Objetivo: Comparar la exactitud de las fórmulas SRK/T, Hoffer Q, Barrett Universal y HRBF en el cálculo del lente intraocular. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo longitudinal prospectivo de 70 ojos de 70 pacientes operados de cirugía de catarata con implante de lente intraocular, de junio del año 2018 a junio del 2019, utilizando el IOL Master 700, en el Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer". Se determinó la exactitud de cada fórmula respecto al error de predicción del equivalente esférico y se compararon entre sí. Resultados: Los pacientes entre 60 y 80 años constituyeron el 70,00 por ciento de los casos y el sexo femenino representó el 61,43 por ciento. Los ojos de tamaño medio representaron el 91,43 por ciento del total. No hubo diferencias en el error de predicción absoluto medio entre de las fórmulas analizadas para el rango total de longitudes axiales. La fórmula de Barrett tuvo el 65,71 por ciento de ojos con un error de predicción dentro de ± 0,50 D. El mayor porcentaje de ojos con un error mayor a 1 dioptría recayó sobre la Hoffer Q (10,00 por ciento). Conclusiones: El grupo etario más representado está entre 60 y 80 años y el sexo femenino es mayoritario. Predominan los ojos de tamaño medio y las mensuraciones biométricas dentro de los valores promedio estándar. Las fórmulas HRBF, SRK/T, Hoffer Q y Barrett predicen el resultado refractivo posoperatorio con una exactitud similar para el rango total de longitudes axiales. La fórmula de Barrett logra el mayor porcentaje de ojos con errores de predicción posoperatorios dentro del rango de la emetropía(AU)
Objective: Compare the accuracy of the formulas SRK/T, Hoffer Q, Barrett Universal and HRBF for intraocular lens calculation. Methods: A prospective longitudinal descriptive study was conducted of 70 eyes of 70 patients undergoing cataract surgery with intraocular lens implantation from June 2018 to June 2019 at Ramón Pando Ferrer Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology. In all cases IOL Master 700 was used for lens calculation. Determination of the accuracy of each formula in error prediction of the spherical equivalent was followed by a comparison of the formulas. Results: Patients aged 60-80 years were 70.00 percent of the cases; female sex represented 61.43 percent. Medium sized eyes were 91.43 percent of the total eyes examined. Mean absolute prediction error did not show any difference between the formulas analyzed for the total range of axial lengths. The Barrett formula spotted 65.71 percent of the eyes with a prediction error within ± 0.50 D. The highest percentage of eyes with an error greater than 1 diopter corresponded to the Hoffer Q formula (10.00 percent ). Conclusions: The best represented age group was 60-80 years; female sex prevailed. A predominance was found of medium size and biometric measurements within standard mean values. The formulas HRBF, SRK/T, Hoffer Q and Barrett predict the postoperative refractive result with similar accuracy throughout the total range of axial lengths. The Barrett formula achieves the highest percentage of eyes with postoperative prediction errors within the range of emmetropia(AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Cataract/etiology , Lens Implantation, Intraocular/methods , Emmetropia , Artificial Intelligence , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prospective Studies , Longitudinal StudiesABSTRACT
Objetivo: Comparar los resultados del implante secundario de lentes intraoculares de cámara anterior rígido con apoyo angular y de lentes intraoculares plegables de cámara posterior suturados a iris, en cuanto a efectividad, seguridad y calidad de vida relacionada con la función visual (cuestionario NEI VFQ-23). Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cuasi experimental de 50 ojos de pacientes afáquicos sin soporte capsular, después de la cirugía de catarata, divididos en dos grupos según el tratamiento. Resultados: Se observó que en el grupo de pacientes tratados con lente intraocular suturado a iris el porcentaje de pacientes con una visión de 20/40 o más fue significativamente superior (96,0 vs. 60,0 , p = 0,000), mientras que los resultados del cuestionario de calidad de vida fueron menores en cuanto a la frecuencia de pacientes con visión de 20/200 o menos (0,0 vs. 16,0 por ciento, p = 0,110); la inducción de astigmatismo, la disminución de la densidad de células endoteliales (361,6 ± 220,5 vs. 556,1 ± 340, p = 0,021) y el porcentaje de pacientes con complicaciones (36,0 vs. 52,0 por ciento, p = 0,254). Conclusiones: Se logran mejores resultados con el implante de lente intraocular plegable suturado a iris(AU)
Objective: Compare the results of secondary implantation of rigid angle-supported intraocular lenses in the anterior chamber versus foldable iris-suture-fixated intraocular lenses in the posterior chamber, in terms of effectiveness, safety and vision-related quality of life (questionnaire NEI VFQ-23). Methods: A quasi-experimental study was conducted of 50 eyes of aphakic patients without capsular support after cataract surgery, who were divided into two groups according to the treatment indicated. Results: It was found that in the group treated with iris-suture-fixated intraocular lens implantation the percentage of patients with 20/40 vision or more was significantly higher (96.0 vs. 60.0 percent, p = 0.000), whereas the results of the quality of life questionnaire were lower in terms of frequency of patients with 20/200 vision or less (0.0 vs. 16.0 percent, p = 0.110), induction of astigmatism, endothelial cell density reduction (361.6 ± 220.5 vs. 556.1 ± 340, p = 0.021) and percentage of patients with complications (36.0 vs 52.0 percent, p = 0.254). Conclusions: Better results were obtained with the implantation of foldable iris-suture-fixated intraocular lenses(AU)
Humans , Cataract Extraction/methods , Lens Implantation, Intraocular/methods , Endothelial Cells , Anterior Chamber/injuries , Quality of LifeABSTRACT
El lupus eritematoso sistémico es una enfermedad autoinmune, de curso crónico con afectación multisistémica. Las manifestaciones oculares del lupus eritematoso sistémico pueden afectar cualquier estructura del ojo. La formación de catarata y la aparición de la diabetes secundaria asociada con el tratamiento esteroideo prolongado es frecuente en estos pacientes. Se presenta el caso de una paciente femenina de 69 años, con antecedentes de lupus eritematoso sistémico de más de 20 años de evolución, tratada con 5 mg diarios de prednisona oral en dosis de mantenimiento. Refiere, además, diabetes mellitus tipo 2 controlada de más de 10 años de evolución. Asiste a la consulta de Oftalmología por disminución de la visión y se diagnostica catarata en el ojo derecho. Se realiza facoemulsificación con implante de lente intraocular plegable, previa profilaxis para la endoftalmitis. La catarata asociada a la diabetes secundaria en los pacientes con lupus eritematoso sistémico justifica el uso de profilaxis antinflamatoria con esteroides tópicos y sistémicos para asegurar una mínima inflamación posoperatoria y mejorar el pronóstico visual(AU)
Systemic lupus erythematosus is a chronic autoimmune disease of multisystemic involvement. Ocular manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus may present in any structure of the eye. Cataract formation and the appearance of secondary diabetes associated to prolonged steroid therapy are common in these patients. A case is presented of a female 69-year-old patient with a history of systemic lupus erythematosus of more than 20 years' evolution, treated with 5 mg daily of oral prednisone at maintenance doses. The patient also reports controlled diabetes mellitus type 2 of more than ten years' evolution. Her main concern in attending Ophthalmology consultation is vision reduction. Cataract is diagnosed in her right eye. The treatment indicated is phacoemulsification with foldable intraocular lens implantation following prophylaxis for endophthalmitis. Cataract associated to secondary diabetes in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus justifies the use of anti-inflammatory prophylaxis with topical and systemic steroids to ensure minimum postoperative inflammation and improve visual prognosis(AU)
Humans , Female , Aged , Cataract/diagnosis , Endophthalmitis/complications , Phacoemulsification/methods , Lens Implantation, Intraocular/methods , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/etiology , Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic/diagnosis , Lasers, Solid-State/therapeutic use , Research ReportABSTRACT
Objetivo: Determinar los resultados refractivos en pacientes operados de catarata con cirugía refractiva corneal, según el cálculo del poder dióptrico de la lente intraocular con la fórmula Barrett True K. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio pre-experimental, del tipo antes y después, en el cual fueron incluidos 18 pacientes (31 ojos). En ellos se analizaron variables demográficas y clínicas. La principal variable de salida fue la predictibilidad del componente esférico ± 0,50 D, ± 1,0 D según la longitud axial. Resultados: Fueron estudiados pacientes con un promedio de edad de 59,4 años, predominantemente del sexo femenino (66,7 por ciento). El 77,4 por ciento fue operado con queratotomía radial. Con la cirugía de catarata se produjo una mejora ostensible de la agudeza visual no corregida (mediana preoperatoria: 0,12 y mediana posoperatoria: 0,60). Solo el 9,7 por ciento de los ojos analizados presentó una agudeza visual sin corregir de 20/20 y el 90,3 por ciento de 20/40 o más. La cantidad de ojos con un equivalente esférico de ± 0,50 disminuyó en la medida en que aumentó la longitud axial (corta: 100 por ciento; normal: 57,1 por ciento; larga: 22,7 por ciento), no así la predictibilidad del componente esférico de ± 0,50, que aumentó (corta: 50,0 por ciento; normal: 57,1 por ciento; larga: 63,6 por ciento). Conclusiones: La fórmula Barrett True K resulta útil para el cálculo de la lente intraocular en pacientes operados de catarata y cirugía refractiva corneal previa(AU)
Objective: Determine refractive outcomes in patients undergoing cataract corneal refractive surgery based on intraocular lens dioptric power calculation with the Barrett True-K formula. Methods: A pre-experimental before/after study was conducted of 18 patients (31 eyes). Demographic and clinical variables were analyzed. The main output variable was spherical component predictability ± 0.50 D, ± 1.0 D according to axial length. Results: Mean age was 59.4 years; female sex prevailed (66.7 percent). Of the patients studied, 77.4 percent underwent radial keratotomy. Cataract surgery led to notable uncorrected visual acuity improvement (preoperative mean: 0.12; postoperative mean: 0.60). Only 9.7 percent of the eyes examined had an uncorrected visual acuity of 20/20, whereas 90.3 percent had 20/40 or more. The number of eyes with a spherical equivalent of ± 0.50 fell as axial length rose (near: 100 percent; normal: 57.1 percent; far: 22.7 percent), unlike ± 0.50 spherical component predictability, which rose from near: 50.0 percent; normal: 57.1 percent; far: 63.6 percent. Conclusions: The Barrett True-K formula is useful for intraocular lens calculation in patients undergoing previous cataract and corneal refractive surgery(AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Lens Implantation, Intraocular/methods , Refractive Surgical Procedures/methods , Keratotomy, Radial/methodsABSTRACT
Objetivo: Determinar cómo controlar la progresión del astigmatismo en la facoemulsificación para mejorar sus resultados. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, de serie de casos en 43 ojos de pacientes con diagnóstico de catarata, operados por la técnica de facoemulsificación por prechop con implante de lente intraocular plegable, en el Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer" desde noviembre del año 2018 hasta abril de 2020. Se emplearon los porcentajes y números absolutos para las variables cualitativas, las cuantitativas, la media y la desviación estándar, con un intervalo de confianza del 95 por ciento. Resultados: La edad media fue de 69,4 ± 8,3 años (51,16 por ciento); la dureza NO3; la mejor agudeza visual sin corrección mejoró en el 76,75 por ciento entre 0,8 a 1,0; la queratometría media pre- vs. posoperatoria no mostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas; el cilindro refractivo posoperatorio fue menor de 0,5 dioptrías en el 72,09 por ciento; el 51,17 por ciento de los ojos en el preoperatorio tenían astigmatismo refractivo contra la regla, lo cual mejoró según esta al mes de operado en el 60,47 por ciento de los pacientes. La calidad de vida en el 100 por ciento de los casos fue muy buena al mes de operados, según FV-14. Conclusiones: La corrección del astigmatismo con las incisiones personalizadas en la facoemulsificación ofrece buena predictibilidad y mejora su calidad visual y de vida(AU)
Objective: Determine how to control the progression of astigmatism in phacoemulsification to improve its results. Methods: A descriptive prospective study was conducted of a case series of 43 eyes of cataract patients undergoing prechop phacoemulsification with foldable intraocular lens implantation at Ramón Pando Ferrer Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology from November 2018 to April 2020. Percentages and absolute numbers were used for qualitative variables, and mean and standard deviation for quantitative variables, with a confidence interval of 95 percent. Results: Mean age was 69.4 ± 8.3 years (51.16 percent); hardness was NO3; in 76.75 percent best uncorrected visual acuity improved 0.8-1.0; pre- vs. postoperative mean keratometry did not show any statistically significant differences; in 72.09 percent the postoperative refractive cylinder was smaller than 0.5 diopters; 51.17 percent of the eyes had preoperative refractive against-the-rule astigmatism, improving at one month postoperative in 60.47 percent. Quality of life by the VF-14 survey was very good in 100 percent of the patients one month after surgery. Conclusions: Correction of astigmatism with personalized incisions in phacoemulsification provides good predictability and improves visual quality and quality of life(AU)
Humans , Astigmatism , Cataract/diagnosis , Phacoemulsification/methods , Lens Implantation, Intraocular/methods , Quality of Life , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prospective StudiesABSTRACT
Objetivo: Evaluar la calidad de vida relacionada con la visión, en pacientes con catarata tratados con monovisión inducida con lente intraocular monofocal. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio experimental antes y después con un solo grupo. Para esto fueron reclutados 50 pacientes tributarios de cirugía de catarata, que presentaban presbiopía. Se evaluó la visión funcional (agudeza visual de cerca y de lejos), sin corrección, mejor corregida y la calidad de vida relacionada con la visión (cuestionario VF-14) antes y después de la cirugía. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue de 59,6 años y predominó el sexo femenino (60,0 por ciento). La mediana de la agudeza visual sin corrección en el ojo dominante poscirugía fue de 0,80 y la del equivalente esférico de -0,16 dioptrías, mientras que en el no dominante fue de 0,50 y de -1,68 dioptrías, respectivamente. La mediana de la agudeza visual sin corrección de cerca fue de 0,80. El 86,0 por ciento de los pacientes no requirió espejuelos después de la cirugía. La puntuación promedio del VF-14 precirugía ubicaba el 50 por ciento de los pacientes con una incapacidad parcial para desarrollar una actividad por causa visual. Después de la cirugía la totalidad de los pacientes no presentaba esta limitación visual. Conclusiones: La cirugía de catarata mejora la calidad de vida relacionada con la visión(AU)
Objective: Evaluate vision-related quality of life in cataract patients treated with induced monovision with monofocal intraocular lens. Methods: An experimental before-after one-group study was conducted. A selection was made of 50 presbyopic patients scheduled for cataract surgery. The variables evaluated were uncorrected and best corrected functional vision (near and far visual acuity) and vision-related quality of life (VF-14 questionnaire) before and after surgery. Results: Mean age was 59.6 years. Female sex prevailed (60.0 percent). Mean uncorrected postoperative visual acuity was 0.80 in the dominant eye and 0.50 in the non-dominant eye, whereas mean spherical equivalent was -0.16 diopters in the dominant eye and -1.68 diopters in the non-dominant eye. Mean uncorrected near visual acuity was 0.80. Of the patients studied, 86.0 percent did not require eyeglasses after surgery. Average preoperative VF-14 score showed that 50 percent of the patients had a partial disability to carry out an activity due to visual causes. After surgery no patient had such a visual limitation. Conclusions: Cataract surgery improves vision-related quality of life(AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Quality of Life , Vision, Monocular , Cataract Extraction/methods , Lens Implantation, Intraocular/methodsABSTRACT
La catarata se presenta como la principal causa de ceguera prevenible en todo el mundo. La facoemulsificación con implante de lente intraocular es el procedimiento quirúrgico estándar más comúnmente utilizado. Las lentes intraoculares son consideradas prótesis de material biocompatible que se usan para sustituir el cristalino humano, y se han diseñado para limitar las aberraciones de orden superior y mejorar la calidad de la visión al conseguir la emetropía. Varias son las generaciones de lentes intraoculares diseñadas hasta este momento, con el fin de lograr su perfeccionamiento para ofrecerle al paciente una mayor independencia y excelentes resultados visuales después de la cirugía de catarata para todas las distancias. De ahí la motivación para realizar una búsqueda de diversos artículos publicados, con el objetivo de describir los lentes intraoculares Premium. Se utilizó la plataforma Infomed, específicamente la Biblioteca Virtual de Salud, con todos sus buscadores(AU)
Cataract is the leading cause of preventable blindness worldwide. Phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation is the standard surgical procedure most commonly used. Intraocular lenses are biocompatible material prosthesis that replace the human crystalline lens. They have been designed to limit higher order aberrations and improve vision quality, achieving emmetropia. Several generations of intraocular lenses have been developed so far with the purpose of improving their quality and providing patients with greater independence and excellent visual results for all distances after cataract surgery. Hence the motivation to conduct a search for a variety of published papers, with the purpose of characterizing the Premium intraocular lenses. Use was made of the Infomed platform, particularly the Virtual Health Library with all its search engines(AU)
Humans , Cataract/etiology , Phacoemulsification/methods , Lens Implantation, Intraocular/methods , Review Literature as Topic , Databases, BibliographicABSTRACT
Objetivo: Comparar los resultados refractivos del implante secundario de lentes intraoculares rígidos de la cámara anterior con apoyo angular y de lentes intraoculares plegables de la cámara posterior suturados a iris. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio casi experimental con control no equivalente (cohorte histórica). Se estudiaron 50 pacientes (50 ojos) con afaquia e inadecuado soporte capsular después de la cirugía de catarata, a quienes se les realizó implante secundario de lente intraocular con dos técnicas diferentes: lente intraocular en la cámara anterior con apoyo angular (25 ojos) y lente intraocular plegable de la cámara posterior suturado a iris (25 ojos). Resultados: Se observó que en el grupo de pacientes tratados con lente intraocular suturado a iris el porcentaje de pacientes con una visión de 20/40 o más fue significativamente superior (96,0 por ciento vs. 60,0 por ciento, p= 0,000) en los resultados refractivos obtenidos según el grupo de tratamiento. En el grupo A predominaron los pacientes que quedaron emétropes, seguidos de los pacientes miopes. En el grupo B predominaron los pacientes miopes y a diferencia del grupo anterior ningún paciente quedó hipermétrope. Conclusiones: La lente intraocular plegable de la cámara posterior suturada a iris mostró ser más eficaz, indujo menos astigmatismo y fue mejor en la predictibilidad de la esfera en un rango estricto de ± 1,00 dioptrías(AU)
Objective: Compare the refractive results of secondary implantation of rigid angle-supported intraocular lenses in the anterior chamber and foldable iris-suture-fixated intraocular lenses in the posterior chamber. Methods: A quasi-experimental non-equivalent control (historical cohort) study was conducted of 50 patients (50 eyes) with aphakia and inadequate capsular support after cataract surgery, who underwent secondary intraocular lens implantation with two different techniques: angle-supported intraocular lens in the anterior chamber (25 eyes) and foldable iris-suture-fixated intraocular lens in the posterior chamber (25 eyes). Results: In the group treated with iris-suture-fixated intraocular lens implantation the percentage of patients with 20/40 vision or more was significantly higher (96.0 percent vs. 60.0 percent, p= 0.000) in the refractive results obtained for each treatment group. In Group A a predominance was found of emmetropic, followed by myopic patients. In Group B myopic patients prevailed and unlike the other group no patient was hyperopic. Conclusions: Foldable iris-suture-fixated posterior chamber intraocular lenses proved more effective, induced less astigmatism and displayed better sphere predictability in a strict range of ± 1.00 diopters(AU)
Humans , Aphakia/etiology , Astigmatism/etiology , Lens Implantation, Intraocular/methods , Anterior Chamber/surgery , Cohort StudiesABSTRACT
Introducción: La corrección de ametropías moderadas-severas mediante lentes fáquicas permite conservar la acomodación, además, de obtener una mejor calidad óptica, reversibilidad del procedimiento y la opción de corregir defectos refractivos residuales mediante cirugía corneal mínima invasiva. Objetivo: Determinar la efectividad de los lentes fáquicos ACR-128 en la corrección de la alta miopía tras un año de su implante. Método: Se realizó un estudio transversal en 67 ojos de 36 pacientes con miopía corregida con lente fáquica ACR-128. Se determinaron las características biométricas y refractivas por ojo, relación entre el componente esférico esperado y el observado, distribución por ojos el componente esférico esperado y el observado, relación entre cilindro queratométrico pre y posoperatorio y relación entre la agudeza visual sin corrección y la agudeza visual mejor corregida en el pre y posoperatorio. Resultados: La edad media fue 28,06 ± 6,14(25 mujeres, 11 hombres) el equivalente esférico preoperatorio OD promedio de -10,77 ± 4,23 dioptrías y OI promedio de -10,77 ± 3,72 dioptrías. El componente esférico en dioptrías esperado (-0,56 ± 0,38) y observado (-0,43 ± 0,69) sin diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p = 0,14). El cilindro queratométrico en dioptrías, pre (1,41 ± 0,74) y posoperatorio (1,24 ± 0,88) sin astigmatismo inducido (p = 0,12). El 100 por ciento tenía agudeza visual sin corrección preoperatoria ≤ 0,1 y posoperatoria ≥ 0,5. Conclusiones: Un año después del implante de lente fáquica ACR-128 en la corrección de la alta miopía el tratamiento continúa efectivo, pues reduce el componente esférico al deseado y mantenerlo, no inducir astigmatismo y mantener mejor agudeza visual(AU)
Introduction: Correction of moderate-severe ametropia with phakic lenses makes it possible to preserve accommodation and provides better optical quality, reversibility of the procedure and the option of correcting residual refractive defects by minimally invasive corneal surgery. Objective: Determine the effectiveness of ACR-128 phakic lenses for high myopia correction one year after implantation. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted of 67 eyes of 36 patients with myopia corrected with ACR-128 phakic lenses. Determination was made of the biometric and refractive characteristics of each eye, the relationship between the expected and the observed spherical component, the distribution of the expected and the observed spherical component per eye, the relationship between the pre- and postoperative keratometric cylinder, and the relationship between pre- and postoperative uncorrected and best corrected visual acuity. Results: Mean age was 28.06 ± 6.14 (25 women, 11 men). Average preoperative spherical equivalent was -10.77 ± 4.23 diopters RE and -10.77 ± 3.72 diopters LE. Spherical component in diopters: expected (-0.56 ± 0.38) and observed (-0.43 ± 0.69), without statistically significant differences (p= 0.14). Keratometric cylinder in diopters: preoperative (1.41 ± 0.74) and postoperative (1.24 ± 0.88), without induced astigmatism (p = 0.12). In 100 percent visual acuity without correction was #8804; 0.1 preoperative and ≥ 0.5 postoperative. Conclusions: One year after ACR-128 phakic lens implantation for high myopia correction, the treatment remains effective, reducing the spherical component and maintaining it at the desired level, not inducing astigmatism and preserving best visual acuity(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Cornea/surgery , Lens Implantation, Intraocular/methods , Myopia/therapy , Cross-Sectional Studies , AftercareABSTRACT
RESUMEN Los errores refractivos altos son difíciles de corregir óptica y quirúrgicamente. Los pacientes que los padecen se encuentran incómodos con las gafas, ya que la calidad de su visión es deficitaria. Las lentes de contacto proporcionan mejor agudeza visual; sin embargo, en ocasiones requieren diseños especiales para ser adaptadas y pueden asociarse a complicaciones severas. La cirugía refractiva como subespecialidad busca mejorar la agudeza visual no corregida y disminuir la dependencia a gafas o lentes de contacto. Las opciones van desde los procedimientos queratorrefractivos hasta el implante de una lente intraocular, ya sea con la extracción del cristalino transparente o en un ojo fáquico. Este último ofrece ventajas al mantener la acomodación, obtener una mejor calidad óptica y cierta reversibilidad. En el mundo se han realizado múltiples trabajos en pacientes con lentes fáquicos de diferentes modelos y estos han demostrado que son seguros y confiables, aunque no son muchos los estudios sobre la calidad de vida a largo plazo; de ahí la motivación para realizar una búsqueda actualizada de diversos artículos publicados, con el objetivo de describir los resultados visuales y la calidad de vida en pacientes con implante de lentes fáquicos. Se utilizó la plataforma Infomed, específicamente la Biblioteca Virtual de Salud, con todos sus buscadores(AU)
ABSTRACT High refractive errors are difficult to correct both optically and surgically. Patients suffering from them feel uncomfortable with their eyeglasses, since their visual quality is poor. Contact lenses provide better visual acuity, but they sometimes require special designs to be adjusted and may be associated to severe complications. The subspecialty of refractive surgery seeks to improve uncorrected visual acuity and reduce dependence on eyeglasses or contact lenses. Options range from keratorefractive procedures to intraocular lens implantation, be it with removal of the transparent crystalline lens or in phakic eyes. The latter provides the advantages of maintaining accommodation, obtaining better visual quality and affording a certain degree of reversibility. A great many studies have been conducted worldwide of patients with phakic lenses of various models, and these have proved to be safe and reliable. However, not many studies are available about long-term quality of life. Hence the motivation to perform an updated search for published papers about the subject, with the purpose of describing the visual results and quality of life of patients with phakic lens implants. Use was made of the Infomed platform, particularly the Virtual Health Library with all its search engines(AU)
Humans , Quality of Life , Refractive Errors/etiology , Lens Implantation, Intraocular/methods , Refractive Surgical Procedures/adverse effects , Stress, Psychological , Eyeglasses/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Abstract We present a case of 50-years-old, man with vision loss, dysmorphopsia and micropsy in the right eye with for 6 months. Ocular history included uncomplicated cataract surgery 10 years before. Best corrected visual acuity was 20/100 in the right eye and 20/20 in the left eye. Anterior segment OD demonstrated intra-ocular lens (IOL) haptic in the anterior chamber with iris perforation. Fundus examination revealed cystoid macular edema in right eye. Surgical approach with reposition of the IOL and triamcinolone acetonide intravitreal injection were performed with visual and tomographical improvement.
Resumo Apresentamos o caso de um homem de 50 anos, com queixa de perda de visão, dismorfopsia e micropsia em olho direito (OD) há 6 meses. A história ocular incluiu cirurgia de catarata sem complicações 10 anos antes. A melhor acuidade visual corrigida foi 20/100 em OD e 20/20 em olho esquerdo. O segment anterior do OD demonstrou háptica da lente intraocular (LIO) na câmara anterior com perfuração da íris. A fundoscopia revelou edema macular cistoide em OD. A abordagem cirúrgica com reposição da LIO e injeção intravítrea de triancinolona acetonida foi realizada com melhora visual e tomográfica.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Retinal Perforations , Triamcinolone Acetonide/therapeutic use , Iris/injuries , Macular Edema/complications , Lens Implantation, Intraocular/methods , Intravitreal Injections/methodsABSTRACT
Resumo Objetivo: Analisar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes antes e após cirurgia de remoção da catarata associada ao implante de lente intraocular (LIO). Metodos: Este é um estudo observacional, prospectivo, de série de casos. Os dados foram coletados em um serviço privado de oftalmologia em Aracaju - SE, de agosto de 2018 a julho de 2019. A avaliação da qualidade de vida de pacientes antes e após 4 meses da cirurgia de catarata, pela técnica de facoemulsificação associada ao implante de LIO, foi realizada aplicando a versão brasileira validada do Questionário de Função Visual de 25 itens do National Eye Institute (NEI-VFQ-25) e realização do teste de acuidade visual com a tabela de Snellen. Resultados: O grupo final foi constituído por 41 pacientes, com média de idade de 72 anos (DP: 9,01), sendo 14 do sexo masculino e 27 do feminino. Além disso, dos 41 pacientes, 37 foram submetidos à facectomia em ambos os olhos, 03 apenas no olho direito e 01 apenas no olho esquerdo. Diante da coleta e da análise dos dados, notou-se melhora na qualidade de vida dos pacientes submetidos ao procedimento cirúrgico proposto. Houve um aumento estatisticamente significativo (p<0,001) na acuidade visual binocular, na acuidade visual monocular e nas pontuações de 11 dos 12 subdomínios do NEI-VFQ-25. Não foi observada significância estatística no subdomínio "Dor ocular" (p=0,934). Conclusão: Houve melhora significativa na qualidade de vida dos pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de catarata com implante de LIO.
Abstract Objective: To analyze patients' quality of life before and after cataract removal surgery associated with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. Methods: This is an observational, prospective, case series study. Data were collected at a private ophthalmology service in Aracaju - SE, from August 2018 to July 2019. The quality of life assessment of patients before and after 4 months of cataract surgery, using the phacoemulsification technique associated with IOL implantation, was performed by applying the validated Brazilian version of the 25-item Visual Function Questionnaire from the National Eye Institute (NEI-VFQ-25) and performing the visual acuity test with the Snellen chart. Results: The final group consisted of 41 patients, with a mean age of 72 years (SD: 9.01), of which 14 were male and 27 female. In addition, out of 41 patients, 37 underwent facectomy in both eyes, 03 only in the right eye and 01 only in the left eye. Given the collection and thorough analysis of the data, the improvement in the quality of life of patients submitted to cataract surgery with intraocular lens implantation was noticed. There was a statistically significant increase (p<0.001) in binocular visual acuity, monocular visual acuity and scores in 11 of the 12 subdomains of the NEI-VFQ-25. No statistical significance was observed in the subdomain "Eye Pain" (p=0.934). Conclusion: There was a significant improvement in the quality of life of patients who underwent cataract surgery with intraocular lens implantation.
Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Quality of Life , Cataract Extraction/methods , Visual Acuity , Phacoemulsification/methods , Lens Implantation, Intraocular/methods , Prospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Observational StudyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose: To compare the postoperative refractive predictability of IOLMaster 500 and Pentacam HR on the basis of keratometry and anterior chamber depth values in eyes with an indication for multifocal intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. Methods: This was a retrospective study conducted on 118 eyes treated with phacoemulsification and multifocal intraocular lens implantation. Only the eyes that achieved emmetropia in the dynamic refraction performed on postoperative day 30 were included. Haigis' formula was used in each case to calculate the intraocular lens power, and the intraocular lens with the target refraction closest to emmetropia was implanted. Four lens calculation scenarios were tested by combining keratometry and anterior chamber depth measurements obtained using the two devices. Results: IOLMaster 500 and Pentacam HR differed with regard to mean keratometry (D 0.07 ± 0.03 D; p=0.0065) and anterior chamber depth (D 0.08 ± 0.01 mm; p<0.001). In the analysis of covariance, the following differences were obtained using the Haigis' formula when confronted with the biometric values obtained by inserting keratometry and anterior chamber depth values, respectively: Penta/IOL x IOL/Penta (0.13 ± 0.03; p<0.0001); Penta/Penta × IOL/Penta (0.13 ± 0.03; p<0.0001); Penta/IOL × IOL/IOL (0.11 ± 0.03; p=0.001); Penta/Penta × IOL/IOL (0.11 ± 0.03; p=0.002); IOL/IOL × IOL/Penta (0.02 ± 0.03; p=0.865); and Penta/IOL × Penta/Penta (0.002 ± 0.03; p=0.99). The difference was smaller when measuring the anterior chamber depth using the IOLMaster 500, regardless of which device was used to measure keratometry. Conclusions: Pentacam HR significantly differed from IOLMaster 500 when calculating keratometry. As regards the anterior chamber depth, the two devices were equally accurate.
RESUMO Objetivo: Comparar a previsibilidade refrativa pós-operatória do IOLMaster 500 e Pentacam HR com base nos valores de ceratometria e profundidade de câmara anterior nos olhos com indicação de implante de lentes intraoculares multifocais. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo realizado em 118 olhos tratados com facoemulsificação e implante de lentes intraoculares multifocal. Apenas os olhos que atingiram a emetropia na refração dinâmica no 30º dia pós-operatório foram incluídos. A fórmula de Haigis foi usada em cada caso para calcular o poder das lentes intraoculares, e a lente intraocular com a refração alvo mais próxima da emetropia foi implantada. Cenários de cálculo de quatro lentes foram testados pela combinação de medidas de ceratometria e profundidade de câmara anterior obtidas usando os dois dispositivos. Resultados: IOLMaster 500 e Pentacam HR diferiram quanto à média de ceratometria (D 0,07 ± 0,03 D; p=0,0065) e profundidade de câmara anterior (D 0,08 ± 0,01 mm; p<0,001). Na análise da covariância, as seguintes diferenças foram obtidas usando a fórmula de Haigis quando confrontadas com os valores biométricos obtidos pela inserção dos valores de ceratometria e profundidade de câmara anterior, respectivamente: Penta/IOL x IOL/Penta (0,13 ± 0,03; p<0,0001); Penta/Penta x IOL/Penta (0,13 ± 0,03; p<0,0001); Penta/IOL x IOL/IOL (0,11 ± 0,03; p=0,001); Penta/Penta x IOL/IOL (0,11 ± 0,03; p=0,002); IOL/IOL x IOL/Penta (0,02 ± 0,03; p=0,865); Penta/IOL x Penta/Penta (0,002 ± 0,03; p=0,99). A diferença foi menor ao medir a profundidade da câmara anterior usando o IOLMaster 500, independentemente de qual dispositivo foi usado para medir a ceratometria. Conclusões: O Pentacam HR diferiu significativamente do IOLMaster 500 no cálculo de ceratometria. Quanto à profundidade da câmara anterior, os dois dispositivos foram igualmente precisos.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Phacoemulsification/methods , Cornea/pathology , Corneal Topography/instrumentation , Lens Implantation, Intraocular/methods , Multifocal Intraocular Lenses , Anterior Chamber/pathology , Postoperative Period , Reference Values , Refraction, Ocular/physiology , Time Factors , Visual Acuity/physiology , Predictive Value of Tests , Retrospective Studies , Biometry , Treatment Outcome , Cornea/diagnostic imaging , Interferometry/instrumentation , Interferometry/methods , Anterior Chamber/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
RESUMEN Objetivo: Determinar los resultados visuales de la cirugía de catarata senil en pacientes con queratocono. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación observacional, descriptiva, longitudinal, prospectiva en 21 ojos con queratocono no tributarios de cirugía corneal, en el Servicio de Catarata, del Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer", durante el período comprendido de enero del año 2012 a enero de 2017, donde se evaluaron las variables sexo, edad, queratometría, longitud axial, profundidad de la cámara anterior, agudeza visual sin corrección y corregida pre y posoperatoria, equivalente esférico, cilindro, esfera esperada y la observada. Se realizó un procesamiento estadístico con el paquete SPSS versión 15.0 y se calculó el estadígrafo de signos de Wilcoxon para datos pareados con un nivel de significación del 95 por ciento. Resultados: La media de edad fue de 62,9 años, con predominio del sexo masculino, la longitud axial ≥ 25 mm y la cámara anterior profunda. Se obtuvo mejoría del equivalente esférico y del cilindro refractivo, y se obtuvo una esfera de 0,84 dioptrías. Conclusiones: El implante de lentes intraoculares monofocales en pacientes con queratocono y catarata es una alternativa terapéutica válida como tratamiento de la ametropía que acompaña a esta ectasia corneal(AU)
ABSTRACT Objective: Determine the visual outcomes of senile cataract surgery in patients with keratoconus. Methods: An observational descriptive longitudinal prospective study was conducted of 21 eyes with keratoconus not scheduled for corneal surgery at the Cataract Service of Ramón Pando Ferrer Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology from January 2012 to January 2017. The variables evaluated were sex, age, keratometry, axial length, anterior chamber depth, pre- and postoperative uncorrected and corrected visual acuity, spherical equivalent, cylinder, and expected and observed sphere. Data were processed with the statistical software SPSS version 15.0. Wilcoxon's signed rank for paired data was estimated with a significance level of 95 percent. Results: Mean age was 62.9 years. A predominance was found of the male sex, axial length≥ 25 mm and a deep anterior chamber. Improvement was achieved of the spherical equivalent and the refractive cylinder, and a 0.84 diopters sphere was obtained. Conclusions: Monofocal intraocular lens implantation in patients with keratoconus and cataract is a valid therapeutic alternative to treat the ametropia accompanying this corneal ectasia(AU)
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Lens Implantation, Intraocular/methods , Keratoconus/therapy , Cataract Extraction/methods , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prospective Studies , Longitudinal Studies , Observational Studies as TopicABSTRACT
RESUMEN La queratopatía bullosa pseudoafáquica o edema corneal crónico pseudoafáquico del paciente operado por cataratas con implante de lente intraocular es un proceso en el que la córnea se edematiza y pierde su función óptica, con síntomas dolorosos e irritativos de lagrimeo, ojo rojo, probabilidad de inflamación y ulceración corneal por infección secundaria. Se observan en esta afección multicausal dos grupos de pacientes. En uno de ellos el daño estructural corneal y ocular ha sido excesivo y no existe expectativa de mejora visual. El otro grupo aún conserva la potencialidad de recuperación de la agudeza visual. En el intento de solucionar esta afección se han empleado diversos tratamientos con fundamentos diferentes y resultados acordes con el desarrollo técnico y científico en que fueron aplicados. Es propósito de esta actualización describir y adecuar las posibilidades que los oftalmólogos puedan aplicar como terapéutica en sus respectivos niveles de actuación(AU)
ABSTRACT Pseudophakic bullous keratopathy or chronic pseudophakic corneal edema in patients undergoing cataract surgery with intraocular lens implantation is a process in which the cornea edematizes and loses optical function, with painful and irritating lacrimation symptoms, red eye, probable inflammation and corneal ulceration due to secondary infection. Sufferers of this multicausal condition are divided into two groups: In one of them structural corneal and ocular damage has been extreme and no visual improvement is expected, whereas in the other visual acuity recovery is still possible. In an attempt to heal this condition various treatments have been used with different rationales and results according to the scientific and technological development of the setting where they were applied. The present update is aimed at describing and adjusting the possible therapies that ophthalmologists may use in their respective fields of activity(AU)
Humans , Corneal Edema/etiology , Corneal Transplantation/adverse effects , Lens Implantation, Intraocular/methodsABSTRACT
Abstract Purpose: To assess long, intermediate and near uncorrected visual acuity after a tetrafocal diffractive intraocular lens implantation, presence of dystopic phenomenon and patient satisfaction after surgery. Methods: Retrospective, observational study performed in Puerta de Hierro Specialties Hospital, in Jalisco, México. That included 100 eyes after phacoemulsification surgery by femtosecond assistance, followed by tetrafocal diffractive intraocular lens implantation due to cataract. Long, intermediate and near visual acuity without correction was measured, and presence or absence of dystopic phenomenon, plus patient satisfaction after surgery. Results: A total of 100 eyes in 50 patients who underwent cataract surgery with phacoemulsification by femtosecond assistance were evaluated. 100% underwent bilateral phacoemulsification. Long, intermediate, and near visual acuity after three months was in the most patients 20/20 (46%), 20/15 (44%) and Jaeger 1 (48%) respectively. The percentage or patients who refers halos was 7%; and other associated symptoms in 18%, being astenopia the most prevalent. The removal of the lens was not required in any case. Conclusion: Tetrafocal diffractive intraocular lenses provides excellent intermediate vision (at 60 centimeters) and satisfactory near (30 centimeters) and long (6 meters) visual acuity.
Resumo Objetivo: Avaliar a acuidade visual de longe, intermediária e de perto após o implante de lente intra-ocular difrativa tetrafocal, presença de fenômenos distópicos e satisfação do paciente após a cirurgia. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo, observacional, realizado em Puerta de Hierro Hospital de Especialidades, em Jalisco, México. Isso incluiu 100 olhos após a cirurgia de facoemulsificação pela presença de laser de femtosegundo, seguida por implante de lente intra-ocular difrativa tetrafocal devido à catarata ou cirurgia facorrefractiva. Foi medida a acuidade visual de longe, intermediária e de perto, e a presença ou ausência de fenômenos distópicos, além da satisfação do paciente após a cirurgia. Resultados: Um total de 100 olhos em 50 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de catarata com facoemulsificação por femtosegundo foram avaliados. 100% foram submetidos a facoemulsificação bilateral. A acuidade visual para longe, intermediária e de perto após três meses foi na maioria dos pacientes 20/20 (46%), 20/15 (44%) e Jaeger 1 (48%) respectivamente. A porcentagem ou pacientes que se referem a halos foi de 7%; e outros sintomas associados em 18%, sendo a astenopia a mais prevalente. A remoção da lente não foi necessária em nenhum caso. Conclusão: A lente intra-ocular difrativa tetrafocal fornece excelente visão intermediária (a 60 centímetros) e acuidade visual satisfatória de perto a (30 centímetros) e de longe (6 metros).
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Phacoemulsification/methods , Lens Implantation, Intraocular/methods , Lenses, Intraocular , Presbyopia/surgery , Presbyopia/diagnosis , Refraction, Ocular/physiology , Cataract/diagnosis , Visual Acuity/physiology , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Patient Satisfaction , Observational StudyABSTRACT
Resumo A síndrome de Marfan é uma doença de herança autossômica dominante e que afeta o tecido conjuntivo com manifestações fenotípicas que envolvem os sistemas esquelético, cardiovascular e ocular. As principais manifestações oculares são a subluxação do cristalino, a miopia e o descolamento da retina. O objetivo deste artigo foi relatar a conduta clínico-cirúrgica de um paciente portador da síndrome de Marfan com cristalino luxado para a cavidade vítrea e que evoluiu com severa reação facoanafilática caracterizada por um glaucoma secundário severo e descompensação corneana.
Abstract Marfan syndrome is an autosomal dominant inheritance disease that affects connective tissue with phenotypic manifestations involving the skeletal, cardiovascular and ocular systems. The main ocular manifestations are the subluxation of the lens, myopia and retinal detachment. The aim of this article was to report the clinical and surgical management of a patient with Marfan syndrome with luxated lens for the vitreous cavity and who developed a severe phacoanaphylactic reaction characterized by severe secondary glaucoma and corneal decompensation.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Lens Subluxation/complications , Lens Subluxation/etiology , Anaphylaxis/etiology , Marfan Syndrome/complications , Vitrectomy/methods , Vitreous Body/surgery , Visual Acuity , Corneal Edema/etiology , Glaucoma/etiology , Lens Subluxation/surgery , Lens Subluxation/diagnosis , Vision, Low , Ultrasonography , Lens Implantation, Intraocular/methods , Eye Pain , Slit Lamp Microscopy , Intraocular PressureABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose: To analyze the outcomes of in-the-bag toric intraocular lens implantation for anterior capsular tears during phacoemulsification. Methods: The cohort of this retrospective, consecutive, interventional case series included eight patients. One patient was excluded as the tear was used to enlarge the rhexis. The mean preoperative astigmatism was -1.67D (± 0.98) and the mean preoperative unaided logMAR visual acuity was 0.62 (± 0.76). The mean angle between the anterior capsule tear and the closest intraocular lens haptic was 51.25° (range, 30°-90°). Results: The final unaided logMAR visual acuity was 0.16 (± 0.21) and the final cylinder was -1.1 D (± 0.59). The mean follow-up duration was about 2 ± 1.2 months. In this case series, no lens had to be explanted or rotated postoperatively. Placement of a toric intraocular lens in the presence anterior capsule tear was safe in all patients. An angle of at least 30° remained between the tear and the intraocular lens haptic. Conclusion: Placement of toric intraocular lens in the presence of an anterior capsule tear may be safe, at least in cases with a 30° angle between the anterior capsule tear and the intraocular lens haptic.
RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar os resultados do implante de lentes intraoculares tóricas para rupturas capsulares anteriores durante a facoemulsificação. Métodos: A coorte desta série retrospectiva, consecutiva e intervencional de casos que inclui 8 pacientes. Um paciente foi excluído quando a lágrima foi usada para aumentar a rexe. O astigmatismo pré-operatório médio foi de -1,67 D (± 0,98) e a média da acuidade visual logMAR sem intervenção pré-operatória foi de 0,62 (± 0,76). A média do ângulo entre a ruptura da cápsula anterior e o háptico mais próximo da lente intraocular foi de 51,25° (variação, 30°-90°). Resultados: A acuidade visual logMAR final sem ajuda foi de 0,16 (± 0,21) e o cilindro final foi de -1,1 D (± 0,59). O tempo médio de acompanhamento foi de aproximadamente 2 ± 1,2 meses. Nesta série de casos, nenhuma lente teve que ser removida ou rotacionada no pós-operatório. A colocação de uma lente intraocular tórica na presença de uma ruptura da cápsula anterior mostrou-se segura em todos os pacientes. Um ângulo de pelo menos 30° permaneceu entre a ruptura e o háptico da lente intraocular. Conclusão: A colocação de lente intraocular tórica na presença de uma ruptura da cápsula anterior pode ser segura, pelo menos em casos com um ângulo de 30° entre a ruptura da cápsula anterior e o háptico da lente intraocular.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Phacoemulsification/adverse effects , Lens Implantation, Intraocular/methods , Anterior Capsular Rupture, Ocular/surgery , Anterior Capsular Rupture, Ocular/etiology , Lenses, Intraocular , Refraction, Ocular , Time Factors , Visual Acuity , Reproducibility of Results , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Anterior Capsular Rupture, Ocular/physiopathologyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the modified Yamane technique with sutureless transconjunctival intrascleral intraocular lens fixation. Methods: Sutureless transconjunctival intrascleral haptic fixated intraocular lens implantation was performed in patients with aphakia and dislocated intraocular lenses. A clear corneal incision (2.8 mm) was made into the temporal quadrant and a three-piece intraocular lens was implanted into the anterior chamber. The haptics of the intraocular lens were externalized with a 27 G needle via transconjunctival scleral tunnels at the 6 and 12 o'clock positions. The transconjunctival scleral tunnels were prepared to conform to the haptic position and curvature. The site of the scleral tunnels was 2mm from the limbus with a length of 2 mm in the sclera and was aimed at the end of the posterior chamber. The tips of the haptics were cauterized to create a terminal knob. The haptics were pushed back and the knobs were implanted into the scleral tunnels. Results: The study cohort included 21 patients with unilateral aphakia and dislocated intraocular lenses. All patients were examined postoperatively and at postoperative day 1, day 7, month 1, and month 3. All examinations revealed formation of the anterior chamber and well-centralized intraocular lenses. No haptic-related complications of exposure, foreign body sensation, or discomfort were observed. Conclusion: Sutureless transconjunctival intrascleral haptic fixated intraocular lensimplantation is an effective, safe, and practical surgical alternative. This technique was superior to the Yamane method with regard to comfort and surgical duration. Further studies with longer follow-up evaluations are warranted to verify long-term complications.
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia e a segurança da técnica de Yamane modificada com a fixação de lenta intraocular transconjuntival sem sutura. Métodos: O implante de lente intraocular intraescleral e transconjuntival sem sutura foi realizado em pacientes com afacia e lentes intraoculares luxadas. Uma incisão em córnea clara (2,8 mm) foi feita no quadrante temporal e uma lente intraocular de três peças foi implantada na câmara anterior. Os hápticos da lente intraocular foram externalizados com uma agulha 27G através de túneis esclerais transconjuntivais nas posições de 6 e 12 horas. Os túneis esclerais transconjuntivais foram preparados para se ajustarem à posição e curvatura hápticas. O local dos túneis esclerais foi de 2 mm do limbo com um comprimento de 2 mm na esclera e foi destinado ao final da câmara posterior. As pontas dos hápticos foram cauterizadas para criar uma saliência terminal. Os hápticos foram empurrados para tras e as saliências foram implantadas nos túneis esclerais. Resultados: A coorte do estudo incluiu 21 pacientes com afacia unilateral e lentes intraocular deslocada. Todos os pacientes foram examinados no pós-operatório e no dia 1, 7, 1 mês e 3 meses do pós-operatório. Todos os exames revelaram formação da uma câmara anterior e lentes intraoculares bem centralizadas. Nenhuma complicação hápticas relacionada à exposição, sensação de corpo estranho ou desconforto foram observadas. Conclusão: O implante de lente intraocular transconjuntival intraescleral sem sutura é uma alternativa cirúrgica eficaz, segura e prática. Esta técnica foi superior ao método de Yamane no que diz respeito ao conforto e duração cirúrgica. Mais estudos com avaliações de seguimento mais prolongados são necessários para verificar as complicações de longo prazo.