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Braz. dent. sci ; 27(2): 1-11, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1571898


Objective: The aim of this study is to identify the shear bond strength of rebonded CAD/CAM laminates made of lithium disilicate or feldspathic ceramics after debonding using Er,Cr:YSGG lasers. Material and Methods:Eighty bovine teeth (N=80) were used as a bonding substrate, which were divided into four main groups (20 each) according to the ceramic material and cement-curing mode used as follows: Group AL: lithium disilicate (IPS E.max) with light-cured resin cement, Group AD: lithium disilicate (IPS E.max) with dual-cured resin cement, Group BL: feldspathic porcelain (VITA MARK II) with light-cured resin cement, and Group BD: feldspathic porcelain (VITA MARK II) with dual-cured resin cement. Half the number of each subgroup (n=10/subdivisions) were tested for their shear bond strength without debonding, while the other half of the specimens were tested after Er,Cr:YSGG laser debonding and rebonding. A three-way ANOVA test was used to study the effect of ceramic and curing on shear bond strength. Bonferroni's post-hoc test was used for pairwise comparisons when the ANOVA test was significant. Results: After rebonding and using the light-cure mode, there was no statistically significant difference between the mean shear bond strength of the two ceramics (P-value = 0.065). However, after rebonding and using the dual-cured mode, E.max showed significantly lower shear bond strength than VITA (P-value < 0.001). Conclusion: Ceramic type, the cement's curing mode, and rebonding after laser irradiation all had a significant effect on the mean shear bond strength (AU)

Objetivo: Identificar a resistência de cisalhamento de laminados CAD/CAM recolados, feitos de cerâmica de disilicato de lítio ou feldspática, após descolamento utilizando lasers Er,Cr:YSGG. Material e Métodos: Oitenta dentes bovinos (N=80) foram utilizados como substrato de colagem, divididos em quatro grupos principais (20 cada) de acordo com o material cerâmico e o modo de cura do cimento utilizado da seguinte forma: Grupo AL: disilicato de lítio (IPS E.max) com cimento resinoso fotopolimerizável, Grupo AD: disilicato de lítio (IPS E.max) com cimento resinoso de dupla cura, Grupo BL: porcelana feldspática (VITA MARK II) com cimento resinoso fotopolimerizável, e Grupo BD: porcelana feldspática (VITA MARK II) com cimento resinoso de dupla cura. Metade do número de cada subgrupo (n=10/subdivisões) foi testada quanto à resistência de cisalhamento sem descolamento, enquanto a outra metade dos espécimes foi testada após descolamento e recolagem a laser Er,Cr:YSGG. Um teste ANOVA de três vias foi usado para estudar o efeito da cerâmica e da cura na resistência de cisalhamento. O teste post-hoc de Bonferroni foi usado para comparações pareadas quando o teste ANOVA foi significativo. Resultados: Após a recolagem e usando o modo de fotopolimerização, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre a resistência de cisalhamento média das duas cerâmicas (valor de P = 0,065). No entanto, após a recolagem e usando o modo de dupla cura, o E.max apresentou resistência de cisalhamento significativamente menor que o VITA (valor de P < 0,001). Conclusão: O tipo de cerâmica, o modo de cura do cimento e a recolagem após irradiação a laser tiveram efeito significativo na resistência de cisalhamento média (AU)

Animals , Cattle , Dental Debonding , Dental Veneers , Lasers
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1569831


Introducción: El uso de la fotobioestimulación en la cirugía oral como acelerador de la cicatrización de tejidos se ha incrementado a nivel mundial; sin embargo, la evidencia científica es insuficiente respecto a la energía mínima necesaria para incentivar la cicatrización del alveolo dentario. Objetivo: Determinar el efecto de la fotobiomodulación con diferentes valores de energía sobre la reparación alveolar, posterior a la extracción dental en ratas albinas. Métodos: Treinta y seis ratas albinas hembras se asignaron de forma aleatoria a cuatro grupos: tres con aplicación de láser a 2, 4 y 6 Joules de energía y uno sin aplicación de láser. Se aplicó láser infrarrojo Arseniuro de Galio-Aluminio a 808 nm y 100 miliwatts de forma puntual, perpendicular y única al alveolo dentario. El hueso maxilar se diseccionó y las muestras se tiñeron con hematoxilina eosina para su posterior análisis por conteo celular de osteoblastos a nivel del tercio medio alveolar. Resultados: A los siete días después de la exposición no se observó formación de osteoblasto en el grupo control, pero sí en los grupos experimentales con niveles de energía de 2, 4 y 6 Joules, que mostraron formación de células osteoblásticas similares. Solo el grupo de 4 Joules presentó mayor número de osteoblastos que el grupo control sin irradiación (p = 0,008). A los 14 días la formación de osteoblastos fue similar entre los grupos, sin diferencias significativas (p > 0,05). Conclusiones: La fotobiomodulación tuvo efecto positivo sobre la cicatrización del hueso alveolar en los diferentes parámetros de energía evaluados. El uso de una menor energía es igual de beneficioso, modula la respuesta celular, induce la proliferación osteoblástica y reduce el tiempo de reparación ósea(AU)

Introduction: The use of photobiostimulation in oral surgery as an accelerator of tissue healing has increased worldwide; however, scientific evidence is insufficient regarding the minimum energy needed to encourage healing of the dental alveolus. Objective: To determine the effect of photobiomodulation with different energy values on alveolar repair after tooth extraction in albino rats. Methods: Thirty-six female albino rats were randomly assigned to four groups: three with laser application at 2, 4 and 6 Joules of energy and one without laser application. Gallium-aluminum arsenide infrared lasers at 808 nm and 100 milliwatts were applied pointwise, perpendicularly and uniquely to the tooth socket. The maxillary bone was dissected and the samples were stained with hematoxylin eosin for subsequent analysis by osteoblast cell count at the level of the alveolar middle third. Results: Seven days after exposure, osteoblast formation was not observed in the control group, but was observed in the experimental groups with energy levels of 2, 4 and 6 Joules, which showed similar osteoblast cell formation. Only the 4 Joules group showed a greater number of osteoblasts than the control group without irradiation (p = 0.008). At 14 days, osteoblast formation was similar between groups, with no significant differences (p > 0.05). Conclusions: Photobiomodulation had a positive effect on alveolar bone healing in the different energy parameters evaluated. The use of lower energy is equally beneficial, modulates cellular response, induces osteoblastic proliferation and reduces bone repair time(AU)

Animals , Reference Standards , Surgery, Oral , Tooth Socket , Low-Level Light Therapy , Lasers , Cell Count
Rev. ADM ; 80(4): 190-196, jul.-ago. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525858


Introducción: la adaptación marginal e interna de nuestras restauraciones fabricadas por fundición sistemas de fresado y sinterización láser es uno de los factores clínicos más importantes para el éxito de las prótesis fijas, previniendo el riesgo de microfiltración y enfermedad periodontal. Objetivo: evaluar la adaptación marginal e interna de cofias metálicas en aleación Cr-Co confeccionadas por técnicas convencionales, CAD/ CAM de fresado y sinterizado por láser. Material y métodos: estudio de tipo experimental, comparativo e in vitro. Se imprimió un modelo maestro en Cr-Co, proveniente del escaneo de un premolar preparado para corona completa, sobre el cual se diseñaron 30 cofias divididas en tres grupos: el primero que corresponde al grupo cofias fundidas fresadas en disco de cera A (A = 10), el segundo grupo cofias fresadas en disco de metal presinterizado B (B = 10) y el tercer grupo cofias impresas por sinterización láser C (C = 10). Se empleó la réplica de silicona, colocando silicona al interior de cada cofia, sobre el modelo maestro, simulando al cemento, mediante una máquina de ensayo universal se realizó una compresión de 50 N. Luego de retirar cada cofia se rellenaron con silicona pesada de adición, obteniendo una réplica de silicona. Se efectuaron dos cortes transversales en sentido vestíbulolingual y mesiodistal. Se observó el espesor de silicona VPS (vinil poliéter silicona) mediante un estereomicroscopio (Nikon SMZ745T), obteniendo valores en micrómetros. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó el software SPSS 25 con el fin de realizar la prueba de normalidad y ANOVA de dos vías bajo un nivel de confianza del 95%. Resultados: el menor gap lo obtuvo el grupo de fresadas, seguido de las impresas y por último las fundidas por métodos convencionales. ANOVA de dos vías reveló diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los tres grupos (p < 0.0001). Conclusiones: se encontró que el gap varía con cada método de fabricación, la técnica convencional de fundido mostró un mayor gap, ninguna excediendo el rango clínicamente aceptable (AU)

Introduction: the marginal and internal adaptation of our restorations manufactured by casting, milling systems and laser sintering is one of the most important clinical factors for the success of fixed prostheses, preventing the risk of microleakage and periodontal disease. Objective: evaluate the marginal and internal adaptation of metal copings in Cr-Co alloy made by conventional techniques, CAD/CAM milling and laser sintering. Material and methods: an experimental, comparative and in vitro study, a Cr-Co master model was printed from the scan of a premolar prepared for a full crown. An experimental, comparative and in vitro study, a Cr-Co master model was printed from the scan of a premolar prepared for a full crown, on which 30 caps divided into three groups were designed; the first group corresponds to the cast copings milled on a wax disc A (A = 10), the second group milled copings on a presintered metal disc B (B = 10) and the third group printed by laser sintering copings C (C = 10). The silicone replica was used, placing silicone inside each coping, on the master model, simulating cement, using a universal testing machine, a 50 N compression was performed. After removing each coping, they were filled with heavy addition silicone, obtaining a silicone replica. Two cross-sections were made in the buccolingual and mesiodistal direction., observing the thickness of the VPS (vinyl polyeter silicone) silicone using a stereomicroscope (Nikon SMZ745T), obtaining values in micrometers. For the statistical analysis, the SPSS 25 software was used in order to perform the normality and two-way ANOVA tests under a 95% confidence level. Results: the smallest gap was obtained by the milled group, followed by the printed ones and finally those cast by conventional methods. Two-way ANOVA revealed statistically significant differences between the three groups (p < 0.0001). Conclusions: the gap was found to vary with each fabrication method, the conventional casting technique showed a larger gap, none exceeding the clinically acceptable range (AU)

Chromium Alloys , Computer-Aided Design , Dental Marginal Adaptation , Crowns , Lasers , In Vitro Techniques , Analysis of Variance
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007935


OBJECTIVES@#This study aims to determine the effects of low-level laser (LLL) on the expression of interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, osteoprotegerin (OPG), and receptor activator of nuclear factor-κB ligand (RANKL) in human periodontal ligament cells (HPDLCs) stimulated by high glucose; and identify the molecular mechanism of LLL therapy in the regulation of periodontal inflammation and bone remodeling during orthodontic treatment in diabetic patients.@*METHODS@#HPDLCs were cultured in vitro to simulate orthodontic after loading and irradiated with LLL therapy. The cultured cells were randomly divided into four groups: low glucose Dulbecco's modification of Eagle's medium (DMEM)+stress stimulation (group A), high glucose DMEM+stress stimulation (group B), hypoglycemic DMEM+LLL therapy+stress stimulation (group C), and hyperglycemic DMEM+LLL therapy+stress stimulation (group D). Groups C and D were further divided into C1 and D1 (energy density: 3.75 J/cm2) and C2 and D2 (energy density: 5.625 J/cm2). Cells in groups A, B, C, and D were irradiated by LLL before irradiation. At 0, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h, the supernatants of the cell cultures were extracted at regular intervals, and the protein expression levels of IL-6, TNF-α, OPG, and RANKL were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.@*RESULTS@#1) The levels of IL-6 and TNF-α secreted by HPDLCs increased gradually with time under static pressure stimulation. After 12 h, the levels of IL-6 and TNF-α secreted by HPDLCs in group A were significantly higher than those in groups B, C1, and C2 (P<0.05), which in group B were significantly higher than those in groups D1, and D2 (P<0.01). 2) The OPG protein concentration showed an upward trend before 24 h and a downward trend thereafter. The RANKL protein concentration increased, whereas the OPG/RANKL ratio decreased with time. Significant differen-ces in OPG, RANKL, and OPG/RANKL ratio were found among group A and groups B, C1, C2 as well as group B and groups D1, D2 (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#1) In the high glucose+stress stimulation environment, the concentrations of IL-6 and TNF-α secreted by HPDLCs increased with time, the expression of OPG decreased, the expression of RANKL increased, and the ratio of OPG/RANKL decreased. As such, high glucose environment can promote bone resorption. After LLL therapy, the levels of IL-6 and TNF-α decreased, indicating that LLL therapy could antagonize the increase in the levels of inflammatory factors induced by high glucose environment and upregulate the expression of OPG in human HPDLCs, downregulation of RANKL expression in HPDLCs resulted in the upregulation of the ratio of OPG/RANKL and reversed the imbalance of bone metabolism induced by high glucose levels. 2) The decrease in inflammatory factors and the regulation of bone metabolism in HPDLCs were enhanced with increasing laser energy density within 3.75-5.625 J/cm2. Hence, the ability of LLL therapy to modulate bone remodeling increases with increasing dose.

Humans , Osteoprotegerin , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha/metabolism , Interleukin-6/pharmacology , RANK Ligand/pharmacology , Periodontal Ligament/metabolism , Lasers , Glucose/pharmacology
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 4295-4307, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008027


We developed a method for accurate quantification of the intact virus particles in inactivated avian influenza virus feedstocks. To address the problem of impurities interference in the detection of inactivated avian influenza virus feedstocks by direct high performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC), we firstly investigated polyethylene glycol (PEG) precipitation and ion exchange chromatography (IEC) for H5N8 antigen purification. Under the optimized conditions, the removal rate of impurity was 86.87% in IEC using DEAE FF, and the viral hemagglutination recovery was 100%. HPSEC was used to analyze the pretreated samples. The peak of 8.5-10.0 min, which was the characteristic adsorption of intact virus, was analyzed by SDS-PAGE and dynamic light scattering. It was almost free of impurities and the particle size was uniform with an average particle size of 127.7 nm. After adding antibody to the IEC pretreated samples for HPSEC detection, the characteristic peak disappeared, indicating that IEC pretreatment effectively removed the impurities. By coupling HPSEC with multi-angle laser scattering technique (MALLS), the amount of intact virus particles in the sample could be accurately quantified with a good linear relationship between the number of virus particles and the chromatographic peak area (R2=0.997). The established IEC pretreatment-HPSEC-MALLS assay was applied to accurate detection of the number of intact virus particles in viral feedstocks of different subtypes (H7N9), different batches and different concentrations, all with good applicability and reproducibility, Relative standard deviation < 5%, n=3.

Animals , Reproducibility of Results , Influenza A Virus, H7N9 Subtype , Influenza in Birds , Chromatography, Gel , Virion , Lasers
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008922


Bl factor is a key system parameter of the resonant blood viscoelastic sensor. In this paper, a dynamic measurement system for the spatial distribution of Bl factor based on velocity amplitude and motional impedance was designed. The system extracted the velocity amplitude and motional impedance of the coil under the dynamic condition of driving the sensor to generate simple harmonic oscillations using laser displacement and impedance analysis combined with in-phase/quadrature demodulation algorithm, and controlled the equilibrium position of the coil by adjusting the direct current component of the excitation current to realize the position scanning. In the position interval of [-240, 240] μm, the maximum coefficient of variation of the measurement results was 0.077 3%, and the maximum relative error to the simulation results was 2.937 9%, with a linear fitting correlation coefficient R 2 = 0.996 8. The system can be used to accurately measure the spatial distribution of Bl factor of the resonant blood viscoelastic sensor, which provides a technical support for the verification of the design of the sensor magnetic circuit.

Computer Simulation , Electric Impedance , Motion , Algorithms , Lasers
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008923


Ultra-rapid cooling and rewarming rate is a critical technical approach to achieve ice-free cells during the freezing and melting process. A set of ultra-rapid solid surface freeze-thaw visualization system was developed based on a sapphire flim, and experiments on droplet freeze-thaw were carried out under different cryoprotectant components, volumes and laser energies. The results showed that the cooling rate of 1 μL mixed cryoprotectant [1.5 mol/L propylene glycol (PG) + 1.5 mol/L ethylene glycol (EG) + 0.5 mol/L trehalose (TRE)] could be 9.2×10 3 °C/min. The volume range of 1-8 μL droplets could be vitrified. After comparing the proportions of multiple cryoprotectants, the combination of equal proportion mixed permeability protectant and trehalose had the best vitrification freezing effect and more uniform crystallization characteristics. During the rewarming operation, the heating curve of glassy droplets containing gold nanoparticles was measured for the first time under the action of 400-1 200 W laser power, and the rewarming rate was up to the order of 10 6 °C/min. According to the droplet images of different power rewarming processes, the laser power range for ice-free rewarming with micron-level resolution was clarified to be 1 400-1 600 W. The work of this paper simultaneously realizes the ultra-high-speed temperature ramp-up, transient visual observation and temperature measurement of droplets, providing technical means for judging the ice free droplets during the freeze-thaw process. It is conducive to promoting the development of ultra-rapid freeze-thaw technology for biological cells and tissues.

Freezing , Vitrification , Cryopreservation/methods , Trehalose , Gold , Rewarming , Metal Nanoparticles , Cryoprotective Agents , Lasers
Acta cir. bras ; Acta cir. bras;38: e386023, 2023. graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1527584


Purpose: After partial hepatectomy (PH), the remaining liver (RL) undergoes regenerative response proportional to the host. Limited literature exists on hepatic viability after tissue injury during hypothermic preservation. Spectroscopy measures cellular fluorescence and is explored for tissue characterization and parameter investigation. This study aimed to assess fluorescence analysis (spectroscopy) in evaluating liver viability and its relationship with hepatic tissue regeneration 24 hours after PH. Additionally, we analyzed liver regeneration in RL after 70% partial hepatectomy under hypothermic conditions with laser irradiation. Methods: Fifty-six Wistar rats were divided into four groups: total non-perfused liver (control), total perfused liver, partial hepatectomy "in situ", and partial hepatectomy "ex situ". Tissue analysis was performed at 0 and 24 hours using spectroscopy with laser devices emitting at 532 (green) and 405 nm (violet). Results: Spectroscopy identified tissue viability based on consistent results with Ki67 staining. The fluorescence spectra and Ki67 analysis displayed similar patterns, linking proliferative activity and absorption intensity. Conclusions: Fluorescence spectroscopy proves to be promising for real-time analysis of cellular activity and viability. Metabolic activity was observed in groups of live animals and hypothermically preserved samples, indicating cellular function even under blood deprivation and hypothermic conditions.

Animals , Rats , Spectrometry, Fluorescence , Ischemia , Lasers , Liver/injuries
Braz. j. oral sci ; 21: e226952, jan.-dez. 2022. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1393283


Aims: To verify the efficacy of Er,Cr:YSGG laser for debonding of lithium disilicate (LD) reinforced glass ceramic veneers of different thicknesses. Methods: Forty bovine teeth were prepared and randomly divided into four groups (n=10/group) according to the ceramic disc thickness: C0.5 (Control group) and L0.5 (Laser irradiated group) in which LD discs had a thickness of 0.5mm and 5mm diameter; C1 and L1 in which LD discs had a thickness of 1mm and 5mm diameter. The lithium disilcate discs (IPS E.max®, shade HTA2) were fabricated following the manufacturer's recommendations and cemented to the prepared tooth surface. The Er,Cr:YSGG laser was applied to the laser groups at 2.5W and 25Hz for 60seconds. Universal testing machine was used to evaluate the shear bond strength for all samples at a cross head speed of 1mm/min in an inciso-gingival direction parallel to the sample surface. After debonding, the samples were examined under stereoscope to evaluate the mode of failure according to the adhesive remnant index (ARI). Results: Laser irradiation significantly diminishes the shear bond strength from 10.868 MPa to 3.778 MPa for C0.5 and L0.5 groups respectively (p=0.00) and from 14.711 MPa to 4.992 MPa for C1 and L1 groups respectively (p=0.00). The shear bond strength required for debonding increased with increasing thickness of discs, but without significant difference (p=0.110). Higher ARI scores were seen in the laser groups (more cement remaining adhered to the tooth) when compared to the control groups. Conclusions: The Er,Cr:YSGG laser could be an effective and useful tool in debonding of lithium disilicate ceramic veneers as it decreases the shear bond strength required for veneer debonding

Ceramics , Shear Strength , Dental Veneers , Lasers
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(5): 1-12, nov. 23, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435341


In Purpose: The fabrication technique can influence the mechanical properties of Cobalt-Chromium (Co-Cr) dental alloys. Hence, the present study aims to determine the corrosion resistance and thermal expansion of alloys manufactured using three contemporary techniques. Material and Methods: A total of nine specimens of Co-Cr alloy were prepared according to ISO 22674 by each one of the three manufacturing processes (three in each process); conventional casting, direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) and milling (MIL). All these specimens were tested for coefficient of thermal expansion and corrosion resistance. The data was tabulated and analyzed statistically. Results: The difference in the thermal expansion of alloys fabricated using three techniques was non-significant at almost all the temperatures from 50 ºC to 950 ºC (p>0.05), except 450 ºC and 600 °C. The polarization resistance of specimens manufactured using the conventional method was more compared to DMLS and MIL at pH 5 (Conventional>MIL>DMLS) (p<0.001). Conclusion: The thermal expansion behavior of alloys manufactured using the three selected techniques were similar, whereas, at acidic pH, the corrosion resistance of conventional and MIL were better than the DMLS.

Antecedentes: La técnica de fabricación puede influir en las propiedades mecánicas de las aleaciones dentales de cobalto-cromo (Co-Cr). Por lo tanto, el presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la resistencia a la corrosión y la expansión térmica de aleaciones fabricadas con tres técnicas contemporáneas. Material y Métodos: Se prepararon un total de nueve probetas de aleación de Co-Cr según ISO 22674 por cada uno de los tres procesos de fabricación (tres en cada proceso); fundición convencional, sinterización directa de metal por láser (DMLS) y fresado (MIL). Todos estos especímenes fueron probados para determinar el coeficiente de expansión térmica y la resistencia a la corrosión. Los datos fueron tabulados y analizados estadísticamente. Resultados: La diferencia en la dilatación térmica de las aleaciones fabricadas con las tres técnicas no fue significativa en casi todas las temperaturas desde 50ºC hasta 950ºC (p>0,05), excepto 450ºC y 600ºC. La resistencia a la polarización de las muestras fabricadas con el método convencional fue mayor en comparación con DMLS y MIL a pH 5 (Convencional>MIL>DMLS) (p<0, 0 01). Conclusión: El comportamiento de expansión térmica de las aleaciones fabricadas con las tres técnicas seleccionadas fue similar, mientras que, a pH ácido, la resistencia a la corrosión de la convencional y la MIL fue mejor que la de la DMLS.

Humans , Temperature , Chromium Alloys , Corrosion , Dental Alloys , Surface Properties , In Vitro Techniques , Chromium/chemistry , Cobalt/chemistry , Lasers
Nursing (Ed. bras., Impr.) ; 25(289): 7968-7977, jun.2022.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1379619


Objetivo: Relatar a experiência na elaboração e implantação do protocolo de extravasamento e infiltração de antineoplásicos em acesso venoso central. Método: estudo descritivo, tipo relato de experiência realizado de fevereiro a maio de 2021. Resultados: Após a busca de evidências na literatura, foi elaborado um fluxograma referente aos cuidados de enfermagem realizados durante e após o extravasamento/infiltração. Além das medidas iniciais padronizou-se o uso da hialuronidase tópica e da fotobiomodulação (1 a 3 joules, com potência de 100 miliwats). A área deveria ser demarcada e se possível fotografada. Após a validação do protocolo por um grupo de enfermeiros especialistas e pelo escritório de qualidade, foi implantado em um Ambulatório de Oncologia de Hospital Público do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Conclusão: Apesar de raro, o extravasamento em acesso central pode acontecer e a equipe precisa de um protocolo assistencial para padronizar a conduta e garantir o sucesso da terapêutica.(AU)

Objective: To report the experience in the elaboration and implementation of the protocol for extravasation and infiltration of anticancer drugs in central venous access. Method: descriptive study, experience report type carried out from February to May 2021. Results: After searching for evidence in the literature, a flowchart was created referring to the nursing care performed during and after the extravasation/infiltration. In addition to the initial measurements, the use of topical hyaluronidase and photobiomodulation (1 to 3 joules, with a potency of 100 milliwatts) was standardized. The area should be demarcated and, if possible, photographed. After validation of the protocol by a group of specialist nurses and by the quality office, it was implemented in an Oncology Outpatient Clinic of a Public Hospital in the interior of the State of São Paulo. Conclusion: Although rare, extravasation in central access can happen and the team needs a care protocol to standardize the conduct and ensure the success of the therapy.(AU)

Objetivo: Informar la experiencia en la elaboración e implementación del protocolo de extravasación e infiltración de fármacos antineoplásicos en acceso venoso central. Método: estudio descriptivo, tipo relato de experiencia realizado de febrero a mayo de 2021. Resultados: Después de la búsqueda de evidencias en la literatura, se elaboró un diagrama de flujo sobre los cuidados de enfermería realizados durante y después de la extravasación/infiltración. Además de las mediciones iniciales, se estandarizó el uso de hialuronidasa tópica y fotobiomodulación (1 a 3 julios, con una potencia de 100 milivatios). El área debe ser delimitada y, si es posible, fotografiada. Después de la validación del protocolo por un grupo de enfermeros especialistas y por la oficina de calidad, fue implantado en un Ambulatorio de Oncología de un Hospital Público del interior del Estado de São Paulo. Conclusión: aunque rara, la extravasación en el acceso central puede ocurrir y el equipo necesita un protocolo de atención para estandarizar la conducta y garantizar el éxito de la terapia.(AU)

Low-Level Light Therapy , Extravasation of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Materials , Lasers , Antineoplastic Agents
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1516360


Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever e avaliar o conteúdo das publicações realizadas usando a hashtag #clareamentoalaser na rede social Instagram®. Materiais e métodos: Foram avaliadas 622 postagens relacionadas ao procedimento de clareamento dentário com uso de luz/laser, publicadas no primeiro trimestre do ano de 2021 (janeiro a março). As características analisadas foram o tipo de perfil, gênero, opinião exposta no conteúdo da publicação, tipo de conteúdo exposto na publicação, nomenclatura do perfil e número de curtidas. A análise foi realizada através do teste qui-quadrado de Pearson, sendo estipulado um nível de significância considerando p-valor <0,05. Resultados:Dentre as 497 publicações incluídas, 77,26% mostraram-se favoráveis ao uso de luz/laser no clareamento. Os valores apurados na variável número de curtidas variam de 0 a 3.361, com média de 42,56 por publicação. Em relação ao tipo de perfil, 60,16% eram cirurgiões-dentistas e 37,83% empresas ou clínicas odontológicas, sendo o conteúdo da publicação majoritariamente comercial (75,65%). Ainda, 53,12% dos perfis foram identificados como do gênero feminino, 9,05% do gênero masculino e 37,83% outros, como empresas ou clínicas odontológicas. Mais de 70% das publicações feitas por profissionais, perfis leigos e empresas ou clínicas odontológicas foram favoráveis ao uso da luz/laser no clareamento dental (p< 0,0001). Discussão: Este estudo expressa a necessidade de educação em saúde, educação continuada e da prática odontológica ba-seada em evidências. Conclusão: Na rede social do Instagram®, houve predominância na divulgação de publicações favoráveis quanto a utilização da luz/laser no clareamento dentário, considerando o período do primeiro trimestre de 2021.

Aim: The aim of this study was to describe and assess the content of publications made using the hashtag #claramentoalaser on the social network Instagram®. Materials and methods: A total of 622 posts related to the tooth whitening procedure with the use of light/laser, published in the first quarter of 2021 (January to March) were evaluated. The characteristics analyzed were the type of profile, gender, opinion exposed in the content of the publication, content exposed in the publication, profile nomenclature and number of likes. The analysis was performed using Pearson's chi-square test, with a significance level considering p-value <0.05. Results: Among the 497 publications included, 77.26% had a positive opinion about the use of light/laser for dental bleaching. The values found in the variable number of likes range from 0 to 3,361, with an average of 42.56 per publication. Regarding the type of profile, 60.16% were dentists, 37.83% com-panies or dental clinics, with commercial content exposed in most publications (75.65%). Still, 53.12% of the profiles were identified as female, 9.05% male and 37.83% others, such as companies or dental clinics. More than 70% of publications made by dentists, lay profiles, and companies or dental clinics had a positive opinion about light/laser use in bleaching (p<0.0001). Discussion: This study expresses the need to adopt an evidence-based practice, health education and continuing education in dentistry. Conclusions: In the Instagram® social network, was identified predominance of publications with a positive opinion about the use of light/laser in tooth whitening in 2021, first quarter.

Humans , Male , Female , Tooth Bleaching , Social Networking , Lasers
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(1): 1-10, may. 11, 2022. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400448


Introduction: The World Health Organization (WHO) establishes that breast-feeding must be promoted, supported, and protected due to its benefits in maternal and child health and for the economic, environmental, family and community benefits it produces. Case Report: Ankyloglossia in the newborn can cause early cessation of breastfeeding. A clinical case of a 2-month-old baby, referred to the surgical team of the Dental Service of the Pereira Rossell Hospital Center, with difficulties in breastfeeding due to ankyloglossia is presented. Diagnosis and laser surgical treatment was performed. In the immediate postoperative period, there was an improvement, achieving breastfeeding without the aid of devices, and a progressive improvement during the month following the intervention occurred. Conclusion: Early diagnosis and timely intervention collaborate in the maintenance of lactation and in the progressive improvement of the process.

Introducción: La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) establece que la lactancia materna debe ser promovida, apoyada y protegida por sus beneficios demostrados en la salud materno-infantil y por las ventajas económicas, ambientales, familiares y comunitarias que produce.Reporte de Caso: La anquiloglosia en el recién nacido puede provocar el abandono temprano de la lactancia. Se presenta un caso clínico de un bebe de 2 meses, derivado al equipo quirúrgico del Servicio Odontológico del Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell, por dificultades en el amamantamiento a causa de anquiloglosia. Se realizó el diagnóstico y tratamiento quirúrgico con láser. En el postoperatorio inmediato se registró una mejoría en el amamantamiento, logrando la lactancia sin intermediario y una mejoría progresiva en la praxis durante el mes siguiente a la intervención.Conclusión: El diagnóstico precoz y la intervención oportuna colaboran en el mantenimiento de la lactancia y en la mejora progresiva de la praxis.

Humans , Male , Infant , Ankyloglossia/surgery , Lingual Frenum/surgery , Breast Feeding , Laser Therapy , Lasers
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 26(1): 65-73, Jan-Abr. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362676


O objetivo do presente trabalho foi relatar a eficácia da fotobiomodulação laser na abordagem de úlceras venosas de membros inferiores e como se dá o papel da enfermagem nesse contexto. Tratou-se de uma revisão sistemática que utilizou as bases de dados eletrônicas PubMed, BVS, SCIELO e Lilacs, além da busca no repositório de teses e dissertações pelo cruzamento dos descritores livres e provenientes do DeCS através dos operadores booleanos AND e OR: "laserterapia", "fotobiomodulação laser" e "úlceras venosas". Os critérios de inclusão estabelecidos foram estudos prospectivos, teses e dissertações escritas nos idiomas inglês, português e espanhol, e publicações entre o período de 2010-2020. A revisão foi conduzida conforme metodologia PRISMA, utilizou-se os critérios de Jadad para avaliação da qualidade dos manuscritos. Dos 104 artigos encontrados, apenas 8 contemplavam os critérios de inclusão, tendo uma população total de 942 pacientes. Notou-se que a maioria dos estudos mostrou a eficácia do uso da laserterapia, principalmente quando associado ao uso da terapêutica comum, como a terapia compressiva, agentes tópicos e farmacoterapia. A fotobiomodulação laser demonstrou ser eficaz, porém ainda são necessários mais estudos com o objetivo de uniformizar os parâmetros de aplicação dessa modalidade terapêutica.

The objective of this work was to investigate the effectiveness of laser photo-biomodulation in lower limb venous ulcers and the role of nursing in this context. This is a systematic review, using the PubMed, BVS, SCIELO and Lilacs electronic databases in addition to searching the repository of thesis and dissertations by crossing the free descriptors coming from the DeCS through the Boolean operators AND and OR: "laser therapy", "laser photo-biomodulation" and "venous ulcers". The inclusion criteria were prospective studies, theses and dissertations written in English, Portuguese, or Spanish, and publications in the 2010-2020 period. From the 104 articles found, only 8 met the inclusion criteria, with a total population of 942 patients. It could be observed that most studies showed the effectiveness of using laser therapy, especially when associated with the use of common therapy, such as the compressive therapy, topical agents, and pharmacotherapy. The laser photo-biomodulation was also shown as being effective, but further studies are needed to standardize the application parameters for this therapeutic modality.

Varicose Ulcer/therapy , Lasers , Phototherapy/instrumentation , Wound Healing , Wounds and Injuries/therapy , Nursing
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 20(4): 654-660, fev 11, 2022. fig
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1359530


Introduction: the major goal of endodontic treatment (ET) is the complete elimination and/or maximum possible reduction of bacteria and irritants in the root canal system (RCS). However, persistence of bacterial debris refractory to therapy may leading to ET failure, being necessary to realize conventional or surgical retreatment. Objective: this is a case report on the nonsurgical management of an extensive chronic periapical lesion in teeth 12 and 11 in an adult female patient with history of endodontic treatment failure. She presented with painless swelling and a fistula adjacent to tooth 11. Methodology: conventional ET combined with photodynamic therapy (PDT) was recommended, in addition to calcium hydroxide applications. Regular clinical and radiographic follow-up made over a 2-year period revealed progression of bone regeneration, without sign and symptoms, with a satisfactory outcome. Conclusion: this case report shows that the combination of conservative ET with PDT provided satisfactory results with the resolution of the chronic endodontic infection and bone repair of the extensive periapical lesion.

Introdução: o principal objetivo do tratamento endodôntico (TE) é a eliminação completa e/ou máxima redução possível de bactérias e irritantes no sistema de canais radiculares (SCR). Porém, a persistência de detritos bacterianos refratários à terapia pode levar ao insucesso do TE, sendo necessária a realização do retratamento convencional ou cirúrgico. Objetivo: este relato de caso descreve o manejo não cirúrgico de uma extensa lesão periapical crônica nos dentes 12 e 11 em paciente adulta do sexo feminino com histórico de fracasso endodôntico. A mesma queixava-se de inchaço indolor, com presença de fístula adjacente ao dente 11. Metodologia: preconizou-se a realização do TE convencional associado à terapia fotodinâmica (PDT), com três sessões de troca de hidróxido de cálcio, concluindo-se posteriormente o tratamento. Reavaliações clínicas e radiográficas periódicas ao longo de 2 anos revelaram a progressão da consolidação óssea, com um desfecho satisfatório. Conclusão: este relato de caso mostra que a combinação do TE conservador associado à PDT teve resultados satisfatórios na resolução de infecção endodôntica crônica e no reparo ósseo de lesão periapical extensa.

Humans , Female , Adult , Periapical Diseases/therapy , Photochemotherapy , Root Canal Therapy/methods , Lasers , Chronic Disease , Treatment Outcome
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam;56(1): 17-31, ene. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1402943


Resumen La espectrometría de masas (MALDI-TOF MS) permite la identificación de microorganismos directamente de las colonias en pocos minutos. En este estudio se ha desarrollado y evaluado un protocolo reducido para identificar microorganismos directamente de las botellas de hemocultivos positivos en 30 minutos con una alta sensibilidad y especificidad, utilizando MALDITOF. Un total de 2535 hemocultivos positivos fueron estudiados por el método directo de MALDI-TOF MS, a partir de una alícuota de sangre de las botellas y el método de colonia, utilizando los cultivos desarrollados en medios sólidos. Del total de hemocultivos positivos incluidos en este estudio, 2381 (93,9%) fueron monomicrobianos y 146 (5,8%) polimicrobianos. Mil trescientos treinta (55,9%) de los aislamientos correspondieron a cocos gram positivos, 922 (38,7%) a bacilos gram negativos, 60 (2,5%) a anaerobios, 36 (1,5%) a bacilos gram positivos y 13 a levaduras. La concordancia global entre ambos métodos fue del 81,7% a nivel de especie (90,0% para bacilos gram negativos, 76,7% para cocos gram positivos y 33,3% para bacilos gram positivos). Se identificó al menos un germen en el 88% de las botellas positivas con desarrollo polimicrobiano. Los resultados del presente estudio demostraron que el protocolo basado en MALDI-TOF MS permite la identificación microbiana directamente de hemocultivos positivos en un tiempo corto, con una alta precisión, con excepción de los bacilos gram positivos.

Abstract Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) enables the identification of microorganisms directly from colonies within minutes. In this study this technology was adapted and tested for use with blood culture bottles, thus allowing identification in 30 minutes once the blood culture is detected as positive by the automate. A total of 2535 blood culture bottles reported as positive were tested by MALDI-TOF MS directly from positive blood culture bottles and colonies. A total of 2381 (93.9%) and 146 (5.8%) of the positive blood cultures were monomicrobial and polymicrobial, respectively. And 1330 (55.9%), 922 (38.7%), 60 (2.5%), 36 (1.5%) and 13 of the isolates were gram-positive cocci (GPC), gram-negative bacilli (GNB), anaerobic bacteria, gram-positive bacilli (GPB) and yeast respectively. Concordance between both methods was 81.7% (76.7% of GPC, 90% of GNB, 74.2% of anaerobic bacteria and 33.3% of GPB) in monomicrobial cultures. Eighty eight per cent of the polymicrobial cultures were identified correctly in at least one of the two bacteria. The results of the present study show that this fast, MALDI-TOF MS based method allows microbial identification directly from positive blood culture in a short time, with a high accuracy, with the exception of gram-positive bacilli.

Resumo A espectrometria de massa (MALDI-TOF MS) permite a identificação de microorganismos diretamente das colônias em minutos. Nesse estudo, foi desenvolvido um protocolo reduzido para identificar microrganismos diretamente das garrafas de hemoculturas positivas em 30 minutos com alta sensibilidade e especificidade, utilizando MALDI-TOF. Um total de 2535 hemoculturas positivas foram relatadas -o método direto de MALDI-TOF MS, a partir de uma alíquota de sangue dos vidros e o método de colônia, a partir das culturas desenvolvidas em meios sólidos. Do total de hemoculturas positivas incluídas neste estudo, 2.381 (93,9%) eram monomicrobianas e 146 (5,8%) eram polimicrobianas. Mil trezentos e trinta (55,9%) dos isolados corresponderam a cocos gram-positivos, 922 (38,7%) bacilos gram-negativos, 60 (2,5%) anaeróbios, 36 (1,5%) bacilos gram-positivos e 13 leveduras. A concordância geral entre os dois métodos foi de 81,7% em nivel de especie (90,0% para bacilos gram-negativos, 76,7% para cocos gram-positivos e 33,3% para bacilos gram-positivos). Pelo menos um germe foi identificado em 88% dos vidros positivos com desenvolvimento polimicrobiano. Os resultados do presente estudo demonstraram que o protocolo baseado em MALDI-TOF MS permite a identificação microbiana diretamente de hemoculturas positivas em um curto espaço de tempo, com alta precisão, com exceção de bacilos gram-positivos.

Mass Spectrometry , Gram-Positive Rods , Microbiology , Technology , Time , Bacteria , Yeasts , Glass Industry , Sensitivity and Specificity , Gram-Positive Cocci , Guidelines as Topic , Cocos , Spectrometry, Mass, Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption-Ionization , Culture , Growth and Development , Blood Culture , Lasers , Methods
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936120


OBJECTIVE@#To compare the retentions of different designs of cobalt-chromium (Co-Cr), pure titanium (CP Ti), and titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) removable partial denture (RPD) circumferential clasps manufactured by selective laser melting (SLM) and to analyze the stress distribution of these clasps during the removal from abutment teeth.@*METHODS@#Clasps with clasp arm size A (1.9 mm width/1.1 mm thickness at the body and 0.8-taper) or B (1.2 times A) and 0.25 mm or 0.50 mm undercut engagement were modeled on a prepared first premolar die, named as designs A1, A2, A3, and A4, respectively. The density and elastic modulus of SLM-built Co-Cr, CP Ti, and Ti-6Al-4V were measured and given to different groups of clasps. The density, elastic modulus, and Poisson ' s ratio of enamel were given to the die. The control group was the cast Co-Cr clasp with design A1, to which the density and elastic modulus of cast Co-Cr alloy were given. The Poisson's ratio of all metals was 0.33. The initial 5 N dislodging force was applied, and the maximum displacement of the clasp along the insertion path was computed. The load was reapplied with an increment of 5 N than in the last simulation until the clasp was completely dislodged. The retentive force range of different groups of clasps was obtained. The retentive forces of the SLM-built Co-Cr, CP Ti, and Ti-6Al-4V clasps with equivalent computed retentive force range to the control group were validated through the insertion/removal experiment. The von Mises stress distributions of these three groups of SLM-built clasps under 15 N loads were analyzed.@*RESULTS@#SLM-built Co-Cr, CP Ti, and Ti-6Al-4V clasps with designs B1 or B2, and Co-Cr clasps with design A2 had higher retentive forces than those of the control group. SLM-built CP Ti and Ti-6Al-4V clasps with design A1 had lower retentive forces than those of the control group. SLM-built Co-Cr clasp with design A1 and SLM-built CP Ti and Ti-6Al-4V clasps with design A2 had equivalent retentive forces to those of the control group. The insertion/removal experiment showed that the measured retentive forces of these three groups of SLM-built clasps were (21.57±5.41) N, (19.75±4.47) N, and (19.32±2.04) N, respectively. No statistically significant measured retentive force difference was found among these three groups of SLM-built clasps (P>0.05). The maximum von Mises stress of these three groups of SLM-built clasps exceeded their responding yield strength except for the Ti-6Al-4V one.@*CONCLUSION@#SLM-built Co-Cr circumferential clasps had higher retention than CP Ti and Ti-6Al-4V ones with the same clasp arm size and undercut engagement. The retention of SLM-built circumferential clasps could be adjusted by changing the undercut engagement and clasp arm size. If SLM-built circumferential clasps are used in clinical practice, the Ti-6Al-4V clasp with clasp arm size A and 0.50 mm undercut engagement is recommended considering the long-term use of RPD in the patient's mouth.

Humans , Chromium Alloys , Dental Clasps , Denture Retention , Denture, Partial, Removable , Finite Element Analysis , Lasers , Titanium
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928865


To provide accurate information for registration and safety evaluation of surgical robot, the pose repeatability measurement method was proposed. According to the terminal instrument of the master-slave surgical robot (such as high-frequency electric knife, ultrasonic knife), a suitable target ball fixture was designed. The node data at 10%, 50% and 100% rated speed were measured respectively. Through data analysis, the pose repeatability property of the tested samples at different speeds was obtained. It has high applicability and repeatability, and can meet the requirements of data traceability and registration testing.

Equipment Design , Lasers , Robotic Surgical Procedures , Robotics , Surgery, Computer-Assisted
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928874


Spatiotemporal gait parameters provide important information for the rehabilitation of patients with gait dysfunction. These parameters are often obtained by complex systems such as optical motioncapture system and pressure plates. However, these systems cannot be deployed at the lower-limb rehabilitation robot easily because of high costs, large area occupation and wearable requirements. We present a gait measurement system with a Light Detection And Ranging(LIDAR) laser sensor based on the lower-limb rehabilitation robot. Firstly, to calculate gait parameters, the data are aggregated into left and right legs by the clustering algorithm and the legs contour is fitted with two circles respectively according to the least square method. Then, the spatiotemporal gait parameters are defined based on the time and position of initial contact(IC) and toe off(TO). Finally, to verify the validity of the proposed system, we compared the results of the proposed system with a 3D motion capture system based on a lower-limb rehabilitation robot. Experimental results showed that the gait detection system can measure the parameters within a small range of error that testified the validation of the proposed system. This system proved to be a valid and reliable method for the measurement of gait parameters.

Humans , Biomechanical Phenomena , Gait , Lasers , Lower Extremity , Motion , Robotics
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 42: e239357, 2022. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1422381


Esta pesquisa buscou mapear conteúdos relativos ao antienvelhecimento em revistas de grande circulação e no noticiário brasileiro, entre 1º de janeiro de 2016 e 31 de dezembro de 2019. Foram investigadas as revistas Claudia, Boa Forma, VIP e Carbono Uomo. Houve ainda coleta no portal de notícias G1, da Rede Globo de Televisão, voltado ao público geral. Foram criados dois corpora distintos formados pelos conteúdos do G1 e das revistas que, então, foram submetidos à Classificação Hierárquica Descendente pelo software IRaMuTeQ, dando origem a dois subcorpora e quatro classes para cada um. Os resultados apontam uma forte tendência mercadológica nas revistas, que buscam conduzir os leitores ao consumo de produtos e à realização de procedimentos estéticos. Por outro lado, as notícias jornalísticas apregoam um modelo de vida mais saudável como principal prática antienvelhecimento, ao mesmo tempo que alertam sobre os riscos envolvidos nos procedimentos e produtos estéticos irregulares. Em geral, o conteúdo das revistas dissipa representações sociais que idealizam um padrão de beleza do corpo jovial, associando a velhice à fealdade, enquanto o do portal de notícias G1 voltam-se à saúde e longevidade.(AU)

This survey aimed to map anti-aging content, in magazines with wide circulation and also in Brazilian news, between January 1, 2016 and December 31, 2019. Claudia, Boa Forma, VIP and Carbono Uomo magazines were studied. News were also collected from the G1 news portal, from Globo television network, aimed at the general audience. Two distinct corpora formed by the contents of the G1 and the magazines were created, which were then submitted to the Descending Hierarchical Classification, by the IRaMuTeQ software, leading to two subcorpora and four classes for each. The results show a strong market orientation in the magazines, which aim to lead readers to purchase products and undertake aesthetic procedures. The news reports, on the other way, promote a healthier life model as the main anti-aging practice, while warning about the risks involved in irregular aesthetic procedures and products. In general, the content of the magazines spreads social representations which idealize a pattern of beauty of a young body, connecting old age with ugliness, whereas that of the G1 news portal are focused on health and longevity.(AU)

Esta iniciativa buscó mapear material de antienvejecimiento, en revistas de gran tirada y en las noticias de Brasil, entre el 1 de enero de 2016 y el 31 de diciembre de 2019. Se analizaron las revistas Claudia, Boa Forma, VIP y Carbono Uomo. También se recogieron noticias del sitio de noticias G1 y de la red de televisión Globo, ambas dirigidas al público en general. Se crearon dos corpora distintos formados por el contenido del G1 y de las revistas, que luego fueron sometidos a la Clasificación Jerárquica Descendente, por el software IRaMuTeQ, dando lugar a dos subcorpora y cuatro clases para cada uno de los corpora. Los resultados señalan una fuerte orientación del mercado de promoción en las revistas, que buscan llevar a los lectores a consumir productos y realizar procedimientos estéticos. En cambio, las noticias periodísticas difunden un modelo de vida más saludable como la principal práctica antienvejecimiento, mientras que al mismo tiempo advierten sobre los riesgos que implican los procedimientos irregulares y los productos estéticos. De forma general, el contenido de las revistas difunde representaciones sociales que idealizan un estándar de belleza del cuerpo joven, asociando la vejez con la fealdad, mientras que el del portal de noticias G1 se orienta a la salud y la longevidad.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Aging , Cosmetic Techniques , Social Representation , Mass Media , Propaganda , Psychology , Rejuvenation , Self Concept , Surgery, Plastic , Beauty , Behavior , Collagen , Botulinum Toxins, Type A , Cosmetics , Hormone Replacement Therapy , Healthy Lifestyle , Healthy Aging , Dry Needling , Body-Shaming , Hyaluronic Acid , Lasers , Antioxidants