Introdução: O tratamento de tumores malignos ou benignos, podem resultar em procedimentos cirúrgicos, como a maxilectomia parcial ou total, gerando comunicação bucosinusal nos pacientes. Uma forma de resolver estas alterações maxilofaciais é através do tratamento reabilitador com próteses obturadoras a fim de restabelecer a função mastigatória, estética, fonética e psicológica. Objetivo: o objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar o caso clínico de um paciente oncológico que foi reabilitado com prótese obturadora devido à maxilectomia por neoplasia maligna de seio maxilar. Relato de caso: Paciente de 62 anos, sexo masculino, procurou atendimento odontológico no Centro de Oncologia Bucal da Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (UNESP) de Araçatuba SP após a realização de uma maxilectomia parcial com comunicação bucosinusal e foi encaminhado para o Curso de Especialização em Prótese Dentária da Faculdade de Odontologia Unesp/Araçatuba-SP para a reabilitação. Foi proposto, primeiramente a realização da prótese obturadora para fechar a comunicação bucosinusal e uma prótese total inferior para o arco antagonista e, posteriormente, a realização de uma prótese facial. Conclusão: O tratamento reabilitador com próteses obturadoras possui um bom resultado estético e funcional, favorecendo uma melhor função mastigatória e fonética, e melhorando consideravelmente a condição psicológica que é muito afetada nos pacientes submetidos a maxilectomia total ou parcial, sendo necessário uma boa interação com toda a equipe multiprofissional envolvida para que haja um melhor tratamento integrado para a reabilitação e melhora da qualidade de vida(AU)
Introduction: The treatment of malignant or benign tumors can result in surgical procedures, such as partial or total maxillectomy, generating oral communication in patients. One way to resolve these maxillofacial changes is through rehabilitative treatment with obturator prostheses in order to reestablish masticatory, aesthetic, phonetic and psychological function. Objective: the objective of this work was to report the clinical case of a cancer patient who was rehabilitated with an obturator prosthesis due to maxillectomy for malignant neoplasia of the maxillary sinus. Case report: A 62-year-old male patient sought dental care at the Oral Oncology Center of the Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (UNESP) in Araçatuba SP after undergoing a partial maxillectomy with oral cavity and was referred for the Specialization Course in Dental Prosthesis at the Faculty of Dentistry Unesp/Araçatuba-SP for rehabilitation. It was proposed, firstly, to create an obturator prosthesis to close the bucosinusal communication and a total lower prosthesis for the antagonistic arch and, later, to create a facial prosthesis. Conclusion: Rehabilitative treatment with obturator prostheses has a good aesthetic and functional result, favoring better chewing and phonetic function, and considerably improving the psychological condition that is greatly affected in patients undergoing total or partial maxillectomy, requiring good interaction with the entire the multidisciplinary team involved so that there is better integrated treatment for rehabilitation and improved quality of life
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Palatal Obturators , Mouth Neoplasms , Maxillofacial Prosthesis , Mouth Rehabilitation , Oral Surgical Procedures , Maxilla/surgeryABSTRACT
Introdução: Odontoma é o tipo mais comum de tumor odontogênico, contudo são lesões assintomáticas, de crescimento lento e indolor, descobertos geralmente em consultas de rotina, e que muito comumente são causadores de impactação dentária. Esse trabalho tem por objetivo relatar o caso clínico de uma criança que apresentava um odontoma composto na pré-maxila, ocasionando a impactação de seu incisivo central e comprometimento estético. Relato de caso: Paciente de 12 anos, em preparo para tratamento ortodôntico, no qual na etapa de exames de imagem, foi percebido um odontoma composto na região anterior da maxila o qual impedia a irrupção do dente 21, onde para que se conseguisse o melhor aproveitamento estético e funcional, foi indicado a remoção do tumor com 43 estruturas semelhantes a dentes e o tracionamento do dente associado. Conclusão: O tratamento do odontoma não costuma ter recidivas, permitindo o aproveitamento de possíveis dentes associados e manutenção de estruturas nobres adjacentes. Possibilitando também, o tracionamento do dente impactado ao arco dental, restituindo saúde e estética... (AU)
Introduction: Odontoma is the most common type of odontogenic tumor. They are asymptomatic, slow-growing lesions of unknown etiopathogenesis. They have a density similar to teeth, surrounded by a thin radiolucent halo. Objective: To report a clinical case of traction surgery of an impacted tooth associated with compound odontoma, and a brief literature review. Case report: Patient presented composite odontoma in the anterior region of the maxilla, preventing the eruption of tooth 21. The lesion was noticed during the preparation of the orthodontic treatment and for the success of such procedure, the treatment consisted of the excision of the lesion composed of 43 similar structures to teeth and the preparation of the traction of the maxillary central incisor. Conclusion: The removal of the odontoma was extremely relevant, with this, the impacted tooth was exposed, allowing the placement of the orthodontic button for its traction. Positioning the missing tooth in the dental arch, restoring health and aesthetics... (AU)
Introducción: El odontoma es el tipo más común de tumor odontogénico. Son lesiones asintomáticas, de crecimiento lento y de etiopatogenia desconocida. Tienen una densidad similar a los dientes, rodeados de un fino halo radiotransparente. Objetivo: Reportar un caso clínico de cirugía de tracción de un diente retenido asociado a odontoma compuesto, y una breve revisión de la literatura. Reporte de caso: Paciente presentó odontoma compuesto en la región anterior del maxilar, impidiendo la erupción del diente 21. La lesión fue notada durante la preparación del tratamiento de ortodoncia y para el éxito de dicho procedimiento, el tratamiento consistió en la escisión de la lesión. compuesto por 43 estructuras similares a los dientes y la preparación de la tracción del incisivo central maxilar. Conclusión: La remoción del odontoma fue de suma relevancia, con esto se logró exponer el diente impactado, permitiendo la colocación del botón de ortodoncia para su tracción. Posicionamiento del diente faltante en la arcada dentaria, restaurando la salud y la estética... (AU)
Humans , Male , Child , Tooth Abnormalities , Traction , Odontogenic Tumors , Maxilla/surgeryABSTRACT
Contexto: Na cirurgia maxilofacial existem procedimentos que envolvem o ducto nasolacrimal, pelo que esta medida é um ponto de referência para evitar a sua lesão. Artigos anteriores tomam como referência o fenótipo anglo-saxão e não a população latino-americana, o que é uma grande limitação quando se extrapola para a cirurgia maxilofacial. Objetivo: Medir a distância do ducto nasolacrimal às estruturas anatômicas adjacentes em uma amostra de tomografias computadorizadas do Hospital Universitário San Ignacio em Bogotá, Colômbia, em 2021. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo observacional retrospetivo com base em tomografias computadorizadas do HUSI. Foi utilizada uma amostragem não probabilística, na qual foram identificadas 150 tomografias computadorizadas. Informações sobre sexo, idade e distância do ducto nasolacrimal em milímetros foram coletadas em um banco de dados em planilha Excel, tendo como marcos anatômicos o entalhe piriforme, o forame infraorbitário e o assoalho da fossa nasal em cortes axiais, sagitais e coronais. Resultados: A análise das medidas mostrou que nenhuma das distribuições de medidas se comportou de forma diferente da distribuição normal. Em relação à comparação das medidas por sexo, a idade foi semelhante entre homens e mulheres, enquanto nas comparações por idade foram evidenciadas diferenças significativas. Conclusão: Os resultados são consistentes com os dados publicados em estudos anteriores. Em termos de distribuição por sexo, o comprimento do ducto nasolacrimal é maior nos homens do que nas mulheres, e a distribuição por idade indica que, à medida que a idade aumenta, a distância do ducto a estas estruturas diminui... (AU)
Background: In maxillofacial surgery there are procedures that involve the nasolacrimal duct, so this measure is a reference point to avoid its injury. Previous articles take as reference the Anglo-Saxon phenotype and not the Latin American population, which is a great limitation when extrapolating it to maxillofacial surgical procedures. Objective: To measure the distance of the nasolacrimal duct to adjacent anatomical structures in a sample of CT scans from the Hospital Universitario San Ignacio in Bogotá- Colombia in 2021. Methods: A retrospective observational study was performed based on CT scans from HUSI. A non-probabilistic sampling was used in which 150 CT scans were identified. Information on sex, age and distance of the nasolacrimal duct in millimeters was collected in an Excel spreadsheet database, taking as anatomical landmarks the piriform notch, the infraorbital foramen and the floor of the nasal fossa in axial, sagittal and coronal sections. Results: The analysis of the measurements showed that none of the measurement distributions had a behavior different from the normal distribution. In relation to the comparison of the measurements by sex, age was similar in men and women, while significant differences were evidenced in the comparisons by age. Conclusion: The results coincide with the data published in previous studies. Regarding the distribution by sex, the length of the nasolacrimal duct is greater in men than in women, and the distribution by age indicates that as age increases the distance of the duct to these structures decreases... (AU)
Antecedentes: En cirugía maxilofacial existen procedimientos que involucran el conducto nasolagrimal, por lo cual esta medida es un punto de referencia para evitar su lesión. Artículos previos toman como referencia el fenotipo anglosajón y no la población Latinoamericana, lo cual supone una gran limitante al extrapolarlo a intervenciones quirúrgicas maxilofaciales. Objetivo: Medir la distancia del conducto nasolagrimal a estructuras anatómicas adyacentes en una muestra de tomografías del Hospital Universitario San Ignacio en BogotáColombia en 2021. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional retrospectivo basado en tomografías del HUSI. Se utilizó un muestreo no probabilístico en el que se identificaron 150 tomografías. En una base de datos en hoja de cálculo en Excel se recolectó información sobre sexo, edad y distancia del conducto nasolagrimal en milímetros, teniendo como reparo anatómico la escotadura piriforme, el agujero infraorbitario y el piso de la fosa nasal en los cortes axial, sagital y coronal. Resultados: El análisis de las mediciones realizadas mostró que ninguna de las distribuciones de medición tuvo un comportamiento distinto a la distribución normal. En relación con la comparación de las medidas por sexo la edad fue similar en los hombres y mujeres, mientras que se evidenciaron diferencias significativas en las comparaciones por edad. Conclusión: Los resultados coinciden con los datos publicados en estudios previos. En cuanto a la distribución por sexo, la longitud del conducto nasolagrimal es mayor en hombres que en mujeres, y la distribución por edad indica que conforme aumenta la edad la distancia del conducto a estas estructuras disminuye... (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Orthognathic Surgery , Maxilla/surgeryABSTRACT
Implant treatment in the esthetic area requires stable osseointegration and successful esthetic outcomes. Achieving this goal requires careful consideration of accurate implant axis and ideal three-dimensional position. Owing to the high esthetics and the special anatomical structure of the maxillary, a successful implant means a synthesized deli-beration of the residual bone dimensions, soft-tissue thickness, and the relationship of the residual alveolar ridge with the planned restoration. This article offers an in-depth analysis of the clinical decisions and key factors affecting the implant direction in the esthetic area.
Dental Implantation, Endosseous/methods , Dental Implants , Esthetics, Dental , Alveolar Ridge Augmentation/methods , Osseointegration , Maxilla/surgery , Dental Implants, Single-ToothABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To summarize the open-eruption technique of impacted anterior maxillary teeth, this study reports a technically improved operation on surgical exposure based on dental follicles and evaluates post-treatment periodontal health considering the effect of dental follicles.@*METHODS@#Patients who underwent open-eruption technique with unilateral labially impacted maxillary central incisors were selected. The impacted teeth were assigned to the experimental group, and the contralateral unimpacted maxillary central incisors were assigned to the control group. In the surgical exposure, the new technique makes use of dental follicles to manage the soft tissue, so as to preserve soft tissue for better aesthetic results and healthier periodontal tissue. Tooth length, root length, alveolar bone loss, and alveolar bone thickness were recorded after the therapy.@*RESULTS@#A total of 17 patients with unilateral maxillary central incisor impaction were successfully treated. The tooth length and root length of the two groups showed a statistically significant difference between the impacted and homonym teeth, with a shorter length in the impacted tooth (P<0.05). More labial alveolar bone loss was found in the experimental group compared with that in the control group (P<0.05). The outcomes of the cementoenamel junction width, pa- latal alveolar bone loss, and alveolar bone thickness did not indicate statistical significance between the experimental and control groups (P>0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#In the surgical exposure, the new technique uses dental follicles to manage the soft tissue and preserve it for better aesthetic results and healthier periodontal tissues.
Humans , Tooth, Impacted/surgery , Incisor , Alveolar Bone Loss/diagnostic imaging , Tooth Root , Dental Sac , Maxilla/surgery , Esthetics, DentalABSTRACT
Mixoma Odontogênico é um tumor de origem mesenquimal raro, de desenvolvimento lento e agressivo que acomete indivíduos entre os 10 e 40 anos de idade e principalmente, do gênero feminino. Este estudo teve como principal objetivo descrever um caso clinico de tratamento cirúrgico do mixoma odontogênico sem ressecção maxilar em uma paciente do gênero feminino que compareceu ao Ambulatório de Patologia Oral e Maxilo Facial, da Faculdade de Odontologia da UNIRG, na cidade de Gurupi-TO - Brasil. A paciente foi submetida ao tratamento cirúrgico conservador, através da curetagem e enucleação total do tumor. A proservação foi realizada em períodos de 12 meses, 24 meses e 48 meses aonde pode-se observar a sequencial e completam reparação óssea, inclusive a permanência dos dentes envolvidos que foram submetidos a tratamento endodôntico com total remodelação da lâmina dura e do ligamento periodontal... (AU)
Odontogenic Myxoma (OM) is a rare tumor of mesenchymal origin, of slow and aggressive development that affects individuals between 10 and 40 years of age and mainly female. This study aimed to describe a clinical case of surgical treatment of odontogenic myxoma with out maxillary resection in a female patient who attended the Outpa tient Clinic of Oral Pathology and Facial Maxillo, of UNIRG Dental School, in the city of Gurupi-TO - Brazil. The patient underwent con servative surgical treatment through curettage and total enucleation of the tumor. Proservation was carried out in periods of 12 months, 24 months and 48 months where it was possible to observe the sequential and complete bone repair including the permanence of the involved teeth that underwent endodontic treatment with total remodeling of hard blade and of the periodontal ligament... (AU)
El mixoma odontogénico es un tumor de origen mesenquimal poco frecuente, de desarrollo lento y agresivo que afecta a individuos entre 10 y 40 años de edad y principalmente mujeres. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue describir un caso clínico de tratamiento quirúrgico de mixoma odontogénico sin resección maxilar en una paciente femenina que asistió a la Clínica Ambulatoria de Patología Oral y Maxilo Facial, de la Facultad de Odontología de UNIRG, en la ciudad de Gurupi-TO - Brasil. El paciente se sometió a tratamiento quirúrgico conservador mediante legrado y enucleación tumoral total. La conservación se realizó en periodos de 12 meses, 24 meses y 48 meses donde es posible observar reparación ósea secuencial y completa, incluyendo la permanencia de los dientes implicados que fueron sometidos a tratamiento endodóntico con remodelación total de la durancia y ligamento periodontal... (AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Maxillary Neoplasms/surgery , Odontogenic Tumors , Maxilla/surgery , Myxoma/surgery , Maxillary Diseases/surgery , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome , Maxilla/physiopathologyABSTRACT
OBJETIVO: Relatar um caso clínico em que foi utilizado enxerto autógeno na região anterior da maxila fixado com implantes. RELATO DE CASO: Paciente do gênero feminino, 46 anos, há 13 anos compareceu à Clínica de Implantodontia do Programa de Pós Graduação da UFPA tendo como queixa principal desconforto estético e dificuldade na mastigação, durante o exame clínico intraoral observou-se a ausência dos elementos 11,12, 21,22 e grande defeito ósseo em formato de U invertido. O tratamento foi dividido em duas etapas: na primeira foi realizada a correção do defeito ósseo em espessura com enxerto ósseo em bloco retirado da região mentoniana, e na segunda etapa foi realizada a correção em altura com enxerto ósseo em bloco retirado do ramo mandibular, na fixação do referido enxerto instalou-se simultaneamente os implantes. Após 13 anos, a paciente retornou para uma consulta de controle e durante a avaliação dos exames clínicos e radiológicos, observou-se que os implantes encontravam-se osseointegrados, sem sintomatologia e com ligeira perda óssea. CONCLUSÃO: Os implantes quando associados ao enxerto autógeno em bloco demonstraram-se eficazes em relação á estética e função no decorrer dos anos... (AU)
OBJECTIVE: To report a clinical case in which autogenous graft was used in the anterior region of the maxilla fixed with implants. CASE REPORT: 13years ago, a 46-year-old female patient, attended the Implantology Clinic of the UFPA Graduate Program with aesthetic discomfort and difficulty chewing as the main complaint, during the intraoral clinical examination, the absence of elements 11, 12, 21, 22 and large bone defect in inverted U format was observed. The treatment was divided into two stages: in the first one, the bone defect was correct in thickness with a block osseum graft removed from the mentionian region, and in the second stage, the correction was performed in height with block bone graft removed from the mandibular branch, and the implants were installed in the fixation of the said graft. After 13 years, the patient returned for a control consultation, and during the evaluation of clinical and radiological examinations, it was observed that the implants were Osseo integrated, without symptomatology and with slight bone loss. CONCLUSION: Implants when associated with autogenou block graft have been shown to be effective in relation to aesthetics and function over the years... (AU)
OBJETIVO: Relatar un caso clínico en que fue utilizado injerto autógeno en la región anterior de la maxila fijado con implantes. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente del género femenino,46 años, compareció a Clínica de Implantología del Programa de Post-Graduación de la UFPA teniendo como queja principal, el malestar estético y la dificultad para masticar, durante el examen clínico intraoral, se observó la ausencia de elementos 11,12,21,22 y grande defecto óseo en formato U invertida. El tratamiento fue dividido en dos etapas: en la primera fue realizada la corrección de lo defecto óseo en espesor con material retirado de la región mentoniana, y en la segunda etapa fue realizada la corrección en altura con injerto óseo retirado de la rama mandibular, en la fijación de dicho injerto, se instalaron los implantes simultáneamente. Después de 13 años, el paciente retornó para una consulta de control, y durante la evaluación de los exámenes clínicos y radiológicos, se observó que los implantes estaban osteointegrados, sin sintomatología y con ligera pérdida ósea. CONCLUSIÓN: Los implantes cuando asociados el injerto de bloqueo autógeno se demostraron eficaces en relación con la estética y la función, en el trascurso de los años... (AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Transplantation, Autologous , Dental Implantation, Endosseous , Maxilla , Maxilla/surgery , Esthetics, Dental , MasticationABSTRACT
Introdução: Atualmente, a avaliação da maturação da sutura palatina mediana (MSPM) em pacientes que precisam ser submetidos à expansão rápida da maxila é realizada por meio de tomografias computadorizadas de feixe cônico (TCFC). No entanto, doses adicionais de radiação são induzidas ao paciente para a aquisição desse exame. Objetivo: Correlacionar os estágios de MSPM com os estágios de maturação das vértebras cervicais (MVC). Material e métodos: Um total de 268 TCFC da região da cabeça e do pescoço de indivíduos de ambos os sexos e com idades variando entre 5 e 76 anos foram analisadas de forma cega por uma única examinadora. O estágio de MSPM foi avaliado por meio da observação da maxila no corte axial e foi classificado como A, B, C, D ou E. Por outro lado, o estágio de MVC foi avaliado por meio do corte sagital das vértebras cervicais e foi classificado como CS1, CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5 ou CS6. A concordância intraexaminador foi avaliada por meio do Coeficiente Kappa. O teste de Correlação de Spearman foi utilizado para avaliar a correlação entre os estágios de MSPM e os estágios de MVC. Resultados: Uma correlação positiva forte foi encontrada entre os estágios de MSPM e MVC. Os estágios A e B mostraram correlação com os estágios CS1, CS2 e CS3. Diferentemente, o estágio C se correlacionou com maior frequência com os estágios CS4 e CS5. Por fim, os estágios D e E, se mostraram mais frequentes em indivíduos nos estágios CS5 e CS6 de forma similar. Conclusão: A predição da MSPM por meio da MVC em telerradiografias laterais pode ser uma alternativa viável à avaliação sutural na TCFC em pacientes nos estágios CS1, CS2 e CS3. A partir do estágio CS4, uma TCFC é recomendável para avaliar com maior segurança o estágio de MSPM e definir a melhor modalidade de expansão (AU).
Introduction: Currently, the assessment of maturation of the midpalatal suture (MPSM) in patients who need to undergo rapid maxillary expansion is performed using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). However, additional doses of radiation are induced to the patient for the acquisition of this exam. Objective: To correlate the stages of MPSM with the stages of maturation of the cervical vertebrae (CVM). Material and methods: A total of 268 CBCT of the head and neck of individuals of both sexes and aged between 5 and 76 years were analyzed blindly by a single examiner. The MPSM stage was assessed by observing the maxilla in the axial view and was classified as A, B, C, D or E. On the other hand, the CVM stage was assessed in the sagittal view of the cervical vertebrae and was classified as CS1, CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5 or CS6. Intraexaminer agreement was analyzed using the Kappa coefficient. Spearman's Correlation test was used to assess the correlation between MPSM and CVM stages Results: A strong positive correlation was found between MPSM and CVM stages. Stages A and B showed correlation with stages CS1, CS2 and CS3. Differently, stage C correlated more frequently with stages CS4 and CS5. Finally, stages D and E were more frequent in individuals in stages CS5 and CS6, similarly. Conclusion: The prediction of MPSM by assessing CVM in lateral cephalograms seems to be a viable alternative to the sutural evaluation in CBCT in patients in stages CS1, CS2 and CS3. From the CS4 stage onwards, a CBCT is recommended to assess the MPSM stage and define the most adequate expansion modality for patients (AU).
Cervical Vertebrae/surgery , Maxilla/surgery , Maxilla/growth & development , Orthodontics, Corrective , Statistics, Nonparametric , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography/instrumentation , Correlation of DataABSTRACT
Los quistes odontogénicos son lesiones óseas, de carácter benigno, la mayoría asintomáticas, que habitualmente corresponden a un hallazgo radiológico. El tratamiento es quirúrgico y está condicionado por factores como localización, tamaño y la afectación de estructuras vecinas. El objetivo es elegir la modalidad de tratamiento que conlleve el menor riesgo de recurrencia, la mínima morbilidad, y al mismo tiempo la erradicación de la lesión. Siguiendo esta premisa han sido abordados, tradicionalmente, con técnicas abiertas con buenos resultados, pero con el advenimiento y desarrollo de la cirugía endoscópica, se empezó a usar esta técnica en forma exclusiva o en forma mixta para la resección de los quistes odontogénicos, logrando similares tasas de éxito, pero con menores complicaciones y morbilidad posoperatoria. Además, presenta una ventaja respecto del seguimiento para las recurrencias, ya que se pueden controlar endoscópicamente en la consulta ambulatoria. El objetivo de esta revisión es describir el desarrollo del rol de las cirugías endoscópicas para el tratamiento de lesiones odontogénicas maxilares.
Odontogenic cysts are benign bone lesions, most of them asymptomatic, which usually constitute a radiological finding. The treatment is surgical and is conditioned by factors such as location, size and involvement of nearby structures. The objective is to choose the treatment mode that presents the lowest risk of recurrence, the minimum morbidity, and at the same time, the eradication of the lesion. Following this premise, the treatment of these lesions has traditionally been approached with open techniques with good results but, with the advent and development of endoscopic surgery, this technique began to be used exclusively or in a mixed form for the resection of odontogenic cysts, achieving similar rates of surgical success, but with fewer complications and postoperative morbidity. It also has an advantage regarding follow-up for recurrences, since patients can be controlled endoscopically in the outpatient clinic. The objective of this review is to describe the development and role of endoscopic surgery for the treatment of maxillary odontogenic lesions.
Humans , Maxillary Diseases/surgery , Odontogenic Cysts/surgery , Odontogenic Cysts/diagnostic imaging , Maxilla/surgery , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Endoscopy/methodsABSTRACT
Introduction: In recent years, rapid maxillary expansion (RME) in prepubertal growth stages has been deeply investigated; however, its study has recently been increasing in adults without need for surgery. The objective of this review is to present the results reported in the scientific literature about RME in adults. Material and Methods: Six databases were used to carry out the secondary search of the review. The search was performed virtually and studies from the last six years were considered, with a last search performed until November, 2022. Results: A total of 253 studies were found, from which 20 studies were finally selected. RME in adults can result in substantial expansion similar to that obtained in patients who have not yet completed the ossification of the mid-palatal suture. Conclusion: The reviewed scientific literature shows evidence that there are various devices supported by mini-implants as non-surgical treatment options to correct transverse deficiency and help expand the maxilla in adult patients.
Introducción: En los últimos años se ha investigado profundamente la expansión maxilar rápida (ERM) en etapas de crecimiento prepuberal; sin embargo, recientemente se ha ido incrementando su estudio en adultos sin necesidad de cirugía. El objetivo de esta revisión es presentar los resultados reportados en la literatura científica sobre ERM en adultos. Material y Métodos: Se utilizaron seis bases de datos para realizar la búsqueda secundaria de la revisión. La búsqueda se realizó de manera virtual y se consideraron estudios de los últimos seis años, con una última búsqueda realizada hasta noviembre de 2022. Resultados: Se encontraron un total de 253 estudios, de los cuales finalmente se seleccionaron 20 estudios. La ERM en adultos puede dar como resultado una expansión sustancial similar a la obtenida en pacientes que aún no han completado la osificación de la sutura palatina media. Conclusión: La literatura científica revisada muestra evidencia que existen diversos dispositivos apoyados en mini-implantes como opciones de tratamiento no quirúrgico para corregir la deficiencia transversal y ayudar a generar disyunción maxilar en pacientes adultos.
Humans , Palatal Expansion Technique , Malocclusion , Dental Implants , Maxilla/surgery , Maxilla/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar retrospectivamente as mudanças ocorridas nas vias aéreas superiores (VAS) pós cirurgia ortognática bimaxilar. Metodologia: A amostra compreendeu 14 pacientes, que foram divididos em dois grupos, conforme o tipo de movimentação realizada na cirurgia: grupo 1 (n = 6), avanço bimaxilar; grupo 2 (n = 8) cirurgia de avanço de maxila e recuo de mandíbula. Foram realizadas tomografias computadorizadas no pré-operatório (T0) e pós-operatório de 1 ano (T1). Através do software Dolphin Imaging procedeu-se a análise das VAS em três parâmetros: área total (AT), volume total (VT) e área axial mínima (AAM), que foram comparadas entre T0 e T1 em um mesmo grupos pelo Teste de Wilcoxon e entre grupos pelos Teste de Mann-Whitney (p < 0.05). Resultados: Ambos os grupos apresentaram aumento significativo de AT, VT e AAM entre T0 e T1. Contudo, essas variações foram estatisticamente maiores no grupo 1 quando comparadas ao grupo 2. Conclusão: As cirurgias bimaxilares promoveram o aumento da AT, VT e AAM das VAS e essas mudanças foram significativamente superiores nos pacientes submetidos ao avanço bimaxilar... (AU)
Objective: The objective of the present study was to retrospectively evaluate the changes that occurred in the upper airways (UAS) after bimaxillary orthognathic surgery. Methodology: The sample comprised 14 patients, who were divided into two groups, according to the type of movement performed in the surgery: group 1 (n = 6), bimaxillary advancement; group 2 (n = 8) maxillary advancement and mandibular setback surgery. Computed tomography scans were performed preoperatively (T0) and 1 year postoperatively (T1). Through the Dolphin Imaging software, the analysis of the UAS was carried out in three parameters: total area (TA), total volume (TV) and minimum axial area (MAA), which were compared between T0 and T1 in the same groups by the Wilcoxon Test and between groups by the Mann-Whitney test (p < 0.05). Results: Both groups showed a significant increase in TA, TV and MAA between T0 and T1. However, these variations were statistically higher in group 1 when compared to group 2. Conclusion: Bimaxillary surgeries promoted an increase in the TA, TV and MAA of the UAS and these changes were significantly higher in patients undergoing bimaxillary advancement... (AU)
Objetivo: El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar retrospectivamente los cambios ocurridos en las vías aéreas superiores (VAS) después de la cirugía ortognática bimaxilar. Metodología: La muestra estuvo compuesta por 14 pacientes, quienes fueron divididos en dos grupos, según el tipo de movimiento realizado en la cirugía: grupo 1 (n = 6), avance bimaxilar; grupo 2 (n = 8) cirugía de avance maxilar y retroceso mandibular. Las tomografías computarizadas se realizaron antes de la operación (T0) y 1 año después de la operación (T1). A través del software Dolphin Imaging se realizó el análisis de la VAS en tres parámetros: área total (AT), volumen total (VT) y área axial mínima (AAM), los cuales fueron comparados entre T0 y T1 en los mismos grupos por el Prueba de Wilcoxon y entre grupos por la prueba de Mann Whitney (p < 0,05). Resultados: Ambos grupos mostraron un aumento significativo de AT, VT y AAM entre T0 y T1. Sin embargo, estas variaciones fueron estadísticamente mayores en el grupo 1 en comparación con el grupo 2. Conclusión: Las cirugías bimaxilares promovieron un aumento de la AT, VT y AAM de las VAS y estos cambios fueron significativamente mayores en los pacientes sometidos a avance bimaxilar... (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Orthognathic Surgery , Dentofacial Deformities , Mandible/surgery , Maxilla/surgery , Airway ManagementABSTRACT
La reconstrucción posterior a una cirugía oncológica resectiva maxilar es todo un desafío. Debido a esto, existen diversas técnicas quirúrgicas cuyo objetivo apunta a mantener no solo la funcionalidad, sino también la estética facial, especialmente en el área del reborde infraorbitario. El injerto de hueso calvarial es una opción segura y versátil para realizar una reconstrucción primaria en el reborde infraorbitario. Esta técnica está indicada en aquellos pacientes en los cuales la resección cutánea y exenteración orbitaria no son necesarias. Por este motivo, a continuación, analizaremos este tipo de injerto a propósito de un caso clínico en el que se usó asociado a un colgajo pediculado de fascia temporoparietal.
Reconstruction after maxillary resective oncological surgery is a challenge. Because of this, there are many surgical techniques whose objective is to maintain not only function but also facial aesthetics, especially in the infraorbital rim area. The calvarial bone graft is a safe and versatile option to perform a primary infraorbital rim reconstruction. This technique is indicated in those patients in whom skin resection and orbital exenteration are not necessary. For this reason, we will now analyze this type of graft in relation to a case in which it was used associated with a temporo-parietal fascia flap.
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Orbit/surgery , Maxillary Neoplasms/surgery , Bone Transplantation/methods , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Maxilla/surgery , Orbit/diagnostic imaging , Surgical Flaps/transplantation , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Maxilla/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Introdução: O cisto ósseo simples (COS) é definido como uma cavidade intraóssea de etiologia desconhecida, desprovida de revestimento epitelial e vazia ou preenchida com líquido. Na região facial, o COS é mais comumente observado no corpo da mandíbula. Objetivo: O objetivo deste artigo é relatar uma série de casos de COS, discutindo aspectos relevantes das características clínicas e terapêutica adequada. Relato de caso: A série de casos demonstrou que a presença de lesões radiolúcidas assintomáticas nos maxilares, nos quais os diagnósticos clínico, laboratorial e imaginológico não foram conclusivos, a realização de uma biópsia é sempre indicada. Considerações finais: Os casos de múltiplas lesões de COS, ou quando estão associadas a displasias cemento-ósseas, uma abordagem cirúrgica torna-se imperiosa... (AU)
Introduction: Simple bone cyst (COS) is defined as an intraosseous cavity of unknown etiology, devoid of epithelial lining and empty or filled with fluid. In the facial region, COS is most commonly seen in the body of the mandible. Objective: The aim of this article is to re port a series of COS cases, discussing relevant aspects of the clinical characteristics and adequate treatment. Case report: The case series demonstrated that the presence of asymptomatic radiolucent lesions in the jaws, in which clinical, laboratory and imaging diagnoses were not conclusive, a biopsy is always indicated. Final considerations: In cases of multiple COS lesions, or when they are associated with cemento-osseous dysplasias, a surgical approach is imperative... (AU)
Introducción: El quiste óseo simple (COS) se define como una cavidad intraósea de etiología desconocida, desprovista de revestimiento epitelial y vacía o llena de líquido. En la región facial, la COS se observa con mayor frecuencia en el cuerpo de la mandíbula. Objetivo: El objetivo de este artículo es reportar una serie de casos de COS, discutiendo aspectos relevantes de las características clínicas y el tratamiento adecuado. Caso clínico: La serie de casos demostró que ante la presencia de lesiones radiotransparentes asintomáticas en los maxilares, en las que los diagnósticos clínicos, de laboratorio y de imagen no fueron concluyentes, siempre está indicada una biopsia. Consideraciones finales: En casos de múltiples lesiones de COS, o cuando se asocian a displasias cemento-óseas, es imprescindible un abordaje quirúrgico... (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Bone Cysts , Jaw Cysts , Jaw , Mandible/surgery , Maxilla/surgery , Dental CementumABSTRACT
RESUMEN: Habitualmente los pacientes buscan estética en un tratamiento de ortodoncia, y al tener que someterse a una cirugía ortognática, lo que más les preocupa es cómo se verán luego de ésta. Hoy en día existe variados softwares para mostrar una imagen virtual del resultado del tejido esquelético y blando luego de una cirugía, pero no se ha llegado a consenso de que tan fiables son, ya que cada ortodoncista puede utilizar distintos métodos de medición. En este estudio queremos realizar una revisión bibliográfica para evaluar el efecto de la cirugía Lefort I y sagital bilateral de rama sobre el tejido blando del tercio medio e inferior en pacientes que han tenido tratamiento ortodóncico. Para así, en un futuro, poder predecir el comportamiento del tejido blando a través del tratamiento quirúrgico.
ABSTRACT: Usually patients seek aesthetics in orthodontic treatment, and having to undergo orthognathic surgery, what they are most concerned about is how they will look after it. Nowadays there are various softwares to show a virtual image of the result of skeletal and soft tissue after surgery, but no consensus has been reached on how reliable they are, since each orthodontist can use different measurement methods. In this study, we want to carry out a bibliographic review to evaluate the effect of Lefort I and bilateral sagittal branch surgery on the soft tissue of the middle and lower third in patients who have undergone orthodontic treatment. Thus, in the future, to be able to predict the behavior of soft tissue through surgical treatment.
Humans , Orthognathic Surgical Procedures/methods , Orthognathic Surgery , Cephalometry/methods , Osteotomy, Le Fort , Esthetics, Dental , Face/anatomy & histology , Therapy, Soft Tissue , Mandible/surgery , Maxilla/surgery , Maxilla/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Objective: To evaluate the pink and white esthetics of conventional and socket shield technique (SST) immediate implant restoration. Methods: Thirty volunteers were recruited according to preset criteria, and were assigned to 3 groups. Natural teeth group (ten undergraduates or postgraduates from Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology in January 2020, n=10): all volunteers' maxillary anterior teeth were natural teeth with healthy gingiva, and none of the teeth were restored by crowns or composite. Conventional group and SST group (patients had a maxillary central incisor immediate implant placed in Department of Prosthodontics, Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology during October 2016 to January 2021, n=10 for each group): the volunteer had an unrestored natural maxillary central incisor, and the contralateral maxillary central incisor was restored by conventional or SST immediate implant placement, temporization and all ceramic final restoration, photos were taken 12 months post-surgery. Three groups of evaluators namely layperson (staff from Second Clinical Division of Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology and 2 family members, n=10), dental students (class 2015 undergraduates from Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology, n=10) and prosthodontists (from Department of Prosthodontics, Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology, n=10) were invited to assess the esthetics using pink esthetic score (PES) and white esthetic score (WES). The results were statistically analyzed. Results: PES and WES of natural teeth group [9(8, 10) and 8(7, 10)] were significantly higher than conventional group [7(6,8) and 7(6,9)] (H=287.08, 132.79,P<0.01) and SST group [7(6, 9) and 8(7, 9)] (H=216.01, 101.21, P<0.01). SST group yielded higher PES than the conventional group (H=-71.06, P<0.01), yet had similar WES (H=-31.57, P>0.05). Dental students had significant lower PES and WES than prosthodontists (H=-120.90, -218.86, P<0.01) and layperson (H=-109.55, 134.97, P<0.01). Prosthodontists and layperson got similar PES (H=-11.36, P>0.05), however yielded different WES (H=-83.89, P<0.01). Conclusions: SST immediate implant placement obtained better pink esthetics than conventional protocol 12-month after implant surgery, profession may have significant impact on evaluators during pink and white esthetic evaluation.
Humans , Crowns , Dental Implants , Dental Implants, Single-Tooth , Esthetics, Dental , Immediate Dental Implant Loading , Maxilla/surgery , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Recently, among the edentulous patients who undergo dental implants, the proportion of hypertensive patients remains high, which poses a greater challenge for clinicians to operate and to maintain the therapeutic effect. The present review comprehensively summarized clinical researches about the adverse effects on dental implants, outlined molecular mechanisms of the positive effects of various antihypertensive drugs on bone metabolism, and proposed that clinicians should select preventive strategies during preoperative and intraoperative procedures according to the blood pressure of patients with hypertension.
Humans , Alveolar Bone Loss , Dental Implantation, Endosseous/methods , Dental Implants , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported , Dental Restoration Failure , Hypertension/surgery , Jaw, Edentulous , Maxilla/surgery , Risk AssessmentABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the effect and summarize the characteristics of different treatment methods in repairing zygomatic defect.@*METHODS@#A total of 37 patients with zygomatic defect were reviewed in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology from August 2012 to August 2019. According to the anatomical scope of defect, the zygomatic defects were divided into four categories: Class 0, the defect did not involve changes in zygomatic structure or continuity, only deficiency in thickness or projection; Class Ⅰ, defect was located in the zygomatic body or involved only one process; Class Ⅱ, a single defect involved two processes; Class Ⅲa, referred to a single defect involving three processes and above; Class Ⅲb, referred to zygomatic defects associated with large maxillary defects. The etiology, defect time, defect size and characteristics of zygomatic defects, the repair and reconstruction methods, and postoperative complications were collected and analyzed. Postoperative computed tomography (CT) data were collected to evaluate the outcome of zygomatic protrusion. Chromatographic analysis was used to assess the postoperative stability.@*RESULTS@#Among the causes of defects, 25 cases (67.57%) were caused by trauma, and 11 cases (29.73%) were of surgical defects following tumor resection. We performed autologous bone grafts in 19 cases, 6 cases underwent vascularized tissue flap, 5 cases underwent external implants alone, and 7 cases underwent vascularized tissue flap combined with external implants. After the recovery of the affected side, the average difference of the zygomatic projection between the navigation group and the non-navigation group was 0.45 mm (0.20-2.50 mm) and 1.60 mm (0.10-2.90 mm), with a significant difference (P=0.045). Two patients repaired with titanium mesh combined with anterolateral thigh flap had obvious deformation or fracture of titanium mesh; 2 patients with customized casting prosthesis had infection after surgery and fetched out the prosthesis finally.@*CONCLUSION@#Autologous free grafts or alloplastic materials may be used in cases without significant structural changes. Pedicle skull flap or vascularized bone tissue flap is recommended for zygomatic bone defects with bone pillar destruction, chronic inflammation, oral and nasal communication or significant soft tissue insufficiency. Titanium mesh can be used to repair a large defect of zygomatic bone, and it is suggested to combine with vascularized bone flap transplantation.
Humans , Maxilla/surgery , Prognosis , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Retrospective Studies , TitaniumABSTRACT
Objective: To select the preferred flaps for the reconstruction of different maxillary defects and to propose a new classification of maxillary defects. Methods: A total of 219 patients (136 males and 83 females) underwent the simultaneous reconstruction of maxillary defects in the Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, between January 2005 and December 2018 were reviewed. Age ranged from 16 to 78 years. Based on the proposed new classification of the maxillary defects, 22 patients with class Ⅰ defects (inferior maxillectomy), 44 patients with class Ⅱ defects (supperior maxillectomy), 132 patients with class Ⅲ defects (total maxillectomy) and 21 patients with class Ⅳ defects (extensive maxillectomy) were enrolled. Survival rate, functional and aesthetic outcomes of flaps were evaluated. Survival analysis was performed in 169 patients with malignant tumor, Kaplan-Meier method was used to calculate the survival rate, and Log-rank method was used to compare the difference of survival rate in each group. Results: A total of 234 repairs for maxillary defects were performed in 219 patients. Fibula flaps were used in 4/13 of class Ⅰ defects; temporal muscle flaps (11/24, 45.8%) and anterolateral thigh flaps (6/24, 25.0%) used in class Ⅱ defects; temporal muscle flaps (71/128, 55.5%), anterolateral thigh flaps (6/24, 25.0%) and fibula flaps (12/128, 9.4%) used in class Ⅲ defects; and anterolateral thigh flaps (8/20, 40.0%) and rectus abdominis flaps (8/20, 40.0%) used in class Ⅳ defects. The success rate of local pedicled flaps was 95.6% (109/114) and that of free flaps was 95.8% (115/120). Thrombosis(10/234,4.3%) was a main reason for repair failure. Among the followed-up 88 patients, swallowing and speech functions recovered, 82 (93.2%) of them were satisfied with appearance, and 75 (85.2%) were satisfied with visual field. The 3-year and 5-year overall survival rates were 66.5% and 63.6%, and the 3-year and 5-year disease-free survival rates were 57.1% and 46.2%, respectively, in the 169 patients with malignant tumors. Conclusion: A new classification of maxillary defects is proposed, on which suitable flaps are selected to offer patients good functional and aesthetic outcomes and high quality of life.
Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Free Tissue Flaps , Maxilla/surgery , Quality of Life , Plastic Surgery ProceduresABSTRACT
A violência interpessoal tem se configurado como um grave problema social e de saúde pública, em que lesões na região bucomaxilofacial são importantes consequências. O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar o perfil das vítimas de violência interpessoal que tiveram lesões na região maxilofacial e foram atendidas no hospital da Restauração em Recife, Pernambuco-Brasil durante o ano de 2017. Foi realizada uma pesquisa retrospectiva e exploratória baseada nas informações contidas nos prontuários do hospital e em seguida foi utilizado o software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) para análise das medidas descritivas. No período de um ano foram encontrados 455 prontuários, de forma que 87,9% corresponderam ao sexo masculino e 12,1% ao feminino. Do total, 34,9% tinham idade entre 20-29 anos e 43,3% foram vítimas de força corporal/espancamento. O tipo de trauma mais frequente foi fratura dos ossos maxilofaciais (45,3%). Outrossim, o dia e horário mais comum de atendimento foi o domingo (23,1%) no período noturno (58,2%). Homens jovens com traumas dos ossos maxilofaciais foi o principal perfil encontrado no estudo, sendo necessário o fortalecimento de políticas públicas a fim de evitar o aumento de casos nessa população... (AU)
Interpersonal violence has been configured as a serious social and public health problem in which injuries on the maxillofacial region are important consequences. This study aimed to analyze the profile of interpersonal violence victims who had maxillofacial injuries and were treated at Hospital Da Restauração in Recife, Pernambuco-Brazil during 2017. A retrospective and exploratory research was conducted based on information from the medical records of the hospital and then the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Software was used for descriptive measures analysis. In the period of one year, 455 medical records were found, in which 87,9% corresponded to male and 12,1% to female. Of the total, 34,9% were aged between 20-29 years old and 43,3% were victims of physical strength/beating. The most frequent type of trauma was fracture of the maxillofacial bones (45,3%). Otherwise, the most common day and time of treatment at the hospital was on Sundays (23,1%) and in the evening (58,2%). Young men with trauma on the maxillofacial bones was the main profile found in this study, requiring the strengthening of public policies to avoid the increase in cases in this population... (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Violence , Mandible/surgery , Maxillofacial Injuries , Wounds and Injuries , Medical Records , Public Health , Fractures, Bone , Facial Injuries , Maxilla/surgeryABSTRACT
SUMMARY: The aim of this research is to show a simple technique to obtain control in the alar base width in Le Fort I osteotomy. The technique was used in eighteen patients submitted to maxillary impaction and/or advancements (≥ 3 mm). Inter-alar width, alar base width and right/left nostril were studied before surgery and 6 months of follow-up. Data were reported as means and standard deviations; statistical analysis was realized by t test considering a p-value <0.05. Left nostril was modified 0.33 ± 1.03 mm, right nostril was modified 0.39 ± 0.98 mm after 6 months and inter-alar width show a decrease of 0.17 ± 1.15 mm. No statistical differences were observed between the preoperative and the postoperative measurements. Our results show this technique as effective in to obtain a stable position in nasal width.
RESUMEN: el objetivo de esta investigación es presentar una técnica simple para obtener el control en el ancho de la base alar en la ejecución de una osteotomía de Le Fort I. La técnica fue usada en 18 sujetos sometidos a cirugía maxilar de ascenso y/o avance maxilar mayor (≥ 3 mm). El ancho inter-alar, el ancho de la base alar y el orificio nasal derecho e izquierdo fueron estudiados antes de la cirugía y seis meses después de la misma. Los datos fueron presentados en promedios y desviación estándar; el análisis estadístico fue realizado utilizando el t test considerando un valor de p <0,05. El orificio izquierdo fue modificado en 0,33 ± 1,03 mm, el orificio izquierdo fue modificado en 0,39 ± 0,98 mm des- pués de 6 meses y el ancho inter alar mostro una reducción de 0,17 ± 1,15 mm. No se observaron diferencias estadísticas entre las mediciones obtenidas previo a la cirugía y después de la cirugía. Nuestros resultados muestran que la técnica es efectiva para obtener una posición estable del ancho nasal.