Las infecciones del sistema nervioso central son potencialmente mortales, causadas por patógenos, como bacterias, virus y hongos. Para llegar hasta el cerebro, los microorganismos utilizan diversas vías y formas. Este patogeno es una bacteria grampositiva corta, flagelar e intracelular, con la capacidad de inducir su internalización en células fagocíticas (monocitos/macrófagos) y no fagocíticas (células endoteliales). Al infectar los macrófagos, estos microorganismos se valen de su capacidad de fijación, adhesión y migración transendotelial, para cruzar la barrera hematoencefálica, finalmente, generando meningitis bacteriana. En esta revisión describimos el mecanismo de caballo de Troya usado por Listeria monocytogenespara invadir el cerebro en el desarrollo de enfermedades infecciosas e incorporamos nuevos conocimientos sobre moléculas que intervienen en dicho mecanismo(AU)
Central nervous system infections are life-threatening, caused by pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and fungi. To access the brain, microorganisms use various mechanisms. Listeria monocytogenes is a short, flagellar and intracellular gram-positive bacterium, with the ability to induce its internalization in phagocytic (monocytes/macrophages) and non-phagocytic (endothelial cells) cells. By infecting macrophages, these microorganisms take advantage of their binding, adhesion, and transendothelial migrationcapacity to cross the blood-brain barrier, finally generating bacterial meningitis. In this review we describe the Trojan horse mechanism used by Listeria monocytogenesto invade the brain in the development of infectious diseases and we incorporate new knowledge about molecules that intervene in this mechanism(AU)
Blood-Brain Barrier , Central Nervous System , Meningitis, Bacterial , Listeria monocytogenes , Encephalitis, ViralABSTRACT
Objective: To understand the characteristics of bacterial meningitis after pediatric neurosurgical procedures. Methods: This was a retrospective observational study. From January 2016 to December 2022, 64 children diagnosed with post-neurosurgical bacterial meningitis based on positive cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) culture in Department of Neurosurgery of Shanghai Children's Medical Center were selected as the study population. The clinical characteristics, onset time, routine biochemical indexes of cerebrospinal fluid before anti infection treatment, bacteriology characteristics and sensitivity to antibiotics of bacteria cultured from cerebrospinal fluid were analyzed. Based on the CSF culture results, the patients were divided into the Gram-positive bacteria infection group and the Gram-negative bacteria infection group. The clinical characteristics of the two groups were compared using t-tests or Wilcoxon rank-sum tests, and chi-square tests. Results: There were 64 children,42 boys and 22 girls, with onset age of 0.83 (0.50, 1.75) years. Seventy cases of post-neurosurgical bacterial meningitis occurred in the 64 children, of which 15 cases (21%) in spring, 23 cases (33%) in summer, 19 cases (27%) in autumn, and 13 cases (19%) in winter. The time of onset was 3.5 (1.0, 10.0) months after surgery; 15 cases (21%) occurred within the first month after the surgery, and 55 cases (79%) occurred after the first month. There were 38 cases (59%) showing obvious abnormal clinical manifestations, fever 36 cases (56%), vomiting 11 cases (17%). Forty-eight cases (69%) were caused by Gram-positive bacteria, with Staphylococcus epidermidis 24 cases; 22 cases (31%) were caused by Gram-negative bacteria, with Acinetobacter baumannii the prominent pathogen 7 cases. The Gram-positive bacterial infection was more common in summer than the Gram-negative bacterial infection (20 cases (42%) vs. 3 cases (14%), χ2=5.37, P=0.020), while the Gram-negative bacterial infection was more in autumn and within the first month after surgery than the Gram-positive bacterial infection (11 cases (50%) vs. 8 cases (17%), 15 cases (67%) vs. 5 cases (33%), χ2=8.48, 9.02; P=0.004, 0.003). Gram-positive bacteria resistant to vancomycin and Acinetobacter baumannii resistant to polymyxin were not found. However, Acinetobacter baumannii showed only 45% (10/22) susceptibility to carbapenem antibiotics. Conclusions: The clinical presentation of post-neurosurgical bacterial meningitis in children is atypical. Gram-positive bacteria are the main pathogens causing post-neurosurgical bacterial meningitis; Gram-negative bacterial meningitis are more likely to occur in autumn and within the first month after surgery. Acinetobacter baumannii has a high resistance rate to carbapenem antibiotics, which should be taken seriously.
Male , Female , Humans , Child , China/epidemiology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Meningitis, Bacterial/diagnosis , Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections/drug therapy , Gram-Positive Bacteria , Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections/drug therapy , Carbapenems , Retrospective Studies , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Drug Resistance, BacterialABSTRACT
Introduction: Acute Bacterial meningitis is still a major cause of death in under-five children. Surveillance on Pediatric Bacterial Meningitis has been set up by the World Health Organization to generate data on vaccine preventable causes of Meningitis in under-five children. Ethiopia is one of the countries conducting the surveillance and Gondar University Hospital is one of the sentinel surveillance sites. In this study we described the epidemiological data on Bacterial meningitis in under-five children at Gondar University Hospital from 2012-2021. Methods: Data were extracted directly from Gondar University Hospital surveillance database collected from under-five children admitted to the Hospital with suspected meningitis from January 1st, 2012 to December 31st , 2021. Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics were collected using standard pretested questioners. All under-five children with suspected meningitis over the 10-years period were included and descriptive statistics like frequency, percentage, mean, median and standard deviations were used for the characteristics of under-five Children with Suspected Bacterial Meningitis. Results: In this study, a total of 4311 under-five admitted with suspected bacterial meningitis from 2012 to 2021 were enrolled. The majority, 71% of suspected meningitis were reported in infants. The mortality rate in suspected meningitis during the study period was 1%. The majority (92.4 %) had fever at presentation followed by seizure (62.7 %), altered consciousness (58.9 %) and bulged fontanel in 48.3 %, respectively. The commonest bacteria identified by CSF culture and Polymerase Chain Reaction was Streptococcus pneumonia (SPN). There was a reduction of confirmed meningitis cases from 2012 to 2021 (26 cases in 2012 and 6cases in 2021). Conclusions: Streptococcus pneumoniae was the commonest cause of PBM. Bacterial detection by culture was low which showed that Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test should be encouraged to improve bacterial detection.
Humans , Male , Female , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Cause of Death , Meningitis, Bacterial , Sentinel Surveillance , PneumoniaABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: En Chile existe poca información sobre los microorganismos causantes de meningitis adquirida en la comunidad (MAC), la que es relevante a la hora de escoger el esquema antimicrobiano empírico. OBJETIVO: Describir la microbiología de MAC en pacientes mayores de 15 años atendidos en un hospital público de Santiago (Chile). METODOLOGÍA: Revisión de cultivos de líquido cefalorraquídeo positivos durante 2011-2017. Se recolectó la información clínica de los pacientes incluidos. Se excluyeron cultivos considerados como contaminación y las meningitis post-quirúrgicas. RESULTADOS: Se identificaron 20 episodios de meningitis bacteriana aguda (MBA) y seis episodios de meningitis criptocócica (MC) entre 2.720 cultivos. Los microorganismos causantes de MBA fueron: Streptococcus pneumoniae (50%), Listeria monocytogenes (25%) y otros cinco agentes (25%). Todos los pacientes con infección por L. monocytogenes presentaban alguna comorbilidad significativa. Cuatro de cinco casos de MC presentaban infección por VIH. CONCLUSIÓN: Streptococcus pneumoniae fue el microorganismo más frecuente de las MAC en esta serie, seguido por L. monocytogenes. Las recomendaciones actuales de esquemas empíricos de MAC consideran adecuadamente la cobertura de S. pneumoniae en todos los pacientes y de L. monocytogenes solo ante factores de riesgo. Además, es relevante considerar MC en casos en pacientes inmunocomprometidos.
BACKGROUND: In Chile, there is scarce information on the frequency of the causative microorganisms of community-acquired meningitis (CAM), which is relevant for the choice of empiric treatment. AIM: To describe the microbiology of CAM in patients over 15 years treated at a public hospital in Santiago (Chile). METHODS: Retrospective review of positive cerebrospinal fluid cultures during 2011-2017. Clinical information of the included patients was collected. Cultures considered as contamination and cases of post-surgical meningitis were excluded. RESULTS: We identified 20 episodes of bacterial meningitis (BM) and six episodes of cryptococcal meningitis (CM) in 2720 cultures. The microorganisms identified in BM cases were Streptococcus pneumoniae (50%), Listeria monocytogenes (25%) and five other agents (25%). All patients with L. monocytogenes infection had at least one well-known risk factor for this infection. Four of the five cases of CM had HIV infection. CONCLUSION: Streptococcus pneumoniae was the most frequent causative microorganism of CAM in this series, followed by L. monocytogenes. Current recommendations for empiric CAM regimens adequately consider coverage for S. pneumoniae in all patients and for L. monocytogenes only in those with risk factors. Furthermore, it is relevant to consider CM in cases involving immunocompromised patients.
Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Meningitis, Bacterial/microbiology , Community-Acquired Infections/microbiology , Streptococcus pneumoniae/isolation & purification , Drug Resistance, Microbial , Cerebrospinal Fluid/microbiology , Chile/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , Meningitis, Bacterial/epidemiology , Community-Acquired Infections/epidemiology , Hospitals, Public , Listeria monocytogenes/isolation & purificationABSTRACT
Se expone el caso de un recién nacido que desarrolló sepsis connatal precoz a Streptococcus agalactiae, con meningitis aguda supurada y osteoartritis de rodilla izquierda. Como factor de riesgo la madre no tenía realizado el exudado rectovaginal, pesquisa que detecta la colonización por estreptococo del grupo B (EGB). Se aisló el germen en hemocultivo y en líquido de punción articular. Recibió tratamiento antibiótico adecuado a la sensibilidad del microorganismo y según pauta de sepsis con meningitis, evolucionando favorablemente. En este trabajo se describe la epidemiología de la sepsis neonatal y los cambios ocurridos luego de la implementación de la profilaxis antibiótica en el preparto.
We hereby present the case of a newborn with early connatal sepsis due to Streptococcus agalactiae, with acute suppurative meningitis and left knee osteoarthritis. As a risk factor, the mother had not performed the rectus vaginal exudate screening that detects colonization by Group B Streptococcus (GBS). The germ was isolated in blood culture and in joint puncture fluid. The patient received germ-sensitive antibiotic treatment for meningitis sepsis and evolved favorably. This paper describes the epidemiology of neonatal sepsis and the changes that have occurred after the administration of the antibiotic prophylaxis during pregnancy.
Apresentamos o caso de um recém-nascido com sepse neonatal precoce por Streptococcus agalactiae, com meningite supurativa aguda e osteoartrite de joelho esquerdo. Como fator de risco, a mãe não realizou teste de exsudato vaginal do reto que detecta a colonização por estreptococos do grupo B (SGB). O germe foi isolado em hemocultura e líquido de punção articular. A paciente recebeu tratamento com antibióticos germinativos para padrão meningite sepse e evoluiu favoravelmente. Este artigo descreve a epidemiologia da sepse neonatal e as mudanças ocorridas após a administração da profilaxia antibiótica durante a gravidez.
Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Streptococcal Infections/diagnosis , Streptococcal Infections/drug therapy , Streptococcus agalactiae , Gentamicins/therapeutic use , Ampicillin/therapeutic use , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Meningitis, Bacterial/diagnosis , Meningitis, Bacterial/etiology , Meningitis, Bacterial/drug therapy , Osteoarthritis, Knee/diagnosis , Osteoarthritis, Knee/etiology , Osteoarthritis, Knee/drug therapy , Neonatal Sepsis/complications , Neonatal Sepsis/diagnosis , Neonatal Sepsis/drug therapyABSTRACT
A meningite bacteriana é uma inflamação das leptomeninges que envolvem o Sistema Nervoso Central. Essa patologia, que possui diversos agentes etiológicos, apresenta-se na forma de síndrome, com quadro clínico grave. Entre as principais bactérias que causam a meningite, estão a Neisseria meningitis e Streptococcus pneumoniae. A transmissão ocorre através das vias aéreas por meio de gotículas, sendo a corrente sanguínea a principal rota para as bactérias chegarem à barreira hematoencefálica e, a partir dessa, até as meninges. Atualmente existem vários métodos de diagnóstico precisos, onde a cultura de líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR) é o método padrão ouro. Ademais, a melhora na qualidade do tratamento com beta-lactâmicos e a maior possibilidade de prevenção, devido à elevação do número e da eficácia de vacinas, vem contribuindo para redução dos casos da doença e de sua gravidade. Porém, apesar desses avanços, ainda há um elevado número de mortalidades e sequelas causadas por essa síndrome.
Bacterial meningitis is an inflammation of the leptomeninges that surround the Central Nervous System. This pathology, which has several etiological agents, is presented as a syndrome with a severe clinical scenario. The main bacteria causing meningitis include Neisseria meningitis and Streptococcus pneumoniae. It can be transmitted by droplets through the airways, with the bacteria using the bloodstream as the main route to reach the blood-brain barrier, and from there to the meninges. There are currently several accurate diagnostic methods, with CSF culture being the gold standard. In addition, the improvement in the quality of beta-lactam treatment and the greater possibility of prevention due to the increased number and effectiveness of vaccines have contributed to reducing the number of cases and severity of the disease. Nevertheless, despite these advances, this syndrome still presents a high number of mortalities and sequelae.
Pregnancy , Child, Preschool , Child , Aged , Cerebrospinal Fluid , Meningitis, Bacterial/diagnosis , Meningitis, Bacterial/therapy , Streptococcus pneumoniae/pathogenicity , Syndrome , Bacteria/classification , Meningitis, Bacterial/drug therapy , beta-Lactams/therapeutic use , Gram-Negative Bacteria , Gram-Positive Bacteria , Meningitis, Pneumococcal/drug therapy , Neisseria/pathogenicityABSTRACT
Objective@#Bacterial meningitis is associated with significant morbidity and mortality if not diagnosed and treated early. Isolation of the causative agent from cerebrospinal fluid culture is the gold standard for the diagnosis of this condition; however, it takes several days for results to be available. The FilmArray™ Meningitis/Encephalitis (ME) panel is a nucleic acid-based test that allows simultaneous detection of 14 bacterial, viral, and fungal pathogens in the cerebrospinal fluid with a rapid turnaround time. Our aim was to evaluate the diagnostic performance of the ME panel in detecting bacterial pathogens in the cerebrospinal fluid of adult patients with suspected bacterial meningitis in a tertiary hospital in the Philippines. @*Methods@#We performed a retrospective review of hospital records of adult patients with suspected bacterial meningitis who were admitted at our institution and underwent diagnostic testing with the FilmArray™ ME panel from January 1, 2018 to July 31, 2019. Overall percent agreement, sensitivity, and specificity for individual bacterial pathogens included in the panel were determined. @*Results@#A total of 88 cerebrospinal fluid samples were included in the analysis of diagnostic accuracy. The ME panel demonstrated 93.2% overall agreement, 50% sensitivity for E. coli, and 99–100% specificity in comparison with CSF culture in detecting bacterial pathogens that are included in the ME panel. @*Conclusion@#The results show that the FilmArray™ ME panel has high diagnostic accuracy and can be utilized in the rapid diagnosis and targeted treatment of patients with suspected bacterial meningitis.
Meningitis, Bacterial , Central Nervous System InfectionsABSTRACT
Pituitary apoplexy (PA) is a clinical diagnosis comprising a sudden onset of headache, neurological deficits, endocrine disturbances, altered consciousness, visual loss, or ophthalmoplegia. However, clinically, the presentation of PA is extremely variable and occasionally fatal. While meningitis and cerebral infarcts are themselves serious diseases, they are rarely seen as manifestations of PA and are exceedingly rare when present together. We present the case of a 20-year-old male with a rapid progression of symptoms of meningitis, PA and stroke. The present article seeks to emphasize a rare manifestation of PA with an attempt to understand the intricacies of its evaluation and management.
Humans , Male , Adult , Pituitary Apoplexy/surgery , Pituitary Apoplexy/etiology , Meningitis, Bacterial/complications , Stroke/complications , Spinal Puncture/methods , Pituitary Apoplexy/diagnostic imaging , Cerebral Infarction/complications , Endoscopy/methodsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: Bacterial and aseptic meningitis after neurosurgery can present similar clinical signs and symptoms. The aims of this study were to develop and test a molecular method to diagnose bacterial meningitis (BM) after neurosurgery. METHODS: A 16S ribosomal RNA gene PCR-based strategy was developed using artificially inoculated cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) followed by sequencing. The method was tested using CSF samples from 43 patients who had undergone neurosurgery and were suspected to suffer from meningitis, and from 8 patients without neurosurgery or meningitis. Patients were classified into five groups, confirmed BM, probable BM, possible BM, unlikely BM, and no meningitis. RESULTS: Among the samples from the 51 patients, 21 samples (41%) were culture-negative and PCR-positive. Of these, 3 (14%) were probable BM, 4 (19%) were possible BM, 13 (62%) were unlikely BM, and 1 (5%) was meningitis negative. Enterobacterales, non-fermenters (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii), Staphylococcus haemolyticus, Granulicatella, Variovorax, and Enterococcus cecorum could be identified. In the group of patients with meningitis, a good agreement (3 of 4) was observed with the results of cultures, including the identification of species. CONCLUSION: Molecular methods may complement the diagnosis, guide treatment, and identify non-cultivable microorganisms. We suggest the association of methods for suspected cases of BM after neurosurgery, especially for instances in which the culture is negative.
Humans , Meningitis, Bacterial/diagnosis , Neurosurgery , RNA, Ribosomal, 16S/genetics , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Sensitivity and Specificity , EnterococcusABSTRACT
This study aimed to investigate the diagnostic value of heparin-binding protein (HBP) in the cerebrospinal fluid of children with purulent meningitis (PM). This study included 118 children with PM diagnosed at our hospital from January 2018 to January 2020, 110 children with viral meningitis (VM) and 80 children with suspected meningitis who were ruled out by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis during the same period. HBP and white blood cell (WBC) count in the CSF, and inflammatory factors, including C-reactive protein (CRP), tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, and procalcitonin (PCT), were measured. Receiver-operator characteristic curves were used to analyze the predictive value of HBP, CRP, PCT, and TNF-α levels in the diagnosis of PM by CSF analysis. HBP levels in the CSF of children with PM were higher, while the CRP and serum PCT and TNF-α levels were elevated in all groups (P<0.05). In addition, HBP levels in the CSF were more accurate for the diagnosis of PM than traditional diagnostic indexes. HBP levels in the CSF can be used as an important reference for early diagnosis of PM.
Humans , Child , Meningitis, Bacterial/diagnosis , Meningitis, Viral , C-Reactive Protein , Blood Proteins , Antimicrobial Cationic Peptides , ProcalcitoninABSTRACT
Resumen La meningitis por Salmonella spp. es infrecuente en pediatría, pero debe sospecharse especialmente en menores de seis meses. Salmonella subespecie enterica es la más frecuente a nivel mundial, siendo el serovar Enteritidis el más importante. Tiene una alta tasa de complicaciones, predominando las colecciones y abscesos, por lo que se recomienda realizar una neuroimagen a todos los pacientes. A pesar que el manejo no está estandarizado, hay consenso en que el tratamiento de elección son las cefalosporinas de tercera generación. La resistencia antimicrobiana es infrecuente pero va en aumento, principalmente en países subdesarrollados. Presentamos el primer caso publicado en Chile de una meningitis por S. Enteritidis en un lactante de 11 meses, que se presentó con fiebre y una convulsión focalizada, con hemocultivos y cultivo de líquido cefalorraquídeo positivos. El paciente completó tratamiento con ceftriaxona y ciprofloxacina por cuatro semanas con buena respuesta.
Abstract Salmonella spp meningitis is rare in pediatrics. However, it should be especially suspected in children younger than 6 months. The enteric subspecies is the most frequent worldwide, with the Enteritidis serovar being the most important. The complication rate is high, with collections and abscesses predominating. For this reason, neuroimaging is currently recommended for all patients. Even though management is not standardized, there is consensus that first line treatment should be with third generation cephalosporins. Antibiotic resistance is infrequent but increasing, mainly in underdeveloped countries. We present the first case reported in Chile of meningitis by Salmonella Enteritidis in an 11-month-old infant presenting with fever and focused epileptic crisis. Blood culture and cerebrospinal fluid culture were positive. The patient completed four weeks of treatment with ceftriaxone and ciprofloxacin with a good response.
Humans , Infant , Salmonella Infections/diagnosis , Salmonella Infections/drug therapy , Meningitis, Bacterial/diagnosis , Meningitis, Bacterial/drug therapy , Salmonella enteritidis , Chile , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Abstract Objective To evaluate the clinical and epidemiological profile of bacterial meningitis and meningococcal disease in pediatric patients admitted to a Brazilian Secondary Public Hospital. Methods A descriptive observational study was conducted. Microbiologically proven bacterial meningitis or meningococcal disease diagnosed from 2008 to 2018 were included. Results A total of 90 patients were diagnosed with proven bacterial meningitis. There were 64 confirmed cases of meningococcal disease. The prevalence was higher in boys (n=38), median age 30 months (1-185). The main clinical manifestations were: meningococcal meningitis (n=27), meningococcemia without meningitis (n=14), association of meningococcemia with meningitis (n=13), and fever without a known source in infants (n=7).Admissions to intensive care unit were necessary for 45 patients. Three deaths were notified. Serogroup C was the most prevalent (n=32) followed by serogroup B (n=12).Pneumococcal meningitis was identified in 21 cases; out of the total, 10 were younger than two years. The identified serotypes were: 18C, 6B, 15A, 28, 7F, 12F, 15C, 19A and 14. Pneumococcal conjugate 10-valent vaccine covered four of the nine identified serotypes.Haemophilus influenzae meningitis serotype IIa was identified in three patients, median age 4 months (4-7). All of them needed intensive care. No deaths were notified. Conclusion Morbidity and mortality rates from bacterial meningitis and meningococcal disease remain high, requiring hospitalization and leading to sequelae. Our study observed a reduced incidence of bacterial disease over the last decade, possibly reflecting the impact of vaccination.
Child , Humans , Infant , Meningitis, Bacterial/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Pneumococcal Vaccines , Hospitals, General , Meningitis, Meningococcal , Meningitis, PneumococcalABSTRACT
Introdução: a meningite bacteriana é um grave problema de Saúde Pública mundial, tendo como principais agentes: Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae e Haemophilus influenzae. A metodologia de diagnóstico empregada no Instituto Adolfo Lutz Centro de Laboratório Regional Santo André até o ano de 2011 era a contraimunoeletroforese (CIE), depois foi substituída pela reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real (qPCR), que apresenta maior sensibilidade. Objetivo: este trabalho objetivou comparar ambas as metodologias no período de 2009 a 2018, para avaliação do impacto da introdução da qPCR no diagnóstico das meningites bacterianas nos 7 municípios da região do ABC do Estado de São Paulo. Metodologia: foram avaliadas a quantidade total de exames realizados, a média mensal, a positividade no período, os municípios requisitantes e a prevalência das bactérias causadoras de meningite, no período de abril/2009 até dezembro/2018. Resultados: Foram 377 exames de CIE e 1305 de qPCR, com média anual de 230 exames em 2010-2013 e 130 exames em 2014-2018. Observou-se aumento da positividade entre as técnicas, 17,8% para CIE e 33,8% para qPCR. N. meningitidis foi responsável pela maioria dos casos entre 2011 e 2013, cerca de 61% dos casos positivos, enquanto que entre 2014 e 2018 foi S. pneumoniae, cerca de 53%. Conclusão: os resultados indicaram que a qPCR foi mais eficiente em detectar os agentes causadores de meningite bacteriana na região do que a técnica de CIE. Por fim, este trabalho suporta a implantação da metodologia de qPCR para diagnóstico de meningite em substituição de técnicas menos sensíveis.
Introduction: bacterial meningitis is still a serious worldwide public health problem, and the main etiological agents are: Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae. The diagnostic methodology employed at the Adolfo Lutz Institute Santo André Regional Laboratory Center until 2011 was the ounterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIE), then it was replaced by the real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), which is more sensitivity. Objective: this study aimed to compare both methodologies from 2009 to 2018 to evaluate the impact of the introduction of qPCR in the diagnosis of bacterial meningitis in the 7 cities of the ABC region of São Paulo State. Methodology: the total number of tests performed, the month average, the positivity in the period, the requesting cities and the prevalence of bacteria causing meningitis were evaluated from April/2009 to December/2018. Results: there were 377 CIE exams and 1305 qPCR exams, with an annual average of 230 exams in 2010-2013 and 130 exams in 2014-2018. There was an increase in positivity between the performed techniques, 17.8% for CIE and 33.8% for qPCR. N. meningitidis accounted for most cases of bacterial meningitis between 2011 and 2013, about 61% of positive cases, whereas between 2014 and 2018 it was S. pneumoniae, with about 53%. Conclusion: the results indicated that qPCR was more efficient in detecting the agents that cause bacterial meningitis in the region than the CIE technique. Finally, this work supports the implementation of qPCR methodology for diagnosis of meningitis in replacement of less sensitive techniques.
Humans , Streptococcus pneumoniae , Counterimmunoelectrophoresis , Haemophilus influenzae , Meningitis, Bacterial , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Neisseria meningitidis , DatabaseABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Sickle cell anemia (SCA) is a common genetic blood disorder, affecting millions worldwide. According to current evidence, individuals with SCA have more than 300 times greater risk to develop bacterial meningitis (BM) than the general population. Herein we have described the characteristics of a series of BM cases in SCA patients in Salvador, Brazil, during 13 years of hospital-based surveillance. Data on clinical presentation, laboratory parameters and outcomes were collected retrospectively by reviewing medical records. From 1999 to 2011, ten SCA patients were identified among the 2511 cases of BM (10/2511; 0.40%). These patients were more likely to be male (90%) and to be younger (median age 8.5 years). The causative agents were Streptococcus pneumoniae (n = 5) and Haemophilus influenzae (n = 1). The most frequent pneumococcal serotypes were 23 F (2 cases), 14, 18 F, 23B (one case each). Common medical complications were stroke (n = 3); heart failure (n = 2), respiratory problems (n = 2), renal dysfunctions (n = 2) and leg ulcers (n = 1). This study highlights the importance of S. pneumoniae as a causative agent of meningitis in individuals with SCA and shows the diversity of comorbidities associated with this condition.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Pneumococcal Infections , Haemophilus influenzae , Meningitis, Bacterial , Anemia, Sickle CellABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: The aim of this study was to systematically review the literature and answer the following central question: "What are the risk factors associated with worse clinical outcomes of pediatric bacterial meningitis patients?" Methods: The articles were obtained through literary search using electronic bibliographic databases: Web of Science, Scopus, MEDLINE, and LILACS; they were selected using the international guideline outlined by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis Protocols. Results: The literature search identified 1,244 articles. After methodological screening, 17 studies were eligible for this systematic review. A total of 9,581 patients aged between 0 days and 18 years were evaluated in the included studies, and several plausible and important prognostic factors are proposed for prediction of poor outcomes after bacterial meningitis in childhood. Late diagnosis reduces the chances for a better evolution and reinforces the importance of a high diagnostic suspicion of meningitis, especially in febrile pictures with nonspecific symptomatology. S. pneumoniae as a causative pathogen was demonstrated to be related to clinical severity. Conclusions: Early prediction of an adverse outcome may help determine which children require more intensive or longer follow-up and may provide the physician with rationale for parental counseling about their child's prognosis in an early phase of the disease.
Resumo Objetivo O objetivo deste estudo é revisar sistematicamente a literatura e responder à seguinte questão central: "Quais são os fatores de risco associados a piores desfechos clínicos de pacientes pediátricos com meningite bacteriana?". Métodos Os artigos foram obtidos através de pesquisa bibliográfica, nas bases de dados eletrônicas Web of Science, Scopus, Medline e Lilacs, e selecionados com diretriz internacional delineada pela abordagem Prisma (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis). Resultados A pesquisa bibliográfica identificou 1.244 artigos. Após a triagem metodológica, 17 estudos foram considerados elegíveis para esta revisão sistemática. Foram avaliados 9.581 pacientes até 18 anos nos estudos incluídos e vários fatores prognósticos plausíveis e importantes são propostos para a previsão de desfechos piores após meningite bacteriana na infância. O diagnóstico tardio reduz as chances de uma melhor evolução e reforça a importância de uma alta suspeita diagnóstica de meningite, especialmente em quadros febris com sintomatologia inespecífica. S. pneumoniae como patógeno causador demonstrou estar relacionado à gravidade clínica. Conclusões A previsão precoce de um desfecho clínico desfavorável pode ajudar a determinar quais crianças necessitam de uma abordagem mais invasiva ou seguimento mais prolongado e pode fornecer ao médico a justificativa para o aconselhamento dos pais sobre o prognóstico de seu filho em uma fase inicial da doença.
Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child , Adolescent , Meningitis, Bacterial , Prognosis , Mass Screening , Risk FactorsABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction The cochlea and the vestibular receptors are closely related in terms of anatomy and phylogeny. Patients with moderate to profound sensorineural hearing loss (MPSHL) should have their vestibular organ functions tested. Objective To evaluate the incidence of vestibular abnormalities in patients with MPSHL and to study the correlation between the etiology of hearing loss (HL) and a possible damage to the labyrinth. Methods A case-control retrospective study was performed. In the case group, 20 adults with MPSHL of known etiology were included. The control group was composed of 15 adults with normal hearing. The case group was divided into 4 subgroups based on the etiology (bacterial meningitis, virus, vascular disease, congenital). Cervical vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials (cVEMPs) were used to rate the saccular function and lower vestibular nerve. Results The study was performed in 70 ears, and it highlighted the presence of early biphasic P1-N1 complex in 29 (71.5%) out of 40 ears in the study group, and in all of the 30 ears in the control group (p = 0.001). Regarding the presence or absence of cVEMPs among the four subgroups of patients with MPSHL, the data were statistically significant (p < 0.001). The comparison between the latencies and amplitude of P1-N1 in case and control groups from other studies and in the four subgroups of cases in the present study did not detect statistically significant differences. Conclusion The present study demonstrates that patients with MPSHL have a high incidence of damage to the labyrinthine organs, and it increases the current knowledge about the etiopathogenesis of sensorineural HL, which is often of unknown nature.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/diagnosis , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/etiology , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/physiopathology , Audiometry, Pure-Tone , Vascular Diseases/complications , Virus Diseases/complications , Case-Control Studies , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Vestibular Diseases/epidemiology , Incidence , Retrospective Studies , Meningitis, Bacterial/complications , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/congenital , Labyrinth Diseases/diagnosis , Labyrinth Diseases/physiopathology , Labyrinth Diseases/epidemiologyABSTRACT
The following case is of a 59-year-old man, undergoing no medication, with no pathological history or others risk factors, who presented dizziness, fever and asthenia twenty days before admission. The patient was admitted for investigation when the asthenia intensified, followed by seizures. On admission, blood count, biochemical tests and chest computed tomography were normal, a serological test for anti-HIV proved negative, while the magnetic resonance of the brain showed signs suggestive of meningoencephalitis. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis suggested bacterial meningitis due to increased leukocytes with a predominance of polymorphonuclear cells, reduced glucose and increased proteins as well as positive Gram cocci in pairs by Gram and negative fungi by India ink test. Treatment with ceftriaxone was started. Since there was no significant improvement, CSF analysis was repeated on the seventh day of treatment. Intracranial pressure was measured by manometry (29 mmHg) and CSF analysis showed the presence of encapsulated yeasts similar to Cryptococcus neoformans by the India ink test. The treatment was modified to liposomal amphotericin B and flucytosine; the intracranial hypertension was controlled by repeated CSF punctures. After fourteen days of antifungal treatment, the patient presented visual turbidity and bilateral papillar edema, so corticosteroid therapy was prescribed. The evolution was favorable, with progressive resolution of symptoms, improvement of CSF parameters and visual acuity. The patient was discharged eight weeks after admission, with outpatient guidance. Corticosteroid therapy associated with antifungal therapy proved to be beneficial in this case, since following the introduction of corticosteroids there was progressive visual improvement.