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Rev. Bras. Ortop. (Online) ; 58(4): 551-556, July-Aug. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521800


Abstract Articular cartilage injuries are common and lead to early joint deterioration and osteoarthritis. Articular cartilage repair techniques aim at forming a cartilaginous neo-tissue to support the articular load and prevent progressive degeneration. Several techniques are available for this purpose, such as microfracture and chondrocyte transplantation. However, the procedural outcome is often fibrocartilage, which does not have the same mechanical resistance as cartilaginous tissue. Procedures with autologous osteochondral graft have a morbidity risk, and tissue availability limits their use. As such, larger lesions undergo osteochondral transplantation using fresh or frozen grafts. New techniques using minced or particulate cartilage fragments or mesenchymal stem cells are promising. This paper aims to update the procedures for treating chondral lesions of the knee.

Resumo As lesões da cartilagem articular são comuns e levam à deterioração precoce da articulação e ao desenvolvimento da osteoartrite. As técnicas de reparo da cartilagem articular visam a formação de um neo-tecido cartilaginoso capaz de suportar carga articular e evitar a progressão da degeneração. Há várias técnicas disponíveis para esse fim, como a microfratura e o transplante de condrócitos. Entretanto muitas vezes o desfecho do procedimento é a formação de fibrocartilagem, que não possui a mesma resistência mecânica do tecido cartilaginoso. Em outros procedimentos, nos quais é realizado enxerto osteocondral autólogo, há risco de morbidade associada ao procedimento, além da disponibilidade limitada de tecido. Por esse motivo, o transplante osteocondral, utilizando enxertos a fresco ou congelados tem sido utilizado para lesões de maior volume. Por fim, novas técnicas utilizando fragmentos de cartilagem picada ou particulada, assim como o uso de células tronco mesenquimais se apresentam como promissores. O objetivo desse artigo é realizar uma atualização dos procedimentos para tratamento das lesões condrais do joelho.

Humans , Cartilage, Articular/injuries , Fractures, Stress/therapy , Chondrocytes , Transplants , Knee Injuries/therapy
Rev. Bras. Ortop. (Online) ; 58(1): 72-78, Jan.-Feb. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441335


Abstract Objective To evaluate the effects of hydrolyzed collagen and collagen peptide in the treatment of superficial chondral lesions in rats. Method This research employed 18 Rattus norvegicus. A single intraarticular infiltration of sodium iodoacetate (2 mg solution) through the patellar ligament induced joint damage in previously anesthetized animals. We divided the animals into three groups: a control group, a collagen peptide group, and a hydrolyzed collagen group. Treatment consisted of oral administration of collagen peptide or hydrolyzed collagen for 30 days. Afterwards, we euthanized the animals and studied the joint chondral changes. We evaluated the results according to the chondrocyte clusters count and a histological evaluation, as per Pritzker et al. Results There was no statistical significance in injury stages between the control, hydrolyzed collagen, and collagen peptide groups (p= 0.11). Regarding scores, there was a statistical significance between the groups treated with hydrolyzed collagen and collagen peptide (p< 0.05), but not in comparison with the control group. Conclusion The proposed treatments of the induced chondral lesion with the oral administration of hydrolyzed collagen or collagen peptides were effective, resulting in lesion stabilization or regression, and warranting further experimental research to understand and improve the primary outcome of this study.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar os efeitos do colágeno hidrolisado e do peptídeo de colágeno no tratamento de lesões condrais superficiais de ratos. Método Foram utilizados 18 Rattus norvegicus nesta pesquisa. O dano articular foi induzido por uma única infiltração intra-articular de iodoacetato de sódio (solução 2 mg), injetada através do ligamento patelar da articulação dos animais previamente anestesiados. Os animais foram distribuídos em três grupos: grupo controle, grupo peptídeo de colágeno e grupo colágeno hidrolisado. O tratamento foi realizado por 30 dias com a administração via oral do peptídeo de colágeno ou do colágeno hidrolisado. Posteriormente, foi realizada a eutanásia dos experimentos e seguiu-se para o estudo das alterações condrais articulares. Os resultados foram avaliados conforme contagem de condrócitos por cluster e através da avaliação histológica segundo Pritzker et al. Resultados Ao observar os estágios de lesão, não foi observada significância estatística entre os grupos controle, colágeno hidrolisado e peptídeo de colágeno (p= 0,11). Ao observar os escores, houve significância estatística na comparação do grupo tratado com colágeno hidrolisado e o grupo peptídeo colágeno (p< 0,05), porém sem diferença estatística em relação ao grupo controle. Conclusão Os tratamentos propostos da lesão condral induzida com uso de colágeno hidrolisado ou peptídeos de colágeno via oral mostraram-se eficazes, com estabilização ou regressão da lesão apresentada em ratos, merecendo novas pesquisas experimentais com o intuito de compreender e melhorar o desfecho primário deste trabalho.

Animals , Rats , Collagen , Knee Injuries/therapy
Prensa méd. argent ; 107(8): 418-422, 20210000. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1358673


Las betalactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE) son enzimas producidas por bacilos gram negativos capaces de hidrolizar las cefalosporinas de amplio espectro y los monobactámicos. La mayoría pertenece a la familia de Enterobacteriae, tales como Klebsiella pneumoniae y Escherichia coli: Sin embargo, se asocian también con otras bacterias como Proteus, Serratia, Salmonella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa y Acinetobacter. Las enterobacterias productoras de carbapenemasas no sólo han sido aisladas en el ambiente hospitalario, sino que también provienen de la comunidad. Se presenta una paciente de sexo femenino con antecedentes de sida y osteomielitis secundaria a artritis séptica producida por una Klebsiella pneumoniae BLEE de la comunidad. Un tratamiento oportuno y eficaz puede evitar la opción quirúrgica, disminuyendo la morbimortalidad asociada con esta afección

Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) are enzymes produced by gram-negative rods capable of hydrolyzing broad-spectrum cephalosporins and monobactams. Most belong to the Enterobacteriae family, such as Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli. However, they are also associated with other bacteria such as Proteus, Serratia, Salmonella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter. Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae have not only been isolated from the hospital environment, but also from the community. We present a female patient with a history of AIDS and secondary osteomyelitis to septic arthritis caused by a community Klebsiella pneumoniae ESBL. It is concluded that a timely and effective treatment can avoids the surgical option, reducing the morbidity and mortality of this condition.

Humans , Female , Adult , Osteomyelitis/immunology , Klebsiella Infections/therapy , Arthritis, Infectious/therapy , Imipenem/therapeutic use , AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections/immunology , Arthrocentesis , Knee Injuries/therapy
Rev. Méd. Clín. Condes ; 32(3): 319-328, mayo-jun. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1518489


Durante las últimas décadas, hemos visto un aumento exponencial de las lesiones traumáticas alrededor de la rodilla en niños y adolescentes. La rodilla pediátrica tiene características particulares, que la diferencian de los adultos, y la predisponen a lesiones distintivas que requieren un manejo acorde. El aumento de su incidencia obliga a los médicos a verse enfrentados con mayor frecuencia a patologías como la luxación patelar, la avulsión de espinas tibiales, la avulsión de la tuberosidad anterior de la tibia y la lesión meniscal en probable contexto de un menisco discoideo. Es fundamental conocer los diferentes diagnósticos diferenciales y su enfrentamiento inicial para realizar una derivación oportuna con el fin de que estos pacientes obtengan un tratamiento adecuado

Over the past few decades, we have seen an exponential increase in traumatic injuries around the knee in children and adolescents. The pediatric knee is different from the adult knee, with special characteristics that predispose it to certain types of injuries that require a specific management. The increase in its incidence has faced attendants more frequently with pathologies such as patellar dislocation, tibial eminence fracture, tibial tubercle fractures and meniscal injury in the setting of a discoid meniscus. It is essential to know the differential diagnoses of this age-group, how to obtain an adequate study for a prompt referral

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Knee Injuries/diagnosis , Knee Injuries/therapy , Knee Injuries/etiology
Rev. cuba. reumatol ; 22(2): e751, mayo.-ago. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126807


Introducción: Por sus características anatómicas, las rodillas son el grupo articular con mayor número y frecuencia de afecciones, que genera distintos grados de discapacidad. El ozono médico, utilizado como terapia combinada, representa una alternativa terapéutica. Objetivo: Exponer las ventajas del empleo del ozono médico como terapia combinada en el tratamiento de las lesiones de rodilla. Métodos: Se realizó una intervención terapéutica a 232 pacientes con lesiones inflamatorias y degenerativas, a quienes se aplicó ozono médico como terapia combinada, previo consentimiento informado. Se utilizó el Health Assessment Questionnaire para determinar la capacidad funcional y se realizaron exámenes de laboratorio para identificar la intensidad del proceso inflamatorio. Se empleó la prueba de McNemar para hallar cambios en la capacidad funcional e intensidad del proceso inflamatorio. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue de 52,31 años, predominio de pacientes entre 50 y 59 años (34,05 por ciento); existió un mayor porcentaje de pacientes femeninas (69,83 por ciento) y de procesos degenerativos (58,19 por ciento). Después de la ozonoterapia prevalecieron los pacientes con dolor ligero (67,67 por ciento) y solo el 8,19 por ciento mantenía dolor articular severo. Hubo una disminución considerable de la discapacidad: 106 casos (45,69 por ciento) refirieron discapacidad, mientras que 126 pacientes (54,31 por ciento) no presentaron discapacidad. Conclusiones: La aplicación del ozono médico como terapia combinada contribuye a disminuir la intensidad del dolor y la incapacidad de los pacientes con procesos inflamatorios y degenerativos que afectan las rodillas. Con la aplicación del ozono por vía intraarticular se logró disminuir más la intensidad del dolor que por vía rectal(AU)

Introduction: For the anatomical characteristics, the knees are the joint group with the highest number and frequency of conditions, which generates different degrees of disability. Therefore, it is necessary to achieve control of the diseases that affect this joint group. Medical ozone, used as combination therapy, represents a therapeutic alternative. Objective: To expose the advantages of using medical ozone as a combined therapy in the treatment of knee injuries. Method: A therapeutic intervention performed to 232 patients with inflammatory and degenerative lesions, to whom medical ozone applied as combined therapy, with prior informed consent. The Health Assessment Questionnaire used to determine functional capacity and laboratory tests performed to identify the intensity of the inflammatory process. The McNemar test used to find changes in functional capacity and in the intensity of the inflammatory process. Results: The average age was 52.31 years, predominance of patients between 50 and 59 years (34.05 percent); there was a higher percentage of female patients (69.83 percent) and degenerative processes (58.19 percent). After ozone therapy, patients with mild pain prevailed (67.67 percent) and only 19 (8.19 percent) maintained severe joint pain. There was a considerable decrease in disability: 106 cases (45.69 percent) reported disability, while 126 patients (54.31 percent) had no disability. Conclusions: The application of medical ozone as combined therapy contributes to reducing the intensity of pain and disability of patients with inflammatory and degenerative processes that affect the knees(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Ozone/therapeutic use , Knee Injuries/therapy , Combined Modality Therapy
Rev. ANACEM (Impresa) ; 14(1): 88-92, 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1123599


Introducción: El síndrome de dolor patelofemoral, se define como aquel dolor retro o peripatelar agravado por al menos 1 actividad que cargue la articulación en flexión. Su diagnóstico, se basa en una correcta anamnesis, examen físico y pruebas de evocación de dolor e inestabilidad. El tratamiento puede ser quirúrgico o conservador, este último, tiene como objetivo disminuir el dolor e inflamación. Sin embargo, a pesar de su alta prevalencia, existen escasos protocolos sobre su manejo, por lo que el objetivo de este trabajo es entregar una revisión de la literatura con información reciente, a modo de dar una recomendación actualizada para su tratamiento. Materiales Y Métodos: Se realizó una revisión no sistemática de estudios publicados entre enero del 2005 y agosto del 2020, utilizando los términos MeSH "Anterior knee pain", "Patellofemoral pain syndrome" y "Treatment". Se usaron como motores de búsqueda PubMed, The Cochrane Library y Trip Data base, excluyendo estudios en animales y población pediátrica. Desarrollo: El tratamiento conservador del síndrome de dolor anterior de rodilla, puede dividirse en intervenciones proximales, locales y distales, todas centradas en una correcta pauta de fortalecimientos y estiramientos de los elementos comprometidos. Se recomienda esquemas asociados de fortalecimientos de core, cadera y rodilla, sin embargo, la literatura no es consistente en pautas de tratamiento protocolizados. Conclusión: El tratamiento conservador del síndrome del dolor patelofemoral depende exclusivamente de los resultados de un correcto examen físico y de las pruebas terapéuticas correspondientes.

Introduction: Patellofemoral pain syndrome is defined as that retro or peripatellar pain aggravated by at least one activity that loads the joint in flexion. Its diagnostic is based on the correct anamnesis, physical exam, pain evocation tests and instability. The treatment can be surgical or conservative, and the last one aims to reduce pain and inflammation. However, despite its high prevalence, there are few protocols concerning its handling, so the main objective of this research is to offer a literature review with updated information, in order to give an updated recommendation for its treatment. Materials And Methods: A non-systematic review of studies published between January 2005 and August 2020 were performed, using the MeSH "Anterior knee pain", "Patellofemoral pain syndrome" and "Treatment". PubMed, The Cochrane Library, and Trip Database were used as search engines, excluding studies in animals and the pediatric population. Development: The conservative treatment of anterior knee pain syndrome, can be divided into proximal, local and distal interventions, all of them focused on a correct guide of strengthening and stretching of the elements involved. Associated schemes of core, hip and knee strengthening are recommended, nevertheless, the literature is not consistent in terms of protocolized treatment guidelines. Conclusion: The conservative treatment of patellofemoral pain syndrome depends exclusively on the results of a correct physical examination, and the corresponding therapeutic tests.

Humans , Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome/therapy , Exercise Therapy/methods , Knee Injuries/therapy , Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome/physiopathology , Conservative Treatment/methods
Artrosc. (B. Aires) ; 27(1): 36-40, 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1118177


El plasma rico en plaquetas (PRP) ha sido utilizado en distintos tipos de cirugías ortopédicas, incluyendo músculos, hueso, tendones y ligamentos. El PRP podría acelerar o mejorar el proceso reparativo, permitiendo un retorno precoz a las actividades deportivas de los pacientes. El PRP se obtiene de la sangre autóloga, la cual es centrifugada, obteniendo plaquetas y factores de crecimiento en cantidades superiores a la sangre normal.La combinación de reparación meniscal con el uso de PRP no ha atraído la misma cantidad de investigación científica que la cirugía ligamentosa. Hasta el momento, pocos estudios sobre el tema han sido publicados, y la mayoría de ellos con números insuficientes para probar el efecto del PRP en las reparaciones. Con la evidencia actualmente disponible no podemos asegurar la utilidad del PRP como aumentación de reparaciones meniscales, sin embargo, nueva evidencia nos indica que en pacientes donde existiría bajo potencial de cicatrización (lesiones aisladas, indicación extendida) podría existir una indicación

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) has been used in different aspects of orthopedics, including muscle, bone, tendons and ligament surgery. PRP might accelerate or improve the healing process, allowing an earlier return to sports activities. PRP is obtained from autologous blood, which is centrifuged, obtaining platelets and growth factor concentrations higher than those of regular blood.Meniscal repair with the use of PRP has not attracted the same amount of investigation compared to ligamentous surgery. Currently, there are few published studies available regarding the effect of PRP on meniscal repair outcomes, and most of them are underpowered to assess repair failure as a primary outcome measure. With the actual evidence we cannot recommend for the use of PRP in every meniscal repair, but encouraging evidence is being published supporting its use in patients with higher risk of failure (isolated repairs, extended indications)

Menisci, Tibial/surgery , Platelet-Rich Plasma , Knee Injuries/surgery , Knee Injuries/therapy
Acta ortop. mex ; 32(6): 322-328, nov.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1248613


Resumen: Objetivo: Comparar la eficacia clínica y la seguridad de la terapia de microfracturas (MF) versus implantación de condrocitos autólogos en membrana (MACI) en el manejo de lesiones condrales de rodilla ≥ 3 cm2 y el seguimiento a 12 meses postratamiento. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte retrospectiva, de Enero de 2016 a Diciembre de 2017. Se incluyeron pacientes con una o varias lesiones condrales en rodilla ≥ 3 cm2 para comparar la terapia MF versus MACI para la reparación de lesión condral. Se realizaron valoraciones clínicas y funcionales previas al tratamiento quirúrgico y 12 meses posteriores, con medición de los arcos de movimiento, escala EVA, Oxford e índice de Lequesne. Resultados: Se incluyeron 12 pacientes en MF y 12 pacientes en MACI. La lesión más frecuente se localizó en la patela en ocho pacientes (67%). Se demostró incremento en los arcos de movimiento, así como mejoría en la comparación entre el nivel basal y en el seguimiento a 12 meses: en EVA, MF mostró 48.4% y MACI 57.5% (p ≤ 0.05); escala de Oxford: MF 32.65% y MACI 51.04% (p ≤ 0.05); índice de Lequesne: MF 40.12% y MACI 50%. Se presentaron dos casos de derrame articular en MACI, que se resolvieron con la realización de artrotomías. Conclusión: En este estudio se demostró mejoría significativa en MACI con alivio del dolor, funcionalidad y arcos de movimiento en comparación con el tratamiento de MF en lesiones ≥ 3 cm2 del cartílago articular de rodilla después de un año de seguimiento.

Abstract: Objective: To compare the clinical efficacy and safety of microfracture therapy (MF) versus implantation of autologous chondrocytes (MACI) in the management of chondral lesions of the knee ≥ 3 cm2 and follow up to 12 months post treatment. Material and methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted from January 2016 to December 2017. Patients with one or more chondral lesions in knee ≥ 3 cm2 were included to compare MF versus MACI therapy for the repair of chondral lesion. Clinical and functional evaluations were carried out prior to the surgical treatment and 12 months later, with measurement of the range of motion, EVA, Oxford scale and Lequesne index. Results: Twelve patients were included in MF and 12 patients in MACI. The most frequent lesion was located in the Patella in eight patients (67%). It showed an increase in the arcs of motion, as well as improvement in the comparison between baseline and follow-up at 12 months: in EVA, MF demonstrated 48.4% and MACI 57.5% (p ≤ 0.05); Oxford scale: MF 32.65% and MACI 51.04% (p ≤ 0.05); index of Lequesne: MF 40.12% and MACI 50%. Two cases of joint effusion were presented in MACI, which were resolved with the realization of arthrotomies. Conclusion: In this study, significant improvement was demonstrated in MACI with pain relief, functionality, and range of motion compared to the treatment of MF in lesions ≥ 3 cm2 of the articular cartilage of the knee after one year of follow-up.

Humans , Fractures, Stress , Chondrocytes/transplantation , Knee Injuries/therapy , Transplantation, Autologous , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Knee Joint
Rev. chil. ortop. traumatol ; 59(3): 95-99, dic. 2018. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1095708


La rigidez de rodilla en cirugía de Reconstrucción del Ligamento Cruzado Anterior (R-LCA) es una complicación devastadora, alcanzando una incidencia variable entre el 4% y el 38%. La definición de artrofibrosis es aún poco clara, lo que ha llevado a distintos esquemas terapéuticos. Conocer la etiopatogenia es clave para entender los procesos y las posibles alternativas de tratamiento. Distintas clasificaciones han sido descritas, siendo la de Shelbourne la más usada, debido a su valor pronóstico asociado. El objetivo del tratamiento en una rodilla estable es mejorar la movilidad articular, la satisfacción del paciente, y disminuir el riesgo de artrosis a largo plazo. El tratamiento se puede dividir en quirúrgico y conservador. Ese último, se enfoca principalmente en buscar la causa y lograr una prevención e intervención temprana, siendo el manejo que con mayor frecuencia se realiza. El tratamiento quirúrgico es una opción cuando el tratamiento conservador falla. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura y de 150 pacientes sometidos a R-LCA, de los cuales 4 presentaron artrofibrosis a un seguimiento de 2 años. Además, presentamos nuestro algoritmo de manejo terapéutico.

Knee stiffness in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction (ACL-R) is a devastating complication, with a variable incidence of 4% to 38%. The definition of arthrofibrosis is still unclear, which has led to different therapeutic schemes. Knowing the etiopathogenesis is key to understanding the processes and possible treatment alternatives. Different classifications have been described, with Shelbourne being the most used, due to its associated prognostic value. The aim of treatment in a stable knee is to improve joint mobility, patient satisfaction, and decrease the risk of long-term osteoarthritis. The treatment can be divided into operative and non-operative. The latter focuses mainly on finding the cause and achieving prevention and early intervention, being the management that is most frequently performed. Surgical treatment is an option when conservative treatment fails. A review of the literature and of 150 patients undergoing R-LCA was performed, of which 4 presented arthrofibrosis at a 2-year follow-up. In addition, we present our therapeutic management algorithm.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction/adverse effects , Knee Injuries/etiology , Knee Injuries/physiopathology , Range of Motion, Articular/physiology , Knee Injuries/classification , Knee Injuries/therapy
Med. Afr. noire (En ligne) ; 63(12): 635-642, 2016. ilus
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1266162


Objectif : Evaluer les résultats thérapeutiques des 15 genoux flottants, obtenus à la lumière des différentes méthodes de traitements utilisées au CHU de Brazzaville. Matériel et méthodes : Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective menée du 1er octobre 2005 au 30 septembre 2013, dans le service d'orthopédie-traumatologie du CHU de Brazzaville. L'étude a porté sur 15 patients traités pour genou flottant et répondant aux critères d'inclusion. Les genoux flottants ont été répartis selon la classification de Fraser et selon l'ouverture cutanée classée selon la classification de Cauchoix-Duparc. Les résultats anatomiques et fonctionnels ont été analysés selon les critères de Karlström et Olerud.Résultats : Trente patients (2,04%) ont été colligés sur 1475 hospitalisation pour fractures des os des membres. Quinze patients dont 14 hommes et 1 femme ont été retenus pour l'étude. L'âge moyen était de 35,4 ans (extrêmes 20-72 ans). Des 15 patients, 6 ont été traités par la méthode chirurgicale, 2 patients par la méthode orthopédique et 7 patients par la méthode mixte. Les résultats fonctionnels appréciés selon les critères de Karlström et Olerud ont permis de juger avec un recul de 12 mois : 2 résultats excellents, 6 bons résultats, 4 résultats acceptables et 3 mauvais résultats.Conclusion : Les genoux flottants constituent une pathologie peu fréquente en traumatologie. Leur traitement doit être chirurgical et précoce pour minimiser les séquelles fonctionnelles

Academic Medical Centers , Congo , Knee Injuries/therapy , Retrospective Studies
Rev. cuba. ortop. traumatol ; 29(2): 158-168, jul.-dic. 2015. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-771818


Los meniscos son estructuras anatómicas que desempeñan importantes funciones en la articulación de la rodilla. Con el propósito de profundizar en las modalidades de tratamiento quirúrgico en pacientes con lesiones de menisco de la rodilla, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de 300 artículos publicados en Pubmed, Hinari y Medline mediante el localizador de información Endnote; fueron seleccionadas 55 citas, 51 de ellas de los últimos 5 años, donde se incluyeron dos libros. Las modalidades de tratamiento quirúrgico son la meniscectomía, la reparación y la sustitución. Se realizó una breve descripción anatómica y epidemiológica de la entidad, para luego profundizar en los detalles de las técnicas empleadas. En relación con la reparación se plasman las diferentes variantes de tratamiento, sus indicaciones y complicaciones. La sustitución de menisco tiene indicaciones específicas indispensables para obtener resultados satisfactorios. El tratamiento de las lesiones de menisco es, por lo general, quirúrgico, en especial mediante el empleo de la vía artroscópica. Las variedades de tratamiento dependen del tipo de lesión, de las posibilidades materiales y las habilidades del cirujano.

The menisci are anatomic structures that play important roles in the knee joint. In order to deepen the surgical treatment modalities in patients with meniscal injuries of the knee, a literature review of 300 articles was performed. These articles were published in PubMed, Medline by Hinari and information locator Endnote. 55 citations were selected, 51 of them are from the last 5 years. Two books were included. The surgical treatment modalities are meniscectomy, repairing and replacement. A brief anatomical and epidemiological description of the entity was made, and then delves into the details of the techniques used. In connection with repairing of different variants of treatment, indications and complications are reflected. Meniscus replacing has specific indications which are essential for its success. The treatment of meniscus lesions is usually surgery, particularly through the use of arthroscopic approach. The varieties of treatment are depending on the type of injury, material options and skills of the surgeon.

Les ménisques sont des structures anatomiques qui jouent un rôle très important dans l’articulation du genou. Afin d’approfondir les connaissances sur les modalités de traitement chirurgical chez les patients souffrant des lésions au niveau des ménisques du genou, on a fait une analyse bibliographique de 300 articles publiés à Pubmed, Hinari et Medline à l’aide d’EndNote, un outil de gestion bibliographique. Cinquante-cinq citations, dont 51 appartenaient à ces dernières cinq années, ont été sélectionnées, y compris 2 livres. Les modalités de traitement chirurgical comprennent la méniscectomie, la réparation et le remplacement. D’abord, on a fait une brève description anatomique et épidémiologique de cette pathologie, et puis on a révélé en détail les techniques utilisées. En ce qui concerne la réparation, on montre les différents types de traitement, leurs indications et complications. Le remplacement du ménisque a des indications spécifiques nécessaires pour obtenir des résultats satisfaisants. Généralement, le traitement des lésions méniscales est chirurgical, surtout sous arthroscopie. Les différents traitements s’appliquent en dépendance du type de lésion, de la disponibilité matérielle et des habiletés du chirurgien orthopédiste.

Humans , Arthroscopy/methods , Menisci, Tibial , Databases, Bibliographic , Knee Injuries/surgery , Knee Injuries/therapy , Knee Injuries/epidemiology
Rev. bras. ortop ; 50(6): 712-719, Nov.-Dec. 2015. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-769994


To ascertain the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and concordance of the physical examination (PE) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in comparison with arthroscopy, in diagnosing knee injuries. METHODS: Prospective study on 72 patients, with evaluation and comparison of PE, MRI and arthroscopic findings, to determine the concordance, accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. RESULTS: PE showed sensitivity of 75.00%, specificity of 62.50% and accuracy of 69.44% for medial meniscal (MM) lesions, while it showed sensitivity of 47.82%, specificity of 93.87% and accuracy of 79.16% for lateral meniscal (LM) lesions. For anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries, PE showed sensitivity of 88.67%, specificity of 94.73% and accuracy of 90.27%. For MM lesions, MRI showed sensitivity of 92.50%, specificity of 62.50% and accuracy of 69.44%, while for LM injuries, it showed sensitivity of 65.00%, specificity of 88.46% and accuracy of 81.94%. For ACL injuries, MRI showed sensitivity of 86.79%, specificity of 73.68% and accuracy of 83.33%. For ACL injuries, the best concordance was with PE, while for MM and LM lesions, it was with MRI ( p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Meniscal and ligament injuries can be diagnosed through careful physical examination, while requests for MRI are reserved for complex or doubtful cases. PE and MRI used together have high sensitivity for ACL and MM lesions, while for LM lesions the specificity is higher. Level of evidence II - Development of diagnostic criteria on consecutive patients (with universally applied reference "gold" standard).

Verificar a sensibilidade, especificidade, acurácia e concordância entre o exame físico (EF) e a ressonância magnética (RM) em comparação com a artroscopia, no diagnóstico das lesões do joelho. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo com 72 pacientes avaliados quanto ao EF, à RM e aos achados artroscópicos. Foram comparados os achados entre si e observaram-se a concordância, acurácia, sensibilidade e especificidade. RESULTADOS: O EF demonstrou sensibilidade de 75%, especificidade de 62,50% e acurácia de 69,44% para as lesões meniscais mediais (MM). Para o menisco lateral (ML) encontraram-se sensibilidade de 47,82%, especificidade de 93,87% e acurácia de 79,16%. O EF demonstrou, para lesões do ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA), sensibilidade de 88,67%, especificidade de 94,73% e acurácia de 90,27%. As lesões do MM, às imagens de RM, apresentaram sensibilidade de 92,50%, especificidade de 62,50% e acurácia de 69,44%. As lesões do ML apresentaram sensibilidade de 65%, especificidade de 88,46% e acurácia de 81,94%. A RM evidenciou para as rupturas do LCA sensibilidade de 86,79%, especificidade de 73,68% e acurácia de 83,33%. Para o LCA, a melhor concordância foi com o EF; e para MM e ML, com a RM (p < 0,001). CONCLUSÕES: O exame físico cuidadoso diagnostica as lesões meniscais e ligamentares. A RM é reservada para casos complexos ou duvidosos. Associados, EF e a RM têm alta sensibilidade para as lesões do LCA e do MM, porém para o ML é a especificidade que é maior. Nível de Evidência II - Desenvolvimento de critérios diagnósticos em pacientes consecutivos (com padrão de referencia "ouro" aplicado).

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Middle Aged , Menisci, Tibial , Knee Injuries/surgery , Knee Injuries/therapy
Clinics ; 69(10): 694-698, 10/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-730462


OBJECTIVES: Treatments for injured articular cartilage have not advanced to the point that efficient regeneration is possible. However, there has been an increase in the use of platelet-rich plasma for the treatment of several orthopedic disorders, including chondral injuries. Our hypothesis is that the treatment of chondral injuries with platelet gel results in higher-quality repair tissue after 180 days compared with chondral injuries not treated with gel. METHODS: A controlled experimental laboratory study was performed on 30 male rabbits to evaluate osteochondral injury repair after treatment with or without platelet gel. Osteochondral injuries were surgically induced in both knees of each rabbit at the medial femoral condyle. The left knee injury was filled with the platelet gel, and the right knee was not treated. Microscopic analysis of both knee samples was performed after 180 days using a histological grading scale. RESULTS: The only histological evaluation criterion that was not significantly different between treatments was metachromasia. The group that was treated with platelet gel exhibited superior results in all other criteria (cell morphology, surface regularity, chondral thickness and repair tissue integration) and in the total score. CONCLUSION: The repair tissue was histologically superior after 180 days in the study group treated with platelet gel compared with the group of untreated injuries. .

Animals , Male , Rabbits , Cartilage, Articular/injuries , Knee Injuries/therapy , Platelet-Rich Plasma , Cartilage, Articular/pathology , Disease Models, Animal , Gels/therapeutic use , Knee Injuries/pathology , Reproducibility of Results , Time Factors , Treatment Outcome , Wound Healing
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: lil-740712


Se presenta un caso, tratado por los autores, de un paciente masculino de 26 años, tenista profesional, con un cuadro de gonalgia de dos meses de evolución, la misma le impedía la práctica deportiva de alta competencia. El dolor comenzó durante un partido luego de un gesto con flexión de rodilla. Como antecedentes el paciente presentaba una meniscectomia parcial externa en la misma rodilla hace 5 años. Se le realizaron radiografías con carga, resonancia magnética y gammagrafía ósea...

Adult , Arthroscopy/methods , Osteochondritis/diagnosis , Tennis/injuries , Knee Injuries/therapy , Athletic Injuries/diagnosis , Pain , Treatment Outcome
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: lil-740709


Introducción: El propósito de este trabajo es describir en forma retrospectiva las lesiones en el compartimiento lateral de la rodi Ila en jugadores profesionales de básquet. Materiales y Métodos: Presentamos 6 (seis) casos de jugadores profesionales de básquet del Centro Juventud Sionista (CJS) en seis temporadas de Liga Nacional de Básquet (LNB). Los pacientes fueron evaluados utilizando los siguientes criterios: examen físico, estudios complementarios (Rx y RMN) y artroscopía. Se utilizó la clasificación de Duterbridge para estadificar las lesiones osteocondrales. Resultados: Tres pacientes fueron diagnosticados y tratados con lesiones meniscales puras y regresaron a la competencia a partir de los 40 días de postoperatorio. Aquellos que presentaron lesiones osteocondrales siguieron el mismo protocolo de rehabilitación llevado a cabo por el mismo equipo de kinesiólogos del club (CJS), retornando a la competencia a partir de los 90 días de postoperatorio. Todos los jugadores regresaron a la competencia al mismo nivel y en la misma categoría (LNB-Liga Nacional de Básquet) que antes de operarse. Conclusión: Nuestros hallazgos son coincidentes con la escasa bibliografía internacional respecto a las lesiones meniscales evaluadas en basquetbolistas profesionales que indican una mayor incidencia de lesiones del menisco externo respecto del interno. Creemos que los movimientos específicos desarrollados en este deporte en particular contribuyen al desarrollo de lesiones del compartimiento externo...

Adult , Basketball/injuries , Menisci, Tibial/injuries , Knee Injuries/diagnosis , Knee Injuries/therapy , Athletic Injuries , Retrospective Studies , Incidence , Treatment Outcome
Rev. bras. ortop ; 48(1): 100-103, Jan-Feb/2013. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-674574


We report a case of injury of the medial bucket handle meniscal tears (BH), which resolved spontaneously, in association with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. The patient twisted his left knee during a fight in martial arts, progressing to pain and joint locking and a sense of distortion. In NMR it could be seen bucket-handle tear of the medial meniscus with displacement of the fragment to the intercondylar region, rupture of the lateral meniscus and ACL tear. After conservative treatment and physiotherapy, in an interval of one year, later examinations showed that there was spontaneous healing of AB.

Neste trabalho é relatado um caso de lesão do menisco medial do tipo em alça de balde (AB), que se resolveu espontaneamente, em associação com lesão de ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA). O paciente torceu o joelho esquerdo durante uma luta em artes maciais, evoluindo com dor e bloqueio articular e sensação de falseamento. Na RMN havia rotura em alça de balde do menisco medial com deslocamento do fragmento para a região intercondilar, rotura do menisco lateral e rotura do LCA. Após tratamento clínico e fisioterápico, em um intervalo de um ano, o exame de controle demonstrou que havia ocorrido resolução espontânea da AB.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Athletic Injuries , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/injuries , Knee Injuries/rehabilitation , Knee Injuries/therapy , Sports
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-649094


El objetivo de este trabajo es describir los resultados obtenidos durante la aplicación combinada de ondas de choque radiales más entrenamiento excéntrico en pacientes con tendinopatia rotuliana crónica de más de cuatro meses de evolución y que habían realizado por lo menos dos tratamientos conservadores con pobres o nulos resultados. A 4 meses de seguimiento, el VISA score se incrementó de 53,8 a 81,6 demostrando mejoras en la función y la actividad, así como la disminución del dolor. Veintitrés de los 30 (76 por ciento) pacientes refirieron excelentes y buenos resultados según la Roles and Maudsley Scale. Los resultados obtenidos con la combinación de ambos tratamientos demostraron ser una alternativa para el tratamiento conservador de la patología rotuliana crónica

Adult , High-Energy Shock Waves/therapeutic use , Patella/pathology , Tendinopathy/therapy , Tendon Injuries/therapy , Pain Measurement , Chronic Disease , Prospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Knee Injuries/therapy
Journal of Gorgan University of Medical Sciences. 2011; 13 (2): 23-29
in Persian | IMEMR | ID: emr-117384


Anterior Cruciate Ligament [ACL] tear is one of the most common injuries at knee joint. Threshold of motion sense included inputs that are received by mechanical receptors at dynamic position. The objection of present study was to find the effect of functional brace on the Kinesthesia motion sense in patients with ACL rupture. In this Quasi- experimental study, 20 patients with ACL tear, with aging range between 18 to 44 years old were recruited. Patients were selected in a simple non probability sampling manner. Using Continuous passive motion for testing the Kinesthesia motion sense, as a dependent variable. Data was analyzed with Paired t-test and Colmogrof-Smirnof tests. Threshold of motion sense at affected knee before and after bracing was 3.93 +/- 1.67, 4.45 +/- 1.86 in open eyes and 3.82 +/- 1.61, 4.13 +/- 1.96 in closed eyes [P<0.05]. This study showed that the functional brace did not play in important role in the improvement of threshold of motion sense in patients with ACL tear

Humans , Braces , Range of Motion, Articular , Knee Injuries/therapy , Proprioception , Sensory Thresholds
Radiol. bras ; 43(5): 336-338, set.-out. 2010. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-568005


A lesão de Morel-Lavallée é uma lesão em cisalhamento que ocorre entre o tecido celular subcutâneo e a fáscia profunda. Caracteriza-se pela formação de uma coleção que, originalmente descrita na coxa, vem sendo observada em outros locais. Os autores relatam o caso de paciente com Morel-Lavallée no joelho e descrevem as principais características desta lesão.

Morel-Lavallée lesion is a degloving injury of the interface between the subcutaneous fat and the underlying fascia. This lesion is characterized by the development of a fluid collection that, although originally described in the thigh, it has also been described in other anatomical sites. The authors report the case of a patient with Morel-Lavallée lesion in the knee after trauma and describe the main characteristics of the lesion.

Humans , Male , Young Adult , Bursitis/ethnology , Knee Injuries , Knee Joint , Knee Injuries/complications , Knee Injuries/diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential , Shear Strength/physiology , Knee Injuries/therapy