Introdução: As cefaleias são consideradas um importante problema de saúde pública e estima-se que são a segunda queixa mais comum de dor, sendo a enxaqueca uma das mais presentes. O tratamento da enxaqueca pode ser sintomático ou profilático, a fim de reduzir os sintomas em períodos de crise e evitar que novas crises se instalem, destacando a importância da adoção de hábitos saudáveis e uma alimentação equilibrada. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão integrativa da literatura, destacando os principais achados sobre a importância da alimentação e nutrição para indivíduos acometidos pela enxaqueca. Metodologia: foi realizado um levantamento de estudos nas bases de dados: Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS); Medline, LILACS, SciELO e Google Acadêmico, além de ter sido considerada a lista de referências dos trabalhos consultados, utilizando a estratégia PECO, onde P (population) indica a população, a letra E (exposure) exposição, C (comparison) comparação e a letra O (outcome) se refere aos desfechos esperados, assim gerou a pergunta norteadora do estudo: "Qual é a importância da alimentação e nutrição para indivíduos com enxaqueca?". Resultados: Foram selecionados 15 estudos para a produção do presente trabalho e foi realizada uma síntese descritiva dos resultados obtidos da relação e influência de hábitos alimentares com a enxaqueca. Conclusões: Conclui-se que os hábitos alimentares e a nutrição adequada têm grande influência e importância para indivíduos com enxaqueca, pois dessa forma, podem reduzir os sintomas apresentados e crises, já que as substâncias presentes nos alimentos estão relacionadas com o início e intensificação das crises (AU).
Introduction: Headaches are considered an important public health problem and are estimated to be the second most common pain complaint, with migraines being one of the most common. Migraine treatment is symptomatic and prophylactic to reduce symptoms when an attack starts and prevent new ones from forming, highlighting the importance of adopting healthy habits and a balanced diet. Objective: The purpose of this study was to carry out an integrative review of the literature in order to highlight the main findings on the influence of eating habits and the importance of nutrition for migraine patients. Methodology:A survey study was performed in the following databases: Virtual Health Library (VHL); Medline, LILACS, SciELO, and Google Scholar, in addition to considering the reference list of the consulted works. The PECO P (population) E (exposure) C (comparison) O (outcome) strategy was used, which generated the guiding question of the study: 'How important is food and nutrition for people with chronic migraines?'. Results:A total of 15 studies were selected to analyze in this work and a descriptive synthesis of the results was performed on the relationship and influence of eating habits of people with chronic migraines. Conclusions:It was concluded that eating habits and adequate nutrition have great influence and importance for migraine patients, as they are one of the main culprits of triggering and intensifying attacks (AU).
Introducción: Las cefaleas son consideradas un importante problema de salud pública y se estima que son la segunda queja más común de dolor, siendo la jaqueca una de las más frecuentes. El tratamiento de la jaqueca puede ser sintomático o profiláctico, con el fin de reducir los síntomas en periodos de crisis y evitar que nuevas ocurran, destacando la importancia de una adopción de hábitos saludables y una alimentación equilibrada. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar una revisión integrativa de la literatura, destacando los principales hallazgos sobre la importancia de la alimentación y nutrición en personas afectadas por la jaqueca. Metodología: Fue realizada una investigación de los estudios en las bases de dados: Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS); Medline, LILACS, SciELO y Google Académico, además de considerar la lista de referencias de los trabajos consultados, utilizando la estrategia PECO, donde P (population) indica la población, la letra E (exposure) exposición, C (comparison) comparación y la letra O (outcome) se refiere a los resultados esperados, así fue generada la pregunta guía del estudio: "¿Cuál es la importancia de la alimentación y nutrición para las personas con jaqueca?" Resultados: Fueron seccionados 15 estudios para la producción del presente trabajo y fue realizada una síntesis descriptiva de los resultados obtenidos de la relación e influencia de los hábitos alimentarios con la jaqueca. Conclusiones: Se concluye que los hábitos alimentarios y la nutrición adecuada tienen gran influencia e importancia para las personas conjaqueca, pues de esta forma, pueden reducir los síntomas presentados y crisis, ya que las sustancias presentes en los alimentos están relacionadas con el inicio e intensificación de las crisis (AU).
Humans , Migraine without Aura/prevention & control , Nutritional Sciences/methods , Feeding Behavior , Food , Diet/methods , Migraine Disorders/diagnosisABSTRACT
La migraña vestibular es una de las etiologías más frecuentes del síndrome vestibular episódico a nivel mundial. Presenta varias hipótesis de patofisiología, principalmente a nivel de sistema vestibular central y genético. Su diagnóstico es fundamentalmente clínico, pero se han observado alteraciones a nivel de la función vestibular y de las pruebas oculomotoras. Los hallazgos clínicos no solo están presentes en el momento de la crisis, sino también se han observado en intervalos asintomáticos. La paresia unilateral en la prueba calórica suele ser más frecuente que una ganancia baja del reflejo vestíbulo-ocular del canal lateral en la videonistagmografía, sin embargo, existe una tasa elevada de discordancia entre ambas pruebas. Respecto a la prueba de estudio del movimiento ocular, se han observado alteraciones en el seguimiento pendular, movimiento sacádico, nistagmo optocinético, nistagmo evocado por la mirada, nistagmo espontáneo y nistagmo posicional. Es frecuente observar que el nistagmo provocado por cambios posicionales presenta características centrales durante la crisis de migraña vestibular, pero también se pueden presentar en periodos libres de síntomas en este grupo de pacientes.
Vestibular migraine is one of the most frequent etiologies of episodic vestibular syndrome worldwide. It presents several pathophysiology hypotheses, mainly at the central vestibular system and genetic level. Its diagnosis is fundamentally clinical, but changes in vestibular function and oculomotor tests have been observed. Clinical findings are present not only during the crisis, but also have been seen in the symptom-free interval. Unilateral paresis on caloric testing is usually more common than low gain of the vestibulo-ocular reflex in the lateral canal on videonystagmography, however, there is a high rate of discrepancy between these tests. Regarding the eye movement study test, alterations have been seen in pendulum tracking, saccadic movement, optokinetic nystagmus, gaze-evoked nystagmus, spontaneous nystagmus and positional nystagmus. It is common to observe that nystagmus caused by positional changes has central features during vestibular migraine attacks, but it can also be seen in the symptom-free interval in this group of patients.
Humans , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Migraine Disorders/diagnosis , Head Impulse Test/methodsABSTRACT
Migraine is a highly disabling primary headache disease, accompanied by nausea, emesis, photophobia and phonophobia. Chronic migraine is usually developed from episodic migraine, and usually comorbids with anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders, further aggravating the disease burden. At present, the clinical diagnosis and treatment of migraine in China are not standard, and the migraine medical quality control evaluation system is lacking. In order to achieve standardized diagnosis and treatment of migraine, headache collaborators of Chinese Society of Neurology, based on national and international clinical research on diagnosis and treatment of migraine and combined with the current situation of China's medical system, drafted the expert consensus on the medical quality evaluation of inpatients with chronic migraine.
Humans , Consensus , Migraine Disorders/diagnosis , Nausea , Photophobia/diagnosis , HeadacheABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: Vestibular migraine as an entity was described in 1999 and its pathophysiology is still not established. Simultaneously with research to better understand vestibular migraine, there has been an improvement in vestibular function assessment. The video-head impulse test is one of the latest tools to evaluate vestibular function, measuring its vestibular-ocular reflex gain. Objective: To evaluate vestibular function of vestibular migraine patients using video-head impulse test. Methods: Cross-sectional case-control study homogeneous by age and gender with vestibular migraine patients according to the 2012-2013 Barany Society/International Headache Society diagnostic criteria submitted to video-head impulse test during intercrisis period. Results: 31 vestibular migraine patients were evaluated with a predominantly female group (90.3%) and mean age of 41 years old. Vestibular function was normal in both patient and control groups. Gain values for horizontal canals were similar between the two groups, but gain values for vertical canals were higher in the group with vestibular migraine (p < 0.05). Patients with vestibular migraine felt more dizziness while performing the video-head impulse test than control subjects (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Patients with vestibular migraine present normal vestibular function during intercrisis period when evaluated by video-head impulse test. Vertical canals, however, have higher gains in patients with vestibular migraine than in control subjects. Vestibular migraine patients feel dizziness more often while conducting video-head impulse test.
Resumo Introdução: A enxaqueca vestibular foi descrita como uma entidade em 1999 e sua fisiopatologia ainda não está estabelecida. Simultaneamente às pesquisas para entender melhor essa condição clínica, houve uma melhoria na avaliação da função vestibular. O teste de impulso cefálico por vídeo, vHIT, é uma das mais recentes ferramentas para avaliar a função vestibular, mede seu ganho do reflexo vestíbulo-ocular. Objetivo: Avaliar com o vHIT a função vestibular de pacientes com enxaqueca vestibular. Método: Estudo transversal de caso-controle, homogêneo em relação a idade e sexo, de pacientes com enxaqueca vestibular, de acordo com os critérios de diagnóstico da Barany Society/International Headache Society de 2012-2013, submetidos ao vHIT durante o período intercrises. Resultados: Foram avaliados 31 pacientes com enxaqueca vestibular com um grupo predominantemente feminino (90,3%) e média de 41 anos. A função vestibular era normal nos grupos paciente e controle. Os valores de ganho para canais horizontais foram semelhantes entre os dois grupos, mas os valores de ganho para canais verticais foram maiores no grupo com enxaqueca vestibular (p < 0,05). Pacientes com enxaqueca vestibular sentiram mais tontura ao fazer o vHIT do que os controles (p < 0,001). Conclusões: Pacientes com enxaqueca vestibular apresentam função vestibular normal durante o período intercrises quando avaliados pelo vHIT. Os canais verticais, no entanto, apresentam ganhos maiores em pacientes com enxaqueca vestibular do que em indivíduos controle. Pacientes com enxaqueca vestibular sentem tontura com maior frequência enquanto fazem o vHIT.
Humans , Female , Adult , Head Impulse Test , Migraine Disorders/diagnosis , Reflex, Vestibulo-Ocular , Case-Control Studies , Semicircular Canals , Vertigo , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: Vestibular migraine is a condition that associates headache and vestibular symptoms. Objective: To evaluate body-balance with virtual reality posturography in vestibular migraine. Methods: A total of 26 patients in the intercritical period of vestibular migraine were compared by means of the Balance Rehabilitation UnitMT (Medical/Interacoustics) posturography with 30 controls, paired for age and gender. Results: There was no significant statistical difference (p = 0.121) in the limit of stability area (cm2) between the experimental group and the control group values. There were significant differences (p < 0.05) in the values of sway velocity (cm/s) in nine of ten evaluated sensory conditions and in the pressure center displacement area (cm2) values in eight of those ten sensory conditions in the comparison between the control group and the experimental group. Conclusion: Posturography with virtual reality can identify changes in the sway velocity and the pressure center displacement area, characterizing the inability to maintain postural control with and without visual deprivation in situations of visual conflict and vestibulovisual interaction,in the intercritical period of the vestibular migraine.
Resumo Introdução: A migrânea vestibular é um quadro clínico que associa cefaleia migranosa e sintomas vestibulares. Objetivo: Avaliar o controle postural à posturografia com realidade virtual no período intercrítico da migrânea vestibular. Método: Um total de 26 pacientes com migrânea vestibular no período intercrítico da afecção foram comparados comparados à posturografia do Balance Rehabilitation UnitTM (Medical/Interacoustics) a um grupo controle com 30 indivíduos hígidos pareados por idade e sexo. Resultados: Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante (p = 0,102) entre os valores da área do limite de estabilidade (cm2) entre o grupo experimental e o controle. Houve diferença significante (p < 0,05) nos valores da velocidade de oscilação (cm/s) em nove de dez condições sensoriais avaliadas e nos valores da área de deslocamento do centro de pressão (cm2) em oito destas dez condições sensoriais em comparação entre os grupos controle e experimental. Conclusão: A posturografia com realidade virtual pode identificar alterações da velocidade de oscilação e da área de deslocamento do centro de pressão, o que caracteriza a inabilidade para manter o controle postural com e sem privação da visão, em situações de conflito visual e interação vestibulovisual, no período intercrítico da migrânea vestibular.
Humans , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Virtual Reality , Migraine Disorders/diagnosis , Vertigo/diagnosis , Sensation Disorders , Postural BalanceSubject(s)
Humans , Female , Hormone Replacement Therapy/adverse effects , Migraine Disorders/diagnosis , Migraine Disorders/etiology , Migraine Disorders/drug therapy , Migraine Disorders/epidemiology , Menopause , Cardiovascular Diseases/complications , Risk Factors , Premenopause , Postmenopause , Stroke , Hormonal Contraception/adverse effects , Menstrual CycleABSTRACT
Resumen: Introducción: La migraña abdominal (MA) es infrecuente y poco estudiada. Nuestro objetivo fue investigar el diagnóstico y tratamiento de niños y adolescentes con MA y compararlos entre gastroen terólogos y neurólogos pediatras. Pacientes y Método: Todos los cuadros de MA (1-18 años) de un hospital de EE. UU, con diagnóstico de MA o sus variantes (ICD-9 346.2 o IC-10 G43.D, G43.D0, G43.D1) entre 2011-2017 fueron revisados. La información sobre diagnóstico, intervalo desde inicio de síntomas, criterios diagnósticos, pruebas diagnósticas, tratamiento y resultado se analizaron. Re sultados: Sesenta y nueve historias médicas fueron identificadas. La edad media al diagnóstico fue 9,7 años. El 48% de los pacientes fueron del sexo femenino. Cincuenta (72,4%) pacientes fueron tratados solo por gastroenterólogos pediatras, y 10/69 (14,5%) por neurológos pediatras exclusivamente. 6/69 (8,7%) fueron inicialmente evaluados por gastroenterología y posteriormente referidos a neurología, y 2/69 (2,9%) fueron inicialmente evaluados por neurología y luego referidos a gastroenterología. 3/10 (30%) de las MA diagnosticadas por neurólogos no mencionaban que el paciente tuviera dolor abdominal, sin embargo, todos los diagnósticos realizados por gastroenterólogos presentaron dicho síntoma (p=0,0035). 5/50 (10%) de las historias médicas de gastroenterología y ninguna de las histo rias de neurología mencionaban los criterios de Roma. Conclusiones: La mayoría de los niños fueron diagnosticados por pediatras gastroenterólogos. Los gastroenterólogos rara vez utilizaron los criterios de Roma. Pacientes evaluados por neurología son frecuentemente diagnosticados con MA, incluso sin presentar dolor abdominal (criterio necesario para el diagnóstico). Se recomienda educación para el correcto y oportuno diagnóstico de la migraña abdominal.
Abstract: Introduction: Abdominal migraine (AM) is uncommon and understudied. Our objective was to investigate the diagnosis and treatment of children and adolescents with AM and compare with that of pediatric gastroenterologists and neurologists. Patients and Method: All AM cases (1-18 years) from a USA hospital with diagnosis of abdominal migraine or its variants (ICD-9 346.2 or IC-10 G43.D, G43.D0, G43.D1) between 2011 and 2017 were reviewed. Information on diagnosis, interval from onset of symptoms, diagnostic criteria, diagnostic tests, treatment, and outcome were analyzed. Results: 69 medical records were identified. The mean age at diagnosis was 9.7 years, and 48% of patients were female. 50/69 (72.4%) patients were exclusively treated by a pediatric gastroenterologist and 10/69 (14.5%) exclusively by a pediatric neurologist. 6/69 (8.7%) were initially evaluated by gas troenterology and referred to neurology, and 2/69 (2.9%) were initially evaluated by neurology and then referred to gastroenterology. 3/10 (30%) of the AM diagnosed by neurologists did no report ab dominal pain (AP), however, all diagnoses made by gastroenterologists did (p = 0.0035). 5/50 (10%) of the gastroenterology medical records and no neurology medical records mentioned Rome criteria. Conclusions: Most of the children were diagnosed by pediatric gastroenterologists. Gastroenterolo gists rarely use the Rome criteria. Patients evaluated by neurologists are frequently diagnosed with AM even without AP (a criterion that is required for its diagnosis). Education is recommended for the correct and timely diagnosis of AM.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Pediatrics , Practice Patterns, Physicians'/statistics & numerical data , Healthcare Disparities/statistics & numerical data , Gastroenterology , Migraine Disorders/diagnosis , Migraine Disorders/therapy , Neurology , Referral and Consultation , United States , Abdominal Pain/etiology , Follow-Up Studies , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Guideline Adherence/statistics & numerical data , Diagnosis, Differential , Diagnostic Errors , Migraine Disorders/complicationsABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: La neumonía adquirida en la comunidad constituye un importante problema de salud a nivel global, en Cuba es la cuarta causa de muerte. Los índices pronósticos ayudan a detectar tempranamente los pacientes de alto riesgo, pero esto tiene baja sensibilidad y especificidad. Objetivo: determinar durante la anamnesis factores pronósticos de mortalidad en la neumonía adquirida en la comunidad. Materiales y métodos: estudio analítico longitudinal retrospectivo con un grupo donde se aplicaron pruebas no paramétricas y cálculo de riesgo relativo. Resultados: edad de 78 ± 10 años con 53 % femeninas. La mortalidad global de 57 % antecedentes de diabetes mellitus, 53 % enfermedad cerebro vascular anterior 34 %, el 42 % estaba encamados. El 38 % tenían más de cinco días enfermos y el 69 % estaba consumiendo antimicrobianos antes del ingreso. El 23 % padecían de insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva y el 73 % de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica. El síndrome confusional fue un buen predictor de mortalidad (x2=0,05) (RR=2,8). El encamamiento prolongado no predijo mortalidad a los cinco días (x2=0,43). El uso de antimicrobianos previos incremento el riesgo en (RR=0,8) con (x2=0,05). La insuficiencia cardiaca fue el mejor predictor (x2=0,006) (RR=1,2). La enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica predijo con(x2=0,019) y (RR=1,47). Conclusiones: se considera como factores fuertemente predictivos el antecedente de insuficiencia cardiaca, de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica y el paciente que acude con síndrome confusional.
ABSTRACT Introduction: community acquired pneumonia is an important health problem around the world, and in Cuba it is the fourth cause of death. Prognostic indexes help to detect early the patients at high risk, but they have low sensibility and specificity. Objective: to determine the mortality prognostic factors in the community acquired pneumonia during the anamnesis. Material and methods: analytic, retrospective, longitudinal study in a group applying non-parametric tests and relative risk calculation. Results: age: 78 ± 10 years; 53 % of women. Global mortality of 57 %; 53 % had antecedents of diabetes mellitus; 34 % had previous cerebro-vascular disease, and 42 % were bedridden patients. 38 % was sick more than five days and 69 % took antimicrobials before being admitted. 23 % suffered congestive heart failure and 73 % chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Confusional syndrome was a good predictor of mortality (x2=0.05) (RR=2.8). Long confinement to bed did not predict mortality at the fifth day (x2=0.43). The previous use of antimicrobials increased the risk (RR=0.8) con (x2=0.05). Heart failure was the best predictor (x2=0.006) (RR=1.2). Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease predicted with (x2=0.019) y (RR=1.47). Conclusions: antecedents of heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and the patient arriving with confusional syndrome are considered strongly predictive factors.
Humans , Pneumonia/diagnosis , Pneumonia/etiology , Pneumonia/mortality , Pneumonia/prevention & control , Prognosis , Mortality , Patient Acuity , Medical History Taking , Retrospective Studies , Longitudinal Studies , Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive/diagnosis , Emergency Medical Services , Analytical Epidemiology , Heart Failure/diagnosis , Inpatients , Intensive Care Units , Migraine Disorders/diagnosisABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Chronic migraine poses a significant personal, social and economic burden and is characterized by headache present on 15 or more days per month for at least three months, with at least eight days of migrainous headache per month. It is frequently associated with analgesic or acute migraine medication overuse and this should not be overlooked. The present consensus was elaborated upon by a group of members of the Brazilian Headache Society in order to describe current evidence and to provide recommendations related to chronic migraine pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatment. Withdrawal strategies in medication overuse headache are also described, as well as treatment risks during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Oral topiramate and onabotulinum toxin A injections are the only treatments granted Class A recommendation, while valproate, gabapentin, and tizanidine received Class B recommendation, along with acupuncture, biofeedback, and mindfulness. The anti-CGRP or anti-CGRPr monoclonal antibodies, still unavailable in Brazil, are promising new drugs already approved elsewhere for migraine prophylactic treatment, the efficacy of which in chronic migraine is still to be definitively proven.
RESUMO A migrânea (enxaqueca) crônica determina uma carga pessoal, social e econômica significativa e é caracterizada por dor de cabeça presente em quinze ou mais dias por mês por ao menos três meses, com no mínimo oito dias de cefaleia migranosa a cada mês. É frequentemente associada ao uso excessivo de medicação analgésica ou antimigranosa aguda e isso não deve ser negligenciado. Este consenso foi elaborado por um grupo de membros da Sociedade Brasileira de Cefaleia, para descrever as evidências atualmente disponíveis e fornecer recomendações relacionadas ao tratamento farmacológico e não farmacológico da migrânea crônica. Estratégias de retirada na cefaleia por uso excessivo de medicamentos também são descritas, assim como os riscos dos tratamentos durante a gravidez e a amamentação. O topiramato oral e as injeções de toxina onabotulínica A são os únicos tratamentos que receberam a recomendação classe A, enquanto que o valproato, a gabapentina e a tizanidina receberam recomendação classe B, juntamente com acupuntura, biofeedback e mindfulness. Os anticorpos monoclonais anti-CGRP ou anti-CGRPr, ainda não disponíveis no Brasil, são novos fármacos promissores, já aprovados em outros países para o tratamento profilático da migrânea, cuja eficácia na migrânea crônica ainda está por ser definitivamente comprovada.
Humans , Societies, Medical , Consensus , Migraine Disorders/therapy , Brazil , Chronic Disease , Migraine Disorders/classification , Migraine Disorders/diagnosisSubject(s)
Humans , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Cardiovascular Diseases/diagnosis , Migraine Disorders/diagnosis , Myocardial Revascularization/statistics & numerical data , United States , Cardiovascular Diseases/etiology , Cardiovascular Diseases/mortality , Cardiovascular Diseases/therapy , Proportional Hazards Models , Prospective Studies , Risk Factors , Statistics as Topic , Cohort Studies , Risk Assessment/methods , Migraine Disorders/epidemiologyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT The objective of the present study was to assess the presence of cognitive deficits in patients with chronic migraine, and to assess the main factors that trigger cognitive disorders, such as comorbidities or the use of medications. Methods: Chronic migraine and control groups were interviewed in a case-control study. The frequency and intensity of the headache, medication used and associated comorbidities were determined. All patients were submitted to an extended neuropsychological assessment. Results: The chronic migraine group (n = 30) had a worse performance in the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test (p = 0.00), Verbal Fluency (p = 0.00), Stroop (p = 0.00), Clock Drawing Test (p = 0.00), Digit Span (p = 0.00) and Matrix Reasoning (p = 0.01). After statistical adjustment by linear regression, migraine continued to be the only relevant factor in the poorer performance in the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, Verbal Fluency, Clock Drawing and Stroop tests. Conclusion: Patients with chronic migraine have cognitive deficits in multiple tasks, regardless of the presence of comorbidities or the use of medications.
RESUMO O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a presença de déficits cognitivos em pacientes com migrânea crônica e avaliar os principais fatores que desencadeiam transtornos cognitivos, como comorbidades e uso de medicações. Métodos: Pacientes com migrânea crônica (n = 30) e controles foram entrevistados, em um estudo caso-controle. A frequência e intensidade da cefaleia, medicações utilizadas e comorbidades associadas foram determinadas. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a uma avaliação neuropsicológica estendida. Resultados: Os pacientes com migrânea crônica apresentaram uma pior performance no Montreal Cognitive Assessment (p = 0.00), Fluência Verbal (p = 0.00), Teste de Stroop (p = 0.00), Teste do Relógio (p = 0.00), Subteste Dígitos (p = 0.00) e Raciocínio matricial da WAIS-III (p = 0.01). Após ajuste estatístico através de Regressão Linear, a migrânea se manteve como único fator relevante para pior desempenho em MoCA, Fluência verbal, Teste do relógio e Teste de Stroop. Conclusão: Pacientes com migrânea crônica apresentam déficits cognitivos incluindo múltiplas tarefas, independentes da presença de comorbidades e uso de medicações.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Cognitive Dysfunction/psychology , Migraine Disorders/psychology , Neuropsychological Tests , Verbal Behavior/physiology , Case-Control Studies , Linear Models , Chronic Disease , Cross-Sectional Studies , Educational Status , Cognitive Dysfunction/complications , Migraine Disorders/diagnosisABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: La cefalea es uno de los trastornos más comunes del sistema nervioso en todo el mundo, frecuentemente es signo de otras enfermedades. Mientras la medicina occidental trata los síntomas con medicamentos, los médicos alternativos tratan la causa con acupuntura para proporcionar alivio duradero. Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad de la acupuntura con microsistema de cara como tratamiento de pacientes con cefalea migrañosa. Métodos: Estudio cuasiexperimental de tipo casos-controles con 100 pacientes que asistieron a la Clínica del Dolor del Hospital "Dr. Ambrosio Grillo Portuondo", en Santiago de Cuba, con diagnóstico de cefalea migrañosa, desde enero de 2014 a noviembre de 2015. Al grupo estudio se aplicó acupuntura con microsistema de cara; al grupo control, medicamentos. La información se obtuvo de las historias clínicas, el dolor se valoró con la escala analógica visual del dolor. Se aplicó Ji cuadrado de homogeneidad para la identificar diferencias significativas entre las proporciones de efectividad de uno y otro tratamiento, con un nivel de significación (α;= 0,05). Resultados: Predominó el sexo femenino (70,00 por ciento), el grupo etareo 18-39 años, de ellos 40 en el grupo estudio (80,00 por ciento), 43 en el control (86,00 por ciento). En el grupo estudio el 82,00 por ciento de los pacientes quedó sin dolor desde la primera sesión del tratamiento, el 18,00 por ciento con dolor disminuido. Al final del tratamiento el 98,00 por ciento del grupo estudio quedó sin dolor contra el 96,00 por ciento del grupo control. Conclusión: La acupuntura con microsistema de cara es un método alternativo efectivo en el tratamiento de la cefalea migrañosa(AU)
ABSTRACT Introduction: Headache is one of the most common nervous system disorders worldwide. It is frequently a sign of other diseases. While Western medicine treats symptoms with medications, alternative practitioners treat the cause with acupuncture to provide long-lasting relief. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of acupuncture with a facial microsystem as a treatment for patients with migraine headache. Methods: Quasiexperimental case-control study with 100 patients who attended the Pain Clinic at Dr. Ambrosio Grillo Portuondo Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, with a diagnosis of migraine headache, from January 2014 to November 2015. The study group was applied acupuncture with a facial microsystem. The control group was treated with medicines. The information was obtained from the medical records. The pain was assessed using the Visual Analogue Scale. Chi-square test of homogeneity was applied in order to identify significant differences between the proportions of effectiveness of one treatment and another, with a level of significance α =0.05. Results: There was predominance of the female sex (70.00 percent), age group 18-39 years, among them 40 in the study group (80.00 percent) and 43 in the control group (86.00 percent). In the study group, 82.00 percent of patients remained without pain from the first session of treatment and 18.00 percent with pain decreased. At the end of the treatment, 98.00 percent of the study group remained without pain in opposition to 96.00 percent of the control group. Conclusion: Acupuncture with a facial microsystem is an effective alternative method in the treatment of migraine headache(AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Acupuncture Therapy/methods , Pain Clinics , Evaluation of the Efficacy-Effectiveness of Interventions , Migraine Disorders/diagnosis , Acupuncture Analgesia/adverse effects , Treatment Outcome , Medicine, Chinese Traditional/methodsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective To analyze the applicability of the Portuguese version of ID-MigraineTM in a sample of Brazilian patients. Methods Patients with headache were recruited from the neurology outpatient clinic of a tertiary hospital and submitted to the ID-MigraineTM questionnaire. The diagnosis of headache was made according to the ICHD-2 criteria. Results Of the 232 patients, 86% had migraine. The questionnaire showed a sensitivity of 92% (95%CI, 88% to 95%), specificity of 60% (95%CI, 43% to 77%) and a positive predictive value of 93% (95%CI, 89% to 96%). Discussion Our results were similar to other international studies of the ID-MigraineTM application. The Portuguese version is considered easy to use, and an appropriate screening tool for migraine diagnosis in our sample. Conclusion Considering the characteristics of our health system, we can infer that this questionnaire would be beneficial in a Brazilian primary care setting; however, more studies are necessary.
RESUMO Objetivo Analisar a aplicabilidade da versão em Português do ID-MigraineTM em uma amostra de pacientes brasileiros. Métodos Pacientes com cefaleia foram recrutados no Ambulatório de Neurologia de um hospital terciário e submetidos ao questionário ID-MigraineTM. O diagnóstico de cefaleia foi feito de acordo com os critérios da ICHD-2. Resultados Dos 232 pacientes, 86% tinham enxaqueca. O questionário apresentou sensibilidade de 92% (IC de 95% 88% a 95%), especificidade de 60% (IC de 95% 43% a 77%) e valor positivo preditivo positivo de 93% (IC 95 89% a 96%). Discussão Nossos resultados foram similares a outros estudos mundiais de aplicação do ID-MigraineTM. A versão em Português é considerada de fácil utilização, sendo uma ferramenta adequada para triagem diagnóstica de migrânea em nossa amostra. Conclusão Considerando as características do nosso sistema de saúde, podemos inferir que este questionário seria útil nos serviços primários de saúde brasileiros, porém mais estudos são necessários.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Surveys and Questionnaires , Migraine Disorders/diagnosis , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Predictive Value of Tests , Reproducibility of Results , Sensitivity and SpecificityABSTRACT
Migraine is a neurological entity and a well-known independent risk factor for cerebral infarction, which mostly afflicts the young female population. Researching focal neurological signs in this subset of the population with the diagnosis of a neurological ischemic event should always take into account the migraine as the etiology or as an associated factor. The etiology of central nervous system (CNS) ischemia is considerable. Migraine, although rare, also may be included in this vast etiological range, which is called migrainous infarction. In this setting, the diagnostic criteria required for this diagnosis is extensive. Herein, we present the case of a female adolescent who submitted to the emergency facility complaining of diplopia, dysarthria, and imbalance, which started concomitantly with a migrainous crisis with auraa challenging clinical case that required extensive research to address all possible differential diagnoses.
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Brain Ischemia/diagnosis , Cerebral Infarction/etiology , Migraine Disorders/diagnosis , Ocular Motility Disorders/diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential , Risk FactorsABSTRACT
Introducción: la cefalea es toda sensación dolorosa que tiene lugar en la parte superior de la cabeza, desde el reborde orbitario hasta la nuca. Constituye la primera causa de acudir al neurólogo y uno de los motivos más frecuentes en consultas de Medicina Interna. La cefalea tipo tensión es frecuente en la práctica diaria y la más invalidante desde los puntos de vistas físico, social, económico y psicológico. Objetivo: mostrar la actuación de Enfermería en el alivio de la migraña y describir la efectividad de la digitopuntura en pacientes con cefalea migrañosa, del Policlínico Contreras, primer trimestre de 2014. Materiales y métodos: estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal. El grupo de estudio, 120 pacientes que acudieron a la consulta de Medicina Natural y Tradicional. Resultados: la edad de mayor incidencia 25-34 años, con 47.4 %. Prevaleció el sexo femenino, en un 70 %; la duración del dolor mostró un 43.3 % de afectación. Transcurrió entre las 4 y 8 horas, y siempre tuvo relación con el estrés, en 44.2 %; en un 69.2 % existió relación del dolor con la ingestión de alimentos. Se alivió con el sueño el 61.7 %, y el 52,5 % alcanzaron estado evolutivo excelente. Conclusiones: la aplicación de la digitopuntura a pacientes con cefalea migrañosa contribuyó a que los casos estudiados evolucionaran satisfactoriamente, expresando alivio del dolor. El tratamiento demostró efectividad y contribuyó a la disminución de drogas utilizadas en esta entidad, disminución de gastos económicos que implica el consumo de las mismas; lograr reincorporar a la vida laboral y social en un menor tiempo al paciente (AU).
Introduction: cephalalgia is any painful sensation occurring in the superior part of the head, from the orbital ridge to the nape. It is the first cause of visiting a neurologist and one of the most frequent causes of Internal Medicine consultations. The tension-kind cephalalgia is frequent in daily practice and the most invaliding one from the physical, social, economic and psychological point of view. Aim: to show Nursery behavior in migraine alleviation and to describe the digitopuncture effectiveness in patients with migrainous cephalalgia from Contreras Policlinic in the first trimester of 2014. Materials and methods: observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study. The studied group was 120 patients assisting the consultation of Natural and Traditional Medicine. Outcomes: the 25-34 age group was the one that showed higher incidence, with 47.4 %. The female sex prevailed with 70 %; pain lasting had 44.3 % of affectation. It lasted between 4 and 8 hours, always related to stress in 44.2 %. There it was a relation between pain and food intake in 69.2 %. 61.7 % of the cases were lessened with sleep, and 52.5 % achieved an excellent evolving status. Conclusions: Acupuncture application to patients with migrainous cephalalgia contributed to the satisfactory evolution of the studied cases: The patients expressed pain relieve. The treatment showed effectiveness and facilitated the decrease of drug usage in this entity, also diminishing the economic expenses its use implies; the patients reincorporated to social and working life in a shorter time period (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Acupuncture/methods , Migraine Disorders/diagnosis , Migraine Disorders/nursing , Migraine Disorders/rehabilitation , Nursing Care/methods , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Observational Study , Psychological Distress , Massage/nursing , Medicine, Chinese Traditional/methodsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objectives Inflammatory molecules and neurotrophic factors are implicated in pain modulation; however, their role in primary headaches is not yet clear. The aim of this study was to compare the levels of serum biomarkers in migraine and tension-type headache. Methods This was a cross-sectional study. We measured serum levels of adiponectin, chemokines, and neurotrophic factors in patients with migraine and tension-type headache. Depression and anxiety symptoms, headache impact and frequency, and allodynia were recorded. Results We included sixty-eight patients with migraine and forty-eight with tension-type headache. Cutaneous allodynia (p = 0.035), CCL3/MIP-1α (p = 0.041), CCL5/RANTES (p = 0.013), and ADP (p = 0.017) were significantly higher in migraine than in tension-type headache. The differences occurred independently of anxiety and depressive symptoms, frequency and impact of headache, and the presence of pain. Conclusions This study showed higher CCL3/MIP-1α, CCL5/RANTES, and ADP levels in migraine in comparison with tension-type headache. Our findings suggest distinctive roles of these molecules in the pathophysiology of these primary headaches.
RESUMO Objetivos Moléculas inflamatórias e fatores neurotróficos estão implicados na modulação dolorosa, contudo, seu papel nas cefaleias primárias não é claro. O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar níveis de biomarcadores séricos na migrânea e cefaleia do tipo tensional. Métodos Este foi um estudo transversal, no qual foram avaliados níveis de adiponectina, quimiocinas e fatores neurotróficos em pacientes com migrânea e cefaleia do tipo tensional. Sintomas depressivos e ansiosos, o impacto e a frequência da cefaleia e alodínea foram registrados. Resultados Foram incluídos 68 pacientes com migrânea e 48 pacientes com cefaleia do tipo tensional. A alodínia cutânea (p = 0.035), CCL3/MIP-1α (p = 0.041), CCL5/RANTES (p = 0.013), e adiponectina (p = 0.017) foram maiores na migrânea, independentemente de sintomas depressivos e ansiosos, frequência e impacto da cefaleia. Conclusões Níveis de CCL3/MIP-1α, CCL5/RANTES e adiponectina foram maiores na migrânea do que na cefaleia do tipo tensional, sugerindo papeis distintos destas moléculas na fisiopatologia destas duas cefaleias primárias.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Tension-Type Headache/diagnosis , Chemokine CCL5/blood , Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor/blood , Chemokine CCL3/blood , Migraine Disorders/diagnosis , Biomarkers/blood , Cross-Sectional Studies , Tension-Type Headache/blood , Migraine Disorders/bloodABSTRACT
ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Vestibular migraine (VM) is one of the most often common diagnoses in neurotology, but only recently has been recognized as a disease. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the clinical and epidemiological profile of patients with VM. METHODS: This was a retrospective, observational, and descriptive study, with analysis of patients' records from an outpatient VM clinic. RESULTS: 94.1% of patients were females and 5.9% were males. The mean age was 46.1 years; 65.6% of patients had had headache for a longer period than dizziness. A correlation was detected between VM symptoms and the menstrual period. 61.53% of patients had auditory symptoms, with tinnitus the most common, although tonal audiometry was normal in 68.51%. Vectoelectronystagmography was normal in 67.34%, 10.20% had hyporeflexia, and 22.44% had vestibular hyperreflexia. Electrophysiological assessment showed no abnormalities in most patients. Fasting plasma glucose and glycemic curve were normal in most patients, while the insulin curve was abnormal in 75%. 82% of individuals with MV showed abnormalities on the metabolism of carbohydrates. CONCLUSION: VM affects predominantly middle-aged women, with migraine headache representing the first symptom, several years before vertigo. Physical, auditory, and vestibular evaluations are usually normal. The most frequent vestibular abnormality was hyperreflexia. Most individuals showed abnormality related to carbohydrate metabolism.
Resumo Introdução: Migrânea vestibular (MV) corresponde a um dos mais frequentes diagnósticos em otoneurologia, o que justifica a importância de seu estudo, embora tenha sido apenas recentemente reconhecida como entidade nosológica. Objetivo: Analisar os perfis clínico e epidemiológico dos pacientes atendidos em um ambulatório de migrânea vestibular. Método: Estudo retrospectivo, observacional e descritivo, com análise de prontuários dos pacientes do ambulatório de MV. Resultados: O ambulatório é composto por 94,1% de mulheres e 5,9% de homens, com média de idade 46,1 anos. O tempo de cefaleia foi superior ao de vertigem em 65,6% dos pacientes. Observou-se correlação entre os sintomas e o período menstrual. A maioria (61,53%) dos indivíduos apresentou algum sintoma auditivo, sendo o zumbido o mais frequente, embora a audiometria tenha sido normal em 68,51%. A vectoeletronistagmografia apresentou-se normal em 67,34%, enquanto 10,20% apresentaram hiporreflexia e 22,44% hiperreflexia vestibular. Exames eletrofisiológicos não mostraram alterações na maioria dos pacientes. Glicemia dejejum e curva glicêmica foram normais para a maioria dos pacientes, enquanto a curva insulinêmica mostrou-se alterada em 75% dos indivíduos. 82% dos indivíduos com MV apresentaram alguma alteração relativa ao metabolismo dos carboidratos. Conclusão: Migrânea vestibular acomete, predominantemente, mulheres de meia idade, com cefaleia migranosa e vertigem, sendo a primeira de instalação mais precoce. O exame físico no período intercrise, bem como as avaliações auditiva e vestibular, mostram-se, geralmente, normais. O tipo de alteração vestibular mais observado foi a hiperreflexia labiríntica. A maioria os indivíduos avaliados apresentou alterações relativas ao metabolismo dos carboidratos.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Vestibular Diseases/epidemiology , Migraine Disorders/epidemiology , Audiometry, Pure-Tone , Vestibular Function Tests , Brazil/epidemiology , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials , Migraine Disorders/diagnosisABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Approximately 1% of the general population suffers from vestibular migraine. Despite the recently published diagnostic criteria, it is still underdiagnosed condition. The exact neural mechanisms of vestibular migraine are still unclear, but the variability of symptoms and clinical findings both during and between attacks suggests an important interaction between trigeminal and vestibular systems. Vestibular migraine often begins several years after typical migraine and has a variable clinical presentation. In vestibular migraine patients, the neurological and neurotological examination is mostly normal and the diagnosis will be based in the patient clinical history. Treatment trials that specialize on vestibular migraine are scarce and therapeutic recommendations are based on migraine guidelines. Controlled studies on the efficacy of pharmacologic interventions in the treatment of vestibular migraine should be performed.
RESUMO Cerca de 1% da população apresentam o diagnóstico de migrânea vestibular. Apesar dos critérios diagnósticos terem sido publicados recentemente, ainda é uma condição subdiagnosticada. Os mecanismos neurais exatos da migrânea vestibular ainda não estão claros, mas a variabilidade dos sintomas e achados clínicos durante e entre os ataques sugere uma interação importante entre os sistemas trigeminal e vestibular. A migrânea vestibular geralmente começa alguns anos após a migrânea típica e tem apresentação clínica variável. Em pacientes com migrânea vestibular, o exame neurológico e otoneurológico são geralmente normais e o diagnóstico é baseado na história clínica do paciente. Estudos sobre tratamento da migrânea vestibular são escassos e recomendações terapêuticas são baseadas em diretrizes do tratamento da migrânea. Estudos controlados sobre a eficácia das intervenções farmacológicas para o tratamento da migrânea vestibular devem ser realizados.
Humans , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Migraine Disorders/diagnosis , Vestibular Diseases/complications , Vestibular Diseases/physiopathology , Vestibular Diseases/drug therapy , Vertigo/complications , Neurotransmitter Agents/therapeutic use , Diagnosis, Differential , Dizziness/complications , Migraine Disorders/complications , Migraine Disorders/physiopathology , Migraine Disorders/drug therapyABSTRACT
Objective The objective of this study was to prospectively evaluate the International Classification of Headache Disorders I (ICHD-I) diagnostic criteria for migraine in children and adolescents. Methods 150 pain diaries were analyzed during an initial consultation. The duration of migraine headache attacks were divided into 2 groups: Group I, for attacks lasting > 2 hours, and Group II, for attacks lasting < 2 hours.The two groups were statistically compared using Fisher’s exact test (p < 0.05). Results In this study, 51(34%) subjects were male and 99 (66%) were female, aged 7–15 years. Fisher’s exact test demonstrated that the ICHD-3 beta had a 58% sensitivity for Group I diagnoses and a 94% sensitivity for Group II diagnoses (p < 0.001). Conclusion The current ICHD-3 beta classification improves and advances migraine diagnosis in children and adolescents; however, more research is needed to identify additional characteristics of headache in this age group.
Objetivo O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar prospectivamente os critérios diagnósticos da Classificação Internacional das Cefaleias 3 beta (CIC-3) de enxaqueca em crianças e adolescentes. Métodos 150 diários de dor foram analisados durante a consulta inicial. A duração dos episódios de enxaqueca foram divididos em dois grupos: Grupo I, para episódios com duração > 2 horas, e Grupo II, para os episódios < 2 horas. Os dois grupos foram comparados estatisticamente pelo teste exato de Fisher (p < 0,05). Resultados Neste estudo, 51 (34%) pacientes eram do sexo masculino e 99 (66%) eram do sexo feminino, com idade entre 7-15 anos. O teste exato de Fisher demonstrou que a CIC-3 beta teve sensibilidade de 58% para o diagnóstico do Grupo I e 94% para o diagnóstico do Grupo II (p < 0,001). Conclusão A atual classificação CIC-3 beta melhora e avança diagnóstico de enxaqueca em crianças e adolescentes; no entanto, mais pesquisas são necessárias para identificar as características adicionais de cefaléia nessa faixa etária.
Adolescent , Child , Female , Humans , Male , International Classification of Diseases , Migraine Disorders/diagnosis , Migraine Disorders/classification , Migraine Disorders/complications , Pain Measurement , Prospective Studies , Sensitivity and SpecificityABSTRACT
ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: There is a strong association between vertigo and migraine. Vestibular migraine (VM) was described in 1999, and diagnostic criteria were proposed in 2001 and revised in 2012. OBJECTIVE: To compare the diagnostic criteria for VM proposed in 2001 with 2012 criteria with respect to their diagnostic power and therapeutic effect of VM prophylaxis. METHODS: Clinical chart review of patients attended to in a VM clinic. RESULTS: The 2012 criteria made the diagnosis more specific, restricting the diagnosis of VM to a smaller number of patients, such that 87.7% of patients met 2001 criteria and 77.8% met 2012 criteria. Prophylaxis for VM was effective both for patients diagnosed by either set of criteria and for those who did not meet any of the criteria. CONCLUSIONS: The 2012 diagnostic criteria for VM limited the diagnosis of the disease to a smaller number of patients, mainly because of the type, intensity, and duration of dizziness. Patients diagnosed with migraine and associated dizziness demonstrated improvement after prophylactic treatment of VM, even when they did not meet diagnostic criteria.
RESUMO Introdução: Há forte associação entre vertigem e enxaqueca. A migrânea vestibular (MV) foi descrita em 1999 e critérios diagnósticos foram propostos em 2001 e revisados em 2012. Objetivo: Comparar os critérios diagnósticos para MV propostos em 2001 com os de 2012, através de seu poder diagnóstico e efeito terapêutico da profilaxia da MV. Método: Revisão de prontuários de pacientes atendidos em uma clínica de MV. Resultados: Os critérios de 2012 tornaram o diagnóstico mais específico, restringindo a MV a um número menor de pacientes, sendo que 87,7% dos pacientes preencheram os critérios de 2001 e 77,8% preencheram os critérios de 2012. O tratamento profilático para MV foi eficaz tanto para pacientes diagnosticados por algum dos critérios quanto para aqueles que não se enquadravam em qualquer critério. Conclusões: Os critérios diagnósticos de 2012 para MV restringiram o diagnóstico da doença para um menor número de pacientes, principalmente por causa do tipo de tontura, a sua intensidade e duração. Pacientes com enxaqueca diagnosticada e tontura associada apresentaram melhora após o tratamento profilático da MV mesmo quando não preenchem critérios diagnósticos. (c) 2015 Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial. Publicado por Elsevier Editora Ltda. Todos os direitos reservados.