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Rev. urug. cardiol ; 39(1): e401, 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BNUY, UY-BNMED | ID: biblio-1560457


La migraña es una enfermedad que se ha visto asociada a defectos septales auriculares y a su cierre percutáneo, estipulándose en la literatura que sería una rara complicación, pero la evidencia al respecto es escasa. Se realizó una revisión narrativa sobre definiciones, epidemiología, fisiopatología y tratamiento de la migraña y de la entidad migraña poscierre percutáneo de defectos del septum auricular, incluyendo trabajos observacionales (retrospectivos, prospectivos), estudios randomizados, reportes de casos, artículos de revisión y metaanálisis existentes en PubMed y Cochrane, para aportar al conocimiento de esta entidad.

Migraine is a disease that has been associated with atrial septal defects and its percutaneous closure, stipulating in the literature that it would be a rare complication, but evidence is scarce. A narrative review was conducted on definitions, epidemiology, pathophysiology and treatment of migraine and the migraine entity after percutaneous closure of atrial septum defects, including observational studies (retrospective, prospective), randomized studies, case reports, review articles and meta-analyses existing in PubMed and Cochrane, to contribute to the knowledge of this entity.

A enxaqueca é uma doença que tem sido associada a defeitos do septo atrial e seu fechamento percutâneo, estipulando na literatura que seria uma complicação rara, mas as evidências são escassas. Foi realizada uma revisão narrativa sobre definições, epidemiologia, fisiopatologia e tratamento da enxaqueca e da entidade migranosa após fechamento percutâneo de defeitos do septo atrial, incluindo estudos observacionais (retrospectivos, prospectivos), estudos randomizados, relatos de caso, artigos de revisão e metanálises existentes no PubMed e Cochrane, para contribuir com o conhecimento dessa entidade.

Humans , Fibrinolytic Agents/therapeutic use , Percutaneous Coronary Intervention , Heart Septal Defects, Atrial/surgery , Migraine Disorders/therapy , Treatment Outcome , Heart Septal Defects, Atrial/complications , Migraine Disorders/etiology
Frontiers of Medicine ; (4): 993-1005, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010804


Migraine is one of the most prevalent and disabling neurological disease, but the current pharmacotherapies show limited efficacy and often accompanied by adverse effects. Acupuncture is a promising complementary therapy, but further clinical evidence is needed. The influence of acupuncture on migraine is not an immediate effect, and its mechanism remains unclear. This study aims to provide further clinical evidence for the anti-migraine effects of acupuncture and explore the mechanism involved. A randomized controlled trial was performed among 10 normal controls and 38 migraineurs. The migraineurs were divided into blank control, sham acupuncture, and acupuncture groups. Patients were subjected to two courses of treatment, and each treatment lasted for 5 days, with an interval of 1 day between the two courses. The effectiveness of treatment was evaluated using pain questionnaire. The functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data were analyzed for investigating brain changes induced by treatments. Blood plasma was collected for metabolomics and proteomics studies. Correlation and mediation analyses were performed to investigate the interaction between clinical, fMRI and omics changes. Results showed that acupuncture effectively relieved migraine symptoms in a way different from sham acupuncture in terms of curative effect, affected brain regions, and signaling pathways. The anti-migraine mechanism involves a complex network related to the regulation of the response to hypoxic stress, reversal of brain energy imbalance, and regulation of inflammation. The brain regions of migraineurs affected by acupuncture include the lingual gyrus, default mode network, and cerebellum. The effect of acupuncture on patients' metabolites/proteins may precede that of the brain.

Humans , Migraine Disorders/etiology , Brain/diagnostic imaging , Acupuncture Therapy/methods , Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; Biomédica (Bogotá);39(supl.2): 93-100, ago. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1038831


RESUMEN Introducción. La patogenia de los trastornos funcionales gastrointestinales involucra agentes infecciosos como los virus. Objetivo. Investigar el desarrollo de trastornos funcionales gastrointestinales en niños, a los 3, 6, 9 y 12 meses después de un episodio de dengue no grave sin signos de alarma. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio de cohorte de 73 niños con diagnóstico de dengue no grave sin signos de alarma atendidos en el Hospital Universitario del Valle "Evaristo García" y de 62 niños sanos de Cali, Colombia. Mediante el 'Cuestionario para síntomas gastrointestinales pediátricos Roma III' (Questionnaire for Pediatric Gastrointestinal Symptoms Rome III, QPGS-III), se determinaron los trastornos gastrointestinales funcionales a los 3, 6, 9 y 12 meses de seguimiento después de un episodio de dengue no grave sin signos de alarma. Se calcularon las medidas de tendencia central, riesgo relativo y prueba de ji al cuadrado, y se usó la prueba exacta de Fisher con un nivel de significación (p) menor de 0,05. Resultados. Se incluyeron 135 niños de 10,7±1,9 años; 51,1 % de ellos correspondía al sexo masculino y 19,3 % presentaba algún trastorno funcional gastrointestinal (9,6 % con dolor abdominal relacionado). El riesgo de presentar algún trastorno funcional gastrointestinal con dolor abdominal relacionado a los 3, 6, 9 y 12 meses de seguimiento en niños con dengue no grave sin signos de alarma fue mayor que sin dicho antecedente, pero sin diferencias significativas. Conclusión. Los resultados del estudio sugieren que el dengue no grave sin signos de alarma no incrementó el riesgo de trastornos gastrointestinales funcionales y dolor abdominal relacionado a lo largo de 12 meses de seguimiento.

ABSTRACT Introduction: The pathogenesis of functional gastrointestinal disorders involves infectious agents such as viruses. Objective: To study the development of functional gastrointestinal disorders 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after an episode of non-severe dengue without warning signs in children. Materials and methods: We conducted a cohort study in 73 children diagnosed with non-severe dengue without warning signs at Hospital Universitario del Valle "Evaristo García" and 62 healthy children from Cali, Colombia. Using the Questionnaire for Pediatric Gastrointestinal Symptoms Rome III (QPGS-III) in Spanish we identified functional gastrointestinal disorders 3, 6, 9, and 12 months after non-severe dengue without warning signs. Measurements of central tendency, relative risk, chi square, and Fisher's exact test were performed, with p<0.05 being significant. Results: We included 135 children who were 10.7±1.9 years old; 51.1% of them were male and 19.3% had a functional gastrointestinal disorder (9.6% of them had abdominal pain related to functional gastrointestinal disorders). There was a greater risk to present a functional gastrointestinal disorder and related abdominal pain in children after non-severe dengue without warning signs at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months of follow-up, but without significant differences. Conclusion: Our study suggests that non-severe dengue without warning signs does not increase the risk of functional gastrointestinal disorders and related abdominal pain for up to 12 months of follow-up.

Adolescent , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Dengue/complications , Gastrointestinal Diseases/etiology , Time Factors , Abdominal Pain/etiology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Cohort Studies , Dyspepsia/etiology , Dyspepsia/epidemiology , Gastrointestinal Diseases/epidemiology , Migraine Disorders/etiology , Migraine Disorders/epidemiology
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;77(6): 418-423, June 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011349


ABSTRACT Migraine is a common condition in the pediatric population and causes a significant impact on the quality of life. Atopic disorders are some of the migraine comorbidities. Objective We hypothesized that allergic rhinitis could aggravate migraine in the pediatric population. Methods This cross-sectional study consecutively evaluated 90 pediatric outpatients (46 children 6-12 years of age; 44 adolescents up to 18 years of age) who sought medical assistance because of migraine at a general neurology clinic in Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil. They, and their parents, were given three questionnaires, to evaluate the diagnosis of current allergic rhinitis, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and seasonal allergic rhinitis, as well as the disability caused by headache (ISAAC - International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood; CARATkids - Control of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Test for Children; PedMIDAS - Pediatric Migraine Disability Assessment). The study was approved by the local ethics committee. Results According to the ISAAC questionnaire, children with current allergic rhinoconjunctivitis in the last year showed higher scores on the PedMIDAS than those patients without atopy (median and interquartile range 26 [10-58] vs. 5 [1-13], p = 0.008). A significant positive correlation of CARATkids scores with PedMIDAS scores was found (p = 0.007, rho = 0.39). After including other putative predictors of migraine disability (age, body mass index, time since onset of migraine) in a multiple regression analysis, only the scores on the CARATkids remained a significant independent variable correlated with PedMIDAS scores (p = 0.001; R = 0.55; R2 = 0.30). Conclusions Current allergic rhinoconjunctivitis is related to enhanced disability caused by headache in childhood migraine.

RESUMO A enxaqueca é condição comum na população pediátrica e causa significativo impacto na qualidade de vida. Doenças atópicas estão entre as principais morbidades associadas. Objetivo Teorizamos que a rinite alérgica possa agravar a enxaqueca na população pediátrica. Métodos Este estudo transversal avaliou consecutivamente 90 pacientes pediátricos (46 crianças de 6 a 12 anos; 44 adolescentes até 18 anos) que procuraram assistência por enxaqueca em clínica neurológica de Passo Fundo, RS, Brasil. Eles e seus familiares responderam a três questionários para avaliar o diagnóstico de rinite alérgica, rinoconjuntivite alérgica e rinite alérgica sazonal, assim como a incapacidade causada pela cefaleia (ISAAC - International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood; CARATkids - Control of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Test for Children; PedMIDAS - Pediatric Migraine Disability Assessment). A pesquisa foi aprovada por comitê de ética. Resultados Crianças com rinoconjuntivite alérgica atual de acordo com o questionário ISAAC exibiram escores mais altos no PedMIDAS do que aquelas sem atopia (mediana e intervalo interquartil 26 [10-58] vs. 5 [1-13], p=0,008). Correlação significativamente positiva do escore no questionário CARATkids sobre o escore do PedMIDAS foi encontrada (p = 0,007, rho = 0,39). Após inclusão de outros fatores teoricamente envolvidos com a incapacidade secundária à enxaqueca (idade, índice de massa corporal, tempo desde o início das crises de enxaqueca) em modelo de análise de regressão linear múltipla, apenas o escore do CARATkids permaneceu com significância como variável independente relacionada ao escore do PedMIDAS (p = 0,001; R = 0,55; R2 = 0,30). Conclusões Rinoconjuntivite alérgica está relacionada ao aumento da incapacidade pela enxaqueca em crianças.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Rhinitis, Allergic/complications , Migraine Disorders/etiology , Quality of Life , Time Factors , Severity of Illness Index , Body Mass Index , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Age Factors , Statistics, Nonparametric , Disability Evaluation , Rhinitis, Allergic/physiopathology , Migraine Disorders/physiopathology
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;77(6): 424-428, June 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011352


ABSTRACT Migraine is a chronic condition with complex pathophysiology. Although immunologic disturbances have been linked to migraine, only few attempts have been made to assess the possibility of allergic rhinitis as a worsening factor of migraine in adults. Objective This survey aimed to compare migraine disability between adult migraineurs with and without current allergic rhinitis. Methods This cross-sectional study comprised 118 adult migraineurs who were consecutively assisted at an outpatient clinic. After ordinary neurological evaluation, participants were evaluated for headache disability using the Migraine Disability Assessment (MIDAS). The presence of current allergic rhinitis, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and seasonal allergic rhinitis was scored for each participant according to the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in questionnaire. Results There was no significant difference between the MIDAS scores of those with current allergic rhinitis, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, or seasonal allergic rhinitis and nonatopic migraineurs. The disability caused by allergic symptoms also did not influence the MIDAS scores of patients with allergic rhinitis. The frequency of headache days during the last three months was higher in the subset of patients without allergic rhinitis (median and interquartile range 12 [8-19.2] vs. 8 [4-14]; p = 0.03). Conclusions Our results suggest that current allergic rhinitis, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, and seasonal allergic rhinitis are not related to headache disability in adults with episodic migraine.

RESUMO A migrânea é uma condição dolorosa crônica com fisiopatologia complexa. Apesar de disfunções imunológicas já terem sido ligadas à migrânea, poucas foram as tentativas, na literatura, de se avaliar a possibilidade da rinite alérgica como um fator agravante da migrânea em adultos, tornando a questão ainda não esclarecida. Objetivo Esta pesquisa visou comparar a incapacidade da migrânea em adultos com e sem rinite alérgica. Métodos Este estudo transversal incluiu 118 adultos com migrânea consecutivamente atendidos em uma clínica ambulatorial. Após o exame neurológico usual, os participantes foram avaliados com relação à incapacidade gerada pela cefaleia com o Migraine Disability Assessment (MIDAS), assim como para a presença atual de rinite alérgica, rinoconjuntivite alérgica e rinite alérgica sazonal de acordo com o questionário do International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC). Resultados Não houve diferença nos escores do MIDAS entre migranosos com e sem alérgica, rinoconjuntivite alérgica e rinite alérgica sazonal. A incapacidade causada pelos sintomas alérgicos também não influenciou os escores do MIDAS dos pacientes com rinite alérgica. A frequência de dias com cefaleia durante os últimos 3 meses foi maior no subgrupo de pacientes sem rinite alérgica (mediana e intervalo interquartil 12 [8-19,2] vs. 8 [4-14]; p = 0,03). Conclusões Os resultados sugerem que rinite alérgica, rinoconjuntivite alérgica e rinite alérgica sazonal não estão relacionadas à incapacidade por cefaleia em pacientes adultos com migrânea episódica.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Rhinitis, Allergic/complications , Migraine Disorders/etiology , Time Factors , Severity of Illness Index , Body Mass Index , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Regression Analysis , Statistics, Nonparametric , Disability Evaluation , Rhinitis, Allergic/physiopathology , Migraine Disorders/physiopathology
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;74(3): 262-271, Mar. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-777130


ABSTRACT In this article, a group of experts in headache management of the Brazilian Headache Society developed through a consensus strategic measurements to treat a migraine attack in both the child and the adult. Particular emphasis was laid on the treatment of migraine in women, including at pregnancy, lactation and perimenstrual period.

RESUMO Neste artigo um grupo de especialistas no tratamento de cefaleia da Sociedade Brasileira de Cefaleia através de um consenso elaborou medidas estratérgicas para tratar uma crise de migrânea tanto na criança como no adulto. Uma enfase particular foi dada no tratamento da migranea na mulher, incluindo gravidez, lactação e período perimenstrual.

Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Child , Adult , Consensus , Migraine Disorders/drug therapy , Pregnancy Complications/drug therapy , Brazil , Migraine Disorders/etiology
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;73(8): 665-669, 08/2015. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-753035


Migraine and tension type headache are the two most common primary headaches. The purpose of this study was to detect differences in clinical characteristics and headache triggers and in a Greek cohort of 51 migraineurs and 12 patients with tension-type headache. (TTH) Migraine patients had a significantly lower age at headache onset and frequency, higher mean visual analogue scale (VAS) and greater maximum duration of headache episodes compared to TTH patients. They did not differ from (TTH) patients in quality of headache, laterality of pain, way of headache installation and progression and temporal pattern of headaches. Nausea, vomiting and phonophobia were more frequent in migraine. Triggering of headaches by dietary factors was associated with migraine, whereas there was no difference between the two groups in any of the other headache triggers. Stress, both physical and psychological, were particularly common in both patient groups.

Enxaqueca e cefaleia tipo tensional são as duas cefaleias primárias mais frequentes. O propósito deste estudo foi avaliar as diferenças e características dos fatores desencadeantes destas cefaleias numa coorte grega de 51 pacientes com enxaqueca e 12 com cefaleia tipo tensional. Pacientes com enxaqueca tinham uma idade significativamente menor por ocasião do início da cefaleia e maior frequência, maiores valores de (VAS) e maior duração dos episódios em comparação com os pacientes com (CTT). Não houve diferença entre os pacientes com enxaqueca e (CTT) com relação à qualidade e lateralidade da dor, na forma de instalação e progressão, e no padrão temporal das cefaleias. Náuseas, vômitos e fonofobia foram mais frequentes em enxaqueca. Fatores desencadeantes na dieta estavam associados à enxaqueca, enquanto não houve diferença entre os dois grupos para outros fatores desencadeantes. Estresse físico e psicológico foram particularmente prevalentes em ambos os grupos de pacientes.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Migraine Disorders/etiology , Tension-Type Headache/etiology , Age of Onset , Cohort Studies , Feeding Behavior , Greece , Precipitating Factors , Stress, Physiological , Stress, Psychological/complications , Test Anxiety Scale , Time Factors , Visual Analog Scale
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;72(2): 99-103, 02/2014. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-702550


Clinical differentiation between the primary headaches and temporomandibular disorders (TMD) can be challenging. Objectives : To investigate the relationship between TMD and primary headaches by conducting face to face assessments in patients from an orofacial pain clinic and a headache tertiary center. Method : Sample consists of 289 individuals consecutively identified at a headache center and 78 individuals seen in an orofacial pain clinic because of symptoms suggestive of TMD. Results : Migraine was diagnosed in 79.8% of headache sufferers, in headache tertiary center, and 25.6% of those in orofacial pain clinic (p<0.001). Tension-type headache was present in 20.4% and 46.1%, while the TMD painful occurred in 48.1% and 70.5% respectively (p<0.001). Conclusion : TMD is an important comorbidity of migraine and difficult to distinguish clinically from tension-type headache, and this headache was more frequent in the dental center than at the medical center. .

A diferenciação clínica entre as cefaleias primárias e as disfunções temporomandibulares (DTM) pode ser desafiadora. Objetivos : Investigar a relação entre DTM e cefaleias primárias conduzindo uma avaliação face a face entre pacientes de um centro de dor orofacial e de um centro terciário de cefaleia. Método : A amostra consistiu de 289 indivíduos avaliados consecutivamente em um centro terciário de cefaleia e 78 indivíduos de uma clínica orofacial. Resultados : A migrânea foi diagnosticada em 79,8% dos pacientes do centro de cefaleia e 25,6% dos pacientes do centro de dor orofacial. A cefaleia do tipo tensional esteve presente em 20,4% e 46,1%, enquanto as DTM dolorosas ocorreram em 48,1% e 70,5% respectivamente (p<0,001). Conclusão : DTM é uma comorbidade importante da migrânea e difícil de distinguir clinicamente da cefaleia do tipo tensional, tanto que esta cefaleia foi mais frequente no centro odontológico do que no centro médico. .

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Migraine Disorders/etiology , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/complications , Tension-Type Headache/etiology , Chronic Disease , Educational Status , Migraine Disorders/diagnosis , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/diagnosis , Tension-Type Headache/diagnosis
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;71(5): 290-293, maio 2013. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-674220


Migraine can be triggered by many factors such as stress, sleep, fasting and environmental causes. There are few studies that evaluated migraine trigger factors in the adolescent population. Methods: A total of 100 participants from 10 to 19 years were subjected to a detailed headache questionnaire, with demographic and clinical data, and a headache diary including trigger factors during a two-month period was asked. Results: Fifty of the participants exhibited chronic migraine and the other 50 participants demonstrated episodic migraine. The most common group of trigger factors reported was the environmental one, mainly sun/clarity, followed by hot weather and the smell of perfume. Conclusions: Ninety-one percent of children and adolescents with migraine reported a trigger factor precipitating the migraine attack. .

Crises de migrânea podem ser desencadeadas por muitos fatores, como estresse, sono, jejum e causas ambientais. Poucos estudos avaliaram os fatores desencadeantes de migrânea em adolescentes. Métodos: Cem pacientes, de 10 a 19 anos, foram submetidos a um questionário detalhado sobre sua cefaleia, com dados demográficos e clínicos e um diário da cefaleia, incluindo perguntas sobre os fatores desencadeantes, por um período de dois meses. Resultados: Cinquenta pacientes apresentavam migrânea episódica e 50, migrânea crônica. O grupo de fatores desencadeantes mais frequentemente relatado foi o ambiental, principalmente sol ou claridade, seguido pelo clima quente e pelo cheiro de perfume. Conclusões: Noventa e um por cento dos adolescentes com migrânea relataram pelo menos um fator desencadeante de crises álgicas. .

Adolescent , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Migraine Disorders/etiology , Brazil , Epidemiologic Methods , Migraine Disorders/physiopathology , Precipitating Factors , Risk Factors , Sex Distribution , Sex Factors
IJPM-International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2013; 4 (Supp. 2): 313-317
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-127473


Obesity is a common health problem around the world. Studies have shown inverse relationship between serum vitamin D levels with obesity among patients and healthy population. The aim of this present study is to examine the relationship between serum vitamin D levels with general and abdominal obesity among migraine patients. The present study is a cross-sectional and 66 migraine patients aged 19-61 years were included for analysis. Partial correlation was performed to assess association between serum 25-OH-D with general and abdominal obesity. Adjustments were performed for age, sex, and education. No relationship was found between serum levels of vitamin D with general and abdominal obesity. However, a significant association was shown between waist circumferences [WC] with body mass index [BMI]. Serum levels of 25-OH-D were not associated with WC and BMI. Furthermore, after adjustment for confounder variables, no association was observed

Humans , Female , Male , Migraine Disorders/etiology , Migraine Disorders/blood , Obesity , Obesity, Abdominal , Vitamin D , Body Mass Index , Cross-Sectional Studies
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;70(11): 852-856, Nov. 2012. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-655922


Since there was no Portuguese questionnaire to evaluate cutaneous allodynia, which has been pointed out as a risk factor of migraine, we aimed to perform the cross-cultural adaptation of the 12 item Allodynia Symptom Checklist for the Brazilian population and to test its measurement properties. It consisted in six stages: translation, synthesis, back translation, revision by a specialist committee, pretest and submission the documents to the committee. In the pretest stage, the questionnaire was applied to 30 migraineurs of both sexes, who had some difficulty in understanding it. Thus, a second version was applied to 30 additional subjects, with no difficulties being reported. The mean filling out time was 3'36", and the internal consistency was 0.76. To test reproducibility, 15 other subjects filled out the questionnaire at two different times, it was classified as moderate (weighted kappa=0.58). We made available to Brazilian population an easy, quick and reliable questionnaire.

Levando em consideração que não há nenhum questionário em português disponível para avaliação da alodinia cutânea, sintoma que tem sido apontado como fator de cronificação da migrânea, o objetivo do trabalho foi realizar a adaptação transcultural do 12 item Allodynia Symptom Checklist para a população brasileira e testar suas características psicométricas. A adaptação foi realizada em seis estágios: tradução, síntese, retrotradução, revisão pelo comitê de especialistas, pré-teste e submissão dos documentos ao comitê. No estágio do pré-teste, foram aplicados 30 questionários em migranosos de ambos os sexos, que relataram dificuldades de compreensão. Por isso, foi criada uma segunda versão e aplicada a mais 30 sujeitos, não tendo sido relatadas dificuldades nesta versão. O tempo médio de preenchimento foi de 3'36", e a consistência interna encontrada foi 0,76. Para testar a reprodutibilidade, outros 15 sujeitos preencheram o questionário, em dois momentos, tendo sido a reprodutibilidade classificada como moderada (kappa ponderado=0,58). Portanto, disponibilizamos, para uso na população brasileira, um questionário fácil, rápido e confiável.

Adult , Female , Humans , Checklist , Cross-Cultural Comparison , Hyperalgesia/diagnosis , Migraine Disorders/etiology , Surveys and Questionnaires/standards , Brazil , Hyperalgesia/complications , Language , Reproducibility of Results , Time Factors , Translations
IJCN-Iranian Journal of Child Neurology. 2012; 6 (2): 33-38
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-144202


Migraine is a common problem in children and the mean prevalence of migraine in Europe among 170,000 adults was 14.7% [8% in men and 17.6% in women] and in children and youth [36,000 participants], the prevalences were [9.2% for all, 5.2% in boys and 9.1% in girls] and the lifetime prevalences were [16,11 and 20%, respectively]. To determine the epidemiology of migraine and evaluate migraine triggering factors in children. Two-hundred twenty-eight children with a maximum age of 12 years who fulfilled the ICHD-II criteria for pediatric migraine were enrolled into the study. This study shows that migraine is slightly more common in boys and its peak incidence is between ages 8 and 12 and most patients have three to five headache attacks per month. The pain has a tightening, stabbing or vague quality in about 70% of children with migraine and bilateral headache is slightly more common. The common triggering factors in children migraine were stress, noise, sleeplessness, hunger and light and the common relieving factors were sleep, analgesics, silence, darkness and eating. Migraine is a common problem in children with an equal incidence in boys and girls before adolescence and more common in girls after adolescence

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Male , Female , Migraine Disorders/etiology , Prevalence , Age Distribution , Sex Distribution , Migraine Disorders/diagnosis
J. bras. med ; 99(1): 42-47, mar.-maio 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-597344


O forame oval permite, durante o período fetal, a passagem de sangue oxigenado oriundo da placenta para o átrio direito, possibilitando oxigenação adequada do cérebro e do coração. Após o nascimento, com o início da respiração e com a desconexão da placenta, há um aumento da pressão do lado esquerdo e uma diminuição do lado direito do coração, empurrando a lâmina do forame oval para a direita, o que ocasiona o seu fechamento funcional. Entretanto, em aproximadamente 25% da população ele pode permanecer patente. Sua relação com o acidente vascular isquêmico e com enxaqueca com aura tem sido sugerida em várias publicações. Na presença de acidente vascular isquêmico idiopático, tem sido sugerido por vários autores o fechamento percutâneo do forame oval patente (FOP), quando comprovada a existência de shunt da direita para a esquerda, espontaneamente ou com manobra de Valsalva. Contudo, hã necessidade de maior tempo de observação para avaliar a sua superioridade em relação ao tratamento clínico.

Foramen ovale allows the passage, during the fetal period, of oxygenated blood coming from the placenta to the right atrium, supplying adequate oxygenation for brain and heart. After birth, with onset of breathing and disconnection of the placenta, there are an increased pressure on the left side ofthe heart and a decreasing in its right side pushing the blade of the foramen ovale to the right, causing its functional closure. However, the patent foramen ovale (PFO) occurs in approximately 25% of the population. The relationship between cryptogenic stroke, migraine with aura and PFO has been suggestedin several publications. In the presence of cryptogenic stroke, percutaneous closure of PFO, when shown the existente of a shunt from right to left spontaneously or with the Valsalva maneuver, has been suggested by several authors. However, there is need of more observation time to assess its superiority over medica1 treatment.

Humans , Male , Female , Stroke/etiology , Foramen Ovale, Patent/complications , Foramen Ovale, Patent/diagnosis , Foramen Ovale, Patent/etiology , Foramen Ovale, Patent/physiopathology , Migraine Disorders/etiology , Migraine Disorders/physiopathology , Heart Septal Defects, Atrial/complications , Echocardiography , Risk Factors , Heart Septum/embryology , Ultrasonography, Doppler, Transcranial
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;69(2b): 324-327, 2011. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-588092


OBJECTIVE: To assess the role of odors in triggering or worsening migraine in men. METHOD: Ninety-eight male migraineurs from the general population were assessed individually through questionnaires. Environmental factors relating to their migraine were reported, with special focus on the role of odors. RESULTS: Odors were the second most frequent triggering factor for migraine attacks (48 percent), behind stressful situations (59 percent). Likewise, odors were the second most frequent worsening factor (73 percent), just behind excessive light (74 percent). Thirty-three individuals (33.4 percent) stated that odors were both triggering and worsening factors for their migraine attacks. Perfume, cigarette smoke and cleaning products were the most frequent migraine-related odors reported by these male migraineurs. CONCLUSION: This was the first study to assess the role of odors in migraine exclusively in men. There was a high degree of odor-related migraine among these men, thus suggesting that patient education could alert such individuals to gender-related factors, since different triggering and worsening factors have been reported by males and females.

OBJETIVO: Avaliar o papel dos odores como fatores desencadeantes e de piora da enxaqueca em homens. MÉTODO: Noventa e oito homens com enxaqueca na população geral foram avaliados individualmente por questionários. Os fatores ambientais relacionados à enxaqueca foram relatados, com foco especial no papel dos odores. RESULTADOS: Os odores foram o segundo fator mais frequente no desencadeamento de crise de enxaqueca (48 por cento), atrás das situações de estresse (59 por cento). Da mesma forma, os odores foram a segunda causa mais frequente de piora das crises (73 por cento), apenas atrás do excesso de luminosidade (74 por cento). Trinta e três indivíduos (33,4 por cento) relataram que os odores eram tanto fatores desencadeantes quanto fatores de piora de suas crises de enxaqueca. Perfume, fumaça de cigarro e produtos de limpeza foram os odores mais relatados como sendo relacionados a enxaqueca pelos homens. CONCLUSÃO: Este foi o primeiro estudo que avaliou o papel dos odores exclusivamente em homens com enxaqueca. Houve um alto índice de enxaqueca relacionada a odores, sugerindo que a educação dos pacientes poderia alertar fatores dependentes do gênero do paciente, uma vez que diferentes fatores desencadeantes e de piora das crises tem sido relatados por homens e mulheres.

Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Migraine Disorders/etiology , Odorants , Risk Factors , Sex Factors , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rev. chil. reumatol ; 27(4): 229-235, 2011. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-640594


Objetivos: Conocer prevalencia global de cefalea y subtipos en Enfermedades Autoinmunes Sistémicas (EAS) y compararla con la población general. Establecer en pacientes con Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico (LES) la relación entre cefalea y anticuerpos antifosfolípidos (aPL), actividad, otras manifestaciones neurológicas. Comparar la eficacia entre la segunda clasificación de la International Headache Society (ICHD-II), 2004, y la del American College of Rheumatology (ACR), 1999, para clasificar cefaleas en LES. Métodos: Noventa pacientes fueron evaluados con un cuestionario basado en criterios de la ICHD-II. En pacientes con LES también se aplicó la clasificación de cefaleas del ACR. Prevalencia anual de cefalea y migraña se comparó con la de Uruguay. Resultados: La prevalencia anual de cefalea en EAS fue similar a la población general (50,6 por ciento vs 58,4 por ciento). Fueron primarias 47 (52 por ciento): Tipo tensional 31 (34,4 por ciento), migraña 16 (17,8 por ciento), sin aura 13. Se halló asociación significativa entre EAS y migraña, teniendo 2,87 más posibilidades de presentarla estos individuos que la población general (17,8 por ciento vs 6,2 por ciento, P = 0,0001). De 19 lúpicos con cefalea, relación con actividad: 1, aPL positivos: 13, otras manifestaciones neurológicas: 5. Aplicando la ICHD-II se diagnosticó el 100 por ciento de cefaleas en LES; con la clasificación del ACR se diagnosticó el 86 por ciento. Conclusión: La prevalencia de cefalea fue similar ala población general. Predominaron las primarias, tipo tensional y migraña. La migraña fue más prevalente en las EAS. En LES no se demostró asociación entre cefalea y actividad, aPL, otros síndromes neuropsiquiátricos. La ICHD-II debería utilizarse en LES, y la clasificación del ACR debería revisarse.

Objectives: Learn the global prevalence of headache and its subtypes in Systemic Autoimmune Diseases (SADs); compare it with the general population. In Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), to establish the relationship between headache and: antiphospholipid antibodies (APA), activity, other neurological manifestations. To compare the efficacy between the second classification of the International Headache Society (ICHD-II), 2004 and the classification of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) 1999 to classify headaches in SLE. Methods: Ninety patients were evaluated with a questionnaire based on criteria of the ICHD-II. In patients with SLE the criteria of the ACR were also used. The annual prevalence of headache and migraine was compared with Uruguay’s. Results. The annual prevalence of headache in SADs was similar to the general population (50.6 percent vs. 58.4 percent). There were 47 primary headaches (52 percent): 31 tension type (34,4 percent), 16 migraines (17,8 percent), 13 without aura. A significant association was found between SADs and migraine; these patients had a 2.86 times greater chance of presenting migraines than the general population (17.8 percent vs. 6.2 percent, P = 0,0001). In the case of the 19 patients with SLE and headache, there was a relationship with activity in 1 case, 13 were APA positive, 5 had other neurologic manifestations. Applying the ICHD-II criteria 100 percent of headaches were diagnosed in SLE, applying those of the ACR, 86 percent. Conclusion: The primary headaches predominated, with the same prevalence and subtypes (tension type and migraine) than in the general population. Individuals with SADs have a higher possibility of suffering from migraine. In SLE, no relationship was demonstrated between headache and activity, APA or other neuropsychiatric syndromes. The ICHD-II should be the one to be used in SLE patients, the ACR classification should be revised.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Female , Middle Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Headache/epidemiology , Headache/etiology , Autoimmune Diseases/complications , Autoimmune Diseases/epidemiology , Headache/classification , Headache Disorders, Primary/epidemiology , Headache Disorders, Primary/etiology , Headache Disorders, Secondary/epidemiology , Headache Disorders, Secondary/etiology , Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic/complications , Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic/epidemiology , Prevalence , Surveys and Questionnaires , Migraine Disorders/epidemiology , Migraine Disorders/etiology
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol ; 76(3): 175-179, 2011. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-597582


Se presenta el caso de una primigesta de 32 años que acude en la semana 38,3 por cefalea de carácter migrañoso de aparición brusca e intensidad moderada de dos días de evolución, asociada a fotopsias y a pérdida definida de un campo de la visión lateral izquierda. Tras descartar otra focalidad neurológica y preclampsia se comprueba el bienestar fetal y es valorada por oftalmólogos y neurólogos diagnosticando una cuadrantapnosia superior izquierda asociada a un síndrome de vasoconstricción cerebral reversible. La resonancia magnética revela un infarto cerebral en el territorio de la arteria cerebral posterior derecha y se comprueba en la angio-resonancia el defecto de repleción. Valorando la posibilidad de un inicio espontáneo del parto y la necesidad de iniciar tratamiento médico con ácido acetil salicílico para resolver el ictus se realiza una cesárea urgente con anestesia general con excelente resultado obstétrico y materno.

We report a case of a 38.3 weeks first prengancy woman o 32 year old who comes to the emergency service because she referred a two day acute migraine headache of sudden appereance with spintherism and a loose of a part of the left visual field. She did not had convulsive seizures nor strength or sensitive looses. Blood pressure was incongruous with preeclampsia, and she did not have proteinuria. After reassuring about well fetal being she is studied by ophtalmologists and neurologist who diagnose an of upper-left quadrantapnosia due to a reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome. NMR and angio-NMR show a cerebral infarction in the right back cerebral artery area. Because of the risk of an spontaneous start of birth labour and the need of salicilyc acid treatment we decided to finish the pregnancy practising an urgent caesarean section under general anesthesic with an excellent mother and fetal result.

Humans , Adult , Female , Aspirin/therapeutic use , Cerebral Infarction/complications , Migraine Disorders/etiology , Migraine Disorders/drug therapy , Vasoconstriction , Cesarean Section , Hemianopsia/etiology , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Pregnancy Complications , Pregnancy Outcome
Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol ; 36(3): 462-468, jul.-sep. 2010.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-584646


Se realiza una revisión de varios trabajos relacionados con la repercusión y frecuencia de la migraña en la vida de la mujer, así como su relación con el evento menstruación y otros cambios hormonales. Se valoran las posibles causas, se detallan sus diferentes formas de presentación y se ofrecen diferentes opciones terapÚuticas

Authors make a review of some papers related to repercussion and frequency of migraine in the women life; as well as its relation to the menstruation and other hormonal changes. Potential causes are assessed signaling its different ways of presentation and offer therapeutical options

Humans , Female , Menstruation , Migraine Disorders/epidemiology , Migraine Disorders/etiology , Migraine Disorders/therapy