evaluation (transcranial Doppler, ophthalmic artery Doppler), metabolic changes measurements (near-infrared spectroscopy) and neurophysiological studies (electroencephalogram, visual evoked potential, otoacoustic emissions). Conclusion: In terms of accuracy, reliability and therapeutic options, intraventricular catheter systems still remain the gold standard method. However, with advances in technology, noninvasive monitoring methods have become more relevant. Further evidence is needed before noninvasive methods for ICP monitoring or estimation become a more widespread alternative to invasive techniques.
RESUMO Introdução: O uso da monitorização da pressão intracraniana (PIC, em sua sigla em inglês) é adotado há décadas no manejo de diversas condições neurológicas. O padrão ouro atual é a monitorização invasiva intraventricular, que está relacionada a inúmeras complicações. Apesar dessas limitações, até o momento nenhum método de monitorização não invasiva (niPIC, em sua sigla em inglês) conseguiu substituir a técnica invasiva. Objetivos: Revisar os métodos não invasivos de monitorização da PIC. Métodos: As diferentes modalidades e abordagens foram agrupadas de acordo com o mecanismo utilizado para detectar elevação da PIC ou suas consequências. Resultados: As técnicas descritas foram: o exame físico, neuroimagem (tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética de crânio), estimativas indiretas da PIC (fundoscopia, deslocamento da membrana timpânica, elasticidade craniana), avaliação do fluxo cerebral (doppler transcraniano e doppler da artéria oftálmica), alterações metabólicas (Espectroscopia próxima do infravermelho) e estudos neurofisiológicos (eletroencefalograma, potencial evocado visual e emissões otoacústicas). Conclusão: Considerando a acurácia, confiabilidade e opções terapêuticas, o sistema de cateteres intraventricular ainda permanece como padrão ouro. No entanto, com os avanços tecnológicos, os métodos não invasivos têm se tornados mais relevantes. Mais evidências são necessárias antes que essas modalidades de monitorização ou estimativas não invasivas se tornem uma alternativa mais robusta às técnicas invasivas.
Humans , Intracranial Pressure , Intracranial Hypertension , Skull , Reproducibility of Results , Evoked Potentials, VisualABSTRACT
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension,also known as pseudotumor cerebri,is a syndrome characterized by raised intracranial pressure of unknown cause.These patients present normal neuroimaging and cerebrospinal fluid analysis while increased intracranial pressure and associated symptoms and signs.Delay of treatment can cause severe visual impairment.There are some new understandings of this disease,and we will review the pathogenesis,diagnosis,and treatment of idiopathic intracranial hypertension.
Humans , Intracranial Hypertension , Neuroimaging , Pseudotumor Cerebri/therapyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) is a syndrome that excludes secondary causes such as intracranial space-occupying lesion, hydrocephalus, cerebrovascular disease, and hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. If not be treated promptly and effectively, IIH can cause severe, permanent vision disability and intractable, disabling headache. This study aims to explore the clinical and image features for IIH, to help clinicians to understand this disease, increase the diagnose rate, and improve the outcomes of patients.@*METHODS@#We retrospectively analyzed 15 cases of IIH that were admitted to Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, during January 2015 to September 2020. The diagnosis of IIH was based on the updated modified Dandy criteria. We analyzed clinical data of patients and did statistical analysis, including age, gender, height, weight, medical history, physical examination, auxiliary examination, treatment and outcome.@*RESULTS@#There were 10 females and 5 males. Female patients were 22 to 42 years old with median age of 39.5. Male patients were 27 to 52 years old with the median age of 44.0. The BMI was 24.14-34.17 (28.71±2.97) kg/m@*CONCLUSIONS@#IIH primarily affects women of childbearing age who are overweight. The major hazard of IIH is the severe and permanent visual loss. Typical image signs have high specificity in IIH diagnosis. Prompt diagnosis and effective treatment are significantly important to improve the outcomes of patients.
Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Anemia, Iron-Deficiency , Intracranial Hypertension , Pseudotumor Cerebri/diagnostic imaging , Retrospective Studies , Ventriculoperitoneal ShuntABSTRACT
PURPOSE@#Hypertonic fluids such as mannitol and half-molar sodium lactate are given to treat intracranial hypertension in patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). In this study, sodium lactate was compared to mannitol in patients with TBI to investigate the efficacy in reducing intracranial pressure (ICP).@*METHODS@#This study was a systematic review with literature research on articles published in any year in the databases of PubMed, ScienceDirect, Asian Journal of Neurosurgery, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. The keywords were "half-molar sodium lactate", "mannitol", "cerebral edema or brain swelling", and "severe traumatic brain injury". The inclusion criteria were (1) studies published in English, (2) randomized control trials or retrospective/prospective studies on TBI patients, and (3) therapies including half-molar sodium lactate and mannitol and (4) sufficient data such as mean difference (MD) and risk ratio (RR). Data analysis was conducted using Review Manager 5.3.@*RESULTS@#From 1499 studies, a total of 8 studies were eligible. Mannitol group reduced ICP of 0.65 times (MD 0.65; p = 0.64) and improved cerebral perfusion pressure of 0.61 times (MD 0.61; p = 0.88), better than the half-molar group of sodium lactate. But the half-molar group of sodium lactate maintained the mean arterial pressure level of 0.86 times, better than the mannitol group (MD 0.86; p = 0.09).@*CONCLUSION@#Half-molar sodium lactate is as effective as mannitol in reducing ICP in the early phase of brain injury, superior over mannitol in an extended period. It is able to prevent intracranial hypertension and give better brain tissue perfusion as well as more stable hemodynamics. Blood osmolarity is a concern as it increases serum sodium.
Humans , Brain Edema , Brain Injuries, Traumatic/drug therapy , Diuretics, Osmotic/therapeutic use , Intracranial Hypertension/etiology , Intracranial Pressure , Mannitol/therapeutic use , Prospective Studies , Retrospective Studies , Saline Solution, Hypertonic , Sodium LactateABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose To evaluate the effects of controlled decompression and rapid decompression, explore the potential mechanism, provide the theoretical basis for the clinical application, and explore the new cell death method in intracranial hypertension. Methods Acute intracranial hypertension was triggered in rabbits by epidural balloon compression. New Zealand white rabbits were randomly put into the sham group, the controlled decompression group, and the rapid decompression group. Brain water content, etc., was used to evaluate early brain injury. Western blotting and double immunofluorescence staining were used to detect necroptosis and apoptosis. Results Brain edema, neurological dysfunction, and brain injury appeared after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Compared with rapid decompression, brain water content was significantly decreased, neurological scores were improved by controlled decompression treatment. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining and Nissl staining showed neuron death decreased in the controlled decompression group. Compared with rapid decompression, it was also found that apoptosis-related protein caspase-3/ tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a was reduced markedly in the brain cortex and serum, and the expression levels of necroptosis-related protein, receptor-interacting protein 1 (RIP1)/receptor-interacting protein 1 (RIP3) reduced significantly in the controlled decompression group. Conclusions Controlled decompression can effectively reduce neuronal damage and cerebral edema after craniocerebral injury and, thus, protect the brain tissue by alleviating necroptosis and apoptosis.
Brain Injuries , Intracranial Hypertension , Rabbits , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Apoptosis , Decompression , NecroptosisABSTRACT
Resumen: El drenaje lumbar externo es un procedimiento invasivo de extracción de líquido cefalorraquídeo del espacio espinal cuyo uso se ha incrementado en los últimos años en el contexto de la medicina neurocrítica. Si bien no es recomendado por las guías o consensos internacionales, tiene un lugar en el manejo de algunas situaciones clínicas específicas vinculadas a diferentes tipos de neuroinjuria grave. Se realiza una revisión no sistemática de la literatura, a lo que se suma la experiencia de los autores. Se plantean las principales indicaciones actuales, se detallan las características de su manejo en los distintos escenarios clínicos y se señalan las contraindicaciones y complicaciones del procedimiento.
Summary: The placement of an external lumbar drainage (ELD), an invasive procedure to extract cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the spinal space, has gradually increased in practice in recent years within the context of neurocritical medicine. Despite it not being recommended by international guidelines or consensus, it is used for the handling of a few specific clinical situations in connection with different types of severe brain injury. The study consists of a non-systematic review of the literature, along with the authors' experience, presenting the main current indications and details for its handling in the different clinical scenarios and describing side effects and complications of the procedure.
Resumo: A drenagem lombar externa é um procedimento invasivo para extração do líquido cefalorraquidiano do espaço espinhal, cujo uso tem aumentado nos últimos anos no contexto da medicina neurocrítica. Embora não seja recomendado por consensos ou diretrizes internacionais, tem lugar no manejo de algumas situações clínicas específicas ligadas a diferentes tipos de dano neurológico grave. Realiza-se uma revisão não sistemática da literatura, à qual se soma a experiência dos autores. Apresentam-se as principais indicações atuais, detalham-se as características de seu manejo nos diferentes cenários clínicos e apontam-se as contraindicações e complicações do procedimento.
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage , Cerebrospinal Fluid , Drainage , Intracranial HypertensionABSTRACT
Mucopolisacaridosis es una rara enfermedad que afecta al metabolismo de los mucopolisacaridos debida a la ausencia o deficiencia de las enzimas encargadas de su síntesis lo que produce depósitos de aminoglucósidos en casi todos los tejidos del organismo. De acuerdo a la enzima faltante se clasifican los distintos tipos de la enfermedad, siendo más frecuente el Tipo I con sus tres variantes: Hurler, Hurler-Sheie y Sheie de distinta gravedad y tratamiento. Al nacimiento el niño no presenta síntomas, éstos van apareciendo a partir del año de vida: retardo físico y mental, múltiples deformidades esqueléticas, hepatoesplenomegalia, sordera, opacidades corneanas, entre otras. La intervención neuroquirúrgica en esta entidad es en dos patologías: la hidrocefalia, que al no presentar los signos clásicos de hipertensión endocraneana puede ser confundida con atrofia y la compresión medular cervical por los depósitos de mucopolisacáridos en vértebras, ligamentos y leptomeninges.
Mucopolysaccharidosis is a rare illness that involves the metabolism of mucopolysaccharides, that due to the absence or deficiency of corresponding enzymes, accumulate in almost all the tissues of the body. According to which enzyme is missing, different types of the disease have been identified; the most frequent being Type I with its three variants: Hurler, Hurler-Sheie, and Sheie. Symptoms of this disorder progress and range from mental and physical retardation, multiple skeletal deformities, hepatosplenomegaly, deafness, and corneal opacities among others. Children affected usually appear normal at birth and the slowness in their development may be the first evidence of the disorder whose progression is downhill. Neurosurgical intervention occurs in two pathologies: hydrocephalus that does not show signs of intracranial hypertension and can be confused with atrophy, and cervical cord compression due to storage of mucopolysaccharides in vertebrae, ligaments, and leptomeninges.
Mucopolysaccharidoses , Atrophy , Intracranial Hypertension , Cervical Cord , Glycosaminoglycans , HydrocephalusABSTRACT
Patients with refractory intracranial hypertension who have already undergone all the measures recommended by the current guidelines can benefit from having their intraabdominal pressure monitored since its increase generates hemodynamic repercussions and secondary elevation of intracranial pressure. In this context, a bibliographic research was performed on PubMed with the terms intra-abdominal pressure, abdominal compartment syndrome, intracranial pressure, intracranial hypertension. Altogether, 146 articles were observed, 87 of which were from the year 2000, and only 15 articles were considered relevant to the topic. These studies indicate that patients with refractory intracranial hypertension can benefit fromthe measurement of intraabdominal pressure, since there is evidence that an increase in this pressure leads to organic dysfunctions with an indirect impact on cerebral venous return and, consequently, an increase in intracranial pressure. In thosewho underwent decompression laparotomy, direct effectswere observed in reducing intracranial hypertension and survival.
Intracranial Hypertension/prevention & control , Intra-Abdominal Hypertension/complications , Intra-Abdominal Hypertension/therapy , Hemodynamic Monitoring , Intra-Abdominal Hypertension/prevention & control , Laparotomy/methods , Lower Body Negative Pressure/methodsABSTRACT
Objectives External ventricular drainage (EVD) is extensively used in the neurosurgical practice with the purpose of monitoring the intracranial pressure and draining the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Despite its remarkable benefits, the technique is not devoid of risks, notably infections, which have been reported in up to 45% of the cases. Methods A retrospective analysis of the main risk factors for CSF infection in neurosurgical patients submitted to EVD at a single institution. We recorded and submitted to statistical comparison every risk factor for CSF infection present or absent in each of the 110 EVD patients enrolled, 53 males and 57 females, with an average age of 52.9 years, with different underlying neurosurgical conditions. Results Infection of the CSF occurred in 32 patients (29%). The rate of mortality related to CSF infection was of 18.7% (6 of 32). The risk factors that showed statistical significance for CSF infection in this series were: emergency surgery; length of stay at the intensive care unit (UCI); duration of the EVD; parenchymal and/or intraventricular hemorrhage; simultaneous infections; time of bladder catheterization; and the use of non-disposable adhesive drapes as part of the preparation of the wound area. Conclusions Infection of the CSF in patients submitted to EVD is multifactorial and a challenge in terms of prevention. Further studies proposing scores with blended risk factors may be useful to prevent and reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with CSF infection.
Central Nervous System Infections/complications , Central Nervous System Infections/cerebrospinal fluid , Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt/adverse effects , Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak/complications , Health Profile , Chi-Square Distribution , Medical Records , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Statistics, Nonparametric , Intracranial Hypertension/therapyABSTRACT
Introducción: Los tumores cerebrales a veces tienen una presentación clínica compleja y atípica en sus inicios, en dependencia de su localización, lo que puede confundirse con trastornos de la esfera psiquiátrica. Objetivo: Describir un caso clínico interpretado como una psicosis por su sintomatología cuyo diagnóstico resultó un glioblastoma multiforme de alta malignidad. Caso clínico: Mujer de 35 años que comienza desde hace varios meses con trastornos de la conducta, síntomas depresivos, irritabilidad y conflictos en el hogar. Se instala un cuadro de depresión profunda que no mejora con tratamiento farmacológico impuesto por psiquiatría y se decide tratamiento electroconvulsivo, después del cual cae en estado de coma con elementos de hipertensión intracraneal y focalización neurológica. La tomografía de urgencia evidencia un tumor intracraneal, con áreas de necrosis, infiltración y desplazamiento de estructuras adyacentes y signos de hipertensión intracraneal. Al realizar intervención microquirúrgica fallece. La necropsia reveló glioblastoma multiforme de alta malignidad con focos de necrosis y de hemorragias. Conclusiones: La depresión y manifestaciones de trastornos mentales pueden tener causa orgánica, un hecho que debe considerarse en el contexto clínico. La historia clínica bien obtenida, la evaluación psicopatológica y las técnicas de imágenes en la actualidad son herramientas fundamentales en la precisión diagnóstica(AU)
Introduction: Brain tumors sometimes have a complex and atypical clinical presentation at the beginning, depending on their location, which can be mistaken for psychiatric disorders. Objective: To describe a clinical case interpreted as a psychosis for its symptoms and whose diagnosis was a highly malignant glioblastoma multiforme. Clinical case: This is the case of a 35-year-old woman who, several months ago, started to present behavioral disorders, depressive symptoms, irritability, and conflicts at home. Clinical signs of deep depression onset, which does not improve with pharmacological treatment prescribed by the psychiatry specialist; electroconvulsive treatment is decided, after which she falls into a coma with elements of intracranial hypertension and a neurological focus. The emergency tomography shows an intracranial tumor, with necrotic areas, infiltration, and displacement of adjacent structures, as well as signs of intracranial hypertension. When microsurgical intervention is performed, she died. The necropsy revealed highly malignant glioblastoma multiforme with necrosis focuses and hemorrhage. Conclusions: Depression and manifestations of mental disorders may have an organic cause, a fact that must be considered in the clinical setting. A well-obtained clinical history, psychopathological evaluation, and imaging techniques are currently essential tools for an accurate diagnosis(AU)