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Rev. ANACEM (Impresa) ; 16(2): 116-122, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525499


El síndrome de intestino irritable es un trastorno digestivo funcional recientemente reconocido como una alteración en el nivel intestino-cerebral que no se explica por alteraciones morfológicas, metabólicas o neurológicas demostrables por las técnicas diagnósticas habituales, caracterizándose por la presencia de dolor y distensión abdominal recurrente asociado a alteraciones del ritmo deposicional, ya sea en forma de constipación, diarrea o ambas. La prevalencia oscila entre los 6-11% dependiendo de los criterios diagnósticos utilizados y la zona geográfica, en Chile no hay datos actuales. Su fisiopatología es multifactorial, donde ninguno explica por si solo el síndrome. El diagnóstico es positivo basado en los criterios de Roma IV establecidos en el año 2016, a su vez es imperante establecer un subtipo de SII para realizar el manejo adecuado, es así como podemos tener un SII con predominio de constipación, diarrea, mixto o indeterminado. El manejo consta de la educación al paciente, una buena relación médico-paciente, dieta adecuada, actividad física aeróbica y otros tratamientos no farmacológicos, sumado a antiespasmódicos, antidiarreicos y fibra soluble, dependiendo del síntoma predominante.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional digestive disorder recently recognized as an alteration in the gut-brain axis which can´t be explained by morphological, metabolic or neurological alterations demonstrable by the usual diagnostic techniques, characterized by the presence of recurrent abdominal pain and distention associated with alterations in the stool rhythm, either in the form of constipation, diarrhea or both. The prevalence ranges between 6-11% according to the diagnostic criteria used and the geographical area, in Chile there's no current data. Its pathophysiology is multifactorial, where any of them explains the syndrome itself. The diagnosis is positive based on the Rome IV criteria established in 2016, it is imperative to establish a subtype of IBS to carry out the appropriate management, This is how we can have IBS with a predominance of constipation, diarrhea, mixed or indeterminate Management consists of patient education, a good doctor-patient relationship, adequate diet, aerobic physical activity and other non-pharmacological treatments, added to antispasmodics, antidiarrheals and soluble fiber, depending on the predominant symptom.

Humans , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/diagnosis , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/therapy , Pain Management/methods , Primary Health Care , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/physiopathology , Gastrointestinal Diseases/diagnosis
Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 39(4): 355-361, oct.-dic 2019. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144621


Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic pathology with disorders of the bowel-brain interaction, characterized by abdominal pain localized anywhere in the abdomen as well as bowel habit alteration (constipation, diarrhea or mixed), in the absence of any disease that can cause these symptoms. With the updated concepts according to the latest meeting of experts in Rome 2016, our goal is to raise awareness about irritable bowel syndrome, by reviewing the literature regarding definition, classification, pathophysiology, clinical aspects, treatment, prognosis and the future. IBS is a chronic pathology, characterized by abdominal pain, at least 1 day per week in the last 3 months, associated with the alteration of the intestinal bowel habits. With a classification based on the alteration of intestinal bowel movements and in addition to constipation induced by opioids or narcotics, the etiology and pathophysiology are not well explained or well-known so far. The clinical aspects are based on the Rome IV criteria. A good doctor-patient relationship is key to reassuring the patient's doubts about his illness, which increases the chances of adherence to individualized treatment from patient to patient depending on the sing and symptoms that may manifest in those that include: dietary advice, psychological support, in some cases pharmacological prescription, suspension of medications or change medications, minimize the dose of drugs or suspend, according to the needs of the patient as is the case of opioids. The prognosis is still uncertain, and a promising future to illustrate new definitions, classifications, pathophysiologies, clinical aspects and treatments according to the type of clinical manifestation of each patient.

El síndrome del intestino irritable (SII) es una patología crónica con desordenes de la interacción cerebro intestino, caracterizado por dolor abdominal localizado en cualquier parte del abdomen además de alteración del hábito intestinal como (constipación, diarrea o mixto), en ausencia de alguna enfermedad que pueda causar estos síntomas. Con los conceptos actualizados conforme en la última reunión de expertos en Roma 2016, nuestra meta es dar a conocer más sobre el síndrome del intestino irritable, mediante revisión de la literatura en cuanto a definición, clasificación, fisiopatología, aspectos clínicos, tratamiento, pronóstico y el futuro. El SII es una patología crónica, caracterizado por dolor abdominal, por lo menos 1 día por semana en los últimos 3 meses, asociado a la alteración del hábito intestinal. Con una clasificación basada en la alteración de los hábitos intestinales y además de constipación inducida por opioides o narcóticos, la etiología y fisiopatología no están bien explicadas ni se conocen bien hasta el momento. Los aspectos clínicos son basados en los criterios de Roma IV. Una buena relación médico-paciente es clave para tranquilizar las dudas del paciente sobre su enfermedad, lo que aumenta las posibilidades de adherencia al tratamiento individualizado de paciente a paciente dependiendo de las sintomatologías y signos que puedan manifestar en los que incluyen: asesoramiento dietético, apoyo psicológico, en algunos casos cambiar medicación, disminuir al mínimo la dosis del medicamento o suspender, según las necesidades del paciente como son los casos de los opiodes. El pronóstico todavía incierto, y un futuro prometedor para ilustrar nuevas definiciones, clasificaciones, fisiopatologías, aspectos clínicos, tratamientos posiblemente de acuerdo con el tipo de manifestación clínica de cada paciente.

Female , Humans , Male , Irritable Bowel Syndrome , Prognosis , Abdominal Pain/etiology , Sex Factors , Constipation/etiology , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/complications , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/diagnosis , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/physiopathology , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/therapy , Diarrhea/etiology , Symptom Assessment , Medical History Taking
Arq. gastroenterol ; 56(1): 3-9, Jan.-Mar. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001331


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic functional condition, which main symptoms of pain, discomfort and abdominal distension, constipation, diarrhea, altered fecal consistency and sensation of incomplete evacuation can be influenced by the presence of dietary fiber and fermentable carbohydrates (FODMAPs). This study aimed to assess the relationship between the quantity of fermentable carbohydrates (FODMAP) and fiber consumed by individuals diagnosed with IBS, and their classification according to the Rome III criteria. METHODS: A transversal study was carried out in the Intestinal Outpatient Clinic of the Gastroenterology Discipline of UNIFESP. The nutrients of interest for the study were: fiber, general carbohydrates and FODMAPs, with intake quantity measured in grams, analyzed through portions consumed. A nutrition log was used, along with a semi-quantitative questionnaire of consumption frequency. RESULTS: The sample included 63 adult patients; 21 with constipated IBS, 21 with diarrhea IBS, and 21 with mixed IBS. Carbohydrate intake was suboptimal in 55.6% of patients in all groups; excessive consumption was identified in 38.1% of the diarrhea group, 14.3% of the mixed group and 38.1% of the constipated group. Low consumption of carbohydrates was found in 28.6% of diarrhea patients and 47.6% of the mixed group. A mean intake of 23 g of fiber per day was identified, lower than recommended. CONCLUSION: The study identified a number of inadequacies in the consumption of different nutrients, excessive carbohydrate intake, especially FODMAPs, identified by the respondents as responsible for a worsening of their conditions. By contrast, other food groups such as meat, eggs and dairy were consumed by the sample population in insufficient quantities.

RESUMO CONTEXTO: A síndrome do intestino irritável é um distúrbio funcional crônico, no qual a dieta, principalmente o teor de fibra dietética e presença de carboidratos fermentativos (FODMAPs) podem influenciar nos principais sintomas: dores, desconforto e/ou distensão abdominal, constipação, diarreia, alteração na consistência das fezes, sensação de evacuação incompleta. OBJETIVO: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as quantidades de carboidratos fermentativos (FODMAP) e fibras consumidas por indivíduos com o diagnóstico de síndrome do intestino irritável e relacionar com seu modelo da classificação, segundo os critérios Roma III. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, realizado no Ambulatório de Doenças Intestinais da Disciplina de Gastroenterologia/UNIFESP. Os nutrientes de interesse para o estudo foram: fibras, carboidratos em geral e FODMAPs, calculando-se suas quantidades em gramas, analisadas através das porções consumidas. Os instrumentos de pesquisa utilizados: ficha de acompanhamento nutricional e questionário de frequência alimentar semi-quantitativo. RESULTADOS: A amostra incluiu 63 pacientes adultos, com síndrome do intestino irritável constipado (21), diarreico (21) e misto (21). O consumo de carboidratos mostrou-se inadequado em 55,6% dos indivíduos em todos os grupos; os que tinham alto consumo (38,1%) pertenciam ao grupo diarreia, 14,3% ao misto e 38,1 % ao constipado. Baixo consumo deste nutriente foi 28,6% nos casos de diarreia e 47,6% do misto. Observamos uma ingestão média de fibras equivalente à 23 g/dia, nos três grupos, inferior ao recomendado. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo permitiu reconhecer várias inadequações no consumo dos diferentes grupos de alimentos, particularmente excesso de carboidratos, incluindo os classificados como FODMAPs, identificados pelos doentes como responsáveis pela piora das suas queixas. Em contrapartida, nutrientes fundamentais, como carnes, ovos, leite e derivados estiveram referidos em níveis abaixo do recomendado.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Young Adult , Dietary Carbohydrates/adverse effects , Dietary Fiber/administration & dosage , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/physiopathology , Feeding Behavior/physiology , Fermentation/physiology , Dietary Carbohydrates/analysis , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/etiology , Middle Aged
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 77(3): 161-165, Mar. 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001338


ABSTRACT Tension-type headaches (TTH) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are comorbid diseases affecting, especially, women. One of the underlying mechanisms for both is autonomic dysfunction in the brain-gut axis. We aimed to evaluate the factors accompanying TTH and their relation to functional gastrointestinal disorders. Methods: Women diagnosed with TTH were questioned about headache pattern and severity, and accompanying factors, as well as being screened for IBS according to the Rome III criteria. The participants were divided into two groups: constipation-dominant IBS (IBS-C) group and "others", with a total of 115 individuals included in the study. Results: Of the 115 patients; 48 (41.8%) of the women had IBS-C criteria while 67 (58.2%) described mixed-type IBS or diarrhea-dominant IBS. There were no significant differences in terms of mean age (p = 0.290), body mass index (p = 0.212), visual analog scale (p = 0.965), duration of attacks (p = 0.692), and episodic/chronic type (p = 0.553). Osmophobia was seen in 43.5%; phonophobia in 68.7%, and photophobia in 47.0% of the patients, and only osmophobia was significantly associated in women in the IBS-C group (p = 0.001). Conclusion: In female patients with TTH, a higher level of constipation was detected. The relationship of these two diseases suggests that they may share common mechanisms. This is the first study showing the relationship of osmophobia with constipation.

RESUMO As cefaléias do tipo tensional (TTH) e a síndrome do intestino irritável (IBS) são comorbidades que afetam especialmente as mulheres. O mecanismo subjacente para ambas é a disfunção autonômica no eixo cérebro-intestino. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar os fatores que acompanham as TTH e sua relação com distúrbios gastrointestinais funcionais (FGID). Métodos: Mulheres com diagnóstico de TTH foram questionadas quanto ao padrão e gravidade da cefaleia, fatores acompanhantes e triadas para IBS de acordo com os critérios de Roma III e foram divididas em dois grupos: grupo com IBS com predominância de constipação (IBS-C) e as demais. Um total de 115 mulheres foram incluídas no estudo. Resultados: Do total de 115 pacientes; 48 (41,8%) das mulheres tiveram os critérios da IBS-C, enquanto 67 (58,2%) tiveram IBS do tipo misto ou IBS com predominância de diarreia. Não houve diferenças significativas em termos de idade média (p = 0,290), índice de massa corporal (IMC) (p = 0,212), escala visual analógica (VAS) (p = 0,965), duração dos ataques (p = 0,692), e tipo episódico / crônico (p = 0,553). Osmofobia foi observada em 43,5% das pacientes; fonofobia em 68,7% e fotofobia em 47,0%, e apenas osmofobia foi significativamente associada no grupo de mulheres com predominância de constipação (p = 0,001). Conclusão: Em pacientes do sexo feminino com TTH, encontra-se uma maior constipação. A relação dessas duas doenças sugere que elas podem compartilhar mecanismos comuns. Além disso, este é o primeiro estudo mostrando a relação da osmofobia com a constipação.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Tension-Type Headache/complications , Constipation/complications , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/complications , Hyperacusis/physiopathology , Severity of Illness Index , Pain Measurement , Body Mass Index , Prospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Tension-Type Headache/physiopathology , Constipation/physiopathology , Photophobia/physiopathology , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/physiopathology
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1121936


INTRODUCCIÓN: El interés de este estudio fue establecer posibles asociaciones con el estado físico, calidad de sueño y consumo de oxígeno máximo (VO2máx) con los síntomas de la enfermedad del síndrome de Intestino Irritables (SII) en los estudiantes universitarios. MÉTODOS: La muestra fue de n = 62 estudiantes universitarios (edad 25 ± 9 años; talla 1,63 ± 0,08 m; peso 68,6 ± 18,5 kg). Se midieron variables antropométricas, el VO2 máx mediante el test Rockport, se aplicó el cuestionario de índice de Calidad de Sueño de "Pittsburgh" (ICSP) y el "BEST-Score" 4 points. Se utilizó la prueba Anova y el coeficiente de Pearson. RESULTADO: En los síntomas del SII (%) se muestran diferencias entre sujetos normopeso vs obesidad (11,5 ± 10 vs 33,3 ± 23,1% p = 0.00). También se muestra diferencias en función del VO2 máx en ICPS: nivel 1 vs nivel 3 (26 ± 0,6 vs 13 ± 0,6% p = 0.04) y síntomas del SII (21,9 ± 10 vs 11,1 ± 17,9% p = 0.02). Los síntomas del SII obtuvieron correlación moderada con el IMC (r = 0,51; p = 0,00) y % de grasa (r = 0,60; p = 0,00), también el VO2 máx con la calidad del sueño (r = -0,52; p = 0,00). CONCLUSIÓN: Los estudiantes de la UPNFM que presentan un mayor VO2 máx muestran valores más bajos en la puntuación de síntomas del SII y podría estar asociado a conciliar mejor el sueño.

INTRODUCTION: The interest of this study was to establish possible associations with the physical state, sleep quality and maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) with the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in university students. METHODS: The sample was n = 62 university students (age 25 ± 9 years, height 1.63 ± 0.08 m, weight 68.6 ± 18.5 kg). Anthropometric variables were measured, VO2max using the Rockport test, the "Pittsburgh Quality" Sleep Quality Index questionnaire (ICSP) and the "BEST-Score" 4 points were applied. The Anova test and the Pearson coefficient were used. RESULT: In the IBS symptoms (%) there are differences between subject's normal weight vs obesity (11.5 ± 10 vs 33.3 ± 23.1% p = 0.00). It also shows differences according to VO2max in ICPS: level 1 vs level 3 (26 ± 0.6 vs 13 ± 0.6% p = 0.04) and IBS symptoms (21.9 ± 10 vs 11.1 ± 17, 9% p = 0.02). The IBS symptoms showed moderate correlation with BMI (r = 0.51, p = 0.00) and of fat% (r = 0.60, p = 0.00), also the VO2max with the quality of sleep ( r = -0.52, p = 0.00). CONCLUSION: Students of UPNFM who present a higher VO2max show lower values in the symptom score of IBS and could be associated to better sleep conciliation.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Sleep/physiology , Students , Anthropometry , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/physiopathology , Oxygen Consumption/physiology , Quality of Life , Universities , Body Weight , Body Mass Index , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Analysis of Variance , Waist-Hip Ratio , Overweight
Arq. gastroenterol ; 55(4): 417-422, Oct.-Dec. 2018.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-983839


ABSTRACT Approximately 80% of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients report that their symptoms are triggered after ingesting one or specific food groups. Gluten, wheat and related proteins (e.g., amylase-trypsin inhibitors, and fermentable oligo-di-mono-saccharides and polyols (FODMAPs) are the most relevant IBS symptom triggers, although the true 'culprit(s)' is/are still not well established. The concept of causal relationship between gluten intake and the occurrence of symptoms in the absence of celiac disease and wheat allergy was termed non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS). The borderline between celiac disease, wheat allergy, IBS and NCGS is not always clearly distinguishable, and the frequency and clinical identity of NGCS are still unclear. An overlap between IBS and NCGS has been detected. The incomplete knowledge of the etiopathogenesis of these clinical conditions, lack of data on their real epidemiology, as well as the absence of a gold standard for their diagnosis, make the overall picture difficult to understand "It is crucial to well define the interaction between IBS, food intolerance and NGCS, since the role of diet in IBS and its dietary management is an essential tool in the treatment of a large number of these patients". The objective of the present review is to provide an overview highlighting the interaction between IBS, food intolerance and NCGS in order to unravel whether gluten/wheat/FODMAP sensitivity represents 'facts' and not 'fiction' in IBS symptoms.

RESUMO Cerca de 80% dos pacientes com síndrome do intestino irritável (SII) relatam que seus sintomas são desencadeados após a ingestão de um ou grupos específicos de alimentos. Nesse grupo, glúten, trigo e proteínas relacionadas (como inibidores de amilase-tripsina e oligo-di-mono-sacarídeos e polióis fermentáveis (FODMAPs) são os fatores desencadeantes de sintomas mais relevantes da SII, embora o verdadeiro 'culpado(s)' ainda não seja conhecido. O conceito de relação causal entre a ingestão de glúten e a ocorrência de sintomas na ausência de doença celíaca e alergia ao trigo foi denominado sensibilidade ao glúten não celíaca (SGNC). A fronteira clínica entre doença celíaca, alergia ao trigo, SII e SGNC não está claramente distinguível, apesar da sobreposição entre SII e SGNC ser frequentemente relatada na literatura. O conhecimento incompleto da etiopatogenia dessas condições clínicas, a falta de dados sobre sua epidemiologia real, bem como a ausência de um padrão ouro para seu diagnóstico da associação SII/SGNC, dificultam a compreensão dessa nova entidade. "É de suma importância definir com precisão a interação entre SII, intolerância alimentar e SGNC, já que o papel da dieta no tratamento da SII é uma ferramenta essencial no tratamento de um grande número desses pacientes". A presente revisão tem como objetivo apresentar dados atuais a respeito da interação entre SII, intolerância alimentar e SGNC. Além disso questiona-se, com os dados disponíveis, a sensibilidade ao glúten/trigo/FODMAPs, representa "fato" e não "ficção" na geração de sintomas associados a SII.

Humans , Celiac Disease/physiopathology , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/physiopathology , Food Intolerance/physiopathology
Gastroenterol. latinoam ; 29(supl.1): S36-S39, 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1117670


Infectious gastroenteritis is a risk factor for developing post-infectious functional gastrointestinal disorders (PI-FGDs), mainly irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and functional dyspepsia (FD). It is a significant subgroup of patients due to frequent episodes of gastrointestinal infections. Symptoms in PI-FGD patients can prevail for more than twelve months, especially if infective agents are bacteria or parasites. Symptoms are indistinguishable from their non-infective equivalents (IBS and FD). Risk factors for developing PI-FGD are: female gender, type and severity of the gastrointestinal infection, high anxiety levels and younger age. Main pathogenic mechanisms are alteration of permeability and immunity. Mucosa inflammation prevails only at early stage; however, with follow-up it can be reduced or normalized. Nevertheless, certain alterations prevail, such as hypersensitivity. These events are treated in the same way as IBS or FD.

La gastroenteritis infecciosa es un factor de riesgo para desarrollar un trastorno digestivo funcional postinfeccioso (TDF-PI), principalmente síndrome de intestino irritable (SII) y dispepsia funcional (DF). Es un subgrupo de pacientes relevante debido a lo frecuente que son las infecciones gastrointestinales. Los síntomas en los pacientes con TDF-PI se pueden prolongar por más de un año, especialmente cuando los agentes infecciosos son bacterias o parásitos. Los síntomas son indistinguibles con respecto a los de sus equivalentes no infecciosos (SII y DF). Los factores de riesgo para desarrollar TDF-PI son el sexo femenino, el tipo y la severidad de la infección gastrointestinal, los niveles altos de ansiedad, y la menor edad. Los principales mecanismos patogénicos son la alteración de la permeabilidad y de inmunidad. La inflamación de la mucosa predomina solo al principio pero con el seguimiento esta disminuye o se normaliza, a pesar de lo cual ciertas alteraciones como la hiperensibilidad permanecen. Estos cuadros se tratan de la misma manera que un SII o DF.

Humans , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/etiology , Dyspepsia/etiology , Gastroenteritis/complications , Risk Factors , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/physiopathology , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/epidemiology , Dyspepsia/physiopathology , Dyspepsia/epidemiology , Infections/complications
Rev. chil. infectol ; 33(3): 268-274, jun. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-791018


El síndrome de intestino irritable (SII) es un trastorno funcional digestivo de etiología multifactorial. En su fisiopatología se describen diversos factores, tanto biológicos, como psicológicos y ambientales, que afectan el estado de activación de células inmunes en la mucosa intestinal. Entre los factores ambientales se incluye la presencia de alguna parasitosis intestinal. El síndrome de intestino irritable post-infeccioso (SII-PI) es reconocido como un subgrupo de estos trastornos, cuya aparición de los síntomas es posterior a una infección intestinal provocada por agentes microbianos. A pesar de que en Chile hay pocos estudios respecto a la relación entre SII y parasitosis intestinal, se ha descrito la existencia de una asociación positiva entre SII e infecciones por Blastocistis hominis, uno de los parásitos prevalentes en Chile. En otros países, se ha descrito además una relación entre SII, amebiasis y giardiasis. Por la alta prevalencia de parasitosis en nuestro país, existe la necesidad de ampliar los estudios para clarificar la fuerza de la asociación entre parasitosis y SII.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract characterised by multi-factorial aetiology. In IBS physiopathology are involved diverse factors between them biological, psychosocial, and environmental components which affect the immune activation status of gut mucosa. Among these factors is recognized the intestinal parasitosis. Post-infection IBS (PI-IBS) is recognised as a subgroup of functional disorders whose symptoms onset appear after a symptomatic intestinal infection caused by microbial agents. There are few studies regarding of relationship between IBS and intestinal parasitosis in Chile. However, is has been well described a positive association between IBS and Blastocystis hominis infections, one of prevalent parasites in Chile. In other countries, is also described a relationship between IBS and amebiasis and giardiasis. Both, characterized by a common mode of transmission through water as well as contaminated food. Because the high prevalence of parasitosis in our country it is necessary to expand the association studies to clarify the strength of the parasites ethiology in IBS.

Humans , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/parasitology , Intestinal Diseases, Parasitic/complications , Chile , Giardiasis/complications , Giardia lamblia/pathogenicity , Blastocystis Infections/complications , Blastocystis hominis/pathogenicity , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/physiopathology , Entamoeba histolytica/pathogenicity , Entamoebiasis/complications , Intestinal Diseases, Parasitic/physiopathology , Intestinal Mucosa/parasitology
Int. braz. j. urol ; 42(3): 594-602, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-785722


ABSTRACT The co-occurrence of multiple pathologies in the pelvic viscera in the same patient, such as, irritable bowel syndrome and interstitial cystitis, indicates the complexity of viscero-visceral interactions and the necessity to study these interactions under multiple pathological conditions. In the present study, the effect of distal colon irritation (DCI) on the urinary bladder interaction with distal esophagus distention (DED), distal colon distention (DCD), and electrical stimulation of the abdominal branches of vagus nerve (abd-vagus) were investigated using cystometry parameters. The DCI significantly decreased the intercontraction time (ICT) by decreasing the storage time (ST); nonetheless, DED and Abd-vagus were still able to significantly decrease the ICT and ST following DCI. However, DCD had no effect on ICT following the DCI. The DCI, also, significantly decreased the Intravesical pressure amplitude (P-amplitude) by increasing the resting pressure (RP). Although DED has no effect on the P-amplitude, both in the intact and the irritated animals, the abd-vagus significantly increased the P-amplitude following DCI by increasing the maximum pressure (MP). In the contrary, 3mL DCD significantly increased the P-amplitude by increasing the MP and lost that effect following the DCI. Concerning the pressure threshold (PT), none of the stimuli had any significant changes in the intact animals. However, DCI significantly decreased the PT, also, the abd-vagus and 3mL DCD significantly decreased the PT. The results of this study indicate that chemical irritation of colon complicates the effects of mechanical irritation of esophagus and colon on urinary bladder function.

Animals , Male , Female , Urinary Bladder/physiopathology , Colonic Diseases/physiopathology , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/physiopathology , Esophageal Diseases/physiopathology , Pressure , Reference Values , Time Factors , Vagus Nerve/physiopathology , Urinary Bladder Diseases/etiology , Urinary Bladder Diseases/physiopathology , Viscera/physiopathology , Viscera/innervation , Rats, Wistar , Colon/physiopathology , Colon/innervation , Colonic Diseases/etiology , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/complications , Electric Stimulation , Esophageal Diseases/etiology , Esophagus/physiopathology , Esophagus/innervation
Int. braz. j. urol ; 42(2): 373-382, Mar.-Apr. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-782845


ABSTRACT Objective: To establish the detrusor overactivity (DO) model induced by visceral hypersensitivity (VH) and investigate the relationship between mast cell (MC) infiltration and DO. Materials and Methods: Sixty rats are divided into 4 groups randomly: Group 1:Baseline group; Group 2: DO group; Group 3: CON group; Group 4: VH group. The colorectal distension (CRD) and abdominal withdral reflex (AWR) scores are performed to evaluate VH. The cystometric investigation and histological test of MC infiltration are assessed. Results: The threshold pressure of CRD in the VH group is significantly lower than that in the CON group (P<0.001). At the distension pressure ≥20 mmHg, the AWR scores of the VH group are significantly higher than those of the CON group (10 mmHg: P=0.33; 20 mmHg: P=0.028; 40 mmHg: P<0.001; 60 mmHg: P<0.001; 80 mmHg: P<0.001). DO model is successfully established in the VH group (DO rate=100%). Compared with the CON group, the numbers of MC infiltration are significantly increased in the VH group, including submucosa of bladder (P<0.001), mucosa lamina propria/mesentery of small intestine (P<0.001), and mucosa lamina propria/mesentery of large intestine (P<0.001). Furthermore, more MC activation as well as degranulation are observed in the VH group. Conclusions: It is indicated that DO model can be established in the VH rats. The MC infiltration may play an important role in DO induced by VH, and may be helpful to understand the mechanisms of DO in VH patients.

Animals , Female , Viscera/physiopathology , Disease Models, Animal , Urinary Bladder, Overactive/etiology , Urinary Bladder, Overactive/physiopathology , Hypersensitivity/complications , Hypersensitivity/physiopathology , Mast Cells/pathology , Pressure , Urodynamics , Viscera/pathology , Random Allocation , Reproducibility of Results , Rats, Wistar , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/complications , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/physiopathology , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/pathology , Urinary Bladder, Overactive/pathology , Visceral Pain/complications , Visceral Pain/physiopathology , Visceral Pain/pathology , Hypersensitivity/pathology , Intestines/physiopathology , Intestines/pathology
Arq. gastroenterol ; 52(4): 331-338, Oct.-Dec. 2015. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-771916


Irritable bowel syndrome is a common, chronic relapsing gastrointestinal disorder that affects 7%-22% of the population worldwide. According to Rome III Criteria, the disorder is defined by the coexistence of abdominal discomfort or pain associated with an alteration in bowel habits. Its pathophysiology is not completely understood but, in addition to some important abnormalities, the disturbed intestinal microbiota has also been described supported by several strands of evidence. The treatment of irritable bowel syndrome is based upon several therapeutic approaches but few have been successful or without adverse events and more recently the gut microbiota and the use of probiotics have emerged as a factor to be considered. Probiotics are live micro-organisms which when consumed in adequate amounts confer a health benefit to the host, such as Lactic bacteria among others. An important scientific rationale has emerged for the use of probiotics in irritable bowel syndrome, although the data regarding different species are still limited. Not all probiotics are beneficial: it is important to select the specific strain which should be supported by good evidence base. The mechanisms of action of probiotics are described and the main strains are quoted.

A síndrome do intestino irritável é uma enfermidade crônica recidivante, que afeta 7%-22% da população mundial. Segundo os denominados Critérios de Roma III, a síndrome do intestino irritável é definida pela coexistência de dor ou desconforto abdominal associados à alteração do hábito intestinal. A fisiopatologia não é completamente esclarecida mas, além algumas importantes alterações descritas, alterações na microbiota intestinal têm tambem sido relatadas, suportadas por diferentes graus de evidência. O tratamento da síndrome do intestino irritável é baseado em diversas abordagens terapêuticas, mas, poucas tem resultados efetivamente satisfatórios ou sem a ocorrência de eventos adversos. Mais recentemente, a microbiota intestinal e o uso de probióticos têm sido considerados como fatores importantes a serem considerados. Probióticos são microrganismos vivos que, quando consumidos em quantidades adequadas, contribuem para a saúde do hospedeiro, como por exemplo, Lactobacillus acidophilus, dentre outras. Importantes justificativas científicas têm sido citadas sobre o uso de probióticos na síndrome do intestino irritável, embora sejam ainda limitados dados sobre as diferentes espécies bacterianas constituintes dos probióticos. Não todos os probióticos são benéficos nesse caso: é importante selecionar as cepas específicas as quais devem ser suportadas por evidências científicas satisfatórias. Os mecanismos de ação dos probióticos são descritos e citadas as principais cepas.

Humans , Gastrointestinal Microbiome , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/therapy , Probiotics/therapeutic use , Intestinal Mucosa/microbiology , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/physiopathology
Rev. méd. Chile ; 143(5): 619-626, ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-751708


Remission of gastrointestinal and general symptoms after gluten withdrawal has been described in some non-celiac individuals for nearly 30 years. Only recently, efforts have been made to define this entity, now referred to as "non- celiac gluten sensitivity". It includes patients that clinically respond to gluten free diet without exhibiting allergic or autoimmune features to explain such response. Wheat allergy, celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome and symptoms induced by high FODMAPs (Fermentable, Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides And Polyols) consumption are the main differential diagnoses. The relationship with neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and autism has not been demonstrated, but currently it gives ground to great hope in families with affected children. Epidemiology of non-celiac gluten sensitivity is not clear. It is described as more common among women and less common in children. Genetic and immune factors, changes in intestinal microbiota and non-gluten components present in wheat grains are main factors postulated in the pathogenesis of this condition. To date, there are no specific biomarkers for non-celiac gluten sensitivity and diagnosis is reached by excluding other causes of disease. A trial with gluten-free diet and subsequent gluten challenge is the methodology most frequently used to confirm diagnosis.

Humans , Food Hypersensitivity/diagnosis , Glutens/adverse effects , Autistic Disorder/etiology , Autistic Disorder/psychology , Celiac Disease/diagnosis , Celiac Disease/physiopathology , Diagnosis, Differential , Diet, Gluten-Free/methods , Food Hypersensitivity/complications , Food Hypersensitivity/diet therapy , Food Hypersensitivity/physiopathology , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/diagnosis , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/physiopathology , Schizophrenia , Wheat Hypersensitivity/complications
Rev. Hosp. Clin. Univ. Chile ; 26(1): 24-32, 2015. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-788846


Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a functional disorder characterized by abdominal discomfort associated with changes in bowel habit and increased intestinal sensitivity. It is one of the most common disorders of digestive health in Chile as well as in the world. Although the pathophysiological mechanisms of IBS have yet to be fully established, it is known that (epi-) genetic factors are involved in the development of the disorder. Bcl3 (B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 3) is a regulatory protein of the intestinal inflammatory response, specifically, with regard to the signaling pathways of NF-kB (Nuclear Factor-kB). Among the variability of the human genome, the gene encoding Bcl3 contains the polymorphism SNPs rs2927488 (variants A/G) which has been associated with susceptibility to developing Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Furthermore, the presence of this polymorphic variant has been correlated with increased levels of Bcl3 gene expression in patients with Crohn’s Disease. Our laboratory is focused on understanding the potential relationship between Bcl3 and IBS. Our preliminary studies describe an increased expression of Bcl3 at the intestinal mucosal epithelium in IBS patients with a diarrheal-phenotype (IBS-D). We are now interested to investigate if the presence of the variant SNP rs2927488(A/G) is a susceptibility factor for IBS development and to understand the significance of its relationship with Bcl3 expression, in Chilean IBS patients. In this review, we focus primarily on the relationship between rs2927488(A/G) polymorphism of Bcl3 gene, its protein expression and its mechanisms of control over the inflammatory response...

Humans , Polymorphism, Genetic , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/epidemiology , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/physiopathology , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/genetics
Clinics ; 68(4): 457-462, abr. 2013. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-674247


OBJECTIVES: Intestinal neovascularization and abnormal abdominal arterial flow rates have been reported in Crohn's disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate Doppler sonography as a method for assessing Crohn's disease activity based on changes in splanchnic hemodynamics. METHODS: Forty-eight patients with Crohn's disease, 22 healthy volunteers and 12 patients with irritable bowel syndrome were evaluated by Doppler ultrasound for flow parameters of the aorta and superior mesenteric artery. This evaluation included the cross-sectional area, maximum flow volume, peak systolic velocity, end diastolic velocity, resistance and the pulsatility index. Disease activity was classified according to the Crohn's disease activity index. RESULTS: Most measurements in the aorta and superior mesenteric artery were significantly different between Crohn's disease patients and both control groups. Only the aortic maximum flow volume (CC = 0.37, p = 0.009) and aortic peak systolic velocity (CC = 0.30, p = 0.035) showed a significant positive correlation with the Crohn's disease activity index. The determination of cut-off points for the aortic maximum flow volume and peak systolic velocity measurements increased the sensitivity (80 and 75% for flow volume and velocity, respectively), specificity (57 and 75%), accuracy (67 and 75%) and positive (57 and 68%) and negative (80 and 81%) predictive values. These cut-off values permitted the correct classification of most of the patients with Crohn's disease with respect to disease activity. None of the superior mesenteric artery measurements were able to discriminate patients in relation to disease activity. CONCLUSION: The aortic maximum flow volume and peak systolic velocity levels estimated by Doppler sonography reflected disease activity in Crohn's disease. Doppler sonography of the aorta is therefore a novel noninvasive adjunct method that may be ...

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Crohn Disease , Splanchnic Circulation/physiology , Ultrasonography, Doppler, Color/methods , Aorta/physiopathology , Aorta , Blood Flow Velocity/physiology , Crohn Disease/physiopathology , Epidemiologic Methods , Hemodynamics , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/physiopathology , Irritable Bowel Syndrome , Mesenteric Artery, Superior/physiopathology , Mesenteric Artery, Superior , Predictive Value of Tests , Pulsatile Flow
J. bras. med ; 101(3): 7-13, 2013. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-698223


A síndrome do intestino irritável (SII) é um distúrbio funcional do trato gastrointestinal, caracterizado por dor abdominal e alterações do hábito intestinal, não explicadas por anormalidades bioquímicas ou orgânicas. Embora a maioria dos pacientes relate início insidioso dos sintomas, em um subgrupo eles aparecem após episódio de gastroenterite aguda, denominada SII pós-infecciosa (SII-PI). Os agentes infecciosos envolvidos incluem vírus, parasitas e bactérias patogênicas. O tratamento da SII-PI é semelhante ao da SII idiopática. Antibióticos e probióticos são terapias promissoras

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a funcional gastrointestinal disorder characterized by abdominal pain and changes in bowel habits, not explained by any organic or biochemical abnormalities. Although most patients describe an insidious onset of symptoms, a subgroup of individuals describes the onset of IBS symptoms following an episode of acute gastroenteritis, know as post-infectious IBS (PI-IBS). The infectious agents involved in the development of PI-IBS include pathogenic bacteria, parasites and viruses. Treatment of PI-IBS is similar to that idiopathic IBS. Antibiotics and probiotics appear to represent promising therapies in PI-IBS

Humans , Male , Female , Abdominal Pain/etiology , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/physiopathology , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/drug therapy , Constipation , Diarrhea , Gastrointestinal Agents/therapeutic use , Gastroenteritis/complications , Intestine, Small/microbiology , Mesalamine/therapeutic use , Probiotics/therapeutic use , Gastrointestinal Tract/physiopathology
Gastroenterol. latinoam ; 24(supl.1): S25-S28, 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-763715


Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most prevalent functional disorders in Chile impacting on socio-economic development due to significantly impaired quality of life of the individual. It is characterised by abdominal discomfort associated with alterations in bowel habit and increased visceral hypersensitivity. One of the outstanding features of IBS is the presence of a bi-directional imbalance of gut-brain interactions, which can induce alterations in the intestinal immune response. IBS is characterised by increased intestinal mast cell activity associated with alterations of para-cellular permeability and activation of sensory nerve endings. The increased proximity of mast cell to colonic nerves is correlated with abdominal pain and increased visceral hypersensitivity of the patients. In spite of the well-described role of mast cell in the induction of mucosal inflammation, in IBS only a low-grade inflammation is observed. The present review discuses the possible immune-regulatory mechanisms that are involved in IBS pathophysiology.

El síndrome de intestino irritable (SII) es considerado uno de los trastornos funcionales más prevalente en Chile, que impacta el desarrollo socio-económico del país debido al deterioro de la calidad de vida de los individuos que lo portan. Es caracterizado por molestias abdominales asociadas a alteraciones en el hábito de defecación e hipersensibilidad visceral. Una de las características más destacadas en el SII es la presencia de un desequilibrio de las interacciones en el eje intestino-cerebro, el cual puede inducir alteraciones en la respuesta inmune intestinal. El SII es caracterizado por una aumentada actividad de los mastocitos en el intestino, asociada con alteraciones en la permeabilidad para-celular epitelial y la activación de terminaciones nerviosas en la mucosa intestinal. El aumento de la cercanía de los mastocitos a nervios colónicos está relacionado con el dolor abdominal y la hipersensibilidad visceral de los pacientes. Pese a que está muy bien descrito el papel del mastocito en la inducción de la inflamación en mucosas, en el SII se observa sólo un bajo-grado de inflamación. En la presente revisión se discute los posibles mecanismos regulatorios inmunes que están involucrados en la fisiopatología del SII.

Humans , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/physiopathology , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/immunology , Colon/innervation , Hypersensitivity , Inflammation , Mast Cells/pathology , Nervous System/physiopathology
Acta gastroenterol. latinoam ; 43(4): 321-34, 2013 Dec.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1157393


Irritable bowel syndrome is a highly prevalent condition responsible for almost one third of visits to the gastroenterologist and huge expenses for diagnosis, treatment and loss of working days. A unique pathophysiologic mechanism has not been elucidated yet and several possibilities have been proposed such as senso-perception and motor disturbances, the effect of stress and anxiety, serotonin receptor failures, activation of abnormal brain areas and pain modulation differences, among others. The absence of a biological marker has led the investigators to consider this syndrome as an exclusion diagnostic condition, once the organic diseases have been discarded The changes in gut microbiota have recently raised great interest among gastroenterologists. The study of the small intestinal bowel overgrowth syndrome, the effect of antibiotics upon the flora, the recognition of post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome and the action of probiotics, together with the effect of malabsortion of diet carbohydrates have brought some new light in our knowledge. The present update will focus on the published evidence about the subject, bearing in mind that the mechanisms elicited here are only suitable for a subgroup of patients.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Humans , Intestine, Small/physiopathology , Intestine, Small/microbiology , Intestinal Mucosa/physiopathology , Intestinal Mucosa/microbiology , Probiotics/therapeutic use , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/physiopathology , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/microbiology , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/therapy
Arch. Clin. Psychiatry (Impr.) ; 38(2): 77-83, 2011. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-588225


CONTEXTO: A síndrome do intestino irritável (SII) é um distúrbio clínico comum, porém ainda pouco compreendida, uma vez que o desenvolvimento dos seus sintomas está fortemente relacionado ao estresse, ansiedade e depressão. OBJETIVOS: Revisar a literatura a fim de verificar se, de fato, existe influência do estresse e das comorbidades psiquiátricas no desenvolvimento, diagnóstico e tratamento para os portadores da SII. MÉTODOS: A revisão foi realizada por meio de pesquisa na base de dados MedLine e Lilacs entre 1990 e 2009, usando-se as palavras-chave "estresse", "comportamento", "psiquiatria" e "síndrome do intestino irritável". RESULTADOS: Foram selecionados 38 artigos que relacionaram a síndrome do intestino irritável à reação individual ao estresse e comorbidade psiquiátrica, incluindo ansiedade e depressão. CONCLUSÃO: A reatividade do indivíduo ao estresse e os fatores psicossociais desempenham um papel etiológico importante, embora não determinante, podendo interferir no funcionamento intestinal mediante a alteração na motilidade ou espasmo, na diminuição ou aumento de secreção e,finalmente, na irritação. É necessário desenvolver uma metodologia para definir e medir a somatização para o auxílio no diagnóstico clínico e a inclusão dos fatores psicossociais relacionados ao desenvolvimento e persistência dos sintomas nos critérios diagnósticos para a SII.

BACKGROUND: The irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common clinical disorder, however, still poorly understood since the development of symptoms is strongly related to stress, anxiety and depression. OBJECTIVES: To review the literature in order to determine whether, in fact, there is the influence of stress and psychiatric comorbidity in the development, diagnosis and treatment for patients with IBS. METHODS: The review was conducted by searching the database MedLine and Lilacs from 1990 to 2009 using the keywords "stress", "behavior", "psychiatry" and "irritable bowel syndrome". RESULTS: Were selected 38 articles that related irritable bowel syndrome to the individual reaction to stress and psychiatric comorbidity, including anxiety and depression. DISCUSSION: The reactivity of the individual to stress and psychosocial factors play an important etiologic role, although not conclusive, and may interfere with intestinal functioning by altering its motility or spasm, reduction or increase in secretion and, finally, in irritation. It is necessary to develop a methodology for defining and measuring somatization to aid in clinical diagnosis and the inclusion of psychosocial factors related to the development and persistence of symptoms in the diagnostic criteria for IBS.

Comorbidity , Behavior , Stress, Psychological , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/etiology , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/physiopathology , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/psychology
Middle East Journal of Digestive Diseases. 2010; 2 (2): 66-77
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-143832


Irritable bowel syndrome [IBS] is the most prevalent functional gastrointestinal disorder noted in the general population worldwide. Its chronic nature, signs and symptoms which vary periodically from mild to severe have many negative effects on the quality of life for the sufferer; therefore the appropriate treatment of these patients is highly important. Patients should be informed by their doctors that the nature of the disease is benign, and educated on how to deal with and control symptoms of the disease. This article sets out a review of recent studies on the prevalence of IBS in Iran and appropriate methods for management of patients affected by IBS

Humans , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/therapy , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/physiopathology , Probiotics , Antidepressive Agents , Serotonin