ABSTRACT Introduction: secondary forms of lymphedema may occur as consequence of tumors, surgeries, radiotherapy, trauma and infections. Degloving injuries are severe and infrequent forms of trauma, with avulsion at the level of muscular fascia, and consequent injury of the lymphatic system. Objective: to evaluate the alterations in lymphatic circulation in patients being victims of circumferential degloving injuries in the lower limbs, using lymphoscintigraphic. Patients and Methods: retrospective analysis of the cases treated in the period from 2010 to 2016. Segmental, circumferential and unilateral injuries with involvement of the lower limbs were included. Lymphoscintigraphy was performed after a minimum interval of 12 months after the end of treatment. The non-injured lower limb was used as control. The Kleinhans Semiquantitative Index (KSI) was used for the semiquantitative evaluation of the lymphoscintigraphic findings. Results: eighteen patients were evaluated, six of whom were female and 12 were male. The mean age was 28.11 years. The average vertical extension of the circumferential traumatized segment was 29.33cm. The injured area presented variations of 5 to 15% of the body surface, with an average of 8.95%. Lymphoscintigraphy was performed after an average interval of 22.55 months. Alterations were observed on the traumatized limb (TL) in 13 patients. All control limbs (CL) were normal. The mean KSI observed in TL was 8.32, while in CL, the average value was 0.58 (p<0.001). Conclusion: patients with circumferential degloving injuries in the lower limbs present compromised lymphatic circulation and high probability to develop lymphedema.
RESUMO Introdução: as formas secundárias de linfedema podem ocorrer em consequência de tumores, cirurgias, radioterapia, traumas e infecções. Os desenluvamentos são formas graves e infrequentes de trauma, sendo observada avulsão no plano da fáscia muscular, com consequente lesão do sistema linfático. Objetivo: avaliar as alterações na circulação linfática nos pacientes vítimas de desenluvamentos circunferenciais nos membros inferiores, a partir da análise linfocintilográfica. Pacientes e Métodos: análise retrospectiva dos casos atendidos no período de 2010 a 2016. Foram incluídos os casos com acometimento segmentar, circunferencial e unilateral em membros inferiores. A linfocintilografia foi realizada após um intervalo mínimo de 12 meses do término do tratamento. O membro inferior não traumatizado foi utilizado como controle. Para a avaliação semiquantitativa dos achados linfocintilográficos, utilizou-se o Índice de Kleinhans (ISQTK). Resultados: foram avaliados 18 pacientes, sendo seis do gênero feminino e 12 do masculino. A média de idade foi de 28,11 anos. A extensão vertical do segmento traumatizado circunferencial foi em média de 29,33cm. O segmento traumatizado apresentou variações de 5 a 15% da superfície corporal, com média de 8,95%. A linfocintilografia foi realizada após intervalo médio de 22,55 meses. Foram observadas alterações no exame linfocintilográfico do membro traumatizado (MT) em 13 pacientes. Todos os exames dos membros controle (MC) foram normais. O ISQTK médio observado no MT foi 8,32 (0,3-20,75). No MC o valor médio foi de 0,58 (0,15-0,75). Conclusão: os pacientes com desenluvamentos circunferenciais nos membros inferiores apresentam circulação linfática comprometida e alta probabilidade para o desenvolvimento de linfedema.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Degloving Injuries , Lymphedema , Retrospective Studies , Lower Extremity/diagnostic imaging , LymphoscintigraphyABSTRACT
Chyle only occurs in the peritoneal cavity or around the pericardium through damage to the lymph nodes or improper drainage of the lymph and is characterized by a colostrum-like color and being rich in triglyceride. We encountered a case of a newborn infant with abdominal distention and further diagnosed chylous ascites and hydrocele by inspecting and analyzing the fluid obtained from the abdominal cavity and scrotum. Additionally, a lymphoscintigraphy was performed, which showed a decrease in the uptake of radioactive isotopes in the left iliac nodes and a delayed appearance. Here, we report a case of chyle diagnosed through puncture analysis and its subsequent successful treatment.
Humans , Infant, Newborn , Abdominal Cavity , Chyle , Chylous Ascites , Drainage , Lymph Nodes , Lymphoscintigraphy , Pericardium , Peritoneal Cavity , Punctures , Radioisotopes , Scrotum , TriglyceridesABSTRACT
Background: Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) is the standard of care for women with node negative breast cancer. Tc99 nanocolloid is a popular tracer, facilitating preoperative lymphoscintigraphy to identify sentinel nodes. This study compares the number of sentinel lymph nodes identified at the time of surgery in women who had lymphoscintigraphy with those who did not.Method: All women with primary breast cancer undergoing a SLNB from 20032017 who were node negative and did not have neoadjuvant chemotherapy were retrospectively reviewed in this study.Results: 576 women who had Tc99 preoperative injection were included in the study. Three hundred patients (Group 1) underwent lymphoscintigraphy preoperatively and 276 (Group 2) had no lymphoscintigraphy. The mean age at diagnosis for Groups 1 and 2 were 56 and 58 years, respectively. Both groups were also found to be similar in terms of histological subtype, tumour location, size, and HER2- and Estrogen receptor (ER) status. The surgery for the breast primary was similar in groups 1 and 2. While both groups had a median number of 2 nodes identified, the mean number of nodes identified for Group 2 (2.12) was 10% higher than for Group 1 (1.92) (p = 0.0026).Conclusion: This is the largest series to show that a preoperative lymphoscintigram (scan) can safely be omitted when performing a SLNB. As newer tracers are being used (e.g. Iron Oxide), it is important to know that accuracy of SLNB is not compromised by omission of a scan
Breast Neoplasms , Lymphoscintigraphy , Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy , South AfricaABSTRACT
El linfedema es la acumulación de fluido rico en proteínas en el intersticio, secundario a anomalías en el sistema de transporte linfático. En países desarrollados se relaciona más frecuentemente al tratamiento quirúrgico del cáncer. El diagnóstico clínico y a través de técnicas de imágenes es fundamental para evaluar el estado funcional del sistema linfático. Los objetivos principales en el manejo del linfedema son limitar la morbilidad del paciente, mejorar la funcionalidad y la calidad de vida. El tratamiento quirúrgico es una alternativa cuando las medidas conservadoras ya no son suficientes. Existen procedimientos que buscan prevenir el desarrollo del linfedema y técnicas que incluye procedimientos fisiológicos (reconstructivos) y resectivos que se utilizan cuando el linfedema ya está establecido. El éxito depende de una buena elección de los pacientes y la realización de un tratamiento individualizado. A continuación se presenta una revisión en cuanto a las últimas estrategias diagnósticas y actualización en las técnicas quirúrgicas con énfasis en el tratamiento microquirúrgico.
Lymphedema is the accumulation of protein-rich fluid in the interstitium, secondary to abnormalities in the lymphatic transport system. In developed countries it is more often related to surgical treatment of cancer. The clinical diagnosis and through imaging techniques is fundamental to evaluate the functional status of the lymphatic system. The main objectives in managing lymphedema are to limit patient morbidity, improve functionality and quality of life. Surgical treatment is an option when conservative measures are no longer sufficient. There are procedures that seek to prevent the development of lymphedema, and techniques that include physiological (reconstructive) and resective procedures that are used when lymphedema is already established. Success depends on a good selection of patients and the completion of an individualized treatment. The following is a review article of the latest diagnostic strategies and update in surgical techniques with emphasis on microsurgical treatment.
Humans , Lymphedema/surgery , Lymphedema/diagnostic imaging , Veins/surgery , Anastomosis, Surgical , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Lymphography , Contrast Media , Lymphatic Vessels/surgery , Lymphoscintigraphy , Indocyanine Green , Lymph Nodes/blood supply , Lymph Nodes/transplantation , Lymphedema/therapy , MicrosurgeryABSTRACT
Lymphedema is a common complication associated with cancer itself or with cancer treatment. Lymphedema infrequently occurs after drug therapy. Bee venom is one of the materials used in acupuncture, and it has been used in the treatment of a variety of inflammatory diseases including arthritis. We report a 74-year-old male patient with late-onset post-radiation lymphedema provoked by bee venom therapy. He was free of lymphedema for 5 years after the complete remission of prostate cancer which had been treated with transurethral resection and radiation therapy. The patient developed left leg swelling after undergoing bee venom therapy for left hip pain. Computed tomography and lymphoscintigraphy showed lymphedema without tumor recurrence or infection. The lymphatic system was suspected to be injured by bee venom therapy and lymphedema was provoked. Bee venom therapy should be used cautiously in patients prone to lymphedema.
Aged , Humans , Male , Acupuncture , Arthritis , Bee Venoms , Bees , Drug Therapy , Hip , Leg , Lymphatic System , Lymphedema , Lymphoscintigraphy , Prostatic Neoplasms , RecurrenceABSTRACT
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to evaluate the clinical efficacy of sentinel node centered selective neck dissection in patients with early stage tongue cancer (T1T2N0). SUBJECTS AND METHOD: Lymphoscintigraphy was performed for 12 patients, subsequently followed by sentinel node centered selective neck dissection. The location of the sentinel node, pathological confirmation of node metastasis, and follow-up recurrence were analyzed. RESULTS: In total, 19 sentinel lymph nodes were identified. Of these, 18 were located in levels I to III, and one in level IV. After surgery, 3 patients (25%) were diagnosed with neck node metastasis: two experienced sentinel node metastasis and one experienced skipped metastasis. During follow-up, 3 of the 12 patients (25%) experienced recurrence. CONCLUSION: The recurrence of lymph node could be covered with supraomohyoid neck dissection, which indicates that it has superiority over sentinel node centered selective neck dissection in preventing recurrence in T1T2N0 tongue cancer patients.
Humans , Follow-Up Studies , Lymph Nodes , Lymphoscintigraphy , Methods , Neck Dissection , Neck , Neoplasm Metastasis , Recurrence , Tongue Neoplasms , Tongue , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare SPECT/CT and planar lymphoscintigraphy in detecting hot nodes
Methods: In this retrospective study, planar and SPECT/CT lymphoscintigraphy were performed in 119 consecutive women with invasive breast cancer. Both images were assessed for the number of lymph nodes and their anatomical site. Hot nodes were categorized based on the classification used by surgeons as level I, II, III nodes. In addition, pathology reports were retrieved which provided additional information concerning the characteristics of the lesions missed or detected by either or both imaging modalities
Results: SPECT/CT detected hot nodes in 81 [68%] patients, while planar lymphoscintigraphy detected hot nodes in 70 [58.8%] patients. SPECT/ CT and planar imaging had 38 [32%] patients in common where they did not detect any hot nodes. According to histopathology, 15 [12.6%] out of 36 patients with negative lymphoscintigraphic sentinel node identification on both modalities had nodal metastasis. The higher lymph node detection rate by SPECT/CT was significant [p = 0.019]
Conclusion: When compared to planar lymphoscintigraphy, SPECT/CT refines preoperative lymph node detection and thus [N] staging. As such, we recommend that SPECT/CT ought to be performed in a particular set of patients, for it improves localization of the draining nodes, detects nodes missed on planar, and excludes false positives in cases of lymphatic/blood vessel radiotracer accumulation
Humans , Female , Sentinel Lymph Node/diagnostic imaging , Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography Computed Tomography , Retrospective Studies , LymphoscintigraphyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: To predict the probability of lymphedema development in breast cancer patients in the early post-operation stage, we investigated the ability of quantitative lymphoscintigraphic assessment. METHODS: This retrospective study included 201 patients without lymphedema after unilateral breast cancer surgery. Lymphoscintigraphy was performed between 4 and 8 weeks after surgery to evaluate the lymphatic system in the early postoperative stage. Quantitative lymphoscintigraphy was performed using four methods: ratio of radiopharmaceutical clearance rate of the affected to normal hand; ratio of radioactivity of the affected to normal hand; ratio of radiopharmaceutical uptake rate of the affected to normal axilla (RUA); and ratio of radioactivity of the affected to normal axilla (RRA). During a 1-year follow-up, patients with a circumferential interlimb difference of 2 cm at any measurement location and a 200-mL interlimb volume difference were diagnosed with lymphedema. We investigated the difference in quantitative lymphoscintigraphic assessment between the non-lymphedema and lymphedema groups. RESULTS: Quantitative lymphoscintigraphic assessment revealed that the RUA and RRA were significantly lower in the lymphedema group than in the non-lymphedema group. After adjusting the model for all significant variables (body mass index, N-stage, T-stage, type of surgery, and type of lymph node surgery), RRA was associated with lymphedema (odds ratio=0.14; 95% confidence interval, 0.04–0.46; p=0.001). CONCLUSION: In patients in the early postoperative stage after unilateral breast cancer surgery, quantitative lymphoscintigraphic assessment can be used to predict the probability of developing lymphedema.
Humans , Axilla , Breast Neoplasms , Breast , Clinical Study , Follow-Up Studies , Hand , Lymph Nodes , Lymphatic System , Lymphedema , Lymphoscintigraphy , Radioactivity , Retrospective Studies , Unilateral Breast NeoplasmsABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer. Of the 4 million skin lesions excised annually worldwide, approximately 2 million are considered cancerous. In this study, we aimed to describe a regional experience with skin cancers treated by a single senior surgeon and to provide a treatment algorithm. METHODS: The medical records of 176 patients with head and neck non-melanocytic skin cancer (NMSC) who were treated by a single surgeon at our institution between January 2010 and May 2016 were retrospectively reviewed, and their data (age, sex, pathological type, tumor location/size, treatment modality) were analyzed. Patients with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) who were classified as a high-risk group for nodal metastasis underwent sentinel node mapping according to the National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines. RESULTS: Among the patients with NMSC who were treated during this period, basal cell carcinoma (BCC; n=102, 57.9%) was the most common pathological type, followed by cSCC (n=66, 37.5%). Most lesions were treated by complete excision, with tumor-free surgical margins determined via frozen section pathology. Thirty-one patients with high-metastasis-risk cSCC underwent sentinel node mapping, and 17 (54.8%) exhibited radiologically positive sentinel nodes. Although these nodes were pathologically negative for metastasis, 2 patients (6.5%) later developed lymph node metastases. CONCLUSION: In our experience, BCC treatment should comprise wide excision with tumor-free surgical margins and proper reconstruction. In contrast, patients with cSCC should undergo lymphoscintigraphy, as nodal metastases are a possibility. Proper diagnosis and treatment could reduce the undesirably high morbidity and mortality rates.
Humans , Carcinoma, Basal Cell , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell , Diagnosis , Frozen Sections , Head , Lymph Nodes , Lymphoscintigraphy , Medical Records , Mortality , Neck , Neoplasm Metastasis , Pathology , Retrospective Studies , Skin Neoplasms , SkinABSTRACT
Contralateral metastatic axillary lymph nodes in a patient with breast cancer is a rare condition. Here, we present a 55-year-old woman with a second primary breast cancer. The patient underwent ¹⁸F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (FDG PET/CT) for staging work-up. Additionally, preoperative lymphoscintigraphy was performed to detect sentinel lymph nodes. FDG PET/CT demonstrated increased FDG uptake in the left nipple and right axillary lymph nodes. Lymphoscintigraphy identified the right axillary lymph nodes which was consistent with the FDG PET/CT findings. This case emphasizes the usefulness of FDG PET/CT and lymphoscintigraphy for identifying unpredictable contralateral axillary lymph node metastasis from a second primary breast cancer.
Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Breast Neoplasms , Breast , Electrons , Lymph Nodes , Lymphoscintigraphy , Neoplasm Metastasis , Nipples , Positron Emission Tomography Computed TomographyABSTRACT
PURPOSE: To analyze clinical outcomes of sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy in lower extremity melanoma with dual-basin drainage on lymphoscintigraphy.METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed patients with lower extremity melanoma who underwent lymphoscintigraphy and SLN biopsy in a single center between 2006 and 2015. Gamma probe was used to detect SLNs. For dual-basin drainage, we regarded a basin that showed a two-fold greater radioactivity value than the others as a ‘dominant’ basin. SLN biopsy was performed only for the dominant basin. If two basins showed similar radioactivity, biopsy was conducted for both.RESULTS: One hundred and seven patients underwent preoperative lymphoscintigraphy, and 29 dual (popliteal, inguinal) drainages were found. Of the 29 melanomas with dual drainage, seven showed similar radioactivity on both basins, 22 showed inguinal as the dominant basin and no melanoma had a dominant popliteal basin. Among the seven patients who underwent dual-basin biopsy, six had negative results, all of which experienced no recurrence during follow-up. Among the 22 patients who underwent biopsy of the dominant inguinal basin, 19 had negative results. During the follow-up, these patients showed six recurrences, but none of them experienced popliteal recurrence. All three patients who had tumor-positive inguinal node experienced recurrence in the popliteal basin as well as at other sites.CONCLUSION: For melanomas showing dual-basin drainage on lymphoscintigraphy, performing SLN biopsy only on the dominant (inguinal) basin is reliable when the dominant basin shows negative results. However, considering the recurrence pattern of our data, a tumor-positive dominant basin should prompts an SLN biopsy of the other basin.
Humans , Biopsy , Drainage , Follow-Up Studies , Lower Extremity , Lymph Nodes , Lymphoscintigraphy , Melanoma , Radioactivity , Recurrence , Retrospective Studies , Sentinel Lymph Node BiopsyABSTRACT
The sentinel lymph node (SLN) is the first node receiving lymphatic drainage of a tumor and best reflects tumor metastasis. Whether there is a micrometastasis in SLN determines the choice of pelvic lymph node dissection for prostate cancer and is closely related to later treatment and prognosis. Therefore, precise localization of SLN is essential. This review discusses the application of SLN tracer techniques, such as preoperative imaging and intraoperative lymphoscintigraphy and localization of SLN, in prostate cancer.
Humans , Male , Lymph Node Excision , Lymphatic Metastasis , Lymphoscintigraphy , Neoplasm Micrometastasis , Diagnostic Imaging , Pathology , Prognosis , Prostatic Neoplasms , Pathology , Sentinel Lymph Node , Diagnostic ImagingABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this prospective study was to determine whether the additional use of the single photon emission computed tomography/CT (SPECT/CT) technique improves the diagnostic value of planar lymphoscintigraphy in patients presenting with primary lymph edema of the lower limb. MATERIALS AND METHODS: For a defined period of three years (April 2011-April 2014) a total of 34 consecutive patients (28 females; age range, 27-83 years) presenting with swelling of the leg(s) suspicious of (uni- or bilateral, proximal or distal) primary lymphedema were prospectively examined by planar lymphoscintigraphy (lower limbs, n = 67) and the tomographic SPECT/CT technique (anatomical sides, n = 65). RESULTS: In comparison to pathological planar scintigraphic findings, the addition of SPECT/CT provided relevant additional information regarding the presence of dermal backflow (86%), the anatomical extent of lymphatic disorders (64%), the presence or absence of lymph nodes (46%), and the visualization of lymph vessels (4%). CONCLUSION: As an adjunct to planar lymphoscintigraphy, SPECT/CT specifies the anatomical correlation of lymphatic disorders and thus improves assessment of the extent of pathology due to the particular advantages of tomographic separation of overlapping sources. The interpretation of scintigraphic data benefits not only in baseline diagnosis, but also in physiotherapeutical and microsurgical treatments of primary lymphedema.
Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Lower Extremity/anatomy & histology , Lymphatic Vessels/diagnostic imaging , Lymphedema/diagnosis , Lymphoscintigraphy , Radiopharmaceuticals , Retrospective Studies , Tomography, Emission-Computed, Single-Photon , Tomography, X-Ray ComputedABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the validity of quantitative lymphoscintigraphy as a useful lymphedema assessment tool for patients with breast cancer surgery including axillary lymph node dissection (ALND). METHODS: We recruited 72 patients with lymphedema after breast cancer surgery that included ALND. Circumferences in their upper limbs were measured in five areas: 15 cm proximal to the lateral epicondyle (LE), the elbow, 10 cm distal to the LE, the wrist, and the metacarpophalangeal joint. Then, maximal circumference difference (MCD) was calculated by subtracting the unaffected side from the affected side. Quantitative asymmetry indices (QAI) were defined as the radiopharmaceutical uptake ratios of the affected side to the unaffected side. Patients were divided into 3 groups by qualitative lymphoscintigraphic patterns: normal, decreased function, and obstruction. RESULTS: The MCD was highest in the qualitative obstruction (2.76+/-2.48) pattern with significant differences from the normal (0.69+/-0.78) and decreased function (1.65+/-1.17) patterns. The QAIs of the axillary LNs showed significant differences among the normal (0.82+/-0.29), decreased function (0.42+/-0.41), and obstruction (0.18+/-0.16) patterns. As the QAI of the axillary LN increased, the MCD decreased. The QAIs of the upper limbs were significantly higher in the obstruction (3.12+/-3.07) pattern compared with the normal (1.15+/-0.10) and decreased function (0.79+/-0.30) patterns. CONCLUSION: Quantitative lymphoscintigraphic analysis is well correlated with both commonly used qualitative lymphoscintigraphic analysis and circumference differences in the upper limbs of patients with breast cancer surgery with ALND. Quantitative lymphoscintigraphy may be a good alternative assessment tool for diagnosing lymphedema after breast cancer surgery with ALND.
Humans , Breast Neoplasms , Breast , Elbow , Lymph Node Excision , Lymphedema , Lymphoscintigraphy , Metacarpophalangeal Joint , Upper Extremity , WristABSTRACT
No abstract available.
Carcinoma, Merkel Cell , Lymph Nodes , Lymphoscintigraphy , Neoplasm MetastasisABSTRACT
<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To analyze the clinical characteristics and diagnosis of 2 cases with chylothorax due to primary lymphatic dysplasia and to elevate pediatrician's recognition level for this disease.</p><p><b>METHOD</b>Clinical manifestations of the children were retrospectively analyzed. Primary lymphatic dysplasia was diagnosed by lymphoscintigraphy.</p><p><b>RESULT</b>The first patient was a male aged 2-year-7-month who presented with a history of tachypnea for 43 days, fever and sore throat for 5 days at the early stage of the illness. He had a history of external injury before his illness. Physical examination showed his left chest bulging and left side diminished breath sound. His pleural effusion showed dark red (It was divided into two layers after standing, the upper layer turned into milky white, and the lower turned into hemorrhagic liquid) . White blood cell (WBC) count was 9 000×10(6)/L, mononuclear cell was 0.9, polykaryocytes was 0.1, triglyceride was 12.37 mmol/L in the pleural effusion. Contrast-enhanced lung CT (revascularization) showed pericardial effusion and a massive left sided pleural effusion. The second patient was a male aged 9 years and 6 months, who presented with a history of cough for 24 days, intermittent fever, vomiting, abdominal pain for 19 days, and edema of lower limbs for 4 days. Physical examination showed edema in both eyelids, lower extremities and scrotum. The level of albumin was 14 g/L and the titer of Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM was 1: 320 in the serum. His hydrothorax pleural effusion showed milk white. White blood cell (WBC) count was 74×10(6)/L, mononuclear cell was 0.78, polykaryocytes was 0.22, triglyceride was 1.01 mmol/L in the pleural effusion. Chyle test showed positive in his pleural effusion and seroperitoneum. High-resolution CT of the lung revealed bilateral interstitial and parenchymal infiltration and both sided pleural effusion. Abdominal ultrasound showed giant hypertrophy of the gastric mucosa and massive ascites. Gastroscopy showed giant hypertrophy of the gastric mucosa. Lymphoscintigraphy revealed primary lymphatic dysplasia in both children.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>Primary lymphatic dysplasia might occur in children and result in dropsy of serous cavity (chylothorax, chylopericardium, chylous ascites). Dropsy of serous cavity showed bloody or milk white. WBC count might elevate with lymphocyte increasing mostly, triglyceride was often higher than 1.0 mmol/L in dropsy of serous cavity. Primary lymphatic dysplasia can be diagnosed by lymphoscintigraphy.</p>
Child , Child, Preschool , Humans , Male , Chylothorax , Diagnosis , Pathology , Leukocyte Count , Lymphatic Abnormalities , Diagnosis , Pathology , Lymphoscintigraphy , Pericardial Effusion , Diagnosis , Pleural Effusion , Diagnosis , Pathology , Tomography, X-Ray ComputedABSTRACT
Herein, we report a case of sentinel lymph node mapping in a uterine cervix cancer patient, referring to the nuclear medicine department of our institute. Lymphoscintigraphy images showed inappropriate intra-cervical injection of radiotracer. Blue dye technique was applied for sentinel lymph node mapping, using intra-cervical injection of methylene blue. Two blue/cold sentinel lymph nodes, with no pathological involvement, were intra-operatively identified, and the patient was spared pelvic lymph node dissection. The present case underscores the importance of lymphoscintigraphy imaging in sentinel lymph node mapping and demonstrates the added value of blue dye injection in selected patients. It is suggested that preoperative lymphoscintigraphy imaging be considered as an integral part of sentinel lymph node mapping in surgical oncology. Detailed results of lymphoscintigraphy images should be provided for surgeons prior to surgery, and in case the sentinel lymph nodes are not visualized, use of blue dye for sentinel node mapping should be encouraged
Humans , Female , Phytic Acid , Lymphoscintigraphy , Methylene Blue , Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy , Radioactive TracersABSTRACT
After mastectomy and axillary node dissection, chylous leakage is rare. However, considerable anatomical variation in the termination of the thoracic duct has been reported. Hence, during breast surgery, injury to the lateral terminating branch is not unlikely and might lead to retrograde chyle leak. Herein, we describe a patient who had a chylous leakage at her wound site after a left simple mastectomy and axillary node dissection and for whom lymphoscintigraphy with Tc-99m albumin nanocolloid was performed. In this case, additional hybrid single-photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography study was done, and has helped with the accurate identification of the chyle leakage site, thus aiding in surgical management.
Humans , Breast , Breast Neoplasms , Chyle , Lymphoscintigraphy , Mastectomy , Mastectomy, Simple , Thoracic Duct , Tomography, Emission-Computed, Single-Photon , Wounds and InjuriesABSTRACT
Melanoma incidence has been increasing worldwide. For localized melanoma, the status of the sentinel lymph node is the most important prognostic factor. This study aimed to evaluate the systematization of a technique to identify the sentinel lymph node anatomically by using lymphoscintigraphy and patent blue. Method: A total of 12 cases were studied between March 2009 and March 2012. The treatment protocol followed criteria established by the Brazilian Group of Melanoma. Patients were evaluated for age, sex, thickness of the primary lesion, localization of drainage site ofthe sentinellymph node,and presence ofmetastases. Results: The majority of patients were male and the mean age was 49.7 years. The types of thickness most frequently found were Breslow thickness 0- 1 mm and Clark levei lI. Ali of the dissected lymph nodes were stained with patent blue. Histological and immunohistochemical analysis of the lymph nodes were negative for metastases. Conclusions: The combined use of lymphoscintigraphy and patent blue allows for the precise localization of the sentinel lymph node, with a fast learning curve for surgeons, and low operative morbidity.
A incidência do melanoma vem aumentando em todo o mundo. O status do linfonodo sentinela é o fator prognóstico mais importante para o melanoma localizado. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a sistematização da técnica de identificação anatômica do linfonodo sentinela com o uso de linfocintigrafia e azul patente. Método: Foram estudados 12 casos no período de março de 2009 a março de 2012. O protocolo de tratamento seguiu os critérios do Grupo Brasileiro de Melanoma. Os pacientes foram avaliados quanto a idade, sexo, espessura da lesão primária, localização dos sítios de drenagem do linfonodo sentinela, e presença de metástases. Resultados: A maioria dos pacientes era do sexo masculino e a média de idade era de 49,7 anos. Em relação à espessura, os tipos mais encontrados foram 0-1 mm de Breslow e nível II de Clark. Todos os linfonodos dissecados foram corados por azul patente. A análise histológica e imuno-histoquímica dos linfonodos foi negativa para metástases. Conclusões: O uso combinado de linfocintigrafia e azul patente permite a localização precisa do linfonodo sentinela, com rápida curva de aprendizado e baixa morbidade operatória.