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Femina ; 51(6): 350-360, 20230630. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512418


PONTOS-CHAVE O misoprostol é um análogo da prostaglandina E1 (PGE1) que consta na Lista de Medicamentos Essenciais da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) desde 2005 O Brasil possui uma das regulações mais restritivas do mundo relacionadas ao uso do misoprostol, estabelecendo que o misoprostol tem uso hospitalar exclusivo, com controle especial, e venda, compra e propaganda proibidas por lei Atualmente, o misoprostol é a droga de referência para tratamento medicamentoso nos casos de aborto induzido, tanto no primeiro trimestre gestacional quanto em idades gestacionais mais avançadas O misoprostol é uma medicação efetiva para o preparo cervical e indução do parto O misoprostol é um medicamento essencial para o manejo da hemorragia pós-parto

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Misoprostol/adverse effects , Misoprostol/pharmacokinetics , Pharmaceutical Preparations/administration & dosage , Abortion, Legal , Carcinogenic Danger , Parturition/drug effects , Gastrointestinal Diseases , Postpartum Hemorrhage/drug therapy
Rev. méd. Chile ; 139(4): 516-523, abr. 2011. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-597649


Misoprostol, a synthetic analog of prostaglandin E1, is currently used in Chile and other countries as an antiulcer medication, mainly for the prevention of non-steroidal anti-infammatory-induced gastric ulcers. Due to its uterotonic properties, it is also indicated in obstetrics for induction of labor and termination of pregnancy. In this last case, misoprostol is either used alone or in combination with other oxytocic drugs such as methotrexate or mifepristone. The use of misoprostol as an abortifacient agent is considered to be safe since it rarely causes serious side effects. However up to 15 percent of misoprostol-induced-abortions may not be successful, even under medical supervision, leading to in utero exposure to the drug and to the induction of a series of birth defects including limb and joints defects and Moebius syndrome. Reports from the nineties failed to show a strong epidemiological association between in utero drug exposure and induction of defects, a situation that has changed now that the number of cases reported has increased. Since the practice of abortion is illegal in Chile, many women turn to off-medical procedures to interrupt their pregnancy and use misoprostol as an easy and cheap alternative, readily available in the INTERNET. The lack of medical supervision in these cases may lead to situations that favor the induction of congenital defects. Here, we present an updated review of scientifc data, to evaluate the risk of birth defects in babies exposed to the drug during pregnancy termination failed attempts.

Female , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy , Abnormalities, Drug-Induced/etiology , Abortifacient Agents, Nonsteroidal/adverse effects , Abortion, Induced/adverse effects , Misoprostol/adverse effects , Abortifacient Agents, Nonsteroidal/chemistry , Abortifacient Agents, Nonsteroidal/pharmacokinetics , Misoprostol/chemistry , Misoprostol/pharmacokinetics , Treatment Failure
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet;33(3): 118-122, mar. 2011. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-596266


OBJETIVO: verificar a eficácia e a segurança de dinoprostone e misoprostol para indução do parto vaginal, com ou sem o uso de ocitocina em nulíparas. MÉTODOS: realizou-se estudo retrospectivo, observacional, envolvendo 238 pacientes que foram submetidas à indução do parto de janeiro de 2008 a fevereiro de 2010 com uso de misoprostol 25 mcg via vaginal ou pessário contendo 10 mg de dinoprostone. Desse grupo, foram selecionadas 184 pacientes, que apresentavam as seguintes características: nulíparas, gestação entre 37 e 42 semanas, feto único, apresentação cefálica, membranas íntegras e índice de Bishop < 3. Os resultados obstétricos e neonatais foram analisados e comparados entre ambos os grupos. A análise estatística foi realizada com o teste t, Chi quadrado e exato de Fisher, adotando-se como nível de significância valores p<0,05. RESULTADOS: a taxa de parto vaginal não foi estatisticamente diferente em pacientes que utilizaram misoprostol e dinoprostone (43,2 versus 50 por cento, p=0,35), respectivamente. O amadurecimento do colo foi superior no grupo com misoprostol (87,3 versus 75,6 por cento, p=0,04). Foi necessária a utilização da ocitocina em 58,8 por cento no grupo com misoprostol e 57,3 por cento no grupo com dinoprostone após o amadurecimento do colo. Falha de indução foi a principal indicação do parto cesárea em ambos os grupos, sem diferença estatística significante. Eventos adversos maternos e fetais, como taquissistolia e índices de Apgar foram similares. CONCLUSÃO: dinoprostone e misoprostol são eficazes para indução do parto vaginal, embora seja necessária a associação com ocitocina, apresentando perfil de segurança semelhante, sendo misoprostol mais eficiente no amadurecimento do colo uterino.

PURPOSE: to determine the efficacy and safety of dinoprostone and misoprostol for the induction of vaginal childbirth, with or without the use of oxytocin in nulliparous women. METHODS: in this retrospective observational study, 238 patients were subjected to the induction of delivery from January 2008 to February 2010 with the use of misoprostol 25 mcg by the vaginal route or a pessary containing 10 mg of dinoprostone. A total of 184 patients were selected, with the following characteristics: nulliparous, gestational age of 37-42 weeks, singleton pregnancies, cephalic presentation, intact membranes, and Bishop score < 3. Obstetric and neonatal data were analyzed and compared between groups. The Student t-test, chi-square test and Fisher's exact test were used for statistical analysis, with the level of significance set at p<0.05. RESULTS: the rate of vaginal childbirth did not differ significantly in patients who used misoprostol and dinoprostone (43.2 percent versus 50 percent; p = 0.35, respectively). The ripening of cervix was higher in the group treated with misoprostol (87.3 percent versus 75.6 percent, p=0.04). The use of oxytocin was necessary in 58.8 percent of the misoprostol group and 57.3 percent in the dinoprostone group after the ripening of cervix. Failed induction was the primary indication of caesarean section delivery in both groups, with no significant difference between them. Fetal and maternal adverse events, such as tachysystole and Apgar scores were similar. CONCLUSION: dinoprostone and misoprostol are both effective for vaginal childbirth induction, although they need to be combined with oxytocin. They showed a similar safety profile, with misoprostol being more efficient regarding cervical ripening.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Cervical Ripening , Misoprostol/pharmacokinetics , Pregnancy Outcome , Prostaglandins A, Synthetic/pharmacokinetics , Labor, Induced/methods
Femina ; 37(12): 679-684, dez. 2009. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-545679


Nos últimos anos a antecipação do parto vem sendo uma prática frequente na Obstetrícia. O misoprostol é um produto sintético, metil análogo da prostaglandina E1 que tem recebido maior atenção, principalmente para a indução do trabalho de parto e do abortamento, além de outras indicações, como controle da hemorragia pós-parto e para promover modificações na cérvice uterina, facilitando a realização de procedimentos como histeroscopia e colocação de dispositivo intrauterino. A administração do misoprostol atualmente é realizada por diferentes vias: oral, vaginal, bucal, sublingual e retal. Assim, é prudente o conhecimento da farmacologia, dos efeitos e mecanismos de ação do misoprostol nas diferentes formas de administração, com base nas evidências científicas e de acordo com os graus de recomendação. O maior pico do nível plasmático de misoprostol, em ordem decrescente, é do grupo sublingual, oral, vaginal com adição de água e vaginal. A biodisponibilidade é também maior na via sublingual. Entretanto, o nível plasmático é mantido por um maior período de tempo quando a via vaginal é utilizada.

Anticipation of delivery has been a frequent practice in Obstetrics nowadays. Misoprostol is a synthetic metyl analogue of prostaglandin E1 that has been used mainly for induction of labor and abortion, as well as for other indications like prevention and control of postpartum hemorrhage. In Gynecology, its use has been introduced to induce cervical modifications for facilitating gynecologic procedures as hysteroscopy and intrauterine device insertion. Misoprostol administration can be done by different routes: oral, vaginal, buccal, sublingual and rectal. Therefore, it is prudent to study pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of this drug and its various routes of administration, according to scientific evidences and grades of recommendation. The highest plasmatic peak of misoprostol, in decreasing order, is sublingual, oral, vaginal and vaginal plus water administration route. Bioavailability is also greater for sublingual route. Notwithstanding, plasmatic levels are maintained for more time when vaginal route is used.

Humans , Misoprostol/administration & dosage , Misoprostol/pharmacokinetics , Misoprostol/pharmacology , Administration, Buccal , Administration, Intravaginal , Administration, Oral , Administration, Rectal , Administration, Sublingual
PAFMJ-Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal. 2009; 59 (4): 524-528
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-125477


Misoprostol, a drug primarily developed for the treatment of peptic ulcer is now being widely used for ever increasing indications in obstetrics and gynaecology due to its uterotonic action. The drug has come a long way following off label use and warning from manufacturers and FDA. Initially introduction of drug led to a flurry of adverse reports due to publication bias and also the fact that optimal dose and route was yet to be determined. There are more randomized controlled trials on use of this novel drug compared to any other drug in obstetrics and gynaecology. Finally after federal drug agency [FDA] approval in USA and recommendation the drug is used widely. Due to low cost, ease of storage and multiple routes of administration- oral, sublingual, vaginal and rectal uptake was very rapid. Misoprostol has changed the face of 1 st trimester medical termination an also 2 nd trimester induction. As an alternative to dinoprostone the safety of the drug has been validated along with great cost savings. Except for prophylaxis of post partum haemorrhage where the drug was less effective compared to counterparts there is evidence in favour of misoprostol for all other indications

Humans , Female , Misoprostol/pharmacokinetics , Misoprostol/administration & dosage , Misoprostol/adverse effects , Oxytocics , Labor, Induced , Postpartum Hemorrhage/drug therapy
Rev. HCPA & Fac. Med. Univ. Fed. Rio Gd. do Sul ; 18(2): 170-6, jun. 1998. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-238336


Comparar a eficácia e a segurança de dois análogos das prostaglandinas, misoprostol e dinoprostone na indução do parto em gestações de terceiro trimestre com feto vivo e cérvice desfavorável ao uso de ocitocina, conforme relatos recentes na literatura...

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Labor, Induced , Misoprostol/pharmacokinetics , Prostaglandins, Synthetic/pharmacokinetics
Cochabamba; s.n; 1993. 11 p. ilus.
Non-conventional in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-202221


Se estudian 16 pacientes con diagnóstico de sindrome de muerte fetal que representa 21.62 del total de pacientes con óbito fetal, este estudio se realizo desde Junio a Diciembre de 1992 en el Hospital Materno Infantil Germán Urquidi de Cochabamba. El Misoprostol es una análogo de la prostaglandulina. El uso oral, es un citoprotector de la mucosa gástrica; en nuestro estudio la vía de administración fue la vaginal en fondo de saco posterior en dosis individuales.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Fetal Death/diagnosis , Labor, Induced , Misoprostol , Misoprostol/pharmacokinetics , Obstetrics/statistics & numerical data , Prostaglandins/pharmacology