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Int. j. morphol ; 41(1): 35-44, feb. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430519


SUMMARY: Conventional implant treatment cannot always be used to rehabilitate edentulous patients with advanced maxillary atrophic. Zygomatic dental implants have been used over the past 20 years as an alternative treatment solution to bone grafting. The purpose of this meta-analysis is to evaluate the implant and prosthetic survival rate in non-oncologic patients with a severely atrophic maxilla. This review also aims to better understand the rate of peri-operative complications in this cohort of patients. A multi-database (PubMed, MEDLINE, EMBASE, and CINAHAL) focused systematic search was performed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) recommendations. Any randomised control trials studies involving human participants treated with zygomatic osseous implants were included. After eliminating duplicates, a total of 4 studies met the inclusion criteria for this meta-analysis review. With all the studies included there was a total of 174 patients treated with zygomatic osseous implants. The overall implant success rate was 98.03 %. The prosthetic success rate was 96.4 %. The most frequent peri-operative complication was sinusitis. Based on the limited data available in literature, zygomatic dental implants represent a valid alternative to bone augmenting procedure. However, they are not without risks and longer follow-ups are required to confirm the validity of the treatment in long term.

Los tratamientos convencionales con implantes no siempre pueden ser usados para rehabilitar pacientes edentulos con atrofia maxilar avanzada. Los implantes dentales zigomáticos son usados por los pasados 20 años como alternativa de tratamiento a las reconstrucciones óseas. El objetivo de este meta-análisis es evaluar la sobrevida de implantes y prótesis en pacientes no oncológicos con maxila severamente atrófica. Esta revisión también pretende entender al promedio de complicaciones peri operatorias en esta cohorte de pacientes. Una búsqueda sistemática en bases de datos múltiples (PubMed, MEDLINE, EMBASE y CINAHAL) fue desarrollada de acuerdo a recomendaciones de Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Cualquier estudio clínico aleatorizado de participantes humanos donde se utilizaron los implantes zigomáticos fueron incluidos. Después de eliminar duplicados, un total de 4 estudios cumplieron los criterios de inclusión para esta meta análisis. Con todos los estudios incluidos se obtuvieron 174 pacientes tratados con implantes zigomáticos. El promedio de éxito fue de 98,03 %. El promedio de éxito de la rehabilitación fue de 96,4 %. La complicación mas frecuente fue la sinusitis. Basados en los datos limitados en la literatura, los implantes zigomáticos representan una alternativa valida a los procedimientos de aumento óseo. Sin embargo, estos no están libres de riesgos y seguimientos de mayores periodos son necesarios para confirmar la validez de los tratamientos en el largo plazo.

Humans , Zygoma/surgery , Maxillary Diseases/rehabilitation , Dental Implantation, Endosseous/methods , Atrophy , Maxillary Diseases/surgery , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 82(4): 470-475, dic. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431938


Los quistes odontogénicos son lesiones óseas, de carácter benigno, la mayoría asintomáticas, que habitualmente corresponden a un hallazgo radiológico. El tratamiento es quirúrgico y está condicionado por factores como localización, tamaño y la afectación de estructuras vecinas. El objetivo es elegir la modalidad de tratamiento que conlleve el menor riesgo de recurrencia, la mínima morbilidad, y al mismo tiempo la erradicación de la lesión. Siguiendo esta premisa han sido abordados, tradicionalmente, con técnicas abiertas con buenos resultados, pero con el advenimiento y desarrollo de la cirugía endoscópica, se empezó a usar esta técnica en forma exclusiva o en forma mixta para la resección de los quistes odontogénicos, logrando similares tasas de éxito, pero con menores complicaciones y morbilidad posoperatoria. Además, presenta una ventaja respecto del seguimiento para las recurrencias, ya que se pueden controlar endoscópicamente en la consulta ambulatoria. El objetivo de esta revisión es describir el desarrollo del rol de las cirugías endoscópicas para el tratamiento de lesiones odontogénicas maxilares.

Odontogenic cysts are benign bone lesions, most of them asymptomatic, which usually constitute a radiological finding. The treatment is surgical and is conditioned by factors such as location, size and involvement of nearby structures. The objective is to choose the treatment mode that presents the lowest risk of recurrence, the minimum morbidity, and at the same time, the eradication of the lesion. Following this premise, the treatment of these lesions has traditionally been approached with open techniques with good results but, with the advent and development of endoscopic surgery, this technique began to be used exclusively or in a mixed form for the resection of odontogenic cysts, achieving similar rates of surgical success, but with fewer complications and postoperative morbidity. It also has an advantage regarding follow-up for recurrences, since patients can be controlled endoscopically in the outpatient clinic. The objective of this review is to describe the development and role of endoscopic surgery for the treatment of maxillary odontogenic lesions.

Humans , Maxillary Diseases/surgery , Odontogenic Cysts/surgery , Odontogenic Cysts/diagnostic imaging , Maxilla/surgery , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Endoscopy/methods
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 22(4): 36-41, out.-dez. 2022. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1414835


A Osteomielite dos Maxilares (OM) é uma inflamação óssea, de origem na maioria infecciosa, podendo atingir a porção medular e cortical dos ossos maxilares. Apresenta-se em maior extensão na mandíbula, devido ao pobre suprimento sanguíneo que essa possui, sendo mais prevalente em homens entre a faixa etária de 40 a 60 anos. Sua etiologia está relacionada principalmente às infecções odontogênicas, infecções secundárias e corpos estranhos ocasionais, como os implantes dentários. Tem-se por objetivo apresentar um relato de caso clínico sobre OM na região posterior da mandíbula, bem como sua associação a uma insatisfatória implantação dentária onde houve desenvolvimento de lesão peri-implantar. Paciente do gênero feminino, 53 anos, melanoderma, apresentou dor crônica, abaulamento ósseo sem outros sinais significativos na região de molares inferiores no lado direito, radiograficamente visualizava-se imagem mista sendo sugestiva de sequestro ósseo. Na história pregressa relatou ter realizado explantação na referida região após ser diagnosticada com peri implantite. Ao final do estudo concluiu-se que a afecção teve como causa a infecção bacteriana proveniente de contaminação durante a inserção de implante dentário. Optou-se por remoção cirúrgica do osso necrótico e inflamado... (AU)

Osteomyelitis of the Jaws (OM) is a bone inflammation, of mostly infectious origin, which can affect the medullary and cortical portion of the maxillary bones. It presents itself to a greater extent in the mandible, due to the poor blood supply that it has, being more prevalent in men between the age group of 40 to 60 years. Its etiology is mainly related to odontogenic infections, secondary infections and occasional foreign bodies, such as dental implants. The objective is to present a clinical case report on OM in the posterior region of the mandible, as well as its association with an unsatisfactory dental implantation, where there was development of a peri-implant lesion. Female patient, 53 years old, melanoderma, presented chronic pain, bone bulging without other significant signs in the region of lower molars on the right side, radiographically a mixed image was visualized, suggesting bone sequestration. In her previous history, she reported having performed explantation in that region after being diagnosed with peri-implantitis. At the end of the study, it was concluded that the disease was caused by bacterial infection from contamination during dental implant insertion. We opted for surgical removal of the necrotic and inflamed bone... (AU)

La osteomielitis de los maxilares (OM) es una inflamación de los huesos, en su mayoría de origen infeccioso, que puede afectar la porción medular y cortical de los huesos maxilares. Se presenta en mayor medida en la mandíbula, debido a la escasa irrigación sanguínea que tiene, siendo más prevalente en hombres entre el grupo de edad de 40 a 60 años. Su etiología se relaciona principalmente con infecciones odontogénicas, infecciones secundarias y cuerpos extraños ocasionales, como los implantes dentales. El objetivo es presentar un reporte de caso de OM en la región posterior de la mandíbula, así como su asociación con una implantación dentaria insatisfactoria a partir de la cual desarrollamos una lesión periimplantaria. Paciente femenina, 53 años, melanodermia, presenta dolor crónico, tumefacción ósea con otros signos significativos en región molar inferior del lado derecho, radiográficamente se visualiza imagen mixta sugestiva de pérdida ósea. En su historia previa menciona haber realizado una explantación en esa región tras ser diagnosticada de periimplantitis. Al final del estudio, se concluyó que la enfermedad fue causada por una infección bacteriana provocada por la contaminación durante la inserción del implante dental. Se optó por la extirpación quirúrgica de la piel necrótica e inflamada... (AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Osteomyelitis/surgery , Maxillary Diseases/surgery , Osteomyelitis/etiology , Osteomyelitis/diagnostic imaging , Maxillary Diseases/etiology , Maxillary Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Dental Implants/adverse effects , Cross-Sectional Studies , Peri-Implantitis/complications
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 22(4): 42-47, out.-dez. 2022. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1414852


Mixoma Odontogênico é um tumor de origem mesenquimal raro, de desenvolvimento lento e agressivo que acomete indivíduos entre os 10 e 40 anos de idade e principalmente, do gênero feminino. Este estudo teve como principal objetivo descrever um caso clinico de tratamento cirúrgico do mixoma odontogênico sem ressecção maxilar em uma paciente do gênero feminino que compareceu ao Ambulatório de Patologia Oral e Maxilo Facial, da Faculdade de Odontologia da UNIRG, na cidade de Gurupi-TO - Brasil. A paciente foi submetida ao tratamento cirúrgico conservador, através da curetagem e enucleação total do tumor. A proservação foi realizada em períodos de 12 meses, 24 meses e 48 meses aonde pode-se observar a sequencial e completam reparação óssea, inclusive a permanência dos dentes envolvidos que foram submetidos a tratamento endodôntico com total remodelação da lâmina dura e do ligamento periodontal... (AU)

Odontogenic Myxoma (OM) is a rare tumor of mesenchymal origin, of slow and aggressive development that affects individuals between 10 and 40 years of age and mainly female. This study aimed to describe a clinical case of surgical treatment of odontogenic myxoma with out maxillary resection in a female patient who attended the Outpa tient Clinic of Oral Pathology and Facial Maxillo, of UNIRG Dental School, in the city of Gurupi-TO - Brazil. The patient underwent con servative surgical treatment through curettage and total enucleation of the tumor. Proservation was carried out in periods of 12 months, 24 months and 48 months where it was possible to observe the sequential and complete bone repair including the permanence of the involved teeth that underwent endodontic treatment with total remodeling of hard blade and of the periodontal ligament... (AU)

El mixoma odontogénico es un tumor de origen mesenquimal poco frecuente, de desarrollo lento y agresivo que afecta a individuos entre 10 y 40 años de edad y principalmente mujeres. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue describir un caso clínico de tratamiento quirúrgico de mixoma odontogénico sin resección maxilar en una paciente femenina que asistió a la Clínica Ambulatoria de Patología Oral y Maxilo Facial, de la Facultad de Odontología de UNIRG, en la ciudad de Gurupi-TO - Brasil. El paciente se sometió a tratamiento quirúrgico conservador mediante legrado y enucleación tumoral total. La conservación se realizó en periodos de 12 meses, 24 meses y 48 meses donde es posible observar reparación ósea secuencial y completa, incluyendo la permanencia de los dientes implicados que fueron sometidos a tratamiento endodóntico con remodelación total de la durancia y ligamento periodontal... (AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Maxillary Neoplasms/surgery , Odontogenic Tumors , Maxilla/surgery , Myxoma/surgery , Maxillary Diseases/surgery , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome , Maxilla/physiopathology
Int. j. med. surg. sci. (Print) ; 9(1): 1-14, Mar. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512538


The Rosai-Dorfman disease (RDD) is a bening entity, of unknown etiology, rare, characterized by the overproduction of histiocytes and their subsequent accumulation in the lymph nodes, which may also compromise other organs and systems. It predominantly affects young people. The histological study, which shows emperipolesis, is very indicative but not pathognomonic, but with the immunohistochemistry the diagnosis of the disease is reached, which does not have a well-protocolized treatment. Its evolution is highly variable, with spontaneous remission being a possibility, although in some cases the commitment is extensive, compromising important or vital anatomical structures that requiere vigorous treatment, which can be surgical, radiotherapy and even chemotherapy. We present a case of RDD that affected a 17-year-old girl with upper jaw and right maxillary sinus commitment, which began with loss of teeth, and subsequent appearance of a painless and deforming facial tumour that underwent surgical resection. In this case, the etiological diagnosis was not posible in the preoperative period despite multiple biopsies. An extensive review of the literature is carried out in order to a better understanding of this pathology.

La Enfermedad de Rosai-Dorfman (ERD) es una entidad benigna, de etiología desconocida, poco frecuente, caracterizada por la sobreproducción de histiocitos y su posterior acúmulo en los linfonodos, pudiendo comprometer también a otros órganos y sistemas. Afecta predominantemente a personas jóvenes. El estudio histológico, que muestra emperipolesis, es muy orientativa pero no patognomónica, aunque con la Inmunohistoquímica se llega al diagnóstico de la enfermedad que no tiene un tratamiento bien protocolizado. Su evolución es muy variable, siendo la remisión espontánea una posibilidad, no obstante, en algunos casos, el compromiso es extenso, comprometiendo estructuras anatómicas importantes o vitales que requieren de un tratamiento enérgico, pudiendo ser éste quirúrgico, radioterápico y aún quimioterápico. Se presenta un caso de ERD que afectó a una joven de 17 años, con compromiso de maxilar y seno maxilar derecho, que debutó con pérdida de piezas dentarias y posterior aparición de un tumor facial indoloro y deformante que fue sometido a resección quirúrgica. En este caso no fue posible el diagnóstico etiológico en el preoperatorio pese a múltiples biopsias. Se hace una extensa revisión de la literatura con el objeto de conocer mejor esta patología.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Maxillary Diseases/surgery , Maxillary Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Histiocytosis, Sinus/surgery , Histiocytosis, Sinus/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Histiocytosis, Sinus/complications , Histiocytosis, Sinus/pathology , Emperipolesis
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 14(3): 271-273, dic. 2021. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385232


RESUMEN: La Mucormicosis se describe como una infección fúngica de tipo oportunista y potencialmente mortal, reportándose en la literatura como la tercera en frecuencia, muy por detrás de la Candidiasis y Aspergilosis. Esta infección es causada por hongos de la familia de los Mucorales. Se presenta el caso de un hombre con Diabetes Mellitus II con un control metabólico deficiente, el cual posterior a una exodoncia, presenta una Mucormicosis Maxilar, presentando una etiología atípica y logrando ser confirmada posterior a biopsias y pruebas de cultivo, demostrando elementos del tipo Mucor. Se realizó una Maxilectomía parcial del lado afectado como tratamiento con una evolución favorable. Esta revisión destaca la importancia de la búsqueda activa basada en la semiología y la importancia de los exámenes complementarios, implicando lograr un correcto diagnóstico y pronóstico de la enfermedad.

ABSTRACT: Mucormycosis is described as an opportunistic and life-threatening fungal infection, being reported in the literature as the third in frequency, far behind candidiasis and aspergillosis. This infection is caused by fungi of the Mucorales family. We present the case of a man with Diabetes Mellitus II with poor metabolic control who, after an extraction, presents a Maxillary Mucormycosis, with an atypical etiology and confirmed after biopsies and culture tests, demonstrating elements of the Mucor type. A partial maxillectomy was performed on the affected side as a treatment with a favorable outcome. This review highlights the importance of active search based on semiology and of complementary examinations, implying a correct diagnosis and prognosis of the disease.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Maxillary Diseases/surgery , Mucormycosis/surgery , Osteomyelitis , Tooth Extraction/adverse effects , Maxillary Diseases/diagnosis , Maxillary Diseases/microbiology , Treatment Outcome , Immunocompromised Host , Hyphae , Mucormycosis/diagnosis
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 81(4): 540-544, dic. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389804


Los queratoquistes maxilares son frecuentes en pacientes con síndrome de Gorlin. Su tratamiento es debatido por su alta tendencia a la recidiva. En los últimos años la cirugía endoscópica nasosinusal ha adquirido importancia en el manejo de esta patología. Exponemos en caso de un varón de 16 años afecto de este síndrome con queratoquistes maxilares donde se realiza un abordaje combinado, endonasal y transoral.

Maxillary keratocysts are frequent in Gorlin Syndrome patients. Its treatment is discussed due to the high tendency to recurrence. In the last years the sinonasal endoscopic surgery has become an important tool in the management of this pathology. We report a 16 years old boy with Gorlin Syndrome and maxillary keratocysts treated with a trans-nasal endoscopic and intra-oral combined approach.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome/surgery , Maxillary Diseases/surgery , Odontogenic Cysts/surgery , Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome/diagnostic imaging , Maxillary Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Odontogenic Cysts/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Endoscopy/methods
RFO UPF ; 25(3): 391-395, 20201231. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1357819


Objetivo: as causas mais comuns das alterações na dentição permanente são os traumatismos alvéolo-dentários (TAD) na dentição decídua, ultrapassando, inclusive, as incidências de cárie ou doença periodontal. Estes podem levar a hipoplasia de esmalte, alterações na morfologia dentária e desenvolvimento de cistos, como o cisto dentígero, considerando ainda que o tratamento desta ocorrência diverge ao tratar da dentição decídua e não da permanente. O objetivo deste trabalho é ilustrar essas características e como elas podem ser manejadas através de um relato de caso. Relato de caso: no caso em questão, ocorreu o desenvolvimento de um cisto dentígero de grandes dimensões após traumatismo alvéolo-dentário em dentição decídua na região anterior da maxila com retenção de três dentes permanentes. Foram discutidas as formas terapêuticas para tal situação clínica, bem como a possibilidade de uma abordagem multidisciplinar da cirurgia-ortodontia. Considerações finais: os TADs na dentição decídua devem ser bem diagnosticados e tratados, visando a prevenção de sequelas na dentição permanente.(AU)

Objective: the most common causes of changes in permanent dentition are alveolar-dental trauma (TAD) in deciduous dentition, with occurrence rates even higher than decays or periodontal disease, which can lead to enamel hypoplasia, changes in dental morphology and the development of cysts such as the dentigerous cyst, considering treatment differs when dealing with deciduous dentition instead of permanent dentition. The objective of this work is to illustrate these characteristics and propose a possible treatment, through a case report. Case report: in the case at hand occurred a development of a large dentigerous cyst occurred after TAD in primary dentition, in the anterior region of the maxilla with retention of three permanent teeth, discussing the therapeutic forms for such clinical situation, as well as the possibility of a multidisciplinary approach to surgery-orthodontics. Final considerations: TAD in deciduous teeth should be well diagnosed and treated aiming to prevent sequelae in permanent dentition.(AU)

Humans , Male , Child , Dentigerous Cyst/surgery , Dentigerous Cyst/etiology , Maxillary Diseases/surgery , Maxillary Diseases/etiology , Tooth Injuries/complications , Tooth, Deciduous , Treatment Outcome
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 14(2): 249-256, June 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090682


The odontogenic keratocyst is a lesion with specific clinical and histopathological aspects. The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2017 reclassified it from a tumor to a cyst. It is characterized as a cyst of epithelial development of the jaws, arising from the remains of the dental blade. It represents 3 % to 11 % of all odontogenic cysts and 7 to 11 % of cysts of the gnatic bones. It stands out for its aggressive nature and high relapsing potential. Most of the cases are diagnosed in individuals between 10 and 40 years old, with a mild preference for the masculine gender, occurring more in the mandible. Radiographically, it is radiolucent and well delimited, predominantly unilocular, and may cause displacement of adjacent teeth. The present study aims to report a clinical case of a female 25 years old patient, presenting an intra-osseous lesion in the maxilla (posterior, left side), asymptomatic, with a slight increase in intraoral buccal volume, containing the tooth 28, with a diagnostic hypothesis of Odontogenic Keratocyst. The patient was submitted to the surgical decompression treatment, with cystic fluid puncture, biopsy of the lesion and posterior anatomopathological examination. The enucleation of the tumor was performed using LeFort I osteotomy of maxilla and reconstruction with titanium mesh. There is radiographic evidence of bone repair and lesion reduction. The patient is in periodic follow-up of 4 years and does not present clinical and radiographic signs of relapse. Due to the aggressiveness of the odontogenic keratocyst, the relapse rate is high. The knowledge of the techniques recommended for the treatment of Odontogenic Keratocysts and the clinical and radiographic follow-up of the patient demonstrate a gradual decrease of the lumen of the lesion and suggest local bone neoformation, favoring the prognosis of the case.

El queratoquiste odontogénico es una lesión con aspectos clínicos e histopatológicos específicos. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) en 2017 lo reclasificó de un tumor a un quiste. Se caracteriza como un quiste de desarrollo epitelial de las mandíbulas, que surge de los restos de la lámina dental. Representa del 3 % al 11 % de todos los quistes odontogénicos y del 7 al 11 % de los quistes de los huesos gnáticos. Se destaca por su naturaleza agresiva y su alto potencial de recaídas. La mayoría de los casos se diagnostican en individuos de entre 10 y 40 años, con una leve preferencia por el sexo masculino, que ocurre más en la mandíbula. Radiográficamente, es radiotransparente y bien delimitado, predominantemente unilocular, y puede causar el desplazamiento de los dientes adyacentes. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo reportar el caso clínico de una paciente de 25 años, que presenta una lesión intraósea en el maxilar (posterior, lado izquierdo), asintomática, con un ligero aumento en el volumen bucal intraoral, que contiene el diente 28, con una hipótesis diagnóstica de queratoquiste odontogénico. El paciente fue sometido al tratamiento quirúrgico de descompresión, con punción de líquido quístico, biopsia de la lesión y examen anatomopatológico posterior. La enucleación del tumor se realizó con osteotomía LeFort I de maxilar y reconstrucción con malla de titanio. Existe evidencia radiográfica de reparación ósea y reducción de la lesión. El paciente se encuentra en seguimiento periódico de 4 años y no presenta signos clínicos ni radiográficos de recaída. Debido a la agresividad del queratoquiste odontogénico, la tasa de recaída es alta. El conocimiento de las técnicas recomendadas para el tratamiento de los queratoquistes odontogénicos, y el seguimiento clínico y radiográfico del paciente, demuestran una disminución gradual del lumen de la lesión y sugieren neoformación ósea local, favoreciendo el pronóstico del caso.

Humans , Female , Adult , Maxillary Diseases/surgery , Odontogenic Cysts/surgery , Osteotomy, Le Fort , Radiography, Panoramic , Maxillary Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Odontogenic Cysts/diagnostic imaging , Decompression, Surgical
RFO UPF ; 25(1): 96-106, 20200430. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1357739


Introdução: maxilas severamente atrofiadas representam um desafio às reabilitações implantossuportadas. A reconstrução maxilar com enxertos ósseos para permitir a reabilitação com implantes osseointegrados é um tratamento com boa previsibilidade e alto índice de sucesso. No entanto, a morbidade causada pela necessidade de regiões doadoras e grande quantidade de osso dificulta a aceitação dos pacientes, podendo, inclusive, ser contraindicada dependendo da condição sistêmica. Objetivos: revisar a literatura, discutir as indicações, as complicações, a previsibilidade das reabilitações com implantes zigomáticos, assim como relatar um caso. Relato de caso: os implantes zigomáticos surgiram como uma alternativa para a reabilitação de pacientes maxilectomizados, decorrente da exérese de tumores, perdas ósseas decorrentes de infecções ou traumas, e casos de atrofia óssea severa, como abordado no caso em questão, em que a paciente apresentava edentulismo total em maxila e não gostaria mais de utilizar a prótese convencional, optando pela prótese sobre implante. Considerações finais: a reabilitação com implantes zigomáticos pode apresentar complicações, como o mau posicionamento dos implantes, comprometendo a reabilitação; todavia, apesar das restrições da técnica, a literatura mostra que os implantes zigomáticos, quando bem indicados, representam uma boa alternativa para a reabilitação de maxilas severamente atrofiadas.(AU)

Introduction: severely atrophied jaws pose a challenge to implant-supported rehabilitations. Maxillary reconstruction with bone graft to allow rehabilitation with implants is a treatment with good predictability and high success rate. However, a morbidity is the disease of the donor regions and the greater amount of bone hinders the acceptance of the patients; including, to be contraindicated depending on the systemic condition. Objectives: this article is a review of the literature, such as the indications, complications, predictability of rehabilitations with zygomatic implants, as well as a case report. Case report: the zygomatic implants appeared as an alternative for the rehabilitation of maxilectomized patients, due to the excision of tumors, bone losses due to infections or trauma and cases of severe bone atrophy, as approached in the case in question, in which the patient had total maxillary edentulism and would no longer like to use the conventional prosthesis, opting for the implant prosthesis. Final considerations: rehabilitation with zygomatic implants may present complications, such as poor placement of implants, compromising rehabilitation; however, despite the limitations of the technique, the literature shows that zygomatic implants, when well indicated, represent a good alternative for the rehabilitation of severely atrophied maxilla.(AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Zygoma/surgery , Maxillary Diseases/surgery , Dental Implants , Alveolar Bone Loss/surgery , Dental Implantation, Endosseous/methods , Radiography, Panoramic , Alveolar Bone Loss/diagnostic imaging , Treatment Outcome , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported/methods , Mouth Rehabilitation/methods
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 56(4): e2207, oct.-dez. 2019. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1093260


RESUMO Introdução: A lesão central de células gigantes é própria dos ossos gnáticos, sendo um tumor benigno não odontogênico. É uma lesão de crescimento predominantemente lento, bem circunscrito e assintomático, geralmente diagnosticada através de algum exame de rotina ou, em casos mais avançados, quando se começa a visualizar alguma alteração estético-anatômica ou através da queixa do paciente de algum desconforto localizado na região. Objetivo: Ilustrar um caso clínico de lesão central de células gigantes e sua resolução envolvendo momento cirúrgico e reabordagem que inclui a homeopatia na proposta terapêutica. Apresentação do caso: Paciente do sexo feminino, inicialmente com 4 anos de idade com uma lesão na região de pré-maxila. Após avaliação radiográfica, tomográfica, exames sanguíneos e biópsia incisional, foi realizada, em primeiro momento, a exérese da lesão sob anestesia geral, por curetagem com aplicação de solução de carnoy. Após proservação e surgimento de imagem radiopaca nos exames, deu-se início ao tratamento não invasivo com homeopatia e injeções de corticoide visando à redução e neoformação óssea em área sugestiva de tecido cicatricial. Conclusões: Abordagens mais conservadoras podem ser, em muitos casos, uma opção plausível que acaba por livrar o paciente de cirurgias mutilantes(AU)

RESUMEN Introducción: La lesión central de células gigantes es propia de los huesos gnáticos, lo que constituye un tumor benigno no odontogénico. Es una lesión de crecimiento predominantemente lento, bien circunscrita y asintomática, generalmente diagnosticada a través de algún examen de rutina o en casos más avanzados cuando se empieza a visualizar alguna alteración estético-anatómica o el paciente que se queja de algún malestar localizado en la región. Objetivo: Presentar un caso clínico de lesión central de células gigantes y su resolución involucrando momento quirúrgico y reabordaje que incluye la homeopatía en la propuesta terapéutica. Presentación del caso: Paciente del sexo femenino, inicialmente con 4 años de edad con una lesión en la región de pre-maxila. Después de la evaluación radiográfica, tomográfica, exámenes sanguíneos y biópsia incisional con el diagnóstico, se realizó en un primer momento la exéresis de la lesión bajo anestesia general, por curetaje con aplicación de solución de carnoy. En los exámenes de acompañamiento, después de la aparición de imagen radiopaca, se inició el tratamiento no invasivo con homeopatía e inyecciones de corticoides para la reducción y neoformación ósea en el área sugestiva de tejido cicatricial. Conclusiones: Los enfoques más conservadores pueden ser, en muchos casos, una opción plausible que termina librando al paciente de cirugías de mutilación(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Giant cell central lesion is characteristic of the gnathic bones, being a non-odontogenic benign tumor. Classified as a predominantly slow grotwh, well-circumscribed and asymptomatic lesion usually diagnosed through routine examination or in some and more advanced cases once it begins to create some aesthetic-anatomical alteration or when the patient starts complaining of some located discomfort in the region. Objective: To present a clinical case of central giant cell lesion and its resolution involving surgical approach and second management, which includes homeopathy as a therapeutic proposal. Case presentation: central giant cell lesion located in the premaxilla region in a 4 years old female patient. After radiographic, tomographic and blood exams evaluation, followed by incisional biopsy and diagnostic, leading to surgical approach to remove the entire lesion by curettage with Carnoy's solution application under general anesthesia. After appearance of radiopaque imaging in the proservation examinations, the non-invasive treatment by corticoid injection and homeopathy got started aiming the reduction of cicatricial tissue's suggestive area and neoformation of the bone. Conclusions : approaches that are more conservative can be, in many cases, a plausible option that ends up ridding the patient of mutilating surgeries(AU)

Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Maxillary Diseases/surgery , Giant Cell Tumors/diagnostic imaging , Homeopathy/adverse effects
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.);84(2): 212-219, Mar.-Apr. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-889376


Abstract Introduction Traditional Caldwell-Luc approach needs modifications for odontogenic cysts intruding into the maxillary sinus, to preserve sinus mucosa and bony contour. Recently, digital technology has been widely applied to the field of maxillofacial surgery, guiding the surgical plan and improving its accuracy. Objective This study attempted to present and evaluate the functional surgery of odontogenic cysts intruding into the maxillary sinus using a computer-assisted pre-surgical design. Methods Consecutive patients with odontogenic cysts intruding into the posterior part of the maxillary sinus were enrolled. Method I "Bony wall reimplantation method" was performed for large lesions exceeding the zygomatic alveolar crest but without apparent bone destruction of the anterior wall of the sinus, while Method II "bone removal method" was more convenient for small lesions near to the zygomatic alveolar crest. The gap was filled with a pedicled buccal fat pad after lesion removal and all cases were without inferior meatal antrostomy. Results A total of 45 cases were included in the study. 22 were operated using method I while 23 were operated with method II. Operations were completed in 20 min. Pain disappeared in 3.62 days on average, and swelling 6.47 days. Nasal bleeding occurred in 8 patients lasting 1-3 days. Suppurative inflammation was observed in 1 patient, and infection occurred after bone reposition. Other repositioned free bony wall was without resorption in CT images. Conclusions Sinus mucosa and bony wall should be conserved. Preoperative digital design can guide osteotomy effectively during the surgery. Bone reposition is not suitable for suppurative inflammation. The pedicled buccal fat pad is enough for drainage and inferior meatal antrostomy is not necessary.

Resumo Introdução A abordagem tradicional de Caldwell-Luc precisa de modificações para os cistos odontogênicos que se introduzem no seio maxilar, para preservar a mucosa sinusal e o contorno ósseo. Recentemente, a tecnologia digital tem sido amplamente aplicada ao campo da cirurgia maxilofacial, orienta o plano cirúrgico e melhora sua precisão. Objetivo Esse estudo teve como objetivo apresentar e avaliar a cirurgia funcional de cistos odontogênicos intrusivos no seio maxilar utilizando um desenho pré-cirúrgico assistido por computador. Método Foram recrutados pacientes consecutivos com cistos odontogênicos intrusivos na parte posterior do seio maxilar. O método I, "método de reimplante de parede óssea", foi feito em lesões grandes que excediam a crista zigomático-alveolar, mas sem destruição óssea aparente da parede anterior do seio, enquanto o método II, "método de remoção óssea", foi mais conveniente para pequenas lesões próximas à crista zigomático-alveolar. O espaço foi preenchido com um retalho pediculado do corpo adiposo bucal após a remoção da lesão e todos os casos foram feitos sem antrostomia meatal inferior. Resultados Um total de 45 casos foram incluídos no estudo. Vinte e dois foram submetidos à cirurgia utilizando-se o método I, enquanto que 23 foram submetidos ao método II. As operações foram concluídas em 20 minutos. A dor desapareceu em média após 3,62 dias, e o edema, depois de 6,47 dias. Hemorragia nasal ocorreu em 8 pacientes com duração de 1 a 3 dias. Processo supurativa foi observado em 1 paciente ocorrendo após a reposição óssea. Outros retalhos reposicionados livres da parede óssea não mostraram reabsorção em imagens de TC. Conclusões A mucosa sinusal e a parede óssea devem ser preservadas; o desenho digital pré-operatório pode orientar a osteotomia de forma eficaz durante a cirurgia; a reposição óssea não é adequada em processos supurativos. O retalho pediculado de corpo adiposo bucal é suficiente para a drenagem e antrostomia meatal inferior não é necessária.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Otorhinolaryngologic Surgical Procedures/methods , Surgical Flaps , Bone Plates , Maxillary Diseases/surgery , Odontogenic Cysts/surgery , Maxillary Sinus/surgery , Maxillary Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Odontogenic Cysts/diagnostic imaging , Computer-Aided Design , Maxillary Sinus/diagnostic imaging
Rev. clín. periodoncia implantol. rehabil. oral (Impr.) ; 10(3): 169-172, dic. 2017. graf, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-900303


RESUMEN: Las infecciones en el territorio maxilofacial, son cuadros frecuentes, de origen polimicrobiano, con manifestaciones clínicas muy variables y que están asociadas a múltiples vías de ingreso de los microorganismos al territorio. Un gran porcentaje de estas infecciones se origina en la cavidad oral, principalmente en lesiones bacterianas que sufren los dientes. La compleja anatomía de la cabeza y el cuello, permiten que muchas de estas infecciones se diseminen por espacios profundos, llegando a comprometer órganos o regiones anatómicas adyacentes, que pueden llevar a cuadros clínicos de alto riesgo vital. Los casos clínicos presentados en este artículo corresponden a pacientes tratados en el hospital San Juan de Dios a causa de procesos infecciosos del territorio maxilofacial, por equipos multidisciplinarios.

ABSTRACT: Infections in the maxillofacial territory are frequent cases of polymicrobial origin, with very variable clinical manifestations and are associated with multiple entering pathways of microorganisms in the territory. A large percentage of these infections originate in the oral cavity, mainly in bacterial lesions that undergo experienced by the teeth. The complex anatomy of the head and neck allows many of these infections to spread through deep spaces, leading to compromising adjacent organs or anatomical regions, which can lead to high-risk clinical conditions. The clinical cases presented in this article correspond to patients treated at the San Juan de Dios hospital because of infectious processes of the maxillofacial territory, by multidisciplinary teams.

Humans , Male , Adult , Aged , Maxillary Diseases/surgery , Maxillary Diseases/microbiology , Maxillary Diseases/drug therapy , Face/microbiology , Drainage , Fasciitis, Necrotizing/complications , Pott Puffy Tumor/complications , Infections/surgery , Infections/drug therapy , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-900305


ABSTRACT: Purpose Zygomatic implants (ZI) constitute a suitable alternative for treating severe maxillary atrophy. However, a large number of complications associated with ZI have been reported in the literature. This paper presents the late complications associated with ZI during 12 years of experience in the same institution. Materials and methods All cases of ZI from 2000 to 2013 were retrospectively evaluated and the major complications relating to this type of rehabilitation were selected to report. Results The major complications found were: loss of implant, loss of osseointegration, bucco-sinusal communication, fenestration of alveolar mucosa, sinus pathology, and emergency palate fixations. Conclusion The clinical experience of the dental surgeon is critical in the success of zygomatic fixation. Furthermore, there should be careful planning of rehabilitation to reduce the rate of complications.

Humans , Zygoma/surgery , Maxillary Diseases/surgery , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported/adverse effects , Dental Implantation, Endosseous/adverse effects , Atrophy , Maxillary Diseases/rehabilitation , Retrospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Dental Restoration Failure
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 11(1): 101-105, abr. 2017. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-841024


Radicular cyst is the most common inflammatory jaw cystic lesion that occurs in necrotic teeth. They account for more than 50 % of all odontogenic cysts. Radicular cysts cause slowly progressive painless swelling and there are no symptoms until they become large. Enucleating the cyst with endodontic therapy of the affected tooth is recommended as the primary treatment. Here we describe a patient with a large recurrent radicular cyst with maxillary sinus involvement who underwent a midfacial degloving approach for complete enucleation. In conclusion, radicular cyst should be considered in the differential diagnosis of large maxillary sinus lesions and never be discarded until histopathology is available.

El quiste radicular es la lesión inflamatoria quística más común que ocurre en los dientes necróticos. Su presentación abarca más del 50 % de los quistes odontogénicos. Los quistes radiculares se presentan como una inflamación indolora de crecimiento lento y progresivo y se hacen sintomáticas una vez que alcanzan un gran tamaño. El tratamiento primario recomendado para este quiste es la enucleación junto al tratamiento endodóntico de los dientes afectados. Presentamos un reporte de caso de un paciente que presentaba un gran quiste radicular recurrente con envolvimiento de todo el seno maxilar y que fue tratado con un acceso intraoral extendido para lograr la completa enucleación de la lesión. En conclusión, el quiste radicular debe ser siempre considerado en el diagnóstico diferencial de lesiones de gran tamaño que involucren el seno maxilar y nunca ser descartado hasta tener el resultado de histopatología.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Maxillary Diseases/surgery , Radicular Cyst/diagnostic imaging , Radicular Cyst/surgery , Diagnosis, Differential , Radiography, Panoramic , Recurrence , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Tooth Root/pathology
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-159505


Central ossifying fi broma is a bony tumor, which is believed to be derived from the cells of the periodontal ligament. Central ossifying fi broma behaves like, a benign bone neoplasm. Th is bone tumor consists of highly cellular, fi brous tissue that contains varying amounts of calcifi ed tissue resembling bone, cementum, or both. Central ossifying fi bromas of the mandible are common; however, they are rare in the maxillary region however they are common in the mandible, have got a female predeliction and is usually seen in the age between 35 and 40 years of age. In this report, we have described a 35-year-old female with minimal clinical symptoms diagnosed as central ossifying fi broma in the anterior maxillary region.

Adult , Female , Fibroma, Ossifying/classification , Fibroma, Ossifying/diagnosis , Fibroma, Ossifying/epidemiology , Fibroma, Ossifying/surgery , Follow-Up Studies , Humans , Maxilla/pathology , Maxillary Diseases/diagnosis , Maxillary Diseases/epidemiology , Maxillary Diseases/surgery
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-154664


Introduction: Bone grafts are frequently used in the treatment of bone defects. Bone harvesting can cause postoperative complications and sometimes does not provide a sufficient quantity of bone. Therefore, synthetic biomaterials have been investigated as an alternative to autogenous bone grafts. Aim and Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare bovine derived hydroxyapatite (BHA) and synthetic hydroxyapatite (SHA) graft material as bone graft substitute in maxillary cystic bony defects. Patients were analyzed by computerized densitometric study and digital radiography. Materials and Methods: In this study, 12 patients in each group were included randomly after clinical and radiological evaluation. The integration of hydroxyapatite was assessed with mean bone density, surgical site margin, and radiological bone formation characteristics, of the successful graft cases using computer densitometry and radio-visiograph. Statistical analysis was carried out using Mann-Whitney U-test, Wilcoxon matched pairs test and paired t-test. Results: By the end of 24 th week, the grafted defects radiologically and statistically showed similar volumes of bone formation. However, the significant changes observed in the formation of bone and merging of material and surgical site margin at 1 st week to 1 st month. The results were significant and correlating with all the parameters showing the necessity of the grafting for early bone formation. However, the bone formation pattern is different in both BHA and SHA group at 3 rd month interval with significant P value. Conclusion: Both BHA and SHA graft materials are biocompatible for filling bone defects, showing less resorption and enhanced bone formation with similar efficacy. Our study showed maximum bone healing within 12 weeks of grafting of defects. The BHA is economical; however, price difference between the two is very nominal.

Animals , Bone Regeneration , Bone Transplantation/methods , Humans , Hydroxyapatites/therapeutic use , Jaw Cysts/surgery , Maxillary Diseases/surgery , Observer Variation
Arch. oral res. (Impr.) ; 8(1): 81-85, jan.-abr. 2012. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-698605


Introduction: To report the treatment and follow-up (24 months) of a periodontal plastic surgery for excisionof a maxillary pyogenic granuloma. Case report: This case report describes a patient who presented alesion diagnosed as a pyogenic granuloma in the region of maxillary incisors and was submitted to surgicalexcision. The study emphasizes the clinical follow-up after the treatment of patients that present pyogenicgranuloma that should be based on surgical excision and histopathological confirmation of clinical diagnosiscombined with the treatment of the specific periodontal disease. Conclusion: Follow-up over two yearsof surgical procedures demonstrated the maintenance of a periodontal health.

Introdução: Relatar o tratamento e o acompanhamento clínico de 24 meses de uma cirurgia plástica periodontalpara excisão de um granuloma piogênico maxilar. Relato de caso: Este relato clínico descreve uma pacienteque apresentava uma lesão diagnosticada como granuloma piogênico na região de incisivos superiores e que foi submetida à excisão cirúrgica. O trabalho enfatiza o acompanhamento clínico após o tratamentode pacientes que apresentem granuloma piogênico, e que deve basear-se na excisão cirúrgica e na confirmaçãohistopatológica do diagnóstico clínico, combinado com o tratamento da doença periodontal específica.Conclusão: O acompanhamento clínico de dois anos dos procedimentos cirúrgicos indicou a manutenção dasaúde periodontal.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Young Adult , Granuloma, Pyogenic/surgery , Periodontal Diseases/surgery , Follow-Up Studies , Granuloma, Pyogenic/pathology , Maxillary Diseases/pathology , Maxillary Diseases/surgery , Periodontal Diseases/pathology , Treatment Outcome