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Rev. argent. cir. plást ; 30(2): 104-115, 20240000. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1566499


El tratamiento del envejecimiento facial debe ser tratado en su conjunto. Elegimos la técnica DPFL (Deep Plane Facelift) por ser la más efectiva en el tratamiento del tercio medio e inferior, la liberación de los ligamentos de retención facial permite una reposición vertical sin energía en los tejidos. La no deslaminación del complejo SMAS-Platisma conforma un colgajo compuesto de mayor estabilidad en las suturas y mayor trofismo cutáneo. Como procedimientos complementarios incluimos el lifting fronto-temporal extendido con incisión mínima, blefaroplastia, lipofilling facial, lifting de labio, rinoplastia, lobuloplastia auricular y cuello profundo. Esta sinergia quirúrgica optimiza el resultado siendo más natural y armónico, conservando la fisonomía de los 10 a 15 años anteriores de los pacientes, hecho observado en fotografías.

The treatment of facial aging must be treated as a whole. We chose the DPFL (Deep Plane Facelift) technique because it is the most eff ective in the treatment of the middle and lower 1/3, the release of the facial retaining ligaments allows a vertical repositioning without energy in the tissues. The non-delamination of the SMAS-Platysma complex forms a composite fl ap with greater suture stability and greater skin trophism. As complementary procedures we include the extended fronto-temporal lift with minimal incision, blepharoplasty, facial lipofi lling, lip lift, rhinoplasty, auricular lobuloplasty, deep neck. This surgical synergy optimizes the result being more natural and harmonic, preserving the physiognomy of 10 to 15 years ago of the patients, fact observed in photographs.

Humans , Male , Female , Rhytidoplasty/methods , Skin Aging/physiology , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods
Rev. argent. cir. plást ; 30(2): 116-120, 20240000. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1566513


El lifting de plano profundo es una técnica de rejuvenecimiento facial que nos permite lograr resultados altamente satisfactorios aun en casos de difícil resolución. El conocimiento detallado de la anatomía facial es de primordial importancia para su aprendizaje y perfeccionamiento. Es una técnica que insume mayor tiempo operatorio, ya que requiere una adecuada liberación de ligamentos faciales y cervicales para la correcta movilización de los tejidos y su reposicionamiento sin tensión, pero al mismo tiempo es segura y confi able.

Deep plane lifting is a rejuvenation technique. facial treatment that allows us to achieve highly satisfactory even in cases of diffi cult resolution. He met Detailed understanding of facial anatomy is of primary importance importance for your learning and improvement. It is a technique that requires more operating time, since it requires adequate release of ligaments facial and cervical for the correct mobilization of the tissues and their repositioning without tension, but at the same time time is safe and reliable.

Humans , Female , Rhytidoplasty/methods , Dissection/methods , Face/anatomy & histology
Rev. argent. cir. plást ; 30(2): 152-161, 20240000. fig, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1567237


La parálisis facial periférica es una condición que impacta negativamente en la calidad de vida y psiquis de los pacientes. Se aborda como una afección relativamente frecuente, con diversas causas, con un manejo multidisciplinario para su tratamiento. Se presenta un estudio retrospectivo de cuatro pacientes femeninas que sufrieron parálisis facial periférica crónica, causada por cirugías previas. Se emplearon técnicas estáticas y dinámica para su tratamiento, incluyendo una nueva técnica estática no descrita anteriormente para parálisis faciales basada en el lifting de tercio medio de plano profundo. Se evaluó la satisfacción de los pacientes mediante el cuestionario FACE Q pre- y posoperatorio, mostrando resultados positivos en ambos grupos de tratamiento. Se destaca la importancia de la kinesiología motora en el proceso de rehabilitación. Demostramos la efi cacia de técnicas accesibles y de bajo costo, así como la introducción exitosa de técnicas más complejas, como la transferencia muscular con anastomosis nerviosa.

Peripheral facial paralysis is a condition that negatively impacts the quality of life and psyche of patients. It is addressed as a relatively frequent condition with various causes, managed through a multidisciplinary approach for its treatment. A retrospective study is presented involving four female patients who suff ered from chronic peripheral facial paralysis caused by previous surgeries. Both static and dynamic techniques were used for their treatment, including a new static technique not previously described for facial paralysis based on deep plane midface lifting. Patient satisfaction was evaluated using the FACE Q questionnaire pre- and post-operatively, showing positive results in both treatment groups. The importance of motor kinesiology in the rehabilitation process is highlighted. We demonstrate the effi cacy of accessible and low-cost techniques, as well as the successful introduction of more complex techniques, such as muscle transfer with nerve anastomosis.

Humans , Female , Rehabilitation/methods , Lifting , Facial Paralysis/therapy
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009035


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the effectiveness of hairpin shaped incision combined with cover-lifting flap in plastic surgery of huge fat pad on nape and back.@*METHODS@#Between March 2019 and March 2023, 10 patients with huge fat pad on the nape and back were treated. There was 1 male and 9 females with an average age of 52 years (range, 39-57 years). All patients had soft tissue bulge on the nape and back. Preoperative MRI showed the subcutaneous fat thickening. The length of the longitudinal axis of the fat pad ranged from 10.0 to 25.0 cm (mean, 14.1 cm), the length of the transverse axis ranged from 6.0 to 15.0 cm (mean, 10.8 cm); the thickness of the fat pad ranged from 2.5 to 5.1 cm (mean, 3.9 cm). Under general anesthesia, the patient was placed in a prone position and a hairpin shaped incision was made. The flap was lifted to remove the fat pad according to the marked area. The dressing was changed every 2 days after operation.@*RESULTS@#The operation time was 35-110 minutes (mean, 72 minutes). The intraoperative blood loss was 35-80 mL (mean, 49.5 mL). The drainage tube was removed at 2-5 days after operation (mean, 3.4 days). All incisions healed by first intention without incision dehiscence, infection, subcutaneous bruising, hematoma, or other related complications. All patients were followed up 2-24 months (mean, 12 months). All patients had a good shape of the nape and back and no noticeable scar on the incision. According to the Vancouver Scar Scale evaluation criteria, the incision scar score was 3-5 (mean, 3.7) at 2 months after operation. Patients had good neck movement with no recurrence.@*CONCLUSION@#For the huge fat pad on the nape and back, the plastic surgery using hairpin shaped incision and cover-lifting flap has the advantages of fully exposing the fat pad, concealed incision, simple operation, and natural shape of the nape and back after operation.

Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Surgery, Plastic , Cicatrix , Lifting , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Surgical Wound , Adipose Tissue
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 8(2): 125-130, abr.-jun. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1391951


INTRODUCCIÓN: La mayoría de los establecimientos educacionales tienen una jornada escolar completa, generando que el estudiante transporte mayor cantidad de útiles escolares en su mochila. OBJETIVO: Analizar el peso promedio de las mochilas de espalda en estudiantes de educación básica de la comuna de Copiapó. METODOLOGÍA: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con alcance correlacional, la muestra estuvo constituida por 286 estudiantes (139 varones y 147 mujeres) de educación básica, de un establecimiento escolar de la comuna de Copiapó. Se analizó el peso corporal, la altura y el peso de las mochilas durante una semana, mediante una plataforma de fuerza y estadiómetro. RESULTADOS: Se encontró que entre los días lunes a jueves los estudiantes llevaban en su mochila un peso que sobrepasaba el 10/ de su peso corporal. Asimismo, las mochilas de espaldas son las más utilizadas en comparación con las mochilas con ruedas, con un 88,1% de la muestra. Sin embargo, las mochilas de espalda presentaron menor peso al compararlas con las mochilas con ruedas, las cuales tuvieron valores cercanos al 20% del peso corporal. CONCLUSIÓN: La mayoría de los estudiantes transportaban en sus mochilas, pesos que superan el 10% de peso recomendado, siendo las mochilas con rueda las de mayor peso. Se recomienda desarrollar normas establecidas dentro de los colegios, para evitar el traslado de dichas cargas y prevenir alteraciones posturales, biomecánicas y fisiológicas.

INTRODUCTION: Most educational establishments have a full school day, causing the student to carry a greater number of school supplies in their backpack. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the average weight of backpacks in basic education students of the Copiapó district. METHODOLOGY: a descriptive cross-sectional study with correlational scope was carried out, the sample consisted of 286 students (139 men and 147 women) of basic education, from a school in the district of Copiapó. Body weight, height and backpack weight were analyzed for one week, using a force platform and stadiometer. RESULTS: It was found that between Monday and Thursday the students carried a weight in their backpack that exceeded 10% of their body weight. Likewise, backpacks on the back are the most used compared to backpacks with wheels, with 88.1% of the sample. However, the backpacks presented less weight when compared to the backpacks with wheels, which had values close to 20% of body weight. CONCLUSION: Most of the students carried weights in their backpacks that exceed 10% of the recommended weight, with wheeled backpacks being the heaviest. It is recommended to develop established norms within the schools, to avoid the transfer of said loads and prevent postural, biomechanical and physiological alterations.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Students , Weight Lifting/physiology , Lifting , Body Weight , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 56(2): 139-148, abr. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1402951


Resumen La ferritina es una proteína de gran tamaño que se encuentra fisiológicamente en el líquido cefalorraquídeo (LCR) en concentraciones de 2-10 ng/mL. Su elevación puede utilizarse como biomarcador en distintas condiciones patológicas. El procedimiento de validación tradicional para la medición en LCR no puede ser utilizado debido a la ausencia de controles y calibradores comerciales para esta matriz. El objetivo de este trabajo fue llevar a cabo una validación analítica de ferritina en LCR. Se realizaron ensayos de estimación de precisión y veracidad mediante el protocolo EP15-A3, linealidad por el protocolo EP6-A (ambos de la guía de la CLSI), recuperación, estabilidad, contaminación por arrastre, interferencia por hemólisis y bilirrubina y límite de detección (LoD). La ferritina en LCR en el autoanalizador DxI 800 de Beckman Coulter tuvo una performance intra e interensayo <3,7%, el ensayo denota linealidad en el intervalo de 2,1-547 ng/mL; se estableció estabilidad por un período de 5 días y la recuperación resultó ser aceptable. No se evidenció efecto de contaminación por arrastre ni interferencia por hemólisis hasta un rango entre 300-500 mg/dL de hemoglobina, ni interferencia por bilirrubina hasta una concentración de 16,0 mg/dL de bilirrubina total. El LoD fue de 0,4 ng/mL. Por medio de los ensayos realizados se logró validar la ferritina en LCR a partir de la utilización de pools de muestras, lo que pudo garantizar la confiabilidad y exactitud del método analítico.

Abstract Ferritin is a large protein physiologically present in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in concentrations of 2-10 ng/mL. Its elevation can be used as a biomarker in several pathological conditions. The traditional validation procedure for measurement in CSF cannot be used due to the absence of commercial controls and calibrators for this matrix. The objective of the present study was to perform CSF ferritin analytical validation. Assays such as precision and accuracy estimation through the EP15-A3 protocol, linearity according to the EP6-A protocol (both from the CLSI guidelines), recovery, stability, carry-over, hemolysis and bilirubin interference and limit of detection (LoD) were conducted. Serum samples with different concentrations of ferritin were added to aliquots of a normal CSF pool. CSF ferritin in the Beckman Coulter DxI 800 had a <3.7% intra and inter-assay performance, the assay shows linearity in the 2.1 -547 ng/mL interval, stability was established for a 5-day period and the recovery was acceptable. There was neither carry-over effect or hemolysis interference up to a range of 300-500 mg/dL of hemoglobin, nor interference by bilirubin up to 16.0 mg/dL of total bilirubin. The LoD was 0.4 ng/mL. By means of the performed assays, CSF ferritin was validated by using sample pools, thereby ensuring the reliability and accuracy of the analytical method.

Resumo A ferritina é uma grande proteína fisiologicamente encontrada no líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR) em concentrações de 2 a 10 ng/mL. Sua elevação pode ser usada como biomarcador em diferentes condições patológicas. O procedimento de validação tradicional para medição no LCR não pode ser usado devido à ausência de controles e calibradores comerciais para esta matriz. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma validação analítica da ferritina no LCR. Foram realizados estudos de precisão e veracidade utilizando o protocolo EP15-A3, linearidade pelo protocolo EP6-A (ambos das diretrizes do CLSI), recuperação, estabilidade, contaminação transportada, interferência de hemólise e bilirrubina e limite de detecção (LoD). A ferritina no LCR no DxI 800 da Beckman Coulter teve um desempenho intra e inter-ensaio <3,7%, o ensaio denota linearidade na faixa de 2,1-547 ng/mL, a estabilidade foi estabelecida em um período de 5 dias e a recuperação foi considerado aceitável. Nenhum efeito de transporte ou interferência por hemólise foi evidenciado até um intervalo entre 300-500 mg/dL de hemoglobina, nem interferência pela bilirrubina até uma concentração de 16,0 mg/dL de bilirrubina total. O LoD foi de 0,4 ng/mL. Através dos testes realizados, a ferritina no LCR foi validada, com base no uso de pool de amostras, o que poderia garantir a confiabilidade e a acurácia do método analítico.

Cerebrospinal Fluid , Ferritins , Bilirubin , Hemoglobins , Proteins , Lifting , Essay , Serum , Efficiency , Environmental Pollution , Hemolysis , Methods
Braz. dent. sci ; 25(2): 1-13, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1368754


Background: The debonding of crowns and ceramic veneers with laser is already a reality in the clinic. It presents benefits in comparison to traditional removal with the use of a rotating instrument; however, there is still no consolidated protocol and many professionals use it without the necessary scientific basis. Objective: The aim of this work was to perform a literature review on the debonding of indirect ceramic restorations using the Er:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG lasers to provide clinical professionals and the scientific community a careful analysis, and also to guiding the use of irradiation at laser for such procedures. Methods: Bibliographic searches were performed in the following databases: Pubmed, Web of Science and Google Scholar. According to the inclusion criteria adopted, twenty-seven clinical and in vitro studies were selected in the period from 2007 to 2021. In the present work, the composition of the crowns and facets, as well as the types of cement and the laser irradiation protocols adopted in the selected studies is detailed. Conclusions: It was concluded that the use of erbium lasers for debonding of indirect ceramic restorations proved to be more selective and conservative when compared to removal with a rotary diamond instrument. Furthermore, it was shown to be in more efficient in debonding different types of ceramics. However, there are great variations in the "debonding" protocols, which emphasizes the need for further studies that seek to standardize the irradiation protocols considering the different clinical situations (AU)

Antecedentes: A remoção de coroas e facetas cerâmicas com laser já é uma realidade clínica e apresenta benefícios em relação à remoção tradicional com uso de instrumento rotatório diamantado; entretanto, ainda não existe um protocolo consolidado e muitos profissionais o utilizam sem o embasamento científico necessário. Objetivos: O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma revisão da literatura sobre a remoção de restaurações cerâmicas indiretas utilizando os lasers Er:YAG e Er,Cr:YSGG para fornecer uma análise cuidadosa aos profissionais clínicos e à comunidade científica, além de orientar o uso da irradiação a laser para tal aplicação. Métodos: As buscas bibliográficas foram realizadas, nas seguintes bases de dados: Pubmed, Web of Science e Google Scholar. De acordo com os critérios de inclusão adotados, foram selecionados vinte e sete estudos clínicos e in vitro no período de 2007 a 2021. No presente trabalho, a composição das coroas e facetas, bem como os tipos de cimento e os protocolos de irradiação laser adotados nos estudos selecionados foram detalhados. Conclusão: Concluiu-se que o uso dos lasers de érbio para remoção de restaurações cerâmicas indiretas mostrou-se mais seletivo e conservador quando comparado à remoção com instrumento rotatório diamantado, além de ser eficiente na remoção de diferentes tipos de cerâmicas. No entanto, existem grandes variações nos protocolos de "debonding", o que enfatiza a necessidade de novos estudos que busquem uma padronização dos protocolos de irradiação considerando as diferentes situações clínicas.(AU)

Lifting , Crowns , Dental Veneers , Lasers, Solid-State
Braz. dent. sci ; 25(3): 1-6, 2022. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1391034


Hereby, we objectively assessed the outcomes of a facial-lifting procedure with Botulinum toxin type A (BoNT-A) using a 3D stereophotogrammetry quantification (3D-SQ). A 46-year-old female patient received a full face BoNT-A treatment in a total dose of 180 Speywood Units (sU). Frontal, lateral and oblique photographs were taken before and 20 days after treatment, at rest and during mimic movements. Also, a facial scanning was performed before and 20 days after BoNT-A injections. The results were analyzed using a 3D-SQ software. The photographs showed a decrease in expression lines and dynamic wrinkles. In addition, a better-defined jawline and volume gain in the midface area with improvement of the profile appearance, due to the reduction of the sagging skin under the chin, was observed. The 3D-SQ showed volume gains of 1.17 ml on the right and of 1.59 ml on the left cheekbone areas, due to the cranially soft-tissue repositioning. In addition, a decrease in the volume of melomental folds areas (0.27ml on the right and 0.41 ml on the left side) was reported, compatible to the above-mentioned volume gain. Measurements considering cephalometric points showed a decrease in the total facial height (distance from Trichion to Mental points), suggesting a soft tissue dislocation in an upward direction. Finally, this case report showed quantitative results that can evidence the role of BoNT-A in facial- lifting procedures. These results reinforce the importance of using a 3D-SQ to assess the outcomes of BoNT-A and, probably, other aesthetic procedures.(AU)

No presente estudo avaliamos objetivamente os resultados de um procedimento de lifting facial com toxina botulínica tipo A (BoNT-A) usando uma quantificação de estereofotogrametria 3D (3D-SQ). Uma paciente do sexo feminino de 46 anos recebeu um tratamento facial completo com BoNT-A em uma dose total de 180 unidades Speywood (sU). Fotografias frontais, laterais e oblíquas foram tomadas antes e 20 dias após o tratamento, em repouso e durante os movimentos mímicos. Além disso, um escaneamento facial foi realizado antes e 20 dias após as injeções de BoNT-A. Os resultados foram analisados por meio de um software 3D-SQ. As fotografias mostraram uma diminuição das linhas de expressão e rugas dinâmicas. Além disso, observou-se um maxilar mais bem definido e ganho de volume na região média da face com melhora da aparência do perfil, devido à redução da flacidez da pele sob o queixo. O 3D-SQ apresentou ganho de volume de 1,17 ml à direita e 1,59 ml à esquerda, devido ao reposicionamento do tecido mole. Além disso, foi relatada diminuição do volume das áreas do sulco mentual (0,27 ml à direita e 0,41ml à esquerda), compatível com o ganho de volume acima citado. As medidas considerando os pontos cefalométricos mostraram uma diminuição da altura facial total (distância dos pontos Triquion ao Mentual), sugerindo um deslocamento superior dos tecidos moles. Em conclusão, este relato de caso mostrou resultados quantitativos que podem evidenciar o papel da BoNT-A em procedimentos de lifting facial. Esses resultados reforçam a importância da 3D-SQ para avaliar objetivamente os resultados de harmonização orofacial com BoNT-A e outros materiais. (AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Photogrammetry , Lifting , Botulinum Toxins, Type A , Photography, Dental , Neck Muscles
An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 54(3): 167-172, Dec. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352986


La cirugía de correctiva del envejecimiento facial tiene más de un siglo de historia documentada. Los cambios culturales han aumentado el número de operaciones. En Latinoamérica también ha aumentado, y la región ha sido activa en realizar aportes en los conceptos, técnicas y procedimientos complementarios. Además del crecimiento cuantitativo, la comprensión de los planos anatómicos faciales, cambios con la edad y los modos de corregirlos han sido de gran utilidad. Nuestra técnica del lifting cérvico-facial presentan ventajas como seguridad en el plano de disección, ausencia de tracción cicatricial y respeto capilar, proporcionando un resultado final natural de acuerdo a la solicitud de los pacientes

Corrective surgery for facial aging has more than a century of documented history. Cultural changes have increased the number of operations. In Latin America it has also increased, and the region has been active in making contributions in complementary concepts, techniques, and procedures. In addition to quantitative growth, the understanding of facial anatomical planes, changes with age and the ways to correct them have been very useful. Our cervical-facial lifting technique presents advantages such as safety in the dissection plane, absence of scar traction and capillary respect, providing a natural final result according to the request of the patients

Rev. colomb. gastroenterol ; 36(4): 485-493, oct.-dic. 2021. tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360973


Resumen El nuevo coronavirus del síndrome respiratorio agudo grave de tipo 2 (SARS-CoV-2), virus que se ha expandido por todo el mundo, produce una infección respiratoria aguda capaz de producir la muerte; sin embargo, el daño en otros órganos también es frecuente. Diversos estudios han evidenciado alteraciones en pruebas de lesión hepáticas, las cuales se han asociado con enfermedad grave y mayor estancia hospitalaria; así mismo, en la infección por el virus en pacientes con enfermedad hepática preexistente se observó una elevación significativa de las aminotransferasas durante el curso de la enfermedad y mayor riesgo de enfermedad grave. La explicación fisiopatológica de la afectación hepática en estos pacientes abarca el efecto citopático directo producido por la unión del virus a la enzima convertidora de la angiotensina II (ECA-II) a los hepatocitos y colangiocitos, una respuesta inmunitaria desproporcionada y, en algunos casos, la hepatotoxicidad por medicamentos.

Abstract The new severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a virus that has spread around the world, causes an acute respiratory infection and it may also cause death. The damage that can cause in other organs is frequent. Many studies had also shown alterations in liver function tests, that are then related to serious illness and with hospitalization requirements. Moreover, in patients infected with the virus that had underlying liver disease, a significant increase in the level of aminotransferases was observed in the course of the disease. A greater risk of serious illness was also detected. The pathophysiological explanation of liver injury in those patients covers the direct cytopathic effect produced by binding the virus, the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE2) to the hepatocytes and the cholangiocytes, excessive immune response, and in some cases, drug-induced hepatotoxicity.

Humans , Hepatocytes , SARS-CoV-2 , Infections , Literature , Liver , Lifting , Enzymes , Liver Diseases
Odontol. Clín.-Cient ; 20(1): 39-45, jan.-mar. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1367835


O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão de literatura acerca do lifting facial não cirúrgico com fios de PDO, abordando os diferentes tipos, suas indicações, a degradação no organismo, pla no de inserção, contraindicações, vantagens e possíveis complicações. As buscas foram realizadas nas bases de dados Pubmed, Bireme, Scielo, Sumários de Revistas Brasileiras e BVS, selecionan do-se artigos relevantes disponibilizados entre 2005 e 2020. Sendo os descritores utilizados em português e inglês para busca: "Harmonização Facial", "Fios de Sustentação", "Lifting Facial". Após aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, dos 44 artigos encontrados, foram selecionados 16 para esse estudo. O uso dos fios de sustentação facial consiste em um método minimamente inva sivo, indolor, de caráter ambulatorial, anestesia local e efeito imediato. Diante dos possíveis riscos que acompanham o lifting cirúrgico, as pessoas estão buscando por alternativas menos invasivas, como os fios de sustentação. Apesar de não poderem ser considerados como alternativa a cirurgia reparadora convencional, os pacientes muitas vezes acabam optando pelo lifting com fios por se sentirem mais seguros, mesmo com resultados mais modestos. Observou-se que a utilização dos fios de PDO tem demostrado eficácia no rejuvenescimento facial quando bem indicados, apesar da possibilidade de ocorrência de efeitos adversos, normalmente pequenos e passageiros... (AU)

The aim of this study is to perform a literature review about non-surgical facial lifting with PDS threads, addressing its variety of types, indications, organism degradation, insertion plan, contrain dications, advantages and possible complications.The researches were conducted in the Pubmed, Bi reme, Scielo, Sumários de Revistas Brasileiras and BVS data bases, selecting relevant articles available between 2005 and 2020. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, of the 44 articles found, 16 were selected for this study. Being used the following descriptors in Portuguese and English for research purposes: "Facial Harmonization", "Supporti Threads", "Face Lift". The use of facial support threads consists in a minimally invasive, painless, outpatient method, local anesthesia and imme diate effect. Faced with the possible risks that accompany the surgical facelift, people are looking for less invasive alternatives, such as the support wires. Although they cannot be considered as an alternative to conventional reparative surgery, patients often end up opting for a facelift because they feel safer, even with more modest results. It was observed that the use of PDO threads has been shown to be effective in facial rejuvenation when well indicated, despite the possibility of adverse effects, usually small and transient... (AU)

Lifting , Dentistry , Esthetics , Facial Expression
Rev. inf. cient ; 100(2): e3383, mar.-abr. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1251820


RESUMEN Se presentó el caso de una paciente femenina de 40 años de edad que acudió a consulta por presentar aumento de volumen en la región parotídea izquierda. Se realizó ortopantomografía, radiografías simples anteroposterior y lateral de cráneo que revelaron la presencia de una imagen radiolúcida en la región lateral de la rama mandibular izquierda. El diagnóstico clínico fue de osteoma periférico a este nivel, por lo que se realizó remoción quirúrgica total de la lesión. La biopsia confirmó el diagnóstico de osteoma ebúrneo periférico. El osteoma es una neoplasia benigna de tejido óseo, poco frecuente y, rara vez, se localiza de manera aislada en la mandíbula. No se diagnosticaron complicaciones posoperatorias y la paciente mostró satisfacción con la atención estomatológica brindada.

ABSTRACT A 40-year-old female patient came to the consultation due to an increase in volume in the left parotid region. Orthopantomography and simple anteroposterior and lateral skull radiographies were performed, revealing the presence of a radiolucent image in the lateral region of the left mandibular side. The clinical diagnosis at this point was of peripheral osteoma, for which a total surgical removal of the lesion was performed. The biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of peripheral osteoma. An osteoma is a rare benign neoplasm of bone tissue, and is rarely found isolated in the mandible. Postoperative complications were not diagnosed and the patient was satisfied with the dental care provided.

RESUMO Foi apresentado o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino, 40 anos de idade, que compareceu à consulta por aumento de volume na região da parótida esquerda. Foram realizadas ortopantomografia, radiografias simples ântero-posterior e lateral do crânio, que revelaram a presença de imagem radiotransparente na região lateral do ramo mandibular esquerdo. O diagnóstico clínico foi de osteoma periférico a este nível, para o qual foi realizada a remoção cirúrgica total da lesão. A biópsia confirmou o diagnóstico de osteoma periférico ebúrneo. O osteoma é uma neoplasia benigna do tecido ósseo, pouco frequente e raramente localizada de forma isolada na mandíbula. Complicações pós-operatórias não foram diagnosticadas e o paciente ficou satisfeito com o atendimento odontológico prestado.

Humans , Female , Adult , Osteoma/surgery , Osteoma/diagnostic imaging , Mandible/pathology , Rhytidoplasty/methods , Mandibular Neoplasms
Rev. argent. radiol ; 85(2): 41-45, abr. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1288198


Resumen La pancreatitis aguda es una patología inflamatoria del páncreas que se caracteriza por dolor abdominal y elevación de los niveles séricos de amilasa. Desde el punto de vista imagenológico, se la estudia con tomografía computada (TC), siendo esa la modalidad de elección para evaluar la extensión y la localización de las complicaciones. Según la gravedad, el tiempo de evolución y la extensión, hay distintos tipos de complicaciones y una variedad de hallazgos en TC.

Abstract Acute pancreatitis is an inflammatory pathology of the pancreas characterized by abdominal pain and elevated levels of serum amylase. In radiology, it is studied with computed tomography (CT), which is the preferred method to evaluate the extent and location of complications. Depending on the severity, time of evolution, and extent, there are different types of complications and a variety of findings on the CT scan.

Pancreas , Pancreatitis , Tomography , Pathology , Radiology , Time , Abdominal Pain , Lifting , Serum , Selection of the Waste Treatment Site , Gravitation , Amylases , Methods
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-887502


To analyze the collaborative use and separation reasons of lifting-thrusting and twirling reinforcing and reducing manipulation. Lifting-thrusting manipulation and twirling manipulation are two important contents of acupuncture methods. In traditional acupuncture and moxibustion, the two methods were used in reinforcing and reducing concert, which was mainly related to the therapeutic thought guided by the

Humans , Acupuncture Therapy , Lifting , Moxibustion , Needles , Taiwan
Dent. press endod ; 10(3): 69-74, Sept-Dec.2020. Tab, Ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1348002


Objetivos: Avaliar três protocolos de irrigação final para remoção de detritos e material obturador de istmos simulados. Métodos: Setenta e oito pré-molares foram preparados com o sistema WaveOne Gold 45.05. Os dentes foram seccionados longitudinalmente e um istmo padronizado foi confeccionado no terço apical. Seis raízes foram utilizadas como controle negativo. Os espécimes foram randomizados em dois grupos principais (n=36). Trinta e seis raízes tiveram o istmo preenchido com detritos e as outras trinta e seis raízes foram obturadas com guta-percha e cimento endodôntico, por meio da técnica híbrida de Tagger. Cada grupo foi dividido em três subgrupos (n=12), de acordo com o protocolo de irrigação final: Easy Clean; irrigação ultrassônica passiva (PUI); e XP Clean. A ativação do NaOCl 2,5% pelo Easy Clean foi realizada em três ciclos de vinte segundos; e pelo XP Clean, por um minuto em movimento reciprocante e contínuo, respectivamente. No grupo PUI, o irrigante foi ativado em três períodos de vinte segundos. Resultados: Não foi encontrada associação entre os escores de remoção de detritos e os protocolos de irrigação (p=0,165). Foi observada associação entre os escores de remoção do material obturador e os protocolos de irrigação final (p<0,05). Conclusões: Os protocolos de irrigação final foram efetivos para a remoção de detritos, mas não para remoção de material obturador de istmos no terço apical (AU).

This study aimed to assess three final irrigation protocols on debris and filling removal from simulated irregularities. Methods: Seventy-eight mandibular premolars were prepared with WaveOne Gold system 45.05, splitted longitudinally, and a standardized groove was performed in the apical portion of the canals. Six roots served as negative control. The roots were randomly divided into two main groups (n = 36). The grooves were filled with dentin debris in thirty six roots. The others thirty-six were filled with gutta-percha and endodontic sealer using Tagger hybrid technique. Each main group was then divided into three groups (n = 12) according to the final irrigation protocol: Easy Clean, passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI), and XP Clean. In Easy Clean 2.5% NaOCl activation was performed for 3 cycles of 20 seconds and XP Clean for one minute under reciprocating and continuous rotary motion and continuous rotary motion, respectively. In the PUI group, the irrigant was activated in three periods of 20 seconds. Results: No association was found among the scores of debris removal and the irrigation protocols (p = .165). An association was observed among the filling material removal scores and irrigation protocols (p< .05). Conclusion: Easy Clean, PUI and XP Clean were effective for dentin debris removal, but did not for filling material from artificial grooves in the apical third (AU).

Bicuspid , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Efficacy , Lifting
Dent. press endod ; 10(3): 49-55, Sept-Dec.2020. Tab, Ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1344785


Objetivo: O presente estudo usou micro-CT para avaliar a quantidade de material obturador remanescente em canais radiculares curvos que tinham sido obturados com cimento Endosequence BC/Cpoint ou com cimento AH/ guta-percha, depois do retratamento utilizando instrumentos rotatórios ou reciprocantes. Métodos: Sessenta canais mesiovestibulares de molares superiores foram instrumentados até MTwo #35.04. As amostras foram randomicamente alocadas em quatro grupos (n=15): os canais do G1 e G2 foram obturados com AH/guta-percha, e os canais do G3 e G4 foram obturados com BC/Cpoint. O material obturador foi removido usando instrumentos rotatórios ou reciprocantes ­ G1 e G3: R25 Reciproc + reinstrumentação com R40; e G2 e G4: Sistema ProTaper Universal Retratamento + reinstrumentação com MTwo 40.06. Micro-CTs foram usadas para medir a quantidade de material obturador remanescente (mm3 ) para o canal inteiro e para cada terço, em dois momentos: 1) após a remoção do material obturador; e 2) após a reinstrumentação. Resultados: Após a remoção do material obturador, BC/CPoint permaneceu mais dentro do canal do que AH/guta-percha quando o canal inteiro (29,92% x 19,25%, p=0,0290) e o terço apical foram analisados. Após a reinstrumentação, BC/CPoint permaneceu mais do que AH/guta-percha somente no terço apical. Protocolos de tratamento com instrumentos rotatórios ou reciprocantes removeram material obturador sem diferença para AH/guta-percha (G1 e G2: p> 0,05) e BC/CPoint (G3 e G4: p> 0,05). Conclusões: BC/Cpoint é mais difícil de ser removido de canais radiculares curvos do que AH/guta-percha. Instrumentos rotatórios e reciprocantes têm habilidade similar na remoção de material obturador (AU).

Objective: This study used micro-CT to evaluate the amount of remaining filling material in curved root canals obturated with Endosequence BC Sealer/Cpoint or AH/gutta-percha after a rotary or reciprocating retreatment. Methods: Sixty mesiobuccal canals of maxillary molars were instrumented up to MTwo #35.04. Samples were randomly assigned to four groups (n=15): canals from G1 and G2 were filled with AH/gutta-percha, and canals from G3 and G4 were filled with BC/Cpoint. Filling material was removed using rotary or reciprocating instruments: G1 and G3: R25 Reciproc + re-shaping with R40; and G2 and G4: ProTaper Universal Retreatment system + re-shaping with MTwo 40.06. Micro-CT was used to measure the remaining amount of filling material (mm3 ), for the whole canal, and for each third, in two moments: 1) after filling removal and 2) after canal re-shaping. Results: After filling removal, BC/CPoint remained more into the canal than AH/Gutta-percha when the whole canal (29.92% x 19.25%, p = 0.0290) and the apical third were analyzed. After re-shaping, BC/CPoint remained more than AH/Gutta-percha only in the apical third. Rotary or reciprocating retreatment protocols removed filling material without difference for AH/gutta-percha (G1 and G2: p > 0.05) and BC/CPoint (G3 and G4: p > 0.05). Conclusion: BC/Cpoint is more difficult to be removed from curved root canals than AH/gutta-percha. Reciprocating and rotary instruments have similar ability to remove filling material (AU).

Root Canal Filling Materials , Biofilms , Dental Instruments , X-Ray Microtomography , Lifting , Retreatment , Gutta-Percha , Molar
Rev. colomb. gastroenterol ; 35(3): 319-328, jul.-set. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138789


Resumen Introducción: la coledocolitiasis (CDL) afecta al 10 % de los pacientes con cálculos en la vesícula biliar. La obstrucción del colédoco se asocia a pancreatitis, colangitis y ruptura del colédoco. Clásicamente, la obstrucción biliar es considerada cuando se aumentan la fosfatasa alcalina, la γ-glutamil-transpeptidasa (GGTP) y las bilirrubinas. En la última década, se ha encontrado que hasta un 10 % de los pacientes con CDL presentan elevaciones de las aminotransferasas. En Latinoamérica, no se ha estudiado esta alteración. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la prevalencia de la elevación de transaminasas y su evolución. Metodología: estudio de casos y controles. Se determinó la alanina aminotransferasa (ALT) al ingreso, a las 48 h y a las 72 h. Si la ecografía era normal, se realizó una colangiorresonancia o una ecoendoscopia, así como una colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica (CPRE) cuando fue necesario. Resultados: se incluyeron 72 pacientes con CDL (casos) y 128 con colecistitis, sin CDL (controles). En los casos, el 83 % tuvo un aumento de ALT, mientras que el 56,9 % presentó una elevación de 2-9 veces, el 16 %, de 10-20 veces, y el 8,3 % mostró una elevación >20 veces. En contraste, a las 48 h, las ALT descendieron al 30 % y a las 72 h al 56 %. Entre tanto, en los controles hubo un aumento de ALT en el 27,3 %, mientras que en el 15,6 % se observó una elevación de 2-9 veces, en el 7,8 %, de 10-20 veces, y >20 veces en el 2,9 %. La combinación de cólico biliar y la elevación de ALT tuvo un valor predictivo positivo (VPP) para CDL del 72 %, así como un valor predictivo negativo (VPN) del 87,7 %. Conclusión: cuando hay un cólico biliar y una elevación de ALT es imperativo descartar una CDL, y si la ecografía es normal, es necesario realizar una colangiorresonancia o una ecoendoscopia biliopancreática.

Abstract Introduction: Choledocolithiasis (CLD) affects 10% of patients with gallstones. Bile duct obstruction is associated with pancreatitis, cholangitis, and rupture of the common bile duct. This condition usually presents with increased alkaline phosphatase, GGTP and bilirubin levels. In the last decade, it has been found that up to 10% of patients with CLD have elevated aminotransferases levels. In Latin America, this alteration has not been studied. The aim of the present work was to determine the prevalence of transaminase elevation and its evolution. Methodology: Case-control study. ALT was measured on admission, at 48 h and at 72 h. If ultrasound was normal, MRCP and/or echo-endoscopy and ERCP were performed, as appropriate. Results: A total of 72 patients with choledocholithiasis (CLD) (cases) and 128 with cholecystitis without choledocholithiasis (controls) were included. Among the cases, 83% had increased ALT levels, which was 2-9 times higher in 56.9%, 10-20 times higher in 16%, and more than 20 times higher in 8.3%. At 48 hours, those levels decreased by 30% and at 72 hours by 56%. In turn, in 27.3% of the controls, ALT was 2-9 times higher in 15.6%, 10-20 times higher in 7.8% and more than 20 times higher in 2.9%. The combination of biliary colic and ALT elevation had a positive predictive value (PPV) for CLD of 72% and a negative predictive value (NPV) of 87.7%. Conclusion: When biliary colic and ALT elevation are reported, it is imperative to rule out choledocholithiasis. If the ultrasound is normal, MRCP and/or biliopancreatic endoscopy should be performed.

Humans , Case-Control Studies , Cholangiopancreatography, Endoscopic Retrograde , Lifting , Choledocholithiasis , Diagnosis , Alanine Transaminase , Transaminases , Colic , Endosonography
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 20(1): 27-29, jan.-mar. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1253536


Introdução: Todo tipo de trauma facial requer uma avaliação detalhada, a fim de compreender o histórico da lesão e possíveis sequelas. O trauma óculo-orbital não está entre as lesões mais frequentes na epidemiologia do trauma facial, embora esteja associado a altos índices de morbidade e sequelas graves, sendo necessário um acompanhamento multidisciplinar. O objetivo do presente estudo foi relatar um caso clínico de trauma óculo-orbitário severo ocasionado por arma de fogo. Relato do caso: Paciente de 19 anos foi atendido em um serviço de cirurgia bucomaxilofacial, vítima de trauma por arma de fogo, com a presença de um objeto metálico incomum na órbita esquerda e região temporal. Exame clínico e tomografia computadorizada foram realizados, confirmando uma trajetória extracraniana do objeto. O paciente foi submetido à cirurgia sob anestesia geral, e o objeto foi removido pelo orifício de entrada na região orbitária esquerda. Após avaliação oftalmológica, as funções do olho esquerdo não puderam ser recuperadas. Considerações Finais: O diagnóstico correto e o tratamento rápido são imperativos para restaurar a função e a estética agradável na região traumatizada... (AU)

Introduction: Any type of facial trauma requires a detailed evaluation in order to understand lesion history and possible sequelae. Oculoorbital trauma is not between the most frequent injuries within facial trauma epidemiology, although, it is associated to high morbidity rates and severe sequelae, so that a multidisciplinary follow-up is necessary. To report a clinic case of severe oculo-orbital trauma caused by firearm. Case Report: Patient, 19 years-old, attended the oral and maxillofacial surgery service victim of trauma by gunshot with the presence of an unusual metallic object in the left orbit and temporal region. Clinical exam and computed tomography scan were performed, confirming an extra-cranial trajectory of the object. Patient was submitted to surgery under general anesthesia and the object was removed through the entrance orifice in the left orbital region. After ophthalmologic evaluation, functions of the left eye could not be recovered. Final considerations: Correct diagnosis and rapid treatment are imperative to restore function and pleasant esthetics in the traumatized region... (AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Orbit , Temporal Lobe , Wounds and Injuries , Wounds, Gunshot , Eye Injuries , Lifting , Facial Injuries , Foreign Bodies , Tomography
Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 27(3): 186-188, May-June 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1289210


Resumen La troponina cardiaca es el marcador bioquímico más sensible y específico de daño/necrosis miocárdica, de ahí que desempeñe un papel crucial en el diagnóstico del síndrome coronario agudo. Sin embargo, en ocasiones, como en el caso clínico que se describirá, la elevación anormal de troponina no siempre obedece a un síndrome coronario agudo trombótico, sino a causa cardiaca sin enfermedad coronaria significativa, causa extracardiaca o alteración analítica (verdaderos falsos positivos). El interés de este caso radica en que siempre debería tenerse en mente la posibilidad de que se produzca un falso positivo de troponina por causa analítica, en especial en situaciones clínicas sin una razón obvia de daño miocárdico y cuando no sea evidente la confirmación de daño miocárdico mediante pruebas complementarias.

Abstract Cardiac troponin is the most sensitive and specific biochemical marker for myocardial damage / necrosis, and thus has a crucial role in the diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome. However, occasionally, as in the clinical case that will be described, the abnormal elevation of troponin does not always obey that of an acute coronary syndrome, but also to a cardiac cause with no significant coronary disease, extra-cardiac cause, or analytical change (true false positives). The interest in this case lies in that it should always be borne in mind that a false positive troponin can be produced due to an analytical cause. This can be the case in clinical situations with no obvious reason for myocardial damage and when the confirmation of myocardial damage may not be evident using complementary tests.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Troponin I , False Positive Reactions , Lifting , Coronary Disease , Acute Coronary Syndrome