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Int. j. morphol ; 38(5): 1376-1380, oct. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134451


SUMMARY: Metopic suture can be visualized from the nasion to the bregma along the arch of the frontal bone in mid-sagittal plane. Persistent metopic suture normally closing between 1st and 2nd year of life has also been related with ethnicity. The present study reports the presence of complete and incomplete metopic sutures in Nepalese and Korean population skulls which helps to shed light on its incidence rate. Out of 121 adult skulls in Nepalese population, metopic suture was found to be present in 33 skulls. Incomplete metopic sutures showed variations of morphology, like linear (6.61 %), V-shaped (8.26 %) and double incomplete (10.74 %) and two cases with complete metopic suture, which showed variation in interdigitation between its anterior and posterior ends. Korean population showed metopic suture to be present in 8 skulls out of 104 with metopism in 3 skulls. Incomplete metopic sutures like double incomplete (1.92 %) and linear (2.88 %) were also noted. Alterations to local strains could be the contributing factor for such variation and complexity of interdigitation, which occur during the growth of the braincase. The knowledge of the metopic suture and its variations according to ethnicity is important and should be considered to prevent wrong diagnosis. The presence of different types of metopic sutures as reported by the present study provides informative value on the presence and variation of such sutures in population depending on ethnicity and ought to be helpful in diagnostic sequences in emergency setting.

RESUMEN: La sutura metópica se puede visualizar desde nasión hasta el bregma a lo largo del arco del hueso frontal en el plano mediano sagital. La sutura metópica persistente que normalmente se cierra entre el primer y segundo año de vida, también se ha relacionado con el origen étnico. El presente estudio informa la presencia de suturas metópicas completas e incompletas en los cráneos de la población nepalesa y coreana, lo que además de entregar información sobre su tasa de incidencia. De 121 cráneos adultos en la población nepalesa, en 33 de ellos se encontró la sutura metópica. Las suturas metópicas incompletas mostraron variaciones de la morfología, como lineal (6,61 %), en forma de V (8,26 %) y doble incompleta (10,74 %), además de dos casos con sutura metópica completa, que mostraron variación en la interdigitación entre sus extremos anterior y posterior. De los 104 cráneos de la población coreana en 8 se presentó la sutura metópica y en 3 metopismo. También se observaron suturas metópicas incompletas como doble incompleta (1,92 %) y lineal (2,88 %). Las alteraciones en las etnias locales podrían ser el factor contribuyente para tal variación y complejidad de la interdigitación, que ocurre durante el crecimiento de la cráneo. El conocimiento de la sutura metópica y sus variaciones según el origen étnico es importante y debe considerarse para prevenir un diagnóstico incorrecto. La presencia de diferentes tipos de suturas metópicas según lo informado en el estudio, proporciona un valor informativo sobre la presencia y la variación de tales suturas en la población, dependiendo de la etnia, y debería ser útil en las secuencias de diagnóstico en situaciones de emergencia.

Humans , Cranial Sutures/abnormalities , Prevalence , Frontal Bone/abnormalities , Korea/ethnology , Nepal/ethnology
Asian Nursing Research ; : 138-145, 2015.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-7880


PURPOSE: Asian immigrant and Asian American women are less likely to use oral contraceptives (OCs) and tend to rely on low-efficacy methods of contraception. This contraceptive pattern remains poorly understood, in part, because no theory-driven measurement exists to assess psychosocial determinants essential in explaining behaviors related to OC use in this population. The current study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of a measure of attitudes and subjective norms toward OC use among Korean American women as a first step to determine whether the measure can be used in this population and, potentially, in other Asian ethnic groups. METHODS: The sample consisted of 329 Korean immigrant women living in New York City. The theory of reasoned action guided the development of the measure assessing attitudes and norms. Psychometric evaluation included item analysis, internal consistency estimates of reliability, and construct validity (i.e., factorial, discriminant, and predictive). RESULTS: All item-total correlations were above the recommendation of .30. The Cronbach's alpha for the attitudes and subjective norms measure was .88 and .86, respectively. Exploratory factor analyses revealed four interpretable factors, and confirmatory factor analyses confirmed that the factor structures derived from the exploratory factor analyses fit the data well. Discriminant and predictive validity of the measure were also established. CONCLUSIONS: The study provides support for the validity and reliability of the measure and its use for determining the degree to which Korean immigrant women intend to use OCs.

Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Contraceptives, Oral , Cross-Sectional Studies , Emigrants and Immigrants/psychology , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Intention , Korea/ethnology , New York City , Psychometrics/methods , Reproducibility of Results , Surveys and Questionnaires/standards
Cad. saúde pública ; Cad. Saúde Pública (Online);25(4): 819-826, abr. 2009. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-509766


This study investigated the frequency of lifetime mental disorders among Korean immigrants in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Snowball sampling with multiple focuses was used to recruit Korean immigrants older than 18 years and living in São Paulo. A total of 324 Korean immigrants were selected and their mental status was evaluated using a structured interview, namely the Portuguese or the Korean version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview 2.1. The diagnoses of mental disorders were made according to the ICD-10. The frequency of any lifetime psychiatric disorder was 41.9 percent. The frequencies of main disorders were: anxiety disorder, 13 percent (post-traumatic stress disorder, 9.6 percent); mood disorder, 8.6 percent; somatoform disorders, 7.4 percent; dissociative disorder, 4.9 percent; psychotic disorder, 4.3 percent; eating disorder, 0.6 percent; any substance (tobacco, alcohol, drugs) use disorder, 23.1 percent. The frequency of any psychiatric disorder except alcohol and tobacco use disorders was 26.2 percent. Korean immigrants have more psychiatric disorders than the Korean population in Korea, particularly post-traumatic stress disorder, and almost the same rate as the Brazilian population. Mental health authorities should promote a healthier integration and the development of culturally sensitive mental health programs for Korean immigrants.

Este estudo verificou a freqüência de transtornos psiquiátricos em uma comunidade de imigrantes coreanos na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. A amostragem snowball com vários focos foi utilizada para contatar os imigrantes coreanos, acima de 18 anos e residentes em São Paulo. Foram selecionados 324 sujeitos, cuja saúde mental foi avaliada por meio de uma entrevista estruturada, Composite International Diagnostic Interview 2.1, nas versões em português e coreano. Foi utilizado o critério de diagnóstico CID-10. A freqüência de algum diagnóstico psiquiátrico na vida foi de 41,9 por cento. As freqüências de principais diagnósticos na vida foram: transtornos de ansiedade, 13 por cento (transtorno de estresse pós-traumático, 9,6 por cento); transtornos do humor, 8,6 por cento; transtornos somatoformes, 7,4 por cento; transtornos dissociativos, 4,9 por cento; transtornos psicóticos, 4,3 por cento; transtornos alimentares, 0,6 por cento; transtornos decorrentes de substâncias (álcool, tabaco ou drogas), 23,1 por cento. A freqüência de diagnósticos psiquiátricos na vida, excluindo-se os decorrentes de álcool e tabaco, foi de 26,2 por cento. Os imigrantes coreanos apresentam mais transtornos psiquiátricos do que a população coreana na Coréia, especialmente transtorno de estresse pós-traumático, e uma taxa semelhante à encontrada na população brasileira. As autoridades de saúde mental devem promover uma integração mais saudável por meio de programas culturalmente sensíveis aos imigrantes coreanos.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Mental Disorders/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Emigration and Immigration , Interview, Psychological , Korea/ethnology , Mental Disorders/ethnology
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-18247


PURPOSE: The purpose of this review is to explore cultural influences on the experiences of Korean, Korean American, and Caucasian American family caregivers caring for frail older adults in terms of the selection of a primary caregiver, caregiving motivation, support/help-seeking, and negative emotional responses(depression and burden). METHODS: Seven electronic databases were searched to retrieve studies from 1966 to 2005. Thirty-two studies were identified. RESULTS: This review supported cultural influences on the selection of primary caregiver, caregiving motivation, and support/help-seeking among the three caregiver groups. In Korean caregivers, the major primary caregivers were daughters-in-law while among Korean American and Caucasian American caregivers, the major primary caregivers were daughters or spouses. As a major caregiving motivation, Caucasian American caregivers reported filial affection while Korean caregivers and Korean American caregivers reported filial obligation. Korean caregivers reported higher extended family support, while Caucasian American caregivers reported higher utilization of formal support. Korean caregivers showed the highest levels of depression followed by Korean American caregivers and Caucasian American caregivers. CONCLUSION: In order to develop culturally appropriate interventions and policies, more research is needed to further explain these differences among the three groups, especially regarding support/help-seeking and negative emotional responses.

Aged , Humans , Adaptation, Psychological , Asian , Asian People , Caregivers/psychology , Cross-Cultural Comparison , Decision Making , White People , Frail Elderly , Korea/ethnology , Motivation , Social Support , United States
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-48036


PURPOSE: Koreans are one of the fastest growing Asian populations in the U.S. since 1960s. In Korean immigrant women (KIW), breast cancer was reported as the most frequently diagnosed cancer. However, their screening rates for breast cancer are lower than national guidelines; it is assumed that underlying cultural schemas of breast, breast cancer, and its screening modalities exist and need to be studied. This study was aimed to investigate cultural meanings of breast, breast cancer, and breast cancer screenings in KIW. METHODS: Using cultural models theory from cognitive anthropology, naturalistic qualitative methodology was utilized. Three focus group interviews with fifteen KIW were conducted. Thematic analysis with constant comparison technique was performed eliciting units of meaning, categories, and themes. RESULTS: The cultural schema of the meaning of breast is "mother who is breast-feeding her baby," with two themes of "balance in size," and "shyness." Regarding breast cancer, three themes, i.e., "indifference," "fear," and "uncertainty" are emerged. "Lack of information about screening modalities" is the overarching schema with reference to breast cancer screenings. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study demonstrate unique cultural models of KIW related to breast cancer and its screenings, which are critical to understand and penetrate their barriers to breast cancer screening.

Adult , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Breast Neoplasms/prevention & control , Breast Self-Examination/psychology , Emigration and Immigration , Focus Groups , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Korea/ethnology , Mammography/psychology , Mass Screening/psychology , Pennsylvania
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-204087


PURPOSE: Korean American women have twice the rate of cervical cancer than white women and demonstrate low rates in participation in cervical cancer screening. This study was to describe the perceptions about cervical cancer and factors related to cervical cancer screening among Korean American women. METHOD: Focus group methods. RESULT: Five themes emerged. First, knowledge about cervical cancer; misconceptions about cervical cancer, its causes, reproductive anatomy and the treatment Second, perceived meanings of having cervical cancer; most of the women felt that cervical cancer represented a loss of femininity and existential value of womanhood. Third, knowledge about cervical cancer screening ; regular medical check-ups were necessary for early detection and prevention of cervical cancer. Forth, experiences and perceived meanings of cervical cancer screening; the participants expressed their feelings; embarrassment, fear, shame and shyness. Fifth, practices of cervical cancer screening; various intervals in participating in cervical cancer screening. But they mentioned several deterrents, language, insurance, time constraint, embarrassment, fear of the screening results, misbelief about susceptibility, lack of health prevention behavior, and lack of information written in Korean. CONCLUSION: Results emphasize the critical need for culturally appropriate health education to encourage participation of Korean American women in cervical cancer screening.

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Asian/education , Communication Barriers , Existentialism/psychology , Fear/psychology , Focus Groups , Gender Identity , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Korea/ethnology , Mass Screening/psychology , Needs Assessment , Nursing Methodology Research , Patient Acceptance of Health Care/ethnology , Patient Education as Topic/standards , Qualitative Research , Surveys and Questionnaires , Shame , Shyness , Socioeconomic Factors , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/diagnosis , Vaginal Smears/psychology , Washington/epidemiology
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-159061


PURPOSE: This cross-sectional survey was undertaken to examine the differences of BSE (breast-self examination) performance and health beliefs between Korean and Korean-American women and to identify which factors influence the BSE based on the HBM variables. METHOD: The study subjects were recruited from both Korea(189 women) and Cleveland in Ohio, USA(146 women). The HBM variables were measured using a reliable and valid Health Belief Model Scale. The subjects were also asked whether or not they did a BSE in the last year. RESULT: The Korean-American women who performed the BSE was statistically higher than that of Korean women. Regarding to the BSE-related health belief, the scores of benefits, confidence, and health motivation was significantly higher in Korean-American. After controlling for living places, age, education, and job, barriers and confidence variables significantly explained the BSE performance of Korean and Korean-American women. CONCLUSION: There was a differences in BSE-related health belief and performance between Korean and Korean-American women. Among health belief variables, barriers and confidence were core variables predicting the BSE performance of Korean and Korean-American women together.

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Asian/psychology , Attitude to Health/ethnology , Breast Neoplasms/psychology , Breast Self-Examination/psychology , Korea/ethnology
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-125296


PURPOSE: To compare perimenstrual (premenstrual, menstrual, postmenstrual) symptoms by concurrent reporting using the Women's Daily Health Diary (WDHD) and by retrospective reporting using the Moos Menstrual Distress Questionnaire (MMDQ). METHODS: A prospective and retrospective study was conducted among 31 Korean women, aged 27 to 48 yrs, living in the USA. RESULTS: On the prospective report using the WDHD, the most severe complaints were fatigue or tiredness (1.48 +/-.98), sensation of weight gain (.88+/-98), increased appetite (.79+/-.96) in premenstrual phase, fatigue or tiredness (1.34+/-.85), backaches (1.06+/-.79), and bloating or swelling of the abdomen (.93+/-.86) during the menstrual phase. On the retrospective report using the MMDQ, the most severe complaints during the premenstrual phase were fatigue (2.2 6+/-1.65), irritability (2.06+/-1.48), and backaches (1.97+/-1.68) and during the menstrual phase backaches (2.35+/-1.62), fatigue (2.29+/-1.75), and cramps (2.23+/- 1.80). According to both measurements of PMS symptomology during the premenstrual and menstrual phases, the most frequently reported symptom was fatigue or tiredness. Highly rated symptoms on the MMDQ and on the WDHD were found to be similar. CONCLUSION: The WDHD was found to be suitable for daily prospective PMS assessment, which will be necessary for the screening and management of women with severe PMS.

Adult , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Acculturation , Asian/ethnology , Attitude to Health/ethnology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Data Collection/methods , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Korea/ethnology , Longitudinal Studies , Medical Records/standards , Michigan , Nursing Assessment/methods , Nursing Evaluation Research , Nursing Methodology Research , Premenstrual Syndrome/diagnosis , Prospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires/standards , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Severity of Illness Index
Yonsei med. j ; Yonsei med. j;: 875-882, 2003.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-205360


This study examined the prevalence and correlated factors of cigarette smoking in a cross-sectional, epidemiological survey of Korean American men living in Maryland (n=333). In this sample, 26.1% were current smokers and 42.3% were former smokers. The older age group (> or= 40 years) was more likely to have quit smoking than the younger age group (< 40 years). In multiple logistic regression analysis, acculturation was associated with smoking status; those who stayed more than 20 years in the U.S. were less likely to be current smokers (OR=0.32, 95% CI 0.13-0.77) than those who stayed less than 10 years. Alcohol use was associated with smoking status; those who consumed alcohol were more likely to be current smokers (OR=5.24, 95% CI 2.33-11.79) or former smokers (OR=5.45, 95% CI=2.69-11.04) than those did not. Those with hypertension were more likely to have quit smoking (OR=3.11, 95% CI=1.33-7.24). The results suggest that the role of acculturation in smoking status among Korean American men deserves further attention by researchers as well as by health professionals who develop smoking prevention and cessation programs.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Acculturation , Asian , Cross-Sectional Studies , Emigration and Immigration , Korea/ethnology , Prevalence , Smoking/epidemiology , Smoking Cessation
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-171459


This study was conducted to assess the psychosocial adjustment of Korean-American physicians in the aspect of personal satisfaction after returning to Korea. A questionnaire was mailed to 72 Korean-American physicians who were practicing medicine in Korea and forty physicians responded. These physicians, typically in their 50s, lived in America for 21-30 years before coming back to Korea. The most frequent motives for them to come back to Korea were giving back to their native country, longing for their native country, filial duty, and suggestions from their colleagues or professors to move back. Eighty percent of them were extremely satisfied or slightly satisfied with their work in Korea, and only 10% are extremely or slightly dissatisfied with their decision to return. Although most of them are content for the time being in Korea, only 12.5% have definite plans to stay in Korea after retirement. The variables that were most significantly related to personal satisfaction of returning to Korea were how well treated at work and how much satisfied with job rather than other factors such as motives for returning, duration of staying in America and in Korea, and family situation.

Adult , Humans , Adaptation, Psychological , Emigration and Immigration , Job Satisfaction , Korea/ethnology , Middle Aged , Personnel Selection , Physicians/supply & distribution , Physicians/psychology , Quality of Life , Retirement , Schools, Medical , United States/ethnology
Yonsei med. j ; Yonsei med. j;: 151-154, 1997.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-55512


The anterior clinoid process and the optic strut are often removed during operation on the anterior part of the cavernous sinus. Therefore it is important for neurosurgeons to verify their dimensions and variations. The purpose of this study was to investigate the dimension and the variation of the anterior clinoid process and to describe the locational variation of the optic strut. Seventy-three skulls of Korean adults were used. The average length, basal width and thickness of the anterior clinoid process were 9.18 +/- 1.55, 9.63 +/- 1.49 and 5.32 +/- 1.07 mm, respectively. The average thickness of the optic strut was 2.9 +/- 1.15 mm and it was commonly attached to anterior two-fifths of the anterior clinoid process. The complete caroticoclinoid canal was observed in 4.1%, however it was incomplete in 11.6%. The incidence of a caroticoclinoid canal in Koreans was relatively low compared with other races.

Adult , Humans , Cadaver , Cavernous Sinus/anatomy & histology , Korea/ethnology , Asian People , Sphenoid Bone/anatomy & histology
Yonsei med. j ; Yonsei med. j;: 31-37, 1996.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-183986


BACKGROUND: About 13,000 people immigrated to New York City from the Republic of Korea between 1986 and 1990, creating an important ethnic minority. METHODS: Using US-born Whites as a reference, age-adjusted proportional mortality ratios were computed for 314 men and 248 women of Korean ancestry born abroad who died in New York City in 1986-90. RESULTS: Males had a significant excess of viral hepatitis, cancer, stroke, and external causes: accidents, suicide, and homicide. They had significantly reduced proportional rates of AIDS and heart disease. Mortality patterns were similar for Korean women, who had significantly increased proportional rates of stroke and accidents, and reduced heart disease. Stomach and liver cancers were significantly elevated in both sexes, while female breast cancer was low. There were two male and one female tuberculosis deaths (4 to 7 fold increase), and one Korean woman died of childbirth complications (59-fold increase). CONCLUSIONS: Except for violent deaths, these observations resemble known mortality patterns in Korea.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Male , Emigration and Immigration , Ethnicity , Korea/ethnology , Middle Aged , Mortality , New York City/ethnology
Yonsei med. j ; Yonsei med. j;: 155-161, 1994.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-188868


Forty-one Korean immigrants in Washington, D.C. (of the United States) metropolitan area over age 60 were interviewed using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule (Korean version) with additional questions about culture-specific somatic symptoms identified in previous research with Korean populations. The lifetime and current prevalence were 29.27 percent and 14.63 percent, respectively, for major depression; 9.76 percent and 2.44 percent for generalized anxiety disorder; and 9.76 percent and 7.32 percent for somatization disorder. The lifetime and current rates of co-occurrence of major depression and somatization disorder were 25 percent and 33.33 percent. Subjects who met criteria for depression were more likely to experience culture-specific Korean somatic symptoms than subjects who did not meet those criteria.

Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Depression/epidemiology , District of Columbia/epidemiology , Emigration and Immigration , Korea/ethnology , Middle Aged , Prevalence , Psychophysiologic Disorders/epidemiology
Yonsei med. j ; Yonsei med. j;: 321-327, 1993.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-164086


Limited nucleotide sequences of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-1) provirus isolated from the first case of a Korean patient with HTLV-I associated myelopathy and tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP) were analysed and compared with other isolates from different regions of the world. The sequences of the env, LTR regions (536bp, 690bp respectively) showed 98.7%, 99.3% homologies with the prototype HTLV-I, ATK-1, isolated from a Japanese Adult T-cell leukemia (ATL) patient. A comparison between other isolates from different geographical origins revealed that the Korean HTLV-I isolate is more closely related to Japanese isolates than to those from other geographical origins

Adult , Humans , Male , Base Sequence , DNA, Viral/genetics , Human T-lymphotropic virus 1/genetics , Korea/ethnology , Molecular Probes/genetics , Molecular Sequence Data , Muscle Spasticity/epidemiology