Objective:To analyze the clinical data of laryngeal airway diseases in infants and provide reference for the standardized diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Methods:From June 2022 to August 2023, analyze the clinical data of 4 cases of children with laryngeal airway diseases recently admitted to Department of Otolaryngology, Fuzhou Children's Hospital of Fujian Province, and summarize the experience and lessons of diagnosis and treatment by consulting relevant literature. Results:Three cases had symptoms such as laryngeal wheezing, dyspnea, backward growth and development, etc. After electronic laryngoscopy, the first case was diagnosed with laryngeal softening (severe, type Ⅱ), and the angular incision was performed. While cases 2, 3 diagnosed with case 2 and 3 were diagnosed with laryngeal cyst and underwent laryngeal cyst resection. All three cases underwent low-temperature plasma surgery under visual laryngoscope, and the symptoms were relieved after operation. Case 4 was laryngeal wheezing and dyspnea after extubation under general anesthesia. The electronic laryngoscopy showeded early stage of globetic stenosis, and endoscopic pseudomembrane clamping was performed, and the postoperative symptoms were relieved. Conclusion:Infants and young children with laryngeal airway diseases should pay attention to the early symptoms and be diagnosed by electronic laryngoscopy as soon as possible. With good curative effect and few complications, low-temperature plasma surgery under visual laryngoscope is recommended. The formation of pseudomembrane under the gluteal caused by tracheal intubation causes rapid onset and rapid development. The pseudomembrane extraction by clamping is convenient and fast, with good curative effect.
Infant , Child , Humans , Child, Preschool , Respiratory Sounds/etiology , Larynx , Laryngeal Diseases/surgery , Laryngoscopy , Intubation, Intratracheal/adverse effects , Dyspnea/surgery , Cysts/surgeryABSTRACT
Introdução: Disfagia é um distúrbio de deglutição com sinais e sintomas específicos, caracterizada por alterações em qualquer fase ou entre as fases da dinâmica de deglutição, de origem congênita ou adquirida, podendo gerar prejuízo pulmonar, nutricional e social. É um transtorno frequentemente encontrado no centro de tratamento intensivo (CTI). Sendo assim, a identificação precoce dos principais agentes etiológicos para transtornos de deglutição é essencial para promover uma assistência fonoaudiológica mais adequada. Objetivo: Verificar a associação entre características epidemiológicas e clínicas com o desfecho contraindicação fonoaudiológica de alimentação por via oral em pacientes internados em um CTI. Métodos: Estudo transversal que avaliou pacientes internados no CTI submetidos a avaliação clínica da deglutição no período entre outubro de 2018 e maio de 2019. O nível 1 da Escala funcional de ingestão por via oral (FOIS) foi considerado de maior risco para aspiração respiratória e comparado com os níveis FOIS 2-7. Variáveis epidemiológicas e clínicas foram obtidas a partir dos registros dos pacientes. Análises univariadas e multivariadas foram realizadas para identificar associações e efeitos entre as variáveis e o desfecho contraindicação da alimentação por via oral. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5% e as análises foram realizadas no programa SPSS v.21.0. Resultados: Foram incluídos 128 pacientes (64,9% submetidos a intubação orotraqueal IOT; idade de 60 ± 15,3 anos). Pacientes com FOIS 1 permaneceram mais dias em IOT, tiveram a internação no CTI prolongada e a cada dia de internação apresentaram risco de 5% de contraindicação da alimentação por via oral na avaliação fonoaudiológica. Conclusão: Foi evidenciada associação entre maior tempo de intubação orotraqueal, além de maior tempo de internação prévio, com a contraindicação da alimentação por via oral.
Introduction: Dysphagia is a swallowing disorder with specific signs and symptoms, characterized by alterations in any phase or between phases of swallowing dynamics, of congenital or acquired origin, which can lead to pulmonary, nutritional and social damage. It is a disorder often found in the intensive care unit (ICU). Therefore, the early identification of the main etiological agents for swallowing disorders is essential to promote more adequate speech therapy assistance. Objective: To verify the association between epidemiological and clinical characteristics with the outcome speech-language pathology contraindication for oral feeding in patients admitted to an ICU. Methods: Cross-sectional study that evaluated patients admitted to the ICU who underwent clinical evaluation of swallowing between October 2018 and May 2019. Level 1 of the Functional oral intake scale (FOIS) was considered at higher risk for respiratory aspiration and compared with FOIS levels 2-7. Epidemiological and clinical variables were obtained from patient records. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to identify associations and effects between variables and the outcome contraindication of oral feeding. The significance level adopted was 5% and the analyses were performed using the SPSS v.21.0 program. Results: 128 patients were included (64.9% undergoing orotracheal intubation - OTI; age of 60 ± 15.3 years). Patients with FOIS 1 spent more days on OTI, had a prolonged stay in the ICU and each day of hospitalization had a 5% risk of contraindication of oral feeding in the speech-language pathology assessment. Conclusion: There was an association between longer times of orotracheal intubation, in addition to longer previous hospitalization time, with the contraindication of oral feeding.
Introducción: La disfagia es un trastorno de la deglución con signos y síntomas específicos, caracterizado por alteraciones en cualquier fase o entre fases de la dinámica de la deglución, de origen congénito o adquirido, que pueden conducir a daño pulmonar, nutricional y social. Es un trastorno que se encuentra a menudo en la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI). Por lo tanto, la identificación temprana de los principales agentes etiológicos de los trastornos de la deglución es fundamental para promover una asistencia logopédica más adecuada. Objetivo: Verificar la asociación entre las características epidemiológicas y clínicas con el desenlace fonoaudiológico contraindicación para alimentación oral en pacientes internados en una UTI. Métodos: Estudio transversal que evaluó a pacientes ingresados en UCI a quienes se les realizó evaluación clínica de la deglución entre octubre de 2018 y mayo de 2019. Nivel 1 de la Escala de ingesta oral funcional (FOIS) fue considerado de mayor riesgo para aspiración respiratoria y comparado con los niveles de FOIS 2-7. Las variables epidemiológicas y clínicas se obtuvieron de las historias clínicas de los pacientes. Se realizaron análisis univariados y multivariados para identificar asociaciones y efectos entre las variables y el resultado contraindicación de la alimentación oral. El nivel de significación adoptado fue del 5% y los análisis se realizaron con el programa SPSS v.21.0. Resultados: se incluyeron 128 pacientes (64,9% sometidos a intubación orotraqueal - IOT; edad de 60 ± 15,3 años). Los pacientes con FOIS 1 pasaron más días en OTI, tuvieron una estancia prolongada en la UCI y cada día de hospitalización tenían un 5% de riesgo de contraindicación de alimentación oral en la evaluación de patología del habla y lenguaje. Conclusión: Hubo asociación entre mayor tiempo de intubación orotraqueal, además de mayor tiempo de hospitalización previa, con la contraindicación de alimentación oral.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Deglutition Disorders/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Intensive Care Units , Deglutition Disorders/etiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Diet , Feeding Methods , Intubation, Intratracheal/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Introducción: la vía aérea difícil es aquella situación clínica en la cual un anestesiólogo entrenado convencionalmente experimenta dificultad en la aplicación de ventilación con mascarilla facial, en la intubación endotraqueal o ambas, es de vital importancia su identificación, puesto que su manejo adecuado marcará la diferencia en el desenlace de los pacientes que requieren intubación, en especial los recibidos en urgencias. Objetivo: revisar de manera sistemática el estado actual del conocimiento y evidencia clínica relacionada al manejo de la vía aérea difícil en in- tubación de emergencia. Material y métodos: se realizó una revisión sistemática en PubMed, Cochrane, EBSCO y OVID; se emplearon los términos manejo de vía aérea difícil e intubación de emergencia. Resul- tados: la búsqueda arrojó 356 resultados, se excluyeron los estudios de revisión sistemática, metaanálisis, artículos basados en opiniones, infor- mes de casos, cartas al editor; 128 artículos fueron analizados; además, se buscó analizar artículos de distinta área de la investigación médica; se seleccionaron 21 artículos para ser analizados en esta revisión sistemática. Conclusiones: inesperadamente los artículos revisados concluyen, en su gran mayoría, que independientemente del protocolo de intubación, el aspecto que juega un rol determinante en el manejo de la vía aérea difícil es la experiencia y preparación previa del médico anestesiólogo (AU)
Introduction: difficult airway is that clinical situation in which a conventionally trained anesthesiologist experiences difficulty in ventilation with a face mask, in endotracheal intubation or both. In this review article we will focus on emergency intubation. Objective: to systematically review the current state of knowledge and clinical evidence related to the management of difficult airways in emergency intubation. Material and methods: a systematic review was carried out in PubMed, Cochrane data base, EBSCO and OVID; the terms: difficult airway management and emergency intubation; only clinical trials and scientific research reports were analyzed. Results: the search yielded 356 results, of which systematic review studies, meta-analysis, opinion-based articles, case reports, letters to the editor were excluded; which gave us 128 articles, after they were analyzed; it was also sought to analyze articles from different areas of medical research; 21 articles were selected to be analyzed in this systematic review. Conclusions: unexpectedly, the majority of the reviewed articles conclude that regardless of the intubation protocol or the tools used, the aspect that plays a decisive role in the management of the difficult airway is the experience and previous preparation of the anesthesiologist (AU))
Humans , Emergencies , Airway Management , Intubation, Intratracheal/methods , Intubation, Intratracheal/adverse effects , Laryngoscopy/methods , MasksABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To explore the effectiveness and feasibility of dexamethasone combined with oxybuprocaine hydrochloride gel on the prevention of postoperative sore throat after nasal endoscopy.@*METHODS@#In the study, 60 patients with American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA) physical statuses Ⅰ to Ⅱ, aged 18 to 72 years, scheduled for elective nasal endoscope surgery under general anesthesia requiring endotracheal intubation were randomly divided into dexamethasone combined with oxybuprocaine hydrochloride gel group (G group, n=30) and control group (C group, n=30). The patients in the G group received dexamethasone 0.1 mg/kg before induction and the oxybuprocaine gel was applied to the endotracheal catheter cuff and the front end within 15 cm. The patients in the C group received the same dose of saline and the saline was applied to the endotracheal catheter cuff and the front end within 15 cm. Then, all the patients in the two groups received the same induction and anesthesia maintainance. The operation time, anesthesia time, emergence time, extubation time and departure time were recorded. The intraoperative infusion volume, blood loss volume, propofol, remifentanil, rocuronium dosage were also recorded. The adverse reactions such as intraoperative hypotension, bradycardia and postoperative agitation were recorded. The postoperative sore throat score was recorded at the end of operation and 4 h, 8 h, 12 h, and 24 h after operation.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the C group, the emergence time [(8.4±3.9) min vs. (10.8±4.7) min], extubation time [(8.8±3.7) min vs. (11.9±4.8) min], and departure time [(20.0±5.3) min vs. (23.0±5.8) min] were significantly shorter, and the propofol dosage [(11.8±1.8) mg/kg vs. (15.9±4.6) mg/kg], remifentanil dosage [(10.9±4.7) μg/kg vs. (14.1±3.6) μg/kg] were significantly less in the G group, and there was no difference of rocuronium dosage in the two groups. Compared with the C group the incidence of intraoperative hypotension [10%(3/30) vs. 30%(9/30)], bradycardia [16.7%(5/30) vs. 20%(6/30)] and postoperative agitation [6.7%(2/30) vs. 23.3%(7/30)] were significantly lower in the C group. The postoperative sore throat score at the end of operation, 4 h, 8 h, 12 h and 24 h after operation in the G group were significantly lower than in the C group respectively [0 (0, 1) vs. 1 (1, 2), 0 (0, 0) vs. 1 (1, 2), 0 (0, 0) vs. 1 (1, 2), 0 (0, 0) vs. 1 (0.75, 1), 0 (0, 0) vs. 1 (0, 1)].@*CONCLUSION@#Dexamethasone combined with oxybuprocaine hydrochloride gel was effective and feasible on the prevention of postoperative sore throat after nasal endoscopy.
Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Humans , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Bradycardia/drug therapy , Dexamethasone/therapeutic use , Endoscopy/adverse effects , Hypotension/drug therapy , Intubation, Intratracheal/adverse effects , Pain/drug therapy , Pharyngitis/prevention & control , Postoperative Complications/prevention & control , Procaine/analogs & derivatives , Propofol , Remifentanil , RocuroniumABSTRACT
RESUMO Objetivo verificar os desfechos de deglutição e alimentação de pacientes pediátricos submetidos à intubação orotraqueal (IOT) prolongada, considerando aqueles que evoluíram para traqueostomia após. Métodos estudo de coorte retrospectivo, realizado por meio da análise de prontuários de pacientes admitidos em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica e acompanhados até a alta hospitalar, entre março de 2017 e dezembro de 2018. Resultados dos 51 pacientes incluídos, 64,7% eram do gênero masculino e a mediana de idade foi de 6,7 meses. Pacientes submetidos à IOT por mediana de sete dias apresentaram disfagia orofaríngea (DOF) leve e, quando submetidos a mais de 14 dias, apresentaram DOF moderada/grave, distúrbio alimentar pediátrico (DAP) com características de recusa alimentar e contraindicação de alimentação por via oral na alta hospitalar. Dentre os pacientes, 74,5% foram submetidos apenas à IOT e 25,5% evoluíram para traqueostomia, após. Pacientes traqueostomizados apresentaram maior ocorrência de alta hospitalar com DOF moderada/grave, DAP com características de recusa alimentar e uso de via alternativa de alimentação, em comparação a pacientes sem traqueostomia (p=0,001). Comparado ao diagnóstico inicial, pacientes não traqueostomizados tiveram diagnóstico final com graus mais leves de disfagia (p<0,001). Conclusão o tempo de IOT e a presença de traqueostomia são fatores associados ao diagnóstico fonoaudiológico de DOF moderada/grave, à presença de sinais de DAP com características de recusa alimentar e à necessidade de via alternativa de alimentação, persistentes até a alta hospitalar, sendo achados fonoaudiológicos frequentes entre os desfechos de deglutição/alimentação em pediatria.
ABSTRACT Purpose To verify the swallowing and feeding outcomes of pediatric patients undergoing prolonged OTI, considering those who progressed to tracheostomy afterward. Methods Retrospective cohort study, carried out by analyzing the medical records of patients admitted to the Pediatric ICU and followed up until hospital discharge, between 03/2017 and 12/2018. Results Of the 51 patients included, 64.7% were male and the median age 6.7 months. Patients undergoing OTI for a median of 7 days had mild dysphagia and when submitted for more than 14 days had moderate/severe dysphagia and PFD with characteristics of food refusal, with contraindication to oral feeding at hospital discharge. 74.5% of the patients underwent OTI only and 25.5% progressed to tracheostomy afterward. Tracheostomized patients had a higher occurrence of hospital discharge with moderate/ severe oropharyngeal dysphagia, pediatric feeding disorder (PFD) with characteristics of food refusal and alternative method of feeding compared to patients without tracheostomy (p=0.001). Non-tracheostomized patients had a final diagnosis with milder degrees of dysphagia when compared to the initial diagnosis (p<0.001). Conclusion The time of OTI and the presence of tracheostomy are factors associated with the speech-language pathology diagnosis of moderate/severe oropharyngeal dysphagia, presence of signs of PFD with characteristics of food refusal and the need for an alternative method of feeding that persists until hospital discharge, being frequent findings among the swallowing/feeding outcomes in pediatrics.
Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Aphasia/diagnosis , Tracheostomy , Intensive Care Units, Pediatric , Deglutition Disorders , Intubation, Intratracheal/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Introdução: As alterações da deglutição pós-extubação são amplamente identificadas e estudadas, nas quais a disfagia é identificada nas fases oral e faríngea, acompanhada de penetração laríngea e aspiração traqueal. Entretanto, as alterações miofuncionais orofaciais em pacientes pós-extubação ainda não estão bem descritas em Pediatria. Objetivo: Verificar a influência da intubação orotraqueal (IOT) nas alterações miofuncionais orofaciais do lactente. Método: Estudo transversal, realizado em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica no período entre novembro de 2015 a setembro de 2016. Os participantes foram divididos em dois grupos: grupo estudo, com diagnóstico médico de cardiopatia congênita, pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca, em IOT por no mínimo 6 horas, e grupo controle composto por lactentes de 0 a 6 meses, previamente saudáveis, que não tiveram histórico de qualquer IOT anterior. Após a seleção, ambos os grupos foram submetidos ao Protocolo de Avaliação de Disfagia Pediátrica. Resultados: Postura e tônus labial, postura de língua, palato e qualidade vocal estiveram significativamente associados ao uso de IOT, pressão intraoral e padrão de sucção. Ao analisar a distribuição de frequência da comparação com e sem IOT, observa-se que não há um padrão específico que indique se a associação é prejudicial, protetora ou não interfere no padrão das características miofuncionais nesses casos. Conclusão: A influência da IOT foi encontrada nas estruturas miofuncionais orofaciais de bebês, quando comparados a bebês não intubados.
Introduction: Post-extubation swallowing changes are widely identified and studied, in which dysphagia is identified in the oral and pharyngeal phases, accompanied by laryngeal penetration and aspiration. However, orofacial myofunctional changes in post-extubation patients are still not well described in pediatrics. Objective: Verify the influence of orotracheal intubation on orofacial myofunctional changes in lactates. Methods: Cross-sectional study, performed in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit from November 2015 to September 2016. Participants were divided into two groups: study group, with medical diagnosis of congenital heart disease, post-cardiac surgery, undergoing OTI for at least 6 hours, and the control group was composed of infants aged 0 to 6 months, previously healthy, who did not have any previous IOT. After selection, babies from both groups were submitted to the same assessment protocols. The clinical evaluation of the child's orofacial myofunctional structures was performed using the Pediatric Dysphagia Assessment Protocol. Results: Lip posture, lip tone, tongue posture, palate, and vocal quality were significantly associated with the use of OIT, intraoral pressure and suction pattern. When analyzing the frequency distribution of the comparison with and without OIT, it is observed that there is no specific pattern that indicates whether the association is harmful, protective or does not interfere in the pattern of myofunctional characteristics in these cases. Conclusion: OIT influence was found in orofacial myofunctional structures in infants, when compared to babies who were not intubated.
Introducción: Los cambios en la deglución post-extubación están ampliamente identificados y estudiados, en los que se identifica disfagia en las fases oral y faríngea, acompañada de penetración y aspiración laríngea. Sin embargo, los cambios miofuncionales orofaciales en pacientes post-extubación todavía no están bien descritos en pediatría. Objetivo: Verificar la influencia de la intubación orotraqueal sobre los cambios miofuncionales orofaciales en lactatos. Metodos: estudio transversal, realizado en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos desde noviembre de 2015 hasta septiembre de 2016. Los participantes se dividieron en dos grupos: grupo de estudio, con diagnóstico médico de cardiopatía congénita, postoperatorio cardíaco, sometidos a IOT durante al menos 6 horas y el grupo control, compuesto por lactantes de 0 a 6 meses, previamente sanos, que no tiene alguna IOT anterior. Después de la selección, los bebés de ambos grupos fueron sometidos a los mismos protocolos de evaluación. La evaluación clínica de las estructuras miofuncionales orofaciales del niño se realizó mediante el Protocolo de Evaluación de Disfagia Pediátrica. Resultados: La postura de los labios, el tono de los labios, la postura de la lengua, el paladar, la calidad vocal se asociaron significativamente con el uso de ITO, la presión intraoral y el patrón de succión. Al analizar la distribución de frecuencias de la comparación con y sin ITO, se observa que no existe un patrón específico que indique si la asociación es dañina, protectora o no interfiere en el patrón de características miofuncionales en estos casos. Conclusión: la influencia de la ITO se encontró en las estructuras miofuncionales orofaciales en los bebés, en comparación con los bebés que no fueron intubados.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Stomatognathic System , Intubation, Intratracheal/adverse effects , Speech Therapy , Deglutition Disorders , Control Groups , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
asistencia ventilatoria cuando la vía aérea y la consciencia están comprometidas. Los elementos utilizados en este procedimiento se encuentran en contacto directo con estructuras dentofaciales, causando diversos tipos de lesiones, principalmente bucales. Aunque existen cuidados clínicos durante procesos de intubación, hay poca información, particularmente de la zona norte del país donde se hayan evaluado las posibles asociaciones entre los motivos de consulta más frecuentes y las diversas características, tanto clínicas como no clínicas de pacientes que han sido intubados. Objetivo: Identificar las alteraciones bucodentales más frecuentes en pacientes intubados, así como explorar las posibles asociaciones de acuerdo con los motivos de intubación más frecuentes. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, transversal y comparativo en el cual se evaluaron alteraciones bucodentales y sistémicas de pacientes intubados. Los grupos de estudio se desarrollaron de acuerdo con el motivo de intubación y la determinación de las asociaciones fue con cada una de las alteraciones bucodentales y sistémicas. Resultados: El motivo de intubación más frecuente fue el evento cerebral vascular (EVC) y las alteraciones dentofaciales más prevalentes fueron caries, lengua saburral y cálculo dental, entre otras. Además, se encontraron diferencias significativas entre pacientes con EVC, mostrando una mayor frecuencia en tabaquismo, hipertensión arterial y diabetes mellitus, así como en la presencia de gingivitis y úlceras. Pacientes con traumatismo craneoencefálico (TCE) tuvieron mayor frecuencia en la presencia de periodontitis. Conclusión: El motivo de hospitalización y las condiciones sistémicas preexistentes pueden ser un factor de riesgo para desarrollar lesiones bucales específicas antes y durante el periodo de intubación (AU)
Introduction: Intubation is a procedure that allows ventilatory assistance when the airway and consciousness are compromised. The elements used in this procedure are in direct contact with dentofacial structures causing various types of injuries, mainly oral. Although there is clinical care during intubation processes, there is little information, particularly from the northern part of the country where the possible associations between the most frequent reasons for consultation and the various clinical and non-clinical characteristics of patients who have been intubated have been evaluated. Objective: The objectives of the present study were to identify the most frequent oral alterations in intubated patients, as well as to explore possible associations according to the most frequent reasons for intubation. Material and methods: An observational, cross-sectional and comparative study was carried out in which oral and systemic alterations of intubated patients were evaluated. The study groups were formed according to the reason for intubation and the association was determined with each of the oral and systemic disorders. Results: The most frequent reason for intubation was the vascular cerebral event (CVA) and the most prevalent dentofacial alterations were caries, coated tongue, and dental calculus, among others. In addition, significant differences were found between patients with CVA, showing a higher frequency in smoking, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus, as well as in the presence of gingivitis and ulcers. Patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) had a higher frequency in the presence of periodontitis. Conclusion: The reason for hospitalization and pre-existing systemic conditions can be a risk factor for developing specific oral lesions before and during the intubation period (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Hospitalization , Intubation, Intratracheal/adverse effects , Mouth Mucosa/injuries , Periodontal Diseases/etiology , Tooth Diseases , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Stroke , Diabetes Mellitus , Observational Study , Brain Contusion , Hypertension , MexicoABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: To determine the effect of a training program using simulation-based mastery learning on the performance of residents in pediatric intubations with videolaryngoscopy. Method: Retrospective cohort study carried out in a tertiary pediatric hospital between July 2016 and June 2018 evaluating a database that included the performance of residents before and after training, as well as the outcome of tracheal intubations. A total of 59 pediatric residents were evaluated in the pre-training with a skills' checklist in the scenario with an intubation simulator; subsequently, they were trained individually using a simulator and deliberate practice in the department itself. After training, the residents were expected to have a minimum passing grade (90/100) in a simulated scenario. The success of the first attempted intubation, use of videolaryngoscopy, and complications in patients older than 1 year of age during the study period were also recorded in clinical practice. Results: Before training, the mean grade was 77.5/100 (SD 15.2), with only 23.7% (14/59) of residents reaching the minimum passing grade of 90/100. After training, 100% of the residents reached the grade, with an average of 94.9/100 (SD 3.2), p < 0.01, with only 5.1% (3/59) needing more practice time than that initially allocated. The success rate in the first attempt at intubation in the emergency department with videolaryngoscopy was 77.8% (21/27). The rate of adverse events associated with intubations was 26% (7/27), representing a serious event. Conclusions: Simulation-based mastery learning increased residents' skills related to intubation and allowed safe tracheal intubations with video laryngoscopy.
Humans , Child , Laryngoscopes , Laryngoscopy , Retrospective Studies , Emergency Service, Hospital , Intubation, Intratracheal/adverse effectsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#In order to further decrease and reduce the serious adverse events of silicone rubber endotracheal intubation in clinical use, especially in anesthesia and intensive care.@*METHODS@#Through the first stage analysis on the registration and certification of endotracheal intubation products in China, adverse events of products in recent five years in Zhejiang province, domestic and foreign literature of adverse events of products, retrieval of product citation standards, content integrity of product instructions, and expert seminar on serious adverse events, combined with the air leakage of endotracheal intubation products in recent two years, product material and clinical application with normative aspects.@*RESULTS@#Silicone rubber endotracheal intubation products in clinical intensive care have certain clinical safety risks, especially for long-term use of critically ill patients.@*CONCLUSIONS@#According to the four cases of serious adverse events of silicone rubber endotracheal intubation in the clinical intensive care unit, we put forward some suggestions for the manufacturers, clinical users and regulatory agencies to further decrease and reduce the serious adverse events of silicone rubber endotracheal intubation.
Humans , China , Critical Care , Critical Illness , Intensive Care Units , Intubation, Intratracheal/adverse effectsABSTRACT
O objetivo deste estudo foi isolar bacteriófagos com potencial aplicabilidade no controle de biofilme de Pseudomonas aeruginosa em tubos endotraqueais. Os bacteriófagos isolados foram expandidos, titulados e caracterizados quanto ao perfil genômico, morfologia, tipo de material genético, especificidade de hospedeiros, eficiência de plaqueamento, atividade lítica, curva de crescimento e estabilidade às variações de pH e temperatura. A inibição do crescimento planctônico e a atividade antibiofilme, in vitro, foram avaliadas contra 15 cepas de P. aeruginosa. A atividade antibiofilme de tubos endotraqueais revestidos com os bacteriófagos foi avaliada em um modelo de biofilme em fluxo contínuo. A influência dos bacteriófagos sobre os fatores de virulência de P. aeruginosa foi avaliada pela inibição da formação de biofilme, produção de piocianina e proteases extracelulares e expressão dos genes pslA, lasl, lasB e phzH. Os dados referentes a área recoberta por biofilme após o tratamento com os bacteriófagos e a atividade antibiofilme de tubos endotraqueais revestidos apresentaram distribuição não normal e foram analisados em um Modelo Linear Generalizado (α=5%). A influência dos bacteriófagos sobre os fatores de virulência de P. aeruginosa também apresentou distribuição não normal e foi analisada pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis (α=5%). Todas as demais variáveis apresentaram distribuição normal e variância homogênea e foram analisadas por ANOVA (α=5%). Vinte e cinco bacteriófagos foram isolados a partir de amostras do esgoto doméstico. Do total, 5 bacteriófagos foram selecionados para caracterização integral e avaliação das atividades antibacteriana e antibiofilme. Eles foram designados como vB_PaeM_USP_1, vB_PaeM_USP_2, vB_PaeM_USP_3, vB_PaeM_USP_18 e vB_PaeM_USP_25. Os bacteriófagos pertencem à ordem Caudovirales, família Myoviridae, com genoma constituído por DNA dupla fita (dsDNA), variando de ~62 a ~65 kb e codificam de 65 a 89 proteínas. Os bacteriófagos produziram de 27 a 46 partículas virais após 30 minutos de incubação e foram estáveis às variações de pH e temperatura. Os bacteriófagos exibiram um amplo espectro lítico e foram capazes de infectar P. aeruginosa, incluindo cepas multirresistentes. Eles também reduziram o crescimento de P. aeruginosa na forma planctônica, e a carga microbiana e atividade metabólica quando aplicados a biofilmes associados aos tubos endotraqueais. A área recoberta por biofilme foi significativamente reduzida após a exposição de biofilmes maduros aos bacteriófagos. A aplicação in situ dos bacteriófagos no revestimento de tubos endotraqueais mostrou que o coquetel composto por vB_PaeM_USP_2 e vB_PaeM_USP_18 alterou a colonização bacteriana e o desenvolvimento do biofilme de P. aeruginosa, sem afetar substancialmente a atividade metabólica. Avaliando os fatores de virulência de P. aeruginosa foi observado que os vírus promoveram mudanças no crescimento do biofilme apenas até 8 horas de cocultivo. Também, após 8 horas de cocultivo foi observado que vB_PaeM_USP_1, vB_PaeM_USP_2 e vB_PaeM_USP_3 promoveram filamentação da morfologia bacteriana. A presença de bacteriófagos não alterou a produção de piocianina e proteases extracelulares por P. aeruginosa. No entanto, alterações no nível de expressão de genes relacionados a fatores de virulência foram detectadas, principalmente, após 2 e 48 h de cocultivo. A atividade lítica no biofilme de P. aeruginosa formado por cepas multirresistentes indica que os bacteriófagos isolados neste estudo podem ser considerados bons candidatos para estudos terapêuticos.
The objective of this study was to isolate bacteriophages and potentially apply it against Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms on endotracheal tube surfaces. The isolated bacteriophages were propagated, titrated, and characterized in terms of their genomic profile, viral morphology, type of genetic material, host range investigation, efficiency of platting, lytic activity, growth curve, and pH and thermal stability. The inhibition of planktonic growth and antibiofilm activity, in vitro, were evaluated against 15 P. aeruginosa strains. The antibiofilm activity of endotracheal tubes coated with bacteriophages was evaluated in a continuous flow biofilm model. The bacteriophages influence on development of virulence mechanisms on P. aeruginosa was evaluated by the inhibition of biofilm growth, production of pyocyanin and extracellular proteases, and expression of pslA, lasl, lasB and phzH genes. Data referring to the residual aggregated biofilm after treatment with bacteriophages and the antibiofilm activity of endotracheal tubes coated with bacteriophages showed non-normal distribution and were analyzed in a Generalized Linear Model (α=5%). The bacteriophage's influence on development of virulence mechanisms on P. aeruginosa also showed non-normal distribution and was analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis test (α=5%). All other data had normal distribution and homogeneous variance and were analyzed using ANOVA (α=5%). Twenty-five bacteriophages were isolated from domestic sewage samples. Of these, 5 bacteriophages were selected for complete characterization and evaluation of antibacterial and antibiofilm activities. They were designated as vB_PaeM_USP_1, vB_PaeM_USP_2, vB_PaeM_USP_3, vB_PaeM_USP_18 and vB_PaeM_USP_25. All of them belong to the order Caudovirales, Myoviridae family, and they have a double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) genome ranging from ~62 kb to ~65 kb that codes from 65 to 89 proteins. The bacteriophages produced from 27 to 46 particles after 30 minutes of incubation and were pH and heat stable. Bacteriophages exhibited a broad lytic spectrum and were able to infect P. aeruginosa, including multidrug-resistant strains. They also reduced the growth of P. aeruginosa strains in planktonic form, and microbial load and metabolic activity when applied to biofilms associated with endotracheal tubes. Biofilm-coated area were significantly reduced after treatment of mature biofilms with bacteriophages. The in situ application of bacteriophages in endotracheal tubes revealed that the cocktail composed by vB_PaeM_USP_2 and vB_PaeM_USP_18 promoted changes in colonization and biofilm growth processes without, substantially, altering the metabolic activity. Assessing the virulence mechanisms of P. aeruginosa it was observed that the virus promoted changes in P. aeruginosa biofilm growth only up to 8 h of co-incubation. In addition, after 8 h of co-incubation, it was observed that vB_PaeM_USP_1, vB_PaeM_USP_2 and vB_PaeM_USP_3 promoted filamentation of bacterial morphology. Bacteriophage presence did not alter both pyocyanin and protease production by P. aeruginosa. However, changes in the expression level of genes related to virulence factors were detected mainly after 2 and 48 h of co-culture. The lytic activity on multidrug-resistant P. aeruginosa biofilm indicates that isolated bacteriophages in this study may be considered as good candidates for therapeutic studies
Pseudomonas aeruginosa , Respiration, Artificial , Bacteriophages/pathogenicity , Biofilms , Intubation, Intratracheal/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Tracheal injury can occur as a rare complication of endotracheal intubation, associated with multiple anatomical and mechanical factors that have been described; however, the actual incidence is unknown due to the few series of documented cases that are reported worldwide. It is considered a fatal complication when it occurs and a diagnosis is not established in a timely manner. We present the case of a patient with active SARS-CoV-2 infection and a history of congenital malformation, who presented a tracheal lesion secondary to reintubation as a radiological finding.
La lesión traqueal puede ocurrir como complicación rara de una intubación endotraqueal, asociada a múltiples factores que han sido descritos de tipo anatómico y mecánico, sin embargo, la incidencia real se desconoce por las pocas series de casos documentados que se reportan a nivel mundial. Considera como una complicación mortal cuando se presenta y no se establece un diagnóstico de forma oportuna. Presentamos el caso de un paciente con infección activa de SARS-CoV-2 y antecedente de malformación congénita, que presentó como hallazgo radiológico una lesión traqueal secundaria a reintubación.
Humans , Male , Adult , Tracheal Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Wounds and Injuries/diagnostic imaging , COVID-19 , Intubation, Intratracheal/adverse effects , Trachea/injuries , Trachea/diagnostic imaging , Tracheal Diseases/etiology , Wounds and Injuries/etiology , Fatal Outcome , SARS-CoV-2ABSTRACT
Abstract Background and objectives Several airway complications can occur during shoulder arthroscopy including airway obstruction, pleural puncture, and subcutaneous emphysema. It was hypothesized that the irrigation fluid used during a shoulder arthroscopic procedure might increase the cuff pressure of the endotracheal tube, which can cause edema and ischemic damage to the endotracheal mucosa. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the relationship between irrigation fluid and endotracheal tube cuff pressures. Methods Forty patients aged 20 to 70 years with an American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score I or II, scheduled for elective arthroscopic shoulder surgery under general anesthesia, participated in our study. We recorded endotracheal tube cuff pressures and neck circumferences every hour from the start of the operation. We also recorded the total duration of the anesthesia, operation, and the total volume of fluid used for irrigation. Results A positive correlation was shown between endotracheal tube cuff pressures and the amount of irrigation fluid (r = 0.385, 95% CI 0.084 to 0.62, p = 0.0141). The endotracheal tube cuff pressure significantly increased at 2 and 3 hours after starting the operation (p = 0.0368 and p = 0.0245, respectively). However, neck circumference showed no significant difference. Conclusions Endotracheal tube cuff pressures increased with operation time and with increased volumes of irrigation fluid used in patients who underwent shoulder arthroscopy. We recommend close monitoring of endotracheal tube cuff pressures during shoulder arthroscopy, especially during long operations using a large amount of irrigation fluid, to prevent complications caused by raised cuff pressures.
Resumo Justificativa e objetivos Diversas complicações das vias aéreas podem ocorrer durante a artroscopia do ombro, incluindo obstrução das vias aéreas, punção pleural e enfisema subcutâneo. Levantou‐se a hipótese de que o fluido de irrigação utilizado durante artroscopia do ombro possa aumentar a pressão do balonete do tubo endotraqueal, podendo causar edema e lesão isquêmica na mucosa traqueal. Portanto, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a relação entre o fluido de irrigação e a pressão do balonete do tubo endotraqueal. Métodos Participaram do estudo 40 pacientes com idades entre 20 e 70 anos com classificação do estado físico I ou II da American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), programados para cirurgia artroscópica do ombro, eletiva e sob anestesia geral. Registramos as pressões do balonete do tubo endotraqueal e as circunferências do pescoço a cada hora, a partir do início da cirurgia. Também registramos a duração anestésica e cirúrgica, assim como o volume total de líquido de irrigação empregado. Resultados Foi encontrada correlação positiva entre a pressão do balonete do tubo endotraqueal e a quantidade de líquido de irrigação (r = 0,385; 95% IC 0,084 a 0,62; p = 0,0141). A pressão do balonete do tubo endotraqueal registrou aumento significante 2 e 3 horas após o início da cirurgia (p = 0,0368 e p = 0,0245, respectivamente). No entanto, a circunferência do pescoço não mostrou diferença significante. Conclusões As pressões do balonete do tubo endotraqueal aumentaram com o tempo de cirurgia e com o aumento do volume de líquido de irrigação utilizado em pacientes submetidos a artroscopia do ombro. Recomendamos a monitorização rigorosa da pressão do balonete do tubo endotraqueal durante artroscopia do ombro, especialmente nos procedimentos longos em que grandes volumes de fluido de irrigação são empregados, para evitar complicações causadas por pressões elevadas do balonete.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Young Adult , Pressure/adverse effects , Shoulder Joint/surgery , Intubation, Intratracheal/adverse effects , Time Factors , Elective Surgical Procedures/adverse effects , Elective Surgical Procedures/methods , Operative Time , Intubation, Intratracheal/instrumentation , Therapeutic Irrigation/adverse effects , Anesthesia, General/statistics & numerical data , Neck/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
Abstract Objectives Positioning during endotracheal intubation (ETI) is critical to ensure its success. We aimed to determine if the ramping position improved laryngeal exposure and first attempt success at intubation when compared to the sniffing position. Methods PubMed, EMBASE, and Cochrane CENTRAL databases were searched systematically from inception until January 2020. Our primary outcomes included laryngeal exposure as measured by Cormack-Lehane Grade 1 or 2 (CLG 1/2), CLG 3 or 4 (CLG 3/4), and first attempt success at intubation. Secondary outcomes were intubation time, use of airway adjuncts, ancillary maneuvers, and complications during ETI. Results Seven studies met our inclusion criteria, of which 4 were RCTs and 3 were cohort studies. The meta-analysis was conducted by pooling the effect estimates for all 4 included RCTs (n = 632). There were no differences found between ramping and sniffing positions for odds of CLG 1/2, CLG 3/4, first attempt success at intubation, intubation time, use of ancillary airway maneuvers, and use of airway adjuncts, with evidence of high heterogeneity across studies. However, the ramping position in surgical patients is associated with increased likelihood of CLG 1/2 (OR = 2.05, 95% CI 1.26 to 3.32, p = 0.004) and lower likelihood of CLG 3/4 (OR = 0.49, 95% CI 0.30 to 0.79, p = 0.004), moderate quality of evidence. Conclusion Our meta-analysis demonstrated that the ramping position may benefit surgical patients undergoing ETI by improving laryngeal exposure. Large scale well designed multicentre RCTs should be carried out to further elucidate the benefits of the ramping position in the surgical and intensive care unit patients.
Resumo Objetivos A posição do paciente durante a Intubação Traqueal (IT) é fundamental para o sucesso do procedimento. Nosso objetivo foi determinar se a posição de rampa melhorou a visualização laríngea e o êxito na primeira tentativa de intubação quando comparada à posição olfativa. Métodos Os bancos de dados PubMed, EMBASE e Cochrane CENTRAL foram pesquisados de forma sistemática a partir da data em que os bancos de dados foram estabelecidos até janeiro de 2020. Nossos desfechos primários incluíram a visualização laríngea avaliada como Cormack‐Lehane Grau 1 ou 2 (CLG 1/2), Cormack‐Lehane Grau 3 ou 4 (CLG 3/4) e o êxito na primeira tentativa de intubação. Os desfechos secundários foram o tempo de intubação, uso de dispositivos adjuvantes para manuseio de vias aéreas, manobras auxiliares e complicações durante a IT. Resultados Sete estudos preencheram nossos critérios de inclusão, dos quais 4 eram Estudos Clínicos Randomizados (ECR) e 3 eram estudos de coorte. A meta‐análise foi conduzida combinando as estimativas de efeito para todos os 4 ECR incluídos (n = 632). Não foram encontradas diferenças entre as posições de rampa e olfativa para razão de chances de CLG 1/2, CLG 3/4, sucesso na primeira tentativa de intubação, tempo de intubação, uso de manobras auxiliares das vias aéreas e uso de dispositivos adjuvantes de vias aéreas, havendo evidência de alta heterogeneidade nos estudos. No entanto, a posição de rampa em pacientes cirúrgicos está associada com maior probabilidade de CLG 1/2 (OR = 2,05; 95% IC 1,26 a 3,32; p = 0,004) e menor probabilidade de CLG 3/4 (OR = 0,49; 95% IC 0,30 a 0,79; p = 0,004), com qualidade moderada de evidência. Conclusão Nossa meta‐análise demonstrou que a posição de rampa pode beneficiar pacientes cirúrgicos submetidos a IT, melhorando a visualização laríngea. ECR multicêntricos bem projetados com amostras grandes devem ser realizados para esclarecer ainda mais os benefícios da posição de rampa nos pacientes cirúrgicos e na unidade de terapia intensiva.
Humans , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Patient Positioning/instrumentation , Intubation, Intratracheal/methods , Posture , Time Factors , Cohort Studies , Intubation, Intratracheal/adverse effects , LarynxABSTRACT
RESUMEN: El objetivo de este artículo es presentar algunas consideraciones odontológicas y un protocolo de mantención para el manejo y cuidado de cavidad oral en pacientes en ventilación mecánica invasiva (VMI) en unidades de cuidados intensivos hospitalarios. Además, presentar recomendaciones para la implementación de estas. Desde el desarrollo del COVID-19 en el mundo, los casos de VMI prolongada han aumentado y junto con ellos, se ha visibilizado las complicaciones propias de este tipo de terapia, dentro de las cuales encontramos aquellas que afectan la cavidad oral. Los centros hospitalarios normalmente cuentan con servicios dentales conformados por distintas especialidades, las cuales en un trabajo mancomunado pueden entregar herramientas y educar al personal encargado para el cuidado de la cavidad oral en estos pacientes si es que son requeridos, siendo el odontólogo el encargado de evaluar las distintas situaciones clínicas y entregar directrices para la prevención y tratamiento de patología de la cavidad oral. En este trabajo se describen los pasos a seguir para realizar una correcta higiene oral de estos pacientes y el manejo de las distintas complicaciones posibles de observar, junto con la experiencia local de cómo solucionarlos de la mejor manera. Consideramos importante que las unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI) conozcan el rol del odontólogo y las acciones que este equipo puede aportar en el cuidado de los pacientes hospitalizados para disminuir los riesgos asociados a ventilación prolongada, basados principalmente en el manejo de la higiene oral y lesiones asociadas.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this sutudy dental considerations and an oral cavity maintenance and care protocol in patients on invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) in hospital intensive care units. Since the development of COVID-19 in the world, cases of prolonged IMV have increased and together with them, the complications of this type of therapy have been made visible, among which we find those that affect the oral cavity. Hospital centers normally have dental services made up of different specialties, which in a joint effort can provide tools and educate the personnel in charge of the care of the oral cavity in these patients if they are required, being the dentist the one in charge of evaluating and deliver guidelines for the prevention and treatment of pathology of the oral cavity. This work describes the steps to be followed to carry out correct oral hygiene in these patients and the management of the different complications that may be observed, along with local experience on how to best solve them. We consider important that the intensive care units (ICU) get to know the role of the dentist in the hospital environment and that they become part of the care of hospitalized patients to reduce the risks associated with prolonged ventilation, based mainly on oral hygiene management and associated injuries.
Humans , Patient Care Team , Respiration, Artificial/adverse effects , Dental Care/instrumentation , COVID-19 , Intubation, Intratracheal/adverse effects , Clinical Protocols , Intensive Care UnitsABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: El cambio de cánula de traqueostomía en niños constituye un procedimiento clave, sin embargo, falta claridad en algunos de sus aspectos. OBJETIVO: Caracterizar el cambio de cánula de traqueostomía en niños de una institución de larga estadía hospitalaria. PACIENTES Y MÉTODO: Estudio retrospectivo observacional analítico en base al registro clínico de 2 años de niños hospitalizados usuarios de traqueostomía. Las variables evaluadas fueron: motivo de cambio de traqueostomía, número y marca de traqueostomía, operador y participantes (ayudantes/espectadores) del procedimiento, complicaciones y contexto educacional. RESULTADOS: 630 cambios de cánula de traqueostomía fueron analizados. Los operadores más frecuentes fueron familiares (33,7%). El principal motivo de cambio fue rutina (83,3%). Un 10,7% de los cambios presentó alguna complicación, siendo la más frecuente el sangrado periostoma (47,37%) y el primer intento frustro (34,21%). No existió asociación entre la presencia de balón y complicaciones (p = 0,24), tampoco con el uso de ventilación mecánica (p = 0,8) u operador (p = 0,74). CONCLUSIÓN: El cambio de rutina de cánula de traqueostomía en niños con vía aérea artificial prolongada es un procedimiento seguro, realizable tanto por profesionales de la salud como por familiares debidamente instruidos.
INTRODUCTION: Changing the tracheostomy tube in children is a key procedure, however, some of its aspects re main unclear. OBJECTIVE: To characterize the tracheostomy tube change in children from a long-stay health institution. PATIENTS AND METHOD: Retrospective observational analytical study based on the 2-year clinical record of hospitalized children who underwent tracheostomy. The variables evaluated were the reason for tracheostomy tube change, size and brand of the tube, operator and participants (assistants/spectators) of the procedure, complications, and education. RESULTS: We analyzed 630 tracheostomy tube changes. The most frequent operators were relatives (33.7%). The main reason for the change was routine (83.3%). 10.7% of the changes presented some complications, where the most frequent was peristomal bleeding (47.37%) and the first failed attempt (34.21%). There was no association between the presence of balloon and complications (p = 0.24), nor with the use of Mechanical Ventilation (p = 0.8) or the operator (p = 0.74). CONCLUSION: The routine change of the tracheostomy tube in children with prolonged artificial airway use is a safe procedure, which can be performed by both health professionals and properly trained family members.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Respiration, Artificial/instrumentation , Tracheostomy , Intubation, Intratracheal/adverse effects , Intubation, Intratracheal/methods , Retrospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Clinical Competence/statistics & numerical data , Medical Errors/statistics & numerical data , Hospitalization , Intubation, Intratracheal/instrumentationABSTRACT
La estenosis traqueal adquirida es muy poco frecuente en la edad pediátrica y puede responder a múltiples causas; la estenosis posintubación y la secundaria a traqueotomía son las más comunes.El manejo de la estenosis traqueal adquirida sigue siendo controvertido. El tratamiento endoscópico proporciona el alivio inmediato de los síntomas, pero se asocia a una alta tasa de recurrencia, y el uso de prótesis endoluminales puede incrementar la longitud de la estenosis y complicar una cirugía futura. Por el contrario, se han documentado buenos resultados a largo plazo con la resección traqueal con anastomosis primaria.Se describe nuestra experiencia con la resección traqueal con anastomosis término-terminal para el tratamiento de la estenosis traqueal posintubación en 8 pacientes.
Acquired tracheal stenosis is a very infrequent lesion in the pediatric age group and may be due to diverse causes, being post-intubation stenosis and stenosis secondary to tracheostomy the most common ones.The management of acquired tracheal stenosis remains controversial. Endoscopic treatment provides immediate relief of symptoms but it is associated with a high recurrence rate, and the use of endoluminal prostheses can increase the length of the stricture complicating future surgery. Conversely, good long-term results have been documented with tracheal resection and primary anastomosis.We describe our experience with tracheal resection followed by end-to-end anastomosis for the treatment of post-intubation tracheal stenosis in 8 patients.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Tracheal Stenosis/surgery , Tracheal Stenosis/therapy , Endoscopy , Intubation, Intratracheal/adverse effectsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the effect of different anesthesia management on clinical outcomes in former prematurely born infants undergoing surgeries for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).@*METHODS@#In this retrospective study, electronic medical record database was searched for all former prematurely born infants (gestational age < 37 weeks and post conceptual age < 60 weeks) who received ROP surgery under inhalational general anesthesia between November 2016 and October 2018. The patients were divided into two groups based on anesthesia management: laryngeal mask airway (LMA) insertion without intravenous muscle relaxant injection and with pressure support ventilation (LMA group) or airway secured with endotracheal tube (ETT) with intravenous muscle relaxant injection and pressure controlled ventilation (ETT group). Primary outcomes included perioperative adverse events and complications. Extubation time and length of stay after surgery were also recorded.@*RESULTS@#Sixty eight preterm infants in the LMA group and 100 preterm infants in the ETT group were included. The incidence of adverse events during surgery (including airway management change and desaturation) was similar in LMA group and ETT group (4.4% vs. 1.0%, P =0.364). During the early recovery period after surgery, the incidence of difficult extubation (extubation time >30 min) was significantly lower in LMA group compared with ETT group (4.4% vs.15.0%, RR=0.262, 95%CI:0.073-0.942, P=0.029). The incidence of respiratory events was similar between the two groups (20.6% vs. 27.0%, P =0.342). However, the incidence of apnea was significantly lower in the LMA group than in the ETT group (5.9% vs.19.0%, RR=0.266, 95%CI: 0.086-0.822, P =0.015). No significant difference was observed between the LMA group and ETT group in incidences of cardiovascular events (0% vs. 1.0%, P =1.000) and unplanned admission to neonatal intensive care unit (5.9% vs. 7.0%, P=0.774). No airway spasm, re-intubation, aspiration or regurgitation was observed during early recovery. During late recovery after returning to ward, the incidence of adverse events was also similar between the two groups (0% vs. 2.0%, P =0.241). The median (IQR) extubation time was 6 (5, 10) min in LMA group and 10 (6, 19) min in ETT group (P < 0.001). The median length of stay after surgery was significantly shortened in LMA group compared with ETT group [20 (17, 22) hours vs. 22 (17, 68) hours, P =0.002].@*CONCLUSION@#Compared with endotracheal intubation with intravenous muscle relaxant injection, laryngeal mask airway insertion without muscle relaxant could achieve an early extubation, and reduce the incidence of apnea during early recovery period in former prematurely born infants undergoing ROP surgery.
Child, Preschool , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Anesthesia, General/adverse effects , Infant, Premature , Intubation, Intratracheal/adverse effects , Laryngeal Masks , Retinopathy of Prematurity/surgery , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To assess the incidence of postoperative vocal cord immobility in patients following endotracheal intubation underwent general anesthesia.@*METHODS@#We retrospectively enrolled patients who underwent surgical procedures with endotracheal intubation under general anesthesia from January 2014 to December 2018 in Peking University First Hospital. Demographic and treatment data were obtained for patients with hoarseness and vocal cord fixation. The incidence of postoperative hoarseness and vocal cord fixation were presented and clinical outcomes were further analyzed.@*RESULTS@#A total of 85 998 patients following tracheal intubation and general anesthesia were enrolled in this study. Hoarseness was observed in 222 (0.26%) patients postoperatively. Sixteen patients (73%) were accomplished with symptoms of choking on water, dysphonia and sore throat. Twenty-nine patients with persistent hoarseness on the third postoperative day needed further treatment by otolaryngologists. Among them, seven patients had pharyngolaryngitis and twenty-two patients (0.026%) were demonstrated postoperative vocal cord immobility. There were seventeen patients (77%) with left-side vocal cord fixation and five patients (23%) with right-side vocal cord fixation. Nine patients were identified with arytenoid dislocation. Seven patients had left vocal cord fixation and two patients had right-side vocal cord fixation. Seven patients were intubated under the guidance of visual laryngoscope. One patient was confirmed difficult airway and intubated with light wand. One patient was inserted with laryngeal mask airway. One patient was suspected to have hoarseness caused by gastric tube before anesthesia. One patient showed simultaneously left recurrent laryngeal nerve abnormality on laryngeal electromyography result. The symptom of hoarseness ranged between 6 and 31 days. Three patients underwent closed reduction under local anesthesia and one patient demonstrated spontaneous recovery. Among the remaining thirteen patients with vocal cord immobility, two patients were demonstrated vocal cord paralysis. Eleven patients underwent neck surgery, thyroid surgery and cardiothoracic surgery and further examinations including laryn-geal electromyography and computed tomography help to determine the diagnosis were not performed. All patients were treated with inhaled corticosteroid conservatively. Five patients had significant improvement of symptom and almost regained normal voice. One patient had slight improvement and sixteen patients were not relieved before discharge.@*CONCLUSION@#Patients with hoarseness and vocal fold immobility after endotracheal intubation should be treated properly and immediately.