Background: Temporary shelters were established for street-based people during the national level 5 coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) lockdown. However, street-based substance users' need to access substances was not addressed, resulting in large numbers of people experiencing withdrawal. The Community Oriented Substance Use Programme (COSUP) in Tshwane provided methadone to manage opioid withdrawal. Methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive study was conducted using the daily methadone dosing records from shelters in Tshwane between March 2020 and September 2020. Results: The final analysis included 495 participants, of which 64 (12.9%) were initiated on 20 mg 30 mg of methadone, 397 (80.2%) on 40 mg 50 mg, and 34 (6.9%) on 60 mg 70 mg. A total of 194 (39.2%) participants continued their initiation dose for 12 months, after which 126 (64.9%) had their doses increased, and 68 (35.1%) had their doses decreased. Approximately 12 (2.4%) participants were weaned off methadone after 13 months and 46 (9.3%) after 46 months. In all, 100 (20.2%) participants left the shelter prematurely and did not continue with methadone. A total of 126 (25.5%) participants continued to stay in the shelters and received methadone for 6 months, with 125 (25.3%) participants leaving the shelter with continued follow-up at a COSUP site. Conclusion: This study demonstrates variability in methadone dosing regimens among shelter residents. As the lockdown measures eased, many chose to leave the shelters, while others remained to receive methadone and other services. The COSUP appears to be effective during periods of increased vulnerability, since a large number of participants were successfully followed up. Contribution: Opioid dependence is a persistent, lifelong disease. It is multifaceted with complex environmental and individual determinants. This study highlighted the use of opioid substitution therapy during a period of increased vulnerability.
Humans , Male , Female , COVID-19 , Methadone , Ill-Housed PersonsABSTRACT
Objective: To estimate the consumption level of four drugs in Beijing using wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE). Methods: The primary sludge from one large wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) was collected in Beijing from July 2020 to February 2021. The concentrations of codeine, methadone, ketamine and morphine in the sludge were detected through solid-phase extraction-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The consumption, prevalence and number of users of four drugs were estimated by using the WBE approach. Results: Among 416 sludge samples, codeine had the highest detection rate (82.93%, n=345) with a concentration [M (Q1, Q3)] of 0.40 (0.22-0.8) ng·g-1, and morphine had the lowest detection rate (28.37%,n=118) with a concentration [M (Q1, Q3)] of 0.13 (0.09, 0.17) ng·g-1. There was no significant difference in the consumption of the four drugs on working days and weekends (all P values>0.05). Drug consumption was significantly higher in winter than that in summer and autumn (all P values <0.05). The consumption [M (Q1, Q3)] of codeine, methadone, ketamine and morphine in winter was 24.9 (15.58, 38.6), 9.39 (4.57, 26.72), 9.84 (5.18, 19.45) and 5.67 (3.57, 13.77) μg·inhabitant-1·day-1, respectively. For these drugs, there was an upward trend in the average drug consumption during summer, autumn and winter (the Z values of the trend test were 3.23, 3.16, 2.19, and 3.32, respectively and all P values<0.05). The prevalence [M (Q1, Q3)] of codeine, methadone, ketamine and morphine were 0.0056% (0.003 4%, 0.009 2%), 0.0148% (0.009 6%, 0.026 7%),0.0333% (0.0210%, 0.0710%) and 0.0072% (0.003 8%, 0.011 7%), respectively. The estimated number of drug users [M (Q1, Q3)] was 918 (549, 1 511), 2 429 (1 578, 4 383), 5 451 (3 444, 11 642) and 1 173 (626, 1 925),respectively. Conclusion: Codeine, methadone, ketamine and morphine have been detected in the sludge of WWTPs in Beijing, and the consumption level of these drugs varies in different seasons.
Humans , Beijing , Wastewater-Based Epidemiological Monitoring , Sewage/analysis , Wastewater , Ketamine/analysis , Codeine/analysis , Methadone/analysis , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysisABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction and objectives Multimodal Analgesia (MMA) has shown promising results in postoperative outcomes across a broad spectrum of surgeries, including bariatric surgery. We compared the analgesic effect immediately after Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery (LBS) of the combined effect of MMA and methadone against two techniques that were based mainly on the use of high-potency medium-acting opioids. Methods Two hundred seventy-one patients were retrospectively reviewed. The primary outcome was postoperative pain score > 3/10 measured by the Verbal Numeric Scale (VNS) during the Postanesthetic Care Unit (PACU) stay. The three protocols of intraoperative analgesia were: (P1) sufentanil at anesthetic induction followed by remifentanil infusion; (P2) sufentanil at induction followed by dexmedetomidine infusion; and (P3) remifentanil at induction followed by MMA including dexmedetomidine, magnesium, lidocaine, and methadone. Only P1 and P2 patients received morphine toward the end of surgery. Poisson regression was used to adjust confounding factors and calculate Prevalence Ratio (PR). Results Postoperative VNS > 3 was recorded in 135 (49.81%) patients, of which 93 (68.89%) were subjected to P1, 25 (18.56%) to P2, and 17 (12.59%) to P3. In the final adjusted model, both anesthetic techniques (P3) (PR = 0.10; 95% CI [0.03-0.28]), and (P2) (PR = 0.42%; 95% CI [0.20-0.90]) were associated with lower occurrence of VNS > 3, whereas age range 20-29 was associated to higher occurrence of VNS > 3 (PR = 3.21; 95% CI [1.22-8.44]) in PACU. Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) was distributed as follows: (P1) 20.3%, (P2) 31.25% and (P3) 6.77%; (P3 < P1, P2; p< 0.05). Intraoperative hypotension occurred more often in P3 (39%) compared to P2 (20.31%) and P1 (17.46%) (p< 0.05). Conclusion MMA + methadone was associated with higher incidence of intraoperative hypotension and lower incidence of moderate/severe pain in PACU after LBS.
Humans , Adult , Young Adult , Laparoscopy/methods , Bariatric Surgery/methods , Hypotension , Pain, Postoperative/prevention & control , Pain, Postoperative/drug therapy , Retrospective Studies , Sufentanil , Dexmedetomidine , Remifentanil , Analgesics , Analgesics, Opioid , MethadoneABSTRACT
Pain management associated with surgery is a constant concern of the health team as well as the patient. Multiple proposals for analgesia have been made in the perioperative context. The use of opioids with rapid effect and easy titration in the intraoperative period are currently frequent; to then perform a postoperative analgesic control with drugs with a longer half-life, usually achieving adequate pain management. However, sometimes the standard analgesic scheme is not enough. The problems associated with this situation have led to the need for high doses of opioids in the postoperative period, with the requirement for monitoring, health personnel, and the adverse effects that these involve. Methadone is a long-acting, rapid-onset opioid, the latter secondary to its long elimination half-life. It is presumed that these characteristics have led patients to report adequate pain management, which has been related to a decrease in the need and dose of rescue opioids, in addition to delaying the requirement of these if necessary during the postoperative. These properties allow methadone to be a potential solution to perioperative pain management.
El manejo del dolor asociado a la cirugía es una preocupación constante del equipo de salud al igual que del paciente. Se han planteado múltiples propuestas de analgesia en el contexto perioperatorio, siendo actualmente frecuente el uso de opioides de rápido efecto y fácil titulación en el intraoperatorio; para luego realizar un control analgésico postoperatorio con fármacos de mayor vida media, logrando habitualmente un manejo adecuado del dolor. Sin embargo, a veces el esquema analgésico estándar no es suficiente. La problemática asociada a esta situación ha llevado a la necesidad de altas dosis de opioides en el posoperatorio, con el requerimiento de monitorización, personal de salud y efectos adversos que estos involucran. La metadona es un opioide de inicio de acción rápido y larga duración, este último secundario a su vida media de eliminación prolongada. Se presume que estas características han logrado que los pacientes reporten un adecuado manejo de su dolor, lo que se ha relacionado a una disminución en la necesidad y dosis de opioides de rescate, además de retrasar el requerimiento de éstos en el caso de ser necesarios durante el postoperatorio. Estas propiedades permiten que la metadona pueda ser una potencial solución al manejo del dolor perioperatorio.
Humans , Pain, Postoperative/therapy , Analgesics, Opioid/administration & dosage , Methadone/administration & dosage , Pain, Postoperative/prevention & control , Analgesics, Opioid/pharmacology , Methadone/pharmacologyABSTRACT
The aim of this study was to assess the effects of chemical restraint, general anesthesia and opioid treatment on hematological components in Cuniculus paca. Eight healthy, adult, captivity female animals , underwent three laparoscopic procedures with a 15-day interval were evaluated. After physical restraint, an association of ketamine (25mg/kg) and midazolam (0.5mg/kg) was administered intramuscularly for chemical restraint. Posteriorly, anesthesia was induced and maintained with isoflurane; and randomly administered methadone (0.5mg/kg), tramadol (5mg/kg) or saline-placebo (0,1mL/kg) intramuscularly. After pharmacological restraint and in the final laparoscopy stage, venous blood samples were obtained for complete blood count, total plasma protein (TP), creatinine, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), sodium, potassium, chloride and ionized calcium analysis. During general anesthesia, hemoglobin, TP concentration and lymphocytes decreased (P=0.029; <0.001; 0.022 respectively), whereas the potassium levels increased (P=0.034). In conclusion, chemical restraint with ketamine/midazolam association causes a slight decrease in blood cellular components. Isoflurane anesthesia for laparoscopic procedure lead to decrease in hemoglobin, lymphocytes and protein concentrations, while potassium increased, without any influence from the tramadol or methadone treatment. However, these alterations were transient, and its hematologic values can collaborate in carrying out epidemiological, pathophysiological or case studies in the Cuniculus paca.(AU)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de contenção química, anestesia geral e tratamento com opiáceos nos parâmetros hematológicos em Cuniculus paca. Foram avaliados oito animais saudáveis, fêmeas, adultas, de cativeiro, que foram submetidas a três procedimentos laparoscópicos, com intervalo de 15 dias. Após a contenção física, uma associação de cetamina (25mg/kg) e midazolam (0,5mg/kg) foi administrada por via intramuscular para contenção química. Posteriormente, a anestesia foi induzida e mantida com isoflurano, e administrou-se aleatoriamente metadona (0,5mg/kg), tramadol (5mg/kg) ou placebo salina por via intramuscular. Após a contenção farmacológica e em estágio final da laparoscopia, foram obtidas amostras de sangue venoso para contagem sanguínea completa, proteína de plasma total (TP), creatinina, alanina aminotransferase (ALT), cálcio, sódio, potássio e cloreto ionizado. Durante a anestesia geral, a concentração de hemoglobina, TP e linfócitos diminuiu (P= 0,029;< 0,001; 0,022, respectivamente), enquanto os níveis de potássio aumentaram (P= 0,034). Em conclusão, a contenção química com associação de cetamina/midazolam promove uma ligeira diminuição dos componentes celulares do sangue. A anestesia com isoflavano para o procedimento laparoscópico levou a uma diminuição das concentrações de hemoglobina, linfócitos e proteínas, enquanto o potássio aumentou, sem qualquer influência do tratamento com tramadol ou metadona. No entanto, essas alterações foram transitórias, e os seus valores hematológicos obtidos podem colaborar na realização de estudos epidemiológicos, fisiopatológicos ou casuísticas para Cuniculus paca.(AU)
Animals , Female , Cuniculidae/surgery , Cuniculidae/blood , Anesthesia/veterinary , Anesthetics/blood , Tramadol/administration & dosage , Midazolam/administration & dosage , Isoflurane/administration & dosage , Ketamine/administration & dosage , Methadone/administration & dosageABSTRACT
RESUMEN Objetivo: Colombia está enfrentado una epidemia emergente del consumo endovenoso de heroína. Un conocimiento de los programas existentes que ofrecen tratamiento asistido con metadona en el país es necesario para que se puedan proponer estrategias de mejoría. Métodos: Se encuestaron 13 programas de regiones prioritarias. Se evaluaron las caracte rísticas demográficas y clínicas de los usuarios, así como los servicios ofrecidos por estos programas, sus protocolos de tratamiento con metadona y las diferencias en las barreras al tratamiento y las causas de abandono del tratamiento. Resultados: Se analizaron 12/13 cuestionarios, con un total de 538 pacientes activos. La mayo ría de los pacientes eran varones (85,5%) de 18 a 34 arios (70%). El 40% eran usuarios de drogas intravenosas y el 25% admitió compartir agujas. Entre las comorbilidades asociadas con el consumo de heroína se encontró la enfermedad mental (48%), la hepatitis C (8,7%) y la infección por el VIH (2%). La comorbilidad psiquiátrica se asocia más con los pacientes que acuden al sector privado (el 69,8 frente al 29,7%; p < 0,03). La media de la dosis inicial de metadona es 25,3 ± 8,9mg/día y las dosis de mantenimiento van de 41 a 80 mg/día. La falta de articulación con atención primaria fue una barrera más sentida que los problemas con la cobertura del seguro médico y los prejuicios del tratamiento con metadona (p < 0,05). También, los problemas administrativos y de la aseguradora (p < 0,003), la falta de sumi nistro de metadona (p < 0,018) y la recaída en el consumo (p < 0,014) son las razones más significativas de abandono del tratamiento. Conclusiones: Estos programas tienen diferentes niveles de desarrollo e implementación en los protocolos de tratamiento. Algunas de las barreras de acceso y de las causas de abandono del tratamiento pueden mitigarse mejorando la administración de salud.
ABSTRACT Objective: Colombia is facing a rising epidemic of intravenous heroin use. Knowledge of the methadone-assisted treatment programs in the country is crucial in order to propose improvement strategies. Methods: 13 programmes from priority regions were surveyed. The demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients attending the programs, a description of the services offered, their methadone treatment protocols, the various barriers to treatment and the causes of treatment abandonment were reviewed. Results: 12/13 questionnaires were analysed with a total of 538 active patients. Most of the patients attending these programs were men (85.5%) between 18 and 34 years-old (70%). Forty percent (40%) were intravenous drug users and 25% admitted sharing needles. The comorbidities associated with heroin use were mental illness (48%), hepatitis C (8.7%) and HIV (2%). Psychiatric comorbidity was more likely in patients attending the private sec tor (69.8% vs 29.7%; p < 0.03). The initial average dose of methadone administered was 25.3 ± 8.9mg/day, with a maintenance dose ranging from 41 to 80mg/day. Lack of align ment with primary care was perceived to be the most serious barrier to access, ahead of problems with insurance and prejudice towards treatment with methadone (p < 0.05). Health Administration and insurance problems (p < 0.003), together with the lack of availa bility of methadone (p < 0.018) and relapse (p < 0.014) were the most important reasons for abandonment of treatment. Conclusions: The treatment protocols of these programmes offer different levels of develop ment and implementation. Some of the barriers to access and reasons for abandonment of treatment with methadone can be mitigated with better health administration.
Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Drug Users , Heroin Dependence , Methadone , Primary Health Care , Recurrence , Therapeutics , Comorbidity , Clinical Protocols , Colombia , Heroin , Health AdministrationABSTRACT
Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos fisiológicos, sedativos e analgésicos da administração peridural de ropivacaína isolada ou associada à morfina ou à metadona. Para tal, 24 cadelas submetidas à ovário-histerectomia receberam acepromazina, e a anestesia foi induzida e mantida com propofol e isoflurano (FiO2 = 1,0), respectivamente. De acordo com o protocolo peridural, formaram-se três grupos de igual número: GR (ropivacaína - 2,0mg/kg); GRMETA (ropivacaína - 2,0mg/kg e metadona - 0,3mg/kg) e GRMORF (ropivacaína - 2,0mg/kg e morfina - 0,1mg/kg). Registraram-se os parâmetros fisiológicos intraoperatórios e os graus de sedação e analgesia pós-operatórios. No GR constataram-se maiores médias de pressões arteriais 30 minutos após a anestesia epidural em relação ao GRMETA (sistólica e média) e ao final do procedimento cirúrgico comparativamente ao GRMORF (sistólica, diastólica e média). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os grupos relativamente à analgesia e ao grau de sedação pós-operatórios. A administração epidural de ropivacaína é segura e eficaz e proporciona boa analgesia, independentemente da sua associação com morfina ou metadona.(AU)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the physiological, sedative and analgesic effects of epidural administration of ropivacaine sole or associated to morphine or methadone. Twenty-four bitches were submitted to ovariohysterectomy and received acepromazine and after, propofol and isoflurane (FiO 2 = 1.0) for anesthesia induction and maintenance, respectively. Based on established epidural protocol (L7-S1), three groups were formed: GR (ropivacaine - 2.0mg/kg); GRMETA (ropivacaine - 2.0mg/kg and methadone - 0.3mg/kg) and GRMORF (ropivacaine - 2.0mg/kg and morphine - 0.1mg/kg). Intraoperative physiological parameters and degrees of postoperative sedation and analgesia were recorded. In the GR, the means of arterial pressures, 30 minutes after epidural anesthesia, were higher compared with GRMETA (systolic and mean) and, at the end of the clinical procedure, compared to GRMORF (systolic, diastolic and mean). Differences between groups were not observed for postoperative analgesia and degree of sedation. Epidural administration of ropivacaine is safe and effective and provides good analgesia regardless of its association with morphine or methadone.(AU)
Animals , Female , Dogs , Ovariectomy/veterinary , Ropivacaine , Hysterectomy/veterinary , Anesthesia, Epidural/veterinary , Methadone , Morphine , Analgesics, Opioid/administration & dosageABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder persisting in adulthood in 40-60% of cases. Clinical and neuroimaging studies suggest that patients affected by both drug addiction and ADHD show higher rates of craving for drug than patients without ADHD. We designed a pilot open-label study to investigate the effects of ADHD on craving for heroin in methadone maintenance therapy patients. Method Patients were recruited from outpatient facilities in an addiction treatment unit in the municipality of Alba, Italy. They were assessed using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 (SCID-5), the SCID-5 for Personality Disorders (SCID-5-PD), the Diagnostic Interview for Adult ADHD, second edition (DIVA 2.0), and the Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS). Categorical variables were examined using the chi-square test, and continuous variables, the t-test and Mann-Whitney's U test for normally and non-normally distributed data, respectively. Data distribution was evaluated using Shapiro-Wilk's test. Significance was set at p=0.05. Bonferroni correction was applied (0.0063) to avoid type I error. Results A total of 104 patients were included in the study: 14 affected by ADHD (13.5%) and 90 were not affected (86.5%). Patients with ADHD showed higher intensity of craving for heroin than patients without ADHD in the absence of withdrawal symptoms. Conclusion Drug addiction and ADHD share various neurobiological mechanisms that mutually influence the evolution of both disorders. In particular, dopamine dysfunction within various brain circuits may influence impulsivity levels, motivation, inhibitory control, executive functions, and behavior and, consequently, the intensity of craving.
Resumo Introdução O transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH) é um transtorno do neurodesenvolvimento que persiste na idade adulta em 40-60% dos casos. Estudos clínicos e de neuroimagem sugerem que pacientes afetados tanto por adição quanto por TDAH apresentam maiores índices de fissura (craving) por droga do que pacientes sem TDAH. Este estudo piloto aberto investigou os efeitos do TDAH sobre fissura por heroína em pacientes em terapia de manutenção com metadona. Método Os pacientes foram recrutados em serviços ambulatoriais em uma unidade de tratamento de adição na cidade de Alba, Itália. Eles foram avaliados usando os seguintes instrumentos: Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 (SCID-5), SCID-5 for Personality Disorders (SCID-5-PD), Diagnostic Interview for Adult TDAH, second edition (DIVA 2.0) e Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS). Variáveis categóricas foram examinadas utilizando o teste do qui-quadrado, e variáveis contínuas, o teste t e o teste U de Mann-Whitney para dados com distribuição normal e não normal, respectivamente. A distribuição dos dados foi avaliada usando o teste de Shapiro-Wilk. O nível de significância foi estabelecido em p=0,05. A correção de Bonferroni foi aplicada (0,0063) para evitar erro tipo I. Resultados Um total de 104 pacientes foram incluídos no estudo: 14 com TDAH (13,5%) e 90 sem (86,5%). Pacientes com TDAH mostraram maior intensidade de fissura por heroína do que pacientes sem TDAH na ausência de sintomas de abstinência. Conclusão Adição e TDAH compartilham mecanismos neurobiológicos que influenciam mutuamente a evolução dos dois transtornos. Em particular, a disfunção da dopamina em vários circuitos cerebrais pode influenciar os níveis de impulsividade, motivação, controle inibitório, funções executivas e comportamento, e, portanto, a intensidade da fissura.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/physiopathology , Opiate Substitution Treatment/methods , Craving/physiology , Heroin Dependence/physiopathology , Heroin Dependence/drug therapy , Methadone/administration & dosage , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/epidemiology , Comorbidity , Pilot Projects , Heroin Dependence/epidemiology , Middle AgedABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: A large number of people around the world struggle daily to become free of their addiction to illegal psychoactive substances. In order to create an atmosphere of improved supervision, established communication and improved quality of life for drug addicts, centers have been set up to provide methadone as a substitute. Objective: The aim of the research was to assess the vocal features of drug addicts on methadone therapy via subjective and objective parameters, to ascertain if vocal damage has occurred and to determine whether subjective and objective acoustic vocal parameters are related, and how. Methods: The research included 34 adults of both genders who were undergoing methadone treatment. A subjective vocal evaluation assessed voice pitch and clarity, while the subjective acoustic analysis utilized the Roughness-Breathiness-Hoarseness scale of roughness-breathiness-hoarseness. Objective acoustic analysis was conducted after recording and analyzing an uninterrupted vocal /a/ of at least three seconds duration, using the "GllotisController" software. Results: The subjective acoustic analysis using the Roughness-Breathiness-Hoarseness scale showed pathological values in 52.9% male and 47% female participants. The average values of the roughness-breathiness-hoarseness for the entire sample were 0.91, 0.38 and 0.50, respectively. Lower roughness was associated with a higher fundamental frequency (f0) and lower jitter and shimmer values (p < 0.05). There was a statistically significant correlation between breathiness, jitter (p < 0.01) and shimmer (p < 0.05), and between hoarseness and jitter (p < 0.01). Conclusion: A statistically significant correlation was found between the two subjective vocal assessments, voice clarity and pitch, and Roughness-Breathiness-Hoarseness scale, and the parameters of the objective acoustic vocal assessment.
Resumo Introdução: Um grande número de pessoas em todo o mundo luta diariamente para livrar-se de seu vício em substâncias psicoativas ilegais. Com o objetivo de criar uma atmosfera de supervisão melhorada, comunicação estabelecida e melhora da qualidade de vida para drogaditos, foram criados centros que fornecem a substância substitutiva metadona. Objetivo: Avaliar a voz de drogaditos que recebem terapia com metadona através de parâmetros subjetivos e objetivos, para determinar o eventual dano à voz, bem como determinar se os parâmetros vocais acústicos subjetivos e objetivos estão interligados e como isso ocorre. Método: A pesquisa incluiu 34 participantes, usuários de terapia com metadona, de ambos os sexos. A avaliação vocal subjetiva consistiu na avaliação do tom (pitch) e clareza da voz, enquanto a análise acústica subjetiva consistiu no uso da escala RSA, de rugosidade, soprosidade e aspereza. A análise acústica objetiva foi realizada após a gravação e análise da vocalização ininterrupta de /a/ com duração de no mínimo três segundos, com o software GllotisController. Resultados: A análise acústica subjetiva utilizando a escala RSA mostrou valores patológicos em 52,9% de homens e 47% em mulheres. Os valores médios dos parâmetros rugosidade, soprosidade e aspereza para toda a amostra foram 0,91, 0,38 e 0,50, respectivamente. O parâmetro rugosidade mais baixo esteve associado a valores mais altos de frequência fundamental (f0) e menor jitter e o shimmer (p < 0,05). Entre o parâmetro soprosidade e o jitter (p < 0,01) e o shimmer (p < 0,05) houve uma correlação estatisticamente significante, bem como entre o parâmetro aspereza e o jitter (p < 0,01). Conclusão: Foi encontrada uma correlação estatisticamente significante entre a avaliação vocal subjetiva da clareza e do tom (pitch) da voz e os parâmetros da avaliação vocal acústica objetiva, bem como os parâmetros da análise vocal acústica subjetiva utilizando a escala de rugosidade, soprosidade e aspereza e os parâmetros acústicos objetivos.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Voice Quality/drug effects , Voice Disorders/chemically induced , Opiate Substitution Treatment/methods , Methadone/therapeutic use , Reference Values , Speech Acoustics , Voice Quality/physiology , Sex Factors , Voice Disorders/physiopathologySubject(s)
Humans , Cancer Pain/drug therapy , Methadone/therapeutic use , Terminally Ill , Drug ImplantsSubject(s)
Humans , Public Policy , HIV Infections/epidemiology , Substance Abuse, Intravenous/epidemiology , Harm Reduction , Syndemic , Urban Population , HIV Infections/prevention & control , Substance Abuse, Intravenous/prevention & control , Crime/statistics & numerical data , Opiate Substitution Treatment , Health Services Needs and Demand , Heroin Dependence/epidemiology , Methadone/therapeutic useABSTRACT
SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: Opioid abstinence syndrome is common in the pediatric intensive care environment because sedation is often needed during the children's treatment. There is no specific guideline regarding the management of these patients; and lately, methadone is an important drug for the prevention of abstinence symptoms during the weaning of opioids. This study gathers the available research to establish the initial dose of methadone, the rate of taper and tools to recognize this syndrome and act promptly. METHODS: A systematic review was made from data of four different databases. Forty-nine articles of observational and experimental studies were selected based on the inclusion criteria (critical pediatric patients in acute use of opioids) and exclusion criteria (previous chronic use of opioids, other medications). The data regarding specific themes were separated in sections: initial dose of methadone, use of protocols in clinical practice, abstinence scales and adjuvant drugs. RESULTS: The articles showed a great heterogeneity of ways to calculate the initial dose of methadone. The pediatric intensive care units of the study had different weaning protocols, with a lower incidence of abstinence when a pre-defined sequence of tapering was used. The Withdrawal Assessment Tool - 1 was the most used scale for tapering the opioids, with good sensitivity and specificity for signs and symptoms. CONCLUSION: There is still little evidence of other medications that can help prevent the abstinence syndrome of opioids. This study tries to promote a better practice during opioid weaning.
RESUMO OBJETIVO: A síndrome de abstinência de opioides é comum no ambiente de terapia intensiva pediátrica porque a sedação é frequentemente necessária durante o tratamento das crianças. Não existe uma diretriz específica sobre o manejo desse paciente e, ultimamente, a metadona tem sido uma droga importante para a prevenção dos sintomas de abstinência durante o desmame dos opioides. Este estudo reúne as pesquisas disponíveis para estabelecer a dose inicial de metadona, taxa de redução e ferramentas para reconhecer essa síndrome e agir prontamente. MÉTODOS: Uma revisão sistemática foi feita a partir de dados de quatro diferentes bases de dados. Quarenta e nove artigos, de estudos observacionais e experimentais, foram selecionados com base nos critérios de inclusão (pacientes críticos pediátricos em uso de opioides agudamente) e critérios de exclusão (uso crônico prévio de opioides, outros medicamentos). Os dados referentes a temas específicos foram separados em seções: dose inicial de metadona, uso de protocolos na prática clínica, escalas de abstinência e drogas adjuvantes. RESULTADOS: Os artigos mostraram uma grande heterogeneidade de formas de calcular a dose inicial de metadona. As unidades de terapia intensiva pediátrica do estudo apresentaram diferentes protocolos de desmame, com menor incidência de abstinência quando foi utilizada uma sequência predefinida de redução gradual. A Ferramenta de Avaliação de Retirada - 1 foi a escala mais utilizada durante a redução dos opioides, com boa sensibilidade e especificidade para sinais e sintomas. CONCLUSÃO: Ainda há poucas evidências de outros medicamentos que possam ajudar a prevenir a síndrome de abstinência dos opioides. Este estudo tenta promover uma prática melhor durante o desmame dos opioides.
Humans , Child , Substance Withdrawal Syndrome/therapy , Analgesics, Opioid/administration & dosage , Analgesics, Opioid/adverse effects , Methadone/administration & dosage , Intensive Care Units, Pediatric , Critical Care/methodsABSTRACT
A dor pós-operatória em cães que são submetidos a cirurgias da coluna vertebral é considerada severa e seu manejo inadequado pode influenciar no tempo de recuperação do paciente, na qualidade de vida e no resultado cirúrgico. Dentre os analgésicos indicados para uso no pós-operatório dessas cirurgias tem-se os opioides, que podem apresentar inúmeros efeitos adversos que requerem atenção. Devido à escassez de estudos clínicos acerca desse assunto em se tratando do pós-operatório de cães, objetivou-se com o presente estudo retrospectivo apresentar os efeitos adversos da morfina, metadona e tramadol utilizados no pós-operatório de cirurgias da coluna vertebral. Foram revisadas e avaliadas as fichas de 180 cães e anotadas as alterações observadas no pós-operatório e decorrentes do uso de opioides. Os principais efeitos adversos observados foram anorexia, hiporexia, vômito, salivação, vocalização, bradicardia, hipotermia, ofegação e sedação. Também foi observada persistência da dor em alguns cães mesmo com o uso de analgésicos. Houve diferença na ocorrência de anorexia nos cães tratados com morfina e nos tratados com metadona em relação aos tratados com tramadol. Ocorreu diferença também entre a observação de dor dos grupos morfina e tramadol. A associação de dipirona com morfina e com metadona não revelou diferença com relação à ocorrência de efeitos adversos, bem como a variação de doses. Conclui-se que a morfina, a metadona e o tramadol apresentam efeitos adversos quando empregados para tratamento da dor pós-operatória em cães submetidos à cirurgia da coluna vertebral; a anorexia, a hiporexia e o vômito foram os efeitos adversos frequentes com o uso de morfina e de metadona e, mesmo que o tramadol apresente menor ocorrência desses efeitos, seu uso, na dose estudada, pode não ser vantajoso quando se leva em consideração o grau de dor para cirurgias da coluna vertebral.(AU)
Postoperative pain in dogs undergone vertebral surgery is classified as severe and it's important an adequate approach to it, because it can influence recovery time, quality of life and surgery outcome. Opioids are indicated for postoperative pain treatment in these surgeries. Opioids may have adverse effects that may require attention. There are few clinical studies that present the adverse effects of these analgesics in canine postoperative period. The aim of this retrospective study was to present the adverse effects of morphine, methadone and tramadol in canine vertebral surgery postoperative period. There were revised the postoperative records of 180 dogs and the changes resulted from the opioids use were noted. The adverse effects observed were anorexia, hyporexia, vomiting, vocalization, bradycardia, hypothermia, panting, sedation. Pain was also observed in some dogs. A significant difference was found in anorexia between dogs treated with morphine and tramadol and methadone and tramadol. Significant difference was also found in pain between dogs treated with morphine and tramadol. The association of metamizole and morphine or metamizole and methadone was not different in relation to the adverse effects. There was also no difference with the dosage variation and the adverse effects. In conclusion, morphine, methadone and tramadol have adverse effects when used for pain control in the postoperative period of dogs submitted to vertebral surgery. Anorexia, hypophagia and emesis were frequent the adverse effects observed with morphine and methadone and, despite tramadol presented less adverse effects, its use may be not beneficial in the studied doses when we consider the degree of pain, however more controlled studies with clinical situation are needed to confirm this.(AU)
Animals , Dogs , Tramadol/adverse effects , Dogs/surgery , Methadone/adverse effects , Morphine/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Abstract Background and objectives: Pain is an aggravating factor of postoperative morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of methadone versus morphine using the numerical rating scale of pain and postoperative on-demand analgesia in patients undergoing myocardial revascularization. Method: A randomized, double-blind, parallel clinical trial was performed with patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting. The subjects were randomly divided into two groups: morphine group and methadone group. At the end of cardiac surgery, 0.1 mg.kg−1 adjusted body weight of methadone or morphine was administered intravenously. Patients were referred to the ICU, where the following was assessed: extubation time, time to first analgesic request, number of analgesic and antiemetic drug doses within 36 h, numerical pain scale at 12, 24, and 36 h postoperatively, and occurrence of adverse effects. Results: Each group comprised 50 patients. Methadone showed 22% higher efficacy than morphine as it yielded a number-needed-to-treat score of 6 and number-needed-to-harm score of 16. The methadone group showed a mean score of 1.9 ± 2.2 according to the numerical pain scale at 24 h after surgery, whereas as the morphine group showed a mean score of 2.9 ± 2.6 (p = 0.029). The methadone group required less morphine (29%) than the morphine group (43%) (p = 0.002). However, the time to first analgesic request in the postoperative period was 145.9 ± 178.5 min in the methadone group, and 269.4 ± 252.9 in the morphine group (p = 0.005). Conclusions: Methadone was effective for analgesia in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting without extracorporeal circulation.
Resumo Justificativa e objetivos: A dor é fator agravante da morbidade e mortalidade pós-operatória. O objetivo foi comparar o efeito da metadona versus morfina quanto à dor e demanda de analgesia pós-operatória em pacientes submetidos à revascularização do miocárdio. Método: Ensaio clínico randomizado, duplo-cego, em paralelo. Pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio foram randomizados por blocos em dois grupos: Grupo Morfina (Gmo) e Grupo Metadona (Gme). No fim da cirurgia cardíaca, 0,1 mg.Kg−1 peso corrigido de metadona ou morfina foi administrado por via venosa. Os pacientes foram levados à UTI, onde foram avaliados o tempo até a extubação e a necessidade do primeiro analgésico, o número de doses necessárias de analgésicos e antieméticos em 36 horas, a escala numérica de dor em 12, 24 e 36 horas após a cirurgia e a ocorrência de efeitos adversos. Resultados: Foram incluídos 50 pacientes em cada grupo. A metadona apresentou eficácia 22% maior do que a morfina com Number Needed to Treat(NNT) de 6 e Number Needed to Harm(NNH) de 16. Gme apresentou média de dor pela escala numérica em 24 horas após o procedimento de 1,9 ± 2,2 em comparação com o Gmo, cuja média foi de 2,9 ± 2,6 (p= 0,029). O Gme necessitou de menos morfina de resgate 29% do que o grupo Gmo 43% (p= 0,002). Entretanto, o tempo até a necessidade de analgésico no pós-operatório foi de 145,9 ± 178,5 minutos no Grupo Gme e de 269,4 ± 252,9 no Gmo (p= 0,005). Conclusões: A metadona mostrou-se eficiente para a analgesia em cirurgias cardíacas de revascularização do miocárdio sem circulação extracorpórea.
Humans , Male , Female , Pain, Postoperative/drug therapy , Coronary Artery Bypass , Analgesia, Patient-Controlled , Pain Management/methods , Analgesics, Opioid/therapeutic use , Methadone/therapeutic use , Morphine/therapeutic use , Pain, Postoperative/diagnosis , Pain Measurement , Double-Blind Method , Middle AgedABSTRACT
Introducción: El dolor se define como una experiencia sensorial y emocional desagradable, relacionada con daño tisular actual o potencial. Según su mecanismo fisiopatológico, se clasifica en dolor nociceptivo, neuropático y mixto. Cuando su intensidad es de moderada a grave, se debe administrar un opioide potente, y la morfina es el fármaco de elección. Si resulta ineficaz o aparecen efectos adversos intolerables, se recomienda la rotación de opioide. Nuestro objetivo fue describir el tratamiento farmacológico del dolor mixto en los pacientes asistidos por el equipo de Cuidados Paliativos del Hospital General de Niños Pedro de Elizalde entre agosto de 2011 y septiembre de 2015. Se incluyeron 72 pacientes, con edad media de 10,1 años y la enfermedad de base más frecuente fue patología oncológica. El opioide de inicio fue morfina en 57 casos; 48 recibieron fármacos adyuvantes. La rotación de opioides ocurrió en la mitad de los casos y la más frecuente fue de morfina a metadona.
Pain is defined as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage. Depending on its pathophysiological mechanism, it may be classified into nociceptive, neuropathic, and mixed pain. If pain is moderate to severe, a strong opioid should be administered and, when this is the case, morphine is the drug of choice. If morphine is ineffective or causes intolerable adverse effects, opioid rotation is recommended. Our objective was to describe the drug management for mixed pain used in patients assisted by the Palliative Care team of Hospital General de Niños Pedro de Elizalde between August 2011 and September 2015. A total of 72 patients were included. Their mean age was 10.1 years, and the most common underlying disease was cancer. The initial opioid was morphine in 57 cases; 48 patients received adjuvant drugs. Opioid rotation was indicated in half of cases, and the most common switch was from morphine to methadone.
Humans , Child , Pain , Palliative Care , Child , Analgesics, Opioid , Methadone , MorphineABSTRACT
Introducción: el dolor crónico es una enfermedad con graves consecuencias para personas, médicos y sistemas de salud. Una de las estrategias de manejo es el uso prolongado de opioides, y dentro de los disponibles en Colombia se encuentra la metadona, con características farmacológicas únicas y asociación con aumento de mortalidad por sobredosis y complicaciones cardiovasculares. La adecuada prescripción y seguimiento de metadona se relaciona con complicaciones similares al manejo con otros opioides. Objetivo: describir los patrones de prescripción de metadona entre médicos colombianos especialistas en manejo de dolor y comparar estos patrones de prescripción con las recomendaciones mayormente aceptadas por la comunidad científica internacional. Materiales y métodos: se utilizó una encuesta electrónica estructurada aplicada entre médicos especialistas en dolor identificados a través de las principales agremiaciones y programas de formación nacionales. Resultados: los encuestados que respondieron son mayoritariamente experimentados anestesiólogos, con entrenamiento universitario clínico y que trabajan en hospitales universitarios. La mayoría de ellos percibe como efectivo el manejo a largo plazo con opioides para el control analgésico y la mejoría funcional, a pesar de la falta de respaldo empírico. La mayoría no aplica las herramientas recomendadas por guías de práctica clínica, aunque las conocen. Conclusiones: se debe mejorar la educación de prescriptores de metadona para mejorar la seguridad de los pacientes. Se infiere pobre aplicabilidad de herramientas recomendadas por guías de práctica clínica en el medio colombiano. Los resultados de la presente encuesta no son fácilmente generalizables.
Background: Chronic pain is a disease with serious consequences for people, physicians, and health care systems. Chronic opioid usage is one of this therapy strategy. Methadone is among the available opioids in Colombia and it is characterized by unique pharmacological properties and increased mortality reports because of overdose and cardiovascular complications. Appropriate monitoring and prescribing patterns of methadone are associated with complications similar to chronic management with other opioids. Aim: To describe methadone prescribing patterns among Colombian pain physicians and compare them to the accepted recommendations by the international scientific community. Materials and Methods: An electronic structured survey was applied to pain specialist physicians identified through major pain study associations and national training programs. Results: Respondents of the survey are mostly experienced university certified physicians and anesthesiologists with clinical training working at university hospitals. Most of them perceive chronic opioid therapy as an effective strategy for pain relief and functional outcomes despite the lack of empirical support. Most of them know clinical practice guidelines but are not applying them despite this matter. Conclusions: We must enhance education for prescribers in order to improve patient safety. The recommended clinical practice guidelines are poorly applied by Colombian doctors. The results of this study must be cautiously assessed.
Prescription Drugs/adverse effects , Chronic Pain/diagnosis , Analgesics, Opioid , Methadone/administration & dosageABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the association between three single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genes DRD2 (rs1800497, rs6275, and rs1799978) and the dosage used on methadone maintenance treatment (MMT). Methods: From the methadone maintenance treatment centers, 257 MMT patients were recruited to participate in a case-control study and divided into two groups-control groups under low dosage (n=89) and case (n=168) group with high dosage. Quanto software was used to estimate the sample size as 180. Information related to social-demographic status, history on drug use and medication were collected. And DRD2 SNPs were genotyped to explore the relationship between polymorphism of DRD2 gene and the dosage of methadone maintenance treatment. Results: Distributions of DRD2 rs6275 between different groups were significantly different. Patients carrying TC genotype needed lower dose of methadone when compared to the patients that carrying CC genotype counterparts (OR=0.338, 95% CI: 0.115-0.986). Patients that carrying C allele at rs6275 needed lower methadone dose than those that carrying genotype TT (OR=0.352, 95% CI: 0.127-0.975). Distributions of genotypes, alles in the other two SNPs (rs1800497, rs1799978) were not significantly different between groups under different dosages. Conclusion: DRD2 rs6275 was associated with dosage of methadone used for the MMT patients. However, no significant associations were found between rs1800497, rs1799978 and the dosage of methadone.
Humans , Alleles , Case-Control Studies , Drug Dosage Calculations , Genotype , Methadone/therapeutic use , Opiate Substitution Treatment , Opioid-Related Disorders/rehabilitation , Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide/genetics , Receptors, Dopamine D2/geneticsABSTRACT
Methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) greatly contributed to the successful outcomes of prevention and control on both AIDS and drug abuse in China. However, the features on drug abuse changed in the past decades, and the prevalence of new psychoactive substances abuse potentially somehow offset the achievement of MMT. This paper concised the information on research and surveys of this issue that targeting on the current situation, characteristics, related factors and relevant public health problem on new psychoactive substances abuse, among patients who have been on MMT, in China.
Adult , Female , Humans , Male , China/epidemiology , Methadone/therapeutic use , Opiate Substitution Treatment , Prevalence , Psychotropic Drugs/adverse effects , Substance Abuse Treatment Centers , Substance-Related Disorders/epidemiology , Surveys and QuestionnairesABSTRACT
Objective: To explore the reasons and factors associated with new psychoactive substances abuse among patients with access to methadone maintenance treatment (MMT). Methods: A well-developed questionnaire and urine tests were used to collect information about demographic characteristics, condition of MMT and drug abuse, family and social support of MMT clients. A 1∶1 matched case-control study was conducted, and conditional logistic regression model was used to identify factors associated with new psychoactive substances abuse. Results: A total of 212 (106 pairs) clients receiving MMT were recruited, and most of them were males (78.3%, 166/212), married or cohabitant (48.6%, 103/212) and unemployed (63.2%, 134/212). The average age of the clients was (45.1±7.2) years. The main types of abused new psychoactive substances were benzodiazepine (62.3%, 66/106) and methamphetamine (39.6%, 42/106). The proportion of abusing multi new psychoactive substances was 8.5% (9/106). Results from multivariate conditional logistic regression analysis indicated that using opioid drug during the past 6 months of MMT treatment might increase the risk of abusing new psychoactive substances (OR=3.25, 95%CI: 1.35-7.79), benzodiazepine (OR=3.25, 95%CI: 1.11- 9.47) and methamphetamine (OR=13.31, 95%CI: 1.12-158.01). Moreover, MMT for more than9 years reduced the risk of abuse of new psychoactive substances (OR=0.03, 95%CI: 0.01-0.21), benzodiazepine (OR=0.02, 95%CI: 0.00-0.36) and methamphetamine (OR=0.02, 95%CI: 0.00-0.69). Conclusion: Less new psychoactive substances abuse might be associated with longer duration of MMT treatment. And inappropriate support from family and friends might increase the risk of abusing new psychoactive substances in MMT clients, especially in clients who used opioid.