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Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 52(4)dic. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1559866


Introducción: La fibrilación auricular es la arritmia recurrente más habitual en la práctica clínica. Su prevalencia se multiplica en la población actual y tiene diferentes causas fisiopatológicas que la convierten en una pandemia mundial. Objetivos: Diseñar un modelo predictivo de fracaso de la terapia eléctrica en pacientes con fibrilación auricular paroxística. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles, con 33 casos y 66 controles. Variables predictoras: edad, fracción de eyección ≤ 40 por ciento, volumen de aurícula izquierda ≥ 34 mL/m2. A partir de la regresión logística se obtuvo un modelo en el que fueron incluidos el valor predictivo positivo, valor predictivo negativo, la sensibilidad y especificidad. Resultados: Los factores de riesgo predictores fueron: edad ≥ 55 años (p= 0,013; odds ratio (OR)= 3,58; intervalo de confianza -IC- 95 por ciento: 1,33-9,67); la fracción de eyección del ventrículo izquierdo (FEVI) ≤ 40 por ciento se observó en 20 pacientes (22,7 por ciento) (p= 0,004; OR= 4,45; IC95 por ciento: 1,54-12,8); presión de aurícula izquierda elevada, volumen de aurícula izquierda elevado (p= 0,004; OR= 3,11; IC95 por ciento: 1,24-8,77), según el modelo de regresión logística. Se realizó la validación interna por división de datos; se confirmó que el modelo pronostica bien los que van a tener éxito en el resultado terapéutico. Conclusiones: El modelo predictivo elaborado está compuesto por los predictores edad > 55 años, FEVI; volumen de aurícula izquierda; presenta un buen ajuste y poder discriminante, sobre todo valor predictivo positivo(AU)

Introduction: Atrial fibrillation is the most common recurrent arrhythmia in clinical practice. Its prevalence is multiplying in the current population and has different pathophysiological causes that make it a global pandemic. Objectives: To design a predictive model for failure of electrical therapy in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Methods: A case-control study was carried out with 33 cases, and 66 controls. Predictor variables: age, ejection fraction ≤ 40 percent, left atrial volume ≥ 34 mL/m2. From logistic regression, a model was obtained in which the positive predictive value, negative predictive value, sensitivity and specificity were included. Results: The predictive risk factors were: age ≥ 55 years (p= 0.013; odds ratio (OR)= 3.58; 95 percent confidence interval -CI-: 1.33-9.67); left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≤ 40 percent was observed in 20 patients (22.7 percent) (p= 0.004; OR= 4.45; 95 percent CI: 1.54-12.8); elevated left atrial pressure, elevated left atrial volume (p= 0.004; OR= 3.11; 95 percent CI: 1.24-8.77), according to the logistic regression model. Internal validation was carried out by data division; It was confirmed that the model predicts very well those who will be successful in the therapeutic result. Conclusions: The predictive model developed is composed of the predictors age > 55 years, LVEF; left atrial volume; It presents a good fit and discriminating power, especially positive predictive value(AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Atrial Fibrillation/diagnosis , Electric Countershock/methods , Electric Stimulation Therapy/methods , Forecasting/methods , Case-Control Studies , Mathematics/methods
Braz. J. Anesth. (Impr.) ; 73(3): 301-304, May-June 2023.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439607


Abstract Aspiration of gastric contents during induction of general anesthesia remains a significant cause of mortality and morbidity in anesthesia. Recent data show that pulmonary aspiration still accounts for many cases with implications on mortality despite technical and technological evolution. Practical, ethical, and methodological issues prevent high-quality research in the setting of aspiration and rapid sequence induction/intubation, and significant controversy is ongoing. Patients' position, drugs choice, dosing and timing, use of cricoid force, and a reliable risk assessment are widely debated with significant questions still unanswered. We focus our discussion on three approaches to promote a better understanding of rapid sequence induction/intubation and airway management decision-making. Firstly, we review how we can use qualitative and quantitative assessment of fasting status and gastric content with the point-of-care ultrasound as an integral part of preoperative evaluation and planning. Secondly, we propose using imaging-based mathematical models to study different patient positions and aspiration mechanisms, including identifying aspiration triggers. Thirdly, we promote the development of a global data collection system aiming to obtain precise epidemiological data. Therefore, we fill the gap between evidence-based medicine and experts' opinion through easily accessible and diffused computer-based databases. A better understanding of aspiration epidemiology obtained through focused global data gathering systems, the widespread use of ultrasound-based prandial status evaluation, and development of advanced mathematical models might potentially guide safer airway management decision making in the 21st century.

Humans , Airway Management , Anesthesia, General , Incidence , Data Collection , Mathematics
Psico USF ; 28(1): 1-12, Jan.-Mar. 2023. tab, graf, il
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1431097


The aim of the study was to demonstrate a relationship between the math anxiety (MA) of parents and teachers and the MA of children and the effects on the children's performance in arithmetic. 286 children aged between 7 and 10 years and their parents and mathematics teachers participated in the study. The instruments used were: Math Anxiety Questionnaire; School Performance Test - Arithmetic subtest; Mathematical Anxiety Scale; and Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices. The results showed that advanced age of the teacher was a predictor of high levels of MA, which influenced the children's performance in arithmetic. Low parental education was associated with high MA, however, there were no correlations between parents' and children's MA. A significant difference was found between the MA mean scores for girls and boys, with the girls presenting higher levels of MA. (AU)

O objetivo do estudo foi evidenciar a relação entre a ansiedade matemática (AM) dos pais e dos professores com a AM das crianças e o desempenho destas em aritmética. Participaram do estudo 286 crianças com idade entre 7 e 10 anos e seus respectivos pais e professores de matemática. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: Questionário de Ansiedade Matemática, Teste de Desempenho Escolar - Subteste de Aritmética, Escala de Ansiedade Matemática e Matrizes Progressivas Coloridas de Raven. Os resultados mostraram que a idade avançada dos professores é um fator preditor para altos níveis de AM, o que influencia no desempenho das crianças em aritmética. A baixa escolaridade dos pais está associada a alta AM, porém não foram encontradas correlações significativas entre AM de pais e crianças. Também foi encontrada uma diferença significativa entre as médias de AM para o sexo feminino e masculino, evidenciando que meninas possuem maiores níveis de AM. (AU)

El objetivo del estudio fue resaltar la relación entre la ansiedad matemática (AM) de padres y docentes con la AM de los niños y su desempeño en aritmética y de los niños. Participaron en el estudio 286 niños entre 7 y 10 años y sus respectivos padres y profesores de matemáticas. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: Cuestionario de AM; Prueba de Rendimiento Escolar: Subprueba aritmética; Escala de AM; Matrices Progresivas Escala Coloreada de Raven. Los resultados mostraron que la edad avanzada de los docentes es un factor predictivo para altos niveles de AM, lo que influye en el rendimiento de los niños en aritmética. La baja educación de los padres se asocia con un alto AM, pero no se encontraron correlaciones significativas entre AM de padres e hijos. Asimismo, se encontró una diferencia significativa entre las medias de AM de niñas y niños, lo que demuestra que las niñas tienen niveles más altos de AM. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Anxiety , Mathematics , Parents , Students , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Sex Distribution , Fujita-Pearson Scale , Education, Primary and Secondary , Educational Status , Evaluation Studies as Topic , School Teachers , Academic Performance , Gender Stereotyping , Mediation Analysis , Statistical Inference , Intelligence Tests
Journal of Integrative Medicine ; (12): 324-331, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982691


The prognosis of infectious diseases is determined by host-pathogen interactions. Control of pathogens has been the central dogma of treating infectious diseases in modern medicine, but the pathogen-directed medicine is facing significant challenges, including a lack of effective antimicrobials for newly emerging pathogens, pathogen drug resistance, and drug side effects. Here, a mathematic equation (termed equation of host-pathogen interactions, HPI-Equation) is developed to dissect the key variables of host-pathogen interactions. It shows that control of pathogens does not necessarily lead to host recovery. Instead, a combination of promoting a host's power of self-healing and balancing immune responses provides the best benefit for host. Moreover, the HPI-Equation elucidates the scientific basis of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), a host-based medicine that treats infectious diseases by promoting self-healing power and balancing immune responses. The importance of self-healing power elucidated in the HPI-Equation is confirmed by recent studies that the tolerance mechanism, which is discovered in plants and animals and conceptually similar to self-healing power, improves host survival without directly attacking pathogens. In summary, the HPI-Equation describes host-pathogen interactions with mathematical logic and precision; it translates the ancient wisdoms of TCM into apprehensible modern sciences and opens a new venue for integrating TCM and modern medicine for a future medicine. Sun J. A mathematic equation derived from host-pathogen interactions elucidates the significance of integrating modern medicine with traditional Chinese medicine to treat infectious diseases. J Integr Med. 2023; 21(4):324-331.

Animals , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Communicable Diseases/drug therapy , Mathematics , Host-Pathogen Interactions , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/therapeutic use
Psicol. esc. educ ; 27: e243543, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1507172


Ansiedade matemática (AM) é um conjunto de crenças, sintomas físicos e emocionais que algumas pessoas experimentam ao lidar com problemas matemáticos. O estudo objetivou investigar o efeito da AM no desempenho aritmético de crianças com alta inteligência. Participaram do estudo 52 crianças com desempenho inferior no subteste aritmética do TDE e classificação "acima da média" ou "intelectualmente superior" nas Matrizes de Raven. Os resultados demonstraram correlação forte entre inteligência e TDE aritmética (r = 0,82; p < 0,000); e correlações moderadas entre TDE aritmética e QAM-A (r = 0,32; p = 0,02) e QAM-B (r = 0,35; p = 0,01). A análise de regressão linear múltipla demonstrou uma predição de 8% da subescala QAM-A e de 11 % da QAM-B como preditores do desempenho aritmético. A ansiedade matemática interfere no desempenho em aritmética, mesmo em crianças com a inteligência fluída acima do esperado, sugerindo um importante efeito dos mecanismos emocionais.

Ansiedad matemática (AM) es un conjunto de creencias, síntomas físicos y emocionales que algunas personas experimentan al lidiar con problemas matemáticos. El estudio tuvo por objetivo investigar el efecto de la AM en el rendimiento aritmético de niños con alta inteligencia. Participaron del estudio 52 niños con rendimiento inferior en la subprueba aritmética del TDE y clasificación "superior de la media" o "intelectualmente superior" en las Matrices de Raven. Los resultados apuntan fuerte correlación entre inteligencia y TDE aritmética (r = 0,82; p < 0,000); y correlaciones moderadas entre TDE aritmética y QAM-A (r = 0,32; p = 0,02) y QAM-B (r = 0,35; p = 0,01). El análisis de regresión linear múltiple demostró una predicción del 8% de la subescala QAM-A y del 11 % de la QAM-B como predictores del rendimiento aritmético. La ansiedad matemática interfiere en el rendimiento en aritmética, incluso en niños con la inteligencia fluida superior al esperado, sugiriendo un importante efecto de los mecanismos emocionales.

Mathematical anxiety (MA) is a set of beliefs, physical and emotional symptoms that some people experience when dealing with mathematical problems. The study aimed to investigate the effect of MA on the arithmetic performance of children with high intelligence. Fifty-two children with lower performance on the STP arithmetic subtest and classification "above average" or "intellectually superior" in the Raven Matrices participated in the study. The results showed a strong correlation between intelligence and arithmetic EDT (r = 0.82; p < 0.000); and moderate correlations between arithmetic DET and MAQ (r = 0.32; p = 0.02) and MAQ-B (r = 0.35; p = 0.01). Multiple linear regression analysis showed an 8% prediction of the MAQ-A subscale and 11% of the MAQ-B as predictors of arithmetic performance. Mathematical anxiety interferes with arithmetic performance, even in children with higher than expected fluid intelligence, suggesting an important effect of emotional mechanisms.

Anxiety , Intelligence , Mathematics
Psicol. Educ. (Online) ; (55): 49-57, 31/12/2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1516271


O ingresso à universidade dos estudantes de Matemática é marcado por muitas dificuldades. O conhecimento das concepções dos professores pode nos levar à reflexão de como esses alunos possam ter melhores experiências acadêmicas visto que, os docentes são os principais responsáveis pelo processo de aprendizagem dos estudantes. Este estudo tem como objetivo identificar as concepções de professores sobre a adaptação à universidade e a satisfação com o curso dos alunos de Matemática. Participaram 23 professores, sendo 11 de universidades públicas e 12 de privadas, do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Foi realizada entrevista individual com 12 perguntas abertas. Para a análise dos dados foi utilizado o software Iramuteq. Foram analisados 303 segmentos de texto, obtendo-se cinco Classes (Dificuldades do Estudante, Gestão do Tempo, Razões para a Escolha do Curso, Oportunidades de Emprego e Ambiente Acadêmico). Conclui-se que os professores atribuem as dificuldades de aprendizagem dos alunos aos déficits de conteúdo, falta de gerenciamento do tempo e que trabalham durante o dia. (AU)

Mathematics students' entrance into the university is marked by many difficulties. The knowledge of the teachers 'conceptions can lead us to reflect on how these students can have better academic experiences since, the teachers are the main responsible for the students' learning process. This study aims to identify teachers 'conceptions about adaptation to the university and satisfaction with the mathematics students' course. Participated 23 teachers, 11 from public universities and 12 from private universities in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Individual interviews were conducted with 12 open-ended questions. Iramuteq software was used for data analysis. 303 text segments were analyzed, obtaining five Classes (Student Difficulties, Time Management, Reasons for Choosing the Course, Employment Opportunities and Academic Environment). It is concluded that teachers attribute students' learning difficulties to content deficits, lack of time management and who work during the day. (AU)

El ingreso de los estudiantes de matemáticas a la universidad está marcado por muchas dificultades. El conocimiento de las concepciones de los docentes puede llevarnos a reflexionar sobre cómo estos estudiantes pueden tener mejores experiencias académicas ya que, los docentes son los principales responsables del proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar las concepciones de los docentes sobre la adaptación a la universidad y la satisfacción con el curso de los estudiantes de matemáticas. Participaron 23 profesores, 11 de universidades públicas y 12 de universidades privadas del estado de Río de Janeiro. Se realizaron entrevistas individuales con 12 preguntas abiertas. Se utilizó el software Iramuteq para el análisis de datos. Se analizaron 303 segmentos de texto, obteniendo cinco Clases (Dificultades del alumno, Gestión del tiempo, Razones para elegir el curso, Oportunidades laborales y Ambiente académico). Se concluye que los docentes atribuyen las dificultades de aprendizaje de los estudiantes a déficits de contenido, falta de gestión del tiempo y que trabajan durante la jornada. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Students/psychology , Adaptation, Psychological , Faculty , Personal Satisfaction , Universities , Software , Qualitative Research , Learning , Mathematics
Aesthethika (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 18(2): 5-13, sept. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1517276


Dos novelas sucesivas del escritor y matemático argentino Guillermo Martínez, "Crímenes imperceptibles" (2004) y "La muerte lenta de Luciana B." (2007) fueron llevadas al cine. En ambas se abordan las categorías lógico-matemáticas de azar y necesidad, permitiendo abrir una brecha entre ellas para conjeturar una hipótesis clínica sobre la responsabilidad subjetiva de los personajes. Este trabajo pone el foco en la versión "La ira de Dios" (Schindel, 2022), introduciendo la cuestión de las leyes del azar, la respuesta de un sujeto a ese encuentro con el azar, para concluir con la venganza como rechazo de la responsabilidad.

Two successive novels by Argentine writer and mathematician Guillermo Martínez, "Imperceptible Crimes" (2004) and "The Slow Death of Luciana B." (2007) were made into movies. In both, the logical-mathematical categories of chance and necessity are addressed, allowing a gap to be opened between them to conjecture a clinical hypothesis about the subjective responsibility of the characters. This work focuses on the version "The Wrath of God" (Schindel, 2022), introducing the question of the laws of chance, the response of a subject to that encounter with chance, to conclude with revenge as a rejection of the responsibility

Humans , Male , Female , Homicide , Probability Theory , Research , Mathematics , Motion Pictures
Distúrb. comun ; 34(2): e55697, jun. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1396785


Introdução: A consciência fonológica é uma habilidade muito importante para leitura, escrita e matemática em muitos anos escolares. A sua investigação e avaliação tem sido realizada em diversos contextos com populações típicas ou atípicas para entender como ela se desenvolve e, consequentemente, contribuir para pesquisas sobre desempenho acadêmico. Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho éestudar a influência da consciência fonológica no desempenho acadêmico em estudos brasileiros e apresentar os principais instrumentos padronizados utilizados na avaliação desta habilidade. Métodos: Realizou-se busca de artigos dos últimos cinco anos, nas bases de dados LILACS e SciELO usando descritores em português: "consciência fonológica" e "leitura" ou "escrita" ou "matemática" ou "desempenho acadêmico" ou "habilidade acadêmica", assim como descritores em inglês usando mesmas expressões. Foram selecionados estudos de acesso livre, realizados no Brasil, publicados em português, inglês ou espanhol, que utilizaram um instrumento padronizado e apresentaram os descritores mencionados no título ou resumo. Resultados: Dos 18 artigos analisados, 17 concluíram que a consciência fonológica foi importante para a leitura, escrita e matemática, sendo que a leitura e escrita foram as habilidades mais investigadas. Os instrumentos usados avaliam principais componentes da consciência fonológica e foram desenvolvidos por autores brasileiros. Conclusão: Os achados evidenciam que a consciência fonológica é uma habilidade muito importante para o desempenho acadêmico em diversas séries escolares. Reforça-se a necessidade de monitoramento, avaliação e estimulação precoce com a habilidade em crianças típicas e atípicas.

Introduction: Phonological awareness is a very important skill for reading, writing and math in many school years. Its investigation and evaluation has been carried out in different contexts with typical or atypical populations to understand how it develops and consequently contribute to research on academic performance. Objective: The aim of this paper is to study the influence of phonological awareness on academic performance in Brazilian studies and to present the main standardized instruments used in the assessment to this skill. Methods: Articles from the last five years were searched in LILACS and SciELO databases using descriptors in English: "phonological awareness" and "reading" or "writing" or "mathematics" or "academic performance" or "academic ability", as well as descriptors in Portuguese using the same expressions. Open access studies carried out in Brazil, published in Portuguese, English or Spanish, which used a standardized instrument and presented the descriptors mentioned in the title or abstract, were selected. Results: Of the 18 articles analyzed, 17 concluded that phonological awareness was important for reading, writing and mathematics, with reading and writing being the most investigated skills. The instruments used assess the main components of phonological awareness and were developed by Brazilian authors. Conclusion: The findings show that phonological awareness is a very important skill for academic performance in different grades. It reinforces the need for monitoring, assessment, and early intervention with skill in typical and atypical children.

Introducción: La conciencia fonológica es una habilidad muy importante para la lectura, la escritura y las matemáticas en muchos años escolares. Su investigación y evaluación se ha realizado en diferentes contextos con poblaciones típicas o atípicas para comprender cómo se desarrolla y consecuentemente contribuir a la investigación sobre el rendimiento académico. Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la influencia de la conciencia fonológica en el rendimiento académico en los estudios brasileños y presentar los principales instrumentos estandarizados utilizados en la evaluación de esta competencia. Métodos: Se buscaron artículos de los últimos cinco años en las bases de datos LILACS y SciELO utilizando descriptores en portugués: "consciência fonológica" e "leitura" ou "escrita" ou "matemática" ou "desempenho acadêmico" ou "habilidade acadêmica", así como descriptores en Inglés usando las mismas expresiones. Se seleccionaron estudios de acceso abierto realizados en Brasil, publicados en portugués, inglés o español, que utilizaron un instrumento estandarizado y presentaron los descriptores mencionados en el título o resumen. Resultados: De los 18 artículos analizados, 17 concluyeron que la conciencia fonológica es importante para la lectura, la escritura y las matemáticas, siendo la lectura y la escritura las habilidades más investigadas. Los instrumentos utilizados evalúan los principales componentes de la conciencia fonológica y fueron desarrollados por autores brasileños. Conclusión: Los hallazgos muestran que la conciencia fonológica es una habilidad muy importante para el desempeño académico en los diferentes grados. Refuerza la necesidad de seguimiento, evaluación e intervención temprana con habilidad en niños típicos y atípicos.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Aptitude , Awareness , Academic Performance , Language Development , Reading , Phonetics , Handwriting , Mathematics
Buenos Aires; s.n; mar. 2022. 78 p.
Non-conventional in Spanish | LILACS, InstitutionalDB, BINACIS, UNISALUD | ID: biblio-1452096


Ateneo donde en una primera parte se reflexiona sobre la valoración social de las matemáticas y de dónde surge. Luego se realiza un recorrido para pensar las matemáticas como un lenguaje a ser aprendido; cómo los niños y las niñas construyen este objeto de conocimiento y qué operaciones del pensamiento permiten esta construcción; y cómo se enseña en la escuela. Se continúa con los problemas matemáticos y sus estructuras y finalmente se reflexiona acerca de la clínica psicopedagógica a partir de casos clínicos y desafíos matemáticos.

Teaching/trends , Mathematical Concepts , Learning , Mathematics/education , Mathematics/trends
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 35: 27, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1406426


The study explored the mediating effect of number sense between nonverbal intelligence and children's mathematical performance. The sample consisted of 131 pupils in Shaoxing City of China from grades 1, 3, and 5. The students completed measures of nonverbal intelligence, number sense, basic arithmetic ability, mathematical performance, rapid automatized naming, and working memory. Results show that although all variables significantly relate with each other (all p < .01), only nonverbal intelligence, number sense, and basic arithmetic ability significantly affect children's mathematical performance (all p < .01). According to multiple-mediation model, nonverbal intelligence significantly predicts children's mathematical performance through number sense and basic arithmetic ability. These findings suggest that domain-specific mathematical skills play a prominent role in children's mathematical performance in primary school, rather than domain-general cognitive functions. Educators should pay attention to develop children's number sense in order to improve children's mathematical ability. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Cognition , Intelligence , Learning , Mathematics , Memory, Short-Term , China , Education, Primary and Secondary
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1381874


El objetivo de este estudio es determinar la relación entre las habilidades psicolingüísticas y el rendimiento escolar. El presente estudio es de tipo cuantitativo, con alcance descriptivo correlacional, de tipo transversal no experimental. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 35 estudiantes de 4° año básico de un colegio particular subvencionado de la ciudad de Chillán, Chile. La recolección de datos se obtuvo mediante la aplicación del Test de Illinois de Aptitudes Psicolingüísticas (ITPA) y el promedio final de las asignaturas de Lenguaje, Matemáticas, Ciencias Sociales e Historia y Geografía. Dentro de los resultados se pudo determinar la existencia de una correlación positiva, de fuerza relativamente moderada y estadísticamente significativa entre la Integración Visual y el promedio en la asignatura de Ciencias y el Rendimiento Académico Total, así como la Asociación Auditiva y el promedio en la asignatura de Ciencias y la Expresión Verbal con el promedio en la asignatura de Lenguaje. Por medio de la presente investigación se concluye que se logra establecer una relación parcial entre las Habilidades Psicolingüísticas y el Rendimiento Académico

The objective of this study is to determine the relationship between psycholinguistic skills and school performance. The present study is quantitative, with a correlational descriptive scope, of a non-experimental cross-sectional design. The sample consisted of 35 students in the 4th grade, of a non-experimental cross-sectional design. The sample consisted of 35 students in the 4th year of a private subsidized school in the city of Chillán, Chile. Data collection was obtained through the application of the Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Aptitudes (ITPA) and the final average of the subjects of Language, Mathematics, Social Sciences, and History and Geography. Within the results, it was possible to determine the existence of a positive correlation, of relatively moderate strength and statistically significant between Visual Integration and the average in the Science subject and the Total Academic Performance, as well as the Auditory Association and the average in the subject. of Sciences and Verbal Expression with the average in the Language course. Using the present investigation, it is concluded that it is possible to establish a partial relationship between Psycholinguistic Skills and Academic Performance

Humans , Psycholinguistics , Association , Academic Performance , Aptitude , Schools , Social Sciences , Data Collection , Geography , History , Language , Mathematics
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 35: 1, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1360650


Teacher education programs should have as one of their purposes the promotion of self-regulatory skills for learning among students who aspire to be teachers so that they can take a leading role in their learning and foster these skills in their future students. Considering the importance of knowing what students in teacher education programs do to study and learn, as well as how efficacious they feel to deal with academic demands, this study is part of a larger research and aims to investigate the learning and study strategies and self-efficacy for learning beliefs of 220 students enrolled in teacher education programs in Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics of a Higher Education Institution in the state of Piauí, and examine them in relation to age, gender, licentiate area, and course semester. Brazilian translations of the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI ­ Third Edition) and the Self-efficacy for Learning Form were used for data collection. Scales were administered in the classrooms both through online platforms and in paper and pencil. Nonparametric inferential statistical pproaches were used to test hypotheses regarding group differences. Statistically significant differences were found in LASSI in relation to gender, licentiate area, and course semester. Overall, students in Physics dealt better with anxiety; in Mathematics showed more favorable attitudes towards learning; in Chemistry reported an aging their time better; in Biological Science showed significantly lower scores on many scales than did other students. Findings from this study could help inform curricular design decisions regarding teacher education programs and inform the design of interventions to strengthen the learning and study strategies and the self-efficacy for learning beliefs of future teachers.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Teaching/education , Faculty/education , Self-Management/methods , Learning , Physics/education , Brazil , Chemistry/education , Sex Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Biological Science Disciplines/education , Age Factors , Education/methods , Mathematics/education
Psico USF ; 26(4): 645-657, Oct.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1365256


O Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade (TDAH) é um transtorno que frequentemente acarreta prejuízos ao desempenho acadêmico. O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar a extensão desses prejuízos no desempenho aritmético, comparando estudantes com sintomas de TDAH com o de seus pares sem TDAH. O desempenho aritmético de 93 estudantes com sintomas de TDAH e 447 estudantes sem TDAH, entre 7 e 16 anos, de escolas públicas de Porto Alegre (3º a 9º ano), foi avaliado pelo Subteste de Aritmética do TDE. Estudantes com sintomas de TDAH apresentaram escores mais baixos e uma quantidade maior de erros de procedimento do que os estudantes sem o transtorno. Os resultados sugerem que sintomas frequentes de TDAH têm relação com maior ocorrência de erros no desempenho em aritmética dos estudantes avaliados neste estudo. (AU)

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a highly prevalent disorder that often impairs academic performance. The present study aimed to verify the extent of these impairments in arithmetic performance by comparing the performance of students with and without ADHD symptoms. The arithmetic performance of 93 students with ADHD symptoms and 447 students without ADHD was evaluated by the Arithmetical Subtest of the School Performance Test. Participants were attending public elementary schools in the municipality of Porto Alegre (3rd to 9th grades) and their age range was 7 to 16 years old. Those with ADHD symptoms had lower scores and a higher number of procedural errors than those without ADHD. The results suggest that frequent symptoms of ADHD are related to a higher frequency of errors in the arithmetic performance of the students assessed in this study. (AU)

El Trastorno por Déficit de Atención/Hiperactividad (TDAH) es un trastorno que frecuentemente acarrea perjuicios al desempeño académico. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo verificar la extensión de las deficiencias en el desempeño aritmético, comparando el rendimiento de estudiantes con y sin síntomas de TDAH. El desempeño aritmético de 93 estudiantes con síntomas de TDAH y 447 estudiantes sin TDAH provenientes de escuelas públicas de Porto Alegre (del 3º al 9º año) y con edades entre los 7 y los 16 años, fueron evaluados por el Subtest de Aritmética del Test de Rendimiento Escolar. Los estudiantes con síntomas de TDAH presentaron puntuaciones más bajas y una mayor cantidad de errores de procedimiento que los estudiantes sin el trastorno. Los resultados sugieren que, en los estudiantes evaluados en este estudio, los síntomas frecuentes del TDAH se relacionan con una mayor frecuencia de errores en el desempeño en aritmética. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/psychology , Mathematics/education , Students/psychology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Education, Primary and Secondary , Interview, Psychological
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 40(3)sept. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408559


Introducción: Las teorías físicas y matemáticas han permitido el desarrollo de nuevas metodologías diagnósticas de la dinámica cardiaca. Entre estas se encuentra la evaluación de las proporciones de la entropía proporcional para diferenciar la normalidad de la enfermedad cardiaca, aunque su capacidad diagnóstica debe comprobarse en escenarios clínicos críticos específicos, como en la falla cardiaca y el infarto agudo de miocardio. Objetivo: Describir evaluaciones diagnósticas de la dinámica cardiaca en pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio o falla cardiaca aguda. Métodos: En un estudio a doble ciegos con 20 Holter, 5 normales, 8 con falla cardiaca aguda y 7 con infarto agudo de miocardio, se aplicó un método fundamentado en las proporciones de la entropía tomando los valores máximos y mínimos de la frecuencia cardiaca y el número total de latidos por hora, en un mínimo de 18 horas, generando un atractor numérico. Se evaluó cada dinámica con base en la entropía y sus proporciones. Finalmente, se comparó la precisión diagnóstica del método matemático con respecto al diagnóstico clínico convencional. Resultados: Se diferenciaron matemáticamente los casos normales y patológicos mediante la evaluación en 18 horas con el método descrito, encontrando valores de sensibilidad y especificidad del 100 por ciento y un coeficiente Kappa de uno, indicando una concordancia diagnóstica perfecta del método matemático con respecto al diagnóstico clínico. Conclusiones: Las proporciones de la entropía permiten establecer diagnósticos objetivos de la dinámica cardiaca, diferenciando matemáticamente dinámicas normales de aquellas que presentan infarto agudo de miocardio y falla cardiaca aguda(CU)

Introduction: Physical and mathematical theories have allowed the development of new diagnostic methodologies of cardiac dynamics, as one based on the evaluation of entropy proportions to differentiate normality from cardiac disease, although its diagnostic capacity must be yet determined in specific critical scenarios as acute heart failure and acute myocardial infarction Objective: To describe diagnostic evaluations of cardiac dynamics in patients diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction or acute heart failure. Methods: A blind study was developed with 20 Holter registries; 5 normal, 8 with acute cardiac failure and 7 with acute myocardial infarction. Then, a method based on the proportions of the entropy of the numerical attractors was applied. The maximum and minimum values of the heart rate and the total number of beats per hour were taken for at least 18 hours, with which numerical attractors were generated, which measure the probability of consecutive heart rate pairs. An evaluation of all dynamics was made based on the entropy and its proportions. Finally, a comparison between the diagnostic precision of the mathematical method with respect to the conventional clinical diagnosis was performed. Results: Normal cases were mathematically differentiated from the pathological ones through the evaluation of Holter registries for 18 hours, achieving values of sensitivity and specificity of 100 percent as well as a Kappa coefficient of 1, indicating a perfect diagnostic concordance between the mathematical method to diagnose the cardiac dynamics with respect to the clinical diagnosis. Conclusions: The proportions of entropy allow to establish objective diagnoses of cardiac dynamics, mathematically differentiating normal dynamics from those with acute myocardial infarction and with acute cardiac failure(AU)

Humans , Entropy , Heart Failure/diagnosis , Myocardial Infarction/diagnosis , Mathematics/methods
São Paulo med. j ; 139(3): 210-217, May-June 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1252248


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: In a literate society, linguistic/arithmetic performance is highly valued. Based on defined risk factors, strategies for promotion of better performance can be developed. OBJECTIVE: To ascertain the risk and protective factors relating to development of language and arithmetic. DESIGN AND SETTING: Observational comparative cross-sectional study at a public elementary school in Ribeirão Preto (SP), Brazil. METHODS: A total of 66 children (41% females) attending first to fifth grades participated in this study. They were divided into two groups: G1, children classified as presenting language or arithmetic deficits; G2, average performance. Language (oral and written) and arithmetic skills were assessed through standardized tests. Variables relating to social skills, home environment resources and behavioral problems were assessed through standardized scales. Data on other variables (pre, peri and postnatal complications, maternal variables and others) were collected through interviews. The logistic regression technique with LASSO was used (α = 0.05). RESULTS: Teenage pregnancy and consumption of psychoactive substances during pregnancy or complications during pregnancy were risk factors for performance regarding arithmetic and language. Higher schooling level for the mother was a protective factor in the development of arithmetic and language. Being female and having a history of otitis were risk factors for language. Altered social skills (responsibility and civility) and complaints of inattention were risk factor for arithmetic. Adequate linguistic development was a protective factor for the development of arithmetic. CONCLUSION: The risk/protective factors included variables relating to the gestational period, mother's age when pregnant, mother's schooling, social skills, behavior and development issues.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Language , Language Development , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Protective Factors , Mathematics
Actual. psicol. (Impr.) ; 35(130)jun. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR, PsiArg | ID: biblio-1383494


Abstract. Objective. This study characterized the electroencephalographic correlation (rEEG) between prefrontal and parietalcortices in young men while solving logical-mathematical problems after 18 sessions of cognitive training. Method. Two training groups were formed: one trained with gradually increased complexity (CT), the other with no increase in complexity (ST). Results. CT had a greater number of correct responses in the post-training evaluation than ST and showed a higher correlation between the left frontopolar-parietal cortices in almost all EEG bands, and between the dorsolateral-parietal cortices in the alpha1 band while solving math problems post-training. Results suggest that major functional synchronization between the left prefrontal and parietal cortices plays an important role in improving mathematical problem-solving after cognitive training.

Resumen Objetivo. El presente estudio caracteriza la correlación electroencefalográfica (rEEG) entre las cortezas prefrontal y parietal en hombres jóvenes durante la resolución de problemas lógico-matemáticos después de 18 sesiones de entrenamiento cognitivo. Método. Se formaron dos grupos de entrenamiento: uno entrenado con un incremento gradual de complejidad (CT) y el otro sin incremento de complejidad (ST). Resultados. El grupo CT presentó un mayor número de respuestas correctas que el grupo ST en la evaluación post entrenamiento, a su vez mostró un incremento en la correlación entre las cortezas frontopolar y parietal izquierdas en la mayoría de las bandas, así como entre las cortezas dorsolateral y parietal en la banda alfa1 durante la resolución de problemas posterior al entrenamiento. Los resultados sugieren que el incremento en la sincronización funcional entre las cortezas prefrontal y parietal izquierdas juega un rol importante en la resolución de problemas matemáticos después del entrenamiento cognitivo.

Humans , Male , Adult , Electroencephalography , Cognitive Training , Logic , Mathematics , Mexico
Av. psicol. latinoam ; 39(1): 1-18, ene.-abr. 2021. tab, ilus, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1367006


Avaliações nacionais e internacionais demonstram que estudantes brasileiros do ensino fundamental têm apre-sentado dificuldades no aprendizado do comportamento de resolver problemas aritméticos. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar, a partir de um delineamento de linha de base múltipla (LBM) entre participantes, o efeito da formação de classes de equivalência entre diferentes formas de apresentação de problemas envolvendo di-ferentes posições da incógnita e estruturas semânticas dos problemas escritos sobre o desempenho na resolução de problemas de adição e subtração. Participaram seis estudantes entre o quarto e o quinto ano do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública, sendo que cinco finalizaram o estudo. Todos apresentaram comportamen-tos de leitura e escrita suficientes para a participação na pesquisa, dificuldades na resolução de problemas aditivos e nenhum indício de ansiedade matemática ou problemas significativos em comportamentos de estudo nesta disciplina. P1, P2 e P3 foram expostos ao treino de discriminações condicionais a problemas de adição, enquanto P4 e P5 a problemas de subtração. Os testes de desempenho, que compuseram pré-testes e pós-tes-tes, envolviam problemas de adição e subtração. Após a formação das classes de equivalência, verificou-se que P1, P2 e P3 apresentaram ganhos médios de desem-penho de 22,34% (DP = 14.62), e P4 e P5 de 19,84% (DP = 11.22). Esses resultados sugerem a eficácia do procedimento. Recomenda-se que estudos futuros usem o delineamento de LBM com sondas para reduzir repetições dos testes, elaborem estratégias para ampliar engajamento dos participantes e investiguem como adaptar este procedimento para contextos aplicados

Las evaluaciones nacionales e internacionales demuestran que estudiantes brasileños de la escuela primaria tienen dificultades para aprender el comportamiento de resolución de problemas aritméticos. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar, a partir de un diseño de línea base múltiple (LBM) entre los participantes, el efecto de la formación de clases de equivalencia entre diferentes formas de presentación de problemas involucrando diferentes posiciones del elemento desconocido y estructuras semánticas de problemas escritos sobre el desempeño en la resolución de problemas de suma y resta. Participaron seis estudiantes entre cuarto y quinto año de primaria de una escuela pública, y cinco completaron el estudio. Todos mostraron habilidades suficientes de lectura y escritura para participar de la investigación, dificultades para resolver problemas aditivos y ninguna evidencia de ansiedad matemática o problemas significativos de estudio en esta disciplina. P1, P2 y P3 fueron expuestos al entrenamiento de discriminación condicional a problemas de suma, mientras que P4 y P5, a problemas de resta. Las pruebas de rendimiento, que incluían pretests y postests, consistieron en problemas de suma y resta. Después de la formación de clases de equivalencia, P1, P2 y P3 presentaron ganancias promedio de desempeño de 22.34% (DE = 14.62), y P4 y P5 de 19.84% (DE = 11.22). Estos resultados sugieren la efectividad del procedimiento. Se recomienda que estudios futuros utilicen el diseño de LBM con sondeo para reducir las repeticiones de pruebas, diseñar estrategias para aumentar el interés de los participantes e investigar cómo adaptar este procedimiento a los contextos aplicados

National and international assessments demonstrate that Brazilian elementary school students have difficulties learning the behavior of solving arithmetic problems. This study aimed to investigate, using a multiple-baseline design (MBL) for participants, the effect of the formation of equivalence classes between different forms of pro- blem presentation involving different positions of the unknown element and different semantic structures of the written problems on the performance in solving addi-tion and subtraction problems. Six students in the fourth or fifth year of a public elementary school participated, and five completed the study. They all showed sufficient reading and writing behavior for participating in the re-search, difficulties in solving additive problems, and no evidence of math anxiety or significant problems in study behaviors in this discipline. P1, P2, and P3 were exposed to the conditional discrimination training to addition problems, while P4 and P5 to subtraction problems. The performance tests, which were composed of pre-tests and post-tests, involved problems of addition and subtraction. After the formation of equivalence classes, we found that P1, P2, and P3 presented average performance gains of 22.34% (SD = 14.62), and P4 and P5 of 19.84% (SD = 11.22). These results suggest the effectiveness of the pro-cedure. We recommend that future studies use the MBL design with probes to reduce test repetitions, devise strategies to increase participant engagement, and inves-tigate how to adapt this procedure to applied contexts

Humans , Applied Behavior Analysis , Problem Solving , Teaching , Brazil , Learning , Mathematics
Dement. neuropsychol ; 15(2): 267-274, Apr.-June 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286189


ABSTRACT. Brazilian students' mathematical achievement was repeatedly observed to fall below average levels of mathematical attainment in international studies such as PISA. Objective: In this article, we argue that this general low level of mathematical attainment may interfere with the diagnosis of developmental dyscalculia when a psychometric criterion is used establishing an arbitrary cut-off (e.g., performance<percentile 10) may result in misleading diagnoses. Methods: Therefore, the present study evaluated the performance of 706 Brazilian school children from 3rd to 5th grades on basic arithmetic operations addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Results: In line with PISA results, children presented difficulties in all arithmetic operations investigated. Even after five years of formal schooling, less than half of 5th graders performed perfectly on simple addition, subtraction, or multiplication problems. Conclusions: As such, these data substantiate the argument that the sole use of a psychometric criterion might not be sensible to diagnose dyscalculia in the context of a generally low performing population, such as Brazilian children of our sample. When the majority of children perform poorly on the task at hand, it is hard to distinguish atypical from typical numerical development. As such, other diagnostic approaches, such as Response to Intervention, might be more suitable in such a context.

RESUMO. O desempenho em matemática dos estudantes brasileiros mostra-se consistentemente abaixo da média mundial em estudos internacionais como o PISA. Objetivo: No presente artigo, argumenta-se que um baixo desempenho geral na matemática, a exemplo dos estudantes brasileiros, pode interferir no diagnóstico de discalculia do desenvolvimento quando um critério puramente psicométrico é usado para estabelecer um ponto de corte arbitrário (por exemplo, desempenho<percentil 10), o que pode resultar em falsos diagnósticos. Métodos: Para tanto, investigou-se o desempenho de 706 estudantes brasileiros do 3º ao 5º ano escolar em operações aritméticas básicas de adição, subtração e multiplicação. Resultados: De forma consistente com os resultados do PISA, as crianças apresentaram dificuldades em todas as operações aritméticas investigadas. Mesmo após cinco anos de escolarização formal, menos da metade dos estudantes do 5º ano foi capaz de completar a tarefa envolvendo cálculos simples de adição, subtração ou multiplicação. Conclusões: Dessa forma, os resultados reforçam o argumento de que o uso exclusivo de um critério psicométrico pode não ser apropriado para o diagnóstico de discalculia no contexto de uma população com desempenho geral baixo, como no caso crianças brasileiras da presente amostra. Quando a maioria das crianças tem um desempenho aquém do esperado, torna-se difícil distinguir o desenvolvimento numérico atípico do típico. Portanto, outras abordagens diagnósticas, como Resposta à Intervenção, podem ser mais adequadas em tal contexto.

Humans , Diagnosis , Dyscalculia , Learning Disabilities , Mathematics
Dement. neuropsychol ; 15(2): 286-290, Apr.-June 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286191


ABSTRACT Math anxiety (MA) is a feeling of dread, tension and anxiety when dealing with math situations. Avoidance behavior prevents children from learning math, impairing their performance. Cognitive behavioral therapy is an approach with robust evidence of efficacy in treating anxiety disorders. The Coping Cat, a protocol for treating anxiety disorders, inspired the MA intervention reported here. The participant was N. L., an 11-year-old female displaying math-related and math-unrelated anxiety symptoms. Outcome measures included arithmetic performance, and self-reports of general positive and negative affect and math-related self-perceived performance, attitude, unhappiness and anxiety. The therapeutic approach included psychoeducation, relaxation, diaphragmatic breathing, cognitive restructuring, problem-solving training and graded exposure. After 12 individual intervention sessions, there was an improvement in negative and positive affect, as well as an improvement in self-perceived performance and a decrease in MA.

RESUMO A ansiedade matemática (AM) pode ser definida como sentimento de tensão e ansiedade ao se manipular estímulos numéricos. O comportamento de esquiva, típico da ansiedade, impede que a criança treine matemática, prejudicando seu desempenho. A terapia cognitivo-comportamental é uma abordagem com evidências robustas de eficácia no tratamento da ansiedade e, ao longo do tempo, diversos protocolos de intervenção foram desenvolvidos para esse distúrbio. Um protocolo infantil conhecido por sua eficácia é o Coping Cat, o qual inspirou a elaboração da intervenção para AM do presente estudo. N. L., 11 anos, foi classificada como superior em uma escala de AM. Após 12 sessões de intervenção individuais, ela alcançou escores médios na mesma escala. As técnicas utilizadas foram psicoeducação, respiração diafragmática, relaxamento, reestruturação cognitiva, treinamento de resolução de problemas e exposição.

Humans , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Anxiety , Schools , Child , Learning , Mathematics
Rev. univ. psicoanál ; (21): 153-161, mar. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1399011


El presente trabajo extrae referencias de Lacan sobre la lengua china - en los seminarios: "La identificación" (1961-1962), De un discurso que no fuera semblante (1971) y ... o peor (1971-1972) - para examinar aspectos lingüísticos y matemáticos, a través de aportes de sinólogos

The present paper extracts Lacan´s references on the Chinese language - in the seminars: "The Idenfication" (1961-1962), On a discourse that might not be a semblance (1971) and … or Worse (1971-1972) - to examine mathematical and linguistic aspects, through contributions of sinologists

Humans , Psychoanalytic Theory , Identification, Psychological , Linguistics , Mathematics