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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009204


OBJECTIVE@#To explore application value and effectiveness of virtual reality technology combined with isokinetic muscle strength training in the rehabilitation of patients after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction surgery.@*METHODS@#Forty patients who underwent ACL reconstruction surgery from December 2021 to January 2023 were selected and divided into control group and observation group according to treatment methods, 20 patients in each group. Control group was received routine rehabilitation training combined with isokinetic muscle strength training, including 15 males and 5 females, aged from 17 to 44 years old, with an average of (29.10±8.60) years old. Observation group was performed virtual reality technology combined with isokinetic muscle strength training, including 16 males and 4 females, aged from 17 to 45 years old with an average of (30.95±9.11) years old. Lysholm knee joint score, knee extension peak torque, and knee flexion peak torque between two groups at 12 (before training) and 16 weeks (after training) after surgery were compared.@*RESULTS@#All patients were followed up for 1 to 6 months with an average of (3.30±1.42) months. There were no statistically significant difference in Lysholm knee joint score, peak knee extension peak torque, and peak knee flexion peak torque between two groups (P>0.05) before training. After training, Lysholm knee joint score, knee extension peak torque, and knee flexion peak torque of both groups were improved compared to before training (P<0.05);there were significant difference in Lysholm knee joint score, knee extension peak torque, and knee flexion peak torque between two groups(P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#The application of virtual reality technology combined with isokinetic muscle strength training could promote recovery of knee joint function and enhance muscle strength in patients after ACL reconstruction surgery in further.

Male , Female , Humans , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries/surgery , Resistance Training , Knee Joint/surgery , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction/methods , Knee Injuries/surgery , Muscle Strength/physiology
Artrosc. (B. Aires) ; 29(2): 86-90, 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1380198


Las lesiones de la esquina posteroexterna de la rodilla son poco frecuentes y están habitualmente asociadas a otras lesiones ligamentarias. El tratamiento quirúrgico es de elección, busca recuperar la estabilidad y prevenir el deterioro progresivo articular, y mejorar la función. Los resultados con las técnicas de reconstrucción son superiores a los obtenidos con reparación. Numerosas técnicas han sido descriptas para la reconstrucción del ángulo posteroexterno de la rodilla. El objetivo de la siguiente publicación es presentar la técnica de Arciero para la reconstrucción del complejo posterolateral de la rodilla, con técnica mínimamente invasiva de doble incisión

Posterolateral corner (PLC) injuries of the knee are uncommon. These injuries are frequently associated with other ligamentous injuries. Surgical treatment should be addressed in order to restore joint stability, improving overall function and preventing serious joint degeneration and articular damage. Reconstruction techniques have shown better results than repair techniques, and they can be performed by using different surgical approaches. The objective is to present the posterolateral knee complex reconstruction Arciero technique with a two-incision mini-invasive approach

Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Knee Injuries/surgery , Knee Joint/surgery
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1367137


Introducción: Se han publicado múltiples abordajes para el tratamiento de las fracturas que involucran las columnas posteriores de los platillos tibiales. Presentamos un abordaje anatómico intergemelar para tratar todas las fracturas con compromiso del componente posterior. Este procedimiento permite el acceso con visualización completa de toda la región posterior facilitando la reducción y colocación del material de osteosíntesis necesario para lograr la configuración más estable. Se describe el abordaje intergemelar posteromediano de acceso al platillo tibial descrito por nuestro equipo. Conclusiones:Consideramos que esta vía de abordaje representa una opción por tener en cuenta al tratar fracturas que afecten ambas columnas posteriores, alguna de ellas de manera aislada o la inserción tibial del ligamento cruzado posterior. Si bien las estructuras neurovasculares requieren atención constante durante el acto quirúrgico, la visión directa de ellas y su protección meticulosa, realizada por cirujanos experimentados, reduce al mínimo el riesgo de lesión y su manipulación no es una contraindicación para la elección de esta vía. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

Introduction: There are multiple approaches described in the literature for the treatment of fractures that involve the posterior columns of the tibial plateau. We present an anatomical intergastrocnemius approach for the treatment of all fractures involving the posterior component. It allows access with complete visualization of the entire posterior region, facilitating the reduction and placement of the osteosynthesis material necessary to achieve the most stable configuration. surgical technique: We describe the posteromedial intergastrocnemius approach to access the tibial plateau performed by our team. Conclusion: We consider that this approach represents an option to consider when treating fractures that affect both posterior columns, some of them in isolation, or the tibial insertion of the PCL. Although the neurovascular structures require constant attention during the surgical procedure, their direct vision and their meticulous protection, performed by experienced surgeons, minimizes the risk of injury, and their manipulation is not a contraindication for using this approach. Level of Evidence: IV

Tibial Fractures/surgery , Fracture Fixation, Internal , Knee Injuries/surgery
Rev. bras. ortop ; 56(4): 533-536, July-Aug. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1341172


Abstract A deviated osteochondral fracture of the anterolateral tibia associated with fibular head avulsion in a 50-year-old patient is reported. In general, avulsion fracture of the iliotibial tract is associated with injuries in the cruciate ligament, in the meniscus and in lateral knee structures, as in the case herein reported.

Resumo Uma fratura osteocondral desviada da tíbia anterolateral associada a avulsão da cabeça da fíbula em um paciente de 50 anos é relatada. A fratura avulsão do trato iliotibial em geral está associada lesões do ligamento cruzado, do menisco, e das estruturas laterais do joelho, como no caso em questão.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Tibial Fractures , Femoral Fractures , Knee Injuries/surgery
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 27(spe2): 16-19, Apr.-June 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1280086


ABSTRACT After arthroscopic ligament reconstruction, athletes still need to go through a postoperative rehabilitation training period and suffer the possible pain that can go from moderate to severe. Commonly used analgesic medications, ropivacaine and fentanyl have the effect of relieving athletes' pain. To study the analgesic effect of ropivacaine on arthroscopic reconstruction of the knee ligament, the steps of reconstruction and pharmacology of ropivacaine were first introduced. Next, the analgesic effects of ropivacaine and fentanyl in 86 athletes were compared on muscle strength recovery, patient satisfaction, and pain score. The results showed that the satisfaction of patients with ropivacaine was 95.35%, and the incidence of postoperative adverse reactions was only 9.30%. These results indicate that ropivacaine has a better analgesic effect in arthroscopic reconstruction of the knee ligament in athletes, which is suitable for postoperative rehabilitation.

RESUMO Após a reconstrução artroscópica do ligamento, os atletas ainda precisam passar por um longo período de treinamento pós-operatório de reabilitação e suportar a possível dor de moderada a severa. Os medicamentos analgésicos ropivacaina e fentanilo comumente utilizados têm o efeito de aliviar a dor dos atletas. Para estudar o efeito analgésico da ropivacaína na reconstrução artroscópica do ligamento do joelho foram introduzidos, em primeiro lugar, os passos da reconstrução artroscópica do ligamento e os da farmacologia da ropivacaína. Em seguida, os efeitos analgésicos da ropivacaína e o fentanilo em 86 atletas foram comparados com a recuperação na força muscular, na satisfação do paciente e na pontuação da dor. Os resultados mostraram que a satisfação dos doentes com a ropivacaína chegava a 95.35%, e a incidência de reações adversas pós-operatórias foi apenas de 9.30%. Estes resultados indicam que a ropivacaína tem melhor efeito analgésico na reconstrução artroscópica do ligamento do joelho, o que é adequado para a reabilitação pós-operatória.

RESUMEN Después de la reconstrucción artroscópica del ligamento, los atletas aun precisan pasar por un largo período de entrenamiento posoperatorio de rehabilitación y soportar el posible dolor que puede ir de moderado a severo. Los medicamentos analgésicos, ropivacaína y fentanilo que son comúnmente utilizados, tienen el efecto de aliviar el dolor de los atletas. Para estudiar el efecto analgésico de la ropivacaína en la reconstrucción artroscópica del ligamento de la rodilla fueron introducidos, en primer lugar, los pasos de la reconstrucción y de la farmacología de la ropivacaína. Enseguida, los efectos analgésicos de la ropivacaína y el fentanilo en 86 atletas fueron comparados en la recuperación de la fuerza muscular, en la satisfacción del paciente y en la puntuación del dolor. Los resultados mostraron que la satisfacción de los pacientes con la ropivacaína llegaba a 95.35%, y la incidencia de reacciones adversas posoperatorias fue apenas de 9.30%. Estos resultados indican que la ropivacaína tiene mejor efecto analgésico en la reconstrucción artroscópica del ligamento de la rodilla de los atletas, lo que es adecuado para la rehabilitación posoperatoria.

Humans , Pain, Postoperative/prevention & control , Arthroscopy/methods , Athletic Injuries/surgery , Ropivacaine/therapeutic use , Knee Injuries/surgery , Anesthetics, Local/therapeutic use , Patient Satisfaction , Plastic Surgery Procedures
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1248721


Las fracturas osteocondrales (FOC) traumáticas de rodilla en la edad pediátrica, son lesiones que acompañan hasta un 30% de las luxaciones agudas de rótula (LAR). Si no se mantiene una elevada sospecha clínica, es frecuente su retraso diagnóstico, pudiendo generar potenciales complicaciones. A propósito, presentamos el caso de una paciente de 12 años con una FOC post LAR que pasó inadvertida en la primera consulta, requiriendo la fijación del fragmento osteocondral con tornillos HCS a los 5 meses, logrando un excelente resultado funcional a los 54 meses de seguimiento.

Traumatic osteochondral fractures (OCF) of the knee in pediatric age are injuries that accompany up to 30% of acute patellar dislocations (APD). If high clinical suspicion is not maintained, its diagnostic delay is frequent, and may generate potential complications. Incidentally, we present the case of a 12-year-old patient with a post-APD OCF that went unnoticed in the first consultation, requiring fixation of the osteochondral fragment with HCS screws at 5 months. Achieving an excellent functional result at 54 months follow-up.

As fraturas osteocondrais traumáticas (FOC) do joelho em idade pediátrica são lesões que acompanham até 30% das luxações agudas da patela (LAP). Se uma alta suspeita clínica não for mantida, seu atraso no diagnóstico é frequente e pode gerar complicações potenciais. A propósito, apresentamos o caso de um paciente de 12 anos com FOC pós-LAP que passou despercebido na primeira consulta, exigindo fixação do fragmento osteocondral com parafusos HCS em 5 meses. Obtendo um excelente resultado funcional aos 54 de acompanhamento.

Humans , Female , Child , Knee Injuries/surgery , Knee Injuries/diagnostic imaging , Bone Screws , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome , Patellar Dislocation/complications , Fracture Fixation , Knee Injuries/etiology
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-879381


OBJECTIVE@#To compare therapeutic efficacy of modified single-needle arthroscopic repair technique and Fast-Fix technique in repairing longitudinal meniscus injuries.@*METHODS@#From July 2016 to July 2017, patients with longitudinal meniscus injuries who underwent meniscal repair surgery were retrospectively analyzed. Ninety-one patients treated with modified single-needle technique and 77 patients were treated with Fast-Fix technique, the average age were (26.7±7.6) and (27.9±6.1) years old respectively, the average lengths of follow-up were (32.5±9.2) and (33.2±11.9) months, respectively. Operation cost, suture time, intraoperative failure rate and postoperative failure rate were used as clinical outcomes, MRI of knee joint was used as main diagnosis and evaluation basis; 2000 IKDC subjective score, Lysholm score and Tegner activity scale were compared between two groups preoperatively, 12 months after operation and at the latest follow-up. Intraoperative and postopertaive complications were observed.@*RESULTS@#Compared with Fast-Fix group, patients in modified single-needle technique group had lower operation costs [(645.7±133.1 vs.(12 184.8±4 709.8), @*CONCLUSION@#Modified single-needle arthrscopicrepair technique could achieve the similar therapeutic efficacy as Fast-Fix technique, and it has advantageds of simple opertion and more economical. This study recommends clinical application of modified single-needle arthrscopic repair technique in treating meniscus injuries.

Adult , Humans , Young Adult , Arthroscopy , Knee Injuries/surgery , Menisci, Tibial/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Suture Techniques , Tibial Meniscus Injuries/surgery , Treatment Outcome
Artrosc. (B. Aires) ; 28(1): 22-29, 2021.
Article in Spanish | BINACIS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1252438


Introducción: La lesión de LCA en niños con fisis abierta va en aumento debido a una mayor participación en deportes de contacto y al diagnóstico precoz. El tratamiento conservador de este tipo de lesiones está asociado al desarrollo de lesiones secundarias condrales y meniscales por lo que, sobre la base de la bibliografía actual, su tratamiento en pacientes esqueléticamente inmaduros con inestabilidad anterior de rodilla objetiva y sintomática es quirúrgico. Materiales y métodos: en el siguiente trabajo se presenta una revisión de dieciocho pacientes esqueléticamente inmaduros con reconstrucción de LCA y un seguimiento promedio de veintiséis meses (entre doce y cincuenta y seis) evaluados con los scores Lysholm, Tegner e IKDC, y telemetrías postoperatorias con mejoría de los scores funcionales permitiendo el retorno al mismo nivel de actividad deportiva en la mayoría de los casos. Conclusión: en esta población, no se han observado cambios en la angulación del miembro intervenido en las telemetrías postoperatorias de control, ni en el desarrollo de alteraciones del crecimiento. Tipo de estudio: Serie de Casos. Nivel de evidencia: IV

Introduction: ACL injury in children with open physis is increasing due to greater participation in contact sports and early diagnosis. Conservative treatment of this type of injury is associated with the development of secondary chondral and meniscal injuries, so based on current literature the treatment of this type of injury in skeletally immature patients with objective and symptomatic anterior knee instability is surgical. Materials and methods: the following work presents a review of eighteen skeletally immature patients with ACL reconstruction and an average follow-up of twenty-six months (between twelve and fifty-six months) evaluated with the Lysholm, Tegner and IKDC scores and postoperative telemetries with improvement in functional scores allowing return at the same level of sports activity in most cases. Conclusion: in this population, no changes in the angulation of the operated limb have been observed in the postoperative control telemetries or the development of growth alterations in any case. Type of study: Case series. Level of evidence: IV

Adolescent , Arthroscopy/methods , Joint Instability , Knee Injuries/surgery , Knee Joint/surgery
Acta ortop. mex ; 34(6): 417-421, nov.-dic. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383458


Resumen: Introducción: La lesión multiligamentaria de la articulación de rodilla se define como el daño a dos o más ligamentos principales. Estas lesiones son poco comunes, con una incidencia de ˂ 10:10,000. Constituyen menos de 0.02% de todas las lesiones ortopédicas. Es aún menos frecuente encontrar asociación de éstas a una ruptura completa del tendón patelar, la cual se presenta con una prevalencia 2.4%. Caso clínico: Masculino de 22 años sufrió accidente de alta velocidad, con diagnóstico de lesión multiligamentaria de rodilla izquierda estadio V de Schenck asociada a ruptura completa de tendón patelar, fue tratado en un solo tiempo quirúrgico con reconstrucción ligamentaria cuatro semanas después de evento traumático. Se obtuvo a los ocho meses un puntaje de 88.5 con el formulario IKDC 2000 para la evaluación funcional subjetiva de la rodilla. Discusión: El tratamiento quirúrgico definitivo se realiza a las cuatro semanas de la lesión. Con esto se disminuye el riesgo de inestabilidad. En nuestro caso clínico el paciente se logra integrar a las actividades de su vida diaria después de ocho meses. Para validar esta técnica como efectiva o buena para su uso, se requiere un mayor número de pacientes tratados de la misma forma. Sin embargo, se sugiere contemplar como una opción de manejo. Conclusión: Lesión poco frecuente, de tratamiento quirúrgico con un pronóstico reservado.

Abstract: Introduction: Multi-ligament injury of the knee joint is defined as damage to two or more major ligaments. They are uncommon, with an incidence of ˂ 10:10,000. They constitute less than 0.02% of all orthopedic lesions. It is even less frequent to find an association of these with a complete rupture of the patellar tendon which presents with a prevalence of 2.4%. Case report: 22 year old male; he presented a high-speed accident with a diagnosis of multi-ligament left knee injury stage V of Schenck associated with complete patellar tendon rupture treated in a single surgical time with ligament reconstruction, four weeks after traumatic event. A score of 88.5 was obtained after eight months with the IKDC 2000 form for the subjective functional evaluation of the knee. Discussion: The definitive surgical treatment is performed four weeks after the injury. This reduces the risk of instability. In our clinical case, the patient is integrated into the activities of his daily life after eight months. To validate this technique as effective or good for its use, a greater number of patients treated in the same way is required. It is, however, suggested to contemplate as a management option. Conclusion: These types of lesions are infrequent with a prognosis reserved.

Adult , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Tendon Injuries , Patellar Ligament , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries , Knee Injuries , Rupture/surgery , Tendon Injuries/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Patellar Ligament/surgery , Knee Injuries/surgery , Knee Injuries/complications , Knee Joint
Rev. chil. ortop. traumatol ; 61(2): 53-59, oct. 2020. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1342412


OBJETIVOS: Determinar el rendimiento de las clasificaciones de Outerbridge (OB) e International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS). MÉTODO: Estudio de test diagnóstico, diseño y recolección de datos prospectivo. Siete traumatólogos sub-especialistas observaron un mismo video donde se exponían 30 lesiones condrales bajo visión artroscópica, para luego clasificarlas según OB e ICRS y consignar el tratamiento de elección para cada una de las lesiones, eligiendo entre 6 alternativas: observación, debridamiento mecánico o térmico, microfractura, OATS o terapias biológicas. Tras 7 días, los evaluadores debían repetir el mismo procedimiento. RESULTADOS: La concordancia entre los observadores fue débil para clasificación de ICRS (k 0,25 p < 0,001) y moderada para la clasificación de OB (k 0,45 p < 0,001). La concordancia intra-observador para ICRS oscilaba entre moderada y excelente (k promedio de 0,67), y para la clasificación de OB entre buena y excelente (k promedio 0,83). Ninguna de las dos clasificaciones mostró correlación con la experiencia del cirujano. En la elección de tratamiento, la concordancia entre observadores fue débil (k 0,33 p < 0,001), sin embargo, la concordancia intra-observador fue en todos los casos buena o excelente (k 0,82), mostrando una correlación directamente proporcional a la experiencia del cirujano. La capacidad de discriminación terapéutica, evaluada mediante una regresión logística, mostró un área bajo la curva roc en el rango del no-efecto. CONCLUSIÓN: Ambas clasificaciones mostraron una baja correlación inter-observador y una elevada concordancia intra-observador. En ambas categorías, Outerbridge fue más concordante que ICRS. En cuanto al tratamiento, ninguna de las dos clasificaciones logra unificar criterios quirúrgicos. NIVEL DE EVIDENCIA: Nivel I (test diagnóstico).

OBJECTIVES: Assess de diagnostic accuracy of Outerbridge (OB) and ICRS (International Cartilage Repair Society) classifications. METHODS: We performed a diagnostic test study, with a prospective design and data collection. Seven knee surgeons were asked to observe a video were the 30 chondral lesions were shown through arthroscopic view. Simultaneously they were asked to classify them according to OB and ICRS. Besides, they had to define how they would manage the chondral lesion, choosing among six treatment options (observation, mechanical or thermic chondroplasty, microfracture, osteochondral autologous transfer system (OATS) or biological therapies). A week later, they repeated the same procedure. Intra and interobserver agreement were characterized by κ statistical analysis, and a logistic regression was used to assess the ability of both classifications to discriminate among treatment options. P values < 0,05 were considered significant. RESULTS: Interobserver agreement was weak (κ 0.25 p < 0.001) for ICRS classification and moderate for OB classification (κ 0.45 p < 0.001). Intraobserver agreement for ICRS ranged from moderate to excellent (average κ of 0.67), and for the OB classification ranged from good to excellent (average kappa 0.83). Neither classification correlated with the surgeon's experience. Interobserver agreement for therapeutic choice was poor (κ 0.33 p < 0.001). However, intraobserver agreement was good to excellent (κ 0.82) in all cases, showing a direct correlation with the surgeon's experience. Logistic regression used to assess the ability of both classifications to discriminate among treatment options, showed in both cases an area under the roc curve in the no-effect range. CONCLUSION: Both classifications showed low interobserver and high intraobserver agreements for arthroscopic grading of chondral lesions. In both, Outerbridge was more reliable than ICRS. As for guiding therapeutic management, none of the classifications could unify surgical criteria.

Humans , Arthroscopy , Cartilage Diseases/classification , Cartilage Diseases/diagnosis , Knee Injuries/classification , Knee Injuries/diagnosis , Severity of Illness Index , Cartilage Diseases/surgery , Observer Variation , Prospective Studies , ROC Curve , Knee Injuries/surgery
Rev. argent. cir. plást ; 26(3): 143-147, 20200900. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1151323


El traumatismo de miembros inferiores representa un reto para el cirujano plástico en cuanto a su reconstrucción cuando no se dispone de técnicas microquirúrgicas. En el presente trabajo se presentan tres casos de reconstrucción de rodilla con doble colgajo muscular de gemelo en donde se demuestra que la utilización simultánea de los dos gemelos puede ser aplicada sin dejar ninguna secuela en la parte funcional y estética en la deambulación de los pacientes. No existe en la literatura nacional ni internacional un reporte de casos con esta aplicación, ya que siempre se ha limitado al uso de un solo músculo precisamente por el temor de alterar la función en cuanto a la flexoextensión del pie.

Lower limb trauma is a challenge for plastic surgeons in their reconstruction when microsurgical techniques are available. In this paper we present three cases of reconstruction of the knee with twin double-muscle flap where it is shown that the simultaneous use of the twins can be applied without leaving any sequel partly functional and aesthetics in ambulation of patients. For there is in the national or international literature a repost of cases with this application as it has always been limited to using just a single muscle for fear of disrupting the function in terms of flexion and extension of the foot.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Surgical Flaps/surgery , Wounds and Injuries/classification , Lower Extremity/surgery , Fractures, Open/surgery , Knee Injuries/surgery
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-942088


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the clinical effect of a modified arthroscopic outside-in suture technique in the treatment of meniscus tear using a spinal needle.@*METHODS@#From January 2015 to October 2017, 95 patients treated with this method were followed-up. Among these cases, there were 36 males and 59 females. The age of the patients ranged from 16 to 77 years, (46.79±18.07) years in average. Among them, there were 28 patieats aged 16-35, 53 patients aged 36-65, and 14 patients aged over 65 years old. 28 cases were diagnosed with medial meniscus tear, 43 cases with lateral meniscus tear and 24 cases with both medial and lateral meniscus tear. Causes of the injury included sports, sprain, etc. According to Barrett standard, the clinical healing of meniscus tear was judged. Lysholm score, knee range of motion, visual simulation score (VAS) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were used to evaluate the postoperative knee function and recovery of the patients.@*RESULTS@#The 95 patients were followed up for 22 to 36 months, with an average of (28.32±3.98) months. According to Barrett standard, 90 patients (94.7%) obtained meniscus clinical healing. Meniscal healing rates were 96.43%, 96.23% and 85.71% in the three age groups, respectively. The meniscal healing rate was lower in the elderly group, but there was no significant difference in statistical results (P=0.262). Five patients had deep tenderness in the joint space of the injured side, and the overstretch test was positive. The preoperative and postoperative VAS scores, Lysholm scores and knee motion were compared in each group, and the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.01). At the end of the last follow-up, there were no cases of knee joint effusion, swelling and interlocking, and the joint function was effectively improved in most patients. No surgical site infection, periarticular vascular/nerve injury or knotting reaction was found during the follow-up.@*CONCLUSION@#This modified arthroscopic outside-in suture technique using a spinal needle has the characteristics of simple operation, small trauma and rapid recovery, and the mid-term follow-up results were satisfactory. Therefore, we consider this method to be a safe and efficient method for the treatment of meniscus anterior horn and body tear.

Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Arthroscopy , Follow-Up Studies , Knee Injuries/surgery , Punctures , Suture Techniques , Tibial Meniscus Injuries/surgery
Artrosc. (B. Aires) ; 27(1): 9-13, 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1118172


Las lesiones de la raíz meniscal se definen como avulsiones de la raíz o lesiones radiales hasta 1 cm de la inserción meniscal, representan del 10% al 21% de todas las roturas meniscales. Se asocian con dolor, discapacidad y rápido deterioro articular. Pueden ocurrir en pacientes jóvenes como resultado de un trauma de alta energía, pero es más común en pacientes entre 45 y 60 años en el contexto de cambios degenerativos meniscales.El objetivo del siguiente trabajo es realizar una actualización de la literatura, mostrando cual es la técnica quirúrgica preferida en nuestra institución

Meniscus root tears are now being recognized as a significant cause of pain, disability, and rapid joint deterioration. They can occur in younger patients as a result of high energy trauma, but are more common in patients between 45 and 60 as a result of degeneration of the meniscus.The aim of this article was to review and summarize the recent literature regarding various diagnosis and treatment strategies of meniscus root repair, and to show the preferred technique used in our institution

Arthroscopy/methods , Menisci, Tibial/surgery , Knee Injuries/surgery
Artrosc. (B. Aires) ; 27(1): 14-18, 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1118174


Las lesiones meniscales en rampa son un desgarro longitudinal de la fijación periférica del cuerno posterior del menisco interno a nivel de la unión meniscocapsular, asociadas a la lesión del Ligamento Cruzado Anterior (LCA). Su diagnóstico clínico puede ser dificultoso debido a que pueden cursar de manera asintomática, la resonancia magnética tiene una sensibilidad menor al 50% para detectarlas, y en la artroscopía, desde el portal anterolateral habitual puede pasar desapercibida. Para diagnosticar y tratar estas lesiones es necesario buscarlas sistemáticamente visualizando de manera directa la unión meniscocapsular posterior a través del espacio intercondíleo y trabajando desde un portal posteromedial. Esto hace que este tipo de lesiones sean de difícil diagnóstico y tratamiento. Presentamos la técnica quirúrgica para la detección y reparación de las lesiones en rampa meniscal

Meniscal ramp lesions are a longitudinal tear of the peripheral attachment of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus at the meniscocapsular union, associated with the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. They can be difficult to diagnose clinically because they can be asymptomatic; magnetic resonance imaging has a sensitivity of less than 50%; and arthroscopically, from the anterolateral portal these lesions are hard to find. For diagnosing and treating these lesions, it is necessary to systematically look for them by direct visualization of the posterior meniscocapsular junction through the intercondylar space and working from a posteromedial portal. These types of injuries are difficult to diagnose and treat. We present the surgical technique for the detection and repair of meniscal ramp lesions

Arthroscopy/methods , Menisci, Tibial/surgery , Knee Injuries/surgery
Artrosc. (B. Aires) ; 27(1): 36-40, 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1118177


El plasma rico en plaquetas (PRP) ha sido utilizado en distintos tipos de cirugías ortopédicas, incluyendo músculos, hueso, tendones y ligamentos. El PRP podría acelerar o mejorar el proceso reparativo, permitiendo un retorno precoz a las actividades deportivas de los pacientes. El PRP se obtiene de la sangre autóloga, la cual es centrifugada, obteniendo plaquetas y factores de crecimiento en cantidades superiores a la sangre normal.La combinación de reparación meniscal con el uso de PRP no ha atraído la misma cantidad de investigación científica que la cirugía ligamentosa. Hasta el momento, pocos estudios sobre el tema han sido publicados, y la mayoría de ellos con números insuficientes para probar el efecto del PRP en las reparaciones. Con la evidencia actualmente disponible no podemos asegurar la utilidad del PRP como aumentación de reparaciones meniscales, sin embargo, nueva evidencia nos indica que en pacientes donde existiría bajo potencial de cicatrización (lesiones aisladas, indicación extendida) podría existir una indicación

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) has been used in different aspects of orthopedics, including muscle, bone, tendons and ligament surgery. PRP might accelerate or improve the healing process, allowing an earlier return to sports activities. PRP is obtained from autologous blood, which is centrifuged, obtaining platelets and growth factor concentrations higher than those of regular blood.Meniscal repair with the use of PRP has not attracted the same amount of investigation compared to ligamentous surgery. Currently, there are few published studies available regarding the effect of PRP on meniscal repair outcomes, and most of them are underpowered to assess repair failure as a primary outcome measure. With the actual evidence we cannot recommend for the use of PRP in every meniscal repair, but encouraging evidence is being published supporting its use in patients with higher risk of failure (isolated repairs, extended indications)

Menisci, Tibial/surgery , Platelet-Rich Plasma , Knee Injuries/surgery , Knee Injuries/therapy
Artrosc. (B. Aires) ; 27(1): 19-25, 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1118179


La real incidencia de las lesiones meniscales en niños y adolescentes sigue siendo desconocida, aunque se estima que estas han aumentado en los últimos años. En este grupo de pacientes, tanto el examen físico como la resonancia magnética han reportado un menor rendimiento, por lo que la sospecha clínica debe ser alta. Aunque la literatura es escasa en niños y las bases del manejo de estas lesiones se extrapolan del manejo en adultos, la tendencia actual es la preservación meniscal. Dado el alto potencial de cicatrización y la mayor vascularización del menisco pediátrico, se extiende la indicación de sutura meniscal a toda aquella lesión reparable, independiente del patrón, extensión o tiempo de evolución en este grupo étareo. La literatura reporta buenos resultados tras la reparación meniscal en pacientes pediátricos, con tasas de cicatrización promedio por sobre el 70%, que son al menos comparable a lo reportado en adultos. A la fecha, la técnica todo-dentro es la más utilizada por su fácil utilización y menor tiempo quirúrgico. Sin embargo, debemos ser especialmente cuidadosos para evitar una lesión neurovascular iatrogénica dado el menor tamaño y proximidad del paquete neurovascular en rodillas pediátricas. La principal complicación es la falla de la sutura, reportándose tasas comparables a la población adulta a pesar de su indicación extendida en niños y adolescentes. Se han identificado como factores protectores para la reparación meniscal la menor edad, la fisis abierta, roturas de patrones simples y la reconstrucción concomitante de ligamento cruzado anterior. En el presente artículo realizamos una detallada revisión de la literatura disponible sobre reparación meniscal en niños y adolescentes, enfatizando las diferencias versus población adulta. También presentamos nuestra experiencia y protocolo de rehabilitación para sutura meniscal en pacientes pediátricos

The true incidence of meniscal injuries in children and adolescents remains unknown, though estimated to have increased during the last years. Clinical suspicion must remain high since physical examination and magnetic resonance imaging have reported less accuracy for meniscal tears in pediatric patients. Although literature is scarce in children and adolescents and the basis for managing these lesions is extrapolated from adult population, the current trend is meniscal preservation. Considering the greater healing potential and vascularization of the pediatric meniscus, indications for meniscal suture are extended to all those tears amenable to repair in spite of their size, tear pattern and time to repair. Literature has demonstrated good outcomes for meniscal repair in children, with healing rates above 70%, comparable to those reported for adults. To date, the all-inside technique is the most frequently used for meniscal repair thanks to its simplicity and shorter operative time. However, we must be especially careful to avoid iatrogenic neurovascular injury given the smaller size and proximity of the neurovascular package in the pediatric knee. Suture failure is the main complication, with rates comparable to adult population despite widespread indication of repair in children. Younger age, open physis, simple tear patterns and simultaneous anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction appear to benefit meniscal repair in children. This article summarizes the available literature regarding meniscal repair in children and adolescents, emphasizing the differences with adult population. We also present our experience in the treatment of these injuries and our preferred rehabilitation protocol

Child , Adolescent , Arthroscopy/methods , Menisci, Tibial/surgery , Knee Injuries/surgery
Artrosc. (B. Aires) ; 27(2): 78-87, 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1118222


La cirugía de revisión del ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) plantea una serie de dificultades específicas. Estas incluyen la falta de masa ósea para permitir la fijación efectiva de la reconstrucción, morbilidad de la zona del donante cuando se utiliza autoinjerto óseo para llenar los túneles, etc. Para abordar algunos de estos problemas, describimos una técnica de revisión de 2 etapas que utiliza aloinjerto óseo para el llenado del túnel y el autoinjerto de tendón rotuliano (HTH) para la reconstrucción del LCA. Además, la intervención incluye una fase extraarticular en la que el ligamento anterolateral se refuerza con una tenodesis para aumentar la estabilidad rotacional de la rodilla, mejorando así las posibilidades de éxito. Tipo de Trabajo: Técnica Quirúrgica. Nivel Evidencia: V

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) revision surgery poses a number of specific difficulties. These include the lack of bone mass to enable effective fixation of the reconstruction, morbidity of the donor area when bone autograft is used to fill the tunnels .To address all these problems, we describe a 2-stage revision technique that uses bone allograft for tunnel filling and patellar tendon autograft (BTB) for ligament reconstruction. In addition, the intervention includes an extra-articular phase in which the anterolateral ligament is reinforced to increase the rotational stability of the knee, thus improving the prognosis of operation. Type of Study: Surgical Technique. Level of Evidence: V

Adult , Reoperation , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction/methods , Allografts , Knee Injuries/surgery
Rev. argent. cir. plást ; 25(1): 28-32, 20190000. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1358046


El traumatismo grave de rodilla con fractura GIIIC es un desafío para el cirujano plástico en cuanto a planificar su reconstrucción, más aún en nuestro Servicio donde no contamos con técnicas microquirúrgicas ni personal especializado para llevar a cabo dicho procedimiento. En el presente trabajo presentamos 1 caso de reconstrucción de rodilla con colgajo muscular bigemelar, en el cual demostramos buenos resultados, pronta resolución, rápida deambulación del paciente, menor tiempo de estadía hospitalaria y no hubo necesidad de derivación a un hospital de alta complejidad para aplicar un colgajo microvascularizado.

Humans , Postoperative Care , Rehabilitation , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Early Diagnosis , Free Tissue Flaps/transplantation , Myocutaneous Flap/transplantation , Fractures, Open/surgery , Knee Injuries/surgery , Microsurgery/methods
Artrosc. (B. Aires) ; 26(3): 83-87, 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1048246


Introducción: En la actualidad existen diferentes métodos y técnicas de preservación articular. La utilización de una matriz de atelocolágeno combinada con microperforaciones otorga un soporte adecuado para la inducción de la condrogénesis a partir de las células mesenquimales provenientes de la médula ósea. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es describir la técnica quirúrgica y presentar los resultados de una serie de pacientes con lesiones condrales severas, tratados con microperforaciones asociado a una matriz de atelocolágeno. Material y Método: Se evaluaron los pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente por lesión de cartílago grado IV de más de 3 cm2 a los que se le aplicó matriz de atelocolágeno combinado con microperforaciones. El mínimo seguimiento fue de 24 meses. En pacientes con deseje o inestabilidad asociada se realizaron procedimientos combinados en el mismo acto quirúrgico. Describimos la técnica quirúrgica, resultados funcionales pre y postoperatorios con las escalas de Lysholm, IKDC y Escala Visual Análoga (EVA) del dolor fueron. Se realizó una evaluación radiográfica. Analizamos las complicaciones del procedimiento. Resultado: Fueron operados 12 pacientes. A uno se le realizó un reemplazo articular de su rodilla a los 10 meses de la cirugía y fue considerado falla con finalización del seguimiento. Once fueron evaluados clínicamente, nueve hombres y dos mujeres, con una edad promedio de 48 años y seguimiento promedio de 34 meses. Ocho procedimientos en cóndilo interno, 2 en cóndilo externo y 4 en tróclea. La mediana de la escala de IKDC pre/post operatorio fue 41/55 (p 0.016), Lysholm 35/82 (p 0.004) y EVA 9/3 (p 0.002). La evaluación radiológica no evidenció cambios degenerativos. Se registró 1 artrofibrosis post operatoria. Conclusión: En nuestra serie, el tratamiento con atelocolágeno combinado con microperforaciones mejoró la clínica de los pacientes con lesión severa del cartílago articular de rodilla. Tipo de trabajo: Serie de casos Nivel de Evidencia: IV

ntroduction: Different surgical approaches are currently available to treat knee chondral defects. The technique used in this article combines microfractures with the use of an injectable atelocollagen matrix (Cartifill). The matrix covers the defect and improves the mechanical stability of the blood clot and maintains the chondrogenic progenitor cells and growth factors in the defective area. The aim of our study is to evaluate and describe the results in a series of patients treated with atelocollagen matrix and microfractures. Material and Methods: All patients treated with atelocollagen matrix due to a cartilage lesion with a minimum follow-up of 24 months were evaluated. Patients undergoing associated surgeries (osteotomies, meniscectomies, mosaicplasty, ligament reconstruction) in the same surgical procedure were included in the study. Clinical function was assessed before and after surgery with the International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC), the Lysholm score and the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Radiographic control was requested according to availability. Results: Twelve patients met the inclusion criteria. Three women. Average age of 50 years. Eight applications in medial condyle, 2 in lateral condyle and 4 in trochlea. One post-operative arthrofibrosis was recorded. One of the patients underwent an articular replacement of his knee 10 months after the surgery with finalization of follow-up. The pre / post-operative average was 39/52 (IKDC), 37/76 (Lysholm) and 8.5 / 3.5 (VAS). Conclusion: In our series, atelocollagen matrix combined with microfractures improved the clinical symptoms of patients with severe knee articular cartilage injury. However, a better selection of patients who require this procedure should be applied in future interventions. Type of Study: Case Series. Level of Evidence: IV

Adult , Middle Aged , Arthroscopy/methods , Cartilage, Articular/surgery , Cartilage, Articular/injuries , Collagen/therapeutic use , Chondrocytes/transplantation , Tissue Engineering/methods , Knee Injuries/surgery
Artrosc. (B. Aires) ; 26(4): 123-126, 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1118211


Introducción: El objetivo del trabajo es evaluar y analizar de manera retrospectiva los resultados funcionales y complicaciones de la reconstrucción del ligamento cruzado anterior, en una serie de pacientes mayores de 40 años al momento de la cirugía. Material y métodos: Se evaluaron 22 pacientes con lesión de LCA asociada a inestabilidad sintomática de rodilla entre los años 2013 y 2017. Catorce de sexo masculino y ocho de sexo femenino. Con edades de entre 43 y 63 años. El injerto utilizado fue semitendinoso y recto interno cuádruple fijado con botón cortical. El seguimiento promedio fue de 4 años utilizando para su evaluación los scores de Lysholm, Tegner y EVA. Resultados: En el seguimiento final, se obtuvieron resultados satisfactorios en el 81% de los pacientes evaluados. La puntuación fue en promedio del score Lysholm de 49 a 92 puntos, Tegner 5 a 5 y EVA 7 a 2. Se observaron los puntajes más bajos en pacientes que presentaban asociación de lesiones meniscales y osteocondrales. Dos pacientes fueron reintervenidos quirúrgicamente por lesiones meniscales. Hubo una re ruptura de causa traumática. No hubo infecciones, no se presentaron TVP, ni se vio intolerancia al material. Conclusión: Los pacientes mayores de 40 años de edad logran resultados clínicos satisfactorios después de la reconstrucción de LCA. Estos se ven afectados cuando se asocian a lesiones meniscales u osteocondrales. Es importante conocer la expectativa inicial del paciente y la aceptación de modificar la intensidad o el tipo de actividad luego de la lesión. Tipo de estudio: Serie de casos. Nivel de evidencia: IV

Introduction: The objective of the work is to evaluate and retrospectively analyze the functional results and complications of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in a series of patients over 40 years of age at the time of surgery. Material and methods: 22 patients with anterior cruciate ligament injury associated with symptomatic knee instability were evaluated between 2013 and 2017. It involved 14 male and 8 female patients. The average age was between 43 and 63 years. The graft used was semitendinosus and quadruple internal rectum fixed with cortical button. The presence of associated meniscal and osteochondral lesions was considered and treated. The average follow-up was 4 years. Lysholm, Tegner and EVA scores were performed. Results: In the final follow-up, satisfactory results were obtained in 81% of the patients evaluated. The average score was the Lysholm score of 49 to 92 points, Tegner 5 to 5 and EVA 7 to 2. The lowest scores were observed in patients with association of meniscal and osteochondral lesions. Two patients were reoperated for meniscal tears. There was a rupture for traumatic cause. There were no infections, no DVT and nor material intolerance. Conclusion: Patients over 40 years of age achieve satisfactory clinical results after ACL reconstruction. These are affected when they are associated with meniscal tears and osteochondral lesions. It is important to know the initial expectation and the acceptance of modifying the intensity or type of activity after the injury. Type of study: Case series Level of evidence: IV

Adult , Middle Aged , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries/surgery , Knee Injuries/surgery , Treatment Outcome