Introdução:Em busca da estética e da função mastigatória,é cada vez mais crescente aprocurapor reabilitações implantossuportadas. O guia multifuncional surgepara orientar a disponibilidade óssea e contribuir no planejamento da instalação tridimensional dos implantes, seguindo os princípios do planejamento reverso.Objetivo:Descrever, por meio de um caso clínico, a possibilidade de obtenção de resultados de excelente previsibilidade em coroas unitárias implantossuportadas, por meio do uso de guias multifuncionais, no planejamento do início ao fim de tratamento.Relato decaso:Paciente A.M.F, 44 anos, sexo feminino, compareceu à clínica de Prótese dentária do Departamento de Odontologia/UFRN com queixa de insatisfação da sua prótese removível e harmonia do sorriso. Ao exame clínico e radiográfico, observou-se ausência do elemento 12, apresentando um espaço interoclusal de 5mm e distância médio-distal de 7mm. Foi confeccionado o guia em resina acrílica, o qual foi preenchido o espaço desdentado com um dente de estoque. Em seguida, o dente deste guia teve seu centro perfurado com uma broca esférica para peça reta na região de cíngulo e com isso, preenchida com guta percha em bastão. Após isso, o paciente foi encaminhado para realizar uma tomografia computadorizada cone beam com o guia multifuncional em posição.As imagens obtidas permitiram o planejamento para instalação do implante, como inclinação e posicionamento favorável, bem como ausência de disponibilidade óssea na região. Além disso, o guia funcionou em outras etapas do tratamento da paciente, como na fase provisória.Conclusão:Os guias auxiliam em diversas fases do tratamento e permitem maior previsibilidade dos resultados em reabilitações protéticas unitárias implantossuportadas, apresentando-se como um dispositivo promissorpara ocorreto posicionamento do implante (AU).
Introduction:In search of esthetics and improved masticatory function, the demand for implant-supported rehabilitation is increasing. Multifunctional guides emerge to assess bone availability and help plan the three-dimensional installation of implants, following the principles of reverse planning. Objective:To describe, through a clinical case, the possibility of obtaining excellent predictability in implant-supported single crowns, through the use of multifunctional guides, inthe planning of a treatment from beginning to end. Case report:Patient A.M.F, 44 years old, female, came to the Prosthodontics clinic at the Department of Dentistry/UFRN complaining of dissatisfaction with her removable prosthesis and the harmony of her smile. Clinical and radiographic examination revealed the absence of element 12, with an interocclusal space of 5mm and a mid-distal distance of 7mm. The acrylic resin guide was made and the edentulous space was filled with a stock tooth. The center of theguide tooth was then drilled with a spherical straight-bit burr in the cingulum region and filled with gutta-percha stick. The patient was then referred for a cone beam computed tomography with the multifunctional guide in position. The images obtained allowed planning for implant installation, such as favorable inclination and positioning, as well as the absence of bone availability in the region. In addition, the guide was effective during other stages of the patient's treatment, such as the provisional phase.Conclusion:The guides assist in various phases of treatment and allow greater predictability of results in implant-supported single prosthetic rehabilitations, presenting themselves as a promising device for correct implant positioning (AU).
Introducción:En busca de estética y función masticatoria, la demanda de rehabilitaciones implantosoportadas es cada vez mayor. La guía multifuncional hasurgido para orientar la disponibilidad ósea y ayudar a planificar la instalación tridimensional de implantes, siguiendo los principios de la planificación inversa. Objetivo: Describir, a través de un caso clínico, la posibilidad de obtener una excelente predictibilidad en coronas unitarias implantosoportadas, mediante el uso de guías multifuncionales, en la planificación desde el início hasta el final del tratamiento. Informe de caso: Paciente A.M.F, 44 años, sexo femenino, compareció a la clínica de Prostodoncia del Departamento de Odontología/UFRN quejándose estar insatisfecha con su prótesis removible y con la armonía de su sonrisa. El examen clínico y radiográfico reveló la ausencia del elemento 12, con un espacio interoclusal de 5 mm y una distancia medio-distal de 7 mm. Se confeccionó una guía de resina acrílica y se rellenó el espacio edéntulo con un diente provisorio. A continuación, se perforó el centro del diente guía con una broca recta esférica en la región del cíngulo y se le rellenó con gutapercha en barra. Posteriormente, el paciente fue remitido a una tomografía computarizada cone beamcon la guía multifuncional en posición. Las imágenes obtenidas permitieron planificar la instalación del implante, como inclinación y posicionamiento favorables, así como la ausencia de disponibilidad ósea en la región. La guía también funcionó en otras fases del tratamiento del paciente, como en la fase provisional. Conclusión:Las guías ayudan en varias fases del tratamiento y permiten una mayor previsibilidadde los resultados en rehabilitaciones protésicas unitarias implantosoportadas, presentándose como un dispositivo prometedor para el correcto posicionamiento de los implantes (AU).
Humans , Female , Adult , Dental Implants , Esthetics, Dental , Mastication/physiology , Mouth Rehabilitation , Dental Prosthesis Design , Immediate Dental Implant LoadingABSTRACT
El propósito de este estudio fue analizar el comportamiento mecánico de la estructura dental sana de un primer premolar inferior humano sometido a fuerzas funcionales y disfuncionales en diferentes direcciones. Se buscó comprender, bajo las variables contempladas, las zonas de concentración de esfuerzos que conllevan al daño estructural de sus constituyentes y tejidos adyacentes. Se realizó el modelo 3D de la reconstrucción de un archivo TAC de un primer premolar inferior, que incluyó esmalte, dentina, ligamento periodontal y hueso alveolar considerando tres variables: dirección, magnitud y área de la fuerza aplicada. La dirección fue dirigida en tres vectores (vertical, tangencial y horizontal) bajo cuatro magnitudes, una funcional de 35 N y tres disfuncionales de 170, 310 y 445 N, aplicadas sobre un área de la cara oclusal y/o vestibular del premolar que involucró tres contactos estabilizadores (A, B y C) y dos paradores de cierre. Los resultados obtenidos explican el fenómeno de combinar tres vectores, cuatro magnitudes y un área de aplicación de la fuerza, donde los valores de esfuerzo efectivo equivalente Von Mises muestran valores máximos a partir de los 60 MPa. Los valores de tensión máximos se localizan, bajo la carga horizontal a 170 N y en el proceso masticatorio en la zona cervical, cuando la fuerza pasa del 60 %. Sobre la base de los hallazgos de este estudio, se puede concluir que la reacción de los tejidos a fuerzas funcionales y disfuncionales varía de acuerdo con la magnitud, dirección y área de aplicación de la fuerza. Los valores de tensión resultan ser más altos bajo la aplicación de fuerzas disfuncionales tanto en magnitud como en dirección, produciendo esfuerzos tensiles significativos para la estructura dental y periodontal cervical, mientras que, bajo las cargas funcionales aplicadas en cualquier dirección, no se generan esfuerzos lesivos. Esto supone el reconocimiento del poder de detrimento estructural del diente y periodonto frente al bruxismo céntrico y excéntrico.
SUMMARY: The purpose of this study was to analyze the mechanical behavior of the healthy dental structure of a human mandibular first premolar subjected to functional and dysfunctional forces in different directions. It was sought to understand, under the contemplated variables, the areas of stress concentration that lead to structural damage of its constituents and adjacent tissues. The 3D model of the reconstruction of a CT file of a lower first premolar was made, which included enamel, dentin, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone considering three variables: direction, magnitude and area of the applied force. The direction was directed in three vectors (vertical, tangential and horizontal) under four magnitudes, one functional of 35 N and three dysfunctional of 170, 310 and 445 N, applied to an area of the occlusal and/or buccal face of the premolar that involved three stabilizing contacts (A, B and C) and two closing stops. The results obtained explain the phenomenon of combining three vectors, four magnitudes and an area of force application, where the values of effective equivalent Von Mises stress show maximum values from 60 MPa. The maximum tension values are located under the horizontal load at 170 N and in the masticatory process in the cervical area, when the force exceeds 60%. Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that the reaction of tissues to functional and dysfunctional forces varies according to the magnitude, direction, and area of application of the force. The stress values turn out to be higher under the application of dysfunctional forces both in magnitude and in direction, producing significant tensile stresses for the dental and cervical periodontal structure, while under functional loads applied in any direction, no damaging stresses are generated. This supposes the recognition of the power of structural detriment of the tooth and periodontium against centric and eccentric bruxism.
Humans , Bicuspid/physiology , Biomechanical Phenomena , Finite Element Analysis , Tooth/physiology , Bite Force , Bruxism/physiopathology , Elastic Modulus , Tooth Wear , Mastication/physiologyABSTRACT
Introducción: el reemplazo de dientes perdidos aspira a mejorar la función masticatoria. Aunque hay diferentes opciones para ello, la conveniencia de la prótesis parcial removible (PPR) es su bajo costo. Objetivo: comparar el desempeño masticatorio (DM) después de 20 ciclos masticatorios y al umbral de la deglución (UD) en adultos de 50 a 70 años con dientes posteriores perdidos (DPP), con/sin PPR; y los ciclos hasta la deglución. Material y métodos: estudio transversal en 35 adultos con dientes anteriores y PPR bien ajustadas y utilizadas para comer. El lado de prueba fue el lado con más DPP. El DM se evaluó después de 20 ciclos y al UD utilizando un alimento prueba artificial (Optosil Comfort®) con/sin la PPR en orden aleatorizado. Las partículas se tamizaron para determinar el tamaño medio de partícula (TMP) como medida del DM. Los ciclos se contaron visualmente. Estadística descriptiva y comparaciones con SPSS-v23. Resultados: hubo diferencias significativas (p ≤ 0.05) al masticar con/sin PPR. El TMP fue más pequeño (mejor DM) con la PPR después de 20 ciclos y al UD (3.9 vs 4.4 mm y 3.2 vs 4.2 mm). Los ciclos para llegar al UD disminuyeron con la PPR (40 vs 47). Conclusión: a pesar de una mejora limitada de la función masticatoria, las PPR ayudan a preparar los alimentos en partículas más pequeñas antes de deglutirlas. La mejoría en DM con PPR es de 24% al UD, realizando menos ciclos antes de deglutir sus alimentos (AU)
Introduction: replacement of missing teeth should improve masticatory function. Although there are different options removable partial dentures (RPD) are used due to their lower cost. Objective: to compare masticatory performance (MP) after 20 chewing-cycles and swallowing-threshold (ST) in 50-70 year-old adults with missing posterior teeth (MPT) with and without their cast-metal RPD; chewing cycles until swallowing were also compared. Material and methods: 35 adults participated in this cross-sectional study. Subjects with anterior teeth and welladjusted RPDs, used for eating were included. The side with more MPT was selected as the test side. MP was evaluated after 20 cycles and ST using an artificial test-food (Optosil Comfort®) with/without the RPD (subject-own-control) (randomized order). Chewed particles were sieved to determine medium-particle-size (MPS) as a measure of MP. Chewing cycles were visually counted. Descriptive statistics and comparisons were run with SPSS v23. Results: there were significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) for all parameters when chewing with/without the RPD. MPS was smaller (better MP) with the RPD (3.9 vs 4.4 mm and 3.2 vs 4.2 mm) after 20 cycles and ST respectively. Cycles required to reach ST were less when chewing with the denture (40 vs 47). Conclusion: despite a limited improvement of masticatory function RPDs help patients prepare their food into smaller particles before swallowing. Improvement in MP with RPDs for patients with MPT is 24% at ST and they perform fewer chewing cycles before swallowing food (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Tooth Loss/rehabilitation , Mastication/physiologyABSTRACT
Chewing-side preference is one of the risk factors for temporomandibular disorders (TMD), and people with chewing-side preference is more prone to have short and displaced condyles, increased articular eminence inclination and glenoid fossa depth. The proportion of TMD patients with chewing-side preference is often higher than that of the normal subjects. Clinical studies have shown a strong correlation between chewing-side preference and TMD symptoms and signs; and animal studies have shown that chewing-side preference can affect the growth, development, damage and repair of the mandible. After long-term unilateral mastication, changes in the stress within the joint cause the imbalance of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) structural reconstruction, the transformation and even destruction of the fiber structure of masticatory muscle, resulting in uncoordinated movement of bilateral muscles. The joint neurogenic diseases caused by the increase of neuropeptide substance P and calcitonin-gene-related-peptide (CGRP) released locally by TMJ may be the mechanism of TMD. This article reviews the research progress of the influence of chewing-side preference on the structure of TMJ, the relationship between chewing-side preference and TMD, and the related mechanisms.
Humans , Mastication/physiology , Temporomandibular Joint/physiology , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/etiology , Mandible/physiologyABSTRACT
There is no consensus on the most appropriate method for normalizing electromyography (EMG) signals from masticatory muscles during isotonic activity. Aim: To analyze the best method for data processing of the EMG signal of the masticatory muscles during isotonic activity (non-habitual chewing), comparing raw data and different types of normalization. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. Women aged between 18 and 45 years were selected. Anthropometric data were collected (age, height, body mass index BMI, masticatory preference) as well as EMG signal (root mean square RMS) data for the anterior temporal and masseter bilaterally, and for the suprahyoid muscles, during isotonic (non-habitual chewing) and isometric tasks. EMG data were processed offline using Matlab® Software. The normalization of the EMG signal was carried out using the 2nd masticatory cycle, chosen at random, of the 20 cycles collected, the maximum RMS value, and the maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). To analyze the best method of data processing for the isotonic data, the coefficient of variation (CV) was calculated. Descriptive data analysis was adopted, using the mean and standard deviation. ANOVA with repeated measures was used to detect significant differences between the methods of normalization. Statistical significance was set at 5% (α<0.05). Results: The final sample of this research was composed of 86 women. The volunteers presented an average age of 27.83±7.71 years and a mean BMI of 22.85±1.91 Kg/m2. Regarding masticatory preference, 73.25% reported the right side, and 26.75% the left side. Considering the comparison between the methods, the %CV measure of the 2nd cycle showed the lowest variation coefficient during biting for all the muscles from the raw data, RMS Max, and MVC (p=0.001, p=0.003, and p=0.001 respectively). Conclusion: In conclusion, for non-habitual chewing activity, the results of this study recommend data processing using normalization with the second cycle during chewing
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Women , Anthropometry , Electromyography , Mastication , Masticatory Muscles , MusclesABSTRACT
Introducción: el estrés crónico afecta el equilibrio inmunológico alterando los niveles séricos de interleuquina-6 (IL-6) e interferón gama (INF-γ), dicha alteración afecta al sistema nervioso y al comportamiento humano. La masticación adecuada disminuiría dichos efectos. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar el efecto del estrés crónico y de la masticación sobre los niveles séricos de IL-6 e INF-γ. Métodos: experimento donde se emplearon 64 ratones Balb/c de 8 semanas de edad. Se dividieron en 4 tratamientos: Grupo NE: Masticación normal + estrés, Grupo N: masticación normal sin estrés, Grupo DE: Masticación deficiente + estrés, Grupo D: masticación deficiente sin estrés. Mediante test de ELISA se midió IL-6 e IFN-γ alfinal de la 4ta y de la 8va semana de tratamiento. Resultados: tanto la IL-6 como el IFN-γ fueron mayores en el grupo DE (p<0,05) al final de la 4ta semana. Al evaluarlos al término de la 8va semana se observó que en el grupo NE se incrementó la IL-6 respecto al resto de grupos (p<0,0001), y en el grupo DE fue donde se encontró mayor cantidad de IFN-γ (p<0,0001). Conclusión: el estrés crónico y la masticación deficiente incrementan los niveles séricos de IL-6 e IFN-γ. En cambio, la adecuada masticación disminuye el nivel de tales citoquinas al final de la cuarta semana de tratamiento.
Introduction: chronic stress affects the immune balance by altering the serum levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and gamma interferon (INF-γ), this alteration affects the nervous system and human behavior. Appropriate chewing would lessen these effects. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of chewing and chronic stress over serum levels of IL-6 and INF-γ. Methods: experiment in which 64 Balb/C mice of 8 weeks of age were used, they were divided into 4 treatments: Group NE: Normal chewing + stress, Group N: normal chewing without stress, Group DE: Chewing poor + stress, Group D: poor chewing without stress. IL-6 and IFN-γ were measured by ELISA after 4 and 8 weeks of treatment. Results: both IL-6 and IFN-γ were higher in the DE group (p < 0,05) at the end of fourth week of treatment. When evaluating the animals at the end of the eighth week of treatment, it was observed that in the NE group, the IL-6 was increased with respect to the rest (p < 0,0001) and the DE group showed more IFN-γ (p < 0,0001). Conclusion: stress and poor chewing increase serum IL-6 and IFN-γ. In contrast, appropriate chewing decreases the effects of stress on the increase of such cytokines at the end of the fourth week of treatment in animals.
Animals , Male , Mice , Stress, Psychological , Interleukin-6/analysis , Interferon-gamma/analysis , Mastication , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Chronic Disease , Mice, Inbred BALB CABSTRACT
Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of frozen storage on the physical properties of a silicone-based test food material, highly used to evaluate the masticatory performance in research settings. Methods: A total of 1,666 silicone cubes of Optosil Comfort® with 5.6-mm edges were shaped and stored at -18°C. The cubes were subsequently tested for flexural strength (maximum force, displacement, stress, and strain) before breaking (n = 136), changes in weight and size (n = 170), and masticatory performance (n = 1360) at eight timepoints: immediately after cube preparation (baseline, no freezing), and 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks, and 2, 4 and 6 months after frozen storage. The cubes were thawed 8 h before each assessment. Results: The maximum force, stress, maximum displacement, and deformation values for the cubes were not affected by freezing (P > 0.05). At all of the time points, the cubes exhibited similar weight (P = 0.366) and size (identical values). The masticatory performance for the cubes also showed no differences from baseline through 6 months (P = 0.061). Conclusion: Freezing Optosil Comfort® silicone cubes did not alter the physical and mechanical properties of the material, being suitable to optimize the assessment of masticatory parameters for research purposes
Humans , Male , Adult , Silicone Elastomers , Materials Testing/methods , Freezing , Flexural Strength , Mastication , Time FactorsABSTRACT
OBJETIVO: Relatar um caso clínico em que foi utilizado enxerto autógeno na região anterior da maxila fixado com implantes. RELATO DE CASO: Paciente do gênero feminino, 46 anos, há 13 anos compareceu à Clínica de Implantodontia do Programa de Pós Graduação da UFPA tendo como queixa principal desconforto estético e dificuldade na mastigação, durante o exame clínico intraoral observou-se a ausência dos elementos 11,12, 21,22 e grande defeito ósseo em formato de U invertido. O tratamento foi dividido em duas etapas: na primeira foi realizada a correção do defeito ósseo em espessura com enxerto ósseo em bloco retirado da região mentoniana, e na segunda etapa foi realizada a correção em altura com enxerto ósseo em bloco retirado do ramo mandibular, na fixação do referido enxerto instalou-se simultaneamente os implantes. Após 13 anos, a paciente retornou para uma consulta de controle e durante a avaliação dos exames clínicos e radiológicos, observou-se que os implantes encontravam-se osseointegrados, sem sintomatologia e com ligeira perda óssea. CONCLUSÃO: Os implantes quando associados ao enxerto autógeno em bloco demonstraram-se eficazes em relação á estética e função no decorrer dos anos... (AU)
OBJECTIVE: To report a clinical case in which autogenous graft was used in the anterior region of the maxilla fixed with implants. CASE REPORT: 13years ago, a 46-year-old female patient, attended the Implantology Clinic of the UFPA Graduate Program with aesthetic discomfort and difficulty chewing as the main complaint, during the intraoral clinical examination, the absence of elements 11, 12, 21, 22 and large bone defect in inverted U format was observed. The treatment was divided into two stages: in the first one, the bone defect was correct in thickness with a block osseum graft removed from the mentionian region, and in the second stage, the correction was performed in height with block bone graft removed from the mandibular branch, and the implants were installed in the fixation of the said graft. After 13 years, the patient returned for a control consultation, and during the evaluation of clinical and radiological examinations, it was observed that the implants were Osseo integrated, without symptomatology and with slight bone loss. CONCLUSION: Implants when associated with autogenou block graft have been shown to be effective in relation to aesthetics and function over the years... (AU)
OBJETIVO: Relatar un caso clínico en que fue utilizado injerto autógeno en la región anterior de la maxila fijado con implantes. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente del género femenino,46 años, compareció a Clínica de Implantología del Programa de Post-Graduación de la UFPA teniendo como queja principal, el malestar estético y la dificultad para masticar, durante el examen clínico intraoral, se observó la ausencia de elementos 11,12,21,22 y grande defecto óseo en formato U invertida. El tratamiento fue dividido en dos etapas: en la primera fue realizada la corrección de lo defecto óseo en espesor con material retirado de la región mentoniana, y en la segunda etapa fue realizada la corrección en altura con injerto óseo retirado de la rama mandibular, en la fijación de dicho injerto, se instalaron los implantes simultáneamente. Después de 13 años, el paciente retornó para una consulta de control, y durante la evaluación de los exámenes clínicos y radiológicos, se observó que los implantes estaban osteointegrados, sin sintomatología y con ligera pérdida ósea. CONCLUSIÓN: Los implantes cuando asociados el injerto de bloqueo autógeno se demostraron eficaces en relación con la estética y la función, en el trascurso de los años... (AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Transplantation, Autologous , Dental Implantation, Endosseous , Maxilla , Maxilla/surgery , Esthetics, Dental , MasticationABSTRACT
Este estudo objetivou identificar os fatores que influenciam na decisão de substituir uma prótese total convencional mandibular pelo tratamento com implantes dentários, assim como avaliar a satisfação, qualidade de vida e performance mastigatória (PM) após reabilitação com sobredentaduras com implante único (SIU) em pacientes adaptados e não-adaptados a prótese total convencional (PT) mandibular. Inicialmente, foi realizado um estudo transversal com 117 usuários de PTs bimaxilares, avaliados quanto aos desfechos relacionados à prótese (número de PTs mandibulares usadas previamente, tempo de uso e profissional que confeccionou a prótese atual, e quanto ao uso regular ou não da prótese mandibular) e aspectos centrados no paciente (período de edentulismo mandibular, altura óssea mandibular e interesse do paciente em se submeter a terapia com implantes). Do total da amostra, 78 pacientes manifestaram interesse na terapia implantossuportada, e desses apenas 22 foram selecionados e reabilitados com novas PTs bimaxilares. Após critérios de elegibilidade, foram alocados após pareamento em 2 grupos: adaptados à prótese mandibular (Grupo PTA - "adaptados à PT mandibular", n:10) e não adaptados (Grupo PTN - "não adaptados à PT mandibular", n:12). Em cada paciente, foi instalado um único implante na linha média e após o período de osseointegração as próteses mandibulares foram convertidas em sobredentaduras. O desempenho mastigatório foi avaliado pelo método das tamises, a altura óssea mandibular por medição em radiografia panorâmica, satisfação por escala quantitativa com questionário validado e o impacto da saúde oral na qualidade de vida pelo questionário OHIP-Edent-19. O teste Qui-quadrado foi utilizado para análise dos dados e as razões de prevalência ajustadas por meio da regressão multivariada de Poisson no primeiro estudo; para o segundo, a análise estatística em cada grupo e entre grupos foi baseada nos testes não-paramétricos de Wilcoxon e Mann-Whitney. O intervalo de confiança para os testes foi de 95%. A amostra foi predominantemente do sexo feminino, com 66,7% (n=78) dos participantes interessados em PT mandibular implantossuportada e com idade média de 65,68±6,38 anos. A PM não influenciou a escolha pela reabilitação com implantes. A preferência pela PT implantossuportada mandibular foi associada significativamente com maior experiência prévia com PT mandibular (p=0,021) e à insatisfação quanto à retenção (p=0,005). Após a intervenção com implante, todos os pacientes não adaptados passaram a condição de adaptados. Não houve diferença entre PTA e PTN para OHIP-Edent (p=0,276) e PM (p=0,222), a satisfação foi significativa apenas para o critério "conforto em arco inferior" (p=0,043). Para comparações pré e pós-tratamento com sobredentadura, a mediana do OHIP-Edent total diminuiu significativamente em ambos os grupos. Na comparação intragrupo, essa redução foi significativa em PTA apenas para a "limitação funcional" (p=0,026), e em PTN em quase todos os domínios, exceto "disfunção social" e "incapacidade" (p>0,05). Houve aumento estatisticamente significativo para a satisfação geral de 75,41 para 90,25 (p=0,012) em PTN e de 76,10 para 90,50 (p=0,007) em PTA. Os parâmetros "mastigação", "adaptação", "retenção" e "conforto" em arco inferior foram diferentes com significância em ambos os grupos, e "gustação", "fonação" e "dor" em arco inferior foram significativos apenas para o grupo não adaptado (p<0,05). Houve diferença significativa para PM em PTN (p=0,002) e PTA (p=0,047) ao se comparar tipo de reabilitação. Não houve correlação entre PM e OHIP antes e após a reabilitação (p>0,05). Pode-se concluir que a experiência prévia com PT mandibulares convencionais e a insatisfação com a retenção dessas, influenciam o interesse pela reabilitação com sobredentadura implantossuportada mandibular, assim como, a reabilitação com sobredentadura sobre implante único apresenta-se como alternativa aos pacientes não adaptados a PT convencional mandibular, auxiliando na aceitação do uso da prótese mandibular, assim como, comprovando efeito positivo na satisfação, qualidade de vida e performance mastigatória (AU).
This study aimed to identify the factors that influence the decision to replace a conventional mandibular complete denture by treatment with dental implants, as well as to evaluate satisfaction, quality of life and masticatory performance (MP) after rehabilitation with overdentures with a single implant in patients adapted and not adapted to conventional mandibular complete denture (CD). Initially, a cross-sectional study was carried out with 117 users of bimaxillaries CDs, who were evaluated for outcomes related to the denture (number of previous mandibular CDs, time of use and professional who made the current denture, and regarding regular use of the mandibular denture) and aspects centered patients (period of mandibular edentulism, mandibular bone height and the patient's willingness to undergo implant therapy). From the total sample, 78 patients expressed interest in implant-supported therapy, and of these, only 22 were selected and rehabilitated with new bimaxillary CDs. After eligibility criteria, they were allocated after pairing into 2 groups: adapted to mandibular prosthesis (PTA Group - "adapted to mandibular CD", n:10) and non-adapted (PTN Group - " not adapted to mandibular CD", n:12). In each patient, a single implant was installed in the midline and after the osseointegration period, the mandibular prostheses were converted into overdentures. Masticatory performance was evaluated by the sieve method, mandibular bone height by paranoid radiographic measurement, satisfaction by quantitative scale with a validated questionnaire and the impact of oral health on quality of life by the OHIP-Edent-19 questionnaire. The chi-square test was used for data analysis and the prevalence ratios adjusted by means of multivariate Poisson regression in the first study; on the second, the statistical analysis in each group and between groups was based on the non-parametric-Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests. The confidence interval for the tests was 95%. The sample was composed predominantly by women, with 66.7% (n=78) of the participants interested in implantsupported mandibular CD, with mean age 65.68±6.38 years. MP was not influenced by the choice by dental implants rehabilitation. Preference for mandibular implant-supported CD was significantly associated with longer previous experience in mandibular CD (p=0.021) and with dissatisfaction regarding retention (p=0.005). After the implant intervention, all non-adapted patients became adapted. There was no difference between PTA and PTN for OHIP-Edent (p=0.276) and MP (p=0.222), satisfaction was significant only for the criteria "comfort in the lower arch" (p=0.043). For pre- and post-treatment comparisons with overdentures, the median total OHIP-Edent decreased significantly in both groups. In the intragroup comparison, this reduction was significant in PTA only for "functional limitation" (p=0.026), and in PTN in almost all domains, except "social dysfunction" and "disability" (p>0.05). There was a statistically significant increase in overall satisfaction from 75.41 to 90.25 (p=0.012) in PTN and from 76.10 to 90.50 (p=0.007) in PTA. The parameters "chewing", "adaptation", "retention" and "comfort" in the lower arch were significantly different in both groups, and "gustation", "phonation" and "pain" in the lower arch were significant only for the group not adapted (p<0.05). There was a significant difference for MP in PTN (p=0.002) and PTA (p=0.047) when comparing the type of rehabilitation. There was no correlation between MP and OHIP before and after rehabilitation (p>0.05). It can be concluded that the previous experience with conventional mandibular CD and the dissatisfaction with the retention of these, influence the rehabilitation with mandibular implant-supported overdenture, as well as the rehabilitation with overdenture on single implant presents itself as an alternative for patients not adapted to mandibular conventional CD, helping to accept the use of mandibular prosthesis, as well as proving a positive effect on satisfaction, quality of life and masticatory performance (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Quality of Life , Denture, Complete , Mastication , Mouth Rehabilitation , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Patient Satisfaction , Statistics, Nonparametric , Mandibular Prosthesis Implantation , Dental Implantation , Immediate Dental Implant LoadingABSTRACT
La masticación tiene como objetivo la adecuada preparación de los alimentos para su deglución y digestión. Cualquier alteración en el sistema estomatognático puede deteriorar la masticación. El odontó- logo es el profesional responsable de mantener y/o restaurar la función masticatoria. La evaluación de la función masticatoria puede hacerse de forma subjetiva utilizando cuestionarios para medir la percepción del paciente sobre su capacidad masticatoria o de forma objetiva analizando la fuerza oclusal, la actividad electromiográfica de los músculos mas- ticadores, la trayectoria de la mandíbula al masticar o la capacidad de trituración de los alimentos. Estos métodos se utilizan en proyectos de investigación, pero en la clínica ¿evaluamos si existe alguna alteración al masticar y al finalizar el tratamiento si cumplimos con el objetivo de restaurar la función masticatoria? ¿Realmente nos preocupamos por mantener y/o restaurar la función masticatoria? Por lo general no, ni en los consultorios, ni en las clínicas universitarias. Es esencial que nos concienticemos de nuestra responsabilidad y para ello es necesario que se le dé mayor peso curricular a la función masticatoria y cómo evaluarla. Seamos realmente custodios de la función masticatoria de nuestros pacientes (AU)
The goal of chewing is to properly prepare food for swallowing and digestion. Any problem in the stomatognathic system can deteriorate chewing. The professional responsible of maintaining and/or restoring masticatory function is the dentist. Masticatory function can be evaluated subjectively through questionnaires to measure the patient's perception of his/her masticatory capacity or objectively analyzing occlusal force, the electromyographic activity of the masticatory muscles, the movements of the mandible during chewing or the individual's capacity to breakdown food. These methods are used in research projects but, do we examine if there is any problem during chewing and if we are achieving our goal of restoring masticatory function at the end of the treatment in our offices? Do we really focus on maintaining and/or restoring masticatory function? Not truly, not in our offices or university clinics. It is imperative that we acknowledge our responsibility but for that it is essential that masticatory function and how to evaluate it is given more weight in the curriculum. Let us be genuine guardians of the masticatory function of our patients (AU)
Humans , Stomatognathic System , Mastication , Masticatory Muscles , Perception , Bite Force , Surveys and Questionnaires , Deglutition/physiologyABSTRACT
Introduction: The objective of this study was to explore the electrical activity of the superficial muscles of mastication required to exert unilateral maximum bite force in subjects with different body mass index. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted with a sample of 21 participants with an average age of 22.9 ± 3.5 years who were classified according to their body mass index, forming three study groups: normal weight (18.5-24.9), overweight (25-29.9) and obesity (≥30), with seven participants each. Through surface electromyography, the superficial muscles of mastication during right and left maximum bite force were evaluated. Results: No statistically significant differences in the maximum bite force were observed between the study groups. The data obtained from the electromyographic analysis of the superficial muscles of mastication demonstrate a trend indicating that subjects with a normal body mass index similarly activate the muscles on each side when performing a maximum bite force on a particular side, while overweight or obese subjects demonstrated significantly greater activation of the temporalis muscle associated with the side where the maximal bite force is performed. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that the maximum bite force is not influenced by body mass index and that during the performance of a maximum bite force subjects with increased body mass index present a greater activation of the temporalis muscle associated with the side where the maximum bite force was performed.
Introducción: El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar la actividad eléctrica de los músculos superficiales de la masticación, necesarios para ejercer la máxima fuerza de mordida unilateral, en sujetos con diferente índice de masa corporal. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional de corte transversal con una muestra de 21 participantes con una edad promedio de 22.9 ± 3.5 años, quienes fueron clasificados de acuerdo a su índice de masa corporal, formando tres grupos de estudio: peso normal (18,5-24,9), sobrepeso (25,0-29,9) y obesidad (≥30.0), con siete participantes cada uno. La electromiografía de superficie evaluó los músculos superficiales de la masticación durante la fuerza de mordida máxima derecha e izquierda. Resultados: No se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la fuerza de mordida máxima entre los grupos de estudio. Los datos obtenidos del análisis electromiográfico de los músculos superficiales de la masticación demuestran una tendencia que indica que los sujetos con un índice de masa corporal normal activan de manera similar los músculos de cada lado cuando ejercen la fuerza de mordida máxima en un lado en particular. mientras que los sujetos con sobrepeso u obesos demostraron una activación significativamente mayor del músculo temporal asociado con el lado donde se realiza la fuerza máxima de mordida. Conclusión: Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que la fuerza de mordida máxima no está influenciada por el índice de masa corporal y que durante la realización de una fuerza de mordida máxima los sujetos con índice de masa corporal aumentado presentan una mayor activación del músculo temporal asociado al lado donde se realizó la fuerza de mordida máxima.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Bite Force , Body Weight/physiology , Mastication/physiology , Masticatory Muscles/physiology , Temporal Muscle , Body Mass Index , Electromyography/methodsABSTRACT
Introduction: Chewing is a learned orofacial function, important in the nutrition process of most mammals. It has been described that it can vary according to the characteristics of the individuals and the characteristics of the food. The aim of this study was to compare the kinematic characteristics of mastication in subjects with different body mass index (BMI), including foods of different hardness in the analysis. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted. The mastication of 3.7 g of peanut (soft food) and 3.7 g of carrot (hard food) was compared among three study groups formed according to BMI: normal weight (BMI 18.5-24.9), overweight (BMI 25-29.9) and obese (BMI ≥30); each with 7 participants. The kinematics of the masticatory movement were assessed with a 3D Electromagnetic Articulograph, the characteristics analyzed were number of masticatory cycles, masticatory frequency, speed and area of the cycles. Results: No significant differences were noted among the study groups for the number of masticatory cycles, frequency or speed in the two foods studied. It was observed that when chewing carrot, the horizontal area of the masticatory cycles was significantly larger in the obese than in the overweight group. However, when chewing peanuts, this parameter did not present significant differences among the different groups. A comparison of the characteristics of mastication of the two foods revealed that the carrot chewing presented a significantly greater masticatory frequency and speed than the peanut chewing. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that food hardness influences the kinematic characteristics of mastication more than BMI, noting that hard foods are masticated faster and more frequently than soft foods and that masticatory frequency tends to increase with BMI.
Introduction: Chewing is a learned orofacial function, important in the nutrition process of most mammals. It has been described that it can vary according to the characteristics of the individuals and the characteristics of the food. The aim of this study was to compare the kinematic cha-racteristics of mastication in subjects with different body mass index (BMI), including foods of different hardness in the analysis. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was con- ducted. The mastication of 3.7 g of peanut (soft food) and 3.7 g of carrot (hard food) was compared among three study groups formed according to BMI: normal weight (BMI 18.5-24.9), overweight (BMI 25-29.9) and obese (BMI ?30); each with 7 participants. The kinematics of the masticatory movement were assessed with a 3D Electromagnetic Articulograph, the characteristics analyzed were number of masticatory cycles, masticatory frequency, speed and area of the cycles. Results: No significant differences were noted among the study groups for the number of masticatory cycles, frequency or speed in the two foods studied. It was observed that when chewing carrot, the horizontal area of the masticatory cycles was significantly larger in the obese than in the overweight group. However, when chewing peanuts, this parameter did not present significant differences among the different groups. A comparison of the characteristics of mastication of the two foods revealed that the carrot chewing presented a significantly greater masticatory frequency and speed than the peanut chewing. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that food hardness influences the kinematic characteristics of mastication more than BMI, noting that hard foods are masticated faster and more frequently than soft foods and that masticatory frequency tends to increase with BMI.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Body Weight/physiology , Body Mass Index , Mastication/physiology , Biomechanical Phenomena , Overweight/physiopathology , Food , Obesity/physiopathologyABSTRACT
A agenesia dentaria é uma anomalia de desenvolvimento caracterizada pela determinação congênita de menor numero de dentes, podendo estar associada a síndromes genéticas ou ocorrer isoladamente. Embora seja considerada uma das anomalias mais frequentes quando envolve terceiros molares, segundo pré-molares e incisivos laterais, sua ocorrência em dentes estáveis, tais como o canino e o primeiro molar permanente é rara. Desta forma, este relato apresentará o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino, 8 anos idade, que iniciou tratamento de rotina na Clínica de Odontopediatria da UNIFENAS. Na anamnese não foi relatada pela responsável a ocorrência de alterações sistêmicas, nem queixa ou histórico odontológico relevante. No exame clínico odontológico, notou-se o não irrompimento do primeiro molar permanente superior direito (16). Diante dos exames de imagem, foi confirmada a agenesia do dente 16 e também do canino permanente superior direito (13). A agenesia, sobretudo de dentes estáveis e relevantes no arco dentário, pode comprometer o desenvolvimento adequado da oclusão, mastigação, fonação e estética. Desta maneira, é importante o diagnóstico precoce desta ocorrência com o objetivo de favorecer a elaboração de um adequado plano de tratamento e, minimizar as sequelas destas agenesias atípicas(AU)
Dental agenesis is a developmental anomaly characterized by the congenital determination of fewer teeth, may be associated with genetic syndromes or occur in an isolated form. Although it is considered one of the most frequent anomalies when it involves third molars, second lateral premolars and incisors, the occurrence in stable teeth, such as the permanent canine and the permanent first molar is rare. This report will present the case of an 8-year-old female patient who started routine treatment at the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic of UNIFENAS. In the anamnesis, the responsible person did not report the occurrence of systemic alterations, or a relevant dental complaint or history. On dental clinical examination, it was noticed the non-rupture of the permament maxillar right first molar (16). In view of the imaging tests, the agenesis of tooth 16 and also of the permanent maxillary right canine (13) was confirmed. Agenesis, especially of stable and relevant teeth in the dental arch, may compromise the proper development of occlusion, chewing, phonation and aesthetics. Thus, it is of paramount importance to early diagnosis of this occurrence in order to favor the development of an appropriate treatment plan in order to minimize the sequelae of these atypical agenesis(AU)
Humans , Male , Child , Phonation , Cuspid , Anodontia , Molar , Dental Occlusion , Esthetics, Dental , Mastication , Anodontia/diagnosis , Anodontia/therapyABSTRACT
RESUMO Objetivo identificar e sintetizar evidências sobre estratégias utilizadas no treino da mastigação e deglutição em indivíduos com disfunção temporomandibular e dor orofacial. Estratégia de pesquisa revisão de escopo desenvolvida com consulta nas bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, BBO, IBECS, BINACIS, CUMED, SOF, DeCS, Index Psi, LIPECS e ColecionaSUS (via BVS), Scopus, CINAHL, Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane e na literatura cinzenta: Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD), OpenGrey e Google Acadêmico. Critérios de seleção estudos quantitativos ou qualitativos, sem limite temporal e sem restrição de idioma, que continham os seguintes descritores ou palavras-chave: Articulação Temporomandibular, Síndrome da Disfunção da Articulação Temporomandibular, Transtornos da Articulação Temporomandibular, Dor Facial, Mastigação, Deglutição, Terapêutica, Terapia Miofuncional e Fonoaudiologia. Na primeira etapa, dois revisores fizeram a triagem independente dos estudos, por meio da leitura dos títulos e resumos. Na segunda etapa, os revisores leram, independentemente, os documentos pré-selecionados na íntegra. Em caso de divergência, um terceiro pesquisador foi consultado. Resultados as 11 publicações incluídas foram publicadas entre 2000 e 2018. As estratégias mais utilizadas foram o treino da mastigação bilateral simultânea, seguido da mastigação bilateral alternada. Na deglutição, foi proposto aumento do tempo mastigatório para reduzir o alimento em partículas menores e lubrificar melhor o bolo alimentar e treinos com apoio superior de língua. Conclusão o treinamento funcional demonstrou efetividade na reabilitação dos pacientes, embora não siga uma padronização e não seja realizado de forma isolada. Os estudos encontrados apresentam baixo nível de evidência. Considera-se fundamental a realização de estudos mais abrangentes e padronizados, como ensaios clínicos randomizados.
ABSTRACT Purpose To identify and synthesize evidence on strategies used to train chewing and swallowing in individuals with temporomandibular disorder and orofacial pain. Research strategy Scoping review conducted by search in MEDLINE, LILACS, BBO, IBECS, BINACIS, CUMED, SOF, DeCS, Index Psi, LIPECS, and ColecionaSUS (via VHL), Scopus, CINAHL, Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane, and the grey literature: Brazilian Digital Theses and Dissertations Library (BDTD), OpenGrey, and Google Scholar. Selection criteria Quantitative or qualitative studies, with no restriction on time or language of publication, with the following descriptors or keywords: Temporomandibular Joint; Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome; Temporomandibular Joint Disorders; Facial Pain; chewing (Mastication); swallowing (Deglutition); Therapeutics; Myofunctional Therapy; Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences. In the first stage, two reviewers independently screened the studies by title and abstract reading. In the second stage, the reviewers independently read the preselected documents in full text. In case of divergences, a third researcher was consulted. Results The 11 documents included in the review were published between 2000 and 2018. The mostly used training strategies were simultaneous bilateral mastication/chewing, followed by alternating bilateral mastication. In swallowing, increased mastication time was proposed to break food into smaller bits and better lubricate the bolus; training with upper tongue support was also indicated. Conclusion Functional training proved to be effective in rehabilitation, although it was not standardized or performed alone. The studies had low levels of evidence. It is essential to conduct more encompassing and standardized studies, such as randomized clinical trials.
Facial Pain/therapy , Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome/therapy , Myofunctional Therapy , Deglutition , MasticationABSTRACT
Objective: The aim this research was assess the level of satisfaction of patients undergoing bichectomy and its repercussions. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional and qualitative study, under protocol number 20707519.5.0000.5207, was carried out by applying a questionnaire to patients undergoing bichectomy, which made it possible to assess complaints, degree of postoperative satisfaction, satisfaction of family members, time required to perceive results, complications and adverse effects, intensity of postoperative pain, and possibility of being submitted to a new intervention. Results: The sample consisted of 30 patients, among them, 82% sought surgery for aesthetic reasons. Regarding the degree of satisfaction, the majority (70%) were very satisfied, followed by 13.3% who were satisfied, 10% considered normal, 3.3% were dissatisfied and 3.3% very dissatisfied. Regarding the opinion of friends and family, the majority were very satisfied with the result. The adverse effects found were mild, no permanent injury happened, and the pain was mild in the most majority of the sample. Conclusion: Thus, the most majority of patients were satisfied with the results, as well as their family and friends. The results were more evident between the second and third months. No major or permanent damage was observed, suggesting that it is a safe technique when performed well.(AU)
Objetivo: Avaliar o nível de satisfação dos pacientes submetidos à bichectomia, bem como correlacionar os resultados com algumas características clínicas. Material e Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal e qualitativo, sob protocolo número 20707519.5.0000.5207, através da aplicação de um questionário a pacientes submetidos à bichectomia, o qual foi possível avaliar as queixas, o grau de satisfação pós-operatório, a satisfação dos familiares, o tempo para percepção dos resultados, as complicações e efeitos adversos, intensidade da dor pós operatória, e a possibilidade de ser submetido a nova intervenção. Além disso, as características demográficas da amostra (como sexo e idade) também foi registrada na ficha de avaliação. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 30 pacientes, e desses, 82% buscaram a cirurgia por motivos estéticos. Sobre o grau de satisfação, a maioria (70%) ficou muito satisfeitos, seguidos por 13,3% que ficaram satisfeitos, 10% consideraram normal, 3,3% insatisfeitos e 3,3% muito insatisfeitos. Sobre a opinião dos amigos e familiares, a maioria ficou muito satisfeitos com o resultado. Os efeitos adversos encontrados foram leves, nenhuma lesão permanente foi encontrada, e a dor foi discreta na grande maioria da amostra. Com base na possibilidade de submeter-se a uma nova cirurgia, 70% ficaram satisfeitos e não fariam novamente. Conclusão: A grande maioria dos pacientes demonstrou-se satisfeitos com os resultados, bem como seus familiares e amigos. Os resultados foram mais evidentes entre o segundo e terceiro mês. Não foi observado qualquer dano importante ou permanente, sugerindo ser uma técnica segura quando bem executada. (AU)
Humans , Adipose Tissue , Patient Satisfaction , Esthetics, Dental , MasticationABSTRACT
ABSTRACT OBJETIVE To investigate the relationship between the masticatory function and the frailty of older people. METHODS Exploratory cross-sectional study using secondary data from the FIBRA Project on the frailty conditions of older people living in urban areas of six Brazilian municipalities, from 2008 to 2009. The population consisted of older adults aged 65 and over with no cognitive impairment. A single session identification questionnaire and the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) were applied, followed by collecting sociodemographic data and data on the participants' self-assessment of masticatory function, general health, and oral health. RESULTS 2,341 older people (164 frail older adults), of whom 63.2% reported not having seen a dentist in the last year, and approximately 26% of them had three or more functional feeding problems. Older participants (OR = 2.88; 95%CI: 2.01-4.13), who are retired (OR = 2.31; 95%CI: 1.18-5.53), those who were depressed (OR = 2.31; 95%CI: 1.58-3.38), and those who self-assessed their general health as worse compared to others of the same age (OR = 3.91; 95%CI: 2.39-6.40) were at higher risk of frailty. Three or more problems related to the functional aspects of mastication were associated with a greater chance of frailty (OR = 2.06; 95%CI: 1.25-3.41). CONCLUSION This study found an association between masticatory function and a greater chance of frailty among the studied population.
Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged , Frail Elderly , Diagnostic Self Evaluation , Patient Health Questionnaire , MasticationABSTRACT
Abstract This article aims to assess whether alterations of oral functions (AOF) are associated with malocclusion (MO)'s type and severity. Cross-sectional study of a representative sample of 332 adolescents aged 12 years in São Luís-MA, Northeastern Brazil. MO criteria included Angle's classification, Dental Aesthetic Index, and other morphological problems. The AOF were evaluated by breathing, phonation, chewing, and swallowing. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) were calculated using logistic and multinomial regression analyses (α=5%). Mouth breathing was associated with defined (OR=3.84; 95%CI=1.45-10.12), disabling (OR=4.34; 95%CI=1.99-9.49), and class III (OR=4.15; 95%CI=1.19-14.54) MO. Phonation problems were associated with defined (OR=2.01; 95%CI=1.02-4.39), disabling (OR=3.04; 95%CI=1.55-5.96), and Class II (OR=2.02; 95%CI=1.28-3.18) MO. Chewing disorders were associated with posterior crossbite (PCB) (OR=2.32; 95%CI=1.12-4.82). Swallowing disorders were associated with Class III MO (OR=5.66; 95%CI=1.35-23.71), PCB (OR=6.13; 95%CI=2.76-13.62), and posterior open bite (OR=4.53; 95%CI=1.72-8.92). Breathing and phonation alterations are associated with MO in anterior arch segments, while chewing and swallowing disorders, in the posterior segments.
Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar se alterações das funções orais (AFO) estão associadas ao tipo e gravidade da maloclusão (MO). Estudo transversal com amostra representativa de 332 adolescentes de 12 anos em São Luís-MA, Nordeste do Brasil. Critérios de MO incluíram Classificação de Angle, Índice de Estética Dental e outros problemas morfológicos. As AFO foram avaliadas por respiração, fonação, mastigação e deglutição. Odds ratios (OR) e intervalos de confiança de 95% (IC95%) foram calculados em análises de regressão logística e multinomial (α=5%). Respiração oral foi associada com MO definida (OR=3,84; IC95%=1,45-10,12), incapacitante (OR=4,34; IC95%=1,99-9,49) e classe III (OR=4,15; IC95%=1,19-14,54). Problemas de fonação foram associados às MO definidas (OR=2,01; IC95%=1,02-4,39), incapacitantes (OR=3,04; IC95%=1,55-5,96) e Classe II (OR=2,02; IC95%=1,28-3,18). Alterações na mastigação foram associadas à mordida cruzada posterior (MCP) (OR=2,32; IC95%=1,12-4,82). Deglutição atípica foi associada à MO Classe III (OR=5,66; IC95%=1,35-23,71), MCP (OR=6,13; IC95%=2,76-13,62) e mordida aberta posterior (OR=4,53; IC95%=1,72-8,92). Alterações de respiração e fonação estão associadas às MO nos segmentos anteriores do arco, enquanto as de mastigação e deglutição, nos segmentos posteriores.
Humans , Adolescent , Malocclusion/epidemiology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Deglutition , MasticationABSTRACT
In the last decades in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil, the reduction in the preservation of areas due to the degradation of the biome and destruction of the natural environment has caused animals, mainly in the order of non-human primates, to come closer to towns and highways, increasing the number of accidents and in some cases, deaths. New surgical techniques have been developed that favor these species as explained in this report. The howler monkey patient was traumatized in the facial region damaging important vital structures such as facial muscle groups responsible for swallowing food, chewing, breathing, defense, and communication (vocalization and mimicry), in addition to the cartilaginous nasal structures. However, reconstructive facial surgical techniques, used on humans, showed satisfactory results from an anatomical, functional, and aesthetic point of view in howler monkey, with acceptance of the animal with a safe postoperative period for a full recovery of the primate patient.(AU)
Nas últimas décadas, no estado do Mato Grosso do Sul - Brasil, a redução de áreas preservadas pela degradação de biomas e pela destruição de habitat naturais tem favorecido a aproximação de animais - muitos desses, primatas não humanos - em cidades e rodovias, aumentando o número de acidentes e, em alguns casos, de mortes. Novas técnicas cirúrgicas têm sido desenvolvidas, favorecendo essas espécies, como reportado neste trabalho. O paciente macaco bugio foi traumatizado em região facial, envolvendo importantes estruturas vitais, como grupos musculares faciais responsáveis pela apreensão alimentar, mastigação, respiração, defesa e comunicação (vocalização e mímicas), além das estruturas cartilaginosas nasais. No entanto, técnicas cirúrgicas reconstrutivas em face aplicadas e descritas em humanos apresentaram resultados satisfatórios dos pontos de vista anatômico, fisiológico e visual nos macacos bugio, com aceitação deles diante do estresse, com pós-operatório seguro, resultando na reabilitação do paciente primata.(AU)
Animals , Deglutition , Alouatta caraya/surgery , Mastication , Primates/surgery , Wounds and Injuries/veterinary , Accidents , Oral Surgical Procedures/veterinary , Plastic Surgery Procedures/veterinaryABSTRACT
RESUMEN: Diversos estudios reportan que el tipo de alimento influye directamente en los patrones cinemáticos de la masticación. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar y comparar los ciclos masticatorios de participantes adultos y completamente dentados durante la masticación de alimentos de diferente textura y dureza (maní y zanahoria) utilizando articulografía electromagnética 3D. Se evaluaron 11 participantes sanos (5 hombres; 6 mujeres), de 31,9 ± 5,2 años de edad. Mediante articulografía electromagnética 3D, se registró la masticación de dos alimentos de prueba (maní y zanahoria). Los datos de movimiento mandibular fueron procesados con MATLAB® y obteniendo diferentes parámetros-frecuencia masticatoria en ciclos por segundo, velocidad de descenso y ascenso mandibular, área de las proyecciones de cada ciclo masticatorio en los tres planos del espacio-que fueron comparados según tipo de alimento y género de los participantes. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las áreas de los ciclos masticatorios en el plano horizontal según tipo de alimento, siendo mayor para la masticación de zanahoria (P=,003). Así mismo, se detectaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las áreas sagitales de los ciclos entre hombres y mujeres, siendo mayor en mujeres (P=,042). Nuestros resultados concuerdan con otros estudios que afirman que la textura del alimento influye en las características cinemáticas de los ciclos masticatorios.
SUMMARY: Several studies report that the type of food directly influences the kinematic patterns of mastication. The aim of this study was to analyze and compare the chewing cycles of adult and fully dentate participants during the mastication of foods of different texture and hardness (peanuts and carrots) using 3D electromagnetic articulography. Eleven healthy participants (5 men; 6 women), 31.9 ± 5.2 years old, were evaluated. By means of 3D electromagnetic articulography, the mastication of two test foods (peanuts and carrots) was recorded. The data associated to mandibular movement were processed with MATLAB® obtaining different parameters-masticatory frequency in cycles per second, mandibular descent and ascent rate, area of the projections of each masticatory cycle in the three planes of space-which were compared according to type of food and sex of the participants. Statistically significant differences were found between the areas of the masticatory cycles in the horizontal plane according to type of food, being greater for carrots (P=.003). Likewise, statistically significant differences were detected between the sagittal areas of the cycles between men and women, being greater in women (P=.042). Our results agree with other studies that affirm that the texture of the food influences the kinematic characteristics of the masticatory cycles.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Hardness , Mastication/physiology , Biomechanical Phenomena , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Electromagnetic PhenomenaABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction Foreign body aspiration (FBA) is a potentially fatal paediatric emergency. Our objective was to highlight the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to difficult/doubtful diagnosis. Case report 34-month-old girl referred for urgent rigid bronchoscopy after suspected metallic blade ingestion (found chewing on it). She had a previous recurrent history of wheezing. The physical examination revealed face/lip wounds, traces of powder on her teeth but no breathing difficulty. The plain X-Ray revealed radiopaque images of the upper pulmonary field and gastric chamber. In the absence of FBA clinical signs but considering a previous history of bronchial hyperresponsiveness, a direct digital radiographic study was performed. There were no images compatible with foreign bodies: the results were interpreted as artefacts and no bronchoscopy was performed. Conclusions A careful pre-anaesthetic evaluation, a high level of suspicion and excellent multidisciplinary communication led to the recognition of false radiologic findings. A conservative approach was followed and invasive procedures in a remote location, with high anaesthetic risk for the paediatric population were avoided.
Resumen Introducción La aspiración de cuerpo extraño (ACE) es una emergencia pediátrica potencialmente fatal. La intención del presente artículo es resaltar la importancia de un abordaje multidisciplinario en caso de un diagnóstico difícil/dudoso. Reporte de caso Se trata de una paciente de 4 meses de edad remitida para broncoscopia rígida de urgencia, luego de la sospecha de ingestión de una hojilla metálica (se encontró a la bebé mordiéndola). La paciente tenía antecedentes de sibilancia. Al examen físico se encontraron heridas en la cara y los labios, rastros de polvo en los dientes, pero no había dificultad respiratoria. El examen de rayos-x mostraba imágenes radio opacas en el cuadrante superior derecho del pulmón y en la cámara gástrica. En virtud de la ausencia de signos clínicos de ACE en una paciente con antecedentes de hiperresponsividad bronquial, se realizó un estudio radiográfico digital. No hubo imágenes compatibles con cuerpos extraños: los resultados se interpretaron como artefactos y no se realizó la broncoscopia. Conclusiones Un cuidadoso examen pre-anestesia, el alto grado de sospecha y una excelente comunicación multidisciplinaria, permitieron el reconocimiento de hallazgos radiológicos falsos. Se siguió un abordaje conservador, evitando así procedimientos invasivos en lugares remotos con alto grado de riesgo para la población pediátrica.