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Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e20556, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403704


Abstract Tetradenia riparia (Hochst.) Codd (Lamiaceae) is a species native to the African continent and used as an insect repellent. The objective of the study was to evaluate the larvicidal potential of essential oils (EOs) from the leaves, flower buds, and stem of T. riparia, collected in winter against Aedes aegypti larvae. The EOs were extracted by hydrodistillation (3 h) and identified by GC/MS. The EOs were tested against larvae of A. aegypti at concentrations ranging from 12500 to 1.5 µg/mL for 24 h. The insecticide activity was evaluated by probit analysis, and the anticholinesterase activity was determined by bioautographic method. The results of the class projection indicated sesquiterpenes as the majority class, corresponding to 60.66% (leaves), 64.70% (flower buds) and 83.99% (stem), and the bioassays on A. aegypti larvae indicated LC50 of 1590, 675 and 665 µg/mL, respectively. The anticholinesterase activity indicated that the EO of the leaves inhibited the enzyme at a concentration of 780 µg/mL, and those from the flower buds and stem inhibited up to 1560 µg/mL. The results indicated weak activity of essential oils against A. aegypti larvae.

Oils, Volatile/adverse effects , Plant Stems/adverse effects , Plant Leaves/adverse effects , Lamiaceae/metabolism , Aedes/classification , Flowers/adverse effects , Insect Repellents/analysis , Larva/growth & development , Cholinesterase Inhibitors/administration & dosage , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning Transmission/methods
Rev. biol. trop ; 69(supl. 2)mar. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507761


Introduction: Embryonic and larval development in sea urchins is highly dependent on maternal nutritional status and on the environmental conditions of the seawater. Objective: To compare the development of Arbacia dufresnii in two different water temperatures and in progeny with varying maternal origins. Methods: We induced A. dufresnii females and males from Nuevo Gulf to spawn, collected the eggs of each female individually (progeny), separated them into two seawater temperatures (12 and 17 °C), and fertilized them. We recorded the percentage of fertilized eggs and embryos per developmental stage according to time, temperature and progeny. We measured larval growth by total length (TL) and midline body length (M) according to time post fecundation (DPF), temperature, and progeny. Results: Temperature did not affect fertilization, but embryo development was faster and more synchronized in the high temperature treatment. The generalized linear models indicate that embryo development depends on a quadruple interaction between the embryonic stage, time (h), seawater temperature and progeny. Larval growth was faster, producing larger larvae at the highest temperature. Larval growth depends on a triple interaction between time (DPF), seawater temperature and progeny. Conclusions: We found a temperature and progeny impact during embryonic and larval development and, in both cases, these factors generate a synergistic effect on developmental timing and larval size. This probably provides a survival advantage as a more rapid speed of development implies a decrease in the time spent in the water column, where the sea urchins are vulnerable to biotic and abiotic stressors.

Introducción: El desarrollo embrionario y larvario de los erizos de mar depende en gran medida del estado nutricional materno y de las condiciones ambientales del agua de mar. Objetivo: Comparar el desarrollo de Arbacia dufresnii en dos temperaturas de agua diferentes y en progenies con diferentes orígenes maternos. Métodos: Indujimos a las hembras y machos de A. dufresnii del Golfo Nuevo a desovar, recolectamos los huevos de cada hembra individualmente (progenie), los separamos en dos temperaturas de agua de mar (12 y 17 ° C) y los fertilizamos. Registramos el porcentaje de óvulos fecundados y el porcentaje de embriones por etapa de desarrollo según tiempo, temperatura y descendencia. Medimos el crecimiento larvario según la longitud total (TL) y la longitud corporal de la línea media (M) de acuerdo con el tiempo en días post fecundación, la temperatura y la progenie. Resultados: La temperatura no afectó la fertilización, pero el desarrollo del embrión fue más rápido y más sincronizado en el tratamiento de alta temperatura. Los modelos lineales generalizados indican que el desarrollo del embrión depende una interacción cuádruple entre el estadio embrionario, el tiempo (h), la temperatura del agua de mar y la progenie. El crecimiento larvario fue más rápido, produciendo larvas más grandes a la temperatura más alta. El crecimiento de las larvas depende de una triple interacción entre el tiempo (DPF), la temperatura del agua de mar y la progenie. Conclusiones: Encontramos un impacto en la temperatura y en la progenie durante el desarrollo embrionario y larvario y, en ambos casos, estos factores generaron un efecto sinérgico sobre el tiempo de desarrollo y el tamaño de las larvas. Esto probablemente proporciona una ventaja de supervivencia, ya que una velocidad de desarrollo más rápida implica una disminución en el tiempo que pasan en la columna de agua, donde los erizos de mar son vulnerables a los factores estresantes bióticos y abióticos.

Animals , Sea Urchins/growth & development , Environmental Change , Reproduction , Heat-Shock Response , Echinodermata/anatomy & histology , Larva/growth & development
Gac. méd. Méx ; 156(5): 388-395, sep.-oct. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249936


Resumen Introducción: La Ciudad de México no tiene presencia endémica de Aedes aegypti, por lo que está libre de enfermedades transmitidas por vector como dengue, Zika y chikunguña. Sin embargo, existe evidencia de la presencia de huevecillos en la urbe desde 2015. Objetivo: Reportar la presencia constante y en aumento de huevecillos de Aedes aegypti en la Ciudad de México de 2015 a 2018. Método: Se realizó vigilancia a través de ovitrampas; se contabilizaron y eclosionaron huevecillos para determinar la especie. Resultados: De 2015 a 2018 fueron identificados 378 organismos como Aedes aegypti. En total fueron colectadas 76 ovitrampas positivas a Aedes aegypti en 50 sitios distintos de 11 alcaldías. El noreste de la Ciudad de México fue el área con mayor positividad. Conclusiones: Los resultados pueden estar indicando un periodo de colonización incipiente y la probable la existencia de colonias crípticas del mosquito, por lo que la Ciudad de México podría estar en riesgo de presentar epidemias de enfermedades transmitidas por vector.

Abstract Introduction: Mexico City has no endemic presence of Aedes aegypti, and it is therefore free of vector-borne diseases, such as dengue fever, Zika and chikungunya. However, evidence has shown the presence of Aedes aegypti eggs in the city since 2015. Objective: To report the constant and increasing presence of Aedes aegypti eggs in Mexico City from 2015 to 2018. Methods: Surveillance was carried out using ovitraps. Eggs were counted and hatched in order to determine the species. Results: From 2015 to 2018, 378 organisms were identified as Ae. aegypti. In total, 76 Aedes aegypti-positive ovitraps were collected at 50 different places in 11 boroughs of the city. Northeastern Mexico City was the area with the highest number of positive traps. Conclusions: The results may be indicating a period of early colonization and the probable existence of cryptic colonies of the mosquito, and Mexico City could be therefore at risk of experiencing vector-borne epidemics.

Animals , Aedes/classification , Dengue , Eggs , Mosquito Vectors , Species Specificity , Cities , Aedes/growth & development , Larva/classification , Larva/growth & development , Mexico
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 29(2): e022819, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138081


Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of different substrates for larval development of Ctenocephalides felis felis during its biological cycle. Eight hundred eggs of C. felis felis from a flea maintenance colony were used. Different diets were formulated, in which the main substrates were meat flour, powdered milk, sugar, lyophilized bovine blood, tick metabolites and lyophilized egg. The flea eggs were placed in test tubes (10 per tube) and approximately 2 g of the diet to be tested was added to each tube. There were 10 replicates for each substrate. After 28 days, each tube was evaluated individually for the presence of pupae and emerged adults. The following percentages of the larvae completed the cycle to the adult stage: 67% in diets containing tick metabolites; 55%, meat flour; 39%, dehydrated bovine blood; 14%, powdered milk; and less than 1% in diets containing sugar, lyophilized bovine blood, lyophilized egg or wheat bran. It was concluded that among the diets tested, the one constituted by tick metabolites as the substrate was shown to be the most satisfactory for maintaining a laboratory colony of C. felis felis, followed by the one containing meat flour.

Resumo Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência de diferentes substratos no desenvolvimento larval de Ctenocephalides felis felis durante seu ciclo biológico. Foram utilizados 800 ovos de C. felis felis, oriundos de colônia de manutenção de pulgas. Diferentes dietas foram formuladas, contendo como substratos principais a farinha de carne, leite em pó, açúcar, sangue bovino liofilizado, metabólitos de carrapato e ovo liofilizado. Foram distribuídos 10 ovos por tubo de ensaio, aos quais foram acrescidos as dietas a serem testadas, realizando-se10 repetições para cada substrato. Após 28 dias, cada tubo foi avaliado individualmente pela presença de pupas e adultos emergidos. Nas dietas que continham metabólitos de carrapato, 67% das larvas completaram o ciclo até a fase adulta; 55% nas que continham farinha de carne; 39% contendo sangue bovino desidratado; 14% com leite em pó, e menos de 1% em dietas contendo açúcar, sangue bovino liofilizado, ovo liofilizado e farelo de trigo. Conclui-se que, entre as dietas testadas, a constituída por metabólitos de carrapato como substrato, mostrou-se a mais satisfatória para a manutenção de colônia laboratorial de C.felis felis, seguida da que continha farinha de carne.

Animals , Cats , Culture Techniques/methods , Ctenocephalides/growth & development , Larva/growth & development
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 115: e200271, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1135271


BACKGROUND Aedes aegypti is the primary transmitter of several arbovirus with great impact in human health. Controlling vector mosquitoes is an essential and complex task. One promising control method is to use mosquitoes as a vehicle to disseminate tiny particles of juvenile-killing insecticides, such as pyriproxyfen (PPF), to breeding sites. OBJECTIVES We aimed to investigate the capacity of Ae. aegypti to disseminate two new formulations of PPF in two sites of Rio de Janeiro city for assessment of the efficacy of these products. METHODS Dissemination stations impregnated with powder and liquid new formulations of PPF were installed in two test sites. Ovitraps were used in the test sites and in a control site for monitoring the presence of Ae. aegypti throughout eggs collection. FINDINGS Entomological indices indicated that the new formulations of PPF were efficient in reducing eggs abundance. Liquid formulation performed better than powder formulation. Ready-to-use formulations of PPF can be quickly applied in the field and can be replaced after a few months. MAIN CONCLUSIONS New formulations of PPF associated with mosquito dissemination approach make a valuable vector control strategy, managing to cover places of difficult access for whatever reason. New formulations application requires less labour, being economically attractive.

Humans , Animals , Adolescent , Pyridines/pharmacology , Mosquito Control/methods , Aedes/drug effects , Insecticides/pharmacology , Larva/drug effects , Cities , Mosquito Vectors/growth & development , Mosquito Vectors/drug effects , Larva/growth & development
Rev. Inst. Nac. Hig ; 50(1-2): 71-75, Diciembre 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1118412


Las larvas de nematodos en los peces, generalmente corresponde a especies de la familia Anisakidae, son gusanos redondos, sin segmentación; con hospedadores intermediarios y definitivos y un huésped accidental que es el humano, en quién va producir una enfermedad parasitaria del tacto digestivo, mundialmente conocida como anisakiasis, asociada a reacciones de hipersensibilidad debido a los alérgenos del parásito. La presencia de estos parásitos en los productos de la pesca, deberá ser controlada con medidas preventivas establecidas en la legislación sanitaria de países; estableciendo profilaxis, medidas higiénicas como consumir el pescado cocido, o sometido previamente a congelación a -20°C por 48 a 72 horas, para prevenir la enfermedad. Cuando enfocamos hacia una prospectiva de medidas sanitarias de control preventivo, se plantea el establecimiento de un plan de requerimientos de alimentos seguros, basado en el análisis de riesgos y control de puntos críticos (HACCP), constituido por un paquete de documentos escritos basados en los principios de seguridad de alimentos; que contendrá: el análisis de riesgos; controles preventivos; programas en la cadena de suministros; delineamiento de los procedimientos para ser seguidos por monitoreo, acciones correctivas y verificación. Estará basado en las obligaciones que se puedan establecer bajo jurisdicción regulatoria para el pescado, en cuanto a la pesca o captura, manipulación a bordo o en la orilla y mecanismos de conservación hasta el expendio; que dé lugar a un manual de buenas prácticas de manufactura, análisis de riesgo y controles preventivos de riesgos para la regulación de alimentos de origen marino para consumo humano

The larvae of nematodes in fish generally correspond to species of the Anisakidae family, they are round worms, without segmentation; with intermediate and definitive hosts and an accidental host that is human, in whom it will produce a parasitic disease of the digestive tract, worldwide known as anisakiasis, associated with hypersensitivity reactions due to parasite allergens. The presence of these Parasites in fishery products should be controlled with preventive measures established in the sanitary legislation of countries; establishing prophylaxis, hygienic measures such as consuming the cooked fish, or previously subjected to freezing at -20 ° C for 48 to 72 hours to prevent the disease. When we focus on a prospective of preventive control sanitary measures, the establishment of a plan for safe food requirements based on risk analysis and control of critical points (HACCP), constituted by a package of written documents based on the principles, is considered food safety; which will contain: risk analysis; preventive controls; programs in the supply chain; delineation of the procedures to be followed by monitoring, corrective actions and verification. It will be based on the obligations that can be established under the regulatory jurisdiction for fish, in terms of fishing or capture, handling on board or on the shore and conservation mechanisms up to the sale; that results in a manual of good manufacturing practices, risk analysis and preventive risk controls for the regulation of food of marine origin for human consumption

Humans , Animals , Anisakis/growth & development , Anisakiasis/prevention & control , Food Safety , Fish Products/analysis , Fishes/parasitology , Gastrointestinal Tract/parasitology , Larva/growth & development
Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 71(3): e386, sept.-dic. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1093579


Introducción: A nivel mundial, Aedes aegypti es el culícido más importante en cuanto a la transmisión de arbovirus de impacto en salud pública. Objetivo: Profundizar en los conocimientos ecológicos de Ae. aegypti en República Dominicana, a través de los recipientes o contenedores que utiliza para desarrollar sus formas preimaginales. Métodos: El estudio se extendió desde octubre a diciembre de 2017. Se muestrearon aleatoriamente 100 viviendas, en las que se revisaron todos los recipientes con potencialidad para albergar larvas y/o pupas de mosquitos, dentro y fuera del domicilio. Se cuantificó el tipo y total de cada depósito positivo según su ubicación en cada vivienda, para calcular el porcentaje de representatividad, junto al Índice Pupal por Depósitos específicos (IPDe) para cada receptáculo con pupas. Resultados: Se detectó presencia de Ae. aegypti en el 41 por ciento de las casas visitadas. De los 419 recipientes analizados, 74 resultaron positivos a larvas y/o pupas (17,66 por ciento). Se clasificaron 28 tipos de depósitos atendiendo a su función y material. Cuantitativamente, los depósitos permanentes fueron los más representativos con un 54,05 por ciento. Las mayores capturas se realizaron en el peridomicilio. El tanque plástico fue el más relevante, pues aportó el 28,37 por ciento del total de depósitos positivos, así como un elevado IPDe. Conclusiones: Los resultados evidencian elevados niveles de infestación en los domicilios de Jarabacoa que deben ser controlados a fin de disminuir el riesgo en la transmisión de arbovirosis. El control de los recipientes artificiales, como los contenedores desechables, los neumáticos y sobre todo los tanques de agua, es la piedra angular de cualquier esfuerzo para prevenir estas enfermedades(AU)

Introduction: Aedes aegypti is the most important culicid worldwide in terms of transmission of arbovirus infections of a high impact on public health. Objective: Broaden ecological knowledge about Aedes aegypti in the Dominican Republic, particularly about the containers and other sites where immature development occurs. Methods: The study extended from October to December 2017. One hundred households were randomly surveyed, checking all the containers with a potential to host mosquito larvae and/or pupae both inside and outside the house. Quantification was made of the type and total of positive containers according to their location in each household, to estimate the percentage of representativeness and the pupal index per container identified (PICI) when pupae were found in them. Results: Aedes aegypti was found to be present in 41 percent of the houses visited. Of the 419 containers analyzed, 74 were positive for larvae and/or pupae (17.66 percent). Containers were classified into 28 types according to their function and material. Quantitatively, permanent containers were the best represented with 54.05 percent. The largest captures were made in the area around the house. Plastic water tanks were the most relevant, with 28.37 percent of the total positive containers and a high PICI. Conclusions: Results show high levels of infestation in Jarabacoa households. These should be controlled to reduce the risk of arbovirus infection transmission. Control of artificial breeding sites, such as disposable containers, tires and especially water tanks, is the cornerstone of any effort to prevent these diseases(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Ecosystem , Aedes/microbiology , Disease Vectors/classification , Larva/growth & development
Braz. j. biol ; 79(4): 686-696, Nov. 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001486


Abstract Snails are essential to complete the life cycle of the metastrongylid nematode Angiostrongylus cantonensis, the causative agent of infections in domestic and wild animals, mainly rodents, and also of neural angiostrongyliasis or eosinophilic meningitis in humans. There are many reports of mollusks that can act as intermediate hosts of this parasite, especially freshwater snails and the African giant Achatina fulica. The terrestrial gastropod Bulimulus tenuissimus is widely distributed in Brazil and other species of the same genus occur in Brazil and other countries, overlapping regions in which there are reports of the occurrence of A. cantonensis and angiostrongyliasis. In spite of this, there are no records in the literature of this species performing the role of intermediate host to A. cantonensis. The present study analyzed the experimental infection with first-stage larvae of A. cantonensis, under laboratory conditions, of B. tenuissimus, by using histology and electron microscopy techniques. Three weeks after exposure to L1 larvae, it was possible to recover L3 larvae in small numbers from the infected snails. Developing larvae were observed in the cephalopedal mass (foot), ovotestis, and mantle tissues, being located inside a granulomatous structure composed of hemocyte infiltration, but there was no calcium or collagen deposition in these structures in significant amounts. In the third week post exposure, it was possible observe a sheath around the developing larvae. The infected snails presented reduction in the fibrous muscular tissue in the foot region, loss of the acinar organization in the digestive gland, with increase of amorphous material inside the acini and loss of epithelial pattern of nuclear organization in the acinar cells. However, the ovotestis seemed unaffected by the infection, since there was a large number of developing oocytes and spermatozoa in different stages of formation. The digestion of infected snails allows us the third-stage recovery rate of 17.25%, at 14 days post exposure to the L1. These L3 recovered from B. tenuissimus were used to infect rats experimentally, and 43 days post infection first-stage (L1) larvae of A. cantonensis were recovered from fresh feces. The results presented constituted the first report of the role of B. tenuissimus as an experimental intermediate host to A. cantonensis and shed some light on a possible problem, since the overlapping distribution of B. tenuissimus and A. cantonensis in Brazil and other countries where different species of Bulimulus occur enables the establishment and maintenance of the life cycle of this parasite in nature, with wild rodents as reservoirs, acting as a source of infection to humans, causing neural angiostrongyliasis.

Resumo Os moluscos são um requisito essencial para a conclusão do ciclo de vida pelo nematoide metastrogilídeo Angiostrongylus cantonensis, o agente causador de infecções em animais domésticos e selvagens, principalmente roedores, e também de angiostrongilíase neural ou meningite eosinofílica em humanos. Há muitos relatos de moluscos que podem atuar como hospedeiro para este parasito, sendo o foco dado aos moluscos de água doce e no gigante africano Achatina fulica. O gastrópode terrestre Bulimulus tenuissimus é amplamente distribuído no território brasileiro e há outras espécies do mesmo gênero que ocorrem no Brasil e outros países, sobrepondo-se às regiões em que há relatos à ocorrência de A. cantonensis e angiostornigilíase. Apesar disso, não há registro na literatura, acerca desta espécie como hospedeiro intermediário para A. cantonensis. O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar a possibilidade de infectar experimentalmente, utilizando larvas L1 de A. cantonensis, em condições laboratoriais, o molusco B. tenuissimus, utilizando técnicas de histologia e microscopia eletrônica. Três semanas após a exposição às larvas L1, foi possível recuperar larvas L3 dos moluscos infectados, em pequena quantidade. As larvas em desenvolvimento foram observadas na massa cefalopediosa (pé), ovotestis e nos tecidos do manto, sendo localizadas dentro de uma estrutura granulomatosa constituída por infiltração hemocitária, mas não houve deposição de cálcio ou colágeno nessas estruturas em quantidade significativa. Na terceira semana pós exposição, foi possível observar uma bainha ao redor das larvas em desenvolvimento. Os caracóis infectados apresentaram redução no tecido muscular fibroso na região do pé, perda da organização acinar na glândula digestiva, com aumento de material amorfo dentro dos ácinos e perda do padrão epitelial da organização nuclear nas células acinares. No entanto, o ovotestis, pareceu não ser afetado pela infecção, uma vez que houve um grande número de oócitos em desenvolvimento e espermatozóides em diferentes estágios de formação. A digestão dos moluscos infectados nos permitiu a recuperação de larvas de terceiro estágio (17,25%), aos 14 dias após a exposição à L1 de A. cantonensis . Estas L3 recuperadas de B. tenuissimus foram utilizados para infectar ratos experimentalmente, e 43 dias após a infecção, as larvas do primeiro estágio (L1) foram recuperadas de fezes frescas. Os resultados apresentados representam o primeiro registro do papel de B. tenuissimus como hospedeiro intermediário experimental de A. cantonensis e trazem alguma luz a um problema, até então silencioso, uma vez que a sobreposição da distribuição de B. tenuissimus e A. cantonensis no Brasil, e outros países, onde as diferentes espécies de Bulimulus ocorrem, torna possível o estabelecimento e manutenção do ciclo de vida deste parasito na natureza, com roedores selvagens como reservatório, agindo como fonte de infecção para humanos e causando a angiostrongilíase neural.

Animals , Snails/parasitology , Angiostrongylus cantonensis/growth & development , Angiostrongylus cantonensis/physiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Host-Parasite Interactions , Larva/growth & development , Life Cycle Stages , Models, Theoretical
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(5): 1601-1608, set.-out. 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1038644


Com o presente estudo, objetivou-se avaliar o tempo de fornecimento de náuplios de artêmia e o período de transição alimentar para pós-larvas de acará-severo (Heros severus). Foram utilizadas 450 pós-larvas de acará-severo, distribuídas em 45 aquários, em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 3x5, com três repetições. Foram avaliados três períodos de fornecimento de náuplios de artêmia: zero, cinco e 10 dias. Além disso, foram testados cinco períodos de transição alimentar: um, dois, três, quatro e cinco dias, quando os animais receberam alimentação conjunta de náuplios de artêmia e dieta farelada. Ao final do experimento, os peixes foram contados, pesados e fotografados, para avaliação do desempenho produtivo e das variáveis morfométricas. Para todos os parâmetros avaliados, não foi constatada interação entre o tempo de fornecimento de artêmia e o período de transição alimentar. Os animais alimentados por 10 dias com náuplios de artêmia apresentaram os melhores resultados de desempenho e as maiores variáveis morfométricas. Os peixes que receberam alimentação conjunta por três dias apresentaram desenvolvimento satisfatório. Dessa forma, recomendam-se 10 dias de fornecimento de náuplios de artêmia e três dias de transição alimentar, antes de se iniciar o fornecimento exclusivo de dieta inerte para pós-larvas de acará-severo.(AU)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the supply time of artemia and the period of food transition to post-larvae of severum (Heros severus). A total of 450 post-larvae of severum were distributed in 45 aquaria, in a completely randomized design, in a 3x5 factorial scheme, with three replicates. Three feeding periods with artemia nauplii were evaluated: zero, five, and ten days. In addition, five feeding transitions were tested: one, two, three, four and five days, when the animals received joint feeding of artemia nauplii and dry diet. At the end of the experiment the fish were counted, weighed and photographed, to evaluate the productive performance and the morphometric variables. For all parameters evaluated, no interaction between the time of artemia supply and the feeding transition period was observed. Animals fed for 10 days with artemia nauplii showed the best performance results and the highest morphometric variables. The fish that received joint feeding for three days presented satisfactory development. Thus, 10 days of artemia nauplii supply and three days of feeding transition is recommended before starting the exclusive supply of diet inert to post-larvae of severum.(AU)

Animals , Artemia , Aquaculture/methods , Cichlids/growth & development , Diet/veterinary , Larva/growth & development
Braz. j. biol ; 79(3): 488-494, July-Sept. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001450


Abstract In this study we evaluate the biotic potential and reproductive parameters of Spodoptera cosmioides (Walker, 1858) under controlled conditions (25 ± 1 °C, 70 ± 10% RH and 14 hour photophase). Females, on average, (14.433 days) did not live significantly longer than their male counterparts (13.100 days). The mean durations of the pre-oviposition, oviposition and post-oviposition periods were 2.767, 10.600 and 1.067 days, respectively. The mean fecundity of females was 5,073.533 eggs and the mean fertility was 5,021.027 larvae. On average, females copulated 1.167 times. Fecundity was positively correlated with the number of copulations (r = 0.583, P <0.001). The number of copulations, however, was negatively correlated whit the duration of the pre-oviposition (r = -0.560, P = 0.007) and oviposition (r = -0.479, P = 0.048) periods, and overall longevity (r = -0.512, P = 0.031). The biotic potential was estimated at 6.547 x 1021 individuals/female/year. The net reproductive rate (Ro) was 2,193.722 times per generation and the mean generation time (T) was 46.407 days. The intrinsic rate of increase (rm) was 0.166, with a finite rate of increase (λ) of 1.180, per week.

Resumo Neste estudo avaliamos o potencial biótico e parâmetros reprodutivos de Spodoptera cosmioides (Walker, 1858) em condições controladas (25 ± 1 °C, 70 ± 10% UR e 14 horas de fotofase). Em média, as fêmeas (14,433 dias) não viveram significativamente mais do que os machos (13,100 dias). A duração média dos períodos de pre-oviposição, oviposição e pós-oviposição foram 2,767; 10,600 e 1,067 dias, respectivamente. A fecundidade média das fêmeas foi de 5.073,533 ovos e a fertilidade média foi de 5.021,027 larvas. Em média, as fêmeas copularam 1,167 vezes. A fecundidade correlacionou-se positivamente com o número de cópulas (r = 0,583; P <0,001). Entretanto, o número de cópulas correlacionou-se negativamente com a duração dos períodos de pré-oviposição (r = -0,560; P = 0,007), oviposição (r = -0,479; P = 0;048) e a longevidade (r = -0,512; P = 0,031). O potencial biótico foi estimado em 6,547 x 1021 indivíduos/fêmea/ano. A taxa líquida de reprodução (Ro) foi de 2.193,722 vezes por geração e o tempo médio de cada geração (T) foi de 46,407 dias. A taxa intrínseca de crescimento (rm) foi 0,166, com uma taxa finita de aumento (λ) de 1,180, por semana.

Animals , Male , Female , Oviposition , Sexual Behavior, Animal , Spodoptera/physiology , Life History Traits , Reproduction , Life Tables , Spodoptera/growth & development , Larva/growth & development , Larva/physiology , Longevity
Braz. j. biol ; 79(3): 369-376, July-Sept. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001452


Abstract This study aimed to inventory the herbivore insects associated with Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong (Fabaceae) fruits and seeds and their primary and secondary parasitoids. Six samples collected between May and October 2013 yielded 210 fruits, from which 326 insects of six orders emerged: Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, Thysanoptera and Psocoptera. Coleoptera (five families) was represented by the seed consumers Merobruchus bicoloripes Pic, Stator sp. Bridwell (Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae), two species of Silvanidae, one species of Scolytinae (Curculionidae), one species of Nitidulidae and one species of Cerambycidae. The cerambycid was also observed forming galleries on fruit mesocarp. Immature individuals of Lepidoptera were observed consuming the fruits and seeds. From the seven Hymenoptera families, only two species were associated with Coleoptera, being Horismenus Walker sp. (Eulophidae) as parasitoid of M. bicoloripes, and Neoheterospilus falcatus (Marsh) (Braconidae) as parasitoid of Scolytinae. The Lepidoptera parasitoids represented four genera: Pseudophanerotoma Zetel, Chelonus Panzer (Braconidae), Orgilus Nees (Braconidae) and Goniozus Forster (Bethylidae). The host associations for the reared parasitoids Bracon Fabricius (Braconidae), Pimplinae sp. (Ichneumonidae) and Perilampus Forster (Perilampidae) were not confirmed. We obtained a single representative of Diptera (Tachinidae) associated with Lepidoptera hosts in this food web.

Resumo Este estudo teve como objetivo inventariar os insetos herbívoros associados a frutos e sementes de Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong (Fabaceae) e seus parasitoides primários e secundários. De seis amostras coletadas entre maio e outubro de 2013, obteve-se 210 frutos, dos quais emergiram 326 insetos pertencentes a seis ordens: Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, Thysanoptera e Psocoptera. Coleoptera (cinco famílias) foi representada pelos consumidores de sementes: Merobruchus bicoloripes Pic, Stator sp. Bridwell (Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae), Silvanidae sp. 1 e sp. 2, Scolytinae sp. (Curculionidae), Nitidulidae sp. e Cerambycidae sp. A última espécie também foi observada formando galerias no mesocarpo do fruto. Indivíduos imaturos de Lepidoptera também foram observados consumindo os frutos e sementes. Dos Hymenoptera (sete famílias), duas espécies foram associadas a Coleoptera, sendo Horismenus Walker sp. (Eulophidae) parasitoide de M. bicoloripes e Neoheterospilus falcatus (Marsh) (Braconidae) parasitoide de Scolytinae. Os parasitoides de Lepidoptera foram totalizados em quatro gêneros: Pseudophanerotoma Zetel e Chelonus Panzer (Braconidae), Orgilus Nees (Braconidae) e Goniozus Forster (Bethylidae). As interações para os parasitoides Bracon Fabricius (Braconidae), Pimplinae sp. (Ichneumonidae) e Perilampus Forster (Perilampidae) não foram confirmadas. Nós encontramos apenas um único representante de Diptera (Tachinidae) como parasitoide de Lepidoptera nesta rede trófica.

Animals , Food Chain , Herbivory , Host-Parasite Interactions , Insecta/physiology , Insecta/parasitology , Fabaceae/growth & development , Coleoptera/growth & development , Coleoptera/physiology , Coleoptera/parasitology , Brazil , Diptera/physiology , Fruit/physiology , Insecta/growth & development , Larva/growth & development
Braz. j. biol ; 79(3): 377-382, July-Sept. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001454


Abstract Brazil is a leading palm oil producer, but the defoliating caterpillars Opsiphanes invirae Hübner Brassolis sophorae L. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) can reduce the productivity of this crop. The aim of this study was to evaluate the development and reproduction of the parasitoid Trichospilus diatraeae Cherian & Margabandhu (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in pupae of these oil palm defoliators. Ten O. invirae or B. sophorae pupae with up to two days old were exposed each to 30 T. diatraeae females for 48 hours. Parasitism and emergence of the progeny of T. diatraeae were similar in pupae of both Lepidoptera defoliators. The life cycle of this parasitoid was shorter in O. invirae (21.50 ± 0.42 days) pupae than with those of B. sophorae (27.60 ± 1.80 days). The number of the progeny (669.00 ± 89.62) and dead immature (217.13 ± 58.18) of T. diatraeae were higher in B. sophorae pupae than in those of O. invirae with 447.83 ± 51.52 and 13.50 ± 5.23, respectively. The sex ratio and female and male longevity of T. diatraeae emerged from these hosts were similar. The reproductive traits, especially the number of individuals (offspring) of T. diatraeae were better with B. sophorae pupae than with those of O. invirae.

Resumo O Brasil é um dos principais produtores de óleo de palma, porém as lagartas desfolhadoras Opsiphanes invirae Hübner e Brassolis sophorae L. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) podem comprometer a produtividade dessa cultura. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desenvolvimento e aspectos reprodutivos do parasitoide Trichospilus diatraeae Cherian & Margabandhu (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) em pupas desses desfolhadores da palma de óleo. Dez pupas de O. invirae ou de B. sophorae com até dois dias de idade, foram expostas, cada uma, ao parasitismo por 30 fêmeas de T. diatraeae , por 48 horas. O parasitismo e a emergência da progênie de T. diatraeae foram semelhantes em pupas de ambas as espécies de lepidópteros desfolhadores da palma de óleo. O ciclo de vida desse parasitoide foi mais curto em pupas de O. invirae (21,50 ± 0,42 dias) que com as de B. sophorae (27,60 ± 1,80 dias). O número de progênie (669,00 ± 89,62) e de imaturos mortos (217,13 ± 58,18) de T. diatraeae foram maiores em pupas de B. sophorae que naquelas de O. invirae com 447,83 ± 51,52 e 13,50 ± 5,23, respectivamente. A razão sexual e a longevidade de fêmeas e machos de T. diatraeae emergidos desses hospedeiros foram semelhantes. As características reprodutivas, especialmente, o número de indivíduos (progênie) de T. diatraeae foram melhores com pupas de B. sophorae que com as de O. invirae .

Animals , Male , Female , Wasps/physiology , Butterflies/parasitology , Herbivory , Host-Parasite Interactions , Reproduction , Wasps/growth & development , Brazil , Butterflies/growth & development , Plant Leaves/growth & development , Arecaceae/growth & development , Larva/growth & development , Larva/physiology , Larva/parasitology
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 28(3): 473-478, July-Sept. 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042521


Abstract Amblyomma scalpturatum is a tick species that is unique to South America. It is commonly associated with the Amazon biome and has been reported in some Brazilian states. This tick species exhibits host specificity: it parasitizes tapirs and suidae. Its role in transmitting pathogens to humans is still unknown. Amblyomma scalpturatum is known to be a human-biting tick; however, there is only one report showing that humans make suitable hosts for this species. The knowledge of tick fauna is lacking in the Acre State. This study collected free-living ticks with the aim of finding new records in Acre State. Collections were carried out in Amazon forest fragments in Rio Branco municipality. An A. scalpturatum specimen was identified and submitted sequencing of the ITS-2 gene. This study presents the first molecular confirmation of A. scalpturatum collected in situ in Acre State, North Region, Brazil. This study also presents the first record of a successfully completed feeding by an A. scalpturatum nymph on a human host in the North region of Brazil. Further investigation is needed to ascertain the complete life cycle of this tick species, its seasonality in the environment, and its relationship to pathogens and competence to transmit them.

Resumo Amblyomma scalpturatum é uma espécie de carrapato que ocorre apenas na América do Sul. Está comumente associada ao bioma da Amazônia e tem sido relatada em alguns estados brasileiros. Esta espécie de carrapato apresenta especificidade a hospedeiros: parasita antas e suídeos. Sua competência em transmitir agentes patogênicos a seres humanos é ainda desconhecida. Amblyomma scalpturatum é também conhecido por picar seres humanos; entretanto, há apenas um relato que evidencie que seres humanos sejam capazes de serem hospedeiros adequados. Ainda existem lacunas no conhecimento sobre a ixodofauna no estado do Acre. Neste estudo foram coletados carrapatos de vida livre com o objetivo de encontrar novos registros para o estado do Acre. Coletas de carrapatos foram realizadas em fragmentos de floresta Amazônica no município de Rio Branco. Um exemplar de A. scalpturatum foi identificado e submetido a sequenciamento do gene ITS-2. Este estudo apresenta a primeira confirmação molecular de A. scalpturatum coletado in situ no estado do Acre, região Norte, Brasil. Este estudo também apresenta o primeiro relato de parasitismo completo de uma ninfa de A. scalpturatum em um hospedeiro humano na região Norte do Brasil. Mais investigações são necessárias para elucidar o ciclo de vida completo dessa espécie de carrapato, a sazonalidade de seus estádios no meio ambiente, sua relação a agentes patogênicos e competência em transmiti-los.

Humans , Animals , Male , Female , Tick Infestations/parasitology , Ixodidae/classification , Larva/growth & development , Phylogeny , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Ixodidae/anatomy & histology , Ixodidae/genetics
Braz. j. biol ; 79(1): 104-110, Jan.-Mar 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-984011


Abstract Fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) are considered the main fruit pests worldwide. In Brazil, two species are predominant: the South American fruit fly, Anastrepha fraterculus and the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata. In this study, we evaluated the effect of artificial diets with variable pH in their larval development and adult performance. The experiments were carried out in the laboratory at 25 ± 2 °C, 70 ± 10% RH and 12:12h (L:D) photoperiod. Semisolid diets with pH values of 6.0, 5.0, 4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.5, and 1.0, adjusted by adding hydrochloric acid were tested. Results indicated that the diet with pH 6.0 did not support larval development of both species of fruit fly. Diets with greater acidic pH values did not allow egg, larvae or pupae development and adult reproduction of A. fraterculus. For C. capitata , the pH of artificial diet exerts greater influence compared to A. fraterculus on the duration and viability of the larval stage, number of pupae, sex ratio and longevity of males.

Resumo As moscas-das-frutas (Diptera: Tephritidae) são consideradas as principais pragas da fruticultura mundial. No Brasil, duas espécies são predomindantes: a mosca-das-frutas Sul-americana, Anastrepha fraterculus e a mosca-do-Mediterrâneo, Ceratitis capitata. Neste estudo avaliamos o efeito de dietas artificiais com pH variável no seu desenvolvimento larval e performance de adultos. Os experimentos foram realizados em laboratório a 25 ± 2 °C, 70 ± 10% UR e fotoperíodo de 12:12 horas. Foram testadas dietas semi-sólidas com valores de pH de 6,0; 5,0; 4,0; 3,0; 2,0; 1,5 e 1,0, ajustados pela adição de ácido clorídrico. Os resultados indicaram que a dieta com pH 6,0 não suportou o desenvolvimento larval de ambas as espécies de mosca-das-frutas. As dietas com pH ácido não permitiram o desenvolvimento de ovos, larvas ou pupas e a reprodução de adultos de A. fraterculus. Para C. capitata o pH da dieta artificial exerceu maior influência do que para A. fraterculus nos parâmetros de duração e viabilidade do estágio larval, número de pupas, razão sexual e longevidade de machos.

Animals , Male , Female , Insect Control/methods , Tephritidae/physiology , Animal Feed/analysis , Ovum/growth & development , Pupa/growth & development , Species Specificity , Tephritidae/growth & development , Ceratitis capitata/growth & development , Ceratitis capitata/physiology , Diet , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Larva/growth & development
Braz. j. biol ; 79(1): 38-44, Jan.-Mar 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-983998


Abstract This work aimed to assessing Strongyluris sp. cysts distribution pattern in the several inner organs from pallial system of Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1822. Also we verified if there is a relationship between the mollusk size and the number of specimens from parasites collected from two touristic villages in Ilha Grande (Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro state): Vila Dois Rios (VDR) and Vila do Abraão (ABR). The samples were obtained through a field work conducted bimonthly during 2007, 2008, 2010, and 2011, at both locations. Height and width were measured from shells collected, and the all specimens were classified in different classes: class 1 - <4.0 cm, class 2 - 4.1-9.0 cm and class 3 - < 9.0 cm. After the specimens were dissected in order to find and count the number cysts in the pallial system. In specimens from both locations, the pulmonary and secondary veins showed a high number of cysts. No significance difference was found both in the abundance of cysts among the specimens in ABR (p=0.138) and VDR (p=0.181). Achatina fulica showed different intensities of cyst infection based on the size classes: the class-3 specimens, at both locations, showed the greatest cyst average (ABR Anova F= 3.8; p=0.02); (VDR T of Student T= -2.04; p=0.04). The results suggested that the highest number of cysts in the vascularized area in pallial system of A. fulica was a consequence of a greater hemolymph circulation in that area, delivering more nutrients for larvae development. We think that bigger individuals host a higher number of cysts, as they usually present a larger biomass and a larger area of the pallial system, allowing an efficient parasite colonization. Other possible explanation could be the long exposure of the molluscs of class 3 to the parasites, which allowed a longer time to the larvae to allocate themselves.

Resumo O objetivo do estudo foi analisar o padrão de distribuição dos cistos de Strongyluris sp. nos diversos órgãos do complexo pallial de Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1822 e verificar se existe relação entre o tamanho do molusco e o número de parasitos em espécimes procedentes de dois vilarejos da Ilha Grande, Vila Dois Rios (VDR) e Vila do Abraão (ABR), município de Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro. As coletas foram realizadas bimestralmente nos anos de 2007, 2008, 2010 e 2011 nas duas localidades. A altura e largura das conchas foram medidas, os espécimes classificados em classe 1 - <4,0 cm; classe 2 - 4,1-9,0 cm e classe 3 - < 9,0 cm e posteriormente dissecados sob estereomicroscópio para a busca e contagem dos cistos no complexo pallial. Em ambas localidades, VDR e ABR, as veias pulmonares e secundárias apresentaram predominância de alocação dos cistos. Não foi encontrada diferença na abundância de cistos entre os espécimes de ABR (p=0,138) e VDR (p=0,181). Achatina fulica apresentou intensidades diferentes de infecção de acordo com as classes de tamanho: os espécimes pertencentes a classe 3, nas duas localidades, apresentaram a maior média de cistos visíveis (ABR Anova F= 3,8; p=0,02); (VDR T de Student T= -2,04; p=0,04). Os resultados sugerem que o maior número de cistos na região vascularizada de A. fulica foi decorrente do maior aporte de hemolinfa nesta área, proporcionando mais nutrientes para o desenvolvimento das larvas. Acreditamos que indivíduos maiores albergam um elevado número de cistos, pois, geralmente, apresentam maior biomassa e maior área da cavidade pallial, possibilitando uma eficiente colonização dos parasitos, outra causa pode ser explicada pelo maior tempo de exposição dos moluscos da classe 3 aos parasitas, que possibilitou um período maior para as larvas se alocarem.

Animals , Snails/parasitology , Ascaridida/physiology , Host-Parasite Interactions , Brazil , Spirurina/growth & development , Spirurina/physiology , Ascaridida/growth & development , Introduced Species , Larva/growth & development , Larva/physiology
Braz. j. biol ; 79(1): 80-86, Jan.-Mar 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-983997


Abstract The development and reproductive potential of Spodoptera eridania (Stoll, 1782) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) was compared on natural and artificial diets. Its biology was determined under laboratory conditions, providing an artificial diet, leaves of white clover and the peach cultivar 'Chimarrita' and fruits and leaves of the apple cultivar 'Gala'. Larvae of S. eridania could not complete their biological cycle when fed on apple fruits or peach leaves. The artificial diet provided the shortest development time, with a cycle of 28.5±0.14 days from egg to adult and 37.3% total viability. Apple leaves led to a longer development time from egg to adult (62.8±1.22 days) and lower total viability (23%) and white clover provided the highest total viability (54.3%). The results showed that S. eridania can use white clover and apple leaves to develop normally in apple orchards. The reduction of food sources such as white clover used by the larvae results in infestation and damage to fruits from "test bites".

Resumo O desenvolvimento e o potencial reprodutivo de Spodoptera eridania (Stoll, 1782) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) foi comparado em dietas naturais e artificial. A biologia de S. eridania foi determinada em condições de laboratório, comparando-se uma dieta artificial com folhas de trevo branco e de pêssego da cultivar 'Chimarrita' e frutos e folhas de maçã da cultivar 'Gala'. As larvas de S. eridania não puderam completar seu ciclo biológico quando alimentadas com frutas de maçã ou folhas de pêssego. A dieta artificial proporcionou o menor tempo de desenvolvimento, com um ciclo completo de 28,5 ± 0,14 dias de ovo a adulto e 37,3% de viabilidade total. As folhas de maçã levaram maior tempo de desenvolvimento de ovo a adulto (62,8 ± 1,22 dias) e menor viabilidade total (23%). O trevo branco apresentou a maior viabilidade total (54,3%). Os resultados mostraram que S. eridania pode usar trevo branco e folhas de maçã para se desenvolver normalmente em pomares de maçã. A redução de fontes alimentares, como o trevo branco usado pelas larvas, resulta em infestação e danos aos frutos através das "mordidas de prova".

Animals , Male , Female , Spodoptera/physiology , Trifolium/growth & development , Malus/growth & development , Herbivory , Prunus persica/growth & development , Reproduction , Insect Control , Spodoptera/growth & development , Plant Leaves , Diet , Plant Weeds/growth & development , Fruit , Larva/growth & development
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 41: e45871, 20190000. graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460852


In cases of asymmetric competition, larger individuals of many animal species have a greater probability of acquiring territory, gaining initial access to resources and finding a mate in comparison to smaller individuals. The competition among larvae of the antlion Myrmeleon brasiliensis (Neuroptera, Myrmeleontidae) is observed in the search for space for the construction of traps, in the forage for prey, and in the occurrence of cannibalism. The body size of the larvae is proportional to the size of the traps and the success of predation. Thus, larger specimens are better competitors in terms of capturing preys (asymmetric competition). The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of asymmetric competition in M. brasiliensis regarding the distance among these larvae. The study was developed in a permanent reserve area, located in the municipality of Aquidauana, from the Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil. For the laboratory experiments, we collected M. brasiliensis larvae and placed two larvae in plastic pots. The observations occurred by the visual search of traps, when a larva was seen in the diameter of its trap and the trap of its closest neighbor. Next, the trap size and the distance between them were measured for a period of 15 days. The results of the present study demonstrate that the largest M. brasiliensis larvae were outside the clusters. Within these clusters, the larvae moved away from each other because of the size of their traps, as the larger the neighboring larvae the greater the distance between them. Thus, the asymmetric competition between M. brasiliensis (larger larvae are better competitors) suggests a spatial arrangement among the larvae that is guided by the variable size of the trap.

Animals , Hunting/analysis , Insecta/growth & development , Larva/growth & development
Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 28(1): e2017316, 2019. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-984375


Objetivo: avaliar, em condições simuladas de campo, a eficácia do pyriproxyfen (hormônio juvenil), do novaluron (inibidor de quitina) e do spinosad (biolarvicida) no controle do Aedes aegypti. Métodos: exposição periódica de larvas de Ae. aeypti obtidas em Itabuna a recipientes tratados com os larvicidas, e comparação do efeito residual do tratamento com cepa Rockfeller. Resultados: o efeito inibitório na emergência de adultos, após 60 dias, foi de 89,5% spinosad, 96,5% novaluron e 75,4% pyriproxifen para larvas de Itabuna, não havendo diferença estatística (p=0,412) entre os tratamentos; spinosad e novaluron apresentaram maior percentual de mortalidade na fase larval, 98,8% e 97,9% respectivamente; pyriproxifen apresentou mortalidade maior na fase pupal, 95,1%. Conclusão: os três larvicidas apresentaram controle semelhante; no entanto, o pyriproxifen pode deixar a falsa impressão de positividade dos criadouros, por agir em fase pupal, comprometendo os indicadores de infestação que são parâmetros estratégicos para as ações de controle.

Objetivo: evaluar en condiciones simuladas de campo la eficacia del piriproxifén (hormona juvenil), novaluron (inhibidor de quitina) y spinosad (biolarvicida) en el control del Ae. Aegypti. Métodos: exposición periódica de larvas obtenidas de Itabuna, BA, Brasil, a recipientes tratados con larvicida y comparación del efecto residual con cepa Rockefeller. Resultados: el efecto inhibidor en la emergencia de adultos, después de 60 días, fue de 89,5% spinosad, 96,5% novaluron y 75,4% piriproxifén para larvas de Itabuna, no habiendo diferencia estadística (p=0,412) entre los tratamientos; spinosad y novaluron presentaron mayor mortalidad en la fase larval, 98,8% y 97,9% respectivamente; piriproxifén presentó mayor mortalidad en la fase de pupa, 95,1%. Conclusión: los tres larvicidas fueron eficaces en el control de larvas de Ae. Aegypti; sin embargo, piriproxifén puede dejar falsa positividad de los criaderos, por actuar en fase de pupa, comprometiendo los indicadores de infestación, parámetros estratégicos para las acciones de control.

Objective: to evaluate, under simulated field conditions, the efficacy of pyriproxyfen (juvenile hormone), novaluron (chitin inhibitor) and spinosad (biolarvicide) in controlling Aedes aegypti. Methods: periodic exposition of Ae. aegypti larvae collected in Itabuna, BA, Brazil, to recipients treated with larvicides and comparison of residual effect of treatment with the Rockefeller strain. Results: the inhibitory effect on adult emergence after 60 days was spinosad 89.5%, novaluron 96.5% and pyriproxifen 75.4% for Itabuna larvae, with no statistical difference (p=0.412) between treatments; spinosad and novaluron had a higher percentage of mortality in the larval stage, 98.8% and 97.9% respectively; pyriproxyfen showed higher mortality (95.1%) in the pupal stage. Conclusion: the three larvicides demonstrated similar control; however, pyriprofyxen might give a false impression of breeding ground positivity as it acts at the pupal stage, compromising the indicators of infestation that are strategic parameters for control actions.

Mosquito Control/methods , Clinical Trial , Aedes/growth & development , Aedes/drug effects , Larvicides , Larva/drug effects , Survival Analysis , Mosquito Vectors/growth & development , Insecticides/pharmacology , Larva/growth & development
Arq. Inst. Biol ; 86: e1282018, 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1009462


The objective of this study was to compare the use of fruits of great economic and social importance for the northeast of Brazil by Ceratitis capitata Wied. (Diptera: Tephritidae) for oviposition, larval development, size and longevity of adults. Fruits of mango (Mangifera indica L.), quiabento (Pereskia bahiensis Gürke), forage palm [Opuntia fícus indica (L.) Mill] and grape (Vitis vinifera L.) were used, as well as flies from a hybrid laboratory population. Initially, four treatments (fruits) and six replications were used; the fruits were offered to 10 C. capitata couples, with later (96 hours) egg count. The second was conducted with six treatments and 10 replicates, offering two types of fruits simultaneously, combined two to two, to 10 C. capitata couples. The last bioassay comprised four treatments and six replicates, where 20 g of fruit were offered to 20 first-instar C. capitata larvae. After six days, the larvae were placed in plastic pots containing vermiculite until pupation, quantifying larval and pupal periods, viability and pupal mass, besides longevity and adult size. The data were submitted to ANOVA using the R Core Team software. Ceratitis capitata oviposits and completes its biological cycle in the four hosts studied, exhibiting no preference for oviposition and low biological performance in quiabento fruits. It yielded smaller adults and lower grape survival. Cactaceae palm and quiabento allow the survival of C. capitata in the laboratory, and this knowledge has been reported for the first time, proving that they can act as alternative hosts in the field.(AU)

O objetivo do estudo foi comparar a utilização de frutos de importância econômica e social para o nordeste do Brasil por Ceratitis capitata Wied. (Diptera: Tephritidae) para oviposição, desenvolvimento larval, tamanho e longevidade de adultos. Foram utilizados frutos de manga (Mangifera indica L.), quiabento (Pereskia bahiensis Gürke), palma-forrageira [Opuntia fícus indica (L.) Mill] e uva (Vitis vinifera L.) e moscas procedentes de uma população híbrida de laboratório. Inicialmente, utilizaram-se quatro tratamentos (frutos) e seis repetições, com o oferecimento dos frutos a 10 casais de C. capitata, com posterior (96 horas) contagem de ovos. O segundo teste foi conduzido com seis tratamentos e 10 repetições, oferecendo-se dois tipos de frutos simultaneamente, combinados dois a dois, a 10 casais de C. capitata. O último bioensaio compreendeu quatro tratamentos e seis repetições, sendo oferecidos 20 g de fruto a 20 larvas de primeiro instar de C. capitata. Após seis dias, as larvas foram colocadas em potes plásticos contendo vermiculita até a empupação, quantificando-se: períodos larval e pupal, viabilidade e massa pupal e longevidade e tamanho do adulto. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA) pelo Programa R Core Team. Ceratitis capitata oviposita e completa seu ciclo biológico nos quatro hospedeiros estudados, exibindo não preferência para oviposição e baixa performance biológica em frutos de quiabento. Este proporcionou adultos menores e a uva permitiu a menor sobrevivência. As cactáceas palma e quiabento permitem a sobrevivência de C. capitata em laboratório, sendo esse conhecimento relatado pela primeira vez, comprovando que essas espécies podem atuar como hospedeiros alternativos no campo.(AU)

Oviposition , Ceratitis capitata , Larva/growth & development , Vitis , Mangifera , Fruit , Insecta
Braz. j. biol ; 78(3): 457-463, Aug. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-951582


Abstract Carabids are recognized worldwide as biological control agents of agricultural pests. The objective was to compare the life cycle of Abaris basistriata Chaudoir (Coleoptera: Carabidae) on three substrates: soil, fine vermiculite, or paper napkins. The biological cycle of A. basistriata presented different durations in soil and paper. The viability of eggs and larvae survival of the first and second instars were similar on all three substrates, while the third instar and pupa in the soil presented higher survival when compared with vermiculite and paper. The soil substrate was more favorable for the longevity of the carabid beetle. Abaris basistriata showed a shorter pre-oviposition period and a higher oviposition and post-oviposition period in the soil. Fecundity and fertility were higher when A. basistriata was reared on soil. The soil was most favorable substrate for rearing of A. basistriata in the laboratory. This information may make this species useful for the biological control.

Resumo Os carabídeos são reconhecidos mundialmente como agentes de controle biológico de pragas agrícolas. O objetivo foi comparar o ciclo de vida de Abaris basistriata Chaudoir (Coleoptera: Carabidae) em três substratos: solo, vermiculita fina, ou guardanapos de papel. O ciclo biológico de A. basistriata apresentou diferentes durações no solo e no papel. A viabilidade dos ovos e a sobrevivência das larvas do primeiro e segundo instares foram semelhantes nos três substratos, enquanto que o terceiro instar e a pupa apresentaram maior sobrevivência no solo quando comparados com vermiculita e papel. O substrato solo foi mais favorável à longevidade do carabídeo. Abaris basistriata mostrou menor período de pré-oviposição e maior período de oviposição e pós-oviposição no solo. A fecundidade e a fertilidade foram maiores quando A. basistriata foi criado no solo. O solo foi o substrato mais favorável para a criação de A. basistriata no laboratório. Estas informações são importantes e podem tornar essa espécie útil para o controlo biológico.

Animals , Female , Oviposition/physiology , Reproduction/physiology , Soil/parasitology , Coleoptera/growth & development , Larva/growth & development , Life Cycle Stages/physiology , Coleoptera/physiology , Ecosystem , Agriculture , Longevity