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Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 112(1): 1120431, ene.-abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563426


Objetivo: Presentar un caso clínico de un tumor odon- togénico epitelial calcificante (TOEC), así como una revisión de la literatura disponible sobre esta neoplasia para contribuir al análisis del mejor método de tratamiento de la patología. Caso clínico: Se presenta el caso de una paciente mujer de 35 años con un tumor odontogénico epitelial calcifican- te que recibió tratamiento de enucleación quirúrgica con una evolución favorable y seguimiento de 5 años por medio de evaluación clínica y radiológica. La elección terapéutica se basó en el resultado de un análisis exhaustivo de la literatura para determinar el mejor abordaje de la neoplasia (AU)

Aim: To present a clinical case of a calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (CEOT), as well as a review of the availa- ble literature on this neoplasia to contribute to the analysis of the best treatment method for the pathology. Clinical case: The case of a 35-year-old patient with a calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor who received surgical enucleation treatment with a favorable evolution and 5-year follow-up through clinical and radiological evaluation is pre- sented. The therapeutic choice was based on the result of an exhaustive analysis of the literature to determine the best ap- proach to the neoplasia (AU))

Humans , Female , Adult , Mandibular Neoplasms/surgery , Odontogenic Tumors/classification , Oral Surgical Procedures/methods , Biopsy/methods , Odontogenic Tumors/diagnostic imaging , Follow-Up Studies
Rev. ADM ; 81(1): 55-60, ene.-feb. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556493


El fibroma ameloblástico (FA) se describe como una neoplasia benigna de origen odontogénico mixto que suele presentarse entre la primera y segunda década de vida, frecuentemente en los molares permanentes inferiores. Por lo general es asintomático, pero las lesiones de gran tamaño suelen acompañarse con dolor e inflamación. Su tratamiento por lo regular es conservador. Se describe el caso de un fibroma ameloblástico en un paciente de 13 años de edad, que involucraba cuerpo y ángulo mandibular izquierdo, tratado de manera conservadora, se realiza extirpación del tumor, regeneración ósea guiada y rehabilitación con implante dental (AU)

Ameloblastic fibroma (AF) is described as a benign neoplasm of mixed odontogenic origin that usually presents between the first and second decade of life, frequently in lower permanent molars. It is usually asymptomatic, but large lesions are usually accompanied by pain and inflammation. His treatment is generally conservative. The clinical case of an ameloblastic fibroma in a 13-year-old patient is described, involving the left mandibular body and angle, treated conservatively, tumor removal, guided bone regeneration and rehabilitation with dental implants are performed (AU)

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Bone Regeneration , Mandibular Neoplasms/surgery , Odontogenic Tumors/classification , Fibroma/surgery , Prognosis , Dental Implantation, Endosseous/methods , Diagnosis, Differential , Fibroma/rehabilitation
RFO UPF ; 28(1): 14-19, 20230808. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1509404


Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar o caso clínico de uma paciente do sexo feminino, 40 anos, feoderma, ASA I, com lesão nodular na região papilar entre os elementos incisivo lateral e canino inferiores apresentando características de base séssil, sólida e fibrosa. Materiais e Métodos: Foi realizada uma biópsia excisional da lesão, e a peça cirúrgica foi coletada em um recipiente contendo formol 10% para exame histopatológico e confirmação para o diagnóstico de fibroma. Resultados: O exame histopatológico confirmou o diagnóstico de fibroma. No pós-operatório, a região cirúrgica foi de início acompanhada semanalmente e, posteriormente, em intervalos mensais a partir da quarta semana, com prognóstico favorável. Conclusão: O diagnóstico preciso do fibroma é fundamental para garantir o melhor tratamento possível. Este caso clínico destaca a importância da biópsia excecional e do acompanhamento pós-operatório adequado para assegurar uma recuperação satisfatória do paciente.(AU)

Objective: The objective of this study was to report a clinical case of a 40-year-old female patient with a nodular lesion in the papillary region between elements lower lateral incisor and canine presenting features of a sessile, solid, and fibrous base. Materials and Methods: An excisional biopsy of the lesion was performed, and the surgical specimen was collected in a container containing 10% formalin for histopathological examination and confirmation of the fibroma diagnosis. Results: The histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of fibroma. In the postoperative period, the surgical region was initially monitored weekly and subsequently at monthly intervals from the fourth week, with a favorable prognosis. Conclusion: Accurate diagnosis of fibroma is essential to ensure the best possible treatment. This clinical case highlights the importance of excisional biopsy and appropriate postoperative follow-up to ensure a satisfactory patient recovery.(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Mandibular Neoplasms/surgery , Fibroma/surgery , Biopsy , Mandibular Neoplasms/pathology , Treatment Outcome , Fibroma/pathology
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 22(3): 51-57, jul.-set. 2022. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1400145


O fibroma ossificante juvenil trabecular (FOJTr) é uma lesão fibro-óssea benigna rara de comportamento agressivo, alto potencial de recorrência, e acometimento no esqueleto craniofacial de crianças e adolescentes. Uma paciente do gênero feminino, 8 anos de idade, compareceu ao ambulatório de Patologia Oral e Maxilofacial da Universidade de Gurupi ­ UNIRG para avaliação clínica de um aumento de volume na região de corpo da mandíbula do lado esquerdo. Não havia sintomatologia dolorosa e sequer desconforto. Nos exames de imagem (radiografia panorâmica e tomografia computadorizada) foram observados uma extensa área radiolúcida que se estendia desde o primeiro molar permanente com rizogênese incompleta até o incisivo central do lado oposto. Após a realização da biópsia incisional e laudos histopatológicos realizou-se a remoção completa da lesão incluindo os remanescentes decíduos sobrejacentes ao fibroma. Nas imagens de controle pós-operatório aos 90 dias (radiografia panorâmica e tomografia computadorizada), notou-se sinais de neoformação óssea com espessamento basilar e os germes dos dentes permanentes em franco desenvolvimento. Diante disso, ressalta-se a importância do conhecimento dos aspectos clínicos, radiográficos e histopatológicos para a realização de um correto diagnóstico e tratamento adequado afim de reduzir as altas taxas de recidivas... (AU)

Trabecular juvenile ossifying fibroma (TrJOF) is a rare benign fibro-osseous lesion, with aggressive behavior, high recurrence potential, which affects the craniofacial skeleton of children and adolescents. This paper aims to describe a clinical case in a female patient, 8 years old, who attended the Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology outpatient clinic ­ Faculty of Dentistry ­ University of Gurupi - UNIRG, city of Gurupi - TOCANTINS - BRAZIL for clinical evaluation of an increased in volume in the region of the mandible body, on the left side. There was no painful symptomatology or even discomfort. Imaging examinations (panoramic radiography and computed tomography (CT) showed an extensive radiolucent area that extended from the first permanent molar with incomplete root formation to the central incisor on the opposite side. After performing an incisional biopsy and histopathological examination, the lesion was completely removed included the remainder deciduous teeth overlying the tumor. In the postoperative control images at 90 days (panoramic radiography and CT), signs of bone neoformation with basilar thickening and the germs of the permanent teeth in full development were noted. In view, this importance of knowledge of clinical, radiographic and histopathological aspects is emphasized for the realization of a correct diagnosis and adequate treatment in order to reduce the high rates of relapses... (AU)

El fibroma osificante trabecular juvenil (TRFOJ) es una lesión fibroósea benigna rara con comportamiento agresivo, alto potencial de recurrencia y afectación del esqueleto craneofacial de niños y adolescentes. Paciente femenina de 8 años de edad que acude al ambulatorio de Patología Oral y Maxilofacial de la Universidad de Gurupi - UNIRG para evaluación clínica de aumento de volumen en la región del cuerpo mandibular del lado izquierdo. No presentaba sintomatología dolorosa ni molestias. Los exámenes de imagen (radiografía panorámica y tomografía computarizada) mostraron una extensa área radiolúcida que se extendía desde el primer molar permanente con formación radicular incompleta hasta el incisivo central del lado opuesto. Tras realizar la biopsia incisional y los informes histopatológicos, se procedió a la extirpación total de la lesión, incluidos los remanentes caducos que recubrían el fibroma. En las imágenes de control postoperatorio a los 90 días (radiografía panorámica y tomografía computarizada), se observaron signos de neoformación ósea con engrosamiento basilar y los gérmenes de los dientes permanentes en pleno desarrollo. Por tanto, es importante conocer los aspectos clínicos, radiográficos e histopatológicos para la realización de un diagnóstico correcto y un tratamiento adecuado con el fin de reducir las altas tasas de recaídas... (AU)

Humans , Female , Child , Bone Neoplasms/diagnosis , Fibroma, Ossifying/diagnosis , Cancellous Bone/pathology , Biopsy , Radiography, Panoramic , Mandibular Neoplasms/diagnosis , Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Rev. chil. anest ; 51(3): 327-331, 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571308


Proper management of the airway as anesthesiologists is essential to avoid respiratory complications and the development of new technologies has allowed every day the possibility of a safer anesthetic management, this is how ultrasound has had great relevance today, since it allows perform increasingly safe and effective procedures, allowing the detection of anatomical altera- tions that together with clinical measurements give us predictability of the difficult airway, since it allows us to identify thyroid cartilage, epiglottis, cricoid cartilage, cricothyroid membrane, tracheal cartilage and esophagus. The clinical case of a male is presented in which multiple predictors of difficult airway are reported, due to the presence of a malignant tumor in the left mandibular body scheduled for surgical resection, in whom an evaluation of the anatomical structures was performed to rule out airway malformations with ultrasound visualization with the use of a high frequency linear transducer configured for superficial tissues in axial approach, later in real time it was used to corroborate successful intubation; Therefore, the use of ultrasound allows a more efficient management to be carried out in the approach of the difficult airway in this patient, which confirms the usefulness of this method as described in the consulted literature.

El manejo adecuado de la vía aérea como anestesiólogos es fundamental para evitar complicaciones respiratorias, y el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías ha permitido cada día la posibilidad de un manejo anestésico más seguro. Es así como el ultrasonido ha tenido gran relevancia en la actualidad, ya que permite realizar procedimientos cada vez más seguros y efectivos, permitiendo detectar alteraciones anatómicas que, junto con mediciones clínicas, nos otorga predictibilidad de la vía aérea difícil, dado que nos permite identificar cartílago tiroideo, epiglotis, cartílago cricoides, membrana cricotiroidea, cartílagos traqueales y esófago. Se expone el caso clínico de un masculino en que se reportan múltiples predictores de vía aérea difícil, por la presencia de tumor maligno en cuerpo mandibular izquierdo, programado para resección quirúrgica, en quien se realizó evaluación de las estructuras anatómicas para descartar malformaciones de la vía aérea con visualización ecográfica con el uso de transductor lineal de alta frecuencia, configurado para tejidos superficiales en abordaje axial. Posteriormente, en tiempo real, se utilizado para corroborar intubación exitosa; por lo cual el uso de ultrasonido permite ejecutar un manejo más eficaz en el abordaje de la vía aérea difícil en este paciente, lo cual confirma la utilidad de este método como se describe en la literatura consultada.

Humans , Male , Aged, 80 and over , Mandibular Neoplasms/complications , Ultrasonography/methods , Airway Management/methods , Intubation, Intratracheal/methods , Anesthesia , Preoperative Care , Mandibular Neoplasms/surgery , Esophagus/diagnostic imaging , Intraoperative Complications/prevention & control , Laryngeal Cartilages/diagnostic imaging
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 15(3): 748-755, sept. 2021. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385792


Osteochondroma is a common benign bone tumor and although its involvement in facial bones is rare (0.6 %), it shows a strong predilection for developing in the mandibular condyle, causing occlusal changes and facial asymmetry. The aim of this study was to report a clinical case and the treatment of a 43-year-old male patient, who was diagnosed with condylar osteochondroma. Clinically, the patient presented an increase in volume in the right condylar region, deviation of the mandible to the left side and malocclusion. His main complaint was his facial asymmetry. Imaging exams showed changes in the size and morphology of the right condyle, and signs of hyper-capture on scintigraphy. The hypothesis of condylar hyperplasia and osteochondroma was raised. A virtual planning and execution of an orthognathic surgery of the jaws was performed to correct the occlusion and facial asymmetry, besides a low condylectomy to remove the lesion. Procedures such as high, low, proportional condylectomy, orthognathic surgery and TMJ reconstructive surgery are alternatives for the treatment of these pathologies. In our case, the orthognathic surgery combined with a condylectomy proved to be promising, to correct the occlusion and the facial asymmetry of the patient.

El osteocondroma es un tumor óseo benigno común y aunque su afectación en los huesos faciales es rara (0,6 %), muestra una fuerte predilección por desarrollarse en el cóndilo mandibular, causando cambios oclusales y asimetría facial. El objetivo de este trabajo fue informar de un caso clínico y el tratamiento de un paciente de sexo masculino de 43 años, que fue diagnosticado con osteocondroma cóndilar. Clínicamente, el paciente presentaba un aumento en el volumen en la región condilar derecha, desviación de la mandíbula hacia el lado izquierdo y maloclusión. Su principal molestia era su asimetría facial. Los exámenes por imágenes mostraron cambios en el tamaño y la morfología del cóndilo derecho, y signos de hiper-captura en la centellografía. Se planteó la hipótesis de hiperplasia condilar y osteocondroma. Se realizó una planificación virtual y ejecución de una cirugía ortognática de la mandíbula para corregir la oclusión y la asimetría facial, además de una baja condilectomía para extirpar la lesión. Procedimientos como la condilectomía alta, baja y proporcional, la cirugía ortognática y la cirugía reconstructiva de la ATM son alternativas para el tratamiento de estas patologías. En nuestro caso, la combinación de la cirugía ortognática y una condiloectomía resultó ser prometedora, para corregir la oclusión y la asimetría facial del paciente.

Humans , Male , Adult , Mandibular Neoplasms/surgery , Osteochondroma/surgery , Mandibular Condyle/surgery , Radiography, Panoramic , Follow-Up Studies , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Facial Asymmetry , Orthognathic Surgical Procedures/methods , Orthognathic Surgery/methods , Mandibular Condyle/pathology
Rev. inf. cient ; 100(2): e3383, mar.-abr. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1251820


RESUMEN Se presentó el caso de una paciente femenina de 40 años de edad que acudió a consulta por presentar aumento de volumen en la región parotídea izquierda. Se realizó ortopantomografía, radiografías simples anteroposterior y lateral de cráneo que revelaron la presencia de una imagen radiolúcida en la región lateral de la rama mandibular izquierda. El diagnóstico clínico fue de osteoma periférico a este nivel, por lo que se realizó remoción quirúrgica total de la lesión. La biopsia confirmó el diagnóstico de osteoma ebúrneo periférico. El osteoma es una neoplasia benigna de tejido óseo, poco frecuente y, rara vez, se localiza de manera aislada en la mandíbula. No se diagnosticaron complicaciones posoperatorias y la paciente mostró satisfacción con la atención estomatológica brindada.

ABSTRACT A 40-year-old female patient came to the consultation due to an increase in volume in the left parotid region. Orthopantomography and simple anteroposterior and lateral skull radiographies were performed, revealing the presence of a radiolucent image in the lateral region of the left mandibular side. The clinical diagnosis at this point was of peripheral osteoma, for which a total surgical removal of the lesion was performed. The biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of peripheral osteoma. An osteoma is a rare benign neoplasm of bone tissue, and is rarely found isolated in the mandible. Postoperative complications were not diagnosed and the patient was satisfied with the dental care provided.

RESUMO Foi apresentado o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino, 40 anos de idade, que compareceu à consulta por aumento de volume na região da parótida esquerda. Foram realizadas ortopantomografia, radiografias simples ântero-posterior e lateral do crânio, que revelaram a presença de imagem radiotransparente na região lateral do ramo mandibular esquerdo. O diagnóstico clínico foi de osteoma periférico a este nível, para o qual foi realizada a remoção cirúrgica total da lesão. A biópsia confirmou o diagnóstico de osteoma periférico ebúrneo. O osteoma é uma neoplasia benigna do tecido ósseo, pouco frequente e raramente localizada de forma isolada na mandíbula. Complicações pós-operatórias não foram diagnosticadas e o paciente ficou satisfeito com o atendimento odontológico prestado.

Humans , Female , Adult , Osteoma/surgery , Osteoma/diagnostic imaging , Mandible/pathology , Rhytidoplasty/methods , Mandibular Neoplasms
RFO UPF ; 26(1): 167-173, 20210327. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1435384


Objective: the present report describes the clinical, radiographic, and histopathological features of an ameloblastic fibro-odontoma (AFO) lesion. Case report: we report a clinical case of a 14-year-old boy with asymptomatic edema. Panoramic radiography detected a unilocular lesion with defined margins located in the posterior region of the mandible. The internal structure of the lesion presented several degrees of radiopacity with the involvement of the third molar. Cone-beam computed tomography revealed expanded buccal and lingual cortical bones, perforation of the lingual cortical bone, and displacement of the mandibular canal. AFO was suspected based on the radiographic and clinical characteristics. Total excision was performed and histologically examined, confirming the diagnosis of AFO. No recurrence occurred during a 24-month follow-up period. Final considerations: the evaluation of the clinical, radiographic, and histopathologic findings needs to be accurate for a correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment for case of AFO since the presentation is often asymptomatic.(AU)

Objetivo: o presente relato descreve as características clínicas, radiográficas e histopatológicas de uma lesão de fibro-odontoma ameloblástico (FOA). Relato de caso: relatamos o caso clínico de um menino de 14 anos com edema assintomático. A radiografia panorâmica detectou lesão unilocular com margens definidas e localizada na região posterior da mandíbula. A estrutura interna da lesão apresentava vários graus de radiopacidade com envolvimento do terceiro molar. A tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico revelou as corticais ósseas vestibular e lingual expandidas, perfuração da cortical óssea lingual e deslocamento do canal mandibular. FOA foi a hipótese diagnóstica com base nas características radiográficas e clínicas. A excisão total foi realizada e examinada histologicamente, confirmando o diagnóstico de FOA. Nenhuma recorrência ocorreu durante um período de acompanhamento de 24 meses. Considerações finais: a avaliação das características clínicas, radiográficas e histopatológicas contribuíram para um diagnóstico correto e o tratamento adequado para o caso de FOA, uma vez que a lesão é frequentemente assintomática.(AU)

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Mandibular Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Odontoma/diagnostic imaging , Radiography, Panoramic , Mandibular Neoplasms/surgery , Mandibular Neoplasms/pathology , Odontoma/surgery , Odontoma/pathology , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography
RFO UPF ; 26(1): 100-105, 20210327. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1435375


Objetivo: o fibroma ossificante trabecular juvenil (FOJT) é uma lesão fibro-óssea incomum, benigna, porém de comportamento agressivo. Ocorre, frequentemente, em crianças e adolescentes, com maior acometimento em maxila e mandíbula. O presente relato aborda os aspectos clínicos, imaginológicos, histopatológicos, imuno-histoquímicos e o tratamento de um caso de FOTJ. Além de discutir suas similaridades com o osteossarcoma de baixo grau e as alternativas para o seu diagnóstico. Relato de caso: paciente do sexo masculino, com 12 anos de idade, apresentando aumento de volume em mandíbula no lado esquerdo, perda de função mastigatória e de fala, com tempo de evolução de seis meses. Radiograficamente, a lesão apresentava aspecto unilocular, com limites definidos e de padrão misto. O tratamento consistiu em cirurgia de enucleação total da lesão, seguida de curetagem sob anestesia geral. A histopatologia e a ausência de marcação para MDM2 e CDK4 na imuno-histoquímica confirmaram o diagnóstico de FOTJ e excluíram o de osteossarcoma de baixo grau. No controle pós-operatório de 20 dias, o paciente relatou melhora da parestesia, da função mastigatória e da fala e ausência de dor. Não se observou recidiva no acompanhamento de 1 ano após a cirurgia. Considerações finais: a similaridade dos aspectos clínico, imaginológico e microscópico entre FOJT e osteossarcoma de baixo grau pressupõe o estudo imuno-histoquímico com os arcadores MDM2 e CDK4, minimizando equívocos no diagnóstico e orientando de forma mais eficiente o plano de tratamento adotado.(AU)

Objective: juvenile Trabecular Ossifying Fibromas (JTOF) are uncommon benign fibro-osseous lesions with a local aggressive behavior. They frequently occur in children and adolescents involving the jaw bones. This report addresses the clinical, imaging, histopathological, and immunohistochemical aspects and the treatment of a case of JTOF. In addition, it discusses similarities between JTOF and low-grade osteosarcomas and alternatives for their diagnosis. Case report: male patient, 12 years old, with a tumor in his left mandible, loss of masticatory function and speech, with a 6-month time course. Radiographically, the lesion had an unilocular aspect, with defined borders and a mixed image pattern. Treatment consisted surgical enucleation, followed by bone curettage, under general anesthesia. Histopathology presented fibrous stroma interspaced with bone trabeculae without signs of cellular malignancy. MDM2 and CDK4 markers in immunohistochemistry, confirmed the diagnosis of JTOF and excluded low-grade osteosarcoma. At the 20-day postoperative follow-up, the patient reported improvement in paresthesia, masticatory function and speech, and the absence of pain. Evaluation 1 year after surgery showed no signs of local recurrence. Final considerations: the similarity of clinical, imaging, and microscopic aspects between JTOF and low-grade osteosarcoma prompts an immunohistochemical study including MDM2 and CDK4 markers in order to improve final diagnosis and guide the treatment plan more efficiently.(AU)

Humans , Male , Child , Cementoma/pathology , Mandibular Neoplasms/pathology , Immunohistochemistry , Cementoma/surgery , Cementoma/diagnosis , Mandibular Neoplasms/surgery , Mandibular Neoplasms/diagnosis , Osteosarcoma/diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-942551


Objective: To analyse the quality of life of patients receiving repair of bone defect with folded fibula flap after removal of mandibular ameloblastoma. Methods: The case data of 39 patients with ameloblastoma admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from August 2013 to April 2016 were retrospectively analysed, including 21 males and 18 females, from 18 to 58 years old. 3D printing and digital technology were used in flap preparation before surgery in all patients. The folded fibular flaps were used to repair mandibular defects and the implants were placed between 6-9 months after surgery. The short form-36 health survey questionnaire (SF-36) and the university of Washington quality of life questionnaire (UW-QOL) were applied to evaluate the quality of life of patients before surgery and at 6 months and 24 months after surgery. The higher the score, the better the condition. SPSS 20.0 was adopted for statistical analysis. Results: The SF-36 survey showed that the mean score of body role before surgery (72.4±11.7) was significantly higher than that at 6 months after surgery (39.6±11.1, t=23.580, P<0.05) or that at 24 months after surgery (59.8±6.4, t=8.358, P<0.001). Compared with the preoperative mean scores of Physical Pain (73.0±11.0), General Health (73.4±10.4) and Health Changes (79.2±3.9) before surgery, the mean scores Physical Pain (53.1±7.7), General Health (53.5±7.5) and Health Changes (63.9±11.7) at 6 months after surgery were decreased significantly respectively (t=13.068, 13.756 and 10.880, respectively, all P<0.05), but the mean scores Physical Pain (78.8±14.0), General Health (80.9±12.6) and Health Changes (84.4±4.6) at 24 months after surgery were increased significantly respectively (t=-2.904, -4.027 and -7.586, respectively, all P<0.05), with significant differences in the mean scores of Physical Pain, General Health and Health Changes between 6 and 24 months after surgery (t=-14.241, -16.490, -14.294, respectively, all P<0.001). The UW-QOL survey showed that the mean scores of chewing, language and taste functions decreased at 6 months after surgery (53.1±6.7, 53.0±7.7 and 62.2±9.9, respectively), but improved at 24 months after surgery (67.9±3.9, 63.9±2.9 and 68.4±11.1, respectively), with statistically significant difference (t=-16.765, -11.675 and 2.498, respectively, all P<0.001). Conclusion: The application of folded fibula flaps to repair bone defects after sugery of mandibular ameloblastoma can better meet the needs of language and chewing functions and improve the quality of life of patients.

Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Ameloblastoma/surgery , Bone Transplantation , Fibula/surgery , Free Tissue Flaps , Mandible/surgery , Mandibular Neoplasms/surgery , Quality of Life , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Retrospective Studies
West Indian med. j ; West Indian med. j;69(3): 174-176, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1341893


ABSTRACT Cemento-osseous dysplasia (COD) is a non-neoplastic process usually confined to the tooth-bearing areas of the jaws or edentulous alveolar processes. It is mostly seen in women during the third and fourth decades of life. The mandible is the most common location in 70% of cases in the premolar-molar region. This case report presents a case of cemento-ossifying fibroma with clinical features and radiographic features in a 23-year-old female patient.

Humans , Female , Adult , Cementoma/diagnostic imaging , Mandibular Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Cementoma/surgery , Mandibular Neoplasms/surgery
Rev. bras. cancerol ; 67(2): e-02785, 2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1282759


Introduction: The inhibition of osteoclastic activity, associated with different treatment modalities in patients with head and neck cancer, make bones unable to respond to repair processes related to physiological traumas or infection and may result in bone necrosis. The present study aims to report a clinical case of osteoradionecrosis in mandible, and how its sequels were controlled by ozonotherapy. Case report: A 73-year-old female patient with infiltrative ductal breast carcinoma with mandibular metastasis was submitted to chemo and radiotherapy at head and neck region associated with bisphosphonate. Three years later, she was diagnosed with hemimandibular osteoradionecrosis that exhibited communication with oral cavity and with a chronic, suppurative and persistent associated infection. It was applied adjuvant therapy with ozone through the cutaneous fistula and the exposed and necrotic bone. Additionally, non-vital bone debridement was proceeded in two surgical steps. The patient is after a 1-year follow-up non-symptomatic. Conclusion: It is supposed that ozonotherapy, due to its antibacterial and immunoregulatory mechanism of action, was an important therapeutic agent for improving the patient's quality of life.

Introdução: A inibição da atividade osteoclástica, associada a diversas modalidades de tratamento utilizadas em pacientes com câncer de cabeça e pescoço, torna o osso incapaz de responder aos processos de reparo relacionados a traumas fisiológicos ou à infecção, e pode resultar em necrose óssea. O presente estudo tem como objetivo relatar um caso clínico de osteonecrose em mandíbula como consequência do uso de bisfosfonato associado à quimioterapia e à radioterapia para tratamento de câncer de mama com metástase para mandíbula, tendo suas sequelas controladas por meio do uso da ozonioterapia. Relato do caso: Paciente do sexo feminino, 73 anos, com história de carcinoma ductal infiltrante de mama com metástase óssea em mandíbula, a qual foi submetida ao tratamento de quimioterapia e radioterapia em região de cabeça e pescoço; três anos depois, foi diagnosticada com osteonecrose da hemimandíbula direita com exposição completa para a cavidade bucal e infecção crônica, supurativa e persistente. Foi realizada terapia adjuvante com aplicação de ozônio nas fístulas cutâneas e no remanescente ósseo exposto e necrosado, além do desbridamento dos sequestros ósseos em duas etapas cirúrgicas. Paciente encontra-se em acompanhamento há 1 ano, sem sintomatologia associada. Conclusão: Observou-se que a ozonioterapia, em razão da sua ação antibacteriana e cicatrizante, foi um importante agente terapêutico para a melhora da qualidade de vida da paciente.

Introducción: La inhibición de la actividad osteoclástica, asociada con las diversas modalidades de tratamiento utilizadas por los pacientes con cáncer de cabeza y cuello, hace que el hueso no pueda responder a los procesos de reparación relacionados con traumas o infecciones fisiológicas y puede provocar necrosis ósea. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo informar un caso clínico de osteonecrosis mandibular como consecuencia del uso de bisfosfonato asociado con quimioterapia y radioterapia para tartar el cáncer de mama con mandíbula metastásica, controlando sus secuelas mediante el uso de la terapia con ozono. Relato del caso: Paciente de 73 años con antecedentes de carcinoma ductal mamario infiltrante con metástasis en la mandíbula ósea fue sometida a quimioterapia y radioterapia en la región de la cabeza y el cuello. Tres años después, le diagnostica con osteonecrosis hemimandibular derecha con exposición completa a la cavidad oral e infección crónica, supurativa y persistente. La terapia adyuvante se realizó con la aplicación de ozono en las fístulas cutáneas y en el remanente óseo expuesto y necrótico, además del desbridamiento de los secuestros óseos en dos etapas quirúrgicas. El paciente ha estado bajo seguimiento durante 1 años in síntomas asociados. Conclusión: Debido a su acción antibacteriana y curativa, la ozonioterapia fue un importante agente terapéutico para mejorar la calidad de vida del paciente.

Humans , Female , Aged , Ozone/therapeutic use , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/diagnosis , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/therapy , Breast Neoplasms , Mandibular Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Carcinoma, Ductal, Breast , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/radiotherapy , Mandible/pathology
Autops. Case Rep ; 11: e2020218, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142406


The Numb Chin Syndrome (NCS) is defined as facial and oral numbness restricted to the mental nerve's distribution involving the lower lip, skin of the chin, or gingiva of the lower anterior teeth. Hypoesthesia can occur unilaterally or bilaterally. Although this syndrome is rare, its importance is related to the fact that it represents the clinical manifestations of malignant diseases. Breast cancer and non-Hodgkin lymphoma are the most common cause of NCS. The patient, a 58-year-old woman, treated for a Burkitt Lymphoma (BL) nine years ago, described a two-week history of change in sensitivity and pain in the chin region, without relief with the use of analgesics. She had no headache, speech disturbance, dysphagia, visual disturbance, or other neurological symptoms. No surgical intervention has been performed recently. The intraoral examination revealed a healthy oral mucosa and a small area adjacent to the right mental nerve region that was uncomfortable to palpation. No changes were found in the bone trabeculae at cone-beam computed tomography. The contrasted magnetic resonance features made it possible to identify a change in the mandibular body extending to the entire right side, coinciding with the patient's complaint, indicating a probable mandibular medullary invasion. The patient was submitted to a biopsy to rule out a possible recurrence of BL. The microscopic findings were consistent with the diagnosis of BL. The present report described a very unusual presentation of late recurrent BL nine years after the first treatment, which manifested as an NCS.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Mandibular Neoplasms/pathology , Burkitt Lymphoma/pathology , Recurrence , B-Lymphocytes , Hypesthesia
RFO UPF ; 25(3): 459-466, 20201231. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1357831


Objetivo: o mieloma múltiplo é uma neoplasia maligna progressiva de células B, caracterizada pela proliferaçãodesregulada e clonal de plasmócitos na medula óssea. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo descreverum caso clínico de mieloma múltiplo diagnosticado pelo cirurgião-dentista. Descrição do caso: paciente de60 anos, sexo feminino, compareceu à Clínica-escola de Odontologia da Universidade Estadual de Feira deSantana, Bahia, Brasil, cuja queixa principal era: "Tô sentindo uma dor dentro da boca parece que minhaboca soltou". Na história da doença atual, a paciente relatou que há cerca de dois meses, ao mastigar alimentosde consistência dura, observou um estalido e que, a partir de então, a sensação era de uma luxação dearticulação temporomandibular, porém, com uma sintomatologia dolorosa branda. Na história médica, foirelatado que há 3 anos vem apresentando sinais de dor nos ossos, letargia, disfagia, anemia, perda de peso emal-estar crônico. No exame físico extrabucal, foi observado aumento de volume em região de corpo mandibularesquerdo e na clavícula direita. No exame físico intrabucal, foi observado um pequeno aumento devolume na mandíbula do lado esquerdo. Foram solicitados exames de imagem e foi realizada biópsia incisional.Diante do quadro clínico, imaginológico e histológico, chegou-se ao diagnóstico de mieloma múltiplo.Conclusão: é de suma importância conhecer o comportamento clínico epidemiológico do mieloma múltiplo,para que seja realizado um diagnóstico oportuno, abrangente e precoce, com o objetivo de melhorar o prognósticoe a sobrevida do paciente.(AU)

Objective: multiple myeloma is a progressive malignancy of B cells, characterized by unregulated and clonal proliferation of plasma cells in the bone marrow. The present work aims to describe a clinical case of multiple myeloma diagnosed by the dentist. Case description: a 60-year-old female patient attended the Dentistry School of the State University of Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil, whose main complaint was: "I feel a pain inside my mouth, it seems that my mouth has loosened". In the history of the current disease, the patient reported that, approximately 2 months ago, when chewing hard food, she noticed a click and that since then the sensation was of a dislocation of the temporomandibular joint, but with mild painful symptoms. In medical history it has been reported that for 3 years it has been showing signs of bone pain, lethargy, dysphagia, anemia, weight loss and chronic malaise. On physical examination, an increase in volume was observed in the region of the left mandibular body and in the right collarbone. On intraoral physical examination, a small increase in volume was observed in the left side of the mandible. Imaging exams were requested and an incisional biopsy was performed. In view of the clinical, imaging and histological picture, the diagnosis of multiple myeloma was reached. Conclusion: it is extremely important to know the epidemiological clinical behavior of multiple myeloma in order to make a timely, comprehensive and early diagnosis, with the aim of improving the patient's prognosis and survival.(AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Mandibular Neoplasms/diagnosis , Mandibular Neoplasms/pathology , Dentists , Multiple Myeloma/diagnosis , Multiple Myeloma/pathology , Radiography, Panoramic , Radiography, Thoracic , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Fatal Outcome
RFO UPF ; 25(3): 348-353, 20201231. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1357813


Objetivo: relatar um caso raro de impacção de um incisivo decíduo inferior pela presença de odontoma composto, bem como descrever a sua abordagem clínica. Relato de caso: paciente do sexo masculino, com 4 anos de idade, apresentava ausência do incisivo lateral decíduo inferior esquerdo. O exame radiográfico mostrou impacção do incisivo não erupcionado próximo a estruturas radiopacas sugestivas de odontoma composto. O paciente foi acompanhado por dois anos, momento em que se realizou abordagem cirúrgica do caso. Após a cirurgia, a hipótese de diagnóstico de odontoma composto foi confirmada e com o acompanhamento ocorreu a erupção dos incisivos centrais permanentes inferiores. O paciente foi encaminhado para tratamento ortodôntico. Considerações finais: esse relato de caso aborda um caso raro de odontoma composto associado à não erupção de dente decíduo, uma vez que odontomas costumam ser detectados preferencialmente na segunda década de vida do paciente, sendo associados à impacção de dentes permanentes. Além disso, apresenta um protocolo de abordagem clínica para esses casos quando diagnosticados em idade precoce no paciente infantil.(AU)

Objective: to report a rare case of impaction of a primary mandibular incisor due to the presence of a compound odontoma and describe its clinical management. Case report: a 4-year-old boy presented with a "missing" primary left mandibular lateral incisor. Radiographs showed impaction of the unerupted incisor by adjacent radiopaque structures consistent with a compound odontoma. The patient was recalled periodically for 2 years, at which time surgical excision was performed. The diagnosis of compound odontoma was confirmed histologically, and the permanent mandibular central incisors erupted uneventfully; the patient was referred for orthodontic treatment. Final considerations: this case report describes an unusual case of compound odontoma associated with an unerupted deciduous tooth; odontomas are rare in this age range, occurring predominantly in the second decade of life and in association with impaction of permanent teeth. We also propose a protocol for clinical management of such early-onset cases.(AU)

Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Tooth, Impacted/surgery , Tooth, Impacted/etiology , Mandibular Neoplasms/surgery , Mandibular Neoplasms/complications , Odontoma/surgery , Odontoma/complications , Tooth, Impacted/diagnostic imaging , Radiography, Dental , Mandibular Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Odontoma/diagnostic imaging , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography
Appl. cancer res ; 40: 1-5, Oct. 19, 2020. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, Inca | ID: biblio-1282478


Background: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common type of non-hodgkin's lymphoma. In oral cavity represents approximately 2% of all malignancies. Case presentation: This report describes a rare mandibular involvement of DLBCL. A 56 year-old man was referred for evaluation of left mandible pain. In the anamnesis, the patient informed to be treating tooth pain in lasting 6 months. On oral evaluation, an intense mobility of the left mandibular second molar and a swelling in posterior left mandible were observed. Computed tomography showed a large osteolytic lesion affecting both mandibular body and ramus. An incisional biopsy was performed and according to histopathological and imumnohistochemical features, DLBCL was diagnosed. The treatment consisted of 8 cycles of R-CHOP and adjuvant radiotherapy. He is asymptomatic after 6 years. Conclusion: This case showed a rare bone presentation of DLBCL and such tumor should be considered as differential diagnosis of osteolytic lesion of the mandible.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Mandibular Neoplasms/diagnosis , Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse/diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential
RFO UPF ; 25(2): 266-271, 20200830. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1357801


O carcinoma espinocelular (CEC) representa o tumor mais frequente dentre todos os cânceres da cavidade oral, com uma média de idade de 60 anos e maior ocorrência no sexo masculino. A característica clássica da lesão é de um nódulo endurecida, com sinais e sintomas que se diferem de acordo com a região oral acometida, muitas dessas lesões são indolores, o que pode causar um retardo no diagnóstico e tratamento da doença. Objetivo: relatar um caso clínico de um paciente com CEC em soalho bucal, ressaltando a importância de o cirurgião-dentista reconhecer e diagnosticar essa doença em estágios iniciais. Relato de caso: paciente do sexo masculino, 60 anos de idade, faioderma, tabagista, foi encaminhado para avaliação de lesão indolor em soalho de boca. No exame clínico, observou-se lesão nodular endurecida em soalho de boca com aproximadamente 3 cm de diâmetro, com presença de placas leucoplásicas em sua extensão e associada à ulceração na região de rebordo alveolar. O exame radiográfico panorâmico mostrou reabsorção óssea na região de ulceração. Foram realizadas a biópsia incisional da lesão e a análise histopatológica, em que foi compatível com CEC. O paciente foi encaminhado para tratamento oncológico. Considerações finais: assim, é imprescindível ressaltar a importância de um adequado exame clínico, bem como do diagnóstico precoce destas lesões malignas, favorecendo um bom prognóstico ao paciente.(AU)

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) represents the most frequent tumor among all cancers of the oral cavity, with an average age of 60 years and greater occurrence in males. The classic characteristic of the lesion is a hardened nodule, with signs and symptoms that differ according to the affected oral region, many of these lesions are painless, which can cause a delay in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Objective: to report a clinical case of a patient with CPB on the oral floor, emphasizing the importance of the dental surgeon in recognizing and diagnosing this disease in early stages. Case report: male patient, 60 years old, phaderoderma, smoker, was referred for painless lesion on the floor of the mouth. On clinical examination, a hard nodular lesion was observed on the floor of the mouth, approximately 3 cm in diameter, with the presence of leukoplastic plaques in its extension and was associated with ulceration in the region of the alveolar ridge. The panoramic radiographic examination showed bone resorption in the ulceration region. Incisional biopsy of the lesion and histopathological analysis were performed, in which it was compatible with CPB. The patient was referred for cancer treatment. Final considerations: thus, it is essential to emphasize the importance of an adequate clinical examination, as well as the early diagnosis of these malignant lesions, favoring a good prognosis for the patient.(AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Mouth Neoplasms/diagnosis , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/diagnosis , Mandibular Neoplasms/diagnosis , Mouth Neoplasms/surgery , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/surgery , Radiography, Panoramic , Mandibular Neoplasms/surgery , Early Detection of Cancer
RFO UPF ; 25(2): 260-265, 20200830. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1357800


O fibroma ossificante (FO) é uma neoplasia fibro-óssea benigna da região craniofacial de origem odontogênica, formado a partir de células mesenquimais multipotentes do ligamento periodontal, as quais são capazes de formar osso, tecido fibroso e cemento. Acredita-se que exodontias prévias, infecções, trauma ou uma perturbação de origem congênita na maturação óssea poderiam servir como fatores predisponentes para o desenvolvimento do FO. Radiograficamente, as lesões de FO iniciais são representadas por uma imagem radiolúcida, unilocular, redonda ou oval, de margem bem circunscrita. No estágio tardio, o componente mineralizado é circundado por uma fina cápsula fibrosa representada por uma linha radiolúcida delgada, que envolve toda a lesão. O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir a abordagem cirúrgica de um FO localizado em região atípica da mandíbula. Relato de caso: paciente leucoderma, 18 anos de idade, sexo feminino, cursando com aumento de volume em região posterior mandibular direita. No exame de imagem, identificou-se uma lesão mista, bem definida, não corticalizada, medindo aproximadamente 3 cm x 2,5 cm. Após realização de biópsia incisional, confirmou-se o diagnóstico de FO. Sendo assim, optou-se pela curetagem acompanhada de uma osteotomia periférica da lesão e reabilitação da região com enxerto ósseo liofilizado, além da instalação de uma placa de reconstrução na base da mandíbula do sistema 2.4 mm. Considerações finais: É necessário ter conhecimento sobre as lesões de aspecto radiográfico misto, que podem fazer diagnóstico diferencial com o FO, para que possa ser realizada uma correta intervenção, visto que para cada lesão há uma abordagem diferente.(AU)

The ossifying fibroma (FO) is a benign fibro-osseous neoplasm of the craniofacial region of odontogenic origin, formed from multipotent mesenchymal cells of the periodontal ligament, which are capable of forming bone, fibrous tissue and cementum. It is believed that previous exodontia, infections, trauma or a disturbance of congenital origin in bone maturation could serve as predisposing factors for FO development. Radiographically, the initial FO lesions are represented by a radiolucent, unilocular, round or oval image with well circumscribed margin. In the late stage, the mineralized component is surrounded by a thin fibrous capsule represented by a thin radiolucent line, which surrounds the entire lesion. The objective of this work is to discuss the surgical approach of a FO located in the atypical region of the mandible. Case report: leucoderma patient, 18 years, female, it were possible to note a slight volume increase in the posterior mandible region. The imaging examination identified a mixed lesion, well defined, however non-corticalised, measuring about 3 cm x 2.5 cm. The patient was submitted to an incisional biopsy and the diagnosis of ossifying fibroma was confirmed. We opted for a curettage followed by a peripheral osteotomy of the lesion and rehabilitation of the region with lyophilized bovine bone graft, besides the installation of a rebuilding plate at the base of the mandible system 2.4mm. Final considerations: it is necessary to have knowledge about lesions of mixed radiographic appearance, which can make differential diagnosis with FO so that a correct intervention can be performed, since for each lesion we have a different approach.(AU)

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Cementoma/surgery , Mandibular Neoplasms/surgery , Radiography, Panoramic , Cementoma/diagnostic imaging , Mandibular Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Treatment Outcome , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 108(1): 25-28, ene.-abr. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1096717


Objetivo: Describir el diagnóstico y la resolución de un caso clínico de schwannoma maligno mandibular, una neopla- sia extremadamente rara en la región maxilofacial y con alto porcentaje de mortalidad. Caso clínico: Un paciente masculino de 56 años de edad acudió a la consulta por trismus, dolor y no cierre de la herida posextracción en maxilar inferior, con una evolución de tres meses. Se le solicitó una tomografía computada que evidenció lesión osteolítica y pieza dentaria retenida en la zona afectada. Se realizó la biopsia excisional. El diagnósti- co fue schwannoma maligno mandibular. Nueve meses des- pués del tratamiento quirúrgico y coadyuvante, el paciente falleció. Conclusiones: La derivación a un especialista y el análisis histopatológico tempranos permiten diagnosticar a tiempo este tipo de neoplasias. El schwannoma maligno es una enfermedad agresiva, con una tasa de supervivencia baja, pero la intervención oportuna y el diagnóstico precoz mejoran el pronóstico y la sobrevida del paciente (AU)

Aim: Describe the diagnosis and resolution of a clini- cal case of malignant mandibular schwannoma. An extremely rare neoplasm in the maxillary facial region, and with a high percentage of mortality. Clinical case: A 56-year-old male patient attended the consultation due to trismus, pain and non-closure of the post-extraction wound in the lower jaw, with an evolution of three months. He was asked for a computed tomography scan, that showed an osteolytic lesion and retained tooth in the af- fected area. Excisional biopsy is performed. The diagnosis was malignant mandibular schwannoma. After surgical and adjuvant treatment, the patient dies nine months later. Conclusion: Early referral to a specialist and histo- pathological analysis will allow to diagnose this type of neoplasms early. Malignant schwannoma is recorded as an aggressive disease with a low survival rate, but timely inter- vention and early diagnosis improves the prognosis and pa- tient survival (AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Mandibular Neoplasms , Neurofibrosarcoma/surgery , Neurofibrosarcoma/diagnosis , Argentina , Prognosis , Biopsy , Neurofibrosarcoma/mortality , Neurofibrosarcoma/diagnostic imaging , Oral Surgical Procedures , Dental Service, Hospital
RFO UPF ; 25(1): 125-131, 20200430. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1357746


Introdução: o cisto ósseo traumático (COT) é um pseudocisto que se apresenta assintomático e é descoberto frequentemente em exames de rotina. Outra lesão também presente nos maxilares é o odontoma, sendo dividido em dois subtipos, o composto e o complexo; os odontomas são geralmente descobertos como um achado acidental, visto que não apresentam sintomatologia. Objetivo: relatar um caso incomum de um COT, associado à odontoma composto (OC). Relato de caso: paciente do gênero masculino, 16 anos de idade, compareceu à clínica escola de odontologia da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG), campus Patos, PB, referenciado pelo cirurgião-dentista após solicitar exame radiográfico para tratamento ortodôntico e observar lesão radiolúcida em região anterior da mandíbula. Durante a anamnese, o paciente não relatou nenhuma alteração sistêmica ou doença de base, mas relatou trauma de infância na região acometida. No exame clínico intraoral, não foi observado nenhum aumento de volume na região. Realizou-se palpação na região, não havendo relato de dor. Ao analisar a radiografia panorâmica, observou-se a presença de pequenas estruturas calcificadas com radiopacidade semelhante às estruturas dentárias, delimitada por uma linha radiolúcida, sugestiva de OC. Para melhor localização, delimitação, relação com estruturas anatômicas e planejamento cirúrgico da lesão, foi solicitado um exame de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC). Considerações finais: com base nos achados clínicos e radiográficos, optou-se por abordagem cirúrgica da lesão cística e enucleação do OC, sob anestesia local. No pós-operatório de um ano, o paciente evoluiu satisfatoriamente sem queixas clínicas.(AU)

Introduction: traumatic bone cyst (TBC) is a pseudocyst that usually presents asymptomatically and is found frequently in routine exams. Another lesion also present in the jaws is odontoma. The odontoma is divided into two subtypes, the compound and the complex; odontomas are usually discovered as an accidental finding, since they do not present symptomatology. Objective: the present article aims to report an unusual case of a TBC associated with a composite odontoma. Case report: a 16-year-old male patient attended the Clinic School of Dentistry of the Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG), Patos-PB campus, referenced by the dentist after identify radiolucent lesion in the anterior region of the mandible on radiographic examination for orthodontic treatment. During the anamnesis, the patient did not report any systemic alteration or underlying disease, but reported trauma in the region affected in childhood. The intra oral clinical examination, was not observed any increase in volume in the region. Palpation was performed in the region, and there was no report of pain. When analyzing panoramic radiography the presence of small calcified structures with radiopacity similar to dental structures was observed, delimited by a radiolucent line, suggestive of compound odontoma. To better location, delimitation, compared with anatomy and surgical planning of the injury, it was requested an cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Final considerations: based on the clinical and radiographic findings, we opted for a surgical approach to cystic lesion and enucleation of composite odontoma, under local anesthesia. In the one-year postoperative period, the patient progresses satisfactorily without clinical complaints.(AU)

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Jaw Cysts/complications , Mandibular Neoplasms/complications , Odontoma/complications , Jaw Cysts/surgery , Jaw Cysts/diagnostic imaging , Mandibular Neoplasms/surgery , Mandibular Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Odontoma/surgery , Odontoma/diagnostic imaging , Treatment Outcome , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography