Objective: To identify the main metals involved in cognitive impairment in the Chinese oldest old, and explore the association between these metal exposures and cognitive impairment. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 1 568 participants aged 80 years and older from Healthy Aging and Biomarkers Cohort Study (2017 to 2018). Fasting venous blood was collected to measure the levels of nine metals (selenium, lead, cadmium, arsenic, antimony, chromium, manganese, mercury, and nickel). The cognitive function of these participants was evaluated by using the Chinese version of the Mini-Mental State Examination (CMMSE). The random forest (RF) was applied to independently identify the main metals that affected cognitive impairment. The multivariate logistic regression model and restricted cubic splines (RCS) model were used to further verify the association of the main metals with cognitive impairment. Results: The age of 1 568 study subjects was (91.8±7.6) years old, including 912 females (58.2%) and 465 individuals (29.7%) with cognitive function impairment. Based on the RF model (the out-of-bag error rate was 22.9%), the importance ranking of variables was conducted and the feature screening of five times ten-fold cross-validation was carried out. It was found that selenium was the metal that affected cognitive function impairment, and the other eight metals were not included in the model. After adjusting for covariates, the multivariate logistic regression model showed that with every increase of 10 μg/L of blood selenium levels, the risk of cognitive impairment decreased (OR=0.921, 95%CI: 0.889-0.954). Compared with the lowest quartile(Q1) of blood selenium, the ORs (95%CI) of Q3 and Q4 blood selenium were 0.452 (0.304-0.669) and 0.419 (0.281-0.622) respectively. The RCS showed a linear dose-response relationship between blood selenium and cognitive impairment (Pnonlinear>0.05). Conclusion: Blood selenium is negatively associated with cognitive impairment in the Chinese oldest old.
Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Selenium , Cohort Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Metals/analysis , Cognitive Dysfunction/epidemiology , China/epidemiologyABSTRACT
The content of certain metals in 13 medicinal teas made from 16 plant species was measured by flame photometer and atomic absorption spectrometer with flame methods. The measurements were evaluated against metal intake levels recommended by health authorities. The results indicate that the medicinal teas tested, regularly consumed by inhabitants of the Urubueua de FaÌtima River Community, Abaetetuba-Para, Brazil, present no risk of poisoning people older than six months. However, decoctions of Mentha sp., Eleutherine bulbosa, Euterpe oleracea, Piper callosum and Hyptis mutabilis, mostly given to children, had Mn values potentially exceeding the recommended maximum intake for infants in the 0-6 months age group, in the quantities customarily administered. Consequently, studies are needed to assess bioavailability for safe human consumption. Results also showed the consumption of medicinal tea alone is not enough to supply an adult's daily metal requirements or treat deficiencies. Additionally, cures emphasized by interviewed Community members might be associated with the bioactivity of organic substances that the medicinal teas contain.
El contenido de algunos metales en 13 teÌs medicinales de las 16 especies consumidas por los habitantes de la comunidad del RiÌo Urubueua de FaÌtima, Abaetetuba-Para, Brasil, se evaluoÌ mediante un fotoÌmetro de llama y un espectroÌmetro de absorcioÌn atoÌmica con meÌtodos de llama, y se comparoÌ con los niveles recomendados por las agencias de la salud. Los teÌs medicinales evaluados no mostraron riesgo de intoxicacioÌn para las personas mayores de seis meses de edad, sino las decocciones de Mentha sp., Eleutherine bulbosa, Euterpe oleracea, Piper callosum y Hyptis mutabilis, en su mayoriÌa dirigidos a la ingesta de ninÌos, informaron valores de Mn superiores a la ingesta maÌxima recomendada para el grupo de infantes (0-6 meses), debido a que estos estudios son necesarios para evaluar la biodisponibilidad para un consumo humano seguro. Los resultados tambieÌn mostraron que solo el consumo de teÌ medicinal no es suficiente para satisfacer las necesidades diarias recomendadas de ingesta de minerales o para tratar las deficiencias. AdemaÌs, los informes de curacioÌn, enfatizados por los habitantes, indican que la bioactividad observada podriÌa estar asociada a sustancias orgaÌnicas presentes en el teÌ.
Plants, Medicinal/chemistry , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Teas, Medicinal , Metals/analysis , Reference Values , BrazilABSTRACT
Abstract Concentrations of ten elements (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, V and Zn) were determinate in muscle tissues of 13 fish species from Aratu Bay, Bahia, Brazil by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. The accuracy and precision of our results were checked by using two certified reference materials: BCR-422 cod muscle and SRM 1566b oyster tissue. The average trace element concentrations in the fish species varied in the following ranges, in μg g–1: 0.03-0.8 for Cr; 2.0-33.7 for Cu, 2.4-135.1 for Fe, 1.6-25.6 for Se; 1.6-35.1 for Sr; and 2.8-40.5 for Zn. The Diaptereus rhombeus (carapeba) specie presented the highest concentrations of Se, Cu and Fe. Chromium and Se were present at levels above the limit of tolerance allowed by the National Agency of Sanitary Vigilance (ANVISA). The results were also evaluated using the multivariate analysis techniques: principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA).
Resumo Foram determinadas as concentrações de dez elementos (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, V and Zn) em tecidos de músculos de treze espécies de peixes da Baía de Aratu, Bahia, Brasil, utilizando a espectrometria de emissão ótica com plasma indutivamente acoplado. A precisão e exatidão dos resultados foram analisadas utilizando dois materiais de referência certificada: BCR-422 cod muscle e o SRM 1566b oyster tissue. A concentração média dos elementos traço nas espécies de peixes variaram nas seguintes faixas, em μg g−1: Cr = 0,03-0,8; Cu = 2,0-33,7, Fe = 2,4-135,1, Se = 1,6-25,6; Sr = 1,6-35,1; Zn = 2.8-40.5. A espécie Diaptereus rhombeus (carapeba) apresentou as maiores concentrações de Se, Cu e Fe. Cromo e Se apresentaram níveis acima do limite de tolerância estabelecido pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA). Os resultados ainda foram avaliados usando técnicas de análises multivariadas: análise de componente principal (PCA) e análise de agrupamento hierárquico (HCA).
Animals , Trace Elements/analysis , Seafood/analysis , Fishes , Brazil , Food Contamination , Cluster Analysis , Bays , Principal Component Analysis , Metals/analysis , Muscles/chemistryABSTRACT
Mandibular deformity is a condition that affects the jaw bone of adult salmon and has been observed in Norway and Chile, causing weight loss, poor quality of farmed fish and increased mortality. The causes range from high temperatures of the state of eggs, to poor nutrition phosphorus or vitamin C. This work aims to analyze this deformity by histochemical and mineral analysis technique during an episode presented in centers of the Scotia Sea. Jaw and spinal segments of 21 Atlantic salmon in Scotland were used. These samples were classified into three groups: Group 1: Severely deformed. Group 2: Mildly affected. Group 3: Normal controls. Four jaws per group were fixed in 10 % formalin and embedded in Paraplast, sections of 5 microns were performed using a Microm® microtome histochemical technique Von Kossa was used for the detection of calcium deposits, which highlights the calcium osteoid black and red color. For proximate analysis, and in order to obtain and compare levels of calcium, phosphorus, zinc and magnesium in total 9 bone jaws (6 affected with DM and 3 controls) and 9 body sections the Mann-Whitney test was used to compare these values between misshapen salmon and controls. To correlate values, jaw and body segment a Spearman corrrelation was applied. Fish group 1 presented a ventral deviation of the alveolar bone body. In fish group 2 prominence of the visible joint on both sides or unilaterally was observed. Comparing the values of % Ca, % P, % Mg and Zn jaws with DM and healthy ones with Mann Witney method it was found that the values of these minerals vary between salmon and controls affected. There was a significant difference in the percentage of P, which indicates that there is less P in affected fish vertebrae. Spearman correlation noted that the percentages of the minerals studied in dental bone and vertebral segments are uncorrelated. Rather, Von Kossa distribution indicates that Ca/P is not homogeneous in the dental bone, as a result of mineral resorption from the skeleton including the operculum, articular bone and dental towards kype. This paper states that Von Kossa histochemical technique showed significant differences between deformed fish and controls and also showed differences between the various segments of the dental bone. The alveolar bone is a dynamic structure adapted to continuous histological changes may be involved in MD, phosphorus deficient diets, coupled with the initial formation of Kippe.
La deformación mandibular es una patología que afecta al hueso dentario de salmones adultos, se observó en Noruega y en Chile, ocasionando disminución de peso, baja calidad de peces cultivados y aumento de la mortalidad. Las causas varían desde temperaturas elevadas al estado de ovas, hasta alimentación deficitaria en fósforo o vitamina C. Este trabajo tiene como propósito analizar esta deformación mediante una técnica histoquímica y de análisis de minerales durante un episodio presentado en centros de mar de Escocia. Se utilizó la mandíbula y segmento vertebral de 21 salmones del Atlántico de Escocia. Estas muestras se clasificaron en tres grupos Grupo 1: Severamente deformes. Grupo 2: Levemente afectados. Grupo 3: Controles normales. Cuatro mandíbulas por grupo fueron fijadas en formalina al 10 % y se incluyeron en paraplast, se realizaron cortes de 5 µm utilizando un micrótomo Microm®. Se utilizó la técnica histoquímica de Von Kossa para la detección de depósitos de calcio la cual destaca al calcio de color negro y el osteoide de color rojo. Para el análisis químico proximal, y con el propósito de obtener y comparar niveles de calcio, fósforo, zinc y magnesio en los huesos se utilizó un total de 9 mandíbulas (6 afectadas con DM y 3 controles) y sus 9 secciones corporales. Para comparar estos valores entre salmones deformes y controles se utilizó la prueba de Mann-Whitney. Para correlacionar los valores de mandíbula y segmento corporal se hizo una correlación por jerarquías de Spearman. Los peces del grupo 1, presentaron una desviación ventral del cuerpo del hueso dentario. En los peces del grupo 2 se observó la prominencia de la articulación visible en ambos lados o unilateralmente. Al comparar los valores de % Ca, % P, % Mg y Zn de las mandíbulas con DM y sanas con el método de Mann Witney se encontró que los valores de estos minerales no varían entre salmones afectados y controles. Hubo una diferencia significativa en el porcentaje de P, lo cual indica que existe menos P en vértebras de peces afectados. La correlación de Spearman señaló que los porcentajes de los minerales estudiados en huesos dentarios y segmentos vertebrales no están correlacionados. Por el contrario, la técnica Von Kossa mostró que la distribución de Ca/ P no es homogénea en el hueso dental producto de la reabsorción mineral desde el esqueleto incluyendo el opérculo, hueso articular y dental hacia la kype. El presente trabajo establece que la técnica histoquímica de Von Kossa fue la que permitió observar diferencias importantes entre peces deformados y controles, además mostró diferencias entre los distintos segmentos del hueso dentario. El hueso dentario es una estructura dinámica adaptada a continuos cambios histológicos pudiendo estar involucrados en la DM, dietas deficientes de fósforo, sumado a la formación inicial del Kippe.
Animals , Mandible/abnormalities , Mandible/chemistry , Metals/analysis , Salmon/anatomy & histology , Calcium/analysis , Chile , Magnesium/analysis , Mandible/anatomy & histology , Phosphorus/analysis , Zinc/analysisABSTRACT
Abstract:Reports on the abundances and on metal concentrations in intertidal estuarine invertebrates from the Eastern Tropical Pacific are rare. Thus, the objectives of this report are to make accessible data on the abundances (1984-1987, 49 dates; 2013, 12 dates) of sipunculans, brachiopods and hemichordates from a sand-mud flat; and on trace metals (1996, 2000) and abundances (2015, 3 dates) of sipunculans and brachiopods at a sand flat in the Gulf of Nicoya estuary (10o N-85o W). Cores (17.7 cm2) were collected at the sand-mud flat, and quadrats (0.2 m2) at the sand flat. The flats contrasted in their sand (65 % vs 90 %) and silt+clay (31.5 % vs 5.6 %) contents. At the sand-mud flat (1984-87: 1.83 m2) the sipunculans were represented by 13 individuals, the brachiopods by 129 and the acorn worms by 185, with estimated maximum densities of: 5.7, 29, and 40 ind./m2, respectively. Trace metal (Fe, Mn, Ni, Cr, Cd, Zn, and Pb) analysis (Atomic Absorption Spectrometry) were conducted in specimens of Sipunculus nudus (Sipuncula) and Glottidia audebarti (Brachiopoda). Maximum mean concentrations in S. nudus were: For non-depurated worms, Fe (16.0 mg/g dw) > Mn (165 µg/g dw) > Zn (81 µg/g dw) > Cu (26 µg/g dw) > Cr (11 µg/g dw) > Ni (10.4 µg/g dw) > Pb (9.3 µg/g dw) > Cd (1.2 µg/g dw). For 72 hour depurated worms: Fe (5.0 mg/g dw) > Mn (61 µg/g dw) > Zn (39 µg/g dw) > Cu (24 µg/g dw) > Ni (8.4 µg/g dw) > Pb (2.7 µg/g dw) > Cd (0.62 µg/g dw). For G. audebarti: Fe (1.6 mg/g dw-soft parts) > Zn (123.5 µg/g dw-soft parts) > Cu (31.4 µg/g dw-pedicles) > Pb (21.0 µg/g dw-shells) > Cd (5.2 µg/g dw-soft parts) > Cr (4.7 µg/g dw-shells). For sediments; Fe (46 mg/g dw) > Mn (41.3 µg/g dw) > Zn (63 µg/g dw) > Cu (36.2 µg/g dw) > Cr (31.5 µg/g dw) > Pb (21.1 µg/g dw) > Ni (16.1 µg/g dw) > Cd (1.1 µg/g dw). These concentrations were expected for a nonindustrialized estuary. At the sand flat (Area sampled: 10.6 m2 ) 76 individuals of G. audebarti, 112 of G. albida, and 366 of S. nudus were collected in 2015, with estimated maximum densities of: 7.1, 10.5, and 31 ind./m2, respectively. Densities of G. audebarti and G. albida were relatively low, while those of S. nudus were relatively high when compared with other reports. The shell lenght of G. audebarti ranged from 9.0 mm to 38.0 mm and from 6.0 mm to 29.0 mm for G. albida. These ranges were within those found for these lingulides elsewhere. The mean length of S. nudus was 41 mm and the maximum weight was 1.6 g, which are small. No brachiopods were found at the sand-mud flat in 2013, nor enteropneusts at the sand flat in 2015. G. audebarti had a relatively stable presence, while G. albida almost vanished from the samples at the end of 2015. The spatial distributions of the three invertebrates were found aggregated at both intertidal flats. Strong ENSO warming events during 1983 and 2015, and red tides in 1985 may have influenced the abundances. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (3): 1311-1331. Epub 2016 September 01.
ResumenSon raros los reportes sobre las abundancias y concentraciones de metales en invertebrados estuarinos de la zona de entre-mareas del Pacífico Este Tropical. Los objetivos de este informe son el hacer accesibles datos sobre las abundancias (1984-1987, 49 fechas; 2013, 12 fechas) de sipuncúlidos, braquiópodos y hemicordados en una planicie arenoso-fangosa y sobre metales traza (1996, 2000) y abundancias (2015, 3 fechas) de sipuncúlidos y braquiópodos en una planicie arenosa en el estuario del Golfo de Nicoya (10o N-85o W). Barrenos (17.7 cm2) fueron recolectados en la planicie arenoso-fangosa y cuadrantes (0.2 m2) en la arenosa. Las planicies contrastaron en sus contenidos de arena (65 % vs 90 %) y de limo + arcilla (31.5 % vs 5.6 %). En la planicie arenoso-fangosa (1984-87: 1.83 m2) los sipuncúlidos estuvieron representados por 13 individuos, los braquiópodos por 129 y los hemicordados enteropneustos por 185, con densidades estimadas de: 5.7, 29, y 40 ind. /m2, respectivamente. Análisis de metales traza (Fe, Mn, Ni, Cr, Cd, Zn, y Pb) por Espectrometría de Absorción Atómica (AAS) fueron hechos en especímenes de Sipunculus nudus (Sipuncula) y Glottidia audebarti (Brachiopoda). Concentraciones máximas promedio en S. nudus fueron: para gusanos no-depurados, Fe (16.0 mg/g dw) > Mn (165 µg/g dw) > Zn (81 µg/g dw) > Cu (26 µg/g dw) > Cr (11 µg/g dw) > Ni (10.4 µg/g dw) > Pb (9.3 µg/g dw) > Cd (1.2 µg/g dw). Para gusanos depurados por 72 horas: Fe (5.0 mg/g dw) > Mn (61 µg/g dw) > Zn (39 µg/g dw) > Cu (24 µg/g dw) > Ni (8.4 µg/g dw) > Pb (2.7 µg/g dw) > Cd (0.62 µg/g dw). Para G. audebarti: Fe (1.6 mg/g dw-partes suaves) > Zn (123.5 µg/g dw-partes suaves) > Cu (31.4 µg/g dwpedículos) > Pb (21.0 µg/g dw-conchas) > Cd (5.2 µg/g dw-partes suaves) > Cr (4.7 µg/g dw-conchas). Para sedimentos; Fe (46 mg/g dw) > Mn (41.3 µg/g dw) > Zn (63 µg/g dw) > Cu (36.2 µg/g dw) > Cr (31.5 µg/g dw) > Pb (21.1 µg/g dw) > Ni (16.1 µg/g dw) > Cd (1.1 µg/g dw). Estas concentraciones fueron esperables para un estuario no industrializado. En la planicie arenosa (Area muestreada: 10.6 m2) 76 individuos de G. audebarti, 112 de G. albida y 366 de S. nudus fueron recolectados en el 2015, con densidades estimadas de: 7.1, 10.5, y 31 ind. /m2, respectivamente. Densidades de G. audebarti y G. albida fueron relativamente bajas, mientras que las de S. nudus fueron relativamente altas cuando se les comparó con otros reportes. La longitud de la concha de G. audebarti varió entre 9.0 mm y 38.0 mm y entre 6.0 mm a 29.0 mm la de G. albida. Estos ámbitos estuvieron dentro de los encontrados para estos lingúlidos en otros sitios. La longitud promedio de S. nudus fue 41 mm y el peso máximo fue de 1.6 g que son pequeños. En la planicie arenoso-fangosa no se encontró braquiópodos en el 2013, ni enteropneustos en la planicie arenosa en el 2015. G. audebarti tuvo una presencia relativamente estable, mientras que G. albida casi desapareció de las muestras al final del 2015. La distribución espacial de las tres especies fue de tipo agregado en ambas planicies. Fuertes eventos ENSO durante 1983 y 2015, así como mareas rojas en 1985, pueden haber influenciado las abundancias.
Animals , Chordata, Nonvertebrate/physiology , Estuaries , Invertebrates/physiology , Metals/analysis , Nematoda/physiology , Reference Values , Seasons , Seawater/chemistry , Species Specificity , Spectrophotometry, Atomic , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Pacific Ocean , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Population Density , Geologic Sediments , Costa Rica , Spatio-Temporal Analysis , Animal DistributionABSTRACT
RESUMO O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a composição centesimal (cinzas, umidade, proteínas, lipídeos e carboidratos totais) e mineral (Na, K, Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn e Zn) das plantas medicinais Barbatimão (Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart.) Coville), Carqueja (Baccharis trimera (Less) D.C.), Mangava-Brava (Lafoensia pacari A. St.-Hil.), e Quebra Pedra (Phyllanthus niruri L.) comercializadas no mercado do Porto de Cuiabá, MT. As amostras foram identificadas botanicamente por meio da exsicata feita no Instituto de Botânica da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Campus Cuiabá. A composição centesimal foi determinada de acordo com as recomendações da Association of Official Analytical Chemists e a concentração dos minerais foi quantificada por Espectrometria de Absorção Atômica em Chama. Os resultados obtidos foram: umidade (7,72% a 12,10%); cinzas (1,64% a 8,44%); proteínas (2,36% a 9,35%); lipídeos (0,41% a 2,05%); carboidratos totais (72,09% a 82,37%) e, foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre as amostras (p < 0,05). As concentrações dos minerais nas amostras variaram de 0,01 a 21,57 mg/g nas plantas secas e 0,01 a 32,17 mg/200mL das infusões. Os resultados médios obtidos indicam que, exceto para o K, Ca e Mn todas as amostras não apresentaram diferenças significativas (p ≥ 0,05) nas concentrações de minerais. A capacidade de extração dos minerais da matéria seca para a infusão obedeceu à seguinte ordem: Na>K>Zn>Cu>Mg>Mn>Ca>Fe. Os valores obtidos em 200 mL das infusões quando comparados aos índices diários recomendados para minerais sugerem que os chás avaliados podem ser fonte de minerais, principalmente de K e Mn.
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the proximal (ash, moisture, protein, lipids, and total carbohydrates) and mineral (Na, K, Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, and Zn) composition of the medicinal plants barbatimão (Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart.) Coville), carqueja (Baccharis trimera (Less) D.C.), mangava-brava (Lafoensia pacari A. St.-Hil.), pau-tenente (Quassia amara L.), and quebra pedra (Phyllanthus niruri L.), commercialized in the Cuiabá Port Market in Mato Grosso. The samples were botanically identified by the voucher specimen grown in the Botanical Institute of the Federal University of Mato Grosso, at the Cuiabá campus. Proximal composition was determined according to the recommendations of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists and the concentration of minerals was quantified by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The results obtained were: moisture content (7.72% to 12.10%); ashes (1.64% to 8.44%); protein (2.36% to 9.35%); lipids (0.41% to 2.05%), and total carbohydrates (72.09% to 82.37%), and significant differences were found between the samples (p≥0.05). The mineral concentrations varied from 0.01 to 21.57 mg/g in the plants and 0.01 to 32.17 mg/200mL in the infusions. No significant differences (p≥0.05) were found between the samples for mineral composition, except for K, Ca, and Mg. The mineral extraction capacity of the dry matter for infusions was as follows: Na>K>Zn>Cu>Mg>Mn>Ca>Fe. The daily index values of the metal species quantified in 200 mL infusions suggest that teas can be a source of minerals, especially K and Mn.
Plants, Medicinal/classification , Centesimal Scale , Metals/analysis , Minerals/analysisABSTRACT
This research aimed to evaluate the air quality, by determining the concentrations of PM2.5-10, PM2.5 and the metallic elements Al, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn and Hg in the leaf part of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) in an area close to Schmidt Stream, at the lower section of Sinos River Basin (SRB), in a research campaign of six months, from October 2013 to March 2014. The particles collected in the PM sampling were analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) combined with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry (EDS), in order to study their morphology and chemical composition. The mean concentration of PM2.5-10 was 9.1 µg m–3, with a range of 2.2 µg m–3 to 15.4 µg m–3 and the mean concentration of PM2.5was 4.7 µg m–3, with a range of 1.9 µg m–3 to 8.2 µg m–3. Concentrations of metallic elements, especially Pb, Cr and Zn, were classified as Class 4 (very high pollution levels), according to the classification proposed by Klumpp et al. (2004). Chemical and morphological analysis of PM revealed the presence of particles of biological origin, soot (Cr, Fe, Ni, Zn, Cd, Hg and Pb), salts (KCl) and soil resuspension (Al and Si). The integrated study methodology, employing environmental variables, such as PM and ryegrass, can be of help in the preparation of wide-ranging environmental diagnoses, in addition providing information needed to develop precautionary measures designed to minimize the effects of atmospheric pollution that takes into consideration the environment’s supportive capacity and environmental quality.
Resumo O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a qualidade do ar, por meio da determinação das concentrações do MP2,5-10, MP2,5 e dos elementos metálicos Al, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn e Hg na folha do azevém (Lolium multiflorum) em uma área próxima ao Arroio Schmidt, no trecho inferior da Bacia do Rio dos Sinos (BRS), em uma campanha de seis meses de pesquisa, de outubro de 2013 a março de 2014. As partículas coletadas na amostragem do MP foram analisadas por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), combinada com Espectrometria de Energia Dispersiva de Raios X (EDS), a fim de estudar sua morfologia e composição química. As concentrações médias de MP2,5-10 e MP2,5 foram de 9,1 µg m–3 e 4,7 µg m–3, respectivamente. As concentrações médias dos elementos metálicos Pb, Cr e Zn na parte foliar do azevém foram de 13,58 mg kg–1, 5,26 mg kg–1 e 88,80 mg kg–1, respectivamente, caracterizando a área como Classe 4 (nível muito elevado de poluição), conforme classificação proposta por Klumpp et al. (2004). A caracterização química e morfológica das partículas coletadas revelou a presença de fuligem (Cr, Fe, Ni, Zn, Cd, Hg e Pb), materiais biológicos, cristais salinos (KCl) e partículas ressuspensas de poeira do solo (Al e Si). Estudos integrados empregando variáveis ambientais como o MP e o biomonitoramento com azevém podem auxiliar na elaboração de diagnósticos ambientais robustos, além de fornecer informações para o desenvolvimento de medidas de precaução que considerem a capacidade de suporte do meio ambiente e que visem à minimização dos efeitos prejudiciais da poluição atmosférica.
Environmental Monitoring , Metals/analysis , Particulate Matter/analysis , Rivers/chemistry , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Brazil , Particle SizeABSTRACT
The Luíz Rau stream is one of the main streams of Novo Hamburgo. In the stream industrial effluents are released from various sectors, from paint and adhesive industries, metallurgy and leather industry, besides receiving a large amount of domestic sewage. The emissions of these pollutants contribute to decrease water and sediment quality. Within this context, this study evaluated the conditions of the Luíz Rau stream bed sediments, with the determination of the metals like cadmium, lead, chromium and nickel, in depth. To perform the evaluation three points were chosen for sampling along the stream course. The sampling sites were identified as Point A, in Roselândia district and this corresponds to one of the springs and therefore considered as reference value, Point B, in Santo Afonso district being a midpoint of the stream, and Point C also located in Santo Afonso district, near the outfall in Rio dos Sinos river. Cadmium was not detected in any point. At the A and C points chromium was the metal observed in higher concentration in the sediment, up to 45.14 mg kg–1 concentration. In the B point, the metal that was observed in the highest amount was nickel in the concentration of 20.69 mg kg–1.
Resumo O arroio Luíz Rau é um dos principais arroios de Novo Hamburgo, e um importante afluente do Rio dos Sinos. Nele são lançados efluentes industriais dos mais diversos setores, desde indústrias de tintas e adesivos, metalurgia e da indústria do couro, além de receber uma grande quantidade de esgoto doméstico. As emissões destes poluentes contribuem para uma diminuição na qualidade da água e dos sedimentos. Dentro deste contexto, este trabalho avaliou as condições do sedimento do arroio Luíz Rau, com a determinação dos metais cádmio, chumbo, cromo e níquel em profundidade, nas formas pseudo-total e biodisponível. Para a realização desta avaliação, foram escolhidos três pontos para coleta de amostras ao longo do percurso do arroio. Os pontos foram identificados por Ponto A, no bairro Roselândia, sendo que este corresponde a uma das nascentes e por isso considerado como ponto branco, o Ponto B, no bairro Santo Afonso, sendo um ponto intermediário do arroio, e o Ponto C, também localizado no bairro Santo Afonso, próximo à foz, junto ao Rio dos Sinos. O cádmio não foi detectado em nenhum dos pontos amostrados. Nos pontos A e C, o cromo foi o metal observado em maior concentração no sedimento, com concentração de até 45,14 mg kg–1. Já no ponto B, o metal que foi observado em maior quantidade foi o níquel na concentração de 20,69 mg kg–1.
Geologic Sediments/analysis , Metals/analysis , Rivers/chemistry , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Brazil , Environmental MonitoringABSTRACT
Unplanned use and occupation of the land without respecting its capacity of assimilation and environmental purification leads to the degradation of the environment and of water used for human consumption. Agricultural areas, industrial plants and urban centres developed without planning and the control of effluent discharges are the main causes of water pollution in river basins that receive all the liquid effluents produced in those places. Over the last decades, environmental management has become part of governmental agendas in search of solutions for the preservation of water quality and the restoration of already degraded resources. This study evaluated the conditions of the main watercourse of the Sinos River basin by monitoring the main physical, chemical and microbiological parameters described in the CONAMA Resolution no. 357/2005.The set of parameters evaluated at five catchment points of water human consumption revealed a river that has different characteristics in each reach, as the upper reach was class 1, whereas the middle and lower reaches of the basin were class 4. Monitoring pointed to households as the main sources of pollutants in those reaches, although metals used in the industrial production of the region were found in the samples analyzed.
.O uso e ocupação do solo não planejados, sem respeitar sua capacidade de assimilação e de purificação ambiental, levam à degradação do ambiente e da água utilizada para consumo humano. Áreas agrícolas, plantas industriais e centros urbanos desenvolvidos sem planejamento e controle de descargas de efluentes são as principais causas de poluição da água em bacias hidrográficas que recebem todos os efluentes líquidos produzidos naqueles lugares. Nas últimas décadas, gestão ambiental tornou-se parte das agendas governamentais em busca de soluções para a preservação da qualidade da água e a restauração de recursos já degradadas. Este estudo avaliou as condições do curso de água principal da bacia do Rio dos Sinos, monitorando o principal físico, químico e microbiológicos parâmetros descritos na Resolução CONAMA n.º 357/2005. O conjunto de parâmetros avaliados em cinco pontos de captação de água para consumo humano revelou um rio que tem características diferentes em cada alcance, como o superior chegar era classe 1, Considerando que o atinge médio e inferior da bacia foram classe 4. monitoramento apontado famílias como as principais fontes de poluentes naqueles atinge, apesar de metais utilizados na produção industrial da região foram encontrados nas amostras analisadas.
Enterobacteriaceae/isolation & purification , Metals/analysis , Organic Chemicals/analysis , Rivers/chemistry , Rivers/microbiology , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Brazil , Environmental MonitoringABSTRACT
This work investigates the effect of the application rate and type of sludge throughout the soil carbon cycle in a semiarid Mediterranean agro-ecosystem. We study the two-year evolution of the various pools of soil organic and inorganic carbon and their influence on soil respiration. We applied three rates [40, 80 and 160 Mg/ha] of two types of sludge -aerobically and anaerobically digested sewage sludge- in a calcareous Mediterranean soil. The study area is located in the southeast of Madrid [Spain] and is characterised by a Mediterranean climate with a marked seasonal and daily contrast. We analysed soil organic carbon, CO[2] emissions, organic carbon fractions, soluble carbon, and inorganic carbon forms. Measurements were madeat three times over two years, and bimonthly for organic carbon and CO[2]. The results show that sludge type and rate of application exert a significant influence throughout the soil carbon cycle. Aerobic sludge has a greater effect over the short-term. Anaerobic sludge treatment appears to have less effect on the cycle at the beginning of the amendment, but is prolonged over time, as the differences with untreated soil persist even after two years. The application of organic amendments in calcareous Mediterranean soils also modifies the inorganic carbon pools and greatly increases the soil soluble hydrogen carbonates. All of these results are reflected in the rates of soil CO[2] emissions, with the highest values recorded in soils amended with aerobic sludge. Our data points to the advisability of a review of the European Union's recommendations regarding sludge and agriculture. We propose including a sludge stabilization process and recommended application ratesaccording to the effects on soil biogeochemical cycles
Sewage , Soil Pollutants/analysis , Bicarbonates , Mediterranean Region , Risk Assessment , Metals/analysis , Soil/chemistryABSTRACT
In this work, samples of the medicinal plants: Boldo (Peumus boldus), Castanha da Índia (Aesculus hippocastanum), Chá Verde (Camelia sinensis), Erva Cidreira (Melissa officinalis), Espinheira Santa (Maytenus ilicifolia), Guaraná (Paullinia cupana), Maracujá (Passiflora sp.), Mulungu (Erythrina velutina), Sene (Cassia angustifolia) and Valeriana (Valeriana officinalis) were evaluated BY using the Neutron Activation Analysis technique (NAA- k0) in order to determine the levels of metals and other chemical contaminants. The results showed the presence of non essential elements to the human body. The diversity of chemical impurities found even at low concentration levels, considering the potential for chronic toxicity of these elements, reinforces the need to improve the implementation of good practices by growers and traders, and the hypothesis of lack of quality control in plant products.
Neste trabalho, amostras de Boldo (Peumus boldus), Castanha da Índia (Aesculus hippocastanum), Chá Verde (Camelia sinensis), Erva Cidreira (Melissa officinalis), Espinheira Santa (Maytenus ilicifolia), Guaraná (Paullinia cupana), Maracujá (Passiflora sp.), Mulungu (Erythrina velutina), Sene (Cassia angustifolia) e Valeriana (Valeriana officinalis) foram investigadas utilizando a técnica Análise por Ativação Neutrônica (AAN-k0), a fim de se determinar os teores de metais e outros elementos químicos contaminantes. Os resultados revelaram a presença de elementos não essenciais ao organismo humano. A diversidade de impurezas químicas encontradas, mesmo em níveis de baixa concentração, considerando o potencial de toxicidade crônica desses elementos, reforça a necessidade de melhorias na aplicação de boas práticas pelos produtores e comerciantes e a hipótese de falta de controle de qualidade nos produtos vegetais.
Plants, Medicinal/toxicity , Metals/analysis , Chemical Contamination , Vegetable ProductsABSTRACT
Microbiological analysis of overburden samples collected from chromite mining areas of Orissa, India revealed that they are rich in microbial density as well as diversity and dominated by Gramnegative (58%) bacteria. The phenotypically distinguishable bacterial isolates (130) showed wide degree of tolerance to chromium (2-8 mM) when tested in peptone yeast extract glucose agar medium. Isolates (92) tolerating 2 mM chromium exhibited different degrees of Cr+6 reducing activity in chemically defined Vogel Bonner (VB) broth and complex KSC medium. Three potent isolates, two belonging to Arthrobacter spp. and one to Pseudomonas sp. were able to reduce more than 50 and 80% of 2 mM chromium in defined and complex media respectively. Along with Cr+6 (MIC 8.6-17.8 mM), the isolates showed tolerance to Ni+2, Fe+3, Cu+2 and Co+2 but were extremely sensitive to Hg+2 followed by Cd+2, Mn+2 and Zn+2. In addition, they were resistant to antibiotics like penicillin, methicillin, ampicillin, neomycin and polymyxin B. During growth under shake-flask conditions, Arthrobacter SUK 1201 and SUK 1205 showed 100% reduction of 2 mM Cr+6 in KSC medium with simultaneous formation of insoluble precipitates of chromium salts. Both the isolates were also equally capable of completely reducing the Cr+6 present in mine seepage when grown in mine seepage supplemented with VB concentrate
Arthrobacter/isolation & purification , Biodiversity , Carcinogens, Environmental , Environmental Microbiology , Metals/analysis , Garbage , Pseudomonas/isolation & purification , Methods , Minerals , Waste ProductsABSTRACT
A method to evaluate metal enrichment in marine sediments. In order to evaluate metal enrichment in sediments , a method is proposed and tested in Bahia Culebra and the Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica through the normalization of the elements against aluminum, and by linear regression of the logarithm of the concentrations of different elements respect to aluminum. The distributions of the elements manganese, and strontium of Bahía Culebra did not satisfy the tests of normalization and linear regression, indicating a nonnatural distribution or enrichment of these elements in this region. In the Golfo de Nicoya the elements copper , zinc , rubidium and the strontium did not satisfy the test of normality or the linear regression with respect to aluminum, indicating a possible enrichment of these elements. The majority of the concentrations of the elements in two sample sites, with the exception of chromium, are within the natural ranges in rocks or clays of marine sediments, and within the concentration ranges of other studies done in these same regions. Chromium has average values beyond the natural concentrations, the values of some samples in the Golfo de Nicoya are up to 10 times greater than the concentration value of a typical bay with high contamination of this element.
Se propone un método para evaluar enriquecimiento de metales en sedimentos de Bahía Culebra y en el Golfo de Nicoya de Costa Rica a través de la normalización de los elementos y el aluminio usando la regresión lineal de las concentraciones de los elementos y el Aluminio. Las distribuciones de los elementos manganeso y el estroncio de Bahía Culebra no cumplen con las pruebas de normalización y de regresión lineal, indicando una distribución no natural o enriquecimiento de estos elementos en esta región. En el Golfo de Nicoya los elementos cobre, zinc, rubidio y el estroncio no cumplen ya sea con la hipótesis de normalidad o con la regresión lineal respecto al aluminio, indicando un posible enriquecimiento de estos elementos en esta región. La mayoría de las concentraciones de los elementos tanto en ambos sitios de muestreo, con excepción del cromo, se encuentran dentro de los ámbitos naturales encontrados en las rocas o en las arcillas de sedimentos marinos a nivel mundial, y dentro de los ámbitos de las concentraciones de otros estudios realizados en estas mismas regiones. El cromo muestra valores promedio más allá de las concentraciones naturales, siendo la concentración de algunas muestras en el Golfo de Nicoya hasta diez veces mayores que el valor de una bahía con alta contaminación de este elemento.
Marine Resources , Geologic Sediments/analysis , Metals, Light/analysis , Metals/analysis , Costa Rica , Environmental Pollution , Aluminum/analysisABSTRACT
In the present study, Viola betonicifolia [whole plant] and solvent fractions obtained thereof were evaluated for various micronutrients such as lead, copper, chromium, iron, nickel, zinc, cadmium, cobalt and macronutrients such as sodium, potassium and calcium using atomic absorption spectrophotometer and flame photometry respectively. It was observed that cobalt and cadmium were not detectible in tested samples while remaining nutrients were present in variable concentrations. The concentrations of all metals were compared with the recommended limits for plants and the daily consumption of all the nutrients were calculated on the basis of dose [15 g/70 kg/day or 214 mg/Kg body weight] prescribed by hakims in their practice. The concentration of chromium was far beyond the recommended limits in almost all the samples. Proximate analysis was carried out in the powdered form of the plant. Viola betonicifolia appeared as a good source of life essential nutrients like fats [18.70%], proteins [15.70%], carbohydrates [21.42%], fiber [39.01%] and vitamin C [150 mg/100 g]. In conclusion, Viola betonicifolia is an excellent source of various micro and macronutrients for human being and can be used safely as a nutritional supplement
Nutritive Value , Chromium/analysis , Copper/analysis , Iron/analysis , Lead/analysis , Metals/analysis , Micronutrients/analysis , PhotometryABSTRACT
Chemical disinfectants are usually associated with mechanical methods to remove stains and reduce biofilm formation. This study evaluated the effect of disinfectants on release of metal ions and surface roughness of commercially pure titanium, metal alloys, and heat-polymerized acrylic resin, simulating 180 immersion trials. Disk-shaped specimens were fabricated with commercially pure titanium (Tritan), nickel-chromium-molybdenum-titanium (Vi-Star), nickel-chromium (Fit Cast-SB Plus), and nickel-chromium-beryllium (Fit Cast-V) alloys. Each cast disk was invested in the flasks, incorporating the metal disk to the heat-polymerized acrylic resin. The specimens (n=5) were immersed in these solutions: sodium hypochlorite 0.05%, Periogard, Cepacol, Corega Tabs, Medical Interporous, and Polident. Deionized water was used as a control. The quantitative analysis of metal ion release was performed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ELAN DRC II). A surface analyzer (Surftest SJ-201P) was used to measure the surface roughness (µm). Data were recorded before and after the immersions and evaluated by two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). The nickel release proved most significant with the Vi-Star and Fit Cast-V alloys after immersion in Medical Interporous. There was a significant difference in surface roughness of the resin (p=0.011) after immersion. Cepacol caused significantly higher resin roughness. The immersion products had no influence on metal roughness (p=0.388). It could be concluded that the tested alloys can be considered safe for removable denture fabrication, but disinfectant solutions as Cepacol and Medical Interporous tablet for daily denture immersion should be used with caution because it caused greater resin surface roughness and greater ion release, respectively.
Desinfetantes químicos são normalmente associados a métodos mecânicos para remover manchas e reduzir a formação do biofilme. Este estudo avaliou o efeito de desinfetantes na liberação de íons metálicos e na rugosidade superficial do titânio comercialmente puro, ligas metálicas e resina acrílica termopolimerizável, simulando 180 ensaios de imersões. Espécimes em formato de discos foram confeccionados com titânio comercialmente puro (Tritan), liga de níquel-cromo-molibdênio-titânio (Vi-Star), liga de níquel-cromo (Fit Cast-SB Plus) e liga de níquel-cromo-berílio (Fit Cast-V). Os espécimes (n=5) foram imersos nestas soluções: hipoclorito de sódio a 0,05%, Periogard, Cepacol, Corega Tabs, Medical Interporous e Polident. Como controle, foi utilizada a água deionizada. A análise quantitativa de liberação de íons metálicos foi realizada por meio de espectrometria de massa com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ELAN DRC II). O rugosímetro (Surftest SJ-201P) foi utilizado para medir a rugosidade superficial (µm). Os dados foram registrados antes e depois das imersões e avaliados por ANOVA com dois fatores e teste de Tukey (α=0,05). A liberação de níquel provou ser mais expressiva nas ligas Vi-Star e Fit Cast-V após a imersão em Medical Interporous. Houve diferença significante na rugosidade superficial da resina (p=0,011) após a imersão. O Cepacol causou maior rugosidade superficial de forma significativa. Os produtos de imersão não influenciaram nos resultados da rugosidade do metal (p=0,388). Pode-se concluir que as ligas metálicas testadas podem ser consideradas seguras para a fabricação de próteses removíveis, mas as soluções desinfetantes como o Cepacol e a pastilha Medical Interporous para a imersão diária da prótese devem ser utilizados com cautela, pois causaram maior rugosidade superficial da resina e maior liberação de íons, respectivamente.
Humans , Denture Bases , Dental Alloys/chemistry , Denture Cleansers/chemistry , Acrylic Resins/chemistry , Alloys/chemistry , Aluminum/analysis , Beryllium/analysis , Borates/chemistry , Cetylpyridinium/chemistry , Chlorhexidine/analogs & derivatives , Chlorhexidine/chemistry , Chromium Alloys/chemistry , Chromium/analysis , Citric Acid/chemistry , Dental Disinfectants/chemistry , Dental Materials/chemistry , Materials Testing , Metals/analysis , Metals/chemistry , Molybdenum/analysis , Nickel/analysis , Spectrophotometry, Atomic , Surface Properties , Sodium Hypochlorite/chemistry , Sulfates/chemistry , Titanium/analysis , Titanium/chemistryABSTRACT
Concentrations of eight metals namely, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb were examined in the surface sediments of discharge channels of six industries in Lagos using x-ray fluorescence spectrometry.These channels drain into the Isolo Canal which empties into the Lagos Lagoon and eventually into the Atlantic Ocean. This study was conducted to detect any contamination levels within the sedimentsand possibly determine their sources. Sediment samples were collected over a period of six months.The results provided evidence of large differences in total metal concentrations in the sediment samples from the six industrial sites. Box plots of the average absolute deviation from median emphasized that metal concentrations were not homogeneously distributed similarly, calculation of the F ratio confirmed location effect on the concentration of the various metals investigated. The trace metals Cr, Mn, Co, Ni and Cu might be entirely from crustal materials or natural weathering processes while a significant amount of Zn and Pb are from anthropogenic sources
Metals/analysis , Industry , Water Pollutants, ChemicalABSTRACT
Little is known about hair mineral status in fibromyalgia patients. This study evaluated the characteristics of hair minerals in female patients with fibromyalgia compared with a healthy reference group. Forty-four female patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia according to the American College of Rheumatology criteria were enrolled as the case group. Age- and body mass index-matched data were obtained from 122 control subjects enrolled during visit for a regular health check-up. Hair minerals were analyzed and compared between the two groups. The mean age was 43.7 yr. General characteristics were not different between the two groups. Fibromyalgia patients showed a significantly lower level of calcium (775 microg/g vs 1,093 microg/g), magnesium (52 microg/g vs 72 microg/g), iron (5.9 microg/g vs 7.1 microg/g), copper (28.3 microg/g vs 40.2 microg/g) and manganese (140 ng/g vs 190 ng/g). Calcium, magnesium, iron, and manganese were loaded in the same factor using factor analysis; the mean of this factor was significantly lower in fibromyalgia group in multivariate analysis with adjustment for potential confounders. In conclusion, the concentrations of calcium, magnesium, iron, and manganese in the hair of female patients with fibromyalgia are lower than of controls, even after adjustment of potential confounders.
Adult , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Body Height , Body Mass Index , Calcium/analysis , Fibromyalgia/metabolism , Hair/chemistry , Iron/analysis , Magnesium/analysis , Manganese/analysis , Metals/analysisABSTRACT
Os moluscos bivalves são consumidos por todo o mundo, constituindo-se em um recurso natural de boa aceitação pela população. Foi escolhido o molusco Anadara notabilis (conhecido como Xibiu ou Búzio) para este trabalho pelo seu tamanho característico, bem maior que os mariscos mais comuns, e também por não ter sido encontrado na literatura nenhuma informação toxicológica sobre esta classe de moluscos. Todos os íons metálicos foram determinados por espectroscopia de emissão ótica com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP-OES) descrito pela metodologia U.S. EPA 6010C. Os resultados mostraram que estiveram presentes no molusco vários metais de caráter tóxico, porém apenas o cromo obteve valor acima do permitido pela legislação brasileira.Dentre os metais classificados como tóxicos o cobre que apresentou valor de 5,7 mg/Kg, o níquel que apresentou teor de 4,23 mg/Kg e o cromo, o único acima dos valores permitidos pela legislação brasileira, com teor de 1,7 mg/Kg, sempre considerando a amostra in natura. Como os moluscos têm a propriedade de acumular metais em seu organismo, para o consumo desse tipode alimento, deve-se tomar cuidado com as áreas próximas de sua coleta ou se cultivado, é necessário prevenir fatores que influenciem em sua contaminação.
Bivalve molluscs are consumed throughout the world, constituting a natural resource with good acceptance by the population. The mollusc Anadara notabilis (know as eared ark) was chosen for this study due to its characteristic size, much larger than most common shellfish, and the lack of toxicological information found in literature for this class of mollusks when considering metal ions toxicity. Metal ions were measured by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), method described by U.S. EPA 6010C. Results showed that several toxic metals were present in shellfish, however only chrome was measured in levels higher than those allowed by Brazilian legislation. Among those classified as toxic metals, copper showed a value of 5.7 mg / kg, nickel of 4.23 mg / kg andchromium of 1.7 mg / kg, when considering whole shellfish samples. As molluscs are able to accumulate metals in their body, for its consumption care should be taken regarding the areas in close proximity to their collection or cultivation, including prevention of factors that influence contamination.
Animals , Aluminum/analysis , Copper/analysis , Metals/analysis , Metals/toxicity , Nickel/analysis , Brazil , Environmental Monitoring , Spectrophotometry, Atomic/methods , Mollusca/classificationABSTRACT
Biomonitoring is a method of observing the impact of external factors on ecosystems and their development over a long period. In this research the level of Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb has been determined in samples of the moss Racomithum crispulum from the area of Almora, Nainital and Pithoragarh of Kumaon hills. High metallic load was observed in locations near proximity of higher traffic density area, which integrated due to enhanced tourism during summer, followed by winter and monsoon season; while in rural area high value of Zn, Cu and Cd attributes to their use in fertilizers. Positive significant correlations obtained between Pb-Zn and Zn-Cu suggest a common origin of these metals. Elemental concentration in Racomitrium. crispulum was in the order of Zn> Pb Cu> Cd in summer, Zn> Cu > Pb > Cd in winter season and Zn> Cu > Pb > Cd in monsoon which reflect atmospheric trace elemental load. Bioaccumulation ability of this moss was evaluated statistically using DMR test and cartographically presented on contour maps obtained from SURFER program
A few mixed ligand transition metal carbodithioate complexes of the general formula [M(4-MPipzcdt)x(phen)y]Y (M = Mn(II), Co(II), Zn(II); 4-MPipzcdt = 4-methylpiperazine-1-carbodithioate; phen = 1,10-phenanthroline; x = 1 and y = 2 when Y = Cl; x = 2 and y = 1 when Y = nil) were synthesized and screened for their antimicrobial activity against Candida albicans, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,Staphylococcus aureus andEnterococcusfaecalis by disk diffusion method. All the complexes exhibited prominent antimicrobial activity against tested pathogenic strains with the MIC values in the range <8-512 ìgmL-1. The complexes [Mn(4-MPipzcdt)2(phen)] and [Co(4-MPipzcdt)(phen)2]Cl inhibited the growth of Candida albicans at a concentration as low as 8 µgmL-1.The complexes were also evaluated for their toxicity towards human transformed rhabdomyosarcoma cells (RD cells). Moderate cell viability of the RD cells was exhibited against the metal complexes.