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Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(1): 115-122, Jan.-Feb. 2021. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153053


The objective of this study was to quantify the superovulatory response and embryo production of Brazilian Bergamasca sheep and to evaluate the link to the follicular condition before superovulatory treatment, as a reference for selection of donors with potential for superovulation. Follicular population of twenty-three sheep was evaluated by ultrasound during metestrus phase of the estrous cycle and divided into groups of low, medium and high follicular population. Subsequently, they were synchronized, superovulated with 133mg of pFSH, mated and subjected to embryo collection. The superovulatory response (9.0±3.3 vs 10.7±6.2 vs 13.8±7.1) and embryo production (4.0±3.8 vs 2.6±2.0 vs 1,8±4.0) were similar between groups (P>0.05). There was a positive correlation between the number of follicles during the metestrus phase and the number of corpus luteum with premature regression (PLR) (0.52) and a negative correlation between the recovery rate and PLR (-0.44) (P<0.05). The sheep that presented PLR had more follicles during metestrus (16.9±7.8 vs 12.7±3.2) and lower embryo recovery rate (38.8±29.3 vs 72.2±29.9) than those with functional CLs (P<0.05). Follicular quantification during metestrus phases was unable to identify donors with high embryo production. Animals with PLR had a larger follicular population during metestrus and lower embryo recovery rate.(AU)

O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar a resposta superovulatória e a produção embrionária de ovelhas Bergamácia Brasileira e relacioná-las com a condição folicular antes do tratamento superovulatório, como referência para seleção de doadoras com potencial para superovulação. Vinte e três ovelhas foram avaliadas quanto à população folicular por ultrassonografia na fase de metaestro do ciclo estral e divididas em grupos com baixa, média e alta população folicular. Posteriormente foram sincronizadas, superovuladas com 133mg de pFSH, acasaladas e submetidas à coleta de embriões. A resposta superovulatória (9,0±3,3 vs. 10,7±6,2 vs. 13,8±7,1) e a produção embrionária (4,0±3,8 vs. 2,6±2,0 vs. 1,8±4,0) foram semelhantes entre os grupos (P>0,05). Houve correlação positiva entre o número de folículos no metaestro e o número de corpos lúteos com regressão prematura (RPCL) (0,52) e correlação negativa entre a taxa de recuperação e RPCL (-0,44) (P <0,05). As ovelhas que apresentaram RPCL tiveram mais folículos no metaestro (16,9±7,8 vs. 12,7±3,2) e menor taxa de recuperação embrionária (38,8±29,3 vs. 72,2±29,9) do que as que apresentaram CLs funcionais (P<0,05). A quantificação folicular nas fases de metaestro não foi capaz de identificar doadoras com alto potencial de produção embrionária. Animais com RPCL tiveram maior população folicular no metaestro e menor recuperação de embriões.(AU)

Animals , Female , Superovulation/drug effects , Sheep , Luteolysis , Embryonic Structures , Ovarian Follicle , Ultrasonography/veterinary
Biol. Res ; 54: 9-9, 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1505802


BACKGROUND: PGF2α is essential for the induction of the corpus luteum regression which in turn reduces progesterone production. Early growth response (EGR) proteins are Cys2-His2-type zinc-finger transcription factor that are strongly linked to cellular proliferation, survival and apoptosis. Rapid elevation of EGR1 was observed after luteolytic dose of PGF2α. EGR1 is involved in the transactivation of many genes, including TGFß1, which plays an important role during luteal regression. METHODS: The current study was conducted in buffalo luteal cells with the aim to better understand the role of EGR1 in transactivation of TGFß1 during PGF2α induced luteal regression. Luteal cells from mid stage corpus luteum of buffalo were cultured and treated with different doses of PGF2α for different time durations. Relative expression of mRNAs encoding for enzymes within the progesterone biosynthetic pathway (3ßHSD, CYP11A1 and StAR); Caspase 3; AKT were analyzed to confirm the occurrence of luteolytic event. To determine if EGR1 is involved in the PGF2α induced luteal regression via induction of TGFß1 expression, we knocked out the EGR1 gene by using CRISPR/Cas9. RESULT: The present experiment determined whether EGR1 protein expression in luteal cells was responsive to PGF2α treatment. Quantification of EGR1 and TGFß1 mRNA showed significant up regulation in luteal cells of buffalo at 12 h post PGF2α induction. In order to validate the role of PGF2α on stimulating the expression of TGFß1 by an EGR1 dependent mechanism we knocked out EGR1. The EGR1 ablated luteal cells were stimulated with PGF2α and it was observed that EGR1 KO did not modulate the PGF2α induced expression of TGFß1. In PGF2α treated EGR1 KO luteal cell, the mRNA expression of Caspase 3 was significantly increased compared to PGF2α treated wild type luteal cells maintained for 12 h. We also studied the influence of EGR1 on steroidogenesis. The EGR1 KO luteal cells with PGF2α treatment showed no substantial difference either in the progesterone concentration or in StAR mRNA expression with PGF2α-treated wild type luteal cells. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that EGR1 signaling is not the only factor which plays a role in the regulation of PGF2α induced TGFß1 signaling for luteolysis.

Animals , Female , Buffaloes , Dinoprost/pharmacology , Corpus Luteum/physiology , Luteolysis , Early Growth Response Protein 1/physiology , Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats , Signal Transduction , Cells, Cultured , Gene Expression Regulation , Corpus Luteum/cytology , Transforming Growth Factor beta1/physiology
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 55(2): 133937, 26 jul. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-913005


Prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) determines luteolysis in cattle, and the ability to manipulate its endogenous synthesis is indispensible for large-scale animal breeding. Estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4) modulate several molecular pathways in endometrial cells, including the synthesis of PGF2α; however, its specific mechanisms are still not totally known. This study investigated the production in vitro and possible modulation of endometrial PGF2α due to a local effect of endogenous E2 in the ipsilateral uterine horn (UH) containing the dominant follicle (DF) or from P4 in ipsilateral horn containing the corpus luteum (CL). The PGF2α stimulators oxytocin (OT) and phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDBu) were incubated with endometrial explants, and PGF2α content was measured. For that, cycling cows were synchronized, the development of DF and CL was examined by ultrasonography and on the seventh day of the estrous cycle, endometrial explants were collected and cultured in medium supplemented with 10-6 M PDBu or 10-6 M OT or non-supplemented. Media samples were collected immediately after treatment and 60 min later. Radioimmunoassay showed that the PGF2α content of the UH ipsilateral to the DF was 49% less than that of the contralateral UH (8.22 ± 0.95 vs. 12.24 ± 0.95 pg/mL/mg tissue, respectively; P < 0.01). However, the PGF2α levels did not differ between the UHs as a function of the CL position (9.46 ± 0.95 vs. 11 ± 0.95 pg/mL/mg; P > 0.05). The cellular stimulators promoted an increase in PGF2α synthesis (P < 0.02), and the effects differed among the animals (P < 0.04). The PGF2a production was higher in the explants treated with PDBu rather than OT (13.68 ± 1.16 vs. 10.01 ± 1.16 pg/mL/mg tissue, respectively; P < 0.05). In conclusion, PGF2α synthesis is modulated by the presence of the DF (local E2) but not the CL (local P4), and both PDBu and OT stimulated PGF2a synthesis.(AU)

A prostaglandina F2α (PGF2α) determina a luteólise em bovinos. A capacidade de manipular sua síntese endógena é indispensável para a produção animal em grande escala. O estradiol (E2) e a progesterona (P4) modulam diversas vias moleculares das células endometriais, incluindo a síntese de PGF2α; no entanto, pouco se sabe sobre seus mecanismos específicos. Este trabalho investigou a produção in vitro e a possível modulação da PGF2α endometrial devido a um efeito local do E2 endógeno no corno uterino ipsilateral ao folículo dominante (FD) ou da P4 no corno ipsilateral ao corpo lúteo (CL). Os estimuladores de PGF2α oxitocina (OT) e 12,23-dibutirato de forbol (PDBu) foram incubados com explantes endometriais, e o conteúdo de PGF2α foi mensurado. Para tal, vacas cíclicas foram sincronizadas, o desenvolvimento de FD e CL foi examinado por ultrassonografia, e no 17º dia do ciclo estral os explantes endometriais foram coletados e cultivados em meio ou suplementados com PDBu 10-6M ou 10-6M OT. As amostras de meio foram coletadas imediatamente após o tratamento e sessenta minutos depois. O radioimunoensaio mostrou que o conteúdo de PGF2α do corno ipsilateral ao FD foi 49% menor que o do corno contralateral (8,22 ± 0,95 vs. 12,24 ± 0,95 pg/mL/mg de tecido, respectivamente, P < 0,01). No entanto, os níveis de PGF2α não diferiram entre os cornos em função da posição do CL (9,46 ± 0,95 versus 11 ± 0,95 pg/mL/mg; P > 0,05). Os estimuladores celulares promoveram um aumento na síntese de PGF2α (P < 0,02), e os efeitos diferiram entre os animais (P < 0,04). A produção de PGF2α foi maior nos explantes tratados com PDBu em comparação à OT (13,68 ± 1,16 versus 10,01 ± 1,16 pg/mL/mg de tecido, respectivamente, P < 0,05). A conclusão obtida foi que a síntese de PGF2α é: modulada pela presença do FD (E2 local), mas não do CL (P4 local); e estimulada por PDBu e OT.(AU)

Animals , Cattle , Dinoprost/therapeutic use , Luteolysis , Endometrium , Reproductive Physiological Phenomena , Ovarian Follicle , In Vitro Techniques/veterinary
Rev. MVZ Córdoba ; 18(2): 3559-3568, May-Aug. 2013. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-689589


Objetivo. Evaluar el efecto in vitro del ácido linoléico sobre la producción de PGF2α y PGE2 en células endometriales epiteliales bovinas (CEEP). Materiales y métodos. Se cultivaron CEEP aisladas de tejido uterino y se suplementaron con AL a diferentes concentraciones (1 μM, 10 μM, 100 μM), oxitocina (OT) (0.1 μM) e interferón trofoectodérmico bovino (bINT-τ) (50 ng/ml). Se cuantificó la PGF2α y PGE2 a distintos tiempos (12, 24 y 36h). En el control, la PGF2α en el sobrenadante aumentó en el tiempo de cultivo y fue 1.2 veces mayor que la producción de PGE2. Resultados. El ácido linoléico disminuyó la concentración de PGF2α (p<0.05) en el sobrenadante, y no afectó (p>0.05) la producción de PGE2. El efecto conjunto de AL y OT sobre la producción de PGF2α difirió para cada uno de los tiempos; el ácido linoléico inhibió parcialmente el efecto estimulante de la OT sobre la producción de PGE2, el efecto conjunto del AL y el bINT-τ aumentó (p<0.05) esta inhibición hasta la hora 24. Conclusiones. El ácido linoléico afecta negativamente la concentración de PGF2α en el sobrenadante a través del tiempo. Respecto a la PGE2 se concluye que el ácido linoléico por sí solo no afecta la concentración en el sobrenadante.

Objective: Evaluate the in vitro effect of AL on the production of PGF2a and PGE2 in bovine epithelial endometrial cells (CEEP). Materials and methods. Isolated CEEP were cultured and supplemented with AL at different concentrations (1μM, 10μM, 100μM), oxytocin (OT) (0.1 μM) and bovine interferon (BINT-τ) (50 ng / ml). PGF2a and PGE2 were quantified as response variables at different times. In the control, the concentration of PGF2a in the supernatant increased over time and was 1.2 times greater than the production of PGE2. Results. AL reduced the concentration of PGF2a (p <0.05) in the supernatant, and did not affect (p> 0.05) the production of PGE2. The combined effect of LA and OT in the production of PGF2a is different in time, LA partially inhibited the stimulatory effect of OT in the production of PGE2, the joint effect of LA and BINT-τ increased (p<0.05) when this inhibition at 24h. Conclusions. LA alone negatively affects the concentration in the supernatant of PGE2 in time. Regarding PGE2 , LA alone does not affect the concentration in the supernatant.

Animals , Endometrium , Interferons , Luteolysis , Oxytocin
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online);62(2): 281-288, abr. 2010. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-551828


Avaliou-se o efeito da restrição na frequência de amamentação sobre o diâmetro folicular no dia 0 (DFOL), sobre a taxa de ovulação (TO), e sobre a incidência de luteólise prematura no primeiro ciclo estral pós-parto (ILP) de vacas Nelore multíparas, em anestro, submetidas à amamentação ad libitum (controle; n= 115) ou amamentação uma vez ao dia (restrito; n= 109), entre os dias -14 e 9 do experimento, e estudou-se o efeito desses tratamentos sobre o peso à desmama da progênie dessas vacas. Induziu-se ovulação com remoção de bezerros entre os dias -2 e 0 e aplicação de 100μg de GnRH no dia 0. Somente animais que ovularam foram mantidos no experimento (n= 125). A ocorrência de luteólise prematura foi avaliada por meio da dosagem da concentração sérica de progesterona nos dias 5 e 9. A TO não foi influenciada pelos tratamentos (55,8 por cento; P>0,1), e as vacas do tratamento restrito apresentaram maior DFOL (10,90±0,26 vs. 10,18±0,21mm; P<0,05) e menor ILP (21,4 por cento vs. 43,5 por cento; P<0,05). Os bezerros do tratamento controle foram mais pesados (162,32±2,08 vs. 155,91±4,12kg; P<0,05). Conclui-se que a restrição na frequência de amamentação em vacas Nelore reduz a ILP, porém com possível efeito negativo no desenvolvimento dos bezerros.

The effects of restricted suckling on follicular diameter at day 0 (FDDO), ovulation rate (OR), and incidence of premature luteolysis in the first post partum estrous cycle (PLI) of Nelore cows and the effects on weight at weaning (WW) of progenie of these cows were evaluated. Multiparous anestrous postpartum Nelore cows were submitted to ad libitum suckling (control; n= 115) or once-a-day suckling (restricted; n= 109) from days -14 to 9 of the experiment. For both treatments, a temporary calf removal was performed from days -2 to 0, and on day 0 cows received 100μg of GnRH. Only animals that ovulated after GnRH treatment were used in the experiment (n= 125). The occurrence of premature luteolysis was evaluated by dosage of serum progesterone concentrations on days 5th and 9th. The OR was not affected by treatments (55.8 percent; P>0.1), but cows from restricted treatment had larger FDDO at time of GnRH treatment (10.90±0.26 vs. 10.18±0.21mm; P<0.05) and lower PLI (21.4 percent vs. 43.5 percent; P<0.05) than cows from control treatment. Calves from control treatment had higher WW than calves from restricted treatment (162.32±2.08 vs. 155.91±4.12kg; P<0.05). These results indicate that the restriction in frequency of suckling in Nelore cows may decrease the incidence of premature luteolysis in the first postpartum estrous cycle; however, with possible negative effects on calves development.

Animals , Cattle , Estrous Cycle , Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone/administration & dosage , Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone , Luteolysis , Cattle , Ovulation Prediction/adverse effects , Ovulation Prediction/methods , Ovulation Prediction/veterinary , Weaning
Sheng Li Xue Bao ; (6): 171-178, 2010.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-337762


Endocrine hormones are important factors in maintaining pregnancy as well as initiation of parturition. Progesterone is the major hormone maintaining myometrium quiescence, while glucocorticoids, prostaglandins and estrogen are among the major hormones involved in the initiation of parturition. Therefore progesterone withdrawal at the end of pregnancy is the prerequisite for the initiation of parturition. However, unlike most of the other species of mammals that the withdrawal of progesterone is achieved via reduction of progesterone synthesis or increased conversion of progesterone to estrogen, some mammals including the primates maintain high progesterone level throughout gestation and even during parturition. Accumulating lines of evidence indicate that the withdrawal of progesterone in human being is attained via the changes of the expression ratio of progesterone receptor subtypes and the changes of co-activators required for the activation of transcriptional activity of progesterone receptor. Here we reviewed the three major mechanisms, namely luteolysis, upregulation of placental P450c17 hydroxylase and changes of progesterone receptor functions, underlying progesterone withdrawal in late pregnancy in mammals.

Animals , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Luteolysis , Physiology , Parturition , Metabolism , Physiology , Pregnancy Trimester, Third , Metabolism , Physiology , Progesterone , Metabolism , Receptors, Progesterone , Metabolism , Physiology , Species Specificity , Steroid 17-alpha-Hydroxylase , Metabolism
Arq. ciênc. vet. zool. UNIPAR ; 12(2): 187-190, jul.-dez. 2009.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-558255


O principal papel do corpo lúteo é a produção de progesterona. Uma adequada função luteal é crucial para determinar a duração do ciclo estral ou a manutenção e sucesso de uma possível gestação. O crescimento do corpo lúteo só é comparado ao de tumores invasivos; e sua regressão se dá em poucos dias, por meio de um processo chamado luteólise, que é desencadeado pela secreção de prostaglandina F2alfa (PGF2α). O conhecimento dos fatores ligados ao processo de regulação do corpo lúteo é importante para a manipulação do ciclo estral, na tentativa de aumentar a eficiência reprodutiva dos animais domésticos. Conhecimentos em relação a esse processo podem mudar a metodologia de pesquisa e, principalmente, a aplicação prática de procedimentos, visando o controle do ciclo estral. Nesse contexto, este estudo tem como objetivo apresentar informações atuais sobre a luteólise, que envolvem hipóteses sobre o fluxo sanguíneo uterino e ovariano, além do processo de morte celular por apoptose.

The main role of the corpus luteum is the progesterone production and adequate luteal function is crucial to determine the duration of oestrous cycle or continuation and success of a possible pregnancy. The corpus luteum growth is compared to most invasive tumors and its regression occurs in a few days in the process called luteolysis, triggered by the secretion of prostaglandin F2alfa (PGF2 α). The knowledge of factors associated with the process of corpus luteum regulating is important for the reproductive cycle manipulation in an attempt to increase the reproductive efficiency of livestock animals. New awareness regarding the process can change radically the methodology of research and the implementation practice ofthe procedures for oestrous cycle control. The aim of this review is to bring information about the new theories of luteolysis, which involve assumptions on the uterine and luteal blood flow and the process of cell death by apoptosis.

El principal papel del cuerpo lúteo es la producción de la progesterona. Una adecuada función lútea es fundamental para determinar la duración del ciclo estral o la manutención y el éxito de una posible preñez. El crecimiento del cuerpo lúteo solo se compara al de tumores invasores; y su regresión se produce en pocos días, por medio de un proceso llamado luteólisis, provocado por la secreción de prostaglandina F2alfa (PGF2α). El conocimiento de los factores asociados al proceso de regulación del cuerpo lúteo es importante para la manipulación del ciclo estral, con la intención de aumentar la eficiencia reproductiva de los animales domésticos. Conocimientos en relación a ese proceso pueden cambiar la metodología de la investigación y, principalmente, buscar el control del ciclo estral. En ese contexto, la revisión tuvo como objetivo presentar informaciones actuales sobre la luteólisis, que implican hipótesis sobre el flujo sanguíneo uterino y ovárico, además del proceso de muerte celular por apoptosis.

Luteolysis , Ovary , Regional Blood Flow , Apoptosis , Corpus Luteum
Arq. ciênc. vet. zool. UNIPAR ; 11(2)jul.-dez. 2008.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1462603


O principal papel do corpo lúteo (CL) é a produção de progesterona e uma adequada função luteal é crucial para determinar a duração do ciclo estral ou a manutenção e sucesso de uma possível gestação. A regressão do CL se dá em poucos dias, através de um processo chamado luteólise, que é desencadeado pela secreção de prostaglandina F2alfa (PGF2α). O conhecimento dos fatores ligados ao processo de regulação do corpo lúteo é importante para a manipulação do ciclo estral, na tentativa de aumentar a eficiência reprodutiva dos animais domésticos. Dentro desse contexto, este trabalho apresenta mecanismos relacionados à luteólise, que envolvem hipóteses sobre o fluxo sanguíneo uterino e ovariano, além do processo de morte celular por apoptose. Com o objetivo de se inibir a luteólise em ruminantes, avaliaram-se os efeitos do flunixin meglumine (FM) sobre a concentração sérica de progesterona, a taxa de gestação e a condição ovariana de vacas. Para tanto, 57 vacas foram divididas em grupos controle (GC n = 30) e tratado (GT n = 27), e submetidas à sincronização de estros (benzoato de estradiol IM e implante intravaginal de progesterona). Após sete dias, aplicou-se PGF2alfa IM, retirou-se o dispositivo intravaginal, e passadas 24h aplicou-se BE IM, sendo a IATF realizada 30h dessa aplicação. Os animais do GT foram submetidos diariamente a 1,1mg/kg de FM entre o 11º e 16º dia do ciclo estral (dia zero = IATF), enquanto os do GC receberam solução fisiológica. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas de todos os animais nos dias zero, seis, nove, 11 a 18 e 21, e 30 animais da raça nelore foram selecionados para dosagem sérica de progesterona por RIA. Os animais que retornaram ao estro foram re-inseminados e inseridos em seus grupos de origem. O diagnóstico de gestação foi realizado por ultrassom transretal 30 dias após a IATF ou IA, quando também se avaliou a condição ovariana nos animais não gestantes, que foi repetida quatro dias após...

The main role of the corpus luteum (CL) is progesterone production and adequate luteal function is crucial to determine the duration or continuation of the oestrous cycle and success of a possible pregnancy. The regression of the CL occurs in a few days in the process called luteolysis, triggered by the secretion of prostaglandin F2alfa (PGF2 α). Know-how of factors associated with the process of corpus luteum regulating is important for the reproductive cycle manipulation in an attempt to increase the reproductive efficiency of livestock animals. This review brings information about the mechanisms of luteolysis, which involve assumptions on the uterine and luteal blood flow and the process of cell death by apoptosis. Flunixin meglumine (FM) has been used in an attempt to inhibit luteolysis in ruminants. Towards this aim, the effects of FM were assessed on the serum concentration of progesterone, the pregnancy rate and the ovarian condition of cows. Thus, 57 cows were divided into control group (CG - n = 30) and treated group (TG - n = 27) and submitted to estrus synchronization (estradiol benzoate IM and intravaginal progesterone-releasing insert). After seven days, PGF2α IM was administered, the intravaginal device was removed, and after 24h, BE IM was administered. FTAI was performed 30h after administration. Animals from the TG were daily submitted to 1.1 mg/kg of FM between the 11th and 16th days of the estral cycle (day zero = FTAI), whereas the animals from the CG received physiological solution. Blood from all animals was collected on days zero, six, nine, eleven through eighteen and twenty-one. Thirty animals from Nelore breed were selected for seric progesterone dosage by RIA. Animals which returned to the estrus were re-inseminated and inserted into their primary groups. Pregnancy diagnosis was carried out by transretal ultrasound 30 days after either FTAI or AI....

El principal papel del cuerpo lúteo (CL) es la producción de progesterona y una adecuada función luteal es crucial para determinar la duración del ciclo estral o el mantenimiento y el éxito de una posible gestación. La regresión del CL ocurre en pocos días, a través de un proceso llamado luteólisis, que es desencadenado por la secreción de prostaglandina F2alfa (PGF2α). El conocimiento de los factores relacionados al proceso de regulación del cuerpo lúteo es importante para la manipulación del ciclo estral, con la intención de aumentar la eficacia reproductiva de los animales domésticos. En este contexto, este trabajo presenta mecanismos relacionados a la luteólisis, que envuelven hipótesis sobre el flujo sanguíneo uterino y ovárico, además del proceso de muerte celular por apoptosis. Con el objetivo de inhibirse la luteólisis en rumiantes, se evaluaron los efectos del flunixin meglumine(FM) sobre la concentración sérica de progesterona, la tasa de preñez y la condición ovárica de las vacas. Para esto, 57 vacas fueron divididas en grupos control (GC n =30) y tratado (GT n = 27) y sometidas a la sincronización de estros (benzoato de estradiol IM e implante intravaginal de progesterona). Después de siete días, se aplicó PGF2 alfa IM, se retiró el dispositivo intravaginal, y pasadas 24h se aplicó BE IM, siendo la IATF realizada 30h después de esta aplicación. Los animales del GT fueron sometidos diariamente a 1.1mg/kg de FM entre el 11º y 16º día del ciclo estral (día cero = IATF), mientras los del GC recibieron solución fisiológica. Muestras de sangre fueron colectadas de todos los animales en los días cero, seis, nueve, 11 a 18 y 21, y 30 animales de la raza nelore fueron seleccionados para el análisis sérico de progesterona por RIA. Los animales que retornaron al estro fueron reinseminados e inseridos en sus grupos de origen. El diagnóstico de preñez fue realizado por ecografía transrectal 30 días después a la IATF o IA,...

Animals , Estrous Cycle/physiology , Corpus Luteum/physiology , Insemination, Artificial/methods , Luteolysis , Progesterone/physiology
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 15(1): 10-14, jan.-abr. 2008. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-522401


Baseando-se nos mecanismos de interrupção da síntese de PGF2a em bovinos, objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar os efeitos do flunixin meglumine (FM) sobre o comprimento do ciclo estral e sobre os níveis de progesterona, em novilhas e vacas mestiças. Após sincronização dos estros, os animais foram divididos em grupos: controle (cinco vacas e quatro novilhas) e tratado (seis vacas e seis novilhas), sendo submetidos à colheita diária de sangue, até o estro subseqüente. Do 13o ao 18o dia, aplicou-se nos animais do grupo tratado 1,65 mg/kg intramuscular de FM, e nos do grupo controle, mesmo volume de solução fisiológica. A determinação da concentração sérica de progesterona foi realizada por RIA. Os resultados do comprimento do ciclo estral foram comparados entre os grupos e entre animais, pelo teste t de Student, enquanto a concentração de progesterona foi normalizada em relação à luteólise, e analisada entre os grupos pelo teste t de Tukey (SAS). Não se observou diferença (P>0,05) no comprimento do ciclo estral entre grupos e entre novilhas e vacas, tratadas e não tratadas. O dia do ciclo estral em relação à concentração de progesterona máxima e inferior a 1,0ng/mL, e a concentração sérica de progesterona entre os animais do grupo controle e tratado, também foram semelhantes entre os grupos (P>0,05). No entanto, observou-se diferença (P<0,05) na curva que evidencia a queda da progesterona em relação ao momento da luteólise entre os animais dos grupos experimentais. Conclui-se que, embora se tenha observado efeito do tratamento, como descrito acima, sua ação seria mais bem caracterizada se a população amostral tivesse sido maior.

This paper reports results from the assessment on the effects of flunixin meglumine (FM) on the estrous cycle and serum levels of progesterone in crossbred cows and heifers. After the estrous synchronization, the animals were separated into two groups: control (5 cows and 4 heifers), and experimental (6 cows and 6 heifers). They were submitted to daily blood sampling until the next estrus. From the 13th to the 18th day of the estrous cycle, each animal from the experimental group received 1.65 mg/kg of FM by intramuscular route, while animals from the control group received equal volumes of sterile saline. Levels of progesterone were measured by radio-immune-assay. The length of estrous cycle was compared among groups and individuals by Student’s t-test, whereas the levels of progesterone were analyzed by Tukey’s t-test. There was no significant difference in the estrous cycle length among groups and individuals. The estrous cycle day, in relation to the concentration of progesterone – highest and lower to 1.0 ng/ml, and the seric concentration of progesterone among animals from both control and experimental groups were also similar (P>0.05). However, there was no difference concerning the concentration of progesterone decrease among theexperimental groups. It was concluded that, under the conditions this study was carried out, even though the effect of the treatment was observed, its action would be better characterized if the sample population were bigger.

Animals , Female , Cattle , Estrous Cycle , Luteolysis , Progesterone/adverse effects
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 45(supl): 111-120, 2008.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-533247


Durante o período crítico do reconhecimento materno, compreendido entre o 15º e 19º dias da gestação, o concepto deve sintetizar competentemente moléculas capazes de bloquear a síntese de prostaglandina F2α (PGF2α) e a luteólise. Em bovinos, a principal macromolécula protéica envolvida em tal bloqueio é o interferon-tau(IFN-τ). Durante o período crítico, falhas neste reconhecimento determinam à mortalidade embrionária em até 40% das fêmeas inseminadas. Informações sobre o IFN-τ em animais Bos taurus indicus,ainda são restritas. Este estudo objetivou uma avaliação quantitativado IFN-τ durante o período crítico do reconhecimento materno, em lavados uterinos obtidos por sonda de Foley (dias 14, 16 e 18 pós estro)ou post-mortem (dia 18 pós-estro). Para tanto, foram utilizadas fêmeas multíparas azebuadas (Bos taurus indicus), cíclicas ou prenhes, nos dias 14, 16 e 18 pós-estro. Para a obtenção dos lavados, os úteros foram infundidos com solução de Ringer Simples. Os lavados foram concentrados por ultra-filtração e liofilizados. As macromoléculas protéicas foram separadas por Eletroforese Unidimensional SDSPAGE, em gel com 15% de poliacrilamida. A quantificação doIFN-τ nos...

During the critical period of the maternal recognition, which occurs between days 15 and 19 of pregnancy, the conceptus must competently synthesize molecules capable of blocking the synthesis of prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) and luteolysis. In cattle, the major macromolecule involved in suck blockage is the protein interferontau(IFN-τ). During the critical period, failures in the recognition of pregnancy determine embryonic mortality on up to 40% of inseminated cows. Data about IFN-τ in Bos taurus indicus are stills carce. Objective of this study was to quantitatively evaluate the presenceof IFN-τ during the critical period for maternal recognition of pregnancy in uterine flushings obtained in vivo by Foley catheter (Days14, 16 and 18 post estrus) or post-mortem (Day 18 post estrus). Multiparous, cyclic or pregnant zebu cows (Bos taurus indicus) on days 14, 16 and 18 post estrus were used for in vivo or post mortem uterine flushing collection. In both cases, a Ringer solution was used to wash the uterus of cows...

Animals , Female , Cattle , Fetal Mortality , Interferons/analysis , Interferons/adverse effects , Luteolysis/physiology , Pregnancy, Animal , Prostaglandins/adverse effects
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 43(6): 824-840, 2006.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-463904


O corpo lúteo (CL) é uma estrutura endócrina transitória formada por células luteais esteroidogênicas pequenas (SLC) e grandes (LLC), que associadas aos fibroblastos e a uma ampla rede de capilares constituem uma estrutura especializada na síntese de progesterona (P4). De maneira geral, para a síntese de P4 nas células luteais esteroidogênicas, o colesterol se liga a receptores específicos na membrana celular e é transportado ao citosol. Posteriormente, o colesterol dirige-se a membrana mitocondrial interna e por ação da enzima P450scc transforma-se em pregnenolona. No retículo endoplasmático liso a pregnenolona é convertida a P4 pela enzima 3β-hidroxiesteróide deidrogenase (3β-HSD). A proteína de regulação aguda da esteroidogênese (StAR), o receptor benzodiazepínico tipo periférico (PBR) e a endozepina participam no transporte do colesterol para os diferentes compartimentos mitocondriais. Assim, supõe-se que a capacidade de síntese de P4 no CL esteja relacionada à concentração celular de receptores que captam o colesterol, às enzimas P450scc e 3β-HSD, e às proteínas celulares transportadoras de colesterol. Na espécie bovina, as LLC são responsáveis por mais de 80% da produção deste hormônio no CL. A menor concentração de proteínas transportadoras de colesterol na mitocôndria parecem limitar a síntese de P4 nas SLC. A P4 favorece um meio ambiente uterino apropriado para o desenvolvimento do(s) concepto(s), dependendo da espécie. Na maioria das espécies, a ausência da fertilização ou a incapacidade do concepto em sinalizar sua existência no útero estabelecem a luteólise. Tal evento fisiológico caracteriza-se pela regressão funcional e estrutural do(s) corpo(s) lúteo(s). Para o estabelecimento e a manutenção da prenhez torna-se necessário o bloqueio da luteólise por mecanismos que diferem entre as espécies. Em primatas e equídeos esse reconhecimento ocorre pela secreção de gonadotrofinas específicas e em ruminantes pela presença de fatores ...

The corpus luteum (CL) is a transitory endocrinal structure formed by steroidogenic small luteal cells (SLC) and large luteal cells (LLC) that associated with fibroblast and a wide web of capillaries form a structure specialized in synthesis of progesterone (P4) In general, for the synthesis of P4 in the steroidogenic luteal cells, cholesterol joints specific receptors on the cellular membrane and is transported to the cytosol. Later, cholesterol goes to an internal mitochondrial membrane and by the action of the enzyme P450scc is transformed into pregnenolone. In the smooth endoplasmic reticulum pregnenolone is converted to P4 by the enzyme 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3 β -HSD). The steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR), the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor (PBR) and endozepine participate in the transport of cholesterol to the different mitochondrial compartments. Therefore, it is supposed that the capacity of synthesis of P4 in the CL is related to the cellular concentration of receptors that catch cholesterol, to the enzymes P450scc and 3β-HSD and to the cholesterol cellular transport proteins. In bovine, the LLC are responsible for more than 80 of P4 production in the CL. The lowest concentration of cholesterol transport proteins in the mitochondria seems to limit the synthesis of P4 in the SLC. P4 supports a proper uterine environment for the development of conceptuses, depending on the specie. In most species, the lack of fertilization or the conceptus incapacity to signalize its presence in the uterus establishes luteolysis. This physiolocal event is characterized by the functional and structural regression of the CL. For the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy it is necessary to block luteolysis through different mechanisms among species. In primates and equids it occurs by the secretion of specific gonadotropins and in ruminants by antiluteolytic factors. This review has the objective to characterize the endocrine ...

Humans , Animals , Corpus Luteum/physiology , Luteolysis/physiology , Progesterone/physiology
J. vet. sci ; J. vet. sci;: 387-390, 2006.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-167596


The present study was conducted in order to verify the efficacy of lower doses and alternative routes of a prostaglandin F2 alpha analogue, luprostiol (PGF), for the induction of luteolysis and the precipitation of estrus in nonlactating Nelore cows (Bos taurus indicus). A conventional dose (15 mg) of PGF was compared to doses lower than the conventional dose, which ranges from 10 to 50%, that were administered intramuscularly (IM), intravulvosubmucosally (IVSM), or in the Bai-hui acupuncture site located within the lumbosacral area. The cows were administered PGF 8 day after estrus in the presence of a corpus luteum, and randomly assigned to the following groups: G1 (positive control), 15 mg, IM (n = 23); G2, 7.5 mg, IM (n = 23); G3, 3.75 mg, IM (n = 24); G4, 7.5 mg, IVSM (n = 25); G5, 3.75 mg, Bai-hui acupoint (n = 24); and G6, 1.5 mg, Bai-hui acupoint (n = 25). The results indicated that 50% of a conventional dose of PGF (7.5 mg) resulted in a complete luteal regression (plasma progesterone <1 ng/ml) at Hour 48, and hastened estrus, regardless of whether or not PGF was administered IM or IVSM. Comparatively, 10 or 25% of the conventional dose, even when administered to the Bai-hui acupoint, resulted in an initial reduction in the concentration of progesterone at Hour 24, followed by an increase observed at Hour 48. In conclusion, 25% of a conventional PGF dose administered via the Bai-hui acupoint proved inadequate to induce a complete luteal regression, whereas 50% of a conventional dose administered IM or IVSM was found to be the minimal dose required to induce effectively a complete luteal regression, and to precipitate the onset of estrus in nonlactating Nelore cows.

Animals , Female , Acupuncture , Cattle/physiology , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Injections, Intramuscular/veterinary , Luteolysis/drug effects , Progesterone/blood , Prostaglandins F, Synthetic/administration & dosage
Korean Journal of Anatomy ; : 251-258, 2005.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-646476


Macrophages in the corpus luteum have many important roles during the periods of functional development and luteal regression. Not only phagocyte the apoptotic luteal cells, but also they secrete many cytokines and exert their effects via autocrine/paracrine actions.In this study, we investigated the changes of number and immunoreactivity of macrophages at various developmental periods of the corpus luteum in the rat ovary. The rats (Sprague-Dawley strain, female)at age of 8 weeks (ovulatory period), GD 6 (pregnant period), and postpartum 5 days (postpartum period)were sacrificed under ether anesthesia and obtained both ovaries, one used for macrophages immunohistochemistry and the other used for TEM. The results were as follows; 1.In the corpora lutea of the rat, macrophages were observed all the developmental periods including ovulatory, pregnant and postpartum periods. 2.In the corpora lutea of the rat, number of macrophages was highest in the ovulatory period, and decreased at postpartum period and pregnant period in order. The immunoreactivity of macrophages was high at ovulatory period, moderate at postpartum period, and low at pregnant period. 3.In TEM observations, two types of macrophages were observed: One type was non-phagocytic macrophage and the other type was phagocytic macrophage. Phagocytic macrophages were observed in the corpora lutea at ovulatory and postpartum periods and contained apoptotic bodies, phagocytic vacuoles and many lipid droplets. Non-phagocytic macrophages were observed in the corpora lutea at pregnancy period and showed slender cell body with long cytoplasmic processes and contained no apoptotic bodies. In the rat, the number and the degree of immunoreactivity of macrophages in the corpus luteum varied with the changes of functional state of the corpus luteum. It was suggested that the main function of the macrophages at the ovulatory and postpartum periods was elimination of apoptotic luteal cells and that at pregnancy period was autocrine/paracrine action.Ultrastructurally, two types, phagocytic and nonphagocytic types, of macrophages confirmed. These results will provide valuable informations on the study of the role macrophages during development and regression of corpus luteum.

Animals , Female , Pregnancy , Rats , Anesthesia , Apoptosis , Corpus Luteum , Cytokines , Cytoplasm , Ether , Immunohistochemistry , Luteal Cells , Luteolysis , Macrophages , Ovary , Phagocytes , Postpartum Period , Vacuoles
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-161668


OBJECTIVE: Our object is to evaluate the detailed mechanisms of support and regression of the human corpus luteum. METHODS: To investigate the regulation of luteal function by gonadotropins, cytokines, and prostaglandins, the frequency of apoptosis and expression of Fas, Fas-L, Bcl-2, Bax, p53, caspase-8 were examined in cultured human luteal cells after treatment with various doses of FSH (30, 100, or 300 ng/mL), LH (30, 100, or 300 ng/mL), TGFbeta1 (1, 10, or 100 ng/mL), TNFalpha (1, 10, or 100 ng/mL), or PGF2alpha (1, 10, or 100 ng/mL) for 24 h. Cells were tested for apoptosis by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxyuridine triphosphate-digoxigenin nick end labeling TUNEL) method and cell death detection ELISA. Immunostaning was performed using anti-Fas, Fas ligand, Bcl-2, Bax, and p53 antibodies. RESULTS: Incidence of apoptosis determined by TUNEL method in the group without treatment was 1.7+/-0.5% (0 h), 10.8+/-1.6% (24 h), and 12.9+/-1.2% (48 h), respectively. Spontaneous increase was significant at the latter time points. Significant suppression of incidence of apoptosis was observed with LH and TGFbeta1 (P<0.05). On the other hand, significant induction of incidence of apoptosis was observed with TNFalpha and PGF2alpha (P<0.05). Immunostaining revealed that p53 and Bax expressions after treatment with LH or TGFbeta1 were significantly lower than those without treatment. Bcl-2 and caspase-8 expressions were not significantly affected by any substance addition. Also we found that inductions of apoptosis by TNFalpha and PGF2alpha were not correlated with the expression of Fas, Fas ligand, Bcl-2, Bax, p53 and caspase-8. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that LH and TGFbeta1 may be involved in the support of luteal function via suppression of apoptosis, and that TNFalpha and PGF2alpha may contribute to luteal regression via its induction in human corpus luteum during early luteal phase. Also, Fas, Fas-L, Bax and p53 may play roles in this apoptosis controlled by LH, and TGFbeta1.

Female , Humans , Antibodies , Apoptosis , Caspase 8 , Cell Death , Corpus Luteum , Cytokines , Deoxyuridine , Dinoprost , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Fas Ligand Protein , Gonadotropins , Hand , In Situ Nick-End Labeling , Incidence , Luteal Cells , Luteal Phase , Luteolysis , Prostaglandins , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online);51(3): 257-62, jun. 1999. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-260983


A regressäo luteal e a dinâmica folicular foram avaliadas durante o período de regressäo luteal natural (n=14) ou após a induçäo artificial da luteólise pela aplicaçäo de 500ug de cloprostenol (n=13),utilizando-se um aparelho portátil de ultra-som. Após a induçäo da luteólise foi detectada maior taxa de regressäo luteal em 24 (0,89ñ0,13 x 0,24ñ0,17 cm ao quadrado/dia; P<0,05) e 48 horas (0,78ñ0,15 x 0,36ñ0,07cm ao quadrado/dia P<0,05), porém a reduçäo na concentraçäo de progesterona foi semelhante (P>0,05). Näo houve diferença (P>0,05) nas características da dinâmica folicular entre os dois grupos. No momento da luteólise, quando havia um folículo dominante funcional, observou-se reduçäo na duraçäo do crescimento folicular (3,71ñ0,56 x 5,26ñ 0,34 dias; P<0,05) e no intervalo luteólise-estro (85,71ñ14,68 x 121,33ñ8,34 horas; P<0,05). Os resultados demonstram que a regressäo funcional do corpo lúteo e a dinâmica folicular säo semelhantes após a luteólise natural ou induzida em vacas da raça Gir, e que o fator determinante no intervalo luteólise-estro é o estádio fisiológico dos folículos presentes

Animals , Female , Cattle , Cloprostenol , Luteolysis
Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);59(5,pt.1): 463-5, 1999. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-247911


En el cuerpo lúteo (CL), la prostaglandina F2alpha (PGF2alpha) es un agente luteolítico. El óxido (NO) es una molécula mensajera capaz de regular diversos procesos patofisiológicos, algunos de ellos relacionados com el tracto rerpoductivo femenino. El objetivo del presente estudio fue investigar el rol del NO ovárico en la producción de PGF2alpha y progesterona (Pg) durante la regresión del CL en la rata. Se utilizó para ello el modelo de la rata pseudopreñada, obteniéndose un cuerpo lúteo funcional por 9 + 1 días. Fueron inyectados en bursa ovárica dos inhibidores competitivos de la óxido nítrico sintasa (Nos), NG-monometil-L-arginina (L-NMMA), 1 mg/kg); NW-nitro-L-arginina metil éster (L-NAME, 3 mg/kg) así como también un generador de NO como el nitroprusiato sódico (SNP, 0.05 mg/kg). Los resultados obtenidos indican que el NO, producido en el ovario durante la fase final del desarrollo del CL (días 8 y 9), actuaría aimentando la producción de PGF2alpha ovárica y disimuyendo la progesterona sérica desencadenando la regresión luteal. Se há propuesto un mecanismo de feedback positivo entre la PGF2alpha y el NO hacia la fase final del desarrollo del Cl, para asegurar la luteólisis. Esto fue evaluado mediante la medición de la actividad de la Nos, luego de haber inyectado una dosis luteolítica de PGF2alpha (3mug/kg) a ratas en estadio medio (día 5) y tardío (día 9) del desarrollo luteal. Los resultados confirmaron nuestra hipótesis; no se observó un efecto en el estadio medio del desarrollo del Cl, pero en la fase final se encontró un aumento en la actividad de la enzima Nos en aquellos animales que habían recibido la dosis mencionada de PGF2alpha.

Animals , Rats , Female , Dinoprost/biosynthesis , Luteolysis/metabolism , Nitric Oxide/physiology , Progesterone/biosynthesis , NG-Nitroarginine Methyl Ester/pharmacology , Nitric Oxide/antagonists & inhibitors , omega-N-Methylarginine/pharmacology , Pseudopregnancy , Rats, Wistar
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online);50(1): 35-9, fev. 1998. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-265566


Testou-se a eficácia de três doses de flunixin meglumine, um anti-prostaglandínico que impede a regressäo lútea precoce, em 32 cabras, sob estro sincronizado com esponjas vaginais, por 11 dias, impregnadas com 60mg de acetato de medroxiprogesterona, e aplicaçäo intramuscular de 50µg de cloprostenol no nono dia da sincronizaçäo. Nesse dia, também, teve início a superovulaçäo das doadoras com 9mg de FSH, fracionadas em seis aplicaçöes, em doses decrescentes, com intervalo de 12 horas. Três dias após a retirada das esponjas, iniciaram-se os tratamentos (T) com flunixin meglumine, nas seguintes doses por aplicaçäo: T1=0,00; T2=1,10; T3=1,65 e T4=2,20mg/kg de peso vivo, em um esquema de oito aplicaçöes, intervaladas de 12 horas. As fêmeas foram cobertas por reprodutores de fertilidade comprovada e as colheitas dos embriöes foram realizadas por laparotomia, entre o sexto e oitavo dia após a última cobertura. Os sintomas de estro foram observados em 84,34 por cento das fêmeas após os tratamentos de sincronizaçäo e superovulaçäo, principalmente entre 12 e 36 horas da retirada das esponjas. A ovulaçäo ocorreu em 87,10 por cento dos animais. As porcentagens de corpos lúteos funcionais em T1, T2, T3 e T4 foram, respectivamente, 54,95 e 45,04; 98,06 e 1,94; 67,16 e 32,83; 80,41 e 19,58. As maiores porcentagens de recuperaçäo embrionária ocorreram em T2; 51,45 e T4; 49,48 e as menores em T3 e T1, 32,83 e 28,83, respectivamente, mostrando relaçäo positiva com os porcentuais de corpos lúteos funcionais. T2 e T1 apresentaram os maiores valores de embriöes viáveis, 64,15 por cento e 56,25 por cento, respectivamente, seguidos por T4, 45,83 por cento e T3, 36,36 por cento. A dose de 1,10mg/kg de flunixin meglumine apresentou melhores resultados

Animals , Female , Goats , Luteolysis
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol ; 61(1): 1-4, 1996. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-175011


El defecto de fase lútea constituye una entidad compleja caracterizada por una no adecuada maduración endometrial, que ha sido relacionado con infertilidad y aborto habitual. Se realizó un estudio en 100 mujeres con ciclos espontáneos a las cuales se les realizó una biopsia de endometrios en la fase lútea tardía con el objetivo de evaluar la posibilidad de predecir aquellos endometrios que se encontrarían fuera de la fase analizando la edad de las pacientes, duración del ciclo menstrual, duración de la fase folicular y de la fase secretora del ciclo, tamaño folicular preovulatorio, grosor y tipo ecográfico endometrial. No se encontró diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los parámetros clínicos y ecográficos evaluados entre el grupo de pacientes con biopsias consideradas fuera de fase y aquéllas con biopsias normales. Se concluye que pacientes con estudio de endometrio inmaduro presentan fases foliculares enteramente semejantes a las de aquellas pacientes con biopsia de endometrio consideradas en fase

Humans , Female , Adult , Adolescent , Follow-Up Studies , Menstrual Cycle/physiology , Age Factors , Biopsy , Endometrium , Endometrium/anatomy & histology , Endometrium/pathology , Follicular Phase , Infertility, Female , Luteal Phase , Luteolysis
Indian J Exp Biol ; 1989 Nov; 27(11): 998-1000
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-58860


A biochemical study has been made on quantitative and qualitative changes in lipids of small (less than 300 microns), medium (300 to 550 microns) and large (less than 550 microns) follicles and in the fully developed and regressing corpora lutea. The total lipid content increased in the growing follicles and corpora lutea. Phospholipids formed the major component of total lipids in small sized follicles and developed corpus luteum. The cholesterol amount increased with the growth of follicles but decreased in the developed and regressing corpora lutea. Glycerides were the main fraction of total lipids in regressing corpora lutea. Free fatty acids were present in minor quantities in the growing follicles and corpora lutea. The physiological significance of these lipid changes is discussed.

Analysis of Variance , Animals , Corpus Luteum/physiology , Female , Lipid Metabolism , Luteolysis , Ovarian Follicle/physiology , Rats , Rats, Inbred Strains