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Braz. j. oral sci. (Online) ; 24: e254003, 2025. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1586699


Aim: This study aimed to assess the effects of a hydroelectrolytic beverage on the surface roughness and microhardness of different bulk fill resin composites. Methods: Sixty resin composite samples were prepared and divided into three groups: FiltekTM Z350 (C), FiltekTM One Bulk Fill (BF-F), and Opus Bulk Fill APS (BF-O). These were further subdivided to analyze two beverage groups: GatoradeTM Lemon (GL) and distilled water (control). Surface roughness (Ra), surface microhardness (KHN), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) results were evaluated (n=10). The data were subjected to two-way ANOVA (for roughness) or three-way ANOVA (for microhardness), followed by Tukey's post hoc test (α=0.05). Results: The C group exhibited higher microhardness than the BF-F and BF-O groups, regardless of the solution used. A reduction in microhardness was observed in all groups when comparing initial and final time points. SEM images revealed variations in the size, amount, and arrangement of particles among the different resin composites. Conclusion: The study concluded that the microhardness of different bulk fill resin composites decreases when exposed to either the hydroelectrolytic beverage or distilled water. However, the type of immersion liquid did not influence the surface roughness of the evaluated composite resins.

Beverages , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Distilled Water , Composite Resins , Hardness Tests
Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 698-708, jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564638


SUMMARY: Tissue engineering aims to fabricate a scaffold that exhibits a suitable surface topography for a desired cellular response. Therefore, a study analyzing the characteristics of bone grafts is important for future research directions. This work aims to analyze the physical-chemical characteristics of commercially available bone grafts of human and bovine origin for dental use, using morphological analysis of the surface and chemical composition by variable pressure scanning electron microscope (VP-SEM) and energy-dispersive x-ray (EDX) spectrometry. In addition, pore diameter and surface area were analyzed by degassing method using a porosimeter, and particle size by laser diffraction. The analyzed allograft and xenograft particles differ in morphological characteristics and chemical composition. The allograft particles present a cuboidal and prismatic geometric morphology with angled edges and the absence of macropores. On the contrary, the xenograft particles present an irregular morphology with macropores in their structure. There is a statistically significant difference in C, P, and Ca between the xenograft and allografts (p < 0,05). The analyzed composition of allografts showed mainly the presence of C and O. In contrast, the composition of the xenograft was mainly Ca. These differences could influence the osteogenic properties of allografts and xenografts. This analysis provides basic information to understand the physicochemical properties of allografts and xenografts that facilitate cell-graft interaction.

La ingeniería de tejidos tiene como objetivo fabricar un andamio que muestre una topografía de superficie adecuada para una respuesta celular deseada. Por tanto, un estudio que analice las características de los injertos óseos es importante para futuros enfoques de investigación. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar las características físico-químicas de injertos óseos de origen humano y bovino disponibles comercialmente para uso odontológico, mediante análisis morfológico de la superficie y composición química mediante microscopio electrónico de barrido de presión variable (VP-SEM) y x-dispersivo de energía. espectrometría de rayos (EDX). Además, el diámetro de los poros y el área superficial se analizaron mediante el método de desgasificación utilizando un porosímetro y el tamaño de las partículas mediante difracción láser. Las partículas de aloinjerto y xenoinjerto analizadas difieren en características morfológicas y composición química. Las partículas del aloinjerto presentan una morfología geométrica cúbica y prismática con bordes angulados y ausencia de macroporos. Por el contrario, las partículas de xenoinjerto presentan una morfología irregular con macroporos en su estructura. Existe una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en C, P y Ca entre el xenoinjerto y los aloinjertos (p < 0,05). La composición analizada de los aloinjertos mostró principalmente la presencia de C y O. Por el contrario, la composición del xenoinjerto fue principalmente Ca. Estas diferencias podrían influir en las propiedades osteogénicas de los aloinjertos y xenoinjertos. Este análisis proporciona información básica para comprender las propiedades fisicoquímicas de aloinjertos y xenoinjertos que facilitan la interacción célula-injerto.

Humans , Animals , Cattle , Allografts/anatomy & histology , Allografts/chemistry , Spectrometry, X-Ray Emission , Bone Regeneration , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Porosity , Bone Transplantation , Heterografts/anatomy & histology , Heterografts/chemistry
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(3): 448-459, mayo 2024. tab, ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538174


T agetes patula , known as French Marigold, belongs to the family Asteraceae. Human papillomavirus infection is considered one of the causes of cervical cancer. This study assessed the cytotoxic activity and intracellular oxidative capacity of compounds isolated from extract of T. patula flowers as anti - cancer cervical agents. Fraction F6 of n - butanol extract was subjected to column chromatography and HPLC - ESI - MS. The isolated compo unds of T. patula were used to examine cytotoxic activity and the production of total reactive oxygen species in SiHa and HeLa cells; the cells were also characterized using scanning electron microscopy. Patulitrin was cytotoxic to SiHa and HeLa cells. An increase in ROS production was observed at different times of treatment of cells with patuletin and patulitrin. Scanning electron microscopy showed morphological changes in SiHa and HeLa cells. Thus, compounds isolated from T. patula have great treatment p otential against cervical cancer.

Tagetes patula , conocida como cempasúchil francés, pertenece a la familia Asteraceae. La infección por el virus del papiloma humano se considera una de las causas del cáncer cervical. En este estudio, se evaluó la actividad citotóxica y la capacidad oxidativa intracelular de los compuestos aislados del extracto de las flores de T. patula como agentes anticancerígenos cervicales. La fracción F6 del ext racto de n - butanol se sometió a cromatografía en columna y HPLC - ESI - MS. Los compuestos aislados de T. patula se utilizaron para examinar la actividad citotóxica y la producción total de especies reactivas de oxígeno en las células SiHa y HeLa; las células también se caracterizaron mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido. Patulitrina resultó citotóxica para las células SiHa y HeLa. Se observó un aumento en la producción de ROS en diferentes momentos del tratamiento de las células con patuletina y patulit rina. La microscopía electrónica de barrido mostró cambios morfológicos en las células SiHa y HeLa. Por lo tanto, los compuestos aislados de T. patula tienen un gran potencial de tratamiento contra el cáncer cervical.

Humans , Flavonoids/isolation & purification , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/drug therapy , Anticarcinogenic Agents/chemistry , Tagetes/chemistry , Plant Extracts/administration & dosage , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , Anticarcinogenic Agents/administration & dosage , Cell Line, Tumor/drug effects
Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 256-260, abr. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558141


SUMMARY: This study evaluated the morphology of alpacas skin. Biopsies were collected and samples were fixed in 10 % neutral buffered formalin for histological procedures. The sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, picrosirius red and Masson's trichrome. Types I, III and IV collagen were analyzed by immunohistochemistry. The derma presented sebaceous and sweat glands, as well as follicular groups with medullated fibers. Type I and type IV collagen were observed at epidermis and dermis as well as in glandular structures and hair follicles. The collagen III, was observed only in dermis.

Este estudio evaluó la morfología de la piel de alpacas. Se recogieron biopsias y las muestras se fijaron en formalina tamponada neutra al 10 % para procedimientos histológicos. Las secciones se tiñeron con hematoxilina y eosina, rojo picrosirius y tricrómico de Masson. El colágeno tipo I, III y IV se analizó mediante inmunohistoquímica. La dermis presentó glándulas sebáceas y sudoríparas, así como grupos foliculares con fibras medulares. Se observó colágeno tipo I y tipo IV en la epidermis y la dermis, así como en estructuras glandulares y folículos pilosos. El colágeno III, se observó únicamente en la dermis.

Animals , Camelids, New World/anatomy & histology , Integumentary System/anatomy & histology , Immunohistochemistry , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 83: 40274, 30 jan. 2024. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-SP, SESSP-ACVSES, SESSP-IALPROD, SES-SP, SESSP-IALACERVO | ID: biblio-1567616


Este trabalho objetiva averiguar a presença de matérias estranhas presentes em águas minerais envasadas e sugerir a utilização da Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), como técnica adequada para detecção e contagem. Oito amostras de água mineral foram obtidas e subamostras de 100 mL foram filtradas em membranas, que foram secas e recobertas com platina e observadas em MEV. Áreas de 21.025 µm2 foram focalizadas e as partículas contadas. Realizaram-se análise de variância e o teste de Regwq para a comparação das médias das contagens. Diferentes partículas visualizadas foram registradas sob distintas magnificações. A análise de variância revelou alta significância entre a quantidade de matérias estranhas das amostras, indicando que as amostras diferiram bastante quanto a essa característica. As médias obtidas obedeceram a uma estratificação, mas foram estimadas com grande precisão, sugerindo-se que a subdivisão em 10 grupos de contagem e a extrapolação para o volume de 100 mL é uma estimativa confiável para a contagem de partículas filtradas nesse volume de água. Foi mostrado que o MEV se apresentou como instrumento auxiliar adequado para a contagem de matérias estranhas em amostras de águas minerais envasadas, especialmente quando suas dimensões não permitem sua identificação convencionalmente. (AU)

This work aims to investigate the presence of microscopic foreign materials in bottled mineral waters and suggest the use of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) as a suitable technique for counting foreign matter. Eight samples of mineral water were obtained, and 100 mL subsamples were filtered through membranes, which were then dried, coated with platinum, and observed under SEM. Areas of 21,025 µm2 were analysed, and the particles present were counted. Variance analysis was carried out, and the Regwq test was applied to compare the counting averages. Samples of the dirt particles were imaged at different magnifications. The analysis of variance revealed high significance among the samples, indicating substantial differences between them. The averages followed a stratification pattern and were estimated with great precision, suggesting that the subdivision into 10 count groups and the extrapolation to 100 mL volume is a reliable estimate for the count of particles filtered in this volume of water. It was shown that SEM was a suitable instrument for counting and observing foreign matter and dirt in samples of bottled natural mineral waters, especially when their dimensions are too small to be detected by conventional methods. (AU)

Water Microbiology , Drinking Water , Beverages , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Microscopy , Mineral Waters
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 32: e4209, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1565568


Objective: to analyze the integrity of N95/PFF2 masks in relation to fiber morphology, porosity, cracks and micro holes, as well as identify visible damage to their structure and components, after seven- and fifteen-day reuse protocols. Method: cross-sectional study. Structural and morphological characteristics of a new N95/PFF2 mask were analyzed in comparison with N95/PFF2 masks (n=10) used in seven- and fifteen-day protocols, through visual inspection and scanning electron microscopy. Results: upon visual inspection, following the seven-day protocol, 40% and 60% of the N95/PFF2 masks showed, respectively, personal identification marks and external and internal dirt. Additionally, 20% exhibited loosening and/or tearing of the straps, while 100% showed some type of damage to the nose clips. In the fifteen-day protocol, all N95/PFF2 masks had dirt, loose straps and damaged nose clips, and 80% had folds. Electronic microscopy revealed an increase in pores and loosening in the weaves from seven days onwards, extending up to fifteen days, with the presence of micro holes and residues. Conclusion: the reuse of N95/PFF2 masks affects their structural and morphological integrity. It is crucial to carry out tests to measure the impact of this practice on the safety of health professionals.

Objetivo: analizar la integridad de mascarillas N95/PFF2 con relación a la morfología de las fibras, porosidad, grietas y microagujeros, así como identificar daños visibles en su estructura y componentes, luego de protocolos de reutilización de siete y quince días. Método: estudio transversal. Se analizaron las características estructurales y morfológicas de una mascarilla N95/PFF2 nueva en comparación con las mascarillas N95/PFF2 (n=10) utilizadas en protocolos de siete y quince días, mediante inspección visual y microscopía electrónica de barrido. Resultados: tras la inspección visual, siguiendo el protocolo de siete días, el 40% y el 60% de las mascarillas N95/PFF2 mostraron, respectivamente, marcas de identificación personal y suciedad externa e interna. Además, el 20% presentó aflojamiento y/o desgarro de las correas de sujeción, mientras que el 100% presentó algún tipo de daño en los clips nasales. En el protocolo de quince días, todas las mascarillas N95/PFF2 tenían suciedad, correas de sujeción sueltas y clips nasales dañados, y el 80% tenía pliegues. La microscopía electrónica reveló un aumento de poros y aflojamiento en las tramas a partir de los siete días, extendiéndose hasta los quince días, con presencia de microagujeros y residuos. Conclusión: la reutilización de las mascarillas N95/PFF2 compromete su integridad estructural y morfológica. Es crucial realizar pruebas para medir el impacto de esta práctica en la seguridad de los profesionales de la salud.

Objetivo: analisar a integridade das máscaras N95/PFF2 em relação à morfologia das fibras, porosidade, fissuras e micro furos, bem como identificar danos visíveis em sua estrutura e componentes, após protocolos de reutilização de sete e quinze dias. Método: estudo transversal. Características estruturais e morfológicas de uma máscara N95/PFF2 nova foram analisadas em comparação com máscaras N95/PFF2 (n=10) utilizadas em protocolos de sete e quinze dias, por meio da inspeção visual e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Resultados: na inspeção visual, seguindo o protocolo de sete dias, 40% e 60% das máscaras N95/PFF2 apresentaram, respectivamente, marcas de identificação pessoal e sujidades externas e internas. Além disso, 20% exibiram afrouxamento e/ou rompimento das tiras de fixação, enquanto 100% mostraram algum tipo de dano nos clipes nasais. No protocolo de quinze dias, todas as máscaras N95/PFF2 apresentavam sujidade, tiras de fixação frouxas e clipes nasais comprometidos; 80% possuíam dobras. A microscopia eletrônica revelou aumento dos poros e afrouxamento nas tramas a partir de sete dias, ampliando-se até quinze dias, com presença de micro furos e detritos. Conclusão: a reutilização das máscaras N95/PFF2 compromete a integridade estrutural e morfológica. É crucial realizar testes para mensurar o impacto dessa prática na segurança dos profissionais de saúde.

Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Occupational Health , Health Personnel , Equipment Reuse , Personal Protective Equipment , N95 Respirators
Braz. j. oral sci ; 23: e241938, 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1532506


Aim: To evaluate changes in the surface roughness and morphology of a nanofilled composite following toothbrushing with a whitening (WT) or regular toothpaste (RT), alone or combined with 35% hydrogen peroxide bleaching (HP). Methods: Seventy disc-shaped nanofilled composite (Filtek Z350XT) specimens were randomly divided into groups (n=10): WT, RT, TB (without toothpaste ­ control) or the combinations WT/ HP, RT/HP, TB/HP and HP. All groups underwent toothbrushing simulation (60,000 cycles) and bleaching treatment (4 sessions). Mean surface roughness (Ra, µm) was measured before (T0) and after treatments (TB). Surface morphology was assessed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) at TB. Mean Ra was analyzed using general mixed models and multiple comparisons by the Tukey-Kramer test (α=5%). Results: HP caused no surface roughness changes on the nanofilled composite after treatment (p>0.05). RT toothbrushing, combined or not with HP, increased the surface roughness (p<0.05). WT and WT/ HP protocols had no effect on the surface roughness of the composite (p>0.05). The nanofilled composite submitted to RT toothbrushing combined with HP (RT/HP) presented substantial surface alterations under SEM, showing deep depressions and round-shaped defects. Toothbrushing with RT combined with the bleaching agent increased exposure of the inorganic fillers. Conclusion: WT toothbrushing, regardless of HP combination, or the single HP protocol had no effect on the surface roughness of the nanofilled composite. However, RT combined with HP negatively affected surface roughness and presented the most noticeable surface changes among groups

Tooth Bleaching , Toothpastes , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Composite Resins , Hydrogen Peroxide
Braz. dent. sci ; 27(1): 1-7, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1532450


Objective: The aim of this study was to determine if SEM used with imaging software could be used to quantitatively determine the extent of dentine roughness due to tooth-brushing. Material and methods: Flat, polished dentine surfaces were subjected to 25,000 cycles of simulated tooth-brushing at 2 strokes per second with a load of 200 g. At the end of the brushing cycle, dentine surfaces were first assessed using profilometry and then subjected to SEM analysis. Ra (average roughness) readings were obtained for profilometric assessment. Using imaging software, the horizontal distance between adjacent characteristic grooves noted on micrographs was measured, ensuring that the middle of each crest of the associated groove was used as the reference point, the Crest-to-Crest distance (C-C distance). These two parameters were examined statistically for correlation. Results: When Spearman Rank tests were utilized the correlation between average Ra and crest to crest measurements was 0.709 (p <0.01). The Bland Altman plot, however, showed poor agreement between the two test parameters. Conclusion: Further work is needed to validate the use of this methodology in the quantitative assessment of tooth surface loss due to abrasion (AU)

Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar se o MEV usado com software de imagem poderia ser usado para determinar quantitativamente a extensão da rugosidade da dentina devido à escovação dentária. Material e Métodos: Superfícies dentinárias planas e polidas foram submetidas a 25.000 ciclos de escovação dentária simulada a 2 movimentos por segundo com uma carga de 200g. No final do ciclo de escovação, as superfícies dentinárias foram primeiro avaliadas por perfilometria e depois submetidas à análise MEV. Leituras de Ra (rugosidade média) foram obtidas para avaliação perfilométrica. Utilizando um software de imagem, foi medida a distância horizontal entre sulcos característicos adjacentes observados nas micrografias, garantindo que o meio de cada crista do sulco associado fosse usado como ponto de referência, a distância crista a crista (distância CC). Esses dois parâmetros foram examinados estatisticamente para correlação. Resultados: Quando foram utilizados os testes de Spearman Rank, a correlação entre a média de Ra e as medidas de crista a crista foi de 0,709 (p<0,01). O gráfico de Bland Altman, no entanto, mostrou fraca concordância entre os dois parâmetros de teste. Conclusão: Mais trabalhos são necessários para validar o uso desta metodologia na avaliação quantitativa da perda da superfície dentária devido à abrasão(AU)

Surface Properties , Tooth Abrasion , Toothbrushing , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Dentin
Acta cir. bras ; Acta Cir. Bras. (Online);39: e392224, 2024. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1556673


Purpose: To evaluate, by quantitative and qualitative methods, the glomerular ultrastructure in Wistar rats fed a cafeteria diet. Methods: Male Wistar rats were divided into two groups at 21 days of age: control (C, n = 10) and cafeteria diet (CAF, n = 8). The animals were followed up until 5 months of age, followed by euthanasia. The blood, kidneys, and fat deposits­­epididymal, retroperitoneal, and subcutaneous­­were extracted and analyzed. Data were analyzed by Student's t test, and p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The cafeteria diet promoted glucose intolerance, hyperglycemia (p < 0.0001), and deposition of retroperitoneal fat (p < 0.005). Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the length of the foot process was similar in both groups. The quantitative analyses by transmission electron microscopy revealed that the cafeteria diet reduced the thickness of the glomerular basement membrane (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The intake of lipids and simple carbohydrates were found to be associated with alteration in the glomerular ultrastructure. However, more studies are needed to evaluate not only the effects of high-protein and high-fat diets on components of the glomerular filtration barrier, but also renal physiology.

Animals , Rats , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Rats, Wistar , Diet , Kidney
Odovtos (En línea) ; 25(3): 67-81, Sep.-Dec. 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1529070


Abstract To compare the physicochemical composition of 4 MTAs commercially available in Latin America. ProRoot MTA (Dentsply, USA), MTA Angelus (Angelus, Brazil), MTA Flow (Ultradent, USA), and MTA Viarden (Viarden, Mexico) were physically and chemically compared. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images were obtained from the MTA powder and the prepared presentations. Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS) analyses were performed by triplicate, to calculate the mass proportion of calcium (Ca), silicon (Si), the Ca/Si proportion among the 4 brands. Thermogravimetric analyses (TGA) were conducted (50ºC-1000ºC), and mass loss and inflection points were calculated for each material. Statistical differences for Ca and Si content were determined by ANOVA (p<0.05). SEM images showed evident differences in the appearance of both the powder and the prepared MTAs among brands. Angelus MTA showed cubic prisms not observed in the other 3 brands. ProRoot MTA and MTA Flow showed similar homogeneous structures. MTA Viarden was the less homogeneous, with random structures (>15um). When comparing the mass proportions of Ca and Si between the 4 powder samples, MTA Viarden showed a significantly lower proportions of both elements when compared with the other brands (p<0.005). TGA análisis showed a similar behavior for ProRoot MTA, MTA Angelus and MTA Flow, with less than 2% mass loss when the 1000C temperature was reached. MTA Viarden showed a mass loss of 9,94% before the 700C, indicating the presence of different content sensible to temperature degradation. The analyzed MTAs demonstrated to vary significantly in their chemical composition and physical characteristics. Clinicians must be aware of the differences between different brands of a same material, and future research should focus on the clinical implications of these differences.

Resumen Comparar la composición fisicoquímica de 4 MTA disponibles comercialmente en América Latina. Se compararon física y químicamente ProRoot MTA (Dentsply, EE. UU.), MTA Angelus (Angelus, Brasil), MTA Flow (Ultradent, EE. UU.) y MTA Viarden (Viarden, México). Se obtuvieron imágenes de microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) del polvo de MTA y de las presentaciones preparadas. Los análisis de espectroscopía de dispersión de energía de rayos X (EDS) se realizaron por triplicado para calcular la proporción de masa de calcio (Ca), silicio (Si), la proporción Ca/Si entre las 4 marcas. Se realizaron análisis termogravimétricos (TGA) (50ºC-1000ºC), y se calcularon las pérdidas de masa y los puntos de inflexión para cada material. Las diferencias estadísticas para el contenido de Ca y Si se determinaron mediante ANOVA (p<0,05). Los análisis SEM mostraron diferencias evidentes en la apariencia tanto del polvo como las preparaciones de los MTA, entre las diferentes marcas. MTA Angelus mostró prismas cúbicos no observados en las otras 3 marcas. ProRoot MTA y MTA Flow mostraron estructuras homogéneas similares. MTA Viarden fue el menos homogéneo, con estructuras aleatorias (>15um). Al comparar las proporciones de masa de Ca y Si entre las 4 muestras de polvo, MTA Viarden mostró proporciones significativamente más bajas de ambos elementos en comparación con las otras marcas (p<0,005). El análisis TGA mostró un comportamiento similar para ProRoot MTA, MTA Angelus y MTA Flow, con menos del 2 % de pérdida de masa al alcanzar los 1000 °C de temperatura. El MTA Viarden mostró una pérdida de masa de 9,94% antes de los 700 °C, indicando la presencia de diferentes contenidos sensibles a la degradación por temperatura. Los MTA analizados demostraron diferencias significativas en su composición química y características físicas. Los clínicos deben ser conscientes de las diferencias entre las diferentes marcas de un mismo material, y futuras investigaciones deben enfocarse en las implicaciones clínicas de estas diferencias.

Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Ceramics/analysis , Endodontics , Biocompatible Materials
Int. j. morphol ; 41(4): 1219-1227, ago. 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514335


SUMMARY: In this study we describe the functional morphology of Cornu aspersum (Helix aspersa), spermatozoa using light, scanning (SEM) and transmission electron (TEM) microscopies. The studies were performed with sperm located in the frozen hermaphroditic duct. Our results showed that the head presents an elongated conical shape slightly coiled in a corkscrew, with the nucleus partially covered by an acrosome, where an apical vesicle is located at the lateralized apex. This peculiar shape suggests the helical displacement movement of the spermatozoa. The head and the nucleus are slightly larger size compared to those of other gastropod species. The intermediate tract is surrounded by a mitochondrial complex and a glycogen helix. The glycogen helix is coiled helically along the intermediate tract, presenting at least five twists of glycogen helices. The complexity of both the mitochondrial complex and the glycogen helix suggests a high metabolic consumption considering the long period of time until fertilization occurs. Our findings on the detailed characterization of Cornu aspersum spermatozoa, obtained from a frozen hermaphroditic duct can contribute to a better understanding of the functional morphology of sperm and serve as a reference for future studies.

En este estudio describimos la morfología funcional de Cornu aspersum (Helix aspersa), espermatozoides utilizando microscopías de luz, barrido (SEM) y electrónica de transmisión (TEM). Los estudios se realizaron con espermatozoides localizados en el conducto hermafrodita congelado. Nuestros resultados mostraron que la cabeza presenta una forma cónica alargada ligeramente enrollada en un tirabuzón, con el núcleo parcialmente cubierto por un acrosoma, donde se ubica una vesícula apical en el ápice lateralizado. Esta peculiar forma sugiere el movimiento de desplazamiento helicoidal de los espermatozoides. La cabeza y el núcleo son de un tamaño ligeramente mayor en comparación con los de otras especies de gasterópodos. El tracto intermedio está rodeado por un complejo mitocondrial y una hélice de glucógeno. La hélice de glucógeno se enrolla helicoidalmente a lo largo del tracto intermedio, presentando al menos cinco giros de hélices de glucógeno. La complejidad tanto del complejo mitocondrial como de la hélice de glucógeno sugiere un alto consumo metabólico considerando el largo período de tiempo hasta que ocurre la fecundación. Nuestros hallazgos sobre la caracterización detallada de los espermatozoides de Cornu aspersum, obtenidos de un conducto hermafrodita congelado, pueden contribuir a una mejor comprensión de la morfología funcional de los espermatozoides y servir como referencia para futuros estudios.

Animals , Snails , Spermatozoa/ultrastructure , Spermatozoa/physiology , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Cryopreservation , Microscopy, Electron, Transmission , Hermaphroditic Organisms
Int. j. morphol ; 41(4): 1058-1065, ago. 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514349


SUMMARY: The existence of "transitional muscular structures" between subendocardial branches (Purkinje fibers) and ventricular working muscle fibers (WF) was first described by the German anatomist, Kurt Goerttler, in 1964. He designated them as "subendocardial nucleus organs." He supposed such fibers functioned as mechanoreceptors, controlling of the intensity of contraction of the ventricular musculature. Brazilian anatomist Ferraz de Carvalho described similar structures in 1993. A thorough literature search failed to identify any other research articles confirming or denying their existence. The objective of this work was to find such structures in subendocardial ventricular walls in human hearts. We collected fifteen formalin-preserved hearts from the Anatomy Department of São Paulo University and sectioned the apical portions on the right and left ventricles according to method used by Goerttler. We utilized conventional histology (light microscopy- LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and a new preservation method called micro- plastination (MP). At the anterior wall of the right ventricle in the subendocardial region between the interventricular septum and moderator band, we found several bundles of fusiform and helicoidal fibers of similar histology to the WF. The bundles measured between 400 and 1150 µm in length and were separated from adjacent muscular fibers by thin collagen fiber, thus acting as a "pseudo capsule." Some structures seemed to be linked to PF and were appeared to be lymphatic and blood vessels and nerves. We called those structures "cardiac corpuscles" (CC). The observation of the previously "unknown" CC in this initial study confirmed the previous descriptions and its discovery may contribute to new perspectives in the study of cardiac muscle structure and function.

La existencia de "estructuras musculares de transición" entre los ramos subendocárdicos (fibras de Purkinje) y las fibras musculares ventriculares activas(FMV) fue descrita por primera vez por el anatomista alemán Kurt Goerttler en 1964, quien las denominó "órganos del núcleo subendocárdico". Supuso que tales fibras funcionaban como mecanoreceptores, controlando la intensidad de la contracción de la musculatura ventricular. El anatomista brasileño Ferraz de Carvalho describió estructuras similares en 1993. Una búsqueda bibliográfica exhaustiva no logró identificar ningún otro artículo de investigación que confirmara o negara su existencia. El objetivo de este trabajo fue encontrar dichas estructuras en las paredes ventriculares subendocárdicas de corazones humanos. Recolectamos 15 corazones conservados en formalina del Departamento de Anatomía de la Universidad de São Paulo y seccionamos las porciones apicales de los ventrículos derecho e izquierdo según el método utilizado por Goerttler. Utilizamos histología convencional (microscopía de luz-LM), microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) y un nuevo método de conservación llamado microplastinación (MP). En la pared anterior del ventrículo derecho en la región subendocárdica entre el tabique interventricular y la banda moderadora, encontramos varios haces de fibras fusiformes y helicoidales de histología similar a la FMV. Los haces medían entre 400 y 1150 µm de longitud y estaban separados de las fibras musculares adyacentes por una fina fibra de colágeno, actuando así como una "pseudocápsula". Algunas estructuras parecían estar vinculadas a la fibras de purkinje y parecían ser vasos linfáticos, sanguíneos y nerviosos. Llamamos a esas estructuras "corpúsculos cardíacos" (CC). La observación del CC previamente "desconocido" en este estudio inicial confirmó las descripciones anteriores y su descubrimiento puede contribuir a nuevas perspectivas en el estudio de la estructura y función del músculo cardíaco.

Humans , Purkinje Fibers/anatomy & histology , Heart/anatomy & histology , Heart Ventricles/anatomy & histology , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning
Odovtos (En linea) ; 25(1)abr. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1422197


This study evaluated selected structural and physical properties, such as degree of conversion (DC), Vickers hardness (VHN), and compression strength (CS), of three new dual-cure bulk-fill resin-based composites (RBCs; ACTIVA, HyperFIL, and Fill-Up) and compared them to those of a conventional RBC (Filtek Z250) at three clinically relevant depths. Samples (n=180) were prepared in three depths (2,4, and 6mm). Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis and VHN and CS tests were performed. The DC value was calculated by considering the relative change in the aliphatic C=C peaks. The fractured surfaces of representative samples were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Data were statistically evaluated using two-way analysis of variance and post hoc Bonferroni tests (p<0.05). According to the VHN results, Filtek Z250 showed the highest bottom/top hardness ratio (97.94±1.01) at 2mm thickness and ACTIVA showed the lowest bottom/top hardness ratio (43.48±5.64) at 6mm thickness (p<0.001). According to the FTIR results, the DC decreased with increasing thickness in all materials (p<0.05). Filtek Z250 showed the highest (301±12.4 MPa) and ACTIVA exhibited the lowest (232±17.2 MPa) CS values at 2mm thickness (p<0.05). The lowest CS values were obtained for ACTIVA, and the highest values were obtained for Filtek Z250 for samples with thicknesses of 4 and 6mm, respectively (p<0.05). The structural features of restorative composites, such as the resin chemistry and filler type and content, and the operational parameters (i.e., material thickness and curing conditions) strongly affect crosslinking reactions and thus the DC, VHN, and CS values.

Este estudio evaluó propiedades físicas y estructurales, como el grado de conversión (DC), la dureza Vickers (VHN) y la resistencia a la compresión (CS), de tres nuevos compósitos a base de resina de curado dual tipo bulk (RBC; ACTIVA , HyperFIL y Fill-Up) y los comparó con los de una resina compuesta convencional (Filtek Z250) en tres profundidades clínicamente relevantes. Se prepararon muestras (n=180) en tres profundidades (2,4 y 6mm). Se realizaron análisis de espectroscopia infrarroja por transformada de Fourier (FTIR) y pruebas VHN y CS. El valor de DC se calculó considerando el cambio relativo en los picos alifáticos C=C. Las superficies fracturadas de muestras representativas se caracterizaron mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB). Los datos se evaluaron estadísticamente mediante análisis de varianza de dos vías y pruebas post hoc de Bonferroni (p<0,05). De acuerdo con los resultados de VHN, Filtek Z250 mostró la relación de dureza inferior/superior más alta (97,94±1,01) con un espesor de 2mm y ACTIVA mostró la relación de dureza inferior/superior más baja (43,48±5,64) con un espesor de 6mm (p<0,001). De acuerdo con los resultados de FTIR, la DC disminuyó al aumentar el espesor en todos los materiales (p<0,05). Filtek Z250 mostró los valores de CS más altos (301±12,4 MPa) y ACTIVA los más bajos (232±17,2 MPa) a 2mm de espesor (p<0,05). Los valores más bajos de CS se obtuvieron para ACTIVA y los valores más altos para Filtek Z250 para muestras con espesores de 4 y 6mm, respectivamente (p<0,05). Las características estructurales de las resinas compuestas de restauración, como la química; además del tipo y contenido del relleno, y los parámetros operativos (es decir, el espesor del material y las condiciones de curado) afectan en gran medida las reacciones de interacción química y, por lo tanto, los valores de DC, VHN y CS.

Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Composite Resins/analysis , Compressive Strength
Int. j. morphol ; 41(1): 65-72, feb. 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430530


SUMMARY: Respiration and water-liquid transportation are controlled by many factors in the lung. The aim of this study was to explore the structure and proteins expression in lungs of Phrynocephalus vlangalii by means of gross anatomy, light microscope observation, scanning electron microscope and immunohistochemistry. Results show that there were many alveoli in the lung and the walls of alveoli and capillaries were very thin. The inner surface of the lung was divided into many cystic chambers by reticular diaphragm, and the network of pulmonary capillaries was dense. Immunohistochemistry showed that AQP1 was mainly expressed in the epithelium of interstitial bronchi, parabronchiole endothelium, capillary endothelium and alveolar epithelial cells. VIP positive nerve fibers are mainly distributed in trachea, bronchial smooth muscle layer, the walls of pulmonary vessels and bronchial vessels and around submucosal glands. CECR2 is distributed in peripheral capillaries and small. Investigations of structure and proteins biology could be relevant with the adaptive strategy to drought and hypoxia environment in Phrynocephalus vlangalii.

La respiración y el transporte de agua y líquido están controlados en el pulmón por muchos factores. El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar la estructura y la expresión de proteínas en los pulmones de Phrynocephalus vlangalii por medio de la anatomía macroscópica, observación con microscopio óptico, microscopio electrónico de barrido e inmunohistoquímica. Los resultados muestran que había muchos alvéolos en el pulmón y que las paredes de los alvéolos y de los capilares eran muy delgadas. La superficie interna del pulmón estaba dividida en cámaras quísticas por el diafragma reticular y se observó una densa red de capilares pulmonares. La inmunohistoquímica mostró que AQP1 se expresaba principalmente en el epitelio de los bronquios intersticiales, el endotelio parabronquial, el endotelio capilar y las células epiteliales alveolares. Las fibras nerviosas VIP positivas se distribuyen principalmente en la tráquea, la capa de músculo liso bronquial, las paredes de los vasos pulmonares y los vasos bronquiales y alrededor de las glándulas submucosas. CECR2 se distribuye en pequeño capilares periféricos. Las investigaciones de la biología de la estructura y las proteínas podrían ser relevantes con la estrategia de adaptación al entorno de sequía e hipoxia en Phrynocephalus vlangalii.

Animals , Adaptation, Physiological , Lizards/anatomy & histology , Lung/anatomy & histology , Immunohistochemistry , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Lung/ultrastructure
Int. j. morphol ; 41(1): 195-209, feb. 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430542


SUMMARY: The aim of the present in vitro study is to visualize dentin to get an in-depth knowledge of the nature of dentin that could provide useful information regarding conditioning dentinal substrate when treating dentinal lesions. Forty-nine extracted human third molars were obtained and prepared to produce artificial dentinal lesions through demineralizing with acetic acid for 7 and 14 days, or lactic acid for 7 days. The teeth were divided into groups and treated with either NaOCl, pepsin, trypsin, or phosphoric acid. To obtain information on the morphology of the treated dentinal surfaces, all samples were visualized under high resolution field emission scanning electron microscope. With high magnification reaching x50000 dentin was clearly visualized together with its constitutes. The effect of various demineralization approaches and various treatment protocols were demonstrated clearly. The relationship between the conditioning procedure steps and the subsequent bond strength was discussed. To our best knowledge, there is no previous clear highly magnified scanning electron microscope images for dentin, and dentinal components and constitutes with and without various treatments. The current in vitro study suggests the complexity nature of dentin as a substrate that should be treated carefully especially with technique sensitive procedures such as adhesive restorations.

El objetivo del presente estudio in vitro fue visualizar la dentina para obtener un conocimiento completo de la naturaleza de ella lo que podría proporcionar información útil sobre el acondicionamiento del sustrato dentinario en el tratamiento de lesiones dentinarias. Se obtuvieron 49 terceros molares humanos extraídos y se prepararon para producir lesiones dentinales artificiales mediante desmineralización con ácido acético por 7 y 14 días, o ácido láctico por 7 días. Los dientes se dividieron en grupos y se trataron con NaOCl, pepsina, tripsina o ácido fosfórico. Para obtener información sobre la morfología de las superficies dentinarias tratadas, todas las muestras se visualizaron bajo un microscopio electrónico de barrido de emisión de campo de alta resolución. Con un gran aumento que alcanzó x50000, la dentina se visualizó claramente junto con sus componentes. Se demostró el efecto de varios enfoques de desmineralización y varios protocolos de tratamiento. Se discutió la relación entre los pasos del procedimiento de acondicionamiento y la subsiguiente fuerza de unión. Hasta donde sabemos, no hay imágenes claras previas de microscopio electrónico de barrido altamente ampliadas para la dentina y los componentes y constituyentes de la dentina con y sin diferentes tratamientos. El estudio in vitro actual sugiere la naturaleza compleja de la dentina como sustrato que debe tratarse con cuidado, especialmente en los procedimientos sensibles a la técnica, tal como las restauraciones adhesivas.

Humans , Tooth Demineralization/chemically induced , Dentin/drug effects , Dentin/ultrastructure , Sodium Hypochlorite , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Trypsin , Pepsin A , Acetic Acid/pharmacology , Lactic Acid/pharmacology
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981124


OBJECTIVES@#The current study aimed to investigate the bonding properties of a novel low-shrinkage resin adhesive containing expanding monomer and epoxy resin monomer after thermal cycling aging treatment.@*METHODS@#Expanding monomer of 3,9-diethyl-3,9-dimethylol-1,5,7,11-tetraoxaspiro-[5,5] undecane (DDTU) as an anti-shrinkage additive and unsaturated epoxy monomer of diallyl bisphenol A diglycidyl ether (DBDE) as a coupling agent were synthesized. A blend of DDTU and DBDE at a mass ratio of 1∶1, referred to as "UE", was added into the resin matrix at the mass fraction of 20% to prepare a novel low-shrinkage resin adhesive.Then, the methacrylate resin adhesive without UE was used as the blank control group, and a commercial resin adhesive system was selected as the commercial control group. Moreover, the resin-dentin bonding and micro-leakage testing specimens were prepared for the thermal cycling aging treatment. The bonding strength was tested, the fracture modes were calculated, the bonding fracture surface was observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM), and the dye penetration was used to evaluate the tooth-restoration marginal interface micro-leakage. All the data were analyzed statistically.@*RESULTS@#After aging, the dentin bonding strength of the experimental group was (19.20±1.03) MPa without a significant decrease (P>0.05), that of the blank control group was (11.22±1.48) MPa with a significant decrease (P<0.05) and that of the commercial control group was (19.16±1.68) MPa without a significant decrease (P>0.05). The interface fracture was observed as the main fracture mode in each group after thermal cycling by SEM. The fractured bonding surfaces of the experimental group often occurred on the top of the hybrid layer, whereas those of the blank and commercial control groups mostly occurred on the bottom of the hybrid layer. Micro-leakage rating counts of specimens before and after thermal cycling were as follows: the experimental group was primarily 0 grade, thereby indicating that a relatively ideal marginal sealing effect could be achieved (P>0.05); meanwhile, the blank control group was primarily 1 grade, and the penetration depth of dye significantly increased after thermal cycling (P<0.05); the commercial control group was primarily 0 grade without statistical difference before and after thermal cycling (P>0.05), while a significant difference was observed between the commercial control group and experimental group after thermal cycling (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#The novel low-shrinkage resin adhesive containing 20%UE exhibited excellent bonding properties even after thermal cycling aging treatment, thereby showing a promising prospect for dental application.

Composite Resins , Dental Bonding , Dental Cements , Surface Properties , Resin Cements , Dentin-Bonding Agents , Dentin , Materials Testing , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007938


OBJECTIVES@#This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of ultrasound and acoustic and laser cleaning of curved root canals.@*METHODS@#A total of 92 molars with independent root canals with a curvature of 20°-40° were prepared and standardized at 04 25# and stained with gentian violet solution for 72 h. Among them, 52 were randomly divi-ded into four groups for final rinsing (n=13): NI group, PUI group, EDDY group, and PIPS group. Ten samples in each group were cut horizontally along the long axis perpendicular to the root and divided into curved upper, curved, and apical segments. Images were taken with a stereomicroscope and Image J measurements were taken to calculate the depth of rinse penetration. The remaining three samples from each group were split along the long axis of the dentin, photographed by scanning electron microscope to record the dentin tubule exposure and staining layer, and scored for staining layer by double-blind method. SPSS 26.0 software was used to perform statistical analysis and select the best flushing method. An extra 40 samples were randomly divided into four groups for detection of flushing fluid penetration depth (n=10): 10, 20, 30, and 40 s.@*RESULTS@#In the upper part, the mean depth of infiltration was not significantly different between the experimental and control groups (P>0.05). The PIPS group had a significantly lower smear layer score than the control group and the EDDY group (P<0.01). In the curved segment, the mean depth of infiltration was significantly greater in the PUI group than in the control group (P<0.05); the tarnish layer score was lower in each experimental group than in the control group. At the top, the mean depth of infiltration was greater in the PUI and PIPS groups than in the control group (P<0.05), and the smear layer score was lower in the PIPS group than in the other groups (P<0.05). After the time was changed, the depth of infiltration of PUI increased only in the apical segment as the flushing time increased.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The PUI and PIPS methods facilitate the penetration of irrigation solution into the dentin canal in curved root canals, especially in the apical segment. The PIPS technique is effective in removing the smear layer in curved root canals.

Humans , Dental Pulp Cavity , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Root Canal Irrigants , Root Canal Preparation/methods , Smear Layer , Sodium Hypochlorite , Therapeutic Irrigation/methods , Double-Blind Method
Zhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan xue bao ; Zhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan xue bao;(6): 809-813, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008134


Objective To assess the effects of different application sequences of neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet(Nd∶YAG)laser and the desensitizing toothpaste containing stannous fluoride on dentinal tubule occlusion.Methods Twelve intact third molars freshly extracted from human were selected and prepared into dentin slices with a thickness of 0.8 mm.Each dentin slice was subdivided into four small slices,three of which were etched with 6% citric acid and randomly assigned to the following three groups(n=12):(1)control group:no treatment;(2)Nd∶YAG+toothbrushing(TB)group:first irradiated with Nd∶YAG laser and then brushed with desensitizing toothpaste;(3)TB+Nd∶YAG group:first brushed with desensitizing toothpaste and then irradiated with Nd∶YAG laser.The Nd∶YAG laser irradiation were carried out at 1 W,15 pulses/s,and the pulse width of 150 μs for 10 s(for a total of 6 cycles).After the above treatment,the 12 dentin slices from the Nd∶YAG+TB and TB+Nd∶YAG groups were randomly assigned to four subgroups(n=3)and subjected to acid etching in the Coca-Cola solution for 0,5,10,and 15 min.A scanning electron microscope was used to observe and photograph the dentin slices in each group,and eight single-blinded examiners scored the slices according to uniform criteria.The analysis of variance was carried out to compared the scores between groups.Results Before acid etching,the dentin tubule occlusion scores of the Nd∶YAG+TB and TB+Nd∶YAG groups were(4.83±0.09) scores and(3.85±0.66) scores,respectively,which had no significant difference between each other(P=0.0590)and were higher than that[(0.10±0.07)scores]of the control group(both P<0.0001).The dentin tubule occlusion scores of the Nd∶YAG+TB group after acid etching for 5,10,and 15 min were(4.33±0.60)scores,(4.27±0.24)scores,and(3.63±0.07)scores,respectively,which were not significantly different from those[(4.04±0.10)scores,(3.76±0.59)scores,and(3.17±0.29)scores,respectively]of the TB+Nd∶YAG group(all P>0.05).In the Nd∶YAG+TB subgroup,the dentin tubule occlusion score after acid etching for 15 min was significantly lower than that before acid etching(P=0.0011).In the TB+Nd∶YAG group,there was no statistically significant difference in the score between before and after acid etching(P>0.05).Conclusions Nd∶YAG laser irradiation with appropriate parameters combined with the use of desensitizing toothpaste could produce an excellent occluding effect on dentinal tubules regardless of the sequence.However,brushing with desensitizing toothpaste followed by Nd∶YAG laser irradiation produced more consistent dentin sealing after acid etching.

Humans , Dentin , Dentin Sensitivity/therapy , Lasers, Solid-State/therapeutic use , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Toothpastes/pharmacology
J. biomed. eng ; Sheng wu yi xue gong cheng xue za zhi;(6): 770-777, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008898


This research aims to investigate the encapsulation and controlled release effect of the newly developed self-assembling peptide R-LIFE-1 on exosomes. The gelling ability and morphological structure of the chiral self-assembling peptide (CSAP) hydrogel were examined using advanced imaging techniques, including atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and cryo-scanning electron microscopy. The biocompatibility of the CSAP hydrogel was assessed through optical microscopy and fluorescent staining. Exosomes were isolated via ultrafiltration, and their quality was evaluated using Western blot analysis, nanoparticle tracking analysis, and transmission electron microscopy. The controlled release effect of the CSAP hydrogel on exosomes was quantitatively analyzed using laser confocal microscopy and a BCA assay kit. The results revealed that the self-assembling peptide R-LIFE-1 exhibited spontaneous assembly in the presence of various ions, leading to the formation of nanofibers. These nanofibers were cross-linked, giving rise to a robust nanofiber network structure, which further underwent cross-linking to generate a laminated membrane structure. The nanofibers possessed a large surface area, allowing them to encapsulate a substantial number of water molecules, thereby forming a hydrogel material with high water content. This hydrogel served as a stable spatial scaffold and loading matrix for the three-dimensional culture of cells, as well as the encapsulation and controlled release of exosomes. Importantly, R-LIFE-1 demonstrated excellent biocompatibility, preserving the growth of cells and the biological activity of exosomes. It rapidly formed a three-dimensional network scaffold, enabling the stable loading of cells and exosomes, while exhibiting favorable biocompatibility and reduced cytotoxicity. In conclusion, the findings of this study support the notion that R-LIFE-1 holds significant promise as an ideal tissue engineering material for tissue repair applications.

Exosomes , Delayed-Action Preparations , Hydrogels , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Peptides
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 59: e21217, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429971


Abstract Solid dispersions (SDs) of ursolic acid (UA) were developed using polyvinylpyrrolidone K30 (PVP K30) in combination with non-ionic surfactants, such as D-α-tocopherol polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate (TPGS) or poloxamer 407 (P407) with the aim of enhancing solubility and in vitro release of the UA. SDs were investigated using a 24 full factorial design, subsequently the selected formulations were characterized for water solubility, X-ray diffractometry (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), particle diameter, scanning electron microscopy, drug content, physical-chemical stability and in vitro release profile. SDs showed higher UA water-solubility than physical mixtures (PMs), which was attributed by transition of the drug from crystalline to amorphous or molecular state in the SDs, as indicated by XRD and DSC analyses. SD1 (with P407) and SD2 (with TPGS) were chosen for further investigation because they had higher drug load. SD1 proved to be more stable than SD2, revealing that P407 contributed to ensure the stability of the UA. Furthermore, SD1 and SD2 increased UA release by diffusion and swelling-controlled transport, following the Weibull model. Thus, solid dispersions obtained with PVP k-30 and P407 proved to be advantageous to enhance aqueous solubility and stability of UA.

Polyethylene Glycols/administration & dosage , Solubility , Poloxamer/adverse effects , Diffusion , X-Rays/adverse effects , In Vitro Techniques , Calorimetry, Differential Scanning/methods , Pharmaceutical Preparations/analysis , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning/methods