ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the epidemiological, clinical, and imaging profile of lesions that mimic choroidal melanoma. Methods: Retrospective study of medical records of suspected choroidal melanoma lesions referred to the Ocular Oncology Service from the Universidade Federal de São Paulo, from 2014 to 2020. Demographic data, clinical history, and exams were evaluated. Results: A total of 104 patients (mean age: 65.57 ± 13.18; 49.04% female) were referred to our service with suspected choroidal melanoma. Of these, 32 (30.77%) were classified as pseudomelanoma, while 72 (69.23%) had a confirmed diagnosis of choroidal melanoma. Pseudomelanoma cases manifested in older individuals (p < 0.001), with smaller lesions in height (p < 0.001), anteroposterior diameter (p = 0.008), and lateral diameter (p = 0.003) on ultrasound. Pseudomelanoma cases were associated with higher frequencies of vitreous hemorrhage (p = 0.014) and lower rates of the presence of a mass (p = 0.001) and retinal detachment (p < 0.001). The main diagnoses of pseudomelanoma cases were choroidal nevus (40.63%), subretinal hemorrhage (18.75%) and choroidal neovascular membrane (18.75%). Conclusion: Almost one third of the cases referred with suspected choroidal melanoma were pseudomelanomas, which demonstrates that there is still a considerable path to improve the ability of general ophthalmologists to clinically discriminate melanoma from other conditions that can mimic it.
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a frequência e o perfil epidemiológico, clínico e de imagem das lesões que simulam o melanoma de coroide. Métodos: Trata-se de estudo de revisão retrospectiva de prontuários de suspeita de lesões de melanoma de coroide de 2014 a 2020 no Setor de Oncologia Ocular da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Foram avaliados dados demográficos, dados clínicos e exames complementares. Resultados: Um total de 104 pacientes (média de idade: 65,57 ± 13,18; 49,04% do sexo feminino) foram encaminhados ao nosso serviço com suspeita de melanoma de coroide. Destes, 32 (30,77%) foram classificados como pseudomelanoma, enquanto 72 (69,23%) tiveram diagnóstico confirmado de melanoma de coroide. Os casos de pseudomelanoma manifestaram-se em indivíduos mais velhos (p < 0,001) e apresentaram lesões menores em altura (p < 0,001), diâmetro anteroposterior (p = 0,008) e diâmetro lateral (p = 0,003) na ultrassonografia. Os casos de pseudomelanoma estão associados a maiores frequências de hemorragia vítrea (p = 0,014) e menores taxas de presença de massa (p = 0,001) e descolamento de retina (p < 0,001). Os principais diagnósticos dos casos de pseudomelanoma foram nevo (40,63%), hemorragia sub-retiniana (18,75%) e membrana neovascular coroidal (18,75%). Conclusão: Quase um terço dos casos encaminhados com suspeita de melanoma de coroide foram pseudomelanomas, o que demonstra que ainda há um caminho considerável para melhorar a habilidade do oftalmologista geral em discriminar clinicamente o melanoma de outras condições que o simulam.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Choroid Neoplasms/diagnosis , Choroid Neoplasms/pathology , Choroid Neoplasms/epidemiology , Melanoma/diagnosis , Brazil , Retinal Hemorrhage/diagnosis , Medical Records , Retrospective Studies , Choroidal Neovascularization/diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential , Nevus/diagnosisABSTRACT
Introducción: El melanoma anorrectal es un tumor infrecuente que se caracteriza por ser agresivo y de mal pronóstico; constituye el 1 por ciento entre los tumores malignos colorrectales. Es más frecuente en pacientes femeninas de más de 50 años y alcanza un pico máximo en la octava década de la vida. Objetivo: Presentar las características clínicas de una paciente con melanoma del canal anorrectal. Caso clínico: Se estudió a una paciente femenina de 61 años que acudió a consulta de gastroenterología, por presentar constipación de varios meses de evolución, asociada a tenesmo rectal, anorexia, astenia y pérdida de peso de forma rápida y progresiva. Se le diagnosticó un melanoma anorrectal, en estado avanzado de la enfermedad, por lo que tuvo mala evolución. Conclusiones: Con una anamnesis y exploración física minuciosa, asociado al uso de los medios diagnósticos disponibles y un elevado índice de sospecha, se consigue con la paciente, que el estudio y diagnóstico se hicieran con prontitud y con ello imponer tratamiento(AU)
Introduction: Anorectal melanoma is an infrequent tumor characterized by aggressive and poor prognosis; it constitutes 1 percent among colorectal malignancies. It is more frequent in female patients over 50 years of age and reaches a maximum peak in the eighth decade of life. Objective: To present the clinical characteristics of a patient with melanoma of the anorectal canal. Clinical case: A 61-year-old female patient was studied, who came to the gastroenterology department for constipation of several months of evolution, associated with rectal tenesmus, anorexia, asthenia and rapid and progressive weight loss. He was diagnosed with anorectal melanoma, in advanced stage of the disease, for which he had poor evolution. Conclusions: With a thorough anamnesis and physical examination, associated with the use of the available diagnostic means and a high index of suspicion, it is achieved with the patient, that the study and diagnosis were made promptly and thus impose treatment(AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Anal Canal/injuries , Colorectal Neoplasms/diagnosis , Melanoma/diagnosis , Anus Neoplasms , Colonoscopy/instrumentation , ConstipationABSTRACT
Objective: This study aims to report the case of a 69-year-old female patient with a diagnosis of anorectal melanoma (AM) established by immunohistochemistry. Methods: Clinical case report, a descriptive and qualitative study. Results: The patient had a nodular and ulcerative lesion in the anal region, the imaging exams revealed an expansive lesion that affected the rectum and the vaginal wall. The chosen course of treatment was initial surgical intervention, the surgery and postoperative course progressed without complications, and the anatomopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of invasive malignant melanoma of the distal rectum of anorectal transition. The anatomopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of invasive malignant melanoma located in the distal rectum of the anorectal transition. Immunohistochemistry analysis showed infiltrative melanoma with microsatellites, as well as peri and intratumoral lymphocytic infiltrate, angiolymphatic invasion, and perineural invasion. The surgical resection margins, ovaries, posterior vaginal wall, and parametrium showed no signs of neoplastic involvement. Following the surgery, the patient began immunotherapy, which she is still undergoing. Conclusions: The survival rate of AM can be improved through various diagnostic and therapeutic modalities. However, further exploration of this topic through clinical studies is necessary to enhance both diagnosis and treatment. (AU)
Humans , Female , Aged , Anus Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Melanoma/surgery , Melanoma/diagnosisABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the clinicopathological characteristics, immunohistochemical profiles, molecular features, and prognosis of subungual melanoma in situ (SMIS). Methods: Thirty cases of SMIS were collected in Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai, China from 2018 to 2022. The clinicopathological characteristics and follow-up data were retrospectively analyzed. Histopathologic evaluation and immunohistochemical studies were carried out. By using Vysis melanoma fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probe kit, combined with 9p21(CDKN2A) and 8q24(MYC) assays were performed. Results: There were 8 males and 22 females. The patients' ages ranged from 22 to 65 years (median 48 years). All patients presented with longitudinal melanonychia involving a single digit. Thumb was the most commonly affected digit (16/30, 53.3%). 56.7% (17/30) of the cases presented with Hutchinson's sign. Microscopically, melanocytes proliferated along the dermo-epithelial junction. Hyperchromatism and nuclear pleomorphism were two of the most common histological features. The melanocyte count ranged from 30 to 185. Most cases showed small to medium nuclear enlargement (29/30, 96.7%). Pagetoid spread was seen in all cases. Intra-epithelial mitoses were identified in 56.7% (17/30) of the cases. Involvement of nailfold was found in 19 cases, 4 of which were accompanied by cutaneous adnexal extension. The positive rates of SOX10, PNL2, Melan A, HMB45, S-100, and PRAME were 100.0%, 100.0%, 96.0%, 95.0%, 76.9%, and 83.3%, respectively. FISH analysis was positive in 6/9 of the cases. Follow-up data were available in 28 patients, and all of them were alive without disease. Conclusions: SMIS mainly shows small to medium-sized cells. High melanocyte count, hyperchromatism, nuclear pleomorphism, Pagetoid spreading, intra-epithelial mitosis, nailfold involvement, and cutaneous adnexal extension are important diagnostic hallmarks. Immunohistochemistry including SOX10 and PRAME, combined with FISH analysis, is valuable for the diagnosis of SMIS.
Male , Female , Humans , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Skin Neoplasms/pathology , Prognosis , Retrospective Studies , In Situ Hybridization, Fluorescence , China , Melanoma/diagnosis , Nail Diseases/pathology , Antigens, NeoplasmABSTRACT
RESUMEN Antecedentes: la biopsia del ganglio centinela (GC) es la técnica aceptada para determinar el pronóstico en estadios iniciales de melanoma cutáneo. La ventaja del vaciamiento ganglionar (VG) cuando el GC resulta positivo ha sido recientemente cuestionada. Objetivo: describir los porcentajes y factores asociados a metástasis en el GC, y en los ganglios no centinela (GnC) en los VG de pacientes con GC positivo. Material y métodos: se llevó a cabo un estudio retrospectivo de los registros clínicos y patológicos de 139 pacientes operados por melanoma cutáneo entre enero de 2012 y diciembre de 2019. Resultados: a 96 (69%) pacientes se les realizó biopsia de GC. El promedio de edad fue 61,7 años ± 17,5 (19-93); 53 (55,2%) fueron hombres. La lesión primaria estuvo ubicada en: extremidades 47 (49%), tronco 39 (40,6%), cabeza y cuello 10 (10,4%). El promedio de espesor de Breslow fue 5,01 mm (1,05- 50 mm) y se encontró ulceración en 35 casos (36,4%). El GC fue identificado en todas las oportunidades y en 39 (40,6%) fue positivo. Hubo asociación con el espesor ≥ 3 mm (p = 0,000017) y con la ulceración (p = 0,0011). A los pacientes con GC positivo se les efectuó el VG del territorio afectado: 23 axilar, 10 inguinal y 6 cervical. Veintitrés (59%) presentaron metástasis en GnC. Se asoció con el espesor (p = 0,022) y la ulceración (p = 0,019). Conclusión: existió un alto porcentaje de GnC positivos en la población estudiada, vinculado al espesor y la ulceración. Estas características, así como la dificultad de un estricto seguimiento, inducen a no abandonar el VG en pacientes con GC positivo.
ABSTRACT Background: Sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy is the technique accepted to determine the prognosis of early cutaneous melanomas. The advantage of lymph node dissection (LND) when SLN biopsy is positive has recently been questioned. Objective: The aim of this study is to describe the percentages and factors associated with SLN and non-sentinel node (NSN) metastases in LNDs of SLN-positive patients. Material and methods: The clinical records and pathology reports of 139 patients undergoing surgery for cutaneous melanoma between January 2012 and December 2019 were retrospectively reviewed. Results: Ninety-six (69%) patients underwent SLN biopsy. Mean age was 61.7 ± 17.5 years (19-93) and 53 (55.2%) were men. The primary lesion was located in the extremities in 47 (49%) cases, in the trunk in 39 (40.6%), and in the head and neck in 10 (10.4%). Mean Breslow thickness was 5.01 mm (1.05-50 mm) and ulceration was found in 35 cases (36.4%). The SLN was identified in all the cases and was positive in 39 (40.6%). There was an association with thickness ≥ 3 mm (p = 0.000017) and ulceration (p = 0.0011). Those patients with positive SLN biopsy underwent LND of the territory involved: axillary in 23, inguinal in 10 and cervical in 6. Twenty-three (59%) presented NSLN metastases and were associated with thickness (p = 0.022) and ulceration (p = 0.019). Conclusion: There was a high percentage of positive NSLN in the population studied which was associated with thickness and ulceration. These characteristics and the difficulty to achieve strict follow-up are the reasons for completion LND in SLN-positive patients.
Humans , Animals , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Sentinel Lymph Node/surgery , Melanoma/diagnosis , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies , Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy , Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy/statistics & numerical data , Sentinel Lymph Node/pathology , Lymph Node Excision , Neoplasm MetastasisABSTRACT
SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: A growing volume of literature has suggested long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) as important players in tumor progression. In this study, we aimed to investigate the expression and prognostic value of lncRNA LINC00173 (LINC00173) in melanoma. METHODS: LINC00173 expression was measured in 163 paired cancerous and noncancerous specimen samples by real-time polymerase chain reaction. The correlations between LINC00173 expression with clinicopathological characteristics and prognosis were analyzed by chi-square test, log-rank test, and multivariate survival analysis. Receiver-operating characteristic curves were used for the assessment of the diagnostic value of LINC00173 for melanoma patients. RESULTS: The expression level of LINC00173 in melanoma specimens was distinctly higher than that in adjacent non-neoplasm specimens (p<0.01). Besides, LINC00173 was expressed more frequently in patients with advanced melanoma than in patients with early melanoma. Multivariate assays confirmed that LINC00173 expression level was an independent prognostic predictor of melanoma patients (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Our data indicated that LINC00173 expression could serve as an unfavorable prognostic biomarker for melanoma patients.
Humans , RNA, Long Noncoding/genetics , RNA, Long Noncoding/metabolism , Melanoma/diagnosis , Melanoma/genetics , Prognosis , Biomarkers, Tumor/genetics , Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic , Kaplan-Meier EstimateABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Immunohistochemistry allows in situ detection of cell and extracellular components through specific antibodies. The objective was to compare the immunohistochemical expression patterns of the S-100, HMB-45 and MART-1 proteins for differential diagnosis of malignant melanoma and melanocytic nevus in human skin biopsies. Thirty-nine biopsies of human tissue were used. They were divided into two groups: 19 in malignant melanoma and 20 in melanocytic nevi. Next, the samples were fixed with paraformaldehyde and processed following the protocol for inclusion. Then, immunohistochemical staining was performed. Finally, the histological and qualitative analysis of the samples was carried out. S-100, HMB-45, and MART-1 markers showed positive immunoreaction in melanoma biopsies. HMB-45 marker was generally present with weaker expression than S-100 and MART-1 in melanocytic nevus biopsies. No expression pattern was observed which specifically associates one or more markers with some types of histopathological diagnosis. Immunohistochemistry is fundamental in differential diagnosis of melanomas and melanocytic nevi. However, there is no antibody or set of antibodies which allows unequivocal diagnosis between melanoma and nevus. It is therefore necessary to analyze with care the expression pattern and location of the lesion using standard morphological characteristics.
RESUMEN: La inmunohistoquímica permite la detección in situ de componentes celulares y extracelulares a través de anticuerpos específicos. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue comparar los patrones de expresión inmunohistoquímica de las proteínas S-100, HMB-45 y MART-1 para el diagnóstico diferencial de melanoma maligno y nevo melanocítico en biopsias de piel humana. Se utilizaron treinta y nueve biopsias de tejido humano, las que fueron divididas en dos grupos: 19 en melanoma maligno y 20 en nevos melanocíticos. A continuación, las muestras se fijaron con paraformaldehído y se procesaron siguiendo el protocolo convencional para su inclusión. Luego, se realizó la tinción inmunohistoquímica. Finalmente, se realizó el análisis histológico y cualitativo de las muestras. Los marcadores S-100, HMB- 45 y MART-1 mostraron inmunorreacción positiva en biopsias de melanoma. El marcador HMB-45 estuvo generalmente presente con una expresión más débil que S-100 y MART-1 en biopsias de nevo melanocítico. No se observó ningún patrón de expresión que asocie específicamente uno o más marcadores con algunos tipos de diagnóstico histopatológico. La inmunohistoquímica es fundamental en el diagnóstico diferencial de melanomas y nevos melanocíticos. Sin embargo, no existe ningún anticuerpo o panel de anticuerpos que permita un diagnóstico inequívoco entre el melanoma y el nevo. Por tanto, es necesario analizar con cuidado el patrón de expresión y la localización de la lesión utilizando características morfológicas estándar.
Humans , Skin Neoplasms/diagnosis , Melanoma/diagnosis , Nevus/diagnosis , Skin Neoplasms/pathology , Immunohistochemistry , S100 Proteins , Biomarkers, Tumor , Diagnosis, Differential , MART-1 Antigen , Melanoma/pathology , Antigen-Antibody Complex , Antigens, Neoplasm , Nevus/pathologyABSTRACT
Abstract Total body mapping comprises photographic documentation of the entire body surface followed by digital dermatoscopy of selected melanocytic lesions, aiming to compare their evolution over time and identify new lesions. As this is an exam based on comparative analysis of serial dermoscopic body images, standardization of the technique for performing total body mapping is essential. Prepared by specialists from the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, using the modified Delphi method, this article provides recommendations for carrying out total body mapping in Brazil, regarding its indications, technical aspects, and the issuing of the report.
Humans , Skin Neoplasms/diagnosis , Dermatology , Melanoma/diagnosis , Nevus, Pigmented/diagnosis , Brazil , Follow-Up Studies , Dermoscopy , Diagnosis, DifferentialABSTRACT
Abstract Melanoma in childhood is rare and its diagnosis is more difficult than in adults, as it often presents histologic features overlapping with the Spitz nevus. The authors report the case of a 17-year old boy who was first diagnosed with Spitz nevus, however, the final diagnosis made after the excision of the tumor arising in the scar was changed to melanoma. The case in this present study emphasizes the importance of the differential diagnosis of skin tumors in young patients.
Humans , Male , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Skin Neoplasms/surgery , Skin Neoplasms/diagnosis , Nevus, Epithelioid and Spindle Cell/surgery , Melanoma/surgery , Melanoma/diagnosis , Cicatrix , Diagnosis, Differential , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/surgeryABSTRACT
Los tumores de colisión consisten en neoplasias compuestas por dos poblaciones celulares distintas que mantienen una clara diferenciación de sus bordes y que se encuentran adyacentes una de otra en la misma muestra histopatológica. Esta asociación puede corresponder a dos tumores malignos, dos benignos o uno maligno y uno benigno. Son infrecuentes y, en ocasiones, representan un desafío clínico para la detección correcta de ambas neoplasias. Se presenan los casos de tres pacientes con tumores cutáneos de colisión, de estirpe melanocítica combinada con queratinocítica; en dos de ellos ambas neoplasias fueron malignas y en uno, se asociaron una lesión maligna y una benigna.
Collision tumors consist of neoplasms composed of two different cell populations that maintain a clear differentiation of their borders, and that are adjacent to each other in the same histopathological sample. This association can correspond to two malignant tumors, two benign, or one malignant and one benign. They are infrequent and, at times, represent a clinical challenge for the correct detection of both neoplasms. Three cases of cutaneous collision tumors of a melanocytic line combined with a keratinocytic line are presented, two of them in which both neoplasms were malignant and one that associated a malignant and a benign lesion.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Skin Neoplasms/diagnosis , Carcinoma, Basal Cell/diagnosis , Melanoma/diagnosis , Neoplasms, Multiple Primary/diagnosis , Skin Neoplasms/surgery , Skin Neoplasms/pathology , Carcinoma, Basal Cell/surgery , Carcinoma, Basal Cell/pathology , Melanoma/surgery , Melanoma/pathology , Neoplasms, Multiple Primary/surgery , Neoplasms, Multiple Primary/pathologyABSTRACT
Introducción: El melanoma maligno es un tumor de etiología multifactorial, cuando afecta al sistema respiratorio su origen es casi siempre metastásico, y como tumor primario es muy infrecuente, constituye el 0,07 por ciento de los tumores pulmonares malignos. Objetivo: Presentar un caso clínico con diagnóstico de melanoma maligno primario de pulmón. Presentación del caso: Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 64 años de edad, exfumadora, sin antecedentes de melanoma, que presenta tos seca asociada a disnea, los esfuerzos físicos y dolor torácico. Además de astenia y pérdida de peso. Se le realizó biopsia pulmonar mediante broncoscopia y se le diagnosticó melanoma. Conclusiones: El melanoma primario pulmonar es uno de los más raros del tipo de melanoma visceral, es una entidad neumológica infrecuente y el diagnóstico preciso requiere una investigación detallada y el cumplimiento de criterios clínicos y anatomopatológicos específicos(AU)
Introduction: Malignant melanoma is a tumor of multifactorial etiology, when it affects the respiratory system its origin is almost always metastatic, and as a primary tumor it is very infrequent, it constitutes 0.07 por ciento of malignant lung tumors. Objective: To report a clinical case with a diagnosis of primary malignant melanoma of the lung. Case report: We report the case of a 64-year-old woman, former smoker, with no history of melanoma, who had dry cough associated with dyspnea with physical exertion and chest pain. In addition to asthenia and weight loss, she had a lung biopsy by bronchoscopy and was diagnosed with melanoma. Conclusions: Primary pulmonary melanoma is one of the rarest of the visceral melanoma type, this is an infrequent pneumological entity and the precise diagnosis requires detailed investigation and the fulfillment of specific clinical and pathological criteria(AU)
Humans , Female , Bronchoscopy/methods , Lung Neoplasms/diagnosis , Melanoma/diagnosisABSTRACT
El melanoma subungueal es un subgrupo del melanoma acral lentiginoso. Con frecuencia se diagnostica en etapa avanzada, dada la escasez de síntomas; de ahí que la evaluación y el tratamiento oportuno mejoran el pronóstico. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 44 años de edad, que acude a consulta de Ortopedia con melanoniquia de tres meses de evolución. Había sido tratado en la atención primaria de salud por un hematoma secundario a un trauma directo sobre la falange distal del primer artejo del pie izquierdo. Fue seguido por consulta externa de Ortopedia y, al no experimentar una evolución adecuada, fue evaluado por la Comisión Provincial de Tumores Periféricos. Se le realizó una biopsia por punch (sacabocado), que arrojó el resultado de melanoma subungueal. Se realizó la amputación del primer artejo y del proximal del primer metatarsiano, una vez verificada la no existencia de lesiones metastásicas, con excelente resultado estético y funcional, sin mostrar recidiva en su seguimiento, a dos años de su intervención(AU)
Subungual melanoma is a subgroup of lentiginous acral melanoma. It is often diagnosed in an advanced stage by a shortage of symptoms, so timely evaluation and treatment improve prognosis. This is the case of a 44-year-old patient who goes to orthopedics with melanonichia 3 months of evolution. He had been treated for a bruise secondary to direct trauma to the distal phalanx of the first left foot ailre in primary health care. It was followed by external orthopedic consultation and by not following an adequate evolution was evaluated by the provincial commission of peripheral tumors. He was given a punch biopsy resulting in a subungual melanoma. The amputation of the first artejo and proximal first metatarsal was carried out, once verified the non-existence of metastatic lesions, with excellent aesthetic and functional result, without showing relapse in its follow-up to two years(AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Catastrophic Illness/classification , Melanoma/diagnosis , Orthopedics/methods , Signs and Symptoms , Therapeutics , Biopsy , Amputation, Surgical/methods , Melanoma/surgeryABSTRACT
Antecedentes: El reconocimiento de los melanomas de diámetro pequeño (MDP) a menudo plantea un desafío. Objetivos: Analizar el papel de la dermatoscopia y el seguimiento con dermatoscopia digital en el diagnóstico de los MDP. Diseño: Análisis retrospectivo, observacional, descriptivo, de una serie de 50 MDP diagnosticados entre 2015 y 2019. Resultados: De los MDP, 9 fueron motivo de consulta del paciente (MMC), 30 se detectaron durante el control rutinario de nevos (MMCR) y 11 se diagnosticaron por los cambios observados durante el seguimiento con dermatoscopia digital (MMDD). Cerca del 45% de los MMC fueron clasificados correctamente como lesiones malignas según la "regla ABCD de dermatoscopia"; esto se observó solo en el 20% de los MMCR y en ninguno de los MMDD. El algoritmo "caos y pistas" condujo a la extirpación en casi el 90% de los MMC, el 60% de los MMCR y el 50% de los MMDD. Los porcentajes de melanoma in situ fueron: 55% entre los MMC, 73,3% entre los MMCR y 72,9% entre los MMDD. En los melanomas invasores, el grosor de Breslow medio fue de 0,62 mm en el grupo MMC, de 0,5 mm en el MMCR y de 0,4 mm en el MMDD. Conclusiones: El uso rutinario de la dermatoscopia permite la detección de melanomas con bajo índice de sospecha que los pacientes podrían desconocer. Mediante el seguimiento digital es posible la detección de los melanomas incipientes que carecen no solo de criterios clínicos, sino también dermatoscópicos de malignidad.
Background: Recognition of small-diameter melanomas (SDM) is often challenging. Objective: To analyze the role of dermoscopy and follow-up with digital dermoscopy in the diagnosis of SDM. Design: Retrospective, observational, descriptive analysis of a series of 50 SDM diagnosed between 2015 and 2019. Results: Among the SMD, 9 cases were the patients' reason for consultation (MMC), 30 were detected during routine nevi control (MMCR) and 11 were diagnosed due to changes observed during followup with digital dermoscopy (MMDD). Near 45% of the MMC were correctly classified as malignant lesions according to the "ABCD rule of dermoscopy"; this was observed only in 20% of the MMCR and in none of the MMDD. The "chaos and clues" algorithm led to excision in almost 90% of MMC, 60% of MMCR, and 50% of MMDD. The percentages of in situ melanoma were: 55% in the MMC, 73.3% in the MMCR and 72.9% in the MMDD. Among invasive melanomas, mean Breslow thickness was 0.62 mm in the MMC group, 0.5 mm in the MMCR, and 0.4 mm in the MMDD. Conclusions: The routine use of dermoscopy allows for the detection of melanomas with a low index of suspicion that patients may not be aware of. The use of digital follow-up enables the detection of incipient melanomas that lack not only clinical but also dermoscopic criteria of malignancy.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Skin Neoplasms , Dermoscopy/methods , Melanoma/diagnosis , Skin , Retrospective Studies , AftercareABSTRACT
El presente informe es producto del trabajo colaborativo de la Comisión Nacional de Evaluación de Tecnologías de Salud (CONETEC), dependiente del Ministerio de Salud de la Nación y creada por RM N° 623/2018. La CONETEC realiza evaluaciones y emite recomendaciones a la autoridad sanitaria sobre la incorporación, forma de uso, financiamiento y políticas de cobertura de las tecnologías sanitarias desde una perspectiva global del sistema de salud argentino. En sus evaluaciones y recomendaciones, la CONETEC tiene en cuenta criterios de calidad, seguridad, efectividad, eficiencia y equidad, evaluados bajo dimensiones éticas, médicas, económicas y sociales. Sus resultados son consensuados mediante discusiones públicas y ponderados a través de un marco de valor explícito, con la participación de todos los actores involucrados en el proceso de toma de decisiones en salud. Los informes y recomendaciones de esta comisión surgen de este proceso público, transparente y colaborativo, siendo de libre consulta y acceso para toda la sociedad
Nivolumab , Melanoma , Melanoma/diagnosis , Melanoma/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Abstract External ear melanoma is rare, and early diagnosis and treatment are paramount for the patient's survival. Four clinical cases are reported, emphasizing the importance of the routine clinical examination of the ears in the dermatological consultation. The study included male and female patients, aged 60 to 81 years old, with melanocytic lesions in the outer ear, evaluated with detailed physical and dermoscopic examination, leading to the identification of lesions suggestive of melanoma. The cases were treated surgically with excision of the lesion, and the diagnoses were confirmed by histopathological study. The therapeutic approach was instituted early as most cases were diagnosed at an early stage, which directly impacted global survival.
Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Skin Neoplasms/surgery , Skin Neoplasms/diagnosis , Melanoma/surgery , Melanoma/diagnosis , Ear, External , Melanocytes , Middle AgedABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose: The aim of this study was to present our own experience with the use of thermography as a complementary method for the initial diagnosis and differentiation of intraocular tumors, as well as for the evaluation of the efficacy of treatment of intraocular melanomas. Methods: The study group comprised 37 patients with intraocular tumors, including 9 with uveal melanoma, 8 with uveal melanoma after I125 brachytherapy, 12 with a focal metastasis to the uvea, and 8 with retinal capillary hemangioblastoma. A FLIR T640 camera was used to capture images in the central point of the cornea, eye area, and orbital cavity area. Results: Eyes with uveal melanoma had higher temperature compared with the fellow normal eye of the patient in the range of all measured parameters in the regions of interest. In the group of patients with melanoma after unsuccessful brachytherapy, higher temperature was observed at the central point of the cornea. In patients with tumor regression, all measured parameters were lower in the affected eye. We observed lower temperatures in the range of all tested parameters and areas in eyes with choroidal metastases. Eyes with diagnosed intraocular hemangioblastoma were characterized by higher parameters for the regions of interest versus eyes without this pathology. Conclusions: A thermographic examination of the eye can be used as an additional first-line diagnostic tool for the differentiation of intraocular tumors. Thermography can be a helpful tool in monitoring the treatment outcome in patients with intraocular melanoma.
RESUMO Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi de apresentar a nossa experiência no uso da termografia como método complementar para o diagnóstico inicial e a diferenciação de tumores intraoculares, bem como para a avaliação da eficácia do tratamento de melanomas intraoculares. Métodos: O grupo estudado compunha-se de 37 pacientes com tumores intraoculares, sendo 9 com melanoma uveal, 8 com melanoma uveal após braquiterapia com I125, 12 com metástases focais na úvea e 8 com hemangioblastoma capilar retiniano. As imagens do ponto central da córnea, da área do olho e da área da cavidade orbital foram obtidas com uma câmera FLIR T640. Resultados: Os olhos dos pacientes com melanoma uveal tinham temperaturas mais elevadas do que as dos olhos normais dos mesmos, em toda a faixa dos parâmetros medidos nas regiões de interesse. No grupo de pacientes com melanoma após braquiterapia mal sucedida, encontrámos temperaturas maiores no ponto central da córnea. Nos pacientes com regressão do tumor, todos os parâmetros medidos foram menores no olho acometido. Encontrámos temperaturas mais baixas em toda a faixa dos parâmetros testados e das áreas medidas nos olhos com metástases na coroide. Os olhos com hemangioblastoma intraocular diagnosticado caracterizaram-se por parâmetros mais elevados nas regiões de interesse, em comparação com olhos sem essa patologia. Conclusões: O exame termográfico do olho pode usar-se como ferramenta de diagnóstico adicional de triagem na diferenciação de tumores intraoculares. A termografia pode ser uma ferramenta útil no acompanhamento do desfecho do tratamento em pacientes com melanoma intraocular.
Humans , Uveal Neoplasms , Brachytherapy , Melanoma , Uvea , Uveal Neoplasms/diagnosis , Uveal Neoplasms/radiotherapy , Thermography , Melanoma/diagnosisABSTRACT
Skin cancer is usually classified into melanoma (SCM) and non-melanoma (SCNM), with different cell origins; being the SCM responsible for the highest mortality. In Chile, an incidence (2008) of 434 new cases is estimated, obtaining a standardized rate of 2.2 cases per 100,000 habitants. There are multiple associated risk factors, the main ones being exposure to UV radiation and sunburn. The strategies to prevent this pathology fall on these same factors. The clinical evaluation of the lesions with ABCD mnemonics added to the use of dermoscopy increases the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity; however, the definitive confirmation is through biopsy, which must include the necessary parameters to define prognosis of disease. The definitive treatment is Surgical. There are alternatives such as the use of the sentinel lymph node to define lymph node dissections. Regarding systemic therapies, the use of immunotherapy has shown results that improve survival in these patients.
Humans , Male , Female , Melanoma/diagnosis , Melanoma/therapy , Skin Neoplasms , Melanoma/prevention & control , Melanoma/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Los nevi azules son proliferaciones melanocíticas dendríticas benignas a nivel dérmico, congénitos o adquiridos, debido a un defecto migratorio embrionario de melanocitos a partir de la cresta neural. Se manifiestan clásicamente como una pápula, nódulo o placa de color azul o azul-gris. Muchos subtipos histológicos se han descrito, siendo los más comunes el nevus azul común, nevus azul celular y nevus azul combinado. Las formas esporádicas incluyen al nevus azul lineal, eruptivo, agminado y con satelitosis. La dermatoscopía característica muestra un patrón de pigmentación homogéneo monocromático azul o azul-grisáceo, con ausencia de otras estructuras. Sin embargo, se han descrito también patrones de pigmentación dicromáticos y multicromáticos, además de estructuras tales como red de pigmento, puntos, glóbulos, proyecciones radiadas, pseudópodos, áreas cicatriciales blanquecinas, patrón vascular y rosetas. El diagnóstico diferencial de los nevi azules incluye lesiones melanocíticas y no melanocíticas, benignas y malignas, destacando entre ellas el melanoma. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de sexo masculino de 30 años, portador de un nevus azul celular con cambios de rápida evolución, con desarrollo de lesiones satélites y un aspecto dermatoscópico sugerente de malignidad, simulando un melanoma.
Blue nevi are benign, congenital, or acquired, dermal dendritic melanocytic proliferations due to an embryonic migratory defect of melanocytes starting from the neural crest. They classically manifest as a blue or blue-gray papule, nodule, or plaque. Many histological subtypes have been described, including common blue nevus, cellular blue nevus and combined blue nevus. Sporadic forms include linear blue nevus, eruptive, agminate and with satellitosis. Characteristic dermoscopy shows a homogeneous monochromatic blue or steel-blue pigmentation pattern, with the absence of other structures. However, dichromatic and multichromatic pigmentation patterns have also been described, in addition to structures such as pigment network, dots, globules, streaks, pseudopods, whitish scar areas, vascular pattern and rosettes. Differential diagnosis of blue nevi includes melanocytic and non-melanocytic, benign and malignant lesions, most notably melanoma. The case of a 30-year-old male patient is presented, with a cellular blue nevus with rapidly evolving changes, with development of satellite lesions and a dermoscopic appearance suggestive of malignancy, mimicking melanoma.
Humans , Male , Adult , Skin Neoplasms/diagnosis , Nevus, Blue/diagnosis , Skin Neoplasms/pathology , Nevus, Epithelioid and Spindle Cell , Nevus, Blue/pathology , Dermoscopy , Diagnosis, Differential , Melanoma/diagnosisABSTRACT
Introdução: O melanoma cutâneo é um tumor com grande capacidade de metastização. Um dos quadros possíveis, mas bastante raro, é quando a metástase se aloja em peritônio (carcinomatose peritoneal). Relato do caso: Paciente feminina, 61 anos, encaminhada por massa inguinal esquerda suspeita e lesão hipercrômica de 2 cm, com área de regressão em membro inferior esquerdo. A paciente foi submetida à linfadenectomia inguinal esquerda e ressecção da lesão de pele, que evidenciou melanoma maligno cutâneo extensivo superficial invasor, de espessura de Breslow 1,2 mm, e nível de Clark II, bem como metástase linfonodal. O tratamento adjuvante incluiu radioterapia e quimioterapia. Durante follow-up, oito meses depois, ultrassonografia e tomografia computadorizada de abdome evidenciaram imagem nodular sólida hipoecoica, heterogênea e bosselada, mal definida e mal delimitada em projeção para-aórtica à esquerda, com 12,7x6,7x4,8 cm. Em laparotomia exploradora, encontrou-se massa volumosa retroperitoneal em flanco esquerdo, com envolvimento do ângulo de Treitz e presença de carcinomatose peritoneal. O laudo anatomopatológico evidenciou neoplasia maligna pouco diferenciada epitelioide infiltrativa, compatível com história clínica de melanoma. A paciente evoluiu a óbito após consulta com oncologia clínica. Conclusão:Existem poucos casos de metástase peritoneal de melanoma relatados na literatura. Contudo, deve-se levar em consideração sua possibilidade de ocorrência e as opções terapêuticas disponíveis, além de também compreender seu impacto no prognóstico do paciente. Apesar de rara, a carcinomatose peritoneal deve ser considerada quando pacientes com histórico pessoal de melanoma apresentarem queixas abdominais inespecíficas, como a paciente do caso relatado.
Introduction: Cutaneous melanoma is a tumor with great capacity for metastasis. One of the possible but quite rare scenarios is when the metastasis is lodged in the peritoneum (peritoneal carcinomatosis). Case report:61-year-old female patient, referred by a suspected left inguinal mass and 2 cm hyperchromic lesion, with regression area in the left lower limb. The patient underwent left inguinal lymphadenectomy and resection of the skin lesion, which revealed invasive extensive superficial cutaneous malignant melanoma, Breslow depth 1.2 mm and Clark II level, as well as lymph node metastasis. Adjuvant treatment included radiotherapy and chemotherapy. During follow-up, 8 months later, abdominal ultrasound and computed tomography showed hypoechoic, heterogeneous, and beveled solid nodular image, poorly defined and delimited in left para-aortic projection, with 12.7x6.7x4.8 cm. In exploratory laparotomy, a large retroperitoneal mass was found on the left flank, involving the Treitz angle, and revealed the presence of peritoneal carcinomatosis. The anatomopathological report showed a poorly differentiated malignant infiltrative epithelioid neoplasm, compatible with the clinical history of melanoma. The patient died after consultation with clinical oncology. Conclusion: There are few cases of peritoneal metastasis of melanoma reported in the literature. However, its possibility of occurrence and the therapeutic options available must be taken into account, in addition to understanding its impact on the patient's prognosis. Although rare, peritoneal carcinomatosis should be considered when patients with a personal history of melanoma have non-specific abdominal complaints, such as the patient in the case reported.
Introducción: El melanoma cutáneo es un tumor con gran capacidad de metástasis. Una de las situaciones posibles, pero bastante rara, es cuando la metástasis se aloja en el peritoneo. Relato del caso: paciente femenina de 61 años, remitida por sospecha de masa inguinal izquierda y lesión hipercrómica de 2 cm, con área de regresión, en miembro inferior izquierdo. La paciente fue sometida a linfadenectomía inguinal izquierda y resección de la lesión cutánea, que demonstró melanoma maligno cutáneo superficial extenso invasivo, Breslow 1,2 mm y nivel de Clark II, así como metástasis ganglionares. El tratamiento adyuvante incluyó radioterapia y quimioterapia. Durante el seguimiento, 8 meses después, la ecografía y la tomografía computarizada de abdomen mostraron una imagen nodular sólida hipoecoica, heterogénea y biselada, mal definida y delimitada en proyección para-aórtica izquierda, con 12,7x6,7x4,8 cm. En la laparotomía exploradora se encontró una gran masa retroperitoneal en el flanco izquierdo, involucrando el ángulo de Treitz y presencia de carcinomatosis peritoneal. El informe anatomopatológico mostró una neoplasia epitelioide infiltrativa maligna mal diferenciada, compatible con la historia clínica de melanoma. El paciente falleció tras consulta con oncología clínica. Conclusión: Hay pocos casos de metástasis peritoneal de melanoma reportados en la literatura. Sin embargo, se debe tener en cuenta su posibilidad de ocurrencia y las opciones terapéuticas disponibles, además de comprender su impacto en el pronóstico del paciente. Aunque es poco común, la carcinomatosis peritoneal debe considerarse cuando los pacientes con antecedentes personales de melanoma tienen molestias abdominales inespecíficas, como la paciente del caso.