O sangramento uterino anormal é diagnóstico sindrômico comum no consultório do ginecologista e pode comprometer substancialmente a qualidade de vida. O objetivo no diagnóstico de sangramento uterino anormal é distinguir pacientes com causas estruturais (anatômicas), como pólipo, adenomiose, leiomioma, malignidade e hiperplasia, de pacientes que apresentam anatomia normal, nas quais o sangramento pode ser devido a alteração dos mecanismos de coagulação, distúrbios ovulatórios, distúrbios primários do endométrio, iatrogenia, ou ter outra causa não classificada. O diagnóstico se inicia a partir de anamnese detalhada e exame físico geral e ginecológico completos, seguidos da solicitação de exames complementares (laboratoriais e de imagem), conforme indicado. O exame de imagem de primeira linha para identificação das causas estruturais inclui a ultrassonografia pélvica. Histerossonografia, histeroscopia, ressonância magnética e amostragem endometrial para exame de anatomia patológica são opções que podem ser incluídas no diagnóstico a depender da necessidade. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar a relevância dos exames de imagem na investigação das causas de sangramento uterino anormal.
Abnormal uterine bleeding is one of the commonest presenting complaints encountered in a gynecologist's office and may substantially affect quality of life. The aim in the diagnosis of abnormal uterine bleeding is to distinguish women with anatomic causes such as polyp, adenomyosis, leiomyoma, malignancy and hyperplasia from women with normal anatomy where the cause may be coagulopathy, ovulatory disorders, endometrial, iatrogenic and not otherwise classified. Diagnosis begins with a thorough history and physical examination followed by appropriate laboratory and imaging tests as indicated. The primary imaging test for the identification of anatomic causes include ultrasonography. Saline infusion sonohysterography, magnetic resonance, hysteroscopy, endometrial sampling are options that can be included in the diagnosis depending on the need. The aim of this article is to present the relevance of imaging exams in the investigation of the causes of abnormal uterine bleeding.
Humans , Female , Uterine Hemorrhage/diagnostic imaging , Physical Examination/methods , Polyps/diagnostic imaging , Uterus/pathology , Cervix Uteri/pathology , Endometrium/physiopathology , Adenomyosis/complications , Gynecology/methods , Hyperplasia/complications , Leiomyoma/complications , Medical History Taking/methodsABSTRACT
O exame físico na prática ginecológica diuturna é o sustentáculo de uma perspectiva diagnóstica com vistas a uma abordagem individualizada, oportuna e humanizada da paciente. Lança mão de técnica semiótica clássica, inicialmente, após avaliação de sinais vitais, minuciosa inspeção ectoscópica, seguida de exame físico especial. E deverá ser realizado em ambiente adequadíssimo, sem nenhuma improvisação e ou adaptações não compatíveis, com a importância e a segurança garantidas por um exame físico de boa qualidade. O exame físico de mamas tem como objetivo primordial a identificação de nódulos mamários e, eventualmente, de tumores localmente avançados; e relativa tranquilidade é assegurada às pacientes quando ele é considerado normal. O exame físico vulvar permite a identificação de prolapso de órgãos pélvicos, neoplasia intraepitelial e/ou invasiva vulvar e distúrbios de desenvolvimento sexual, além de oferecer subsídios para a propedêutica da vulvodínea, sendo, principalmente, uma oportunidade para o diagnóstico em dermatologia vulvar, mesmo a vulva correspondendo a apenas 1% da pele feminina. O exame especular, um clássico da ginecologia, é indispensável para a triagem do câncer de colo uterino. Por fim, o toque genital, a despeito de sua subjetividade, permite a avaliação dos órgãos genitais internos.
Physical examination in daytime gynecological practice is the mainstay of a diagnostic perspective with a view to an individualized, timely and humanized approach to the patient; resorting to the classical semiotic technique, initially, after assessing vital signs, a thorough ectoscopic inspection, followed by a special physical examination; which should be carried out in a very suitable environment, without any improvisation or adaptations that are not compatible with the importance and safety guaranteed by a good quality physical examination. The primary objective of the physical examination of the breasts is to identify breast nodules and possibly locally advanced tumors; in addition to relative tranquility, assured to patients, when the respective exam is considered normal. Vulvar physical examination allows the identification of pelvic organ prolapse; vulvar intraepithelial and/or invasive neoplasia; sexual development disorders; in addition to offering subsidies for the propaedeutics of vulvodynia; and, above all, it is an opportunity for diagnosis in vulvar dermatology, even though the vulva accounts for only 1% of female skin. Specular examination, a classic in gynecology, is essential for screening for cervical cancer. Finally, the genital touch which, despite its subjectivity, allows the evaluation of the internal genital organs.
Humans , Female , Adult , Physical Examination/methods , Women's Health , Gynecology , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/diagnosis , Abdomen , Pelvic Organ Prolapse/diagnosis , Medical History Taking/methodsABSTRACT
Introducción: La ictiosis vulgar y el síndrome de Ehlers Danlos tipo clásico integran dos genodermatosis que presentan en común un patrón de herencia autosómico dominante, pero muestran manifestaciones clínicas variadas. Es infrecuente encontrar concomitancia de ambas dermatosis en un mismo paciente, y cuando ocurre la heterogeneidad clínica hace complejo el diagnóstico. Objetivo: Exponer un caso que presentó ictiosis vulgar asociada con el síndrome de Ehlers Danlos tipo clásico, en el que el análisis del árbol genealógico contribuyó a orientar el diagnóstico. Presentación del caso: Paciente femenina de 10 años de edad, atendida en la consulta especializada de genodermatosis en Las Tunas. Presentaba, desde edades tempranas, lesiones escamosas localizadas en las piernas y brazos, y que empeoraban durante el invierno. Desde los nueve años comenzó a mostrar luxaciones frecuentes de hombro derecho e hiperextensibilidad de la piel. Constaban antecedentes familiares de piel escamosa en miembros de la familia materna e hipermovilidad articular en varios miembros de la familia paterna: El árbol genealógico contribuyó a orientar el diagnóstico y a realizar la atención médica adecuada. Conclusiones: Se trató un caso interesante porque resulta infrecuente encontrar en un mismo paciente dos enfermedades genéticas, lo cual implicó dificultades en el momento de confirmar el diagnóstico, así como su atención. A este diagnóstico, en el caso de ambas genodermatosis, contribuyó el análisis del árbol genealógico familiar, herramienta fundamental en la determinación de enfermedades genéticas(AU)
Introduction: Ichthyosis vulgaris and Ehlers Danlos syndrome classic type comprise two genodermatoses that share an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance, but show varied clinical manifestations. It is rare to find concomitance of both dermatoses in the same patient, and when this occurs the clinical heterogeneity makes the diagnosis complex. Objective: To present a case of ichthyosis vulgaris associated with classic Ehlers Danlos syndrome, in which analysis of the family tree helped to guide the diagnosis. Case presentation: 10-year-old female patient seen at the specialised genodermatosis clinic in Las Tunas. She presented, from an early age, with scaly lesions located on the legs and arms, which worsened during the winter. From the age of nine he began to show frequent dislocations of the right shoulder and hyperextensibility of the skin. There was a family history of scaly skin in members of the maternal family and joint hypermobility in several members of the paternal family: the family tree helped to guide the diagnosis and appropriate medical care. Conclusions: This was an interesting case because it is rare to find two genetic diseases in the same patient, which implied difficulties at the time of confirming the diagnosis, as well as its care. The analysis of the family tree, a fundamental tool in the determination of genetic diseases, contributed to this diagnosis in the case of both genodermatoses(AU)
Humans , Female , Child , Skin/injuries , Skin Diseases/genetics , Ichthyosis Vulgaris/diagnosis , Ichthyosis/classification , Shoulder Dislocation , Medical History Taking/methodsABSTRACT
Romper com o modelo biomédico é necessário, e o ponto inicial pode vir com a compreensão da narrativa do usuário ou da usuária. Este estudo buscou avaliar a compreensão de estudantes de medicina das narrativas de adoecimento, utilizando a entrevista McGillIllness Narrative Interview (MINI). Trata-se de estudo exploratório, descritivo e qualitativo, realizado durante cinco semanas com 11 estudantes do quinto ano de uma universidade privada, no internato de Medicina de Família e Comunidade, que prestavam atendimento a 29 pessoas usuárias de unidades de saúde. Por meio de encontros individuais on-line, foram levantadas questões sobre essa experiência. Os relatos foram inseridos em núcleos argumentais, o que possibilitou o estabelecimento de relações com o referencial teórico da Medicina Narrativa, da Antropologia Médica e da Clínica Ampliada. Para os alunos e alunas houve uma nova experiência de entrevista clínica, uma valorização da narrativa e o desejo de incorporar uma abordagem mais ampliada à sua prática, embora não contemplem incorporar o MINI na sua forma integral, atribuindo a isso dificuldades na rotina médica. Acreditamos que o MINI pode colaborar com a aquisição de competências interpretativa e narrativa em estudantes, embora o ensino esteja ainda, emparte, vinculado ao modelo biomédico.
It is essential to break with the biomedical model. The starting point for that can come from the understanding of patients' narratives. This study sought to evaluate medical students' comprehension of illness narratives using the McGill Illness Narrative Interview (MINI). This is an exploratory, descriptive, and qualitative study, carried out with 11 fifth-year students at a private university in the internship of Family and Community Medicine, for five weeks, involving the care of 29 patients in health units. Through individual online meetings, questions were raised about the experience.The reports were inserted into categories, which allowed us to establish relationships among the theoretical referential elements of Narrative Medicine, Medical Anthropology, and Expanded Clinic. It was a new experience of clinical interviews for the students, with a new appreciation of narratives and a desire to incorporate a more extended approach to their practice, although they do not contemplate incorporating the MINI in its full form due to difficulties in the physician's routine. We believe that MINI can collaborate with the acquisition of interpretative and narrative competence in students, although teaching is still partly linked to the biomedical model.
Humans , Students, Medical , Narrative Medicine , Internship and Residency , Medical History Taking/methods , Qualitative ResearchABSTRACT
RESUMO Objetivo identificar, coletar e analisar, na literatura científica, evidências da existência de protocolos fonoaudiológicos de levantamento da história clínica, conforme classificação de risco, especialmente para distúrbios oromiofuncionais, em lactentes e pré-escolares. Estratégia de pesquisa foram selecionados estudos publicados, sem delimitação temporal, nas bases de dados eletrônicas LILACS, SciELO e PubMed e na literatura cinza (Google Acadêmico). Critérios de seleção estudos disponíveis na íntegra nas línguas portuguesa e inglesa, que identificassem protocolos fonoaudiológicos de história clínica aplicáveis a lactentes (6 a 23 meses de vida) e pré-escolares (24 a 71 meses de vida). Foram excluídas as revisões narrativas e de literatura (integrativa, sistêmica e escopo). Resultados foram encontradas 1371 publicações brasileiras no período de 1980 a 2022. Destas, foram identificadas apenas cinco que tratavam de protocolos fonoaudiológicos para levantamento de dados pregressos a partir da história clínica da faixa etária de 6 a 71 meses. Apenas um desses protocolos possuía classificação de risco para distúrbios fonoaudiológicos, distribuídos na área de linguagem e fluência. Os outros três eram da área de motricidade orofacial (MO) e não continham classificação de risco para distúrbio miofuncional orofacial. Conclusão existem poucos protocolos fonoaudiológicos para levantamento da história clínica de lactentes e pré-escolares que contenham, ou não, classificação de risco, publicados em revistas de acesso aberto e que passaram por processos completos de validação, sendo necessário ampliar estudos e publicações desses instrumentos, inclusive na área de MO.
ABSTRACT Purpose to identify, collect and analyze in the scientific literature evidence of the existence of speech therapy protocols for collecting clinical history, according to risk classification, especially for oromyofunctional disorders, in infants and preschoolers. Research Strategy We selected published studies, without temporal delimitation, in the electronic databases LILACS, SciELO and PUBMED; and in the gray literature (Google Academic). Selection criteria available in full in Portuguese and English, which identify speech-language pathology protocols of clinical history applicable to infants (6 to 23 months of age) and preschoolers (24 to 71 months of age). Narrative and literature reviews (integrative, systemic, and scope) were excluded. Results 1371 Brazilian publications were found in the period from 1980 to 2022. Of these, only five publications on speech therapy protocols were identified for collecting previous data from the clinical history of the age group between 6 and 71 months. Only two of these protocols have a risk classification for speech-language disorders, distributed in the areas of language and fluency. The other three are from the Orofacial Motricity (OM) area and do not carry a risk classification for orofacial myofunctional disorder. Conclusion There are few speech therapy protocols for surveying the clinical history of infants and preschoolers, whether or not they contain risk classification, published in open access journals that have a complete validation process.Therefore there is a need for more research and publication of these instruments, including in the area of OM.
Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Stomatognathic System/physiopathology , Risk Factors , Stomatognathic System Abnormalities , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences , Medical History Taking/methodsABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: muchas gestantes que se atienden en consulta de Genética prenatal provienen de familias con diabetes mellitus y desarrollan diabetes gestacional, por lo que requieren el asesoramiento genético preconcepcional sobre factores de riesgo, que en muchos casos no reciben. Objetivo: identificar los antecedentes familiares de diabetes mellitus en las gestantes que debutan con diabetes gestacional, sin haber tenido asesoramiento genético preconcepcional. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo durante el período 2017 a 2019 en 186 embarazadas diagnosticadas con diabetes gestacional, del municipio Matanzas. Resultados: el 39,7 % de las gestantes con diabetes gestacional pertenecían a familias con diabetes mellitus; el 27,02 % tenía un familiar de primer grado afectado; en el 59,45 % predominó la vía materna de transmisión hereditaria; un 22,58 % presentó defectos congénitos, y el 54,05 % no recibió asesoramiento genético preconcepcional. Conclusiones: no todas las embarazadas con antecedentes familiares de diabetes mellitus recibieron asesoramiento genético preconcepcional, indispensable para minimizar el riesgo de diabetes gestacional (AU).
ABSTRACT Introduction: many pregnant women attended in prenatal genetic consultation come from families with diabetes mellitus and develop gestational diabetes, so they require preconception genetic counseling on risk factors, which they do not receive in many cases. Objective: to identify family antecedents of diabetes mellitus in pregnant women who debut with gestational diabetes, without having received preconceptional genetic counseling. Materials and methods: a retrospective descriptive study was carried out during the period 2017 to 2019 in 186 pregnant women from the municipality of Matanzas, diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Results: 39.7 % of the pregnant with gestational diabetes came from families with diabetes mellitus; 27.02 % of them had an affected first-grade relative; maternal hereditary transmission predominated in 59.45 %; 22.58 % presented congenital defects, and 54.05 % did not received preconceptional genetic counseling. Conclusions: not all the pregnant women with family antecedents of diabetes mellitus received preconceptional genetic counseling, which is essential to minimize the risk of gestational diabetes (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Diabetes, Gestational/prevention & control , Genetic Counseling/methods , Pregnancy Complications/diagnosis , Pregnancy Complications/prevention & control , Risk Factors , Diabetes, Gestational/therapy , Medical History Taking/methodsABSTRACT
Introducción: Desde marzo de 2020 Cuba está siendo afectada por el SARS-CoV-2, coronavirus altamente infeccioso y causante de la COVID-19. La COVID-19 presenta un conjunto de síntomas asociados y la evolución de los pacientes puede estar influenciada por la presencia de ciertos antecedentes patológicos personales en el hospedero. Objetivo: Identificar mediante componentes principales el agrupamiento de variables clínicas en los pacientes con COVID-19 en la provincia de Santiago de Cuba. Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal. La población de estudio se conformó por los 49 casos confirmados con COVID-19 en la provincia de Santiago de Cuba desde el 20 de marzo hasta el 30 de abril del 2020. Se seleccionaron diez variables clínicas: nueve relacionadas con los síntomas y los antecedentes patológicos personales, y una con el estado fallecido. Se aplicó como técnica estadística el análisis de componentes principales. Resultados: Se obtuvo la representación de las variables en el plano de los dos primeros componentes principales. El primer componente estuvo asociado a los síntomas y el segundo componente a los antecedentes patológicos personales no asociados al aparato respiratorio. Esta representación reveló que en el primer y cuarto cuadrantes del plano se ubicaron las variables que llevaron a una evolución desfavorable de los casos, siendo notable para los que se ubican en el cuarto cuadrante. El segundo y tercer cuadrantes fueron indicadores de la evolución favorable, marcada en el segundo cuadrante. Conclusiones: El análisis de componentes principales agrupa las variables clínicas y corrobora que los antecedentes patológicos personales tienen el rol esencial en la evolución desfavorable de los pacientes con COVID-19(AU)
Introduction: Since March 2020, Cuba has been affected by SARS-CoV-2, a highly infectious coronavirus that causes COVID-19. In COVID-19 a set of associated symptoms is presented and its evolution can be influenced by the presence of certain personal pathological antecedents in the host. Objective: To identify through principal components the grouping of clinical variables in cases with COVID-19 in Santiago de Cuba province, Cuba. Methods: We conducted an observational, descriptive and transversal study. The study population consisted of the 49 confirmed cases with COVID-19 in the province of Santiago de Cuba. Ten clinical variables were selected: nine related to symptoms and personal pathological history, and one to the state "deceased". Principal component analysis was applied as a statistical technique. Results: Variables were represented at the level of the first two principal components. The first component was associated to symptoms and the second component to personal pathological antecedents not associated to the respiratory system. This representation revealed that variables leading to an unfavorable evolution of cases were located in the first and fourth quadrants of the plane, being remarkable for those located in the fourth quadrant. The second and third quadrants were indicators of the favorable evolution, being marked in the second quadrant. Conclusions: The principal component analysis groups the clinical variables and corroborates that personal pathological antecedents have an essential role in the unfavorable evolution of patients with COVID-19(AU)
Humans , Principal Component Analysis/methods , COVID-19/prevention & control , Indicators and Reagents , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Medical History Taking/methodsABSTRACT
Los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA) han adquirido relevancia en la pediatría chilena. Su tratamiento debe ser realizado, de preferencia, por equipos multidisciplinarios especializados o con alto grado de capacitación en la problemática. Sin embargo, los pediatras generales tienen un rol fundamental tanto en la prevención como en la pesquisa temprana de estas patologías. El objetivo de esta publicación es proporcionarles recomendaciones prácticas sobre las intervenciones que pueden llevar a cabo durante la atención de adolescentes, para la prevención de los TCA, la pesquisa precoz y evaluación de quienes ya los presentan, y su derivación oportuna a tratamiento especializado.
Eating disorders (ED) have become relevant in Chilean pediatrics. Their treatment must be prefe rably carried out by multidisciplinary teams with specialty or a high degree of training in the pro blem. However, general pediatricians have a fundamental role both in the prevention and in the early detection of these pathologies. The purpose of this publication is to provide them with practical recommendations on interventions that can be carried out during adolescent care for the prevention of ED, the early detection and evaluation of those who already have them, and their timely referral to specialized treatment.
Humans , Adolescent , Pediatrics/methods , Pediatrics/standards , Physician's Role/psychology , Feeding and Eating Disorders/diagnosis , Feeding and Eating Disorders/etiology , Feeding and Eating Disorders/psychology , Feeding and Eating Disorders/therapy , Pediatricians/standards , Pediatricians/psychology , Patient Care Team , Physical Examination/methods , Physical Examination/standards , Physician-Patient Relations , Primary Prevention/methods , Primary Prevention/standards , Referral and Consultation , Chile , Risk Factors , Early Diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential , Medical History Taking/methods , Medical History Taking/standardsABSTRACT
Introducción: La enfermedad granulomatosa crónica es una inmunodeficiencia primaria causada por mutaciones en la enzima NADPH oxidasa. Esta compromete la producción de especies reactivas del oxígeno, que son importantes contra patógenos. La prueba de la oxidación de la dihidrorodamina es un método eficaz para diagnosticar la enfermedad. Objetivo: Demostrar la utilidad de la prueba de la oxidación de la dihidrorodamina y del patrón de herencia en la confirmación del diagnóstico de la enfermedad granulomatosa crónica de un paciente. Métodos: Estudio de caso de una familia con diagnóstico de enfermedad granulomatosa crónica. Se tomó muestra de sangre periférica para citometría de flujo a tres individuos. Se realizó la prueba de la oxidación de la dihidrorodamina bajo estímulo con acetato de forbolmiristato y se evaluaron las subpoblaciones linfocitarias. Las muestras se leyeron en un citómetro GALLIOS, Beckman Coulter. Los datos obtenidos se analizaron en el programa informático Kaluza. Resultados: El paciente masculino tuvo un valor de oxidación de la dihidrorodamina positiva de 0,87 por ciento, que confirmó un patrón de herencia ligado al cromosoma X; mientras que la madre y hermana gemela portadoras tuvieron valores de 46,76 por ciento y 37,32 por ciento, respectivamente. Se encontraron alteraciones en las subpoblaciones linfocitarias. Conclusiones: La prueba de la oxidación de la dihidrorodamina es un método muy efectivo, rápido y sencillo que confirma el diagnóstico de la enfermedad granulomatosa crónica y determina el patrón de herencia y fenotipo de la enfermedad. Además, permite identificar a las mujeres portadoras según la distribución de los neutrófilos normales y los que tienen el gen CYBB mutado(AU)
Introduction: Chronic granulomatous disease is a primary immunodeficiency caused by mutations in the NADPH oxidase enzymes. This compromises the production of oxygen reactive species, which are important against pathogens. The dihydrorhodamine oxidation test is an effective method for diagnosing the disease. Objective: To demonstrate the usefulness of the dihydrorhodamine oxidation test and the inheritance pattern in confirming the diagnosis of chronic granulomatous disease in a patient. Methods: A case study of a family with a diagnosis of chronic granulomatous disease. A peripheral blood sample was taken from three individuals and by flow cytometry. The dihydrorhodamine oxidation test was performed under stimulation with phorbolmyristate acetate, and lymphocyte subpopulations were evaluated. The samples were read on a GALLIOS, Beckman Coulter cytometer. The data obtained were analyzed using the computer program Kaluza. Results: The male patient had a positive dihydrorhodamine oxidation value of 0.87 percent, which confirmed an inheritance pattern linked to the X chromosome; while the carrier mother and twin sister had values 8203;8203;of 46.76 percent and 37.32 percent, respectively. Alterations were found in the lymphocyte subpopulations. Conclusions: The dihydrorhodamine oxidation test is a very effective, fast and simple method that confirms the diagnosis of chronic granulomatous disease and determines the inheritance pattern and phenotype of the disease. In addition, it allows the identification of female carriers according to the distribution of normal neutrophils and those with the CYBB mutation(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Carrier State/congenital , NADPH Oxidases/analysis , Inheritance Patterns/genetics , Granulomatous Disease, Chronic/diagnosis , Case Reports , Cuba , Genetic Carrier Screening/methods , Medical History Taking/methodsABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: La anamnesis médica es el proceso de comunicación interactiva entre el médico, el paciente, su familia o ambos, con el propósito de identificar y caracterizar los síntomas que expresan la realidad del estado de salud del paciente, para establecer el diagnóstico y la intervención médica. Objetivo: Diseñar un sistema de acciones didácticas que faciliten a los estudiantes de la carrera de Medicina el aprendizaje de la anamnesis. Método: En el Hospital General Docente "Dr. Agostinho Neto" se desarrolló un estudio de tipo pedagógico con dicho objetivo, donde se utilizaron los métodos: histórico- lógico, análisis y síntesis e inducción-deducción. Se empleó, además, la modelación para la elaboración del modelo de preguntas y el enfoque sistémico para determinar su estructura y establecer las relaciones entre ellas. Resultados: El empleo de procedimientos (trasmisión de experiencias, ejemplos prácticos, modelos memorísticos basados en la imitación), sin un sustrato teórico estructurado, dificulta la aplicación plena de los contenidos médicos en pacientes concretos en condiciones reales semejantes o diferentes a las aprendidas, lo que constituye una limitación para la formación de esta habilidad en la asignatura Propedéutica Clínica y Semiología Médica. Conclusiones: Se ofrece un modelo de aprendizaje por preguntas, con el cual se dota al estudiante de un recurso didáctico-metodológico para la comunicación interactiva con el paciente, lo que facilita el aprendizaje de la escucha activa y la comprensión del paciente por el estudiante. Contribuye, además, con la calidad de la confección de la historia clínica.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Medical anamnesis is the process of interactive communication between the physician, the patient, his or her family, or both, for the purpose of identifying and characterizing the symptoms that express the reality of the patient's state of health, in order to establish the diagnosis and medical intervention. Objective: To design a system of didactic actions that will make it easier for medical students to learn the anamnesis. Method: At the General Teaching Hospital "Dr. Agostinho Neto" a pedagogical study was developed with this objective, where the methods used were: historical-logical, analysis and synthesis and induction-deduction. In addition, a modeling was used to develop the question model and the systemic approach to determine its structure and establish the relationships between them. Results: The use of procedures (transmission of experiences, practical examples, memory models based on imitation), without a structured theoretical support, makes it difficult to fully apply the medical content to specific patients in real conditions similar to or different from those learned, which constitutes a limitation for the training of this skill in the subject Clinical Propedeutics and Medical Semiology. Conclusions: A question-based learning model is offered, in which the student is equipped with a didactic-methodological resource for interactive communication with the patient, which facilitates the learning of active listening and the understanding of the patient by the student. It also contributes to the quality of the preparation of the clinical record.
Learning , Medical History Taking/methods , Students, Medical , Teaching Materials , Clinical CompetenceABSTRACT
Abstract A historical follow-up on the medical diaries about the patient is made, from the Hippocratic texts to the appearance of the current canon of the clinical history formulated by Boerhaave in the seventeenth century, through the medieval consilia and the curationes and observationes of the Renaissance; and it is discussed how much the patient's story is present in those writings. It is postulated that the medical narrative that starts from adequately listening to the patient and his story, and adopts a literary workshop format, it is a pedagogical tool that contributes to comprehensive medical training, and offers the patient the opportunity to be treated in an empathic and humanized environment.
Resumen Se hace un seguimiento histórico a los escritos médicos sobre el paciente, desde los textos hipocráticos hasta la aparición del canon actual de historia clínica formulado por Boerhaave en el siglo XVII, pasando por los consilia medievales y las curationes y observationes del renacimiento; y se discute qué tanto el relato del paciente está presente en esos escritos. Se postula que la narrativa médica que parte de escuchar adecuadamente al paciente y su historia, y se trabaja en formato de taller literario, es una herramienta pedagógica que contribuye a la formación médica integral y ofrece la posibilidad de que el paciente pueda ser tratado en un medio empático y humanizado.
History, 16th Century , History, 17th Century , History, 18th Century , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , History, Ancient , History, Medieval , Humans , Medical Records , Medical Writing/history , Medical History Taking , Symptom Assessment/history , Symptom Assessment/methods , Narrative Medicine/history , Narrative Medicine/methods , Medical History Taking/standards , Medical History Taking/methodsABSTRACT
Objetivos: Avaliar a força de preensão palmar de mulheres com hipermobilidade articular, comparando-as com as sem hipermobilidade articular, relacionando idade, dominância manual e comportamento da força de preensão palmar ao longo das mensurações. Métodos: Trata-se de estudo transversal de caráter analítico. A amostra foi composta por 68 mulheres, das quais 42 formaram o Grupo Hipermobilidade Articular e 26 o Grupo Controle. Como instrumento de coleta, foi utilizado o dinamômetro Jamar®, tendo sido seguido o protocolo recomendado pela American Sociecity of Hand Therapists (ASHT). A análise estatística foi realizada utilizando o software BioEstat 5.0 e a análise de variância, para avaliar a significância das médias, seguido dos testes de Tukey e t de Student independente para as variáveis antropométricas, idade e força manual bilateral, considerando índice de significância de 95%. Resultados: Houve predomínio da força de preensão palmar da mão direita em relação à esquerda em ambos os grupos. Indivíduos portadores de hipermobilidade articular possuíam menor força em ambas as mãos quando comparados ao Grupo Controle. A força manual bilateral do Grupo Controle foi maior naqueles com idade igual e superior a 21 anos em relação aos indivíduos com idade igual e menor a 20 anos. Ainda, indivíduos hipermóveis com idade igual e menor a 20 anos possuíam menor força quando comparados ao Grupo Controle com idade igual e maior a 21 anos em ambas as mãos. Conclusão: Considerando os resultados concebidos por este estudo, sugere-se que há correlação entre força de preensão manual e hipermobilidade articular.
Objective: To evaluate handgrip strength in women with joint hypermobility, comparing them with those who do not have joint hypermobility, relating age, hand dominance and behavior of the hand grip strength throughout the measurements. Methods: This is an analytical cross-sectional study. The sample consisted of 68 women, of which 42 formed the group Joint Hypermobility, and 26 the Control Group. As a collection instrument, the Jamar® dynamometer was used, and the protocol recommended by American Sociecity of Hand Therapists ASHT was followed. Statistical analysis was performed using the software BioEstat 5.0, and the analysis of variance, to evaluate the significance of the means, followed by the Tukey e t-student tests, independent for the anthropometric variables, age and bilateral hand strength, considering a significance index of 95%. Results: There was a predominance of hand grip strength of the right hand in relation to the left in both groups. Individuals with joint hypermobility have less strength in both hands when compared to the control group. Bilateral hand grip strength of the Control Group is greater in those aged 21 years and over, compared to individuals aged less than 20 years. Moreover, hypermobile individuals aged less than 20 years had lower strength when compared to the Control Group with age equal to and greater than 21 years in both hands. Conclusion: considering the results conceived by this study, a correlation between hand grip strength and joint hypermobility is suggested
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Hand Strength/physiology , Joint Instability/diagnosis , Students/statistics & numerical data , Anthropometry , Cross-Sectional Studies , Range of Motion, Articular/physiology , Muscle Strength Dynamometer , Medical History Taking/methodsABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: El síndrome de Klippel Trenaunay Weber es una enfermedad vascular congénita, de causas desconocidas, caracterizada por hemangiomas planos, crecimiento excesivo de huesos y tejido blando, y venas varicosas. Cuando se asocia al embarazo incrementa la morbilidad y mortalidad materna y fetal. Objetivo: Describir dos casos clínicos de gestantes con este síndrome las cuales fueron atendidas en el Hospital Ginecobstétrico Docente "Ramón González Coro" en La Habana, Cuba. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, de dos casos mediante técnica de recolección de información, análisis de la historia clínica y búsqueda de literatura actualizada. El mismo se efectuó conforme a las reglamentaciones y principios éticos existentes para la investigación en humanos. No fue necesario que las pacientes ofrecieran su consentimiento informado. Presentación de casos: Los dos casos presentados fueron gestantes adolescentes a las cuales se les dio seguimiento en consulta multidisciplinaria y se les realizó cesárea a las 38 semanas, la primera por riesgo de sangrado por las varicosidades pelvianas y la segunda por indicación neurológica. Se obtuvieron en ambos casos recién nacidos femeninos, de 2620 y 3200 gramos respectivamente y en buenas condiciones. Conclusiones: Debe realizarse una correcta anamnesis durante los controles prenatales para identificar los factores de riesgo que se relacionan con esta entidad que es poco frecuente, pero está relacionada con una gran morbilidad. Es indispensable la actuación en equipo y la evaluación integral de estos casos por un grupo especializado de angiólogos, ginecobstetras, anestesistas, cirujanos, clínicos, y de otras especialidades, para lograr un resultado óptimo(AU)
ABSTRACT Introduction: Klippel Trenaunay Weber syndrome is a congenital vascular disease, of unknown causes, characterized by flat hemangiomas, overgrowth of bones and soft tissue, and varicose veins. When associated with pregnancy, it increases maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Objective: To describe two clinical cases of pregnant women with this syndrome, which were treated at the Ramón González Coro Gynecobstetric Teaching Hospital in Havana, Cuba. Methods: A descriptive, retrospective study of two cases using the information collection technique, analysis of the medical history, and search for updated literature. It was carried out in accordance with existing regulations and ethical principles for human research. Patients were not required to offer their informed consent. Case reports: The two cases presented were pregnant adolescents who were followed up in a multidisciplinary consultation and underwent caesarean section at 38 weeks, the first due to risk of bleeding as result of pelvic varicosities and the second due to neurological indication. In both cases, female newborns, 2620 and 3200 grams respectively, were obtained in good conditions. Conclusions: Correct anamnesis must be carried out during prenatal controls to identify the risk factors that are related to this entity, which is rare, but is related to high morbidity. Team action and comprehensive evaluation of these cases, by a specialized group of angiologists, gynecologists, anesthetists, surgeons, clinicians, and other specialties, are essential to achieve an optimal result(AU)
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Risk Factors , Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome/diagnosis , Hemangioma/etiology , Medical History Taking/methods , Review Literature as Topic , Medical Records , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objectives To determine the differences between voiding symptoms obtained by open anamnesis (VS-Open) versus voiding symptoms obtained by directed anamnesis (VS-Directed) to predict voiding dysfunction in women. Materials and Methods Retrospective study of women with prior anti-incontinence surgery evaluated during 5 years. In a standardized clinical history taking, each patient was asked to answer question number five of the UDI-6 questionnaire ("Do you experience any difficulty emptying your bladder?"). If the answer was positive, the following voiding symptoms spontaneously described by the patient were documented: slow urine stream, straining to void, intermittent stream and feeling of incomplete bladder emptying, which were considered VS-Open. If the answer to this question was negative or if the patient had not reported the four voiding symptoms, she was asked in a directed manner about the presence of each o Ninety-one women are analyzed. Eighteen patients presented voiding dysfunction (19.8%), There was a statistical association between voiding dysfunction and the presence of any VS-Open (p = 0.037) and straining to void obtained by open anamnesis (p = 0.013). Sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, positive likelihood ratio and negative likelihood ratio, respectively, were 44.4% and 27.8%, 80.8% and 94.5%, 36.3% and 55.6%, 85.5% and 84.1%, 2.324 and 5.129, and 0.686 and 0.764. There was no statistical association between voiding dysfunction and VS-Directed. Conclusions VS-Open may predict better voiding dysfunction than VS-Directed in women.
Humans , Female , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Urination Disorders/diagnosis , Urination Disorders/physiopathology , Medical History Taking/methods , Reference Values , Urinary Incontinence/surgery , Urodynamics , Urinary Bladder/physiopathology , Predictive Value of Tests , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results , Retrospective Studies , Middle AgedABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: Los cánceres de mama (CM) y colorrectal (CCR) presentan una elevada carga de enfermedad en Argentina, por lo que el estudio de la epidemiología de estos tumores constituye una prioridad en salud pública. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue describir la prevalencia de antecedentes familiares de CM y CCR, y estimar la incidencia de los tumores en adultos de 35 a 74 años de dos ciudades de Argentina: Bariloche y Marcos Paz. MÉTODOS: En el marco de la cohorte prospectiva de población general CESCAS I (Estudio de detección y seguimiento de enfermedad cardiovascular y factores de riesgo en el Cono Sur de Latinoamérica), se recolectó información individual sobre antecedentes familiares de CM y CCR en una muestra representativa de las ciudades de Bariloche y Marcos Paz. Los casos de cáncer fueron investigados mediante documentación médica respaldatoria. RESULTADOS: Durante 2016-2017 se obtuvo información de 3245 participantes. El 8,4% de la población reportó antecedente familiar de CCR, y el 15,2% de las mujeres, de CM. La incidencia anual para el período 2011-2017 fue de 55,2/100 000 mujeres de 35 a 74 años (IC95%: 22,8-133,7) para CM y 8,5/100 000 adultos de 35 a 74 años (IC95%: 15,3-96,8) para CCR. CONCLUSIONES: Además de garantizar el acceso universal a los programas de tamizaje, se debe tener en cuenta la importancia de indagar sobre los antecedentes familiares de cáncer para identificar pacientes con riesgo aumentado, que requieren algoritmos particulares de detección temprana y vigilancia.
INTRODUCTION: Breast cancer (BC) and colorectal cancer (CRC) both present a high burden of disease in Argentina. Hence, studying the epidemiology of these tumors constitutes a public health priority. The objective of this study was to describe the prevalence of family history of BC and CRC and to estimate the incidence of these tumors in adults aged between 35 and 74 years from two cities in Argentina: Bariloche and Marcos Paz. METHODS: As part of the prospective population-based cohort CESCAS I (Study of detection and monitoring of cardiovascular disease and risk factors in the Southern Cone of Latin America), individual information on family history of BC and CRC was collected from a representative sample of the cities of Bariloche and Marcos Paz. Cancer cases were investigated using supporting medical documentation. RESULTS: During 2016-2017, information from 3245 participants was obtained. Family history of CRC was reported by 8.4% of the population, and 15.2% of women reported a family history of BC. The annual incidence for the 2011-2017 period was 55.2/100 000 women aged 35 to 74 years (95%CI: 22.8-133.7) for BC and 38.5/100 000 adults aged 35 to 74 years (95%CI: 15.3-96.8) for CRC.CONCLUSIONS: Besides guaranteeing universal access to screening programs, it is important to evaluate family history of cancer to identify patients with increased risk, who require specific early detection and surveillance algorithms.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Breast Neoplasms/epidemiology , Colorectal Neoplasms/epidemiology , Argentina/epidemiology , Data Collection/methods , Medical History Taking/methodsABSTRACT
A presença de pacientes adolescentes tem sido uma situação cada vez mais frequente para os ginecologistas. Dentre os motivos de consulta, destacam-se a avaliação do desenvolvimento da puberdade, distúrbios do ciclo menstrual, corrimento e o desejo de contracepção. Obter a confiança da adolescente é um dos maiores desafios para o profissional que atende uma paciente adolescente, tanto pelos aspectos biopsicossociais como também pelas questões éticas e legais que estão envolvidas na consulta. Embora a consulta ginecológica da adolescente tenha diversos pontos em comum com a da mulher adulta, os aspectos relacionados à sexualidade devem ser indagados com cautela, pois, na maioria das vezes, a adolescente está acompanhada e nem sempre compartilha sua prática sexual com seus familiares. A empatia mútua poderá beneficiar a adolescente, garantindo um momento propício para a abordagem dos cuidados relacionados aos aspectos da sua saúde sexual e reprodutiva.(AU)
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adolescent Health/ethics , Gynecology/ethics , Contraception , Gynecological Examination/methods , Medical History Taking/methodsABSTRACT
Se destaca la relación médico-paciente como un modelo singular de comunicación humana, el cual sirve de marco a la interacción intelectual y afectiva más importante de la práctica clínica: la que se lleva a cabo a través de la entrevista médica. Esta es herramienta fundamental para obtener una anamnesis fidedigna y establecer una relación médico-paciente sólida, perdurable y productiva, pues la habilidad para comunicarse eficientemente no solo consiste en saber expresarse, sino, sobre todo, en saber escuchar, con lo cual se comienza a cumplimentar el primer principio del método clínico, que es el de la profesión médica. El objetivo de esta investigación fue actualizar los conocimientos acerca de la relación médico-paciente de acuerdo con el método clínico. Para ello, se revisaron las contribuciones teóricas realizadas por prestigiosos internistas cubanos a lo largo de la historia, unidas a las posiciones asumidas por las presentes autoras a partir de sus propias experiencias. Sin dudas, el logro de una relación médico-paciente exitosa deviene una poderosa arma para el diagnóstico certero(AU)
The doctor-patient relationship stands out as a unique model of human communication, which serves as a framework for the most important intellectual and affective interaction of clinical practice, which is carried out through the medical interview. This is a fundamental tool to obtain reliable history and establish solid, lasting and productive doctor-patient relationship, since the ability to communicate efficiently is not only knowing how to express oneself, but also, and above all, knowing how to listen, which begins to complete the first principle of the clinical method, which is that of the medical profession. The objective of this research was to update the knowledge on the doctor-patient relationship according to the clinical method. To this end, we reviewed theoretical contributions made by prestigious Cuban internists throughout history, together with the positions assumed by the present authors based on their own experiences. Certainly, the achievement of a successful doctor-patient relationship becomes a powerful weapon for accurate diagnosis(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Physician-Patient Relations , Clinical Diagnosis/education , Medical History Taking/methodsABSTRACT
Este protocolo visa apresentar os critérios e o algoritmo para o diagnóstico e o tratamento das disfunções sexuais femininas (DSFs), de acordo com os critérios da Classificação Internacional das Doenças (CID-10) utilizados pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) no Brasil. A classificação e os conceitos do DSM-V são utilizados para complementar a CID-10.(AU)