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Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 623-630, jun. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564600


SUMMARY: The objective of this study was to analyze the potential for compression of the median nerve (MN) caused by the bicipital aponeurosis (BA), the humeral and ulnar heads of the pronator teres muscle (PTM) and the arcade of the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle (FDS) in recently deceased cadavers. In this analysis 20 forearms of 10 recently deceased adult male cadavers were dissected. Dissections were performed in the institution's autopsy room or anatomy laboratory. The short and long heads of the biceps brachii muscle, as well as the BA were identified in all upper upper limbs. The BA received contribution from the short and long heads of the biceps brachii muscle. In 12 upper limbs the BA was wide and thickened and in 8 it was supported by the MN. In 5 upper limbs, the BA was wide but not very thick, and in 3 it was narrow and not very thick. We identified the existence of the FDS muscle arcade in all dissected upper limbs. A fibrous arcade was identified in 4 forearms, a muscular arcade in 14 and a transparent arcade in 2 upper limbs. In all of them, we recorded that the arcade was in contact with the MN. We recorded the humeral and ulnar heads of the PTM in all dissected upper limbs, with the presence of fibrous beams between them along their entire length. The MN was positioned between the humeral and ulnar heads of the PTM in all upper limbs. In eight upper limbs (40 %), we identified that the BA had thickness and contact with the MN with the potential to cause its compression. Compression between the humeral and ulnar heads of the PTM by the fibrous connections has the potential to cause nerve compression in all upper limbs (100 %). We did not identify that the anatomical structure of the FDS arcade had the potential to cause compression in the MN.

El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la potencial compresión del nervio mediano (NM) causado por la aponeurosis bicipital (AB), las cabezas humeral y cubital del músculo pronador redondo (MPR) y la arcada del músculo flexor superficial de los dedos (MFS). En este análisis se diseccionaron 20 antebrazos de 10 cadáveres masculinos de individuos adultos fallecidos recientemente. Las disecciones se realizaron en la sala de autopsias o en el laboratorio de anatomía de la Institución. En todos los miembros superiores se identificaron las cabezas corta y larga del músculo bíceps braquial, así como la AB. La AB recibió contribución de las cabezas corta y larga del músculo bíceps braquial. En 12 miembros superiores la AB era ancha y engrosada y en 8 estaba sostenida por el NM. En 5 miembros superiores la AB era ancha pero poco gruesa, y en 3 era estrecha y de menor grosor. Identificamos la existencia de la arcada muscular MFS en todos los miembros superiores disecados. Se identificó una arcada fibrosa en 4 antebrazos, una arcada muscular en 14 y una arcada delgada y transparente en 2 miembros superiores. En todos ellos registramos que la arcada estaba en contacto con el NM. Registramos las cabezas humeral y cubital del MPR en todos los miembros superiores disecados, con presencia de haces fibrosos entre ellas en toda su longitud. El NM estaba situado entre las cabezas humeral y cubital del MPR en todos los miembros superiores. En ocho miembros superiores (40 %), identificamos que la AB era gruesa y tenía contacto con el NM con potencial para causar su compresión. La compresión entre las cabezas humeral y ulnar del MPR, por las conexiones fibrosas, tiene el potencial de causar compresión nerviosa en todos los miembros superiores (100 %). No identificamos que la estructura anatómica de la arcada MFS tuviera el potencial de causar compresión del NM.

Humans , Male , Adult , Forearm , Median Nerve , Musculoskeletal Abnormalities , Nerve Compression Syndromes/pathology , Cadaver , Dissection , Elbow
Acta cir. bras ; 39: e394024, 2024. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1563642


Purpose: To evaluate the effects on peripheral neural regeneration of the end-to-side embracing repair technique compared to the autograft repair technique in Wistar rats. Methods: Fifteen male Wistar rats were divided into three groups with five animals each: denervated group (GD), autograft group (GA), and embracing group (EG). For the evaluation, the grasping test, electroneuromyography (ENMG), and muscle weight assessment were used. Results: Muscle weight assessment and ENMG did not show significant neural regeneration at the end of 12 weeks in the DG and GE groups, but only in GA. The grasping test showed an increase in strength between the surgery and the fourth week in all groups, and only the GA maintained this trend until the 12th week. Conclusions: The present study indicates that the neural regeneration observed in the end-to-side embracing neurorrhaphy technique, in the repair of segmental neural loss, is inferior to autograft repair in Wistar rats.

Animals , Rats , Transplantation, Autologous , Rats, Wistar , Median Nerve , Microsurgery , Nerve Regeneration
Rev. colomb. reumatol ; 30(1)mar. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536232


We describe the case of an 82-year-old man who had recently undergone cardiac surgery (quadruple coronary bypass), who consulted due to the appearance of a necrotic eschar on the thumb of the right index finger, together with paraesthesia and hypoaesthesia in the first 3 fingers of the same hand. An ultrasound scan of the right elbow was performed to rule out involvement of the median nerve and an anechoic, thick-walled mass was found, dependent on the wall of the proximal ulnar artery, compatible with a pseudoaneurysm of the same, compressing the nerve. Electromyography showed an acute lesion of the proximal median nerve and angio-CT confirmed the diagnosis of pseudoaneurysm of the proximal ulnar artery. Pseudoaneurysm is a dilatation by rupture of the arterial wall, which does not involve all three layers of the arterial wall and communicates with the vascular lumen. Its development after vascular manipulation is very rare, and it is uncommon for it to act by compressing a nerve structure. In our case, together with vascular surgery, treatment with intralesional thrombin was decided, with good evolution.

Se describe el caso de un varón de 82 arios intervenido recientemente de cirugía cardíaca (cuádruple bypass coronario), que consulta por aparición de una escara necrótica en el pulpejo del dedo índice derecho, junto a parestesias e hipoestesias en los tres primeros dedos de dicha mano. Se realiza una ecografía del codo derecho para descartar afectación del nervio mediano y se objetiva una masa anecoica, de paredes engrosadas, dependientes de la pared de la arteria cubital proximal, compatible con pseudoaneurisma de esta, que comprime dicho nervio. En la electromiografía se evidencia una lesión aguda del nervio mediano a nivel proximal y en el angio-TC se confirma el diagnóstico de pseudoaneurisma de la arteria cubital proximal. El pseudoaneurisma es una dilatación por rotura de la pared arterial, que no implica a las tres capas de esta y se comunica con la luz vascular. Su desarrollo tras una manipulación vascular es muy infrecuente y que actúe comprimiendo una estructura nerviosa es poco común. En nuestro caso, conjuntamente con cirugía vascular se decidió tratamiento con trombina intralesional, con buena evolución.

Humans , Male , Aged, 80 and over , Cardiovascular System , Arteries , Vascular Diseases , Blood Vessels , Cardiovascular Diseases , Ulnar Artery , Aneurysm, False , Peripheral Nervous System , Median Nerve , Nervous System
Int. j. morphol ; 41(1): 9-18, feb. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430504


El ramo comunicante mediano-ulnar (RCMU) es la conexión que se origina del nervio mediano (NM) o alguno de sus ramos, para unirse al nervio ulnar (NU) en el antebrazo humano. Cuando este RCMU está presente, determina una prevalencia que oscila entre un 8 % y un 32 %, de tal manera los axones del NM se trasladen al NU, modificando la inervación habitual de los músculos de la mano. Nuestro objetivo fue determinar la prevalencia, biometría, topografía y relaciones anatómicas del RCMU. Adicionalmente, se estableció la coexistencia de otras conexiones entre los NM y NU en el antebrazo y la mano. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo, no experimental y transeccional. Disecamos 30 antebrazos humanos de individuos adultos, pertenecientes al programa de donación cadavérica de la Pontificia Universidad Católicade Chile. Las muestras estaban fijadas en formalina y a 4 °C. El RCMU se presentó en 5 casos (17 %). De estos ramos, tres surgieron del nervio interóseo anterior (NIA) (60 %) y dos (40 %) del ramo que el NM aporta a los músculos superficiales del compartimiento anterior del antebrazo. Estos se clasificaron de acuerdo a la literatura, así el tipo Ic se presentó en tres casos (60 %), y el tipo Ia en dos (40 %). La longitud promedio del RCMU fue de 53,9 mm. El origen del RCMU se ubicó en el tercio proximal y la conexión de este con el NU se estableció en el tercio medio del antebrazo. En tres casos (60 %) se observó la coexistencia del RCMU y una conexión entre los ramos digitales palmares comunes. Estos hallazgos confirman que el RCMU mayoritariamente se extiende entre el nervio interóseo anterior y el NU, y su presencia podría modificar la distribución nerviosa de la mano.

SUMMARY: The median-ulnar communicating branch (MUCB) is the communication that originates from the median nerve (MN) or one of its branches, to join the ulnar nerve (UN) in the human forearm. With a prevalence that oscillates between 8% and 32%, when this MUCB is present, it establishes that axons from the MN move to the UN, modifying the normal innervation of the muscles of the hand. Our aim was to determine the prevalence, biometry and topography and anatomical relationships of the MUCB. Additionally, the coexistence of this MUCB with other connections between the MN and UN was established. A descriptive, quantitative, non experimental and transectional study was conducted. Thirty adult human forearms belonging to the cadaveric donation program of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile were dissected. The samples were fixed in formalin and stored at 4 °C. The MUCB appeared in 5 cases (17%). Of these, three originated from the anterior interosseous nerve (60%) and two (40%) arose from the branch that the MN gives it to the superficial muscles of the anterior compartment of the forearm. These were classified according to the literature consulted, obtaining that Group Ic occurred in three cases (60%), and Group Ia in two (40%). The average MUCB length was 53.9 mm. The origin of the MUCB was on average 21% of the length of the forearm from the biepicondylar line. The connection of this MUCB with the UN was located on average at 44% from this line. In three cases (60%) the coexistence of the MUCB and a connection between the common palmar digital nerves was observed. These findings confirm that the RCMU is generally established between the anterior interosseous nerve of forearm and NU, and its presence could modify the nerve distribution of the hand.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Ulnar Nerve/anatomy & histology , Anatomic Variation , Forearm/innervation , Median Nerve/anatomy & histology , Cadaver
Braz. J. Anesth. (Impr.) ; 73(1): 112-114, Jan.-Feb. 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420639


Abstract The subscapularis plane block is an effective approach to anesthetize axillary and upper subscapular nerves. There have been no reports regarding brachial plexus paralysis as a potential complication to date. Described here is a case of median nerve palsy following ultrasound-guided subscapularis plane block for awake frozen shoulder manipulation that was performed on a 52-year-old female diagnosed with adhesive capsulitis. The patient could not flex digits two and three, and ipsilateral inner palm numbness occurred shortly after the block commenced, with complete resolution in the next two hours. The local anesthetics spillage towards brachial plexus with possible partial paralysis should always be expected after subscapularis plane block.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Brachial Plexus Block/adverse effects , Nerve Block/adverse effects , Paralysis , Rotator Cuff , Ultrasonography, Interventional , Anesthetics, Local/adverse effects , Median Nerve
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981288


Objective To investigate the clinical value of high-frequency ultrasound in the diagnosis of pronator teres syndrome (PTS). Methods The high-frequency ultrasound was employed to examine and measure the median nerve of the pronator teres muscle in 30 patients with PTS and 30 healthy volunteers (control group).The long-axis diameter (LA),short-axis diameter (SA) and cross-sectional area (CSA) of the median nerve were measured.The receiver operating characteristic curve of the median nerve ultrasonic measurement results was established,and the area under the curve (AUC) was calculated.The diagnostic efficiency of each index for PTS was compared with the surgical results as a reference. Results The PTS group showed larger LA[(5.02±0.50) mm vs.(3.89±0.41) mm;t=4.38,P=0.013],SA[(2.55±0.46) mm vs.(1.70±0.41) mm;t=5.19,P=0.009],and CSA[(11.13±3.72) mm2 vs.(6.88±2.68) mm2;t=8.42,P=0.008] of the median nerve than the control group.The AUC of CSA,SA,and LA was 94.3% (95%CI=0.912-0.972,Z=3.586,P=0.001),77.7% (95%CI=0.734-0.815,Z=2.855, P=0.006),and 78.8% (95%CI=0.752-0.821,Z=3.091,P=0.004),respectively.With 8.63 mm2 as the cutoff value,the sensitivity and specificity of CSA in diagnosing PTS were 93.3% and 90.0%,respectively. Conclusion High-frequency ultrasound is a practical method for diagnosing PTS,and the CSA of median nerve has a high diagnostic value.

Humans , Forearm/innervation , Muscle, Skeletal/innervation , Median Nerve/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography/methods , Sensitivity and Specificity
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971290


OBJECTIVE@#To analyze and compare the characteristics and causes of F wave changes in patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth1A (CMT1A) and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP).@*METHODS@#Thirty patients with CMT1A and 30 patients with CIDP were enrolled in Peking University Third Hospital from January 2012 to December 2018. Their clinical data, electrophysiological data(nerve conduction velocity, F wave and H reflex) and neurological function scores were recorded. Some patients underwent magnetic resonance imaging of brachial plexus and lumbar plexus, and the results were analyzed and compared.@*RESULTS@#The average motor conduction velocity (MCV) of median nerve was (21.10±10.60) m/s in CMT1A and (31.52±12.46) m/s in CIDP. There was a significant difference between the two groups (t=-6.75, P < 0.001). About 43.3% (13/30) of the patients with CMT1A did not elicit F wave in ulnar nerve, which was significantly higher than that of the patients with CIDP (4/30, 13.3%), χ2=6.65, P=0.010. Among the patients who could elicit F wave, the latency of F wave in CMT1A group was (52.40±17.56) ms and that in CIDP group was (42.20±12.73) ms. There was a significant difference between the two groups (t=2.96, P=0.006). The occurrence rate of F wave in CMT1A group was 34.6%±39%, and that in CIDP group was 70.7%±15.2%. There was a significant difference between the two groups (t=-5.13, P < 0.001). The MCV of median nerve in a patient with anti neurofascin 155 (NF155) was 23.22 m/s, the latency of F wave was 62.9-70.7 ms, and the occurrence rate was 85%-95%. The proportion of brachial plexus and lumbar plexus thickening in CMT1A was 83.3% (5/6) and 85.7% (6/7), respectively. The proportion of brachial plexus and lumbar plexus thickening in the CIDP patients was only 25.0% (1/4, 2/8). The nerve roots of brachial plexus and lumbar plexus were significantly thickened in a patient with anti NF155 antibody.@*CONCLUSION@#The prolonged latency of F wave in patients with CMT1A reflects the homogenous changes in both proximal and distal peripheral nerves, which can be used as a method to differentiate the CIDP patients characterized by focal demyelinating pathology. Moreover, attention should be paid to differentiate it from the peripheral neuropathy caused by anti NF155 CIDP. Although F wave is often used as an indicator of proximal nerve injury, motor neuron excitability, anterior horn cells, and motor nerve myelin sheath lesions can affect its latency and occurrence rate. F wave abnormalities need to be comprehensively analyzed in combination with the etiology, other electrophysiological results, and MRI imaging.

Humans , Polyradiculoneuropathy, Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating/pathology , Median Nerve/pathology , Ulnar Nerve/pathology , Brachial Plexus/pathology , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1444937


El nervio mediano desciende por el brazo y, en el codo, comienza a atravesar estructuras que pueden generar compresión, como el ligamento de Struthers, el lacertus fibrosus, el pronador redondo, el flexor superficial de los dedos. Finalmente, en la muñeca, se encuentra otro sitio de compresión producido por el ligamento transverso del carpo. Todas estas estructuras pueden provocar signos y síntomas de atrapamiento nervioso y favorecer el deterioro funcional del nervio. Nuestro objetivo es dar a conocer una actualización sobre estos sitios de atrapamiento del nervio mediano, y cómo realizar un diagnóstico preciso e indicar un trata-miento adecuado. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

The median nerve is a nervous structure that begins to cross structures at the level of the elbow that might cause compression. The Struthers ligament, lacertus fibrosus, pronator teres, and flexor digitorum superficialis are among them. Finally, the transverse carpal ligament creates another compression site in the wrist. All these structures can develop pathological signs and symptoms of nerve entrapment, which favors nerve functional degradation. Our objective is to provide an update on these median nerve entrap-ment sites, as well as information on how to establish an accurate diagnosis and provide adequate treatment. Level of Evidence: IV

Wrist Joint , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome , Decompression, Surgical , Median Neuropathy , Elbow , Median Nerve
Rev. bras. ortop ; 57(4): 636-641, Jul.-Aug. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394873


Abstract Objective To evaluate the prevalence of anatomical variations encountered in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome who underwent carpal tunnel classical open release. Methods A total of 115 patients with a high probability of clinical diagnosis for carpal tunnel syndrome and indication for surgical treatment were included. These patients underwent electroneuromyography and ultrasound for diagnostic confirmation. They underwent surgical treatment by carpal tunnel classical open release, in which a complete inventory of the surgical wound was performed in the search and visualization of anatomical variations intra- and extra-carpal tunnel. Results The total prevalence of anatomical variations intra- and extra-carpal tunnel found in this study was 63.5% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 54.5-72.4). The prevalence of the carpal transverse muscle was 57.4% (95% CI: 47.8-66.6%), of the bifid median nerve associated with the persistent median artery was 1.7% (95% CI: 0.0-4.2%), and the median bifid nerve associated with the persistent median artery and the transverse carpal muscle was 1.7% (95% CI: 0.0-4.2%). Conclusion The most prevalent extra-carpal tunnel anatomical variation was carpal transverse muscle. The most prevalent intra-carpal tunnel anatomical variation was median bifid nerve associated with the persistent median artery. The surgical finding of an extra-carpal tunnel anatomical variation, such as the transverse carpal muscle, may indicate the presence of other associated carpal intra tunnel anatomical variations, such as the bifid median nerve, persistent median artery, and anatomical variations of the recurrent median nerve branch.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a prevalência de variações anatômicas encontradas em pacientes com síndrome do túnel do carpo submetidos a liberação cirúrgica por via aberta clássica. Métodos Foram incluídos um total de 115 pacientes com alta probabilidade de diagnóstico clínico de síndrome do túnel do carpo, com indicação para o tratamento cirúrgico. Estes pacientes realizaram eletroneuromiografia e ultrassonografia para confirmação diagnóstica. Foram submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico por via aberta clássica, no qual foi realizado um inventário completo da ferida operatória na busca e visualização de variações anatômicas intra e extra túnel do carpo. Resultados A prevalência total das variações anatômicas intra e extra túnel do carpo encontradas neste estudo foi de 63,5% (intervalo de confiança [IC]95%: 54,5-72,4%). A prevalência do músculo transverso do carpo foi de 57,4% (IC95%: 47,8-66,6%), do nervo mediano bífido associado à artéria mediana persistente foi de 1,7% (IC95%: 0,0-4,2%) e do nervo mediano bífido associado à artéria mediana persistente e ao músculo transverso do carpo foi de 1,7% (IC95%: 0,0-4,2%). Conclusão A variação anatômica extra túnel do carpo mais prevalente foi o músculo transverso do carpo e a variação anatômica intra túnel do carpo mais prevalente foi o nervo mediano bífido associado à artéria mediana persistente. O achado cirúrgico de uma variação anatômica extra túnel do carpo, como o músculo transverso do carpo, pode nos indicar a presença de outras variações anatômicas intra túnel do carpo associadas, como nervo mediano bífido, artéria mediana persistente e variações anatômicas do ramo recorrente do nervo mediano.

Humans , Male , Female , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome/surgery , Prevalence , Median Nerve/anatomy & histology
Int. j. morphol ; 39(6): 1516-1520, dic. 2021. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385522


SUMMARY: The objective of this study was to characterize the communication between ulnar and the median nerve in the superficial palmar region from a sample of mestizo-raced population predominant in Latin America. The superficial palmar regions of 53 fresh cadaveric specimens were evaluated, whom of which underwent necropsy procedure at the Institute of Legal Medicine. Dissection was performed by planes until visualizing the presence of the Communicating Branch (CB) between the digital branches of the ulnar nerve (UN) and the median nerve (MN). Qualitative and morphometric evaluation of the CB was carried out. A CB were observed in 82/ 106 (77.4 %) of the cadaveric specimens studied, of which, 38/53 (71.7 %) were bilateral, 15/53 (28.3 %) unilateral; this being a statistically significant difference (p <0.002). Oblique trajectory of the CB between the fourth and third common digital nerve was observed in 70 (85.4 %) specimens, while the CB with transverse trajectory was found in 7 (8.5 %) regions and in a plexiform form in 5 (6.1 %) cases. The length of the CB was 20.2 ± 5.1 mm and the distances from the upper edge of the flexor retinaculum to the proximal and distal points of the CB were 25 ± 6 mm and 37.4 ± 8.3 mm respectively. The anatomical characteristics of the CB patterns, as well as the morphometric CB findings and their points of reference from the carpal flexor retinaculum, make it possible to delimit a safe area of surgical access in the first-fifth proximal of the palmar region, during the surgical approach of carpal tunnel syndrome.

RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar la comunicación entre los nervios ulnar y mediano en la región palmar superficial a partir de una muestra de población de raza mestiza predominante en América Latina. Se evaluaron las regiones palmares superficiales de 53 especímenes cadavéricos frescos, los cuales fueron sometidos procedimiento de necropsia en el Instituto de Medicina Legal. La disección se realizó por planos hasta visualizar la presencia del ramo comunicante (RC) entre los ramos digitales palmares del nervio ulnar (NU) y del nervio mediano (NM). Se realizó evaluación cualitativa y morfométrica del RC, observándose RC en 82/106 (77,4 %) de los especímenes cadavéricos estudiados, de los cuales 38/53 (71,7 %) eran bilaterales, 15/53 (28,3 %) unilaterales; siendo esta una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p <0,002). Se observó trayectoria oblicua del RC entre el cuarto y tercer nervio digital palmar común en 70 muestras (85,4 %), mientras que el RC con trayectoria transversal se encontró en 7 casos (8,5 %) y en forma plexiforme en 5 casos (6,1 %). La longitud del RC fue de 20,2 ± 5,1 mm y las distancias desde el margen superior del retináculo flexor hasta los puntos proximal y distal del RC fueron de 25 ± 6 mm y 37,4 ± 8,3 mm, respectivamente. Así, los hallazgos morfométricos del RC y sus puntos de referencia, desde el retináculo flexor, permiten delimitar una zona segura de acceso quirúrgico en el primer-quinto proximal de la región palmar, durante el abordaje quirúrgico del síndrome del túnel carpiano.

Humans , Male , Adult , Ulnar Nerve/anatomy & histology , Hand/innervation , Median Nerve/anatomy & histology , Cadaver , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. colomb. reumatol ; 28(4): 267-275, Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423888


ABSTRACT Introduction: Smartphone overuse may lead to musculoskeletal manifestations, such as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and arthritis of hand joints, with an increased median nerve cross-sectional area (CSA). Objective: The aim of this study is the early detection of musculoskeletal hand disorders using ultrasound techniques, and to detect nerve entrapment using clinical evaluation, ultrasound, and electrophysiological studies, in university employees younger than 35 years using mobile phones. Function is assessed using the Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire (MHQ). Materials and methods: Cross-sectional controlled study included 74 smartphone users classified into two groups according to a smartphone addiction scale (SAS), into high and low smart phone users, with 35 non-smartphone users with matched age and gender as a control group. A clinical assessment of nerve entrapment symptoms was performed, and the Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire (MHQ), with a total score from 0 to100, was used to assess hand function. Electrodiagnostic studies of median and ulnar nerves were used to detect early nerve entrapment. Bilateral ultrasound was performed in order to assess the median nerve CSA and involvement of thumb and small hand joints. The data collected were analyzed using the SPSS program version 20. Results: CSAs of median nerves were significantly higher in the dominant hand of high smartphone users than in low and non-smartphone users (p < 0.001). There was a significant positive correlation between CSA and SAS (r = 0.45), visual analogue scale (VAS) (r = 0.61), and duration of smartphone use (r = 0.80), with negative correlation with MHQ (r = -0.63). Significant differences in were found in the electrophysiological studies of median and ulnar nerves. The mean ultrasound score for both hands was higher in the high smartphone users compared to low smartphone users (15.08 ± 4.17 vs. 6.46 ± 1.38, p < .001). Conclusions: There is increased median nerve CSAs among high smartphone users associated with prolongation of both sensory and motor latencies and slow conduction velocities. Caution should be exercised when using mobile phones, in order to minimize the risk of developing hand musculoskeletal disorders.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Peripheral Nerves , Diagnostic Imaging , Ultrasonography , Diagnosis , Median Nerve , Nervous System
Int. j. morphol ; 39(4): 960-962, ago. 2021. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385457


SUMMARY: To know the nerve variations of brachial plexus and its branches is very important in the management of upper limb nerve injuries. Variations of the brachial plexus are not uncommon, but types of variations are diverse. The unusual communication branches between the musculocutaneous nerve (MCN) and the median nerve (MN) in course were found during routine dissection on the two different left arms of formalin fixed male cadavers. Depending on the position related to the coracobrachial muscle (CBM), one MCN pierced the CBM, the other did not in the two cases. The branches of MCN emerged interior to the coracoid process to innervate the CBM. The present case reports of anatomical variations of nerves can help to manage nerve injuries and plan surgical approaches during surgical procedures.

RESUMEN: Conocer las variaciones nerviosas del plexo braquial y sus ramas es muy importante en el tratamiento de las lesiones nerviosas de los miembros superiores. Las variaciones del plexo braquial no son infrecuentes, sin embargo los tipos de variaciones son diversos. Los ramos inusuales de comunicación entre el nervio musculocutáneo (NMC) y el nervio mediano (NM) en curso fueron descubiertos durante la disección de rutina en dos miembros superiores izquierdos de dos cadáveres de sexo masculino fijados con formalina. Un NMC atravesó el MCB, otro no lo hizo en los dos casos. Los ramos de NMC emergieron a nivel del proceso coracoideo para inervar el MCB. Los presentes informes de casos de variaciones anatómicas de los nervios pueden ayudar a tratar las lesiones nerviosas y planificar los abordajes quirúrgicos durante los procedimientos quirúrgicos.

Humans , Male , Upper Extremity/innervation , Anatomic Variation , Median Nerve/anatomy & histology , Musculocutaneous Nerve/anatomy & histology , Brachial Plexus/anatomy & histology , Cadaver
Medisan ; 25(4)2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1340214


Se describe el caso clínico de un paciente de 36 años de edad, quien acudió a la consulta de Ortopedia y Traumatología del Hospital General Docente Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso de Santiago de Cuba, con un alambrón oxidado, encarnado en la cara palmar de la muñeca derecha, con parestesias en la zona de inervación del nervio mediano. La radiografía reveló que dentro de las estructuras de la muñeca había 10 cm del alambrón, con la porción distal doblada en forma de gancho, por lo cual se le realizó intervención quirúrgica de urgencia. Se utilizó anestesia regional, sedación e isquemia y se extrajo el cuerpo extraño en sentido contrario a la curvatura que presentaba. Luego de pasar el efecto anestésico persistían las parestesias en el pulpejo del índice, que desaparecieron completamente a los 4 meses del accidente. Se incorporó a sus labores habituales a los 2 meses de operado.

The case report of a 36 years patient is described. He went to the Orthopedics and Traumatology Service of Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso Teaching General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, with a rusty big wire, ingrowing in the right wrist palmar face, with paresthesias in the innervation area of the median nerve. The x-ray revealed that inside the wrist structures there was 10 cm of the big wire, with the distal portion bent in hook form, reason why an emergency surgical intervention was carried out. Regional anesthesia, sedation and ischemia were used and the strange body was removed in sense contrary to the bend that presented. After the anesthetic effect eased the paresthesias of the index finger tip persisted that disappeared completely 4 months after the accident. He went back to his usual works 2 months after the operation.

Paresthesia/therapy , Foreign Bodies , Median Nerve/injuries , Accidents, Occupational , Median Nerve/surgery
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 81(3): 318-322, jun. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346465


Abstract Carpal tunnel syndrome is median nerve symptomatic compression at the level of the wrist, characterized by increased pressure within the carpal tunnel and decreased nerve function at the level. Carpal tunnel release decreases pressure in Guyon's canal, via open techniques, with symptom and two-point discrimination improvement in the ulnar nerve distribution. We hypothesize that endoscopic carpal tunnel release improves two-point discrimination in the ulnar nerve distribution as well. This study includes 143 patients who underwent endoscopic carpal tunnel release between April 2016 to June 2019 in a single, community-based teaching hospital. A comprehensive retrospective chart review was performed on patient demographics, preand post-operative two-point discrimination test results, and complications. The effects of sex, age, and diabetes mellitus in the ulnar and median nerve territories with two-point discrimination tests were analyzed. As well as the differences in two-point discrimination among patient's based on their smoking status. There were significant post operative improvements in both the median (7.7 vs 4.4 mm, p < 0.001) and ulnar (5.7 vs 4.1 mm, p < 0.001) nerve territories. Smoking status, sex, age and diabetes did not significantly affect two-point discrimination outcomes. In conclusion the endoscopic release of the transverse carpal ligament decompresses the carpal tunnel and Guyon's canal, demonstrating improvement in two-point discrimination in both the ulnar and median nerve distributions.

Resumen El síndrome de túnel carpiano es la compresión sintomática del nervio mediano al nivel de la muñeca. Se caracteriza por un aumento de presión dentro del túnel y una disminución de la función del nervio a ese nivel. La liberación del túnel carpiano descomprime el canal de Guyon, con mejoría sintomática y en la prueba de discriminación de dos puntos en la distribución del nervio cubital. Hipotetizamos que la liberación endoscópica mejora de la misma manera en la distribución del nervio cubital. Este trabajo incluye 143 pacientes que tuvieron liberación endoscópica del túnel carpiano entre abril del 2016 y junio del 2019 en un hospital Universitario de la comunidad. Se evaluaron retrospectivamente las historias clínicas para los datos demográficos, los resultados pre y post quirúrgicos en la prueba de discriminación de dos puntos y complicaciones. Se analizaron los efectos del sexo, edad, tabaco y diabetes en los resultados de la prueba de discriminación de dos puntos para los nervios cubital y mediano. Hubo mejoría significativa post quirúrgica en la prueba de discriminación de dos puntos para los nervios mediano (7.7 vs 4.4 mm, p < 0.001) y cubital (5.7 vs 4.1 mm, p < 0.001). Fumadores, sexo, edad, y diabetes no afectaron de forma significativa. Concluimos que la liberación endoscópica del ligamento transverso del carpo descomprime el túnel carpiano y el canal de Guyon con mejoría en la prueba de discriminación de dos puntos para los nervios cubital y mediano.

Humans , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome/surgery , Median Nerve , Ulnar Nerve , Wrist , Retrospective Studies
Arq. bras. neurocir ; 40(2): 152-158, 15/06/2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362205


There are four types of anastomoses between themedian and ulnar nerves in the upper limbs. It consists of crossings of axons that produce changes in the innervation of the upper limbs, mainly in the intrinsic muscles of the hand. The forearm has two anatomical changes ­ Martin-Gruber: branch originating close to the median nerve joining distally to the ulnar nerve; and Marinacci: branch originating close to the ulnar nerve and distally joining the median nerve. The hand also has two types of anastomoses, which are more common, and sometimes considered a normal anatomical pattern ­ Berrettini: Connection between the common digital nerves of the ulnar and median nerves; and Riche-Cannieu: anastomosis between the recurrent branch of the median nerve and the deep branch of the ulnar nerve. Due to these connection patterns, musculoskeletal disorders and neuropathies can be misinterpreted, and nerve injuries during surgery may occur, without the knowledge of these anastomoses. Therefore, knowledge of them is essential for the clinical practice. The purpose of the present review is to provide important information about each type of anastomosis of the median and ulnar nerves in the forearm and hand.

Arteriovenous Anastomosis/anatomy & histology , Ulnar Nerve/anatomy & histology , Median Nerve/anatomy & histology , Axons , Hand Joints/innervation , Forearm/innervation
Rev. bras. ortop ; 56(3): 346-350, May-June 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1288666


Abstract Objective The present study aimed to determine the frequency of trigger finger (TF) onset after surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) using an open (OT) or an endoscopic technique (ET). As a secondary endpoint, the present study also compared paresthesia remission and residual pain rates in patients submitted to both techniques. Methods Trigger finger onset and remission rates of paresthesia and pain at the median nerve territory was verified prospectively in a series of adult patients submitted to an OT procedure (n = 34). These findings were compared with a retrospective cohort submitted to ET (n = 33) by the same surgical team. Patients were evaluated with a structured questionnaire in a return visit at least 6 months after surgery. Results Sixty-seven patients were evaluated. There was no difference regarding trigger finger onset (OT, 26.5% versus ET, 27.3%; p = 0.94) and pain (OT, 76.5% versus ET, 84.8%; p = 0.38). Patients submitted to OT had fewer paresthesia complaints compared with those operated using ET (OT, 5.9% versus ET, 24.2%; p = 0.03). Conclusions In our series, the surgical technique did not influence trigger finger onset and residual pain rates. Patients submitted to OT had less complaints of residual postoperative paresthesia.

Resumo Objetivo Determinar a frequência do aparecimento de dedo em gatilho (DG) no pós-operatório da síndrome do túnel do carpo (STC) em duas técnicas: aberta (TA) e endoscópica (TE). Como desfecho secundário, comparar as taxas de remissão da parestesia e dor residual entre as duas técnicas. Métodos De forma prospectiva, verificamos o aparecimento de dedo em gatilho e taxa de remissão da parestesia e dor no território do nervo mediano em série de pacientes adultos operados pela TA (n = 34). Comparamos com coorte retrospectiva operada pela TE (n = 33), pela mesma equipe de cirurgiões. A avaliação dos pacientes ocorreu por meio de questionário estruturado em consulta de retorno, com mínimo de 6 meses de pós-operatório. Resultados Sessenta e sete pacientes foram avaliados. Não houve diferença quanto ao aparecimento de dedo em gatilho (TA, 26,5% versus TE, 27,3%; p = 0,94) e dor (TA, 76,5% versus TE, 84.8%; p = 0,38). Os pacientes operados pela TA apresentaram menos queixas de parestesia do que os operados pela TE (TA 5,9% versus TE 24,2%; p = 0,03). Conclusões Em nossa série, a técnica cirúrgica não influenciou o aparecimento de dedos em gatilho e dor residual. Os pacientes operados pela técnica aberta apresentaram menos queixa de parestesia residual pós-operatória.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Paresthesia , Comparative Study , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome , Surveys and Questionnaires , Endoscopy , Trigger Finger Disorder , Median Nerve
Int. j. morphol ; 38(6): 1555-1559, Dec. 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134477


SUMMARY: During routine dissection of a left upper limb of a 68-year-old male human cadaver, an unusual muscle was observed originating from the radius and flexor retinaculum, and continued in the hypothenar region with the muscle belly of the abductor digiti minimi. We checked that it was an accessory abductor digiti minimi (ADM). Its muscular belly was in close relation to the median and ulnar nerves. We review the literature regarding such muscle variations and discuss the potential for compression of the median and ulnar nerves. Although the accessory ADM is usually asymptomatic and only rarely results in nerve compression, it should be taken into account by surgeons when establishing a differential diagnosis in the compression neuropathies of the median and ulnar nerves. An ultrasound scanning can help establish the differential diagnosis.

RESUMEN: Durante la disección de rutina de un miembro superior izquierdo de un cadáver humano masculino de 68 años, se observó un músculo inusual que se originaba en el radio y el retináculo flexor del carpo, y continuuaba en la región hipotenar con el vientre muscular del abductor digiti minimi manus. Verificamos que se trataba del músculo abductor digiti minimi accessorius (ADMA). Su vientre muscular se encontraba en estrecha relación con los nervios mediano y ulnar. Revisamos la literatura sobre variaciones musculares y discutimos la potencial compresión de los nervios mediano y ulnar. Aunque el ADMA suele ser asintomático y rara vez produce compresión nerviosa, los cirujanos deben tenerlo en cuenta al establecer un diagnóstico diferencial en las neuropatías de compresión de los nervios mediano y ulnar. Una ecografía puede ayudar a establecer el diagnóstico diferencial.

Humans , Male , Aged , Muscle, Skeletal/abnormalities , Nerve Compression Syndromes/etiology , Ulnar Nerve , Cadaver , Risk Factors , Ulnar Nerve Compression Syndromes/etiology , Median Neuropathy/etiology , Median Nerve