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Braz. j. biol ; 84: e256354, 2024.
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1364518


Termites are known as social insects worldwide. Presently in China 473 species, 44 genera and 4 families of termites have been reported. Of them, 111 Reticulitermes species are widely spread in different zones of China. The dispersion flight season of these Chinese Reticulitermes species are usually started from February to June, but in some regions different species are distributed, sharing their boundaries and having overlapping flight seasons. These reasons become important sources of hybridization between two different heterospecific populations of termites. It was confirmed that the fertilized eggs and unfertilized eggs of some Reticulitermes termites have the capacity of cleavage. While the unfertilized eggs of R. aculabialis, R. chinensis and R. labralis cleaved normally and the only R. aculabialis unfertilized eggs develop in embryos. While, the R. flaviceps and R. chinensis were observed with their abnormal embryonic development, and not hatching of eggs parthenogenetically. They were reported more threatening to Chinese resources as they propagate with parthenogenesis, hybridization and sexual reproduction. Eggshell and macrophiles of eggs play important roles in species identification and control. Although, they are severe pests and cause a wide range of damages to wooden structures and products in homes, buildings, building materials, trees, crops, and forests in China's Mainland.

Os cupins são conhecidos como insetos sociais em todo o mundo. Atualmente na China foram relatadas 473 espécies, 44 gêneros e 4 famílias de cupins. Destas, 111 espécies de Reticulitermes estão amplamente distribuídas em diferentes zonas da China. A temporada de voo de dispersão dessas espécies chinesas de Reticulitermes geralmente começa de fevereiro a junho, mas em algumas regiões diferentes espécies são distribuídas, compartilhando seus limites e tendo temporadas de voo sobrepostas. Essas razões tornam-se importantes fontes de hibridização entre duas populações heteroespecíficas de cupins. Foi confirmado que os ovos fertilizados e não fertilizados de alguns cupins Reticulitermes possuem capacidade de clivagem. Já os ovos não fertilizados de R. aculabialis, R. chinensis e R. labralis clivaram normalmente, e os únicos ovos não fertilizados de R. aculabialis se desenvolvem em embriões. R. flaviceps e R. chinensis foram observados com desenvolvimento embrionário anormal, e não eclosão de ovos por partenogênese. Eles foram relatados como mais ameaçadores para os recursos chineses à medida que se propagam com partenogênese, hibridização e reprodução sexual. Casca de ovo e macrófilos de ovos desempenham papéis importantes na identificação e controle de espécies, embora sejam pragas graves e causem uma ampla gama de danos a estruturas e produtos de madeira em residências, edifícios, materiais de construção, árvores, plantações e florestas na China continental.

Animals , Parthenogenesis , Reproduction , Isoptera/growth & development , China , Hybridization, Genetic
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e03316, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345530


Abstract Behavioral lab bioassays involving termites must be promptly performed to allow intended observations prior to death from dissecation, typical of these soft-bodied insects. To this end, topic markers have been proposed as an alternative to histological stains which, while not always toxic are inevitably lengthy to apply. Among recommended topic markers, gouache is easy to apply, dries out quickly, but it is known affect termites in the long run, being suitable only to short-term bioassays. Its alternative, colored glue, is also easy to apply, but it takes long to dry and it is too dense and heavy, being thus prone to affect termite walking patterns. Here we tested a mix of gouache and colored glue aiming to combine the qualities of both into a suitable topical marker for Cornitermes cumulans termites. Similar patterns of survival presented by marked and unmarked termites ruled out concerns about toxicity of this mixture. Such results were consistent across distinct group densities evidencing that the mixture does not interfere with, nor it is affected by, crowding effects. Because crowding regulates interindividual interactions and these underlie most behaviors, the mixture can be thought to be suitable to behavioral studies. We argue that this 1:2 glue:gouache mixture is an excellent alternative to mark termites for lab bioassays. Being atoxic, cheap, easy to apply, and non-invasive, this mixture may happen to be useful not only for termites but also in bioassaying other similarly soft-bodied insects.

Resumo Bioensaios comportamentais em laboratório com cupins devem ser realizados rapidamente a fim de garantir observações antes da morte por dissecação, típico desses insetos de corpo mole. Para este fim, marcadores tópicos têm sido propostos como uma alternativa para marcadores histológicos que, embora nem sempre tóxico, possuem uma aplicação demorada. Entre os marcadores tópicos recomendados, tinta guache é de fácil aplicação, rápida secagem, porém afeta os cupins em bioensaios longos, sendo adequado apenas para bioensaios curtos. Sua alternativa, cola colorida, também é de fácil aplicação mas leva muito tempo para secar e é muito denso e pesado, afetando os padrões de caminhamento dos cupins. No presente estudo, nós testamos uma mistura de tinta guache e cola colorida objetivando combinar as qualidades de ambos os marcadores tópicos em um marcador tópico adequado para Cornitermes cumulans. Padrões similares de sobrevivência entre cupins marcados e controle indicam a ausência de toxicidade na mistura de tinta guache e cola colorida. Tais resultados são consistentes em grupos de densidades distintas, o que comprova que a mistura não interfere, nem sofre efeitos de aglomeração. Uma vez que a aglomeração regula as interações inter-individuais e afetam a maioria dos comportamentos, a mistura pode ser adequada para estudos comportamentais. Nós argumentamos que a mistura de tinta guache e cola (1:2) é uma excelente alternativa como marcador tópico em cupins para bioensaios em laboratório. Sendo atóxico, barato, fácil de aplicar e não invasivo, esta mistura pode ser útil não só para os cupins, mas também em bioensaios com outros insetos de corpo mole.

Animals , Cockroaches , Isoptera , Biological Assay , Laboratories
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-5, 2023. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468990


Behavioral lab bioassays involving termites must be promptly performed to allow intended observations prior to death from dissecation, typical of these soft-bodied insects. To this end, topic markers have been proposed as an alternative to histological stains which, while not always toxic are inevitably lengthy to apply. Among recommended topic markers, gouache is easy to apply, dries out quickly, but it is known affect termites in the long run, being suitable only to short-term bioassays. Its alternative, colored glue, is also easy to apply, but it takes long to dry and it is too dense and heavy, being thus prone to affect termite walking patterns. Here we tested a mix of gouache and colored glue aiming to combine the qualities of both into a suitable topical marker for Cornitermes cumulans termites. Similar patterns of survival presented by marked and unmarked termites ruled out concerns about toxicity of this mixture. Such results were consistent across distinct group densities evidencing that the mixture does not interfere with, nor it is affected by, crowding effects. Because crowding regulates interindividual interactions and these underlie most behaviors, the mixture can be thought to be suitable to behavioral studies. We argue that this 1:2 glue:gouache mixture is an excellent alternative to mark termites for lab bioassays. Being atoxic, cheap, easy to apply, and non-invasive, this mixture may happen to be useful not only for termites but also in bioassaying other similarly soft-bodied insects.

Bioensaios comportamentais em laboratório com cupins devem ser realizados rapidamente a fim de garantir observações antes da morte por dissecação, típico desses insetos de corpo mole. Para este fim, marcadores tópicos têm sido propostos como uma alternativa para marcadores histológicos que, embora nem sempre tóxico, possuem uma aplicação demorada. Entre os marcadores tópicos recomendados, tinta guache é de fácil aplicação, rápida secagem, porém afeta os cupins em bioensaios longos, sendo adequado apenas para bioensaios curtos. Sua alternativa, cola colorida, também é de fácil aplicação mas leva muito tempo para secar e é muito denso e pesado, afetando os padrões de caminhamento dos cupins. No presente estudo, nós testamos uma mistura de tinta guache e cola colorida objetivando combinar as qualidades de ambos os marcadores tópicos em um marcador tópico adequado para Cornitermes cumulans. Padrões similares de sobrevivência entre cupins marcados e controle indicam a ausência de toxicidade na mistura de tinta guache e cola colorida. Tais resultados são consistentes em grupos de densidades distintas, o que comprova que a mistura não interfere, nem sofre efeitos de aglomeração. Uma vez que a aglomeração regula as interações inter-individuais e afetam a maioria dos comportamentos, a mistura pode ser adequada para estudos comportamentais. Nós argumentamos que a mistura de tinta guache e cola (1:2) é uma excelente alternativa como marcador tópico em cupins para bioensaios em laboratório. Sendo atóxico, barato, fácil de aplicar e não invasivo, esta mistura pode ser útil não só para os cupins, mas também em bioensaios com outros insetos de corpo mole.

Animals , Biological Assay/methods , Biological Assay/veterinary , Isoptera
Acta amaz ; Acta amaz;51(1): 63-66, jan.-mar. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1353184


Planicapritermes Emerson, 1949 é um gênero de cupins da América do Sul com duas espécies nominais: Planicapritermes planiceps (Emerson, 1925) e Planicapritermes longilabrum Constantino, 1998. Os soldados deste gênero são caracterizados por ter mandíbulas fortemente assimétricas. Planicapritermes planiceps foi descrita com base em soldados e operários, e P. longilabrum somente em soldados. Aqui nós descrevemos e ilustramos os operários de P. longilabrum com base em espécimes coletados em Rondônia, Brasil. Também comparamos operários e soldados de P. planiceps e P. longilabrum, e descrevemos o ninho de P. planiceps.(AU)

Classification , Isoptera , Rainforest
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 37: e37023, Jan.-Dec. 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1359541


This study assessed the potential of termite gut inhabiting bacteria towards bioconversion of cellulosic waste into biofuel. Total seven bacterial isolates from the gut of Heterotermes indicola were isolated. Among all the isolates, HI-1 produced the largest zone upon primary screening. Untreated paper had more cellulose content (73.03%) than acid (0.5%) treated paper that was used as a lignocellulosic substrate for saccharification. Among all the isolates tested, glucose yield (1.08mg/mL) was high for HI-1 isolate. Several factors were considered for optimizing augmented glucose yield (8.57mg/mL) and growth (8.07×108cfu/mL), such as temperature 37°C, pH 4.5, 5% (w/v) substrate concentration, 6 % bacterial inoculum size, agitation 150 rpm with PEG 0.25 % and Ca2+ ions 0.002 g/L. Overall 8-fold increase in glucose yield was achieved. Enzyme activity of HI-1 showed higher endoglucanase 0.29 ± 0.01 (U/mL/min) and exoglucanase 0.15±0.01 (U/mL/min) activity under optimum conditions, mentioned above. temperature 37°C, pH 4.5, substrate concentration 5%, inoculum size 6%, surfactants PEG 0.01%, ions Ca2+(0.002g/L) and agitation (120 rpm). Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) of hydrolyzed office paper yielded 5.43mg/mL bioethanol. According to 16S rRNA sequence homology, the bacterial isolate H1 was identified as Alcaligenes faecalis. Bioethanol production from office paper untreated waste proved an effective strategy. Bacteria having natural tendency towards cellulosic waste consumption are promising for bioconversion of cellulosic waste to valuable products.

Isoptera/microbiology , Alcaligenes faecalis , Bioethanol
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973855


Aims@#Arthropods guts, such as termite harbor diverse microorganisms including those that are capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen (N2). Nitrogen-fixing bacteria can help termite to overcome their shortage of dietary N by providing fixed N2. Nitrogenase enzyme is responsible for this trait and encoded by nif genes which are highly conserved and are primarily used in the identification of N2-fixing microorganisms. Here, we characterized N2-fixing bacteria isolated from the hindguts of termite Coptotermes gestroi.@*Methodology and results@#A total of 46 bacterial isolates were obtained after a primary screening based on their ability to grow on Burk’s media. Subsequently, the nifH gene from two of these isolates, namely S7 and S20, were successfully amplified and sequenced. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequence revealed that isolate S7 is closely related to Ralstonia pickettii ATCC27511 (99.34% similarity, 1059 bp), whereas isolate S20 is closely related to Microbacterium sp. NCCP-451 (LC488936) (99.06% similarity, 948 bp). Besides that, the recA gene of isolate S7 is closely related to Ralstonia pickettii 12D (CP001644) (100% similarity, 442 bp) and the type strain of Ralstonia pickettii (ATCC 27511) (NZ KN050646) (98.97% similarity, 438 bp). Meanwhile, nifH gene of isolate S7 showed highest similarity to the uncultured bacterium NR1606 (AF035490) (99.93% similarity, 277 bp). Moreover, the nifH gene of isolate S20 is clearly separated from Azoarcus sp. and distantly related to Microbacterium sp. The incongruence between the partial 16S rRNA and nifH gene sequences could indicate the possibility of horizontal transfer of nif genes.@*Conclusion, significance and impact of study@#The phylogenetic incongruence between housekeeping genes (16S rRNA and RecA) and nifH gene in these bacteria provides new insight on potential horizontal gene transfer (HGT) activity taking place in bacterial communities particularly in the guts of arthropods. The finding of this study on potential HGT can also aid in the prediction of origins and evolution of gene transfer among bacteria.

Nitrogen Fixation , Nitrogenase , Isoptera
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 36(Supplement1): 48-56, Dec. 2020. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355134


Food scarcity or abundance are factors regulating termites' foraging behavior in general. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the influence of four amounts of Eucalyptus grandis on foraging behavior events shown by worker and soldier of Nasutitermes corniger during laboratory tests. The tests were carried out with adult and active N. corniger colonies found in nests collected in the field, which were stored in glass cubes connected to the test arenas. Four different amounts of wood blocks were used in the tests and each amount concerned a treatment and defined a different experimental group: 1, 2, 3 and 4 blocks/arenas, with 5 repetitions. Each test lasted 60 minutes and consisted in observing, or not, the occurrence of behavioral events shown by foragers when they had contact with the treatment. The duration of each event was recorded, whenever it was observed. The number of recruited foragers and the number of workers consuming the blocks were recorded at the end of each test applied to each treatment. Nasutitermes corniger presented the three behavioral events in all treatments; however, there was not significant difference between treatments in the occurrence of the two first events, in the time taken from test start to the occurrence of a new event, in the number of recruited termites and in the number of gnawing workers. Only workers' mass recruiting was influenced by the amount of wood available. The occurrence of this event was significantly higher in treatments with greater amounts of wood. Thus, N. corniger adjusts its mass recruitment behavior in response to available food amount, which should be considered when developing baiting system for its control. (AU)

A escassez ou abundância de alimento são fatores que regulam o forrageamento do térmitas em geral. No presente estudo, avaliou-se a influência de quatro quantidades de madeira de Eucalyptus grandis em eventos comportamentais do forrageamento exibidos por operárias e soldados de Nasutitermes corniger em testes de laboratório. Os testes foram realizados com colônias maduras e ativas de N. cornigerpresentes em ninhos coletados a campo, os quais foram acondicionados em cubas de vidro conectadas a arenas testes. Blocos de madeira de mesma dimensão foram ofertados aos térmitas em quatro quantidades: 1, 2, 3 e 4 blocos/arena, com 5 repetições. Cada teste durou 60 minutos e consistiu na observação ou não da ocorrência de eventos comportamentais exibidos pelos forrageadores quando foi dado acesso a cada tratamento. Quando cada evento foi observado, o tempo de sua duração foi registrado. Ao final de cada teste registrou-se, em cada tratamento, o número de térmitas forrageadores recrutados e o número de operários consumindo os blocos. Observou-se que N. corniger exibiu os três eventos comportamentais em todos os tratamentos. Todavia, não houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos com relação à ocorrência dos dois primeiros eventos, aos tempos transcorridos desde o início do teste até a ocorrência de cada evento, aos números de térmitas recrutados e ao número de operários em roedura. Apenas a ocorrência de recrutamento em massa dos operários foi influenciada pela quantidade de madeira ofertada, sendo que foi significativamente superior quando se ofertou os blocos de madeira na maior quantidade. Dessa forma, N. corniger ajusta seu comportamento de recrutamento em massa em resposta a quantidade de alimento disponível, o que deve ser considerado ao se desenvolver um sistema de isca para seu controle. (AU)

Isoptera , Feeding Behavior , Appetitive Behavior
Rev. argent. microbiol ; Rev. argent. microbiol;51(1): 77-80, mar. 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041818


Cohnella is a highly cellulolytic bacterial genus, which can be found in a variety of habitats. The aim of this study was to assess its presence in the digestive tract of termite species collected in North-eastern Argentina: Nasutitermes aquilinus, N. corniger and Cortaritermes fulviceps. Gut homogenates were incubated with cellulosic substrate for bacterial growth. Bacterial 16S rDNA was partially amplified using new primers for Cohnella spp. and cloned. Sequences obtained showed highest similarity (97.2-99.9%) with those of Cohnella spp. previously reported from diverse environments. Phylogenetic analysis tended to group the clones according to their host species and sampling sites. These results indicate the association of Cohnella-related intestinal symbionts with three common Neotropical termites. Their potential industrial application encourages further research.

Cohnella es un género de bacterias celulolíticas que puede ser encontrado en una variedad de hábitats. El propósito de este estudio fue registrar su presencia en el tracto digestivo de termitas (Nasutitermes aquilinus, N. corniger y Cortaritermes fulviceps) colectadas en el noreste argentino (NEA). Se incubaron homogenados de intestinos en sustrato celulósico para multiplicar las bacterias. Utilizando nuevos cebadores para Cohnella spp., se amplificó una porción del ADN ribosomal 16S bacteriano, el cual fue posteriormente clonado. Las secuencias obtenidas mostraron su mayor porcentaje de similitud (97,2-99,9%) con Cohnella spp., previamente reportadas en diversos ambientes. El análisis filogenético tendió a agrupar a los clones de acuerdo a la especie hospedante y al sitio de muestreo. Estos resultados indican que especies de termitas frecuentes en el NEA albergan simbiontes intestinales relacionados con el género Cohnella. Las potenciales aplicaciones industriales de estos microorganismos animan a profundizar los estudios.

Isoptera/microbiology , Paenibacillus/isolation & purification , Paenibacillus/growth & development , Bacterial Growth/analysis , Sequence Analysis, DNA/methods , Gastrointestinal Tract/microbiology
Acta amaz ; Acta amaz;49(1): 17-23, jan. - mar. 2019. ilus, tab, mapas
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1119180


Dihoplotermes, a previously monotypic genus, is now composed of two species. Dihoplotermes taurus sp. nov., a new Termitinae termite species, is illustrated and described based on morphological characters from soldiers, workers, and imago. The new species is distinguished from Dihoplotermes inusitatus Araujo by having a spine-like protuberance with blunt apex on the postmentum, the presence of a spine on the gizzard and the absence of dimorphic soldiers. Furthermore, the internal morphological characteristics of a Dihoplotermes worker are described for the first time. Both internal and external morphological characters were used to improve the characterization of the species.(AU)

Dihoplotermes, que era um gênero monotípico, agora é composto por duas espécies. Dihoplotermes taurus sp. nov., uma nova espécie de cupim Termitinae, é descrita e ilustrada com base nos caracteres morfológicos dos soldados, operários e imago. A nova espécie se diferencia de Dihoplotermes inusitatus Araujo por apresentar uma protuberância em forma de espinho não pontiagudo no posmento, presença de um espinho na moela e ausência de soldados dimórficos. Além disso, são descritas pela primeira vez as características morfológicas internas de um operário de Dihoplotermes e utilizamos ambos caracteres morfológicos internos e externos para melhor caracterizar as espécies.(AU)

Amazonian Ecosystem , Fauna , Isoptera/anatomy & histology , Isoptera/classification , Species Specificity , Brazil
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 244-253, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-771382


Natural lignocellulosic materials contain cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. Cellulose hydrolysis to glucose requires a series of lignocellulases. Recently, the research on the synergistic effect of lignocellulases has become a new research focus. Here, four lignocellulase genes encoding β-glucosidase, endo-1,4-β-glucanase, xylanase and laccase from termite and their endosymbionts were cloned into pETDuet-1 and pRSFDuet-1 and expressed in Escherichia coli. After SDS-PAGE analysis, the corresponding protein bands consistent with the theoretical values were observed and all the proteins showed enzyme activities. We used phosphoric acid swollen cellulose (PASC) as substrate to measure the synergistic effect of crude extracts of co-expressing enzymes and the mixture of single enzyme. The co-expressed enzymes increased the degradation efficiency of PASC by 44% compared with the single enzyme mixture; while the degradation rate increased by 34% and 20%, respectively when using filter paper and corn cob pretreated with phosphoric acid as substrates. The degradation efficiency of the co-expressed enzymes was higher than the total efficiency of the single enzyme mixture.

Animals , Cellulase , Cellulose , Hydrolysis , Isoptera , Lignin , Symbiosis , beta-Glucosidase
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;77(3): 519-526, July-Sept. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-888795


Abstract Habitat fragmentation is considered to be one of the biggest threats to tropical ecosystem functioning. In this region, termites perform an important ecological role as decomposers and ecosystem engineers. In the present study, we tested whether termite community is negatively affected by edge effects on three fragments of Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest. Termite abundance and vegetation structure were sampled in 10 transects (15 × 2 m), while termite richness, activity, and soil litter biomass were measured in 16 quadrants (5 × 2 m) at forest edge and interior of each fragment. Habitat structure (i.e. number of tree, diameter at breast height and soil litter biomass) did not differ between forest edge and interior of fragments. Termite richness, abundance and activity were not affected by edge effect. However, differences were observed in the β diversity between forest edge and interior as well as in the fragments sampled. The β diversity partitioning indicates that species turnover is the determinant process of termite community composition under edge effect. Our results suggest that conservation strategies should be based on the selection of several distinct sites instead of few rich sites (e.g. nesting).

Resumo A fragmentação do habitat é considerada uma das maiores ameaças para o funcionamento do ecossistema tropical. Nesta região, os cupins desempenham um papel ecológico importante como decompositores e engenheiros do ecossistema. No presente estudo, testamos se comunidades de cupins são negativamente afetadas pelo efeito de borda em três fragmentos de Mata Atlântica. Para isso, foram amostrados a abundância de cupins e a estrutura da vegetação em 10 transectos (15 × 2 m), enquanto a riqueza, abundância de cupins e biomassa da serrapilheira foram amostrados em 16 parcelas (5 × 2 m) na borda e no interior de cada um dos três fragmentos. A estrutura do habitat (número de árvores, diâmetro à altura do peito e biomassa da serrapilheira) não diferiu entre a borda e o interior dos fragmentos. A riqueza, abundância e atividade dos cupins também não foram afetados pelo efeito de borda. No entanto, foram observadas diferenças na diversidade β entre borda e interior dos fragmentos, bem como nos fragmentos amostrados. O particionamento da diversidade β indicou que a substituição de espécies ("turnover") é o processo determinante da composição da comunidade de cupins sob efeito de borda. Nossos resultados sugerem que as estratégias de conservação devem ser baseadas na seleção de locais distintos em vez de poucos locais (via processo de aninhamento - "nesting").

Animals , Isoptera , Biodiversity , Rainforest , Brazil
Electron. j. biotechnol ; Electron. j. biotechnol;27: 70-79, May. 2017. tab, ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1010399


Background: Endoglucanase plays a major role in initiating cellulose hydrolysis. Various wild-type strains were searched to produce this enzyme, but mostly low extracellular enzyme activities were obtained. To improve extracellular enzyme production for potential industrial applications, the endoglucanase gene of Bacillus subtilis M015, isolated from Thai higher termite, was expressed in a periplasmic-leaky Escherichia coli. Then, the crude recombinant endoglucanase (EglS) along with a commercial cellulase (Cel) was used for hydrolyzing celluloses and microbial hydrolysis using whole bacterial cells. Results: E. coli Glu5 expressing endoglucanase at high levels was successfully constructed. It produced EglS (55 kDa) with extracellular activity of 18.56 U/mg total protein at optimal hydrolytic conditions (pH 4.8 and 50°C). EglS was highly stable (over 80% activity retained) at 40­50°C after 100 h. The addition of EglS significantly improved the initial sugar production rates of Cel on the hydrolysis of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), microcrystalline cellulose, and corncob about 5.2-, 1.7-, and 4.0-folds, respectively, compared to those with Cel alone. E. coli Glu5 could secrete EglS with high activity in the presence of glucose (1% w/v) and Tween 80 (5% w/v) with low glucose consumption. Microbial hydrolysis of CMC using E. coli Glu5 yielded 26 mg reducing sugar/g CMC at pH 7.0 and 37°C after 48 h. Conclusions: The recombinant endoglucanase activity improved by 17 times compared with that of the native strain and could greatly enhance the enzymatic hydrolysis of all studied celluloses when combined with a commercial cellulase.

Bacillus subtilis/enzymology , Cellulase/metabolism , Isoptera/microbiology , Thailand , Recombinant Proteins/metabolism , Cellulase/genetics , Cellulose , Gene Amplification , Agriculture , Escherichia coli/metabolism , Hydrolysis
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;77(1): 127-131, Jan-Mar. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-839171


Abstract The aim of this study was to describe the first records of termite activity on non-fossilized human bones in Brazil. The cases reported in this study resulted from forensic analysis of six human skeletons found in northeastern Brazil between 2012 and 2014. Traces of tunnels and nests commonly produced by termites were found on several human bone surfaces as well as the specimens and characteristic signs of osteophagic activity. In four cases, the species were identified: Amitermes amifer Silvestri, 1901, Nasutitermes corniger (Motschulsky, 1855) (on two skeletons), and Microcerotermes indistinctus Mathews, 1977. In two other cases, the activity of termites on bone surfaces was evidenced by remains of nests and tunnels produced by these insects. At least in the samples of human remains available for this report, the number of termites collected was greater on bones found during autumn, the rainy season in the Northeast of Brazil. The human bones examined showed termites like insects with lots of strength at bone degradation, capable of continuing the process of decomposition of human remains even in completely skeletonized bodies.

Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever os primeiros relatos de atividade de térmitas em ossos humanos não fossilizados, no Brasil. Os casos relatados neste estudo resultaram da análise pericial de seis esqueletos humanos encontrados no Nordeste do Brasil, entre os anos de 2012 e 2014. Vestígios de túneis e ninhos comumente produzidos por cupins foram encontrados em várias superfícies dos ossos humanos, bem como a presença de espécimes e característicos sinais de atividade osteofágica. Em quatro casos, foram identificadas as espécies: Amitermes amifer Silvestri, 1901, Nasutitermes corniger (Motschulsky, 1855) – em duas ossadas, e Microcerotermes indistinctus Mathews, 1977. Em dois outros casos, a atividade de cupins sobre superfícies ósseas foi evidenciada pelos restos de ninhos e túneis produzidos por esses insetos. Pelo menos nas amostras de restos humanos disponíveis para o presente estudo, o número de térmitas recolhido foi maior em ossos encontrados durante o outono, a estação chuvosa no Nordeste do Brasil. Os ossos humanos analisados ​​apresentaram cupins como insetos com muita força na degradação óssea, com capacidade de prosseguir o processo de decomposição de restos humanos, mesmo em corpos completamente esqueletizados.

Humans , Animals , Bone and Bones , Isoptera , Postmortem Changes , Brazil
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 15(1): 53-60, ene. 2016. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-907517


Essential oils obtained from new plant species with metabolomes unexplored or poorly known are a natural resource to find molecules with deterrent (irritant) effect. The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition and the termite repellent activity of the essential oils from Ageratina jocotepecana. The repellent effect was determined by the pine drywood termite Incisitermes marginipennis behavior of to sense the contact of the tunnel wall in the wooden colony in the presence of an irritant obstacle caused by essential oils. Gas chromatographic analysis of the essential oils from flower, leaf, and stem showed quantitative and qualitative differences in components. Twenty-eight volatile components were identified by their mass spectra (MS). beta-caryophyllene, carvacrol, spathulenol, and terpinen-4-ol were the four major components, of them in relation 0.1 M citronellol, the 0.1 M carvacrol was the best repellent of the termite. Essential oils from A. jocotepecana exhibited a termite repellent effect due to their major components. Additionally, more research about the termite repellent action of carvacrol is still needed.

Los aceites esenciales obtenidos de nuevas especies de plantas con metabolomas inexplorados o poco conocidos son un recurso natural para encontrar moléculas con efecto disuasivo (irritante). El propósito del estudio fue evaluar la composición química de los aceites esenciales de Ageratina jocotepecana y su actividad repelente de termitas. El efecto repelente fue determinado por el comportamiento de las termitas de la madera seca de pino Incisitermes marginipennis de sentir el contacto de la pared del túnel en la colonia de madera en la presencia de un obstáculo irritante causado por los aceites esenciales. El análisis de cromatografía de gases de los aceites esenciales de flores, hojas y tallo mostró diferencias cuantitativas y cualitativas en componentes. Veintiocho componentes volátiles fueron identificados por sus espectros de masas (MS). beta-cariofileno, carvacrol, spathulenol y terpinen-4-ol fueron los cuatro componentes mayoritarios, de ellos en relación con 0,1 M citronelol el control positivo, el carvacrol 0,1 M fue el mejor repelente de la termita. Además, más investigación sobre la acción repelente de termitas de carvacrol se necesita realizar.

Ageratina/chemistry , Isoptera , Insect Repellents/pharmacology , Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Chromatography, Gas , Insect Repellents/chemistry , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Terpenes/isolation & purification
Electron. j. biotechnol ; Electron. j. biotechnol;18(2): 103-109, Mar. 2015. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-745577


Background Bacillus subtilis UMC7 isolated from the gut of termite Macrotermes malaccensis has the ability to secrete a significant amount of extracellular endoglucanase, with an enzyme activity of 0.12 ± 0.01 μmol/min/mL. However, for economically viable industrial applications, the enzyme needs to be expressed in a heterologous host to overcome the low enzyme production from the wild-type strain. Results The endoglucanase gene from B. subtilis UMC7 was successfully cloned and expressed. A higher enzyme activity was observed in the intracellular fraction of the recombinant clone (0.51 ± 0.02 μmol/min/mL) compared with the cell-bound fraction (0.37 ± 0.02 μmol/min/mL) and the extracellular fraction (0.33 ± 0.01 μmol/min/mL). The recombinant endoglucanase was approximately 56 kDa, with optimal enzyme activity at 60°C and pH 6.0. The activity of the enzyme was enhanced by the addition of Ca2 +. However, the enzyme was inhibited by other metal ions in the following order: Fe3 + > Ni2 + > Cu2 + > Mn2 + = Zn2 + > Mg2 + > Cd2 + > Cr2 +. The enzyme was able to hydrolyze both low- and high-viscosity carboxymethyl-cellulose (CMC), avicel, cotton linter, filter paper and avicel but not starch, xylan, chitin, pectin and p-nitrophenyl α-d-glucopyranoside. Conclusions The recombinant endoglucanase showed a threefold increase in extracellular enzyme activity compared with the wild-type strain. This result revealed the potential of endoglucanase expression in E. coli, which can be induced for the overexpression of the enzyme. The enzyme has a broad range of activity with high specificity toward cellulose.

Bacillus subtilis/enzymology , Cellulase/genetics , Cellulase/metabolism , Isoptera , Substrate Specificity , Temperature , Bacillus subtilis/isolation & purification , Recombinant Proteins , Gene Amplification , Cloning, Molecular , Sequence Analysis , Escherichia coli , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Intestines/microbiology , Ions , Metals
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 31(1): 234-241, jan./fev. 2015.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-963849


Giant (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) and collared anteaters (Tamandua tetradactyla) are common mammals in the Cerrado biome. They are specialized in eating termites (Isoptera, Blattaria) and ants (Formicidae, Hymenoptera). This study tested the preference of the giant anteater for termites with different defense strategies: 1) soldier with chemical defense and a soft nest (Nasutitermes), and 2) soldier with mixed defenses - chemical and mechanical - and a hard nest (Cornitermes). Pieces of nests of both genera of termites were provided to captive giant anteaters, their behaviors were observed, and the time spent feeding in each termite nests was recorded. The anteaters exploited both termite species, although no significance difference was found, they spent more time feeding on Cornitermes than on Nasutitermes. The stomach contents of one road-killed giant anteater and one collared anteater were analyzed. The collared anteater fed on a wider diversity of termite species with different defense strategies, but showed a preference for Cornitermes. We argue that the preference of anteaters for a termite species that has a harder nest, and soldiers with mixed defense, may be due to the presence of terpenoids in the chemical apparatus of Nasutitermes, absent in Cornitermes. Also, the much higher proportion of soldiers in Nasutitermes may influence the anteaters' choice.

Tamanduá-bandeira (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) e Tamanduá-mirim (Tamandua tetradactyla) são mamíferos comuns no bioma Cerrado. São espécies especializadas em se alimentar de cupins (Isoptera, Blattaria) e de formigas (Formicidae, Hymenoptera). Este trabalho testou a preferência de tamanduás-bandeira por cupins com diferentes estratégias de defesa: 1) soldados com defesa química e ninho macio (Nasutitermes) e 2) soldados com defesa mista ­ química e mecânica ­ e ninho duro (Cornitermes). Pedaços de ninhos de ambos os gêneros de cupins foram fornecidos para tamanduás-bandeira em cativeiro, seu comportamento foi observado e o tempo gasto para se alimentar em cada ninho foi registrado. Os tamanduás exploraram os dois tipos de ninhos, apesar de não haver diferença significativa, eles permaneceram mais tempo se alimentando de Cornitermes do que de Nasutitermes. Os estômagos de um tamanduá bandeira e de um tamanduá-mirim atropelados em rodovias foram utilizados para analisar a dieta das espécies. O conteúdo estomacal do tamanduá-mirim revelou uma maior diversidade de espécies de cupins com diferentes estratégias de defesa, mas mostrou uma preferência por Cornitermes. Discutimos que a preferência de tamanduás por espécies de cupins com soldados de defesa mista e que constroem ninhos duros, pode ser devido à presença de terpenos no sistema de defesa de Nasutitermes, ausente em Cornitermes. Além disso, uma proporção superior de soldados em Nasutitermes pode influenciar a escolha dos tamanduás.

Ants , Isoptera , Grassland , Xenarthra
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-121227


This study was performed to investigate the antibacterial, antioxidant, and termite repellent effects of citronella oil (CiO) and lemongrass oil (LO). When the antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus (S.) aureus with various levels of antibacterial resistance were tested, a 0.05% concentration of CiO and LO completely inhibited the growth of all tested S. aureus strains. Evaluation of the antioxidant effect demonstrated that the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity of CiO was 2~3 times greater than that of LO. Among trial products made with various combinations of CiO and LO, a CiO : LO ratio of 6 : 4 had the most potent termite repellent effects. Assessment of acute toxicity of the trial product showed that the LD50 was more than 2,000 mg/kg. Based on the above results, CiO and LO have antibacterial, antioxidant, and termite repellent activities. Therefore, both compounds could be potential termites repellent reagents.

Antioxidants , Cymbopogon , Indicators and Reagents , Isoptera , Lethal Dose 50 , Staphylococcus
Arq. Inst. Biol ; 81(3): 232-237, July-Sept. 2014. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1009404


Coptotermes gestroi (Wasmann) é considerada uma das espécies mais destrutivas de cupins subterrâneos, por causar danos a edificações, à arborização urbana e a culturas. Uma alternativa para o controle desse inseto pode ser o uso de agentes biocontroladores, como os fungos entomopatogênicos. Isaria (Persoon) tem sido indicado no controle de térmitas subterrâneos, inclusive do gênero Coptotermes. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo selecionar isolados de Isaria patogênicos ao cupim C. gestroi. Os insetos pulverizados com suspensões fúngicas de I. farinosa, I. fumosorosea e I. javanica foram avaliados diariamente para a determinação da mortalidade. Todos os isolados foram patogênicos, ocasionando mortalidade acima de 70%, e virulentos, apresentando uma sobrevivência média de 2,0 a 3,9 dias. Contudo, os isolados ESALQ-1205 de I. farinosa, ESALQ-1296 de I. fumosorosea e os isolados URM-4995 e URM-4993 de I. javanica mostraram-se mais virulentos. A CL50estimada para os isolados ESALQ-1205 de I. farinosa, URM-4995 de I. javanica e ESALQ-1296 de I. fumosorosea resultou em valores de 3,7 x 105, 1,4 x 106e 2,7 x 106conídios mL-1, respectivamente. Tais resultados confirmam a eficiência dos isolados testados sobre os operários de C. gestroi. No entanto, novos estudos são necessários para verificar a melhor forma de utilização, bem como a sua efetividade em campo.(AU)

Coptotermes gestroi (Wasmann) is considered to be one of the most destructive species of subterranean termites because of the damage caused on edifications, urban trees, and crops. One alternative to control it is the use of biocontrol agents, such as the entomopathogenic fungi. The genus Isaria (Persoon) has been suggested for the control of subterranean termites, including the Coptotermes genus. Therefore, the present work aim was to select isolates of Isaria pathogenic to C. gestroi. The workers were sprayed with fungi suspensions of I. farinosa, I. fumosorosea and I. javanica, and evaluated every day to determine mortality. All isolates were pathogenic towards C. gestroi with mortality rates higher than 70%, and virulent, with mean of survival of 2.0 up to 3.9 days. Among the isolates, the ESALQ-1205 isolate of I. farinosa, the ESALQ-1296 isolate of I. fumosorosea, URM-4995 and URM-4993 isolates of I. javanica showed the highest virulence. The estimated CL50 for the ESALQ-1205 isolate of I. farinosa, URM-4995 isolate of I. javanica and ESALQ-1296 isolate of I. fumosorosea was 3.7 x 105, 1.4 x 106and 2.7 x 106 conidia mL-1, respectively. These results suggest high efficiency of these isolates towards the C. gestroi workers. Nevertheless, further studies are necessary to determine a way of using them as well as their efficacy in field.(AU)

Pest Control, Biological , Isoptera , Fungi
Arq. Inst. Biol ; 81(1): 71-74, mar. 2014. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-909154


O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a abundância de cupins e a percepção de moradores sobre a atuação desses insetos como pragas. O trabalho foi conduzido em quatro residências do bairro Jardim Paraíso, em Cáceres, Mato Grosso. Para isso, foram realizadas inspeções em março, maio, agosto e novembro de 2004 e fevereiro de 2005 por meio de coleta manual (dentro das residências e em árvores nos quintais) e da aplicação de questionários com os moradores para verificar a opinião deles sobre a atuação dos cupins. Foram identificadas quatro espécies: Nasutitermes coxipoensis(48,2%), Nasutitermes sp. (31%), Microcerotermes strunckii (7%) e Heterotermes tenuis (13,7%). Tanto os gêneros (χ2 = 7,880; GL = 8; α = 0,445) quanto as espécies (χ2= 20,542; GL = 12; α = 0,058) ocorreram em proporções similares durante o ano, demonstrando que não existe uma relação entre os períodos de coleta e a abundância de insetos. Neste estudo, 50% dos moradores não consideraram os cupins como pragas em suas residências, provavelmente porque na maioria dos casos esses insetos foram encontrados em árvores. Devido ao baixo número de casas investigadas, mais estudos são necessários para o melhor entendimento sobre a ocorrência de cupins.(AU)

The objective of this study was to evaluate the abundance of termites and the perception of residents about those insects as pests. This study was conducted inside and in the surroundings of four houses in the neighbourhood Jardim Paraíso, in Cáceres, Mato Grosso. Inspections were carried out in March, May, August and November, 2004 and February. 2005, by manual collection (inside the houses and on trees of the backyards). Questionnaires were used to check the opinions of the residents about these insects. Four species were identified: Nasutitermes coxipoensis (48.2%), Nasutitermes sp. (31%), Microcerotermes strunckii (7%) and Heterotermes tenuis (13.7%). The genera (χ2 = 7.880; GL = 8; α = 0.445) and the species (χ2 = 20.542; GL = 12; α = 0.058) occurred in similar proportions. No significant relation was found between the collection periods and the abundance of the insects. In this study, 50% of the residents did not consider the termites as pests, probably because in most cases (56.4%) termites were found only in the trees. Due to the small number of investigated houses, further studies are necessary for a better understanding of the termite incidence.(AU)

Perception , Pest Control , Urban Area , Isoptera/classification