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Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-8, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468842


Poultry industry is expanding rapidly and producing million tons of feather waste annually. Massive production of keratinaceous byproducts in the form of industrial wastes throughout the world necessitates its justified utilization. Chemical treatment of keratin waste is proclaimed as an eco-destructive approach by various researchers since it generates secondary pollutants. Keratinase released by a variety of microbes (bacteria and fungi) can be used for the effective treatment of keratin waste. Microbial degradation of keratin waste is an emerging and eco-friendly approach and offers dual benefits, i.e., treatment of recalcitrant pollutant (keratin) and procurement of a commercially important enzyme (keratinase). This study involves the isolation, characterization, and potential utility of fungal species for the degradation of chicken-feather waste through submerged and solid-state fermentation. The isolated fungus was identified and characterized as Aspergillus (A.) flavus. In a trial of 30 days, it was appeared that 74 and 8% feather weight was reduced through sub-merged and solid-state fermentation, respectively by A. flavus. The pH of the growth media in submerged fermentation was changed from 4.8 to 8.35. The exploited application of keratinolytic microbes is, therefore, recommended for the treatment of keratinaceous wastes to achieve dual benefits of remediation.

A indústria avícola está se expandindo rapidamente e produzindo milhões de toneladas de resíduos de penas anualmente. A produção massiva de subprodutos queratinosos na forma de resíduos agrícolas e industriais em todo o mundo exige sua utilização justificada. O tratamento químico de resíduos de queratina é proclamado como uma abordagem ecodestrutiva por vários pesquisadores, uma vez que gera poluentes secundários. A queratinase liberada por uma variedade de micróbios (bactérias e fungos) pode ser usada para o tratamento eficaz de resíduos de queratina. A degradação microbiana de resíduos de queratina é uma abordagem emergente e ecológica e oferece benefícios duplos, ou seja, tratamento de poluente recalcitrante (queratina) e obtenção de uma enzima comercialmente importante (queratinase). Este estudo envolve o isolamento, caracterização e utilidade potencial de espécies de fungos para a degradação de resíduos de penas de frango por meio da fermentação submersa e em estado sólido. O fungo isolado foi identificado e caracterizado como Aspergillus (A.) flavus. Em um ensaio de 30 dias, constatou-se que 74% e 8% do peso das penas foram reduzidos por A. flavus, respectivamente, por meio da fermentação submersa e em estado sólido. O pH do meio de crescimento em fermentação submersa foi alterado de 4,8 para 8,35. A aplicação explorada de micróbios queratinolíticos é, portanto, recomendada para o tratamento de resíduos ceratinosos para obter benefícios duplos de remediação.

Aspergillus flavus/isolation & purification , Biotransformation , Keratins/analysis , Keratins/toxicity
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 37(12): 1479-1482, dez. 2017. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-895408


Os carcinomas mamários em cães apresentam alta capacidade metastática o que confere menor sobrevida para os pacientes com este tipo de neoplasia. O fenótipo transição epitélio-mesênquima, caracterizado pela troca dos filamentos intermediários de citoqueratina por vimentina, além da perda da proteína de adesão entre células (E-caderina) está relacionado com a maior ocorrência de metástase. Diante disto, objetivou-se avaliar, por meio de imunomarcações, a expressão de vimentina, citoqueratina e E-caderina nos tumores mamários caninos e suas metástases em linfonodo, a fim de avaliar o comportamento celular frente a esta neoplasia. Foram analisados cinco casos de neoplasias mamárias primárias caninas e suas respectivas metástases em linfonodos. Foram comparadas as médias de imunomarcações do grupo de neoplasias primárias com as médias do grupo metástase. Não houve diferença estatística nas imunomarcações da citoqueratina (p=0,1407) e E-caderina (p= 0,312) entre os grupos, apesar da média de expressão da E-caderina ter sido maior no grupo de metástases. A expressão da vimentina foi maior nos sítios das metástases (p=0,0462). Conclui-se que a expressão de vimentina aumenta no foco da metástase em relação aos seus respectivos tumores primários mamários caninos, caracterizando alteração estrutural celular, conferindo um fenótipo transição epitélio-mesênquima. Além da E-caderina apresentar fortes indícios de aumento no foco da metástase caracterizando maior adesão.(AU)

Mammary carcinomas in dogs have a high metastatic capacity which gives a shorter survival rate for patients with this type of tumor. The epithelial-mesenchymal transition phenotype, characterized by the trade of intermediary filaments of cytokeratin by vimentin, also by the loss of the adhesion protein between cells (E-cadherin) is associated with metastasis. Due to this fact, it was aimed to evaluate, by immunostaining, the expression of vimentin, cytokeratin and E-cadherin in canine mammary tumors and the metastasis in lymph node, in order to assess the cell behavior when facing this cancer. Five cases of canine mammary tumors and metastasis in lymph node were evaluated. The averages of immunostainings of the group of primary neoplasms were compared with the averages of the lymph node group. The results showed that immunostaining for cytokeratins (p=0,1407) and E-caderina (p=0,312) were not significant between the groups, despite the expression mean of cadherin was higher in the metastase group. The expression of vimentin (p=0,04) was greater at sites of metastases. It is concluded that the expression of vimentin increases in the focus of the metastase in relation to their respective primary canine mammary tumors, characterizing cellular structural alteration, conferring a transient epithelial-mesenchymal phenotype. And cadherin present strong evidence of increased focus on metastasis characterizing increased adhesion.(AU)

Animals , Female , Dogs , Vimentin/analysis , Cadherins/analysis , Mammary Neoplasms, Animal/physiopathology , Mammary Neoplasms, Animal/pathology , Epithelium/immunology , Keratins/analysis , Immunohistochemistry/veterinary , Lymph Nodes , Lymphatic Metastasis
ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.) ; 30(1): 30-34, Jan.-Mar. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-837566


ABSTRACT Background: The presence of lymph nodes metastasis is one of the most important prognostic indicators in gastric cancer. The micrometastases have been studied as prognostic factor in gastric cancer, which are related to decrease overall survival and increased risk of recurrence. However, their identification is limited by conventional methodology, since they can be overlooked after routine staining. Aim: To investigate the presence of occult tumor cells using cytokeratin (CK) AE1/AE3 immunostaining in gastric cancer patients histologically lymph node negative (pN0) by H&E. Methods: Forty patients (T1-T4N0) submitted to a potentially curative gastrectomy with D2 lymphadenectomy were evaluated. The results for metastases, micrometastases and isolated tumor cells were also associated to clinicopathological characteristics and their impact on stage grouping. Tumor deposits within lymph nodes were defined according to the tumor-node-metastases guidelines (7th TNM). Results: A total of 1439 lymph nodes were obtained (~36 per patient). Tumor cells were detected by immunohistochemistry in 24 lymph nodes from 12 patients (30%). Neoplasic cells were detected as a single or cluster tumor cells. Tumor (p=0.002), venous (p=0.016), lymphatic (p=0.006) and perineural invasions (p=0.04), as well as peritumoral lymphocytic response (p=0.012) were correlated to CK-positive immunostaining tumor cells in originally negative lymph nodes by H&E. The histologic stage of two patients was upstaged from stage IB to stage IIA. Four of the 28 CK-negative patients (14.3%) and three among 12 CK-positive patients (25%) had disease recurrence (p=0.65). Conclusion: The CK-immunostaining is an effective method for detecting occult tumor cells in lymph nodes and may be recommended to precisely determine tumor stage. It may be useful as supplement to H&E routine to provide better pathological staging.

RESUMO Racional: A presença de metástase em linfonodos é um dos indicadores prognósticos mais importantes no câncer gástrico. As micrometástases têm sido estudadas como fator prognóstico no câncer gástrico, sendo relacionadas à diminuição da sobrevida global e aumento do risco de recidiva da doença. Entretanto, sua identificação é limitada pela metodologia convencional, uma vez que podem não ser identificadas pela rotina histopatológica por meio da coloração de H&E. Objetivo: Investigar a presença de células tumorais ocultas através de imunoistoquimica utilizando as citoqueratinas (CK) AE1/AE3 em pacientes com câncer gástrico com linfonodos histologicamente classificados como negativos por H&E. Métodos: Quarenta pacientes (T1-T4N0) submetidos à gastrectomia potencialmente curativa com linfadenectomia D2 foram avaliados. A presença de metástases, micrometástases e células tumorais isoladas foram correlacionadas com características clínicopatológicas e impacto no estadiamento. Os depósitos tumorais nos linfonodos foram classificados de acordo com o sistema TNM (7º TNM). Resultados: Um total de 1439 linfonodos foi obtido (~36 por paciente). Células tumorais foram detectadas por imunoistoquimica em 24 linfonodos de 12 pacientes (30%). As células neoplásicas estavam presentes na forma isolada ou em cluster. Invasão tumoral (p=0,002), venosa (p=0,016), linfática (p=0,006) e perineural (p=0,04), assim como resposta linfocítica peritumoral (p=0,012) foram correlacionadas com linfonodos CK-positivos que originalmente eram negativos à H&E. Dois pacientes tiveram o estadiamento alterado, migrando do estádio IB para IIA. Quatro dos 28 CK-negativos (14,3%) e três dos 12 CK-positivos (25%) tiveram recorrência da doença (p=0,65). Conclusão: A imunoistoquimica é meio eficaz para a detecção de células tumorais ocultas em linfonodos, podendo ser recomendada para melhor determinar o estágio do tumor. Ela pode ser útil como técnica complementar à rotina de H&E, de modo a fornecer melhor estadiamento patológico.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Stomach Neoplasms/pathology , Neoplasm Micrometastasis/pathology , Lymph Nodes/pathology , Immunohistochemistry , Retrospective Studies , Keratins/analysis , Lymph Nodes/chemistry , Lymphatic Metastasis
Biol. Res ; 49: 1-11, 2016. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-774428


BACKGROUND: Mammary cell cultures are convenient tools for in vitro studies of mammary gland biology. However, the heterogeneity of mammary cell types, e.g., glandular milk secretory epithelial or myoepithelial cells, often complicates the interpretation of cell-based data. The present study was undertaken to determine the relevance of bovine primary mammary epithelial cells isolated from American Holstein (bMEC US) or Swiss Holstein-Friesian (bMEC CH) cows, and of primary bovine mammary alveolar epithelial cells stably transfected with simian virus-40 (SV-40) large T-antigen (MAC-T) for in vitro analyses. This was evaluated by testing their expression pattern of cytokeratin (CK) 7, 18, 19, vimentin, and α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA. RESULTS: The expression of the listed markers was assessed using real-time quantitative PCR, flow cytometry and immunofluorescence microscopy. Characteristic markers of the mesenchymal (vimentin), myoepithelial (α-SMA) and glandular secretory cells (CKs) showed differential expression among the studied cell cultures, partly depending on the analytical method used. The relative mRNA expression of vimentin, CK7 and CK19, respectively, was lower (P < 0.05) in immortalized than in primary mammary cell cultures. The stain index (based on flow cytometry) of CK7 and CK19 protein was lower (P < 0.05) in MAC-T than in bMECs, while the expression of α-SMA and CK18 showed an inverse pattern. Immunofluorescence microscopy analysis mostly confirmed the mRNA data, while partly disagreed with flow cytometry data (e.g., vimentin level in MAC-T). The differential expression of CK7 and CK19 allowed discriminating between immortal and primary mammary cultures. CONCLUSIONS: The expression of the selected widely used cell type markers in primary and immortalized MEC cells did not allow a clear preference between these two cell models for in vitro analyses studying aspects of milk composition. All tested cell models exhibited to a variable degree epithelial and mesenchymal features. Thus, based on their characterization with widely used cell markers, none of these cultures represent an unequivocal alveolar mammary epithelial cell model. For choosing the appropriate in vitro model additional properties such as the expression profile of specific proteins of interest (e.g., transporter proteins) should equally be taken into account.

Animals , Cattle , Female , Actins/analysis , Epithelial Cells/cytology , Keratins/analysis , Mammary Glands, Animal/cytology , Vimentin/analysis , Analysis of Variance , Antigens, Viral, Tumor , Cell Line , Cells, Cultured , Epithelial Cells/chemistry , Flow Cytometry/methods , Mammary Glands, Animal/chemistry , Microscopy, Fluorescence/methods , Primary Cell Culture , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 35(1): 75-79, 01/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-746566


This paper reports a case of nonpapillary and infiltrative transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the urinary bladder with metastasis of lumbar vertebrae and spinal cord compression in an adult female ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), from the Mato Grosso state, Brazil. The ocelot had pelvic limb paralysis and skin ulcers in the posterior region of the body and was submitted to euthanasia procedure. At necropsy was observed a multilobulated and irregular shaped, yellowish to white nodule in the urinary bladder. The nodule had a soft consistency and arised from the mucosa of the urinary bladder extending throughout the muscular layers and the serosa. Nodules of similar appearance infiltrating the vertebral column the at L6 and L7 vertebrae with corresponding spinal canal invasion were also observed. The histological evaluation showed epithelial neoplastic proliferation in the urinary bladder with characteristics of nonpapillary and infiltrative TCC, with positive immunohistochemical staining for pancytokeratin, and strong immunostaining for cytokeratin of low molecular weight, and weak or absent labeling for high molecular weight cytokeratin. This is the first report of TCC of urinary bladder in ocelot in Brazil...

O presente trabalho relata um caso de carcinoma de células de transição (TCC) da bexiga urinária com metástase em vértebras lombares e compressão da medula espinhal em uma jaguatirica fêmea adulta (Leopardus pardalis), no estado do Mato Grosso. A jaguatirica manifestava paralisia de membros pélvicos e úlceras de decúbito na região posterior do corpo e foi submetida a eutanásia. Na necropsia observou-se um nódulo multilobulado e irregular, brancoamarelado na bexiga urinária, de consistência macia com origem na mucosa vesical e que se estendia às camadas musculares e à serosa. Nódulos de aspecto semelhante infiltrando as vértebras L6 e L7 e invasão do canal vertebral correspondente. No exame histológico foi observada proliferação neoplásica na bexiga urinária com com características de TCC não papilar e infiltrativo, com marcação imuno-histoquímica positiva para pancitoqueratina, forte marcação para citoqueratina de baixo peso molecular e fraca ou inexistente para citoqueratina de alto peso molecular. Este é o primeiro relato de TCC em bexiga urinária de jaguatirica no Brasil...

Animals , Female , Carcinoma, Transitional Cell/diagnosis , Animal Diseases/pathology , Felidae , Spinal Cord/physiopathology , Neoplasm Metastasis/diagnosis , Urinary Bladder Neoplasms/veterinary , Lumbar Vertebrae/pathology , Immunohistochemistry/veterinary , Keratins/analysis
Clinics ; 69(10): 660-665, 10/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-730460


OBJECTIVE: Ovarian mucinous metastases commonly present as the first sign of the disease and are capable of simulating primary tumors. Our aim was to investigate the role of intratumoral lymphatic vascular density together with other surgical-pathological features in distinguishing primary from secondary mucinous ovarian tumors. METHODS: A total of 124 cases of mucinous tumors in the ovary (63 primary and 61 metastatic) were compared according to their clinicopathological features and immunohistochemical profiles. The intratumoral lymphatic vascular density was quantified by counting the number of vessels stained by the D2-40 antibody. RESULTS: Metastases occurred in older patients and were associated with a higher proportion of tumors smaller than 10.0 cm; bilaterality; extensive necrosis; extraovarian extension; increased expression of cytokeratin 20, CDX2, CA19.9 and MUC2; and decreased expression of cytokeratin 7, CA125 and MUC5AC. The lymphatic vascular density was increased among primary tumors. However, after multivariate analysis, the best predictors of a secondary tumor were a size of 10.0 cm or less, bilaterality and cytokeratin 7 negativity. Lack of MUC2 expression was an important factor excluding metastasis. CONCLUSIONS: The higher intratumoral lymphatic vascular density in primary tumors when compared with secondary lesions suggests differences in the microenvironment. However, considering the differential diagnosis, the best discriminator of a secondary tumor is the combination of tumor size, laterality and the pattern of expression of cytokeratin 7 and MUC2. .

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous/pathology , Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous/secondary , Lymphatic Vessels/pathology , Ovarian Neoplasms/pathology , Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous/chemistry , /analysis , Diagnosis, Differential , Immunohistochemistry , Keratins/analysis , Lymphatic Metastasis , Lymphatic Vessels/chemistry , Membrane Glycoproteins/analysis , Membrane Proteins/analysis , Mucins/analysis , Ovarian Neoplasms/chemistry , Reference Values , Tissue Array Analysis , Tumor Burden , Biomarkers, Tumor/analysis
An. bras. dermatol ; 89(6): 988-991, Nov-Dec/2014. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-727644


The three-dimensional findings of the surface and from a cross section from a case of disseminated superficial porokeratois using scanning electron microscopy are reported. On the surface of the skin, irregular keratin with a serpiginous distribution was seen. A gross aspect of keratin in the hyperkeratotic wall was also observed and compared to the normal area, in which the release of corneocytes seemed normal. The cross-sectional imaging easily identified the cornoid lamella, with compact keratin surrounded by normal stratum corneum.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Imaging, Three-Dimensional/methods , Porokeratosis/pathology , Biopsy , Keratins/analysis , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning/methods , Skin/pathology
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 73(6): 555-557, Dec. 2013. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-708579


El carcinoma primario intraóseo (PIOC) es un tumor poco frecuente, definido como carcinoma escamoso que se desarrolla en huesos maxilares, no teniendo conexión inicial con mucosa ni piel adyacente. Es localmente agresivo, con una incidencia de metástasis en ganglios regionales del 28% y en pulmón del 5%, en el momento del diagnóstico. Su origen puede ser de novo o a partir de otros tumores odontogénicos. Los huesos maxilares son los únicos que tienen en su interior tejidos epiteliales, por lo cual esta neoplasia se localiza exclusivamente en este sitio, predominantemente en la mandíbula. Los criterios diagnósticos del PIOC incluyen: histopatología de carcinoma escamocelular, ausencia de compromiso de mucosa oral y senos paranasales, descartando metástasis de un sitio distante en base a estudios clínicos y métodos complementarios. El tratamiento de elección consiste, siempre que sea posible, en la exéresis con criterios oncológicos, y radio y/o quimioterapia adicional. Se requiere además, cirugía reconstructiva con injerto y/o prótesis con fines estéticos y funcionales. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 72 años, que consultó por molestias en maxilar inferior tres meses después de la extracción de un molar. Se efectuó biopsia por curetaje y luego se resecó el maxilar inferior con vaciamiento ganglionar. El estudio histopatológico mostró un carcinoma escamoso pobremente diferenciado, infiltrante en hueso maxilar, con hallazgos morfológicos que lo vinculaban a quiste odontogénico residual, y metástasis en 15 de 48 ganglios aislados. Se realizó radioterapia postquirúrgica, falleciendo a los 30 meses del diagnóstico por deterioro progresivo.

Primary intra-osseous carcinoma (PIOC) is a rare tumor, defined as squamous cell carcinoma that develops in the jaw bones, having no initial connection to adjacent skin or mucosa. It is locally aggressive, with metastases to regional lymph nodes, (28% of cases) and lung (5% of cases) at the time of diagnosis. Its origin may be di novo or from other odontogenic tumors. The maxillary bones have epithelial tissues; therefore this neoplasm is located exclusively on this site, predominantly in the jaw. PIOC diagnostic criteria are strict and include: squamous cell carcinoma histopathology, lack of commitment and sinus mucosa, ruling out the possibility of metastasis from a distant site with a thorough clinical study and complementary methods. The treatment is, whenever possible, oncologic resection, additional radio and / or chemotherapy. Reconstructive surgery with graft and / or prostheses for aesthetic and functional are also required. We report the case of a 72 years old man who consulted for sore jaw three months after molar extraction. Curettage biopsy was performed and then resected mandible with lymphadenectomy. Histopathological examination showed a poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma, infiltrating jawbone with morphological findings linking him to residual odontogenic cyst and metastatic lymph nodes in 15 of 48 isolates. Postoperative radiotherapy was performed, he died at 30 months of diagnosis by progressive deterioration.

Aged , Humans , Male , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/pathology , Jaw Neoplasms/pathology , Maxillary Neoplasms/pathology , Biopsy , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/chemistry , Fatal Outcome , Jaw Neoplasms/chemistry , Keratins/analysis , Maxillary Neoplasms/chemistry
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-145360


Background & objectives: Logistic and financial constraints limit application of several available immunohistochemical (IHC) markers and molecular analysis in every case of synovial sarcoma, diagnosed in our settings. Recently, TLE1 has been recognized as a robust IHC marker for diagnosing a synovial sarcoma. Here, we present IHC features of synovial sarcomas, including TLE1 expression in these cases and in some other tumours. Methods: Conventional sections from 42 synovial sarcomas (30 retrospective & 12 prospectively diagnosed) were subjected to TLE1 IHC staining, including 21 tumours confirmed with molecular testing. TLE1 immunostaining was graded from 0, 1+, 2+, 3+, with 2+ or 3+ grades interpreted as positive staining. Results: Of the 42 tumours, 26 (61.9%) were of monophasic spindle cell type, 13 biphasic type (30.9%), two (4.7%) calcifying type and remaining one (2.3%) was a poorly differentiated synovial sarcoma. On immunohistochemistry (IHC), tumours were positive for epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) (26/34, 76.4%), cytokeratin (CK)7 (6/10, 60%), CK/MNF116 (6/21, 28.6%), B cell lymphoma 2 (BCL2) (36/37, 97.3%), cluster of differentiation molecule 99 (MIC2) (23/31, 74.1%) and transducin-like enhancer of split 1 (TLE1) (40/42, 95.2%), while negative for CD34 in all 21 tumours, wherever performed. TLE1 was also positive in tumour controls, including schwannomas (5/5, 100%), neurofibromas (2/2, 100%), malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (2/12, 17%) and Ewing sarcomas (4/10, 40%). TLE1 sensitivity for diagnosis of synovial sarcomas was 95.2 per cent. Its overall specificity was 63.7 per cent, whereas with regards to tumors forming its closest differential diagnoses, its specificity was 72 per cent. Interpretation & conclusions: Although molecular confirmation is the diagnostic gold standard for synovial sarcoma, TLE1, in view of its high sensitivity may be a useful marker within the optimal IHC panel comprising EMA, BCL2, MIC2, CD34 and CK7, especially on small biopsy samples, for substantiating a diagnosis of synovial sarcoma. Awareness of TLE1 expression in other tumours and its correct interpretation are necessary.

Humans , Keratins/analysis , Molecular Diagnostic Techniques/methods , Mucin-1/analysis , Neoplasms/immunology , Repressor Proteins/analysis , Repressor Proteins/chemistry , Repressor Proteins/immunology , Sarcoma, Synovial/diagnosis , Sarcoma, Synovial/immunology , Biomarkers, Tumor/immunology
Braz. j. microbiol ; 43(3): 895-902, July-Sept. 2012. graf, mapas, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-656650


A survey of Microsporum gypseum was conducted in soil samples in different geographical regions of Brazil. The isolation of dermatophyte from soil samples was performed by hair baiting technique and the species were identified by morphology studies. We analyzed 692 soil samples and the recuperating rate was 19.2%. The activities of keratinase and elastase were quantitatively performed in 138 samples. The sequencing of the ITS region of rDNA was performed in representatives samples. M. gypseum isolates showed significant quantitative differences in the expression of both keratinase and elastase, but no significant correlation was observed between these enzymes. The sequencing of the representative samples revealed the presence of two teleomorphic species of M. gypseum (Arthroderma gypseum and A. incurvatum). The enzymatic activities may play an important role in the pathogenicity and a probable adaptation of this fungus to the animal parasitism. Using the phenotypical and molecular analysis, the Microsporum identification and their teleomorphic states will provide a useful and reliable identification system.

Arthrodermataceae/enzymology , Arthrodermataceae/isolation & purification , Base Sequence , Microsporum/enzymology , Microsporum/isolation & purification , Peptide Hydrolases/analysis , Keratins/analysis , Enzyme Activation , Methods , Virulence
Indian J Pathol Microbiol ; 2012 Apr-Jun 55(2): 253-255
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-142237


Nested stromal and epithelial tumor of the liver is an extremely rare pediatric hepatic tumor. To the best of our knowledge, about 25 cases have been reported in the English literature so far, few of which accompanied with Cushing syndrome. Herein we report our experience with an 8-year-old boy presented with Cushing's syndrome because of ectopic ACTH production by this tumor.

CD56 Antigen/analysis , Carcinoma/complications , Carcinoma/diagnosis , Carcinoma/pathology , Carcinoma/surgery , Child , Cushing Syndrome/complications , Cushing Syndrome/diagnosis , Cushing Syndrome/pathology , Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors/complications , Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors/diagnosis , Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors/pathology , Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors/surgery , Histocytochemistry , Humans , Immunohistochemistry , Keratins/analysis , Liver Neoplasms/complications , Liver Neoplasms/diagnosis , Liver Neoplasms/pathology , Liver Neoplasms/surgery , Male , Microscopy
Indian J Pathol Microbiol ; 2012 Apr-Jun 55(2): 227-229
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-142228


Pericardial neoplasms are rare. Among pericardial neoplasms, metastatic spread is more common and primary synovial sarcomas of the pericardium are exceedingly rare. A 61-year-old man was found dead in bed. Autopsy revealed the cause of death as atherosclerotic and hypertensive heart disease. There was a pericardial soft tissue mass lying predominantly over the left atrium. The cut surface was bulging out and grayish white in color with cystic changes. Microscopy showed spindle cells in densely cellular fascicles surrounding the epithelial cells. The epithelial cells were cuboidal and formed glandular structures and cleft-like spaces. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated cytokeratin and vimentin positivity in the spindled areas. Molecular analysis confirmed the diagnosis. Synovial sarcoma may be mistaken for other common neoplasms occurring in the pericardium due to its rarity. In all cases of pericardial tumors, a diligent search for synovial sarcoma by way of histological analysis including, immunohistochemistry and molecular analysis is indicated.

Antigens, Neoplasm , Autopsy , Histocytochemistry , Humans , Immunohistochemistry , Keratins/analysis , Male , Microscopy , Middle Aged , Pericardium/pathology , Sarcoma, Synovial/diagnosis , Sarcoma, Synovial/pathology , Vimentin/analysis
Indian J Pathol Microbiol ; 2012 Apr-Jun 55(2): 183-186
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-142218


Background: Sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy has been applied to the management of breast carcinoma inorder to decrease postoperative complication and morbidity. Touch imprint cytology (TIC), frozen section (FS), scrape cytology, or combination of these methods are used as intraoperative diagnostic methods. However, the sensitivity of these intraoperative modalities for detecting metastatic disease in SLNs is not equivalent to permanent histopathologic examination as a gold standard method. Objectives: The aim of this study was to review our department's results with SLN biopsy using touch imprint and frozen section for intraoperative diagnosis of breast cancer metastasis. Immunohistochemistry for cytokeratin was used on permanent sections. The sensitivities and specificities of TIC with those of FS analysis and IHC were also compared. Materials and Methods: A total of 100 consecutive SLN biopsies from 49 patients performed. The TIC and subsequently frozen were stained using hematoxylin and eosin. The cytological and frozen findings were compared and results were reported to the surgeon during operation. Final pathologic evaluation was performed on the formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections. Analysis of the permanent tissue included evaluation of three-step sections of the lymph node by H&E and immunohistochemical (IHC) staining. The sensitivities, specificities, positive and negative predictive values of TIC, FS and IHC for the detection of metastatic tumor in the SLNs were determined with the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Results: One hundred SLNs were examined from 49 patients with invasive breast carcinoma with mean age of 45.29 ° 10.6 years. Intraoperative TIC and FS failed to show metastatic involvement in 10 examined lymph nodes from three patients. No false positive results for TIC and FS was identified. The sensitivity of TIC compared with the final histopathological result, considered the gold standard, was 90% (CI, 68.49-98.81%). Similarly, the sensitivities of frozen sections and permanent were the same respectively. The specificities of TIC, FS, and permanent were 100% (CI, 94.95-100.00). The sensitivity of touch imprint cytology compared with the final histopathological result, considered the gold standard, was 90% (CI, 68.49--98.81%). Similarly, the sensitivities of frozen sections and permanent were the same respectively. The specificities of TIC, FS, and permanent were 100% (CI, 94.95-100.00). Conclusions: Our experience with TI and FS for the intraoperative evaluation of SLNs is similar to the findings from previously reported studies. We detected the same sensitivities for these two methods; however lower sensitivity of TI in detecting metastasis with higher false-negative rate has been addressed in the published literature. The 90% sensitivity of TI and FS with permanent histopathologic examination as the gold standard falls within the range of reported sensitivities: 33-96% for TI and 44-100% for FS. However, variations in patient selection criteria, experience of the pathologist, skill of the technician submitting specimen for intraoperative evaluation, and tumor size are important variables that influence the results.

Adult , Breast Neoplasms/diagnosis , Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Carcinoma/diagnosis , Carcinoma/surgery , Female , Frozen Sections/methods , Humans , Keratins/analysis , Lymph Nodes/pathology , Pathology, Surgical/methods , Predictive Value of Tests , Sensitivity and Specificity , Specimen Handling/methods
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-141235


A case of peripheral squamous odontogenic tumor is described in a 60-year-old female who presented with a sessile growth in the right posterior mandible. Radiographic examination revealed no evidence of a central lesion in bone. With the characteristic histopathological picture of benign-appearing islands of squamous epithelium scattered randomly against a background of mature fibrous connective tissue, the tumor was diagnosed as peripheral squamous odontogenic tumor (PSOT). The epithelial islands showed peripheral cuboidal or flattened cells, microcyst formation, individual cell keratinization, and keratin pearl formation.

Connective Tissue/pathology , Epithelial Cells/pathology , Epithelium/pathology , Female , Gingival Neoplasms/diagnosis , Humans , Keratins/analysis , Middle Aged , Odontogenic Tumors/diagnosis
Indian J Pathol Microbiol ; 2012 Jan-Mar 55(1): 43-46
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-142174


Aims and Objectives: This study was aimed at analyzing the prevalence of molecular phenotypes in invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) and coexisting ductal carcinoma-in-situ (DCIS) and to correlate with clinicopathological features. Materials and Methods: In this study, 75 cases of IDC with coexisting DCIS were included. Molecular phenotype was determined using expression of estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, HER2/neu, and cytokeratin 5/6. Statistical analysis was performed for correlation between molecular phenotypes and clinicopathologic parameters. Results: Of the 75 cases, the invasive component in all cases was IDC-not otherwise specified. About one-third of our patients were post-menopausal. The most common molecular phenotype was luminal A (45.3%) followed by HER2-expressing type (24%). In all cases, the molecular phenotype was identical in DCIS and the invasive component. HER2-expressing tumors were found to be larger in size with frequent nodal involvement. On statistical analysis, tumor size and grade were found to correlate with the molecular phenotype. Conclusion: In conclusion, the molecular phenotype in DCIS correlates well with that of coexisting IDC, suggesting that DCIS is a precursor lesion in these tumors. This correlation of molecular phenotype can be utilized in prediction of phenotype of the invasive component in a case with in-situ carcinoma.

Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Carcinoma, Ductal/pathology , Carcinoma, Intraductal, Noninfiltrating/pathology , Histocytochemistry , Humans , Immunohistochemistry , Keratins/analysis , Microscopy , Middle Aged , Receptor, ErbB-2/analysis , Receptors, Estrogen/analysis , Receptors, Progesterone/analysis , Retrospective Studies , Biomarkers, Tumor/analysis
Indian J Pathol Microbiol ; 2011 Oct-Dec 54(4): 796-799
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-142115


A 52-year-old woman presented with fracture upper end of the left humerus after trivial trauma and aspiration cytology from the lytic lesion in the upper humerus seen on X-ray revealed a metastatic papillary carcinoma from the thyroid. Total thyroidectomy confirmed the papillary carcinoma thyroid. Post-operatively, she was given radioactive iodine (I-131) ablation therapy for 8 years and was asymptomatic during this period; however, for the last 1 year, she has been complaining of swelling in the shoulder, which did not respond to palliative radiotherapy and rapidly increased in size. Disarticulation of the shoulder joint was performed, which showed anaplastic carcinoma on histopathological examination. Anaplastic transformation of papillary carcinoma at the metastatic sites is well documented in the literature and is rare. However, the same has not been reported at the shoulder and from India before. Although soft tissue sarcomas are most common at this site, however, the possibility of anaplastic transformation should be kept in the differential diagnosis of rapidly enlarging painful mass in a known case of metastatic thyroid carcinoma to prevent misdiagnosis.

Anaplasia/pathology , Bone Neoplasms/pathology , Bone Neoplasms/secondary , Carcinoma , Female , Histocytochemistry , Humans , Humerus/pathology , Immunohistochemistry , India , Keratins/analysis , Microscopy , Middle Aged , Sarcoma/pathology , Shoulder Joint/pathology , Thyroid Gland/pathology , Thyroid Neoplasms/pathology , Thyroid Neoplasms/secondary
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 26(3): 402-406, July-Sept. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-608196


BACKGROUND: The possible participation of keratinocytes in wound remodeling has been widely studied. This study investigated the impact of keratinocytes in wound contraction. METHODS: Murine type I collagen gels populated by human fibroblasts and seeded with human keratinocytes on the surface to form a dermo-epidermal equivalent were used as the study group. Collagen gels populated by only fibroblasts were used as the control group. The criteria for the preparation and storage of gels were similar for both groups. RESULTS: An evident and statistically significant increase in gel contraction was observed in samples populated by keratinocytes compared to the control group. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that keratinocytes not only modulate fibroblast proliferation but also play an active role in wound contraction per se. Further research on the mechanisms involved in the communication pathways between cells and between cells and the matrix shall be assessed from the perspective of keratinocyte participation in wound healing and pathologic scarring.

INTRODUÇÃO: A eventual participação de queratinócitos na remodelagem da ferida tem sido estudada há muito tempo. Este trabalho investigou o impacto dos queratinócitos na contração da ferida. MÉTODO: Foi utilizado gel de colágeno tipo I murino povoado por fibroblastos humanos com queratinócitos humanos semeado na superfície (grupo estudo), formando um equivalente dermoepidérmico. Géis de colágeno povoado apenas por fibroblastos foram utilizados como grupo controle. Os critérios de confecção e armazenagem dos géis foram iguais para ambos os grupos. RESULTADOS: Houve aumento evidente e estatisticamente significante na contração de gel das amostras povoadas por queratinócitos, em comparação ao grupo controle. CONCLUSÕES: Esses resultados sugerem que os queratinócitos não só podem modular a proliferação de fibroblastos, mas também, por si só, desempenhar papel ativo na contração da ferida. Novas investigações sobre mecanismos envolvidos nas vias de comunicação entre células e entre célula e matriz devem ser avaliadas sob o ponto de vista de participação dos queratinócitos na cicatrização de feridas e formação de cicatrizes patológicas.

Humans , History, 21st Century , Wound Healing , Wounds and Injuries , Keratinocytes , Collagen , Cell Culture Techniques , Evaluation Study , Fibroblasts , Keratins , Wounds and Injuries/therapy , Keratinocytes/cytology , Collagen/therapeutic use , Cell Culture Techniques/methods , Fibroblasts/cytology , Keratins/analysis , Keratins/therapeutic use