OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the performance of recombinase-aided amplification (RAA) assay in detection of Clonorchis sinensis metacercariae in freshwater fish samples, so as to provide insights into standardization and field application of this assay.@*METHODS@#Wild freshwater fish samples were collected in the rivers of administrative villages where C. sinensis-infected residents lived in Jiangyan District, Xinghua County and Taixing County of Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province from June to September 2022. Genomic DNA was extracted from six freshwater fish specimens (5 g each) containing 0, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 C. sinensis metacercariae for fluorescent RAA assay, and the diagnostic sensitivity was evaluated. Fluorescent RAA assay was performed with genomic DNA from C. sinensis, Metorchis orientalis, Haplorchis pumilio and Centrocestus formosanus metacercariae as templates to evaluate its cross-reactions. In addition, the detection of fluorescent RAA assay and direct compression method for C. sinensis metacercariae was compared in field-collected freshwater fish samples.@*RESULTS@#Positive amplification was found in fresh-water fish specimens containing different numbers of C. sinensis metacercariae, and fluorescent RAA assay was effective to detect one C. sinensis metacercaria in 5 g freshwater fish specimens within 20 min. Fluorescent RAA assay tested negative for DNA from M. orientalis, H. pumilio and C. formosanus metacercariae. Fluorescent RAA assay and direct compression method showed 5.36% (93/1 735) and 2.88% (50/1 735) detection rates for C. sinensis metacercariae in 1 735 field-collected freshwater fish samples, with a statistically significant difference seen (χ2 = 478.150, P < 0.001). There was a significant difference in the detection of C. sinensis metacercariae in different species of freshwater fish by both the direct compression method (χ2 = 11.20, P < 0.05) and fluorescent RAA assay (χ2 = 20.26, P < 0.001), and the detection of C. sinensis metacercariae was higher in Pseudorasbora parva than in other fish species by both the direct compression method and fluorescent RAA assay (both P values < 0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Fluorescent RAA assay has a high sensitivity for detection of C. sinensis metacercariae in freshwater fish samples, and has no cross-reactions with M. orientalis, H. pumilio or C. formosanus metacercariae. Fluorescent RAA assay shows a higher accuracy for detection of C. sinensis infections in field-collected freshwater fish than the direct compression method.
Animals , Clonorchis sinensis/genetics , Metacercariae/genetics , Recombinases , Fresh Water , Fishes , DNA , Fish Diseases/diagnosisABSTRACT
Abstract Austrodiplostomum spp. (Platyhelminthes: Digenea) are endoparasites with a broad geographic distribution in South America. During the larval stage, they parasitize the eyes, brains, muscles, gill, kidneys and swim bladder of a wide variety of fishes. The metacercariae of Austrodiplostomum spp. have several morphological characteristics during development, but are very similar among species, which makes it necessary to use molecular tools to contribute to the elucidation during the larval stage. The objective of this study was to perform morphological and molecular analyses of Austrodiplostomum sp. found in specimens of Hypostomus sourced from the Ivaí River in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Of the 93 analyzed specimens (H. hermanni [n = 50], H. albopunctatus [n = 9], Hypostomus sp. 1 [n = 24], and Hypostomus sp. 2 [n = 10]), 60 were parasitized. A total of 577 Austrodiplostomum sp. metacercariae was collected from the infected hosts; DNA from seven of these samples was extracted, amplified, and sequenced. The morphological data associated with the genetic distance values and the relationships observed in the COI gene tree, indicate that all metacercariae were A. compactum. This is the first record of A. compactum parasitizing H. hermanni, H. albopunctatus, Hypostomus sp. 1, and Hypostomus sp. 2 in the Ivaí River.
Resumo Austrodiplostomum spp. (Platyhelminthes: Digenea) são endoparasitos com uma ampla distribuição geográfica na América do Sul. Durante a fase larval, parasitam os olhos, cérebros, músculos, brânquias, rins e bexiga natatória de uma grande variedade de peixes. As metacercárias de Austrodiplostomum spp. apresentam várias características morfológicas durante o desenvolvimento, as quais são muito semelhantes entre as espécies, o que torna necessário o uso de ferramentas moleculares para contribuir para a elucidação durante a fase larval. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar análises morfológicas e moleculares de Austrodiplostomum sp. encontradas em espécimes de Hypostomus provenientes do rio Ivaí, no Paraná, Brasil. Dos 93 espécimes analisados (H. hermanni [n = 50], H. albopunctatus [n = 9], Hypostomus sp. 1 [n = 24], e Hypostomus sp. 2 [n = 10]), 60 foram parasitados. Um total de 577 metacercárias de Austrodiplostomum foram coletadas dos hospedeiros infectados; o DNA de sete dessas amostras foi extraído, amplificado e sequenciado. Os dados morfológicos, associados aos valores de distância genética e as relações observadas na árvore gênica do COI, indicam que todas as metacercárias são A. compactum. Este é o primeiro registo de A. compactum parasitando H. hermanni, H. albopunctatus, Hypostomus sp. 1, e Hypostomus sp. 2 no rio Ivaí.
Animals , Trematoda/anatomy & histology , Trematoda/genetics , Catfishes , Fish Diseases/parasitology , Brain/parasitology , Brazil , Rivers , Metacercariae/geneticsABSTRACT
Abstract Ascocotyle (Phagicola) longa is an etiological agent of human phagicolosis. Mugilids are the second intermediate host, the first being Heleobia australis, and mugilids predatory birds and mammals are its definitive hosts. The occurrence of cysts holding A. longa metacercariae is described in mugilids with a prevalence of up to 100%. The wide geographical distribution of A. longa and its intermediate hosts coupled with the rise in the consumption of raw or poorly cooked fish may elevate the risk of human infection. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to verify the distribution pattern of cysts holding A. longa in mugilids. The tissue and organ samples of these fish were processed in a domestic blender and examined under a stereoscopic microscope to identify the cysts holding the digenetic metacercariae. Of the 24 (100%) fish samples that were analyzed, 12 of Mugil curema and 12 of Mugil liza possessed cysts holding A. longa metacercariae. Digenetic cysts were identified to be present in the gills, heart, stomach, liver, intestines, mesentery, and muscular tissues collected from M. curema and M. liza. Conclusively, in M. curema, the cysts holding A. longa metacercariae were found to be distributed randomly throughout the fish body in almost every tissue and organ that was examined.
Resumo Ascocotyle (Phagicola) longa é o agente etiológico da fagicolose humana. Os mugilídeos são os segundos hospedeiros intermediários. O primeiro é Heleobia australis e pássaros e mamíferos predadores de mugilídeos, os hospedeiros definitivos. A ocorrência de cistos contendo metacercárias de A. longa é descrita em mugilídeos, com até 100% de prevalência. A ampla distribuição geográfica de A. longa e seus hospedeiros intermediários, acompanhado do aumento do consumo de peixe cru ou mal cozido, pode aumentar o risco de infecção humana, portanto o objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar o padrão de distribuição de cistos, contendo metacercárias de A. longa, em mugilídeos. Amostras de tecidos e órgãos desses peixes foram processadas em liquidificador doméstico e observadas em microscópio estereoscópico à procura de cistos contendo metacercárias do digenético. Todos os 24 (100%) mugilídeos, 12 Mugil curema e 12 Mugil liza examinados apresentaram cistos contendo metacercária de A. longa. Foram observados cistos do digenético nas brânquias, coração, estômago, fígado, intestino, mesentério e tecido muscular de M. curema e de M. liza. Em M. curema, os cistos contendo metacercárias de A. longa estão distribuídos de forma aleatória por praticamente todos os tecidos e órgãos dos mugilídeos examinados.
Animals , Trematoda , Trematode Infections/veterinary , Smegmamorpha , Cysts/veterinary , Fish Diseases , Heterophyidae , MetacercariaeABSTRACT
Abstract Clarias gariepinus is a fish from North of South Africa and was later introduced in several countries, including Brazil. The present study aimed to describe the first report of Diplostomidae metacercariae in C. gariepinus in Brazil. For this, 30 C. gariepinus were captured in a lake in the city of Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brazil. Fishes were euthanized using freezing and necropsied for collection of parasites. The organs were dissected and analyzed for the presence of parasites that were processed for light and scanning electron microscopy. Trematodes were stained with Semichon's Carmine and Gomori's Trichrome, observed and schematized under a light microscope with image analysis software. A total of 190 trematodes were collected from the gills, suprabranchial organs, heart, stomach, intestinal mesentery, liver and body cavity of the fish. The parasites had a foliaceous body divided by a discrete constriction, without genital primordia, and a holdfast organ present at the posterior region, typical of metacercariae of the family Diplostomidae. It was classified as the 'Diplostomulum' morphotype, based on the morphology of the reserve bladder structure. This is the first report of the metacercariae of Diplostomidae parasitizing C. gariepinus in the Americas. This fish acts as an intermediate or paratenic host of this digenean in Brazil.
Resumo Clarias gariepinus é um peixe do Norte da África do Sul e posteriormente introduzido em diversos países, incluindo o Brasil. O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever o primeiro relato de metacercárias em C. gariepinus no Brasil. Para tanto, 30 C. gariepinus foram capturados em um lago na cidade de Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brasil. Os peixes foram eutanasiados por congelamento e necropsiados para a coleta de parasitos. Os órgãos foram dissecados e analisados para a presença de parasitos que foram processados para microscopia ótica e electronica de varredura. Os Trematodeos foram corados com carmim de Semichon e tricrômico de Gomori, observados e esquematizados sob microscópio ótico equipado com software de análise de imagens. Um total de 190 trematodeos foram coletados das brânquias, órgãos suprabrânquiais, coração, estômago, mesentério intestinal, fígado e cavidade corporal dos peixes. Os parasitos tinham corpo foliáceo, dividido por uma discrete contrição, sem primórdio genital, e órgão tribocítico presente na região posterior, típico das metacercárias da fámilia Diplostomidae. Foram classificados como do morfotipo 'Diplostomulum', baseado na morfologia da estrutura da bexiga de reserva. Este é o primeiro relato de metacercárias de Diplostomidae parasitando C. gariepinus nas Américas. Este peixe atua como hospedeiro intermediário ou paratênico deste Digenea no Brasil.
Animals , Male , Female , Trematoda/isolation & purification , Catfishes/parasitology , Metacercariae/isolation & purification , Trematoda/anatomy & histology , Trematoda/classification , Trematoda/ultrastructure , Trematode Infections/veterinary , Catfishes/classification , Brazil , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Metacercariae/anatomy & histology , Metacercariae/classification , Metacercariae/ultrastructure , Fish Diseases/parasitologyABSTRACT
This study compared the parasites fauna of Hyphessobrycontakasei and H. amapaensisfrom hydrographic basins in Amapá state, Brazil. Of the 42 H. takasei examined, 95.2% were parasitized by one or more species such as Dactylogyridae gen. sp., encysted metacercariae of digenean, adults and larvae of Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus and larvae of Camallanus sp. A total of 224 parasites were collected from H.takasei, and there was a dominance of nematode species and dispersion pattern aggregated of parasites. The species richness of parasites varied of 0 to 3 species, Brillouin index of 0-0.97 and evenness of 0-0.70. Of the 32 specimens of H. amapaensis examined, 28.1% were parasitized by Camallanus sp. larvae, which presented random dispersion pattern. For H. takasei, no correlation of host length with Brillouin diversity and species richness of parasites was found. The presence of these nematode species and metacercariae of digenean indicates that these fish may act as intermediate hosts. This is the first study to gather information about the parasite fauna of these endemic fish from the eastern Amazon, providing records that contribute new reports on occurrence of parasite species in new localities. This study on parasites of H. takasei and H. amapaensis may help prevent the introduction of parasites in other regions of the country, as well as in other countries due to aquarium fish.Since the ornamental fish exportation from the Brazil is largely dominated by wild Amazonian species, biosecurity export conditions should be require all exported fish to be inspected and certified to show no clinical signs of parasite and diseases. Lastly, this knowledge on the parasitic epidemiology may help improve the health and quality of these fish being exported from the Amazon region, reducing losses on all stages of this production chain.
Animals , Characidae/parasitology , Parasitic Diseases , MetacercariaeABSTRACT
The infection status with Clonorchis sinensis metacercariae (CsMc) was examined in freshwater fishes from Yangcheon (a branch of Gyeongho-gang), which is located in Sancheong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, the Republic of Korea. Total 2,201 fishes in 26 species were examined by the artificial digestion method through 7 years. CsMc were detected in 1,171 (53.2%) fishes in 21 spp. (80.8%) and their density was 85 per fish infected. Total 532 (99.6%) out of 534 Pungtungia herzi (index fish) examined were infected with 147 CsMc per fish infected. Metacercarial densities in this fish were highest in 2015 (179 CsMc), followed by 2012 (168), 2013 (152), 2016 (145), 2014 (114), and 2017 (89) respectively. In the gobioninid fish group, i.e., P. herzi, Sarcocheilichthys spp., Squalidus spp., Pseudogobio esocinus, Hemibarbus longirostris, and Hemibarbus labeo, 841 (92.7%) fishes were infected with 117 CsMc per fish infected. Total 250 (54.7%) acheilognathinid fish (bitterlings), Acheilognathus spp. and Acanthorhodeus spp. were infected with 5.8 CsMc. In the rasborinid fish (chubs) group, i.e., Zacco platypus, Zacco temminckii, and Zacco koreanus, 77 (13.7%) out of 563 fish examined were infected with 2.4 CsMc in average. The susceptibility indices of CsMc were 49.09 in the overall positive fish group, 104.15 in the gobioninid group, 3.17 in the acheilognathinid group and 0.35 in the rasborinid fish group respectively. Only 1 CsMc was detected in 3 fish species, Coreoperca herzi, Channa argus, and Lepomis macrochirus, respectively. Conclusively, it was confirmed that CsMc are moderately prevalent in fishes from Yangcheon in Sancheon-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea.
Clonorchis sinensis , Cyprinidae , Digestion , Fishes , Fresh Water , Korea , Metacercariae , Methods , Platypus , Republic of KoreaABSTRACT
The infection status of digenetic trematode metacercariae (DTM) was investigated in fishes from 2 representative visiting sites of migratory birds in Gyeongsangnam-do, the Republic of Korea (Korea). A totaly 220 freshwater fishes (7 species) were collected from Junam-jeosuji (reservoir), and 127 fishes (7 species) were also collected from Woopo-neup (swamp) in June and October 2017. As the control group, total 312 fish (22 spp.) from Yangcheon in Sancheong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do were also collected in June and October 2017. All fishes collected in 3 sites were examined with the artificial digestion method. In the fishes from Junam-jeosuji, more than 4 species, i.e., Clonorchis sinensis, Echinostoma spp., Diplostomum spp. and Cyathocotyle orientalis, of DTM were detected and their endemicy was very low, 0.70. More than 6 species, i.e., C. sinensis, Echinostoma spp., Metorchis orientalis, Clinostomum complanatum, Diplostomum spp. and C. orientalis, of DTM were found in the fishes from Woopo-neup, and their endemicy was low, 5.16. In the fishes from Yangcheon, more than 8 species, i.e., C. sinensis, Metagonimus spp., Centrocestus armatus, C. complanatum, C. orientalis, M. orientalis, Echinostoma spp., and Diplostomum spp., of DTM were detected, and their endemicity was relatively high, 95.48. The percentages of avian trematode metacercariae (ATM) were 99.6% and 94.7% in fishes from Junam-jeosuji and Woopo-neup whereas it was 74.1% in the control site, Yangcheon. The above findings suggested that migratory birds partly affect in endemicity of DTM in the fish in the 2 visiting sites in Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea.
Birds , Clonorchis sinensis , Digestion , Echinostoma , Fishes , Fresh Water , Heterophyidae , Korea , Metacercariae , Methods , Republic of KoreaABSTRACT
We tried a series of morphological and molecular approaches to identify a new species of Stellantchasmus (Digenea: Heterophyidae) originating from the wrestling half-beaked fish, Dermogenys pusillus of Thailand. Adult worm samples of the new species were recovered from hamsters experimentally infected with the metacercariae from D. pusillus in Thailand. Two isolates (Thai and Korean) of Stellantchasmus falcatus were used as comparative control groups. Worm samples of 3 Stellantchasmus groups were morphologically observed and molecularly analyzed with the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1 gene. The morphological characteristics of S. dermogenysi n. sp. are similar to S. falcatus originating from brackish water fish, but minor difference was noted including the absence of the prepharynx, position of the ovary near the ceca end, smaller body size, and shorter esophageal length. A phylogenetic tree derived from neighbor-joining and maximum-likelihood methods suggests that S. dermogenysi n. sp. is separated from S. falcatus supported by high bootstrap values. The relative divergences persist between these host-specific trematodes, which we suggest should be recognized as 2 distinct species. Comparisons of S. dermogenysi n. sp. with S. falcatus isolated from mullets in Thailand and Korea indicate a genetic divergence of mitochondrial DNA of 19.4% and 21.7%, respectively. By the present study, a new species, Stellantchasmus dermogenysi n. sp. (Digenea: Heterophyidae), is proposed in Thailand based on molecular evidences, in addition to minor morphological differences between S. falcatus and the new species.
Adult , Animals , Cricetinae , Female , Humans , Body Size , DNA, Mitochondrial , Electron Transport Complex IV , Korea , Metacercariae , Ovary , Phylogeny , Saline Waters , Smegmamorpha , Thailand , Trees , WrestlingABSTRACT
The infection status of Clinostomum complanatum metacercariae (CcMc) was broadly surveyed in fishes from water systems of Nakdong-gang (River) in the Republic of Korea (Korea) for 5 years. All 4,468 fishes collected were individually examined by the artificial digestion methods. No CcMc were detected in fishes from Naeseongcheon in Yecheon-gun, Gigyecheon in Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, and Hamancheon in Haman-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do. In fishes from Wicheon in Gunwi-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, CcMc were detected in 180 (15.4%) out of 1,168 fishes and their intensity was 5.8 per fish infected. The prevalences with CcMc in positive fish species from 3 other surveyed areas, i.e., Banbyeoncheon in Yeongyang-gun, Nakdong-gang in Sangju-si and Hoecheon in Goryeong-gun, in Gyeongsangbuk-do were 19.3%, 33.3%, and 19.0% and their intensities were 1.5, 17.6, and 2.6 per fish infected respectively. In fishes from Yangcheon in Sancheong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, CcMc were detected in 811 (45.6%) out of 1,779 fishes examined and their intensity was 9.8 per fish infected. The prevalence was most high in Squalidus spp. (97.7%) and followed by acheilognathinid fish (66.8%), Pungtungia herzi (52.0%), rasborinid fish (39.6%) and Hemibarbus spp. (25.9%) from Yangcheon. The intensity was also most high in Squalidus spp. (27.0). The endemicity with CcMc was very low in fishes from water systems of Nakdong-gang in the east coast of Korea. Conclusively, it is confirmed that various fish species act as the second intermediate hosts of C. complanatum, and the endemicities of CcMc are more or less different by the fish species and group from Yangcheon, in Sancheong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea.
Digestion , Fishes , Korea , Metacercariae , Prevalence , Republic of Korea , WaterABSTRACT
Gymnophalloides seoi (Digenea: Gymnophallidae) is a human intestinal trematode contracted by eating raw oysters (Crassostrea gigas) in the Republic of Korea (=Korea). It has been known to be highly endemic in Aphae Island, Shinan-gun, Jeollanam-do (Province). However, recent epidemiological status of G. seoi has not been reported since the 1990s. In this study, we investigated the prevalence of G. seoi metacercariae in natural and cultured oysters collected from 3 islands and 2 coastal areas in western parts of Korea. The oysters were examined using the artificial digestion method followed by stereomicroscopy. The overall positive rate of G. seoi metacercariae in natural oysters was 66.0% (99/150), and the oysters collected from Yubu Island showed the highest infection rate (74.0%). However, the metacercarial density per oyster was relatively low (1.5–2.4 per oyster). By contrast, no metacercaria was found in cultured oysters purchased from 2 coastal areas in Chungcheongnam-do. Thus, we could confirm that natural oysters produced from 3 western coastal islands are infected with G. seoi metacercariae, whereas cultured oysters purchased from 2 coastal areas were free from infection.
Humans , Digestion , Eating , Islands , Korea , Metacercariae , Methods , Ostreidae , Prevalence , Republic of KoreaABSTRACT
The infection status of digenetic trematode metacercariae (DTM) was investigated in fishes from coastal lakes in Gangwon-do, the Republic of Korea (Korea). All fishes collected in 5 lakes were examined with the artificial digestion method. More than 10 species, i.e., Metagonimus spp., Pygidiopsis summa, Centrocestus armatus, Metorchis orientalis, M. taiwanensis, Clinostomum complanatum, Echinostoma spp., Stictodora spp., Diplostomum sp. and Diplostomid No. 1. by Morita (1960), of DTM were detected in fishes from 5 coastal lakes in Gangwon-do. Metagonimus spp. metacercariae were found in 52 (41.3%) out of 126 sea rundace, Tribolodon hakonensis, from 5 lakes, and their density was 14.6 per fish infected. P. summa metacercariae were detected in 48 (84.2%) out of 57 mullets from 5 lakes, and their density was 316 per fish infected. C. armatus metacercariae were detected in 7 (14.6%) T. hakonensis and 3 (15.0%) Tridentiger brevispinis from Hyang-ho, and 5 (19.2%) Acanthogobius flavimanus from Gyeongpo-ho. Stictodora spp. metacercariae were found in 4 fish species, i.e., Tridentiger obscurus, Tridentiger trigonocephalus, Chelon haematocheilus, and Acanthogobius lactipes, from Gyeongpo-ho. Total 15 C. complanatum metacercariae were detected in 2 (9.1%) crucian carp, Carassius auratus, from Songji-ho. M. taiwanensis metacercariae were found in T. hakonensis from Hyang-ho and Gyeongpo-ho and in Pseudorasbora parva from Gyeongpo-ho. Total 11 M. orientalis metacercariae were detected in 3 (6.3%) T. hakonensis from Hyang-ho. From the above results, it was confirmed that various species of DTM are infected in fishes from coastal lakes in Gangwon-do, Korea.
Carps , Digestion , Echinostoma , Fishes , Goldfish , Heterophyidae , Korea , Lakes , Metacercariae , Methods , Republic of Korea , SmegmamorphaABSTRACT
Cathepsin D (CatD, EC is a member belonging to the subfamily of aspartic endopeptidases, which are classified into the MEROPS clan AA, family A1. Helminth parasites express a large set of different peptidases that play pivotal roles in parasite biology and pathophysiology. However, CatD is less well known than the other classes of peptidases in terms of biochemical properties and biological functions. In this study, we identified 2 novel CatDs (CsCatD1 and CsCatD2) of Clonorchis sinensis and partially characterized their properties. Both CsCatDs represent typical enzymes sharing amino acid residues and motifs that are tightly conserved in the CatD superfamily of proteins. Both CsCatDs showed similar patterns of expression in different developmental stages of C. sinensis, but CsCatD2 was also expressed in metacercariae. CsCatD2 was mainly expressed in the intestines and eggs of C. sinensis. Sera obtained from rats experimentally infected with C. sinensis reacted with recombinant CsCatD2 beginning 2 weeks after infection and the antibody titers were gradually increased by maturation of the parasite. Structural analysis of CsCatD2 revealed a bilobed enzyme structure consisting of 2 antiparallel β-sheet domains packed against each other forming a homodimeric structure. These results suggested a plausible biological role of CsCatD2 in the nutrition and reproduction of parasite and its potential utility as a serodiagnostic antigen in clonorchiasis.
Animals , Humans , Rats , Aspartic Acid Endopeptidases , Biology , Cathepsin D , Cathepsins , Clonorchiasis , Clonorchis sinensis , Eggs , Helminths , Intestines , Metacercariae , Ovum , Parasites , Peptide Hydrolases , ReproductionABSTRACT
We identified the echinostome metacercariae in Chinese mystery snails, Cipangopaludina chinensis malleata, from Xiengkhuang Province, Lao PDR with morphologies of adult worms recovered. Total 20 snails were examined with artificial digestion method and then the collected metacercariae were orally infected to a mouse and a rat. Adult worms recovered from experimental animals were observed with a light microscope and a SEM. The metacercariae were round, 125×123 μm in average size, with a moderately thick cyst wall, collar spines distributed in the head collar and excretory granules in 2 canals of excretory tube. Adult flukes (3-week-old in a rat) were elongated, ventrally curved and 5.310×1.023 mm in average size. Head collar distinct, bearing 43 collar spines with 5 end group ones on each side. Oral sucker subterminal, prepharynx very short, pharynx well developed, and esophagus relatively short. Cirrus sac well developed, with a saccular seminal vesicle, and ventral sucker very large. Ovary round and on the median line of the body. Testes tandom and elongated. Eggs operculated, elliptical and 90×57 μm in average size. In the SEM observation, the head crown prominent, with 43 collar spines resembled with horns of younger stag. Scale-like tegumental spines were densely distributed on the surface between the head collar and ventral sucker, and their densities were decreased posteriorly. Conclusively, the metacercariae detected in C. chinensis malleata from Lao PDR were identified as those of Echinostoma macrorchis based on the morphological characteristics of adult worms.
Adult , Animals , Female , Humans , Mice , Rats , Asian People , Crowns , Digestion , Echinostoma , Eggs , Esophagus , Head , Horns , Metacercariae , Methods , Ovary , Ovum , Pharynx , Seminal Vesicles , Snails , Spine , Testis , TrematodaABSTRACT
The aim of this paper was to report the occurrence of Austrodiplostomum spp. in the eyes and brain of Acaronia nassa, Caquetaia spectabilis, Satanoperca acuticeps, Curimatella sp. and Crenicichla marmorata in a lake of the Amazon River system in the state of Pará (Brazil). Of 49 fish examined, 10.2% were parasitized by Austrodiplostomum spp. metacercariae, and A. nassa was the host with higher number of metacercariae. In five examined fish species, a total of 51 metacercariae were collected, with 45 found in the eyes and 6 in the cranial vault. In the eyes, the metacercariae were free and active in the vitreous humor, but no opacification was observed. In the brain, the metacercariae were also free and active, and located mainly below the encephalon, on the cranial floor, at the height of the ophthalmic lobes and near the optic nerve. In laboratory observations, however, the infected fish did not exhibit any behavioral disorders, and this may be related to the low level of parasitism. This was the first report of this digenean for C. spectabilis, S. acuticeps, Curimatella sp., C. marmorata and A. nassa.(AU)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar a ocorrência de Austrodiplostomum spp. nos olhos e cérebros de Acaronia nassa, Caquetaia spectabilis, Satanoperca acuticeps, Curimatella sp. e Crenicichla marmorata em um lago do rio Amazonas no estado do Pará (Brasil). Dos 49 peixes examinados, 10,2% foram parasitados por metacercárias de Austrodiplostomum spp., A. nassa sendo o hospedeiro com maior número de metacercárias. Em cinco espécies de peixes examinadas, foram coletadas 51 metacercárias, sendo 45 encontradas nos olhos e 6 na caixa craniana. Nos olhos, as metacercárias estavam livres e ativas no humor vítreo, mas nenhuma opacificação foi observada. No cérebro, as metacercárias também eram livres e ativas, localizadas principalmente abaixo do encéfalo, no assoalho do crânio, na altura dos lobos oftálmicos e próximo ao nervo óptico. Em observações laboratoriais, no entanto, o peixe infectado não apresentou distúrbios comportamentais, o que pode estar relacionado ao baixo nível de parasitismo. Este foi o primeiro relato de Austrodiplostomum spp. em C. spectabilis, S. acuticeps, Curimatella sp., C. marmorata e A. nassa.(AU)
Metacercariae , Fishes , Parasites , Amazonian Ecosystem , RiversABSTRACT
Corydoras splendens (Castelnau, 1855) and Brochis multiradiatus (Orcés V., 1960) are highly demanded for exporters in the Peruvian Amazon and importers all over the world. The exportation of this fish species may represent a gateway for endoparasites to enter in a new environment with serious effects, so, the present study reports the presence of Tylodelphys sp. infecting C. splendens and B. multiradiatus. Fish were acquired from fishermen of the city of Iquitos, Peru. After the necropsy and analyses of the fish, metacercariae of Tylodelphys sp. were found in the liver and intestine. This finding represents the first report of Tylodelphys Diesing, 1850 infecting a fish in the Peruvian Amazon. Considering the possible damages caused by species of Tylodelphys, highlighting the nutritional and respiratory ones, prophylactic measures must be taken into consideration for exporters to avoid some damages in the fish that can deteriorate their health and also to avoid the introduction of this parasite to other countries.
Corydoras splendens (Castelnau, 1855) e Brochis multiradiatus (Orcés V., 1960) são altamente demandados por exportadores da Amazônia peruana e importadores em todo o mundo. A exportação dessas espécies de peixes pode representar uma entrada de endoparasitas a um novo ambiente com efeitos graves. Assim, o presente estudo relata a presença de Tylodelphys sp. infectando C. splendens e B. multiradiatus. Os peixes foram adquiridos de pescadores da cidade de Iquitos, Peru. Após a necropsia e análise dos peixes, metacercarias de Tylodelphys sp. foram encontrados no fígado e no intestino, representando o primeiro registro de Tylodelphys Diesing, 1850 infectando um peixe na Amazônia peruana. Considerando os possíveis danos causados por espécies de Tylodelphys, destacando-se os danos nutricionais e respiratórios; medidas profiláticas devem ser levadas em consideração pelos exportadores para evitar alguns danos nos peixes que podem comprometer a saúde e também a introdução deste parasita em outros países.
Animals , Metacercariae , Catfishes/classification , Catfishes/parasitology , TrematodaABSTRACT
The family Thapariellidae has been reported in only 3 countries since 1990. The objective of this study was to identify Thapariella anastomusa metacercariae in snails in Thailand based on morphological traits using a light (LM) and a scanning electron microscope (SEM). A total of 94 Filopaludina snails were collected and identified as 50 F. martensi martensi and 44 F. doliaris. Metacercariae of T. anastomusa were recovered from the snails by the crushing method. The overall prevalence was 22.3% (21/94), and the mean intensity was 17.0 per snail. The prevalence in F. martensi martensi was 24.0% (12/50) and F. doliaris 20.5% (9/44) with the mean intensity of 18.8 and 14.8 per snail, respectively. SEM revealed traits such as a concave ventral body and well-developed oral and ventral suckers. This study represents the first report of T. anastomusa in South East Asia. While LM and SEM observations provide novel insights into T. anastomusa metacercarial morphology and life history, the trematode’s life cycle remains unclear. To date, there has been no report of T. anastomusa causing infections in humans. However, the snails F. martensi martensi and F. doliaris carrying the infective stages of T. anastomosa are frequently consumed by Thai people. This consumption, particularly uncooked snails, may present a risk of Thapariella infections in humans.
Humans , Asian People , Asia, Eastern , Life Cycle Stages , Metacercariae , Methods , Prevalence , Snails , ThailandABSTRACT
The infection status of Clonorchis sinensis metacercariae (CsMc) was examined in freshwater fish from a highly prevalent site, Wicheon (a branch of Nakdong-gang), which is located in Gunwi-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, the Republic of Korea. Total 1,162 fish in 32 species were examined by the artificial digestion method through 6 years. CsMc were detected in 720 (67.5%) out of 1,067 fish (26 spp.) and their density was 610 per fish infected. In the susceptible gobioninid fish group, i.e., Pungtungia herzi, Squalidus gracilis majimae, Squalidus japonicus coreanus, Sarcocheilichthys variegatus wakiyae and Pseudorasbora parva, all of 323 fish were infected with an average of 1,310 CsMc. Total 23 (95.8%) gobioninid fish, i.e., Pseudogobio esocinus, Abbottina springeri, Hemibarbus longirostris, Microphysogobio koreensis, and Microphysogobio jeoni, were infected with 127 CsMc in average. In the acheilognathinid fish (bitterlings) group, the prevalence was 77.0%, and the density was 50 CsMc per fish infected. In the rasborinid fish (chubs) group, i.e., Zacco platypus, Zacco temminckii, Zacco koreanus, and Opsariichthys uncirostris amurensis, 147 (36.5%) out of 403 fish examined were infected with 15 CsMc in average. The susceptibility indices of CsMc were 412 in the overall positive fish group, 1,310 in the gobioninid group-1, 122 in the gobioninid group-2, 38.5 in the acheilognathinid group, and 5.5 in the rasborinid fish group. Conclusively, it was confirmed that CsMc are highly prevalent in fish from Wicheon, and their infection tendency varied according to the subfamily groups in Cyprinidae fish hosts.
Clonorchis sinensis , Cyprinidae , Digestion , Fresh Water , Korea , Metacercariae , Methods , Platypus , Prevalence , Republic of Korea , RiversABSTRACT
To determine that Paragonimus sp. is actively transmitted in a tropical area of the Pacific region of Ecuador where human cases of pulmonary paragonimiasis have recently been documented, a total of 75 freshwater crabs were collected from 2 different streams in the Pedernales area of Manabí Province, Ecuador. All collected crabs were identified as Hypolobocera guayaquilensis based on morphological characteristics of the male gonopods. The hepatopancreas of each crab was examined by compressing it between 2 glass plates followed by observation under a stereomicroscope. Excysted Paragonimus metacercariae were detected in 39 (52.0%) crabs and their densities varied from 1 to 32 per infected crab. There was a positive relationship between crab size and metacercarial density. Sequences of the second internal transcribed spacer region of the ribosomal RNA gene of the Paragonimus metacercariae obtained in this study were identical to those of Paragonimus mexicanus deposited in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank database. Thus, the present study is the first to confirm that the crab species H. guayaquilensis is the second intermediate host of P. mexicanus in Manabí Province, Ecuador. Because this crab might be the possible source of human infections in this area, residents should pay attention to improper crab-eating habits related with a neglected parasitic disease, i.e., paragonimiasis.
Humans , Male , Ecuador , Foodborne Diseases , Fresh Water , Genes, rRNA , Glass , Hepatopancreas , Metacercariae , Paragonimiasis , Paragonimus , Parasitic Diseases , RiversABSTRACT
The present study was performed to investigate the infection status with Clonorchis sinensis metacercariae (CsMc) in fishes from 2 sites, the middle and lower reaches, of Tamjin-gang (River) in Jeollanam-do, the Republic of Korea. Total 1,132 fishes in 22 species were collected from the middle reaches in Jangheung-gun for 4 years (2014–2017) and 517 fishes in 17 species were also collected from the lower reaches in Gangjin-gun in 2014 and 2017. They were all individually examined with the artificial digestion method in our laboratory. CsMc were detected in 322 (28.5%) out of 1,132 fishes from Jangheung-gun, and in 161 (31.1%) out of 517 fishes from Gangjin-gun, and their densities were 51 and 57 per fish infected each. In the fish species with CsMc, positive rates were 61.5% in Jangheung-gun and 62.7% in Gangjin-gun. A total of 222 Pungtungia herzi were examined and they were all infected with CsMc. The average intensity was 103 CsMc in the index fish, P. herzi (95 in Jangheung-gun and 121 in Gangjin-gun). In P. herzi bimonthly examined in 2017, the intensity was commonly most higher in March in 2 surveyed sites, however the significant seasonal endemicity was not showed. Conclusively, it was confirmed that CsMc is more or less prevalent in fishes from Tamjin-gang and their endemicity is higher in fish from the lower reaches in Gangjin-gun than the middle reaches in Jangheung-gun in Jeollanam-do, Korea.
Clonorchis sinensis , Digestion , Fishes , Korea , Metacercariae , Methods , Republic of Korea , SeasonsABSTRACT
Aim of the present study was to provide presence of opisthorchiid metacercariae in cyprinid fish Leuciscus idus in Nura-Sarysu river, Kazakhstan. Infection rate of the ides by the metacercariae was 42%. The metacercariae, similar morphologically to those of the liver flukes, were found: elliptical in shape, 0.19–0.25×0.15–0.22 mm, oral and ventral suckers nearly equal size, and excretory bladder O-shape with black content, occupying posterior part of the body. The metacercariae were divided into 2 groups with differences in size and thickness of cyst wall. Adult flukes were recovered from the Syrian hamsters infected with the opisthorch metacercariae and identified with morphological characters to Opisthorchis felineus and Metorchis bilis. DNA sequences of ITS1, ITS2, and cox1 supported the taxonomic assignment.