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Rev. argent. coloproctología ; 34(3): 10-16, sept. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552469


Introducción: La escisión completa del mesocolon con linfadenectomía D3 (CME-D3) mejora los resultados de los pacientes operados por cáncer del colon. Reconocer adecuadamente la anatomía vascular es fundamental para evitar complicaciones. Objetivo: El objetivo primario fue determinar la prevalencia de las variaciones anatómicas de la arteria mesentérica superior (AMS) y sus ramas en relación a la vena mesentérica superior (VMS). El objetivo secundario fue evaluar la asociación entre las distintas variantes anatómicas y el sexo y la etnia de lo pacientes. Diseño: Estudio de corte transversal. Material y métodos: Se incluyeron 225 pacientes con cáncer del colon derecho diagnosticados entre enero 2017 y diciembre de 2020. Dos radiólogos independientes describieron la anatomía vascular observada en las tomografías computadas. Según la relación de las ramas de la AMS con la VMS, la población fue dividida en 2 grupos y subdividida en 6 (1a-c, 2a-c). Resultados: La arteria ileocólica fue constante, transcurriendo en el 58,7% de los casos por la cara posterior de la VMS. La arteria cólica derecha, presente en el 39,6% de los pacientes, cruzó la VMS por su cara anterior en el 95,5% de los casos. La variante de subgrupo más frecuente fue la 2a seguida por la 1a (36,4 y 24%, respectivamente). No se encontró asociación entre las variantes anatómicas y el sexo u origen étnico. Conclusión: Las variaciones anatómicas de la AMS y sus ramas son frecuentes y no presentan un patrón predominante. No hubo asociación entre las mismas y el sexo u origen étnico en nuestra cohorte. El reconocimiento preoperatorio de estas variantes mediante angiotomografía resulta útil para evitar lesiones vasculares durante la CME-D3. (AU)

Background: Complete mesocolic excision with D3 lymphadenectomy (CME-D3) improves the outcomes of patients operated on for colon cancer. Proper recognition of vascular anatomy is essential to avoid complications. Aim: Primary outcome was to determine the prevalence of anatomical variations of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and its branches in relation to the superior mesenteric vein (SMV). Secondary outcome was to evaluate the association between these anatomical variations and sex and ethnicity of the patients. Design: Cross-sectional study. Material and methods: Two hundred twenty-fivepatients with right colon cancer diagnosed between January 2017 and December 2020 were included. Two independent radiologists described the vascular anatomy of computed tomography scans. The population was divided into 2 groups and subdivided into 6 groups (1a-c, 2a-c), according to the relationship of the SMA and its branches with the SMV. Results: The ileocolic artery was constant, crossing the SMV posteriorly in 58.7% of the cases. The right colic artery, present in 39.6% of the patients, crossed the SMV on its anterior aspect in 95.5% of the cases. The most frequent subgroup variant was 2a followed by 1a (36.4 and 24%, respectively). No association was found between anatomical variants and gender or ethnic origin. Conclusions: The anatomical variations of the SMA and its branches are common, with no predominant pattern. There was no association between anatomical variations and gender or ethnic origin in our cohort. Preoperative evaluation of these variations by computed tomography angi-ography is useful to avoid vascular injuries during CME-D3. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Colonic Neoplasms/surgery , Colon, Ascending/anatomy & histology , Colon, Ascending/blood supply , Lymph Node Excision , Mesocolon/surgery , Argentina , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Cross-Sectional Studies , Mesenteric Artery, Superior/anatomy & histology , Sex Distribution , Colectomy/methods , Ethnic Distribution , Anatomic Variation , Mesenteric Veins/anatomy & histology
Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 73(4): 388-395, Oct.-Dec. 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1423869


Objectives: To report the case of a patient diagnosed with acute mesenteric vein thrombosis (AMVT) associated with Factor V Leiden mutation and a history of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer and review the literature on risk factors and treatments performed for AMVT. Materials and methods: We reported the case of a 37-year-old pregnant woman. A bibliographic search was carried out in Medline/PubMed and LILACS, filtering by type of language (English and Spanish). Primary cohort studies, cases and controls, case reports and case series were included, which addressed the risk factors associated with the development of acute mesenteric thrombosis during pregnancy and treatments performed. Results: The search identified cases and control studies, case reports and case series related to mesenteric ischemia, pregnancy and in vitro fertilization. The literature reported that the main factors associated with mesenteric ischemia are pregnancy itself, genetic factors, drugs, protein C and protein S deficiency and idiopathic causes. Conclusions: SMV thrombosis is a life-threatening and very rarely seen condition that emerges in pregnancies. The literature suggests that, during gestation, the factors associated with the development of acute mesenteric thrombosis are hypercoagulability induced by pregnancy, the administration of oral estrogen during IVF-ET, and other precipitating factors. More studies are required to better understand the possible additional factors and build better optimal treatment algorithms.

Objetivos: presentar el caso de una paciente diagnosticada con trombosis aguda de la vena mesentérica (TAVM) asociada a mutación de Factor V Leiden y antecedente de fertilización in vitro y transferencia de embriones, y hacer una revisión de la literatura sobre los factores de riesgo y los tratamientos realizados en los casos de TAVM. Materiales y métodos: reporte de un caso de mujer gestante de 37 años. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos Medline/PubMed y LILACS, filtrando por idioma (inglés y español). Se incluyeron estudios de cohortes primarias, casos y controles, reportes de casos y series de casos que examinaran los factores de riesgo asociados con el desarrollo de trombosis mesentérica aguda durante el embarazo y los tratamientos realizados. Resultados: se identificaron estudios de casos y controles, reportes de casos y series relacionados con isquemia mesentérica, embarazo y fertilización in vitro, y se encontró que los principales factores asociados con isquemia mesentérica son el embarazo mismo, factores genéticos, medicamentos, la deficiencia de proteína C y S, y causas idiopáticas. Conclusiones: la trombosis de la vena mesentérica superior es una condición infrecuente que amenaza la vida y ocurre durante el embarazo. La literatura sugiere que, durante la gestación, los factores asociados con la trombosis mesentérica aguda son la hipercoagulabilidad inducida por el embarazo, la administración de estrógeno oral durante el proceso de fertilización in vitro y transferencia de embriones, y otros factores desencadenantes. Es necesario realizar más estudios para comprender mejor los posibles factores adicionales y desarrollar mejores algoritmos para un tratamiento óptimo.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Middle Aged , Thrombosis , Factor V Deficiency , Pregnancy , Fertilization in Vitro , Case-Control Studies , Pregnant Women , Mesenteric Veins
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-942935


Objective: Due to its various anatomical variations and numerous branches, the gastrocolic vein trunk (Henle trunk) is the most common site to develop bleeding and other complications in laparoscopic right hemicolectomy for colon cancer. This study aims to investigate the role of ileocolic vein (ICV) joining with Henle trunk, a rare anatomical variation. Methods: A rare case whose ICV was newly found to involve in the formation of Henle trunk during laparoscopic resection of right hemicolon cancer was reported as right gastroepiploic vein+ right colic vein+superior right colic vein+ICV. This anatomical variation was confirmed by multi-slice spiral CT coronal two-dimensional reconstruction of right hemicolon angiography. The literatures about ICV participating in formation of Henle trunk were systematically searched from PubMed, The Cochran Library, CNKI net and Wanfang database, and the occurrence probability and composition of its anatomical variation were analyzed. Results: This was a 47-year-old female patient who underwent laparoscopic right hemicolectomy. When the vessels were dissected during operation, it was found that ICV did not accompany the ileocolic artery, but directly flowed into Henle trunk. Two-dimensional reconstructed CT images of right hemicolon vessels showed that the composition of Henle trunk was rarely varied, which was composed of right gastroepiploic vein, right colonic vein, superior right colonic vein and ICV. Five literatures were enrolled from literature retrieval. A total of 12 cases with ICV participating in the construction of Henle trunk were reported, with a probability of 0.27%-6.31% and 6 forms of the formation of Henle trunk. In this case, Henle trunk was made up of right gastroepiploic vein, right colonic vein, upper right colonic vein and ICV, which was reported for the first time. Conclusions: ICV involving in Henle trunk is a rare vascular variation, and this type of variation should be fully recognized. Careful dissection during operation is necessary to prevent intraoperative bleeding caused by improper operation.

Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Anatomic Variation , Colectomy , Colonic Neoplasms/surgery , Laparoscopy , Mesenteric Veins
Rev. colomb. radiol ; 32(3): 5622-5624, sept. 2021.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427558


La trombosis venosa mesentérica (TVM) representa el 5 %-15 % de las isquemias mesentéricas. Es una patología infrecuente y puede ocurrir de manera espontánea o en su mayoría estar relacionada con factores predisponentes protrombóticos. Tiene un abordaje diagnóstico complicado por su inespecificidad clínica y baja prevalencia, lo cual disminuye su sospecha; sin embargo, es de suma importancia reconocer esta patología en el contexto de un abdomen agudo por su alta mortalidad. El diagnóstico se realiza mediante la angiotomografía computarizada (ATC) y su desenlace estará determinado por un rápido diagnóstico y un tratamiento efectivo. La localización de un trombo en la vena mesentérica inferior (VMI) es muy infrecuente. Este hecho motiva la presentación de este caso, un paciente masculino, adulto mayor, con antecedente de alcoholismo, cardiopatía dilatada y fibrilación auricular en manejo con anticoagulante, quien presenta signos de irritación peritoneal y hallazgo imagenológico de trombosis en distintas ramas de las venas mesentéricas

Mesenteric venous thrombosis (MVT) represents 5-15% of mesenteric ischemia. It is an infrequent pathology and can occur spontaneously or mostly be related to predisposing pro-thrombotic factors. It has a complicated diagnostic approach due to its clinical non specificity and low prevalence that reduce its suspicion; however, it is extremely important to recognize this pathology in the context of an acute abdomen due to its high mortality. The approach is performed through the use computed tomography angiography (CTA) and the outcome will be determined by the rapid diagnosis and effective treatment. The location of a thrombus at the level of the inferior mesenteric vein (IMV) is very rare, which is why a case report will be presented of an elderly male patient with a history of alcoholism, dilated heart disease and atrial fibrillation under treatment with anticoagulant. The patient has signs of peritoneal irritation and imaging finding of thrombosis in different branches of the mesenteric veins.

Mesenteric Ischemia , Venous Thrombosis , Computed Tomography Angiography , Mesenteric Veins
Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 47: e20202480, 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1136575


RESUMO A trombose portomesentérica (TPM) é uma complicação potencialmente grave que pode ocorrer após a cirurgia bariátrica. A TPM ganhou importância devido ao crescente número de cirurgias bariátricas sendo realizadas. Objetivo: Relatar complicação rara após cirurgia bariátrica, porém grave e de difícil manejo. Tentar identificar algumas características comuns aos pacientes e discutir possíveis causas, comparando a pouca literatura disponível. Métodos: Descrevemos seis casos de TPM em mulheres jovens com diferentes apresentações. Resultados: Todos os seis casos ocorreram em mulheres jovens de 29 a 41 anos sem obesidade grave - índice de massa corporal - IMC: 36 a 39 e com peso que variou de 105 a 121 kg. As pacientes apresentavam poucas comorbidades (todas relacionadas à síndrome metabólica) e esteatose hepática moderada, sem sinais de cirrose. Cinco pacientes usavam contraceptivos orais até dias antes da cirurgia. Uma paciente apresentou resultado positivo para trombofilia. Cinco pacientes foram submetidas a gastrectomia vertical e apenas uma submetida ao bypass gástrico sem complicações durante a cirurgia (tempo médio de operação: 61,3 min, variando de 52 a 91 min). A duração média do seguimento após a hospitalização foi de 12,3 meses (variação: 7 a 18 meses) e até o momento apenas uma paciente não teve recanalização. Conclusão: A frequência da TPM parece ser maior em mulheres e após gastrectomia vertical. Nossos achados indicam que pacientes com dor abdominal semanas após a cirurgia bariátrica devem ser investigados.

ABSTRACT Portomesenteric vein thrombosis (PMVT) is a potentially severe complication that can occur after bariatric surgery. PMVT has gained importance because of the increasing number of bariatric surgeries being performed. Objective: to report a rare and severe complication after bariatric surgery, which is difficult to manage. To try to identify common characteristics among the cases and discuss potential causes comparing our data to the available literature. Methods: We describe six cases of PMVT in young women with different presentations. Results: All six cases occurred in young women 29-41 years old with obesity - body mass index - BMI: 36-39) and weighing 105-121 kg. The patients had few comorbidities (all of which were related to metabolic syndrome) and moderate hepatic steatosis with no sign of cirrhosis. Five patients used oral contraceptives until a few days before the operation. One patient tested positive for thrombophilia. Five patients underwent a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and one underwent a gastric bypass with no complications during the operation (median operating time: 61.3 min, range 52-91 min). The mean duration of follow-up after hospitalization was 12.3 months (range: 7-18 months) and to-date only one patient has had no recanalization. Conclusion: The frequency of PMVT appears to be increased in woman and after sleeve gastrectomy. Our findings indicate that patients with abdominal pain weeks after bariatric surgery must be investigated.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Venous Thrombosis/etiology , Bariatric Surgery/adverse effects , Mesenteric Veins/diagnostic imaging , Postoperative Complications , Obesity, Morbid/surgery , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Venous Thrombosis/diagnostic imaging
Arq. gastroenterol ; 56(3): 246-251, July-Sept. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1038717


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) with the resection of venous structures adjacent to the pancreatic head, even in cases of extensive invasion, has been practiced in recent years, but its perioperative morbidity and mortality are not completely determined. OBJECTIVE: To describe the perioperative outcomes of PD with venous resections performed at a tertiary university hospital. METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted, classified as a historical cohort, enrolling 39 individuals which underwent PD with venous resection from 2000 through 2016. Preoperative demographic, clinical and anthropometric variables were assessed and the main outcomes studied were 30-day morbidity and mortality. RESULTS: The median age was 62.5 years (IQ 54-68); 55% were male. The main etiology identified was ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas (82.1%). In 51.3% of cases, the portal vein was resected; in 35.9%, the superior mesenteric vein was resected and in the other 12.8%, the splenomesenteric junction. Regarding the complications, 48.7% of the patients presented some type of morbidity in 30 days. None of the variables analyzed was associated with higher morbidity. Perioperative mortality was 15.4% (six patients). The group of individuals who died within 30 days presented significantly higher values for both ASA (P=0.003) and ECOG (P=0.001) scores. CONCLUSION: PD with venous resection for advanced pancreatic neoplasms is a feasible procedure, but associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality; higher ASA e ECOG scores were significantly associated with a higher 30-day mortality.

RESUMO CONTEXTO: A duodenopancreatectomia (DP) com ressecção de estruturas venosas adjacentes à cabeça do pâncreas, mesmo em casos de invasão extensa, tem sido praticada nos últimos anos, mas sua morbidade e mortalidade perioperatórias não são completamente determinadas. OBJETIVO: Descrever os resultados perioperatórios de DP com ressecções venosas realizadas em um hospital terciário universitário. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo retrospectivo, classificado como coorte histórica, envolvendo 39 indivíduos submetidos à DP com ressecção venosa entre 2000 e 2016. Foram estudadas variáveis demográficas, clínicas e antropométricas pré-operatórias e os desfechos principais foram a morbidade e mortalidade em 30 dias. RESULTADOS: A mediana de idade foi 62,5 anos (IQ 54-68), sendo 55% dos indivíduos do sexo masculino. A principal etiologia identificada foi o adenocarcinoma ductal de pâncreas (82,1%). Em 51,3% dos casos, a veia porta foi submetida à ressecção; em 35,9%, a veia mesentérica superior foi ressecada e nos outros 12,8%, a junção esplenomesentérica. Em relação às complicações, 48,7% dos pacientes apresentaram algum tipo de morbidade em 30 dias. Nenhuma das variáveis analisadas associou-se à maior morbidade. A mortalidade perioperatória foi 15,4% (seis pacientes). O grupo de indivíduos que cursou com mortalidade em 30 dias apresentou escores significativamente mais altos de ASA (P=0,003) e ECOG (P=0,001). CONCLUSÃO: A DP com ressecção venosa para neoplasias avançadas do pâncreas é um procedimento factível, porém que se acompanha de altos índices de morbidade e mortalidade; escores de ASA e ECOG altos são fatores significativamente associados à maior mortalidade.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Pancreatic Neoplasms/surgery , Adenocarcinoma/surgery , Pancreaticoduodenectomy/methods , Pancreatic Neoplasms/mortality , Portal Vein/surgery , Postoperative Complications , Brazil/epidemiology , Adenocarcinoma/mortality , Retrospective Studies , Morbidity , Pancreaticoduodenectomy/mortality , Intraoperative Complications , Mesenteric Veins/surgery , Middle Aged
Clinical Endoscopy ; : 506-509, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-763467


Colon cancer is very rarely accompanied by tumor thrombosis of the superior mesenteric vein (SMV). A 46-year-old patient had been diagnosed with SMV tumor thrombosis related to colon cancer without hepatic metastasis and underwent right hemicolectomy with SMV tumor thrombectomy. Tumor thrombosis was pathologically confirmed as metastatic colon cancer. There has been no recurrence for 12 months with 12 cycles of adjuvant-chemotherapy.

Humans , Middle Aged , Colon, Ascending , Colonic Neoplasms , Mesenteric Veins , Neoplasm Metastasis , Recurrence , Thrombectomy , Thrombosis
Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 38(3): 280-284, jul.-set. 2018. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014095


La enfermedad de Gaucher, es un trastorno autosómico recesivo de depósito lisosomal que se caracteriza por deficiencia de la beta-glucocerebrosidasa que lleva a la acumulación de glucosilceramida principalmente en células del sistema fagocítico mononuclear causando afectaciones sistémicas. Se presenta paciente varón de 20 años que cursa con dolor crónico en hipocondrio izquierdo con episodios de sangrados desde hace 3 años y sensación de alza térmica, al examen físico se identificó ictericia y esplenomegalia masiva, sin afectación neurológica. Como apoyo al diagnóstico se mostró osteoporosis severa, pancitopenia y como hallazgo inesperado la presencia de trombosis de vena porta con transformación cavernomatosa complicada con biliopatía portal simulando un tumor de klatskin, los estudios de médula y enzimáticos eran compatibles con enfermedad de Gaucher, por lo cual recibió tratamiento con imiglucerasa realizando seguimiento. Es un caso poco frecuente, de gran interés, heterogeneidad en sus manifestaciones clínicas e inéditas por su complicación, constituyendo un desafío llegar a su diagnóstico de esta enfermedad huérfana.

Gaucher disease is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorder characterized by deficiency of beta-glucosidase that would lead to the accumulation of glucosylceramide mainly in cells of the mononuclear phagocytic system causing systemic effectations. We present a patient of twenty years who is suffering from chronic pain in the left hypochondrium with episodes of bleeding for 3 years and sensation of thermal rise, physical examination revealed jaundice and massive splenomegaly, without neurological involvement. Severe osteoporosis, pancytopenia, and the presence of portal vein thrombosis with cavernomatous transformation complicated by portal biliopathy simulating a klatskin tumor, marrow and enzymatic studies were compatible with Gaucher disease, were shown as unexpected findings. he received treatment with imiglucerase, following up. It is a rare case, of great interest, heterogeneity in its clinical manifestations and unpublished by its complication, constituting a challenge to reach its diagnosis of this orphan disease.

Humans , Male , Young Adult , Portal Vein/abnormalities , Portal Vein/pathology , Bile Duct Diseases/etiology , Gaucher Disease/complications , Hemangioma, Cavernous/complications , Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage/etiology , Hypertension, Portal/complications , Portal Vein/diagnostic imaging , Renal Veins/pathology , Renal Veins/diagnostic imaging , Splenectomy , Splenic Vein/pathology , Splenic Vein/diagnostic imaging , Bile Ducts, Intrahepatic/pathology , Bile Ducts, Intrahepatic/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Dilatation, Pathologic/etiology , Enzyme Replacement Therapy , Gallbladder/blood supply , Gaucher Disease/diagnosis , Gaucher Disease/drug therapy , Glucosylceramidase/therapeutic use , Hypertension, Portal/diagnostic imaging , Mesenteric Veins/pathology , Mesenteric Veins/diagnostic imaging
J. vasc. bras ; 17(3)jul.-set. 2018. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-916209


A síndrome de quebra-nozes é caracterizada por um grupo de manifestações clínicas que ocorrem por conta da compressão da veia renal esquerda. Seus principais sintomas são macro e micro-hematúria, proteinúria e dor no flanco. O diagnóstico é geralmente realizado após a exclusão de outras causas mais comuns, por conta da ausência de critérios clínicos para diagnóstico. Sua confirmação é feita por exames de imagem, com uso da ultrassonografia Doppler e tomografia computadorizada. O tratamento pode variar com as características do paciente e com a gravidade dos sintomas, e inclui o tratamento conservador, a cirurgia aberta e a cirurgia endovascular. Atualmente, a cirurgia aberta continua sendo a linha de frente, mas abordagens menos invasivas vêm ganhando cada vez mais espaço

The nutcracker syndrome is characterized by a group of clinical manifestations caused by compression of the Left Renal Vein. The main symptoms are: macro and micro hematuria, proteinuria, and flank pain. Diagnosis is usually made after excluding other causes, because there are no clinical criteria for diagnosis. Confirmation is by Doppler ultrasonography or computed tomography. Treatment can vary, depending on patient characteristics and the severity of the symptoms, while conservative treatment, open surgery, and endovascular surgery may be employed. Currently, open surgery is still the first-line treatment, but some less invasive approaches are gaining acceptance

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Diagnosis , Renal Nutcracker Syndrome/diagnosis , Renal Nutcracker Syndrome/therapy , Therapeutics , Aorta, Abdominal/diagnostic imaging , Conservative Treatment/methods , Endovascular Procedures/methods , Hematuria/diagnosis , Mesenteric Veins , Nephrectomy/methods , Pelvic Pain/etiology , Renal Veins , Review , Stents , Surgical Procedures, Operative/methods , Tomography/methods , Ultrasonography, Doppler/methods
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-691331


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To compare the difference of the diameters of superior mesenteric vein (SMV) and gastrocolic trunk (GCT) between patients with cecum-ascending colon cancer and normal individuals, and to assess the diagnostic value of the diameters of SMV and GCT in cecum-ascending colon cancer.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>Preoperative imaging data of 60 patients with primary cecum-ascending colon cancer confirmed by postoperative pathology at the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University from June 2014 to December 2016 were retrospectively analyzed. The diameters of SMV and GCT were measured on preoperative CT images. SMV was measured at about 2 cm below the junction of SMV and splenic vein. GCT was measured at 1 cm near the proximal junction of right colon vein, right gastroepiploic vein and anterior pancreaticoduodenal vein. Another 60 people receiving pelvic CT examination without organ illness were collected as control. The diameter differences of SMV and GCT between cancer group and control group were compared. The diagnostic value of the diameters of SMV and GCT in cecum-ascending colon cancer was evaluated by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>Among 60 cases of cecum-ascending colon cancer, 36 were males and 24 were females with median age of 48 years (range 28-84); 13 were cecum cancer, 47 were ascending colon cancer; 11 had no lymph node and liver metastasis, 40 had lymph node metastasis, 9 had liver metastasis (all with lymph node metastasis). Compared to control group, the diameters of SMV and GCT in cancer group were significantly longer [SMV:(11.2±1.3) mm vs. (9.5±1.7) mm, t=6.04, P<0.001; GCT:(5.5±0.9) mm vs. (3.5±1.0) mm, t=11.51, P<0.001]. However, there were no statistically significant differences in diameters of SMV and GCT among hepatic metastasis, lymph node metastasis and no metastasis cancer groups (all P>0.05). The ROC curve analysis showed that the area under the curve of SMV diameter was 0.777, and the optimal cut-off point was 10.5 mm in the diagnosis of cecum-ascending colon cancer, with the sensitivity and specificity of 95.0%(57/60) and 46.7%(28/60) respectively. The area under the curve of GCT diameter was 0.923, and the optimal cut-off point was 4.5 mm in the diagnosis of cecum-ascending colon cancer, with sensitivity and specificity of 88.3%(53/60) and 85.0%(51/60) respectively.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>The dilation of the SMV and GCT may be used as warning factors for cecum-ascending colon cancer, especially the diameter of GCT.</p>

Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Cecum , Colon, Ascending , Pathology , Colonic Neoplasms , Pathology , Mesenteric Veins , Retrospective Studies
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-689676


Vessel identification and dissection are the key processes of laparoscopic complete mesocolic excision (CME). Vascular injury will lead to complications such as prolonged operative time, intraoperative hemorrhage and ischemia of anastomotic stoma. Superior mesenteric artery (SMA), superior mesenteric vein(SMV), gastrointestinal trunk, left colic artery(LCA), sigmoid artery and marginal vessels in the mesentery have been found with possibility of heteromorphosis, which requires better operative techniques. Surgeons should recognize those vessel heteromorphosis carefully during operations and adjust strategies to avoid intraoperative hemorrhage. Preoperative abdominal computed tomography angiography(CTA) with three-dimensional reconstruction can find vessel heteromorphosis within surgical area before operation. Adequate dissection of veins instead of violent separation will decrease intraoperative bleeding and be helpful for dealing with the potential hemorrhage. When intraoperative hemorrhage occurs, surgeons need to control the bleeding by simple compression or vascular clips depending on the different situations. When the bleeding can not be stopped by laparoscopic operation, surgeons should turn to open surgery without hesitation.

Humans , Colonic Neoplasms , General Surgery , Dissection , Hemorrhage , Laparoscopy , Mesenteric Artery, Inferior , Mesenteric Veins , Mesocolon , General Surgery
Anatomy & Cell Biology ; : 232-235, 2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-718740


Portal vein provides about three-fourths of liver's blood supply. Portal vein is formed behind the neck of pancreas, at the level of the second lumbar vertebra and formed from the convergence of superior mesenteric and splenic veins. The purpose of this study is to review the normal distribution and variation, morphometry of portal vein and its branches for their implication in liver surgery and preoperative portal vein embolization. It is also helpful for radiologists while performing radiological procedures. A total of fresh 40 livers with intact splenic and superior mesenteric vein were collected from the mortuary of Forensic Department, JSS Medical College and Mysuru Medical College. The silicone gel was injected into the portal vein and different segments were identified and portal vein variants were noted. The morphometry of portal vein was measured by using digital sliding calipers. The different types of portal vein segmental variants were observed. The present study showed predominant type I in 90% cases, type II 7.5% cases, and type III 2.5% cases. Mean and standard deviation (SD) of length of right portal vein among males and females were 2.096±0.602 cm and 1.706±0.297 cm, respectively. Mean and SD of length of left portal vein among males and females were 3.450±0.661 cm and 3.075±0.632 cm, respectively. The difference in the Mean among the males and females with respect to length of right portal vein and left portal vein was found to be statistically significant (P=0.010). Prior knowledge of variations regarding the formation, termination and tributaries of portal vein are very helpful and important for surgeons to perform liver surgeries like liver transplantation, segmentectomy and for Interventional Radiologists.

Female , Humans , Male , Liver Transplantation , Liver , Mastectomy, Segmental , Mesenteric Veins , Methods , Neck , Pancreas , Portal Vein , Silicon , Silicones , Spine , Splenic Vein , Surgeons
Journal of Gastric Cancer ; : 186-191, 2017.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-80093


The role of nodal station No. 14v (along the superior mesenteric vein) in lymphadenectomy for distal gastric cancer remains elusive. A 73-year-old woman underwent endoscopic submucosal dissection for gastric cancer, and was referred to our division for additional surgery because of pathologically non-curative resection. A laparoscopic distal gastrectomy with D1+ dissection was performed, with a final diagnosis of pT1bN1M0, Stage IB (2 nodal metastases to No. 6). Four months post-surgery, abdominal computed tomography revealed a 14-mm solitary nodule along the superior mesenteric vein. The lesion was excised and pathologically identified as a lymph node metastasis. Adjuvant chemotherapy with tegafur-gimeracil-oteracil potassium (S-1) was administered for the metastasis. Presently the patient survives without recurrence, 5.5 years after the second operation. Our findings suggest that there is lymphatic flow from the No. 6 to the No. 14v nodal station. Some patients with a No. 6 metastasis may benefit from a No. 14v lymphadenectomy, even in early-staged disease.

Aged , Female , Humans , Chemotherapy, Adjuvant , Diagnosis , Early Detection of Cancer , Gastrectomy , Lymph Node Excision , Lymph Nodes , Mesenteric Veins , Neoplasm Metastasis , Potassium , Recurrence , Stomach Neoplasms
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-7491


Laparoscopic surgical approaches, compared with open surgical approaches, provide comparable clinical outcomes, but lower complications. Unfortunately, a rare complication―portomesenteric vein thrombosis―had been reported after laparoscopic surgery. A 42-year-old woman was referred our hospital for recurrent abdominal pain after laparoscopic appendectomy from acute appendicitis. It was determined that abdominal pain was due to postoperative superior mesenteric vein thrombus. A six-month anticoagulation therapy is an excellent treatment for superior mesenteric vein thrombus . Therefore, physicians should be aware of portomesenteric vein thrombosis in patients with newly developed abdominal pain after successful laparoscopic surgical management.

Adult , Female , Humans , Abdominal Pain , Appendectomy , Appendicitis , Laparoscopy , Mesenteric Veins , Thrombosis , Veins
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-183537


PURPOSE: It is believed that blood from the superior mesenteric vein and splenic vein mixes incompletely in the portal vein and maintains a streamline flow influencing its anatomic distribution. Although several experimental studies have demonstrated the existence of streamlining, clinical studies have shown conflicting results. We investigated whether streamlining of portal vein affects the lobar distribution of colorectal liver metastases and estimated its impact on survival. METHODS: Data of patients who underwent hepatectomy for colorectal liver metastases were retrospectively collected. The chi-square test was used for analyzing the distribution of metastasis. Cox analysis was used to identify risk factors of survival. Fisher exact test was used for subgroup analysis comparing hepatic recurrence. RESULTS: A total of 410 patients were included. The right-to-left ratio of liver metastases were 2.20:1 in right-sided colon cancer and 1.39:1 in left-sided cancer (P = 0.017). Cox analyses showed that margin < 5 mm (P < 0.001; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.648–4.884; hazard ratio [HR], 2.837), age ≥ 60 years (P = 0.004; 95% CI, 1.269–3.641; HR, 2.149), N2 status (P < 0.001, 95% CI, 1.598–4.215; HR, 2.595), tumor size ≥ 45 mm (P = 0.014; 95% CI, 1.159–3.758; HR, 2.087) and other metastasis (P = 0.012; 95% CI, 1.250–5.927; HR, 2.722) were risk factors of survival. However, in 70 patients who underwent right hemihepatectomy for solitary metastasis, left-sided colorectal cancer was a risk factor (P = 0.019; 95% CI, 1.293–17.956; HR, 4.818), and was associated with higher recurrence than right-sided cancer (43.1% and 15.8%, respectively, P = 0.049). CONCLUSION: This study showed significant difference in lobar distribution of liver metastases between right colon cancer and left colorecral cancer. Furthermore, survival of left-sided colorectal cancer was poorer than that of right-sided cancer in patients who underwent right hemihepatectomy for solitary metastasis. These findings can be helpful for clinicians planning treatment strategy.

Humans , Colonic Neoplasms , Colorectal Neoplasms , Hepatectomy , Liver , Mesenteric Veins , Neoplasm Metastasis , Portal Vein , Recurrence , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Splenic Vein
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-167187


Summary of Event: A transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) stent (Viatorr) was misplaced into main portal vein and superior mesenteric vein. This misplaced covered stent was then successfully retrieved using the rigid endobronchial forceps. Teaching Point: Before release the covered portion of the TIPS stent (Viatorr), it is necessary to confirm the position of uncovered portion in portal vein and covered portion in parenchymal tract. The endobronchial forceps technique is a safe and efficient method for retrieving a misplaced TIPS stent.

Device Removal , Mesenteric Veins , Methods , Portal Vein , Portasystemic Shunt, Surgical , Portasystemic Shunt, Transjugular Intrahepatic , Stents , Surgical Instruments
Intestinal Research ; : 369-374, 2016.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-139330


A 57-year-old man with chronic kidney disease and a history of using numerous herbal medications visited Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital for abdominal pain and vomiting. An abdominal radiograph showed diffuse small bowel distension containing multiple air-fluid levels and extensive calcifications along the colon. Computed tomography showed colon wall thickening with diffuse calcification along the colonic mesenteric vein and colonic wall. Colonoscopy, performed without bowel preparation, showed bluish edematous mucosa from the transverse to the distal sigmoid colon, with multiple scar changes. At the mid transverse colon, a stricture was noted and the scope could not pass through. A biopsy of the stricture site revealed nonspecific changes. The patient was diagnosed with phlebosclerotic colitis. After the colonoscopy, the obstructive ileus spontaneously resolved, and the patient was discharged without an operation. Currently, after 2 months of follow-up, the patient has remained asymptomatic. Herein, we report the rare case of an obstructive ileus caused by phlebosclerotic colitis with a colon stricture.

Humans , Middle Aged , Abdominal Pain , Biopsy , Cicatrix , Colitis , Colon , Colon, Sigmoid , Colon, Transverse , Colonoscopy , Constriction, Pathologic , Follow-Up Studies , Herbal Medicine , Ileus , Mesenteric Veins , Mucous Membrane , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic , Vomiting
Intestinal Research ; : 369-374, 2016.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-139334


A 57-year-old man with chronic kidney disease and a history of using numerous herbal medications visited Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital for abdominal pain and vomiting. An abdominal radiograph showed diffuse small bowel distension containing multiple air-fluid levels and extensive calcifications along the colon. Computed tomography showed colon wall thickening with diffuse calcification along the colonic mesenteric vein and colonic wall. Colonoscopy, performed without bowel preparation, showed bluish edematous mucosa from the transverse to the distal sigmoid colon, with multiple scar changes. At the mid transverse colon, a stricture was noted and the scope could not pass through. A biopsy of the stricture site revealed nonspecific changes. The patient was diagnosed with phlebosclerotic colitis. After the colonoscopy, the obstructive ileus spontaneously resolved, and the patient was discharged without an operation. Currently, after 2 months of follow-up, the patient has remained asymptomatic. Herein, we report the rare case of an obstructive ileus caused by phlebosclerotic colitis with a colon stricture.

Humans , Middle Aged , Abdominal Pain , Biopsy , Cicatrix , Colitis , Colon , Colon, Sigmoid , Colon, Transverse , Colonoscopy , Constriction, Pathologic , Follow-Up Studies , Herbal Medicine , Ileus , Mesenteric Veins , Mucous Membrane , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic , Vomiting