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Int. j. morphol ; 41(2): 333-342, abr. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440309


SUMMARY: Changes in the microcirculation of multiple tissues and organs have been implicated as a possible mechanism in physiological aging. In particular, vascular endothelial growth factor is a secretory protein responsible for regulating angiogenesis via altering endothelial proliferation, survival, migration, extracellular matrix degradation and cell permeability. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of vascular endothelial growth factor in the progression of morphological alterations caused by physiological aging in the heart and kidney and to examine its relation to changes in capillary density. We used two age groups of healthy Wistar rats - 6- and 12-month- old. The expression of vascular endothelial growth factor was examined through immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence and assessed semi-quantitatively. Changes in capillary density were evaluated statistically and correlated with the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor. We reported stronger immunoreactivity for vascular endothelial growth factor in the left compared to the right ventricle and also observed an increase in its expression in both ventricles in older animals. Contrasting results were reported for the renal cortex and medulla. Capillary density decreased statistically in all examined structures as aging progressed. The studied correlations were statistically significant in the two ventricles in 12-month-old animals and in the renal cortex of both age groups. Our results shed light on some changes in the microcirculation that take place as aging advances and likely contribute to impairment in the function of the examined organs.

Los cambios en la microcirculación de múltiples tejidos y órganos se han implicado como un posible mecanismo en el envejecimiento fisiológico. En particular, el factor de crecimiento endotelial vascular es una proteína secretora responsable de regular la angiogénesis mediante la alteración de la proliferación endotelial, la supervivencia, la migración, la degradación de la matriz extracelular y la permeabilidad celular. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el papel del factor de crecimiento del endotelio vascular en la progresión de las alteraciones morfológicas causadas por el envejecimiento fisiológico en el corazón y riñón y examinar su relación con los cambios en la densidad capilar. Utilizamos dos grupos de ratas Wistar sanas: 6 y 12 meses de edad. La expresión del factor de crecimiento del endotelio vascular se examinó mediante inmunohistoquímica e inmunofluorescencia y se evaluó semicuantitativamente. Los cambios en la densidad capilar se evaluaron estadísticamente y se correlacionaron con la expresión del factor de crecimiento del endotelio vascular. Informamos una inmunorreactividad más fuerte para el factor de crecimiento endotelial vascular en el ventrículo izquierdo en comparación con el derecho y también observamos un aumento en su expresión en ambos ventrículos en animales mayores. Se informaron resultados contrastantes para la corteza renal y la médula. La densidad capilar disminuyó estadísticamente en todas las estructuras examinadas a medida que avanzaba el envejecimiento. Las correlaciones estudiadas fueron estadísticamente significativas en los dos ventrículos en animales de 12 meses y en la corteza renal de ambos grupos de edad. Nuestros resultados arrojan luz sobre algunos cambios en la microcirculación que tienen lugar a medida que avanza el envejecimiento y probablemente contribuyan a un deterioro en la función de los órganos examinados.

Animals , Rats , Aging , Coronary Vessels/anatomy & histology , Heart/anatomy & histology , Kidney/blood supply , Capillaries/anatomy & histology , Immunohistochemistry , Fluorescent Antibody Technique , Rats, Wistar , Coronary Vessels/physiology , Vascular Endothelial Growth Factors/metabolism , Heart/physiology , Kidney/anatomy & histology , Kidney/physiology , Microcirculation
J. bras. nefrol ; 43(1): 128-132, Jan.-Mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154655


Abstract Thromboembolic events are frequent in patients with COVID-19 infection, and no cases of bilateral renal infarctions have been reported. We present the case of a 41-year-old female patient with diabetes mellitus and obesity who attended the emergency department for low back pain, respiratory failure associated with COVID-19 pneumonia, diabetic ketoacidosis, and shock. The patient had acute kidney injury and required hemodialysis. Contrast abdominal tomography showed bilateral renal infarction and anticoagulation was started. Kidney infarction cases require high diagnostic suspicion and possibility of starting anticoagulation.

Resumo Fenômenos tromboembólicos são frequentes em pacientes com infecção por COVID-19 e nenhum caso de infarto renal bilateral havia sido relatado. Apresentamos o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino, de 41 anos, com diabetes mellitus e obesidade, que deu entrada no serviço de urgência por lombalgia, insuficiência respiratória associada à pneumonia COVID-19, cetoacidose diabética e choque. A paciente apresentava lesão renal aguda e demandava hemodiálise. A tomografia abdominal contrastada mostrou infarto renal bilateral e foi iniciada anticoagulação. Os casos de infarto renal requerem alta suspeita diagnóstica e possibilidade de iniciar a anticoagulação.

Humans , Female , Adult , Diabetes Complications , Acute Kidney Injury/complications , COVID-19/complications , Infarction/complications , Kidney/blood supply , Obesity/complications , Respiratory Insufficiency/complications , Severity of Illness Index , Immunoglobulin M/blood , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Renal Dialysis/methods , Fatal Outcome , Acute Kidney Injury/therapy , SARS-CoV-2/immunology , COVID-19/drug therapy , COVID-19/virology , Antibodies, Viral/blood , Anticoagulants/therapeutic use
J. bras. nefrol ; 42(2): 201-210, Apr.-June 2020. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134814


Abstract Introduction: Renal fibrosis is the end point of a process that begins at transplant, with ischemia reperfusion and early inflammation, and progresses over time with immunological and non-immunological phenomena. Early identification of morphological markers and intervention could improve graft function and survival. Objective: to evaluate the correlation between intensity and specificity of pre-transplant anti-HLA antibodies and kidney allograft pathology in order to identify early risk factors or markers of allograft dysfunction. Methods: A retrospective cohort of kidney transplant recipients with pre-transplant anti-HLA antibodies who underwent graft biopsy within the first two years post-transplant was divided into two groups according to the specificity of anti-HLA antibodies: nonspecific (non-DSA, n = 29) and specific (DSA+, n = 16). Kidney graft pathology, renal function, and proteinuria were analyzed. Results: general characteristics were similar in both groups, except for the higher dose of thymoglobulin in DSA+ group (p < 0.05). The non-DSA group had higher scores for glomerulosclerosis, interstitial inflammation (i) and interstitial fibrosis (ci) (p < 0.05) and higher incidence of cell-mediated acute rejection. No statistical difference in incidence of antibody-mediated rejection, renal function, and proteinuria was observed during follow up. Discussion and conclusions: the difference in inflammation scores and interstitial fibrosis may be associated to the higher incidence of acute cell-mediated rejection and polyomavirus nephropathy in the Non-DSA group. We also should take into account the protective effect of higher doses of thymoglobulin, reducing ischemia reperfusion injury in the DSA+ group. The short follow-up might have been insufficient to detect long-term changes in allograft tissue, renal function, and proteinuria.

Resumo Introdução: A fibrose renal é o desfecho de um processo iniciado no transplante, com reperfusão, isquemia e inflamação precoce, que progride ao longo do tempo com fenômenos imunológicos e não imunológicos. A identificação de marcadores morfológicos e a intervenção precoce poderiam melhorar a função e a sobrevida do enxerto. Objetivo: Avaliar a correlação entre intensidade e especificidade de anticorpos anti-HLA pré-transplante alterações histológicas do enxerto renal, de forma a identificar fatores de risco ou marcadores de disfunção precoces do aloenxerto. Métodos: O presente estudo incluiu uma coorte retrospectiva de receptores de transplante renal sensibilizados com anticorpos anti-HLA no pré-transplante submetidos a biópsia de enxerto nos primeiros dois anos após o transplante. Os grupos foram divididos em função da especificidade dos anticorpos anti-HLA: sem anticorpos doador-específicos (não-DSA, n = 29) e com anticorpos doador-específicos (DSA+, n = 16). Alterações histológicas do enxerto renal, função renal e proteinúria foram analisados. Resultados: Os dois grupos tinham características gerais semelhantes, exceto pela dose mais elevada de timoglobulina administrada nos indivíduos do grupo DSA+ (p < 0,05). O grupo não-DSA teve escores mais elevados de glomeruloesclerose, inflamação intersticial (i) e fibrose intersticial (ci) (p < 0,05), além de maior incidência de rejeição celular aguda (RCA). Não foi observada diferença estatística na incidência de rejeição mediada por anticorpos, função renal ou proteinúria durante o seguimento. Discussão e Conclusões: A diferença nos escores de inflamação e fibrose intersticial pode estar associada à maior incidência de RCA e nefropatia por poliomavírus no grupo não-DSA. Devemos considerar ainda o efeito protetor das doses mais elevadas de timoglobulina na redução da lesão por isquemia-reperfusão no grupo DSA+. O curto período de seguimento pode ter sido insuficiente para detectar alterações de longo prazo no tecido do aloenxerto, função renal e proteinúria.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Transplant Recipients , Graft Rejection/immunology , HLA Antigens/immunology , Kidney/immunology , Antibodies/blood , Proteinuria/diagnosis , Time Factors , Biopsy , Fibrosis/etiology , Reperfusion Injury/prevention & control , Retrospective Studies , Immunosuppression Therapy/methods , Treatment Outcome , Disease Progression , Preoperative Period , Graft Rejection/pathology , Kidney/blood supply , Antibody Specificity
Int. braz. j. urol ; 46(2): 194-202, Mar.-Apr. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090584


ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate usage of renal artery embolization (RAE) for renal injuries and discuss the indications for this treatment. Materials and Methods A retrospective study was performed evaluating the electronic medical records of all patients with renal trauma admitted to two major comprehensive hospitals in Shantou city from January 2006 to December 2015. Results There were 264 and 304 renal traumatic patients admitted to hospital A and B, respectively. LGRT was the reason for presentation in the majority of patients (522, 91.9%). A total of 534 (94.0%) patients were treated conservatively. RAE was performed in 9 patients from 2012 to 2015 at hospital A, including in 6 patients (6/9, 66.7%) with LGRT, and 3 patients (3/9, 33.3%) with HGRT. No patient underwent interventional therapy (RAE) at hospital B during the same period. No significant differences in the operative rate of hospital A were observed between the two time periods (2006-2011 and 2012-2015). The operative rate for LGRT between the two hospitals from 2006 to 2011 and 2012 to 2015 was not significantly different. Hospital A showed a significant decrease in the rate of conservative treatment for patients with LGRT. In the univariate and multivariate analyses, the AAST renal grade both were significantly associated with undergoing RAE. Conclusions LGRT was present in the majority of patients, and most cases of renal trauma could be treated with conservative treatment. RAE was well utilized for the treatment of renal trauma. However, some patients with LGRT were treated with unnecessary interventional therapy.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Young Adult , Renal Artery/injuries , Embolization, Therapeutic/methods , Kidney/blood supply , Kidney Diseases/therapy , Trauma Severity Indices , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Kidney Diseases/etiology , Kidney Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Middle Aged
Acta cir. bras ; 35(9): e202000905, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1130676


Abstract Purpose To determine the nephroprotective effect of NAC and Montelukast Sodium administration against the development of renal damage associated with long warm renal ischemia. Methods Twenty-seven rats were randomly divided into 3 study groups, which received NAC, montelukast and placebo, and 3 rats were included in the sham-treated control group. Medications were given 3 days before the procedure. DMSA renal scintigraphy was performed before and after surgery. The right renal pedicle was occluded for 45 min to induce ischemia and then subjected to reperfusion for 6 h (I/R groups). Results On pathological examination, the mean pathological scores of the montelukast and NAC groups were significantly lower than those of the placebo group. (p <0.05). In biochemical examination, significant differences were found in all parameter levels between the placebo group and the montelukast and NAC groups. (p <0.05) When postoperative DMSA renal scintigraphy measurements and renal function levels were compared, significant differences were found between the montelukast and NAC groups and the placebo and sham groups. Conclusion The administration of NAC and montelukast sodium was seen to have a nephroprotective effect against the development of renal damage associated with warm renal ischemia.

Animals , Rats , Acetylcysteine/pharmacology , Quinolines/pharmacology , Reperfusion Injury/prevention & control , Acetates/pharmacology , Sulfides , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Rats, Wistar , Succimer , Cyclopropanes , Kidney/blood supply
ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.) ; 33(4): e1551, 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1152634


ABSTRACT Background: Tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil are immunosuppressive agents widely used on the postoperative period of the transplants. Aim: To evaluate the influence of the association of them on the abdominal wall healing in rats. Methods: Thirty-six Wistar rats were randomly assigned in three groups of 12. On the early postoperative period, four of the control group and three of the experimental groups died. The three groups were nominated as follow: control group (GC, n=8); group I (GI, n=11, standard operation, mycophenolate mofetil and tacrolimus); group II (GII, n=10, standard operation, mycophenolate mofetil and tacrolimus). The standard operation consisted of right total nephrectomy and 20 min ischemia of the left kidney followed by reperfusion. Both NaCl 0.9% and the immunosuppressive agents were administered starting on the first postoperative day and continuing daily until the day of death on the 14th day. On the day of their deaths, two strips of the anterior abdominal wall were collected and submitted to breaking strength measurement and histological examination. Results: There were no significant differences in wound infection rates (p=0,175), in the breaking strength measurement and in the histological examination among the three groups. Conclusion: The combination of the immunosuppressive agents used in the study associated with renal ischemia and reperfusion does not interfere in the abdominal wall healing of rats.

RESUMO Racional: O tacrolimus e o micofenolato mofetil são imunossupressores amplamente utilizados no pós-operatório dos transplantes de órgãos. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos deles sobre a cicatrização da parede abdominal em ratos. Métodos: Foram utilizados 36 ratos Wistar, distribuídos aleatoriamente em três grupos de 12. No pós-operatório imediato, quatro do grupo controle e três do grupo experimentação morreram. Os três grupos receberam as seguintes denominações: grupo controle (GC, n=8); grupo I (GI, n=11, operação-padrão, micofenolato mofetil e tacrolimus); grupo II (GII, n=10, operação-padrão, micofenolato mofetil e tacrolimus). A operação-padrão consistiu de nefrectomia total à direita, isquemia durante 20 min seguida de reperfusão do rim esquerdo. Solução de NaCl 0,9% e micofenolato mofetil + tracolimus foram administradas a partir do 1° dia do pós-operatório e mantidas até o dia do sacrifício dos animais, no 14° dia. Na data do sacrifício, foram retirados dois fragmentos da parede abdominal para análise da resistência à ruptura e exame histológico. Resultados: Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa no índice de infecção de ferida operatória (p=0,175), nos valores de resistência de ruptura e nos achados histopatológicos entre os três grupos de animais. Conclusão: Os esquemas de imunossupressão empregados associados ao fenômeno da isquemia-reperfusão renal não induzem fraqueza significativa da cicatriz da parede abdominal em ratos no 14° dia de pós-operatório.

Animals , Rats , Reperfusion Injury/complications , Tacrolimus/pharmacology , Abdominal Wall/surgery , Immunosuppressive Agents/pharmacology , Kidney/blood supply , Mycophenolic Acid/pharmacology , Reperfusion , Tacrolimus/administration & dosage , Rats, Wistar , Ischemia , Mycophenolic Acid/administration & dosage
J. bras. nefrol ; 41(4): 580-584, Out.-Dec. 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056602


Abstract In kidney biopsies reviews, scleroderma renal crisis (SRC) is characterized by vascular endothelial injuries, C4d deposits on peritubular vessels, and acute and chronic injuries coexisting on the same biopsy. The clinical signs of thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) are described in systemic sclerosis (SSc), nevertheless, it has not been related to acute injuries described on kidney biopsies. We report a case of SRC in a patient with scleroderma-dermatomyositis overlap syndrome, which also showed clinical and histopathological data of TMA. On fundus examination, a severe acute hypertensive retinopathy was found. The kidney biopsy showed severe endothelial damage with widening of mucoid cells at the level of the intima, focal concentric proliferation on most small arterioles, and C3, C4d, and IgM deposits along the capillary walls. The genetic study of complement only showed the presence of membrane cofactor protein (MCP) risk haplotypes, without other genetic complement disorders. We understand that in a patient with TMA and SSc, the kidney damage would be fundamentally endothelial and of an acute type; moreover, we would observe clear evidence of complement activation. Once further studies correlate clinical-analytical data with anatomopathological studies, it is likely that we will be forced to redefine the SRC concept, focusing on the relationship between acute endothelial damage and complement activation.

Resumo Nas revisões de biópsias renais, a crise renal esclerodérmica (CRE) é caracterizada por lesões endoteliais vasculares, depósitos de C4d em vasos peritubulares e lesões agudas e crônicas que coexistem na mesma biópsia. Os sinais clínicos de microangiopatia trombótica (MAT) são descritos na esclerose sistêmica (ES); no entanto, não foram relacionados às lesões agudas descritas nas biópsias renais. Relatamos um caso de CRE em um paciente com síndrome de superposição de esclerodermia-dermatomiosite, que também apresentou dados clínicos e histopatológicos de MAT. No exame de fundo do olho, foi encontrada uma retinopatia hipertensiva aguda grave. A biópsia renal mostrou lesão endotelial grave com alargamento das células mucoides ao nível da íntima, proliferação concêntrica focal na maioria das pequenas arteríolas e depósitos de C3, C4d e IgM ao longo das paredes dos capilares. O estudo genético do complemento mostrou apenas a presença de haplótipos de risco da proteína cofator de membrana (PCM), sem outros distúrbios genéticos do complemento. Entendemos que em um paciente com MAT e ES, o dano renal seria fundamentalmente endotelial e do tipo agudo; além disso, observaríamos evidências claras de ativação do complemento. Uma vez que novos estudos correlacionam dados clínico-analíticos com estudos anatomopatológicos, é provável que sejamos forçados a redefinir o conceito de CRE, enfocando a relação entre dano endotelial agudo e ativação do complemento.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Raynaud Disease/complications , Vision Disorders/etiology , Acute Kidney Injury/etiology , Kidney/blood supply , Capillaries/metabolism , Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Immunohistochemistry , Papilledema/pathology , Dermatomyositis/complications , Dermatomyositis/immunology , Hypertensive Retinopathy/diagnosis , Hypertensive Retinopathy/pathology , Hypertensive Retinopathy/drug therapy , Acute Kidney Injury/diagnosis , Anemia, Hemolytic/diagnosis , Anemia, Hemolytic/etiology , Kidney/pathology , Kidney/diagnostic imaging
Int. braz. j. urol ; 45(5): 1022-1032, Sept.-Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040074


ABSTRACT Purpose This hybrid retrospective and prospective study performed on 200 consecutive patients undergoing renal CTA, investigates the opacification of renal vasculature, radiation dose, and reader confidence. Materials and Methods 100 patients were assigned retrospectively to protocol A and the other 100 were allocated prospectively to protocol B. Both protocols implemented a contrast material and saline flow rate of 4.5 mL/sec. Protocol A utilized a 100 mL of low-osmolar nonionic IV contrast material (Ioversol 350 mg I/mL) while protocol B employed a patient-tailored contrast media formula using iso-osmolar non-ionic (Iodixanol 320 mg I/mL). Results Arterial opacification in the abdominal aorta and in the bilateral main proximal renal arteries demonstrated no statistical significance (p>0.05). Only the main distal renal artery of the left kidney in protocol B was statistically significant (p<0.046). In the venous circulation, the IVC demonstrated a significant reduction in opacification in protocol B (59.39 HU ± 19.39) compared to A (87.74 HU ± 34.06) (p<0.001). Mean CNR for protocol A (22.68 HU ± 13.72) was significantly higher than that of protocol B (14.75 HU ± 5.76 p< 0.0001). Effective dose was significantly reduced in protocol B (2.46 ± 0.74 mSv) compared to A (3.07 ± 0.68 mSv) (p<0.001). Mean contrast media volume was reduced in protocol B (44.56 ± 14.32 mL) with lower iodine concentration. ROC analysis demonstrated significantly higher area under the ROC curve for protocol B (p< 0.0001), with inter-reader agreement increasing from moderate to excellent in renal arterial visualization. Conclusion Employing a patient-tailored contrast media injection protocol shows a significant refinement in the visualization of renal vasculature and reader confidence during renal CTA.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Renal Artery/diagnostic imaging , Contrast Media/administration & dosage , Computed Tomography Angiography/methods , Kidney/blood supply , Kidney/diagnostic imaging , Radiation Dosage , Reference Values , Renal Veins/diagnostic imaging , Triiodobenzoic Acids/administration & dosage , Logistic Models , Prospective Studies , Reproducibility of Results , Retrospective Studies , ROC Curve , Computed Tomography Angiography/standards , Middle Aged
Int. braz. j. urol ; 45(4): 754-762, July-Aug. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019881


ABSTRACT Purpose This study aimed to study morphological and renal structural changes in relation to different ischemic times and types of renal vascular pedicle clamping. Methods Sixteen pigs were divided into two groups (n = 8): Group AV - unilateral clamping of the renal artery and vein and Group A - unilateral clamping of the renal artery only, both with the contralateral kidney used as control. Serial biopsies were performed at 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90 minutes after clamping. Results there is a correlation between the occurrence of renal damage as a function of time (p <0.001), with a higher frequency of Group A lesions for cellular alterations (vascular congestion and edema, interstitial inflammatory infiltrate, interstitial hemorrhage and cell degeneration), with the exception of in the formation of pigmented cylinders that were evidenced only in the AV Group. Conclusion the number of lesions derived from ischemia is associated with the duration of the insult, there is a significant difference between the types of clamping, and the AV Group presented a lower frequency of injuries than Group A. The safety time found for Group A was 10 minutes and for Group AV 20 minutes.

Animals , Female , Renal Artery/pathology , Renal Veins/pathology , Ischemia/pathology , Kidney/blood supply , Kidney/pathology , Nephrectomy/methods , Reference Values , Swine , Time Factors , Biopsy , Reproducibility of Results , Constriction
Rev. méd. Chile ; 147(7): 891-900, jul. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1058619


Background: Renal infarction is a rare and usually underdiagnosed entity. Aim: To study the etiology of renal infarction in published series. Material and Methods: A systematic review was carried out selecting 28 series that included 1582 patients. Results: The proposed cause was cardiac or aortic embolism in 718 cases (45%), an arterial injury in 253 (16%), prothrombotic factors in 146 (9%) and other causes in 79 (5%). 291 cases were classified as idiopathic (18.4%). Atrial fibrillation was present in 542 of the 718 patients with cardiac or aortic embolism. Conclusions: The main cause of renal infarction is cardiac or aortic embolism and among this group, most cases are due to atrial fibrillation. One out of five cases is labeled as idiopathic.

Humans , Infarction/etiology , Kidney/blood supply , Kidney Diseases/etiology , Kidney/pathology
Int. j. morphol ; 37(1): 12-16, 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-989997


SUMMARY: Horseshoe kidney (HSK) is the most common kidney malformation. This review analyses the literature surrounding the etiology, morphology and clinical anatomy of these kidney fusion anomalies. A systematic literature search was carried out using the Science Direct and Scopus applications. HSK is characterized by three anatomic abnormalities: ectopia, malrotation and vascular changes. The study put emphasis especially on blood supply and upper urinary tract changes in HSK's patients. Arterial blood supply was analysed not only basing on Graves pattern, but also a new model of supply created on horseshoe kidneys computed tomography was taken into account. In addition, study presents clinical aspects of especially significant pathology of HSK, like hydronephrosis, stones and urinary tract infection. This study focuses also on congenital anomalies associated with horseshoe kidney.

RESUMEN: El riñón en herradura (RH) es la malformación renal más común reportada en la literatura. Esta revisión analiza la literatura que rodea la etiología, morfología y anatomía clínica de esta anomalía de fusión renal. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de la literatura utilizando las aplicaciones Science Direct y Scopus. El riñón en herradura se caracteriza por tres anomalías anatómicas: ectopía, malrotación y cambios vasculares. El estudio puso énfasis especialmente en el suministro de sangre y los cambios del tracto urinario superior en los pacientes con RH. El suministro de sangre arterial se analizó no solo basándose en el patrón de Graves, sino que también se tuvo en cuenta un nuevo modelo de suministro creado en los riñones en herradura. Además, el estudio presenta aspectos clínicos de patología especialmente significativa de RH, como hidronefrosis, cálculos e infección del tracto urinario. Este estudio se centró también en las anomalías congénitas asociadas con el riñón en herradura.

Humans , Fused Kidney , Kidney/abnormalities , Kidney/blood supply
Acta cir. bras ; 34(3): e201900303, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-989066


Abstract Purpose: To evaluate whether there is a relationship between renal artery vasospasm related low glomerular density or degeneration and neurogenic lung edema (NLE) following subarachnoid hemorrhage. Methods: This study was conducted on 26 rabbits. A control group was formed of five animals, a SHAM group of 5 to which saline and a study group (n=16) injected with homologous blood into the sylvian cisterna. Numbers of degenerated axons of renal branches of vagal nerves, atrophic glomerulus numbers and NLE scores were recorded. Results: Important vagal degeneration, severe renal artery vasospasm, intrarenal hemorrhage and glomerular atrophy observed in high score NLE detected animals. The mean degenerated axon density of vagal nerves (n/mm2), atrophic glomerulus density (n/mm3) and NLE scores of control, SHAM and study groups were estimated as 2.40±1.82, 2.20±1.30, 1.80±1.10, 8.00±2.24, 8.80±2.39, 4.40±1.14 and 154.38±13.61, 34.69±2.68 and 12.19±1.97 consecutively. Degenerated vagal axon, atrophic glomerulus and NLE scores are higher in study group than other groups and the differences are statistically meaningful (p<0.001). Conclusion: Vagal complex degeneration based glomerular atrophy have important roles on NLE following SAH which has not been extensively mentioned in the literature.

Animals , Rabbits , Pulmonary Edema/etiology , Renal Artery , Subarachnoid Hemorrhage/complications , Ischemia/complications , Kidney/blood supply , Nerve Degeneration/complications , Vagus Nerve/pathology , Vascular Diseases/complications , Disease Models, Animal
Acta cir. bras ; 34(5): e201900503, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1010873


Abstract Purpose: To analyze the muscle changes with high-intensity aerobic training (HIAT) in an animal model of renal disease (RD). Methods: Twenty one adult Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups: healthy sedentary (HS), RD sedentary (RDS), RD aerobic training (RDAT). RDS and RDAT were subjected to unilateral renal ischemia-reperfusion (10 min) and 21days after that, RDAT was subjected to 6 weeks HIAT (swimming). Serum creatinine (Cr) and muscle morphometry (cross-sectional area = CSA) of gastrocnemius were analyzed. Results: Cr was higher (p = 0.0053) in RDS (0.82 ± 0.04) than in the others (RDAT 0.55 ± 0.04; HS 0.55 ± 0.04). Morphometric analysis (class interval of CSA in μm2/absolute frequency of muscle fibers in each class) indicated that 50th percentile occurred in: HS 7th class (3000.00-3499.00/515), RDS, 8th class (3500.00-3999.00/484), RDAT 5th class (2000.00-2499.00/856). CSA of largest fibers in RDS, RDAT, HS was 9953.00 μm2, 9969.00 μm2,11228.00 μm2, respectively. High frequency of fibers with lower CSA occurred in 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th class in RDA, absence of fibers into 22nd, 23rd classes (RDS and RDAT). Conclusion: HIAT in an animal model of RD resulted in increased the number of muscle fibers with smaller CSA.

Animals , Physical Conditioning, Animal/physiology , Muscle, Skeletal/physiopathology , Renal Insufficiency/physiopathology , Reference Values , Swimming/physiology , Body Weight/physiology , Reperfusion Injury/physiopathology , Reproducibility of Results , Rats, Wistar , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal/physiology , Creatinine/blood , Disease Models, Animal , Sedentary Behavior , Kidney/physiopathology , Kidney/blood supply
Acta cir. bras ; 34(8): e201900806, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1038123


Abstract Purpose To assess Cyclosporine A (CsA) therapy at an intraperitoneal dose of 15 -1 in a rodent model of non-septic renal ischemia. Methods Twenty male Wistar rats were randomized to receive CsA therapy or none therapy before undergoing 30 minutes of renal ischemia followed by reperfusion. Additionally, 10 rats were randomized to undergo the same surgical procedure of the aforementioned animals with neither ischemia nor CsA therapy. Twelve hours after kidney ischemia, the left kidneys were evaluated for histological injury according to Park's criteria. Serum creatinine (Cr), urea nitrogen (Ur) and sodium levels were obtained at different times of the experimental protocol. Results Rodents in the CsA group showed negative results (p<0.05) in serum variables (Cr: 0.41±0.05mg/dL vs . 4.17±1.25mg/dL; Ur: 40.90±3.98mg/dL vs . 187.70±22.93mg/dL) even the non CsA or control group (Cr: 0.35±0.07mg/dL vs . 3.80±1.20mg/dL; Ur: 40.10±4.70mg/dL vs . 184.50±49.80mg/dL). The negative results were also verified in histological evaluation, CsA group had 50% in the very severe grade of lesion, 10% in the severe and 40% in the moderate to severe whereas the control group had 90% in the very severe grade. Conclusion CsA was incapable of preventing the deleterious effects of ischemia-reperfusion injury in rat kidneys.

Animals , Male , Rats , Reperfusion Injury/drug therapy , Cyclosporine/pharmacology , Immunosuppressive Agents/pharmacokinetics , Kidney/blood supply , Sodium/blood , Urea/blood , Reperfusion Injury/pathology , Rats, Wistar , Creatinine/blood , Disease Models, Animal , Ischemia/prevention & control , Kidney/drug effects
Acta cir. bras ; 34(4): e201900403, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001087


Abstract Purpose: To investigate the long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) profile on renal ischemia reperfusion in a mouse model. Methods: Microarray analysis was used to study the expression of misregulated lncRNA in a mouse model of renal ischemia reperfusion(I/R) with long ischemia time. Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) was used to verify the expression of selected lncRNAs and mRNAs.The potential functions of the lncRNA was analyzed by bioinformatics tools and databases. Results: Kidney function was impaired in I/R group compared to the normal group. Analysis showed that a total of 2267 lncRNAs and 2341 messenger RNAs (mRNAs) were significantly expressed in I/R group (≥2.0-fold, p < 0.05).The qPCR result showed that lncRNAs and mRNAs expression were consistent with the microarray analysis. The co-expression network profile analysis based on five validated lncRNAs and 203 interacted mRNAs showed it existed a total of 208 nodes and 333 connections. The GO and KEEG pathway analysis results showed that multiple lncRNAs are involved the mechanism of I/R. Conclusion: Multiple lncRNAs are involved in the mechanism of I/R.These analysis results will help us to further understand the mechanism of I/R and promote the new methods targeted at lncRNA to improve I/R injury.

Animals , Rats , RNA, Messenger/analysis , Reperfusion Injury/genetics , RNA, Long Noncoding/analysis , Kidney/blood supply , Reference Values , Down-Regulation , Gene Expression , Up-Regulation , Gene Expression Profiling , Tissue Array Analysis/methods , Gene Regulatory Networks , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Mice, Inbred C57BL
J. bras. nefrol ; 40(4): 312-318, Out.-Dec. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-984585


ABSTRACT Introduction: Ischemia and reperfusion (IR) is a process inherent to the procedures involved in the transplantation of organs that causes inflammation, cell death and cell injury, and may lead to rejection of the graft. It is possible that the anti-inflammatory properties of the Brazil nuts (BN) can mitigate the renal injury caused by IR. Objective: To investigate whether the previous intake of BN reduces the expression of markers of inflammation, injury, and cell death after renal IR. Methods: Male Wistar rats were distributed into six groups (N = 6/group): SHAM (control), SHAM treated with 75 or 150 mg of BN, IR, and IR treated with 75 or 150 mg of BN. The IR procedure consisted of right nephrectomy and occlusion of the left renal artery with a non-traumatic vascular clamp for 30 min. BN was given daily from day 1 to 7 before surgery (SHAM or IR), and maintained until sacrifice (48 h after surgery). Inflammation was evaluated by renal expression of COX-2 and TGF-β, injury by the expression of vimentin, and cell death by apoptosis through caspase-3 expression (immunohistochemistry). Results: Pretreatment with 75 mg of BN reduced renal expression of the COX-2, TGF-β, vimentin, and caspase-3. The dose of 150 mg caused increased expression of COX-2. Conclusion: In experimental IR, the damage can be minimized with a prior low-dose intake of BN, improving inflammation, injury, and cell death.

RESUMO Introdução: Isquemia e reperfusão (IR) é um processo inerente aos procedimentos envolvidos no transplante de órgãos, que causa inflamação, morte celular e lesão, podendo levar à rejeição do enxerto. É possível que a castanha-do-brasil (CB), por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias, possa atenuar a lesão renal causada pela IR. Objetivo: Investigar se a ingestão prévia de CB reduz a expressão de marcadores renais de inflamação, lesão e morte celular após a IR. Métodos: Ratos Wistar machos foram distribuídos em seis grupos (N = 6/grupo): SHAM (controle), SHAM tratado com 75 ou 150 mg de CB, IR, e IR tratado com 75 ou 150 mg de CB. O procedimento de IR consistiu na nefrectomia à direita e oclusão da artéria renal esquerda por 30 minutos. A castanha foi administrada diariamente por sete dias antes da cirurgia (SHAM ou IR), e mantida até o sacrifício (48 horas pós-cirurgia). A inflamação foi avaliada pela expressão renal de COX-2 e TGF-β; a lesão pela expressão de vimentina, e a morte celular por apoptose pela expressão de caspase-3, por imuno-histoquímica. Resultados: O pré-tratamento com 75 mg de CB reduziu a expressão renal de COX-2, de TGF-β, de vimentina e de caspase-3. A dose de 150 mg causou elevação da expressão de COX-2. Conclusão: No modelo experimental de IR renal, os danos podem ser minimizados com a ingestão prévia de baixas doses de CB, melhorando a inflamação, a lesão e a morte celular.

Animals , Male , Rats , Bertholletia , Acute Kidney Injury/prevention & control , Phytotherapy , Nephritis/prevention & control , Reperfusion Injury/complications , Rats, Wistar , Acute Kidney Injury/etiology , Kidney/blood supply , Nephritis/etiology
Acta cir. bras ; 33(11): 1016-1026, Nov. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-973481


Abstract Purpose: To evaluate renal repair in rats who had renal infarction induced by the obstruction of blood flow in the renal artery and were treated with transplantation of adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cell Methods: 16-week-old Wistar rats (n=72) were used, submitted to celiotomy and had of the renal artery and vein clipped for 24 hours. The animals were randomly assigned to 10 experimental homogeneous groups, corresponding to the treatments with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) or adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cell (ADSC), duration of application (24 or 48 hours), and site of transplantation (lateral vein of the tail or intrarenal). After the treatments were performed, at 8 and 31 days, four animals in each group were subjected to left nephrectomy for histological studies. Results: Histologically, a higher amount of cell debris and tubules devoid of the epithelium and a higher degree of necrosis were observed in the groups treated with PBS, as opposed to a low degree of necrosis and higher tubular vascularization in the groups treated with ADSC, particularly in the group treated with intrarenal ADSC 48 hours after injury. Conclusion: The transplantation of ADSC positively contributed to the replacement of necrotic tissue by renal tubular cells, vascularization of the renal parenchyma, and restoration of the organ function.

Animals , Male , Reperfusion Injury/surgery , Adipose Tissue/cytology , Acute Kidney Injury/surgery , Kidney/blood supply , Rats, Inbred Lew , Renal Artery Obstruction/surgery , Time Factors , Reperfusion Injury/pathology , Random Allocation , Reproducibility of Results , Treatment Outcome , Ultrasonography, Doppler, Color , Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation/methods , Acute Kidney Injury/pathology , Kidney/pathology , Necrosis
Int. braz. j. urol ; 44(4): 740-749, July-Aug. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-954072


ABSTRACT Introduction: eGFR-categories are used to predict functional outcome after partial nephrectomy (PN); no study categorized patients according to preoperative renal scan (RS) data. Aim of the study was to evaluate if stratification of patients according to RS is a reliable method to predict minor/major loss of renal function after PN. Materials and Methods: We considered patients who underwent PN and RS pre-/post-PN for T1 tumor in our Institution (2007-2017). Demographics, perioperative and specifically functional data were analysed. On the basis of the baseline Split Renal Function (SRF), patients were stratified into risk-categories: 1) baseline operated-kidney SRF range 45-55%; 2) baseline operated-kidney SRF <45%. Risk categories were analysed with postoperative functional outcome: postoperative operated-kidney SRF decrease below 90% of baseline was considered significant loss of function. Contingency tables and univariate/multivariate regression were analysed looking for independent factors of postoperative functional impairment. Results: 224 patients were analysed, 125 (55.8%) maintained >90% of their baseline function. Worse probability of maintaining ≥90 baseline renal function was found in patients with Charlson's Comorbidity Index (CCI≥3) (p=0.004) and patients with PADUA score ≥8 (p=0.023). After stratification by baseline renal function, ischemia was the only independent factor: no effect on patients with poorer baseline renal function. Patients with baseline SRF 45-55% who did not experience ischemia had the highest probability to maintain ≥90% baseline SRF (p=0.028). Ischemia >25 minutes was detrimental (p=0.017). Conclusions: Stratification of patients by SRF before PN is not a reliable predictor of renal functional outcome. Ischemia seems to scarcely influence patients with poorer renal function.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Carcinoma, Renal Cell/surgery , Carcinoma, Renal Cell/physiopathology , Risk Assessment/methods , Kidney/physiopathology , Kidney Neoplasms/surgery , Kidney Neoplasms/physiopathology , Nephrectomy/methods , Postoperative Period , Reference Values , Time Factors , Carcinoma, Renal Cell/pathology , Logistic Models , Predictive Value of Tests , Reproducibility of Results , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Treatment Outcome , Statistics, Nonparametric , Creatinine/blood , Warm Ischemia/methods , Preoperative Period , Glomerular Filtration Rate , Kidney/surgery , Kidney/blood supply , Kidney/pathology , Kidney Neoplasms/pathology , Middle Aged , Nephrectomy/adverse effects
Acta cir. bras ; 33(5): 396-407, May 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-949345


Abstract Purpose: To evaluate whether combining hypothermia and remote ischemic preconditioning (RIPC) results in protection from ischemia-reperfusion (IR). Methods: Thirty-two Wistar rats underwent right nephrectomy and were randomly assigned to four experimental protocols on the left kidney: warm ischemia (group 1), cold ischemia (group 2), RIPC followed by warm ischemia (group 3), and RIPC followed by cold ischemia (group 4). After 240 minutes of reperfusion, histological changes in the left kidney, as well as lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme activity, were analyzed. The right kidney was used as the control. Serum creatinine was collected before and after the procedures. Results: RIPC combined with hypothermia during IR experiments revealed no differences on interventional groups regarding histological changes (p=0.722). Oxidative stress showed no significant variations among the groups. Lower serum creatinine at the end of the procedure was seen in animals exposed to hypothermia (p<0.001). Conclusions: Combination of RIPC and local hypothermia provides no renal protection in IR injury. Hypothermia preserves renal function during ischemic events. Furthermore, RIPC followed by warm IR did not show benefits compared to warm IR alone or controls in our experimental protocol.

Animals , Male , Rats , Reperfusion Injury/prevention & control , Oxidative Stress/physiology , Ischemic Preconditioning/methods , Hypothermia, Induced/methods , Kidney/blood supply , Superoxide Dismutase/metabolism , Rats, Wistar , Combined Modality Therapy , Disease Models, Animal , Cold Ischemia , Warm Ischemia , Kidney/pathology
Acta cir. bras ; 33(3): 197-206, Mar. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-886272


Abstract Purpose: To evaluate whether their combination was more effective than either alone in decreasing renal damage due to ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury in rats. Methods: Thirty-two Wistar rats were assigned to four groups. Following right nephrectomy, their left kidneys were subjected to warm ischemia (IR), cold ischemia (TH+IR), intraperitoneal injection of 10 mg/kg melatonin (MEL+IR), or injection of 10 mg/kg melatonin followed by cold ischemia (MEL+TH+IR). Eight randomly assigned right kidneys constituted the control group. After 240 min of reperfusion, left nephrectomy was performed for histopathological evaluation, lipid peroxidation, and measurement of antioxidant enzyme activity. Serum was collected to measure urea and creatinine concentrations. Results: Histopathological damage induced by ischemia and reperfusion was more attenuated in the MEL+TH+IR group than in the MEL+IR and TH+IR groups (p<0.037). Superoxide dismutase activity was significantly higher (p<0.029) and creatinine (p<0.001) and urea (p<0.001) concentrations were significantly lower in the MEL+TH+IR group than in the MEL+IR and TH+IR groups. Conclusion: The combination of melatonin (MEL) and topical hypothermia (TH) better protects against renal I/R injury than does MEL or TH alone.

Animals , Male , Rats , Reperfusion Injury/prevention & control , Hypothermia, Induced/methods , Kidney/blood supply , Melatonin/therapeutic use , Superoxide Dismutase/metabolism , Reperfusion Injury/pathology , Rats, Wistar , Combined Modality Therapy , Oxidative Stress , Disease Models, Animal , Malondialdehyde/metabolism