Resumen | Introducción. La calidad de la mamografía está directamente relacionada con la capacidad para detectar anormalidades y, por ello, es necesario el control de calidad en los centros de imágenes diagnósticas. Objetivo. Evaluar la calidad de la imagen, la lectura y el servicio de mamografía de algunos centros de imágenes diagnósticas en Manizales, Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Cuatro centros participaron de forma voluntaria y bajo acuerdos de confidencialidad en el estudio. De las 520 mujeres atendidas en ellos, a 318 se les hicieron mamografías. A partir de una inspección visual del servicio, se evaluaron la infraestructura, la tecnología y el personal de la unidad. Un radiólogo experto en lectura e interpretación clínica de imágenes mamarias evaluó la calidad de la imagen y la de su lectura. El análisis estadístico se hizo utilizando un anova y determinando el índice kappa y el porcentaje de desacuerdo. Resultados. Se encontró falta de calidad de las imágenes obtenidas, principalmente, por presencia de artificios en el 75 % de ellas, e identificación y rotulación deficientes; además, en la toma de la proyección oblicua medio-lateral, se encontró falta de visualización del ángulo inframamario. El grado de concordancia en el reporte BI-RADS fue bajo en los cuatro centros, con diferencias importantes en el informe y la descripción de los hallazgos. Conclusión. Los centros de imágenes diagnósticas evaluados están habilitados para el funcionamiento, pero se encontraron deficiencias importantes en la calidad de las imágenes y en su lectura, lo que pone de manifiesto la necesidad de establecer estándares de calidad y mejorar los aspectos que se puedan mejorar.
Abstract | Introduction: Mammography quality is directly related to the ability to detect an abnormality and, therefore, quality control is necessary for diagnostic imaging centers. Objective: To evaluate image quality, reading, and mammography service in some diagnostic imaging centers in Manizales, Colombia. Materials and methods: Four diagnostic imaging centers participated voluntarily in the study under confidentiality agreements. Out of 520 women attending the centers, 318 had a mammography. The infrastructure, technology, and human resources of each unit were evaluated based on visual inspections. A radiologist expert in reading and clinical interpretation of mammary images evaluated the quality of the image and the reading. We made the statistical analysis using anova, the kappa index, and the percentage of disagreement. Results: We found images of diminished quality mainly due to the presence of artifacts in 75 % of those evaluated, as well as non-compliance with identification criteria and image labeling. There were difficulties in taking the lateral median oblique projection given the absence of the inframammary. The level of agreement in the BI-RADS reporting was low in the four centers with important differences in the report and description of findings. Conclusion: The city's diagnostic centers under evaluation are authorized for their operation. However, there are important deficiencies in image quality and reading, which highlights the need to seek quality standards starting from those aspects that can be improved upon.
Mammography , Quality Assurance, Health Care , Biomedical Engineering , Diagnostic Imaging , Maintenance and Engineering, HospitalABSTRACT
Objetivo: Identificar o conhecimento dos dos trabalhadores de Enfermagem do pronto socorro de um hospital universitário acerca dos riscos laborais a que estão submetidos. Método: Estudo exploratório sob a abordagem quantitativa, onde aplicou-se um questionário para 137 profissionais de Enfermagem (48 enfermeiros, 37 técnicos de enfermagem e 52 auxiliares de enfermagem) do Pronto Socorro de um Hospital Universitário. Resultados: Os sujeitos do estudo são predominantemente do sexo feminino (70,8%), na faixa etária de 26 a 35 anos (43,1%), com até cinco anos de trabalho no pronto socorro (81,6%) e atuando no turno noturno (41,6%). Dos riscos, os mais apontados foram os biológicos como bactérias, vírus, sangue, e secreções, pelas três categorias profissionais. Seguiram-se os riscos físicos com material perfuro cortante, manutenção precária e ruídos; os químicos medicamentos, poeira e desinfetantes; e os ergonômicos levantar e sustentar pacientes e andar muito pelo setor. Conclusão: Os profissionais reconhecem o principal risco envolvido em sua prática assistencial como sendo biológico. Esses resultados são importantes para nortear ações na gestão que visem ações preventivas. (AU)
Objective: To identify the health risks of nursing workers in the emergency department of a university hospital. Method: Exploratory study with quantitative approach, using a questionnaire applied in 137 nursing workers (48 nurses, 37 nursing technicians and 52 nursing assistants) from the Emergency Room of an university hospital center. Results: The sample consisted of predominantly female (70.8%), ages 26 to 35 years old (43.1%), with up to five years of work in the emergency room (81.6%) and working in the night shift (41.6%). The main risk cited by all professionals was Biological, exemplified by bacteria, viruses, blood, and secretions. Others risks were also remembered, such as the Physical ones: use of sharp-perforating material, poor maintenance of the environment and noise; Chemical risks described as contact with medical drugs, dust and disinfectants; and the Ergonomic ones, like to raise and to support patients and walk around the sector a lot. Conclusion: Nursing Professionals recognize the main risk involved in their daily practice as being biological. These results are important to guide further preventive actions. (AU)
Objetivo: identificar los riesgos para la salud de los trabajadores de enfermería en el departamento de emergencias de un hospital universitario. Método: estudio exploratório con enfoque cuantitativo, desarrollado a partir de un cuestionario para 137 profesionales de enfermería (48 enfermeras, 37 técnicas de enfermería y 52 auxiliares de enfermería) de la sala de emergencias de uno hospital universitario. Resultados: Los sujetos del estudio son predominantemente mujeres (70.8%), de 26 a 35 años (43.1%), con hasta cinco años de trabajo en la sala de emergencias (81.6%) y trabajando en el turno nocturno (41,6%). De los riesgos, los más destacados fueron los Biologicos, como bacterias, virus, sangre y secreciones, por las tres categorías profesionales. A seguir fueran los riesgos Fisicos con lo material perforante, mala conservación del área física y ruido; los Quimicos con las drogas químicas, polvo y desinfectantes; y los Ergonómicos com la movilizacion y apoyo a los pacientes y se muever mucho por el sector. Conclusión: Los profesionales reconocen que el principal riesgo involucrado en su práctica de cuidado es biológico. Estos resultados son importantes para guiar las acciones de gestión dirigidas a acciones preventivas (AU)
Occupational Risks , Emergency Medical Services , Hospitals, University , Maintenance and Engineering, HospitalABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#Improve the integrity of the digestive electron microscope equipment and reduce the cost of equipment failure maintenance.@*METHODS@#By studying the composition and function of the digestive electron microscope system and analyzing the causes of common faults, a targeted preventive maintenance plan is developed, equipment users are graded, and a training system is established.@*RESULTS@#The user of the device can skillfully analyze the cause of the malfunction and timely deal with the sudden failure of the diagnosis and treatment, thereby reduce the risk of diagnosis and treatment and the investment in hospital maintenance.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Through the analysis and processing of the digestive electron microscope system, point detection leakage, grading training, preventive maintenance can significantly improve the equipment integrity rate, reduce the risk of clinical diagnosis and treatment, effectively reduce the number of equipment failures, and reduce maintenance costs.
Equipment Failure , Maintenance and Engineering, Hospital , Microscopy, ElectronABSTRACT
Resumo OBJETIVO Avaliar as notificações e caracterizar os incidentes de quedas dos pacientes adultos internados em unidades clínicas e cirúrgicas de um hospital universitário na região sul do país, no período de 2011 a 2014. MÉTODO Estudo descritivo, transversal e retrospectivo, realizado no período de dezembro de 2016 a dezembro de 2017. A amostra foi de 1112 notificações, abrangendo todos os pacientes internados que foram notificados com ocorrência de quedas no período estudado. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva e analítica. RESULTADOS Foram predominantes na amostra os pacientes do sexo feminino e idosos, onde 69,4% dos incidentes não apresentaram dano. A ocorrência de quedas foi significativamente maior no período noturno. Limitação para deambular e estar desacompanhado foram os fatores mais prevalentes nas condições do paciente antes da queda. CONCLUSÃO Queda é um evento multifatorial que necessita avaliação periódica dos fatores de risco pela equipe para planejar sua prevenção.
Resumen OBJETIVO Evaluar las notificaciones y caracterizar los incidentes de caídas de los pacientes adultos internados en unidades clínicas y quirúrgicas de un hospital universitario en la región sur del país, en el período 2011 a 2014. MÉTODO Estudio descriptivo, transversal y retrospectivo, realizado en el período de diciembre de 2016 a diciembre de 2017. La muestra fue de 1112 notificaciones, abarcando a todos los pacientes internados que fueron notificados con ocurrencia de caídas en el periodo estudado. Los datos fueron analizados por medio de estadística descriptiva y analítica. RESULTADOS: Fueron predominantes en la muestra los pacientes del sexo femenino y ancianos, donde el 69,4% de los incidentes no presentaron daño. La ocurrencia de caídas fue significativamente mayor en el período nocturno. La limitación para deambular y estar desatendido fueron los factores más prevalentes en las condiciones del paciente antes de la caída. CONCLUSIÓN La caída es un evento multifactorial que necesita evaluación periódica de los factores de riesgo por el equipo para planificar su prevención.
Abstract OBJECTIVE To evaluate the occurrences and to characterize the falling incidents of adult patients hospitalized in clinical and surgical units of a university hospital in the southern region of the country, in the period from 2011 to 2014. METHOD Descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective study, carried out from December 2016 to December 2017. The sample consisted of 1112 reports, covering all hospitalized patients who were notified with falls occurring in the studied period. Data were analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistics. RESULTS Female and elderly patients were predominant in the sample, in which 69.4% of the incidents did not present any damage. The occurrence of falls was significantly higher at night. Limitation to walking and being unaccompanied were the most prevalent factors in the patient's conditions before the fall. CONCLUSION The fall is a multifactorial event that requires periodic evaluation of the risk factors by the team to plan their prevention.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Accidental Falls/statistics & numerical data , Hospitals, University/statistics & numerical data , Risk Management , Seizures/epidemiology , Wounds and Injuries/etiology , Wounds and Injuries/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Diagnosis-Related Groups , Sex Distribution , Age Distribution , Confusion/epidemiology , Mobility Limitation , Patient Safety , Maintenance and Engineering, Hospital , Middle AgedABSTRACT
Resumo: Objetivou-se conhecer e analisar as relações entre processo de envelhecimento e trabalho. Trata-se de estudo de caso desenvolvido em um setor de engenharia de manutenção de um hospital de alta complexidade do Município de São Paulo, Brasil. Entre os meses de setembro e outubro de 2015, foram realizadas 16 entrevistas semiestruturadas com chefias e demais trabalhadores com idade mínima de 50 anos. Os dados foram analisados com base na análise temática de conteúdo. Constatou-se que, embora os trabalhadores encontrem dificuldades decorrentes do processo de envelhecimento, elas não inviabilizaram a realização das atividades de trabalho, pois desenvolveram estratégias para compensar as perdas e/ou declínios funcionais por meio de seu saber-fazer. Contudo, sentem-se limitados e desmotivados devido às más condições de trabalho oferecidas, terceirização do setor e à atual organização do trabalho. Assim, considerou-se que as condições e organização do trabalho têm, no setor estudado, mais repercussões no cotidiano de trabalho dos entrevistados do que os impactos decorrentes do processo de envelhecimento.
Abstract: This study aimed to identify and analyze the relations between aging and work. This was a case study in the maintenance engineering division of a high-complexity hospital in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. In September and October 2015, 16 semi-structured interviews were held with the division heads and other workers with a minimum age of 50 years. The data were analyzed with thematic content analysis. Although the workers experienced difficulties resulting from the aging process, these did not prevent them from performing their work activities, since they developed strategies through their knowhow to compensate for their functional losses and/or declines. Still, they felt limited and demotivated due to the poor working conditions, outsourcing of the division, and the prevailing workload organization. Thus, in this division, the working conditions and organization had more impact than the aging process on the individuals' daily work routine.
Resumen: El objetivo fue conocer y analizar las relaciones entre proceso de envejecimiento y trabajo. Se trata de un estudio de caso, desarrollado en un sector de ingeniería de mantenimiento de un hospital de alta complejidad del municipio de Sao Paulo, Brasil. Entre los meses de septiembre y octubre de 2015, se realizaron 16 entrevistas semiestructuradas a puestos ejecutivos y demás trabajadores con una edad mínima de 50 años. Los datos se analizaron en base al análisis temática de contenido. Se constató que, aunque los trabajadores encuentren dificultades derivadas del proceso de envejecimiento, estas últimas no inviabilizaron la realización de actividades laborales, pues desarrollaron estrategias para compensar las pérdidas y/o declives funcionales mediante su saber-hacer. No obstante, se sienten limitados y desmotivados, debido a las malas condiciones de trabajo ofrecidas, tercerización del sector y la actual organización del trabajo. Por ello, se consideró que las condiciones y organización del trabajo tienen, en el sector estudiado, más repercusiones en el día a día del trabajo de los entrevistados que los impactos derivados del proceso de envejecimiento.
Humans , Male , Aged , Work/physiology , Aging/physiology , Hospitals, Public , Maintenance and Engineering, Hospital , Work Capacity Evaluation , Brazil , Occupational Health , Age Factors , Workplace/organization & administration , Qualitative Research , Job Satisfaction , Life Change Events , Middle AgedABSTRACT
Expounding the status of the current domestic medical equipment maintenance management, and puting forward the strategic thinking of medical maintenance for the challenges of equipment maintenance management in the hospital. This discussion can be performed to control the maintenance costs of hospital effectively, increase the income and social benefits of the hospital.
Costs and Cost Analysis , Equipment and Supplies, Hospital , Maintenance and Engineering, Hospital , Economics , Materials Management, Hospital , EconomicsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: To determine what factors have a significant influence on the performance of medical device maintenance outsourcing, and to determine how the performance of external governance structures differs depending on whether a hospital is private or public. METHODS: This was a longitudinal study of 590 maintenance transactions at 20 hospitals in Bogotá, Colombia, involving 764 medical devices and 72 maintenance service providers. Maintenance performance data (i.e., turn-around time in hours; TAT) for the service providers (either in-house or outsourced) were primarily collected over a 20-month period, from December 2009-August 2011, by means of a monitoring procedure; then, a hazards model was run. RESULTS: The availability of specific repair parts, in-stock, in the city in which the medical devices were located, had a positive impact on the performance of both internal and external governance structures. Online service also had a positive impact on both, with a stronger positive impact on the performance of internal governance than on that of external governance. For transactions governed by external structures, better performance was seen in private hospitals than in public ones. In public health institutions, internal governance showed better performance than external governance. Both internal and external governance structures showed better performance in private healthcare institutions than in public ones. CONCLUSIONS: In public health institutions, internal governance shows better performance than external governance; this suggests that healthcare managers should reconsider the trend to eliminate in-house maintenance service staff in public healthcare institutions.
OBJETIVO: Establecer los factores que influyen significativamente en el desempeño del mantenimiento de los dispositivos médicos mediante contratación externa, y determinar cómo difiere el desempeño de las estructuras externas de gobernanza según un hospital sea privado o público. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio longitudinal de 590 transacciones de mantenimiento en 20 hospitales de Bogotá (Colombia), que incluyeron 764 dispositivos médicos y 72 proveedores de servicio de mantenimiento. Por medio de un procedimiento de vigilancia, se recopilaron principalmente datos de desempeño del mantenimiento (es decir, el plazo de entrega en horas) por parte de los proveedores del servicio (ya fuera este interno o externalizado) durante un período de 20 meses, desde diciembre del 2009 a agosto del 2011; a continuación, se aplicó un modelo de riesgos. RESULTADOS: La disponibilidad de piezas de repuesto específicas en existencia en la misma ciudad en que se ubicaban los dispositivos médicos tuvo una repercusión positiva sobre el desempeño de ambas estructuras de gobernanza, la interna y la externa. El servicio en línea también tuvo una repercusión positiva en el desempeño de ambas estructuras; pero esta repercusión fue más intensa en el desempeño de la gobernanza interna que en el de la externa. En cuanto a las transacciones regidas por estructuras externas, se observó un mejor desempeño en los hospitales privados que en los públicos. En las instituciones de salud pública, la gobernanza interna mostró un mejor desempeño que la externa. Ambas estructuras de gobernanza mostraron un mejor desempeño en las instituciones de atención de salud privadas que en las públicas. CONCLUSIONES: En las instituciones de salud pública, la gobernanza interna muestra un mejor desempeño que la externa; ello indica que los gerentes de atención de salud deben reconsiderar la tendencia a eliminar al personal de los servicios de mantenimiento interno de las instituciones públicas de atención de salud.
Equipment and Supplies , Maintenance and Engineering, Hospital , Outsourced Services , Colombia , Longitudinal Studies , Maintenance and Engineering, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Outsourced Services/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar (através de estudo descritivo, quantitativo e transversal) a prestação de serviços de manutenção predial em Unidades de Saúde, considerando os cinco tipos de Estabelecimentos (Unidade Básica de Saúde, Unidade de Pronto Atendimento, Especialidade, Hospitalar e Saúde Mental). A pesquisa foi aprovada no CEP da FHEMIG com o Termo de Concordância junto ao SUS Betim. Foi realizada a análise comparativa através da verificação de requisitos da "Gestão da Estrutura Físico-Funcional", do "Manual Brasileiro de Acreditação Hospitalar" da ONA. Foram constatadas inconformidades na gestão físico-funcional dos EAS, especialmente das UBS. Importante essa avaliação, considerando que o cumprimento dos requisitos formais, técnicos e de estrutura, as atividades assistenciais, de acordo com a organização do serviço e adequadas ao perfil e à complexidade, podem colaborar para minimizar os riscos dos usuários. Para a melhoria da qualidade assistencial dos estabelecimentos, é imprescindível que os gestores, com o respaldo da "alta direção", priorizem, nos planejamentos, os recursos financeiros, humanos e materiais a fim de garantir o cumprimento das exigências da segurança dos usuários nos edifícios.
The scope of this paper was to evaluate the provision of building maintenance services in health units, by means of a descriptive, quantitative and cross-sectional study, considering the five types of facilities (Primary Health, Emergency, Specialty, Hospital and Mental Health Units). The research was approved by the Research Ethics Comittee of FHEMIG with the Terms of Agreement signed with the Unified Health System of Betim. Comparative analysis was conducted by checking the requirements of "Physical-Functional Structure Management" of the "Brazilian Hospital Accreditation Manual" of the National Accreditation Organization. Nonconformities were noted in the physical-functional management of the health centers, especially the primary health units. The assessment was important, considering that compliance with formal, technical and structural requirements, welfare activities, according to the service organization and appropriate to the profile and complexity, can collaborate to minimize the risks of users. To improve the quality of health care establishments, it is essential that managers, backed by "top management," prioritize financial, human and material resources in planning to ensure compliance with security requirements of users in buildings.
Hospital Administration , Safety/standards , Maintenance and Engineering, Hospital/organization & administration , Corrective Maintenance , Preventive MaintenanceABSTRACT
Based on HRP (Hospital Resource Planning) system's device management module, A new online information management system is proposed and realized to meet the new challenge of medical devices' repairing and maintenance. the traditional telephone report or online report can all be deal. the repair progress can be visualized in real time PM planning and it's early warning are added.
Equipment and Supplies, Hospital , Maintenance and Engineering, HospitalABSTRACT
RIA(Rich Internet Applications) have highly interactive, rich user experience and powerful clients. Based on introducing the concept, features, and technology platform of the RIA technology, we proposed that RIA should be the highest priority in hospital medical equipment management information system construction.
Database Management Systems , Internet , Maintenance and Engineering, Hospital , Methods , SoftwareABSTRACT
The quantity of medical equipment in hospital rise quickly recent year. It provides the comprehensive support to the clinical service. The maintenance of medical equipment becomes more important than before. It is necessary to study on the orientation and function of clinical engineer in medical equipment maintenance system. Refer to three grade health care system, the community doctors which is called General practitioner, play an important role as the gatekeeper of health care system to triage and cost control. The paper suggests that hospital clinical engineer should play similar role as the gatekeeper of medical equipment maintenance system which composed by hospital clinical engineer, manufacture engineer and third party engineer. The hospital clinical engineer should be responsible of guard a pass of medical equipment maintenance quality and cost control. As the gatekeeper, hospital clinical engineer should take the responsibility of "General engineer" and pay more attention to safety and health of medical equipment. The responsibility description and future transition? development of clinical engineer as "General Engineer" is discussed. More attention should be recommended to the team building of hospital clinical engineer as "General Engineer".
Humans , Engineering , Equipment Safety , Equipment and Supplies, Hospital , Maintenance and Engineering, Hospital , Safety ManagementABSTRACT
According to hospital medical equipment, information equipment and water, electricity and other equipment maintenance procedures, this paper planned and developed a comprehensive maintenance management system for hospitals. The system implements equipment maintenance, maintenance applications, maintenance registration, preventive maintenance, data quantitative analysis and other functions.
Equipment and Supplies, Hospital , Hospital Design and Construction , Maintenance and Engineering, Hospital , Management Information SystemsABSTRACT
Introducción: Las infecciones intrahospitalarias son un serio problema de salud en todos los hospitales del mundo. Se han identificado varios mecanismos responsables de la transmisión de patógenos adquiridos en el hospital, principalmente mediante las manos del personal de salud. Sin embargo, poco se ha explorado otras formas de transmisión, como las cortinas de nuestras entidades de salud. Objetivo: Identificar la flora que coloniza las cortinas que se usan para proteger la privacidad de los pacientes, en los diferentes servicios de una clínica de tercer nivel de Medellín. Materiales y métodos: Es un estudio descriptivo y prospectivo, en el cual se tomaron tres tipos de cultivos y se realizaron antibiogramas de todos los gérmenes aislados de las cortinas de cinco zonas críticas de una clínica de tercer nivel de Medellín. Los resultados se expresan en porcentajes según los gérmenes aislados y las áreas físicas de la clínica de donde se aislaron. Resultados: Se identificaron aislamientos de Staphylococcus haemolyticus sensible a la meticilina, Staphylococcus epidermidis sensible a la meticilina, Stenotrophomonas malthophilia y Acinetobacter baumanii, los cuales tenían una distribución diferente según al área critica de donde se hubiera obtenido el cultivo. Conclusión: Las cortinas de uso hospitalario son una fuente potencial de diseminación de patógenos intrahospitalarios.
Background: Nosocomial infections area serious healthcare associated problem in many hospitals in the world, and various vectors have been identified as responsible for nosocomial pathogen transmission. Healthcare personnel hands have been signalled as one of the most responsible factors, but very few other vectors such as curtains in our healthcare facilities have been considered. Objective: Identify the flora that colonizes the curtains used to protect patient privacy in different wards of a third level clinic in Medellin. Methods: A descriptive and prospective study was carried out, where three different culture types were performed, and all pathogens isolated from the curtains of five critical zones were submitted to susceptibility tests in a third level clinic of Medellin. Results were expressed as percentages according to the physical area of the clinic where the pathogens were isolated. Results: Isolations of Meticillin susceptible Staphylococcus haemolyticus (SHMS), Meticillin susceptible Staphylococcus epidermidis (SEMS), Stenotrophomonas malthophilia (SM), and Acinetobacter baumanii (AB) were cultured; they were distributed according to the corresponding critical area of the clinic. Conclusions: Hospital curtains are a potential source of nosocomial pathogen dissemination.
Cross Infection , Maintenance and Engineering, Hospital , Risk FactorsABSTRACT
Objetivo Utilizar técnicas de clustering para caracterizar a los proveedores de servicios de mantenimiento de una institución de salud. Métodos El estudio analiza el inventario del equipamiento perteneciente a 7 áreas pilotos (264 equipos médicos). Se aplican técnicas de clustering usando 26 variables. Entre las más significativas: el tiempo de respuesta (RT), la duración de las intervenciones (DR), la disponibilidad y el tiempo de cambio de estado (TAT). Resultados La obsolescencia del equipo biomédico en promedio es de 0,78. Se identifican 4 grupos de proveedores de servicios. Grupos (1 y 3): Mejor desempeño, menores valores de TAT, RT y DR; cuyos proveedores son: O, L, C, B, I, S, H, F, G; representan el 56 por ciento del total; con valores de TAT entre: 1,4 días
Objective Using clustering techniques for characterising companies providing health institutions with maintenance services. Methods The study analysed seven pilot areas' equipment inventory (264 medical devices). Clustering techniques were applied using 26 variables. Response time (RT), operation duration (OD), availability and turnaround time (TAT) were amongst the most significant ones. Results Average biomedical equipment obsolescence value was 0.78. Four service provider clusters were identified: clusters 1 and 3 had better performance, lower TAT, RT and DR values (56 percent of the providers coded O, L, C, B, I, S, H, F and G, had 1 to 4 day TAT values: Subject(s)
Cluster Analysis
, Equipment and Supplies/statistics & numerical data
, Maintenance and Engineering, Hospital/economics
, Outsourced Services/statistics & numerical data
, Biomedical Engineering/economics
, Biomedical Engineering/statistics & numerical data
, Contract Services/statistics & numerical data
, Costs and Cost Analysis
, Health Services Accessibility
, Maintenance and Engineering, Hospital/statistics & numerical data
According to the circumstance of hospital equipment maintenance, we designed a computer program for management of hospital equipment maintenance process by Java programming language. This program can control the maintenance process, increase the efficiency; and be able to fix the equipment location.
Equipment and Supplies, Hospital , Forms and Records Control , Maintenance and Engineering, Hospital , Software DesignABSTRACT
Objetivos: Comparar la calidad del servicio de mantenimiento de dos entidades de salud. Una posee los servicios de mantenimientos tercerizados y la otra propios. El indicador de calidad bajo estudio es el tiempo de cambio de estado. Estudiar el comportamiento de la productividad del servicio de salud versus la disponibilidad. Materiales y Métodos. Se realizó un levantamiento del inventario de los equipos médicos y no médicos en dos servicios de diálisis ubicados en dos instituciones de salud. Ambas de tercer nivel. Estos poseen características similares en cuanto a las unidades de dializado y equipos médicos. Cada una de ellas posee 16 unidades para la atención a pacientes y 92 equipos médicos. La diferencia consiste en el servicio de mantenimiento; uno es tercerizado mientras que el otro es propio. Se recolectaron las órdenes de trabajo de mantenimiento por un período de 6 meses y se calcularon los indicadores: Tiempo de Respuesta, Duración Real, Tiempos Perdidos y Tiempo de cambio de estado (TAT) para cada orden de trabajo. Se construyó un predictor para la variable TAT (variable dependiente) en función de las otras variables. Resultados. La calidad del servicio de mantenimiento por la entidad que posee su propio personal es mejor que la entidad con servicios tercerizados. El indicador TAT es como promedio de 2,95 horas para la entidad con mantenimiento propio, mientras que para la otra entidad es de 3,4 horas. Conclusiones: El comportamiento de la productividad del servicio versus la disponibilidad resultó ser de tipo positiva lineal.
Objectives The main goal in this research was comparing two hospitals maintenance service quality. One of them had a contract service; the other one had an in-house maintenance service. Materials and methods The authors followed the next stages when conducting this research: domain understanding, data characterisation and sample reduction, insight characterisation and building the TAT predictor. Multiple linear regression and clustering techniques were used for improving the efficiency of corrective maintenance tasks in a clinical engineering department (CED). The indicator being studied was turnaround time (TAT). Results The institution having an in-house maintenance service had better quality indicators than the contract maintenance service. Conclusions There was lineal dependence between availability and service productivity.
Humans , Biomedical Engineering/instrumentation , Data Mining , Maintenance and Engineering, Hospital/standards , ColombiaABSTRACT
Medical equipment improvement and tremendous expenditure is allocated costs annually, so that optimum and proper maintenance management of equipment would have outstanding effects on health and treatment of medical training and research economies of the country. Present research was implemented aiming to examine effect of the medical equipment maintenance management systems on the hospital setting expenditures. In an interventional research, the model of medical equipment maintenance management system implemented in Imam Khomeini Hospital was examined precisely and based on appropriate software for Vali-e-Asr Hospital was designed. According to the model for all available medical instruments in Vali-e-Asr Hospital with usage of more than 5 years [240 medical equipment]; all costs were recorded in 2006 and compared with previous year [2005]. There wasn't any training for medical equipment operators and for its implementation necessity on 21.7% of equipment in the installation and start up phase with for 83.7% of equipments the operator was not fixed using of medical equipment maintenance management system, the repair events decreased from 78 events in 2005 to 58 events in 2006. Vali-e-Asr hospital recorded costs for maintenance and repair of medical equipment in 2006 was 801765375 Rials [Iran] which decreased to 513212912 Rials [Iran] according to accurate calculation of costs and auditing by medical equipment engineer and shows 36% saving in expenditures by medical equipment maintenance management system. Medical equipment computer-based maintenance, management system implementation and also using of medical engineers potentialities in hospital are necessary
Humans , Maintenance and Engineering, Hospital/economics , Materials Management, Hospital , Quality of Health Care/economics , Health Expenditures , Economics, Medical , Maintenance and Engineering, Hospital/organization & administration , /instrumentationABSTRACT
Preventive maintenance of medical equipment can be helpful in improving the efficiency of medical devices, establishing a standardized management and plan, a classification of maintenance of medical devices, inspection tour of devices and operating condition of dynamic monitoring devices. It has benefit in prolonging the useful life of medical devices, reducing maintenance cost and improving management and service quality.
Equipment Safety , Methods , Equipment and Supplies , Reference Standards , Maintenance , Maintenance and Engineering, Hospital , Safety Management , MethodsABSTRACT
El presente documento brinda información relacionada con las condiciones reales de la oferta de los servicios hospitalarios en términos de dimensionamiento, capacidad operativa y eficiencia del recurso físico, entre otros. El alcance del presente diagnóstico está dirigido a los representantes del Gobierno Nacional, Gobiernos Regionales y a las Autoridades de Salud, como una herramienta de gestión que orienta en la elaboración de los planes hospitalarios como parte de la mejora de las condiciones de equidad y eficiencia de la red de servicios hospitalarios, optimizando su funcionamiento, actualizando los indicadores hospitalarios y contribuyendo, así a la disminución de las tasas de mortalidad y morbilidad
Health Infrastructure , Equipment Maintenance/methods , Maintenance and Engineering, Hospital , Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures , PeruABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: To determine the microbial and heavy metal contamination of treated hospital wastewater MATERIAL AND METHOD: Methods of treating wastewater were acquired by questionnaires. Chlorine concentration, pH, bacteria and parasites in treated wastewater were tested in the individual hospitals. Heavy metal concentrations were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. RESULTS: In 2002, 72 hospitals were included in the present study. The common methods of treating wastewater were activated sludge and oxidation ditch. Bacteria exceeded standard numbers, pathogenic bacteria and parasites were found in two-thirds of the hospitals. Heavy metals, namely lead, chromium and cadmium, in the hospital effluent did not exceed standard concentrations. CONCLUSION: Micro-organisms exceeding standard levels were found in treated wastewater in two-thirds of the hospitals. Lead, chromium and cadmium levels in hospital effluent were in an acceptable range.