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Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 22(3): 326-338, mayo 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555800


The interaction potential of Cynara scolymus L., Mikania glomerata Spreng.,Rhamnus purshiana DC and Uncaria tomentosa (Willd. Ex Roem. & Schult.) with conventional drugs metabolized by the CYP3A4 metabolic route was tested in HeLa cell lines, using the in vitro model of the hPXR. The herbal medicines C. scolymus (1.5 mg/mL dry extract) did not affect the receptor. On the other hand, M. glomerata (5.5 mg/mL dry extract), R. purshiana (1.5 mg/mL dry extract), and U. tomentosa (2.0 mg/mL dry extract) showed to be hPXR agonist, suggesting a potential interaction with the conventional drugs metabolized by the same isoforms of the CYP superfamily. The results from this study contribute to the use safer and more effective of these herbal medicines.

Se evaluó el potencial de interacción de Cynara scolymus L., Mikania glomerata Spreng., Rhamnus purshiana DC y Uncaria tomentosa (Willd. Ex Roem. & Schult.) con fármacos convencionales metabolizados por la ruta metabólica CYP3A4 en líneas celulares HeLa, utilizando el modelo in vitro del hPXR. Las hierbas medicinales C. scolymus (1,5 mg/mL de extracto seco) no afectaron al receptor. Por otro lado, M. glomerata (5.5 mg/mL de extracto seco), R. purshiana (1.5 mg/mL de extracto seco) y U. tomentosa (2.0 mg/mL de extracto seco) mostraron ser agonistas de hPXR, lo que sugiere una potencial interacción con los fármacos convencionales metabolizados por las mismas isoformas de la superfamilia CYP. Los resultados de este estudio contribuyen a un uso más seguro y eficaz de estos medicamentos a base de hierbas medicinales.

Rhamnus , Cat's Claw , Cynara scolymus , Mikania , Herb-Drug Interactions , Plants, Medicinal , In Vitro Techniques , Cytochrome P-450 CYP3A Inducers/chemistry
Rev. colomb. reumatol ; 28(1): 52-56, ene.-mar. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1341360


RESUMEN Objetivo: Contextualizar una receta médica de comienzos del siglo XIX en el Nuevo Reino de Granada, en la cual se prescribe el guaco para disminuir síntomas generados por afecciones del sistema músculo-esquelético. De igual forma, analizar, en función de los conocimientos actuales, cómo actúa la fórmula sobre mecanismos fisiopatológicos de la enfermedad, explicando la reducción del dolor y las secuelas asociadas. Material y método: Búsqueda documental en el Archivo Histórico Cipriano Rodríguez Santamaría, de la Biblioteca Octavio Arizmendi Posada, de la Universidad de La Sabana. Se analizó el documento denominado Reumatismo. Posteriormente se realizó una revisión de la literatura entre 1999-2018, en las bases de datos ScienceDirect/ClinicalKey/Scielo. Conclusiones: Existe evidencia científica que podría explicar la efectividad del guaco, usado en el Nuevo Reino de Granada por sus propiedades antiinflamatorias y analgésicas aportadas por componentes como la cumarina y los flavonoides. Sin embargo, una descripción vaga en la posología del guaco, signos, síntomas y comorbilidades que no se mencionan en la receta, dificulta analizar la eficacia del tratamiento y cómo lograba disminuir o controlar específicamente los síntomas dados por afecciones del sistema musculoesquelético con su aplicación. Esta tradición, en consecuencia, carece de sustento propiamente científico para el tratamiento médico de enfermedades osteomusculares.

ABSTRACT Objective: To contextualize a medical prescription of the early 19th century in the New Kingdom of Granada, in which guaco was prescribed to reduce symptoms caused by musculoskeletal system disorders, which were ill-defined at the time. Similarly, based on current knowledge, to analyse the manner in which the formula acts on pathophysiological mechanisms of rheumatic diseases, in order to explain the reduction of pain, and associated sequelae. Material and method: Documentary research into the Cipriano Rodríguez Santamaría Historical Archive of the Octavio Arizmendi Library of the University of La Sabana, in Chía, Colombia. The document analysed was called Rheumatism. Subsequently, a review of the literature was carried out in Science Direct / Clinical Key / Scielo databases in the period from 1999 to 2018. Conclusions: There is scientific evidence that supports the efficiency of guaco used in the Kingdom of New Granada due its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. However, a vague description of the dosage of the guaco, signs, symptoms, and comorbidities, which are not mentioned in the prescription, hinders the understanding of its application and the thorough effectiveness of the treatment in order to control the symptoms of musculoskeletal system conditions. This tradition, consequently, lacks proper scientific support for the medical treatment of musculoskeletal disorders.

Humans , Rheumatic Diseases , Mikania , Musculoskeletal System , Therapeutics , Knowledge
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 56: e17194, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132044


It is important to study the stability of plant extracts used as active ingredients in phytotherapic medicine, as degradation of the active principles directly affects the efficacy and safety of these products. Therefore, a stability study of the hydroalcoholic extract of the species: Mikania glomerata and Mikania laevigata was conducted in order to determine the speed of degradation and shelf life of these extracts, which are incorporated in cough syrup in Brazil. Leaves of both species were dried in an oven or by lyophilization (freeze-dried). Hydroalcoholic extracts underwent both accelerated stability study of six months and long-term stability study for 12 months. Samples were stored at different temperatures and every three months were analysed by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS) to monitor their chemical profile, quantifying coumarin and chlorogenic acid. For all conditions of the study, a reduction of the content of the chemical marker of this species, coumarin, greater than 5% was observed, so a shelf life of two years cannot be assigned to the hydroalcoholic extracts of these species as observed in commercial extracts.

Plant Extracts/analysis , Efficacy , Asteraceae/classification , Mikania/classification , Mass Spectrometry/methods , Chlorogenic Acid/adverse effects , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/methods , Cough , Coumarins/classification
Rev. bras. plantas med ; Rev. bras. plantas med;18(1,supl.1): 316-325, 2016. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-782990


RESUMO A espécie Mikania glomerata Sprengel, popularmente conhecida no Brasil como guaco, é amplamente utilizada como expectorante para tratar doenças respiratórias e tem a sua atividade farmacológica atribuída principalmente a cumarina. Os resultados mostraram que o método apresenta linearidade de 0,05 a 0,8 mg mL-1. Ele foi considerado seletivo, exato e preciso. A proposta de um método rápido para determinação de cumarina em extratos de guaco torna-se interessante para a rotina de controle de qualidade industrial, visando à obtenção de medicamentos fitoterápicos padronizados.

ABSTRACT The species Mikania glomerata Sprengel, popularly known in Brazil as “guaco”, is widely used as an expectorant to treat respiratory diseases. Its pharmacological activity is mainly attributed to coumarin. The results showed that the method for determining coumarin presented linearity from 0.05 to 0.8 mg mL-1. It was considered selective, accurate, and precise according to the specific resolution from ANVISA, the Brazilian regulatory agency. The proposal of a rapid method for the determining coumarin in extracts of guaco is interesting for routine industrial quality control in order to obtain standardized, efficient, and safe phytotherapic medicines.

Mass Spectrometry/methods , Coumarins/analysis , Validation Study , Mikania/classification , Plants, Medicinal , Phytotherapy
Rev. bras. plantas med ; Rev. bras. plantas med;17(3): 351-359, Jul-Sep/2015. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-752562


Resumo O Estado do Paraná destaca-se pela tradição no cultivo de plantas medicinais. O aumento em sua demanda através da busca de culturas alternativas e rentáveis e o estímulo a uma agricultura ecologicamente sustentável fomentou os agricultores a diversificarem a produção. A pesquisa de campo nos diferentes elos da cadeia produtiva do guaco permitiu construir seu fluxograma, caracterizar o sistema e fluxo de produção, os seus custos e receitas para analisar as Margens e Markups de comercialização. Os sistemas de coleta com enriquecimento e de cultivo apresentaram resultados diferenciados em relação ao seu custo de produção, onde o produtor/coletor alcança uma rentabilidade de 48,9 %, menor margem de comercialização entre todos os elos da cadeia, enquanto o produtor que cultiva o guaco como exploração obtém uma margem de comercialização de 346,4 %. As maiores margens de comercialização (1.733,3 %) estão nos elos fora da porteira das propriedades, percentual entre diferença de preço pago pelo consumidor e o preço recebido pelo produtor/coletor. Os produtores/coletores podem agregar mais renda em vários elos da cadeia produtiva através da organização dos produtores e a melhoria no processo produtivo, possibilitando a melhoria econômica e social nas propriedades familiares, reduzindo o impacto ambiental e garantindo a sustentabilidade dos sistemas de produção.

Abstract The State of Parana stands out for its tradition in the medicinal plants cultivation. The increase of the demand due to the search of alternative and profitable crops and the impulse to an environmentally sustainable agriculture encouraged farmers to diversify production. The field research about the different links of the guaco supply chain allowed the construction of its flowchart, the characterization of the production system and flow, as well as the knowledge of its costs and revenues in order to analyze the commercialization margins and markups. The collection systems with enrichment and the cultivation ones presented different results in relation to its production cost, with the producer/collector reaching a yield of 48.9%, the lowest commercialization margin among all links of the chain, while the farmer who cultivates guaco gets a commercialization margin of 346.4%. The largest commercialization margins (1,733.3%) are in the links outside the properties" gates, as the percentage difference between the price paid by the consumer and the one received by the producer/collector. Producers/collectors can add more income in several links of the supply chain through the producers" organization and by improvements in the production process, enabling the economic and social enhancement at the family farms, thus reducing the environmental impact and ensuring the sustainability of production systems.

Commerce/statistics & numerical data , Crops, Agricultural/classification , Mikania/classification , Plants, Medicinal/classification
Indian J Exp Biol ; 2014 Dec; 52(12): 1186-1194
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-153810


Mikania scandens, a twining herb that grows as a weed in India and Bangladesh is used as vegetables and is a good source of vitamin A, C, B complex, mikanin, sesquiterpenes, betasitosterin, stigmasterol and friedelin. The present communication reports CNS depressant activities with special emphasis to brain biogenic amines in mice. Ethanol extract of leaves of M. scandens (EEMS) was prepared by Soxhalation and analyzed chemically. EEMS potentiated sleeping time induced by pentobarbitone, diazepam and meprobamate and showed significant reduction in the number of writhes and stretches. EEMS caused significant protection against pentylene tetrazole-induced convulsion and increased catecholamines and brain amino acids level significantly. Results showed that EEMS produced good CNS depressant effects in mice.

Analgesics/isolation & purification , Analgesics/pharmacology , Animals , Anticonvulsants/isolation & purification , Anticonvulsants/pharmacology , Biogenic Amines/metabolism , Brain/drug effects , Brain/metabolism , Central Nervous System Depressants/isolation & purification , Central Nervous System Depressants/pharmacology , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Ethanol/chemistry , Female , Male , Mice , Mikania/chemistry , Motor Activity/drug effects , Phytotherapy , Plant Extracts/isolation & purification , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Plant Leaves/chemistry , Reflex/drug effects , Seizures/chemically induced , Seizures/prevention & control , Tetrazoles , Toxicity Tests, Acute
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online);66(5): 1413-1418, Sep-Oct/2014. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-729759


O presente estudo teve como objetivo quantificar os níveis de citocinas pró-inflamatórias, entre as quais TNF-α, interleucina-1β (IL-1β), IL-6, e anti-inflamatórias, como IL-10, interferon-γ (INF-γ), bem como comparar o efeito do tratamento convencional com o efeito do tratamento complementado pelo extrato da planta Mikania glomerata, na intoxicação experimental por Bothropoides jararaca. Foram usados ratos Wistar,divididos em três grupos: C - controle, VB - veneno botrópico + soro antiofídico e VBM - veneno botrópico + soro antiofídico + Mikania glomerata. As citocinas foram quantificadas, no soro e no homogenato desses animais, pelo teste ELISA, em três momentos (M1 - 30 minutos, M2 - seis horas e M3 - 24 horas após a inoculação do veneno). Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que a intoxicação por veneno botrópico estimula principalmente a produção de IL-6 no soro e TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 no homogenato da pata de animais experimentalmente intoxicados. O tratamento complementar, com o extrato da planta Mikania glomerata, teve influência principalmente na produção de IL-6, IL-10 e IFN-γ no soro e IL-6, IL-1β e IFN-γ no homogenato. Porém, são necessários novos estudos com o extrato de Mikania glomerata para que se possa entender a ação dessa planta sobre a intoxicação botrópica, bem como verificar qual a melhor via para administrá-lo...

This experiment aimed to quantify the pro-inflammatory cytokine levels, including TNF-α, interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and IL-6 as well as the anti-inflammatory ones such as IL-10 and INF-γ. It was also proposed to compare the effect of the conventional treatment to a treatment in which was added the Mikania glomerata plant in the experimental intoxication using Bothropoides jararaca venom. It was used Wistar rats that were randomly divided into 3 groups: C - control; VB - Bothrops venom + antivenom serum; and VBM - Bothrops venom + antivenom serum + Mikania glomerata. Cytokines were quantified in the serum and paw homogenate using ELISA test in three different moments (M1- 30 minutes, M2- 6 hours and M3- 24 hours after venom injection). The intoxication by Bothropoides jararaca venoms mainly stimulated the production of IL-6 in the serum and TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 in paw homogenate of animals experimentally intoxicated. Adjunctive treatment with the extract of the Mikania glomerata plant mainly influenced the production of IL-6, IL-10 and IFN-γ in the serum and IL-6, IL1β and IFN-γ in paw homogenate. Further research is necessary with the extract of Mikania glomerata in order to understand the action of this plant on the Bothropoides poisoning and also to verify the best way to manage it...

Animals , Rats , Bothrops , Cytokines/analysis , Mikania/adverse effects , Mikania/poisoning , Antivenins/administration & dosage , Antivenins/analysis , Rats, Wistar , Snake Venoms/analysis
Rev. bras. plantas med ; Rev. bras. plantas med;16(2): 202-208, jun. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-711777


As plantas com potencial medicinal têm sido muito utilizadas para o tratamento de doenças no Brasil. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito genotóxico e antiproliferativo de infusões de Mikania cordifolia (L.F.) Willd. sobre o ciclo celular de Allium cepa L. Foram coletadas duas populações no município de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, e, para cada uma, foram preparados dois tratamentos em duas concentrações: 4g/500mL e 16g/500mL, além de um controle positivo composto por 10% de glifosato em 90% água, um herbicida amplamente utilizado com conhecido potencial genotóxico, e de um controle negativo composto por água destilada. Após período de 24 horas, as radículas foram coletadas das infusões, fixadas em etanol-ácido acético (3:1) por 24 horas e estocadas em etanol 70%. Foram analisadas células em todas as fases do ciclo celular de A. cepa, totalizando 2500, para cada grupo de bulbos. Os índices mitóticos (IM) foram calculados e submetidos à análise estatística pelo teste χ² a 5%. Os resultados mostraram que, em ambas as populações de M. cordifolia, houve redução do IM de todos os tratamentos em relação ao controle negativo. Em ambas as populações, obteve-se aumento nos valores dos índices mitóticos em função do aumento da concentração da infusão. Ocorreram aberrações cromossômicas em ambas as populações estudadas. Concluiu-se que as infusões de M. cordifolia, nas concentrações estudadas, possuem efeito antiproliferativo e mutagênico sobre o ciclo celular de A. cepa.

Potential medicinal plants have been widely used for the treatment of diseases in Brazil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the genotoxic and antiproliferative effects of infusions of Mikania cordifolia (LF) Willd. on the cell cycle of Allium cepa L. Two populations were collected in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. For each one, two treatments were prepared in different concentrations: 4g/500mL and 16g/500mL. A positive control consisting of 10% glyphosate in 90% water, which is an herbicide widely used and known for its genotoxic potential, was also prepared. Distilled water was used as negative control. After a 24-hour period, the infusion of the root tips was collected, fixed in ethanol-acetic acid (3:1) for 24 hours and stored in 70% ethanol. Cells were analyzed in all phases of the cell cycle of A. cepa, a total of 2500, for each group of bulbs. The mitotic index (MI) was calculated and statistically analyzed by the χ² test at 5%. Results showed that, in both populations of M. cordifolia, a reduction of the MI in all treatments compared with the negative control was observed. In both populations, an increase in the mitotic index values was obtained with increasing concentration of the infusion. Chromosomal aberrations were observed in both populations studied. In conclusion, infusions of M. cordifolia possess antiproliferative and mutagenic effects for the concentrations tested on the cell cycle of A. cepa.

Mikania/metabolism , Genotoxicity/analysis , Plants, Medicinal/classification , Mitotic Index
Rev. bras. plantas med ; Rev. bras. plantas med;16(2,supl.1): 378-387, 2014. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-719468


Esse trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar diferentes modelos matemáticos para determinar a curva de secagem de guaco. Para a condução do experimento, foi utilizado um secador com ventilação forçada, com 4 bandejas, empregando gás liquefeito de petróleo como fonte de aquecimento. Foram realizados 6 tratamentos de secagem: com ar aquecido a 40, 50, 60, 70 e 80ºC, e com ar a temperatura ambiente. Para todos os tratamentos a velocidade do ar de secagem passando através da massa de plantas foi mantida em, aproximadamente, 0,5 m s-1. Para ajuste dos modelos matemáticos aos dados experimentais realizou-se análise de regressão não-linear pelo método Quasi-Newton empregando-se o programa computacional STATISTICA 6.0®, sendo os valores dos parâmetros dos modelos estimados em função da temperatura do ar de secagem. Apenas o modelo proposto por Midilli et al. apresentou ajuste satisfatório para descrever o processo de secagem de guaco, independentemente da temperatura do ar de secagem, enquanto o modelo da aproximação da difusão se adequou para a temperatura ambiente e com ar aquecido a 60ºC.

This work aimed to evaluate different mathematical models to determine the curve of the drying of Mikania glomerata Spreng. . For the conduction of the experiment, a drier with forced ventilation was used, with 4 trays, using liquefied petroleum gas as heating source. Six drying treatments were carried out, that is, with hot air at 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80ºC, as well as drying with air at room temperature. For all the treatments, the drying air speed, through the mass of plants, were kept at, approximately, 0.5 m s-1. For the adjustment of the mathematical models to the experimental data, nonlinear regression analysis was performed through the Quasi-Newton method, using the computational program STATISTICA 6.0®, and the values of the parameters of the models were estimated in function of the temperature of the drying air. But only the model considered by Midilli et al. presented satisfactory adjustment to describe the process of drying Mikania glomerata Spreng., regardless of the temperature of the drying air, while the model of diffusion approximation was suitable for room temperature and hot air at 60ºC.

Plants, Medicinal , Mikania , Plant Leaves , /analysis
Rev. bras. plantas med ; Rev. bras. plantas med;16(3,supl.1): 670-678, 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-727194


A Mikania glomerata é uma planta pertencente à família Asteraceae que é bastante utilizada na medicina popular devido às suas ações broncodilatadora, antiasmática, expectorante e antitussígena. O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar as propriedades físico-químicas do pó obtido a partir das folhas de M. glomerata, bem como, avaliar a toxicidade em camundongos após tratamento agudo com doses repetidas do extrato etanólico padronizado preparado a partir das folhas dessa espécie. Durante o estudo das propriedades físico-químicas do pó obtido a partir das folhas de M. glomerata foram feitas as determinações da densidade bruta e de compactação, do teor de cinzas totais, do teor de umidade, e da granulometria. De acordo com os resultados obtidos podemos sugerir que o pó pode ser usado na formulação de uma forma farmacêutica sólida. Na segunda parte do estudo foi determinada a Dose Letal 50% (DL50), bem como, realizada a análise morfológica macroscópica e avaliados a toxicidade aguda com doses repetidas e os parâmetros bioquímicos e hematológicos de camundongos. De acordo com os dados obtidos na segunda parte deste estudo podemos sugerir que o extrato etanólico pode ser usado de forma segura em humanos, uma vez que apresentou valor de DL50 de aproximadamente 3000 mg Kg-1), bem como, não produziu nenhuma alteração morfológica nos principais órgãos, e nem provocou alterações nos parâmetros bioquímicos e hematológicos de camundongos.

The Mikania glomerata is a plant belonging to the Asteraceae that is widely used in folk medicine because of its bronchodilator, antiasthmatic, expectorant and antitussive actions. The aim of this study was to determine the physicochemical properties of the powder obtained from the leaves of M. glomerata, and to evaluate its toxicity in mice after acute treatment with repeated doses of standardized ethanol extract prepared from the leaves of this plant species. We determined the bulk and packing density, the total ash content, the moisture content and the particle size. The results suggest that the powder can be used in the formulating of a solid pharmaceutical form. In the second part of this study, we determined the 50% lethal dose (LD50), performed the gross morphological analysis and evaluated the acute toxicity from the use of repeated doses and the biochemical and hematologic parameters in mice. The data obtained in this part suggest that the ethanol extract can be used safely in humans, since it has a LD50 value of approximately 3000 mg kg -1 and produced no morphological changes in the major organs, or caused alterations in the biochemical and hematological parameters in mice.

Plant Extracts/analysis , Plant Leaves/classification , Asteraceae/classification , /analysis , Mikania/adverse effects , Plants, Medicinal/metabolism
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 29(1): 185-197, jan./feb. 2013. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-914378


Trepadeiras são importantes componentes de florestas tropicais e contribuem para a composição e riqueza de espécies, porém são poucas as pesquisas que enfocam esse hábito de vida. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a composição florística de trepadeiras em um fragmento de floresta semidecidual e outro de mata ciliar em Uberlândia-MG e comparar essa composição com a de fragmentos de outras fisionomias semelhantes. O levantamento florístico foi realizado mensalmente durante os anos de 2006 e 2007 por meio de caminhadas aleatórias. As espécies coletadas foram categorizadas segundo o hábito trepador, modo de ascensão, síndrome de dispersão e frequência de ocorrência. Para determinar as similaridades florísticas foi utilizado o método UPGMA com o índice de Jaccard. Nos dois fragmentos foram amostradas 62 espécies, 41 gêneros e 20 famílias. Na floresta semidecidual e mata ciliar foram encontradas 39 e 33 espécies, respectivamente. As famílias mais ricas em espécies foram Malpighiaceae (9 spp.), Bignoniaceae (8 spp.) e Convolvulaceae (7 spp.) e os gêneros mais ricos foram Fridericia Mart. (5 spp.), Ipomoea L. (5 spp.) e Serjania Mill. (4 spp.). Foi registrado maior número de trepadeiras lenhosas do que não-lenhosas e houve predominância da estratégia de ascensão volúvel e da dispersão anemocórica tanto na floresta semidecidual como em mata ciliar. A similaridade florística entre os nove fragmentos analisados foi baixa, com uma composição de espécies bastante heterogênea, mesmo entre áreas mais próximas, indicando uma elevada diversidade ß de trepadeiras nas áreas estudadas.

Climbers are important components of tropical forests and contribute to their species composition and richness. However only few studies have focused on this specific growth habit. The aim of this study was to determine the floristic composition of climbers in a riparian and a semideciduous forests in Uberlândia-MG, and compare these floras with other forest areas. The floristic survey was conducted monthly during 2006 and 2007 using random walks. The species collected were categorized according to the climbing habit, climbing strategy, dispersal syndrome and frequency of occurrence. Jaccard's similarity index with UPGMA was used to determine the floristic similarities. In both sites the sampling totaled 62 species, in 41 genera and 20 families. In semideciduous and riparian forests we found 39 and 33 species, respectively. The richest families in species were Malpighiaceae (9 spp.), Bignoniaceae (8 spp.) and Convolvulaceae (7 spp.) and the richest genera were Fridericia Mart. (5 spp.), Ipomoea L. (5 spp.) and Serjania Mill. (4 spp.). It was recorded a higher number of woody climbing than vines. The predominant strategies were twining-climbing mechanism and wind dispersal in both semideciduos and riparian forests. The floristic similarity between nine fragments analyzed was low, with species composition very heterogeneous, even among the closest areas, indicating a high ß diversity of climbers in these areas.

Mikania , Flowers , Rainforest , Trees
Rev. bras. pesqui. méd. biol ; Braz. j. med. biol. res;46(1): 71-80, 11/jan. 2013. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-665802


Gliomas are the most common and malignant primary brain tumors in humans. Studies have shown that classes of kaurene diterpene have anti-tumor activity related to their ability to induce apoptosis. We investigated the response of the human glioblastoma cell line U87 to treatment with ent-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid (kaurenoic acid, KA). We analyzed cell survival and the induction of apoptosis using flow cytometry and annexin V staining. Additionally, the expression of anti-apoptotic (c-FLIP and miR-21) and apoptotic (Fas, caspase-3 and caspase-8) genes was analyzed by relative quantification (real-time PCR) of mRNA levels in U87 cells that were either untreated or treated with KA (30, 50, or 70 µM) for 24, 48, and 72 h. U87 cells treated with KA demonstrated reduced viability, and an increase in annexin V- and annexin V/PI-positive cells was observed. The percentage of apoptotic cells was 9% for control cells, 26% for cells submitted to 48 h of treatment with 50 µM KA, and 31% for cells submitted to 48 h of treatment with 70 µM KA. Similarly, in U87 cells treated with KA for 48 h, we observed an increase in the expression of apoptotic genes (caspase-8, -3) and a decrease in the expression of anti-apoptotic genes (miR-21 and c-FLIP). KA possesses several interesting properties and induces apoptosis through a unique mechanism. Further experiments will be necessary to determine if KA may be used as a lead compound for the development of new chemotherapeutic drugs for the treatment of primary brain tumors.

Humans , Apoptosis/drug effects , Cell Survival/drug effects , Diterpenes/pharmacology , Glioblastoma/drug therapy , Mikania/chemistry , Cell Line, Tumor , /drug effects , /drug effects , Diterpenes/isolation & purification , Fas Ligand Protein , Flow Cytometry , Glioblastoma/enzymology , Glioblastoma/pathology , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Signal Transduction , Time Factors
Rev. bras. plantas med ; Rev. bras. plantas med;15(4,supl.1): 742-750, 2013. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-700013


Mikania glomerata (Asteraceae) é bastante utilizada na medicina popular devido às suas ações broncodilatadora, antiasmática, expectorante e antitussígena. O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar propriedades físicoquímicas do pó obtido a partir das folhas de M. glomerata, bem como avaliar a toxicidade em camundongos após tratamento agudo com doses repetidas do extrato etanólico padronizado a 70% preparado durante 30 dias consecutivos. No estudo das propriedades físicoquímicas fez-se a determinação da densidade bruta e de compactação, do teor de cinzas totais, do teor de umidade e da granulometria. De acordo com os resultados obtidos o pó pode ser usado na formulação de uma forma farmacêutica sólida, uma vez que suas propriedades físico-químicas são compatíveis com o desenvolvimento desse tipo de formulação. Na segunda parte do estudo foi determinada a dose letal 50% (DL50) em camundongos, e na análise morfológica macroscópica dos principais órgãos e avaliada a toxicidade aguda com doses repetidas em parâmetros bioquímicos e hematológicos de camundongos. Os resultados sugerem que o extrato etanólico padronizado a 70% pode ser usado de forma segura, uma vez que apresentou um valor para a DL50 (~3000 mg kg-1) que pode ser classificado na categoria nociva, e não produziu nenhuma alteração morfológica nos principais órgãos e em parâmetros bioquímicos e hematológicos de camundongos.

Mikania glomerata Sprengel is a plant from the Asteraceae family and it is widely used in folk medicine because of its bronchodilating, anti-asthmatic, expectorant and antitussive effects. The purpose of this study was to determine the physicochemical properties of the powder obtained from the leaves of M. glomerata, and to evaluate the toxicity in mice after an acute treatment with repeated doses of standardized 70% ethanol extract prepared from the leaves during 30 consecutive days. To study the physicochemical properties of the powder, we conducted a determination of the bulk density and compaction, the total ash content, the moisture content and particle size. According to the results obtained, we suggest that the powder can be used to formulate a solid dosage form, since its physicochemical properties matches the development of this type of formulation. In the second part of the study, it was determined a lethal dose in the order of 50% (LD50), along with a gross morphological analysis and the evaluation of the acute toxicity with repeated doses, in the terms of biochemical and hematological parameters of mice. According to the results from the second phase, we suggest that the 70% ethanol extract can be used safely in humans, since it presented a value for the LD50 (~ 3000 mg kg-1) that can be classified as 'harmful'. It also did not produce any morphological changes in the major organs and in the biochemical and hematological parameters of mice.

Animals , Male , Plant Leaves/chemistry , Mikania/classification , Asteraceae/classification , /analysis , Mice
Cusco; s.n; 2013. 116 p. tab, graf, ilus.
Thesis in Spanish | LILACS, MTYCI | ID: biblio-880324


La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de tipo antiurolitiásico y la influencia en la función renal del extracto seco hidroalcohólico al 70% de Mikania cordifolia. (L.f.) Wildenow administrado por vía oral en ratas Holtzman previa inducción de litiasis renal por el método de hiperoxaluria (inducida con solución de etilenglicol al 0.75% y cloruro de amonio al 0.5% durante 21 días). Se planteó un estudio cuasi experimental con postprueba únicamente y grupos intactos. Se utilizaron 42 ratas albinas hembras las cuales fueron distribuidas en 6 grupos (n=7): de los cuales un grupo se tomó como testigo negativo y a los otros 5 se les indujo la litiasis renal. Una vez inducida la litiasis se tomó un grupo como testigo positivo y a los otros 4 se les administraron tratamiento con el extracto de la planta en estudio, a las dosis de 300 y 500 mg/ kg de peso, ambas durante 14 días y 21 días. Concluido el tiempo de tratamiento, se obtuvieron las muestras de sangre, orina y tejido renal. Se midieron los siguientes indicadores: flujo urinario, creatinina en suero y orina, sodio y potasio en suero y orina, pH en orina, acido oxálico en orina y se realizó el estudio histológico del tejido renal. El análisis de resultados indicó que el tratamiento con el extracto de la planta en estudio a las dosis de 300 mg/Kg durante 21 días y 500 mg/Kg durante 14 y 21 días, incrementan el flujo urinario en un 75%, 77.78% y 66.69% respectivamente; y la depuración de creatinina en un 50.93%, 52.03% y 54.16% respectivamente, de forma significativa respecto al grupo testigo positivo; así mismo disminuye Jos niveles de ácido oxálico en orina en un 48%, 80% y 66.1 %(a las dosis de 300 mg/Kg durante 21 días y 500 mg/Kg durante 14 y 21 días respectivamente) de forma significativa respecto al grupo testigo positivo. Los resultados del análisis histopatológico indican que a las dosis de 300 mg/Kg durante 21 días y 500 mg/Kg durante 14 días, la presencia de microcristales es escasa, mientras que a la dosis de 500 mg/Kg de peso durante 21 no se evidencia presencia de microcristales en el tejido renal. Se concluye que el extracto seco hidroalcohólico preparado de los tallos y hojas de Mikania cordifolia. (L.f.) Willdenow. Presenta efecto antiurolitiasico y mejora la función renal a la dosis de 500 mg/kg de peso desde los 14 días de tratamiento y a la dosis de 300 mg/kg a los 21 días de tratamiento.

Animals , Rats , Plant Extracts , Hydroalcoholic Solution , Mikania , Nephrolithiasis , Urolithiasis/therapy , Models, Animal
J. appl. oral sci ; J. appl. oral sci;20(3): 340-346, May-June 2012. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-643731


OBJECTIVES: The Mikania laevigata extract (MLE) (popularly known in Brazil as "guaco") possesses anti-inflammatory properties. In the present study we tested the effects of MLE in a periodontitis experimental model in rats. We also investigated possible mechanisms underlying such effects. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Periodontal disease was induced by a ligature placed around the mandibular first molars of each animal. Male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups: non-ligated animals treated with vehicle; non-ligated animals treated with MLE (10 mg/kg, daily); ligature-induced animals treated with vehicle and ligature-induced animals treated with MLE (10 mg/kg, daily). Thirty days after the induction of periodontal disease, the animals were euthanized and mandibles and gingival tissues removed for further analysis. RESULTS: Morphometric analysis of alveolar bone loss demonstrated that MLE-treated animals presented a decreased alveolar bone loss and a lower expression of the activator of nuclear factor-κB ligand (RANKL) measured by immunohistochemistry. Moreover, gingival tissues from the MLE-treated group showed decreased neutrophil migration myeloperoxidase (MPO) assay. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that MLE may be useful to control bone resorption during progression of experimental periodontitis in rats.

Animals , Male , Rats , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/pharmacology , Bone Resorption/drug therapy , Mikania/chemistry , Periodontitis/drug therapy , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , RANK Ligand/drug effects , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/therapeutic use , Bone Resorption/metabolism , Bone Resorption/pathology , Disease Models, Animal , Disease Progression , Plant Leaves , Periodontitis/pathology , Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , RANK Ligand/metabolism , Rats, Wistar , Time Factors , Treatment Outcome
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; Acta sci., Biol. sci;34(2): 217-223, Apr.-June 2012. mapas, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-860008


As trepadeiras são plantas com alta representatividade nas florestas tropicais e de grande importância ecológica, apontadas como um dos fatores básicos que diferencia florestas tropicais de temperadas. Este trabalho apresenta as espécies de trepadeiras da Estação Ecológica do Caiuá (EECAIUÁ), município de Diamante do Norte, Estado do Paraná, inserida na floresta estacional semidecidual (FES) submontana, situada à margem do rio Paranapanema. Foram encontradas 17 famílias, 44 gêneros e 53 espécies. As cinco famílias mais ricas em número de espécies perfazem juntas 57% do total encontrado. As trepadeiras herbáceas ocorrem em menor número quando comparadas às lianas, e quanto à estratégia utilizada para ascender, as volúveis são as mais diversas, seguidas pelas de órgãos preensores (gavinhas) e escandentes. Uma chave de identificação para famílias, baseada em caracteres vegetativos, foi produzida para as famílias desta localidade com as famílias encontradas em outras duas no Norte do Paraná.

Climbers are highly represented in tropical forests and are of great ecological importance, having been identified as one of the key factors that differentiate tropical forests from temperate rainforests. This paper presents the climber species of the Caiuá Ecological Station (EECAIUÁ) in the City of Diamante do Norte, Paraná State; the Station is located in a submountainous seasonal semideciduous forest (SSF) and is situated on the edge of the Paranapanema river. We found 17 families, 44 genera and 53 species of vines. The five families with the greatest number of species jointly accounted for 57% of the total species found. Herbaceous vines occurred less frequently than did lianas. When considering the climbing strategy used by the species, the graspers were the most diverse, followed by those that had tendrils (scramblers) and climbers. An identification key based on vegetative characters of families found in other parts of northern Paraná was created for the families of this location.

Forests , Ipomoea , Mikania
Rev. bras. plantas med ; Rev. bras. plantas med;14(2): 400-409, 2012. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-650684


As plantas medicinais vêm sendo cada vez mais utilizadas devido às suas propriedades preventivas, paleativas e curativas, além de ser uma terapia alternativa que traz inúmeros benefícios aos usuários. As espécies Mikania glomerata e M. laevigata pertencem à família Asteraceae e são popularmente conhecidas como guaco sendo utilizadas no tratamento de enfermidades do trato respiratório. Além disso, as duas espécies são frequentemente confundidas ou citadas na literatura de forma errada. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a farmacologia, farmacobotânica e fitoquímica dos metabólitos secundários de Guaco, tendo destaque a cumarina, a biossíntese e as ações biológicas. As ações broncodilatadora, expectorante, anti-inflamatória e antialérgica, além de interações com alguns antibióticos e anticoagulantes, também foram descritas neste estudo.

Medicinal plants have been increasingly used due to their preventive, palliative and curative properties, besides being an alternative therapy that brings a large number of benefits to their users. The species Mikania glomerata belongs to the Asteraceae family and is popularly known as guaco, being employed to treat diseases of the respiratory tract. This study aimed to carry out a literature review about the pharmacology, pharmacobotany and phytochemistry of the secondary metabolites of M. glomerata, particularly coumarin, its biosynthesis and biological actions. The bronchodilator, expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic actions, as well as the interactions with some antibiotics and anticoagulants, were also described in this study.

Pharmacology/methods , Mikania/chemistry , Phytotherapy , Plants, Medicinal/adverse effects , Coumarins/pharmacology
Rev. bras. plantas med ; Rev. bras. plantas med;14(3): 453-457, 2012. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-658124


O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da temperatura do ar de secagem no rendimento extrativo da cumarina de folhas de guaco. Foram empregados 6 tratamentos de secagem, sendo ar ambiente, ar aquecido a 40, 50, 60, 70 e 80ºC. Utilizou-se secador de bandejas, tendo como fonte de aquecimento o gás liquefeito de petróleo (GLP). Os rendimentos extrativos da cumarina, depois de realizada a secagem, foram comparados com os valores obtidos da planta fresca (tratamento testemunha). A extração da cumarina foi realizada pelo método a quente, em banho-maria a 65ºC, sendo a identificação e quantificação realizada por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE). Em função dos resultados obtidos, pôde-se concluir que a temperatura do ar de secagem a 50ºC possibilitou o melhor resultado para o rendimento extrativo de cumarina em folhas de guaco.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of drying on the extraction yield of coumarin from guaco leaves. Six drying treatments were used, being room air, heated air at 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80ºC. A tray dryer was used with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) as heating source. The extraction yield of coumarin, after drying, was compared to the values obtained from the fresh plant (control treatment). Coumarin extraction was carried out by using the heat method, in water bath at 65ºC, and identification and quantification were done by means of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Considering the obtained results, the temperature of the drying air at 50ºC led to the best result for the extraction yield of coumarin in guaco leaves.

Plants, Medicinal/classification , Temperature , Coumarins/analysis , Plant Leaves/classification , Mikania/metabolism
Biocell ; Biocell;34(3): 95-101, Dec. 2010. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-595010


Mikania glomerata is a plant used in Brazilian traditional medicine, known as 'guaco'. It possesses anti-inflammatory properties and the aqueous extracts of its leaves are indicated for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract. This study aimed at evaluating the antiproliferative and genotoxic effect of Mikania glomerata leaf infusions on the cell cycle of onion. The material used was collected in the native environment from Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Aqueous extracts through infusions were prepared in two concentrations: 4g/L (usual concentration) and 16g/L (4x more concentrated) of each of the populations. Two groups of four onion bulbs for each plant population were used plus a control group. The rootlets were fixed in ethanol-acetic acid (3:1), conserved in ethanol 70% and slides were prepared using the squashing technique colored with orcein 2%. The cells were observed and analyzed during cell cycle. Per group of bulbs, 2000 cells were analyzed, and the mean values of the cell number of each of the phases of the cell cycle were calculated, determining the mitotic index (MI). Statistic analyses of the data were carried out by the x2 ( p= 0.05) test. We conclude that M. glomerata presents both antiproliferative and genotoxic activity.

Anti-Inflammatory Agents/toxicity , Cell Cycle , Cytotoxins/toxicity , Mikania/chemistry , Plant Roots/cytology , Plant Roots , Brazil , Onions/cytology , Onions , Plant Extracts/toxicity , Medicine, Traditional , Mitosis , Mutagens/toxicity
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;57(4): 929-937, dic. 2009. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-637735


Crotalic envenomation represents the highest number of deaths when compared to other snakebite envenomations of medical interest. Crotalic venom has important characteristics such as neurotoxicity, myotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, and clotting and hemolytic action. We evaluated the clinical and laboratory aspects of Crotalus durissus terrificus experimental envenomation in Wistar rats treated with antivenom and the aqueous extract of the plant Mikania glomerata. The animals were divided into three groups: Group C (control); Group VS-venom and antivenom; Group VSM-venom, antivenom and aqueous extract of M. glomerata. Crotalic poison caused clinical and laboratory alterations in Wistar mice. Significant linical alterations were: temperature decrease, edema in the venom inoculated member, sedation and a locomotion decrease in groups VS and VSM when compared with group C. A faster recovery from sedation was observed only for animals of group VSM when compared to VS. There was an increase in the number of leukocytes, neutrophils and creatine kinase in the VS and VSM groups, compared to group C. Wistar rats showed a high resistance to crotalic venom. Additional studies with different doses, time of treatment, different administration methods and histopathological and immunological studies are necessary to understand the action of M. glomerata in crotalic accidents. Rev. Biol. Trop. 57 (4): 929-937. Epub 2009 December 01.

El envenamiento crotálico representa el número más alto de muertes cuando es comparado con envenenamientos por mordeduras de otras serpientes de interés médico. El veneno crotálico tiene importantes características de acción neurotóxica, miotoxicidad, nefrotoxicidad, coagulación y acción hemolítica. Este trabajo evaluó los aspectos clínicos y de laboratorio del envenenamiento experimental con el veneno de la serpiente Crotalus durissus terrificus en las ratas Wistar tratadas con suero antiofídico y extracto acuoso de M. glomerata. Los animales fueron separados en tres diferentes grupos: grupo control (C); grupo veneno+suero (VS), grupo veneno+suero+extracto acuoso de M. glomerata (VSM). El veneno crotálico causó alteraciones clínicas y diferencias en los análisis sanguíneos practicados a los ratones Wistar evaluados. Las alteraciones clínicas más importantes fueron una disminución de la temperatura, edema en el miembro inoculado de veneno, la sedación y una disminución de la locomoción en los grupos VS y VSM comparado con el grupo C. Una rápida recuperación de la sedación estadísticamente significativa fue observada en los animales del grupo VSM al compararse con los del grupo VS. Los análisis sanguíneos mostraron un aumento en el número de leucocitos, neutrofilos y creatina quinasa en los grupos VS y VSM comparados con el grupo C. Los ratones Wistar mostraron una alta resistencia al veneno del crótalo. Estudios adicionales con variación en las dosis, tiempo de tratamiento, y métodos de administración, así como la realización de estudios histopatológicos e inmunológicos son importantes para comprender la acción de M. glomerata en accidentes crotálicos.

Animals , Female , Rats , Antivenins/therapeutic use , Crotalus , Crotalid Venoms/antagonists & inhibitors , Mikania/chemistry , Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , Antivenins/administration & dosage , Crotalid Venoms/poisoning , Drug Therapy, Combination , Plant Extracts/administration & dosage , Rats, Wistar , Time Factors