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Rev. méd. Maule ; 39(3): 40-44, dic. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1586580


Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is the most common form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in adults. It manifests aggressively, and patients generally present lymphadenopathy and constitutional symptoms, with jaundice being an unusual presentation. We present the case of a 51-year-old patient who was admitted with a 2-month history of abdominal pain and generalized jaundice, whose study concluded a diffuse large B cell non-germinal center lymphoma.

El linfoma difuso de células grandes B es la forma más común de linfoma no Hodgkin en adultos. Se manifiesta de forma agresiva, y los pacientes generalmente presentan linfadenopatías y síntomas constitucionales, siendo la ictericia un modo de presentación poco habitual. Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino de 51 años que ingresa por cuadro de dos meses de evolución de dolor abdominal e ictericia generalizada, cuyo estudio concluye un linfoma difuso de células grandes B no centro germinal.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin/pathology , Common Bile Duct Neoplasms/pathology , Duodenal Neoplasms/pathology , Ampulla of Vater/pathology , Ampulla of Vater/diagnostic imaging , Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Common Bile Duct Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Jaundice, Obstructive/pathology , Jaundice, Obstructive/diagnostic imaging , Duodenal Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Abdomen/diagnostic imaging , Microscopy
Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 663-672, jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564620


SUMMARY: Etoposide is an effective antimitotic and antineoplastic agent used to treat various human malignancies. In the present study, Etoposide was injected intraperitoneally into the rats at 1 mg/kg/day for 52 days (52 doses). The control animals received physiological saline (0.5 ml) intraperitoneally daily for 52 doses. The body weight of etoposide-treated rats was significantly reduced compared to control rats. Lipid peroxidation demonstrated an insignificant rise in hepatic tissue, a non-significant decline in renal tissue, and a significant reduction in cardiac tissue. The levels of GSH in hepatic and renal tissue were found to be non-significantly increased but significantly increased in cardiac tissue compared to controls. GR activity was found to be considerably decreased in the treated group. G-S-T levels increased significantly in all treated group. Etoposide injections caused a non-significant change in the GPX level of hepatic tissue, whereas renal and cardiac tissues showed a significant increase. The activity of CAT in hepatic tissue was significantly increased, while CAT activity in renal tissue showed a non-significant decrease, whereas in cardiac tissue, significantly lower levels were observed than in control group. The level of CYTp450 in hepatic and cardiac tissues showed a significant increase; however, renal tissue showed non-significant depletion, whereas CYTb5 in hepatic, renal, and cardiac tissues was significantly lower than controls. The protein content in the hepatic tissue was not significantly increased, whereas the total protein in the renal and cardiac tissues was increased significantly. The research finding is indicative of detoxification activity in the etoposide model.

El etopósido es un agente antimitótico y antineoplásico eficaz que se utiliza para tratar diversas neoplasias malignas humanas. En el presente estudio, se inyectó etopósido por vía intraperitoneal a las ratas a razón de 1 mg/kg/día durante 52 días (52 dosis). Los animales control recibieron solución salina fisiológica (0,5 ml) por vía intraperitoneal diariamente por 52 dosis. El peso corporal de las ratas tratadas con etopósido se redujo significativamente en comparación con las ratas del grupo control. La peroxidación lipídica demostró un aumento insignificante del tejido hepático, una disminución no significativa del tejido renal y una reducción significativa del tejido cardíaco. Se encontró que los niveles de GSH en el tejido hepático y renal no aumentaron significativamente, pero sí aumentaron significativamente en el tejido cardíaco en comparación con los controles. Se encontró que la actividad de GR disminuyó considerablemente en el grupo tratado. Los niveles de G-S-T aumentaron significativamente en todos los grupos tratados. Las inyecciones de etopósido provocaron un cambio no significativo en el nivel de GPX del tejido hepático, mientras que los tejidos renal y cardíaco mostraron un aumento significativo. La actividad de CAT en el tejido hepático aumentó significativamente, mientras que la actividad de CAT en el tejido renal mostró una disminución no significativa, mientras que en el tejido cardíaco se observaron niveles significativamente más bajos que en el grupo de control. El nivel de CYTp450 en los tejidos hepático y cardíaco mostró un aumento significativo; sin embargo, el tejido renal mostró un agotamiento no significativo, mientras que CYTb5 en los tejidos hepático, renal y cardíaco fue significativamente menor que los controles. El contenido de proteínas en el tejido hepático no aumentó significativamente, mientras que la proteína total en los tejidos renal y cardíaco aumentó significativamente. El hallazgo de la investigación es indicativo de la actividad de desintoxicación en el modelo de etopósido.

Animals , Male , Rats , Etoposide/administration & dosage , Heart/drug effects , Kidney/drug effects , Liver/drug effects , Antioxidants/administration & dosage , Organ Size/drug effects , Body Weight/drug effects , Lipid Peroxidation , Cytochromes b5/analysis , Rats, Wistar , Cytochrome P-450 Enzyme System/analysis , Etoposide/pharmacology , Kidney/ultrastructure , Liver/ultrastructure , Microscopy , Myocardium/ultrastructure , Antineoplastic Agents, Phytogenic , Antioxidants/pharmacology
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 83: 40274, 30 jan. 2024. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-SP, SESSP-ACVSES, SESSP-IALPROD, SES-SP, SESSP-IALACERVO | ID: biblio-1567616


Este trabalho objetiva averiguar a presença de matérias estranhas presentes em águas minerais envasadas e sugerir a utilização da Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), como técnica adequada para detecção e contagem. Oito amostras de água mineral foram obtidas e subamostras de 100 mL foram filtradas em membranas, que foram secas e recobertas com platina e observadas em MEV. Áreas de 21.025 µm2 foram focalizadas e as partículas contadas. Realizaram-se análise de variância e o teste de Regwq para a comparação das médias das contagens. Diferentes partículas visualizadas foram registradas sob distintas magnificações. A análise de variância revelou alta significância entre a quantidade de matérias estranhas das amostras, indicando que as amostras diferiram bastante quanto a essa característica. As médias obtidas obedeceram a uma estratificação, mas foram estimadas com grande precisão, sugerindo-se que a subdivisão em 10 grupos de contagem e a extrapolação para o volume de 100 mL é uma estimativa confiável para a contagem de partículas filtradas nesse volume de água. Foi mostrado que o MEV se apresentou como instrumento auxiliar adequado para a contagem de matérias estranhas em amostras de águas minerais envasadas, especialmente quando suas dimensões não permitem sua identificação convencionalmente. (AU)

This work aims to investigate the presence of microscopic foreign materials in bottled mineral waters and suggest the use of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) as a suitable technique for counting foreign matter. Eight samples of mineral water were obtained, and 100 mL subsamples were filtered through membranes, which were then dried, coated with platinum, and observed under SEM. Areas of 21,025 µm2 were analysed, and the particles present were counted. Variance analysis was carried out, and the Regwq test was applied to compare the counting averages. Samples of the dirt particles were imaged at different magnifications. The analysis of variance revealed high significance among the samples, indicating substantial differences between them. The averages followed a stratification pattern and were estimated with great precision, suggesting that the subdivision into 10 count groups and the extrapolation to 100 mL volume is a reliable estimate for the count of particles filtered in this volume of water. It was shown that SEM was a suitable instrument for counting and observing foreign matter and dirt in samples of bottled natural mineral waters, especially when their dimensions are too small to be detected by conventional methods. (AU)

Water Microbiology , Drinking Water , Beverages , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Microscopy , Mineral Waters
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 39(91): 19-26, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554906


Objetivos: Evaluar mediante microscopia quirúrgica la presencia del segundo conducto mesiovestibular (MV2) en el piso de la cámara pulpar de los primeros molares superiores, determinar su abordabilidad, establecer el calibre de lima que llegó al tercio apical y tipificar radiovisiográficamente su morfología se-gún la clasificación de Weine. Materiales y métodos: Se utilizaron 48 primeros molares superiores huma-nos extraídos. Sé tomaron radiovisografías preope-ratorias (Carestream 5200) en sentido orto radial y mesio-distal. Se realizó apertura y se localizó entra-da del MV2 con microscopio quirúrgico (Newton MEC XXI, Argentina) a 16 x. Se cateterizó MV1 y MV2 con limas tipo K #10 y #15 (Dentsply Maillefer). Se cortó raíz distovestibular para mejorar visualización ra-diovisográfica. Se tomó conductometria en sentido mesio-distal para establecer la tipología. Se compa-raron frecuencias y porcentajes mediante test de Chi-cuadrado con corrección de Yates, prueba exac-ta de Fisher y test z para diferencia de proporcio-nes. Se calcularon intervalos de confianza 95% para porcentajes mediante método score de Wilson. Re-sultados: El 54% (26 casos) presentó MV2. De los 26 MV2, el 77% (20 casos) fueron abordables, porcen-taje significativamente mayor al 23% no abordable (z=3,62; P<0,05). Al hacer cateterismo, hubo asocia-ción significativa entre tipo de conducto (MV1 y MV2) y calibre de lima que llegó al tercio apical (Chi-cua-drado=29,12; gl=1; P<0,05). La tipología I (58%) fue significativamente mayor que las tipologías II (21%) y III (21%) (P<0,05 para ambas comparaciones). Con-clusión: El alto porcentaje de piezas que presentó MV2 evidencia la importancia clínica de detectarlo y tratarlo correctamente. Dado el alto porcentaje de piezas donde fue abordable, se concluye que el clíni-co debe tener conocimiento, destreza y la tecnología necesaria para poder abordarlo. Si bien la tipología I (58%) fue la más encontrada, cuando el MV2 termina en foramen independiente (tipo III), su omisión puede conducir al fracaso del tratamiento (AU))

Objectives: To evaluate by surgical microscopy the presence of second mesiobuccal canal (MB2) in the pulp chamber floor of the maxillary first molars, determine its approachability, establish the caliber of the file that reached the apical third, and radiographically typify its morphology according to Weine ́s classification. Materials and methods: 48 extracted human maxillary first molars were used. Preoperative radiovisographies (Carestream 5200) were taken in ortho-radial and mesio-distal direction. Coronal access was made and the entrance of MB2 was located with a surgical microscope (Newton MEC XXI, Argentina) at 16x. MB1 and MB2 were catheterized with K files #10 and #15 (Dentsply Maillefer). Distobuccal root was cut to improve radiovisographic visualization. Conductometry was taken in mesio-distal direction to establish the typology. Frequencies and percentages were compared using Chi-square test with Yates correction, Fisher's exact test and z test for difference in proportions. 95% confidence intervals were calculated for percentages using Wilson score method. Results: 54% (26 cases) presented MB2. Of the 26 MB2, 77% (20 cases) were approachable, a significantly higher percentage than those not approachable (z=3.62; P<0.05). When performing catheterization, there was a significant association between type of canal (MB1 and MB2) and file caliber that reached the apical third (Chi-square=29.12; df=1; P<0.05). Typology I (58%) was significantly higher than typologies II (21%) and III (21%) (P<0.05 for both comparisons). Conclusion: The high percentage of specimens that showed MB2 evidence the clinical importance of detecting and treating it correctly. Given the percentage of pieces where it was approachable (77%), it is concluded that the clinician must have the knowledge, skill and necessary technology to be able to approach it. Although typology I (58%) was the most found, when MB2 ends an independent foramen (type III), its omission can lead to treatment failure (AU)

Tooth Root/anatomy & histology , Dental Pulp Cavity/anatomy & histology , Tooth Root/diagnostic imaging , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Radiography, Dental, Digital/methods , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Microscopy/methods , Odontometry/methods
Int. j. morphol ; 41(5): 1558-1563, oct. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521033


SUMMARY: In solid and malignant tumors, innate and adaptive immunity are combined in antitumor responses. This study aimed to analyze the activation of plasma cells and the correlation between the infiltration of B and T lymphocytes with the degree of malignancy or Gleason grade in human prostate biopsies diagnosed with cancer. Prostate cancer biopsies were obtained from the Clinical Hospital of Universidad de Chile (n=70), according to the bioethical norms of the institution. Histological sections of 5µm thickness were processed for immunohistochemistry with primary antibodies against BL and total TL (HRP/DAB). Recognition and quantification were performed under a Leica DM750 optical microscope. Microsoft Excel and GraphPad software were used for the statistical study. Correlation coefficient (Pearson) and mean comparison tests (Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn) and p≤ 0.05 were developed. B and T lymphocyte populations were inversely interregulated in prostate cancer (Gleason) (r= -0.46). Their relationship with Gleason grade is variable according to lymphocyte type (LB vs. Gleason r= -0.0.47 and LT vs. Gleason r= -0.21). Histological diagnosis of prostate cancer correlates with a predominance of LT. The malignancy of the pathology correlates with a predominance of LTs, according to the Gleason grade. The increased knowledge of B and T lymphocyte infiltration and plasma cell activation could be used to better target clinical trials on treatments based on immune system responses. Immunotherapy could be a new paradigm to apply better antitumor therapy strategies.

En tumores sólidos y malignos, la inmunidad innata y adaptativa se combinan en respuestas antitumorales. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la activación de células plasmáticas y la correlación entre la infiltración de linfocitos B y T con el grado de malignidad o grado de Gleason en biopsias de próstata humana diagnosticadas con cáncer. Las biopsias de cáncer de próstata se obtuvieron del Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile (n=70), de acuerdo con las normas bioéticas de la institución. Secciones histológicas de 5 µm de espesor fueron procesadas para inmunohistoquímica con anticuerpos primarios contra LB y LT total (HRP/DAB). El reconocimiento y las cuantificaciones se realizaron bajo un microscopio óptico Leica DM750. Para el estudio estadístico se utilizaron los programas Microsoft Excel y GraphPad. Se desarrollaron pruebas de coeficiente de correlación (Pearson) y comparación de medias (Kruskal-Wallis y Dunn) y p≤ 0.05. Los resultados muestran que las poblaciones de linfocitos B y T están inversamente interreguladas en el cáncer de próstata (r= -0,4578). Su relación con el grado de Gleason es variable según el tipo de linfocito (LB vs Gleason r= -0,47* y LT vs Gleason r= -0,21). Se concluye que la malignidad del cáncer de próstata se correlaciona con un predominio de LT, versus el grado de Gleason. El mayor conocimiento de la infiltración de linfocitos B y T y la activación de células plasmáticas podría aprovecharse para una mejor orientación de ensayos clínicos en tratamientos basados en las respuestas del sistema inmunitario. La inmunoterapia podría ser un nuevo paradigma para aplicar mejores estrategias de terapias antitumorales.

Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Plasma Cells , Prostatic Neoplasms/immunology , Prostatic Neoplasms/pathology , T-Lymphocytes , Biopsy , Immunohistochemistry , B-Lymphocytes , Immunomodulation , Neoplasm Grading , Microscopy
Rev. colomb. reumatol ; 30(1)mar. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536226


Introduction: Nailfold videocapillaroscopy is a non-invasive tool for the assessment of peripheral microcirculation, the main indication is the study of Raynaud's phenomenon, poorly standardized outside of this context. There is no clear information in real-life about the rea-sons for referral, the presence of clinical findings of autoimmune diseases, the frequency of patterns of autoantibodies, and specific capillaroscopic findings. Objective: The purpose of this survey is to describe the sociodemographic, clinical, paraclinical, and angioscopy findings of a cohort of subjects referred to a capillaroscopy service in North-western Colombia. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted, from 2015 to 2018. Categorical variables were expressed in frequency and percentage and quantitative variables in mean and standard deviation or median with interquartile range, depending on the distribution of the data. Results: A total of 318 capillaroscopies were performed for the first time. The main referral reason was Raynaud's phenomenon (n = 134; 42.1%). The most frequent baseline capillaroscopic pattern found was normal (n = 123; 38.7%). Of the 12 capillaroscopies that presented a non-specific pattern at a 6-month follow-up, only one (8.3%) progressed to a scleroderma pattern. In the subjects with systemic sclerosis, the most frequent clinical finding was sclerodactyly (n = 34; 37.8%), and 42/44 individuals (95.4%) had positive antinuclear antibodies; the most frequent pattern was centromere (n = 27; 64.3%) Conclusions: In a real-world setting, the main referral reason for capillaroscopy was Raynaud's phenomenon; more than a third of the subjects had normal capillaroscopic findings. Sclerodactyly was the most frequent clinical finding in patients with scleroderma capillaroscopic pattern.

Introducción: La videocapilaroscopia del lecho ungular es una herramienta no invasiva para la evaluación de la microcirculación periférica; la indicación principal es el estudio del fenómeno de Raynaud. Luego de una revisión de la literatura, no hay información clara sobre los motivos de remisión, presencia de hallazgos clínicos de enfermedades autoinmunes, frecuencia de patrones de autoanticuerpos y hallazgos capilaroscópicos específicos. Objetivo: Describir los hallazgos sociodemográficos, clínicos, paraclínicos y capilaroscópicos de sujetos remitidos a un servicio de capilaroscopia en el noroccidente colombiano. Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de 2015 a 2018. Las variables categóricas se expresaron en frecuencias absolutas y porcentajes, y las variables cuantitativas en media y desviación estándar o mediana con rango intercuartílico, dependiendo de la distribución de los datos. Resultados: Se realizaron 318 capilaroscopias por primera vez. El principal motivo de remisión fue el fenómeno de Raynaud (n = 134; 42,1%). El patrón capilaroscópico basal más frecuente fue el normal (n = 123; 38,7%). De las 12 capilaroscopias que presentaron un patrón no específico en un seguimiento de seis meses, solo una (8,3%) progresó a un patrón de esclerodermia. En los sujetos con esclerosis sistémica, el hallazgo clínico más frecuente fue la esclerodactilia (n = 34; 37,8%), y 42/44 individuos (95,4%) tenían anticuerpos antinucleares positivos; el patrón más frecuente fue el centromérico (n = 27; 64,3%). Conclusiones: La razón principal de remisión para realizar una capilaroscopia fue el fenómeno de Raynaud; más de un tercio de los sujetos tenían hallazgos capilaroscópicos normales. La esclerodactilia fue el hallazgo clínico más frecuente en pacientes con patrón capilaroscópico de esclerodermia.

Humans , Adolescent , Skin and Connective Tissue Diseases , Raynaud Disease , Scleroderma, Systemic , Thrombosis , Vascular Diseases , Cardiovascular Diseases , Connective Tissue Diseases , Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures , Microscopic Angioscopy , Diagnosis , Microscopy
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 26-31, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-997103


Background@#Medical education has changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. There has been a shift from face to face learning to virtual classes using online learning platforms such as Canvas. These virtual and online alternative methods to medical education brought up concerns about the preparedness of medical students in studying Histology. This study addresses the student’s preference and attitude on the learning of histology using light microscopy vs virtual microscopy. @*Objectives@#The specific objectives of the study are to determine students’ preference, attitudes, and overall satisfaction on the use of light microscopy vs virtual microscopy using a Likert scale. @*Methods@#An enhancement program was conducted by the Department of Anatomy, UP College of Medicine from June 13 to June 17, 2022 among first year medical students. The students were exposed to prosected cadavers, models, specimens, histologic glass slides, and electronic images. During the activity, the second and third floor of Calderon Hall was divided into several stations, each with its own learning outcomes.This is a descriptive cross-sectional study. In all the learning stations, both virtual and light microscopy learning modalities were made available to the students. The student was at liberty to select virtual microscopy, light microscopy or both. In one of the stations, allocated to OS 205 (The study of the anatomy and histology of the thorax), students were randomized to one learning modality (light vs virtual microscopy) and made to identify one predetermined structure. Students answered a short questionnaire that allowed them to express their preference for the modality that was assigned. The questionnaire survey included questions on students’ preference for either light microscopy (LM) or virtual microscopy (VM), ease of use, and satisfaction. A total of five statements were included in the survey questionnaire. All questions in the survey were scored on a 5-point Likert scale (5: strongly disagree, 4: disagree, 3: neutral, 2: agree, and 1: strongly agree). A comments section was also included in the survey to explore students’ experiences of the two learning methods.@*Results@#A total of 160 students participated in the study. Seventy-nine (79) students were randomized to the light microscopy group and 81 one students were randomized to the virtual microscopy group. There were no differences in the demographic characteristics between those randomized to virtual vs light microscopy.There were no differences in the net ratings between those randomised to virtual vs light microscopy in the following domains: 1) ease in looking for structures, 2) ability to identify the structure correctly, 3) method enhancing learning, and 4) overall satisfaction. There was a difference in the net rating between those randomized to virtual vs light microscopy in the domain on quality of the image being easily adjusted (58% vs 97.5%).@*Conclusion@#Medical students who used light microscopes demonstrated a more positive attitude towards its ability to enhance learning and showed greater satisfaction in using this method. Ease in manipulating image quality was better in the light microscopy group. However, the accuracy of identification of histological structures using either platform did not differ. Both virtual and light microscopy are effective learning methods.

Microscopy , Education, Medical , Histology , Teaching
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971441


Objective: To investigate the efficacy of the first-day suspension method for improving the success rate of construction of nasopharyngeal carcinoma-patient derived organoids (NPC-PDO). Methods: The tumor samples of 14 nasopharyngeal carcinoma(NPC) patients, i.e.,13 males and 1 female, with a mean age of 43.0±12.0 years old, were collected from the Affiliated Tumor Hospital of Guangxi Medical University and the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University from January 2022 to July 2022. The tumor samples of 3 patients were digested into single cell suspension and divided into 2 groups, for comparing the efficacy of NPC-PDO construction by the direct inoculation method and the first-day suspension method. The remaining 11 patients were randomized to receive either the direct inoculation method or the first-day suspension method for NPC-PDO construction. The diameter and the number of spheres of NPC-PDO constructed by the two methods were compared by optical microscope; the 3D cell viability detection kit was used to compare the cell viability; the survival rates were compared by trypan blue staining; the success rates of the two construction methods were compared; the number of cases which could be successfully passaged for more than 5 generations and were consistent with the original tissue by pathological examination was counted; and the dynamic changes of cells in suspension overnight were observed by live cell workstation. The independent sample t-test was applied to compare the measurement data of the two groups, and the chi-square test was used to compare the classification data. Results: Compared with the direct inoculation, the diameter and the number of spheres of NPC-PDO constructed by the first-day suspension method were increased, with a higher cell activity, and the success rate of construction was obviously improved (80.0% vs 16.7%, χ2=4.41, P<0.05). In the suspension state, some of the cells aggregated and increased their ability to proliferate. Conclusion: The first-day suspension method can improve the success rate of NPC-PDO construction, especially for those whose original tumor sample size is small.

Male , Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma , China , Microscopy , Organoids , Nasopharyngeal Neoplasms
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003607


OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the quality of blood smear examinations for malaria parasites in Chenzhou City, so as to provide insights into sustainable consolidation of malaria elimination achievements.@*METHODS@#All positive blood smears from fever patients were irregularly sampled from each county (district) of Chenzhou City from 2018 to 2022 and reexamined, and no less than 3% negative blood smears were reexamined. The preparation, dyeing, cleanliness and microscopic examination results of blood smear were reexamined, and the quality of blood smear reexaminations was assessed using a descriptive statistical method.@*RESULTS@#A total of 13 625 fever patients received blood smear examinations for malaria parasites in Chenzhou City from 2018 to 2022, of which 21 were positive and 13 604 were negative; 687 blood samples were reviewed, and the percentage of negative blood smear reexaminations was 4.90% (666/13 604), with a 63.51% rate of qualified negative blood smears preparation, a 67.87% rate of qualified dyeing and a 76.13% rate of qualified cleanliness, and no missing diagnosis found. There were 21 positive blood smears reexamined, and the proportions of qualified blood smears preparation, dyeing and cleanliness were all 85.71%, with 2 smears mistaking Plasmodium species (9.52%). The percentage of qualified negative blood smears preparation was 51.41% in 2022, which reduced by 31.61% in relative to that (75.17%) in 2019 (χ2 = 9.033, P < 0.05), and the percentage of qualified negative blood smears dyeing was 60.19% in 2022, which reduced by 28.82% in relative to that (84.56%) in 2019 (χ2 = 19.498, P < 0.05), while the percentage of qualified negative blood smears cleanliness was 62.96% in 2022, which reduced by 28.93% in relative to that (88.59%) in 2019 (χ2 = 23.826, P < 0.001). In addition, there were no significant differences in the proportion of qualified negative blood smears preparation (χ2 = 0.260, P > 0.05) or dyeing (χ2 = 1.094, P > 0.05) among the three years, while a significant difference was detected in the percentage of qualified negative blood smears cleanliness (χ2 = 12.175, P < 0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#No missing diagnosis was seen in blood smear examinations for malaria parasites among fever patients in Chenzhou City after malaria elimination; however, there were reductions in proportions of qualified blood smears preparation, dyeing and cleanliness. Quality control of blood smear examinations is recommended to be reinforced in key regions of Chenzhou City.

Animals , Humans , Parasites , Malaria/prevention & control , Plasmodium , Fever , Microscopy
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2023. 125 p. tab, graf, ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437845


O dano capilar causado pelo descolorimento oxidativo é muito intenso, sendo que dois fatores são responsáveis por essa ação: primeiro, a ação direta e danosa do oxidante em diversas estruturas capilares e segundo, o dano oxidativo primário facilita o dano causado por outros agentes físicos (luz, temperatura) e químicos (tensoativos), que comumente tem ação nos cabelos. Desenvolver conceitos e tecnologias que possam tornar o oxidante específico para a melanina e por conseguinte efetuando o descolorimento sem causar danos ao fio é extremamente desejável. Neste trabalho buscaremos entender de que forma a luz visível pode aumentar a ação do oxidante sem danificar o fio colateralmente. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é demonstrar que é possível utilizar a luz visível, que é absorvida pela melanina, para tornar esse pigmento mais suscetível ao agente oxidante e desta forma, permitir que o descolorimento seja realizado com concentrações pequenas de oxidante. Também almejamos desenvolver métodos de análises por microscopia ótica de fluorescência e de reflexão para mensurar o dano nas estruturas dos fios processados com oxidante e na presença ou ausência da luz

The capillary damage caused by oxidative discoloration is very intense, and two factors are responsible for this action: first, the direct and harmful action of the oxidant on several capillary structures and second, the primary oxidative damage facilitates the damage caused by other physical agents (light, temperature) and chemicals (surfactants), which commonly have action on the hair. Developing concepts and technologies that can make the oxidant specific to melanin and therefore discoloring without causing damage to the hair is extremely desirable. In this work we will try to understand how visible light can increase the oxidant's action without damaging the wire collaterally. The main objective of this work is to demonstrate that it is possible to use visible light, which is absorbed by melanin, to make this pigment more susceptible to the oxidizing agent and, thus, to allow the discoloration to be carried out with small concentrations of oxidizer. We also aim to develop methods of analysis by optical fluorescence and reflection microscopy to measure the damage to the structures of the threads processed with oxidizer and in the presence or absence of light

Oxidation , Hair Bleaching Agents/adverse effects , Light/adverse effects , Melanins/agonists , Chemical Compounds , Fluorescence , Hair , Microscopy/methods
Int. j. morphol ; 40(6): 1594-1601, dic. 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421826


SUMMARY: Anatomy education has gathered together a great many of many new modalities and was modified from classical lecture-based and laboratory practice system to the blended modules. In the scope of the present study, we develop a new, practical, cost- effective and efficient three dimensional (3D) educational model, which aimed to be helpful for the detection and better understanding of basic neuroanatomy education. Tractographic imaging, fiber dissection, microscopic anatomy and plastination techniques were applied to the white matter regions of the two brains. After the photographs that were taken were converted to 3D images, the specimens were plastinated. By way of establishing an educational model as a whole, we applied it to 202 second-year medical students. The students were separated into two groups when they attended to the theoretical lecture. Group 1 took the classical laboratory education; on the other hand, Group 2 received the newly designed educational model. Pre and post-tests were introduced to each group before and after laboratory sessions, respectively. The success scores were put to comparison. The average achievement scores of each group showed increase significantly (p<0.05) after the laboratory sessions, besides the increase in the post-test results of Group 2 was more statistically significant (p<0.05). Consequently, this new educational model enriched by newly designed unified methods could be regarded as useful for grasping and improving the basic neuroanatomy knowledge.

La educación en anatomía ha reunido una gran cantidad de nuevas modalidades, modificándose el sistema clásico de la práctica del laboratorio y de las clases basadas en conferencias, hacia los módulos combinados. En el ámbito del presente estudio, desarrollamos un modelo educativo tridimensional (3D) nuevo, práctico, rentable y eficiente, que pretendía ser útil para la detección y una mejor comprensión de la educación básica en neuroanatomía. Se tomaron imágenes tractográficas, disección de fibras, anatomía microscópica y técnicas de plastinación en los cerebros. Después de convertir las fotografías que se tomaron en imágenes 3D, se plastinaron los especímenes. A modo de establecer un modelo educativo en su conjunto, lo aplicamos a 202 estudiantes de segundo año de medicina. Los estudiantes fueron separados en dos grupos cuando asistieron a la clase teórica. El Grupo 1 tomó la educación clásica de laboratorio; por su parte, el Grupo 2 recibió el nuevo modelo educativo diseñado para el estudio. Se introdujeron pruebas previas y posteriores a cada grupo, antes y después de las sesiones de laboratorio. Se compararon las puntuaciones. Los puntajes promedio de rendimiento de cada grupo mostraron un aumento significativo (p<0,05) después de las sesiones de laboratorio. Además, se obtuvo un aumento en los resultados positivos, posteriores a la prueba del Grupo 2, siendo estadísticamente significativo (p<0,05). En consecuencia, este modelo educativo, enriquecido por métodos unificados de nuevo diseño, podría considerarse útil para captar y mejorar los conocimientos básicos de neuroanatomía.

Humans , Models, Educational , Education, Medical/methods , Neuroanatomy/education , Dissection , Cerebrum/anatomy & histology , Diffusion Tensor Imaging , White Matter/anatomy & histology , Plastination , Microscopy , Nerve Fibers
Cambios rev med ; 21(2): 698, 30 Diciembre 2022. tabs.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1416027


INTRODUCCIÓN. Anualmente ocurren más de 2 millones de muertes fetales a nivel mundial, siendo fundamental el estudio anatomopatológico placentario para disminuir el número de muertes inexplicadas. OBJETIVO. Revisar la literatura existente acerca de corioamnionitis histológica, los criterios para establecer su diagnóstico, su presencia y posible asociación en estudios de causas de muerte fetal. METODOLOGÍA. Se realizaron búsquedas en bases de datos electrónicas para recopilar estudios de causas de muerte fetal que incluyeron corioamnionitis histológica. RESULTADOS. Se encontraron 13 estudios que evaluaron mortalidad fetal y que entre sus causas incluyeron corioamnionitis histológica. DESARROLLO. El estudio microscópico placentario en muertes fetales es esencial al investigar una muerte fetal. Las anomalías placentarias son la causa más común de muerte fetal, la corioamnionitis aguda es la lesión inflamatoria más frecuente. Se detallaron los criterios más relevantes para definir corioamnionitis aguda histológica pero aún no se establece un consenso. Estudios de causas de muerte fetal en años recientes han reportado corioamnionitis histológica entre 6,3% y 41,3% de casos. Las alteraciones inflamatorias del líquido amniótico son una causa importante de muerte fetal, siendo la corioamnionitis la más frecuente en este grupo. CONCLUSIÓN. En estudios para determinar las causas de muerte fetal se evidenció corioamnionitis aguda histológica en hasta el 41,3% de casos, por lo que podría estar asociada a dicho evento. Sin embargo, es necesario establecer un sistema de estadiaje de corioamnionitis histológica mediante un panel de expertos a nivel mundial.

INTRODUCTION. Annually more than 2 million fetal deaths occur worldwide, being fundamental the placental anatomopathological study to reduce the number of unexplained deaths. OBJECTIVE. To review the existing literature on histological chorioamnionitis, the criteria to establish its diagnosis, its presence and possible association in studies of causes of fetal death. METHODOLOGY. Electronic databases were searched to collect studies of causes of fetal death that included histologic chorioamnionitis. RESULTS. Thirteen studies were found that evaluated fetal mortality and that included histologic chorioamnionitis among their causes. DEVELOPMENT: Placental microscopic study in fetal deaths is essential when investigating a fetal death. Placental abnormalities are the most common cause of fetal death, acute chorioamnionitis being the most frequent inflammatory lesion. The most relevant criteria for defining histologic acute chorioamnionitis have been detailed but consensus has not yet been established. Studies of causes of fetal death in recent years have reported histologic chorioamnionitis in between 6,3% and 41,3% of cases. Inflammatory changes in the amniotic fluid are an important cause of fetal death, with chorioamnionitis being the most frequent in this group. CONCLUSIONS. In studies to determine the causes of fetal death, histological acute chorioamnionitis was evidenced in up to 41,3% of cases, so it could be associated with this event. However, it is necessary to establish a histological chorioamnionitis staging system by means of a worldwide panel of experts.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Placenta Diseases , Pregnancy Complications , Chorioamnionitis/pathology , Fetal Death , Fetal Diseases , Amniotic Fluid , Placenta/pathology , Pregnancy , Chorioamnionitis , Ecuador , Extraembryonic Membranes , Pathologists , Microscopy
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 16(4): 483-489, dic. 2022. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421844


Actinomycotic osteomyelitis of the maxilla presenting with oroantral communication is very rare, herein we report the first case of this condition in association with myiasis. A 50-year-old man reported chronic sinusopathy and a non-healing maxillary lesion, with 30 years of evolution, presenting occasional nasal and intraoral purulent discharge, with foul smell, and recurrent episodes of larvae presence. Cone beam computed tomography showed a large hyperdense image inside the left maxillary sinus, with focal areas with soft tissue density, and extensive discontinuity of the maxillary sinus floor, confirming the oroantral fistula. The necrotic tissue curetted during surgery presented hard consistency, and dark greenish color, and was submitted for histopathological analysis. Microscopically, necrotic bone, masses of filamentous bacteria colonie s, compatible with actinomycosis, and large rhomboidal structures surrounded by eosinophilic capsule - suggestive of larvae, were observed. The diagnosis of actinomycotic osteomyelitis with presence of structures compatible with larvae was established.

La osteomielitis actinomicótica del maxilar que se presenta con comunicación oroantral es poco frequente. En este trabajo reportamos el primer caso de esta condición en asociación con miasis. Un hombre de 50 años que refiere sinusopatía crónica y lesión maxilar que no cicatriza, de 30 años de evolución, presenta secreción ocasional purulenta nasal e intraoral, con mal olor y episodios recurrentes de presencia de larvas. La tomografía computarizada de haz cónico mostró una gran imagen hiperdensa en el interior del seno maxilar izquierdo, con áreas focales con densidad de partes blandas y una extensa discontinuidad del piso del seno maxilar, lo que confirma la fístula oroantral. El tejido necrótico legrado durante la cirugía presentó consistencia dura, coloración verdosa oscura, y fue remitido para análisis histopatológico. Microscópicamente se observó hueso necrótico, masas de colonias de bacterias filamentosas compatibles con actinomicosis y grandes estructuras romboidales rodeadas de cápsula eosinofílica sugestiva de larvas. Se estableció el diagnóstico de osteomielitis actinomicótica con presencia de estructuras compatibles con larvas.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Osteomyelitis/diagnosis , Osteomyelitis/drug therapy , Actinomycosis/diagnosis , Actinomycosis/drug therapy , Osteomyelitis/microbiology , Osteomyelitis/therapy , Actinomycosis/therapy , Radiography, Panoramic , Microscopy/methods , Myiasis/diagnosis
Int. j. morphol ; 40(3): 817-823, jun. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385648


RESUMEN: Las células epiteliales del amnios (hAECs) son células madre pluripotenciales; tienen capacidad de diferenciarse en células de las tres capas embrionarias. Como tales, se utilizan en algunas terapias regenerativas en medicina. Este estudio tiene por objetivo describir un protocolo de aislación de las células epiteliales del amnios (hAECs) a partir de placentas humanas de partos por cesárea, así como su caracterización y comportamiento in vitro. Se aislaron hAECs de 20 placentas de partos por cesárea con un protocolo optimizado. Se caracterizaron las células mediante citometría de flujo, microscopia óptica y de fluorescencia, y se evaluó la proliferación de las células mediante MTT a los 1, 3, 5 y 7 días con y sin β-mercaptoetanol en el medio de cultivo. El análisis histológico del amnios mostró un desprendimiento prácticamente completo de las células después de la segunda digestión del amnios. El promedio de células obtenidas fue de 10.97 millones de células por gramo de amnios. Las hAECs mostraron una proliferación limitada, la cual no fue favorecida por la adición de β-mercaptoetanol en el cultivo. Se observó un cambio de morfología espontanea de epitelial a mesenquimal después del cuarto pasaje. Las células epiteliales del amnios pueden ser aisladas con un protocolo simple y efectivo, sin embargo, presentan escasa capacidad proliferativa. Bajo las condiciones de este estudio, la adición de β-mercaptoetanol no favorece la capacidad proliferativa de las células.

SUMMARY: human amnion epithelial cells (hAECs) are pluripotent stem cells; they have the ability to differentiate into cells of the three embryonic layers, and are used in various regenerative therapies in medicine. This study aims to describe a protocol for the isolation of amnion epithelial cells (hAECs) from human placentas from cesarean delivery, as well as their characterization and culture conditions in vitro. hAECs were isolated from 20 cesarean delivery placentas with an optimized protocol. The cells were characterized by flow cytometry, light and fluorescence microscopy, and the proliferation of the cells was evaluated by MTT at 1, 3, 5 and 7 days with and without β-mercaptoethanol in the culture medium. Histological analysis of the amnion showed a practically complete detachment of the cells of the underlying membrane after the second digestion. The average number of cells obtained was 10.97 million cells per amnion. The hAECs perform a limited proliferation rate, which was not favored by the addition of β-mercaptoethanol in the culture. A spontaneous morphology change from epithelial to mesenchymal morphology is exhibited after the fourth passage. The epithelial cells of the amnion can be isolated with a simple and effective protocol, however, they present little proliferative capacity. Under the conditions of this study, the addition of β-mercaptoethanol does not favor the proliferation of the cells.

Humans , Cell Separation/methods , Epithelial Cells/cytology , Amnion/cytology , Flow Cytometry , Microscopy
Int. j. morphol ; 40(3): 557-561, jun. 2022. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385667


SUMMARY: Tissue clearing techniques are frequently used in the observation and description of anatomical structures and pathways without altering the three-dimensional layout of the anatomical specimen. Tissue optical clearing promotes preservation of three-dimensional structures, which allows the study of the internal anatomy in its original position and original spatial interaction. Among these techniques, Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) maceration clearing is one of the most widely used. However, the histological changes of tissue after KOH maceration have yet to be fully understood. Our aim is to describe the microscopical differences between macerated and normal tissue. To better understand said changes, two human fetuses with a gestation period of 16 to 28 weeks were cleared and processed for histological analysis. Microtome slides of the fetuses' lower limbs were obtained and stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin, Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS), and Masson's trichrome with the purpose of observing the histological and macromolecule composition changes in cleared tissue. Remarkable differences at a histological level regarding the composition of the cellular structures, since diaphanized tissues showed a predominance of extracellular matrix composed of collagen fibers with the absence of most of the nucleated cellular tissue. Phospholipid's saponification, nucleic acids degradation and a change on proteins structural properties are the main factors inducing clearing. At the same time, molecular stability of collagen in alkaline conditions allows the specimen to maintain its shape after the process.

RESUMEN: Las técnicas de limpieza de tejido se utilizan con frecuencia en la observación y descripción de estructuras y vías anatómicas sin alterar el diseño tridimensional de la muestra anatómica. El aclaramiento óptico de tejidos promueve la preservación de estructuras tridimensionales, lo que permite el estudio de la anatomía interna en su posición original y la interacción espacial original. Entre estas técnicas, el aclarado por maceración con Hidróxido de Potasio (KOH) es una de las más utilizadas. Sin embargo, los cambios histológicos del tejido después de la maceración con KOH aún no se han entendido por completo. Nuestro objetivo es describir las diferencias microscópicas entre el tejido macerado y el normal. Para entender mejor dichos cambios, dos fetos humanos con un período de gestación de 16 a 28 semanas fueron aclarados y procesados para análisis histológicos. Se obtuvieron microtomos de las extremidades inferiores de los fetos y se tiñeron con hematoxilina y eosina, ácido peryódico de Schiff (PAS) y tricrómico de Masson con el fin de observar los cambios histológicos y de composición de macromoléculas en el tejido aclarado. Diferencias notables a nivel histológico en cuanto a la composición de las estructuras celulares, ya que los tejidos diafanizados mostraban un predominio de matriz extracelular compuesta por fibras de colágeno con ausencia de la mayor parte del tejido celular nucleado. La saponificación de los fosfolípidos, la degradación de los ácidos nucleicos y un cambio en las propiedades estructurales de las proteínas son los principales factores que inducen la depuración. Al mismo tiempo, la estabilidad molecular del colágeno en condiciones alcalinas permite que la muestra mantenga su forma después del proceso.

Humans , Tissues/anatomy & histology , Histological Techniques/methods , Tissues/ultrastructure , Transillumination , Muscle, Skeletal , Fetus , Microscopy
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 16(2): 202-213, jun. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385885


ABSTRACT: Hybrid verrucous carcinoma (HVC) is defined as a rare neoplasm in which there is histopathological evidence of verrucous carcinoma and microscopic foci of squamous cell carcinoma, synchronously in the same site, affecting behavior and prognosis. This study aimed to present a new case of HVC in the mouth, and critically and comparatively analyze the cases reported in literature, to better understand the biological behavior and contribute to diagnostic precision. A review was performed using six databases, and the gray literature. Twenty-two articles were selected, with a total of 280 cases. The most frequent clinical appearance was verrucous carcinoma which included benign lesions. This implies that the potential for aggressive behavior can be detected microscopically, in the form of a ruptured basement membrane, which visualization can be facilitated by the use of some immunohistochemical markers discussed here. This is important for the diagnosis of HVC and adequate treatment. Hybrid verrucous carcinoma is what can be thought of as "a wolf in sheep's clothing." When analyzing cases with clinical suspicion of verrucous carcinoma microscopically, great attention is recommended, since they may be HVC and can recur, metastasize, and lead to death.

RESUMEN: El carcinoma verrugoso híbrido (CVH) se define como una neoplasia poco frecuente en la que existe evidencia histopatológica de carcinoma verrugoso y focos microscópicos de carcinoma de células escamosas, sincrónicamente en el mismo sitio, que afectan el comportamiento y el pronóstico. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo presentar un nuevo caso de CVH en la cavidad oral, y analizar crítica y comparativamente los casos reportados en la literatura, para comprender mejor el comportamiento biológico y contribuir a la precisión diagnóstica. Se realizó una revisión utilizando seis bases de datos y la literatura gris. Se seleccionaron veintidós artículos, con un total de 280 casos. La aparición clínica más frecuente fue el carcinoma verrugoso que incluyó lesiones benignas. Esto implica que el potencial de comportamiento agresivo puede detectarse microscópicamente, en forma de una membrana basal rota, cuya visualización puede ser facilitada por el uso de algunos marcadores inmunohistoquímicos discutidos aquí. Esto es importante para el diagnóstico de CVH y el tratamiento adecuado. El CVH es lo que se puede considerar como "un lobo con piel de oveja". Al analizar microscópicamente casos con sospecha clínica de carcinoma verrugoso, se recomienda una atención inmediata debido a que pueden ser CVH y pueden recurrir, metastatizar y conducir a la muerte.

Humans , Male , Aged , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/pathology , Mandibular Neoplasms/pathology , Carcinoma, Verrucous/pathology , Neck Dissection , Biopsy , Immunohistochemistry , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/surgery , Photomicrography , Mandibular Neoplasms/surgery , Carcinoma, Verrucous/surgery , Microscopy , Neoplasm Staging
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 16(2): 300-306, jun. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385884


RESUMEN: Esta revisión sobre magnificación en periodoncia presenta la evidencia disponible sobre el tema. Dentro de este trabajo se incluyen: principios y prestaciones de la magnificación, ventajas y desventajas de los diferentes sistemas, características de los instrumentos de microcirugía, ergonomía, trastornos músculo esqueletales, resultados clínicos, cicatrización, percepción de los pacientes y habilidades clínicas necesarias. El objetivo del trabajo fue comprender el funcionamiento de la magnificación, comparar la microcirugía (cirugía con magnificación) vs macro cirugía (cirugía sin magnificación) en función de la ergonomía, la cicatrización y los resultados clínicos. Comparar las ventajas y desventajas de las lupas vs microscopio y conocer las habilidades necesarias para su utilización. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica manual, las bases consultadas fueron: PubMed, Biblioteca Cochrane, EMBASE, Scopus, Science Direct, SciELO. La búsqueda fue sin límites temporales o de idiomas. Se incluyeron investigaciones, revisiones bibliográficas y metaanálisis, también se realizó rastreo de citas. Se recabaron un total de 251 artículos de los cuales se seleccionaron 43 para la revisión. Los artículos fueron revisados por los autores y aceptados por consenso para su discusión. En conclusión trabajar con magnificación aporta ventajas en todos los aspectos estudiados en esta revisión y en la percepción de los pacientes. Si se comparan las lupas con el microscopio, éste ultimo es mejor en cuanto a ergonomía, iluminación, posibilidades de documentación y mayor aumento. Incorporar la magnificación requiere entrenamiento, esta revisión expone los fundamentos por los cuales dicho esfuerzo se traduce en beneficios mayores.

ABSTRACT: This review on magnification in periodontics presents the available evidence on the subject, comprising principles and benefits of magnification, advantages and disadvantages of different systems, characteristics of the instruments in microsurgery, ergonomics, musculoskeletal disorders, clinical results, healing, perception of patients and necessary clinical skills. Objective: to understand the operation of magnification, to compare microsurgery (surgery with magnification) vs macro surgery (surgery without magnification) based on ergonomics, healing, and clinical results. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of loupes vs microscope and know the skills necessary to use them. Material and Method: a manual bibliographic search was carried out, the databases consulted were: PubMed, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, Scopus, Science Direct, SciELO. The search was without time or language limits. Research, literature reviews, and meta-analysis were included, and citation tracking was also done. Results: a total of 251 articles were collected, of which 43 were selected for the review. The articles were reviewed by the authors and accepted by consensus for discussion. Conclusion: working with magnification provides advantages in all the aspects studied in this review and in the perception of the patients. If the magnifying glasses are compared with the microscope, the latter is better in terms of ergonomics, lighting, documentation possibilities and higher magnification. Incorporating magnification requires training, this review expound the justification for which such effort translates into greater benefits.

Humans , Dental Care/instrumentation , Lenses , Oral Hygiene , Patients , Perception , Wound Healing , Biomarkers , Dental Care/methods , Dental Care/standards , Dental Hygienists , Equipment Design , Ergonomics , Microscopy
Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;39(3): 349-353, jun. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407787


Resumen La cromoblastomicosis es una infección fúngica de la piel y del tejido subcutáneo, de evolución crónica, causada por hongos dematiáceos que se caracterizan por presentar melanina en su pared celular. La enfermedad se presenta en todo el mundo, principalmente en regiones tropicales y subtropicales. En Chile, solo hay un reporte de caso humano hace más de 30 años. Se presenta el caso de un varón de 46 años, haitiano, residente en Chile, con placas verrucosas en la zona tibial anterior de un año de evolución. El diagnóstico de cromoblastomicosis se confirmó al observar células muriformes en la histopatología y colonias dematiáceas en el cultivo micológico; además, en la miscroscopía directa se observaron conidias compatibles con Fonsecaea spp. Luego de seis meses de tratamiento con antimicóticos sistémicos y crioterapia, se logró la remisión completa de las lesiones.

Abstract Chromoblastomycosis is a fungal infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, of chronic evolution, caused by dematiaceous fungi. The disease occurs worldwide, mainly in tropical and subtropical regions, but in regions like Chile there is only one report of a human case more than 30 years ago. We present the case of a 46-year-old Haitian man, resident in Chile, with verrucous plaques in the right anterior tibial area of one year of evolution. The diagnosis of chromoblastomycosis was confirmed when muriform cells and dematiaceous colonies were observed in the histopathological analysis and the direct microscopy, respectively. After six months of treatment with systemic antimycotics and cryotherapy, complete remission of the lesions was achieved.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Chromoblastomycosis/diagnosis , Chromoblastomycosis/drug therapy , Skin/microbiology , Chile , Chromoblastomycosis/microbiology , Haiti , Microscopy , Antifungal Agents/therapeutic use
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 74(3): 295-299, jun. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407925


Resumen Objetivo: Presentar el caso de una paciente mujer adulta, joven, con poliposis múltiple, asociado a cáncer colorrectal, evaluando su manejo quirúrgico oncológico. Materiales y Método: Datos e imágenes recopilados de la historia clínica del Hospital de Alta Complejidad Virgen de la Puerta (HACVP) EsSalud - La Libertad. Resultado: Mujer de 33 años que debuta con dolor abdominal en hemiabdomen izquierdo, más deposiciones con sangre. El hallazgo colonoscópico encuentra múltiples pólipos elevados, planos y sésiles en todo el colon, recto y ano compatible con displasias de alto y bajo grado; a nivel de colon izquierdo se halla lesión exofítica, estenosante cuyo resultado fue adenocarcinoma infiltrante moderadamente diferenciado. Por el gran riesgo de malignidad en todo el intestino grueso, incluyendo canal anal, se le realiza proctocolectomía total laparoscópica más ileostomía terminal. Discusión: La poliposis adenomatosa familiar (PAF) es un síndrome cuyo abordaje quirúrgico va desde una colectomía total con anastomosis ileorrectal, proctocolectomía con ileostomía terminal y proctocolectomía total con Pouch y anastomosis ileoanal. Conclusión: Individualizar el caso, sobre la mejor opción quirúrgica a adoptar para un adecuado manejo oncológico.

Aim: To present the case of a young adult female patient with multiple polyposis associated with colorectal cancer, evaluating her surgical oncological management. Materials and Method: Data and images collected from the clinical history of the Hospital de Alta Complejidad "Virgen de la Puerta" (HACVP) EsSalud - La Libertad. Result: 33-year-old woman presenting with abdominal pain in the left hemiabdomen plus bloody stools. At colonoscopy multiple raised, flat and sessile polyps throughout the colon, rectum, and anus compatible with high-and low-grade dysplasias; an exophytic, stenosing lesion was found in the left colon, the result of which was moderately differentiated infiltrating adenocarcinoma. Due to the great risk of malignancy in the entire large intestine including the anal canal, a total laparoscopic proctocolectomy plus terminal ileostomy was performed. Discussion: Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a syndrome whose surgical approach ranges from a total colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis, proctocolectomy with terminal ileostomy and total proctocolectomy with Pouch and ileoanal anastomosis. Conclusión: Individualize the case, regarding the best surgical option to adopt for an adequate oncological management.

Humans , Female , Adult , Proctocolectomy, Restorative , Laparoscopy , Specimen Handling/methods , Adenomatous Polyposis Coli , Microscopy
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 81: e37178, mar.1, 2022. tab, ilus


A ocorrência de matérias estranhas com potencial perigo físico em alimentos é um grande desafio para a indústria alimentícia, e a análise microscópica é provavelmente o instrumento mais útil para detectá-las e identificá-las. Considerando a escassez de dados sobre os perigos físicos em produtos alimentícios no Brasil, o objetivo deste estudo foi descrever essa ocorrência nos produtos analisados no Núcleo de Morfologia e Microscopia do Centro de Alimentos do Laboratório Central do Instituto Adolfo Lutz (IAL), em São Paulo, no período de 2008 a 2020. Os resultados revelaram que, das 7.221 amostras de alimentos analisadas, 89 (1,2%) estavam em desacordo com a legislação em vigor, por conterem perigos físicos. De acordo com a categoria de alimentos, a ocorrência foi maior para bebidas (43%), seguida de cereais, farinha e farelo (22%). Quanto ao tipo de matéria estranha, os plásticos (duros e flexíveis) foram os mais frequentes (48%), seguidos dos metais (15%) entre as partículas perigosas detectadas nas amostras. A detecção e identificação de perigos físicos, por meio de análises microscópicas, contribuem para a segurança e qualidade dos produtos alimentícios oferecidos à população (AU).

The occurrence of physical hazards in food is a great challenge for the food industry, and microscopic analysis is probably the most useful instrument to detect and identify them. Considering the scarcity of data on physical hazards in food products in Brazil, the aim of this study was to describe this occurrence in the products analyzed at the Nucleus of Morphology and Microscopy of the Food Center of the Adolf Lutz Institute's Central Laboratory (IAL) in São Paulo, from 2008 to 2020. Results revealed that of the 7,221 analyzed food samples, 89 (1.2%) did not comply with the legislation due to the presence of physical hazards. According to the food category, the occurrence was higher in beverages (43%), followed by cereals, yeasts, flour and bran (22%). Regarding the type of foreign matter, among the dangerous particles detected, the most frequently found were plastics (48%) (hard and flexible), followed by metals (15%). The detection and identification of physical hazards by microscopic analysis contributes to the safety and quality of food products offered to the public. (AU)

Food Contamination , Safety Management , Health Risk , Food Analysis , Food Supply , Microscopy