ABSTRACT: he Lantana camara L. belongs to the family Verbenaceae, which contains several active compounds in leaves and roots and which are reported to have medicinal and insecticidal properties. Studies of plants within the same family show the existence of anti-inflammatory activity in paw edema induced by carrageenan, serotonin and histamine and analgesic activity in the acetic acid writhing and tail-flick tests. The present study investigated whether the L. camara extract (ACE) also exerts these effects. The ACE toxicity was studied in male mice, and the percentage of mortality recorded 7 days after treatment was assessed. The ACE was evaluated as an antinociceptive agent in the hot plate, tail-flick and acetic acid writhing tests at a nontoxic dose of 1.0 g/Kg. The results showed that 1.5 g/Kg of ACE was not able to cause death, and doses of 3.0 and 4.0 g/Kg caused 50% and 60% death, respectively, in male mice. In all of the antinociceptive tests, 1 g/Kg of ACE markedly reduced responses to pain. Our findings suggest that ACE may have active anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive properties in much smaller doses than toxic.
RESUMO: Lantana camara L. pertence à família Verbenaceae, a qual contem muitos princípios ativos em suas folhas e raízes com propriedade medicinais e inseticidas. Estudos com plantas da mesma família mostram a existência de propriedades antinflamatórias no modelo de edema de pata induzido pela carragenina, serotonina e histamina, além da atividade analgésica nos testes de contorção induzida pelo ácido acético e da retirada da cauda por estímulo térmico. O presente trabalho investigou os efeitos tóxicos e antinociceptivos do extrato de L. camara (ACE) em camundongos. Para tanto, investigou-se a porcentagem de mortes em 7 dias após a administração de diferentes doses do extrato. Avaliou-se também os efeitos antinociceptivos do ACE pelos testes da placa quente, estimulação térmica da cauda e contorções abdominais induzidas pelo ácido acético com a dose não-tóxica [1,0 g/Kg]. Os resultados mostraram que 1,5 g/Kg do ACE não causou mortalidade, enquanto que 3,0 e 4,0 g/Kg promoveram 50 e 60% de mortalidade, respectivamente. Em todos os testes antinociceptivos, a dose de 1,0 g/Kg do ACE reduziu a resposta à dor. Os presentes resultados indicam que o ACE apresenta propriedades antinflamatórias e analgésicas em doses muito menores que a tóxica.
Animals , Male , Mice , Lantana/anatomy & histology , Analgesics/adverse effects , Mice/classification , Toxicity/analysis , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/pharmacologyABSTRACT
Microscopic anatomy and volatile secondary metabolites at three stages of development of the inflorescences of Lantana camara (Verbenaceae). Plants of the Verbenaceae family, like L. camara, have called the attention of researchers, not only because of its high diversity and its distribution around the world, but also for its variable use as popular medicine to treat diseases like tetanus, rheumatism and malaria, and as bactericide and insecticide. To assess this, the morphology and ontogeny of the inflorescences of Lantana camara and the chemical composition of volatile secondary metabolites were analyzed at three different ontogeny stages. Plants were collected from the experimental crop area in CENIVAM, Bucaramanga, Colombia. Fresh inflorescence stages were established and analyzed using a stereoscopic microscope, fixed in FAA and included in parafine. Transversal and longitudinal 10μm thick sections were prepared using a rotative microtome, safranine-fastgreen stained and were observed and photographed using a light microscope. The chemical composition of volatile secondary metabolites were analyzed for each stage. The analytes, obtained from 0.7g of plant, were isolated by solid phase micro-extraction in the headspace mode (HS-SPME) and were placed in 20ml vials. The components were analyzed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Stage I was microscopically characterized by an immature development in which the meristematic differentiation begins with a mass of cells. In Stage II, the morphogenetic movement gives way to the formation of the respective floral sexual structures, calyx and corolla. In Stage III, the different organs are conspicuous: four stamens epipetals and didynamous, monocarpelar, biloculate and globose gynoecium, upper ovary and lateral stigma; the flowers are hermaphroditic. The main secondary metabolites detected by GC-MS were bicyclosesquiphellandrene, E-β-farnesene, E-β-caryophyllene, Υ-muurolene + Υ- curcumene and α-zingiberene. Nevertheless, this study reports for the first time in plant species α-gurjunene, Υ-amorphene, α-muurolene, sesquithujene, α-trans-bergamotene and transcadina-1,4-diene. The diversity of compounds found can be only explained by the extraction methods employed, the developmental stages and section of the plant, the geographic conditions, collection time and the genetic constitution of the evaluated species. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (1): 473-486. Epub 2011 March 01.
Las plantas de la familia Verbenaceae, entre ellas la especie Lantana camara L., poseen una alta diversidad botánica además de su variable uso. Se describe el avance morfoanatómico de tres etapas de desarrollo de las inflorescencias de L. camara L. (Verbenaceae), recolectadas en Bucaramanga, Colombia. Para esto se tincionaron las estructuras vegetales mediante la técnica fast-green, previo a los análisis con microscopía óptica convencional. El aislamiento de los analitos de cada estadio se realizó mediante la técnica de microextracción en fase sólida en el modo headspace (HS-SPME) y su posterior análisis de componentes, mediante cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de masas (GC-MS). En el Estadio I se apreció un grupo de células en donde se inicia la diferenciación meristemática. En el Estadio II, los movimientos morfogenéticos dan paso a la formación de las respectivas estructuras sexuales florales, el cáliz y la corola. Al llegar al Estadio III, se observaron claramente los diferentes órganos. Los metabolitos detectados en este estudio y que no fueron encontrados en la bibliografía revisada fueron, el α- gurjuneno, el Υ-amorfeno, el α-muuroleno, el sesquitujeno, el α-trans- bergamoteno y el trans-cadina-1,4-dieno. Los principales metabolitos secundarios detectados fueron: biciclosesquifelandreno, E-β-farneseno, E-β-cariofileno, Υ- muuroleno+Υ-curcumeno y α-zingibereno. Una función importante de éstas y otras esencias florales es la defensa y la protección durante el estrés abiótico de la planta.