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Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 45(1): 16-22, jan.-abr. 2024. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553248


Os implantes dentários osseointegrados representam uma parte da reabilitação oral, sendo uma alternativa cada vez mais utilizada na Odontologia a fim de substituir dentes perdidos. À semelhança das doenças periodontais, o fator etiológico das doenças periimplantares é o acúmulo de biofilme ao redor dos implantes dentários. Esta patologia também é classificada de acordo com os tecidos acometidos por ela, em mucosite e periimplantite. Para um correto tratamento e sucesso na terapia periimplantar, o diagnóstico deve ser baseado na sua etiologia e, seu tratamento segue variando de acordo com cada caso e estágio da doença. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar o tratamento de um caso de periimplantite por meio da descontaminação da superfície do implante através de uma cirurgia de acesso. Paciente leucoderma, com 56 anos, sexo feminino, procurou atendimento no curso de graduação em Odontologia do centro Universitário da Serra Gaúcha ­ FSG, com queixa de sangramento/supuração, dor e edema na região dos dentes 15 e 16, reabilitados com implantes, e exposição de componentes protéticos. A paciente foi diagnosticada com periimplantite. O plano de tratamento proposto foi de promover a descontaminação da superfície do implante por meio de acesso cirúrgico. Com base no caso clínico apresentado, foi possível concluir que a técnica de tratamento utilizada foi eficaz para a resolução da periimplantite, no período de acompanhamento do estudo (90 dias), demonstrando melhora nos parâmetros clínicos e radiográficos(AU)

Osseointegrated dental implants represent a part of oral rehabilitation, being an increasingly used alternative in Dentistry in order to replace lost teeth. Similar to periodontal diseases, the etiological factor of peri-implant diseases is the accumulation of biofilm around dental implants. This pathology is also classified according to the tissues affected by it, in mucositis and peri-implantitis. For a correct treatment and success in peri-implant therapy, the diagnosis must be based on its etiology, and its treatment continues to vary according to each case and stage of the disease. The present work aims to report the treatment of a case of peri-implantitis through the decontamination of the implant surface through an access surgery. Caucasian female patient, 56 years old, sought care at the graduation course in Dentistry at Centro Universitário da Serra Gaúcha ­ FSG, complaining of bleeding/suppuration, pain and edema in the region of teeth 15 and 16, rehabilitated with implants, and exposure of prosthetic components. The patient was diagnosed with peri-implantitis. The proposed treatment plan was to promote decontamination of the implant surface through surgical access. Based on the presented clinical case, it was possible to conclude that the treatment technique used was effective for the resolution of periimplantitis, in the follow-up period of the study (90 days), demonstrating improvement in clinical and radiographic parameters(AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Decontamination , Peri-Implantitis/therapy , Dental Implantation , Dental Implantation, Endosseous , Dental Plaque , Microbiota
Odovtos (En línea) ; 26(1): 130-138, Jan.-Apr. 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1558624


Abstract The objective of this research was to identify bacteria present in the microbiota of dentinal carious lesions in primary molars of some Costa Rican pediatric patients. Data were collected from 15 children aged between 4 and 8 years old who attended the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic at the Faculty of Dentistry from the University of Costa Rica (UCR). The inclusion criteria were: infants between 4 and 8 years old who presented cavitated carious lesions in primary teeth, who were actively attended by students at the Faculty of Dentistry from the UCR, and whose parents or legal guardians signed the informed consent to participate in this research. Samples were taken using a sterile spoon, placed in storage vials, and subjected to various conventional and molecular microbial identification techniques, such as Gram stain identification, catalase tests, oxidase, TSI, API 20E, API STAPH, and VITEK 2. Of the 60 bacterial strains subjected to Gram staining, the following was obtained: 28 Gram-positive bacteria and 32 Gram-negative bacteria. The main isolated organisms were species of Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pasteurella pneumotropica/Mannheimia haemolytica, Pantoea spp, and Streptococcus mutans.

Resumen El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar las bacterias presentes en la microbiota de lesiones cariosas dentinales en molares primarias de pacientes pediátricos costarricenses. Las muestras fueron recolectadas de 15 niños entre los 4 y 8 años que fueron atendidos en la Clínica de Odontopediatría en la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR). Los criterios de inclusión fueron: pacientes entre los 4 y los 8 años de edad que presentaran lesiones cariosas cavitadas en dientes primarios, que se encuentraran activos para su atención por estudiantes de la Facultad de Odontología de la UCR, y que los padres o encargados legales firmaran el consentimiento informado para participar en esta investigación. Las muestras se tomaron utilizando una cuchareta estéril, colocándolas en viales de almacenamiento y fueron sometidas a diversas técnicas de identificación microbiana convencionales y moleculares tales como: identificación por Tinción de Gram, pruebas catalasa, oxidasa, TSI, API 20E, API STAPH y VITEK. De las 60 cepas bacterianas sometidas a tinción de Gram se obtuvo: 28 bacterias Gram Positivas y 32 bacterias Gram Negativas. Los principales organismos aislados fueron: especies de Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pasteurella pneumotropica/ Mannheimia haemolytica, Pantoea spp y Streptococcus mutans.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Bacteria/classification , Dental Caries/diagnosis , Microbiota , Tooth, Deciduous/microbiology , Costa Rica
J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 12(1): 1-9, jan.-dez. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554635


Objetivo: analisar o perfil de micro-organismos presentes e resistência destes aos antimicrobianos em uroculturas de pacientes transplantados renais no período de 2021-2022. Métodos: trata-se de um estudo transversal com análise quantitativa dos dados de uroculturas positivas de pacientes transplantados renais, acompanhados no Hospital Geral de Fortaleza entre janeiro de 2021 a dezembro de 2022. Foi empregado um instrumento de pesquisa elaborado, contendo variáveis classificatórias, e os dados foram obtidos por meio de registros das uroculturas existentes no sistema de prontuário eletrônico utilizado pelo hospital. Resultados: das 534 uroculturas solicitadas, 36,7% apresentaram resultado positivo, sendo 60,4% de mulheres com idades entre 20 e 59 anos. A maioria dos casos foram desenvolvidos por pacientes que receberam acompanhamento ambulatorial (56,2%). Os micro-organismos isolados foram, predominantemente, enterobactérias (81,34%), com prevalência de E.coli (69,30%). Os perfis de sensibilidade antimicrobiana variaram, com a resistência da E.coli a antibióticos como ampicilina, ácido nalidíxico, norfloxacino e ciprofloxacino. Conclusões: essas descobertas fornecem informações importantes sobre métodos clínicos específicos, métodos preventivos e melhorias na qualidade de vida dos transplantados renais.

Objective: to analyze the profile of microorganisms present and their resistance to antimicrobials in urocultures of renal transplant patients in 2021-2022. Methods: it is a cross-sectional study with quantitative data analysis from positive urocultures of renal transplant patients accompanied at the General Hospital of Fortaleza between January 2021 and December 2022. An elaborate research instrument containing classification variables was employed, and the data were obtained through records of the urocultures existing in the electronic checkbook system used by the hospital. Results: of the 534 urocultures requested, 36.7% showed a positive result, of which 60.4% were women aged between 20 and 59. Most cases were developed by patients who received outpatient follow-up (56.2%). The isolated microorganisms were predominantly enterobacteria (81.34%), with the prevalence of E.coli (69.30%). Antimicrobial sensitivity profiles varied, with E.coli resistance to antibiotics such as ampicillin, nalidixic acid, norfloxacin, and ciprofloxacin. Conclusion: these findings provide important information about specific clinical methods, preventive methods, and improvements in the quality of life of renal transplant patients.

Humans , Male , Female , Microbiota , Transplant Recipients , Anti-Infective Agents , Patients , Kidney
Chin. med. j ; Chin. med. j;(24): 162-171, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007632


BACKGROUND@#Links between alterations in gut microbiota composition and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) have previously been reported. This study aimed to examine the microbiota in the nasal cavity of ALS.@*METHODS@#Sixty-six ALS patients and 40 healthy caregivers who live in close proximity with patients were enrolled. High throughput metagenomic sequencing of the 16S ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid (rDNA) gene V3-V4 region of nasal microbiota was used to characterize the alpha and beta diversity and relative abundance of bacterial taxa, predict function, and conduct correlation analysis between specific taxa and clinical features.@*RESULTS@#The nasal microbiome of ALS patients showed lower alpha diversity than that of corresponding healthy family members. Genera Gaiella , Sphingomonas , Polaribacter _1, Lachnospiraceae _NK4A136_group, Klebsiella , and Alistipes were differentially enriched in ALS patients compared to controls. Nasal microbiota composition in ALS patients significantly differed from that in healthy subjects (unweighted UniFrac P = 0.001), while Linear discriminant analysis Effect Size (LEfSe) analysis indicated that Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes dominated healthy nasal communities at the phylum level, whereas Actinobacteria was the predominant phylum and Thermoleophilia was the predominant class in ALS patients. Genus Faecalibacterium and Alistipes were positively correlated with ALS functional rating scale revised (ALSFRS-R; rs = 0.349, P = 0.020 and rs = 0.393, P = 0.008), while Prevotella -9 and Bacteroides operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were positively associated with lung function (FVC) in ALS patients ( rs = 0.304, P = 0.045, and rs = 0.300, P = 0.048, respectively). Prevotella -1 was positively correlated with white blood cell counts (WBC, rs = 0.347, P = 0.021), neutrophil percentage (Neu%, rs = 0.428, P = 0.004), and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR, rs = 0.411, P = 0.006), but negatively correlated with lymphocyte percentage (Lym%, rs = -0.408, P = 0.006). In contrast, Streptococcus was negatively associated with Neu% ( rs = -0.445, P = 0.003) and NLR ( rs = -0.436, P = 0.003), while positively associated with Lym% ( rs = 0.437, P = 0.003). No significant differences in nasal microbiota richness and evenness were detected among the severe and mild ALS patients.@*CONCLUSIONS@#ALS is accompanied by altered nasal microbial community composition and diversity. The findings presented here highlight the need to understand how dysbiosis of nasal microbiota may contribute to the development of ALS.

Humans , Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis/microbiology , Feces/microbiology , Microbiota/genetics , Gastrointestinal Microbiome/genetics , Bacteria/genetics , RNA, Ribosomal, 16S/genetics
Chin. med. j ; Chin. med. j;(24): 8-20, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007730


The intestine harbors a large population of microorganisms that interact with epithelial cells to maintain host healthy physiological status. These intestinal microbiota engage in the fermentation of non-digestible nutrients and produce beneficial metabolites to regulate host homeostasis, metabolism, and immune response. The disruption of microbiota, known as dysbiosis, has been implicated in many intestinal diseases, including colorectal cancer (CRC). As the third most common cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide, CRC poses a significant health burden. There is an urgent need for novel interventions to reduce CRC incidence and improve clinical outcomes. Modulating the intestinal microbiota has emerged as a promising approach for CRC prevention and treatment. Current research efforts in CRC probiotics primarily focus on reducing the incidence of CRC, alleviating treatment-related side effects, and potentiating the efficacy of anticancer therapy, which is the key to successful translation to clinical practice. This paper aims to review the traditional probiotics and new interventions, such as next-generation probiotics and postbiotics, in the context of CRC. The underlying mechanisms of probiotic anti-cancer effects are also discussed, including the restoration of microbial composition, reinforcement of gut barrier integrity, induction of cancer cell apoptosis, inactivation of carcinogens, and modulation of host immune response. This paper further evaluates the novel strategy of probiotics as an adjuvant therapy in boosting the efficacy of chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Despite all the promising findings presented in studies, the evaluation of potential risks, optimization of delivery methods, and consideration of intra-patient variability of gut microbial baseline must be thoroughly interpreted before bench-to-bedside translation.

Humans , Colorectal Neoplasms/drug therapy , Combined Modality Therapy , Gastrointestinal Microbiome/physiology , Microbiota , Probiotics/therapeutic use
Zhongguo fei'ai zazhi (Online) ; Zhongguo fei'ai zazhi (Online);(12): 950-956, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010103


Due to the advancement of 16S rRNA sequencing technology, the lower respiratory tract microbiota, which was considered non-existent, has been revealed. The correlation between these microorganisms and diseases such as tumor has been a hot topic in recent years. As the bacteria in the surrounding can infiltrate the tumors, researchers have also begun to pay attention to the biological behavior of tumor bacteria and their interaction with tumors. In this review, we present the characteristic of the lower respiratory tract bacteria and summarize recent research findings on the relationship between these microbiota and lung cancer. On top of that, we also summarize the basic feature of bacteria in tumors and focus on the characteristic of the bacteria in lung cancer. The relationship between bacteria in lung cancer and tumor development is also been discussed. Finally, we review the potential clinical applications of bacterial communities in the lower respiratory tract and lung cancer, and summarize key points of sample collection, sequencing, and contamination control, hoping to provide new ideas for the screening and treatment of tumors.

Humans , Lung Neoplasms , RNA, Ribosomal, 16S/genetics , Bacteria/genetics , Microbiota , Respiratory System , Lung/microbiology
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010714


The reduction of nitrate to nitrite by the oral microbiota has been proposed to be important for oral health and results in nitric oxide formation that can improve cardiometabolic conditions. Studies of bacterial composition in subgingival plaque suggest that nitrate-reducing bacteria are associated with periodontal health, but the impact of periodontitis on nitrate-reducing capacity (NRC) and, therefore, nitric oxide availability has not been evaluated. The current study aimed to evaluate how periodontitis affects the NRC of the oral microbiota. First, 16S rRNA sequencing data from five different countries were analyzed, revealing that nitrate-reducing bacteria were significantly lower in subgingival plaque of periodontitis patients compared with healthy individuals (P < 0.05 in all five datasets with n = 20-82 samples per dataset). Secondly, subgingival plaque, saliva, and plasma samples were obtained from 42 periodontitis patients before and after periodontal treatment. The oral NRC was determined in vitro by incubating saliva with 8 mmol/L nitrate (a concentration found in saliva after nitrate-rich vegetable intake) and compared with the NRC of 15 healthy individuals. Salivary NRC was found to be diminished in periodontal patients before treatment (P < 0.05) but recovered to healthy levels 90 days post-treatment. Additionally, the subgingival levels of nitrate-reducing bacteria increased after treatment and correlated negatively with periodontitis-associated bacteria (P < 0.01). No significant effect of periodontal treatment on the baseline saliva and plasma nitrate and nitrite levels was found, indicating that differences in the NRC may only be revealed after nitrate intake. Our results suggest that an impaired NRC in periodontitis could limit dietary nitrate-derived nitric oxide levels, and the effect on systemic health should be explored in future studies.

Humans , Nitrates , Nitric Oxide , Nitrites , RNA, Ribosomal, 16S/genetics , Periodontitis/microbiology , Bacteria , Dental Plaque/microbiology , Saliva/microbiology , Microbiota/genetics
Rev. chil. endocrinol. diabetes ; 17(2): 51-55, 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553723


La diabetes tipo 1 (DM1) es una enfermedad autoinmune en la cual se genera destrucción de las células ß pancreáticas por acción del sistema inmune. En las últimas tres décadas se ha producido un importante aumento de la incidencia de la enfermedad, fenómeno que no puede ser explicado sólo a través de la susceptibilidad genética. Durante el último tiempo se ha planteado que diversos estímulos ambientales podrían gatillar este aumento en la incidencia, a través de alteraciones epigenéticas. Además se ha observado una disminución en la abundancia de bacterias productoras de butirato en niños con DM1. El butirato es un ácido graso de cadena corta que tiene efectos anti-inflamatorios y se ha propuesto un rol en la modulación epigenética. Por otra parte, la vitamina D también ejerce roles inmunomoduladores y anti-inflamatorios se ha descrito universalmente su deficiencia en DM1. Esta revisión analiza la posible relación entre microbiota y vitamina D como potenciales blancos terapéuticos en DM1.

Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease in which pancreatic ß-cells are destroyed by the immune system. In the last three decades there has been a significant increase in the incidence of the disease, a phenomenon that cannot be explained by genetic susceptibility alone. Recently, it has been suggested that various environmental stimuli could trigger this increase in incidence by generating epigenetic alterations. At the same time, a decrease in butyrate-producing bacteria has been observed in children with T1D. Butyrate has anti-inflammatory effects and it has been observed that it may play a role in epigenetic modulation. Vitamin D also exerts immuno-modulatory and anti-inflammatory roles and its deficiency has been universally described in T1D. This review examines the possible relationship between microbiota and vitamin D as potential therapeutic targets in T1D.

Humans , Vitamin D , Epigenesis, Genetic , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1 , Microbiota , Butyrates
Braz. j. oral sci ; 23: e246163, 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1579359


Glucanohydrolases have shown promise in degrading exopolysaccharides in cariogenic biofilms, making them a potential strategy for biofilm control without disrupting the oral microbiota. However, their direct antimicrobial effects remain unclear. Aim: To determine the antimicrobial activity on S. mutans of two newly discovered glucanases characterized by our group, PmGH87 (mutanase) from Prevotella melaninogenica and CoGH66 (dextranase) from Capnocytophaga ochracea, using a commercial dextranase from Penicillum sp. as a control. Methods: Their effects on growth were assessed using a luciferase reporter system coupled with the promoter of the ldh gene in Streptococcus mutans. Results: Quantification of optical density and luminescence over a 10-hour growth period revealed that the commercial dextranase exhibited inhibitory effects on S. mutans growth. However, these effects were neutralized by heat treatment, suggesting the presence of a heat-sensitive contaminant or an additional antimicrobial property associated with the commercial dextranase from Penicillum sp. On the other hand, the purified mutanase and dextranase enzymes had no inhibitory effect on S. mutans growth. Conclusion: In conclusion, the absence of inhibitory effects on S. mutans growth by the newly discovered enzymes emphasizes their potential for biofilm control while preserving the delicate balance of the oral microbiota and preventing the emergence of resistance

Streptococcus mutans , Biofilms , Dextranase , Microbiota , Anti-Infective Agents
Salud(i)ciencia (Impresa) ; 26(1): 18-25, 2024. im.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1579898


Parkinson's disease is caused by the death process of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, pars compacta of the brain. Although its etiology is unknown, the finding of Lewy bodies, formed by alpha-synuclein, in the intestine suggests a source of microbial production that travels to the central nervous system, mainly through the pneumogastric nerve. To understand how the microbiota-gut-brain axis works and influences a healthy person or person with Parkinson's disease, a systematic review of scientific articles from the last five years was carried out in the Scopus database. It has been shown that the signaling network that regulates the microbiota-gut-brain axis in a bidirectional communication network is present during the neurodevelopment of the individual and at the onset of Parkinson's disease, therefore, the microbiota represents the entry point of internal factors that disrupt communication and neurological dysfunction. As the diversity of the microbiota changes at various stages of the individual's development for multiple reasons, such as diet, hygiene patterns, interaction with animals and parasites, and medication, among other factors; it is necessary to know the state of the current microbiota, understand its function in the enteric nervous system and its influence on the central nervous system, especially if it is the etiopathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases. The discovery of diagnostic biomarkers and neuroprotective therapies holds the promise of significantly improving the quality of life for individuals with Parkinson's disease.

La enfermedad de Parkinson es producida por un proceso de muerte de neuronas dopaminérgicas en la sustancia negra, pars compacta del cerebro. Aunque su etiología es desconocida, el hallazgo de cuerpos de Lewy, constituidos por alfa sinucleína, en el intestino sugiere una fuente de producción microbiana que viaja hasta el sistema nervioso central, principalmente a través del nervio vago. Para comprender cómo funciona el eje microbiota-intestino-cerebro e influye en una persona sana o con enfermedad de Parkinson, se realizó una revisión sistemática de artículos científicos de los últimos cinco años en la base de datos Scopus. Se ha demostrado que la red de señalización que regula el eje microbiota-intestino-cerebro en una comunicación bidireccional está presente durante el neurodesarrollo del individuo y en el inicio de la enfermedad de Parkinson, por lo tanto, la microbiota representa la vía de entrada de factores internos que generan la desregulación de la comunicación y una disfunción neurológica. Como la diversidad de la microbiota cambia en diversas etapas del desarrollo del individuo por múltiples razones, como hábitos alimentarios, patrones de higiene, interacción con animales y parásitos, medicación, entre otros; es necesario conocer el estado de la microbiota actual, comprender cuál es su función en el sistema nervioso entérico e influencia en el sistema nervioso central, sobre todo si se trata de la etiopatogenia de enfermedades neurodegenerativas. El descubrimiento de biomarcadores de diagnóstico y una terapia neuroprotectora ayudará a mejorar la calidad de vida de personas con enfermedad de Parkinson.

Neurology , Parkinson Disease , Vagus Nerve , Microbiota , Brain-Gut Axis
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 60: e23664, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533992


Abstract For places where non-sterile drug production occurs, regulatory bodies recommend monitoring of the environmental bioburden. This procedure provides information regarding possible microbiological risks to which the products may be exposed, so that subsequent action measures may be implemented. The aim of the present work was to quantify and characterize the microorganisms present in Grade D (ISO 8) cleanrooms of a Brazilian pharmaceutical industry, identifying any possible seasonal climatic influences on these environments. Sampling was performed by surface and air monitoring, over 12 months during the year 2019, in rooms that were in operation. For both sampling methods, no statistically significant differences in bacteria and fungi counts were found between months or seasonal periods. Microorganisms that presented higher incidence included Staphylococcus epidermidis (15%) and Micrococcus spp. (13%), common to the human microbiota, and the fungi Cladosporium sp. (23%) and Penicillium sp. (21%), typical of the external environment. The results showed that microbial contamination in the Grade D cleanrooms was within the permissible maximum levels and remained similar throughout the year. Microbiological quality control in the clean areas of the pharmaceutical industry investigated was considered effective, with regular maintenance being necessary to keep bioburden levels controlled.

Bacteria/classification , Environmental Monitoring/instrumentation , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Drug Industry/instrumentation , Environmental Pollution/prevention & control , Microbiota/immunology , Fungi/classification
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 60: e23272, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533988


Abstract The last decade provided significant advances in the understanding of microbiota and its role in human health. Probiotics are live microorganisms with proven benefits for the host and were mostly studied in the context of gut health, but they can also confer significant benefits for oral health, mainly in the treatment of gingivitis. Postbiotics are cell-free extracts and metabolites of microorganisms which can provide additional preventive and therapeutic value for human health. This opens opportunities for new preventive or therapeutic formulations for oral administration. The microorganisms that colonize the oral cavity, their role in oral health and disease, as well as the probiotics and postbiotics which could have beneficial effects in this complex environment were discussed. The aim of this study was to review, analyse and discuss novel probiotic and postbiotic formulations intended for oral administration that could be of great preventive and therapeutic importance. A special attention has been put on the formulation of the pharmaceutical dosage forms that are expected to provide new benefits for the patients and technological advantages relevant for industry. An adequate dosage form could significantly enhance the efficiency of these products.

Oral Health/classification , Probiotics/analysis , Microbiota/immunology , Pharmaceutical Preparations/administration & dosage , Ligilactobacillus salivarius/classification , Mouth/injuries
Braz. j. oral sci ; 23: e244720, 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1580666


Normal wound healing occurs in four overlapping stages - hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling. In the oral cavity, these processes occur in an infectious environment. Among the pathogens found in the oral community, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) constitutes a well-recognized periodontal pathogen responsible for expressing several virulence factors, which activate a host response. Aim: This study investigated whether Aa's presence can interfere with oral keratinocyte tissue healing in an in vitro wound healing model. Methods: Two groups were defined: Group KO (n=5) and Group KO+Aa (n=5). The Aa (JP2 strains) were cultivated in anaerobiosis, and the total protein extract was obtained. The keratinocytes were cultivated with the medium of standard culture until their confluence. After confluence, plates were allocated to each group. With the pipette's tip, a "scratch" was made in the middle of each well of the plate, and the cells were cultured at 37°C in a humidified atmosphere with 5% CO2. The cells received the stimulus according to groups, and, at times 0, 5, 10, 24, and 48 hours, the wound areas were visualized and standardly recorded using an inverted microscope. Results: When analyzing the timeframe, differences in wound measurements indicate a faster closure in the control group compared to the KO+Aa group, although not statistically significant. However, upon examining the wound closure measures, it was observed that the Aa protein extract significantly reduced wound closure at 10 and 48 hours (p<0.05), negatively impacting the keratinocyte's behavior. Conclusion: In summary, it was demonstrated that the pathogen Aa can interfere with the re-epithelization in vitro.

Wound Healing , Wounds and Injuries , Keratinocytes , Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans , Microbiota , Mouth
Prensa méd. argent ; Prensa méd. argent;109(5): 182-192, 20230000.
Article in English | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1523555


Las biopsias en el campo de la ortopedia se utilizan para guiar las opciones de diagnóstico y tratamiento para el proceso de la enfermedad que puede estar ocurriendo. La preparación de la piel de estas biopsias sigue la preparación estándar para un procedimiento quirúrgico, con el objetivo de disminuir la cantidad de microbiota que podría conducir a la contaminación del tejido de la biopsia e incluso a una posible infección. El tejido obtenido de la biopsia a menudo se somete a un studio histopatológico y cultivo. La tasa de contaminación bacteriana informada es aproximadamente inferior al 4%. Esta revisión cuestiona si las muestras de las biopsias se contaminan con la microbiota que permanece en la piel y cómo puede afectar el manejo. Además, qué técnicas o pasos pueden disminuir la tasa de contaminación al realizar una biopsia. Nuestra revisión bibliográfica identificó pocos estudios sobre la contaminación bacteriana de las biopsias. Identificamos diferentes factores implicados en el conocimiento de la microbiota de la piel: técnicas y soluciones de preparación de la piel, variación de la microbiota típica que coloniza la piel según la región anatómica, retención preoperatoria versus administración profiláctica de antibióticos y uso de diferentes hojas de bisturí para la piel superficial y para tejidos profundos, entre otros. Aunque no pudimos identificar ningún dato que proporcionara respuestas a nuestra pregunta original y cuantificar cada factor individualmente, la mayoría de los estudios en diferentes campos ortopédicos proporcionaron hallazgos significativos hasta cierto punto. Describimos algunas recomendaciones prácticas basadas en el consenso y la efectividad teórica para disminuir la tasa de contaminación. Se necesitan más investigaciones en el campo de la ortopedia que impliquen la contaminación por microbiota de la piel de una biopsia

Biopsies in the field of orthopaedics are used to guide diagnostics and treatment options for the disease process that may be occurring such as a tumor or infection. Skin preparation of these biopsies follows the standard skin preparation for a surgical procedure, with the aim to decrease the amount of microbiota that could lead to contamination of the tissue biopsy and even possible infection. The tissue obtained from the biopsy often undergoes pathology and culture. The reported bacterial contamination rate is roughly below 4%. This review questions how samples from the biopsies are getting contaminated by microbiota that remains on the skin and how it affects infection management. In addition, which techniques or steps can decrease the rate of contamination when performing a biopsy. Our review identified little to no data on investigating bacterial contamination of biopsies. In doing this, the review identified different factors implicated in skin microbiota awareness: skin preparation techniques and solutions, variation of typical microbiota that colonize the skin based on the anatomical region, preoperative withholding versus administrating antibiotics prophylactically and using different scalpel blades for superficial and deep incisions, among others. Although we failed to identify any data that provided answers to our original question and quantify each factor individually, most studies in different orthopaedic fields provided significant findings to some extent. We outline some practical recommendations based on consensus and theoretical effectiveness in decreasing the contamination rate. Further research entailing skin microbiota contamination of a biopsy is needed in the field of orthopaedics.

Humans , Male , Female , Orthopedics , Bacterial Infections/prevention & control , Antisepsis/methods , Microbiota/immunology , Biopsy
Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 27(3)sept. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514483


Introducción: el estado de salud de los tejidos periimplantarios es de vital importancia en el éxito de la rehabilitación implantosoportada, por esta razón, es necesario observar todos aquellos factores que contribuyen a mantener este estado y dentro de ellos, principalmente: la higiene bucal. Objetivo: determinar la influencia de la higiene bucal en el estado de salud de los tejidos periimplantarios. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional y transversal en el servicio de Prótesis de la Facultad de Estomatología de Villa Clara, en el período comprendido entre los años 2017 y 2019. El universo de estudio estuvo constituido por 45 pacientes portadores de rehabilitaciones implantosoportadas; las unidades de análisis fueron los implantes y los tejidos que rodean a las 85 prótesis fijas realizadas a dichos pacientes que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Se emplearon la observación clínica y radiográfica, y se elaboró un formulario como instrumento. Se evaluó la higiene bucal y el estado de los tejidos periimplantarios como principales variables. La información obtenida se recopiló en una base de datos, se procesó y se sometió a pruebas de independencia (el estadígrafo Ji cuadrado y su posibilidad asociada) para mostrar la relación entre las variables. Resultados: las variables analizadas evidenciaron una relación significativa de la higiene bucal con el estado de salud de los tejidos periimplantarios a favor de la buena higiene y los tejidos sanos. Conclusiones: la buena higiene bucal evidenciada contribuyó a que los tejidos periimplantarios se mantuvieran sanos.

Introduction: peri-implant tissue health state is of vital importance in the success of implant-supported rehabilitation; for this reason, it is necessary to observe all those factors that contribute to maintaining this state, mainly oral hygiene. Objective: to determine the influence of oral hygiene on peri-implant tissue health status. Methods: a descriptive, observational and cross-sectional study was carried out in the Prosthesis service at the Dental Faculty of Villa Clara between 2017 and 2019. The universe of study consisted of 45 patients with implant-supported rehabilitations; the units of analysis were the implants and the tissues surrounding the 85 fixed prostheses performed on those patients who met the inclusion criteria. Clinical and radiographic observations were used, and a form was developed as an instrument. Oral hygiene and peri-implant tissue state were evaluated as the main variables. The information obtained was compiled in a database as well as processed and subjected to independence tests (the Chi-square statistic and its associated possibility) to show the relationship among the variables. Results: the analyzed variables showed a significant relationship between oral hygiene and the peri-implant tissue health status in favour of good hygiene and healthy tissues. Conclusions: the evidenced good oral hygiene contributed to the maintenance of healthy peri-implant tissues.

Rehabilitation , Dental Implants , Biofilms , Microbiota
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 44(2): 38-45, maio-ago. 2023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1428055


É sabido que a cavidade oral é a porta de entrada para muitos microrganismos e que possui alguns gêneros de bactérias que quando se associam ou proliferam em excesso, com a falta de higienização correta, fatores ambientais e imunológicos podem causar danos em algumas partes dos dentes como no tecido pulpar e canais radiculares. Neste sentido, a endodontia tem sido capaz de tratar pessoas com problemas dentários em fases muito precoces como as medidas profiláticas até casos infeciosos que afetam a polpa dos dentes causando as lesões perirradiculares que são infecções causadas por microrganismos, Para tanto, é necessário que a odontologia ofereça transformações positivas por meio de técnicas que sejam mais previsíveis para os tratamentos. A literatura tem indicado o uso da laserterapia como técnica auxiliar para o tratamento endodôntico pelo seu potencial mínimo invasivo, preciso e eficaz em menor tempo de cura de patologias orais como as lesões perirradiculares. Este estudo pretendeu abordar a importância da laserterapia sobre as variáveis patológicas de pacientes com lesão perirradiculares. Para realiza-lo foi necessário buscar na literatura estudos que associem este tipo de tratamento e sua eficiência no tratamento desta patologia. Para realizar esta pesquisa foi necessário buscar dados na literatura que tratam sobre o tema para investigar o tempo indicado ao tratamento com a laserterapia bem como o estágio em que as lesões podem ser tratadas com auxílio deste método. Corroborando com o estudo apresentamos um caso clínico(AU)

It is known that the oral cavity is the gateway to many microorganisms and that it has some genera of bacteria that when they associate or proliferate in excess, with the lack of correct hygiene, environmental and immunological factors can cause damage in some parts of the teeth such as in pulp tissue and root canals. In this sense, endodontics has been able to treat people with dental problems at very early stages such as prophylactic measures to infectious cases that affect the pulp of teeth causing perirradicular lesions that are infections caused by microorganisms, therefore, it is necessary that dentistry offer positive transformations through techniques that are more predictable for treatments. The literature has indicated the use of laser therapy as an auxiliary technique for endodontic treatment for its minimal invasive, precise and effective potential in shorter time of cure of oral pathologies such as perirradicular lesions. This study aimed to address the importance of laser therapy on the pathological variables of patients with perirradicular lesions. To accomplish this, it was necessary to seek studies in the literature that associate this type of treatment and its efficiency in the treatment of this pathology. To carry out this research it was necessary to seek data in the literature that deal with the subject to investigate the time indicated for treatment with laser therapy as well as the stage at which lesions can be treated with the aid of this method. Corroborating the study, we present a clinical case(AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Root Canal Therapy , Laser Therapy , Root Canal Filling Materials , Root Canal Preparation , Dental Pulp Cavity/injuries , Dental Pulp Diseases , Microbiota , Mouth/microbiology
Med. U.P.B ; 42(1): 49-56, ene.-jun. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1416179


Los alimentos de origen animal como la carne de pollo, res, pescado y cerdo poseen una amplia demanda en todo el mundo debido, entre otros aspectos, a su valor nutricional, asociado al alto contenido proteico. No obstante, este tipo de proteínas son susceptibles de sufrir reacciones de oxidación, las cuales pueden mediar procesos de fragmentación, agregación, pérdida de solubilidad, funcionalidad y digestibilidad proteica; eventos implicados en la pérdida de su valor nutricional. En este sentido, las proteínas agrega­das tienden a no ser digeridas en el tracto gastrointestinal y acumularse en el intestino (colon), donde la microbiota colónica las degrada a productos mutagénicos como fenol y p-cresol, lo que incrementa el riesgo de cáncer colorrectal. Por otra parte, los ami­noácidos o péptidos oxidados liberados en la digestión podrían incorporarse en las vías de señalización celular intestinal y favorecer o exacerbar procesos intestinales crónicos como colon irritable o enfermedad de Crohn. Debido al gran interés de esta temática en los últimos años, el objetivo de esta revisión es realizar una descripción general del impacto de proteínas oxidadas de origen animal sobre la salud intestinal.

Animal foods such as chicken, beef, fish and pork are in wide demand throughout the world due, among other things, to their nutritional value, associated with their high protein content. However, this type of protein is susceptible to oxidation reactions, which can mediate processes of fragmentation, aggregation, loss of solubility, functionality, and protein digestibility, which are events involved in the loss of their nutritional value. In this sense, aggregated proteins tend not to be digested in the gastrointestinal tract and accumulate in the intestine (colon), where the colonic microbiota degrades them into mutagenic products such as phenol and p-cresol, which increases the risk of colorectal cancer. On the other hand, the oxidized amino acids or peptides released in digestion could be incorporated into intestinal cell signaling pathways and favor or exacerbate chronic intestinal processes such as irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn's disease. Due to the great interest in this topic in recent years, the objective of this review is to provide a general overview of the impact of oxidized proteins of animal origin on intestinal health.

Alimentos de origem animal como frango, carne bovina, peixe e carne suína são muito procurados em todo o mundo devido, entre outros fatores, ao seu valor nutricional, associado ao seu alto teor de proteínas. No entanto, esse tipo de proteína é suscetível a reações de oxidação, que podem mediar processos de fragmentação, agregação, perda de solubilidade, funcionalidade e digestibilidade da proteína; eventos envolvidos na perda de seu valor nutritivo. Nesse sentido, as proteínas agregadas tendem a não ser digeridas no trato gastrointestinal e se acumulam no intestino (cólon), onde a microbiota colônica as degrada em produtos mutagênicos como fenol e p - cresol, aumentando o risco de câncer colorretal. Por outro lado, os aminoácidos ou peptídeos oxidados liberados na digestão poderiam ser incorporados às vias de sinalização das células intestinais e favorecer ou exacerbar processos intestinais crônicos, como a síndrome do intestino irritável ou a doença de Crohn. Devido ao grande interesse neste tema nos últimos anos, o objetivo desta revisão é fornecer uma descrição geral do impacto das proteínas oxidadas de origem animal na saúde intestinal.

Humans , Animals , Food , Colorectal Neoplasms , Proteins , Colon , Phenol , Digestion , Foods of Animal Origin , Microbiota , Red Meat
Med. lab ; 27(1): 65-79, 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435391


La hipertensión arterial esencial es una patología de alta prevalencia a nivel mundial, y uno de los determinantes más significativos para enfermedad cardiovascular. Por otra parte, se ha generado un gran interés por la microbiota del cuerpo, y la forma en que se ve alterada por factores tanto internos como externos, ocasionando disbiosis. En la actualidad se viene estudiando el efecto de la microbiota en diferentes enfermedades, entre ellas, la relación entre la microbiota y la hipertensión. En este artículo se hizo una revisión de la literatura, entre 2010 a 2021, con el objetivo de identificar la evidencia científica que sustenta la relación entre la composición de la microbiota y la hipertensión arterial esencial. Se encontró en muchos estudios que los hipertensos tenían una diversidad menor de la microbiota, en comparación con los grupos de control sanos. En los hipertensos se encontraron principalmente bacterias del género Prevotella y en el grupo control predominaba el género Bacteroidetes. Adicionalmente, se observó una disminución de Faecalibacterium, Roseburia y Bifidobacterium en el grupo de hipertensos. Existen varias técnicas de laboratorio para el reconocimiento de la población bacteriana del intestino, tales como la secuenciación de la subunidad de ARNr 16S, la secuenciación del genoma completo y la metagenómica de la microbiota. A pesar de que los estudios realizados sobre la relación microbiota e hipertensión concluyen que existe una relación significativa entre ambas, es necesario hacer más investigaciones en diferentes grupos poblacionales

Essential arterial hypertension is a highly prevalent pathology worldwide and is one of the most significant determinants of cardiovascular disease. On the other hand, great interest has been generated in the microbiota of the body, and how it is altered by both internal and external factors, causing dysbiosis. Currently, the effect of the microbiota in different diseases is being studied, including the relationship between the microbiota and hypertension. In this article, a review of the literature was made, between 2010 and 2021, with the objective of identifying the scientific evidence that supports the relationship between the composition of the microbiota and essential arterial hypertension. It was found in many studies that individuals with high blood pressure had lower microbiota diversity compared to healthy control groups. In hypertensive patients, bacteria of the genus Prevotella were mainly found, while in the control group the genus Bacteroidetes predominated. Additionally, a decrease in Faecalibacterium, Roseburia and Bifidobacterium was observed in the hypertensive group. There are several laboratory techniques for the analysis of the intestinal bacterial population, such as 16S rRNA subunit sequencing, whole genome sequencing, and microbiota metagenomics. Despite the fact that the studies conclude that there is a significant relationship between microbiota and hypertension, it is necessary to do more research in different population groups

Humans , Essential Hypertension , Humans , Epidemiology , Risk Factors , Probiotics , Prebiotics , Microbiota , Inflammation
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-12, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468876


Organo-mineral fertilizers supplemented with biological additives are an alternative to chemical fertilizers. In this study, thermoresistant microorganisms from composting mass were isolated by two-step procedures. First, samples taken at different time points and temperatures (33 days at 52 ºC, 60 days at 63 ºC, and over 365 days at 26 ºC) were pre-incubated at 80 oC for 30 minutes. Second, the microbial selection by in vitro culture-based methods and heat shock at 60 oC and 100 oC for 2h and 4h. Forty-one isolates were able to grow at 60 °C for 4h; twenty-seven at 100 °C for 2h, and two at 100 °C for 4h. The molecular identification by partial sequencing of the 16S ribosomal gene using universal primers revealed that thirty-five isolates were from eight Bacillus species, one Brevibacillus borstelensis, three Streptomyces thermogriseus, and two fungi (Thermomyces lanuginosus and T. dupontii). Data from amylase, phytase, and cellulase activity assays and the enzymatic index (EI) showed that 38 of 41 thermo-resistant isolates produce at least one enzyme. For amylase activity, the highest EI value was observed in Bacillus licheniformis (isolate 21C2, EI= 4.11), followed by Brevibacillus borstelensis (isolate 6C2, EI= 3.66), Bacillus cereus (isolate 18C2, EI= 3.52), and Bacillus paralicheniformis (isolate 20C2, EI= 3.34). For phytase, the highest EI values were observed for Bacillus cereus (isolate 18C2, EI= 2.30) and Bacillus licheniformis (isolate 3C1, EI= 2.15). Concerning cellulose production, B. altitudinis (isolate 6C1) was the most efficient (EI= 6.40), followed by three Bacillus subtilis (isolates 9C1, 16C2, and 19C2) with EI values of 5.66, 5.84, and 5.88, respectively, and one B. pumilus (isolate 27C2, EI= 5.78). The selected microorganisms are potentially useful as a biological additive in organo-mineral fertilizers and other biotechnological processes.

Os fertilizantes organo-minerais suplementados com aditivos biológicos são uma alternativa aos adubos químicos. Neste estudo, microrganismos termoresistentes foram isolados de compostagem por procedimentos de duas etapas. Inicialmente, as amostras tomadas em diferentes períodos e temperaturas (33 dias a 52 ºC, 60 dias a 63 ºC e mais de 365 dias a 26 ºC) foram pré-incubadas a 80 oC por 30 minutos. Posteriormente, a seleção microbiana foi conduzida por métodos baseados em cultura in vitro e choque térmico a 60 oC e 100 oC por 2h e 4h. Quarenta e um isolados foram capazes de crescer a 60 °C por 4h; vinte e sete a 100 °C por 2h e dois a 100 °C por 4h. A identificação molecular por sequenciamento parcial do gene ribossomal 16S usando primers universais revelou que trinta e cinco isolados eram de oito espécies de Bacillus, um Brevibacillus borstelensis, três Streptomyces thermogriseus e dois fungos (Thermomyces lanuginosus e T. dupontii). Os dados dos ensaios de atividade de amilase, fitase e celulase e o índice enzimático (IE) mostraram que 38 dos 41 isolados termorresistentes produziram pelo menos uma enzima. Para a atividade da amilase, o maior valor de IE foi observado em Bacillus licheniformis (isolado 21C2, IE = 4,11), seguido por Brevibacillus borstelensis (isolado 6C2, IE = 3,66), Bacillus cereus (isolado 18C2, IE = 3,52) e Bacillus paralicheniformis (isolado 20C2, IE = 3,34). Para a fitase, os maiores valores de IE foram observados para B. cereus (isolado 18C2, IE = 2,30) e B. licheniformis (isolado 3C1, IE = 2,15). Em relação à produção de celulose, B. altitudinis (isolado 6C1) foi o mais eficiente (IE = 6,40), seguido por três Bacillus subtilis (isolados 9C1, 16C2 e 19C2) com valores de IE de 5,66, 5,84 e 5,88, respectivamente, e um B. pumilus (isolado 27C2, IE = 5,78). Pode-se inferir que os microrganismos selecionados são potencialmente úteis como aditivos biológicos em fertilizantes organo-minerais e outros processos biotecnológicos.

Bacillus , Brevibacillus/enzymology , Organic Chemicals , Fungi/enzymology , Microbiota/genetics , /ultrastructure , Streptomyces/enzymology
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-9, 2023. map, ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468908


Isla Arena is located in the coordinate 20° 70´ N - 90° 45´ W, from Campeche, Mexico. In these estuaries, the ocean mixes with fresh water, and ecosystems are concentrated where petenes and pink flamingos proliferate. Crustaceans and mollusks abound in the sea. Despite its enormous marine wealth, there are no studies carried out on which halophilic microorganisms are present in these waters. In this work, the diversity and structure of the microbial community was investigated through a metagenomics approach and corroborated for sequencing of 16S rRNA genes. It was found that the phylum Fimicutes predominates with more than 50%, in almost the same proportion of the class Bacilli and with almost 41% of relative abundance of the order Bacillales. The sequencing results showed that one of the samples presented a high percentage of similarity (99.75%) using the Nucleotide BLAST program with a peculiar microorganism: Bacillus subtilis. This microorganism is one of the best characterized bacteria among the gram-positive ones. Our results demonstrate that B. subtilis can be an efficient source of proteases, lipases and cellulases, from halophilic microbial communities located in poorly explored areas.

Isla Arena está localizada na coordenada 20°70’N - 90°45’W, de Campeche, México. Nesses estuários, o oceano se mistura com a água doce e os ecossistemas se concentram onde proliferam petenos e flamingos rosa. Crustáceos e moluscos abundam no mar. Apesar de sua enorme riqueza marinha, não há estudos realizados sobre a presença de microrganismos halofílicos nessas águas. Neste trabalho, a diversidade e estrutura da comunidade microbiana foram investigadas através de uma abordagem metagenômica e corroboradas para o sequenciamento de genes 16S rRNA. Verificou-se que o filo Fimicutes predomina com mais de 50%, quase na mesma proporção da classe Bacilli e com quase 41% de abundância relativa da ordem Bacillales. Os resultados do sequenciamento mostraram que uma das amostras apresentou alto percentual de similaridade (99,75%) pelo programa Nucleotide BLAST com um microrganismo peculiar: Bacillus subtilis. Nossos resultados demonstram que B. subtilis pode ser uma fonte eficiente de proteases, lipases e celulases, provenientes de comunidades microbianas halofílicas localizadas em áreas pouco exploradas.

Animals , Bacillales/isolation & purification , Bacillus subtilis/growth & development , Ecosystem , Microbiota/genetics , /analysis