Avaliou-se o efeito da suplementação de mananoligossacarídeo, ß-glucano e antibiótico em dietas de leitões machos castrados, durante a fase de creche (21 aos 54 dias de idade), sobre o desempenho, características morfo-histológicas da mucosa intestinal e ocorrência de diarreia. Foram utilizados 368 leitões de mesma linhagem, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos (1: 330g de mananoligossacarídeo t/ração (oriundos do núcleo), 2: 1.830g de mananoligossacarídeo t/ração (330g oriundos do núcleo + 1.550g da suplementação), 3: 330g de mananoligossacarídeo (oriundos do núcleo) + 500g de ß-glucano t/ração e 4: 330g de mananoligossacarídeo (oriundos do núcleo) + 250g de Colistina t/ração) e quatro repetições com 23 animais por unidade experimental. O desempenho foi avaliado pelo ganho de peso, consumo de ração e conversão alimentar. As características morfo-histológicas da mucosa intestinal estudadas foram altura de vilosidade, profundidade das criptas intestinais, perímetro de vilosidade e a relação altura de vilosidade:profundidade de cripta do duodeno, jejuno e íleo. A ocorrência de diarreia foi observada diariamente pela avaliação de escore fecal. A suplementação de mananoligossacarídeo, ß-glucano e antibiótico na dieta de leitões machos castrados, na fase de creche, não influenciaram o desempenho e a ocorrência de diarreia. Maior altura de vilosidade e maior profundidade de criptas no duodeno e íleo foram verificadas nos animais suplementados com ß-glucano. No jejuno foi observado maior perímetro de vilosidade nos animais suplementados com ß-glucano e nos animais que não receberam suplemento adicional na dieta.(AU)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of supplementation with mannan oligosaccharides, ß-glucan and antibiotic in diets for castrated male piglets during the nursery phase (21 to 54 days of age) on performance, morpho-histological characteristics of the intestinal mucosa and occurrence of diarrhea. A total of 368 piglets of the same strain, distributed in a completely randomized design with four treatments (1- 330 g mannan oligosaccharides/t of diet (derived of nucleus); 2 - 1,830 g mannan oligosaccharides/t of diet (330g derived of nucleus + 1550g of supplementation); 3 - 330g mannan oligosaccharides (derived of nucleus) + 500g ß-glucan/t of diet; and 4 - 330g mannan oligosaccharides (derived of nucleus) + 250g colistin/t of diet) and four replications with 23 animals per experimental unit. Performance was assessed through weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion. The morpho-histological characteristics of the intestinal mucosa studied were villus height, intestinal crypt depth, villus circumference and villus height:crypt depth of duodenum, jejunum and ileum ratio. The occurrence of diarrhea was observed daily by the evaluation of fecal score. Supplementation of mannan oligosaccharides, ß-glucan and antibiotic in the diet of castrated male piglets in the nursery phase did not affect performance and occurrence of diarrhea. Greater villus height and crypt depth in the duodenum and ileum were verified in the animals supplemented with ß-glucan. In the jejunum, greater villus circumference was observed in the animals supplemented with ß-glucan and in the animals that did not receive additional supplemented diet.(AU)
Animals , Swine/metabolism , Weaning , Carbohydrates/administration & dosage , Diarrhea/veterinary , Intestines/anatomy & histology , Mannans/administration & dosage , Colistin , beta-GlucansABSTRACT
As fibras dietéticas parecem contribuir tanto na prevenção quanto no tratamento do diabetes melito tipo 2 (DMT2). Em estudos epidemiológicos a ingestão de fibras insolúveis, e não de fibras solúveis, tem sido inversamente associada à incidência do DMT2. Por outro lado, em estudos pós-prandiais, refeições contendo quantidades suficientes de β-glucano, psyllium, ou goma-guar diminuíram as respostas da insulina e da glicose, tanto em indivíduos saudáveis como em pacientes com DMT2. Dietas enriquecidas com quantidade suficiente de fibras solúveis também parecem melhorar o controle glicêmico de uma forma geral no DMT2. As fibras insolúveis têm pouco efeito sobre as respostas pós-prandiais de insulina e glicose. As fibras da dieta aumentam a saciedade. Em alguns estudos, as fibras solúveis têm se associado com um menor aumento de peso corporal ao longo do tempo. Evidências limitadas, a partir de estudos transversais, sugerem uma associação inversa entre o consumo de fibras dos cereais e de grãos integrais e a prevalência de síndrome metabólica. Apesar da escassez de dados sobre estudos de mais longo prazo que foquem especificamente em fibras dietéticas, seguir a recomendação atual de 25 g de fibras ao dia, a partir de uma dieta rica em grãos integrais, frutas e legumes, provavelmente diminuirá o risco para a obesidade, síndrome metabólica e DMT2.
Dietary fiber may contribute to both the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). In epidemiological studies the intake of insoluble fiber, but not the intake of soluble fiber, has been inversely associated with the incidence of T2DM. In contrast, in postprandial studies, meals containing sufficiently quantities of β-glucan, psyllium, or guar gum have decreased insulin and glucose responses in both healthy individuals and patients with T2DM. Diets enriched sufficiently in soluble fiber may also improve overall glycemic control in T2DM. Insoluble fiber has little effect on postprandial insulin and glucose responses. Fiber increases satiety. In some studies, insoluble fiber has been associated with less weight gain over time. Limited cross-sectional evidence suggests an inverse relationship between intake of cereal fiber and whole-grains and the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome. Although long-term data from trials focusing on specifically dietary fiber are lacking, meeting current recommendations for a minimum fiber intake of 25 g/d based on a diet rich in whole grains, fruits and legumes will probably decrease the risk of obesity, the metabolic syndrome and T2DM.
Humans , /prevention & control , Dietary Fiber/administration & dosage , Metabolic Syndrome/prevention & control , Cathartics/administration & dosage , /diet therapy , Epidemiologic Studies , Galactans/administration & dosage , Glucose/metabolism , Insulin/metabolism , Mannans/administration & dosage , Metabolic Syndrome/diet therapy , Obesity/diet therapy , Obesity/prevention & control , Postprandial Period , Plant Gums/administration & dosage , Psyllium/administration & dosage , Risk Factors , beta-Glucans/administration & dosageABSTRACT
Avaliação do impacto da fibra goma-guar parcialmente hidrolisada na constipação intestinal funcional em pacientes hospitalizados. Ensaio clínico com 64 adultos, randomizados para duas dietas: grupo 1 dieta laxante (± 30 g de fibras) e grupo 2 mesma dieta + 10 g de fibra goma-guar parcialmente hidrolisada, durante 15 dias. A dieta laxante ou acrescida da referida fibra reduziu em 78 por cento a constipação intestinal funcional, assim como sua adição não provocou efeito adicional na freqüência evacuatória, consistência fecal, uso de laxativos, embora tenha reduzido a sintomatologia gastrointestinal. Fibras devem ser utilizadas no tratamento da constipação intestinal funcional; entretanto, a suplementação com fibra goma-guar parcialmente hidrolisada precisa ser melhor investigada.
The effect of hydrolyzed partially guar-gum was evaluated in the treatment of functional constipation among hospitalized patients. Following a randomized blind controlled-trial 64 adults were allocated to two groups: one received daily high-fiber diet (@ 30 g) and the other similar diet plus 10 g of hydrolyzed partially guar-gum, during 15 days. Dietary fiber reduced functional constipation by 78.0 percent. Hydrolyzed partially guar-gum did not show any additional effect in defecation frequency, fecal consistence, need of laxative drug use, although a reduction in bowel complaints. Dietary fiber may be used in the treatment of functional constipation. However the therapeutic role of hydrolyzed partially guar-gum should be further investigated.
Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Constipation/diet therapy , Dietary Supplements , Dietary Fiber/administration & dosage , Galactans/administration & dosage , Mannans/administration & dosage , Plant Gums/administration & dosage , HydrolysisABSTRACT
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of mannanoligosacharides on dogs showing gastroenteritis. METHODS: Sixteen dogs, 2-6 month-old, distributed into two groups: T1 - animals with gastroenteritis receiving treatment for the disease + mannanoligosacharides (2 g/animal).; and T2 - animals with gastroenteritis receiving just treatment for the disease. The animals were randomly included in the sample and all of them were submitted to blood and feces collection for coproculture. In the treatment for gastroenteritis antibiotic, antihemetic, vermifuge, vitamins and sorotheraphy were used. The parameters evaluated were the numbers of leucocytes, neutrophils, lymphocytes and the presence of enteropathogenic bacteria in feces. RESULTS: The mannanoligosacharides was effective in eliminating pathogenic E. coli in 85.71 percent of the animals, while in the no-treated group only 25 percent of the animals were negative to E. coli. CONCLUSION: The mannanoligosacharides is effective in the control of pathogenic E. coli and it can be indicated as an adjuvant treatment for gastroenteritis in dogs.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da adição de mananoligossacarídeos fosforilados (MOS) que apresentavam gastroenterite , pacientes de uma Clínica Veterinária. MÉTODOS: foram estudados 16 cães de 2 a 6 meses de idade, de várias raças. Os animais foram distribuídos em 2 grupos, sendo o grupo T1 composto por animais com gastroenterite, que receberam o tratamento para a doença e Mos (2,0 g/animal) e o grupo T2, animais com gastroenterite, que somente receberam o tratamento para a doença sem o MOS. Os animais foram incluídos aleatoriamente na amostra e todos eles foram submetidos à coleta de sangue e de fezes para coprocultura.O tratamento para a gastroenterite constituiu-se de antibiótico,antiemético,vermífugo,vitaminas e soroterapia. No experimento, foram avaliados os leucócitos, neutrófilos, linfócitos e a presença de bactérias enteropatogênicas nas fezes. RESULTADOS: Constatou-se a efetividade do Mos no grupo tratado, quando houve a eliminação da Escherichia coli patogênica em 85,71 por cento dos animais,enquanto que, no grupo sem o Mos, só 25 por cento, não apresentaram o microorganismo. CONCLUSÃO: O Mos é efetivo no controle da E. coli patogênica, sendo indicado como tratamento adjuvante nas gastroenterites.
Animals , Dogs , Dog Diseases/drug therapy , Escherichia coli Infections/veterinary , Escherichia coli/drug effects , Gastroenteritis/veterinary , Mannans/administration & dosage , Oligosaccharides/administration & dosage , Adjuvants, Pharmaceutic , Dietary Supplements , Dog Diseases/microbiology , Escherichia coli Infections/drug therapy , Escherichia coli Infections/microbiology , Feces/microbiology , Gastroenteritis/drug therapy , Leukocyte Count , Lymphocytes/blood , Neutrophils/chemistryABSTRACT
A herbal powder containing guar gum, methi, tundika and meshasringi was administered to 30 control and 30 type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes mellitus patients for a month. Total serum cholesterol and its fractions eg, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoproteins, very low density lipoproteins and serum triglyceride were determined before and after the trial period. Total and low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterols were reduced significantly after the therapy. There were no significant changes in high density lipoproteins (HDL), very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) or triglyceride levels. Side-effects eg, mild flatulence and looseness of bowel were noticed in less than 40% cases.
Adult , Magnoliopsida , Cholesterol/blood , Cholesterol, HDL/blood , Cholesterol, LDL/blood , Cholesterol, VLDL/blood , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/blood , Dietary Fiber , Female , Food, Fortified , Galactans/administration & dosage , Humans , Male , Mannans/administration & dosage , Middle Aged , Plant Gums , Powders , Time Factors , Triglycerides/bloodABSTRACT
1. Twenty-two axenic (germfree) or thirty heteroxenic (axenic colonized with human flora) 2.5-3.5 months old female Fisher rats were fed for four weeks either a hypercholesterolemic (HYPER) diet or a HYPER diet containing 5 per cent guar gum (GG) sterilized by heat or by gamma irradiation. 2. Axenic rats fed the irradiated GG diet had higher cholesterolemia than their counterparts fed an autoclaved diet (4.50 vs 2.29 mmol/l), whereas the method of sterilization had no effect on plasma cholesterol in axenic HYPER or heteroxenic animals (7.35 vs 6.51 mg/dl). 3. The levels of hepatic esterified cholesterol were higher in heteroxenic animals fed the irradiated GG diet than in their counterparts fed the autoclaved GG diet (5.65 vs 3.57 mmol/g tissue). 4. The composition of volatile fatty acids in the cecal content of heteroxenic rats was dependent on the method of sterilization regardless of the presence of fiber: the levels of butyrate were 2.88 and 0.85 mumol/g for rats fed the autoclaved and irradiated diets, respectively. 5. Gamma irradiation abolished the cholesterol-lowering effect of guar gum, whereas sterilization by heat preserved this effect. 6. The hypocholesterolemic effect of guar was reduced by gamma irradiation sterilization and was probably mediated by qualitative changes in the intestinal microflora which interfered with bile acid absorption