La celulitis orbitaria es una patología grave que está asociada con sinusitis paranasal. Éstas suelen presentar edema periorbitario, dolor, y movimiento extraocular restringido. La mayoría de los casos presentan pronóstico favorable, asociado a terapia antibiótica o drenaje quirúrgico. Las celulitis de origen odontogénico representan 2 a 5 % de todos los casos; se caracterizan por una diseminación del proceso infeccioso desde los ápices de las raíces, infectando al seno maxilar, llegando a la órbita a través de la fisura orbitaria inferior o a través de un defecto en el piso de la órbita. En el presente estudio se reporta el caso de un paciente masculino de 28 años que consulta por aumento de volumen periorbitario izquierdo con 4 días de evolución, posterior a exodoncia de segundo molar superior izquierdo. Al examen extraoral presenta aumento de volumen izquierdo con eritema periorbitario, proptosis ocular ipsilateral con visión conservada, y salida de líquido purulento por fosa nasal izquierda. En los exámenes de laboratorio e imagenológicos se pesquisa compromiso de seno maxilar, etmoidal y esfenoidal, decidiendo su hospitalización y manejo quirúrgico en tres tiempos operatorios, los cuales permiten acceso a pared anterior del seno maxilar y a espacio pterigoideo. Dentro de los diagnósticos de celulitis orbitaria pueden incluir reacciones alérgicas, conjuntivitis o herpes. Se excluyeron los diagnósticos mencionados debido a que no se observaron alteraciones dermocutáneas periorbitarias. Por el contrario, el compromiso unilateral, movimiento ocular alterado y doloroso indica que el cuadro abarcaba espacios profundos. La infección de senos paranasales posterior a una exodoncia es una complicación poco frecuente. Un diagnóstico temprano adecuado disminuye la morbilidad y mortalidad de esta condición. Debemos estar alertas a complicaciones posteriores en procedimientos realizados, tener conocimiento en diagnóstico y manejo de posibles evoluciones tórpidas en pacientes.
Orbital cellulitis is a serious pathology that is associated with paranasal sinusitis. These medical conditions usually present with periorbital edema, pain, and restricted extraocular movement. Most cases have a favorable prognosis, associated with antibiotic therapy or surgical drainage. Cellulitis of odontogenic origin represents 2 to 5 % of all cases. They are characterized by a spread of the infectious process from the apices of the roots, infecting the maxillary sinus, reaching the orbit through the inferior orbital fissure or through a defect in the floor of the orbit. The present study reports the case of a 28-year-old male patient, who consulted for a volume increase in left periorbital volume with 4 days of evolution, after extraction of the upper left second molar. Extraoral examination showed left volume increase with periorbital erythema, ipsilateral ocular proptosis with preserved vision, and discharge of purulent fluid from the left nostril. The laboratory and imaging tests showed compromise of the maxillary, ethmoid and sphenoid sinus deciding on hospitalization and surgical management in three operative times, which allow access to the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus and the pterygoid space. Diagnoses of orbital cellulitis may include allergic reactions, conjunctivitis, or herpes. These diagnoses were excluded because no periorbital dermocutaneous alterations were observed. In contrast, unilateral involvement, impaired eye movement, and pain indicate that the condition involved deep spaces. Paranasal sinus infection after tooth extraction is a rare complication. An early diagnosis adequately decreases the morbidity and mortality of this condition. We must be alert to subsequent complications in procedures performed, have knowledge in diagnosis and management of possible torpid evolutions in patients.
Humans , Male , Adult , Maxillary Sinusitis/surgery , Maxillary Sinusitis/diagnostic imaging , Maxillary Sinus/surgery , Tooth Extraction/adverse effects , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Orbital Cellulitis/surgery , Focal Infection, Dental/therapyABSTRACT
This study aimed to introduce a minimally invasive technique for maxillary sinus floor elevation using the lateral approach (lSFE) and to determine the factors that influence the stability of the grafted area in the sinus cavity. Thirty patients (30 implants) treated with lSFE using minimally invasive techniques from 2015 to 2019 were included in the study. Five aspects of the implant (central, mesial, distal, buccal, and palatal bone heights [BHs]) were measured using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) before implant surgery, immediately after surgery (T0), 6 months after surgery (T1), and at the last follow-up visit (T2). Patients' characteristics were collected. A small bone window (height, (4.40 ± 0.74) mm; length, (6.26 ± 1.03) mm) was prepared. No implant failed during the follow-up period (3.67 ± 1.75) years. Three of the 30 implants exhibited perforations. Changes in BH of the five aspects of implants showed strong correlations with each other and BH decreased dramatically before second-stage surgery. Residual bone height (RBH) did not significantly influence BH changes, whereas smoking status and type of bone graft materials were the potentially influential factors. During the approximate three-year observation period, lSFE with a minimally invasive technique demonstrated high implant survival rate and limited bone reduction in grafted area. In conclusion, lSFE using minimally invasive techniques was a viable treatment option. Patients who were nonsmokers and whose sinus cavity was filled with deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) had significantly limited bone resorption in grafted area.
Humans , Animals , Cattle , Maxillary Sinus/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Sinus Floor Augmentation , Bone Resorption , Cone-Beam Computed TomographyABSTRACT
Introducción: El posicionamiento de implantes dentales simultáneos a la elevación de seno maxilar en rebordes con reabsorción severa < 4mm es una técnica quirúrgica sensible que disminuye los tiempos operatorios. Sin embargo, es considerada cirujano-dependiente y en caso de no darse el manejo adecuado puede generar complicaciones. Objetivo: Evaluar, luego de 24 meses de carga funcional, la estabilidad de los tejidos periimplantares del implante dental que se posicionó simultáneo a la elevación de seno maxilar en un reborde alveolar con reabsorción ósea severa < 4mm. Presentación de caso: Paciente masculino de 62 años con reabsorción ósea severa en zona de primer molar superior derecho. Luego de analizar los medios diagnósticos y la evidencia científica; se logró posicionar un implante dental simultáneo a la elevación de seno maxilar técnica de ventana lateral; cuatro meses después se realizó la segunda fase quirúrgica y finalmente fue rehabilitado con una corona en zirconio. Tuvo un periodo de seguimiento de 24 meses. Conclusiones: Un buen diagnóstico, manejo quirúrgico adecuado, la colaboración del paciente y los controles periódicos, resultan en una técnica segura, que proporciona estabilidad de los tejidos periimplantares(AU)
Introduction: Dental implant placement simultaneous with maxillary sinus lifting on ridges with severe resorption < 4 mm is a sensitive surgical technique that shortens the duration of interventions. However, it is considered to be operator dependent, and may cause complications if not appropriately managed. Objective: After 24 months of functional load, evaluate the stability of the peri-implant tissue of a dental implant placed simultaneously with maxillary sinus lifting on an alveolar ridge with severe bone resorption. Case presentation: A case is presented of a male 62-year-old patient with severe bone resorption in the area of the first upper right molar. Analysis of the diagnostic means and scientific evidence involved led to placement of a dental implant simultaneous with maxillary sinus lifting (lateral window technique). The second surgical stage was performed four months later. A zirconium crown was finally placed, and a 24-month follow-up period was started. Conclusions: With a good diagnosis, appropriate surgical management, patient cooperation and periodic controls, it is a safe technique that ensures the stability of peri-implant tissue(AU)
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Bone Resorption/diagnosis , Dental Implants/adverse effects , Maxillary Sinus/surgery , AftercareABSTRACT
Las neoplasias malignas de la cavidad oral en gran medida (90%) consisten en carcinoma de células escamosas que surgen de la mucosa de revestimiento. El 10% restantes de neoplasias malignas orales de un grupo heterogéneo de tumores de diferente etiología. Presentamos dos casos de patología oncohematológica: Mieloma Múltiple (AU)
Malignant neoplasms of the oral cavity largely (90%) consist of squamous cell carcinoma arising from the lining mucosa. e remaining 10% of oral malignancies from a heterogeneous group of tumors of different etiology. We present two cases of oncohematological pathology: Multiple Myeloma (AU)
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Plasmacytoma/diagnosis , Plasmacytoma/pathology , Plasmacytoma/diagnostic imaging , Mouth Neoplasms/diagnosis , Radiotherapy , Biopsy/methods , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Oral Surgical Procedures/methods , Diphosphonates/therapeutic use , Maxillary Sinus/surgery , Multiple MyelomaABSTRACT
Introdução: O seio maxilar é um dos seios paranasais, constituído por cavidade óssea preenchida de ar, localizado bilateralmente na maxila, próximo a região dos dentes posteriores. Dada sua localização, morfologia e fisiologia, o assoalho desse seio possui íntima relação com as raízes dos dentes posteriores. Essa estrutura possui uma membrana de revestimento e que pode ser acometida em processos de exodontia de dentes posteriores no qual existe uma relação de proximidade muito evidenciada. O alvéolo pode tornar-se uma via de comunicação entre cavidade oral e seio maxilar. Relato de Caso: O objetivo desse trabalho é descrever o relato de caso de um paciente que foi encaminhado à clínica de cirurgia Bucomaxilofacial para remoção de um fresa alojada no interior do seio maxilar direito que se deslocou durante ato de odontossecção do dente 26. A remoção do fragmento foi realizada pelo alvéolo onde, inicialmente, foi realizada a cirurgia de exodontia. O paciente em questão apresentou evolução satisfatória com ausências de sinais e sintomas de complicações relacionadas ao corpo estranho. Considerações Finais: conhecer a história é fundamental na conduta de tais casos, assim como investigar as possíveis queixas relacionadas ao quadro, por exemplo, os sinais e sintomas de uma sinusite maxilar... (AU)
Introduction: The maxillary sinus is one of the paranasal sinuses, constituted by a bone cavity filled with air, located bilaterally in the maxilla, close to the region of the posterior teeth. Given its location, morphology and physiology, the floor of this sinus is closely related to the roots of the posterior teeth. This structure has a lining membrane and can be affected in processes of extraction of posterior teeth in which there is a very evident relationship of proximity. The alveolus can become a communication route between the oral cavity and the maxillary sinus. Case Report: The purpose of this paper is to describe the case report of a patient who was referred to oral and maxillofacial surgery clinic for removal of a dental burr located inside the right maxillary sinus that was displaced during the tooth 26 extraction. Removal of the fragment was performed through the socket where, initially, extraction surgery was performed. The patient in question presented a satisfactory evolution with no signs and symptoms of complications related. Final considerations: knowing the history is important in management of these cases, as well as investigating possible complaints related to the condition, for example the signs and symptoms of a maxillary sinusitis... (AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Surgery, Oral , Bone and Bones , Maxillary Sinus/surgery , Mouth , Maxilla , Maxillary Sinus/pathologyABSTRACT
Uno de los mayores desafíos en cirugía máxilo facial, es la reconstrucción de los defectos óseos maxilares para una posterior rehabilitación funcional del sistema estomatognático. La pérdida del tejido óseo que sufren los huesos maxilares puede ser de origen congénito como las fisuras labio palatinas o adquiridas, ya sea como consecuencia de una neoplasia o lesión intra ósea que provoque algún defecto post quirúrgico, o bien un trauma o el desdentamiento de la zona (Kolerman et al., 2012). El déficit de tejido óseo que sufren los maxilares, a menudo impide o dificulta la rehabilitación dentaria, necesitando acudir a técnicas quirúrgicas que permitan corregir dichos defectos, siendo los injertos óseos la alternativa más utilizada hoy en día (Ramírez-Fernández et al., 2013). Según origen los injertos óseos se clasifican en: aloinjertos, autoinjertos, xenoinjertos y sustitutos óseos (Chappard et al., 2010). Se describen múltiples técnicas de reconstrucción mediante injertos óseos que dependen de la magnitud del defecto, de la disponibilidad de biomaterial es y de las condiciones tanto locales como sistémicas del paciente. A continuación se presenta una serie de 3 casos clínicos que requiriero n de reconstrucción ósea alveolar previo a instalación de implantes para la rehabilitación dentaria. En los tres pacientes se utiliz ó injerto óseo autólogo de tibia, siendo tratados por el equipo de cirugía máxilofacial del Hospital el Carmen Maipú, Santiago Chile. El primer caso correspondía a una paciente mujer de 65 años con una atrofia maxilar severa por pérdida de los dientes 1.4/2.4/2.5, con neumoti zación severa del seno maxilar bilateral. El segundo caso, una mujer de 30 años, portadora de una fisura alveolar unilateral, la cual no recibió injerto óseo alveolar en etapas tempranas. El tercer caso, una paciente mujer de 55 años que presentaba un odontoma compuesto m andibular en relación a las piezas dentarias 4.2 y 4.3. Para los tres casos, se utilizó injerto óseo autólogo tomado de la tibia según la técnica descrita por Catone et al. (1992) con el fin de realizar una posterior rehabilitación con implantes dentales. El objetivo de este reporte fue presentar la técnica quirúrgica utilizada y realizar una revisión breve de sus ventajas, desventajas y complicaciones asociadas.
One of the greatest challenges in maxillofacial surgery is the reconstruction of maxillary bone defects for a subsequent functional rehabilitation of the stomatognathic system. The loss of bone tissue suffered by the maxillary bones may be of congenital origin such as palatal lip fissures or acquired, either as a result of a neoplasm or intra-cè˛e injury that causes a post-surgical defect, or trauma or toothlessness of the area (Kolerman et al.). The deficit of bone tissue suffered by the jaws, often prevents or hinders dental rehabilitation, needing to resort to surgical techniques that correct these defects, with bone grafts being the most widely used alternative today (Ramírez-Fernández et al.). According to origin, bone grafts are classified as: allografts, autografts, xenografts and bone substitutes (Chappard et al.). Multiple reconstruction techniques are described using bone grafts that depend on the magnitude of the defect, the availability of biomaterials and the patient's local and systemic conditions. Below is a series of 3 clinical cases that required alveolar bone reconstruction prior to implant installation for dental rehabilitation. Autologous tibia bone graft was used in the three patients, being treated by the maxillofacial surgery team at Hospital el Carmen Maipú, Santiago Chile. The first case corresponds to a 65-year-old female patient with severe maxillary atrophy due to loss of 1.4 / 2.4 / 2.5 teeth, with severe pneumatization of the bilateral maxillary sinus. The second case was a 30-year-old woman with a unilateral alveolar fissure, who did not receive an alveolar bone graft in the early stages. The third case was a 55-year-old female patient who presented a mandibular compound odontoma in relation to teeth 4.2 and 4.3. For all three cases, an autologous bone graft taken from the tibial bone was used according to the technique described by Catone et al. (1992) in order to carry out subsequent rehabilitation with dental implants. The objective of this report is to present the surgical technique used and make a brief review of its advantages, disadvantages and associated complications.
Humans , Female , Adult , Aged , Tibia/transplantation , Bone Transplantation/methods , Tissue and Organ Harvesting/methods , Radiography, Panoramic , Orthognathic Surgical Procedures , Mandibular Reconstruction , Maxillary Sinus/surgeryABSTRACT
Introducão: O granuloma central de células gigantes é uma lesão intraóssea incomum com predileção pela região mandibular e sexo feminino. Classifica-se como agressivo ou não agressivo de acordo com seu comportamento clínico. O tratamento de eleição para este tipo de lesão varia desde modalidades não cirúrgicas até a ressecção óssea. Relato de caso: Paciente do sexo masculino, 21 anos, com lesão osteolítica agressiva em região de parede anterior de seio maxilar direito, tratada com excisão cirúrgica e reconstrução imediata com malha de titânio sem interferências estéticas ou funcionais no pósoperatório. Considerações finais: O granuloma central de células gigantes tem apresentação clínica diversa e o tratamento deve levar em consideração as características da lesão em cada paciente, em lesões agressivas, o manejo cirúrgico é sempre o indicado... (AU)
Introduction: Central giant cell granuloma is an uncommon intraosseous lesion with a predilection for the mandibular anterior region and females. It is classified as aggressive or non-aggressive according to its clinical behavior. The treatment of choice for this type of pathology ranges from non-surgical modalities to bone resection. Case report: Male patient, 21 years old with an aggressive osteolytic lesion in the anterior wall of the right maxillary sinus, treated with surgical excision and immediate reconstruction with titanium mesh without aesthetic or functional disturbances in the postoperative period. Final considerations: The Central giant cell granuloma may have differents clinical presentations and treatment must take into account the characteristics of the lesion in each patient, in aggressive lesions, surgical management is always indicated... (AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Periapical Granuloma , Giant Cells , Maxillary Sinus/surgeryABSTRACT
The tilted implantation technique is characterized by placing the implant at an angle of more than 15° and less than 45° from the horizontal plane. This technique can avoid damaging the maxillary sinus, inferior alveolar nerve, nasal base, and other anatomical structures when the height of the upper and lower jaw available bone is insufficient, to maximize the use of available bone and avoid a large range of bone increment. The tilted implantation technique can reduce the trauma of the surgery, increase the possibility of immediate restoration and shorten the treatment cycle, which has been widely used clinically. In this review, the scope of application, design elements, design scheme and complications of the tilted implantation technique for edentulous patients will be described.
Humans , Alveolar Bone Loss , Dental Implantation, Endosseous , Dental Implants , Dental Prosthesis Design , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported , Follow-Up Studies , Jaw, Edentulous/surgery , Mandible , Maxilla/surgery , Maxillary Sinus/surgery , Mouth, Edentulous/surgeryABSTRACT
Objective: To analyze the clinical features of patients with odontogenic sinusitis (OS) treated by endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS). Methods: A retrospective investigation was carried out in our 27 (16 males and 11 females) cases with OS aged (49.74±14.42) years old. Subjects were hospitalized between January 2018 and November 2020 from Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Beijing Chaoyang Hospital. The medical history, symptoms, result of nasal endoscopy and paranasal sinus computed tomography (CT) were analyzed statistically by SPSS 19.0. Results: OS mainly occured on unilateral sinuses, with a duration of (8.56±11.79) months. Seventy point four percent (19/27) of the patients had a course within six-month, only 11% was over 12 months (3/27). Symptoms mostly showed as nasal obstruction (88.9%; 24/27), runny nose (81.5%; 22/27), nasal stinks (16/19) and postnasal drip (10/10). Sixty-three percent (17/27) of the OS patients had a dental history. Nasal endoscopic examination revealed a swelling of the ostiomeatal complex (77.8%; 21/27), medial wall interhal displacement of maxillary sinus (55.6%; 15/27), white emulsion-like purulent secretion in the middle meatus (70.4%; 19/27) and nasal polyps (59.3%; 16/27). Etiology of OS included implant-related problems (14.8%; 4/27) and periodontal disease (85.2%; 23/27). Conclusions: OS is usually unilateral sinusitis with a short history. Its clinical features show nasal stinks, white emulsion-like purulent secretion in the middle meatus and imaging findings of unilateral maxillary sinusitis with tooth-related lesions.
Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Chronic Disease , Endoscopy , Maxillary Sinus/surgery , Maxillary Sinusitis/surgery , Retrospective Studies , SinusitisABSTRACT
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o potencial do Bio-oss® otimizado pelo processamento ultrassônico e associação com o raloxifeno no reparo ósseo em aumento de seio maxilar de coelhos. A associação dos materiais pesquisados foi realizada pelo processamento ultrassônico com 80% de Bio-oss e 20% de Raloxifeno. Para tanto, 8 coelhos (Oryctolagus cunilicus), machos, 6 meses de idade foram submetidos ao levantamento de membrana do seio maxilar bilateralmente, em seguida os seios maxilares foram preenchidos pelos biomateriais, de acordo com o grupo experimetal, sendo 4 animais (8 seios) por grupo: grupo 1 (BS) foi realizada a aplicação do Bio-oss submetido ao processamento ultrassônico sem raloxifeno, nos dois seios. O grupo 2 (BR) foi realizada a aplicação do Bio-oss com processamento ultrassônico juntamente ao raloxifeno, nos dois seios. Foi realizada eutanásia de 2 animais de cada grupo após 2 semanas da enxertia, para análise histométrica de osso neoformado, tecido conjuntivo e material remanescente, e para as reações de imunoistoquímica através do anticorpo primário contra Runx2. Já com 6 semanas, os outros 2 animais de cada grupo foram submetidos a eutanásia para avaliação de parâmetros histométricos (HE) e imunohistoquímicos para OCN, OPG, RANKK-L e TRAP. Os resultados obtidos mostraram superioridade para o grupo BS, que apresentou mais organização tecidual no período de 14 dias, além de maior quantidade de tecido ósseo neoformado aos 14 e 42 dias (p< 0,05). A avaliação imunoistoquímica revelou similaridade entre os escores para ambos os grupos, independente do tempo e proteína analisada. Conclui-se que a adição do raloxifeno, pelo processamento ultrassônico, aumentou reduzindo a quantidade de osso neoformado(AU)
The aim of this study was to analyze the potential of Bio-oss® optimized by the ultrasonic process and association with raloxifene in bone repair in rabbit maxillary sinus augmentation. The association of the researched materials was carried out by the ultrasonic process with 80% Bio-oss and 20% Raloxifene. Eight male rabbits (Oryctolagus cunilicus), six-months of age were subjected to a bilateral maxillary sinus lifting and, they were filled with biomaterials according to two groups, with four animals (eight maxillary sinus) per group: group 1 (BS) Biooss was subjected to ultrasonic process without raloxifene in both sinuses. Group 2 (BR) performed the application of the Bio-osssubjected to ultrasonic process together with raloxifene in both sinuses. The euthanasia of two animals for each group was performed two weeks after grafting, for histometric analysis of newly formed bone, connective tissue, and remaining material, and for immunohistochemical reactions using the primary antibody against Runx2. At 6 weeks, the other two animals for each group were euthanized to evaluate histomorphometric (HE), and immunohistochemical parameters for OCN, OPG, RANK -L, and TRAP. The results obtained showed superiority for the BS group, which presented more tissue organization in the period of 14 days, in addition to a greater amount of new bone tissue at 14-, and 42- days (P< 0.05). The immunohistochemical evaluation revealed a similarity between the scores for both groups, regardless of the time and protein analyzed. It is concluded that the addition of raloxifene, through the ultrasonic process, increases the inflammatory process in the initial period, reducing bone repair(AU)
Animals , Rabbits , Bone Regeneration , Sinus Floor Augmentation , Bone Transplantation , Maxillary Sinus/surgeryABSTRACT
Abstract Objective The aim of this study is to evaluate the new bone and connective tissue formation and the biomaterial remaining after maxillary sinus bone augmentation using 5 different bone substitutes. The osteocalcin immunolabeling was performed to demonstrate their calcification and the possibility of receiving dental implants. Methodology 40 patients underwent maxillary sinus bone augmentation and were divided in 5 groups: Group 1 with 8 maxillary sinuses were grafted with autogenous bone graft (AB); Group 2 with 8 maxillary sinuses grafted with bioactive glass (BG); Group 3 with 8 maxillary sinuses grafted with bioactive glass added to autogenous bone graft (BG + AB) 1:1; Group 4 with 8 maxillary sinuses grafted with Bio-Oss (BO) and Group 5 with 8 maxillary sinuses grafted with Bio-Oss added to autogenous bone graft (BO + AB) 1:1. Results In group AB, 37.8% of bone was formed in the pristine bone region, 38.1% in the intermediate and 44.5% in the apical region. In group BG, 43.6% was formed in the pristine bone, 37% in the intermediate and 49.3% in the apical region. In group BG + AB 1:1, 39.0% was formed in the pristine bone region, 34.8% in the intermediate and 36.8% in apical region. In group BO, 33.4% was formed in the pristine bone, 32.5% in the intermediate and 34.3% in the apical region. In group BO + AB 1:1, 32.8% was formed in the pristine bone, 36.1% in intermediate and 27.8% in the apical regions. The immunolabeling for osteocalcin showed an intensive staining for all groups, which could demonstrate the calcification of the bone formed. Conclusion This study showed that the groups evaluated formed a suitable lamellar bone in the maxillary sinus reconstruction after six months of bone healing, thus being indicated to receive dental implants.
Humans , Osteogenesis , Dental Implants , Bone Transplantation , Bone Substitutes , Sinus Floor Augmentation , Dental Implantation, Endosseous , Maxillary Sinus/surgery , Maxillary Sinus/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
ABSTRACT: Our objective was report an extremely rare case of isolated meningitis and suppurative dacrioadenitis as consequences of odontogenic sinusitis. We describe the diagnostic tools including imaging and culture, as well as surgical treatment and follow-up. Our final diagnosis was odontogenic sinusitis caused by Streptococcus Anginosus complicated by isolated meningitis and lacrimal gland abscess. Urgent surgical treatment to restore the paranasal sinuses and drainage of the lacrimal gland was performed. Culture from purulent material collected from maxillary sinus indicated the targeted therapy. Clinical assessment and imaging obtained 20 days after surgery demonstrated successful results. This case emphasizes the importance of evaluating intracranial complications of rinosinusitis, the need to search for a dental infection when a maxillary sinusitis is encountered, the key role of a thorough diagnostic workup in order to plan a comprehensive and effective surgical treatment, as well as targeted medical therapy.
RESUMEN: En este estudio se informa un caso extremadamente raro de meningitis aislada y dacrioadenitis supurativa, como consecuencia de sinusitis odontogénica. Describimos las herramientas de diagnóstico que incluyen imágenes y cultivo, como también el tratamiento quirúrgico y el seguimiento. El diagnóstico final fue de sinusitis odontogénica causada por estreptococo anginoso complicado por una meningitis aislada y el absceso de la glándula lagrimal. Se realizó un tratamiento quirúrgico de urgencia para restaurar los senos paranasales y drenar la glándula lagrimal. Se determinó el tratamiento de acuerdo a los resultados de cultivo del seno maxilar. La evaluación clínica y las imágenes obtenidas 20 días después de la cirugía demostraron resultados exitosos. Es importante la evaluación de las complicaciones intracraneales de la rinosinusitis además de la necesidad de considerar una infección dental frente a una sinusitis maxilar. Por otra parte, es clave una evaluación exhaustiva de diagnóstico para planificar un tratamiento quirúrgico completo y efectivo, así como el tratamiento médico.
Humans , Male , Adolescent , Streptococcal Infections , Maxillary Sinusitis/diagnostic imaging , Streptococcus anginosus , Abscess/microbiology , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Maxillary Sinusitis/surgery , Dacryocystitis/microbiology , Focal Infection, Dental/complications , Focal Infection, Dental/therapy , Maxillary Sinus/surgery , Maxillary Sinus/diagnostic imaging , MeningitisSubject(s)
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Ethmoid Sinus/surgery , Face/diagnostic imaging , Hypesthesia/diagnosis , Maxillary Sinus/surgery , Mucocele/surgery , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Peripheral Nervous System/diagnostic imaging , Endoscopy , Ethmoid Sinus/pathology , Hypesthesia/pathology , Maxillary Sinus/diagnostic imaging , Mucocele/pathologyABSTRACT
Abstract Background and objectives: Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is a genetic cardiomyopathy characterized by potentially lethal ventricular tachycardia. Here we describe a patient with ARVC and an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) in whom maxillary sinus surgery was performed under general anesthesia. Case report: The patient was a 59 year-old man who was scheduled to undergo maxillary sinus surgery under general anesthesia. He had been diagnosed as having ARVC 15 years earlier and had undergone implantation of an ICD in the same year. Electrocardiography showed an epsilon wave in leads II, aVR, and V1-V3. Cardiac function was within normal range on transthoracic echocardiography. The ICD was temporarily deactivated after the patient arrived in the operating room and an intravenous line was secured. An external defibrillator was kept on hand for immediate defibrillation if any electrocardiographic abnormality was detected. Remifentanil 0.3 µg/kg/min, fentanyl 0.1 mg, propofol 154 mg, and rocuronium 46 mg were administered for induction of anesthesia. Tracheal intubation was performed orally. Anesthesia was maintained oxygen 1.0 L.min−1, air 2.0 L.min−1, propofol 5.0-7.0 mg.kg−1.h−1, and remifentanil 0.1-0.25 µg.kg−1.min−1. The surgery was completed as scheduled and the ICD was reactivated. The patient was then extubated after administration of sugammadex 200 mg. Conclusion: We report the successful management of anesthesia without lethal arrhythmia in a patient with ARVC and an ICD. An adequate amount of analgesia should be administered during general anesthesia to maintain adequate anesthetic depth and to avoid stress and pain.
Resumo Introdução e objetivo: A Cardiomiopatia Arritmogênica do Ventrículo Direito (CAVD) é uma cardiomiopatia genética caracterizada por taquicardia ventricular potencialmente letal. Descrevemos um paciente com CAVD com Cardioversor Desfibrilador Implantável (CDI) submetido a anestesia geral para cirurgia de seio maxilar. Relato do caso: Paciente masculino, 59 anos, a ser submetido a anestesia geral para cirurgia de seio maxilar. O paciente foi diagnosticado com CAVD há 15 anos, momento em que foi submetido a implante de CDI. A eletrocardiografia mostrou onda épsilon nas derivações II, aVR e V1-V3. O ecocardiograma transtorácico revelou função cardíaca normal. Após a entrada do paciente na sala de cirurgia, o CDI foi temporariamente desativado e uma via intravenosa foi instalada. Um desfibrilador externo foi mantido próximo ao paciente caso fosse detectada alguma anormalidade eletrocardiográfica que indicasse desfibrilação do paciente. Foram administrados 0,3 mg/kg/min de remifentanil, 0,1 mg de fentanil, 154 mg de propofol e 46 mg de rocurônio para indução da anestesia. A intubação traqueal foi realizada por via oral. A anestesia foi mantida com 1 L/min de oxigênio, 2 L/min de ar, 5-7 mg/kg/h de propofol e 0,1-0,25 µg/kg/min de remifentanil. O procedimento cirúrgico proposto foi concluído e o CDI foi reativado. O tubo traqueal foi retirado após administração de 200 mg de sugamadex. Conclusão: Descrevemos técnica de anestesia bem sucedida sem arritmia letal em paciente com CAVD e CDI. Analgesia adequada deve ser administrada durante a anestesia geral para manter profundidade anestésica correta e evitar estresse e dor.
Humans , Male , Defibrillators, Implantable , Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia/complications , Anesthesia , Maxillary Sinus/surgery , Middle AgedABSTRACT
RESUMEN La elevación de piso de seno maxilar ha sido sumamente documentada en implantología como una técnica segura y predecible en el procedimiento de ganancia vertical ósea, en el maxilar posterior atrófico. Sin embargo, conjuntamente se han reportado complicaciones en este procedimiento, las cuales podrían poner en peligro los resultados de la regeneración, y por consiguiente la colocación del implante. El propósito de esta revisión de literatura es exponer y analizar diferentes complicaciones que pueden presentarse en la elevación de piso de seno maxilar.
ABSTRACT Maxillary sinus floor elevation has been extensively documented as a safe and predictable procedure for gaining vertical bone height in the atrophic posterior maxilla. Even though, complications have been reported, which can potentially jeopardize the outcome of the regeneration and implant therapy. Therefore, the purpose of this literature review is to present, debate and analyze the different complications that can occur during a sinus floor elevation.
Dental Implants/adverse effects , Sinus Floor Augmentation/adverse effects , Maxillary Sinus/surgery , Maxillary Nerve/injuries , Nasal Mucosa/injuriesABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the effect of three anatomical parameters (maxillary sinus width, maxillary sinus angle, and residual bone height) on the outcomes of transcrestal sinus lift with simultaneous implant placement.@*METHODS@#A total of 60 maxillary sinuses in 42 patients were included in this study. All patients were treated with transcrestal sinus lift procedure associated with simultaneous implant placement using a composite graft material of autogenous bone and Bio-Oss. For each patient, beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans were performed preoperatively, immediately after surgery, and 6 months after surgery. The parameters were measured on the preoperative and postoperative CBCT images. The correlation of three anatomical parameters with graft resorption was analyzed using Pearson's correlation test.@*RESULTS@#The average residual bone height was (4.46±1.55) mm. The average width of maxillary sinus was (13.86±2.71) mm. The average sinus angle was 78.09°±10.27°. A significant positive correlation was observed between maxillary sinus width and graft resorption (P<0.01). A positive association was also found between sinus angle and graft resorption (P<0.01).@*CONCLUSIONS@#The findings show that graft bone resorption in elevated sinus has a positive correlation with the sinus width and sinus angle.
Humans , Bone Resorption , Dental Implantation, Endosseous , Dental Implants , Maxillary Sinus/surgery , Sinus Floor Augmentation , Tomography, X-Ray ComputedABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To explore the changes in bone height of the maxillary sinus floor at different sinus ridge heights after transcrestal sinus floor elevation (tSFE) with the simultaneous implantation of short implants.@*METHODS@#A total of 74 Bicon short implants were implanted into 37 patients during the same period of maxillary sinus elevation. The residual bone height (RBH)<4 mm group has 43 sites, and the RBH≥4 mm group has 31 sites. After 5 years of follow-up observation, the implant survival rate and the change in bone height achieved in the maxillary sinus over time were measured and analyzed via clinical examination and X-ray imaging.@*RESULTS@#In the 74 implantation sites, the elevation height of the sinus floor was (6.64±1.32) mm and the bone height of the sinus floor was (3.35±1.29) mm 5 years after loading. No statistical difference was observed in the bone resorption of the implant neck between the RBH<4 mm and RBH≥4 mm groups. Meanwhile, a statistical difference was noted in the bone height obtained in the maxillary sinus between the two groups.@*CONCLUSIONS@#When RBH in the maxillary posterior tooth area was <4 mm, the simultaneous implantation of Bicon short implants with tSFE can achieve a high implant survival rate and bone gain in the maxillary sinus, but does not increase the absorption of the alveolar ridge bone.
Humans , Dental Implantation, Endosseous , Dental Implants , Maxilla , Maxillary Sinus/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Sinus Floor Augmentation , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Objetivos: Avaliar e comparar o comportamento do Fosfato de Cálcio Bifásico (FCB) na forma granulada e em pasta enxertados em seios maxilares de humanos, através da análise histomorfometrica e imunoistoquímica. Metodologia: Este estudo é do tipo Split mouth com radomização controlada, em que 10 pacientes participaram do estudo, 10 seios maxilares foram enxertados com FCB na forma de pasta e 10 com FCB na forma de grânulos. Aos 6 meses após a enxertia, foi colhida a biópsia para as análises histomorfometrica e imunoistoquímica. O teste de normalidade mostrou resultados paramétricos para todas as análises, portanto foi aplicado o teste t. Resultados: A média de quantidade de tecido ósseo foi de 1923705,9 ± 364393 µm2 para o grupo Grânulos e 1532468,7 ± 334892 µm2 para o grupo Pasta (p=0,0223), a média da quantidade de biomaterial foi de 1468571 ± 230879 µm2 para o grupo Grânulos e 1658428 ± 122324 µm2 (38,60%) para o grupo Pasta (p=0,0338) e a média da quantidade de tecido mole foi de 897786 ± 270137,9 µm2 para o grupo Grânulos e 1099166,5 ± 221947,3 µm2 para o grupo Pasta (p=0,0852), as marcações para a osteocalcina foi intenso para ambos os grupos. Conclusão: O FCB em forma de pasta, assim como o FCB em grânulos, pode ser utilizado adequadamente como substituto ósseo para enxerto em seio maxilar de humanos(AU)
Objectives: To evaluate and compare the behavior of Biphasic Calcium Phosphate (BCP) in granulated and paste form grafted on maxillary sinuses of humans, through histometric and immunohistochemical analysis. Metodology: This study is of the Split mouth type with controlled radomization, in which 10 patients participated in the study, 10 maxillary sinuses were grafted with BCP in the form of paste and 10 with BCP in the form of granules. At 6 months after grafting, a biopsy was taken for histometric and immunohistochemical analysis. The normality test showed parametric results for all analyzes, so the t test was applied. Results: The mean amount of bone tissue was 1923705.9 ± 364393 µm2 for the Granules group and 1532468.7 ± 334892 µm2 for the Pasta group (P = 0.0223), the average biomaterial amount was 1468571 ± 230879 µm2 for the Granules group and 1658428 ± 122324 µm2 (38.60%) for the Pasta group (P = 0.0338) and the average amount of soft tissue was 897786 ± 270137.9 µm2 for the Granules group and 1099166.5 ± 221947.3 µm2 for the Pasta group (P = 0.0852), the markings for osteocalcin were intense for both groups. Conclusion: BCP in paste form, like BCP in granules, can be used properly as a bone substitute for grafting in the maxillary sinus of humans(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Calcium Phosphates , Bone Substitutes , Sinus Floor Augmentation , Biocompatible Materials , Bone and Bones , Bone Transplantation , Maxillary Sinus/surgeryABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To carry out a systematic literature review on the surgical treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis in the pediatric population. Data sources: A bibliographic review methodology was used, based on data from National Library of Medicine (Medline), PubMed, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), of the indexed works from 2006 to 2016, including the pediatric population from zero to 13 years of age. The search keywords according to Medical Subject Heading (MESH) and Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) were: child, surgery, sinusitis and chronic disease. A total of 318 articles were collected, five of which met the inclusion criteria and were used as a basis for this review. All articles were prospective cohort studies, level of evidence 2B, according to the criterion used by evidence-based medicine. Data synthesis: The literature agreed that the next step for the cases refractory to drug treatment in chronic rhinosinusitis in childhood would be surgery. Adenoidectomy would be the initial method, for the safety of the procedure and improvement in about 50% of the cases, although more significant results were found in patients who associated this procedure with facial sinus surgery. Conclusions: Surgical treatment should be indicated for chronic rhinosinusitis in childhood after treatment failure. The results pointed out that adenoidectomy, when associated with some type of approach to the facial sinus, present better results.
RESUMO Objetivo: Realizar uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre o tratamento cirúrgico da rinossinusite crônica na população pediátrica. Fonte de dados: Utilizou-se metodologia de revisão bibliográfica, por meio de levantamentos nas bases de dados científicas National Library of Medicine (Medline), PubMed, Literatura Latino-americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) e Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), dos trabalhos indexados no período entre 2006 e 2016, incluindo a população pediátrica de zero a 13 anos. Os descritores de busca, segundo o Medical Subject Heading (MESH) e os Descritores em Ciências da Saúde (DeCS), foram: Child, Surgery, Sinusitis e Chronic Disease. Foram levantados 318 artigos, dos quais cinco preencheram os critérios de inclusão e foram usados como base para esta revisão. Todos os artigos foram estudos de coorte prospectivos, nível de evidência 2B, segundo critério usado pela medicina baseada em evidências. Síntese dos dados: Foi consenso na literatura que, para os casos refratários ao tratamento medicamentoso na rinossinusite crônica na infância, o próximo passo seria a cirurgia. A adenoidectomia seria o método inicial, pela segurança do procedimento e pela melhora em cerca de 50% dos casos, embora resultados mais significativos terem sido encontrados em pacientes que associaram esse procedimento à cirurgia dos seios da face. Conclusões: O tratamento cirúrgico pode ser indicado na rinossinusite crônica na infância após falha terapêutica. Os resultados apontaram que a adenoidectomia, quando associada a algum tipo de abordagem aos seios, apresenta melhores resultados.
Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Adolescent , Sinusitis/surgery , Adenoidectomy/standards , Rhinitis/surgery , Maxillary Sinus/surgery , Safety , Adenoidectomy/methods , Case-Control Studies , Chronic Disease , Prospective Studies , Combined Modality Therapy , Therapeutic Irrigation/methodsABSTRACT
El objetivo de nuestro estudio de tipo longitudinal prospectivo simple de medidas repetidas fue determinar la variación del flujo aéreo nasal medido con un flujómetro nasal portátil, en niños entre 6 y 14 años de edad con compresión maxilar, después de la expansión rápida del maxilar (ERM). El trabajo constó de 16 niños diagnosticados con compresión maxilar y a quienes se les indicó una disyunción maxilar rápida. Los valores de la cantidad de expansión fueron registrados y la medición del flujo inspiratorio nasal máximo (FINM) se realizó antes de la ERM (T1), inmediatamente después (T2) y al cabo de 3 meses del período de retención (T3), manteniendo las mismas condiciones iniciales. El valor máximo y el promedio de las mediciones del FINM en T2 fueron significativamente mayores que en T1 (p-valor, 0,0056) y (p-valor 0,0062) respectivamente, mientras que entre T2 y T3 no existieron tales diferencias (p-valor: 0,3021) y (p-valor: 0,3315) respectivamente. Existe un aumento significativo en los valores del FINM inmediatamente después de la expansión rápida del maxilar que se mantienen en un período de tiempo de 3 meses.
The objective of our simple prospective longitudinal type study of repeated measures, was to determine the variation of nasal airflow measured with a portable nasal flow meter, in children between 6 and 14 years of age with maxillary compression, after rapid maxillary expansion (RME). The study consisted of 16 children diagnosed with maxillary compression and those who were identified with a rapid maxillary disjunction. The values of the amount of expansion were recorded and the measurement of the peak nasal inspiratory flow (PNIF) was performed before the ERM (T1), immediately after (T2) and after 3 months of retention period (T3), maintaining the same initial conditions. Results: the value maximum and average measurements of FINM in T2 were greater than in T1 (p-value, 0.0056) and (p-value 0.0062) respectively, while between T2 and T3 there were no differences (p value: 0.3021) and (p value: 0.3315) respectively. There is a significant increase in PNIF values immediately after rapid maxillary expansion that is in a period of 3 months.