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Autops. Case Rep ; 12: e2021359, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360150


Osteosarcoma of the jaw represents less than 1% of all head and neck malignancies. This malignancy in pregnant women occurs in one per 1000 deliveries. We report a case of a 29-year-old woman, in the 33rd week of gestation, who presented with an expansive tumor destroying the maxillary alveolar bone, histologically composed of pleomorphic, round, spindle, or epithelioid cells and osteoid/chondroid matrix. Upon final diagnosis of osteosarcoma, the lesion was excised. To the best of our knowledge, only 10 cases of jaw osteosarcoma in pregnant women have been reported to date in the English language literature. The use of ancillary examinations, malignancy diagnosis, and cancer treatment can be challenging during pregnancy. Knowledge about jaw osteosarcoma in pregnancy can increase healthcare providers' awareness, avoid delays and misdiagnosis and potentially improve maternal and neonatal outcomes.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Pregnancy Complications, Neoplastic/diagnosis , Maxillary Neoplasms/diagnosis , Osteosarcoma/diagnosis
Int. j. med. surg. sci. (Print) ; 5(1): 16-21, mar. 2018. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1281967


An odontoma is a mixed benign odontogenic tumor, being a hamartomatous neoplastic lesion of odontogenic epithelial and mesenchymal cells that form enamel, dentine and cement, which occurs in the second to third decade of life, and is commonly a radiographic finding. The aim of this paper is to describe the management of a compound odontoma with guided bone regeneration. A 20-year-old asymptomatic male patient with no relevant surgical medical history underwent surgery for the enucleation of a compound odontoma followed by guided bone regeneration of the defect, and histopathological study of the specimen. The evolution was favorable, without any sign of recurrence. It is important to carry out a previous surgical plan, taking into account the size of the defect resulting from its enucleation, assess the need for guided bone regeneration and use complementary diagnostic resources for a satisfactory recovery.

Humans , Male , Young Adult , Bone Regeneration , Maxillary Neoplasms/diagnosis , Odontoma/diagnosis , Radiography, Panoramic
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 16(2): eRC4025, 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-891469


ABSTRACT Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy is a rare and fast-growing neoplasm. In this study, we describe the case of a 6-month-old female patient, who presented swelling in the anterior maxilla. Tomographic reconstruction showed an unilocular hypodense and expansive area associated with the upper right central primary incisor. The presumptive diagnoses were dentigerous cyst, adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy and rhabdomyosarcoma, and an incisional biopsy was performed. Microscopically, the lesion revealed a biphasic cell population, consisting of small, ovoid, neuroblastic-like cells and epithelioid cells containing melanin. Immunohistochemically, the melanocyte-like component was strongly and diffusely positive for HMB-45 and Melan-A, but weakly positive for S100. Based on these findings, definitive diagnosis of melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy was established. Then, enucleation of the lesion was performed by careful curettage. After 2 year follow-up, no clinical or radiographical evidence of recurrence was verified. The present case highlights the importance of early diagnosis and therapeutic intervention at the appropriate time to achieve a favorable outcome for the patient.

RESUMO O tumor neuroectodérmico melanocítico da infância é uma neoplasia rara e de crescimento rápido. Neste estudo, relata-se o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino de 6 meses de idade, que apresentou tumefação na região anterior de maxila. A reconstrução tomográfica revelou área unilocular hipodensa e expansiva associada ao incisivo central superior direito decíduo. Realizou-se biópsia incisional, considerando as hipóteses diagnósticas de cisto dentígero, tumor odontogênico adenomatoide, tumor neuroectodérmico melanocítico da infância e rabdomiossarcoma. Microscopicamente, a lesão revelou população celular bifásica, consistindo de células pequenas, ovoides, de aparência neuroblástica, e de células epitelioides, contendo melanina. A análise imuno-histoquímica demonstrou que o componente celular contendo melanina era positivo de forma intensa e difusa para HMB-45 e Melan-A, mas levemente positivo para S100. Com base nestes achados, foi estabelecido o diagnóstico definitivo de tumor neuroectodérmico melanocítico da infância. Em seguida, foi realizada a enucleação da lesão com curetagem cuidadosa. Após 2 anos de acompanhamento, não foram verificadas evidências clínicas ou radiográficas de recorrência. O presente caso destaca a importância do diagnóstico precoce e da intervenção terapêutica no momento apropriado, a fim de alcançar um desfecho favorável para o paciente.

Humans , Female , Infant , Maxillary Neoplasms/pathology , Neuroectodermal Tumor, Melanotic/pathology , Biopsy , Immunohistochemistry , Maxillary Neoplasms/diagnosis , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Neuroectodermal Tumor, Melanotic/diagnosis , Early Detection of Cancer
Rev. Círc. Argent. Odontol ; 72(221): 13-15, nov.2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-781830


El tumor odontogénico adenomatoide (TOA) es una neoplasia benigna epitelial de origen odontogénico que se manifiesta con mayor predisposición en el sextante anterior del maxilar superior, aunque puede presentarse en otras localizaciones. Su nombre refleja el rasgo histológico característico de estructuras parecidas a conductos entremezclados con todo el componente epitelial, dando a la lesión un aspecto glandular o adenomatoso. Sigue patrones clínicos y radiográficos característicos. Dado que la lesión no es agresiva biológicamente y requiere de tratamiento conservador, es de extrema importancia su identificación y diferenciación de otras lesiones, especialmente del ameloblastoma...

Humans , Child , Maxillary Neoplasms/surgery , Maxillary Neoplasms/diagnosis , Adenomatoid Tumor/surgery , Adenomatoid Tumor/diagnosis , Odontogenic Tumors/classification , Biopsy/methods , Diagnosis, Differential , Follow-Up Studies , Histological Techniques , Orthodontics, Corrective/methods , Oral Surgical Procedures/methods , Radiography, Panoramic , Surgical Flaps
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-140094


Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma (AFO) is a rare, benign epithelial mixed odontogenic tumor. It occurs as an intraosseous lesion, generally asymptomatic and more prevalent in children and adolescent. AFO is found on radiographic evaluation of patients with unerupted or impacted teeth in many cases. Histological examination reveals a fibrous soft tissue, islands of odontogenic epithelium and a disordered mixture of dental tissues. The treatment modality in most cases involves conservative surgery with enucleation. We present a case of 13-year-old boy with a missing right central incisor, mimicking-like odontoma on radiograph but proved to be AFO and treated with enucleation with preservation of impacted tooth. There was no recurrence after one year of follow-up. This report discusses the clinical, radiographical, histological features and surgical assessment to preserve the impacted tooth associated with AFO.

Adolescent , Ameloblasts/pathology , Biopsy , Connective Tissue/pathology , Diagnosis, Differential , Epithelium/pathology , Fibroblasts/pathology , Humans , Incisor/pathology , Male , Maxillary Neoplasms/diagnosis , Odontogenic Cyst, Calcifying/diagnosis , Odontogenic Tumors/diagnosis , Odontoma/diagnosis , Tooth, Impacted/diagnosis
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 5(1): 65-69, abr. 2011. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-594280


El tumor odontogénico adenomatoide es una neoplasia benigna según la nueva clasificación del 2005 sobre tumores odontogénicos. Es una lesión muchas veces de crecimiento lento pero progresivo y no invasivo. Este reporte describe una paciente de 17 años, sexo femenino, con un tumor odontogénico adenomatoide del subtipo folicular en la región maxilar anterior comprometiendo al canino maxilar izquierdo. Además se realiza una revisión para los profesionales de la salud sobre aspectos diagnósticos y manejo según los hallazgos más recientes en esta patología.

Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor is a benign neoplasm in the new classification of odontogenic tumors of 2005. This lesion is often slow growing but progressive and noninvasive. This report describes a 17-year old female patient with an adenomatoid odontogenic tumor follicular subtype in the anterior maxillary region compromising the left maxillary canine. This article also provides a refresher for the health professionals on its diagnosis and management according to recent findings in this pathology.

Humans , Adolescent , Female , Maxillary Neoplasms/surgery , Maxillary Neoplasms/diagnosis , Odontogenic Tumors/surgery , Odontogenic Tumors/diagnosis
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-140015


Odontogenic tumors comprise a complex group of lesions of diverse histopathological types and clinical behavior. The group of mixed odontogenic tumors, which are also rare, is composed of proliferating odontogenic epithelium in a cellular ectomesenchyme resembling dental papilla. Ameloblastic fibrodentinoma is a rare benign odontogenic tumor. The present case report discusses this tumor composed of odontogenic epithelium and odontogenic mesenchyme with dentin or dentin like tissue. The present paper also throws light on various histological similarities and complexities which make the interpretation of these set of odontogenic tumors a diagnostic dilemma.

Dentin/pathology , Diagnosis, Differential , Epithelium/pathology , Humans , Male , Maxillary Neoplasms/diagnosis , Maxillary Neoplasms/pathology , Mesenchymal Stem Cells/pathology , Middle Aged , Odontogenic Tumors/diagnosis , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology
Int. j. morphol ; 29(1): 164-167, Mar. 2011. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-591969


Oral pyogenic granuloma is a hyperplastic inflammatory lesion commonly associated to local irritation or trauma. Females are more affected than men probably due to the vascular effects of hormones that occur during puberty, pregnancy and menopause. In the pregnancy, the lesions are known as "pregnancy tumor" and tend to occur more frequently during the second and third trimester. In the oral cavity, histopathological examination is required for diagnosis, since the lesion is clinically indistinguishable from other reactive lesions and, usually, there is no evidence of bone involvement. The authors report a rare case of pyogenic granuloma with destruction of alveolar bone mimicking a malignant tumor in a 20-year-old woman in the 19th week of pregnancy.

El granuloma piógeno oral es una lesión hiperplásica inflamatoria asociada a la presencia de irritación local o trauma. Las mujeres son más afectadas que los hombres, probablemente debido a los efectos vasculares de las hormonas que se producen durante la pubertad, el embarazo y la menopausia. En el embarazo, las lesiones se conocen como "tumor del embarazo" y tienden a ocurrir con más frecuencia durante el segundo y tercer trimestres. En la cavidad oral, el examen histopatológico es necesario para el diagnóstico, ya que la lesión es clínicamente indistinguible de otras lesiones reactivas y, por lo general, no hay evidencia de afectación ósea. Los autores divulgan un caso raro de granuloma piógeno con la destrucción del hueso alveolar simulando un tumor maligno en una mujer de 20 años de edad, en la semana 19 de embarazo.

Adult , Granuloma, Pyogenic/surgery , Granuloma, Pyogenic/diagnosis , Maxillary Neoplasms/surgery , Maxillary Neoplasms/diagnosis , Maxillary Neoplasms/ultrastructure , Pregnancy Complications , Oral Surgical Procedures/methods
Acta odontol. venez ; 48(4)2010. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-682933


Los odontomas son considerados el tipo más común de tumores odontogénicos, generalmente observados en exámenes radiográficos, siendo esa, la base de diagnóstico de muchos estudios. El objetivo del presente tarbajo fue la realización de un análisis retrospectivo descriptivo en el periodo comprendido entre enero de 1992 a enero de 2007 a partir de estudios anatómico-patológicos. Fueron evaluados 238 casos de tumores odontogénicos, de los cuales 44% eran odontomas. Los resultados demostraron que 68,52% de los casos ocurrieron en el género femenino, siendo la 1ª y 2ª décadas de vida las más prevalentes (46,3%). La mayoría de los casos (81,48%) se mostró asintomático, con una discreta predilección por el maxilar (57,41%). El tipo compuesto fue más frecuente que el complejo, con 53,7% y 46,3% de los casos, respectivamente. El presente estudio fue basado en diagnóstico anatomo-patológico, diferenciándose así de estudios ya publicados, que se basan en análisis radiográficos. A pesar de las diferencias entre los estudios sobre género, edad, extensión, localización y síntomas, varias similitudes fueron observadas. Nuevos estudios retrospectivos en diferentes poblaciones son necesarios para promover una mejor comprensión de los odontomas

Odontomas are considered the most common type of odontogenic tumors, usually observed in radiographic examination, which is the basis of diagnosis in many studies. The authors performed a descriptive retrospective analysis in the period from January 1992 to January 2007 from the Pernambuco University Oral Pathology Laboratory's records. Two hundred and thirty eight cases of odontogenic tumors were registered, in which 44% were odontomas. Results showed that 68.52% of the cases were female, with 1st and 2nd decades of life being most prevalent (46.3%). The majority of the cases (81.48%) were asymptomatic, with a discreet predilection to the maxilla (57.41%). The compound type was more frequent than the complex, with 53.7% and 46.3% of the cases, respectively. The present study was based in histological diagnosis, differently from other already published studies, which were based in radiographic analysis. In spite of the differences between the studies in gender, age, extension, location and symptoms, several similarities were observed. New retrospective studies in different populations are necessary in order to provide a better understanding of odontomas

Humans , Female , Maxillary Neoplasms/diagnosis , Odontoma/diagnosis , Odontoma/pathology , Radiography, Dental/methods , Odontogenic Tumors/diagnosis , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Dentistry , Surgery, Oral
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-139719


Odontoameloblastoma (OA) is a very rare mixed odontogenic neoplasm, characterized by the simultaneous occurrence of an ameloblastoma and a compound or complex odontoma in the same tumor mass. To date, less than 50 cases of OA and/or ameloblastic odontoma have been reported in the English dental literature. This neoplasm was called ameloblastic odontoma. The term OA was included in the 1971 WHO classification. In this study, we present two cases of OA, which we hope will contribute to the awareness and knowledge of surgeons regarding the existence of this odontogenic tumor so that patients having it may be treated and followed-up properly.

Adolescent , Ameloblastoma/diagnosis , Biopsy , Dental Cementum/pathology , Dentin/pathology , Diagnosis, Differential , Enamel Organ/pathology , Epithelium/pathology , Female , Follow-Up Studies , Humans , Male , Mandibular Neoplasms/diagnosis , Maxillary Neoplasms/diagnosis , Mesoderm/pathology , Neoplasms, Multiple Primary/diagnosis , Odontoma/diagnosis , Young Adult
J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent ; 2008 Sep; 26(3): 128-31
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-114620


The concept of 'fibro-osseous lesions' of bone has evolved over the last several decades and now includes two major entities: fibrous dysplasia and ossifying fibroma, as well as the other less common lesions such as florid osseous dysplasia, periapical dysplasia, focal sclerosing osteomyelitis, proliferative periostitis of garrie, and ostitis deformans. The cemento-ossifying fibroma is a central neoplasm of bone as well as periodontium which has caused considerable controversy because of confusion regarding terminology and the criteria for its diagnosis. The cemento-ossifying fibroma is odontogenic in origin, whereas ossifying fibroma is of bony origin. This article reports a rare case of an 11-year-old male who came to us with the history of swelling in the maxillary anterior region causing difficulty in closing of mouth as well as in mastication.

Child , Diagnosis, Differential , Fibroma, Ossifying/diagnosis , Fibrous Dysplasia of Bone/diagnosis , Humans , Male , Maxillary Neoplasms/diagnosis , Odontogenic Tumors/diagnosis
Rev. bras. otorrinolaringol ; Rev. bras. otorrinolaringol;74(3): 472-475, maio-jun. 2008. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-487069


O objetivo deste artigo é relatar um caso de mixoma odontogênico no lado direito da maxila com envolvimento do seio maxilar e fazer uma revisão de literatura envolvendo aspectos clínicos, radiográficos, histológicos e de tratamento desta patologia. O mixoma odontogênico dos maxilares é uma lesão benigna, sem preferência por sexo, raça ou localização, com características clínicas e radiográficas extremamente variadas, o que amplia demasiadamente o número de patologias tumorais do sistema estomatognático com as quais pode ser feito o diagnóstico diferencial.

The aim of this paper is to report a case of odontogenic myxoma that affected the right maxilla and maxillary sinus. We have also reviewed the literature in regards of the clinical, radiographic, histological and treatment aspects of this pathology. Odontogenic myxomas of the maxillofacial region are benign lesions, without preference for gender, race or location, with extremely varied clinical and radiographic characteristics, thus increasing the number oral and maxillofacial region tumors with which we can make the differential diagnosis.

Adult , Female , Humans , Maxillary Sinus , Maxillary Neoplasms/diagnosis , Myxoma/diagnosis , Odontogenic Tumors/diagnosis , Maxillary Sinus/surgery , Neoplasm Invasiveness , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Treatment Outcome
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-51730


In the recent World Health Organization classification of odontogenic tumours, desmoplastic ameloblastoma has been characterized as a variant of ameloblastoma, with specific clinical, radiographical, and histological features. Till date, 145 cases have been reported in Japanese, Chinese, Malaysian, Western, and African populations, with very few cases described in Indians. Here, we report five cases in the Indian population. The male to female ratio was 3:2. The mean age at diagnosis was 33.2 years. Four of the tumours were located in the maxilla, in the anterior premolar region. The lone mandibular tumour was located anteriorly, crossing the midline. Three of the tumours had a mixed radiologic appearance with poorly defined borders. Unilocular change was seen in one of them. Two tumours presented as unilocular radiolucencies with specks of radiopacities and well-circumscribed borders. Histologically, irregular odontogenic islands, with a stretched-out 'kite-tail' appearance, were seen in a dense desmoplastic stroma. The peripheral layer of the epithelial islands was made up of flattened cells and the inner core was made up of spindle-shaped and, in some instances, squamous-shaped cells. In two cases, odontogenic epithelium in the form of follicles, typical of solid/multicystic ameloblastoma, was seen and these were typed as 'hybrid' variants. All the cases were treated by resection.

Adult , Ameloblastoma/diagnosis , Bicuspid/diagnostic imaging , Dental Arch/diagnostic imaging , Epithelial Cells/pathology , Female , Humans , Incisor/diagnostic imaging , Male , Mandibular Neoplasms/diagnosis , Maxillary Neoplasms/diagnosis
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-51377


Desmoplastic ameloblastoma (DA) is a rare variant of ameloblastoma (AM). The location of this lesion, its histology and radiological features differ from those of conventional AM. We report a case of DA in the canine / premolar region of the left maxilla of a 32-year-old woman and present a brief review of the literature. Radiographically, it had a mixed radiolucent / radiopaque appearance with ill-defined margins. Histologically, the tumor was characterized by extensive stromal desmoplasia and small tumor islands of odontogenic epithelium in the stroma, along with a few areas of reactive bone formation. The tumor was treated by partial maxillectomy and the patient was disease free after 1 year.

Adult , Ameloblastoma/diagnosis , Bicuspid/pathology , Cuspid/pathology , Dental Arch/pathology , Female , Follow-Up Studies , Humans , Maxillary Neoplasms/diagnosis
J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent ; 2007 Apr-Jun; 25(2): 106-10
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-114789


Unicystic ameloblastoma is believed to be less aggressive and responds more favorably to conservative surgery than the solid or multicystic ameloblastomas. This report is a rare case of unicystic ameloblastoma of the maxilla that was treated by enucleation under suspicion of a radicular cyst related to a dens in dente. The neoplastic nature of the lesion became evident only when the enucleated material was available for histologic examination. With this report, the authors illustrate the importance and complexity of a differential diagnosis of lesions with a cystic aspect in the anterior region of the maxilla, among them - inflammatory radicular cysts, odontogenic keratocysts, adenomatoid odontogenic and unicystic ameloblastoma. Relevant diagnostic problems and choice of treatment of unicystic ameloblastoma are presented along with a review of the literature.

Ameloblastoma/diagnosis , Child , Dens in Dente/diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential , Female , Humans , Maxillary Diseases/diagnosis , Maxillary Neoplasms/diagnosis , Radicular Cyst/diagnosis
Rev. bras. otorrinolaringol ; Rev. bras. otorrinolaringol;73(1): 135-137, jan.-fev. 2007. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-449719


O tumor odontogênico adenomatóide é uma lesão relativamente incomum, que acomete preferencialmente indivíduos do sexo feminino durante a segunda década de vida, exibindo como sítio de predileção a região anterior da maxila. A lesão geralmente está associada à coroa de um dente incluso, comumente o canino. Neste trabalho é relatado o caso de um tumor odontogênico adenomatóide associado a cisto dentígero ocorrendo na região maxilar esquerda, em paciente do sexo feminino com 13 anos de idade, discutindo-se, ainda, as características clínicas, radiográficas, histopatológicas e terapêuticas do caso.

The adenomatoid odontogenic tumor is a relatively uncommon lesion which mainly affects females in their second decade of life, exhibiting predilection for the anterior region of the maxilla. The lesion is usually associated with the crown of an enclosed tooth, most commonly the maxillary canine. In this paper we present a case of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor associated with a dentigerous cyst affecting the left maxillary region in a 13-year-old female. The authors also discuss clinical, radiographic, histopathologic and therapeutic features of the case.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Dentigerous Cyst/complications , Maxillary Neoplasms/etiology , Odontogenic Tumors/etiology , Biopsy , Dentigerous Cyst/diagnosis , Dentigerous Cyst/surgery , Maxillary Neoplasms/diagnosis , Maxillary Neoplasms/surgery , Odontogenic Tumors/diagnosis , Odontogenic Tumors/surgery , Radiography, Panoramic
Radiol. bras ; Radiol. bras;39(6): 397-400, nov.-dez. 2006. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-442334


OBJETIVO: Avaliar o papel, principalmente da tomografia computadorizada, no estadiamento dos carcinomas dos seios maxilares. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram analisados dez casos de carcinoma diagnosticados e tratados pelos Departamentos de Diagnóstico por Imagem e Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço do Hospital Heliópolis, São Paulo, SP, entre 1988 e 2002. RESULTADOS: Nove pacientes tiveram extensão tumoral para a bochecha, oito para o espaço mastigador, sete para o assoalho da boca e palato duro, cinco para a fossa pterigóide, cinco para a órbita, três para o etmóide e um para a base do crânio. Três pacientes foram classificados como T3 e sete, como T4. Dois tinham metástases linfonodais no momento da apresentação inicial, os quais pertenciam ao estágio T4. Todos os casos foram confirmados com exame histopatológico. CONCLUSÃO: A análise precisa da extensão local e disseminação tumoral fornecida pela tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética desempenha papel importante no planejamento cirúrgico, influenciando, também, na conduta terapêutica e prognóstico.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the role, especially of computed tomography, in the staging of maxillary sinus carcinomas. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten cases of carcinoma treated in Hospital Heliópolis Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Head and Neck Surgery, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, in the period between 1988 and 2002, were evaluated. RESULTS: Nine patients presented with tumor extension to the cheek, eight to the masticator space, seven to the mouth floor and hard palate, five to the pterygoid fossa, five to the orbit, three to the ethmoid bone, and one to the skull base. Three of the patients were staged T3, and seven T4. Two patients had lymph nodes metastases at their initial presentation, and were staged T4. All of the cases were histopathologically confirmed. CONCLUSION: The accurate analysis of the tumor local extent and dissemination by means of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging plays a relevant role in the surgical planning, besides influencing the therapeutic conduct and prognosis.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/diagnosis , Maxillary Neoplasms/diagnosis , Maxillary Sinus Neoplasms/etiology , Maxillary Sinus Neoplasms , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/complications , Jaw Neoplasms , Retrospective Studies , Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-51806


Verrucous carcinoma is a rare warty variant of squamous cell carcinoma, most often seen in the oral cavity and larynx. Its occurrence in the sinonasal tract is rare. This tumor constitutes approximately 1% of all sinonasal neoplasms. The clinical presentation and the histopathological features of verrucous carcinoma are a subject of continuous discussion amongst diagnosticians and pathologists. A case with oral and nasal presentation of this tumor is reported here.

Alveolar Process/pathology , Carcinoma, Verrucous/diagnosis , Humans , Male , Maxillary Neoplasms/diagnosis , Maxillary Sinus Neoplasms/diagnosis , Middle Aged , Nasal Cavity/pathology , Neoplasm Invasiveness , Nose Neoplasms/diagnosis