Wunderlich syndrome is a rare and life-threatening disease characterized by nontraumatic renal hemorrhage in the subscapular and perinephritic space. It is a very rare clinical entity in pregnancy and so far there is no clear guidance on how to manage this condition during pregnancy. We report the case of a 34-year-old patient with a 29+2-week pregnancy who developed a Wunderlich syndrome, which was successfully treated, preserving the pregnancy until its end.
El síndrome de Wunderlich es una enfermedad con poca incidencia y potencialmente mortal que se caracteriza por una hemorragia renal no traumática en el espacio subescapular y perinefrítico. Es una entidad clínica muy rara en el embarazo y hasta el momento no existe una guía clara sobre el manejo de esta afección durante el embarazo. Reportamos el caso de una paciente de 34 años cursando embarazo de 29+2 semanas quien manifestó un síndrome de Wunderlich el cuál fue tratado con éxito logrando preservar el embarazo hasta su término.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Pregnancy Complications, Neoplastic/pathology , Angiomyolipoma/pathology , Kidney Neoplasms/pathology , Pregnancy Complications, Neoplastic/surgery , Pregnancy Complications, Neoplastic/diagnosis , Shock, Hemorrhagic/etiology , Syndrome , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Angiomyolipoma/surgery , Angiomyolipoma/diagnostic imaging , Flank Pain/etiology , Delivery, Obstetric , Embolization, Therapeutic , Kidney Neoplasms/surgery , Kidney Neoplasms/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Introducción: El cáncer conlleva a una mortalidad de hasta 12 % en los pacientes trasplantados, y se considera la tercera causa de morbilidad y mortalidad en los receptores, al ser estos susceptibles a desarrollar enfermedades oncoproliferativas, a largo plazo. Objetivo: Describir la incidencia de neoplasias en receptores de trasplante renal. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo y longitudinal que incluyó 15 receptores de trasplante renal funcionante, con diagnóstico de neoplasias malignas en diferentes localizaciones en el período comprendido entre enero de 2017 y junio de 2023 en el servicio de Nefrología del Hospital Universitario Clínico-Quirúrgico «Arnaldo Milián Castro» de Santa Clara, Villa Clara. Resultados: Predominaron los hombres y el color de piel blanca: 53,3 % y 73,3% respectivamente, con tiempo postrasplante superior a tres años en 12 pacientes (80 %). El antecedente de exposición al citomegalovirus representó el 80 %; la infección bacteriana de la vía respiratoria y digestiva fue la más frecuente. Conclusiones: La neoplasia intraepitelial cervicouterina, la de colon con metástasis hepática y las cerebrales resultaron las más frecuentes, y fueron tratadas con cirugía, quimioterapias o ambas, según los criterios quirúrgicos en cada caso; no obstante, la mortalidad fue elevada. La estirpe neoplásica preponderante fue la neoplasia intraepitelial cervical en un 26,6 %. La mortalidad fue alta y la supervivencia fue menor en el sexo masculino, sin rebasar los dos años posteriores al diagnóstico.
Introduction: cancer entails a mortality of up to 12 % in transplanted patients and is considered the third leading cause of morbidity and mortality in recipients who are susceptible to develop oncoproliferative diseases in the long term. Objective: to describe the incidence of neoplasms in renal transplant recipients. Methods: we carried out a descriptive and longitudinal study including 15 functioning renal transplant recipients who were diagnosed with malignant neoplasms in different locations in the Nephrology service at "Arnaldo Milián Castro" Clinical and Surgical University Hospital in Santa Clara, Villa Clara between January 2017 and June 2023. Results: males and white skin color predominated: 53.3 % and 73.3% respectively, with post-transplant time greater than three years in 12 patients (80 %). The history of cytomegalovirus exposure represented 80 %; bacterial infection of the respiratory and digestive tracts was the most frequent. Conclusions: cervicouterine intraepithelial neoplasia, colon cancer with liver and brain metastases were the most frequent and treated with surgery chemotherapies or both according to the surgical criteria in each case; however, mortality was elevated. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia predominated in a 26.6 %. Mortality was high and survival was lower in males, without exceeding two years after the diagnosis.
Kidney Transplantation , Kidney Neoplasms , NephrologyABSTRACT
Introducción. El cáncer de riñón es la undécima neoplasia maligna más común en los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. El carcinoma de células claras de riñón (CCR) es considerado la estirpe más frecuente y representa el 2-3 % de todos los cánceres a nivel mundial. En el contexto de la enfermedad metastásica, por lo general se identifica un tumor renal primario y las metástasis se localizan en pulmón, hueso, hígado, cerebro y, raramente, en tejidos blandos. Los pacientes con metástasis a tejidos blandos no tienen síntomas en las etapas iniciales y generalmente se identifican sólo cuando las lesiones aumentan de tamaño o durante el estudio de la pieza de resección quirúrgica. Caso clínico. Se presenta el caso de una paciente en la séptima década de la vida, con una metástasis en tejidos blandos de la región sacra, de 10 años de evolución posterior a una nefrectomía secundario a CCR. Resultados. Hallazgos clínicos e imagenológicos de un tumor bien delimitado. Se realizó resección quirúrgica de la lesión, bajo anestesia regional, con extirpación completa. Conclusión. Se recomienda que los pacientes con un sitio metastásico resecable y solitario sean llevados a resección quirúrgica con márgenes libres, como fue el caso de nuestra paciente, por su fácil acceso y ser una lesión única. En el CCR, además de su tratamiento quirúrgico inicial, es indispensable una estrecha vigilancia con examen físico e imágenes transversales, para detectar la presencia de metástasis y con ello evitar tratamientos tardíos.
Introduction. Kidney cancer is the eleventh most common malignancy in the United States of Mexico. Carcinoma renal cell (CRC) is considered the most frequent type and represents 2-3% of all cancers worldwide. In the setting of metastatic disease, a primary renal tumor is usually identified, and metastases are located in the lung, bone, liver, brain, and rarely in soft tissue. Patients with soft tissue metastases do not have symptoms in the initial stages and are generally found only when the lesions increase in size or during the study of the surgical resection piece. Clinical case. In this case, we report a female patient in the seventh decade of life with a soft tissue metastasis located in the sacral region, 10 years after a nephrectomy secondary to CRC. Results. Clinical and radiological findings of a well-defined tumor. Surgical resection of the lesion is performed under regional anesthesia with complete excision. Conclusions. It is recommended that patients with a resectable and solitary metastatic site be candidates for surgical resection with free margins, as was the case with our patient due to its easy access and single lesion. In CRC, in addition to its initial surgical treatment, close surveillance with physical examination and cross-sectional images is essential to monitor the presence of metastases and thus avoid late treatments.
Humans , Carcinoma, Renal Cell , Kidney Neoplasms , Neoplasm Seeding , Soft Tissue Neoplasms , Diagnosis, Differential , Neoplasm MetastasisABSTRACT
Tumor aerobic glycolysis is one of the main features of tumor metabolic reprogramming. This abnormal glycolytic metabolism provides bioenergy and biomaterials for tumor growth and proliferation. It is worth noting that aerobic glycolysis will not only provide biological materials and energy for tumor cells, but also help tumor cells to escape immune surveillance through regulation of immune microenvironment, thereby resisting tumor immunotherapy and promoting tumor progression. Based on the pathogenesis of renal cell carcinoma, this paper describes the characteristics of aerobic glycolysis, the effect of glycolytic metabolism on the immune microenvironment of renal cell carcinoma, the effect of glycolysis inhibitors on the immune microenvironment of renal cell carcinoma, and the prospect of glycolysis inhibitors combined with immune checkpoint inhibitors in the treatment of renal cell carcinoma.
Humans , Carcinoma, Renal Cell/therapy , Immunotherapy , Glycolysis , Metabolic Reprogramming , Kidney Neoplasms/therapy , Tumor MicroenvironmentABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the clinicopathological characteristics, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of intravascular large B-cell lymphoma (IVLBCL) and its collision tumors. Methods: Five cases of IVLBCL were collected, including 2 cases of collision tumors, and 1 case complicated with liver cirrhosis. The morphology and immunophenotype were analyzed. The related literature was reviewed. Results: There were 2 females and 3 males, aged from 53 to 73 years, with a median age of 65 years. The tumors were located in the lower extremities, right cerebellar hemisphere, left kidney, bilateral nasal cavity, and liver, respectively. Cases 2 and 3 were incidentally found in meningioma and renal cell carcinoma tissues, respectively. Case 5 had a background of liver cirrhosis. Morphologically, atypical large lymphoid cells were located in small blood vessels and capillary lumen, with little cytoplasm, hyperchromasia, prominent nucleoli, and obvious mitotic figures. Immunohistochemically, the IVLBCL tumor cells expressed CD20 and PAX5; 2 cases were CD5 positive. One of the 5 cases was GCB phenotype, and 4 cases were non-GCB phenotype. All cases expressed C-MYC (positive rate was 10%-40%). PD-L1 was positive in 4 cases (positive rate was 60%-90%). Ki-67 proliferation index was 70%-90%. CKpan, CD3, TDT, and CD34 were negative. In case 2, meningioma cells were positive for PR, EMA, and vimentin, but negative for CKpan and PD-L1. In case 3, renal carcinoma cells were positive for CKpan, PAX8, EMA, vimentin, CAⅨ and CD10, while PD-L1 was negative. No EBER expression (by in situ hybridization) or C-MYC gene translocation (FISH, break-apart probe) was detected in any of the 5 cases. Three patients were followed up, and all died within 1-13 months. Conclusions: IVLBCL is a highly aggressive lymphoma, with occult clinical manifestations and poor prognosis. Collision tumors of IVLBCL are extremely rare. A better understanding of IVLBCL would help pathologists avoid misdiagnoses.
Male , Female , Humans , Aged , B7-H1 Antigen , Vimentin , Meningioma , Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse/pathology , Carcinoma, Renal Cell , Kidney Neoplasms/pathology , Meningeal Neoplasms , Liver CirrhosisABSTRACT
@#Mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma (MTSCC) is a rare neoplasm of the kidney. Recognition of this rare entity is important with regards to a patient’s prognosis and therapeutic management.
Kidney Neoplasms , Immunohistochemistry , Pathology, SurgicalABSTRACT
Objectives: To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of typical pharmaceutical smoking cessation intervention strategies in China in the context of primary cancer prevention. Methods: Markov cohort simulation models were established to simulate the burden of 12 smoking caused cancer, including lung cancer, oral cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, laryngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, cervical cancer, and acute myeloid leukemia. Taking incremental cost effectiveness ratio (ICER) as the main indicator, the model sets one year as the cycling period for 50 periods and simulates the cohort of 10 000 thirty-five-year-old current smokers with various smoking cessation strategies. To ensure the robustness of conclusion, univariate sensitivity analysis, probability sensitivity analysis, and age-group sensitivity analysis were conducted. Results: The results showed that varenicline intervention was the most cost-effective intervention. Compared to the next most effective option, incremental cost of each additional quality-adjusted life year is 11 140.28 yuan, which is below the threshold of willingness to pay (1 year GDP per capita). The value of ICER increased as the increasing age group of adopting intervention, but neither exceeded the threshold of willingness to pay. One-way sensitivity analysis showed that the value of discount rate, the hazard ratio and cost of intervention strategy had a greater impact on the result of ICER. Conclusion: In China, the use of varenicline to quit smoking is highly cost effective in the context of cancer primary prevention, especially for younger smokers.
Humans , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Smoking Cessation , Cost-Effectiveness Analysis , Nasopharyngeal Neoplasms , Varenicline , China , Kidney Neoplasms , Pharmaceutical PreparationsABSTRACT
Objectives: To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of typical pharmaceutical smoking cessation intervention strategies in China in the context of primary cancer prevention. Methods: Markov cohort simulation models were established to simulate the burden of 12 smoking caused cancer, including lung cancer, oral cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, laryngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, cervical cancer, and acute myeloid leukemia. Taking incremental cost effectiveness ratio (ICER) as the main indicator, the model sets one year as the cycling period for 50 periods and simulates the cohort of 10 000 thirty-five-year-old current smokers with various smoking cessation strategies. To ensure the robustness of conclusion, univariate sensitivity analysis, probability sensitivity analysis, and age-group sensitivity analysis were conducted. Results: The results showed that varenicline intervention was the most cost-effective intervention. Compared to the next most effective option, incremental cost of each additional quality-adjusted life year is 11 140.28 yuan, which is below the threshold of willingness to pay (1 year GDP per capita). The value of ICER increased as the increasing age group of adopting intervention, but neither exceeded the threshold of willingness to pay. One-way sensitivity analysis showed that the value of discount rate, the hazard ratio and cost of intervention strategy had a greater impact on the result of ICER. Conclusion: In China, the use of varenicline to quit smoking is highly cost effective in the context of cancer primary prevention, especially for younger smokers.
Humans , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Smoking Cessation , Cost-Effectiveness Analysis , Nasopharyngeal Neoplasms , Varenicline , China , Kidney Neoplasms , Pharmaceutical PreparationsABSTRACT
Abstract Cancer is a fatal malignancy and its increasing worldwide prevalence demands the discovery of more sensitive and reliable molecular biomarkers. To investigate the GINS1 expression level and its prognostic value in distinct human cancers using a series of multi-layered in silico approach may help to establish it as a potential shared diagnostic and prognostic biomarker of different cancer subtypes. The GINS1 mRNA, protein expression, and promoter methylation were analyzed using UALCAN and Human Protein Atlas (HPA), while mRNA expression was further validated via GENT2. The potential prognostic values of GINS1 were evaluated through KM plotter. Then, cBioPortal was utilized to examine the GINS1-related genetic mutations and copy number variations (CNVs), while pathway enrichment analysis was performed using DAVID. Moreover, a correlational analysis between GINS1 expression and CD8+ T immune cells and a the construction of gene-drug interaction network was performed using TIMER, CDT, and Cytoscape. The GINS1 was found down-regulated in a single subtypes of human cancer while commonly up-regulated in 23 different other subtypes. The up-regulation of GINS1 was significantly correlated with the poor overall survival (OS) of Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma (LIHC), Lung Adenocarcinoma (LUAD), and Kidney renal clear cell carcinoma (KIRC). The GINS1 was also found up-regulated in LIHC, LUAD, and KIRC patients of different clinicopathological features. Pathways enrichment analysis revealed the involvement of GINS1 in two diverse pathways, while few interesting correlations were also documented between GINS1 expression and its promoter methylation level, CD8+ T immune cells level, and CNVs. Moreover, we also predicted few drugs that could be used in the treatment of LIHC, LUAD, and KIRC by regulating the GINS1 expression. The expression profiling of GINS1 in the current study has suggested it a novel shared diagnostic and prognostic biomarker of LIHC, LUAD, and KIRC.
Resumo O câncer é uma doença maligna fatal e sua crescente prevalência mundial exige a descoberta de biomarcadores moleculares mais sensíveis e confiáveis. Investigar o nível de expressão de GINS1 e seu valor prognóstico em cânceres humanos distintos, usando uma série de abordagens in silico em várias camadas, pode ajudar a estabelecê-lo como um potencial biomarcador de diagnóstico e prognóstico compartilhado de diferentes subtipos de câncer. O mRNA de GINS1, a expressão da proteína e a metilação do promotor foram analisados usando UALCAN e Human Protein Atlas (HPA), enquanto a expressão de mRNA foi posteriormente validada via GENT2. Os valores prognósticos potenciais de GINS1 foram avaliados por meio do plotter KM. Em seguida, o cBioPortal foi utilizado para examinar as mutações genéticas relacionadas ao GINS1 e as variações do número de cópias (CNVs), enquanto a análise de enriquecimento da via foi realizada usando DAVID. Além disso, uma análise correlacional entre a expressão de GINS1 e células imunes T CD8 + e a construção de uma rede de interação gene-droga foi realizada usando TIMER, CDT e Cytoscape. O GINS1 foi encontrado regulado negativamente em um único subtipo de câncer humano, enquanto comumente regulado positivamente em 23 outros subtipos diferentes. A regulação positiva de GINS1 foi significativamente correlacionada com a sobrevida global pobre (OS) de Carcinoma Hepatocelular de Fígado (LIHC), Adenocarcinoma de Pulmão (LUAD) e Carcinoma de Células Claras Renais de Rim (KIRC). O GINS1 também foi encontrado regulado positivamente em pacientes LIHC, LUAD e KIRC de diferentes características clínico-patológicas. A análise de enriquecimento de vias revelou o envolvimento de GINS1 em duas vias diversas, enquanto poucas correlações interessantes também foram documentadas entre a expressão de GINS1 e seu nível de metilação do promotor, nível de células imunes T CD8 + e CNVs. Além disso, também previmos poucos medicamentos que poderiam ser usados no tratamento de LIHC, LUAD e KIRC, regulando a expressão de GINS1. O perfil de expressão de GINS1 no estudo atual sugeriu que é um novo biomarcador de diagnóstico e prognóstico compartilhado de LIHC, LUAD e KIRC.
Humans , Carcinoma, Renal Cell/genetics , Kidney Neoplasms/genetics , Liver Neoplasms , Prognosis , Biomarkers, Tumor/genetics , Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic , Up-Regulation , DNA-Binding Proteins , DNA Copy Number VariationsABSTRACT
SUMMARY: We investigated the expression and clinical significance of miR-15b-5p in clear cell renal cell carcinoma (RCC) through bioinformatics analysis and experimental verification. The differentially expressed miRNAs were screened in the GEO database. Venn diagram showed that there were 5 up-regulated miRNAs (has-miR-210, has-miR-142-3p, has-miR-142-5p, has-miR-15b-5p, and has-miR-193a-3p) and only 1 down-regulated miRNA (has-miR-532-3p) that were commonly expressed between GSE189331 and GSE16441 datasets. This was further confirmed in TCGA. Further analysis showed that the has-miR-193a-3p, has-miR-142-3p, has- miR-142-5p, and has-miR-15b-5p were closely related to tumor invasion, distant metastasis and survival probability. The expression of miR-15b-5p in ccRCC tissues was significantly higher than that in adjacent normal kidney tissues (P0.05). Following inhibition of miR-15b-5p expression, RCC cells had attenuated proliferation, increased apoptosis, and attenuated migration and invasion. has-miR-15b-5p-WEE1, has-miR-15b-5p-EIF4E, has-miR-15b-5p-PPP2R1B may be three potential regulatory pathways in ccRCC. miR-15b-5p is highly expressed in cancer tissues of ccRCC patients. It may promote proliferation, inhibit apoptosis and enhance cell migration and invasion of RCC cells. The has-miR-15b-5p-WEE1, has-miR-15b-5p-EIF4E, and has-miR-15b-5p-PPP2R1B may be three potential regulatory pathways in ccRCC.
Investigamos la expresión y la importancia clínica de miR-15b-5p en el carcinoma de células renales (CCR) de células claras mediante análisis bioinformático y verificación experimental. Los miARN expresados diferencialmente se examinaron en la base de datos GEO. El diagrama de Venn mostró que había 5 miARN regulados positivamente (has-miR-210, has-miR-142-3p, has-miR-142-5p, has-miR-15b-5p y has-miR-193a-3p). ) y solo 1 miARN regulado negativamente (has-miR-532-3p) que se expresaron comúnmente entre los conjuntos de datos GSE189331 y GSE16441. Esto fue confirmado aún más en TCGA. Un análisis más detallado mostró que has-miR-193a-3p, has-miR-142-3p, has- miR-142-5p y has-miR-15b-5p estaban estrechamente relacionados con la invasión tumoral, la metástasis a distancia y la probabilidad de supervivencia. La expresión de miR-15b-5p en tejidos ccRCC fue significativamente mayor que la de los tejidos renales normales adyacentes (P 0,05). Tras la inhibición de la expresión de miR-15b-5p, las células RCC tuvieron una proliferación atenuada, un aumento de la apoptosis y una migración e invasión atenuadas. has-miR-15b-5p-WEE1, has- miR-15b-5p-EIF4E, has-miR-15b-5p-PPP2R1B pueden ser tres posibles vías reguladoras en ccRCC. miR-15b-5p se expresa altamente en tejidos cancerosos de pacientes con ccRCC. Puede promover la proliferación, inhibir la apoptosis y mejorar la migración celular y la invasión de células RCC. has-miR-15b-5p-WEE1, has- miR-15b-5p-EIF4E y has-miR-15b-5p-PPP2R1B pueden ser tres posibles vías reguladoras en ccRCC.
Humans , Male , Female , Carcinoma, Renal Cell/pathology , MicroRNAs , Kidney Neoplasms/pathology , Carcinoma, Renal Cell/genetics , Survival Analysis , Cell Movement , Computational Biology , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Kidney Neoplasms/genetics , Neoplasm Invasiveness , Neoplasm MetastasisABSTRACT
A síndrome de Reed ocorre em mulheres com múltiplos leiomiomas cutâneos e leiomiomatose uterina. Relatam-se três casos de pacientes do sexo feminino, acompanhadas em hospital universitário, com pápulas e nódulos eritêmato-acas- tanhados dolorosos em membros superiores e tórax, agravados por frio, pressão e estresse, e associados a miomatose uterina. Foram realizados diversos tratamentos prévios, sem sucesso, tais como: aplicação de corticoterapia e toxina botulínica intralesional, bloqueadores de canais de cálcio, neuromoduladores e analgésicos orais. Foi, então, realizado tratamento cirúrgico, com melhora dos sintomas. O co- nhecimento e o esclarecimento dessa síndrome é fundamental para estabelecer a relação com miomatose uterina e câncer de células renais, para que, então, a partir da lesão de pele, se faça o rastreio das demais neoplasias, diagnóstico precoce e a educação em saúde.
Reed syndrome occurs in women with multiple cutaneous leiomyomas and uterine leiomyomatosis. We report the case of three female patients followed at a university hospital with painful erythematous-brown papules and nodules on the upper limbs and chest, aggravated by cold, pressure, stress, and associated with uterine myoma- tosis. Several previous unsuccessful treatments were performed, such as the applica- tion of corticotherapy and intralesional botulinum toxin, calcium channel blockers, neuromodulators, and analgesics. Surgical treatment was performed with the im- provement of symptoms. Knowledge and clarification of this syndrome are essential to establish a relationship between uterine myomatosis and renal cell neoplasm, so that, after the skin lesion, screening for other neoplasms, early diagnosis, and health education can be carried out.
Humans , Female , Skin Abnormalities , Skin Neoplasms/diagnosis , Uterine Neoplasms , Leiomyomatosis/prevention & control , Thorax/physiopathology , Women's Health , Leiomyomatosis/surgery , Extremities/physiopathology , Kidney Neoplasms/diagnosis , Mutation/geneticsABSTRACT
Introdução: O câncer renal, patologia relevante e relativamente frequente, tem pouca literatura baseada em dados brasileiros. Objetivo: Analisar um grupo de pacientes submetidos à nefrectomia por massas renais, quanto ao perfil histopatológico e a abordagem cirúrgica utilizada. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo observacional transversal realizado em um hospital da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte/MG, Brasil, utilizando dados de laudos anatomopatológicos e análise da descrição cirúrgica de nefrectomias por tumor primário renal, no período de 2007 a 2018. Resultados: Foram analisados 324 casos, sendo 65,1% de pacientes do sexo masculino, com idade média de 60,5±14,1 anos. As nefrectomias parciais (NP) foram realizadas em 61,1% dos casos e foi observada tendência de aumento da realização deste tipo de cirurgia ao longo do tempo (p = 0,024), além do aumento das NP laparoscópicas (p<0,001). Os diagnósticos histológicos mais frequentes foram os carcinomas de células claras (64,5%), seguidos dos carcinomas de células renais (CCR) papilares (11,8%) e CCR cromófobos (10,9%). Achados de lesões benignas ocorreram em 9,6% dos casos, com proporção igual entre angiomiolipomas e oncocitomas. Conclusão: Os achados deste estudo corroboram os dados da literatura internacional. O aumento no número de NP e cirurgias laparoscópicas seguem uma tendência de realização de cirurgias mais conservadoras e utilização de técnicas minimamente invasivas.
Introduction: Although kidney cancer is a relevant and relatively frequent pathology there is shortage of literature based on Brazilian data. Objective: To analyze a group of patients who had been submitted to nephrectomy by renal mass, taking into consideration the histopathological profile and the surgical approach used. Methods: Undertaken in a hospital in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, this cross-sectional, observational study utilises data taken from anatomopathological reports and analysis of surgery description of nephrectomies carried out on primary renal tumours between 2007 and 2018. Results: We analyzed 324 cases, 65.1% of male with an average age of 60.5±14.1 years. Partial nephrectomies (PN) were performed in 61.1% of the cases and there was a tendency to increase the incidence of this type of surgery over time (p = 0.024), in addition to an increase in PN laparoscopies (p<0.001). The most frequent histological diagnoses were clear cell carcinomas (64.5%), followed by papillary renal cell carcinomas (11.8%) and chromophobic renal cell carcinomas (10.9%). Benign lesions were evident in 9.6% of cases, with an equal proportion of angiomyolipomas and oncocytomas. Conclusion: The findings of this study corroborate the data found in the international literature, whilst the increase in the number of PN and laparoscopic procedures follows a trend towards more conservative surgery and the use of minimally invasive techniques.
Humans , Male , Female , Carcinoma, Renal Cell , Kidney Neoplasms , General Surgery , Cross-Sectional Studies , Neoplasms , NephrectomyABSTRACT
El carcinoma de células renales (CCR) a nivel mundial presenta una incidencia de 431.288 casos anuales, causando 179.368 muertes en 2020. Sin embargo, a pesar de su incidencia, el desarrollo de metástasis pancreática (MP) de un RCC es un hecho inusual. El objetivo de este manuscrito fue reportar el caso de una paciente con una MP metacrónica de un CCR. Se trata de una paciente de 56 años, sexo femenino, nefrectomizada derecha hace 132 meses por un CCR, en adyuvancia con inmunoterapia. En un control imagenológico de rutina, se le pesquisó una lesión de aspecto tumoral en el cuerpo y cola del páncreas. Se intervino quirúrgicamente, realizándose una pancreatectomía córporo-caudal con preservación esplénica. Evolucionó de forma satisfactoria, sin complicaciones, siendo dada de alta al 4º día de su cirugía. El informe del estudio de la pieza operatoria con estudio inmunohistoquímico concluyó que se trataba de una MP de CCR. La paciente se encuentra en buenas condiciones generales y reinició quimioterapia con anticuerpos monoclonales. El seguimiento frecuente y prolongado de pacientes con antecedentes de CCR, facilita un diagnóstico y tratamiento oportuno de MP facilitando el mejor pronóstico de los pacientes, con tasas más altas de supervivencia.
SUMMARY: Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) worldwide has an incidence of 431,288 cases per year, causing 179,368 deaths in 2020. However, despite its incidence, the development of pancreatic metastasis (MP) from RCC is unusual. The aim of this manuscript was to report the case of a patient with a PM of a RCC. This is a 56-year-old female patient, underwent right nephrectomy 132 months earlier for RCC. While she was in adjuvant immunotherapy, in a routine imaging control, it was found a tumor lesion in the body and the tail of the pancreas. So, she underwent surgery, performing a corpora-caudal pancreatectomy with splenic preservation. Postoperative evolution was correct, without complications, and she was discharged on the 4th day after surgery. The report of the study of the surgical piece with an immunohistochemical study included, conclusive of PM of RCC. Currently, the patient is in good general condition and restarted chemotherapy with monoclonal antibodies. Frequent and prolonged follow-up of patients with a history of RCC facilitates timely diag- nosis and treatment of PM, facilitating the best prognosis for patients, with higher survival rates.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Pancreatic Neoplasms/secondary , Carcinoma, Renal Cell/secondary , Kidney Neoplasms/pathology , Pancreatic Neoplasms/surgery , Pancreatic Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Carcinoma, Renal Cell/surgery , Carcinoma, Renal Cell/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Oral cavity metastatic tumors derived from primary tumors from other corporal regions are rare, representing barely 1 % of all malignant tumors. Differential diagnosis of these lesions is challenging due to the wide spectrum of lesions with similar clinical presentation and especially when the presence of a primary tumor goes undetected. We present the case of a 55-year-old male with a painless tumor in the anterior maxillary region, vestibular gingiva and palate, with a 2-month evolution. Anatomopathological diagnosis was malignant clear cell tumor, highly suggestive of clear cell renal carcinoma metastasis, and the oral lesion constituted the first sign of illness.
Los tumores metastásicos de cavidad oral derivados de tumores primarios de otras regiones corporales son raros, representando apenas el 1 % de todos los tumores malignos. El diagnóstico diferencial de estas lesiones es desafiante debido al amplio espectro de lesiones con presentación clínica similar y especialmente cuando la presencia de un tumor primario pasa desapercibida. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 55 años con una tumoración indolora en región maxilar anterior, encía vestibular y paladar, de 2 meses de evolución. El diagnóstico anatomopatológico fue de tumor maligno de células claras, altamente sugestivo de metástasis de carcinoma renal de células claras, y la lesión bucal constituyó el primer signo de enfermedad.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Mouth Neoplasms/secondary , Carcinoma, Renal Cell/diagnosis , Kidney Neoplasms/diagnosisABSTRACT
La hipertensión arterial (HTA) grave en pediatría responde fundamentalmente a causas secundarias. Presentamos una paciente adolescente de 14 años con HTA grave, alcalosis metabólica e hipopotasemia, secundaria a un tumor de células yuxtaglomerulares productor de renina, diagnosticado luego de dos años de evolución de HTA.
Severe arterial hypertension (HTN) in pediatrics is mainly due to secondary causes. Here we describe the case of a 14-year-old female adolescent with severe HTN, metabolic alkalosis, and hypokalemia, secondary to a renin-secreting juxtaglomerular cell tumor diagnosed after 2 years of HTN progression.
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Hypertension/etiology , Hypokalemia/complications , Kidney Neoplasms/complications , Kidney Neoplasms/diagnosis , Renin/metabolism , Juxtaglomerular Apparatus/metabolism , Juxtaglomerular Apparatus/pathologyABSTRACT
Introducción: Las consultas monográficas de Onconefrología surgen como respuesta a las demandas asistenciales de pacientes con daño renal y cáncer. Objetivo: Establecer los motivos de remisión a la consulta de Onconefrología y caracterizar los pacientes atendidos en ella. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación descriptiva, transversal en el Hospital Universitario «Dr. Celestino Hernández Robau» de Villa Clara, Cuba, en el período comprendido de agosto 2020 - agosto 2021; se incluyeron los 53 pacientes atendidos en la consulta. Resultados: El 73,6% de los pacientes fue masculino, de piel blanca el 75,5%, la edad media fue de 68,38 años, con hipertensión arterial el 69,8%, con enfermedades cardiovasculares el 22,6%. Prevaleció el adenocarcinoma de próstata en el 24,5%, el 54,7% manifestó algún grado de enfermedad renal crónica y el 35,8% tuvo una causa obstructiva. El filtrado glomerular fue superior a mayor edad según la fórmula: Modificación de la Dieta en la Enfermedad Renal, independientemente del sexo. Conclusiones: Se realizó la caracterización de los pacientes; los criterios de remisión fueron establecidos, los más frecuentes fueron las alteraciones del medio interno o el sedimento urinario, hipertensión arterial no controlada, necesidad de tratamiento depurador renal extracorpóreo o cuidados paliativos.
Introduction: monographic consultations of Onconephrology arise as a response to the care demands of patients with kidney damage and cancer. Objective: to establish the reasons for referral to the Onconephrology consultation and to characterize the patients treated there. Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional research was carried out at "Dr. Celestino Hernández Robau" University Hospital in Villa Clara, Cuba from August 2020 to August 2021; 53 patients seen in this consultation were included. Results: 73.6% of the patients were male, 75.5% white-skinned, mean age was 68.38 years, 69.8% with arterial hypertension, 22.6% with cardiovascular diseases. Prostate adenocarcinoma prevailed in 24.5%, 54.7% had some degree of chronic kidney disease and 35.8% had an obstructive cause. Glomerular filtration rate was higher with increasing age according to the formula: Modification of Diet in Renal Disease, and regardless of gender. Conclusions: patients' characterization was made; the remission criteria were established, in which the most common ones were alterations of the internal environment or urinary sediment, uncontrolled arterial hypertension, need for extracorporeal renal purifying treatment or palliative care.
Renal Insufficiency, Chronic , Acute Kidney Injury , Kidney NeoplasmsABSTRACT
Introduction: Intussusceptions in adults are rare, representing 1% to 5% of intestinal obstructions in this age group. This condition can be caused by benign and malignant lesions acting as lead points, the latter being the most frequent. Furthermore, the diagnosis is challenging due to the non-specific symptoms with variable duration. Case Presentation: A 43-year-old man, with a history of localized clear-cell renal carcinoma (ccRCC) treated 9 years earlier with a right radical nephrectomy, presented with bowel obstruction symptoms. An abdominal computed tomography scan showed an ileocolonic intussusception. Hence, the patient required a right hemicolectomy with ileotransverse anastomosis. The histopathological analysis showed a metastatic ccRC to the terminal ileum causing the intussusception. Discussion: Adult intussusceptions are rare. However, they should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients with abdominal pain and symptoms of bowel obstruction. Metastases of renal cancer to the small bowel are uncommon and even more so in the form of intussusception. Definitive treatment must be tailored to the patient's condition and underlying cause. (AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Carcinoma, Renal Cell/pathology , Colonic Diseases , Ileocecal Valve , Intussusception/diagnosis , Kidney Neoplasms/pathology , Abdominal PainABSTRACT
Objective: To analyze the global epidemiology of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) in 2020. Methods: The incidence and mortality data of RCC in the cooperative database GLOBOCAN 2020 of International Agency for Research on Cancer of WHO and the human development index (HDI) published by the United Nations Development Programme in 2020 were collated. The crude incidence rate (CIR), age-standardized incidence rate (ASIR), crude mortality rate (CMR), age-standardized mortality rate (ASMR) and mortality/incidence ratio (M/I) of RCC were calculated. Kruskale-Wallis test was used to analyze the differences in ASIR or ASMR among HDI countries. Results: In 2020, the global ASIR of RCC was 4.6/100 000, of which 6.1/100 000 for males and 3.2/100 000 for females and ASIR was higher in very high and high HDI countries than that in medium and low HDI countries. With the rapid increase of age after the age of 20, the growth rate of ASIR in males was faster than that in females, and slowed down at the age of 70 to 75. The truncation incidence rate of 35-64 years old was 7.5/100 000 and the cumulative incidence risk of 0-74 years old was 0.52%. The global ASMR of RCC was 1.8/100 000, 2.5/100 000 for males and 1.2/100 000 for females. The ASMR of males in very high and high HDI countries (2.4/100 000-3.7/100 000) was about twice that of males (1.1/100 000-1.4/100 000) in medium and low HDI countries, while the ASMR of female (0.6/100 000-1.5/100 000) did not show significant difference. ASMR continued to increase rapidly with age after the age of 40, and the growth rate of males was faster than that of females. The truncation mortality rate of 35-64 years old was 2.1/100 000, and the cumulative mortality risk of 0-74 years old was 0.20%. M/I decreases with the increase of HDI, with M/I as 0.58 in China, which was higher than the global average of 0.39 and the United States' 0.17. Conclusion: The ASIR and ASMR of RCC presented significant regional and gender disparities globally, and the heaviest burden was in very high HDI countries.
Male , Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Aged , Carcinoma, Renal Cell/epidemiology , Incidence , Databases, Factual , China , Kidney Neoplasms/epidemiology , Global HealthABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the expression of glycoprotein non metastatic melanoma protein B (GPNMB) in renal eosinophilic tumors and to compare the value of GPNMB with CK20, CK7 and CD117 in the differential diagnosis of renal eosinophilic tumors. Methods: Traditional renal tumor eosinophil subtypes, including 22 cases of renal clear cell carcinoma eosinophil subtype (e-ccRCC), 19 cases of renal papillary cell carcinoma eosinophil subtype (e-papRCC), 17 cases of renal chromophobe cell carcinoma eosinophil subtype (e-chRCC), 12 cases of renal oncocytoma (RO) and emerging renal tumor types with eosinophil characteristics [3 cases of eosinophilic solid cystic renal cell carcinoma (ESC RCC), 3 cases of renal low-grade eosinophil tumor (LOT), 4 cases of fumarate hydratase-deficient renal cell carcinoma (FH-dRCC) and 5 cases of renal epithelioid angiomyolipoma (E-AML)], were collected at the Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School from January 2017 to March 2022. The expression of GPNMB, CK20, CK7 and CD117 was detected by immunohistochemistry and statistically analyzed. Results: GPNMB was expressed in all emerging renal tumor types with eosinophil characteristics (ESC RCC, LOT, FH-dRCC) and E-AML, while the expression rates in traditional renal eosinophil subtypes e-papRCC, e-chRCC, e-ccRCC and RO were very low or zero (1/19, 1/17, 0/22 and 0/12, respectively); the expression rate of CK7 in LOT (3/3), e-chRCC (15/17), e-ccRCC (4/22), e-papRCC (2/19), ESC RCC (0/3), RO (4/12), E-AML(1/5), and FH-dRCC (2/4) variedly; the expression of CK20 was different in ESC RCC (3/3), LOT(3/3), e-chRCC(1/17), RO(9/12), e-papRCC(4/19), FH-dRCC(1/4), e-ccRCC(0/22) and E-AML(0/5), and so did that of CD117 in e-ccRCC(2/22), e-papRCC(1/19), e-chRCC(16/17), RO(10/12), ESC RCC(0/3), LOT(1/3), E-AML(2/5) and FH-dRCC(1/4). GPNMB had 100% sensitivity and 97.1% specificity in distinguishing E-AML and emerging renal tumor types (such as ESC RCC, LOT, FH-dRCC) from traditional renal tumor types (such as e-ccRCC, e-papRCC, e-chRCC, RO),respectively. Compared with CK7, CK20 and CD117 antibodies, GPNMB was more effective in the differential diagnosis (P<0.05). Conclusion: As a new renal tumor marker, GPNMB can effectively distinguish E-AML and emerging renal tumor types with eosinophil characteristics such as ESC RCC, LOT, FH-dRCC from traditional renal tumor eosinophil subtypes such as e-ccRCC, e-papRCC, e-chRCC and RO, which is helpful for the differential diagnosis of renal eosinophilic tumors.
Humans , Kidney Neoplasms/pathology , Carcinoma, Renal Cell/pathology , Diagnosis, Differential , Angiomyolipoma/diagnosis , Biomarkers, Tumor/metabolism , Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute/diagnosis , Membrane GlycoproteinsABSTRACT
Objective: To explore the diagnostic values of HK2 testing and single-cell sequencing in the urothelial carcinoma (UC). Methods: The qualified urine specimens of 265 suspected UC patients or postoperative patients from the Cancer Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing, China were collected. Both exfoliative cytology and HK2 testing were performed on clinically suspected UC or postoperative patients. The performance of diagnostic cytology and HK2, including consistency, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value, was evaluated based on histopathological, clinical and imaging diagnosis. Isolated HK2 metabolically abnormal cells were subject to single-cell sequencing to verify the reliability of HK2 detection performance and to explore the molecular characteristics of UC. Results: The concordance rate of HK2 testing and cytology for detecting UC was 90.3% (102/113, Kappa=0.604). Compared with cytology, the sensitivity of HK2 was significantly higher (85.2% versus 75.6%, P=0.024). The detection sensitivity of combined HK2 testing and cytology was increased to 91.1%. HK2 testing was significantly more sensitive than cytology for diagnosing UC in the upper urinary tract (81.8% versus 65.5%, P=0.022). It was also more sensitive than cytology for diagnosing early-stage UC (82.6% versus 69.5%, P=0.375) and low-grade UC (69.6% versus 47.8%, P=0.125). Single-cell sequencing of the ten patients, whose samples were positive for HK2, demonstrated highly concordant copy number variations (CNVs) in tumor cells from the same UC patient, with heterogeneity in CNV profiles among different patients. Deletion of chromosome 8p was found in 3 of the 4 urine samples of renal pelvis UC. The 2 patients with benign lesions had no CNVs in all sequenced cells. Conclusions: The test for abnormal urinary glycolytic HK2 metabolism can assist urine cytology to improve the sensitivity of UC diagnosis, and it provides a novel and reliable approach for early detection of upper urinary tract UC and lower grade UC. Meanwhile, this study has preliminarily revealed the feasibility of single-cell sequencing in urinary samples, which is expected to improve the diagnostic specificity of HK2 testing.