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Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 83: e0004, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535601


ABSTRACT This report was aimed at presenting a case of neurotrophic keratitis and concomitant SARS-CoV-2 infection in a patient who has recently undergone a corneal DALK transplant. One month after corneal transplantation with adequate corneal epithelialization, the patient presented neurotrophic keratitis with a torpid course of the corneal transplant coinciding with a SARS-CoV-2 infection, with an excessive host immune response. In addition, the patient presented a re-positivization of nasopharyngeal polymerase chain reaction of SARS-CoV-2 with past disease after starting treatment with autologous serum eye drops. The implications at the ophthalmological level of SARS-CoV-2 infection may be clarified as the time the illness progresses and we learn more about how it acts. In this case, the disparity of signs and symptoms, the antecedent of corneal surgery, and the possibility of a herpetic infection as a cause of the primary leukoma suggested neurotrophic keratitis. Nonetheless, the involvement of systemic SARS-CoV-2 infection in the process, triggering an excessive host immune response at the corneal level with an increase in inflammatory cytokines must be taken into account. No relationship was found between treatment with autologous serum and re-positivization of nasopharyngeal polymerase chain reaction, presenting the patient a favorable response to treatment.

RESUMO O objetivo deste relato foi apresentar um caso de ceratite neurotrófica e infecção concomitante por SARS-CoV-2 em paciente submetido recentemente a transplante de córnea DALK. Um mês após o transplante de córnea com adequada epitelização da córnea, o paciente apresentou ceratite neurotrófica com curso tórpido do transplante de córnea, coincidindo com infecção por SARS-CoV-2, com resposta imune excessiva do hospedeiro. Além disso, o paciente apresentou repositivização da reação em cadeia da polimerase nasofaríngeo de SARS-CoV-2, com doença pregressa após iniciar tratamento com colírio de soro autólogo. As implicações a nível oftalmológico da infecção por SARS-CoV-2, podem ser esclarecidas à medida que a doença progride e aprendemos mais sobre sua forma de atuação. Neste caso, a disparidade de sinais e sintomas, o antecedente de cirurgia de córnea e a possibilidade de infecção herpética como causa do leucoma primário sugeriram ceratite neurotrófica. No entanto, deve-se levar em consideração o envolvimento da infecção sistêmica por SARS-CoV-2 no processo, desencadeando uma resposta imune excessiva do hospedeiro no nível da córnea, com aumento de citocinas inflamatórias. Não foi encontrada relação entre o tratamento com soro autólogo e a repositivização da reação em cadeia da polimerase nasofaríngea, apresentando ao paciente uma resposta favorável ao tratamento.

Humans , Male , Aged , Corneal Ulcer/diagnosis , Corneal Ulcer/therapy , Corneal Transplantation , Keratoplasty, Penetrating , COVID-19/complications , COVID-19/diagnosis , Postoperative Complications , Immune Adherence Reaction , Corneal Ulcer/etiology , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Azithromycin , Cefixime , Serum , Tomography, Optical Coherence , Slit Lamp Microscopy , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19 Drug Treatment , Hydroxychloroquine , Immunity , Keratitis
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 83: e0044, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569740


ABSTRACT The objective of this case report was to share the successful management of severe endophthalmitis, aiming at ocular integrity and visual acuity. A 73-year-old man presented with visual acuity of 20/30 in the right eye and 20/200 in the left eye. On the 21st day postoperatively after phacoemulsification in the left eye, he developed symptoms of endophthalmitis, including ocular discomfort, blurred vision, and whitish discharge. Despite negative cultures, his condition worsened, resulting in corneal perforation on the 31st day. Conjunctival flap and penetrating keratoplasty were performed. Currently, the patient maintains a visual acuity of 20/40 in the left eye, with a healthy graft and no signs of failure. Despite the complications, careful follow-up and timely interventions successfully preserved his vision. The use of conjunctival flap during the inflammatory phase was crucial to maintaining ocular integrity. This underscores the importance of different approaches in complex ocular complications, including alternative strategies for ocular protection during active inflammation.

RESUMO O objetivo deste relato de caso foi compartilhar o manejo bem-sucedido de uma grave endoftalmite, visando à integridade ocular e à acuidade visual. Um homem de 73 anos apresentou acuidade visual de 20/30 no olho direito e 20/200 no olho esquerdo. No 21° dia pós-operatório de facoemulsificação em olho esquerdo, ele desenvolveu sintomas de endoftalmite, incluindo desconforto ocular, visão embaçada e secreção esbranquiçada. Apesar de culturas negativas, sua condição piorou, resultando em perfuração corneal no 31° dia. A cobertura conjuntival e a ceratoplastia penetrante foram realizadas. Atualmente, o paciente mantém acuidade visual de 20/40 no olho esquerdo, com enxerto saudável e sem sinais de falha. Apesar das complicações, o acompanhamento cuidadoso e as intervenções oportunas preservaram a visão com sucesso. O uso de cobertura conjuntival durante a fase inflamatória foi crucial para manter a integridade ocular. Isso destaca a importância de diferentes abordagens em complicações oculares complexas, incluindo estratégias alternativas para proteção ocular durante a inflamação ativa.

Humans , Male , Aged , Corneal Ulcer/surgery , Corneal Ulcer/diagnosis , Corneal Ulcer/etiology , Endophthalmitis/surgery , Endophthalmitis/diagnosis , Endophthalmitis/etiology , Keratoplasty, Penetrating/methods , Phacoemulsification/adverse effects , Postoperative Complications , Dexamethasone/administration & dosage , Amikacin/administration & dosage , Vancomycin/administration & dosage , Visual Acuity , Corneal Ulcer/drug therapy , Endophthalmitis/drug therapy , Slit Lamp Microscopy , Moxifloxacin/administration & dosage
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 81: e0021, 2022. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365728


RESUMO Este artigo descreve dois casos de reação imunológica de rejeição de transplante penetrante após a aplicação de dois tipos de vacina contra a COVID-19 - CoronaVac (Sinopharm/Butantan) e MRNA BNT162&2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) - com intervalo de 1 e 10 dias, respectivamente. A rejeição se manifestou com hiperemia, edema corneano e embaçamento da visão, que responderam rapidamente ao uso de corticoide tópico e subconjuntival. Até onde sabemos, este é o primeiro relato de rejeição de transplante penetrante de córnea pós-vacina anti-COVID-19. Recomendamos, presentemente, como prevenção, colírio de prednisolona a 1% 4 dias antes e durante 2 semanas após receber qualquer tipo de vacina para a COVID-19.

ABSTRACT This paper describes two cases of allograft corneal transplant rejection after the application of two types of COVID-19 vaccines - Coronavac (Sinopharm/Butantan) and MRNA BNT162&2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) vaccines - with an interval of 1 to 10 days, respectively. The rejection manifested in the form of corneal edema, hyperemia and blurred vision, which responded rapidly to the use of topical and subconjunctival corticosteroid. As far as we know, this is the first published report of immunological rejection of penetrating corneal transplant after COVID-19 vaccination. As a preventative measure, we now recommend the use of 1% prednisolone eye drop 4 days before and during 2 weeks after having received any type of COVID-19 vaccine.

Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Keratoplasty, Penetrating/adverse effects , Vaccination/adverse effects , COVID-19 Vaccines/adverse effects , Graft Rejection/etiology , Ophthalmic Solutions , Prednisolone/administration & dosage , Visual Acuity , Corneal Transplantation/adverse effects , Slit Lamp Microscopy , COVID-19 , Graft Rejection/diagnosis , Graft Rejection/prevention & control , Graft Rejection/drug therapy
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 80(1): 63-66, jan.-fev. 2021. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1251317


RESUMO Relato de caso não descrito na literatura oftalmológica nacional de múltiplas camadas da membrana de Descemet. Mulher de 59 anos, pseudofácica, com diagnóstico de ceratopatia bolhosa, foi submetida à ceratoplastia penetrante em olho direito, sendo encontrado achado incomum de multiplicidade de camadas da membrana de Descemet, variáveis em forma e espessura, além de corpos ovoides com coloração de metamina de prata de Gocott-Gomori (GMS) negativa. Como a membrana de Descemet tem no seu desenvolvimento um período fetal e outro pós-natal que frequentemente é bem identificável nos cortes histológicos em adultos. No caso apresentado, em que outras camadas estão presentes, há evidência de corpos esféricos que poderiam significar que a potencialidade de produzir outras camadas pode permanecer na fase adulta mais tardia.

ABSTRACT To relate a case not described previously in the national multilateral ophthalmological literature of Descemet's membrane. A 59-year-old pseudophakic woman diagnosed with bullous keratopathy underwent penetrating keratoplasty with an unusual finding of multiple layers of Descemet's membrane, which were variable in shape and thickness. In addition, ovoid bodies with negative Gocott-Gomori (GMS) color were present. Discussion and Conclusion: As Descemet's membrane has a fetal and a postnatal period in its development, it is frequently and well identifiable in histological sections in adults. In the case presented, in which other layers are present, there is evidence of spherical bodies that could mean that the potential to produce other layers may remain into later adulthood.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Corneal Edema/diagnosis , Keratoplasty, Penetrating/methods , Descemet Membrane/abnormalities , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Diagnosis, Differential , Microscopy/methods
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 80(6): e0049, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1351859


ABSTRACT Objective To identify preoperative clinical characteristics of patients undergoing femtosecond laser-assisted anterior lamellar keratoplasty who failed to achieve optimal postoperative visual outcomes. Methods In this single-center, retrospective case series, patients who underwent femtosecond laser-assisted anterior lamellar keratoplasty between 2013 and 2018 were included if they required graft revision, subsequent corneal procedure, or additional postoperative visits for a femtosecond laser-assisted anterior lamellar keratoplasty-related issue. Visual outcomes assessed included best-corrected visual acuities and postoperative corneal astigmatism. Results Eight eyes of eight patients meeting the above criteria were included. Mean patient age was 64.5 years (range, 21 to 89 years). Mean included preoperative best-corrected visual acuities was one logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (range, 0.3 logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution to counting fingers). Indications for femtosecond laser-assisted anterior lamellar keratoplasty included anterior stromal scarring due to viral keratitis (two cases), bacterial keratitis (one case), chronic epithelial defect (one case), Avellino dystrophy (one case), trauma (one case), and chronic endothelial failure (two cases). Six patients had history of prior intraocular surgeries including phacoemulsification (four cases), pars plana vitrectomy (one case), endothelial keratoplasty (two cases), and trabeculectomy (one case). Mean included best-corrected visual acuities at most recent follow-up was one logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (range zero logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution to hand movements) representing improvement or stability in six of eight patients. Visually significant corneal astigmatism was present in four of eight patients. Post-femtosecond laser-assisted anterior lamellar keratoplasty procedures included graft repositioning, arcuate keratotomy, phacoemulsification, and regraft. Conclusion While femtosecond laser-assisted anterior lamellar keratoplasty offers a less-invasive treatment option compared to penetrating keratoplasty, intraoperative and postoperative management can be complex. Femtosecond laser-assisted anterior lamellar keratoplasty in patients with history of prior endothelial keratoplasty or ongoing ocular comorbidities should be pursued with caution.

RESUMO Objetivo Identificar as características clínicas pré-operatórias de pacientes submetidos à ceratoplastia lamelar anterior assistida por laser de femtossegundo que não alcançaram resultados visuais pós-operatórios ideais. Métodos Nesta série de casos retrospectiva em um único centro, os pacientes submetidos à ceratoplastia lamelar anterior assistida por laser de femtossegundo entre 2013 e 2018 foram incluídos se precisassem de revisão do enxerto, procedimento corneano subsequente ou visitas pós-operatórias adicionais por uma intercorrência relacionada à ceratoplastia lamelar anterior assistida por laser de femtossegundo. Os resultados visuais avaliados incluíram melhor acuidade visual corrigida e astigmatismo pós-operatório da córnea. Resultados Oito olhos de oito pacientes que atenderam aos critérios descritos foram incluídos. A idade média dos pacientes foi de 64,5 anos (variação de 21 a 89). A melhor acuidade visual corrigida pré-operatória média foi de um logaritmo do mínimo ângulo de resolução (variação de 0,3 logaritmo do mínimo ângulo de resolução para contagem de dedos). As indicações para ceratoplastia lamelar anterior assistida por laser de femtossegundo incluíram cicatriz do estroma anterior devido à ceratite viral (dois casos), ceratite bacteriana (um caso), defeito epitelial crônico (um caso), distrofia de Avellino (um caso), trauma (um caso) e insuficiência endotelial crônica (dois casos). Seis pacientes tinham história de cirurgias intraoculares anteriores, incluindo facoemulsificação (quatro casos), vitrectomia via pars plana (um caso), ceratoplastia endotelial (dois casos) e trabeculectomia (um caso). O mínimo ângulo de resolução médio no acompanhamento mais recente foi de um logaritmo do mínimo ângulo de resolução (variação de zero logaritmo do mínimo ângulo de resolução para movimentos das mãos), representando melhora ou estabilidade em seis de oito pacientes. Astigmatismo corneano visualmente significativo estava presente em quatro de oito pacientes. Os procedimentos pós-ceratoplastia lamelar anterior assistida por laser de femtossegundo incluíram reposicionamento do enxerto, ceratotomia arqueada, facoemulsificação e enxerto. Conclusão Embora a ceratoplastia lamelar anterior assistida por laser de femtossegundo ofereça uma opção de tratamento menos invasiva em comparação com a ceratoplastia penetrante, o manejo intra e pós-operatório pode ser complexo. A ceratoplastia lamelar anterior assistida por laser de femtossegundo em pacientes com história de ceratoplastia endotelial anterior ou comorbidades oculares correntes deve ser avaliada com cautela.

Humans , Corneal Transplantation/methods , Cornea/surgery , Postoperative Complications , Refraction, Ocular , Retrospective Studies , Keratoplasty, Penetrating , Treatment Outcome , Corneal Surgery, Laser/methods , Laser Therapy/methods , Keratitis , Lasers
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 80(3): e0001, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1251331


RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever o perfil clínico, cirúrgico e geográfico de pacientes acompanhados em um hospital universitário e submetidos a transplante de tecido corneano penetrante, com descrição das indicações para o procedimento e do tempo médio na fila de espera. Métodos: Estudo transversal e retrospectivo, incluindo 40 olhos de 40 pacientes submetidos à ceratoplastia penetrante no período de 1° de janeiro de 2018 a 31 de dezembro de 2019, acompanhados em um hospital universitário em Alagoas. Os dados foram coletados por meio das fichas de informações cirúrgicas dos transplantes de córnea da Central de Notificação, Captação e Distribuição de Órgãos e Tecidos de Alagoas, adaptados aos objetivos da pesquisa. Resultados: Dos transplantes de córnea estudados, 52,5% (n=21) foram realizados em pacientes do sexo feminino, 62,5% (n=25) na faixa etária acima de 60 anos, com média de idade de 59,17 anos (±20,4). Todos ocorreram em pacientes que residiam no estado de Alagoas, sendo 60% deles na região intermediária de Maceió. As principais indicações para o transplante de córnea foram ceratopatia bolhosa do pseudofácico (n=11; 27,5%), descemetocele (n=9; 22,5%) e falência tardia do enxerto (n=6; 15%). Dentre os procedimentos, 70% foram realizados no olho esquerdo (n=28) e 65%(n=26) com propósito óptico; houve associação de extração de catarata em 22,5% (n=9), e 5% (n=2) apresentaram complicações peroperatórias. O tempo médio geral em lista de espera foi de 332,3 dias (11 meses), sendo 486 dias (2 anos e 4 meses) para cirurgias eletivas e 12,8 dias para as de urgência. Conclusão: O tempo de espera para cirurgias eletivas foi longo e inadequado. A principal condição indicadora para o transplante de córnea foi a ceratopatia bolhosa. O conhecimento do perfil dos transplantes de córnea pode permitir a identificação de grupos de risco para fins de prevenção e implementação de cuidados, que resultem em prognósticos mais favoráveis, bem como incentivar a implementação de políticas internas e externas para melhoria do sistema captação-doação.

ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the clinical, surgical, and geographic profile of patients submitted to corneal transplantation and followed up at a teaching hospital, and, with a description of the indications for the procedure and mean waiting time. Methods: A cross-sectional and retrospective study, including 40 eyes of 40 patients who underwent penetrating keratoplasty, from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2019, followed up at a teaching hospital in Alagoas State. Data were collected using the surgical records of corneal transplants, from the Central Reporting, Procurement and Distribution of Organs and Tissues of Alagoas, and adjusted to the research objectives. Results: Of the corneal transplants studied, 52.5% (n=21) were performed in female patients; 62.5% (n=25) in the age group over 60 years; with a mean age of 59.17 years (± 20.4). All transplanted patients lived in the state of Alagoas, 60% of them in the intermediate metropolitan region of Maceió. The main indications for corneal transplantation were pseudophakic bullous keratopathy (27.5%, n=11), descemetocele (22.5%, n=9) and late graft failure (15%, n=6). Seventy percent (n= 28) of procedures were performed on the left eye and 65% (n=26) for optical purposes. There was an association of cataract extraction in 22.5% (n=9), and 5% (n=2) had perioperative complications. The mean waiting list time was 332.3 days (11 months); in that, 486 days (2 years and 4 months) for elective surgeries and 12.8 days for emergency surgeries. Conclusion: The waiting time for elective surgeries was long and inappropriate. The major indication for corneal transplantation was bullous keratopathy. Knowledge of the clinical profile of corneal transplants can enable identifying the risk groups for prevention and implementation of care, resulting in better prognosis, fostering implementation of internal and external policies to improve the procurement-donation system.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Corneal Transplantation/methods , Keratoplasty, Penetrating/methods , Corneal Diseases/epidemiology , Hospitals, University , Brazil , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies
ABCS health sci ; 45(Supl. 3): e020105, 10 June 2020. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1252375


INTRODUCTION: Toxic Anterior Segment Syndrome (TASS) after cataract surgery may cause severe corneal decompensation that compromises corneal transparency and may require penetrating corneal keratoplasty to improve visual acuity. OBJECTIVE: We evaluated the postoperative complications of patients who underwent penetrating corneal transplantation for severe corneal decompensation secondary to TASS after cataract surgery, such as persistent epithelial defect, glaucoma, and primary and secondary transplant button failure. We will also evaluate pre- and postoperative visual acuity, graft survival time, and the presence of anterior chamber disorganization. METHODS: Retrospective observational study in which a review of medical records of 9 patients diagnosed with TASS after cataract surgery who underwent penetrating corneal keratoplasty will occur. RESULTS: In the present study all operated patients had glaucoma after penetrating corneal transplantation, and this presence of glaucoma was not correlated with graft survival time and with any other parameter evaluated. The presence of persistent epithelial defect correlated negatively with visual acuity. CONCLUSION: Postoperative complications of penetrating corneal transplantation in patients with TASS were frequent, such as glaucoma, primary and secondary button failure and persistent epithelial defect. The only complication that compromised visual acuity was the persistent epithelial defect. All patients evolved with glaucoma.

Humans , Male , Female , Postoperative Complications , Cataract Extraction/adverse effects , Keratoplasty, Penetrating/adverse effects , Anterior Eye Segment , Postoperative Period , Syndrome , Retrospective Studies , Corneal Diseases
Rev. medica electron ; 42(3): 1889-1899, mayo.-jun. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1127049


RESUMEN La queratoplastia penetrante ha sido el procedimiento empleado, de forma casi universal, para el tratamiento de las patologías corneales que afectan de forma irreversible a la visión. Se reportaron 4 casos clínicos de pacientes con afecciones corneales con compromiso visual severo, dado por visión de cuenta dedos y percepción luminosa. Luego de la evaluación completa en cada caso, se decidió realizar la queratoplastia penetrante con fines ópticos, con el objetivo de recuperar la transparencia de la córnea y la calidad visual. No existieron complicaciones transquirúrgicas y fueron seguidos según protocolo de evaluación postoperatoria de trasplante corneal. Los resultados y evaluación fueron satisfactorios, al año mantenían la transparencia del injerto y se logró mejoría considerable de la agudeza visual (AU).

ABSTRACT Penetrating keratoplasty has been a procedure used, almost universally, to treat corneal diseases affecting vision in an irreversible way. Four clinical cases are reported of patients with corneal affections severely compromising vision, given by short vision and luminous perception. After completely evaluating each case, the authors decided to perform the penetrant keratoplasty with optical aims, to recover cornea transparency and the vision quality. There were not transurgical complications and the patients were followed up according to the protocols of post-surgery evaluation of corneal graft. The results and evaluation were satisfactory; after a year, the transparency of the graft was maintained and visual acuity substantially improved (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Corneal Transplantation/methods , Keratoplasty, Penetrating/methods , Corneal Diseases/surgery , Ophthalmology , Vision, Ocular/physiology , Corneal Diseases/diagnosis , Corneal Perforation/surgery , Corneal Perforation/diagnosis , Keratoconus/surgery , Keratoconus/diagnosis
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; Arq. bras. oftalmol;83(2): 98-102, Mar.-Apr. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1088974


ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate causes and management of congenital corneal opacities (CCO) diagnosed in a tertiary care eye center and to compare the data with a previous study at the same institution. Methods: Computerized medical records in all patients with congenital corneal opacities diagnosed in the Cornea Service at Wills Eye Hospital (Philadelphia, PA) between January 1, 2007, and December 31, 2015, were retrospectively reviewed. Children aged 12 years and younger at the first visit were included in the study. Patients' demographics, ocular diagnosis, laterality, associated ocular abnormalities, other ocular surgery performed prior or subsequent to the first visit, and their treatment were extracted from the medical records. Results: A total of 77 eyes in 56 patients were examined. The mean age at presentation was 32.8 ± 44.2 months, with the mean follow-up period of 26.7 ± 30.1 months. The most frequent diagnosis was Peters anomaly (53.2%), followed by limbal dermoid (13.0%), aniridia with glaucoma and microphthalmos (6.5%), sclerocornea and congenital glaucoma (5.2%), idiopathic (3.9%), Axenfeld-Rieger anomaly and Hurler syndrome (2.6%), and microcornea (1.3%). Primary keratoplasty was performed in 26 eyes, with the outcome rate in the clear cornea of 76.0% during the follow-up. Conclusion: Peters anomaly is the most common cause of congenital corneal opacities encountered at our institution. Penetrating keratoplasty is the most frequent choice of corneal surgery to treat congenital corneal opacities. Additional interventions during penetrating keratoplasty were moderately positively correlated with graft failure. This study also shows the rates of some etiologies of that changed over the recent decades in our tertiary care Cornea Service. Although Peters anomaly remains the most common presenting reason for congenital corneal opacities, its rate appears to be increasing over the recent decade. Congenital corneal opacities due to birth trauma, which is one of the preventable causes, were observed in a previous study in our clinic; however, no new cases were noted in this study.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar as causas e o controle das opa cidades corneanas congênitas diagnosticadas em um centro oftal mológico de atendimento terciário e comparar os dados com um estudo anterior realizado na mesma instituição. Métodos: Prontuários médicos informatizados de todos os pacientes com opacidade corneana congênita diagnosticada no Serviço de Córnea no Wills Eye Hospital (Filadélfia, PA) entre 1º de ja neiro de 2007 e 31 de dezembro de 2015 foram revisados retrospectivamente. Crianças com 12 anos ou menos na primeira consulta foram incluídas no estudo. A demografia dos pacientes, o diagnóstico ocular, a lateralidade, as anormalidades oculares associadas, outras cirurgias oculares realizadas antes ou após a primeira consulta e o tratamento foram extraídos dos prontuários médicos. Resultados: Um total de 77 olhos de 56 pacientes foi examinado. A idade média de apresentação foi de 32,8 ± 44,2 meses, com um tempo médio de acompanhamento de 26,7 ± 30,1 meses. O diagnóstico mais frequente foi anomalia de Peters (53,2%), seguido por dermóide límbico (13,0%), aniridia com glaucoma e microftalmia (6,5%), esclerocórnea e glaucoma congênito (5,2%), idiopático (3,9%), síndrome de Axenfeld-Rieger e síndrome de Hurler (2,6%) e microcórnea (1,3%). Ceratoplastia primária foi realizada em 26 olhos, com desfecho de córnea clara de 76,0% durante o acompanhamento. Conclusão: A anomalia de Peters é a causa mais comum de opacidade corneana congênita encontrada em nossa instituição. A ceratoplastia penetrante é a escolha mais frequente de cirurgia corneana para o tratamento de opacidades corneanas congênitas. Intervenções adicionais durante a ceratoplastia penetrante foram moderadamente correlacionadas positivamente com a falha do enxerto. Este estudo também mostra as taxas de algumas etiologias do que mudou ao longo faz últimas décadas em nosso serviço de córnea de atendimento terciário. Embora a anomalia de Peters continue a ser a causa mais comum das opacidades congênitas da córnea, sua taxa parece estar aumentando na última década. Opacidades congênitas da córnea devido a trauma no nascimento, que é uma das causas evitáveis, foram observadas em um estudo anterior em nossa clínica; no entanto, nenhum caso novo foi observado neste estudo.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Corneal Opacity/surgery , Corneal Opacity/congenital , Tertiary Care Centers , Eye Diseases, Hereditary/complications , Eye Abnormalities/complications , Glaucoma/complications , Medical Records , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Keratoplasty, Penetrating/methods , Treatment Outcome , Statistics, Nonparametric , Cornea/abnormalities , Cornea/pathology , Corneal Diseases/complications , Corneal Opacity/complications , Anterior Eye Segment/abnormalities
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 33(1): e837, ene.-mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126717


RESUMEN Objetivo: Identificar el resultado óptico o terapéutico de la queratoplastia penetrante en pacientes con queratopatía herpética. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación descriptiva, transversal, donde se expusieron los resultados del alcance de la queratoplastia penetrante por queratopatía herpética, operados en el Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico "Hermanos Ameijeiras", de La Habana. Resultados: La muestra fue de 33 queratoplastias penetrantes. Con fines ópticos sumaron 24 (72,7 por ciento) y tectónicas 9 (27,3 por ciento). En 5 de estas la agudeza visual fue menor o igual a 0,3. En el total de la muestra, 9 opacificaron, 11 sufrieron complicaciones posquirúrgicas, 8 recurrieron en queratoplastias penetrantes ópticas y 6 en queratoplastias penetrantes terapéuticas. Se rechazaron 7 queratoplastias penetrantes ópticas (33,3 por ciento) y 4 queratoplastias penetrantes terapéuticas (4 por ciento). Presentaron complicaciones 5 (25 por ciento) con queratoplastias penetrantes ópticas y 6 (55,6 por ciento) con queratoplastias penetrantes terapéuticas. En el posquirúrgico 22 (66,6 por ciento) tenían agudeza visual mayor o igual a 0,3 (p= 0,0000). Conclusiones: La inactividad de la enfermedad viral corneal beneficia el pronóstico del injerto por queratopatía herpética en las opacidades de las queratoplastias con fines ópticos. Queda demostrado que el uso de antivirales pre y posoperatorios disminuye la recidiva de la enfermedad herpética sobre el injerto y el rechazo, al lograr mejor agudeza visual y mayor viabilidad. La severidad inflamatoria posquirúrgica se asocia con la enfermedad viral activa o afección de origen inmune al realizar el trasplante, conexos a las complicaciones post queratoplastia(AU)

ABSTRACT Objective: Identify the optical or therapeutic outcome of penetrating keratoplasty in patients with herpetic keratopathy. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in which a presentation was made of the results of the scope of penetrating keratoplasties for herpetic keratopathy performed at Hermanos Ameijeiras Clinical Surgical Hospital in Havana. Results: The sample was 33 penetrating keratoplasties: 24 optical (72.7 percent) and 9 tectonic (27.3 percent). Visual acuity was lower than or equal to 0.3 in 5 of them. Of the total sample, 9 opacified, 11 had postoperative complications, 8 recurred in optical penetrating keratoplasties, and 6 in therapeutic penetrating keratoplasties. Rejection occurred in 7 optical penetrating keratoplasties (33.3 percent) and 4 therapeutic penetrating keratoplasties (4%). Complications were observed in 5 (25 percent) optical penetrating keratoplasties and 6 (55.6 percent) therapeutic penetrating keratoplasties. In the postoperative period 22 (66.6 percent) had a visual acuity greater than or equal to 0.3 (p= 0.0000). Conclusions: Inactivity of corneal viral disease benefits the prognosis of grafting due to herpetic keratopathy in opacities of optical keratoplasties. Pre- and postoperative antivirals were found to reduce the recurrence of herpetic disease on the graft and rejection, achieving better visual acuity and greater viability. Postoperative inflammatory severity is associated to an active viral disease or an immune disorder at the time of the grafting resulting in post keratoplasty complications(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Antiviral Agents/administration & dosage , Postoperative Complications/therapy , Corneal Transplantation/adverse effects , Keratoplasty, Penetrating/adverse effects , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 33(1): e829, ene.-mar. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126718


RESUMEN Objetivo: Comparar los resultados visuales de la queratoplastia lamelar anterior profunda versus la queratoplastia penetrante en el tratamiento quirúrgico del queratocono. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio analítico longitudinal prospectivo en 81 pacientes con queratocono, operados de queratoplastia penetrante y queratoplastia lamelar anterior profunda entre los años 2014 y 2018. Se evaluó la edad, el sexo, la agudeza visual corregida, la esfera, el cilindro y el equivalente esférico. Resultados: La media de edad en operados de queratoplastia lamelar anterior profunda fue 27,5 ± 10,0 años, y 33,2 ± 12,9 años en operados de queratoplastia penetrante. En ambos grupos predominó el sexo masculino: 62,5 por ciento en el grupo de queratoplastia lamelar anterior profunda y 63,3 por ciento en el de queratoplastia penetrante. La agudeza visual corregida poscirugía en operados de queratoplastia lamelar anterior profunda fue 0,8 ± 0,19; el cilindro refractivo -3,50 ± 1,50; el equivalente esférico -6,07 ± 3,61, SimK1 de 46,37 ± 2,47 dioptrías y SimK2, 43,05 ± 2,47 dioptrías. En la queratoplastia penetrante, la agudeza visual corregida fue 0,68 ± 0,19; el cilindro refractivo -2,77 ± 0,98 dioptrías; el equivalente esférico -3,68 ± 1,56 dioptrías, SimK1 y SimK2 de 44,58 ± 2,77 dioptrías y 41,40 ± 2,93 dioptrías respectivamente. Conclusiones: Los resultados refractivos son similares en ambas técnicas quirúrgicas(AU)

ABSTRACT Objective: Compare the visual results of deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty versus penetrating keratoplasty in the surgical treatment of keratoconus. Methods: A longitudinal analytical prospective study was carried out in 81 patients with keratoconus, operated of penetrating keratoplasty and deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty between the years 2014 and 2018. The variables analyzed were the age, the sex, the corrected visual sharpness, the sphere, the cylinder and the spherical equivalent. Results: The average of age in operated patients of deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty was 27,5 ± 10,0 years, and 33,2 ± 12,9 years in operated of penetrating keratoplasty. In both groups the masculine sex predominated: 62,5 percent in the group of deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty and 63,3 percent in penetrating keratoplasty. The corrected visual sharpness in operated of queratoplastia lamelar previous deep was 0,8 ± 0,19; the refractive cylinder -3,50 ± 1,50; the spherical equivalent -6,07 ± 3,61, SimK1 of 46,37 ± 2,47 dioptres and SimK2, 43,05 ± 2,47 dioptres. In the penetrating keratoplasty, the corrected visual sharpness was 0,68 ± 0,19; the refractive cylinder -2,77 ± 0,98 dioptres; the spherical equivalent -3,68 ± 1,56 dioptres, SimK1 and SimK2 of 44,58 ± 2,77 dioptres and 41,40 ± 2,93 dioptres respectively. Conclusions: The refractive results are similar in both surgical technicians(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Visual Acuity/immunology , Corneal Transplantation/methods , Keratoplasty, Penetrating/methods , Keratoconus/diagnosis , Prospective Studies , Longitudinal Studies
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 33(1): e828, ene.-mar. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126720


RESUMEN Objetivo: Comparar las complicaciones de la queratoplastia lamelar anterior profunda y la queratoplastia penetrante en el tratamiento quirúrgico del queratocono. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio analítico longitudinal prospectivo en 81 pacientes operados de queratoplastia con diagnóstico de queratocono. Las variables analizadas fueron el cilindro, el componente esférico, la densidad celular y las complicaciones en el pre- y en el posoperatorio. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó la prueba t de Student para la comparación de medias para datos pareados en el caso de dos valores promedios. Resultados: En el paciente operado de queratoplastia lamelar anterior profunda el cilindro fue -3,50 ± 1,50; y en la queratoplastia penetrante el resultado fue de -2,77 ± 0,98. La densidad celular posoperatoria fue de 2 333,6 cel/mm2 en la queratoplastia lamelar anterior profunda y de 2 269,3 cel/mm2 en la queratoplastia penetrante. En la queratoplastia lamelar anterior profunda el 75 por ciento evolucionó sin complicaciones, y el 82,7 por ciento presentó queratoplastia penetrante. Las complicaciones más frecuentes para la queratoplastia lamelar anterior profunda fueron la microperforación, el glaucoma secundario y el síndrome de Urretz-Zavalia (12,5 por ciento cada uno) y en la queratoplastia penetrante el rechazo endotelial (18,2 por ciento) y el defecto epitelial (9,1 por ciento). Conclusiones: En la queratoplastia lamelar anterior profunda la pérdida celular endotelial es más lenta en el primer año y las complicaciones son escasas(AU)

ABSTRACT Objetive: Compare the complications of deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty and penetrating keratoplasty in the surgical treatment of keratoconus. Methods: An analytical prospective longitudinal study was conducted of 81 patients undergoing keratoplasty and diagnosed with keratoconus. The variables analyzed were cylinder, spherical component, cell density, and preoperative and postoperative complications. Statistical analysis was based on Student's t-test for comparison of means for paired data in the event of two average values. Results: Cylinder was -3.50 ± 1.50 for deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty and -2.77 ± 0.98 for penetrating keratoplasty. Postoperative cell density was 2 333.6 cell/mm2 for deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty and 2 269.3 cell/mm2 for penetrating keratoplasty. 75 percent of the patients undergoing deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty and 82.7 percent of those undergoing penetrating keratoplasty evolved without any complication. The most common complications were microperforation, secondary glaucoma and Urretz-Zavalia syndrome (12.5 percent each) for deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty, and endothelial rejection (18.2 percent) and epithelial defect (9.1 percent) for penetrating keratoplasty. Conclusions: In deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty endothelial cell loss is slower in the first year and complications are scant(AU)

Humans , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Corneal Transplantation/adverse effects , Keratoplasty, Penetrating/adverse effects , Keratoconus/diagnosis , Prospective Studies , Longitudinal Studies
Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 77(1): 23-27, ene.-feb. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153225


Abstract Background: Penetrating keratoplasty (PK) is a challenging surgical ocular procedure indicated for some pediatric patients with vision-threatening corneal disease damage. Pediatric PK is reserved for cases with advanced pathology or dysfunction as rejection and failure rates greatly supersede the rates of adult PK. The objective was to identify factors associated with graft rejection and failure amongst Mexican children undergoing primary PK for different indications. Methods: A retrospective review of consecutive pediatric PK medical records was conducted between 2001 and 2015 at the Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez. Graft survival was calculated using the Kaplan–Meier survival method. Results: During the 15 years of study, 67 eyes of 57 patients underwent PK. The mean age at the time of surgery was 11 years. The mean follow-up duration was 44 months. Keratoconus was the most common indication for PK (61%) followed by herpetic keratitis (15%) and other corneal dystrophies (10%). Mean graft survival time was 45.6 months (95% confidence interval 31.8-58.4 months, standard deviation = 0.069), with a survival rate of 70% at 1 year. Univariate Cox proportional hazard showed that being < 9 years of age at the time of the surgery (p = 0.023) and corneal dystrophies (p = 0.04) were prognostic factors for corneal rejection. Five eyes of five patients developed graft failure. Conclusions: Pediatric PK patients commonly experience graft rejection, which need to be promptly diagnosed and treated to minimize permanent damage. The age at the time of surgery and congenital corneal opacities is factors associated with a higher risk of rejection and failure.

Resumen Introducción: La queratoplastia penetrante (QP) es un procedimiento quirúrgico indicado en algunos pacientes pediátricos con daño corneal con riesgo de fracaso que amenaza la visión. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue identificar los factores asociados a rechazo y fallo del injerto corneal en niños sometidos a QP. Métodos: Serie de casos de pacientes sometidos a QP en el Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez entre 2001 y 2015. La sobrevida del injerto fue calculada por el método de estimación de la función de supervivencia Kaplan–Meier. Resultados: Durante 15 años de estudio, 67 ojos de 57 pacientes fueron sometidos a QP. El promedio de edad de los pacientes al tiempo de la cirugía fue de 11 años. El seguimiento promedio fue de 44 meses. El queratocono fue la indicación más común de QP (61%), seguido de queratitis herpética (15%) y otras distrofias corneales (10%). El tiempo promedio de sobrevida fue 45.6% (intervalo de confianza [IC] 95%: 31.8-58.4 meses, desviación estándar [DS] = 0.069), con una tasa de sobrevida del 70% a 1 año. El riesgo proporcional de Cox univariado mostró que una edad < 9 años al momento de la cirugía (p = 0.023) y distrofias corneales (p = 0.04) son factores pronóstico para el rechazo corneal. Cinco ojos de cinco pacientes desarrollaron falla del injerto. Conclusiones: El rechazo del injerto en QP en pacientes pediátricos es común y puede ser resuelto satisfactoriamente en casi todos los casos con diagnóstico y tratamiento. La edad al momento de la cirugía y las opacidades corneales congénitas son factores asociados con el rechazo y fallo.

Adolescent , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Male , Keratoplasty, Penetrating/methods , Corneal Diseases/surgery , Graft Rejection/epidemiology , Graft Survival , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Follow-Up Studies , Age Factors , Mexico
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-738588


PURPOSE: We report a case of herpes simplex keratitis after Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK). CASE SUMMARY: A 67-year-old male underwent DMEK in his left eye due to pseudophakic bullous keratopathy. One week after DMEK, re-bubbling was performed due to partial detachment of Descemet's membrane at the corneal periphery. After re-bubbling, the cornea remained clear and the patient's visual acuity gradually improved. Two months after DMEK, the patient presented with mild discomfort and decreased visual acuity. The cornea showed an irregular, narrow dendrite with an epithelial defect and surrounding opacity. After confirming that Descemet's membrane was attached, the patient was started on oral valacyclovir for suspected herpes keratitis. Herpes simplex virus type 1 was eventually identified by polymerase chain reaction. The corneal lesion resolved after three weeks of antiviral treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Similar to penetrating keratoplasty, DMEK can trigger outbreaks of herpes simplex keratitis. Herpes simplex keratitis should remain on the clinician's differential diagnosis for patients who present with a corneal epithelial irregularity and decreased visual acuity following DMEK.

Aged , Humans , Male , Cornea , Corneal Transplantation , Dendrites , Descemet Membrane , Diagnosis, Differential , Disease Outbreaks , Herpes Simplex , Herpesvirus 1, Human , Keratitis , Keratitis, Herpetic , Keratoplasty, Penetrating , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Visual Acuity
Rev. Soc. Colomb. Oftalmol ; 52(1): 8-15, 2019. ilus., tab.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1026287


Introducción: el trasplante de córnea es el injerto mas frecuente en el campo de la medicina; las técnicas para realizarlo han evolucionado permitiendo hacer procedimientos menos invasivos, con menor riesgo de rechazo del injerto y con una recuperación más rápida. La escasez de donantes para realizar trasplantes de córnea, genera una limitación terapéutica muy importante en el campo de la patología corneal. Objetivo: Reportar las Indicaciones y Técnicas empleadas en los Trasplantes de Córnea, en una institución privada con atención terciaria en Oftalmología en Bogotá, Colombia. Diseño del Estudio: Estudio transversal de fuentes secundarias. Método: Se hizo un estudio transversal, con las historias clínicas electrónicas de los pacientes operados con algún tipo de trasplante de córnea, en la Clínica Barraquer de América en el periodo comprendido desde Enero del 2010 a Diciembre del 2018 Resultados: Las cuatro primeras Indicaciones para Trasplantes de córnea fueron: 1) Ectasias Corneales 38.27% 2) Descompensación corneal 20.88% 3) Reposición de Injerto 17.72% 4) Leucomas Cicatriciales 16.22%. Las técnicas empleadas fueron Injerto Penetrante el 54.11% - Injertos Laminares (43.52%) con un 17.25% de Injertos Endoteliales. Conclusión: Existen diferencias en la frecuencia de las Indicaciones para trasplante de córnea según la región del país y también respecto a las publicaciones internacionales. El Queratocono fue la indicación mas frecuente. La Queratoplastia Penetrante la técnica más frecuente como procedimiento primario, pero también como técnica alternativa debido a la falta de oportunidad para realizar el trasplante.

Background: corneal transplant is the most frequent graft in the fi eld of medicine; the techniques to carry it out have evolved allowing to make less invasive procedures, with less risk of rejection of the graft and with a faster recovery. The shortage of donors to perform corneal transplants generates a very important therapeutic limitation in the field of corneal pathology.. Objective: To report the Indications and surgical techniques in Corneal Transplants in a tertiary referral center and private Ophthalmological clinic in Bogotá-ColombiaStudy Design: Cross sectional study using secondary data. Method: A cross sectional study was performed with the electronic clinical records of the patients that had a corneal graft of any kind during the period between January 2010 and December 2018 at the Barraquer Clinic in América. Results: The top four indications for corneal transplantation were: 1) Corneal Ectasias 38.27% - 2) Bullous Keratopathy 20.88% ­ 3) Re-Graft 17.72% and 4) Leucomas 16.22%. Penetrating Keratoplasty was the most common indication (54.11%) followed by Lamellar Techniques 43.52% of which Endothelial keratoplasty was performed in 17.25%. Conclusion: Corneal transplant indications and its frequency, are different between country regions in Colombia and towards international reviews. For us, Keratoconus was the most frequent indication. and Penetrating Keratoplasty, the most frequent technique as a primary procedure, but also as an alternative technique due to the lack of opportunity to perform the transplant.

Corneal Transplantation , Keratoplasty, Penetrating/methods , Keratoconus/surgery
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 27: e3141, 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1004242


Objetivo identificar as principais complicações intraoperatórias dos pacientes que realizaram ceratoplastias e sua relação com fatores clínicos e cirúrgicos. Método estudo transversal, observacional. Realizou-se um censo dos pacientes submetidos a ceratoplastias que totalizou 258 procedimentos. Resultados foram registradas 22 complicações intraoperatórias, todas em ceratoplastias penetrantes. Do total, 59,09% foram realizadas em pacientes do sexo masculino com idade média de 58,5 anos. A principal complicação intraoperatória notificada foi a perda vítrea (36,36%). Encontrou-se relação estatisticamente significativa entre a variável "complicação intraoperatória" e as variáveis "cirurgia prévia", "ceratoplastia combinada com extração de catarata" e "botão corneano do receptor maior que 8,0 mm". Conclusão identificar as principais complicações intraoperatórias da ceratoplastia possibilita à enfermagem compreender quais fatores podem interferir nesses procedimentos, apontar possíveis fatores preditores das complicações e buscar medidas de controles para que tais complicações não ocorram.

Objective to identify the main intraoperative complications of patients who underwent keratoplasty and relationship between these complications and clinical and surgical factors. Method cross-sectional observational study. A census of the patients submitted to keratoplasty was carried out, which totaled 258 procedures. Results twenty-two intraoperative complications were recorded, all in penetrating keratoplasty surgeries, of which 59.09% were performed in male patients with a mean age of 58.5 years. The main intraoperative complication was vitreous loss (36.36%). A statistically significant relationship was found between the variable "intraoperative complication" and the variables "previous surgery", "combined keratoplasty and cataract extraction" and "corneal host button greater than 8.0 mm". Conclusion identifying the main intraoperative complications of keratoplasty enables nurses to understand which factors may interfere with these procedures, point out possible predictors of complications, and seek control measures so that such complications do not occur.

Objetivo identificar las principales complicaciones intraoperatorias de los pacientes que realizaron queratoplastias y su relación con factores clínicos y quirúrgicos. Método estudio transversal, observacional. Se realizó un censo de los pacientes sometidos a las queratoplastias que tuvo un total de 258 procedimientos. Resultados fueron registradas 22 complicaciones intraoperatorias, todas en queratoplastias penetrantes. Del total, 59,09% fueron realizadas en pacientes del sexo masculino con edad media de 58,5 años. La principal complicación intraoperatoria notificada fue la pérdida vítrea (36,36%). Fue encontrada relación estadísticamente significativa entre la variable "complicación intraoperatoria" y las variables "cirugía previa", "queratoplastia combinada con extracción de catarata" y "botón corneal del receptor mayor que 8,0 mm". Conclusión identificar las principales complicaciones intraoperatorias de la queratoplastia posibilita a la enfermería comprender cuáles factores pueden interferir en estos procedimientos, apuntar posibles factores predictores de las complicaciones y buscar medidas de controles para que tales complicaciones no ocurran.

Humans , Corneal Transplantation/rehabilitation , Keratoplasty, Penetrating/methods , Intraoperative Complications , Cataract Extraction , Cornea/physiology , Eye/anatomy & histology
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 34(6): 1758-1764, nov.-dec. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-968975


With the development of new surgical techniques, instrumentation and pharmacological advances, corneal transplant procedures can undergo changes directly in the clinical profile of patients with the indication for penetrating keratoplasty technique. The aim of this study was to identify the clinical profile of patients undergoing penetrating keratoplasty and the main indicating conditions at a university hospital in Northeast Brazil. This is an epidemiological, cross-sectional, descriptive study performed using data from medical records of 241 patients who underwent keratoplasty between January/2010 and December/2014. From the total keratoplasties performed in the hospital during the study period, 88.37% were carried out by penetrating technique. Of these, 50.44% were performed in male patients with an average age of 55.2 years. The main indications were keratoconus, followed by bullous keratopathy and keratitis. Preexisting clinical conditions for penetrating keratoplasty were found, such as changes in vascularization, glaucoma, previous surgery, aphakic and pseudophakic eyes and keratoplasties combined with other types of surgeries. Knowledge of the clinical profile of patients who underwent penetrating keratoplasty enabled identification of the main ocular diagnoses that result in this type of transplant as a therapeutic indication. From this, it is possible to point out the main pre-existing medical conditions of penetrating keratoplasty that may represent potential risk factors for complications in the postoperative period and even lead to graft failure. We suggest that further studies be carried out on a thematic.

Com o desenvolvimento de novas técnicas cirúrgicas, de instrumentação e avanços farmacológicos, os procedimentos de transplantes de córneas podem sofrer mudanças diretamente no perfil clínico dos pacientes com indicação para realização da técnica de ceratoplastia penetrante. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar o perfil clínico dos pacientes submetidos à ceratoplastia penetrante e principais condições indicadoras em um Hospital Universitário da região nordeste brasileira. Trata de um estudo epidemiológico, transversal, descritivo, realizado com dados de prontuários de 241 pacientes submetidos às Ceratoplastias no período de janeiro/2010 a dezembro/2015. Do total de ceratoplastias realizadas no serviço no período estudado, 88,37% foram realizadas pela técnica penetrante. Destas, 50,44% foram realizadas em pacientes do sexo masculino, com uma média de idade de 55,2 anos. As principais indicações foram o ceratocone, seguido pelas ceratopatia bolhosa e ceratite. Foram encontradas condições clínicas preexistentes às ceratoplastias penetrantes, como alterações de vascularização, glaucoma, cirurgia prévia, olhos afácicos e pseudofácicos e ceratoplastias combinadas com outros tipos de cirurgias. O conhecimento do perfil clínico dos pacientes submetidos às ceratoplastias penetrantes possibilita identificar os principais diagnósticos oculares que resultam nesse tipo de transplante como indicação terapêutica. A partir dele é possível apontar as principais condições clínicas preexistentes à ceratoplastia penetrante que podem representar potenciais fatores de risco para complicações no período pós-operatório e até mesmo levar a falência do enxerto realizado. Novos estudos sobre a temática devem ser considerados

Health Profile , Cross-Sectional Studies , Keratoplasty, Penetrating , Cataract Extraction , Glaucoma , Corneal Transplantation
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 77(6): 342-344, nov.-dez. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-985315


Resumo Objetivo: Descrever o perfil epidemiológico, avaliar as complicações e a melhora da acuidade visual em pacientes submetidos a ceratoplastia penetrante na Policlínica de Botafogo-RJ. Métodos: Estudo transversal e retrospectivo, realizado no período de janeiro/2014 a abril/2018, com revisão de 27 prontuários de pacientes submetidos a transplante. Resultado: Dos 27 pacientes avaliados, 15 (55,5%) do sexo masculino e 12 (44,5%) eram do sexo feminino. A média de idade foi 46,7 (Dp 20,2). As indicações para realização de transplante foram úlcera de córnea 6 (22,2%), ceratocone 5 (18,5%), ceratopatia bolhosa 5 (18,5%), ceratopatia em faixa 2 (7,4%), leucoma 2 (7,4%), rejeição, 2 (7,4%), falência primária 1 (3,7%), recidiva da infecção 1 (3,7%), ectasia corneana pós LASIK 1 (3,7%), descemetocele 1 (3,7%) e distrofia granular 1 (3,7%). As principais complicações 4 (26,6%) foram a ocorrência de glaucoma e catarata. Em relação a acuidade visual, no período pré transplante 22 (81.5%) dos pacientes apresentavam a melhor AV corrigida pior ou igual a 20/400. No pós-operatório apenas 9 (33.3%) se mantiveram com a melhor AV corrigida pior ou igual a 20/400. Conclusão: Estudos dessa natureza nos permite o aprimoramento cirúrgico, acompanhamento pós-operatório e cuidado com os pacientes.

Abstract Objective: To describe the epidemiological profile, complications and visual acuity improvement in patients submitted to penetrating keratoplasty in the Policlínica de Botafogo-RJ. Methods: Cross - sectional and retrospective study, carried out from January 2014 to April 2018, with review of 27 charts of patients submitted to transplantation. Results: Of the 27 patients evaluated, 15 (55.5%) were male and 12 (44.5%) were female. Mean age was 46.7 (DP 20.2). The indications for transplantation were corneal ulcer 6 (22.2%), keratoconus 5 (18.5%), bullous keratopathy 5 (18.5%), keratopathy in lane 2 (7.4%), leukoma 2 (7.4%), rejection, 2 (7.4%), primary failure 1 (3.7%), recurrence of infection 1 (3.7%), corneal ectasia after LASIK 1 (3.7%), descemetocele 1 (3.7%) and granular dystrophy 1 (3.7%). The main complications 4 (26.6%) were the occurrence of glaucoma and cataract. Regarding visual acuity, in the pre-transplant period 22 (81.5%) of the patients had the best corrected VA worse than or equal to 20/400. Conclusion: Studies of this nature allow us to improve surgical, postoperative follow-up and patient care.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Postoperative Complications , Corneal Transplantation/adverse effects , Corneal Transplantation/statistics & numerical data , Keratoplasty, Penetrating/adverse effects , Keratoplasty, Penetrating/statistics & numerical data , Quality of Life , Health Profile , Visual Acuity , Medical Records , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Eye Health Services
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 31(2)abr.-jun. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1508344


Objetivo: describir los factores que infuyen en la aparición del rechazo al trasplante en los pacientes operados de queratoplastia penetrante óptica, en el 1er. año de evolución. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, cuyo universo estuvo constituido por todos los pacientes operados de queratoplastia penetrante óptica en el período comprendido de enero del año 2010 a enero de 2014, quienes fueron sometidos a esta cirugía y que presentaron rechazo al trasplante en el primer año después de operados. Se determinaron los factores pre y transoperatorios, el tiempo de presentación del rechazo, las manifestaciones clínicas y la remisión con tratamiento médico. Resultados: la edad media de presentación fue de 57,34 años, predominio del sexo masculino y procedencia rural. La vascularización en el receptor tuvo mayor porcentaje de presentación, seguido por rechazo previo, afaquia, glaucoma y la utilización de trépanos > 8 mm. Los factores transoperatorios fueron la vitrectomía anterior y la pupiloplastia. La queratopatía bullosa y el leucoma posúlcera fueron los diagnósticos preoperatorios más frecuentes en los casos con rechazo. El tiempo de aparición de este varió entre 7,1 y 10,9 meses. Las manifestaciones clínicas fueron la pérdida de la agudeza visual y el dolor. La remisión del rechazo fue del 87,50 por ciento con diagnóstico preoperatorio de queratocono; 81,82 por ciento con queratopatía bullosa y 80,00 por ciento con leucoma postrauma. Conclusiones: los factores oculares más relevantes en pacientes con rechazo al trasplante fueron la vascularización corneal, el rechazo previo, la afaquia y el glaucoma entre los factores preoperatorios, y la vitrectomía anterior y la pupiloplastia entre los factores transoperatorios(AU)

Objective: describe the factors influencing the appearance of graft rejection in patients undergoing penetrating keratoplasty during the first year of evolution. Methods: a retrospective descriptive study was conducted whose universe was composed of all the patients undergoing penetrating keratoplasty from January 2010 to January 2014 who developed graft rejection within the first year after surgery. Determination was made of pre- and perioperative factors, time of appearance of the rejection, clinical manifestations and remission with medical treatment. Results: mean age at presentation was 57.34 years, with a predominance of the male sex and rural origin. Vascularization in recipients exhibited a higher percentage of presentation, followed by previous rejection, aphakia, glaucoma and the use of trephines > 8 mm. The perioperative factors were anterior vitrectomy and pupilloplasty. Bullous keratopathy and post-ulcer leucoma were the most common preoperative diagnoses in rejection cases. The time of appearance of rejection ranged from 7.1 to 10.9 months. The clinical manifestations were visual acuity loss and pain. Rejection remission was 87.50 percent with a preoperative diagnosis of keratoconus, 81.82 percent bullous keratopathy and 80.00 percent post-traumatic leucoma. Conclusions: the most relevant preoperative factors in patients with graft rejection were corneal vascularization, previous rejection, aphakia and glaucoma. The most relevant perioperative factors were anterior vitrectomy and pupilloplasty(AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Keratoplasty, Penetrating/adverse effects , Keratoconus/diagnosis , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies