Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino de 15 años con diagnóstico de fibrosis quística. Este desarrolló una sintomatología caracterizada por tos húmeda, no cianozante ni emetizante, sin un patrón temporal específico. Asociado a esto, nuevas lesiones nodulares bilaterales fueron identificadas en una tomografía de tórax. El abordaje diagnóstico incluyó una broncoscopia y la toma de un lavado broncoalveolar, que identificó la presencia de un microorganismo micótico poco común: Penicillium spp. Se inició tratamiento con voriconazol oral durante 14 días, resultando en una mejora clínica y radiológica significativa. El cultivo de expectoración posterior mostró un resultado negativo para Penicillium spp. Aunque la incidencia de exacerbaciones pulmonares causadas por agentes micóticos en pacientes con fibrosis quística es relativamente baja, se observa un incremento gradual, posiblemente relacionado con el uso prolongado de antimicrobianos de amplio espectro. La importancia de reportar este caso radica en el papel incierto que estos microorganismos juegan en la progresión del daño pulmonar, subrayando la necesidad de un seguimiento a mediano y largo plazo en estos pacientes.
This report discusses a 15-year-old male patient diagnosed with cystic fibrosis who developed clinical symptoms characterized by productive cough, not associated with cyanosis or vomiting, and without a specific time pattern. Associated with these symptoms, new bilateral nodular lesions were identified in a chest CT scan. Diagnostic approach included bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage, which identified a rare fungal organism: Penicillium spp. Treatment with oral voriconazole for 14 days was initiated, resulting in significant clinical and radiological improvement. Subsequent sputum culture showed a negative result for Penicillium spp. Although the incidence of pulmonary exacerbations caused by fungal agents in patients with cystic fibrosis is relatively low, there is a gradual increase, possibly related to the prolonged use of broad-spectrum antimicrobials. The importance of reporting this case lies in the uncertain role these organisms play in the progression of lung damage, highlighting the need for medium and long-term follow-up in these patients.
Humans , Male , Adolescent , Cystic Fibrosis/complications , Lung Diseases, Fungal/diagnosis , Lung Diseases, Fungal/drug therapy , Penicillium , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Voriconazole/administration & dosage , Lung Diseases, Fungal/diagnostic imaging , Antifungal Agents/administration & dosageABSTRACT
En todo el mundo, los cambios climáticos y estilo de vida han resultado en un cambio de ambientes de aire libre a ambientes herméticos y energéticamente eficientes en el hogar y en los lugares de trabajo, donde las personas pasan parte sustancial de su tiempo. En esos entornos, el mantenimiento inadecuado de los aparatos de aire acondicionado, el diseño deficiente de edificio o de los hogares, y las actividades de sus ocupantes pueden dar lugar a condiciones de salud precaria, que pueden incluir enfermedades respiratorias. Bajo un estudio descriptivo, de cohorte transversal, se evaluaron 104 residencias familiares tipo apartamento con sistemas de aclimatización tipo Split en las habitaciones de descanso. Se obtuvieron resultados positivos para dermatofitos en 34 de las 104 muestras (33,65%), mientras que los hongos filamentosos y levaduras fueron 27 casos (25,96%). La concentración osciló entre 17 y 227 UFC/m3 y de 9 a 46 UFC/m3 para dermatofitos y para filamentosos y levaduras, respectivamente. Las especies de hongos dermatofitos aislados en el aire fueron Trichophyton rubrum y Trichophyton mentagrophytes, siendo el más frecuente fue el Trichophyton rubrum que apareció en el 73,52% de las muestras positivas, representamdo una frecuencia de ocurrencia de 24,04%; en ninguna de las muestras se observaron colonias mixtas con ambas especies a la vez. En el grupo de los no dermatofitos, el Penicillium spp. se presento en 10,58% de las muestras evaluadas, siendo el hongo mas prevalente de este grupo, con contajes que alcanzaron hasta 46 UFC/m3. Este grupo en los 27 positivos, se evidencio al menos dos especies de hongos y adicionalmente en 14 casos una levadura. Este estudio demostró que el no aplicar las medidas correctivas y sistema de limpieza de los aires acondiconados puede comprometer la salud de sus habitantes, especialmente por problemas respiratorios, por la presencia de hongos(AU)
Throughout the world, climate and lifestyle changes have resulted in a shift from outdoor environments to airtight and energy-efficient environments at home and in workplaces, where people spend a substantial part of their time. In these environments, inadequate maintenance of air conditioners, poor building or home design, and the activities of its occupants can lead to poor health conditions, which may include respiratory diseases. Under a descriptive, cross-sectional cohort study, 104 apartment-type family residences with acclimatization systems in Split-type rest rooms were evaluated. Positive results for dermatophytes were obtained in 34 of the 104 samples (33.65%), while filamentous fungi and yeasts were 27 cases (25.96%). The concentration ranged between 17 and 227 CFU/m3 and from 9 to 46 CFU/m3 for dermatophytes and for filamentous and yeasts, respectively. The species of dermatophyte fungi isolated in the air were Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes, the most frequent being Trichophyton rubrum, which appeared in 73.52% of the positive samples, representing a frequency of occurrence of 24.04%; mixed colonies with both species at the same time were not observed in any of the samples. In the group of non-dermatophytes, Penicillium spp. it was present in 10.58% of the evaluated samples, being the most prevalent fungus of this group, with counts that reached up to 46 CFU/m3. This group in the 27 positives, evidenced at least two species of fungi and additionally in 14 cases a yeast. This study showed that not applying corrective measures and the air conditioning cleaning system can compromise the health of its inhabitants, especially due to respiratory problems, due to the presence of fungi
Environmental Monitoring , Sick Building Syndrome , Air Conditioning , Life Style , Lung Diseases, Fungal , Aspergillosis , Aspergillus fumigatus , Climate Change , Equipment Maintenance , FungiABSTRACT
En diciembre de 2019 se identificó en Wuhan, China, un nuevo coronavirus denominado SARS-CoV-2, agente causal de la epidemia de neumonía atípica COVID-2019, que el 11 de marzo de 2020 fue declarada pandemia por la OMS.Hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2020, en Argentina fueron confirmados 751.001 casos y más de 16.937 muertes.La frecuencia y el impacto de las coinfecciones que afectan a los pacientes infectados por SARS-Cov-2 se ha estudiado junto con el avance de la pandemia. Entre las debidas a hongos se encuentran las fungemias por Candida sp, la aspergilosis invasora, las micosis sistémicas endémicas y la neumocistosis. Presentamos las distintas coinfecciones micosis-COVID-19 que fueron asistidas en nuestra institución entre abril y septiembre de 2020, y se realiza un análisis de las características de estas infecciones en pacientes con y sin sida. En este período se internaron 2837 pacientes, 2287 tuvieron diagnóstico confirmado de COVID-19. La coinfección de COVID-19 con micosis pulmonares o sistémicas fue menor al 1%.Dieciocho pacientes presentaron infecciones fúngicas pulmonares o sistémicas. Ocho padecieron candidemias, cinco criptococosis meningeas, dos histoplasmosis, dos aspergilosis invasoras agudas probables y una aspergilosis pulmonar crónica. La estadía prolongada en terapia intensiva facilitó las fungemias por Candida sp, los casos de histoplasmosis y criptococosis parecen relacionarse con la enfermedad avanzada por VIH y no con COVID-19. Los enfermos con un componente inflamatorio basal alto con neumonía grave por coronavirus se relacionan más con micosis invasoras que los enfermos VIH positivos con niveles bajos de LTCD4+
On December 2019 a new coronavirus (SARS-CoV2) result in atypical pneumonía epidemic, it was identified in Wuhan China and it was called COVID-19. Then on March 11 was declared pandemic by the WHO.Until September 30, 2020 in Argentina 751,001 cases and more than 16,937 deaths have been confirmed. The frequency and impact of co-infections affecting SARS-Cov2 infected patients has been studied with the advance of the pandemic. Among those due to fungi are Candida sp fungemias, invasive aspergillosis, endemic systemic mycoses, and pneumocystosis.We present the different mycosis-COVID-19 co-infections that were assisted in F. J. Muñiz Hospital between April and September of this year and review the characteristics of these infections in patients with and without AIDS is carried out.In this period, 2,837 patients were admitted in the Muñiz hospital, 2,287 had a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19.Co-infection of COVID-19 with pulmonary or systemic mycoses was less than 1%.Eighteen patients had pulmonary or systemic fungal infections. Eight suffered from candidemia, five meningeal cryptococcosis, two histoplasmosis, two probable acute invasive aspergillosis, and one chronic pulmonary aspergillosis.Prolonged stay in intensive care facilitated fungemia due to Candida sp. Histoplasmosis and cryptococcosis cases seem to be related to advanced HIV disease and not to COVID-19.Patients with a high baseline inflammatory component with severe coronavirus pneumonia are more associated with invasive mycoses than HIV-positive patients with low levels of LTCD4 +
Humans , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies , Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis/microbiology , Candidemia/microbiology , Coinfection , Lung Diseases, Fungal/microbiologyABSTRACT
Objective To analyze the CT characteristics of consolidation type of pulmonary cryptococcosis in immunocompetent patients,and thus improve the diagnosis of this disease. Methods A total of 20 cases with consolidation-type pulmonary cryptococcosis confirmed by pathological examinations were studied.Each patient underwent breath-hold multislice spiral CT,and 10 patients underwent contrast enhanced CT.The data including lesion number,lesion distribution,lesion density,performance of enhanced CT scan,accompanying signs,and prognosis were analyzed. Results The occurrence rates of single and multiple lesions were 80.0%(n=16)and 20.0%(n=4),respectively.In all the 16 multiple-lesion patients,the occurrence rate of unilateral lobar distribution was 56.0%(n=9).The 76 measurable lesions mainly presented subpleural distribution(71.1%,n=54)and lower pulmonary distribution(75.0%,n=57).A total of 39 lesions were detected in the 10 patients received contrast enhanced CT,in which 31 lesions(79.5%)showed homogeneous enhancement,34 lesions(87.2%)showed moderate enhancement,and all the lesions manifested angiogram sign.Consolidation lesions were accompanied by many CT signs,of which air bronchogram sign had the occurrence rate of 63.2%(n=48),including types Ⅲ(n =37)and Ⅳ(n=11).Other signs included halo signs(43/76,56.6%),vacuoles or cavities(9/76,11.8%),pleural thickening(14/20,70.0%),and pleural effusion(2/20,10.0%).After treatment,the lesions of 7 patients were basically absorbed and eventually existed in the form of fibrosis. Conclusions The lesions in the immunocompetent patients with consolidation type of pulmonary cryptococcosis usually occur in the lower lobe and close to the pleura,mainly presenting unilateral distribution.The CT angiogram signs,proximal air bronchogram signs,and halo signs are the main features of this disease,which contribute to the diagnosis.
Humans , COVID-19 , Cryptococcosis/diagnostic imaging , Lung , Lung Diseases, Fungal/diagnostic imaging , Retrospective Studies , Tomography, X-Ray ComputedABSTRACT
Diabetes mellitus (DM) compreende um conjunto de doenças metabólicas de grande importância e incidência mundial. Nele, o DM do tipo 1 é caracterizado pela destruição de células pancreáticas produtoras de insulina, e dentre seus sintomas, a disfunção imunológica relacionada à falta de insulina foi observada por diversos estudos, descrevendo pacientes diabéticos como mais susceptíveis a infecções e complicações decorrentes destas. Paracoccidioidomicose (PCM) é uma enfermidade sistêmica causada por fungos da espécie Paracoccidioides sp., bastante importante no Brasil e endêmica em toda a América Latina. Este trabalho utiliza um modelo de carência relativa de insulina (DM experimental) para estudar a intervenção da insulina em um modelo de micose pulmonar causada por P. brasiliensis, analisando o processo de migração celular (expressão de moléculas de adesão por imunohistoquímica e fenótipo dos leucócitos do pulmão por citometria de fluxo), os mecanismos moleculares (produção/liberação de citocinas por cytometric bead array), intracelulares (vias de sinalização por Western blot), e a atividade fagocítica e microbicida dos macrófagos alveolares. Em resultados observamos que, comparados aos não-diabéticos, camundongos tornados diabéticos apresentam maior susceptibilidade evidenciada por menor atividade fagocítica e reduzidas secreções de interferon-γ e de interleucina-12 na fase inicial da inflamação, que leva a uma resposta menos efetiva com menor expressão de molécula de adesão de células vasculares, reduzidas populações de linfócitos TCD4+, TCD8+, células natural killer, culminando em inflamação crônica resultante da proliferação aumentada do fungo nos pulmões (aumento de interferon-γ e fator necrótico tumoral-ß). Vemos ainda que o tratamento de insulina em animais diabéticos restaurou as secreções de citocinas pró-inflamatórias e a atividade fagocítica de macrófagos em 24 horas de infecção, e aumentou a celularidade, a expressão de moléculas de adesão de células vasculares-1 e restaurou as populações de linfócitos B, de células natural killer e de células coestimuladas por CD80, além de reduzir a inflamação crônica no pulmão. Estes dados em conjunto nos permitem inferir que a insulina modulou o ambiente inflamatório de animais tornados diabéticos de formas diferentes em estágios iniciais e tardios da infecção pelo isolado Pb18 do Paracoccidioides brasiliensis
Diabetes mellitus comprehends a group of metabolic diseases of great importance and incidence worldwide. Type 1 diabetes mellitus is characterized by destruction of insulin producing-pancreatic cells and, among its symptoms, an impaired immunological function has been observed in many studies having diabetic patients described as more susceptible to infections and complications resulted of them. Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic disease caused by fungi of Paracoccidioides spp. , also of great importance in Brazil and endemic in the whole Latin America. This work uses a model of experimental T1DM to investigate the intervention of insulin in a model of murine PCM induced by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, analyzing the process of cell migration (adhesion molecules expression, leukocyte phenotyping), molecular mechanisms (production and secretion of cytokines), intracellular mechanisms (signaling pathways) and phagocytic and microbicidal activities in alveolar macrophages. In results, compared to controls, we observed higher susceptibility in diabetic mice to PCM, evidenced by reduced phagocytic activity and reduced levels of interferon-γ and interleukin-12 on initial stages of infection, and a less effective inflammation with lesser expression of adhesion molecules, reduced migration of TCD4+, TCD8+, NK cells and B lymphocytes, resulting in chronic inflammation caused by higher fungal proliferation in lungs (higher interferon-γ and tumours necrosis factor-α levels). In addition, we saw treatment with insulin in diabetic animals restored secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and phagocytic activity on early stages and allowed higher cellularity, higher expression of vascular cells adhesion molecule-1 and restored populations of B lymphocytes, NK cells and the expression of costimularoty molecule CD80, also reducing the chronic inflammation in lungs. Taken together, these data lead us to suggest insulin modulated the inflammatory microenvironment in lungs of mice rendered diabetic, in different forms on earlier and later stages of an infection by Pb18 isolate
Animals , Male , Mice , Paracoccidioidomycosis/complications , Cytokines , Insulin/analysis , Lung , Lung Diseases, Fungal/drug therapy , Signs and Symptoms , Blotting, Western/instrumentation , Flow Cytometry/instrumentation , Lung Diseases, Fungal , Anti-Infective Agents/administration & dosageABSTRACT
A forma extracutânea pulmonar da esporotricose, uma infecção causada por espécies geneticamente distintas de um fungo dimórfico do gênero Sporothrix, é rara, com poucos casos relatados na literatura. Trata-se de um caso de uma mulher de 55 anos, residente da região do Barreiro de Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais, que buscou o serviço de infectologia de um hospital público de Belo Horizonte com história de emagrecimento, dispneia aos pequenos esforços, tosse crônica e calafrios vespertinos de três anos de evolução. Foi tratada para pneumonia bacteriana, em cinco ocasiões, sem melhora clínica. Apresentou tomografia computadorizada de tórax com cavitação residual e lesões escavadas pulmonares. A paciente foi internada com quadro de dispneia aos pequenos esforços, tosse e expectoração purulenta, sendo sua cultura de escarro positiva para Sporothrix spp. Foi instituído o tratamento padrão ouro para esporotricose pulmonar, inicialmente, com itraconazol, 200 mg, duas vezes ao dia, entretanto, após 10 meses, a melhora clínica e radiológica não foi satisfatória e optou-se pela internação a administração de anfotericina B complexo lipídico endovenosa 4 mg/kg/dia. Em menos de 1 mês a paciente apresentou piora do quadro e evoluiu a óbito, apesar de ter recebido 2g de dose acumulada de anfotericina
The pulmonary extracutaneous form of sporotrichosis, an infection caused by genetically distinct species of a dimorphic fungus of the genus Sporothrix, is rare, with few cases reported in the literature. This is a case of a 55-year-old woman, resident of the Barreiro region in Belo Horizonte/ Minas Gerais, who sought the infectious disease service of a public hospital in Belo Horizonte with a history of weight loss, dyspnea at small efforts, chronic cough and three-year-old vespertinus chills. She was treated for bacterial pneumonia on five occasions without clinical improvement. He presented computed tomography of the chest with residual cavitation and excavated pulmonary lesions. The patient was hospitalized with dyspnea on small efforts, cough and purulent sputum, and her sputum culture was positive for Sporothrix spp. The gold standard treatment for pulmonary sporotrichosis was instituted, initially with itraconazole, 200 mg twice a day, however, after 10 months, the clinical and radiological improvement was not satisfactory and the administration of intravenous amphotericin B lipid complex 4 mg/kg/day was chosen. In less than 1 month the patient presented worsening of the condition and died, despite receiving 2g of accumulated dose of amphotericin B lipid complex.
Female , Middle Aged , Sporotrichosis , Immunocompetence , Lung Diseases, Fungal , Tobacco Use Disorder/complications , Immunosuppression Therapy/adverse effectsSubject(s)
Humans , Female , Adult , Cryptococcosis/pathology , Dermatomycoses/pathology , Lung Diseases, Fungal/pathology , Fluconazole/therapeutic use , Amphotericin B/therapeutic use , Treatment Outcome , Cryptococcosis/drug therapy , Dermatomycoses/drug therapy , Ear Diseases/microbiology , Lung Diseases, Fungal/drug therapy , Antifungal Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Mucormycosis is an increasingly frequent, difficult to diagnose, difficult to treat, often fatal infection, especially in patients with hyperglycemia from uncontrolled diabetes. Type I (von Gierke) glycogen storage disease is due to inherited deficiency of enzymes in glycogen metabolism, which causes hypoglycemia. This report is the case of a patient with von Gierke disease and a missed diagnosis of pulmonary mucormycosis. This report illustrates the importance of having a high index of suspicion for mucormycosis in the appropriate clinical context.
Humans , Female , Adult , Glycogen Storage Disease Type I/pathology , Lung Diseases, Fungal/pathology , Mucormycosis/pathology , Autopsy , Fatal Outcome , Diagnosis, DifferentialABSTRACT
At present, there is no specific treatment for primary ciliary dyskinesia, nor controlled and randomized clinical trials to determine how the management and monitoring of these patients should be considered. The therapeutic options are extrapolated from other diseases, such as cystic fibrosis, or non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis. However, the implementation of specific groups of experts, both in the USA (PDC-foundation) and in Europe (BESTCILIA or BEAT-PD), are helping to increase knowledge of the disease, opening research channels and seeking new treatments. Until we have therapies capable of correcting the basic defect of the disease, the pillars of treatment are the daily cleansing of the airways and aggressive antibiotherapy against respiratory infections. Multidisciplinary care in specialized centers where pulmonary function is monitored and the infection is prevented and treated will improve, as in cystic fibrosis, the results of patients.
En la actualidad no existe un tratamiento específico para la discinesia ciliar primaria, ni se cuenta con ensayos clínicos controlados y randomizados que permitan determinar cómo debe plantearse el manejo y seguimiento de estos pacientes. Las opciones terapéuticas son extrapoladas de otras enfermedades, como la fibrosis quística, o las bronquiectasias no fibrosis quística. Sin embargo, la puesta en marcha de grupos específicos de expertos, tanto en USA (PDC-foundation) como en Europa (BESTCILIA o BEAT-PD), están permitiendo incrementar el conocimiento de la enfermedad, abriendo vías de investigación y buscando nuevos tratamientos. Hasta contar con terapias capaces de corregir el defecto básico de la enfermedad, los pilares del tratamiento son la limpieza diaria de las vías aéreas y la antibioterapia agresiva frente a las infecciones respiratorias. La atención multidisciplinar en centros especializados donde se monitorice la función pulmonar y se prevengan y traten las infecciones mejorará, como en la fibrosis quística, los resultados de los pacientes.
Humans , Kartagener Syndrome/diagnosis , Kartagener Syndrome/physiopathology , Kartagener Syndrome/genetics , Kartagener Syndrome/therapy , Respiratory Tract Infections/drug therapy , Follow-Up Studies , Lung Diseases/physiopathology , Lung Diseases/therapy , Lung Diseases, FungalABSTRACT
Pulmonary cryptococcosis(PC)is a fungal infection that can be easily misdiagnosed due to its non-specific clinical features and imaging findings.This article reviews the imaging findings of PC,their relationships with pathology and immune status,and differential diagnosis of PC with other disease,so as to improve the clinical management of PC.
Humans , Cryptococcosis , Diagnosis, Differential , Lung Diseases, Fungal , Tomography, X-Ray ComputedABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To study the clinical features of children with bronchial asthma complicated by pulmonary fungal infection and the risk factors for pulmonary fungal infection.@*METHODS@#A retrospective analysis was performed for the clinical data of 150 children with bronchial asthma who were admitted from January 2015 to June 2018. Among these children, 75 had pulmonary fungal infection (fungal infection group) and 75 did not have such infection (control group). The distribution of pathogenic fungi, clinical symptoms/signs and treatment outcome were recorded for the fungal infection group. The multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to investigate the risk factors for pulmonary fungal infection.@*RESULTS@#A total of 69 pathogenic fungi were detected in 75 children in the fungal infection group, among which Candida albicans had the highest detection rate of 61%. Major clinical symptoms were cough (93%), persistent high fever (56%), wheezing (49%) and dyspnea (48%). Major signs were dry and moist rales (43%) and moist rales (29%). Parts of children had hepatosplenomegaly. Among the 75 children in the fungal infection group, 39 were markedly improved, 26 were improved, 7 had no response, and 3 experienced aggravation and then died. Age 3 times during hospitalization, intravenous administration of glucocorticoids, non-rational use of antibiotics, mechanical ventilation and prolonged hospital stay were independent risk factors for pulmonary fungal infection in children with asthma (OR=4.865, 3.241, 2.255, 3.725, 3.568, 1.549, 3.808; P3 times during hospitalization, intravenous administration of glucocorticoids, non-rational use of antibiotics, mechanical ventilation or prolonged hospital stay have a higher risk for secondary pulmonary fungal infection.
Child , Humans , Asthma , Lung Diseases, Fungal , Retrospective Studies , Rhinitis, Allergic , Risk FactorsABSTRACT
Introducción. La infección por Aspergillus spp. representa un reto diagnóstico y terapéutico para el clínico, puesto que existe un número aproximado de 180 especies. El pulmón es el principal órgano afectado por el Aspergillus debido a la alta capacidad esporulativa de este hongo y a que sus conidias son lo suficientemente pequeñas para poder alcanzar el alveolo. Caso. Mujer de 41 años de edad con antecedente de lupus eritematoso sistémico, ingresó con un cuadro de disfagia, en el cual se confirmó la presencia de síndrome de sobreposición mediante perfil inmunológico. Posteriormente, mediante estudio imagenológico, realizado por tener tos y disnea, se encontró la presencia de una masa ovoidea en hemitórax derecho y al realizar una fibrobroncoscopia se evidenció que dicha lesión era compatible con un aspergiloma, por lo que se dio manejo antifún-gico con una evolución clínica adecuada.Conclusión. El aspergiloma se presenta como una masa voluminosa constituida por filamentos mi-celiales, la cual se puede confundir con múltiples patologías principalmente de tipo tumoral, por lo que es necesario realizar biopsia de la misma
Introduction. For clinicians, Aspergillus spp. infection represents a diagnostic and therapeutic cha-llenge, since there are around of 180 species. Lung is the main affected organ by Aspergillus infection due to the high sporulative capacity of this fungus, and because its conidia are small, enough to reach the alveolus. Case. A 41-years-old patient with a history of systemic lupus erythematosus, was admitted with dysphagia, and an immunological pool confirmed the presence of an overlap syndrome. Later, due to symptoms of cough and dyspnea, an ovoid mass was found by imaging and fibrobronchoscopy, which showed that this lesion was compatible with aspergilloma, so antifungal therapy was given with an adequate clinical progression. Conclusions. Aspergilloma is a voluminous mass constituted by mycelial filaments, which can be confused with multiple pathologies, mainly of the tumor type, which is why it is necessary to perform a biopsy of it.
Introdução. As infecções causadas pelo fungo Aspergillus spp. representam um desafio diagnóstico e terapêutico para o clínico, uma vez que existe um número aproximado de 180 espécies. O pulmão é o principal órgão afetado por Aspergillus devido à alta capacidade esporulativa deste fungo, pois seus conídios são pequenos o suficiente para atingir o alvéolo.Caso. Mulher de 41 anos com história de lúpus eritematoso sistêmico, foi admitida com disfagia, a presença da síndrome de sobreposição foi confirmada pelo perfil imunológico. Posteriormente, por meio de um estudo de imagem, realizado devido à tosse e dispnéia, foi encontrada presença de massa ovóide no hemitórax direito e, ao realizar uma fibrobroncoscopia, foi demonstrado que a lesão era compatível com um aspergiloma, de modo que o manejo antifúngico foi dado com uma evolução clínica adequada.Conclusão. O aspergiloma é apresentado como uma massa volumosa constituída por filamentos mi-celiais, que podem ser confundidos com múltiples patologias principalmente do tipo tumoral, sendo necessária a realização de uma biópsia do mesmo
Humans , Pulmonary Aspergillosis , Aspergillus , Autoimmune Diseases , Autoimmunity , Lung Diseases, FungalABSTRACT
Histoplasmosis is a mycosis caused by the dimorphic fungus, Histoplasma capsulatum, which is transmitted via dust and aerosols. Lung involvement is the most common, with a varied clinical presentation. Although it is not the only source of infection, H. capsulatum is frequently found in bat guano, which is the reason why it is highly prevalent among caving practitioners. The solitary histoplasmoma of the lung is an unusual and chronic manifestation of this entity, which mimics, or at least is frequently misconstrued, as a malignancy. Almost invariably, the diagnosis of this type of histoplasmosis presentation is achieved after lung biopsy. The authors present the case of a young woman who sought medical care because of chest pain. The diagnostic work-up revealed the presence of a pulmonary nodule. She was submitted to a thoracotomy and wedge pulmonary resection. The histologic analysis rendered the diagnosis of histoplasmoma. Thisreport aims to call attention to this diagnosis as the differential diagnosis of a pulmonary nodule.
Humans , Female , Adult , Histoplasmosis/diagnosis , Lung Diseases, Fungal/diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential , Granulomatous Disease, Chronic , Histoplasmosis/pathology , Lung Diseases, Fungal/pathologyABSTRACT
La micosis pulmonar mixta es una entidad muy poco común, aún más en pacientes sin inmunodepresión, a continuación, se exponen los hallazgos epidemiológicos y clínicos que explican la masiva invasión micótica en un estado inmune normal. Resumen del Caso: Se trata de una paciente femenina, adulta, sin antecedentes médicos de importancia, que debuta con cuadro de insuficiencia respiratoria aguda y hemoptisis, la evidencia imagenológica y microbiológica permitió el diagnóstico de aspergilosis pulmonar angio-invasiva coexistente con candidiasis pulmonar; se empleó terapia anti fúngica solucionando así la infección. Conclusión: Una micosis pulmonar mixta depende de la exposición de la fuente de infección y puede coexistir en inmunocompetencia gracias a la acción exfoliativa de los patógenos y los sustratos que el huésped produzca.
Mixed pulmonary mycosis is a very rare entity, even more so in patients without immunosuppression, then the epidemiological and clinical findings explain the massive mycotic invasion in a normal immune state. Case Summary: This case is about a female patient, adult, with medical background, who debuted with acute respiratory failure and hemoptysis, the imaging and microbiological evidence allowed the diagnosis of pulmonary angio-invasive aspergillosis coexisting with pulmonary candidiasis; Antifungal therapy was used to solve the infection Conclusion: A mixed pulmonary mycosis depends on the exposure of the source of infection and can coexist in immunocompetence due to the exfoliative action of the pathogens and the substrates that the host produces.
Humans , Therapeutics , Lung Diseases , Lung Diseases, Fungal , Serology , Diagnostic Imaging , Epidemiology , Focal InfectionABSTRACT
Introducción: El embolismo séptico es una enfermedad grave caracterizada por iniltrados pulmonares bilaterales aso-ciados a un foco infeccioso extrapulmonar. Se relaciona con endocarditis derecha, trombolebitis pelviana, accesos vasculares y a infecciones como osteomielitis, artritis séptica o piomiositis. El Staphylococcus aureus meticilino-resistente adquirido en la comunidad (SAMR-AC) es un patógeno virulento y emergente, que afecta a sujetos sin factores de riesgo conocidos. Casos clínicos: Primer caso; Masculino 17 años de edad, sano, antecedente de herida por clavo en pie izquierdo. Inicia 15 días después iebre, disnea y expectoración hemoptoica. Segundo caso; Masculino de 26 años sano, con antecedente de absceso submandibular el cual fue dre-nado por el servicio de Otorrinolaringología. Una semana después reiere iebre, disnea, dolor torácico y expectoración hemoptoica. Discusión; El embolismo séptico se produce con la llegada al pulmón de productos infectados, con microorganismos que general-mente son bacterias. En pacientes graves, que requieren tratamiento endovenoso, las drogas de elección son vancomicina, linezolid, tigeciclina o daptomicina...(AU)
Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Pulmonary Embolism , Thrombophlebitis , Endocarditis/complications , Lung Diseases, FungalABSTRACT
Resumen La paracoccidioidomicosis es una enfermedad crónica, sistémica y progresiva, sólo descrita en América Latina. Su presentación clínica crónica multifocal es la más prevalente, afectando mayormente a hombres adultos y comprometiendo principalmente a pulmones, sin embargo, puede diseminarse a cualquier órgano generando múltiples complicaciones en el paciente. Presentamos el caso de un paciente masculino, inmunocompetente, caficultor, quien debuta con compromiso de la glándula suprarrenal y en quien posteriormente se documenta compromiso pulmonar. El diagnóstico se confirmó mediante biopsia de lesiones en glándula suprarrenal, inmunodifusión en gel de agar y reacción en cadena de la polimerasa, la cual mostró compromiso por Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. (Acta Med Colomb 2018; 43: 111-114).
Abstract Paracoccidioidomycosis is a chronic, systemic and progressive disease which is described only in Latin America. Its chronic and multifocal clinical presentation is the most prevalent, affecting mainly adult men and compromising mainly lungs; however, it can spread to any organ generating multiple complications in the patient. The case of an immunocompetent male patient, coffee grower, who debuted with compromise of the adrenal gland and in who subsequently pulmonary involvement was documented, is presented. The diagnosis was confirmed by biopsy of lesions in the adrenal gland, agar gel immunodiffusion and polymerase chain reaction, which showed compromise by Paracoccidioides brasilensis. (Acta Med Colomb 2018; 43: 111-114).
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Paracoccidioides , Azoles , Fungemia , Adrenal Insufficiency , Lung Diseases, FungalABSTRACT
In the advanced stage of AIDS, the diagnosis of the opportunistic infections may be challenging due to the high risk of performing invasive diagnostic methods in a patient with a critical clinical condition, as well as the correct interpretation of the results of microbiological exams. One of the challenges for the diagnosis and treatment of the opportunistic infections is that they may occur concomitantly in the same patient and they may mimic each other, leading to a high discrepancy between clinical and autopsy diagnoses. We describe the case of a 52-year-old man who was hospitalized because of weight loss, anemia, cough, and hepatosplenomegaly. During the investigation, the diagnosis of AIDS was made, and the patient developed respiratory failure and died on the fourth day of hospitalization. At autopsy, disseminated non-tuberculosis mycobacteriosis was found, affecting mainly the organs of the reticuloendothelial system. Also, severe and diffuse pneumonia caused by multiple agents (Pneumocystis jirovecii, Histoplasma capsulatum, suppurative bacterial infection, non-tuberculosis mycobacteria, and cytomegalovirus) was seen in a morphological pattern that could be called "collision pneumonia." The lesson from this case, revealed by the autopsy, is that in advanced AIDS, patients often have multiple opportunistic infections, so the principle of Ockham's razorthat a single diagnosis is most likely the best diagnosisfails in this clinical context.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/complications , AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections/complications , Lung Diseases, Fungal/complications , AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections/pathology , Autopsy , Cytomegalovirus Infections/complications , Fatal Outcome , Histoplasmosis/complications , Mycobacterium Infections, Nontuberculous/complications , Pneumocystis Infections/complicationsABSTRACT
Abstract Paracoccidioidomycosis is an endemic disease in Latin America that is rarely associated with immunosuppression and biological therapy. Herein, we report for the first time a case of pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis reactivation after infliximab treatment. A 47-year-old man from Brazil received infliximab to treat psoriatic spondyloarthropathy and presented with cough, dyspnea, weight loss, and fever. Chest computed tomography revealed a pulmonary nodule and biopsy confirmed paracoccidioidomycosis. Treatment with sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim was initiated for fungal infection and infliximab was reintroduced two months later. Considering his clinical improvement and favorable radiologic evolution, antifungal therapy was discontinued after 29 months.