OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the performance of recombinase-aided amplification (RAA) assay in detection of Clonorchis sinensis metacercariae in freshwater fish samples, so as to provide insights into standardization and field application of this assay.@*METHODS@#Wild freshwater fish samples were collected in the rivers of administrative villages where C. sinensis-infected residents lived in Jiangyan District, Xinghua County and Taixing County of Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province from June to September 2022. Genomic DNA was extracted from six freshwater fish specimens (5 g each) containing 0, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 C. sinensis metacercariae for fluorescent RAA assay, and the diagnostic sensitivity was evaluated. Fluorescent RAA assay was performed with genomic DNA from C. sinensis, Metorchis orientalis, Haplorchis pumilio and Centrocestus formosanus metacercariae as templates to evaluate its cross-reactions. In addition, the detection of fluorescent RAA assay and direct compression method for C. sinensis metacercariae was compared in field-collected freshwater fish samples.@*RESULTS@#Positive amplification was found in fresh-water fish specimens containing different numbers of C. sinensis metacercariae, and fluorescent RAA assay was effective to detect one C. sinensis metacercaria in 5 g freshwater fish specimens within 20 min. Fluorescent RAA assay tested negative for DNA from M. orientalis, H. pumilio and C. formosanus metacercariae. Fluorescent RAA assay and direct compression method showed 5.36% (93/1 735) and 2.88% (50/1 735) detection rates for C. sinensis metacercariae in 1 735 field-collected freshwater fish samples, with a statistically significant difference seen (χ2 = 478.150, P < 0.001). There was a significant difference in the detection of C. sinensis metacercariae in different species of freshwater fish by both the direct compression method (χ2 = 11.20, P < 0.05) and fluorescent RAA assay (χ2 = 20.26, P < 0.001), and the detection of C. sinensis metacercariae was higher in Pseudorasbora parva than in other fish species by both the direct compression method and fluorescent RAA assay (both P values < 0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Fluorescent RAA assay has a high sensitivity for detection of C. sinensis metacercariae in freshwater fish samples, and has no cross-reactions with M. orientalis, H. pumilio or C. formosanus metacercariae. Fluorescent RAA assay shows a higher accuracy for detection of C. sinensis infections in field-collected freshwater fish than the direct compression method.
Animals , Clonorchis sinensis/genetics , Metacercariae/genetics , Recombinases , Fresh Water , Fishes , DNA , Fish Diseases/diagnosisABSTRACT
Abstract Austrodiplostomum spp. (Platyhelminthes: Digenea) are endoparasites with a broad geographic distribution in South America. During the larval stage, they parasitize the eyes, brains, muscles, gill, kidneys and swim bladder of a wide variety of fishes. The metacercariae of Austrodiplostomum spp. have several morphological characteristics during development, but are very similar among species, which makes it necessary to use molecular tools to contribute to the elucidation during the larval stage. The objective of this study was to perform morphological and molecular analyses of Austrodiplostomum sp. found in specimens of Hypostomus sourced from the Ivaí River in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Of the 93 analyzed specimens (H. hermanni [n = 50], H. albopunctatus [n = 9], Hypostomus sp. 1 [n = 24], and Hypostomus sp. 2 [n = 10]), 60 were parasitized. A total of 577 Austrodiplostomum sp. metacercariae was collected from the infected hosts; DNA from seven of these samples was extracted, amplified, and sequenced. The morphological data associated with the genetic distance values and the relationships observed in the COI gene tree, indicate that all metacercariae were A. compactum. This is the first record of A. compactum parasitizing H. hermanni, H. albopunctatus, Hypostomus sp. 1, and Hypostomus sp. 2 in the Ivaí River.
Resumo Austrodiplostomum spp. (Platyhelminthes: Digenea) são endoparasitos com uma ampla distribuição geográfica na América do Sul. Durante a fase larval, parasitam os olhos, cérebros, músculos, brânquias, rins e bexiga natatória de uma grande variedade de peixes. As metacercárias de Austrodiplostomum spp. apresentam várias características morfológicas durante o desenvolvimento, as quais são muito semelhantes entre as espécies, o que torna necessário o uso de ferramentas moleculares para contribuir para a elucidação durante a fase larval. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar análises morfológicas e moleculares de Austrodiplostomum sp. encontradas em espécimes de Hypostomus provenientes do rio Ivaí, no Paraná, Brasil. Dos 93 espécimes analisados (H. hermanni [n = 50], H. albopunctatus [n = 9], Hypostomus sp. 1 [n = 24], e Hypostomus sp. 2 [n = 10]), 60 foram parasitados. Um total de 577 metacercárias de Austrodiplostomum foram coletadas dos hospedeiros infectados; o DNA de sete dessas amostras foi extraído, amplificado e sequenciado. Os dados morfológicos, associados aos valores de distância genética e as relações observadas na árvore gênica do COI, indicam que todas as metacercárias são A. compactum. Este é o primeiro registo de A. compactum parasitando H. hermanni, H. albopunctatus, Hypostomus sp. 1, e Hypostomus sp. 2 no rio Ivaí.
Animals , Trematoda/anatomy & histology , Trematoda/genetics , Catfishes , Fish Diseases/parasitology , Brain/parasitology , Brazil , Rivers , Metacercariae/geneticsABSTRACT
Paragonimiasis is an important food-borne parasitic zoonosis caused by infection with lung flukes of the genus Paragonimus. Of the 7 members of the genus known in Thailand until recently, only P. heterotremus has been confirmed as causing human disease. An 8th species, P. pseudoheterotremus, has recently been proposed from Thailand, and has been found in humans. Molecular data place this species as a sister species to P. heterotremus, and it is likely that P. pseudoheterotremus is not specifically distinct from P. heterotremus. In this study, we collected metacercariae of both nominal species (identification based on metacercarial morphology) from freshwater crabs from Phetchabun Province in northern Thailand, Saraburi Province in central Thailand, and Surat Thani Province in southern Thailand. In addition, we purchased freshwater crabs imported from Myanmar at Myawaddy Province, western Thailand, close to the Myanmar-Thailand border. The DNAs extracted from excysted metacercariae were PCR-amplified and sequenced for ITS2 and cox1 genes. The ITS2 sequences were nearly identical among all samples (99-100%). Phylogenies inferred from all available partial cox1 sequences contained several clusters. Sequences from Indian P. heterotremus formed a sister group to sequences from P. pseudoheterotremus-type metacercariae. Sequences of P. heterotremus from Thailand, Vietnam, and China formed a separate distinct clade. One metacercaria from Phitsanulok Province was distinct from all others. There is clearly considerable genetic variation in the P. heterotremus complex in Thailand and the form referred to as P. pseudoheterotremus is widely distributed in Thailand and the Thai-Myanmar border region.